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Last active August 29, 2015 14:16
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SMX West 3/2-5, 2015 Description


[SEO Track] The Growth Of Direct Answers: How Should SEOs React? (#smx #11A)


Over the past year, Google and Bing have greatly increased the frequency of showing answers to search queries on SERPs. Need to reset your iPhone? No need to click away from the search results. The answer is right there on Google or Bing. In this session we'll look at how the search engines are developing databases of knowledge, often drawn from publisher websites. You'll learn whether ""direct answers"" are a threat to publishers, or perhaps an opportunity.


[Search Marketing Boot Camp] Keyword Research & Copywriting for Search Success (#smx #11D)


The first step to any successful marketing campaign is to know your message. With search marketing that means understanding the search terms being used by your target audience. And though it sounds obvious, it helps to actually use those words in your web pages!

This session covers the importance of textual content to search engines and how with some forethought, you can create HTML title tags and body copy that works to generate search traffic – and also pleases your human visitors.


[Paid Search Track] Optimizing Google PLAs And Shopping Campaigns (#smx #11B)


Google recently replaced Product Listing Ads (PLAs) with Shopping Campaigns. In this session, you'll learn successful strategies to make the transition while maintaining high profitability, and examine the differences between Shopping Campaigns and traditional keyword–based ad campaigns.


[Search Marketing Track] Better Together: SEO & SEM (#smx #11C)


On the surface, paid and organic search marketing can seem like unrelated disciplines. But there are similarities and synergies. For example, a quick–and–dirty PPC campaign is a great way to test keywords that can be woven into organic content. In turn, you can turbocharge organic content by launching a paid search campaign that amplifies popular natural search results. At this session you'll learn how each can leverage the strengths of the other, enhancing the effectiveness of the overall search marketing campaign.


[Plus Session Track] Master the Formula for Compelling Ad Copy


Yahoo Ad Labs.


You may be a digital marketing expert, but are you a pro at writing enticing ad copy that truly hooks consumers? Join our lead copywriter for a hands-on workshop that will give you the tools to create compelling ad copy in just three easy steps. You'll learn: The key ingredients for creating copy that convertsProven strategies to develop engaging calls to actionTips for testing ads to determine what really resonates


  • Frank Palmieri, Manager Creative Strategy, Yahoo
  • Hobson Powell, Senior Director Optimization Services, Yahoo

[SEO Track] Keyword Research for Better Content & Audience Engagement (#smx #12A)


Truly effective keyword research goes beyond the numbers game of targeting frequently occurring search terms. Brilliant keyword research attempts to get into the minds of prospects and customers, uncovering needs and desires, yielding insights that can help you create more meaningful, compelling content.

Attend this session and learn how this approach to keyword research can lead to higher levels of audience engagement AND boost search rankings.


[Search Marketing Boot Camp] Link Building Fundamentals (#smx #12D)


Ever since Google created PageRank, every good search marketer's motto has been ""I link, therefore I am."" Though linking seems easy, it's a far more subtle art than most realize, and there are right and wrong ways to conduct your linking campaigns. In this session, you'll learn how to solicit and get quality links, how to craft anchor text to build authority, and how to avoid commonplace mistakes that will hurt your web credibility (and search engine rankings).


  • Moderator: Christine Churchill, President, KeyRelevance(@keyrelevance)
  • Debra Mastaler / President / Alliance-Link / (@debramastaler)

[Paid Search Track] The Challenges Of Paid Search For Brands (#smx #12B)


Brands face unique challenges when it comes to paid search, such as maintaining brand image within restrictive headline and description requirements, assuring that testing takes into account other branding efforts, following trademark guidelines and being vigilant about search arbitrage from affiliates, resellers and comparison shopping engines, issues of scale compared to smaller advertisers ... the list goes on. Come hear how brands are handling these and other challenging issues in their SEM campaigns.


  • Moderator: Matt Van Wagner, President, Find Me Faster(@mvanwagner)
  • David Austin / Director, Online Marketing /
  • Christi Olson / Director of SEM / PointIt / (@christijolson)
  • John Zoglin / Practice Lead - Digital Marketing Services / IBM / (@jzoglin)

[Search Marketing Track] Eye Tracking Update: How Users View and Interact with Contemporary Google Search Results (#smx #12C)


Back in 2005, a ground–breaking eye–tracking study found that people searched in a distinctive ""triangle"" pattern on Google search result pages. Since then, Google has evolved, adding universal and knowledge graph results, instant answers and other types of information.

This session presents findings from a recent eye–tracking study, illuminating increasingly sophisticated searcher behavior, and the best SEO practices to capture searcher eyeballs.


[Plus Session Track] Master the Science of Engaging Ad Images


  • Yahoo Ad Labs.


In a world ruled by character count limits, it's essential that the pictures you choose tell at least a thousand words. In this interactive workshop, our experts will share best practices that help your ads get noticed. You'll learn: The impact an image-rich ad can have on your campaign performanceThe components of a truly compelling imageWhen and where a logo matters


  • Patrick Salmon, Senior Manager Creative Strategy, Yahoo
  • Hobson Powell, Senior Director Optimization Services, Yahoo

[SEO Track] Google Now, Microsoft Cortana & The Predictive Search World (#smx #13A)


(1:30-1:55) With Google Now, Google is seeking out and presenting answers to people before they even think to search for them. This presentation takes you on a tour of how Google Now has grown, the types of answers it offers and opportunities and issues for search marketers to consider, as both Google and Microsoft's Cortana service continue to develop predictive search. Moderator: Chris Sherman, VP of Event Editorial, Third Door Media, Inc.(@CJSherman)


[Search Marketing Boot Camp] Paid Search Fundamentals (#smx #13D)


Paid search allows you to generate traffic from search engines by purchasing ads, usually on a cost–per–click (CPC) or pay–per–click (PPC) basis. This session covers the basics of how to purchase placement from the major search engines, including best practices for success with your ads.


[SEO Track] How Apple's Changing Up Search: From Siri to Safari to Spotlight (#smx #13A)


(1:55-2:20) The days of doing a search on an Apple product and being sent to Google are long gone. Siri routes people to one of many different search resources, with Bing as a ultimate backup. The new Spotlight feature on the Mac works similarly. Safari still uses Google as a default, but suggestions might detour searches away from it. This session reviews how search has seriously changed in the world of Apple products, and what it means for marketers.


  • Moderator: Chris Sherman, VP of Event Editorial, Third Door Media, Inc.(@CJSherman)
  • Emily Grossman / Mobile Marketing Specialist / Mobile Moxie / (@goutaste)

[SEO Track] Understanding & Leveraging Search By Voice (#smx #13A)


(2:20-2:45) We've had the ability to do voice search on our mobile devices for years now, but there's been surprisingly little discussion about how search behavior differs for the voice searcher versus those typing in keywords. This session reviews the research available to shed light on types of content we voice search for, the situations in which we do it and how it might impact search marketers.


  • Moderator: Chris Sherman, VP of Event Editorial, Third Door Media, Inc.(@CJSherman)
  • Greg Sterling / Founding Principal / Sterling Market Intelligence / (@gsterling)

[Paid Search Track] Fun (And Profit!) with Dynamic Ads (#smx #13B)


(1:30-1:55) Dynamic ads are great if you sell different products or services, or have seasonal product lines – but they can also be used for a lot more. This session shows you how to get the most from dynamically created and served ads.

Speaker will cover:Dynamic ad creation through AdWords ad customizersDynamic remarketing (both text & banner ads)Optimized product feeds for PLA campaignsRemarketing lists for search ad campaigns


[Paid Search Track] Client Onboarding: More Than Just Securing Account Access (#smx #13B)


(1:55-2:20) When you take on an existing paid search account, you must attend to a million details to effectively manage and grow the campaigns. This session covers what types of information should be transferred, how to interpret the history and past performance of the account, the right and wrong questions to ask and best practices for making client onboarding a smooth and productive experience.


[Paid Search Track] The State Of PPC In 2015 & Beyond (#smx #13B)


(2:20-2:45) Search marketing costs are at an all–time high. Organic search results are flooded with ads. Social reach is trending towards zero. It all sounds rather desperate for brands and marketers right now, doesn't it? Yet the current online marketing landscape is full of opportunity for those equipped to cut through the noise and take advantage of the powerful targeting capabilities that paid search marketing offers, and this session maps out the four big trends that are driving change and creating opportunities for search marketers as we move into the second half of the decade.


[Search Marketing Track] Keywords Are Dead – Long Live Concepts, Entities & Audiences! (#smx #13C)


Still thinking in terms of which keywords you should target for your SEO or paid search activities? Think again. With SEO, especially with Google Hummingbird, keywords might be entered by searchers, but concepts and entities are what get processed to find matches. In paid search, there have also been moves to targeting general concepts and audiences as well.

This session looks at the shift away from the keyword–based world, with tips and strategies for both SEOs and SEMs for thriving in a concept–driven world.


[Plus Session Track] Complementary Marketing: Using Link Building to Drive Content Marketing


Page One Power


Content is king, but in 2014 only 35% of content marketers say their organizations are effective at content marketing. Without the “marketing” portion of “content marketing”, you’re just creating content. Come learn about how link building can help drive your content marketing initiatives.


  • Joe Oliver, Director of Production, Page One Power
  • Nash Ricci, Project Manager, Page One Power
  • Thomas McMahon, Team Manager, Page One Power

[SEO Track] SEO Platforms For Large Scale Websites (#smx #14A)


(3:30-3:55) SEO platforms are systems that partially or fully manage SEO for large–scale websites. They enable millions of keywords and pages, dynamic data driven site architecture and more. In essence, they fully automate the SEO process.

How do they work? Should you build or buy one? What are the critical considerations when building SEO capabilities into your CMS?

Learn how large sites like Amazon, Shopzilla and others leverage SEO technology as a core piece of their site platform.


[Search Marketing Boot Camp] Search Engine Friendly Web Design (#smx #14D)


""I'm not designing my site for search engines"" is a common designer objection to SEO suggestions. The reality, however, is that search engines are the starting point for most internet users, and if your site is difficult for Google, Bing or other engines to ""read"", it's not going to be found by human visitors at all.

Attend this session and learn how to create search engine friendly sites that appeal to people too!


[SEO Track] Injecting SEO Into Your Organization's DNA (#smx #14A)


(3:55-4:20) SEO efforts are most effective when they're an integral part of the marketing process from start to finish. Grow your non–communicative SEO team into an open and vital part of marketing by effectively training all key stakeholders, banishing jargon and overcoming obstacles and rivalries that can impede or even derail the most well–intentioned SEO efforts.


[SEO Track] The Power & Persuasion of Infographics (#smx #14A)


(4:20-4:55) Infographics are one of the best forms of content marketing, serving as all-in-one vehicles to effectively tell a story, drive traffic, earn links and social signals and ultimately, make a sale or build brand awareness. Learn how to design compelling infographics, the various styles that are currently effective (static, animated, interactive and video) and how to avoid some common mistakes made when designing and marketing them.


[Paid Search Track] The Great PPC Account Structure Debate (#smx #14B)


What's best: Single keyword ad groups, campaigns organized by match types, or allowing your bid modifiers to dictate your organizational strategy?

Our panelists will debate these topics and other organizational structures so you'll leave this session with great ideas about how to manage your paid search accounts and campaigns.


[Search Marketing Track] Dr. Pete's Guide To The Changing Google SERPs (#smx #14C)


(3:30-3:55) Can't keep up with all the changes to Google's search engine result pages, or SERPs? Relax – Dr. Pete Meyers will get you up to speed with the latest. Using data from the Moz Mozcast service, Meyers will guide you through the growth of Knowledge Graph boxes, what's been going on with the ""Local Pack"" boxes, changes with carousel displays and more.


[Search Marketing Track] Extending Search Insights Beyond Your Website (#smx #14C)


(3:55-4:20) All search marketers use insights from search to refine campaigns. But are you effectively leveraging your observations to improve your other marketing efforts? This session highlights a case study showing how Intel surfaced opportunities across multiple marketing channels, including messaging, social media and display, as well as maximizing combined share of search across channel and OEM partners to enhance the effectiveness of those efforts well beyond the boundaries of search.


  • Moderator: Chris Sherman, VP of Event Editorial, Third Door Media, Inc.(@CJSherman)
  • Laura Ann Mitchell / Digital Marketing Strategist / Intel / (@intel)
  • Ken Shults / Managing Director Global Consulting / Global Strategies, An Ogilvy Company

[Search Marketing Track] Avoiding Shady Search Marketing Practices (#smx #14C)


(4:20-4:55) Most search marketers strive to follow best practices, but there are gray areas and traps that can befall the unwary. Sometimes it's an ethical issue; sometimes an actual crime. Whether caused by oversight or misunderstanding, it's your job to be smarter, whether you're a search marketer or the client of one.

This session examines some search marketing ""worst practices"" and shows why you should avoid them, providing tips for working smarter and protecting your business.


[Plus Session Track] Achieving Content Marketing Excellence


Stone Temple Consulting


Content marketing is the big buzzword today, but driving high levels of ROI is not easy or intuitive. Join this session to get 8 actionable tips to supercharge your content marketing efforts.


  • Eric Enge, CEO, Stone Temple Consulting
  • Mark Traphagen, Senior Director of Online Marketing, Stone Temple Consulting


[SEO Track] Creating Dazzling Content & Ensuring It's Seen: Step By Step From The Audit To Analytics(#smx #21A)


The not–so–secret key to getting links and conversions lies in creating great content that's useful, well–crafted, shareable, search optimized – and perhaps most importantly for long–term success in Google, ""panda proof.""

Our experts will share their in–depth experiences and provide tips for crafting a comprehensive content strategy. You'll leave knowing why and how to conduct a content audit, how to conceive ideas that will resonate with your target audience, and how to get that content completed, distributed and successfully measured.


[Paid Search Track] Mastering AdWords Scripts (#smx #21B)


AdWords Scripts are a powerful addition to your SEM toolkit. You can use scripts to: Create and automate delivery of custom reportsAlert you to issues in your accountCalculate and implement bid changesManage ads, keyword, campaigns and ad groupsand connect to external data sources such as your Twitter feed, product inventories, weather forecasts and moreIn this session, we'll demonstrate the capabilities of scripts, discuss best practices, and provide step–by–step instruction for creating and implementing scripts in your AdWords campaigns.


[Conversion Track] Conversion Rate Rockstars (#smx #21C)


Dynamic landing page testing and tuning. Persona development. Search funnel and user navigation path sculpting. Attribution modeling. These and other tasks are becoming increasingly important for search marketers striving to achieve their ultimate goal of customer conversion – getting website visitors to take action by buying, registering, downloading, calling, or whatever your desired outcome.

The Conversion Rockstars on this panel will show you how to get inside your visitors' brains and create an experience that satisfies their needs by leading them seamlessly from search to ultimate conversion.


[Mobile SEO & Local Track] Things You Don't Know About Mobile SEO, But Should (#smx #21D)


Mobile SEO has much in common with traditional SEO, but other factors weigh significantly in mobile search algorithms. For example, how important is the mobile user experience? Is your site responding properly to tablets vs. phones or even different types of phones? What about load time, link placement, http status codes, or the use of rich content?

This session that goes beyond the basics of mobile SEO and brings you up to speed on crucial tactics you won't want to overlook.


  • Moderator: Barry Schwartz, News Editor, Search Engine Land, RustyBrick(@rustybrick)
  • Mitul Gandhi / Co-Founder & Chief Architect / seoClarity / (@seoclarity)
  • Gary Illyes / Webmaster Trends Analyst / Google / (@methode)
  • Bryson Meunier / SEO Director / Vivid Seats Ltd. / (@brysonmeunier)

[Learn with Google] Using Remarketing To Reengage Past Site Visitors




When a user visits your site they’re expressing some sort of interest. You know that every visit doesn’t translate to a sale; but how can you take full advantage of all of that expressed interest? Remarketing through AdWords, both on the GDN and through RLSA, is an integral part of a successful account. This presentation will cover how to best remarket to previous site visitors.

[SEO Track] Penguin Penalty Prevention: Link Acquisition & Audit Techniques You Need To Know (#smx #22A)


Avoiding questionable link acquisition tactics is the number one way to prevent a web spam penalty. Being penalized is every search marketer's worst nightmare, whether deserved or not. And diagnosing if a site has been hit by a manual action, algorithmic penalty or negative SEO can be difficult.

Attend this session and you will learn how to proactively audit links to assess risk, and the steps required to effectively manage the link disavow processes when cleanup is necessary.


[Paid Search Track] Boosting Reach & Performance with Bing Ads (#smx #22B)


The Bing/Yahoo! alliance commands 30% of the US search advertising market, and represents an audience that you cannot ignore. As Bing ads continues to evolve, there are many features and advertising techniques that are unique to its platform.

In this session, you will hear from seasoned experts who will share specific techniques to help you get more out of Bing ads, expand your reach and boost your campaign performance.


[Conversion Track] Actionable Insights & Conversion Tactics for SEMs (#smx #22C)


When you're running an advertising campaign, knowing what you're doing from start to finish is essential. Do you have the right messaging, ad formats, and offers in your ads? Are you reaching the right audience at the right time, maximizing exposure? Have you built high quality landing pages to convert visitors into leads? Finally, are you properly attributing and making informed decisions on the leads you generate?

This session focuses on all of the necessary moving parts to ensure your ad campaigns are peak performers.


[Mobile SEO & Local Track] Search Inside The App: From Google To Bing (#smx #22D)


Although apps are a great way to find specific things, Google and Bing maintain that a search box is a better way to gain the most from third party apps on your phone. They let you make queries such as ""best Japanese restaurants in San Jose"" or ""sharks canucks game time"" and produce a list of results that take you directly to the relevant screen or function inside an app. This session explores tactics for letting Google & Bing search inside your apps.


[Learn with Google] Don't Stop at the Download: Tips For App Installs And Engagement




With so many mobile apps out there, how can you get folks to find and download yours? Then once they've installed your app, how do you keep them engaged so that they keep coming back into your app? In this presentation, we'll show you how AdWords can help drive downloads of your app and grow a valuable user base. Then we'll talk about how to use AdWords to encourage those users to keep opening your app over and over again.

[SEO Track] Content Marketing & Promotion to Drive Quality Links (#smx #23A)


Content marketing is the new link building. The name of the tactic may have changed, but the process of attracting meaningful mentions and editorial citations remains the same.

In this session, we'll revisit fundamental marketing principles and PR-based tactics that drive a qualified audience to your website, while boosting your authority and relevancy in search and social results. We'll also explore new tools, tips and strategies content marketing experts use to manage large–scale programs and measure results.


[Paid Search Track] Deep Dive: Ad Bidding Strategies & Bid Modifiers (#smx #23B)


You pay when users click on your search ads. But not all clicks are equal when calculating ROI. In this session, you'll learn to maximize the return on your paid search campaigns by using modifiers that automatically change bids by various dimensions, such as time of day, geography and device type.


[Conversion Track] Actionable Insights & Conversion Tactics for SEOs (#smx #23C)


Is organic search your best converting channel, or your lowest performer? Somewhere in the middle? [Not Provided] has added a layer of complexity in understanding the behavior of your natural search audience.

Attend this session for case studies featuring innovative tactics and creative strategies that match user intent to landing pages and improve conversions from organic search results.


[Mobile SEO & Local Track] Deconstructing Pigeon, Google's Local Search Algorithm (#smx #23D)


Google's Pigeon algorithm is designed to provide more useful, relevant and accurate local search results that are tied more closely to traditional web search ranking signals. The core changes are behind the scenes, but do impact local search results rankings. If your business has been affected, what should you do?

Our panel of local search experts will offer analysis and tactics for coping with changes in web site referrals, leads and business from the Pigeon algorithm.


[Learn with Google] Proving Success Through Reporting and Analytics




Determining success in your AdWords account often comes down to what happens after the click. Analyzing what happened after a click on your ad delivers an enormous amount of insight that can dictate your strategy moving forward. This session dives deep on reporting techniques both within AdWords and across AdWords and Google Analytics. Find out how you can generate the types of insights that lead to sustained account success.

[SEO Track] How to Secure Your Site for Google's HTTPS Algorithm (#smx #24A)


Google has been encouraging publishers to secure their sites using the HTTPS/SSL protocol by offering a slight ranking boost.

This session covers the technical best practices for switching your site to HTTPS, what certificates to install, how to configure your servers and how to communicate the change to Google so your rankings do not suffer. The panel will also explore various tools and tests you can use to verify HTTPS so that you know you're doing things right.


[Paid Search Track] Deep Dive: Audience Segmentation For Retargeting ROI (#smx #24B)


New techniques to better understand who is visiting sites and viewing ads are enabling more sophisticated audience segmentation and message targeting. Google Analytics, Facebook, Twitter and others have made audience segmentation and targeting using both third–party and first–party data accessible. This ability to offer personalized ad experience can significantly increase conversion rates and ROI.

In this session, you'll learn innovative tactics for segmenting audiences and tailoring ad campaigns that speak to prospective customers at a seemingly one–to–one level.


[Conversion Track] Conversion Paths & Attributing The Search Assist (#smx #24C)


Conversions can come in many forms: Clicks on ads, website or store visits, downloads or purchases, to name a few. And these conversions can happen on multiple devices, so to truly understand whether (or if) your campaigns are successful, you need to have a comprehensive, holistic view of the entire process, including first and last interactions and the ""assists"" between them.

This session takes an in–depth look at the attribution process, including proper modeling, tagging and using Google's estimated total conversions reporting.


[Mobile SEO & Local Track] Let's Talk Local Search: Super Therapy Session for Advanced Local Marketers (#smx #24D)


Local search is like a problem child. One day all's well. The next you're facing a new crisis that threatens to complicate your relationship with clients or management.

Need to talk? Join our panel of all–star local search pros for this group therapy session. No PowerPoints or couches. Just the smartest local search experts ready to share advanced strategies and tactics that are working today.


  • Moderator: Matt McGee, Editor In Chief, Search Engine Land & Marketing Land(@mattmcgee)
  • Thomas Ballantyne / Director of Marketing / Bulwark Exterminating / (@Thos003)
  • Scott Clark / Owner/Consultant / BuzzMaven, Inc. / (@scottclark)
  • Greg Gifford / Director of Search and Social / AutoRevo / (@greggifford)
  • Kevin Mullett / Director of Visibility & Social Media / MarketSnare / (@kmullett)

[Learn with Google]




Mobile Must-Haves For All Marketers Think your website is delivering the experience that consumers want on their mobile devices? And are you driving paid traffic to your mobile site in an optimized way? This session covers all of the tools advertisers should have in their arsenal to connect with mobile users and create mobile website experiences that maximize conversions.

[General Keynote] Bill Tancer, Author, Everyone's A Critic (#smx #keynote)


Everyone, it seems, consults online review sites before making a purchase. But what do we really know about how those sites work, how consumers interact with them and how businesses should engage with them? Bill Tancer does. Tancer, who's general manager of global research for Experian and a New York Times best selling author, spent over a year studying the online review scene to write his latest book, ""Everyone's A Critic."" In his talk, Tancer will open up the world of Yelp reviews, TripAdvisor posts and more. He'll cover the funny, wacky and weird way consumers use these services to vent, complain and praise. He'll also help attendees understand how important these venues are to their businesses and the types of strategies to use.



[SEO Track] The Next Generation of Structured Data: Taking Markup To The Next Level(#smx #31A)


In this session, you'll learn how to go beyond basic schema or related microdata markup by using structured data markup to gain greater visibility outside of standard web search, and take full advantage of new marketing opportunities in mobile and conversational (voice) search. You'll hear new ideas for creating indexable apps, leveraging JSON–LD to push app content and actions to search results, the Knowledge Graph and more, and how to track your success using Google Tag Manager and other tactics.


[Analytics Track] Tactics to Simplify Complex Campaign Tracking (#smx #31D)


To understand any marketing campaign, you must collect and analyze performance data. But unless you collect clean, structured data, no amount of analysis is going to help you improve things. In this session, you'll learn how to properly set up Google Analytics to track conversions and how to export that data into Google AdWords for analysis. You'll also come away with a deep understanding of the benefit of standardizing your manual campaign tagging for properly tracking display, email and social marketing efforts.


[Mobile SEM & Paid Search Track] Getting The Most From Your Mobile PPC Ads (#smx #31B)


Mobile paid search is growing significantly for both AdWords and Bing Ads, and will soon account for half of all PPC traffic. As user behavior differs by device, so should your ads. Attend this session and you will learn tips and tactics to optimize your PPC accounts and maximize performance for mobile devices.


[Social Media Track] Better Together: Search & Social (#smx #31C)


Search and social media may seem like two different species, but they have plenty in common. Combine your search and social media marketing efforts and teams and maximize results of both.

In this session, we'll show you how search and social marketing teams can use their unique skills and knowledge to help each other in paid, earned and owned marketing.


[Clinic Track] SEO Site Clinic (#smx #31E)


Even the most knowledgeable SEOs are stumped sometimes. Volunteer your site and describe the issues you are facing, and our SEO rockstars will diagnose your challenges and offer specific actionable advice to repair or enhance your performance.


  • Moderator: Jessica Thompson, Associate Features Editor, Search Engine Land(@jessotron)

Q&A Speaker

  • Matt Storms / SEO / / (@matt_storms)
  • Lisa Williams / President & Founder / Sustainable Digital Marketing / (@seopollyanna)

[SEO Track] Conquering Today's Technical SEO Challenges (#smx #32A)


Let's face it: SEO is more demanding in today's responsive publishing world. We'll explore how to manage large sites with complex databases and tons of content, ensuring that Google can efficiently crawl, index and rank all site pages.

This session will showcase best practices and provide a practical guide to technical SEO, covering topics including canonicals, crawl priority, AJAX, HTML5, rel next and prev tags, to dynamic URL management and pagination.


[Analytics Track] What's In My Analytics Toolbox (#smx #32D)


Analytics platforms range from free tools like Google Analytics to high–end packages from Adobe, IBM and others, with a huge number of alternatives in between. Each analytics platform has strengths and weaknesses, and it's common for marketers to use more than one.

In this session, our experts will share their favorite tools, why you should consider using them, and how to get them to play nice with each others' data.


[Mobile SEM & Paid Search Track] Converting The Mobile SEM Visitor (#smx #32B)


Smartphones and tablets are taking more prominent roles in the customer buying process, but mobile advertising leading to a conversion isn't necessarily a straightforward process. Mobile ads need to be written differently, landing pages need special consideration, tracking must be done without benefit of cookies – these are just a few of the differences between mobile and desktop advertising.

This session explores the unique nuances of mobile advertising. You'll learn the tactics and techniques that lead to successful mobile conversions.


[Social Media Track] Making It Happen: Search & Social (#smx #33C)


You're convinced: It's time to integrate your search and social efforts. The benefits are clear, and you have the teams and resources to do it. How to go about it? In this session, our speakers discuss how they successfully integrated both paid and organic search marketing efforts with their social media campaigns.


[Clinic Track] Social Media Clinic (#smx #32E)


Got questions about how to deal with Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest or other social media sites? We've got experts on hand ready to take specific questions from the audience.


  • Moderator: Lauren Donovan, Community Editor, Search Engine Land and Marketing Land(@beebow)
  • Ric Dragon / Principal / Protoji Consulting / (@ricdragon)
  • Matt Siltala / President / Avalaunch Media / (@Matt_Siltala)
  • Tim Welsh / Social Media Manager / Academic Partnerships / (@twel5)

[SEO Track] Meet The Search Engines (#smx #33A)


You've got questions. They've got answers. Come to this PowerPoint–free session, where representatives from Google and Bing answer questions on all things SEOs.


Moderator: Danny Sullivan, Founding Editor, Search Engine Land(@dannysullivan)

  • Duane Forrester / Sr. Product Manager / Bing / (@DuaneForrester) / (Q&A Speaker)
  • Gary Illyes / Webmaster Trends Analyst / Google / (@methode)

[Analytics Track] Expert Excel Essentials (#smx #33D)


Though Excel at its heart is just a ""simple"" spreadsheet program, it's also been referred to as the ""Swiss army knife"" of software thanks to its flexibility and the huge range of tasks you can perform with it. And just because it's ""simple"" doesn't mean it can't provide you with richly nuanced information, allowing you to slice and dice details of your marketing campaigns in almost infinite ways.

You'll leave this session with a new and greater appreciation for what Excel can do for you.


[Mobile SEM & Paid Search Track] Retargeting Roundtable (#smx #33B)


Retargeting options abound for advertisers. But what's the best approach, and who's your best provider?

Hear from the search engines, third–party providers and advertisers who are retargeting for insights about your options and best practices for taking advantage of this powerful advertising technique.


  • Moderator: Ginny Marvin, Contributing Editor, Search Engine Land(@ginnymarvin)
  • Zach Coelius / CEO / Triggit / (@zachcoelius) / (Q&A Speaker)
  • Dennis Goedegebuure / Vice President for Growth and SEO / Fanatics Inc. / (@TheNextCorner) / (Q&A Speaker)
  • Jackie Lamping / Sr. Director of Marketing / AdRoll / (@jackielamping) / (Q&A Speaker)

[Social Media Track] YouTube Success Stories For Marketers (#smx #32C)


YouTube is the second largest search engine, and provides a unique opportunity for marketers and retailers to touch customers with compelling, humorous or other dynamic content.

In this session, you'll hear case studies of how to leverage video assets to engage customers and broaden the reach of your online campaigns.


[Clinic Track] SEM Tune–Up Clinic With The SMX Mechanics (#smx #33E)


Just like a vintage car, your paid advertising campaigns can use a tune–up every now and then to keep them running well. In this hands–on clinic, our certified (and certifiable!) SMX SEM Mechanics will offer you expert advice on your PPC ads, bidding tactics, and anything else on your mind.

Bring your toughest paid search questions! Based loosely on the jovial NPR radio program, Car Talk, this session is guaranteed to be as entertaining as it is informative!


  • Moderator: Matt Van Wagner, President, Find Me Faster(@mvanwagner)
  • Andrew Goodman / President / Page Zero Media / (@andrew_goodman) / (Q&A Speaker)
  • Jennifer Slegg / Editor / The SEM Post / (@jenstar) / (Q&A Speaker)
  • Frederick Vallaeys / CEO / Optmyzr / (@siliconvallaeys) / (Q&A Speaker)"

[SEO Track] Meet The SEOs (#smx #34A)


During this PowerPoint–free panel, veteran SEOs answer your questions about search engine optimization. Got a puzzling issue? Wondering about a possible trend? Put it to the experts.


  • Moderator: Danny Sullivan, Founding Editor, Search Engine Land(@dannysullivan)
  • Rae Hoffman / CEO / PushFire / (@sugarrae) / (Q&A Speaker)
  • Wil Reynolds / Founder / SEER Interactive / (@wilreynolds) / (Q&A Speaker)
  • Marshall Simmonds / Founder and CEO / Define Media Group, Inc. / (@mdsimmonds) / (Q&A Speaker)
  • Ellen White / Director, Organic Search (SEO) / Team Detroit / Ford Motor Company / (@ellenreathwhite) / (Q&A Speaker)

[Mobile SEM & Paid Search Track] Paid Search Roundtable (#smx #34B)


Paid search continues to evolve at a lightning pace, even as both competition and spend continue to increase. Recently, Google shopping and PLAs gained new features, callout extensions debuted, dynamic sitelinks went global, Bing Ads Campaign Planner launched... the list goes on.

Come check in with advertising executives from the search engines as well as experienced search marketers as they discuss new trends and developments and field your questions about all things PPC.


  • Moderator: Matt Van Wagner, President, Find Me Faster(@mvanwagner)
  • Brad Geddes / Founder / Certified Knowledge / (@bgTheory) / (Q&A Speaker)
  • Andrew Goodman / President / Page Zero Media / (@andrew_goodman) / (Q&A Speaker)
  • Jennifer Slegg / Editor / The SEM Post / (@jenstar) / (Q&A Speaker)

[Clinic Track] Link Building Clinic (#smx #34E)


Get expert advice about the link building challenges that are keeping you up at night. In this interactive session, we'll go live to the web and provide advice using your real–world examples.


  • Moderator: Jessica Thompson, Associate Features Editor, Search Engine Land(@jessotron)
  • Casie Gillette / Director of Online Marketing / KoMarketing / (@casieg)
  • Jenny Halasz / President, Founder / JLH Marketing / (@jennyhalasz)

[Multiple] Best Of Show / Key SMX Takeaways (#smx #takeaways)


After three days of thought leadership, meaningful insights and tactical tips, you'll be sure to have your own list of top takeaways, favorite speakers and sessions. Of course, you couldn't attend every session – but have no fear! In this session you'll hear from speakers and attendees what they found most valuable, as we recap the best information from the show.


  • Moderator: Chris Sherman, VP of Event Editorial, Third Door Media, Inc.(@CJSherman)
  • Maddie Cary / Senior Client Manager / Point It / (@maddiemarketer)
  • Micah Fisher-Kirshner / Senior SEO Manager / Zazzle Inc
  • Steve Hammer / President / RankHammer / (@armondhammer)
  • Larry Kim / Founder & CTO / WordStream / (@larrykim)
  • Laura Ann Mitchell / Digital Marketing Strategist / Intel / (@intel)
  • Mindy Weinstein / Director of Training / Bruce Clay Inc. / (@mindydweinstein)
  • Kelly Wrather / Senior Manager of Content Marketing / Kenshoo / (@kmwrather)

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