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Last active November 8, 2022 22:21
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#include <WiegandNG.h> //
WiegandNG wg;
void PrintAR6182(WiegandNG &tempwg) {
volatile unsigned char *rawData=tempwg.getRawData();
uint8_t rawSize = tempwg.getBufferSize();
uint8_t countedBits = tempwg.getBitCounted();
uint8_t pinDigits = 0;
uint8_t tagDigits = 0;
char pin[9] = "";
char tag[14] = "";
if (countedBits % 4 == 0)
//PIN alone is 32 bits or less
if (countedBits <= 32)
pinDigits = countedBits/4;
//tag alone is exactly 52 bits
else if (countedBits == 52)
tagDigits = countedBits/4;
//tag + PIN is 52 + 4 bits or more. 0xB separates tag and PIN in string.
else if (countedBits >= 52+4) {
pinDigits = (countedBits-52-4)/4;
tagDigits = countedBits/4 - pinDigits-1;
uint8_t p1 = rawSize*2-pinDigits; //which digit pin start at
uint8_t p2 = p1+pinDigits; //which digit pin ends at
uint8_t t1 = p1-tagDigits-(pinDigits ? 1 : 0); //which digit card start at
uint8_t t2 = p1-(pinDigits ? 1 : 0); //which digit card start at
//print out raw data indexes
for (uint8_t i=0; i<rawSize; i++)
printf(" %02d ", i);
//print out raw data as readable hex
for (uint8_t i=0; i<rawSize; i++)
printf("0x%02x ", rawData[i]);
//print statistics
printf("%d bits = %d digits = raw[%d]\n", countedBits, countedBits/4, (unsigned char) rawSize);
printf("tag is from %d to %d, pin is from %d to %d\n", t1, t2-1, p1, p2-1);
//AR6182 sends data BCD coded on a Wiegand bus.
//loop over each BCD value in each byte in buffer and convert to ascii
//extract tag digits, if any
for (uint8_t i=t1; i< t2; i++)
tag[i-t1] = 0x30 + (i%2 ? rawData[i/2] & 0x0F : rawData[i/2] >> 4);
//printf("tag[%2d]: digit %2d = raw[%2d]0x%02x (%c) \n", i-t1, i, i/2, (i%2 ? 0x0f : 0xf0), tag[i-t1]);
//extract pin digits, if any
for (uint8_t i=p1; i<p2; i++)
pin[i-p1] = 0x30 + (i%2 ? rawData[i/2] & 0x0F : rawData[i/2] >> 4);
//printf("pin[%2d]: digit %2d = raw[%2d]0x%02x (%c) \n", i-p1, i, i/2, (i%2 ? 0x0f : 0xf0), pin[i-p1]);
printf("tag: '%s'(%d) PIN: '%s'(%d)\n", tag, tagDigits, pin, pinDigits);
void setup() {
unsigned int pinD0 = D2;
unsigned int pinD1 = D1;
unsigned int wiegandbits = 88;
unsigned int packetGap = 15; // 25 ms between packet
if(!wg.begin(pinD0, pinD1, wiegandbits, packetGap)) {
Serial.println("Out of memory!");
void loop() {
if(wg.available()) {
wg.pause(); // pause Wiegand pin interrupts
wg.clear(); // compulsory to call clear() to enable interrupts for subsequent data
tag: ''(0) PIN: '1'(1)
tag: ''(0) PIN: '12'(2)
tag: ''(0) PIN: '123'(3)
tag: ''(0) PIN: '1234'(4)
tag: ''(0) PIN: '12345'(5)
tag: ''(0) PIN: '123456'(6)
tag: ''(0) PIN: '1234567'(7)
tag: ''(0) PIN: '34567890'(8)
tag: ''(0) PIN: '1111'(4)
tag: '004211925490='(13) PIN: '1111'(4)
tag: ''(0) PIN: '11112222'(8)
tag: '004211925490='(13) PIN: '11112222'(8)
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