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Last active May 22, 2019 09:54
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Reading Private Key from ENV variables and storing it in yaml using erb template

  1. Convert new line char into double new line char e.g from \n to \n\n
  2. On YAML file, suround it using double quotes
key: "<%= ENV['PRIVATE_KEY'] %>"

Mina install

  • Create deploy user with sudo
/usr/sbin/adduser deploy sudo
  • Allow using sudo without password
    • Open visudo
      sudo visudo
    • append
      deploy ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL
  • Setup ssh forwarding
    • Check ssh-add -L
    • run ssh-add if not exists
    • Allow agent forwarding

      On Server

      # /etc/ssh/sshd_config
      AllowAgentForwarding yes

      On Client

      # /etc/ssh_config file

      On Server

      Host *
        SendEnv LANG LC_*
        ForwardAgent no yes
  • Install rbenv and ruby's dependencies

    Add rbenv path and init BEFORE the interactive shell checks

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