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Last active September 29, 2020 11:31
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All GSOC 2018 Organization
"id": 4684694029860864,
"name": "3DTK",
"slug": "3dtk",
"website_url": "",
"category": "science_and_medicine",
"contact_email": "",
"mailing_list": "",
"irc_channel": null,
"tagline": "The 3D Toolkit provides algorithms and methods to process 3D point clouds",
"precis": "The 3D Toolkit provides algorithms and methods to process 3D point clouds",
"description": "The 3D Toolkit is a collection of programs that allow working with 3D point cloud data. The tools include a powerful and efficient 3D point cloud viewer called \"show\" which is able to open point clouds containing millions of points even on older graphics cards while still providing high frame rates. It provides bindings for ROS, the Robotic Operating System and for Python, the programming language. Most of the functionality of 3DTK is provided in the form of \"tools\", hence the name which are executed on the command line. These tools are able to carry out operations like simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM), plane detection, transformations, surface normal computation, feature detection and extraction, collision detection and dynamic object removal. We support Linux, Windows and MacOS. 3DTK contains the implementation of several complex algorithms like multiple SLAM and ICP implementations as well as several data structures like k-d trees, octrees, sphere quadtrees and voxel grids. The software is home of the implementation of algorithms from several high impact research papers. While the Point Cloud Library (PCL) might be dead, 3DTK is alive and actively maintained by an international team of skilled researchers from all over the world, ranging from Europe to China. Know-how from 3DTK influenced several businesses from car manufacturers to mineral excavation or archaeological projects.",
"tags": [
"primary_open_source_license": "GNU General Public License version 3.0 (GPL-3.0)",
"image_url": "//",
"image_bg_color": null,
"gplus_url": null,
"twitter_url": null,
"blog_url": null,
"application_instructions": "To apply, please consider joining our mailinglist at Most discussions are happening there and by writing to the list you will reach all our contributors. Please tell us about your expertise and which part of 3DTK would interest you. Since 3DTK is a big project we are sure that we can find an area that meets your interest and can benefit from your skills! We are open to any new ideas of what you want to improve about 3DTK but if you aren't sure yet, we compiled a wishlist of wanted features here:",
"topic_tags": [
" 3d",
"point clouds",
"technology_tags": [
" cmake",
"proposal_tags": [
"ideas_list": "",
"contact_method": "",
"program_year": 2018
"id": 5313118394122240,
"name": "52° North Initiative for Geospatial Open Source Software GmbH",
"slug": "52-north-initiative-for-geospatial-open-source-software-gmbh",
"website_url": "",
"category": "science_and_medicine",
"contact_email": "",
"mailing_list": "",
"irc_channel": "",
"tagline": "52°North works on innovative ideas and technologies in geoinformatics",
"precis": "52°North is an open source initiative in the field of geoinformatics. Core topics of our activities are for example sensor web, web-based geoprocessing and earth observation.",
"description": "[52°North]( is an international research and development partner network with partners from academia, the public sector and industry. Our goal is to foster innovation in the field of geoinformatics by organizing and facilitating a collaborative software development process. The topics we address comprise for example sensor web technologies, the web of things, linked open data, spatial data infrastructures, citizen science, earth observation, and 3D. This selection of topics reflects both the strengths and strategies of the partners involved.\nSome of our software projects are enviroCar, 52°North SOS, 52°North JavaScript Sensor Web Client, ILWIS, and 52°North WPS. Check out our GitHub organization and our Ohloh page to learn more about the wide range of software our communities work on: from mobile apps to standardized web services, from cutting edge research to established products. 52°North open source projects are used in a broad range of domains (e.g. oceanology, air quality, hydrology, traffic planning) and operational as well as research projects (e.g. European Horizon 2020 projects such as NeXOS, FixO3, WaterInnEU, ODIP II).\nAll of the 52°North software is published under an OSI approved open source license.\n52°North GmbH, which is the legal body and service center of the network, acts as a non-profit organization. This means that the shareholders of 52°North do not receive profit shares or payments from company funds. Instead, the profits earned by 52°North are completely re-invested into the innovation and software development process.",
"tags": [
"primary_open_source_license": "GNU General Public License version 2.0 (GPL-2.0)",
"image_url": "//",
"image_bg_color": null,
"gplus_url": null,
"twitter_url": "",
"blog_url": "",
"application_instructions": "To apply for a GSoC project at 52°North, please have a look at our ideas page. Before submitting an application, please carefully read the project description, clarify and open questions with the mentors listed in the projects descriptions and complete the code challenge which is required for each application.\nYou can find a detailed description how to apply for a 52°North GSoC project in our [Wiki](\nWhen submitting your application, please make sure to use the following template:\n* Personal Details\n* Name\n* Contact details (email, personal website, Skype, IRC nick, phone number, location/time zone)\n* University/School name\n* Short bio\n* Project\n* Description: Include a link to the description on the ideas page or make clear if this is your own suggestion. Also include potential mentors in the latter case.\n* Preliminary Schedule (milestones and deliverables, planned working hours, and potential other commitments)\n* Motivation (This might, but does not have to, include answers to questions such as: Why 52°North? Why this project? Why Open Source? Why are you suited to carry the project?)\n* Contribution of project to ongoing studies (if applicable)\n* Experience\n* (Open Source) software development experience (including example applications)\n* Programming level\n* Work experience\n* Academic experience and performance\n* References",
"topic_tags": [
"remote sensing",
"sensor web"
"technology_tags": [
" java",
"big data"
"proposal_tags": [
"sensor web",
"remote sensing",
"ideas_list": "",
"contact_method": "",
"program_year": 2018
"id": 6105960616034304,
"name": "",
"slug": "aerospaceresearchnet",
"website_url": "",
"category": "science_and_medicine",
"contact_email": "",
"mailing_list": "",
"irc_channel": "",
"tagline": "making space together",
"precis": "Making Space Together!",
"description": "We are, a small team of space makers solving space problems together with Small Satellite Student Society University o Stuttgart (KSat e.V.) and the Cosmic Dust Team.\n\nIn 2011, we started as a student group at the University of Stuttgart to provide massive computing power with our distributed computting platform Constellation to everyone needing it for space simulations. Over time, we attracted international young professionals of the space industry and the local maker community and thus becoming a full fletched citizen science project.\n\nWe are a community project of several Projects working of different Teams in Stuttgart and globally. Together with the Small Satellite Student Society University o Stuttgart (KSat e.V.) , the Distributed Ground Station Network Team at the Institute for Photogrammetry and the Cosmic Dust Team of the Institute for Space Systems at University of Stuttgart, we are working on the rover mission ROACH crawling for maintenance reasons on the outer hull of a sounding rocket while coasting in near space, tracking cubesats faster than US NORAD and simulating cometary dust particles for the IMEX project of the European Space Agency (ESA).\n\nWe are a small organization but having impact within out space community and helping realizing space exploration by creativity and open access. We are open for everybody interested in space for the \nbetterment of everybody.",
"tags": [
"primary_open_source_license": "MIT license (MIT)",
"image_url": "//",
"image_bg_color": null,
"gplus_url": "",
"twitter_url": "",
"blog_url": "",
"application_instructions": "We posted a list of points you, as an interested student, can get if you follow our list of things we want to see from you in your application and the communication phase. It is on our ideas page under \"Transparent Application Rating\" >>",
"topic_tags": [
"space applications",
"software defined radio",
"distributed computing",
"technology_tags": [
" java"
"proposal_tags": [
"digital signal processing",
"software defined radio",
"distributed computing",
"citizen science",
"big data"
"ideas_list": "",
"contact_method": "",
"program_year": 2018
"id": 5674023002832896,
"name": "aimacode",
"slug": "aimacode",
"website_url": "",
"category": "languages",
"contact_email": "",
"mailing_list": null,
"irc_channel": "",
"tagline": "Code for the book \"Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach\"",
"precis": "Code to accompany the textbook \"Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach\"",
"description": "This project provides implementations of the pseudocode algorithms in the textbook \"Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach,\" along with tutorial examples of their usage, emphasizing visualizations that help students understand both the core underlying concepts and the specific ways to invoke the code.",
"tags": [
"primary_open_source_license": "MIT license (MIT)",
"image_url": "//",
"image_bg_color": null,
"gplus_url": null,
"twitter_url": null,
"blog_url": null,
"application_instructions": "See",
"topic_tags": [
"artificial intelligence",
"machine learning",
"technology_tags": [
" python",
" java",
" javascript",
"proposal_tags": [
"ideas_list": "",
"contact_method": "",
"program_year": 2018
"id": 4708787353550848,
"name": "Amahi",
"slug": "amahi",
"website_url": "",
"category": "operating_systems",
"contact_email": "",
"mailing_list": "",
"irc_channel": "",
"tagline": "Amahi, a home digital assistant at your fingertips.",
"precis": "Amahi is a home media/storage server with a web interface. It comes with mobile apps for easy streaming of your media and data",
"description": "The Amahi Linux Home Server makes your home networking and storage simple. We like to call the Amahi servers HDAs, for \"Home Digital Assistants.\" Each HDA delivers all the functionality you would want in a home server, while being easy to use from a web browser and mobile apps.\n\nAmahi can turn popular Linux distributions into a simple to use networking, storage and app server. The server management is done through a friendly user interface (the \"platform”). The platform allows controlling users login and storage access permissions, managing some network services like DHCP and DNS, as well as providing many apps that the users can install. The platform web interface is implemented in Ruby on Rails and runs in the web server along with other apps.\n\nThe installation process is done by installing the base distribution (Fedora at the moment) and after that, running the Amahi installer at the command line.\n\nOnce the installation is complete, the network services kick in, storage can be used and applications are installed by users. Some applications are Plugins (developed as an RoR \"engine\") and some are very popular open source apps and services.",
"tags": [
"primary_open_source_license": "GNU General Public License version 3.0 (GPL-3.0)",
"image_url": "//",
"image_bg_color": null,
"gplus_url": "",
"twitter_url": "",
"blog_url": "",
"application_instructions": "",
"topic_tags": [
"media server",
"storage server",
" web apps",
"technology_tags": [
"ruby on rails",
"proposal_tags": [
"ruby on rails",
"ideas_list": "",
"contact_method": "",
"program_year": 2018
"id": 4572613016289280,
"name": "AOSSIE - Australian Open Source Software Innovation and Education",
"slug": "aossie-australian-open-source-software-innovation-and-education",
"website_url": "",
"category": "web",
"contact_email": null,
"mailing_list": "",
"irc_channel": "",
"tagline": "Australian Umbrella Org for Open-Source Projects",
"precis": "The Australian umbrella organization for open-source projects.",
"description": "We are an Australian not-for-profit umbrella organization for open-source projects. We believe the open-source philosophy provides a resource-efficient channel to transfer knowledge and achieve innovation and education.\n\nIn 2018, we offer the following projects:\n\n* **Agora** (Scala): a library of vote counting algorithms for democratic elections.\n* **Scavenger** (Scala): an automated theorem prover for first-order logic.\n* **Mind the Word** (JavaScript, HTML, CSS): a browser extension that helps users to learn new languages.\n* **Carbon Footprint** (JavaScript, HTML, CSS): a browser extension that raises environmental awareness regarding C02 emissions.\n* **Carbon Footprint - Mobile App** (React Native, Android, iOS): a mobile app that raises environmental awareness by tracking user activity and calculating carbon footprints.\n* **Carbon Footprint - API** (JavaScript(Node.JS), MongoDB): A REST API that calculates Carbon Footprints of anything measurable.\n* **Computational Philosophy** (Isabelle): formalizations of philosophical theories and arguments towards computer-assisted metaphysics, as envisaged by Leibniz.\n* **Stardroid (a.k.a Google Sky Maps)** (Android/iOS): Sky Map is a hand-held planetarium for your Android device. Can be used to identify stars, planets, nebulae and more.\n* **CrowdAlert** (React Native, Android, iOS): a cross-platform mobile application that allows users to post and view incidents around them.\n\nWe have a diverse group of mentors, including GSoC students from previous years who decided to become long-term contributors as well as academics with extensive experience in supervising undergraduate, M.Sc. and Ph.D. students on theses and projects, whose results are often published and presented in the most prestigious conferences of our research fields.\n\nWe are looking for excellent students who are interested in becoming long-term collaborators in our projects. If you are a prospective student interested in doing your GSoC project with us, drop us a line and start contributing.",
"tags": [
"primary_open_source_license": "GNU General Public License version 3.0 (GPL-3.0)",
"image_url": "//",
"image_bg_color": "000",
"gplus_url": null,
"twitter_url": null,
"blog_url": null,
"application_instructions": "*Name:*\n*Email:*\n*Skype/Facebook/Google+:*\n*Phone:*\n*Address:*\n*University:*\n*Degree:*\n*Expected Graduation Date:*\n*How many hours will you work per week?*\n*Other Commitments:* (e.g. exams, projects, jobs, theses... How will you prevent them from affecting your GSoC performance?)\n\n*Chosen Idea:*\n\n*Proposal Description:* (it should be more detailed than the chosen idea's description, to ensure that you have understood it.)\n\n*Timeline:* (be concise and realistic)\n\nCommunity Bonding (23/04 - 14/05):\n\nWeek 1 (14/05 - 20/05):\n\nWeek 2 (21/05 - 27/05):\n\nWeek 3 (28/05 - 03/06):\n\nWeek 4 (04/06 - 10/06):\n\nFirst Evaluations\n\nWeek 5 (11/06 - 17/06):\n\nWeek 6 (18/06 - 24/06):\n\nWeek 7 (25/06 - 01/07):\n\nWeek 8 (02/07 - 08/07):\n\nSecond Evaluations\n\nWeek 9 (09/07 - 15/07):\n\nWeek 10 (16/07 - 22/07):\n\nWeek 11 (23/07 - 29/07):\n\nWeek 12 (30/07 - 05/08):\n\nWeek 13 (06/08 - 12/08):\n\nFinal Evaluation\n\n*Why are you the best person to execute this proposal?* (demonstrate that you satisfy the requirements for the chosen idea.)\n\n*Contributions:* (list and link any pull requests to your chosen project)\n\n*For which projects have you worked?* (For each project: write a few sentences describing what the project does; mention the programming languages used; describe your contributions; include a link to the project's code repository)\n\n*Which relevant courses have you attended at the University? How was your performance?*\n\n*Any Other Relevant Information:*",
"topic_tags": [
"electronic voting",
"natural language processing"
"technology_tags": [
"isabelle proof assistant",
"browser extension",
"proposal_tags": [
"ideas_list": "",
"contact_method": "",
"program_year": 2018
"id": 5718432427802624,
"name": "Apache Software Foundation",
"slug": "apache-software-foundation",
"website_url": "",
"category": "other",
"contact_email": null,
"mailing_list": "",
"irc_channel": "",
"tagline": "Providing open source software to the public free of charge",
"precis": "The Apache Software Foundation provides organizational, legal, and financial support for a broad range of open source software projects.",
"description": "The Foundation provides an established framework for intellectual property and financial contributions that simultaneously limits contributors potential legal exposure. Through a collaborative and meritocratic development process, Apache projects deliver enterprise-grade, freely available software products that attract large communities of users. The pragmatic Apache License makes it easy for all users, commercial and individual, to deploy Apache products.",
"tags": [
"primary_open_source_license": "Apache License 2.0 (Apache-2.0)",
"image_url": "//",
"image_bg_color": null,
"gplus_url": null,
"twitter_url": "",
"blog_url": "",
"application_instructions": "In order to apply we ask that you create\r\n\r\n * a list of deliverables, quantifiable results for the Apache community,\r\n * a detailed description / design document,\r\n * an approach,\r\n * an approximate schedule and\r\n * something of a background text.\r\n\r\nWe also need you to let us know what other commitments you have for the period of GSoC, for example, do you have any exams or a part time job? In other words - sell yourselves, as if this was an actual job.\r\n\r\nIn drawing up your proposal you need to work with your chosen projects community.\r\n\r\nOne of our evaluation criteria is that you have already engaged with the community to ensure that you understand the needs of the project and the commitment you need to make to your mentors.",
"topic_tags": [
"big data"
"technology_tags": [
"proposal_tags": [
"original idea",
"from ideas list"
"ideas_list": "",
"contact_method": "",
"program_year": 2018
"id": 5779930604896256,
"name": "Apertium",
"slug": "apertium",
"website_url": "",
"category": "other",
"contact_email": "",
"mailing_list": "",
"irc_channel": "",
"tagline": "A free/open-source platform for machine translation and language technology",
"precis": "Apertium is a free/open-source project that aims to create machine translation systems and other types of language technology for all the languages in the world.",
"description": "There are around 7,000 languages in the world today, around half of which are written. Most language technology is only available for a tiny fraction of these. Certainly under 1%. Apertium is a project which aims to help create language technology, particularly machine translation systems for the other 99%. Because most of the languages we work with have very little in the way of existing translations, we rely on making the most of all kinds of different resources from written grammars to dictionaries, corpus collections and help from native speakers and activists.",
"tags": [
"primary_open_source_license": "GNU General Public License version 3.0 (GPL-3.0)",
"image_url": "//",
"image_bg_color": null,
"gplus_url": null,
"twitter_url": null,
"blog_url": null,
"application_instructions": "* __Be realistic__: We're more likely to accept ideas which are realistic than ones which are \"way out there\". But if you have a \"way out there\" idea, don't panic! We're still interested, but we'll try to find a subset of it which is achievable in the time scale available.\n* __Be appropriate__: Demonstrate you have a knowledge of Apertium, how it works and the problem it has that you'd like to solve.\n* __Have a plan__: Three months may seem like a long time, but it isn't. Show you have a definite plan with dates and deliverables split into weeks.\n* __Get in contact ASAP!__: We get a lot of proposals: some good, most bad. Get in contact with your potential mentor '''as soon as possible''' by sending your proposal to the mailing list, and asking for feedback. Be responsive to feedback. Refine your application based on feedback. If the mentors remember you, your chances of being picked are higher. \n* __Read the Ideas Page!__: If you find yourself asking 'do you have any Java/Python/Fortran/x86 assembler projects...' -- you didn't read [[Ideas for Google Summer of Code|the ideas page]]. Read the ideas page.\n* __Do the coding challenge__: Every idea will have a coding challenge to perform, this is basically a test to see if you have the required skills to do the project or if you can acquire them in a short amount of time.",
"topic_tags": [
"machine translation",
"language technology",
"natural language processing"
"technology_tags": [
"proposal_tags": [
"new language pair",
"engine code",
"new module",
"end-user interface",
"ideas_list": "",
"contact_method": "",
"program_year": 2018
"id": 5869357192708096,
"name": "Apertus Association",
"slug": "apertus-association",
"website_url": "",
"category": "graphics",
"contact_email": "",
"mailing_list": "",
"irc_channel": "",
"tagline": "Open Technology for Professional Film Production",
"precis": "Developing Open Technology for Professional Film Production",
"description": "The goal of the award winning apertus° project is to create free and open technology for todays professional cinema and film production landscape and make all the generated knowledge freely available. It all started with creating an open modular camera system consisting of several hardware and software parts using Elphel hardware. Now with the efforts to build the very first open digital cinema camera AXIOM from scratch the apertus° project has evolved to the next level: into a platform for film-makers, creative industry professionals, artists and enthusiasts. apertus° is more than just a software/hardware collection, it's a knowledge library, an ecosystem of people supporting each other and advocating freedom.",
"tags": [
"primary_open_source_license": "GNU General Public License version 3.0 (GPL-3.0)",
"image_url": "//",
"image_bg_color": "ffffff",
"gplus_url": "",
"twitter_url": "",
"blog_url": "",
"application_instructions": "Please provide a brief CV.\n\nIn your application please include answers to the following questions:\n\n- What interests you most about the apertus° AXIOM project?\n- As mentors and project coordinators, how can we get the best out of you?\n- Is there anything that you’ll be studying or working on whilst working alongside us?\n- Are there any techniques and tools which you use to keep yourself organized?\n\nOnce you’ve selected a project assignment from the ideas page, please include a well-defined, weekly schedule with clear milestones and deliverables around it. Alternatively, if you want to propose your own idea then please include outline, goals, and a well-defined weekly schedule with clear milestones and deliverables.\n\nPlease complete a matching mandatory qualification task on the idea page (also linked to with every idea/task on the idea page) when you apply. When applying with your own idea please check with the mentors/org admins beforehand to see which qualification task would be a good match. Applications without completed qualification task will not be considered.",
"topic_tags": [
"digital imaging",
"technology_tags": [
"proposal_tags": [
"ideas_list": "",
"contact_method": "",
"program_year": 2018
"id": 5168478307221504,
"name": "appleseedhq",
"slug": "appleseedhq",
"website_url": "",
"category": "graphics",
"contact_email": "",
"mailing_list": "!forum/appleseed-dev",
"irc_channel": "",
"tagline": "A modern open source rendering engine for animation and visual effects",
"precis": "appleseed is a modern, open source, physically-based global illumination rendering engine primarily designed for animation and visual effects.",
"description": "# Overview\n\nappleseed is an open source, physically-based global illumination rendering engine primarily designed for animation and visual effects.\n\nappleseed is actively developed since 2012 by a small, international team of talented volunteers from the animation and VFX industry. Its core mission is to provide individuals and small studios with a complete, reliable, fully open rendering package.\n\nOver the years appleseed has been used on several projects including [TV documentaries](, ads, promotional videos and [an animation short](\n\n# Features\n\nappleseed implements a modern workflow based on path tracing that enables artifact-free, single pass rendering with very little technical tuning. It is simultaneously capable of strictly unbiased rendering when total accuracy matters, and biased rendering when artistic freedom and shorter rendering time are paramount.\n\nappleseed supports fully programmable shading via [Sony Pictures Imageworks' Open Shading Language](, RGB and spectral rendering, fast and robust transformation and deformation motion blur, state-of-the-art ray traced subsurface scattering, exhaustive Python and C++ APIs and many other production-oriented features.\n\nAlong with the core renderer, the team is actively developing high quality integrations into Autodesk Maya, Autodesk 3ds Max and Blender. appleseed is also the default rendering engine of [Image Engine’s Gaffer](",
"tags": [
"primary_open_source_license": "MIT license (MIT)",
"image_url": "//",
"image_bg_color": null,
"gplus_url": null,
"twitter_url": "",
"blog_url": null,
"application_instructions": "# Skills\n\nappleseed is a large project that spans a variety of disciplines such as graphics and system programming, user interface design or applied physics. You can make meaningful contributions without being a rendering expert.\n\nHowever, appleseed and related applications are all written primarily in portable C++, consequently fluency with C++ is a requirement for all projects.\n\n# How to apply\n\n1. Join [Slack]( Feel free to choose any nickname but **please fill in your real first and last names**.\n2. **Join the #gsoc-general channel and introduce yourself**. Tell us about projects you have been working on in your spare (if any), your past involvement with open source communities (if any), why you chose appleseed, and the project(s) you are interested in.\n3. **You will also need to build appleseed on your machine**. Please follow the [build instructions]( Please reach out on Slack in #help if you need help.\n3. Finally, **you will need to submit a small patch** to appleseed or choose and complete a small development task from our [issue tracker](, preferably one tagged as _Good First Issue_. Please reach out on #help or #gsoc-general if you need help to find the right task. The goal is to get a feeling for how collaboration would work between you and the rest of the team.\n\n# Community\n\nSince participating in an open source project is all about engagement with the community, we will value curious and highly motivated students.\n\nOur community is a safe, welcoming place to **everyone**. Please be respectful and relaxed :)",
"topic_tags": [
"high performance"
"technology_tags": [
"proposal_tags": [
"ideas_list": "",
"contact_method": "",
"program_year": 2018
"id": 4990008943968256,
"name": "ArduPilot",
"slug": "ardupilot",
"website_url": "",
"category": "end_user_applications",
"contact_email": "",
"mailing_list": "",
"irc_channel": "",
"tagline": "The worlds most advanced open source autopilot",
"precis": "ArduPilot is the most widely used and advanced open source autopilot software available. Fast and flexible, it supports multicopters, plane, cars, submarines and more!",
"description": "The worlds most advanced open source autopilot\n=======================================\n\nArduPilot is the most advanced, full-featured and reliable open source autopilot software available. It is the only autopilot software capable of controlling any vehicle system imaginable, from conventional airplanes, multirotors, and helicopters, to rovers and boats and even submarines. Most recently it has been expanded to support new emerging vehicle types including quad-planes, compound helicopters, tilt-rotors and tilt wings VTOLs.\n\nArduPilot runs natively on a wide variety of hardware platforms from the very popular Pixhawk flight controller (32bit ARM) to the advanced Intel Aero linux flight controller (see full list here:\n\nThe ArduPilot team is lead by an experienced group of passionate and world class developers from all over the world with expertise in Extended Kalman Filters, control theory, embedded programming, Linux and much more.\n\nA welcoming and friendly group of developers that is happy to share their knowledge with you but also with too many interesting projects to complete on their own. An engaged group of partner companies provides the hardware and financial support for the group. They could use your help!",
"tags": [
"primary_open_source_license": "GNU General Public License version 3.0 (GPL-3.0)",
"image_url": "//",
"image_bg_color": "ffffff",
"gplus_url": null,
"twitter_url": "",
"blog_url": "",
"application_instructions": "First we strongly encourage you to thoroughly read the [GSOC’s student manual](, to become familiar with all details of the program. Note that the student manual also includes general information and tips related to open source “culture”, links to additional resources, and examples of typical proposals.\n\nNext you should start to become familiar with Ardupilot as a developer, if you are not already. Read through the [developer section]( of the [wiki](, browse through [“Learning the code base”](, and take a look at the [code repository]( hosted on github.\n\nRead through the suggested list of [proposed GSOC projects]( Note that these projects are only suggested, and we are all ears should you have your own ideas for a project.\n\nThen engage with the Ardupilot community. There are several ways you can do this:\n\n* Through our chat [GSOC gitter channel](\n* Through our Google Group [mailing list](!forum/ardupilot-gsoc). (You will need to first request membership there; Shortly thereafter you will be able to send mail or post.)\n* Through our [discussion forum]( As with the mailing list you can start a topic introducing yourself, your background and ideas to participate for further discussion.\nAlso feel free to join our [mumble server]( to discuss projects, once you have a good idea of what you would like to work on.",
"topic_tags": [
"embedded systems",
"real-time os",
"technology_tags": [
"proposal_tags": [
"video transmision",
"iot integration",
"dev env and simulation",
"ground control stations",
"ideas_list": "",
"contact_method": "",
"program_year": 2018
"id": 5740586020110336,
"name": " Foundation",
"slug": "beagleboardorg-foundation",
"website_url": "",
"category": "languages",
"contact_email": "",
"mailing_list": "",
"irc_channel": "",
"tagline": "Open hardware and software for physical computing",
"precis": "Open source community of experienced hackers, hobbyists and engineers enthusiastic about building powerful, systems completely programmable through your browser",
"description": " is an open source community of experienced hackers, hobbyists and engineers who are enthusiastic about building powerful, open ARM-based systems completely programmable through your web browser.’s vision is to improve access to small, low-power computing platforms that can be embedded into new creations using easy to use development tools, such as its self-hosted, web-based IDE. The hardware designs of all Beagle boards are open source with all schematics, bills-of-materials, layouts, etc. shared for building other devices. The software is also open source and is generated by the community. Compiler tools are free and the boards are available at a low cost.\n\nBoards will be provided for free to any student participating in a GSoC project.",
"tags": [
"primary_open_source_license": "GNU General Public License version 2.0 (GPL-2.0)",
"image_url": "//",
"image_bg_color": "f1f1f1",
"gplus_url": "",
"twitter_url": "",
"blog_url": "",
"application_instructions": "Please follow the instructions on to sign up on the mailing list.\n\nAbout you\n========\n1. What is your name, e-mail address and usernames on Freenode IRC, eLinux wiki and Github? (required)\n2. What is the name of your school and in what country? (required)\n3. What is your primary language and work hours? (We have mentors who speak multiple languages and in various time zones and can match you partially based on that.)\n4. Have you participated in an open-source project before? If so, please send us URLs. If not, why do you want to?\n\nAbout your project\n===============\n1. What is the name of your proposed project?\n2. In 10-20 sentences, what are you making, for whom, why and with what technologies (programming languages, etc.)? (We are looking for open source SOFTWARE submissions.)\n3. Provide a development timeline with a milestone each of the 11 weeks. (A realistic timeline is critical to our selection process.)\n4. In 5-15 sentences, convince us you will be able to successfully complete your project in the timeline you have described.\n5. If successfully completed, what will its impact be on the community? Include quotes from community members who can be found on and\n6. What will you do if you get stuck on your project and your mentor isn’t around?\n\nMisc\n====\n1. Please complete the requirements listed on the ideas page. (\n2. Is there anything else we should have asked you?",
"topic_tags": [
"technology_tags": [
"physical computing",
"proposal_tags": [
"ideas_list": "",
"contact_method": "",
"program_year": 2018
"id": 6486585449644032,
"name": "Beam Community",
"slug": "beam-community",
"website_url": "",
"category": "languages",
"contact_email": "",
"mailing_list": "",
"irc_channel": "",
"tagline": "From distributed systems, to robust servers and language design on the Erlang VM",
"precis": "The BEAM Community is a group of projects that run on the Erlang VM. Our goal is to host relevant projects in the Erlang and Elixir communities.",
"description": "The BEAM Community is a group of OSS projects that run on the Erlang VM. Our goal is to host relevant projects in the Erlang community, making it easy for those projects to participate in the Google Summer of Code and for interested students to pick their best choice. The Erlang VM was originally designed by Ericsson to support distributed, fault-tolerant, soft-real-time, non-stop applications.\n\nMany companies around the world like Amazon, Heroku and Activision use the Erlang VM in their stack and open source projects like ejabberd, Riak, Phoenix, CouchDB, Zotonic, Nerves project and many more are built on top of it. Our currently hosted projects include the Elixir programming language, BarrelDB, a distributed database, LASP, a language for Distributed Eventually consistent computations, and ejabberd, a robust XMPP server used largely around the world and others. This gives students a wide range of choices, that goes from working on distributed systems, to maintaining robust servers and language design.",
"tags": [
"primary_open_source_license": "Apache License 2.0 (Apache-2.0)",
"image_url": "//",
"image_bg_color": "3567b4",
"gplus_url": null,
"twitter_url": null,
"blog_url": null,
"application_instructions": "Now is a great time to get started! Go over our Projects / Ideas list and pick the projects and ideas that interest you the most! Also, subscribe to our mailing list and join us at #beam-community on\n\nStudents should pick their projects and submit proposals from 12th to 27th March 2018. We recommend students to work closely with mentors in order to craft the best proposals. Our mailing list is the best place to ask questions and get more details about our projects!",
"topic_tags": [
"distributed computing",
"real time",
"distributed databases",
"instant messaging"
"technology_tags": [
"proposal_tags": [
"ideas_list": "",
"contact_method": "",
"program_year": 2018
"id": 6487024761044992,
"name": "BeeWare Project",
"slug": "beeware-project",
"website_url": "",
"category": "languages",
"contact_email": "",
"mailing_list": null,
"irc_channel": "",
"tagline": "Tools for cross-platform Python application development.",
"precis": "Want to write an app in Python for your laptop, phone, tablet, set top box, or watch? BeeWare has all the tools you'll need.",
"description": "Python has proven itself as a highly capable language - approachable for newcomers, but powerful in the hands of experts. The BeeWare Project aims to take the power of Python as a language, and use it to enable users of all skill levels to develop applications with native user interfaces; to do for mobile and desktop user-facing software the same thing that [Django]( has done for web software. This means giving users a set of tools and libraries that enables them to develop rich, native user interfaces, and deploy them to their devices, including:\n\n* Tools to enable Python to run on different devices,\n* Tools to package a Python project so it can run on those devices,\n* Libraries to access the native capabilities of devices,\n* Tools to help develop, debug, and deploy these projects.\n\n# Python native\nIf Python isn't available as a first-class option on a platform, we'll do whatever is necessary to make Python available as a development language. And when we have the opportunity to embrace Python idiom for an API or a design, we're going to do just that. \n\n# Platform native\nIt's easy to use themes to achieve cross-platform. However, it's easy to spot apps that have been built using themes - they're the ones that don't behave quite like any other app. BeeWare uses native widgets and native functionality, rather than using a theme-based approach to application development. We also distribute our tools and libraries using platform-native distribution channels, such as app stores.\n\n# More than just code\nWe're not just about software, though. We also aim to be a project with a social conscience. We aim to develop and maintain a diverse and inclusive community, and we have a Code of Conduct that is rigorously enforced. We also aspire to develop a healthy and sustainable community - one that is aware of mental health issues of its participants, and provides the resources for people to start engaging, and continue to engage with the community.",
"tags": [
"primary_open_source_license": "BSD 3-Clause \"New\" or \"Revised\" License (BSD-3-Clause)",
"image_url": "//",
"image_bg_color": null,
"gplus_url": null,
"twitter_url": "",
"blog_url": "",
"application_instructions": "To begin the application process, fill in [this form](, providing your resume, and an essay, **no more than 1 page in length**, that covers the following three points:\n\n* Tell your story. In particular, what led you to your current area of study?\n* Why are you applying to the GSoC? In particular, why are you applying to the BeeWare Project?\n* If you could build any cross-platform application (mobile, desktop or both) - what would you build?\n\nWe will blind review these initial applications to develop a short list of interesting applicants. We will invite those on the shortlist to complete a video interview. We will invite some interviewees to complete a short project, and develop a full project proposal. We will assess the process of working with you on this small project, and the quality of your project proposal, and use that as the basis for our slot request to the GSoC program.\n\nIt will be in your interest to start this application process early. If you submit your initial application hours before the GSoC application deadline, we won't have enough time to evaluate you fully.",
"topic_tags": [
"cross desktop",
"app development"
"technology_tags": [
" java"
"proposal_tags": [
"ideas_list": "",
"contact_method": "",
"program_year": 2018
"id": 6406592908492800,
"name": "Berkman Klein Center for Internet & Society at Harvard University",
"slug": "berkman-klein-center-for-internet-and-society-at-harvard-university",
"website_url": "",
"category": "other",
"contact_email": "",
"mailing_list": "",
"irc_channel": "",
"tagline": "Exploring cyberspace, sharing in its study, and helping pioneer its development.",
"precis": "The Berkman Klein Center's mission is to explore & understand cyberspace; study its development, dynamics, norms, standards; to assess the need or lack thereof for laws & sanctions",
"description": "The Berkman Klein Center for Internet & Society at Harvard University was founded to explore cyberspace, share in its study, and help pioneer its development. We represent a network of faculty, students, fellows, entrepreneurs, lawyers, and virtual architects working to identify and engage with the challenges and opportunities of cyberspace.\n\nWe investigate the real and possible boundaries in cyberspace between open and closed systems of code, of commerce, of governance, and of education, and the relationship of law to each. We do this through active rather than passive research, believing that the best way to understand cyberspace is to actually build out into it.\n\nOur faculty, fellows, students, and affiliates engage with a wide spectrum of Net issues, including governance, privacy, intellectual property, antitrust, content control, and electronic commerce. Our diverse research interests cohere in a common understanding of the Internet as a social and political space where constraints upon inhabitants are determined not only through the traditional application of law, but, more subtly, through technical architecture (\"code\").\n\nAs part of our active research mission, we build, use, and freely share open software platforms for free online lectures and discussions. We also sponsor gatherings, ranging from informal lunches to international conferences, that bring together members of our diverse network of participants to swap insights – and sometimes barbs – as they stake out their respective visions for what the Net can become. We also teach, seeking out online and global opportunities, as well as supporting the traditional Harvard Law School curriculum, often in conjunction with other Harvard schools and MIT.\n\nRead more about the Berkman Klein Center at our homepage.",
"tags": [
"primary_open_source_license": "GNU General Public License version 2.0 (GPL-2.0)",
"image_url": "//",
"image_bg_color": null,
"gplus_url": null,
"twitter_url": "",
"blog_url": "",
"application_instructions": "1) Please visit our project menu found at Here you will find our current list of projects in GSoC 2018. \n\n2) Review each project and spend some time getting familiar with it. (try setting up a dev version?)\n\n4) Engage with our community through one of the preferred methods of communications listed at\n\n# Application template #\nOur application template can also be found at\n* Contact Information\n* Name\n* Country\n* School and degree\n* Email\n* Phone\n* Interested Berkman Klein project(s)\n* Which method of communication do you prefer? (i.e. in-person, email, chat, video conference, etc.)\n \n## About You ##\n1. If you have a link to a resume/CV/LinkedIn profile, include it here.\n2. Please describe yourself, including your development background and specific expertise.\n3. What do you hope to gain through the process of participating in GSoC, and specifically by contributing to a Berkman Klein project?\n4. Why you are interested in the Berkman coding project(s) you stated above?\n5. Have you reviewed the Important Dates and Times for GSoC 2018?\n6. Do you have any significant conflicts with the listed schedule? If so, please list them here.\n7. Do you understand this is a serious commitment, equivalent to a full-time paid summer internship or summer job?\n8. We strongly prefer students that provide code samples, ideally in a \"social coding\" site like GitHub. Please provide a link to code you've written.",
"topic_tags": [
" web",
" research",
"internet freedom",
"internet censorship"
"technology_tags": [
"ruby on rails",
"proposal_tags": [
"question tool",
"internet monitor",
"ideas_list": "",
"contact_method": "",
"program_year": 2018
"id": 4824370443190272,
"name": "Blender Foundation",
"slug": "blender-foundation",
"website_url": "",
"category": "graphics",
"contact_email": "",
"mailing_list": "",
"irc_channel": "",
"tagline": "We build a free and open source 3D creation suite.",
"precis": "Blender is the free/open source 3D creation software for everyone, providing individuals and small teams a complete pipeline for 3D graphics, modeling, animation and games.",
"description": "Blender is the free/open source 3D creation software for everyone, providing individuals and small teams a complete pipeline for 3D graphics, modeling, animation and games.\n\nBlender is being made by 100s of active volunteers from all around the world; by studios and individual artists, professionals and hobbyists, scientists and students, vfx experts and animators, and so on.\n\nAll of them are united by an interest to have access to a fully free/open source 3D creation pipeline. Blender Foundation supports and facilitates these goals - even employs a small staff for that - but fully depends on the online community to achieve it.\n\nSince 2005, Blender has organized a dozen short open films and a game project, which helped Blender tremendously to get more accepted by professionals in their daily work.\n\nWe invite students to think of ways to help us with this further. If your passion is with 3D coding, creativity tools, scientific simulation, or anything related to Computer Graphics in general, feel welcome to join us!",
"tags": [
"primary_open_source_license": "GNU General Public License version 2.0 (GPL-2.0)",
"image_url": "//",
"image_bg_color": "000000",
"gplus_url": null,
"twitter_url": "",
"blog_url": "",
"application_instructions": "",
"topic_tags": [
"technology_tags": [
"proposal_tags": [
"ideas_list": "",
"contact_method": "",
"program_year": 2018
"id": 4507228564881408,
"name": "Boost C++ Libraries",
"slug": "boost-c-libraries",
"website_url": "",
"category": "languages",
"contact_email": "",
"mailing_list": "",
"irc_channel": "",
"tagline": "Boost provides free peer-reviewed portable C++ source libraries",
"precis": "Boost provides free peer­reviewed portable C++ source libraries. We emphasize libraries that work well with the C++ Standard Library.",
"description": "Boost provides free peer-reviewed portable C++ source libraries.\n\nWe emphasize libraries that work well with the C++ Standard Library. Boost libraries are intended to be widely useful, and usable across a broad spectrum of applications. The Boost license encourages both commercial and non-commercial use.\n\nWe aim to establish \"existing practice\" and provide reference implementations so that Boost libraries are suitable for eventual standardization. Ten Boost libraries are included in the C++ Standards Committee's Library Technical Report (TR1) and in the new C++11 Standard. C++11 also includes several more Boost libraries in addition to those from TR1. More Boost libraries are proposed for standardization in C++17.\n\nSince 2006 an intimate week long annual conference related to Boost called C++ Now has been held in Aspen, Colorado each May. Boost has been a participant in the annual Google Summer of Code since 2007.",
"tags": [
"primary_open_source_license": "Boost Software License (BSL-1.0)",
"image_url": "//",
"image_bg_color": "c5c5c5",
"gplus_url": "",
"twitter_url": null,
"blog_url": null,
"application_instructions": "After many extremely successful years of GSoC at Boost during, we are minded to keep in place the more rigorous candidate selection process which involves selecting every GSoC Boost candidate with a C++ programming test or provides links to at least 1,000 lines (excluding comments and whitespace) C++ library (not application nor solution) open source code. Then student shoud do the following:\n1. Review the list of ideas from previous GSoC (, the archives of the Boost mailing list ( relating to GSoC.\n2. Join the Boost mailing list and find a mentor who is an experienced Boost developer in one of the Boost libraries ( and subscribe at\n3. Read all posts tagged [gsoc18], then students should write a well researched and intelligent message with [gsoc18] at the front of the subject line to the mailing list seeking a mentor interested so that to write a GSoC proposal to be submitted to Google.\n4. Once a potential mentor and project idea is found, the student must write a project proposal which should follow this submission template\n\nPotential mentors may add precanned project ideas with programming competency tests to this page below as GSoC approaches. These may prove useful in starting a discussion with potential mentor(s) whom the student should approach directly.",
"topic_tags": [
"c++ development",
"c++ tools",
"c++ standardization",
"software engineering"
"technology_tags": [
"proposal_tags": [
"ideas_list": "",
"contact_method": "",
"program_year": 2018
"id": 4941175300030464,
"name": "Boston University / XIA",
"slug": "boston-university-xia",
"website_url": "",
"category": "cloud",
"contact_email": null,
"mailing_list": "",
"irc_channel": null,
"tagline": "Crowdsourcing the future Internet",
"precis": "Finding the successor of TCP/IP is the ultimate goal of our project. If you are a proficient C or Python programmer and our mission inspires you, join our quest.",
"description": "Finding the successor of TCP/IP is the ultimate goal of our project. To do so, we have developed a new protocol stack, XIA. To reach this destination, we are both refining our codebase and working to meet unfulfilled demands of real-world networks. For example, our current short-term goal is to develop a DDoS protection system. At the same time, we are adding state-of-the-art algorithms and data structures to increase the speed and flexibility of XIA. We hope that this iterative refinement will make XIA an enticing choice for the future of networking.\n\nThe XIA project was established in 2010 as a collaboration between Boston University (BU), Carnegie Mellon University, University of Wisconsin - Madison, and Duke University. Linux XIA, the native implementation of XIA in the Linux kernel, became a project member of Software Freedom Conservancy in 2016.\n\nPranav Goswami, one of our previous students, has summarized the growth experience that GSoC has brought to him and other of our students in the following testimonial:\n\n“Working in GSoC as a student (2015) and then as a mentor (2017) for Linux XIA has been rewarding in many aspects and, throughout this journey, I have grown a lot and learned a lot. Starting out as a student, I was guided very proficiently by Michel, Qiaobin, John, and Cody throughout the program. This, in turn, boosted my confidence and improved my communication as well as coding standard. It also gave me in-depth knowledge about the kernel development and using present technologies to build future ideas. Linux XIA gives ample opportunities to improve and take charge in the process. After successfully completing the program the team trusted me to take a more challenging role as a mentor. Their belief motivated me to work harder and deliver more to my mentees. This experience has helped me develop my overall profile. As a GSoC organization, I couldn't have asked for more. Thank you, XIA team!”",
"tags": [
"primary_open_source_license": "GNU General Public License version 2.0 (GPL-2.0)",
"image_url": "//",
"image_bg_color": null,
"gplus_url": null,
"twitter_url": null,
"blog_url": null,
"application_instructions": "We have centralized the links to resources, an example proposal, proposals accepted in previous years, and advice to help students to prepare their applications for our organization on the following page of our wiki: [GSoC proposal advice]( \"GSoC proposal advice\").",
"topic_tags": [
"computer networking",
"future internet architecture",
"technology_tags": [
"linux kernel",
"advanced data structures",
" ddos"
"proposal_tags": [
"userland nwp",
"xip tool",
"u6id principal",
"gt-gk channel",
"xia mininet",
"gatekeeper blackholing",
"ideas_list": "",
"contact_method": "",
"program_year": 2018
"id": 5240726938451968,
"name": "BRL-CAD",
"slug": "brl-cad",
"website_url": "",
"category": "graphics",
"contact_email": "",
"mailing_list": "",
"irc_channel": "",
"tagline": "Solid modeling, 3D printing, comp. graphics, & other computer-aided tech (CAx)!",
"precis": "BRL-CAD is partnered with several computer-aided technologies (CAx) including LibreCAD, OpenSCAD, STEPcode, LinuxCNC, FreeCAD, & Slic3r. We do graphics, geometry, CAD, & more.",
"description": "This is the place for computer graphics, 2D and 3D geometry, solid modeling, CAx (CAD/CAM/CAE/etc), visualization, and high-performance computing!\n\nBRL-CAD is participating as an umbrella organization with several other open source computer-aided technologies (CAx) including:\n\n* BRL-CAD is a solid modeling system for 3D geometry, ray tracing, and geometric analysis.\n* LibreCAD is a 2D modeling system specializing in blueprint-style drawings and draftings.\n* STEPcode is a geometry file parser generator for the CAx data exchange ISO standard.\n* OpenSCAD is a solid 3D modeler with a rich syntax for programmable geometry.\n* LinuxCNC provides computer control of milling machines, lathes, 3d printers, robots, and more.\n* FreeCAD provides parametric 3D modeling with engineering functionality like FEM and CAM.\n* Slic3r is a 3D model processor for generating printing instructions for 3D printers.\n\nWe are part of a large open source community that makes tools to help you make and analyze things. CAx software is fundamentally different from content modeling software such as Blender, Maya, and 3D Studio used for making movies and pretty pictures. CAx software like AutoCAD, Pro/Engineer, CATIA, and BRL-CAD are for everything else. Our primary development focus areas include:\n\n* CAD (design),\n* CAM (manufacturing),\n* CAE (engineering),\n* solid modeling (analysis), and\n* computer graphics (visualization).",
"tags": [
"primary_open_source_license": "Apache License 2.0 (Apache-2.0)",
"image_url": "//",
"image_bg_color": null,
"gplus_url": null,
"twitter_url": "",
"blog_url": "",
"application_instructions": "We make it really simple for you.\n\n[GET STARTED HERE](!",
"topic_tags": [
"graphics user interface",
"software visualization"
"technology_tags": [
"proposal_tags": [
"ideas_list": "",
"contact_method": "",
"program_year": 2018
"id": 5712679537213440,
"name": "Canadian Centre for Computational Genomics",
"slug": "canadian-centre-for-computational-genomics",
"website_url": "",
"category": "science_and_medicine",
"contact_email": "",
"mailing_list": "",
"irc_channel": null,
"tagline": "Analytical solutions for Next-Generation Sequencing data",
"precis": "The Canadian Centre for Computational Genomics provides bioinformatics analysis and High Performance Computing services for the life science research community",
"description": "The Montreal [C3G]( node is hosted at the McGill University and Genome Quebec Innovation Center (MUGQIC).\nThe Montreal node is strongly involved with [GenAP]( and has developed several genomic data analysis pipelines.\nSince 2011, we have completed more than 400 bioinformatics analysis projects with over 290 distinct groups of researchers across Canada.\nOur teams have significant experience in personalized medicine applications.\nThese have included genome analysis and interpretation of personal genomes,\ntechnology and services to record patient presentations, RNA- and ChIP-seq data analysis, and analysis of complete human epigenomes in both germline disorders and cancers.\nEach year C3G co-organizes several international workshops about next-generation sequencing (NGS) data analysis.\n\nThe Montreal C3G node develops the [GenAP Pipes]( which consist of Python scripts which create a list of jobs running Bash commands to analyze NGS data.\nThose scripts support dependencies between jobs and a smart restart mechanism if some jobs fail during pipeline execution.\nJob commands and parameters can be modified through several configuration files.\nWe currently maintain 7 pipelines and are in the process of developing 3 others.\n\nThe Montreal C3G node also develops other bioinformatics tools:\n \n * [BVAtools](\n * [POPsv](\n * [SCoNEs](",
"tags": [
"primary_open_source_license": "GNU General Public License version 3.0 (GPL-3.0)",
"image_url": "//",
"image_bg_color": null,
"gplus_url": null,
"twitter_url": "",
"blog_url": null,
"application_instructions": "How to apply to our projects: \n\n 1 Look for a project that needs a student on\n 2 Each project should have ?tests? students can complete to demonstrate relevant skills. After completing at least one test, please post your test results to a github/bitbucket repo, and add a link to your test results on the google group.\n 3 Send an email to the mentors of the project. Include a link to your test results, and explain why you are interested in the project.\n 4 **Do NOT submit any applications to google without getting approval from the mentors.** If the mentors judge that you are capable of the project, then they will respond and help you to write a proposal to submit to Google. It should include most of the details from the project proposal wiki page, and additionally a detailed time-line that explains your plan for writing code, documentation, and tests.\n 5 Once your mentors have proof-read your proposal, submit it to google:",
"topic_tags": [
"data science",
"next-generation sequencing",
"technology_tags": [
"proposal_tags": [
"pipeline development",
"science data",
"ideas_list": "",
"contact_method": "",
"program_year": 2018
"id": 5337329930076160,
"name": "Catrobat",
"slug": "catrobat",
"website_url": "",
"category": "languages",
"contact_email": "",
"mailing_list": "",
"irc_channel": null,
"tagline": "Computational Thinking for all through visual programming on phones",
"precis": "We want to enable especially teenagers to learn how to code and how to create their own games, animations or apps in a user-friendly framework by sticking together simple blocks.",
"description": "The Catrobat project develops useful frameworks to create games, animations, or apps easily within a short time. This set of creativity tools for smartphones, tablets, and browsers is inspired by the well-known Scratch framework by the Lifelong Kindergarten Group at the MIT Media Lab.\nThe motivation behind the project is that programming is an important cultural technique on the same level as mathematics and physics, from a practical as well as from a philosophical point of view. Our aim thus is to popularize the skills needed to program from an early age on in a fun and engaging way that will facilitate the spread of its adoption among young people all over the world.\nOur awarded Android app “Pocket Code” is currently the most famous outcome of the project. Without the need of any further devices, users have the possibility to create their first program directly on their mobile device in a “Lego-like” style with blocks in just a few steps. Pocket Code supports all common device sensors, provides special bricks for different robotic devices (Lego Mindstorms, Robotix Phiro,...) as well as for hardware devices such as the Arduino board or the Raspberry Pi, and of course offers elements of programming languages such as variables, if-statements, concurrency, etc.\nWe also work on frameworks for other OS and on making it available on browsers. That’s why developers of different fields help us to keep our products up to date to the current needs of the users. Motivated by prizes (such as the Lovie Award, the Austrian National Innovation Award or the Re-Imagine Education Award) and being featured by different programs (like Google Play for Education or our team is working on many different subprojects and extensions which will be released in the coming years. Over 500 developers already contributed to our project on different topics such as App-Development, Web-Technologies, Graphics, Usability, Internationalization, or Design.",
"tags": [
"primary_open_source_license": "GNU Affero General Public License v3 (AGPL-3.0)",
"image_url": "//",
"image_bg_color": null,
"gplus_url": "",
"twitter_url": "",
"blog_url": null,
"application_instructions": "We provide a special template for your application on Google Drive:\n\nPlease use it for your application and follow the instructions you can find in it! Thanks and we're looking forward to your application!",
"topic_tags": [
"programming language",
"app development",
"technology_tags": [
"proposal_tags": [
"new features",
"ideas_list": "",
"contact_method": "",
"program_year": 2018
"id": 6182583319134208,
"name": "CCExtractor Development",
"slug": "ccextractor-development",
"website_url": "",
"category": "graphics",
"contact_email": "",
"mailing_list": "!forum/ccextractor-dev",
"irc_channel": "",
"tagline": "Experimenting with video software and hardware, subtitles, imaging, cloud...",
"precis": "We write the de-facto standard open source tool for subtitles",
"description": "CCExtractor is originally an organization about subtitles and accessibility (our \"official\" description below). However, we're doing lots of other things that are related, including tinkering with open video hardware (JokerTV), imaging (OCR), and more. So we have projects that cover a range of interests, despite our core tool being the most amazing subtitle extractor.\n\nAnd now, the official description: Whether it's because you are learning a new language, have hearing problems or just at a loud place, subtitles are an essential part of enjoying TV and movies for a a lot of people. There's plenty of tools to manage audio/video, but when it comes to subtitles, the few tools that exist are closed source and extremely expensive. CCExtractor is the one tool that is free, portable, open source and community managed that can take a recording from a TV show and generate an external subtitle file for it. If you regularly watch content with subtitles you download from fan sites - you should know that the source file is most likely generated by CCExtractor. If you are a student in a university that uses subtitles for natural language study, you should know that most likely we are involved somehow. While we already support subtitles from North America, Europe, Australia and more, our world map is not yet complete. We are actively looking for students that want to help us fill the gaps. We also want to automate many of the processes that are currently done manually, such as achieving perfect sync, or word by word (karaoke like) sync.",
"tags": [
"primary_open_source_license": "GNU General Public License version 2.0 (GPL-2.0)",
"image_url": "//",
"image_bg_color": null,
"gplus_url": null,
"twitter_url": null,
"blog_url": null,
"application_instructions": "Your application should include (in no specific order; you can organize it as you wish) 1) Your GitHub profile and/or links to anything you've worked in the past (doesn't need to be related to what we do), 2) Links to some solved issues in CCExtractor, 3) An introduction about yourself and your motivation to work with us specifically 4) What your expectations are participating in GSoC.\n\nMake sure you join us in slack before submitting your application. We've never accepted any application, no matter how good it looked on paper, from a student we've never heard from.\n\nIf you have participated in code-in or GSoC in the past, please mention it.",
"topic_tags": [
"technology_tags": [
"proposal_tags": [
"new feature",
"my own idea"
"ideas_list": "",
"contact_method": "",
"program_year": 2018
"id": 5730466942943232,
"name": "Center for Research In Open Source Software (CROSS) at UC Santa Cruz",
"slug": "center-for-research-in-open-source-software-cross-at-uc-santa-cruz",
"website_url": "",
"category": "other",
"contact_email": "",
"mailing_list": "",
"irc_channel": null,
"tagline": "Bridging the Gap Between Student Work and Open Source Software Projects",
"precis": "CROSS at UC Santa Cruz turns OSS prototypes into successful open source software projects. Our projects are mentored by experts chosen specifically to best ensure success.",
"description": "The Center for Research In Open Source Software (CROSS) at the University of California in Santa Cruz (UCSC) aims to bridge the gap between student research and open source software projects. CROSS turns OSS prototypes into successful open source software projects. The Center was created in 2015 inspired by the story of UCSC alumni (and CROSS benefactor) Sage Weil, who turned his research prototype into a multi-million dollar company. We draw from this expertise of our affiliated experts and industry members to choose projects that will have maximum real world impact. Our projects--which typically center around the work of senior graduate students and post-docs-- are mentored and guided by a team of experts chosen specifically to best ensure success.\n\nCROSS uses a combination of teaching, networking, research and incubation of open source projects. Our industry members include Micron, Huawei, Seagate, Toshiba, and Western Digital. CROSS \ncurrently supports seven open source software projects-- three research projects and two incubator projects. \n\nThese projects currently include:\n- ZLog: Distributed Shared-log for Software-defined Storage (Research)\n- Smart Storage Devices in Genomics (Research)\n- Mantle: A Programmable Metadata Load Balancer for the Ceph File System (Research)\n- Strong Consistency in Dynamic Wireless Networks to Enable Safe and Efficient Navigation of Autonomous Vehicles (Research)\n- An Efficient C Library for Unum 2.0 (Research)\n- Skyhoook: Elastic Databases for the Cloud (Incubator) \n- The NIMBLE environment for statistical computing (Incubator)",
"tags": [
"primary_open_source_license": "GNU Library or \"Lesser\" General Public License version 2.1 (LGPL-2.1)",
"image_url": "//",
"image_bg_color": null,
"gplus_url": null,
"twitter_url": "",
"blog_url": "",
"application_instructions": "CROSS – GsoC Project Proposal Requirements: \n\nIntroduction \n- Project Title\n- Define the problem you are trying to solve\n- Provide background about the current state of the problem\n- Brief description of your solution\n\nProject goals\n- Project objectives\n- Expected deliverables\n- Future work based on project\n\nImplementation\n- Project methodology\n- Project technical elements\n- Proposed solutions\n\nProject Timeline\n- Project plan and deliverables schedule\n- Commitments outside project that might impact work\n- Areas of project you expect to be most/least challenging\n\nBiographical information\n- Relevant experience / previous work\n- Relevant education background\n- Programing interests and strengths\n- Contact information",
"topic_tags": [
"distributed networks",
"storage systems",
"big data",
"technology_tags": [
" python"
"proposal_tags": [
"hybrid systems",
"ideas_list": "",
"contact_method": "",
"program_year": 2018
"id": 5377828787322880,
"name": "CERN-HSF",
"slug": "cern-hsf",
"website_url": "",
"category": "science_and_medicine",
"contact_email": "",
"mailing_list": "",
"irc_channel": null,
"tagline": "Umbrella organization for Particle (High-energy) Physics-related projects",
"precis": "CERN-HEP Software Foundation, umbrella organization for particle physics in GSoC",
"description": "CERN-HSF (High-Energy Physics Software Foundation) is the umbrella organization for high-energy physics-related projects in GSoC. The HEP Software Foundation ( facilitates the coordination of common international efforts in high-energy physics software and computing.\n\nCERN (European Organization for Nuclear Research, has participated in GSoC since 2011 as the CERN-SFT group, which provides common software for CERN's experiments. In 2017, the program expanded to include many software projects from the whole field of high-energy physics. The vast majority of our GSoC projects do not require any physics knowledge.\n\nThe experiments at CERN, such as the Large Hadron Collider, the world’s largest and most powerful particle accelerator ( try to answer fundamental questions about the Universe. For example, what is the nature of mass? What are the elementary building blocks of the Universe? What was the early Universe like? What is the nature of dark matter and dark energy? Why is there an asymmetry between matter and antimatter? In 2012, LHC experiments announced the discovery of a new particle, the Higgs Boson, that helps explain how particles obtain mass. Also, CERN is the birthplace of the World Wide Web. Today, particle physicists are working on analyzing the data from the experiments to study the properties of the newly discovered particle and to search for new physics, such as dark matter or extra dimensions. This requires a lot of sophisticated software.\n\nThe open-source high-energy physics projects to which students can contribute during GSoC span many high-energy physics software projects: data analysis, detector and accelerator simulation, event reconstruction, data management and many others. We look forward to your contributions!",
"tags": [
"primary_open_source_license": "GNU Library or \"Lesser\" General Public License version 2.1 (LGPL-2.1)",
"image_url": "//",
"image_bg_color": null,
"gplus_url": null,
"twitter_url": null,
"blog_url": null,
"application_instructions": "In order to apply to CERN-HSF, please visit the following website:\n\nThere you will find a list of proposals for each project, their description and the contact information of their mentors. To see a list of all the project proposals sorted in alphabetical order, please visit:\n\nOnce you have chosen one or more proposals that you like, please contact the corresponding mentors and they will guide you through the next steps.\nMentors will typically ask you to complete a technical test to evaluate if you have the skills required for the project. Please note that the vast majority of our GSoC projects do not require any physics knowledge; in case of doubt, ask the mentors.\nIf you do well in the tests, mentors will usually ask you to write a description for your project and help you with the submission.",
"topic_tags": [
"particle physics",
"high-energy physics",
"big data",
"machine learning"
"technology_tags": [
"data analysis",
"machine learning",
"proposal_tags": [
"ideas_list": "",
"contact_method": "",
"program_year": 2018
"id": 6121660483108864,
"name": "CGAL Project",
"slug": "cgal-project",
"website_url": "",
"category": "science_and_medicine",
"contact_email": "",
"mailing_list": "",
"irc_channel": null,
"tagline": "C++ library of computational geometry and geometry processing",
"precis": "CGAL is a software project that provides easy access to efficient and reliable geometric algorithms in the form of a C++ library.",
"description": "CGAL is a software library that offers a number of reliable geometric data structures and algorithms. CGAL components operate in 2D and 3D, and sometime in arbitrary dimensions. Examples of components include convex hulls, convex decomposition, Delaunay triangulations, Voronoi diagrams, polygonal surface mesh data-structures, mesh generation, Boolean operations, envelope computations, intersection detection, surface reconstruction, and subdivision surfaces.\n\nCGAL is used in a variety of application domains such as CAD/CAM (computer aided design and modeling), GIS (geographic information systems), geophysics, image processing, molecular biology, robotics, motion planning, and graphics.\n\nCGAL is written in C++ and rigorously adheres to the generic-programming paradigm.\n\nCGAL became an Open Source project in 2003. Most of CGAL is under the GPL v3+ license, and some core parts are under the LGPL v3+. The semi-annual releases have currently about 10,000 downloads. CGAL is commercially supported by the spin-off company GeometryFactory.",
"tags": [
"primary_open_source_license": "GNU General Public License version 3.0 (GPL-3.0)",
"image_url": "//",
"image_bg_color": null,
"gplus_url": "",
"twitter_url": null,
"blog_url": null,
"application_instructions": "Select a project in the list and provide your personal and detailed description. If you wish to work on another idea of your own, we are pretty open as long as this serves the goal of consolidating CGAL as a whole. Provide a proposal of a technical solution with your envisioned methodology. The more detailed the better. Explain how the solution will be available to the user, in which form. Do not forget the documentation, unitary tests and cross-platform aspects. Provide a realistic schedule with objectives (one every two weeks for example) and deadlines. Focus on mid-term objectives as well as on the final evaluation.\n\n\nPersonal data:\n - First name, last name, affiliation and geographical location.\n - A brief list of the main studies and programming courses attended, with ranking. \n - List of the most important software projects contributed and success.\n - Which are your best skills in terms of programming and scientific computing?\n - In general what is your taste in terms of programming? language, methodology, team work, etc.\n - Is there anything that prevents you from working full time on the project during the program period?\n - How do you see your involvement after the program ends? Do you see yourself pushing the project further, or do you see yourself contributing to other CGAL projects?\n - Are you more interested in the theory/scientific aspect of CGAL, or do you feel more like a hacker?\n - What are your long-term wishes in terms of job?",
"topic_tags": [
"computational geometry",
"mesh processing",
"technology_tags": [
"proposal_tags": [
"mesh processing",
"barycentric coordinates",
"point set processing",
"ideas_list": "",
"contact_method": "",
"program_year": 2018
"id": 4899228015394816,
"name": "CHAOSS: Community Health Analytics Open Source Software",
"slug": "community-health-analytics-open-source-software-chaoss",
"website_url": "",
"category": "end_user_applications",
"contact_email": "",
"mailing_list": "",
"irc_channel": "",
"tagline": "Advacing open source project health and sustainability",
"precis": "CHAOSS is for exploring metrics to make the health and sustainability of open source projects visible",
"description": "Understanding health and sustainability is of increasing importance as people and organizations rely on open source projects in their daily work. The CHAOSS project is specifically aimed at producing integrated, open source software for analyzing software development, and definition of standards and models used in that software in specific use cases; establishing implementation-agnostic metrics for measuring community activity, contributions, and health; and producing standardized metric exchange formats, detailed use cases, models, or recommendations to analyze specific issues in the industry/OSS world.",
"tags": [
"primary_open_source_license": "GNU General Public License version 2.0 (GPL-2.0)",
"image_url": "//",
"image_bg_color": "FFFFFF",
"gplus_url": null,
"twitter_url": null,
"blog_url": null,
"application_instructions": "Students will submit their applications to the CHAOSS metrics mail list. In their application they will identify the specific project they are interested in, include a current resume, as well as statement of interest for participating in the Google Summer of Code.",
"topic_tags": [
"data visualization",
"machine learning"
"technology_tags": [
"python 3",
" javascript"
"proposal_tags": [
"open source health and sustainability",
"oss health and sustainability metrics",
"oss health and sustainabilty analytics",
"oss health and sustainability reporting",
"deep learning"
"ideas_list": "",
"contact_method": "",
"program_year": 2018
"id": 4797379929178112,
"name": "Checker Framework",
"slug": "checker-framework",
"website_url": "",
"category": "languages",
"contact_email": null,
"mailing_list": "!forum/checker-framework-gsoc",
"irc_channel": null,
"tagline": "Preventing programming errors before they happen, via easy-to-use verification",
"precis": "We build tools for programmers, to prevent run-time errors at compile time. These aren't just bug-finding tools. Our tools give a guarantee, but are easy to use.",
"description": "We are a group of developers who are passionate about code quality. We have built an innovative lightweight verification tool called the [Checker Framework](\n\nThe Checker Framework helps you prevent bugs at development time, before they escape to production. It is based on the idea of _pluggable type-checking_. Pluggable type-checking replaces a programming language's built-in type system with a more powerful, expressive one.\n\nJava's type system prevents some bugs, such as `int count = \"hello\";`. However, it does not prevent other bugs, such as null pointer dereferences, concurrency errors, disclosure of private information, incorrect internationalization, out-of-bounds indices, etc.\n\nThe Checker Framework enables you to create a more powerful type system and use it in place of Java's. The more powerful type system is not just a bug-finding tool: it is a verification tool that gives a guarantee that no errors (of certain types) exist in your program. Even though it is powerful, it is easy to use. It follows the standard typing rules that programmers already know, and it fits into their workflow. We have created around 20 [new type systems](, and other people have created [many more](\n\nThe Checker Framework is popular: it is successfully used on hundreds of projects at Google, Amazon, Uber, on Wall Street, and in other companies from big to small. It it attractive to programmers who care about their craft and the quality of their code. The Checker Framework is the motivation for Java's type annotations feature. Talks on it have received multiple awards at conferences such as JavaOne. With this widespread use, there is a need for people to help with the project: everything from bug fixes, to new features, to case studies, to IDE integration. We welcome your contribution!\n\nPlease see our [ideas list]( for [how to get started](",
"tags": [
"primary_open_source_license": "GNU General Public License version 2.0 (GPL-2.0)",
"image_url": "//",
"image_bg_color": null,
"gplus_url": null,
"twitter_url": null,
"blog_url": null,
"application_instructions": "We welcome your participation. Please see our [ideas list](, which tells you [how to get started](, [how to apply](, and how to be successful.",
"topic_tags": [
"programmer productivity",
"software engineering",
"bug finding"
"technology_tags": [
"proposal_tags": [
"new type system",
"case study",
"supporting tool",
"ui or build system support",
"ideas_list": "",
"contact_method": "!forum/checker-framework-gsoc",
"program_year": 2018
"id": 6614452464517120,
"name": "CiviCRM LLC",
"slug": "civicrm-llc",
"website_url": "",
"category": "end_user_applications",
"contact_email": "",
"mailing_list": "",
"irc_channel": "",
"tagline": "Build, engage and organize your constituents",
"precis": "Estabished in 2005, CiviCRM is the leading open source CRM for nonprofits worldwide",
"description": "CiviCRM is an open source CRM built by a community of contributors and supporters, and coordinated by the Core Team. CiviCRM is web-based software used by a diverse range of organisations, particularly not-for-profit organizations (nonprofits and civic sector organizations). CiviCRM offers a complete feature set out of the box and can integrate with your website.\n\nCiviCRM is created and used by a global community of tens of thousands of individuals and organisations. Our vision is that 'all organisations – regardless of their size, budget, or focus – have access to an amazing CRM to engage their contacts and achieve their missions'. Our roadmap outlines the shorter term goals we are implementing to acheive our vision.\n\nAt the center of our community is a Core Team of staff that are employed to co-ordinate and provide leadership for the project, and to serve our users and service providers. Many of the organisations involved with CiviCRM choose to become members and partners with us. By doing so they help to secure our financial stability and their investment in CiviCRM - you can join them.\n\nThere are many different ways to get involved with CiviCRM. Our community guidelines aim to help people to get involved with our community, understand how we work together, and what we expect of each other.\n\nCiviCRM is released under the GNU Affero General Public License version 3 (GNU AGPL v3).",
"tags": [
"primary_open_source_license": "Affero GNU Public License",
"image_url": "//",
"image_bg_color": "fff",
"gplus_url": "",
"twitter_url": "",
"blog_url": "",
"application_instructions": "Check out the preliminary list of project ideas at and a longer list at \n\nFeel free to try out the demo software at\n\nMost importantly, come to the GSoC channel as early as possible on our community chat space You'll need to register an account first at Indicate you're interested in an existing project idea or that you have one of your own, or even that you just are interested in CiviCRM but none of the projects are quite right. \n\nPeople in the channel will help you create a good match between your interests and what would be a do-able project. This process will normally be a back and forth, with a project getting refined and changed from the original idea. We want to help you create as good a proposal as possible! \n\nWe may reach out into the community to find experts in the area of your interest, or user organizations with an interest in your proposal. At some point we'll likely have you setup a gitlab account ( and create an issue that will be a space where the project will be defined in more detail (see Then you'll submit the formal proposal to GSoC. \n\nStart early!",
"topic_tags": [
"civil society",
"contacts&calendar sync"
"technology_tags": [
"proposal_tags": [
"new feature",
"new extension",
"test improvements"
"ideas_list": "",
"contact_method": "",
"program_year": 2018
"id": 4928035770335232,
"name": "Classical Language Toolkit",
"slug": "classical-language-toolkit",
"website_url": "",
"category": "other",
"contact_email": "",
"mailing_list": "!forum/classical-language-toolkit",
"irc_channel": "",
"tagline": "NLP for the Ancient World",
"precis": "The Classical Language Toolkit brings state-of-the-art natural language processing to the languages and literatures of the ancient world.",
"description": "We develop the Classical Language Toolkit (CLTK) because we believe it is revolutionizing the study of the ancient world. It is doing so by removing barriers to entry for those doing natural language processing (NLP) in Classical languages (namely, the surviving literature of the entirety of Eurasia and north Africa, from roughly 3000 B.C. to A.D. 1500).\n\nDue to how academic disciplines have evolved over the past 200 years, our earliest civilizations are often studied in isolation from one another. This is tragic, for today we know that the ancient world – from Rome to Mesopotamia to India to China – consisted of deeply interconnected networks of ideas, technologies, art, and beliefs. As a framework for multidisciplinary research, the CLTK will help scholars discover the commonalities of what were once thought disparate cultures.\n\nAs software, the CLTK is a suite of NLP tools suited to the special needs of ancient languages. We have have three goals: The most basic is to offer low-level libraries for doing NLP in particular Classical languages (e.g., Ancient Greek, Sanskrit). Developed with an extensible architecture, our code is easily hacked to support new languages. Second, the CLTK offers tools for students and scholars to do reproducible scientific research. For instance, it has version-controlled linguistic corpora and a suite of functions for stylometrics. Third, it is a framework for multidisciplinary language research. With pre-trained models (such as Word2Vec for vector space models), we provide easy-to-use tools to capture the transmission and evolution of knowledge, from the earliest human societies to the dawn of the modern era.",
"tags": [
"primary_open_source_license": "MIT license (MIT)",
"image_url": "//",
"image_bg_color": null,
"gplus_url": null,
"twitter_url": "",
"blog_url": "",
"application_instructions": "See our [Project ideas page]( for a list of tasks that are suited to three months' work for a beginning-to-intermediate programmer. Most work needs to be written in Python or JavaScript, of which an intermediate-level knowledge is expected. For all projects, we ask that you carefully read and follow the our [GSoC proposal template](\n\nFor a project focused on a Classical language, it is a requirement that you have an intermediate-level knowledge of that language. If you do not know much about NLP, that is fine, the mentors can work with you on this. If you know a Classical language that is not yet supported well by the CLTK (e.g., Hebrew, Sanskrit, Tibetan, Chinese), you may follow the pattern set by the current Greek and Latin libraries. See [the docs]( for an idea of what functionalities we have for various languages. \n\nFor those not familiar with an ancient language, we would like to see a web project that builds off the work (both in JavaScript) of two previous GSoC students. In 2016, a text reading environment was created. In 2017, a text-serving backend and annotation framework, both specifically build to handle the diverse conventions of pre-modern texts, were added to this reading environment. For 2018, we would like to see the work of the previous summers turned into fully abstracted and added as libraries into the npm registry. See the Project ideas page for full technical details.\n\nIf you are unsure of how to contribute, please reach out to us on Gitter or Google Groups.",
"topic_tags": [
"natural language processing",
" web"
"technology_tags": [
" python",
" javascript"
"proposal_tags": [
"new language"
"ideas_list": "",
"contact_method": "",
"program_year": 2018
"id": 4798950528253952,
"name": "CLiPS, University of Antwerp",
"slug": "comput",
"website_url": "",
"category": "data_and_databases",
"contact_email": "",
"mailing_list": null,
"irc_channel": "",
"tagline": "Computational (Psycho)Linguistics",
"precis": "The Computational Linguistics & Psycholinguistics Research Group of the University of Antwerp develops automatic text analysis systems that are accurate, efficient and robust.",
"description": "The Computational Linguistics & Psycholinguistics Research Group of the University of Antwerp (CLiPS, focuses on applications of statistical and machine learning methods, trained on corpus data, to explain human language acquisition and processing data, and to develop automatic text analysis systems that are accurate, efficient, and robust enough to be used in practical applications.\n\nThere are 3 subgroups to CLiPS: (1) the sociolinguistics group studies language variation in different demographic groups. The (2) psycholinguistics group studies the effect of cochlear implantation on child language acquisition. This description focuses on (3) the computational linguistics group.\n\nCurrent research at CLiPS' Computational Linguistics Group focuses on developing tools that can extract data from social media messages, such as fine-grained sentiment analysis, and the detection of subversive behavior on social network sites (sexually transgressive behavior, hate speech, ...). Furthermore, CLiPS is well known for its work on computational stylometry and has developed state-of-the-art technology for authorship attribution, as well as author profiling, i.e. the detection of personality, age and gender of the author of a text, based on personal writing style. Another line of research at CLiPS focuses on computational psycholinguistics and researches psychologically plausible models of child language acquisition and bilinguality. CLiPS also researches and develops tools for biomedical text mining.\n\nOver the years, CLiPS has established a strong reputation in the application of machine learning methods on a variety of language technology problems for a wide range of languages. To capitalize on this reputation, a spin-off company, Textgain (, was founded in 2015 that aims to bring CLiPS technology to the market for commercial purposes.",
"tags": [
"primary_open_source_license": "BSD 3-Clause \"New\" or \"Revised\" License (BSD-3-Clause)",
"image_url": "//",
"image_bg_color": null,
"gplus_url": null,
"twitter_url": "",
"blog_url": null,
"application_instructions": "Don't write a tweet, but don't write a book either. Try to write an engaging two pager, with flowing paragraphs of concise sentences that don't use 'would', 'could' or 'should'. \n\nTell us a little bit about yourself. What are you studying and why? Where do you want to be in 10 years from now? Do you believe robots will ever have feelings? How many years have you been writing code? (we like Python, and possibly C to speed things up). Do you have other relevant skills (languages, psychology, statistics, visualization, web development, project management, lawmaking ...)? You can also add your cv, but these are tedious to examine and difficult to compare. We prefer that you first of all write something engaging about yourself!\n\nTell us how you will tackle the challenge. Be bold, tell us about your own ideas on how we should be dealing with the challenge. Talk about things that you want to do, not what you think we want to hear. Propose a rough timeline with some goals and intermediate milestones. Don't add a lengthy day-to-schedule – plans tend to change. Mention any papers you have read or published on the topic. Tell us what ML algorithms, NLP techniques and open source toolkits you know of.\n\nIf you fear that you don't have the required skills and knowledge, but you really, really want to be involved, tell us why, and think of ways you can contribute while learning the ropes. Motivation is very contagious.",
"topic_tags": [
"natural language processing",
"machine learning",
"artificial intelligence",
"text analytics",
"text generation"
"technology_tags": [
"proposal_tags": [
"sentiment analysis",
"privacy protection",
"context-free generation",
"pattern 3",
"profiling dashboard"
"ideas_list": "",
"contact_method": "",
"program_year": 2018
"id": 6453865516367872,
"name": "Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF)",
"slug": "cloud-native-computing-foundation-cncf",
"website_url": "",
"category": "cloud",
"contact_email": "",
"mailing_list": "",
"irc_channel": "",
"tagline": "Sustaining open source cloud native projects like Kubernetes and Prometheus",
"precis": "The CNCF promotes cloud native computing across the industry and sustains open source cloud native projects such as Kubernetes, Prometheus, gRPC, Envoy and more!",
"description": "The CNCF was founded in 2015 with the mission to promote cloud native computing across the industry and provide a home for the Kubernetes community and related open source projects. Cloud native computing uses an open source software stack to be:\n\n* Containerized. Each part (applications, processes, etc) is packaged in its own container. This facilitates reproducibility, transparency, and resource isolation.\n* Dynamically orchestrated. Containers are actively scheduled and managed to optimize resource utilization.\n* Microservices oriented. Applications are segmented into microservices. This significantly increases the overall agility and maintainability of applications.\n\nYou can learn more about our organization here:",
"tags": [
"primary_open_source_license": "Apache License 2.0 (Apache-2.0)",
"image_url": "//",
"image_bg_color": null,
"gplus_url": null,
"twitter_url": "",
"blog_url": "",
"application_instructions": "",
"topic_tags": [
"technology_tags": [
"proposal_tags": [
"new feature",
"service mesh",
"ideas_list": "",
"contact_method": "",
"program_year": 2018
"id": 4737237502132224,
"name": "CloudCV",
"slug": "cloudcv",
"website_url": "",
"category": "cloud",
"contact_email": "",
"mailing_list": "!forum/cloudcv",
"irc_channel": "",
"tagline": "Building platforms for reproducible AI research",
"precis": "CloudCV is an open source platform to make AI research reproducible by making it easy for researchers to build, compare, and share state-of-the-art AI algorithms.",
"description": "CloudCV is an open source cloud platform led by graduate students and faculty at the Machine Learning and Perception Lab at Georgia Tech, with the aim of making AI research more reproducible. At CloudCV, we are building tools that enable researchers to build, compare, and share start-of-the-algorithms. We believe that one shouldn’t have to be an AI expert to have access to cutting-edge vision algorithms. Likewise, researchers shouldn’t have to worry about building a service around their deep learning models to showcase and share it with others.\n \nCloudCV consists of three major platforms: \n\n**Origami** is an AI-as-a-service solution that allows researchers to easily convert their deep learning models into an online service that is widely accessible to everyone without the need to set up infrastructure, resolve dependencies, and build a web service around the deep learning model. By lowering the barrier to entry to the latest AI algorithms, we provide developers, researchers, and students the ability to access any model using a simple REST API call.\n\n**Fabrik** is an online collaborative platform to build, visualize and train deep learning models by a simple drag-and-drop approach. It allows researchers to collaboratively develop and debug models using a web GUI that allows importing, editing, and exporting networks from widely popular frameworks like Caffe, Tensorflow and Keras.\n\n**EvalAI** is an open source web platform that aims to help researchers, students and data scientists create, collaborate, and participate in AI challenges. In recent years, it has become increasingly difficult to compare an algorithm solving a given task with other existing approaches. These comparisons suffer from minor differences in algorithm implementation, use of non-standard dataset splits, and different evaluation metrics. By simplifying and standardizing the process of benchmarking AI, we want to circumvent many of the factors impeding the rate of progress in AI.",
"tags": [
"primary_open_source_license": "BSD 3-Clause \"New\" or \"Revised\" License (BSD-3-Clause)",
"image_url": "//",
"image_bg_color": "",
"gplus_url": null,
"twitter_url": "",
"blog_url": null,
"application_instructions": "Follow these general steps to apply to our organization.\n\n**Join the CloudCV Gitter channel/Google Groups & introduce yourself.**\n\n!forum/cloudcv\n\nNot only do we get to know each other, but you can also get feedback on project ideas & get help as you start working with our codebase. Don't hesitate to ask anything & participate in the discussion. This is your go-to destination if you need help with anything – for example, don't be afraid if you don't know GIT. We'll teach you everything that is needed; the only thing required from you is enthusiasm & the willingness to learn new things. Also, feel free to help fellow participants with their doubts.\n\n**Review our ideas page** to see if you find a project that is interesting to you.You can learn about each project, its prerequisites, open issues, & instructions on how to contribute/apply to this project idea here: \n \n\n\n**Start early with your application!** The student application requires you to write a proposal for a project idea. You should follow the guidelines & application template here: \n\n\n**We require that you have successfully submitted at-least one pull request** to one of the CloudCV repositories:\n\nDetailed guide about the patch requirement can be found here: \n",
"topic_tags": [
" tensorflow",
" django",
" angularjs",
" react"
"technology_tags": [
"machine learning",
"deep learning",
"computer vision",
"artificial intelligence",
"proposal_tags": [
"ideas_list": "",
"contact_method": "",
"program_year": 2018
"id": 6207722836459520,
"name": "coala",
"slug": "coala",
"website_url": "",
"category": "languages",
"contact_email": null,
"mailing_list": "",
"irc_channel": "",
"tagline": "Linting and Fixing Code for All Languages",
"precis": "Linting and Fixing Code for All Languages",
"description": "coala: Language Independent Code Analysis\n\ncoala provides a common command-line interface for linting and fixing all your code, regardless of the programming languages you use. It allows users to analyse projects containing multiple languages with just one tool, using just one configuration and seeing just one user interface.\n\n# How does it work?\n\nWith coala, you create just one configuration file. It can be separated into sections that run independently to fit different scenarios. Using different bears (which are coala's modules) users can work with a wide range of existing tools, wrapped by bears, and native analysis routines. This enables users to check their python code for pep8 conformity, calculate complexity for their java code, find code duplicates in the C code and check the documentation for spelling errors, while making sure the commits follow the set guidelines. All controlled via one configuration file, run with one command and served in the same user interface.\n\n# For Users\n\ncoala offers a unified static code analysis suite. It can be used as a simple standalone testing suite, pre-commit hook and CI tool. Besides the normal user interactive mode, there is a non interactive mode for CI, a html output mode, to view results in the browser, and JSON output if you want to integrate coala into your own system. If implemented, coala even offers to automatically fix problems.\n\n# For Developers\n\nYou can easily write your own bears. coala is written with ease of extension in mind. That means: no big boilerplate, just write one small object with one routine, add the parameters you like and see how coala automates the organisation of settings, user interaction and execution parallelisation.\n\n# For Newcomers\n\ncoala offers a great newcomer experience with an in depth step by step guide for your first contribution, extensive documentation of the whole workflow and fast and easy communication over the gitter channel.",
"tags": [
"primary_open_source_license": "Affero GNU Public License",
"image_url": "//",
"image_bg_color": null,
"gplus_url": "",
"twitter_url": "",
"blog_url": "",
"application_instructions": "Guidance for applying to coala can be found in our [FAQ]( and dedicated [gsoc]( gitter room.",
"topic_tags": [
"code analysis",
"language server",
"dependency management"
"technology_tags": [
"python 3",
"proposal_tags": [
"ideas_list": "",
"contact_method": "",
"program_year": 2018
"id": 4522485563785216,
"name": "Computational Biology @ University of Nebraska-Lincoln",
"slug": "computational-biology-university-of-nebraska-lincoln",
"website_url": "",
"category": "science_and_medicine",
"contact_email": "",
"mailing_list": "!forum/helikarlab-gsoc",
"irc_channel": null,
"tagline": "Further knowledge in health through computation, data visualization and analysis",
"precis": "Our organization develops tools for bioinformatics and computational biology research. Our goal is to further knowledge in health through data visualization and analysis.",
"description": "Our group works at the interface of computer science, biology, and mathematics by applying computational approaches to the seas of data in biomedical research. One of the main interests of our group is the development of technologies to make large-scale computational approaches accessible and more collaborative to a wider scientific audience. Our recent web-based technology, Cell Collective, enables scientists from across the globe to construct and simulate large-scale computational models of biological systems in a highly collaborative fashion. This software enables biomedical researchers to study the dynamics of biological systems (e.g., cells) under both healthy and diseased conditions. Cell Collective provides a unique environment for real-time, interactive simulations to enable users to analyze and visualize the multitude of effects a disease-related malfunction can have on the rest of the cell. Over the last couple of years, Cell Collective has also made its way into classrooms, where students in life sciences courses can learn about biological processes by building, simulating, breaking, and re-building computational models of these processes. Cell Collective now supports about 2,000 students/year in introductory life sciences courses in 10+ universities.\n\nOther technologies developed by our organization include cost-effective mobile disease monitoring devices, interactive on-line tissue sample analysis, an interactive statistical analysis platform for teaching life sciences students about data analysis, etc.\n\nOur group consists of computer scientists, biochemists, biologists, bioinformaticians, as well as mathematicians, creating an unique environment of diverse skills, integrated by a single interest point.",
"tags": [
"primary_open_source_license": "Apache License 2.0 (Apache-2.0)",
"image_url": "//",
"image_bg_color": null,
"gplus_url": null,
"twitter_url": null,
"blog_url": null,
"application_instructions": "(Also available here:\n\nWe would like to know who you are and how you think. Incorporate the following into your application:\n\n1. Your information\n1a. Name, email, and website (optional)\n\n2. Brief background: education and relevant work experience\n\n3. Your programming interests and strengths\n3a. What are your languages of choice?\n3b. Any prior experience with open source development?\n3c. What do you want to learn this summer?\n\n4. Your interest and background in biology, bioinformatics, or computational biology.\n4a. Any prior exposure to biology or bioinformatics? (Not required but helpful)\n4b. Any interest in learning a bit of biology this summer?\n\n5. Your ideas for a project (an original idea or one expanded from our Ideas Page)\n5a. Provide as much detail as possible\n5b. Strong applicants include an implementation plan and timeline (hint!)\n5c. Refer to and link to other projects or products that illustrate your ideas\n5d. Identify possible hurdles and questions that will require more research/planning\n\n6. Your commitment this summer\n6a. When do your classes and exams finish?\n6b. Do you have any other school-related activities scheduled during the coding period?\n6c. Do you have a full- or part-time job or internship this summer?\n6d. How many hours per week do have available for GSoC?\n\n7. Submit your application through the GSoC Site as explained here:",
"topic_tags": [
"biological networks",
"network simulation",
"computational biology",
"omics data"
"technology_tags": [
"proposal_tags": [
"new feature",
"ideas_list": "",
"contact_method": "",
"program_year": 2018
"id": 5223357386063872,
"name": "",
"slug": "conversationsim",
"website_url": "",
"category": "social_communications",
"contact_email": "",
"mailing_list": null,
"irc_channel": "",
"tagline": "An open source instant messaging client and ecosystem based on Jabber & XMPP",
"precis": "Conversations started out as an easy to use Jabber client for the Android platform but quickly became an umbrella project for all sorts of UX improvements to the XMPP ecosystem.",
"description": "After four years of development the Android Jabber/XMPP client is mostly feature complete for now. However an instant messaging client in a federated ecosystem like Jabber is only as good as the rest of the ecosystem. The ecosystem needs good desktop clients, it needs good servers and good providers who maintain their servers and keep them up to date with the latest features. as an umbrella organization is about bringing improvements to that ecosystem. Partially by improving existing clients and servers but also by creating tools that aid server administrators to maintain their servers and that aid end users to pick a good, stable provider. Those tools include the XMPP Compliance Tester or the XMPP uptime monitor. We have a [collection of ideas]( that we think will improve the end user experience, but we are also very open to hearing other ideas that we didn’t think of ourself. Have you always thought about creating a service that will look up phone numbers and return Jabber IDs or otherwise improve the discoverable of contacts? Great. Let us hear your ideas and we might be able to find a suitable mentor for you. Want to add a new feature to an existing client? Great we will put you in touch with the appropriate mentors. Want to start developing your own client? Probably not a very good idea since every platform already has a client that awaits your help.",
"tags": [
"primary_open_source_license": "GNU General Public License version 3.0 (GPL-3.0)",
"image_url": "//",
"image_bg_color": null,
"gplus_url": null,
"twitter_url": null,
"blog_url": null,
"application_instructions": "Conversations puts a lot of focus on user experience so we encourage you to become a user of XMPP first.\nTo become a user you need to:\n\n* Download an XMPP client ([Conversations]( on Android and [Gajim]( or [Dino]( on Windows and Linux)\n* Create an account on an XMPP server. For startes we recommend creating an account on the server. In both Gajim and Conversations you can tick the checkbox Create new account during initial setup.\n\nAfter downloading a client and creating an account please join the conversations group chat (MUC) under the address:\n\nDetails on what we expect the actual proposal to look like can be found at the bottom of our [ideas page](\n\nPlease note that those ideas are only inspirations. You can submit any project proposal that you believe will bring value to the XMPP ecosystem. Be it tools that help server admins create better servers, add a specific feature to a specific XMPP server or client or tools that somehow improve the usability for end users. In a way we even appreciate it even more if you submit your own ideas instead of copy pasting one of ours because it shows that you have investment in the XMPP ecosystem.",
"topic_tags": [
"instant messaging",
"technology_tags": [
"proposal_tags": [
"android client",
"desktop client",
"ecosystem improvement"
"ideas_list": "",
"contact_method": "",
"program_year": 2018
"id": 5332375953735680,
"name": "Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative",
"slug": "cuneiform-digital-library-initiative",
"website_url": "",
"category": "data_and_databases",
"contact_email": "",
"mailing_list": "",
"irc_channel": "",
"tagline": "International digital library of artifacts inscribed with cuneiform writing",
"precis": "CDLI is an international digital library offering in open access images, text and metadata of ancient Near Eastern artifacts inscribed with cuneiform.",
"description": "The mission of the Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative (CDLI) is to collect, preserve and make available images, text and metadata of all artifacts inscribed with the cuneiform script. It is the sole project with this mission and we estimate that our 334,000 catalogue entries cover some two-thirds of all sources in collections around the world. Our data are available publicly at and our audiences comprise primarily scholars and students, but with growing numbers of informal learners. \n\nAt the heart of cdli is a group of developers, language scientists, machine learning engineers, and cuneiform specialists who develop software infrastructure to process and analyze curated data. To this effect, we are actively developing two projects: Framework Update and Machine Translation and Automated Analysis of Cuneiform Languages As part of these projects we are building a natural language processing platform to empower specialists of ancient languages for undertaking automated annotation and translation of Sumerian language texts thus enabling data driven study of languages, culture, history, economy and politics of the ancient Near Eastern civilizations. As part of this platform we are focusing on data standardization using Linked Open Data to foster best practices in data exchange and integration with other digital humanities and computational philology projects.",
"tags": [
"primary_open_source_license": "MIT license (MIT)",
"image_url": "//",
"image_bg_color": "000000",
"gplus_url": null,
"twitter_url": "",
"blog_url": null,
"application_instructions": "### Identification\nProvide your name, e-mail address and academic institution.\n### Project title\nGive a short title to your proposal.\n### Project outline\nOutline your project in a schematic way; you can make a graph or use bullet points.\n### Project description\nDescribe your project in details, stating the objectives you set, the steps required to reach those objectives, what data you will be working with and how this fits in the big picture for the CDLI.\n### Project scope and significance\nDescribe the limits of your project, what is comprised, what is outside of the scope, and explain why and how this project will address a challenge or a need.\n### Timeline\nExplain how your time will be spend on the different tasks required to accomplish your project in the available timespan.\n### Suitability\nTell us about your character, skills and experience and how this makes you the ideal candidate to complete this project.\n### Portfolio (Optional)\nLinks [2-max]",
"topic_tags": [
"natural language processing",
"machine translation",
"information retrieval",
"semantic web"
"technology_tags": [
"proposal_tags": [
"open access",
"data processing",
"information extraction",
"computer vision",
"academic research",
"network analysis",
"linked open data"
"ideas_list": "",
"contact_method": "",
"program_year": 2018
"id": 5257820488859648,
"name": "DBpedia",
"slug": "dbpedia",
"website_url": "",
"category": "data_and_databases",
"contact_email": "",
"mailing_list": "",
"irc_channel": "",
"tagline": "An Open Platform for a Large, Multilingual, Semantic Knowledge Graph",
"precis": "DBpedia is a crowd-sourced community effort to extract structured information from Wikipedia and make this information available on the Web.",
"description": "The DBpedia project is aiming to extract structured content from the information created in various Wikimedia projects. This structured information resembles an open knowledge graph (KG) which is available for everyone on the Web. A knowledge graph is a special kind of database which stores knowledge in a machine-readable form and provides a means for information to be collected, organised, shared, searched and utilised. Google uses a similar approach to create those knowledge cards during search.\n\nDBpedia currently describes 38.3 million “things” of 685 different “types” in 125 languages, with over 3 billion “facts” (September 2014). It is interlinked to many other databases (e.g., Wikidata, New York Times, CIA World Factbook). The knowledge in DBpedia is exposed through a set of technologies called Linked Data. Started in 2006, DBpedia is one of the first (if not THE first) open knowledge graph on the Web. DBpedia provides tools that allow you to create, maintain, improve, integrate and use KGs to build applications, e.g. BBC has created the World Cup 2010 website by interconnecting textual content and facts from their knowledge base. Data provided by DBpedia was greatly involved in creating this knowledge graph. More recently, IBM's Watson used DBpedia data to win the Jeopardy challenge. Several other large, medium and small companies use data from DBpedia everyday.\n\nDBpedia data is served as Linked Data, which is revolutionizing the way applications interact with the Web. One can navigate this Web of facts with standard Web browsers, automated crawlers or pose complex queries with SQL-like query languages (e.g. SPARQL). Have you thought of asking the Web about all cities with low criminality, warm weather and open jobs? That's the kind of query we are talking about.\n\nWe are regularly growing our community through GSoC and can deliver more and more opportunities to you.",
"tags": [
"primary_open_source_license": "Apache License 2.0 (Apache-2.0)",
"image_url": "//",
"image_bg_color": null,
"gplus_url": null,
"twitter_url": "",
"blog_url": "",
"application_instructions": "Would you like to apply for our projects? Please follow this rough guideline:\n\n1) Subscribe to the DBpedia-GSoC mailing list: All GSoC related questions must go through this list.\n\n2) Introduce yourself via the list. Tell us who you are, what you do, what you know and your project choice.\n\n3) Read carefully through the ideas we proposed and see if any of these suit you. If you like to submit your own idea, please do so very early.\n\n4) It should be the ultimate goal of your proposal to convince us that you have a good grasp of your project and that with our help you will be able to handle the challenges. You have to have a specific code-plan. Get as much information as possible for the ideas you like.\n\n5) Work on some of the warm-up tasks we suggest.\n\n6) Ask or answer questions on (not GSoC related questions there please).\n\n7) Write your proposal. Use the template we suggest and try to be as specific as possible. Focus especially on the timeline. The template is available here:\n\nFurther details for the application process are available here:\n\nQuestions regarding ideas should always be public, on the mailing list, slack, or our ideas website. However, your application can be private.\n\nFor GSoC related queries check the GSoC student guide",
"topic_tags": [
"knowledge graph",
"data extraction",
"data analytics"
"technology_tags": [
"proposal_tags": [
"natural language processing",
"machine learning",
"data quality",
"ideas_list": "",
"contact_method": "",
"program_year": 2018
"id": 5166394929315840,
"name": "Debian Project",
"slug": "debian-project",
"website_url": "",
"category": "operating_systems",
"contact_email": "",
"mailing_list": "",
"irc_channel": "",
"tagline": "the universal operating system",
"precis": "Debian is the free operating system, based on the GNU/Linux kernel. With tens of thousands of software packages available, Debian is a broad, robust, and extensible project.",
"description": "The Debian Project is an association of individuals who have made common cause to create a free operating system.\r\n\r\n Debian GNU/Linux is:\r\n\r\n* Full featured: Users can select which packages to install; Debian provides a tool for this purpose. You can find a list and descriptions of the packages currently available in Debian at any of the Debian mirror sites.\r\n* Free to use and redistribute: There is no consortium membership or payment required to participate in its distribution and development. All packages that are formally part of Debian GNU/Linux are free to redistribute, usually under terms specified by the GNU General Public License.\r\n* The Debian FTP archives also carry approximately 696 software packages (in the non-free and contrib sections), which are distributable under specific terms included with each package.\r\n* Dynamic: With about 1033 volunteers constantly contributing new and improved code, Debian is evolving rapidly. The FTP archives are updated twice every day.\r\n\r\nAlthough Debian GNU/Linux itself is free software, it is a base upon which value-added Linux distributions can be built. By providing a reliable, full-featured base system, Debian provides Linux users with increased compatibility, and allows creators to eliminate duplication of effort and focus on the things that make their distribution special. \r\n\r\nA large part of the basic tools that fill out the operating system come from the GNU project; hence the names: GNU/Linux, GNU/kFreeBSD, and GNU/Hurd. These tools are also free.\r\n\r\nDebian comes with over 51,000 packages, a package manager (APT), and other utilities that make it possible to manage thousands of packages on thousands of computers as easily as installing a single application. All of it free.\r\n\r\nIt's a bit like a tower. At the base is the kernel. On top of that are all the basic tools. Next is all the software that you run on the computer. At the top of the tower is Debian — carefully organizing and fitting everything so it all works together.",
"tags": [
"primary_open_source_license": "GNU General Public License version 3.0 (GPL-3.0)",
"image_url": "//",
"image_bg_color": "FFFFFF",
"gplus_url": null,
"twitter_url": "",
"blog_url": "",
"application_instructions": "Individual projects are highlighted on the [projects list]( Much like the projects themselves, the skills and tasks necessary for each application vary. Please check out the projects list to see application tasks.",
"topic_tags": [
"operating system",
"technology_tags": [
" ruby",
" java",
" python",
"proposal_tags": [
"virtual machines",
"ideas_list": "",
"contact_method": "",
"program_year": 2018
"id": 6723597649838080,
"name": "Developers Italia",
"slug": "developers-italia",
"website_url": "",
"category": "other",
"contact_email": "",
"mailing_list": null,
"irc_channel": "",
"tagline": "An open community digital public services developers",
"precis": "We are a community dedicated to the development of software to support digital services for citizens. Born in the Italian government, but of course: code has no borders.",
"description": "Developers Italia is a community dedicated to the development of Open Source Software, created to support Italian digital public services.\r\n\r\nIt is a radical change in the way the Public Administration operates. Everything we are doing is operating with open standards and software, we are creating **SDKs** for the main programming languages and frameworks, we craft publicly documented **APIs**. We contribute to open projects, and the people we contract to improve the technology become **Open Source developers**.\r\n\r\nMost of the code is deployed within the Italian public institutions, but it is meant to be generic, in the hope that it will be useful to many other people around the world. Around these tools we are engaging a community of developers and innovators, **inside and outside Italy**, that can participate in all aspects of the creation of the new digital infrastructure.",
"tags": [
"primary_open_source_license": "GNU General Public License version 3.0 (GPL-3.0)",
"image_url": "//",
"image_bg_color": null,
"gplus_url": null,
"twitter_url": "",
"blog_url": "",
"application_instructions": "# Remember: all ideas on the ideas page are... ideas! You can come up with your own proposal!\r\nHere's a short list to ensure you're applying the best way you can\r\n- Join the [Slack of Developers Italia](, introduce yourself, and meet your fellow developers\r\n- Read [Google's instructions for participating]( and the [GSoC Student Manual](\r\n- Take a look at the list of ideas\r\n- Come up with project that you're interested in\r\n- Write a first draft proposal and get someone to review it\r\n- Remember: you must link to work such as commits in your proposal\r\n- Read [How to write a kickass proposal for GSoC](\r\n- Submit your proposal and all necessary documents well ahead of the deadline\r\n\r\nA good start is finding out what the most pressing issues are in the projects in which you are interested. \r\nCheck out the github issues as well as join the relevant slack channels: meet developers and your potential mentor, as well as start learning the codebase. We recommend strongly getting involved in advance of the beginning of GSoC, and we will look favorably on applications from students who have already started to act like Open Source developers.\r\n\r\nAlways remember: this is a very brief instruction list - in any case of any doubts, just reach out to us, we're very happy to help new developers get started!",
"topic_tags": [
"open data",
"technology_tags": [
" java",
"proposal_tags": [
"ideas_list": "",
"contact_method": "",
"program_year": 2018
"id": 5067698929664000,
"name": "Digital Impact Alliance",
"slug": "digital-impact-alliance-dial",
"website_url": "",
"category": "end_user_applications",
"contact_email": "",
"mailing_list": "",
"irc_channel": "",
"tagline": "Supporting open source projects for a digital society that serves everyone.",
"precis": "The DIAL Open Source Center is a collaborative space for many different open source software projects serving the international development and humanitarian response sectors.",
"description": "The **Digital Impact Alliance (DIAL) at United Nations Foundation** has launched its **Open Source Center** to provide a collaborative space for (and professional technical assistance to) open source projects focusing on international development and humanitarian response. \r\n\r\n**We are a Google Summer of Code umbrella organization that works with many of the leading projects in this area,** including Humanitarian Open Street Map Team, OpenLMIS, SUMSarizer, LibreHealth, and Open Data Kit. \r\n\r\nOur Center assists in the establishment of effective governance, software project management, and contribution models for member projects. It also provides technical, architectural, and programming support for projects; and assists those projects in support, engagement, management of their communities of contributors and implementers. More information about the DIAL Open Source Center is available at \r\n\r\n**This year, our sub-organizations include:**\r\n\r\n - **Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team (HOT)**, applying the principles of open source and open data sharing for humanitarian response and economic development.\r\n - **OpenLMIS**, an open source, cloud-based, electronic logistics management information system (LMIS) purpose-built to manage health commodity supply chains.\r\n - **SUMSarizer**, which helps researchers measure impacts of improved cookstoves by using machine learning to turn raw data from stove use monitoring sensors (SUMS) into summaries of cooking events.\r\n\r\nRead more about these projects and other humanitarian & international development projects participating in Google Summer of Code at:",
"tags": [
"primary_open_source_license": "GNU General Public License version 3.0 (GPL-3.0)",
"image_url": "//",
"image_bg_color": "FFFFFF",
"gplus_url": null,
"twitter_url": "",
"blog_url": "",
"application_instructions": "**IMPORTANT: Please see for (a) a list of our participating sub-organizations, (b) links to their project ideas pages, and (c) most importantly, a fully-annotated version of the application below.** The full version will give you additional details & tips about what responses we're seeking for each question! Failure to read & understand the annotated version may result in a rejected proposal.\r\n\r\n## Sub-org Information\r\n\r\n- Which Sub-org are you applying to work with? See for a list.\r\n\r\n## Student Information\r\n\r\n- Name(s):\r\n- Email:\r\n- Telephone w/country code:\r\n- Time Zone:\r\n- Blog RSS Feed URL:\r\n\r\n## Code Sample\r\n\r\nLink to a patch/code sample, preferably one you have submitted to your sub-org:\r\n\r\n## Project Proposal\r\n\r\n- Title:\r\n- Abstract:\r\n- Detailed Description/Timeline (*)\r\n\r\n## Other Commitments\r\n\r\n- Do you have any other commitments during the GSoC time period?\r\n- Do you have exams or classes that overlap with this period?\r\n- Do you plan to apply for or have any other work during this period?\r\n- Do you have any other short term commitments during this period?\r\n- Have you applied with any other orgs? If so, do you have a preferred project/org? \r\n\r\n## Extra information\r\n\r\n- Link to resume:\r\n- University info\r\n - University Name:\r\n - Major:\r\n - Current Year and Expected Graduation date:\r\n - Degree (e.g. BSc, PhD): \r\n- Other Contact info:\r\n - Alternate contact info:\r\n - Homepage:\r\n - Instant messaging:\r\n - Twitter: \r\n - Don't forget to add any other additional information requested by sub-orgs in this section.",
"topic_tags": [
"social good",
"technology_tags": [
" python",
" javascript"
"proposal_tags": [
"ideas_list": "",
"contact_method": "",
"program_year": 2018
"id": 5188573066690560,
"name": "Django Software Foundation",
"slug": "django-software-foundation",
"website_url": "",
"category": "web",
"contact_email": null,
"mailing_list": "",
"irc_channel": "",
"tagline": "The web framework for perfectionists with deadlines.",
"precis": "Django is a high-level Python Web framework originally designed to build high-performing, elegant Web applications quickly.",
"description": "Django is a high-level Python Web framework originally developed at the Lawrence-Journal World. Django was designed to handle two challenges: the intensive deadlines of a newsroom and the stringent requirements of the experienced Web developers who wrote it. It lets you build high-performing, elegant Web applications quickly.",
"tags": [
"primary_open_source_license": "BSD 3-Clause \"New\" or \"Revised\" License (BSD-3-Clause)",
"image_url": "//",
"image_bg_color": "092e20",
"gplus_url": null,
"twitter_url": "",
"blog_url": "",
"application_instructions": "We'll be looking for a few things in your application:.\n\n- You'll need to have a concrete task in mind along with a solid idea of what will constitute \"success\" (you tell us).\n- If your proposal is a single large feature, library or site, you'll need to present a detailed design specification. This proposal should be posted to ​django-developers, where it can be refined until it is accepted by the developer community.\n- We'll want to know a bit about you -- links to previous work are great, if any. If you're proposing something ambitious, you'll need to convince us that you're up to the task.\n- You'll also need to provide us with a schedule, including a detailed work breakdown and major milestones so your mentor can know if and when to nag you :)\n\nHere's an example of an accepted proposal from a previous year:\n\n​ \n\nWhen you contribute code, you will be expected to adhere to the same contribution guidelines as any other code contributor. This means you will be expected to provide extensive tests and documentation for any feature you add, you will be expected to participate in discussion on ​django-developers when your topic of interest is raised. If you're not already familiar with ​Django's contribution guidelines, now would be a good time to read them - even if you're not applying to work on Django core directly, we'll still want the same level of contribution.",
"topic_tags": [
"web development",
"web applications"
"technology_tags": [
"proposal_tags": [
"new feature",
"ideas_list": "",
"contact_method": "",
"program_year": 2018
"id": 5543325755506688,
"name": "Drupal",
"slug": "drupal",
"website_url": "",
"category": "web",
"contact_email": "",
"mailing_list": "",
"irc_channel": "",
"tagline": "Drupal is a Free, Open, Modular CMS written in PHP. Let's make something amazing",
"precis": "Drupal is an open source content mgmt platform powering millions of sites and app. It’s built, used, and supported by an active and diverse community of people around the world.",
"description": "Drupal is content management software. It's used to make many of the websites and applications you use every day. Drupal has great standard features, like easy content authoring, reliable performance, and excellent security. But what sets it apart is its flexibility; modularity is one of its core principles. Its tools help you build the versatile, structured content that dynamic web experiences need.\n\nIt's also a great choice for creating integrated digital frameworks. You can extend it with any one, or many, of thousands of add-ons. Modules expand Drupal's functionality. Themes let you customize your content's presentation. Distributions are packaged Drupal bundles you can use as starter-kits. Mix and match these components to enhance Drupal's core abilities. Or, integrate Drupal with external services and other applications in your infrastructure. No other content management software is this powerful and scalable.\n\nThe Drupal project is open source software. Anyone can download, use, work on, and share it with others. It's built on principles like collaboration, globalism, and innovation. It's distributed under the terms of the GNU (GPL). There are no licensing fees, ever. Drupal will always be free.\n\nThe Drupal community is one of the largest open source communities in the world. We're more than 1,000,000 passionate developers, designers, trainers, strategists, coordinators, editors, and sponsors working together. We build Drupal, provide support, create documentation, share networking opportunities, and more. Our shared commitment to the open source spirit pushes the Drupal project forward. New members are always welcome.\n\nDrupal 8 is the biggest update in Drupal's history. Creating content is easier. Every built-in theme is responsively designed. It's available in 100 languages, and its integration tools make it a great hub for complex ecosystems. More than 4,500 people, companies, and organizations contributed their time, experience, and imagination.",
"tags": [
"primary_open_source_license": "GNU General Public License version 2.0 (GPL-2.0)",
"image_url": "//",
"image_bg_color": null,
"gplus_url": "",
"twitter_url": "",
"blog_url": "",
"application_instructions": "Welcome, GSoC students! Please read Drupal's getting started guide for students @ completely which will provide you with all the necessary information before applying.\n\nYou should join Drupal's GSoC group @ and add your name under the \"Interested Students\" section of our Task Organization Wiki @ Don't hesitate to get in touch with us if you have any questions. If you wish to chat with us in real-time, join our IRC channel #drupal-google @Freenode. Remember, \"don't ask to ask\".\n\nAll students are required to complete Drupal Ladder for GSoC students @ which is a step-by-step guide designed to give students an introduction to Drupal.\n\nAll applications must follow Drupal's application template @ If you wish to look at some of the sample successful applications from the previous years, you can find them @ But remember that these are provided to be used merely as inspiration material, and not resources to copy from.",
"topic_tags": [
"drupal 8"
"technology_tags": [
"web development",
"content management system",
"proposal_tags": [
"drupal 8 module port",
"new module",
"api integration",
"new features",
"ideas_list": "",
"contact_method": "",
"program_year": 2018
"id": 6361231930163200,
"name": "Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP)",
"slug": "earth-science-information-partners-esip",
"website_url": "",
"category": "data_and_databases",
"contact_email": "",
"mailing_list": "",
"irc_channel": "",
"tagline": "Making Earth science data matter.",
"precis": "ESIP is a nonprofit that supports an open, networked community of science, data and information technology practitioners. ESIP is supported by NASA, NOAA, USGS and 110 member orgs.",
"description": "Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP) is a community of Earth science data and information technology practitioners who steward Earth science data, ensuring discovery, access and use of the data to decision makers, researchers and the public. ESIP’s strength comes from the depth of its partner organizations, which now number 110. Among these are all NOAA, NASA and USGS Earth observing data facilities, as well as government research laboratories, research universities, modelers, education resource providers, technology developers, nonprofits and commercial enterprises.\n\nDuring the last twenty years ESIP has developed significant collaboration methods and infrastructure that provide a scalable, neutral platform to support Earth science research, data and technical communities. Our partner organizations and community participants lead the advancement of Earth science information best practices in an open and transparent fashion. \n\nThe Earth Science Information Partners was founded in 1998 by NASA in response to a National Research Council (NRC) review of the Earth Observation System Data and Information System (EOSDIS). The NRC called on NASA to develop a new, distributed structure that would be operated and managed by the Earth science community that would include those responsible for all elements of Earth observation, including observation and research, application and education. In 2003, ESIP incorporated as a 501(c)3.",
"tags": [
"primary_open_source_license": "Apache License 2.0 (Apache-2.0)",
"image_url": "//",
"image_bg_color": null,
"gplus_url": null,
"twitter_url": "",
"blog_url": "",
"application_instructions": "Application template:",
"topic_tags": [
"earth data",
"data visualization",
"earth science"
"technology_tags": [
" kubernetes",
" dask",
" xarray",
" python",
"proposal_tags": [
"open data",
"data discoverability",
"semantic technologies",
"data stewardship",
"cloud computing",
"data documentation"
"ideas_list": "",
"contact_method": "",
"program_year": 2018
"id": 5681513358688256,
"name": "Elastic",
"slug": "elastic",
"website_url": "",
"category": "data_and_databases",
"contact_email": "",
"mailing_list": "",
"irc_channel": null,
"tagline": "We are the creators of Elasticsearch, Kibana, Beats, and Logstash.",
"precis": "We are the creators of Elasticsearch, Kibana, Beats, and Logstash — the Elastic Stack. Securely and reliably search, analyze, and visualize your data.",
"description": "Elastic is the world's leading software provider for making structured and unstructured data usable in real time for search, logging, security, and analytics use cases.\nFounded in 2012 in Amsterdam by the people behind Elasticsearch and Apache Lucene, Elastic set forth a vision that search can solve a plethora of data problems. The origins of the company start back in 2010, when Shay Banon wrote the first lines of Elasticsearch and open sourced it as a distributed search engine. Since then, the creators of the open source tools Kibana, Logstash, and Beats have joined the Elastic family, rounding out a product portfolio known as the Elastic Stack, which is used by millions of developers around the world. Elastic has headquarters in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, and Mountain View, California. The Elastic family unites more than 700 employees across 35 countries into one coherent team, while the broader community spans across over 100 countries.",
"tags": [
"primary_open_source_license": "Apache License 2.0 (Apache-2.0)",
"image_url": "//",
"image_bg_color": null,
"gplus_url": "",
"twitter_url": "",
"blog_url": "",
"application_instructions": "Welcome! It is great that you want to join our organization for this year's Google Summer of Code. We are trying to keep the application process short and relevant. In your application please tell us:\n\n1. Who you are: Your name and how to contact you.\n2. Which project idea you want to work on: Which of our ideas is it or describe in detail if it is your own.\n3. How you will implement it: Provide a detailed work timeline that breaks the project into one week milestones and align it to the GSoC timeline.\n4. Why you: Link to a pull request you have submitted to the project you want to work on. If you are applying to work on the Lua client, the PR would make most sense to be against the current Lua client and not Elasticsearch itself. It is not required to have the PR merged. Here is a starting point for issues you could dive into:\n * [Elasticsearch `low hanging fruit`](\n * [Logstash `log hanging fruit`](\n * [Kibana `low hanging fruit`](\n * [Beats `good first issue`](\n\nElastic is always seeking to diversify its contributors and especially welcomes applications from women from all backgrounds and people of color.\n\nIf there are any open questions or you get stuck, don't despair — we are here to help:\n\n* If you want to discuss a specific project idea, use the [issues]( We will assign it to the right mentor and want to keep this discussion to the point.\n* For all other questions or discussions like the application process, your pull request, what to expect from us during the project,... head over to [Discuss](",
"topic_tags": [
"data analytics",
"data visualization",
"technology_tags": [
" java",
"proposal_tags": [
"ideas_list": "",
"contact_method": "",
"program_year": 2018
"id": 4938234304397312,
"name": "Eta",
"slug": "the-eta-programming-language",
"website_url": "",
"category": "languages",
"contact_email": "",
"mailing_list": "!forum/eta-discuss",
"irc_channel": "",
"tagline": "Eta is a dialect of Haskell on the Java Virtual Machine.",
"precis": "Eta is a pure, lazy, strongly typed functional programming language on the JVM. It brings the mighty, JVM and Haskell ecosystems, together.",
"description": "Eta is a pure functional language designed for practical use modelled after Haskell. It has a combination of purity, laziness and strong typing making developers highly productive. These features allow developers to focus more on describing their problem rather than focusing on how to give commands to a machine on how to accomplish their task.\n\nEta runs on the Java Virtual Machine allowing large companies to integrate it into their existing systems. It provides a type-safe Foreign Function Interface (FFI) mechanism that allows you to access existing Java, Scala, Clojure, and Groovy libraries with ease while keeping the nice properties of the language.\n\nEta shares the compiler infrastructure with GHC, the Glasgow Haskell Compiler, which means it already has sophisticated optimizations that allow you to write high level code and get good performance as well.\n\nEta's runtime has a wide variety of concurrency mechanisms such as Software Transactional Memory, MVars, and Fibers to allow developers to build highly complex concurrent & distributed systems with ease.",
"tags": [
"primary_open_source_license": "BSD 3-Clause \"New\" or \"Revised\" License (BSD-3-Clause)",
"image_url": "//",
"image_bg_color": "",
"gplus_url": null,
"twitter_url": "",
"blog_url": "",
"application_instructions": "Application Process\n\nRead the student guide of GSoC ( The application process is as follows:\n\n1. Pick some ideas from the Ideas List( that interested you or think of your own.\n2. Join the Google Group and start discussions about the ideas from (1) and solicit feedback from the community. \n3. Contribute at least one code patch to any of the [Eta]( repositories. Check the issues labelled with [help-wanted]( and [low-hanging-fruit]( to start with easy issues.\n4. Develop your application in a shareable location like Google Docs or GitHub Gist and share your application for early review. Make sure the application follows the template(\n5. Be sure to submit your application atleast a day before the deadline [March 27, 2018 at 1600 hours UTC]\n\nThe application template can be found here (",
"topic_tags": [
"runtime systems",
"technology_tags": [
" java"
"proposal_tags": [
"performance optimization",
"ideas_list": "",
"contact_method": "",
"program_year": 2018
"id": 4804795727085568,
"name": "Fedora Project",
"slug": "fedora-project",
"website_url": "",
"category": "operating_systems",
"contact_email": "",
"mailing_list": "",
"irc_channel": "",
"tagline": "Fedora Linux is built on the foundations of Freedom, Friends, Features, & First",
"precis": "Advance Free/Open Source Software/Content. Fedora is more than just one technology or concept it is a larger collaborative community.",
"description": "The Fedora Project's core values, or Foundations, are Freedom, Friends, Features, & First. Read more about them here:\n\nA key component of this is our **Community**. This community, which you will join as an participant in Google Summer of Code, is creating a platform that supports the work of a diverse audience. Your contributions can affect people you've never met in situations you've never dreamed of. The Fedora community includes software engineers, artists, system administrators, web designers, writers, speakers, and translators -- all of whom will be happy to help you get started.\n\nFull project description available here:\n\nWe believe that all contributors should expect and be part of a safe and friendly environment for constructive contribution. We can more effectively and successfully compare and challenge different ideas to find the best solutions for advancement, while building the size, diversity, and strength of our community.",
"tags": [
"primary_open_source_license": "MIT license (MIT)",
"image_url": "//",
"image_bg_color": null,
"gplus_url": "",
"twitter_url": "",
"blog_url": "",
"application_instructions": "Our application process is described completely here:\n\nIn general, we are looking for students to describe both their understanding of the project they are choosing (or their complete project if they are proposing one) and to help us understand why they are the best candidate for the project. This also includes helping us understand their availability and level of commitment. While prior experience with Fedora is ideal, it is not a selection requirement.",
"topic_tags": [
"linux distribution",
"web development",
"technology_tags": [
"proposal_tags": [
"continuous integration/deployment (ci/cd)",
"development:web / app development",
"web services",
"propose your own idea"
"ideas_list": "",
"contact_method": "",
"program_year": 2018
"id": 5270265626361856,
"name": "FFmpeg",
"slug": "ffmpeg",
"website_url": "",
"category": "graphics",
"contact_email": null,
"mailing_list": "",
"irc_channel": "",
"tagline": "A complete, cross-platform solution to record, convert & stream audio and video.",
"precis": "FFmpeg is the complete, cross-platform solution to record, convert and stream audio and video.",
"description": "# What FFmpeg is\n\nFFmpeg is the leading multimedia framework, able to decode, encode, transcode, mux, demux, stream, filter and play pretty much anything that humans and machines have created.\nIt supports the most obscure ancient formats up to the cutting edge, no matter if these formats were designed by some standards committee, the community or a corporation.\nFFmpeg compiles, runs, and passes our testing infrastructure FATE across Linux, Mac OS X, Microsoft Windows, the BSDs, Solaris, etc. under a wide variety of build environments, platforms and configurations.\nFFmpeg provides the libraries libavcodec, libavutil, libavformat, libavfilter, libavdevice, libswscale and libswresample to be used by applications as well as the command line tools ffmpeg, ffplay and ffprobe for direct use.\n\n# Who the users of FFmpeg are\n\nThe FFmpeg libraries are utilized by various applications and services affecting the daily multimedia experience of countless end-users.\nAmong these are media players like VLC and MPlayer, browsers including Chromium and Firefox, social media services from Facebook and Twitter to YouTube and Vimeo.\nAlso a large user base uses the provided command line tools to directly record, manipulate and play media in all the many ways FFmpeg has to offer.\nIf digital multimedia is part of your daily life chances are high that you are already part of the huge group of people who benefit from the FFmpeg project.\n\n# How your contribution might fit in\n\nAs an interested student you will have the chance to dive into a highly technical environment and demonstrate the necessary skills to develop software at a high level in terms of code quality, maintainability and security.\nHaving a mentor on your side reduces the burdon to get you on speed working in a yet unknown codebase and community.\nYou will be able to improve your skills, gain a lot of experience in a very interesting field and possibly contribute your own piece of a software that might have an impact on millions of users.",
"tags": [
"primary_open_source_license": "GNU Library or \"Lesser\" General Public License version 2.1 (LGPL-2.1)",
"image_url": "//",
"image_bg_color": null,
"gplus_url": null,
"twitter_url": "",
"blog_url": null,
"application_instructions": "# Requirements\n\nWe welcome students interested in audio, video and multimedia technology in general. Good knowledge of the C programming language or assembler and a basic understanding of the git revision control system are required.\n\nWe expect students to pass a qualification task to get accepted. Passing this task will prove that you know how to program in C (or assembler), that you can handle git and - most importantly - that you are able to communicate with us on the mailing list and understand our sometimes complex review process.\n\nTherefore, it is important to get in touch with us as early as possible. Your qualification task is object to the very same review process like every other patch. Usually, many iterations are needed to make a patch acceptable which will take time.\n\n# Apply\n\nBest to prepare your proposal is to get to know our community and communication channels. Subscribe to our development mailing list and join #ffmpeg-devel on the freenode IRC network. You will already be able to gain a lot of insight about us, our rules and procedures by just following discussions on these channels.\n\nNext, write your potential mentor an initial mail to actually dive into your application. Be elaborative about yourself and your interest in the project so that your mentor can adapt to your capabilities in the best possible way. Your mentor will then guide you through your qualification task and possibly through all the rest of a successful Summer of Code.\n\n[Find all details in our Wiki](",
"topic_tags": [
"technology_tags": [
"proposal_tags": [
"image format",
"video codec",
"audio codec",
"asm optimizations",
"multimedia filter"
"ideas_list": "",
"contact_method": "",
"program_year": 2018
"id": 4799958788603904,
"name": "FOSSASIA",
"slug": "fossasia-3",
"website_url": "",
"category": "web",
"contact_email": "",
"mailing_list": "",
"irc_channel": "",
"tagline": "Improve People's Lives",
"precis": "Improving people's lives around the world with software and hardware for conversational AIs, science and event management.",
"description": "FOSSASIA develops Open Source software and hardware for conversational AIs, science and event management with a global developer community from its base in Asia. The organization also organizes Open Technology events, runs coding programs and the Codeheat development contest. The annual FOSSASIA Summit is the premier Open Technology event in Asia for developers, contributors, start-ups, and technology companies. FOSSASIA was founded in 2009.",
"tags": [
"primary_open_source_license": "GNU Library or \"Lesser\" General Public License version 3.0 (LGPL-3.0)",
"image_url": "//",
"image_bg_color": null,
"gplus_url": "",
"twitter_url": "",
"blog_url": "",
"application_instructions": "Please see our program guidelines and templates here:",
"topic_tags": [
"web development",
"artificial intelligence",
"personal assistants"
"technology_tags": [
"artificial intelligence"
"proposal_tags": [
"artificial intelligence",
"ideas_list": "",
"contact_method": "",
"program_year": 2018
"id": 6631528449179648,
"name": "FOSSology",
"slug": "fossology",
"website_url": "",
"category": "other",
"contact_email": "",
"mailing_list": "",
"irc_channel": "",
"tagline": "Open Source License Compliance by Open Source Software",
"precis": "FOSSology is a open source license compliance software system and toolkit, a database and web UI are provided to analyze OSS packages for their licensing at very much detail.",
"description": "FOSSology is an industry standard tool for the end-to-end analysis of software distributions. It lets organizations scan source code for: a) License information, b) Copyright notices, c) Export control relevant statements. It makes software analysis more efficient by offering high precision with few false positives, greatly reducing overhead costs.\n\nFOSSology is a framework, toolbox and Web server application for examining software packages in a multi-user environment. A user can upload individual files or entire software packages. Fossology will unpack this upload if necessary and run a chosen set of agents on every file of the upload. An agent can implement any analysis operation on a text file. The FOSSology package as of now focuses on license relevant data. However, it could be extended with analyses for different purposes (e.g. static code analysis).\n\nFOSSology lets users generate licensing documentation according to the organization's needs, in a variety of data formats, emphasizing SPDX tag-value and RDF documents. FOSSology is an Open Source Software tool licensed under GPL-2.0 and a Linux Foundation collaboration project.",
"tags": [
"primary_open_source_license": "GNU General Public License version 2.0 (GPL-2.0)",
"image_url": "//",
"image_bg_color": null,
"gplus_url": null,
"twitter_url": null,
"blog_url": null,
"application_instructions": "There are a couple of ways to start the FOSSology development, for example by checking out the source repo and build the vagrant machine by issuing a \"vagrant up\" command (a tool like VirtualBox and also Vagrant installed). The vagrant machine shares the source repo so it acts as standardized deployment environment.\n\nPlease review the requirements described in the project ideas page at\n\n\nYou could submit your proposals using the GSoC website to the mentor from the ideas page. Please feel free to contact them directly with questions.",
"topic_tags": [
"open source",
"license compliance",
"technology_tags": [
"proposal_tags": [
"new agents"
"ideas_list": "",
"contact_method": "",
"program_year": 2018
"id": 5253365315928064,
"name": "Free and Open Source Silicon Foundation",
"slug": "free-and-open-source-silicon-foundation",
"website_url": "",
"category": "other",
"contact_email": "",
"mailing_list": "",
"irc_channel": "",
"tagline": "The home for open source hardware, EDA tools and the related ecosystem",
"precis": "Umbrella for various projects around open source hardware and tools",
"description": "We are a group of developers and open hardware enthusiasts from the open source silicon community, that formed the FOSSi Foundation. It is a non-profit foundation with the mission to promote and assist free and open digital hardware designs and their related ecosystems. The FOSSi Foundation operates as an open, inclusive, vendor-independent community.\n\nOur goal is to promote and assist free and open digital hardware designs and their ecosystem. Such hardware designs can for example be single \"IP blocks\" or entire system-on-chip (SoC). Our vision is that there will be multiple open source chips in the next years. Our main effort is our community hub website [](\n\nBeside single components and entire SoCs, we see open source Electronic Design Automation (EDA) tools as a crucial for the advance of FOSSi. We therefore encourage and support open source synthesis tools, simulators and system generators, just to mention a few.\n\nWith those activities we are steadily working on advancing FOSSi and make it the next success after Open Source Software and (tangible) Open Source Hardware. We are open to proposals that help us getting in the direction of \"open source chips\". Please find a list of a few ideas, and we highly encourage you to think beyond that.\n\nGoogle Summer of Code students are invited to present and demonstrate their projects at our annual conference [ORConf]( with 100-200 attendants, which is held in Gdansk, Poland, on September 21-23.",
"tags": [
"primary_open_source_license": "MIT license (MIT)",
"image_url": "//",
"image_bg_color": null,
"gplus_url": null,
"twitter_url": "",
"blog_url": "",
"application_instructions": "Please choose projects that match your experience level and abilities. We highly encourage you to submit your own proposals. As we are an umbrella organization, the individual projects manage their own requirements. Please get in touch with the proposed mentors very early as some of the projects may require you to prove your capabilities.\n\nGenerally, we highly encourage you to get in touch with the projects early and thoroughly. The proposed mentory are happy to support you with understanding the proposed projects. They will also guide you on milestones and other planning parts of your application. You should be confident to being able to conduct the project and ask as many questions as you have!",
"topic_tags": [
"open hardware",
"eda tools",
"web community"
"technology_tags": [
"proposal_tags": [
"own core",
"open soc debug",
"ideas_list": "",
"contact_method": "",
"program_year": 2018
"id": 5629211344109568,
"name": "Free UK Genealogy",
"slug": "free-uk-genealogy",
"website_url": "",
"category": "data_and_databases",
"contact_email": "",
"mailing_list": "",
"irc_channel": "",
"tagline": "Human transcription of family history data",
"precis": "Free UK Genealogy provides free access to over 400 million records. The databases, search engines and user interfaces are largely designed and maintained by volunteers.",
"description": "FreeREG and FreeCEN are two projects run by Free UK Genealogy CIO (a Registered Charity in England and Wales). Free UK Genealogy provides free access to historical data of interest to family historians and others. Over twenty years, thousands of volunteers have so far transcribed over 400 million records. The databases, search engines and user interfaces have largely largely designed and maintained by volunteers, who have been supported by a number of contractors and, more recently, a small team of support staff. FreeREG uses mongodb, Ruby on Rails, and Refinery CMS. FreeCEN is transitioning from mysql to mongodb, from php to Ruby on Rails, and does not have a CMS in its old interface ( \n\nFor FreeREG, we are planning to use the summer to finish work on Version 1.5 Coordinator Enhancement - these are features which allow our volunteer coordinators to support the transcribers in their teams, and to monitor and maintain the quality of the transcription work. We hope to have finished the tasks relating to the development of new communications systems (but there may be some bug fixing to do) and be working on improvements suggested by the coordinators. \n\nFor FreeCEN, we are also planning to use the summer to work on features for Coordinators - but this is at an earlier level. Using our learning from FreeREG, we need to enable Coordinators to move on from outdated (and unstable) software for quality control, and undertake this using online tools. We are also beginning to explore how to offer the same functionality as (lots of ways to search!) on - perhaps using AI.",
"tags": [
"primary_open_source_license": "Apache License 2.0 (Apache-2.0)",
"image_url": "//",
"image_bg_color": null,
"gplus_url": null,
"twitter_url": "",
"blog_url": "",
"application_instructions": "Please sign up to our Slack channel ( scroll to the bottom of page). \nOur mailing list is for a newsletter that every two months lets volunteers, users, and supporters know what we are doing - have a look at the archive (\nWe’ve written a blog which explains how you might get involved with an Open Source project - including ours - and some more about our projects\n\nWe’d like you to work on an issue that uses your current knowledge, and also expands your range. Please see our ideas page, but you can also take a look at the current issues on our waffle boards (building the new FreeCEN) and (FreeREG) - if you filter by ‘SoC’ you will see the stories we think might interest you - but feel free to ask us about anything that is sitting in ‘Defined and Prioritised’ ‘Product Backlog’ that interests you. \n\nYou are encouraged to try out our websites as a user before or during the summer - maybe even become a transcriber - so you can suggest new ideas and paths which you can work on as well.\n\nUpfront: could you help out with one of the ‘good first issue’ tasks from our waffle board? If you can replicate a bug - can you look at the code and suggest where the problem might lie? Suggest a solution?",
"topic_tags": [
"machine learning",
" ui/ux",
" web apps",
"open data"
"technology_tags": [
"ruby on rails",
" css/html"
"proposal_tags": [
"feature, optimisation, enhancement, user experience, freereg, freecen, freeukgen, backend, front-end, ai"
"ideas_list": "",
"contact_method": "",
"program_year": 2018
"id": 5814357166915584,
"name": "FreeBSD",
"slug": "freebsd",
"website_url": "",
"category": "operating_systems",
"contact_email": "",
"mailing_list": "",
"irc_channel": "",
"tagline": "FreeBSD: The Foundation of the Internet",
"precis": "An advanced operating system for modern server, desktop, and embedded platforms which can be found powering everything from the smallest home routers to the world's busiest servers",
"description": "FreeBSD is an advanced operating system for modern server, desktop, and embedded computer platforms. FreeBSD provides advanced networking, impressive security features, and world class performance, and is used by some of the world's busiest web sites and most pervasive embedded networking and storage devices. From providing the foundation to the PlayStation 4 operating system, to Juniper's routers making up the backbone of the Internet, to being at the core of Apple's OSX and powering the servers Netflix use to stream terabits of video every second, chances are you are using FreeBSD right now without even realising it.\n\nThe FreeBSD Project began 25 years ago in 1993, but is based on the work of Berkeley CSRG with a history going back to 1978. Over those years the code base has gone through continuous development, improvement, and optimization. The FreeBSD Project is a large, mature, and yet relatively tightly knit organization, developed and maintained by a large team of individuals.\n\nThere are currently over 300 developers with write access to the main revision control system, and hundreds more with access to our Subversion servers for experimental and third party development. This is also where our Summer of Code students have worked in previous years. We have an active mentoring program to bring all new developers into our community, not just those that we introduce to FreeBSD through the GSoC. There are hundreds of mailing lists, forums, blogs, IRC channels, and user groups all detailed on our main website. FreeBSD offers a complete operating system in which students can work, not just a kernel or specific userland stack. This allows for interesting work that spans the userland/kernel boundary.\n\nIn addition to producing an operating system, FreeBSD has incubated the development of key pieces of infrastructure which are used by other open source projects including bsnmp, jemalloc, libarchive, and OpenPAM.",
"tags": [
"primary_open_source_license": "BSD 2-Clause \"Simplified\" or \"FreeBSD\" License (BSD-2-Clause)",
"image_url": "//",
"image_bg_color": null,
"gplus_url": null,
"twitter_url": "",
"blog_url": "",
"application_instructions": "Please look at our [instructions for applying with FreeBSD]( which includes lots of details on producing a good proposal that stands a better chance of being accepted. We recommend that you submit your proposals as early as possible, as that gives us the opportunity to comment on your proposals and allow you to refine them. We also recommend that you discuss proposals with possible mentors beforehand too in order to make sure your proposal is achievable and worthwhile.",
"topic_tags": [
" kernel",
"embedded systems",
"technology_tags": [
" shell script",
"proposal_tags": [
"ideas_list": "",
"contact_method": "",
"program_year": 2018
"id": 4809638168494080,
"name": "FreeType",
"slug": "freetype",
"website_url": "",
"category": "graphics",
"contact_email": null,
"mailing_list": "",
"irc_channel": null,
"tagline": "A software library to render fonts.",
"precis": "A software library written in C to render fonts.",
"description": "FreeType font rendering library\n----\n\nFreeType is a freely available software library to render fonts.\n\nIt is written in C, designed to be small, efficient, highly customizable, and portable while capable of producing high-quality output (glyph images) of most vector and bitmap font formats.\n\nSome products that use FreeType for rendering fonts on screen or on paper, either exclusively or partially:\n\n* GNU/Linux and other free Unix operating system derivates like FreeBSD or NetBSD;\n* iOS, Apple's mobile operating system for iPhones and iPads;\n* Android, Google's operating system for smartphones and tablet computers;\n* ChromeOS, Google's operating system for laptop computers;\n* ReactOS, a free open source operating system based on the best design principles found in the Windows NT architecture;\n* Ghostscript, a PostScript interpreter used in many printers.\n\nCounting the above products only, you get more than a _billion_ devices that contain FreeType.",
"tags": [
"primary_open_source_license": "GNU General Public License version 2.0 (GPL-2.0)",
"image_url": "//",
"image_bg_color": null,
"gplus_url": null,
"twitter_url": null,
"blog_url": null,
"application_instructions": "If you are interested in FreeType, please subscribe to the mailing list and introduce yourself, asking any questions you have. See our GSoC ideas page for suggestions, but feel free to suggest your own projects!",
"topic_tags": [
"technology_tags": [
"gnu make",
"gnu autotools",
"proposal_tags": [
"fuzzing support",
"test framework",
"new font format",
"documentation improvement",
"new feature"
"ideas_list": "",
"contact_method": "",
"program_year": 2018
"id": 4687947786354688,
"name": "freifunk",
"slug": "freifunk",
"website_url": "",
"category": "social_communications",
"contact_email": "",
"mailing_list": "",
"irc_channel": "",
"tagline": "Freifunk is a non-commercial initiative for free and open wireless networks.",
"precis": "freifunk is part of a global movement for free infrastructure. Our vision is the democratization of media with free networks. Wireless communities implement this idea worldwide.",
"description": "More and more people are single-handedly installing and maintaining free networks. Every user in the free wireless network provides his or her wireless LAN router for data transfer to other participants. In return, he or she can also transmit data, such as text, music and movies through a free internal network or use services setup by participants to chat, call or play online games. We use mesh networks.\n\nUmbrella Organisation\n-----\n\nWe act as umbrella organisation for other wireless communities like [Ninux](, [](, []( or [WLAN Slovenija]( and communites developing software we extensivly use like [OpenWRT](, [OLSR](, [BATMAN](, [libremesh]( or [retroshare](\n\nLocal communities provide software adapted to their own needs on their websites. There are more and more free wireless groups that meet regularly access in villages and cities.\n\nHardware and Software\n----\n\nMost devices in our networks are routers for home use. They should run with LEDE. In our local communities there are a lot of different approaches for different routing protocols, monitoring systems and map solutions. LEDE as OS for routers and OLSR, BATMAN and Babel as routing daemons are only a few examples of software developed together with freifunk.\nYou can find a great variety of topics where you can go on with wireless communities. We're looking for people working on new hardware drivers, improving routing protocols, developing network monitoring tools and user interface topics on the web interfaces, helping us with new features and tools to organize decentralized communities.\n\nCommon freifunk goals\n----\n\n* Educating and creating awareness on the subject of communication and freedom of information\n* Reducing the digital divide\n* Unhindered distribution of knowledge and resources\n* Empowering people to build and operate their own networks\n* Promote and support existing and new social structures\n\nAs we are decentralized there are some challenges, e.g. to get and show information about communities, working together with all those communties.",
"tags": [
"primary_open_source_license": "GNU General Public License version 3.0 (GPL-3.0)",
"image_url": "//",
"image_bg_color": null,
"gplus_url": null,
"twitter_url": "",
"blog_url": "",
"application_instructions": "First steps\n===\n\nPlease take a look on our [projects page]( and select the idea you like. If you miss any information like documentation or repositories, please ask the mentors connected to the ideas. We invite you to subscribe to forums or mailinglists to introduce yourself and clarify your questions.\n\nApplication Template\n===\n\nAbout you\n---\n\n * Name:\n * Email:\n * Blog:\n * Github/Bitbucket/Assembla etc. profile:\n * IRC Nick and Network:\n * Phone:\n * Country/Region:\n\nYour biography\n----\n\nWho are you? What's the focus of your studies? What makes you the best person to work on this project?\n\n Experiences in Free Open Source Software\n --\n\nWhat free and/or open source projects have you participated in? Please describe your contributions, provide us links to your features and commits.\n\nYour GSoC Project\n----\n\n* Project Title:\n* Possible Mentor:\n* Description:\n\n Benefits to community networks, who would gain from your project?\n\n * Deliverables - It is very important to list quantifiable results here e.g.\n * \"Improve X modules in ways Y and Z.\"\n * \"Write 3 new man pages for the new interfaces.\"\n * \"Improve test coverage by writing X more unit/regression tests.\"\n * \"Improve performance in FOO by X%.\"\n * Project Details - more detailed description.\n * Project Schedule - Please provide a rough timetable with milestones every 2 weeks.\n * Availability - How many hours per week can you spend working on this? What other obligations do you have this summer?\n\nAfter GSoC\n-----\n\nDo you have plans to continue with your project within the freifunk community after GSoC?",
"topic_tags": [
"web applications",
" embedded systems",
"software-defined networking"
"technology_tags": [
" python"
"proposal_tags": [
"wlan slovenija",
"web apps",
"ideas_list": "",
"contact_method": "",
"program_year": 2018
"id": 6282634095755264,
"name": "Genes, Genomes and Variation",
"slug": "ensembl-genome-browsers",
"website_url": "",
"category": "science_and_medicine",
"contact_email": "",
"mailing_list": "",
"irc_channel": null,
"tagline": "Genomic sequence and annotation databases and browsers",
"precis": "The Ensembl project maintains and updates databases that annotate a wide number of genome sequences and distributes them freely to the worldwide research community.",
"description": "Ensembl was created alongside the publication of the first draft of the human genome in 2001 to distribute this goldmine of information to scientists across the world. It quickly became and remains one of the most important reference databases in genomics, following the rapid development of the field. Its initial mission included finding all of the genes in the human genome. A year later, the mouse genome was published and we developed tools to directly compare genomes across species. Over the following decade, sequencing capacity increased exponentially (faster that Moore's Law in fact) and large surveys started examining more species and more individuals within each species. Our mission therefore expanded to store these datasets and statistics efficiently. Finally, in recent years, sequencing has been used to study the biochemical activity of the DNA molecule within the different tissues of an individual, prompting us to extend yet again our remit.\n\nAt the same time, Ensembl is an evolving software development project. Over 15 years, we moved from a central relational MySQL database with a Perl API and static web pages, to an array of storage technologies with a RESTful interface and an interactive front-end. We have dedicated portals for the large clades on the tree of life (known as Ensembl Genomes). Our annotations are produced through centuries of CPU time, coordinated by our powerful eHive analysis workflow manager.\n\nToday, we are a team of nearly 60 full time staff, housed at the European Bioinformatics Institute, and we collaborate with many external contributors around the world, in particular via our Github repositories where you can see us work day-to-day. We are at the intersection of two exciting and rapidly expanding fields, and there is no lack of interesting directions to push the project.",
"tags": [
"primary_open_source_license": "Apache License 2.0 (Apache-2.0)",
"image_url": "//",
"image_bg_color": null,
"gplus_url": null,
"twitter_url": "",
"blog_url": "",
"application_instructions": "Start early and pay attention to Google's student manual and the timeline. Student application submission date is March 27th so do not get bitten by timezones or random internet outages.\n\nTake some time to learn more about us: you can click around the Ensembl Genome Browser, check out all our repositories on Github, listen to us chatter on our public developers' mailing list, or drop us an e-mail. Look at the project ideas below to get an idea of the kind of projects you could get involved in.\n\nAre you ready, excited and committed? The ball is now in your court! You will need to apply via Google Summer of Code's portal and design a proposal. Below are some ideas to get you started. Once again, these are only suggestions, all creative ideas are welcome.",
"topic_tags": [
"data visualization",
"technology_tags": [
"java script"
"proposal_tags": [
"ideas_list": "",
"contact_method": "",
"program_year": 2018
"id": 5386591510462464,
"name": "GENIVI Alliance",
"slug": "genivi-alliance",
"website_url": "",
"category": "operating_systems",
"contact_email": "",
"mailing_list": "",
"irc_channel": "",
"tagline": "Developing open software for IVI and the connected car.",
"precis": "The GENIVI Alliance provides an open connectivity platform that accelerates innovative solutions based on open software for In-Vehicle Infotainment (IVI) systems.",
"description": "The GENIVI Alliance provides standards and an open connectivity platform that accelerates innovative solutions based on open software for In-Vehicle Infotainment (IVI) systems and connected vehicles.\n\nThe alliance has built a strong a community where automotive experts and thought leaders from related industries (e.g., content providers, mobility, etc.) can collaborate to produce adoptable standards and open source code. These collaborations are often based on industry trends that require collaborative development of solutions for increased functionality in automobiles. GENIVI has become a community where ecosystems outside of the automotive industry can meet and leverage the global automaker and supplier network in the GENIVI membership.\n\nGENIVI is accelerating innovation within the automotive ecosystem and driving initiatives founded on leading trends including system on a chip (SOC) consolidation, advanced user interfaces, software-over-the-air (SOTA), car-to-cloud connectivity and entertainment in autonomous vehicles. \n\nAn example of automotive trends meeting open technology is the GENIVI Vehicle Domain Interaction Strategy. GENIVI, in collaboration with other global technology providers, is developing open standard interfaces and code that bridge multiple car software domains. \n\nGENIVI has also delivered multiple software components that have been adopted and deployed in production vehicles worldwide. Developed by GENIVI, several standard interfaces (APIs) have been adopted in many commercial and open source solutions. These software components and interfaces are combined into a buildable baseline (based on Yocto Project’s meta-ivi layer) as well. This baseline is the basis of the GENIVI Development Platform (GDP) that is an open source, automotive development platform where prototypes and innovative IVI and connected vehicle solutions can be rapidly developed and tested.",
"tags": [
"primary_open_source_license": "Mozilla Public License 2.0 (MPL-2.0)",
"image_url": "//",
"image_bg_color": null,
"gplus_url": "",
"twitter_url": "",
"blog_url": null,
"application_instructions": "First thing you need to do is get in touch with potential mentors and let me them know about your interest. Second, you'll likely want to review GENIVI projects and a widely used integration target called [GDP](\n\nSince DBus is involved in many of the projects, you're advized to learn about it and play with it a bit in C++.\n\nPlease sign up for our mailing list: where the mentors participate.\n\nHang out on our IRC channel as much as possible: #automotive on . Please note that this channels is shared with Automated Grade Linux project.\n\nIRC and mailing-lista are also good place for seeking help if/when you get into trouble with anything.",
"topic_tags": [
"functional safety",
"technology_tags": [
"proposal_tags": [
"new feature",
"ideas_list": "",
"contact_method": "",
"program_year": 2018
"id": 4918228900380672,
"name": "Gentoo Foundation",
"slug": "gentoo",
"website_url": "",
"category": "operating_systems",
"contact_email": "",
"mailing_list": "",
"irc_channel": "",
"tagline": "A flexible, source-based Linux distribution.",
"precis": "A flexible, source-based Linux distribution.",
"description": "Every user has work they need to do. The goal of Gentoo is to design tools and systems that allow a user to do that work as pleasantly and efficiently as possible, as they see fit. Our tools should be a joy to use and should help the user to appreciate the richness of the Linux and free software community, and the flexibility of free software. This is only possible when the tool is designed to reflect and transmit the will of the user, and leave the possibilities open as to the final form of the raw materials (the source code.) If the tool forces the user to do things a particular way, then the tool is working against, rather than for, the user. We have all experienced situations where tools seem to be imposing their respective wills on us. This is backwards, and contrary to the Gentoo philosophy.\n\nPut another way, the Gentoo philosophy is to create better tools. When a tool is doing its job perfectly, you might not even be very aware of its presence, because it does not interfere and make its presence known, nor does it force you to interact with it when you don’t want it to. The tool serves the user rather than the user serving the tool.\n\nThe goal of Gentoo is to strive to create near-ideal tools. Tools that can accommodate the needs of many different users all with divergent goals. Don’t you love it when you find a tool that does exactly what you want to do? Doesn’t it feel great? Our mission is to give that sensation to as many people as possible.",
"tags": [
"primary_open_source_license": "GNU General Public License version 2.0 (GPL-2.0)",
"image_url": "//",
"image_bg_color": null,
"gplus_url": "",
"twitter_url": "",
"blog_url": "",
"application_instructions": "Students interested in applying to do a project for Gentoo should join #gentoo-soc on the Freenode IRC network and the mailing list. Announcements related to Gentoo's Summer of Code effort will be relayed to both places.\n\nYou can choose among our project ideas or come up with your own. The gentoo-soc mailing list, the gentoo-soc IRC channel or any of the listed mentors can provide feedback.\n\nWrite a proposal attempting to convince us why your project should be chosen. A few sentences are not sufficient in most cases to sway anyone.\n\nAbstract. Try to keep this section in one paragraph. It should not be an in depth analysis.\n\nObjective. What problem does the project solve? This does not need to be a long section.\n\nDeliverables. What will the project consist of when it is finished? Source code, documentation, a build system, libraries, binaries. These should all be enumerated and described in details in your proposal.\n\nTimeline. When will the deliverables be done? This section needs to be chronologically and technically detailed.\n\nBiography. Tell us about yourself.\n\nWe highly recommend having some initial discussion with one of the mentors about your proposal before you submit it.\n\nMore information at:",
"topic_tags": [
"operating systems",
"package management",
"embedded systems",
"init systems"
"technology_tags": [
" shell script",
" python",
"proposal_tags": [
"operating systems",
"new features",
"ideas_list": "",
"contact_method": "",
"program_year": 2018
"id": 4954936912117760,
"name": "GFOSS - Open Technologies Alliance",
"slug": "gfoss-open-technologies-alliance",
"website_url": "",
"category": "other",
"contact_email": "",
"mailing_list": "",
"irc_channel": "",
"tagline": "Promote Openness with the use and development of Open Standards & Open Source.",
"precis": "GFOSS – Open Technologies Alliance is a non-profit organization, with 35 Universities and Research Centers as its shareholders. Our main goal is to promote Openness.",
"description": "GFOSS – Open Technologies Alliance is a platform for Open Standards, Free Software, Open Content, Open Data & Open Hardware in Greece. The major Greek Universities and Research Centers participate in GFOSS – Open Technologies Alliance, while leading members of the Greek community of developers play a key role in the implementation of our policies. Through our initiatives we aspire to contribute to coordinating the efforts of groups of volunteers, enabling them to form the backbone of Greek FOSS development and implementation.",
"tags": [
"primary_open_source_license": "European Union Public License, Version 1.1 (EUPL-1.1)",
"image_url": "//",
"image_bg_color": null,
"gplus_url": null,
"twitter_url": "",
"blog_url": "",
"application_instructions": "The first thing we encourage students to do before composing their application is to read the [Student Manual]( As for the application we need all students to include the following information:\n* Full Name\n* Contact Details (email, telephone)\n* Relevant Urls (Github, Social Media, Personal Blog)\n* Short Bio/CV\n* Skills/Programming Languages\n* The title of the project(s) you want to contribute\n* How you want to contribute in the project\n* A detailed monthly work plan they are planning to achieve\n* A paragraph explaining why you are interested in participating in GSoC\n* A paragraph explaining why you believe we should choose you\n\nWe also encourage students to subscribe to our developers mailing list ( and contact the admins or the mentors with any questions they might have regarding their application, their proposed ideas or the project they are interested in contributing.",
"topic_tags": [
"java jsp",
"c++ tools",
"technology_tags": [
"python 3",
" css/html",
"proposal_tags": [
"ideas_list": "",
"contact_method": "",
"program_year": 2018
"id": 5376866043559936,
"name": "Git",
"slug": "git",
"website_url": "",
"category": "languages",
"contact_email": "",
"mailing_list": "",
"irc_channel": "",
"tagline": "Fast, scalable, distributed revision control system",
"precis": "Git is the most widely-used revision control system in Open Source. It is a distributed system with an emphasis on speed, data integrity, and support for many workflows.",
"description": "Git is the most widely-used revision control system in Open Source. It is a distributed system with an emphasis on speed, data integrity, and support for distributed, non-linear workflows.\n\nMany large and successful projects use Git, including the Linux Kernel, Perl, Eclipse, Gnome, KDE, Qt, Ruby on Rails, Android, PostgreSQL, Debian, and\n\nThis organization covers projects for [Git]( itself. Students may also propose\nprojects related to [libgit2]( Other git-based software or services are not covered by this organization.",
"tags": [
"primary_open_source_license": "GNU General Public License version 2.0 (GPL-2.0)",
"image_url": "//",
"image_bg_color": null,
"gplus_url": null,
"twitter_url": null,
"blog_url": null,
"application_instructions": "Please read the \"About applying for SoC with the Git project\" section in the ideas page:\n\nThe primary way to contact the Git community is through the Git mailing list Please discuss your application on this list.",
"topic_tags": [
"version control",
"technology_tags": [
" shell script",
" git"
"proposal_tags": [
"new feature",
"ideas_list": "",
"contact_method": "",
"program_year": 2018
"id": 5727014175113216,
"name": "Global Alliance for Genomics and Health",
"slug": "global-alliance-for-genomics-and-health",
"website_url": "",
"category": "science_and_medicine",
"contact_email": "",
"mailing_list": "",
"irc_channel": null,
"tagline": "We develop open standards and tools for genomics to benefit human health.",
"precis": "The Global Alliance for Genomics and Health (GA4GH) is a policy-framing and technical standards-setting organization, seeking to enable responsible genomic data sharing.",
"description": "The Global Alliance for Genomics and Health was formed to help accelerate the potential of genomic medicine to advance human health. It brings together over 400 leading Genome Institutes and Centers with IT industry leaders to create global standards and tools for the secure, privacy respecting and interoperable sharing of Genomic data.",
"tags": [
"primary_open_source_license": "Apache License 2.0 (Apache-2.0)",
"image_url": "//",
"image_bg_color": null,
"gplus_url": null,
"twitter_url": "",
"blog_url": "",
"application_instructions": "",
"topic_tags": [
"technology_tags": [
"proposal_tags": [
"clinical and phenotypic data capture",
"large scale genomics",
"ideas_list": "",
"contact_method": "",
"program_year": 2018
"id": 5900447454330880,
"name": "GNOME",
"slug": "gnome",
"website_url": "",
"category": "operating_systems",
"contact_email": null,
"mailing_list": null,
"irc_channel": "",
"tagline": "A free desktop environment for GNU/Linux.",
"precis": "GNOME offers an easy to understand desktop and applications for your GNU/Linux computer.",
"description": "# Non-profit organization that creates a computing platform for the general public\n\nThe GNOME project builds the technologies, platform, middle-ware, applications and environment to create a free software solution for using your personal computer. The GNOME project is:\n\n## Independent\n\nOur board is democratically elected, and technical decisions are made by the engineers doing the work. We are supported by many organizations; employees from over a hundred companies have contributed since the project began.\n\n## Free\n\nWe believe that software should be developed in the open. Our development infrastructure and communication channels are public, and our code can be freely downloaded, modified and shared with others. All our contributors have the same rights.\n\n## Connected\n\nOur project is an important part of the Free Software ecosystem. We work with other free projects to create high-quality solutions that span the entire software stack.\n\n## People-focused\n\nOur software is translated into many languages and comes with built in accessibility features. This means that it can be used by anyone, regardless of the language they speak or their physical abilities.",
"tags": [
"primary_open_source_license": "GNU General Public License version 3.0 (GPL-3.0)",
"image_url": "//",
"image_bg_color": null,
"gplus_url": "",
"twitter_url": "",
"blog_url": "",
"application_instructions": "Read our instructions and requirements to aplpy for GNOME at",
"topic_tags": [
"end user applications",
"operating system"
"technology_tags": [
" javascript",
"proposal_tags": [
"operating systems"
"ideas_list": "",
"contact_method": "",
"program_year": 2018
"id": 5397307990736896,
"name": "GNSS-SDR",
"slug": "gnss-sdr",
"website_url": "",
"category": "science_and_medicine",
"contact_email": "",
"mailing_list": "",
"irc_channel": null,
"tagline": "An open source Global Navigation Satellite Systems software-defined receiver",
"precis": "GNSS-SDR is a GNSS software receiver, written in C++, that is able to work from raw signal samples and performs all the signal processing until the Position-Velocity-Time solution.",
"description": "GNSS-SDR is an open source Global Navigation Satellite Systems software receiver, written in C++, that is able to work either from raw signal samples stored in a file, or in real-time with a radio-frequency front-end as signal source, and performs all the signal processing until the observable computation and Position-Velocity-Time solution. Its modularity allows users to populate the framework with their own algorithms, allowing to put the focus on the signal processing implementation without worrying about how to embed that algorithm in a whole GNSS receiver. It also makes possible fair performance benchmarks using real GNSS signals, and its open source license allows free downloading, use and code inspection.\nThe proposed software receiver targets multi-constellation/multi-frequency architectures, pursuing the goals of efficiency, modularity, interoperability, and flexibility demanded by user domains that require non-standard features, such as earth observers or geodesists, and allowing applications such as the observation of the ionosphere, GNSS reflectometry, signal quality monitoring, space weather, and high-accuracy positioning based on carrier-phase navigation techniques. In this project, we focus on signal processing, understood as the process between the ADC and the computation of code and phase observables, including the demodulation of the navigation message. We purposely omit data processing, understood as the computation of the navigation solution from the observables and the navigation message, since there are a number of well-established libraries and applications for that (also in the open source side, such as GPSTk or RTKLIB).",
"tags": [
"primary_open_source_license": "GNU General Public License version 3.0 (GPL-3.0)",
"image_url": "//",
"image_bg_color": null,
"gplus_url": null,
"twitter_url": null,
"blog_url": null,
"application_instructions": "If you are an eligible and interested student, read through the list and note the projects you are interested in. Then submit a proposal to Google, using the GSoC 2017 website. We recommend you to submit your application early. By doing so, it will be given a greater share of attention than is possible for applications submitted at the last minute.\nYou might submit a proposal following the guidelines below, or you might want to adapt it. Changes to the proposal could include:\n+ You think the project as suggested is too large and you can only feasibly complete part of it; if so, make sure your proposal covers a reasonable subset of the functionality.\n+ You think the project as suggested is too small; in this case you might want to extend the idea, combine projects, etc.\n+ You like the basic idea of the project but it is not such a good fit for the skills that you have; in this case please feel free to suggest an alternative.\n\nYour proposal should include the following: your project proposal, why you would like to execute on this particular project, and the reason you are the best individual to do so. Your proposal should also include details of your academic, industry, and/or open source development experience, and other details as you see fit. An explanation of your development methodology and schedule is a good idea, as well. It is always helpful to include your contact information, as it will not be automatically shared with your would-be mentors as part of the proposal process.",
"topic_tags": [
"digital signal processing",
"software defined radio",
"communications engineering"
"technology_tags": [
"proposal_tags": [
"new feature",
"kalman filter",
"frame synchronization",
"data types"
"ideas_list": "",
"contact_method": "",
"program_year": 2018
"id": 6040623124054016,
"name": "GNU Compiler Collection (GCC)",
"slug": "gnu-compiler-collection-gcc",
"website_url": "",
"category": "languages",
"contact_email": "",
"mailing_list": "",
"irc_channel": "",
"tagline": "GCC",
"precis": "The GNU Compiler Collection (GCC) is a compiler system produced by the GNU Project supporting various programming languages and a variety of native and cross targets.",
"description": "The GNU Compiler Collection includes front ends for C, C++, Objective-C, Fortran, Ada, and Go, as well as libraries for these languages (libstdc++,...). GCC was originally written as the compiler for the GNU operating system. The GNU system was developed to be 100% free software, free in the sense that it respects the user's freedom.\n\nWe strive to provide regular, high quality releases, which we want to work well on a variety of native and cross targets (including GNU/Linux), and encourage everyone to contribute changes or help testing GCC. Our sources are readily and freely available via SVN and weekly snapshots.",
"tags": [
"primary_open_source_license": "GNU General Public License version 3.0 (GPL-3.0)",
"image_url": "//",
"image_bg_color": null,
"gplus_url": "",
"twitter_url": "",
"blog_url": null,
"application_instructions": "Students applying for a GCC Google Summer of Code (GSoC) project need to have experience with C/C++ and should have at least some theoretical background in the area of compilers and compiler optimizations.\n\nFirst, you need to select a project. If you have been following GCC development, you might have an idea of your own. Otherwise, you can go to and pick an idea there. \n\nWhile selecting a project, do not hesitate to ask questions or request more details from the community by email to the mialing list (you can subscribe at with the string \"GSoC\" in the email subject or on our #gcc IRC channel at Please note that the mailing list does not accept HTML messages, you must set your email client to plain text.\n\nAfter you believe you have selected and/or refined the project idea, please make sure you send us an email about your intention to apply to the mailing list with the string \"GSoC\" in the email subject, in addition to any general required steps to apply to the GSoC program.\n\nLast but not least, the GCC is owned by the Free Software Foundation (FSF), as such, all contributors must assign their copyright to the FSF before any of their changes are accepted. The copyright assignment process is described on pages:\n\n - and\n -",
"topic_tags": [
"technology_tags": [
"proposal_tags": [
"ideas_list": "",
"contact_method": "",
"program_year": 2018
"id": 4797252556554240,
"name": "GNU Octave",
"slug": "gnu-octave",
"website_url": "",
"category": "languages",
"contact_email": "",
"mailing_list": "",
"irc_channel": "",
"tagline": "Free Your Numbers",
"precis": "GNU Octave is a high-level interpreted language, primarily intended for numerical computations.",
"description": "GNU Octave is a high-level interpreted language, primarily intended for numerical computations. It provides capabilities for the numerical solution of linear and nonlinear problems and for performing other numerical experiments. It also provides extensive graphics capabilities for data visualization and manipulation. Octave is normally used through its interactive command line interface, but it can also be used to write non-interactive programs. The Octave language is quite similar to Matlab so that most programs are easily portable.\n\nOctave is continually being upgraded. The current version 4.2 includes a graphical user interface, support for classdef object-oriented programming, and many new and improved functions. Student projects may also involve developing or upgrading Octave Forge packages, which can be loaded to provide additional specialized functions that supplement those provided in Core Octave.",
"tags": [
"primary_open_source_license": "GNU General Public License version 3.0 (GPL-3.0)",
"image_url": "//",
"image_bg_color": null,
"gplus_url": null,
"twitter_url": null,
"blog_url": "",
"application_instructions": "Post on our [mailing list]( or chat on [IRC]( to get feedback on your ideas, and help with any questions.\n\nFamiliarize yourself with using and building Octave, and with any other skills needed to carry out your proposed project. Demonstrate this familiarity by contributing [bug fixes]( or [patches]( before the end of the application period.\n\n[Make an account]( on our Wiki and then copy and fill out Octave's [application template]( on your Wiki user page. Also complete your GSoC application on Melange as per Google guidelines.\n\nFor more details, please see the [Octave Wiki](",
"topic_tags": [
"numerical computation",
"scientific computing",
"numerical methods"
"technology_tags": [
"proposal_tags": [
"octave forge",
"image analysis",
"new feature",
"matlab compatibility"
"ideas_list": "",
"contact_method": "",
"program_year": 2018
"id": 6071880469970944,
"name": "GNU Project",
"slug": "gnu-project",
"website_url": "",
"category": "operating_systems",
"contact_email": null,
"mailing_list": "",
"irc_channel": "",
"tagline": "GNU is an operating system that is free software",
"precis": "GNU is an operating system that is free software. The development of GNU made it possible to use a computer without software that would trample your freedom.",
"description": "GNU is a Unix-like operating system. That means it is a collection of many programs: applications, libraries, developer tools, even games. The development of GNU, started in January 1984, is known as the GNU Project. Many of the programs in GNU are released under the auspices of the GNU Project; those we call GNU packages.",
"tags": [
"primary_open_source_license": "GNU General Public License version 3.0 (GPL-3.0)",
"image_url": "//",
"image_bg_color": null,
"gplus_url": null,
"twitter_url": null,
"blog_url": null,
"application_instructions": "All the instructions can be found on the ideas page",
"topic_tags": [
"free software",
"operating system"
"technology_tags": [
"proposal_tags": [
"new feature",
"bug fixing",
"stable release"
"ideas_list": "",
"contact_method": "",
"program_year": 2018
"id": 4829179732819968,
"name": "GNU Radio",
"slug": "gnu-radio",
"website_url": "",
"category": "end_user_applications",
"contact_email": null,
"mailing_list": "",
"irc_channel": "",
"tagline": "The free & open software radio ecosystem",
"precis": "GNU Radio is a free & open-source software development toolkit that provides signal processing blocks to design, test and implement software radios.",
"description": "GNU Radio is a free & open-source software development toolkit that provides signal processing blocks to implement software radios. It can be used with readily-available low-cost external RF hardware to create software-defined radios, or without hardware in a simulation-like environment. It is widely used in research, industry, academia, government, and hobbyist environments to support both wireless communications research and real-world radio systems.\n\nIn brief, a software radio is a radio system which performs the required signal processing in software instead of using dedicated integrated circuits in hardware. The benefit is that since software can be easily replaced in the radio system, the same hardware can be used to create many kinds of radios for many different communications standards; thus, one software radio can be used for a variety of applications!\n\nYou can use GNU Radio to write applications to receive and transmit data with radio hardware, or to create entirely simulation-based applications. GNU Radio has filters, channel codes, synchronisation elements, equalizers, demodulators, vocoders, decoders, and many other types of blocks which are typically found in signal processing systems. More importantly, it includes a method of connecting these blocks and then manages how data is passed from one block to another. Extending GNU Radio is also quite easy; if you find a specific block that is missing, you can quickly create and add it.\n\nGNU Radio applications can be written in either C++ or Python programming language, while the performance-critical signal processing path is implemented in C++ using processor floating-point extensions where available. This enables the developer to implement real-time, high-throughput radio systems in a simple-to-use, rapid-application-development environment.",
"tags": [
"primary_open_source_license": "GNU General Public License version 3.0 (GPL-3.0)",
"image_url": "//",
"image_bg_color": null,
"gplus_url": null,
"twitter_url": "",
"blog_url": "",
"application_instructions": "Please have a look at our website for detailed [instructions]( on how to apply as well as pointers to successful proposals from past years that can be used as a template. We try to be as transparent as possible regarding what we want to see in good proposals and how we rate them. Please read the instructions carefully, there are some formalities that must be taken care of or your proposal may be discarded immediately.",
"topic_tags": [
"software defined radio",
"communications engineering",
"technology_tags": [
"proposal_tags": [
"qt gui",
"ideas_list": "",
"contact_method": "",
"program_year": 2018
"id": 4912402089377792,
"name": "Godot Engine",
"slug": "godot-engine",
"website_url": "",
"category": "graphics",
"contact_email": "",
"mailing_list": null,
"irc_channel": "",
"tagline": "Godot is a multi-platform 2D and 3D game engine with a feature-rich editor",
"precis": "With a feature-packed and cross-platform 2D and 3D editor, Godot is today's most mature FOSS game engine with an ever growing worldwide community of contributors and users.",
"description": "[Godot Engine]( is a feature-packed, cross-platform game engine to create 2D and 3D games from a unified interface. It provides a comprehensive set of common tools, so that users can focus on making games without having to reinvent the wheel. Games can be exported in one click to a number of platforms, including the major desktop platforms (Linux, Mac OSX, Windows) as well as mobile (Android, iOS) and web-based (HTML5 via WebAssembly) platforms.\n\nGodot is completely [free and open source]( under the very permissive MIT license. No strings attached, no royalties, nothing. The users' games are theirs, down to the last line of engine code. Godot's development is fully independent and community-driven, empowering users to help shape their engine to match their expectations. It is supported by the [Software Freedom Conservancy]( not-for-profit.\n\nWith its major 3.0 release in January 2018 after more than 18 months of development, Godot is establishing itself as a major player not only among free and open source engine, but also next to the proprietary engines which currently dominate the market (Unity3D, Unreal Engine, Game Maker, etc.).\n\nHundreds of game and [engine developers]( from all over the world contribute to its success daily by extending the engine, fixing bugs, writing documentation, providing support on community channels and, last but not least, developing their own great games with Godot!",
"tags": [
"primary_open_source_license": "MIT license (MIT)",
"image_url": "//",
"image_bg_color": null,
"gplus_url": null,
"twitter_url": "",
"blog_url": "",
"application_instructions": "To apply for an internship at [Godot Engine](, we encourage you to first get familiar with the community ([channels](, review the ideas list and [current roadmap]( and think about what you'd like to work on (it can be your own proposal). To ensure that it's relevant, discuss it with Godot developers and use their feedback to write your application.\n\nTo apply formally, we ask that you send an email to with:\n- A one-pager describing your technical proposal, why it would be a good fit for the engine and rough ideas on how it could be done\n- A (short) cover letter, describing why you would like to be a GSoC student at Godot\n- A résumé mentioning your current studies, and if applicable experience with free and open source software\n\nUPDATE: Note that you should also apply formally via the GSoC dashboard before March 27th! Sending an email to is good as a notification and to get some early feedback, but the actual application should go through the interface.\n\nAs mentioned, you are really encourage to get in touch with Godot contributors before applying to put all chances on your side. We will not pre-approve proposals before a formal application following the GSoC timeline and rules, but we can give our assessment of the relevance of your ideas for the project, and their concordance with its philosophy and roadmap. The preferred channel to discuss with developers is [#godotengine-devel]( on the Freenode IRC network.",
"topic_tags": [
"game engine",
"game development",
"virtual reality"
"technology_tags": [
"proposal_tags": [
"new feature",
"ideas_list": "",
"contact_method": "",
"program_year": 2018
"id": 6309297353392128,
"name": "gRPC",
"slug": "grpc",
"website_url": "",
"category": "cloud",
"contact_email": "",
"mailing_list": "!forum/grpc-io",
"irc_channel": "",
"tagline": "A high performance, open-source universal RPC framework",
"precis": "gRPC - A high performance, open-source universal RPC framework",
"description": "gRPC is a modern open source high performance RPC framework that can run in any environment. It can efficiently connect services in and across data centers with pluggable support for load balancing, tracing, health checking and authentication. It is also applicable in last mile of distributed computing to connect devices, mobile applications and browsers to backend services.",
"tags": [
"primary_open_source_license": "Apache License 2.0 (Apache-2.0)",
"image_url": "//",
"image_bg_color": null,
"gplus_url": null,
"twitter_url": "",
"blog_url": "",
"application_instructions": "Please review the ideas at and apply using the regular Google Summer of Code process.\n\nWe want gRPC to be the universal protocol for all computing platforms and paradigms, so while these are our ideas of what we think would make good projects for the summer, we’re eager to hear your ideas and proposals as well. Try us out and get to know the gRPC code and team!",
"topic_tags": [
"distributed networks",
"technology_tags": [
"distributed systems",
"proposal_tags": [
"ideas_list": "",
"contact_method": "",
"program_year": 2018
"id": 4821756754264064,
"name": "Haiku",
"slug": "haiku",
"website_url": "",
"category": "operating_systems",
"contact_email": null,
"mailing_list": "",
"irc_channel": "",
"tagline": "Integrated operating system for personal computers",
"precis": "Specifically targeting personal computing, Haiku is a fast, efficient, simple to use, easy to learn, and yet very powerful operating system.",
"description": "HAIKU is an open source operating system currently in development. Specifically targeting personal computing, Haiku is a fast, efficient, simple to use, easy to learn, and yet very powerful system for computer users of all levels. Additionally, Haiku offers something over other open source platforms which is quite unique: The project consists of a single team writing everything from the kernel, drivers, userland services, tool kit, and graphics stack to the included desktop applications and preflets. While numerous open source projects are utilized in Haiku, they are integrated seamlessly. This allows Haiku to achieve a level of consistency that provides many conveniences, and is truly enjoyable to use by both end-users and developers alike.\n\nWhat’s so good about Haiku anyway?\n==\n\nThe key highlights that distinguish Haiku from other operating systems include:\n\nSpecific focus on personal computing\nCustom kernel designed for responsiveness\nFully threaded design for great efficiency with multi-processor/core CPUs\nRich object-oriented API for faster development\nDatabase-like file system (BFS) with support for indexed metadata\nUnified, cohesive interface\n\nWhy Haiku?\n==\n\nThe Be Operating System introduced progressive concepts and technologies that we believe represent the ideal means to simple and efficient personal computing. Haiku is the realization of those concepts and technologies in the form of an operating system that is open source and free.\n\nWho is behind Haiku?\n==\n\nHaiku is developed by a growing community of volunteer developers from all around the world. Additionally, Haiku also exists thanks to the dedicated support of a fervent and friendly community, and that of Haiku, Inc., a non-profit organization founded by former project leader Michael Phipps with the purpose of supporting the development of Haiku as well as the growth of both the community and the Haiku platform.",
"tags": [
"primary_open_source_license": "MIT license (MIT)",
"image_url": "//",
"image_bg_color": "ffffff",
"gplus_url": null,
"twitter_url": "",
"blog_url": null,
"application_instructions": "See the detailed instructions at\n\nApplying students are required to submit a code contribution to our bugtracker. Submitting code that relates to your project will indicate a higher level of understanding and ability. The number and difficulty of resolved issues will be taken into consideration when evaluating your application.\n\nYOUR APPLICATION WILL NOT BE CONSIDERED IF YOU DO NOT SUBMIT A WORKING CHANGE.\n\nRequired basic information\n--\nFull name:\nTimezone:\nEmail address:\nIRC username (\nTrac username (\nTrac ticket(s) containing patches for Haiku:\nGitHub (or other public) repository:\nWill you treat Google Summer of Code as full time employment?\nHow many hours per week will you work?\nList all obligations (and their dates) that may take time away from GSoC (a second job, vacations, classes, ...):\nAre you using Google Summer of Code to fullfill a university requirement -- internship, class credit, ..? (If yes, you need to provide confirmation that your school approves. Remember, Google Summer of Code is a remote software development internship.)\nEstimated last day of classes/exams:\nEstimated first day of classes:\n\nOpen-ended\n--\nYou can structure this as you want. Below are some ideas of what to include:\n\nIntroduce yourself. (Who you are. Why you chose Haiku. What programming experience you have.)\nProject Proposal. (Title. Description. Goals.)\nTimeline.\nWhat do you expect Haiku's mentors to help you with?",
"topic_tags": [
"technology_tags": [
"bsd unix"
"proposal_tags": [
"user interface",
"ideas_list": "",
"contact_method": "",
"program_year": 2018
"id": 5706672807346176,
"name": "",
"slug": "haskellorg",
"website_url": "",
"category": "languages",
"contact_email": "",
"mailing_list": "",
"irc_channel": "",
"tagline": "Standardized, statically typed, lazy functional programming language",
"precis": "Haskell is an advanced, purely functional programming language. It boasts a strong type system with type inference. It compiles to fast native code with a concurrent runtime.",
"description": "Haskell is an advanced, general-purpose, purely functional programming language. It has a strong, static type system with Hindley-Milner type inference.\n\nThe language natively supports lazy evaluation, and functions are generally not allowed to have side effects. This leads to a concise and declarative style of programming, which differs quite a bit from conventional languages. By not allowing side effects and dealing with immutable data, the compiler can avoid whole classes of bugs.\n\nHaskell generally compiles to fast, native code, but it can also be compiled to other targets like JavaScript (through GHCJS) or LLVM.\n\nIn Google Summer of Code, we attempt to improve not only the language, but the whole ecosystem. This includes (aside from the language itself):\n\n- Compilers\n- Commonly used libraries\n- Commonly used applications written in Haskell\n- Profilers, debuggers and other tools\n- Package managers and infrastructure\n\nWe have compiled an ideas list together with long-time Haskell users, compiler contributors and researchers, and as such we believe these are important projects for the industry and academia both.",
"tags": [
"primary_open_source_license": "BSD 3-Clause \"New\" or \"Revised\" License (BSD-3-Clause)",
"image_url": "//",
"image_bg_color": null,
"gplus_url": null,
"twitter_url": "",
"blog_url": null,
"application_instructions": "We have a [list of project ideas](\n\nIn this list, prominent members of the Haskell community have suggested projects they care to address and fit well (time- and subject-wise) within the scope of the Google Summer of Code. The current authors of this list range from university professors (e.g., Eisenberg) to advanced ghc developers (e.g., Gamari). Yet, contributions to the project ideas list is still open, inviting students to propose variations of the current ideas or a completely new project. The community is welcoming and happy to discuss these ideas with prospective students, via IRC or our mailing lists.\n\nEach project is labeled with its difficulty level, ranging from \"Beginner\", targeting newcomers, to \"Advanced\", better fitted for students who already have experience with Haskell. The exact prerequisites differ from project to project, thus it is suggested for students to contact their prospective mentor before submitting an application.\n\nFrom our side, when evaluating the student applications it is crucial that the applicant understands the problem and knows how to tackle it. Students should break down the project into smaller problems, assigning difficulty and time estimates to those sub-problems and explain how these sub-problems fit in the bigger picture of the project.\n\nWe also suggest adding some more information about the student's experience and education (if any), even if this relates to another programming language or technology.",
"topic_tags": [
"programming languages"
"technology_tags": [
"proposal_tags": [
"package managers",
"functional programming",
"ideas_list": "",
"contact_method": "",
"program_year": 2018
"id": 5055460705566720,
"name": "Homebrew",
"slug": "homebrew-2",
"website_url": "",
"category": "languages",
"contact_email": null,
"mailing_list": null,
"irc_channel": "",
"tagline": "An open source, console package manager for macOS",
"precis": "Homebrew is an open source, console package manager for macOS.",
"description": "Homebrew is an open source, console package manager for macOS. It's used by millions of users every month.",
"tags": [
"primary_open_source_license": "BSD 2-Clause \"Simplified\" or \"FreeBSD\" License (BSD-2-Clause)",
"image_url": "//",
"image_bg_color": null,
"gplus_url": null,
"twitter_url": "",
"blog_url": "",
"application_instructions": "Follow the instructions here:",
"topic_tags": [
"package managers",
"terminal applications",
"technology_tags": [
"proposal_tags": [
"ideas_list": "",
"contact_method": "",
"program_year": 2018
"id": 6190297818595328,
"name": "INCF",
"slug": "incf",
"website_url": "",
"category": "science_and_medicine",
"contact_email": "",
"mailing_list": null,
"irc_channel": null,
"tagline": "Advancing global collaborative brain research",
"precis": "INCF coordinates scientific community activity to enable the integration of neuroscience data &\nknowledge worldwide, and catalyze insights into brain function in health and disease",
"description": "The International Neuroinformatics Coordinating Facility (INCF; is an international\norganization launched in 2005, following a proposal from the Global Science Forum of the OECD.\nINCF was established to facilitate and promote the sharing of data and computing resources in the\ninternational neuroscience community. A larger objective of INCF is to help develop scalable, portable,\nand extensible applications that can be used by neuroscience laboratories worldwide. \n\nThe mission of INCF is to share and integrate neuroscience data and knowledge worldwide. We foster\nscientific community collaboration to develop standards for data sharing, analysis, modeling and\nsimulation in order to catalyze insights into brain function in health and disease.\n\nINCF activities are open to all who can contribute to neuroinformatics at the international level. We\nhave a global community of neuroscience researchers working on new and improved tools for all of\nneuroscience – enabling other researchers to make more and faster discoveries, and improving our\nunderstanding of the brain.",
"tags": [
"primary_open_source_license": "BSD 3-Clause \"New\" or \"Revised\" License (BSD-3-Clause)",
"image_url": "//",
"image_bg_color": "ffffff",
"gplus_url": null,
"twitter_url": "",
"blog_url": null,
"application_instructions": "**Contact details:** \nFull name: \nEmail: \nLocation (Country and city): \nWebpage / Blog / Microblog / Portfolio (please give at least one): \nSkype or Hangouts ID: \n**Project details:** \nProject synopsis / summary \n_What is the project about? Why is it important?_ \n**Project in detail:** \n_How will you handle the project? Detailed description of your planned\napproach._ \n**Project implementation and timeline:** \n1) Minimal set of deliverables \n2) Additional ‘if time allows’ deliverables (optional) \n3) Detailed timeline; when will you do what? (suggest division per week or two-week period) \n**Plan for communication with mentors** \n_How will you and the mentors keep in contact? (Via weekly Hangouts/Skype calls, via email, via chat…?)_ \n**Candidate details:** \nMotivation - why do you want to do this project? \nMatch - tell us about something you've worked on in the past that would make you a good candidate for this project \nIs this the only project that you will apply for? \nWorking time and commitments - will you be working full time on this? \nDo you have any other plans for the summer (school work, another job, planned vacation)? \nPast experience \nCV",
"topic_tags": [
"big data",
"brain simulation",
"brain imaging",
"technology_tags": [
"proposal_tags": [
"gnode project",
"brian projects",
"genn projects",
"openworm projects",
"tvb projects",
"moose projects",
"other project",
"imagej project",
"bids project",
"deface project"
"ideas_list": "",
"contact_method": "",
"program_year": 2018
"id": 6584170814373888,
"name": "Inclusive Design Institute",
"slug": "inclusive-design-institute",
"website_url": "",
"category": "end_user_applications",
"contact_email": null,
"mailing_list": "",
"irc_channel": "",
"tagline": "The IDI addresses the challenge of designing ICT to work for all potential users",
"precis": "The IDI is a generative hub of applied research that addresses the challenge of designing our ICT systems so that they consider the full range of human diversity.",
"description": "The [IDRC]( is the lead organization of the [Inclusive Design Institute (IDI)](, a collaboration of eight Ontario post secondary institutions, together focusing on the development of inclusive information technology. The IDRC is primarily a research and development organization, part of the [Faculty of Design at OCAD University]( in Toronto. Its primary mandate is to promote access to information and information technology for all. Many of its activities involve working with international and local standards groups to introduce accessibility related specifications into their developing standards. It is an organization made up of computer scientists, engineers, educators, and practitioners, who all work together to develop leading edge technologies that are inclusive of everyone.\n \nThe IDRC and IDI are not-for-profit organizations. They offer services for people with disabilities, providing guidance on issues related to learning, technology use, and access to information.",
"tags": [
"primary_open_source_license": "BSD 3-Clause \"New\" or \"Revised\" License (BSD-3-Clause)",
"image_url": "//",
"image_bg_color": null,
"gplus_url": null,
"twitter_url": "",
"blog_url": null,
"application_instructions": "# IDI GSoC Student Application Template #\nStudents should submit their application using this template. Provide details about yourself, describing your approach to the project, and answer the questions that follow. Be creative in your application.\n## Introduction ##\nDescribe yourself; your goals, accomplishments, and anything else that might set you apart from others.\n## Education & Experience ##\nList your level of education and any courses you’ve taken that are relevant to the project. Also describe the relevant experience and skills you will bring.\n## Project Plan ##\nBased on the summary description for your project of choice on the IDI GSoC Ideas page, describe how you would approach the project. Create a project plan (don’t just repeat what was stated on the Ideas page). Be sure to include deliverables for each phase and other interim deliverables where appropriate.\n \nProject Description (Lots of details)\nTimeline & Deliverables (Itemized list matching deliverables to dates) \nProject Outcome (What would you expect to be the final outcome of your project) \n## Questions: ## \n\n1. How will you document your weekly progress?\n2. How will you ensure your project code continues to be maintained, after GSoC?\n3. What is your GitHub account?\n4. Will you be working on your own, or will you have partners?",
"topic_tags": [
"web applications",
"web development"
"technology_tags": [
"proposal_tags": [
"ideas_list": "",
"contact_method": "",
"program_year": 2018
"id": 5174841905250304,
"name": "Inkscape",
"slug": "inkscape",
"website_url": "",
"category": "graphics",
"contact_email": null,
"mailing_list": "",
"irc_channel": "",
"tagline": "Inkscape is a professional vector graphics editor for Windows, Mac OSX, & Linux.",
"precis": "An Open Source vector graphics editor, with capabilities similar to Illustrator, CorelDraw, or Xara X, using the W3C standard Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) file format.",
"description": "An Open Source vector graphics editor, with capabilities similar to Illustrator, CorelDraw, or Xara X, using the W3C standard Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) file format.\n\nInkscape supports many advanced SVG features (markers, clones, alpha blending, etc.) and great care is taken in designing a streamlined interface. It is very easy to edit nodes, perform complex path operations, trace bitmaps and much more. We also aim to maintain a thriving user and developer community by using open, community-oriented development.",
"tags": [
"primary_open_source_license": "GNU General Public License version 3.0 (GPL-3.0)",
"image_url": "//",
"image_bg_color": null,
"gplus_url": "",
"twitter_url": "",
"blog_url": null,
"application_instructions": "# Inkscape Application\nThanks for considering Inkscape for your summer of code! To help us find a good candidate, we ask a few things:\n\n## About You\n- What is your name, email, & irc nick?\n- What plans do you have for the summer in addition to GSoC (classes, thesis, job, vacation, etc.)?\n- What programming projects have you completed?\n- What are your favorite programming tools (editor, etc.)?\n- Describe any work on other open-source projects.\n- List other GSoC projects you're applying to.\n\n## About Inkscape\n- When did you hear about Inkscape?\n- What do you create with Inkscape?\n- What other open-source tools do you use?\n- How have you participated in the Inkscape community (e.g. uploaded drawings, created tutorials, submitted bug reports, asked or answered questions)?\n- How have you contributed to Inkscape development (e.g. bug fixes, translations, packaging, testing)?\n- In exactly **2** sentences, why should we pick **YOU**?\n\n## Tasks\n- Submit a drawing you've made, showing how you use Inkscape.\n- Introduce yourself on the inkscape-devel mailing list and post your project ideas for feedback, *before* submitting your application\n- [Checkout]( the Inkscape sourcecode through GitLab; review, compile & build it.\n- Pick 2 [bugs]( (or add new ones). Create & upload patches for them; make sure we can connect these to your GSoC application.\n- Prepare a detailed plan (with timetable) of the work you propose to do.",
"topic_tags": [
"technology_tags": [
" python",
"proposal_tags": [
"color management",
"ideas_list": "",
"contact_method": "",
"program_year": 2018
"id": 6655322517667840,
"name": "Inria Foundation",
"slug": "inria-foundation",
"website_url": "",
"category": "science_and_medicine",
"contact_email": "",
"mailing_list": "",
"irc_channel": null,
"tagline": "SOFA is an efficient simulation engine for research in medical simulation.",
"precis": "This project aims at interfacing two C++ libraries for medical simulation in order to aim at highly realistic modeling of the human body",
"description": "__Description of the code__\n[SOFA]( is an open-source framework for multi-physics simulation and is being developed for more than 10 years. Today, SOFA benefits from a large international community made up of research centers and companies. The SOFA core has a LGPL license (permissive and non-contaminating) fostering development of prototypes and products under any commercial license. Among the fields of application, SOFA is commonly used for:\n- soft and rigid body dynamics,\n- heat transfer,\n- robotics\n- and visualization.\n\n![Modeling with SOFA](\n\n__1. Coupling SOFA + Pulse__\nThe objective of this project is to create an open-source plugin for SOFA building an interface with the open-source library [Pulse]( platform. This engine provides comprehensive models for the human physiology. Both API are very close to each other: C++, Cmake, a core library with optional plugins. The integration will be helped with two mentors: one from the SOFA community and another one from the Pulse community.This project will therefore bring a new open-source technology to drive medical research, and innovation.\n\n__2. Emscriptening Sofa__\nWe now would like to be able to execute SOFA in the browser to promote the development of simulation based web-based applications. As SOFA a implemented in C++ this is not straightforward. This project aims at adapting the core of the SOFA simulation framework so that it can be compiled with Emscripten. Emscripten is a compiler that takes C/C++ code and compiles it to efficient subsets of JavaScript as asm.js and webassembly. \n\n__3. Communication protocols in SOFA__\nThe purpose of this project is to improve the communication plugin by adding more protocols in it such as vrpn, serial bus communication, and also improve the way it works. This plugin has an abstract base to run and implement different protocols asynchronously to the main sofa-framework thread. In a near future it has to be the default base for communicating with SOFA. \n\n__Contact__\n[Hugo Talbot, coordinator for SOFA at the Inria Foundation](",
"tags": [
"primary_open_source_license": "GNU Library or \"Lesser\" General Public License version 2.1 (LGPL-2.1)",
"image_url": "//",
"image_bg_color": null,
"gplus_url": null,
"twitter_url": "",
"blog_url": "",
"application_instructions": "__1. Coupling SOFA + Pulse__\n\nFor this project, the following skills are required:\n- in C++\n- and Cmake\n\nKnowledge of Pulse, or background in physics or mechanics is a real plus.\n\n__2. Emscriptening Sofa__\n\nFor this project, the following skills are required:\n- in C++\n- webassembly\n- and asm.js\n\n__3. Communication protocols in SOFA__\nFor this project, the following skills are required:\n- in C++\n- network protocols\n\n\n__Application process__\n\nTo apply, please contact us through our contact webpage: [CONTACT US]( Further to this first contact, we might ask for a resume and a short visio-session as an interview.\n\nWhat is important to us is mainly the long-term motivation to develop an open-source project in healthcare.\n\nOpen-sourcely yours,\n\nHugo Talbot\n\n![Looking forward to working with you!](",
"topic_tags": [
"medical simulation",
"medical research",
"scientific computing"
"technology_tags": [
"communication protocol"
"proposal_tags": [
"ideas_list": "",
"contact_method": "",
"program_year": 2018
"id": 4822679752802304,
"name": "Institute for Artificial Intelligence",
"slug": "institute-for-artificial-intelligence",
"website_url": "",
"category": "science_and_medicine",
"contact_email": null,
"mailing_list": null,
"irc_channel": "",
"tagline": "Research in Artificial Intelligence for Autonomous Mobile Robots",
"precis": "The Institute for Artificial Intelligence is part of the Faculty of Computer Science and member of the Center for Computing and Communication Technologies at University of Bremen.",
"description": "The Institute for Artificial Intelligence (IAI) at the University of Bremen, Germany, headed by Prof. Michael Beetz, investigates methods for cognition-enabled robot control. The research is at the intersection of robotics and Artificial Intelligence (AI) and includes methods for intelligent perception, dexterous object manipulation, plan-based robot control and knowledge representation for robots. Robots performing complex tasks in open domains, such as assisting humans in a household or collaboratively assembling products in a factory, need to have cognitive capabilities for interpreting their sensor data, understanding scenes, selecting and parameterizing their actions, recognizing and handling failures and interacting with humans. IAI develops solutions for these kinds of issues, implements and test them on the robots in our laboratory. A particular focus of the group is on the integration of individual methods into complete cognition-enabled robot control systems and the release of the developed software as open-source libraries.",
"tags": [
"primary_open_source_license": "BSD 3-Clause \"New\" or \"Revised\" License (BSD-3-Clause)",
"image_url": "//",
"image_bg_color": null,
"gplus_url": null,
"twitter_url": "",
"blog_url": "",
"application_instructions": "**Please read the up to date instructions from our [application page](**. Every project will have a small test/tutorial that have to be fulfilled in order to consider the application of the student. We do this in order to avoid copy-paste applications from students. The tutorials/tests are relatively simple and only require students proof that they managed to install and the required software and write a possible 'Hello World' code snippet.",
"topic_tags": [
"artificial intelligence",
"unreal engine",
"technology_tags": [
"unreal engine",
"proposal_tags": [
"ideas_list": "",
"contact_method": "",
"program_year": 2018
"id": 5301772164268032,
"name": "Intel Media And Audio For Linux",
"slug": "intel-media-and-audio-for-linux",
"website_url": "",
"category": "graphics",
"contact_email": "",
"mailing_list": "",
"irc_channel": "",
"tagline": "Open Source Media libraries, Applications, User space driver and Specification.",
"precis": "This family of media software, including libVA, VAAPI-Intel-Driver, GStreamer-vaapi, GStreamer-MediaSDK, libyami and libxcam.",
"description": "Intel Media and Audio for Linux is a family of media software, including libVA, VAAPI-Intel-Driver, gstreamer-vaapi, libyami and libxcam. libVA is an open source software library and API specification to provide access to hardware accelerated video decoding/encoding and video processing. VAAPI-Intel-Driver is open source hardware accelerated video driver for Intel integrated graphics based on libVA. Gstreamer-vaapi is a GStreamer plugin that allows hardware accelerated video processing through libVA. libyami is an open source video codec library to accelerate video decoding/encoding based on libVA. libxcam is an open source camera library to support computational photography features like 3A and image processing. All of these projects increase the speed and performance of decoding and encoding compressed digital video, imaging and audio. They also support workload offloading from the CPU to the GPU. \n\nThese projects are provided for operating system vendors, systems integrators, and original device manufacturers who are creating branded or customized operating systems for embedded devices, phones, tablets, convertibles, desktops, gaming and entertainment systems and more. Independent software vendors that create applications and games can also take advantage of the freely available source code and binaries.",
"tags": [
"primary_open_source_license": "MIT license (MIT)",
"image_url": "//",
"image_bg_color": null,
"gplus_url": null,
"twitter_url": null,
"blog_url": "",
"application_instructions": "Please have a look into the list of ideas provided here first:\n\nStudents are encouraged to contact us before submitting their proposals.\nWe would like to club few bug fixes as subtasks for most of the ideas listed in wiki pages. The mentors can help you for this.\n\nIt is highly recommended to start reading wiki-pages first. Setting the development environment and playing with the sample applications (most of our projects have example applications) is a good thing to do before writing the proposal.\n\nWe prefer to have the technical details in each proposal than some \"due date schedule of six months coding\".\n\nStudents can come up with their own ideas too.",
"topic_tags": [
"video decode",
"video encode",
"video post processing",
"hardware accelerated media processing",
"video apis"
"technology_tags": [
"hardware acceleration",
"proposal_tags": [
"ideas_list": "",
"contact_method": "",
"program_year": 2018
"id": 4800881602592768,
"name": "InterMine",
"slug": "intermine-university-of-cambridge",
"website_url": "",
"category": "science_and_medicine",
"contact_email": "",
"mailing_list": "",
"irc_channel": "",
"tagline": "Integrating biological data sources, making it easy to query and analyse data",
"precis": "InterMine is an open source biological data warehouse, providing a web-based user interface, sophisticated search and analysis tools and APIs to access the data programmatically.",
"description": "# What is InterMine?\nInterMine integrates data from different biological sources, providing a web-based user interface for querying and analysing the data. Users can automatically generate code to run queries using our [client libraries in R, Python, Perl, Ruby, Java, and Javascript](\n## What technologies do we use? \nInterMine core is built in Java, and all data are stored in PostgreSQL. We have a legacy JSP-based user interface, with a Clojurescript user interface in early beta. We're also keen on browser-based datavis tools that use of our API, so you'll see a lot of Javascript (or languages that compile to Javascript, like Clojurescript and Coffeescript). Our client libraries provide opportunities to write code in several other languages.\n## What sort of data does InterMine have? \nSince InterMine is open source, many research organisations around the world run InterMines with their own data, ranging from mice and fruit flies to a broad range of plants. Visit the [InterMine Registry]( to see them all. (The registry was written by a GSoC student last year!) Most InterMines also have a \"data sources\" tab which tells you more about where the data in that specific instance originates. \n## What kind of problems does InterMine solve?\nGenomic data is often messy, and there is a lot of it. Scientists use different terms to mean the same thing, and even assign the same gene different names! How can we handle this ambiguity? How can we help the end user make sense of data that is so diverse and complex? \nOne way to help scientists analyse data is to provide visualisations, so we’re always excited to add and adapt different ways to display our data. How do you visualise the features inside a protein, or the interactions between two sets of genes? \nCode you write for InterMine can have a large impact - since there are dozens of different InterMines, you can often write code to work with one InterMine and with little or no effort, port it to another InterMine with different data.",
"tags": [
"primary_open_source_license": "GNU Library or \"Lesser\" General Public License version 2.1 (LGPL-2.1)",
"image_url": "//",
"image_bg_color": "ffffff",
"gplus_url": null,
"twitter_url": "",
"blog_url": "",
"application_instructions": "Hello, and thank you for considering InterMine as your mentor organisation for Google Summer of Code! Please visit our [GSoC project ideas page]( and browse through the ideas. If one of them looks like it might interest you, contact the mentors directly to express your interest and discuss the projects further. \n\n## A few tips \n- Send us your CV / resume and tell us why you think you'd be a good choice for this project. \n- Now's the time to tell us what you can do! If you've written code, share it with us. A uni coding assignment is a good example of your work even if you don't have anything else. \n- Try to upload your code to GitHub (or a similar repository) if you can. Remember that if it's easy for us to examine and run, we're more likely to be interested than if all we receive is a zip file with no instructions. \n- A little-known secret: Open source code isn't only about the code. We'd also like to see evidence of your communication, project management, and documentation skills.\n- Biology knowledge is a bonus but is definitely not required. \n- Please visit our [GSoC site]( for full guidance and application details.\n\n## Custom ideas\nIf you're comfortable enough with InterMine's APIs (or data, or codebase) to propose your own project idea, we'd love to discuss it with you! Please drop an email to to sound out your idea.",
"topic_tags": [
"data science",
"open science",
"technology_tags": [
" java",
" javascript",
"proposal_tags": [
"client side",
"api library",
"custom proposal",
"ideas_list": "",
"contact_method": "",
"program_year": 2018
"id": 5271203925721088,
"name": "Internet Archive",
"slug": "internet-archive",
"website_url": "",
"category": "web",
"contact_email": "",
"mailing_list": null,
"irc_channel": null,
"tagline": "Universal Access to All Knowledge",
"precis": "We are a non-profit digital library based in San Francisco. We are best known for being the home for the Wayback Machine (",
"description": "he Internet Archive, a 501(c)(3) non-profit, is building a digital library of Internet sites and other cultural artifacts in digital form. Like a paper library, we provide free access to researchers, historians, scholars, the print disabled, and the general public. Our mission is to provide Universal Access to All Knowledge.",
"tags": [
"primary_open_source_license": "GNU Affero General Public License v3 (AGPL-3.0)",
"image_url": "//",
"image_bg_color": null,
"gplus_url": null,
"twitter_url": "",
"blog_url": "",
"application_instructions": "Send email to",
"topic_tags": [
"web extensions",
"voice apps",
"web archiving"
"technology_tags": [
"proposal_tags": [
"ideas_list": "",
"contact_method": "",
"program_year": 2018
"id": 5884725911093248,
"name": "Internet Systems Consortium",
"slug": "internet-systems-consortium",
"website_url": "",
"category": "operating_systems",
"contact_email": "",
"mailing_list": "",
"irc_channel": null,
"tagline": "We support critical internet infrastructure with quality open source",
"precis": "ISC develops and maintains quality open source and services to support the Internet infrastructure.",
"description": "[ISC]( is the organization behind the ongoing development and distribution of the name server software, **BIND**. Our team of engineers helps drive the DNS standards and author the reference implementation that is then distributed as commercial-quality open source software for the Internet community. ISC provides the same leadership both in standards development and software for the DHCP protocol: **ISC DHCP** and **Kea**. Over the years, the ISC team has written over [60 RFCs](; we are proud of our substantial contributions to the [Internet Engineering Task Force](\n\nAdministrators adopting Kea are looking for new ways to manage their core network services. They are attracted by Kea's separation of lease data from network communications, that facilitates centralized provisioning. They want to leverage Kea's hooks api and REST api to integrate DHCP with other network operations. As the explosion of containerized applications is breaking the old 1:1 relationship of IP addresses to machines, they need more flexibility and automation for services like DNS updating. The Kea team are looking for contributors who want to help us bring this core network management service into the 21st century by improving and extending the monitoring, provisioning, extensibility and performance.\n\nISC is a non-profit company. Our open source software is freely available on our website and on [](github). ISC work is supported by the sale of software support contracts, and by donations from users who want to see free open source maintained and extended for everyone.",
"tags": [
"primary_open_source_license": "Mozilla Public License 2.0 (MPL-2.0)",
"image_url": "//",
"image_bg_color": null,
"gplus_url": null,
"twitter_url": "",
"blog_url": "",
"application_instructions": "Please visit [Kea website](, or the [ISC website]( for more information.\n\nIf you are interested, we recommend joining the [kea-dev mailing list]( or at least reading the recent archives of that or [Kea-users]( Discuss your ideas with the developers on kea-dev, or you can email us privately at \n\nTo apply, please look at the list of proposed projects at If there is an idea that you are interested in proposing, the first step is to come up with some requirements and a proposed design. For examples, see some of the requirements and designs we have written for other Kea features (these larger and more complex than a typical summer project however):,, \n\nTechnical Skills needed for success:\nKea implements the DHCP standards developed by the technical community in the IETF. General knowledge of DHCP, IPv6 and network operations in general are extremely helpful for these projects. \n\nKea is written in C++11. The Kea project uses Google test, Google benchmarks, provides a REST interface and can use a number of DB backends: MySQL, Postgres, and Cassandra. Experience with these technologies will give you a head start on the project. \n\nIf you join this project, you will learn how to create professional-quality code: we do rigorous code reviews, require unit tests, written requirements and user and developer documentation.",
"topic_tags": [
"technology_tags": [
"proposal_tags": [
"ideas_list": "",
"contact_method": "",
"program_year": 2018
"id": 4681338905427968,
"name": "JBoss Community",
"slug": "jboss-community",
"website_url": "",
"category": "languages",
"contact_email": "",
"mailing_list": "",
"irc_channel": "",
"tagline": "Community of Java projects around JBoss Middleware",
"precis": "JBoss Community is a community of open source projects primarily written in Java.",
"description": "JBoss Community is a community of open source projects. The community hosts a large number of projects that are written in various programming languages. The primary language is Java. But there are also projects that are written in Ruby, PHP, Node and other languages.\n\nProject categories range from better testing support over IDEs, application servers, application and performance monitoring to micro-services.",
"tags": [
"primary_open_source_license": "Apache License 2.0 (Apache-2.0)",
"image_url": "//",
"image_bg_color": null,
"gplus_url": null,
"twitter_url": null,
"blog_url": null,
"application_instructions": "Before submitting you should talk to the potential mentor(s) who can give you more details about the idea and clarify questions about the idea that you (should) have.\n\nIn your proposal you need to present yourself and why you want to work on the idea. The proposal needs to include a detailed timeline that shows what you will implement when. Of course you need to sync up with your mentor on it. Very important is to exactly qualify what you want to have achieved by mid-term.\n\nIt will be good for you if you start interacting with the project community and looking at existing code even if it is an uncertain bet on the future. In the past we got a lot more submissions from students than slots for students, so students that have already interacted (well) with the community will be in a better position in the selection process.\n\nSome projects may not want to accept students that did not interact with the potential mentors and the project before. It may even be required so solve a task before being considered.",
"topic_tags": [
"mobile development",
"technology_tags": [
" java",
"apache kafka"
"proposal_tags": [
"wildfly swarm",
"ideas_list": "",
"contact_method": "",
"program_year": 2018
"id": 4863931101741056,
"name": "JdeRobot - Universidad Rey Juan Carlos",
"slug": "jderobot-universidad-rey-juan-carlos",
"website_url": "",
"category": "other",
"contact_email": "",
"mailing_list": "",
"irc_channel": null,
"tagline": "A software framework for developing applications in robotics and computer vision",
"precis": "JdeRobot is a software development framework for Robotics and Computer\nVision applications. It is ROS friendly, uses Python, C++, JS. Includes tools and a robotics teaching suite",
"description": "JdeRobot is a software development framework for robotics and computer\nvision applications. These domains include sensors, actuators, and intelligent software in between. It has been designed to help in programming such intelligent\nsoftware. It is written in C++, Python and JavaScript, and provides a distributed component-based programming environment where the robotic application is made up of a collection of several concurrent asynchronous components. Each component may run in different computers and they are connected using ICE\ncommunication middleware or ROS. JdeRobot is based on ROS and uses ROS drivers.\n\nReal robots like TurtleBot, drones (ArDrone, 3DR solo) and real sensors like color cameras, RGBD cameras (Kinect1, Kinect2, Xtion), RPLidar, laser are supported. And their corresponding ones in Gazebo simulator, including also a Formula1 and autonomous cars.\n\nGetting sensor measurements is as simple as calling a local function, and ordering motor commands as easy as calling another local function. The platform attaches those calls to the remote invocation on the components connected to the sensor\nor the actuator devices. Those local functions build the Hardware Abstraction Layer API. The robotic application gets the sensor readings and orders the actuator commands using such HAL to unfold its behavior.\n\nJdeRobot include many tools: (a) JdeRobot-Academy, a suite for teaching robotics and computer vision, with 20 motivating exercises; (b) VisualStates, for visual creation of automata that control robot behavior; (c) Scratch2JdeRobot, for programming advanced robots with a full visual language; (d) robot teleoperators, even with web technologies; (e) a tuner for color filters, etc.",
"tags": [
"primary_open_source_license": "GNU General Public License version 3.0 (GPL-3.0)",
"image_url": "//",
"image_bg_color": null,
"gplus_url": null,
"twitter_url": "",
"blog_url": null,
"application_instructions": "We welcome students to contact relevant mentors before submitting their application into GSoC official website.\n\nRequirements:\n- Git experience\n- C++ and Python programming experience (depending on the project)\n\nProgramming tests\nThe JdeRobot organization will prepare three small coding tests (standalone exercise or bug fix) before accepting any candidate proposal.\n\nSend us your CV\nThrough email, to jmplaza AT AND franciscomiguel.rivas AT AND almartinflorido AT AND edupergar AT\n\nTemplate\nAfter doing the programming test, just send us this template with the requested information.\n1. Contact details\nName and surname:\nCountry:\nEmail:\nPublic repository/ies:\nPersonal blog (optional):\nTwitter/Identica/LinkedIn/others:\n\n2. Your idea\nTitle\nBrief description of the idea\nThe state of the software BEFORE your GSoC.\nThe addition that your project will bring to the software.\n\n3. Timeline\nNow split your project idea in smaller tasks. Quantify the time you think each task needs. Finally, draw a tentative project plan (timeline) including the dates covering all period of GSoC.\n\n4. Studies\nWhat is your School and degree?\nWould your application contribute to your ongoing studies/degree? If so, how?",
"topic_tags": [
"computer vision",
"robot simulator",
"technology_tags": [
"proposal_tags": [
"teaching robotics",
"deep learning",
"visual programming"
"ideas_list": "",
"contact_method": "",
"program_year": 2018
"id": 5572716199936000,
"name": "Jenkins project",
"slug": "jenkins-project",
"website_url": "",
"category": "languages",
"contact_email": "",
"mailing_list": "",
"irc_channel": "",
"tagline": "Jenkins is an open-source automation server",
"precis": "Jenkins is the open source automation server. Built primarily in Java, it provides hundreds of plugins to support building, testing, deploying and automating virtually any project.",
"description": "[Jenkins](, originally founded in 2006 as \"Hudson\", is one of the leading automation servers available. Using an extensible, plugin-based architecture developers have created hundreds of plugins to adapt Jenkins to a multitude of build, test, and deployment automation workloads. Jenkins core is open-source ([MIT License](\n\nThe project has about 400 active contributors working on Jenkins core, plugins, website, project infrastructure, localization activities, etc. In total we have around 2000 different components including plugins, libraries, and various utilities. The main languages in the project are Java, Groovy and JavaScript, but we also have components written in other languages.\nThis year we invite students to join the Jenkins community and to work together on Jenkins plugins in order to improve Jenkins user experience and reliability.",
"tags": [
"primary_open_source_license": "MIT license (MIT)",
"image_url": "//",
"image_bg_color": null,
"gplus_url": null,
"twitter_url": "",
"blog_url": "",
"application_instructions": "In order to apply to the organization, please follow the [guidelines posted on our website]( \n\nBefore submitting please go through the page (including the expectations section) and through the [Student guide]( Participating in Google Summer of Code is a serious commitment requiring an almost full-time dedication over several months. If it may overlap with your study and other commitments, we recommend to think twice before applying.\nIf you have any questions about the application process, please feel free to contact us via the “” mailing list.",
"topic_tags": [
"development tools",
"continuous integration"
"technology_tags": [
" java",
" javascript"
"proposal_tags": [
"new feature",
"plugin developer tools",
"user experience",
"ideas_list": "",
"contact_method": "",
"program_year": 2018
"id": 6239180250677248,
"name": "JGraphT",
"slug": "jgrapht",
"website_url": "",
"category": "languages",
"contact_email": "",
"mailing_list": "!forum/jgrapht-gsoc",
"irc_channel": null,
"tagline": "Java library that provides graph data-structures and algorithms.",
"precis": "If you sometimes wake up in a cold sweat from a dream involving a polynomial-time algorithm for deciding graph isomorphism, then this is the project for you!",
"description": "# Why JGraphT?\n\nJGraphT has served as the de facto standard Java graph data structure and algorithm library for more than a decade, and its activity levels and popularity have continued to grow over the years. But graph theory is a fertile and expansive field, so there's always more to do! By contributing to JGraphT, you'll be powering the projects of many academic researchers and industry developers now and in the future, and gaining real-world development experience for yourself.\n\n# What's Involved\n\nMost of the projects on our ideas list are algorithm implementations or improvements. After ramping up on general familiarity with JGraphT, carrying out a project typically involves \n\n* reading relevant research papers\n* studying existing portions of our codebase\n* discussing approaches with mentors and the rest of the community\n* developing and testing an implementation in your own github branch\n* submitting a pull request for review\n* responding to code review comments\n* over and over until...\n* your pull request gets merged into trunk and eventually released!\n* and then you get your first bug report :)\n\nFor larger projects, the work may need to be broken up into a series of pull requests.",
"tags": [
"primary_open_source_license": "GNU Library or \"Lesser\" General Public License version 2.1 (LGPL-2.1)",
"image_url": "//",
"image_bg_color": null,
"gplus_url": null,
"twitter_url": null,
"blog_url": null,
"application_instructions": "To apply, a student is asked to provide the following documents:\n1. CV, including:\n * educational background\n * relevant working experience\n * past research/programming projects\n * familiarity with programming languages, frameworks, development tools\n * references to your projects, e.g. github page, project page, etc.\n2. A short application letter (max 2 pages), stating which project(s) the student wants to apply for (see [projects ](, in order of preference. Explain why you want to take this particular project, and how your background will enable you to successfully complete the project within the allotted time. \n * which courses have you taken that are relevant for the project (e.g. \"Graduate course on Graph Theory, URL).\n * do you have prior experience in code development? If so, briefly describe the project you have worked on, its context, and your role in the project.\n * What is your experience level when it comes to reading academic literature, papers, books, references?\n * How experienced are you in terms of code development?\n * Why are you applying for JGraphT? Also elaborate why you would like to work on a specific project?\n\nIf you have questions while applying, please contact <>. Applications will be reviewed by all JGraphT mentors. Our goal is to ensure that all students will be able to successfully complete their projects, and have a valuable learning experience. Consequently, for each application, we will assess how well the student's background prepares him/her for the project.",
"topic_tags": [
"data structures",
"network analysis"
"technology_tags": [
"proposal_tags": [
"data structures"
"ideas_list": "",
"contact_method": "",
"program_year": 2018
"id": 6487179698634752,
"name": "Jitsi",
"slug": "jitsi",
"website_url": "",
"category": "social_communications",
"contact_email": "",
"mailing_list": "",
"irc_channel": null,
"tagline": "The most innovative Open Source video conferencing community. Period.",
"precis": "Jitsi is a set of open-source projects that allows you to easily build and deploy secure videoconferencing solutions.",
"description": "Jitsi is a set of open-source projects that allows you to easily build and deploy secure videoconferencing solutions. At the heart of Jitsi are Jitsi Videobridge and Jitsi Meet, which let you have conferences on the internet, while other projects in the community enable other features such as audio, dial-in, recording, and simulcasting.\n\nJitsi Desktop (previously SIP Communicator) is an audio/video and chat communicator written in Java. It supports protocols such as SIP, XMPP, Bonjour, etc. It implements a rich set of communications features such as Video calls and conferences with SIP and XMPP Jingle on Linux, macOS, and Windows, call transfers, call encryption and many others. \nThe Jitsi family, and hence our GSoC project ideas, also include other projects such as \ - An ICE protocol implementation for robust NAT and firewall traversal (\nlibjitsi - A rich audio/video media stack written in Java (\nJitsi Videobridge - A video relaying server that, together with Jitsi allows for multi-party video calls similar to the ones we do with Google Hangouts (\nJitsi Meet - A WebRTC JavaScript application for videoconferencing, which uses XMPP Jingle for signalling and Jitsi Videobridge as a server-side media router. (\nTogether with FLOSS server software like Kamailio, Asterisk and FreeSWITCH, Jitsi represents an open alternative to proprietary communications systems such as Skype, or Live Messenger. Our communities often work together on various problems.\nThe development of Jitsi started at the University of Strasbourg, France ( but has grown to include contributors from all over the world. Many of them have actually joined after successfully participating in previous GSoC editions. Jitsi is based on the OSGi ( architecture using the Felix implementation from Apache, which makes it very extensible and developer friendly.",
"tags": [
"primary_open_source_license": "Apache License 2.0 (Apache-2.0)",
"image_url": "//",
"image_bg_color": "50a9e2",
"gplus_url": "",
"twitter_url": "",
"blog_url": "",
"application_instructions": "The following page provides guidance for students to the Jitsi organization and for the application process in particular:",
"topic_tags": [
"real time communications",
"video conferencing",
"technology_tags": [
"react native"
"proposal_tags": [
"new feature",
"ideas_list": "",
"contact_method": "",
"program_year": 2018
"id": 5249895133347840,
"name": "Joomla!",
"slug": "joomla",
"website_url": "",
"category": "web",
"contact_email": "",
"mailing_list": "!forum/jgsoc",
"irc_channel": "",
"tagline": "Joomla, the flexible platform empowering website creators.",
"precis": "Joomla is a free and open source CMS powering over 3.2% of the internet which enables you to build web sites and online apps. Joomla is an object oriented PHP application.",
"description": "The Joomla Community manages two major software projects, the Joomla Content Management System and the Joomla Framework.\n\n* The Joomla! CMS is a PHP based application that powers about 3.2% of the web, 6.5% of all CMS based websites, as well as many intranets.\n* The Joomla Framework is a PHP application framework used for building web and command line applications, and is the basis of the Joomla CMS.\n\nEach of these projects has hundreds of contributors, a set of working groups and teams, and a leadership group. These are coordinated by the [Production Department]( \"Joomla Production Department\"). This is an umbrella application for the two projects.\n\nThe Joomla CMS and Joomla Framework are community driven FOSS projects developed and maintained by an international community encompassing over 200 countries. Joomla is used by millions of websites and web applications ranging from the hobbyist, professional web developer, to large enterprises, for both the World Wide Web and intranets.\n\nThe Joomla Project is a community effort which strives to engage contributors from diverse backgrounds and varying interests and skills in building and supporting great software together. The [mission, vision and values]( \"Joomla Mission vision and values\") of the Joomla Project reflect this. \n\nThe official sponsoring organisation is Open Source Matters (OSM), the not for profit organization that manages financial and legal issues for the Joomla Project. A team of experienced people drawn from many areas of the project will manage the 2018 GSoC project for Joomla.",
"tags": [
"primary_open_source_license": "GNU General Public License version 2.0 (GPL-2.0)",
"image_url": "//",
"image_bg_color": null,
"gplus_url": "",
"twitter_url": "",
"blog_url": "",
"application_instructions": "Over the years, Joomla has received many great proposals from students. \nBased on our observations, we recommend a few tips that will help you to get an edge over other proposals. Before you decide to apply as a contributor to Joomla GSoC project, we suggest you to go over the points below. It may help you with making your proposal much stronger.\n\n+ Get familiar with the Joomla Project.\n+ Setup Joomla on your computer ([see Joomla for Beginners](\n+ Setup Joomla [development environment](\n+ Go through the list of [Idea's for GSoC 18](\n+ Start contributing to the project and engage within the community.\n + Contribute to the development process (see [Issue Tracker](\n + Fix some known issues.\n + Support in verifying fixed issues.\n + Help others by answering their questions (see [Joomla Forums](\n + Contribute to the [official documentation](!_Documentation). \n+ Start early discussions of your proposal with the community on the [Joomla GSoC Mailing list](!forum/jgsoc).\n\n#### Application Template for students ####\nIf you are planning to send us a proposal, please make sure to address the following elements:\n+ About me (your background, experience, education, hobbies, references from employers/teachers)\n+ Project Background (current state of what exist)\n+ Design/description of work\n+ Benefit of your work to the Joomla Project users & developers.\n+ Deliverables\n+ Scheduling\n+ Other commitments (Ex. exams, part time work, holidays, lectures etc)\n+ Community engagement (involvement, sample PRs, forum discussions, other open source involvement)\nRead more at [Joomla GSoC-18](",
"topic_tags": [
"web development",
"web applications",
"technology_tags": [
" javascript",
"proposal_tags": [
"web services",
"media manager",
"command line",
"ideas_list": "",
"contact_method": "",
"program_year": 2018
"id": 4747099636236288,
"name": "JSK Robotics Laboratory / The University of Tokyo",
"slug": "the-university-of-tokyo",
"website_url": "",
"category": "science_and_medicine",
"contact_email": "",
"mailing_list": null,
"irc_channel": "",
"tagline": "JSK is focusing on the fundamental functions & systems for intelligent robots .",
"precis": "Research in JSK laboratory is focusing on the fundamental functions and systems for future intelligent robots that will live and work in the daily life field and human society.",
"description": "Research in this laboratory is focusing on the fundamental functions and systems necessary for future intelligent robots that will live and work in the daily life field and human society. The members are challenging something new through their own integrated robot systems and learning how to build sustainable systems for the future with each other.\n\n(1) Daily life support humanoid platform : recognition of situations in human life environments, using tools, dishes, tablewares, and appliances, learning from humans, conversation with humans, etc.\n\n(2) Musculoskeletal tendon-driven humanoid : humanlike musculoskeletal body with very many joints and numerous redundant sensors aiming at powerful and supple motions like human, design principle of humanoid body structure, autonomous development of complex sensory-motor system, etc.\n\n(3) Embedded robotics devices: soft flesh or deformable tactile sensor devices, integrated IMU sensors, perception devices, embedded CPU for flying robots, onbody communication LAN system, power system for intelligent robots. etc.\n\n(4) Dynamics whole body control humanoid : integrating high-torque, high-speed motor drive circuit, high-speed 3D recognition system, dynamics whole-body.\n\n(5) IRT (Information and Robot Technology) to support human and aging society: through fusing IT and RT systems, personal mobility robots, affectionate watching appliance are conducted for supporting the future life society\n\n(6) Robot Open Software System : design and development of open-source type intelligent robot for mobile manipulation robot.",
"tags": [
"primary_open_source_license": "BSD 3-Clause \"New\" or \"Revised\" License (BSD-3-Clause)",
"image_url": "//",
"image_bg_color": null,
"gplus_url": null,
"twitter_url": "",
"blog_url": null,
"application_instructions": "If you are interested in working on our projects during the Google Summer of Code, you can apply by submitting your application through the Google Summer of Code web page. Your application should include the following contact information, experience and project preparation. No longer than A4 2 pages.\n- Contact information\n - Your Name\n - Account of Github or other public code hosting system \n - An email address where we can reach you for daily communication\n- Experience\n - List software repositories, pull requests and issues on public code hosting systems that you're proud of or you think that is impressive.\n - If you have participated in undergraduate or graduate research, please include a copy of any relevant publications. \n - Note that we basically choose students based on research and/or opensource contribution basis. So this is the most important section!\n- Project preparation\n - Describe your preparation status on target project in ONE paragraph. Please read 'Propose tips' on the above list.",
"topic_tags": [
"technology_tags": [
"proposal_tags": [
"supporting common lisp specifications in euslisp",
"knowledge exchange between two humanoids using euslisp and openease robotics systems",
"realtime gc for robot applications",
"running 18 meter tall simulated humanoid robot in hrpsys / gazebo",
"ros web tools for robotics application",
"trajectory optimization in moveit",
"more integration of pcl-ros",
"ideas_list": "",
"contact_method": "",
"program_year": 2018
"id": 5582559946211328,
"name": "KDE Community",
"slug": "kde-community",
"website_url": "",
"category": "end_user_applications",
"contact_email": "",
"mailing_list": "",
"irc_channel": "",
"tagline": "Experience Freedom!",
"precis": "The KDE community produces Free and Open Source Software and brings together artists, designers, programmers, translators, users, writers and other contributors from everywhere.",
"description": "KDE is an international team co-operating on development and distribution of Free, Open Source Software for desktop and portable computing. Our community has developed a wide variety of applications for communication, work, education and entertainment. We have a strong focus on finding innovative solutions to old and new problems, creating a vibrant, open atmosphere for experimentation.",
"tags": [
"primary_open_source_license": "GNU General Public License version 3.0 (GPL-3.0)",
"image_url": "//",
"image_bg_color": null,
"gplus_url": "",
"twitter_url": "",
"blog_url": "",
"application_instructions": "[Complete requirements](\n\n**Implementation**\n\nDescribe what you plan to do as a solution for the problem you defined above. \n\n**Timeline**\n\nShow that you understand the problem, have a solution, have broken it down into manageable parts, and that you have a realistic plan on how to accomplish your goal. \n\n* Disclose other commitments during GSoC, such as a job, vacation, exams, internship, seminars, or papers to write.\n* Explain how you will work around conflicts. If you are found to have conflicts which you did not disclose, you may be failed.\n* Include your plans for communication in your proposal; daily is best, weekly at minimum.\n* You will need to initiate weekly formal communication such as a blog post on the KDE Planet or detailed email to the team mail list. Lack of communication will result in you being failed.\n\n**About me**\n\n* Provide your contact information (IRC nick, email, IM, phone) and write about you and why you think you are the best for this job. \n* Prior contributions are required; list your commits. \n* Tell us if you are submitting proposals to other organizations, and whether or not you would choose KDE if given the choice.",
"topic_tags": [
"desktop environment"
"technology_tags": [
"proposal_tags": [
"kde applications"
"ideas_list": "",
"contact_method": "",
"program_year": 2018
"id": 5569026554593280,
"name": "Kiwix",
"slug": "kiwix",
"website_url": "",
"category": "end_user_applications",
"contact_email": "",
"mailing_list": null,
"irc_channel": "",
"tagline": "Internet content for people without internet access",
"precis": "Kiwix brings internet content to people without internet access. With it, anyone is able to download a copy of Wikipedia and store it on their phone or computer.",
"description": "Kiwix brings internet content to people without internet access. Based on the openZIM file format, a website -any website- will be converted to a .zim file that can be then stored locally and accessed without the need for a further internet connexion: users can then access Wikipedia, the Wiktionary, TED talks, the Gutenberg library on their device, wherever they are and whenever they please. Kiwix runs on most platforms (Android, iOS, macOS, Windows and Linux) and is, of course, free to use.\n\nThe software passed the million direct downloads mark at the end of 2016, 80% of these users being in the Global South. Kiwix is also used by a host of organizations around the world, be it in rural schools of Western and Southern Africa or education and rehabilitation programs in US and European prisons. There are also uses we hadn't planned for: Kiwix is for instance [distributed by the Cuban government](óvil) to help people save on data costs, or by NGOs in North Korea trying to [smuggle uncensored information]( into the hermit kingdom. \n\nWe have recently started releasing \"custom apps\"; that is, Android apps that are based on the Kiwix engine but offer only a specific piece of content. A good example is WikiMed, an application that offers medical content from Wikipedia in 10 languages: again, it is particularly popular in the Global South (India, Pakistan, the Philippines, Iraq and Egypt, but to name a few of our larger user bases).",
"tags": [
"primary_open_source_license": "GNU General Public License version 3.0 (GPL-3.0)",
"image_url": "//",
"image_bg_color": null,
"gplus_url": null,
"twitter_url": "",
"blog_url": null,
"application_instructions": "### Kiwix GSoC Application Instructions\nGet in contact with us via email or IRC, so we can help you fill out the following application question template. \n## GENERAL APPLICATION QUESTIONS\n# Have you participated in Google Summer of Code in the past?\n# Have you participated in Google Code-in in the past?\n# Do you have any prior open source experience?\n# Do you currently have any other summer commitments?\n# How many hours are you able to devote to your chosen project each week?\n# Do you have any experience using source control e.g. Git?\n# Have you ever used IRC?\n# Do you plan on contributing to our project after GSoC is over?\n## PROJECT QUESTIONS\n# What project idea do you wish to complete and why do you think you are in a good position to complete it?\n# Give a brief description of the aims of the project.\n# Give a summary of how you would intend to complete this project.\n# Give a timeline of the milestones which you expect to accomplish along the path to completion.\n# Give a list of any potential challenges you can see at this point and how you would go about overcoming them.\n# Is there any further work that could be done after GSoC to improve work done during?\n# How will you managed your time during the program to ensure goals are met?\n# How have you decided to communicate with your mentors and how often?\n# Any other information that you think would be beneficial to your application?",
"topic_tags": [
"technology_tags": [
"proposal_tags": [
"user experience",
"custom apps",
"multi zim"
"ideas_list": "",
"contact_method": "",
"program_year": 2018
"id": 5641514328260608,
"name": "LabLua",
"slug": "lablua",
"website_url": "",
"category": "languages",
"contact_email": null,
"mailing_list": "",
"irc_channel": null,
"tagline": "Programming Languages Research with emphasis on the Lua language",
"precis": "LabLua is a programming languages research lab, with emphasis on the Lua language and reactive programming.",
"description": "# The Lua Language\n\nLua is a powerful, efficient, lightweight, embeddable scripting language. It supports procedural programming, object-oriented programming, functional programming, data-driven programming, and data description. Since its creation, in 1993, Lua has been used in many industrial applications (e.g., Adobe's Photoshop Lightroom), embedded systems (e.g., the Ginga middleware for digital TV in Brazil) and games (e.g., World of Warcraft and Angry Birds), and is currently the leading scripting language in games.\n\n# The Céu Language\nCéu is a Structured Synchronous Reactive Programming language that aims to offer a higher-level and safer alternative to C. It extends classical structured programming with two main functionalities: event handling and synchronous, deterministic concurrency. \n\n#LabLua\nLabLua is a research laboratory at the Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio), affiliated with its Computer Science Department. It is dedicated to research on programming languages, with emphasis on the Lua and Céu languages. LabLua was founded on May 2004 by Prof. Roberto Ierusalimschy, the chief architect of the Lua language.\n\nLabLua consists of people from a wide range of backgrounds, including PhD candidates, professors and alumni who are developers and maintainers of projects that are used by the Lua community at large.",
"tags": [
"primary_open_source_license": "MIT license (MIT)",
"image_url": "//",
"image_bg_color": null,
"gplus_url": null,
"twitter_url": null,
"blog_url": null,
"application_instructions": "# Applying to Google Summer of Code at LabLua\n\n## The ideas list\n\nCheck out our ideas web page or propose your own!\n\n## Getting in touch\n\nYou are encouraged to contact us before submitting your application. Getting in touch first is especially recommended if you are planning to apply to work on an original idea, rather than one of our suggestions. To introduce yourself, discuss ideas or your application, feel free to join us at our lab's GSoC mailing list. Our mentors will make sure to establish a friendly and respectful channel of communication with you.\n\n## Am I experienced enough?\n\nCheck out the difficulty level on each proposed project. All projects are designed to fit the length of GSoC, given the student's suitable level of experience: a project marked Easy may be taken by an early-stage undergraduate, while a project marked Hard might be more appropriate for a graduate student, or a particularly experienced undergraduate. We will take this into consideration when matching students to projects.\n\n## Application questionnaire\n\nReady? Use our [GSoC Application Questionnaire]( as a template for your application, filling in all the answers!",
"topic_tags": [
"programming languages"
"technology_tags": [
"proposal_tags": [
"ideas_list": "",
"contact_method": "",
"program_year": 2018
"id": 6055501880623104,
"name": "",
"slug": "languagetoolorg",
"website_url": "",
"category": "end_user_applications",
"contact_email": "",
"mailing_list": "",
"irc_channel": null,
"tagline": "Style and grammar checker",
"precis": "LanguageTool is a multi-language proofreading tool. It can be used on the web, via HTTP API, or as a Java API.",
"description": "### What\n\nLanguageTool scans texts for style, spelling, and grammar errors. In some cases, it can even find semantic issues. For example, what could be wrong about \"Thursday, 27 June 2017\"? Well, 27 June 2017 was not on a Thursday, and LanguageTool detects that.\n\nLanguageTool supports more than 20 languages (to a different degree), including English, Russian, German, Polish, Spanish, and French.\n\n### How\n\nInternally, LanguageTool uses four different approaches to find errors:\n* it scans for known error pattern with a pattern languages similar to regular expressions, but more powerful\n* it uses Java code to find errors that are too complex for the error-pattern approach\n* it uses statistics to find uncommon sequences of words\n* it uses artificial intelligence to see if commonly confused words are used properly (like ad/add or cease/seize)\n\n### The Future\n\nArtificial intelligence will be the main approach in the future to detect text errors. We're looking for your help and ideas to apply AI to the proofreading problem, for example by using a seq2seq approach like in machine translation.\n\nLanguageTool is also an end user application, and users want LanguageTool to be integrated in the software they already use. We're looking for integrations into tinyMCE, CKEditor, and many others (your suggestions are welcome). Plus, the existing browser add-on for Firefox and Chrome needs major UI improvements.",
"tags": [
"primary_open_source_license": "GNU Library or \"Lesser\" General Public License version 2.1 (LGPL-2.1)",
"image_url": "//",
"image_bg_color": "ffffff",
"gplus_url": null,
"twitter_url": "",
"blog_url": null,
"application_instructions": "Requirements depend on what part of LanguageTool you'd like to work on:\n\n**User interface / browser add-on**\n* requires knowledge of Javascript and web technologies\n\n**Core logic of error detection, using AI**\n* requires knowledge of at least one machine learning framework\n* requires enough Java knowledge to integrate the results (not necessarily the training) into our existing Java code\n\n**Core logic of error detection**\n* requires good knowledge of Java and being a native speaker of the language you're going to improve the error detection for\n\nIn any case, we expect you to have a close look at our ideas list at and check out the existing code at Once you have a better idea of what you'd like to do, please contact us at to introduce yourself. We'll try to find a small task for you get started. Or even better, you fix one of the existing bugs and submit a pull request.",
"topic_tags": [
"artificial intelligence",
"technology_tags": [
"machine learning",
"proposal_tags": [
"ideas_list": "",
"contact_method": "",
"program_year": 2018
"id": 5637699893985280,
"name": "LEAP Encryption Access Project",
"slug": "leap-encryption-access-project",
"website_url": "",
"category": "end_user_applications",
"contact_email": "",
"mailing_list": "",
"irc_channel": "",
"tagline": "We make encryption easy to use.",
"precis": "We make end-to-end encryption widely available and easy to use.",
"description": "LEAP is a dedicated to giving all internet users access to secure communication. Our focus is on adapting encryption technology to make it easy to use and widely available. We want to make it possible for any service provider to easily deploy secure services, and for people to use these services without needing to learn new software or change their behavior. These services are based on open, federated standards, but done right: the provider does not have access to the user’s data, and we use open protocols in the most secure way possible.\n\nOn the server side we have created the LEAP Platform, a “provider in a box” set of complementary packages and server recipes automated to lower the barriers of entry for aspiring secure service providers. On the client side, we have created a cross-platform application called Bitmask that automatically configures itself once a user has selected a provider and which services to enable. Bitmask provides a local proxy that a standard email client can connect to, and allows for easy one-click Virtual Private Network (VPN) service.\n\nThe LEAP email system has several security advantages over typical encryption applications: if not already encrypted, incoming email is encrypted so that only the recipient can read it; email is always stored client-encrypted, both locally and when synchronized with the server; all message relay among service providers is required to be encrypted when possible; and public keys are automatically discovered and validated. In short, the Bitmask app offers full end-to-end encryption, quietly handling the complexities of public key encryption and allowing for backward compatibility with legacy email when necessary. Because the LEAP system is based on open, federated protocols, the user is able to change providers at will, preventing provider dependency and lock-in.",
"tags": [
"primary_open_source_license": "GNU General Public License version 3.0 (GPL-3.0)",
"image_url": "//",
"image_bg_color": null,
"gplus_url": null,
"twitter_url": "",
"blog_url": "",
"application_instructions": "Hi! We're glad that you're interested in LEAP. Please read a bit about what we do, and get familiar with our existing codebase.\n\nFirst of all, have a look at the project's ideas page. Come talk to as at IRC: #leap (at freenode) if you need advice for your proposal.\n\nOne important piece of advice is: be very honest about what your skills and motivations are. You don't need to be an uber-hacker to contribute something small and beautiful to the project: after all, it's more about the journey than arriving there in a rush.\n\nThat said, we hope than we can have great fun together, and get some nice lines of code written!\n\nsome tips\n========\n\n* have a look at the example projects in the project's ideas page, there are ideas for a great diversity of skills and difficulties.\n* we prefer projects that are completely isolated from the main codebase.\n* we prefer things that start small and can grow afterwards. go for a soledad-based hello-world app in a new language (golang? rust?) if you feel excited about the idea. the important thing is to get started, completion and correctness can be added later.\n* if you think you have a good idea and it's not in the list, don't be shy and tell us about it.\n* don't hesitate to make lots of questions to us before sending your proposal.\n* not everything is code: tell us a bit about yourself and what are your motivations.",
"topic_tags": [
"technology_tags": [
"proposal_tags": [
"ideas_list": "",
"contact_method": "",
"program_year": 2018
"id": 6413416923660288,
"name": "LibreHealth",
"slug": "librehealth-2",
"website_url": "",
"category": "science_and_medicine",
"contact_email": "",
"mailing_list": "",
"irc_channel": "",
"tagline": "Healthcare for Humanity",
"precis": "LibreHealth is a worldwide ecosystem of open source Health IT innovation, and is a place where people can come together to build tools that enhance the quality of healthcare.",
"description": "We currently have under our umbrella the following projects:\n * [LibreHealth Toolkit](, a foundational base for building Health IT tools\n * [LibreHealth EHR](, an electronic health record derived from best practices and technology from leading open source systems\n * [LibreHealth Radiology](, a specialized distribution of LibreHealth Toolkit customized for radiology health care professionals\n\nOur GSoC student projects will address real-life needs of our projects to help improve delivery of health care around the world. We have a team of expert mentors with decades of experience to help you in your work. They will be continually adding project ideas to our forum at, and we encourage you to suggest ideas too as you learn more about our projects. Come join us and bring open source innovation to health care!",
"tags": [
"primary_open_source_license": "Mozilla Public License 2.0 (MPL-2.0)",
"image_url": "//",
"image_bg_color": null,
"gplus_url": null,
"twitter_url": "",
"blog_url": null,
"application_instructions": "You must have made a non-trivial contribution prior to submitting your proposal to us. Each sub-project EHR, Toolkit or Radiology might have other requirements or pre-requisite tasks. Please connect with mentors at\n\n**Student Information**\n * Name(s):\n * Email:\n * Telephone w/country code:\n * Time Zone:\n * Blog RSS Feed URL:\n\n**Code Sample**\nLink to a patch/code sample, preferably one you have submitted to your sub-org:\n\n**Project Proposal**\n * Title:\n * Abstract:\n * Detailed Description/Timeline (*)\n\n**Other Commitments**\n * Do you have any other commitments during the GSoC time period?\n * Do you have exams or classes that overlap with this period?\n * Do you plan to apply for or have any other work during this period?\n * Do you have any other short term commitments during this period?\n * Have you applied with any other orgs? If so, do you have a preferred project/org?\n\n**Extra information**\n * Link to resume:\n * University Name:\n * Major:\n * Current Year and Expected Graduation date:\n * Degree (e.g. BSc, PhD):\n\n**Other Contact info**\n * Alternate contact info:\n * Homepage:\n * Instant messaging:\n * Twitter:\n\nDon't forget to add any other additional information requested by sub-orgs in this section.",
"topic_tags": [
" web apps",
"global health"
"technology_tags": [
" javascript",
"proposal_tags": [
"ideas_list": "",
"contact_method": "",
"program_year": 2018
"id": 4535835748204544,
"name": "LibreOffice",
"slug": "libreoffice",
"website_url": "",
"category": "end_user_applications",
"contact_email": "",
"mailing_list": "",
"irc_channel": "",
"tagline": "LibreOffice is the leading free and open source office suite.",
"precis": "LibreOffice is a lively and diverse community, delivering a full-featured cross-platform office suite. We value new contributors, just as we prize Open Source and Open Standards.",
"description": "LibreOffice is a modern Free & Open Source Office suite, one of the largest open source projects, and used by millions of users worldwide. LibreOffice is compatible with many file formats like Microsoft® Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Publisher. At its heart though, LibreOffice is built around an open standard, the OpenDocument Format, as its native file format.\n\nLibreOffice is developed by users who, just like you, believe in the principles of Free Software and in sharing their work with the world in non-restrictive ways. The development of LibreOffice is supported by The Document Foundation which provides the infrastructure for the project.\n\nWe believe that users should have the freedom to run, copy, distribute, study, change and improve the software that we distribute. While we do offer no-cost downloads of the LibreOffice suite of programs, Free Software is first and foremost a matter of liberty, not price. We campaign for these freedoms because we believe that everyone deserves them.\n\nThough the members of our community hail from many different backgrounds, we all value personal choice and transparency, which translates practically into wider compatibility, more utility, and no end-user lock-in to a single product. We believe that Free Software can provide better-quality, higher-reliability, increased-security, and greater-flexibility than proprietary alternatives. LibreOffice is a large project (approx. 6MLOC), which makes it interestingly complex, but at the same time, provides a place for all sorts of contribution & skills.\n\nThe community behind LibreOffice is the heart of the project, without which we would not have the resources to continue developing our software. The passion and drive that every individual brings to the community results in collaborative development that often exceeds our own expectations. With tons of different roles in the project, we invite everyone to join us in our work and help us to make LibreOffice known, prosper, and accessible to all.",
"tags": [
"primary_open_source_license": "Mozilla Public License 2.0 (MPL-2.0)",
"image_url": "//",
"image_bg_color": null,
"gplus_url": "",
"twitter_url": "",
"blog_url": "",
"application_instructions": "First, please present yourself. Since we don't know you we want to know some bits like your name, education, email address and nickname on the #libreoffice-dev IRC channel at Please subscribe to the [LibreOffice developer list]( and write an email to the list.\n\nWe will require students to complete one of the easy programming tasks on the [\"Easy Hacks\" page]( (or part of one if that EasyHack is a selection of separate tasks), though the dead-line for this isn't hard but needs to be somewhere before the end of the selection process. This means that each student who wants to have chances to be picked for a LibreOffice project will need to build the whole application, fix a bug and submit the patch to the development mailing list.\n\nExplain what you want to achieve. Provide detailed informations on the project you want to work on and the use cases. The more precise your description is, the more it will show us that you investigated the area and though about it properly before submitting. The best is to base your project on one of our Ideas that come complete with friendly mentors to help you. You may have some nice project ideas, but make sure that someone will be able to mentor your project and knows that part of the code well enough.\n\nProblems that can not be resolved on our public developer mailing list or problems containing privacy relevant topics can also be sent to our []( address.",
"topic_tags": [
"end user applications",
"office suite",
"desktop application",
"technology_tags": [
"proposal_tags": [
"new idea",
"ideas_list": "",
"contact_method": "",
"program_year": 2018
"id": 4775809127022592,
"name": "libvirt",
"slug": "libvirt",
"website_url": "",
"category": "cloud",
"contact_email": null,
"mailing_list": "",
"irc_channel": "",
"tagline": "Toolkit to manage virtualization hosts from many languages",
"precis": "Libvirt is a library and toolkit providing abstraction for various hypervisors. It can be used from a number of\nlanguages.",
"description": "The libvirt project provides an API for managing the capabilities of many virtualization technologies, including KVM, QEMU, LXC, Xen, VMWare ESX, Parallels, OpenVZ, VirtualBox, Hyper-V and more. It includes bindings into many programming languages.\n\nLibvirt is a library used by many applications with very different use cases like Jenkins, OpenStack, libguestfs, Munin, oVirt, Kimchi, virt-manager or Cuckoo.",
"tags": [
"primary_open_source_license": "GNU Library or \"Lesser\" General Public License version 2.1 (LGPL-2.1)",
"image_url": "//",
"image_bg_color": null,
"gplus_url": "",
"twitter_url": "",
"blog_url": "",
"application_instructions": "First you should have a look at the [GSoC Student Manual]( A good application will require the following items:\n\n* Present yourself\n* Prove that you want to get involved into libvirt\n* Explain what you want to achieve\n* How do you plan to achieve it?\n* Why should we choose you?\n\nIncluding a realistic (even rough) schedule of the project will help us pick you up, and will help you during your project.\n\nIn order to get used to how the libvirt project works, we require all applicants to get a patch pushed for libvirt.",
"topic_tags": [
"virtual machine",
"technology_tags": [
"proposal_tags": [
"not listed on the wiki"
"ideas_list": "",
"contact_method": "",
"program_year": 2018
"id": 6471192286855168,
"name": "LLVM Compiler Infrastructure",
"slug": "llvm-compiler-infrastructure",
"website_url": "",
"category": "languages",
"contact_email": "",
"mailing_list": "",
"irc_channel": "",
"tagline": "LLVM Compiler Infrastructure",
"precis": "The LLVM Project is a collection of modular and reusable compiler and toolchain technologies.",
"description": "The LLVM Project is a collection of modular and reusable compiler and toolchain technologies. Despite its name, LLVM has little to do with traditional virtual machines. LLVM began as a research project at the University of Illinois, with the goal of providing a modern, SSA-based compilation strategy capable of supporting both static and dynamic compilation of arbitrary programming languages. Since then, LLVM has grown to be an umbrella project consisting of a number of different subprojects, many of which are being used in production by a wide variety of commercial and open source projects as well as being widely used in academic research.\n\nThe primary sub-projects of LLVM are:\n* The LLVM Core libraries provide a modern source- and target-independent optimizer, along with code generation support for many popular CPUs. These libraries are built around a well specified code representation known as the LLVM intermediate representation (\"LLVM IR\").\n* Clang is an \"LLVM native\" C/C++/Objective-C compiler, which aims to deliver amazingly fast compiles, extremely useful error and warning messages and to provide a platform for building great source level tools. The Clang Static Analyzer is a clang-based tool that automatically finds bugs in your code.\n* The LLDB project builds on libraries provided by LLVM and Clang to provide a great native debugger on top of Clang and LLVM libraries.\n* The libc++ and libc++ ABI projects provide a standard conformant and high-performance implementation of the C++ Standard Library.\n* The polly project implements a suite of cache-locality optimizations as well as auto-parallelism and vectorization using a polyhedral model.\n* The lld project aims to be the built-in linker for clang/llvm. Currently, clang must invoke the system linker to produce executables.\n\nIn addition to official subprojects of LLVM, there are a broad variety of other projects that use components of LLVM for various tasks.",
"tags": [
"primary_open_source_license": "University of Illinois/NCSA Open Source License (NCSA)",
"image_url": "//",
"image_bg_color": null,
"gplus_url": null,
"twitter_url": "",
"blog_url": "",
"application_instructions": "We strongly suggest each proposal to be discussed first at the corresponding sub-project mailing list (e.g. llvm-dev, cfe-dev, etc.) Prior patch submission to LLVM (or its subprojects) is recommended, but not strictly required. Please also indicate your prior knowledge with LLVM, whether you already contributed to it, etc.",
"topic_tags": [
"compiler api"
"technology_tags": [
"proposal_tags": [
"ideas_list": "",
"contact_method": "",
"program_year": 2018
"id": 5209480279621632,
"name": "LuaRocks",
"slug": "luarocks",
"website_url": "",
"category": "languages",
"contact_email": null,
"mailing_list": null,
"irc_channel": "",
"tagline": "The package manager for the Lua programming language",
"precis": "LuaRocks is the package manager for Lua, a tiny yet powerful language used anywhere from embedded systems to MMORPGs. LuaRocks turbo-charges Lua with packages for every field!",
"description": "# Why LuaRocks?\n\nLua is a tiny yet powerful programming language, a tiny yet powerful language used anywhere from embedded systems, to AI, to networking, to MMORPGs. The secret to its success is its _embeddability_: Lua is a tiny portable core than can be adapted to any project.\n\nThe flip-side to this is that Lua itself does not come with many libraries, it features only the bare minimum. Enter LuaRocks: by using it to install additional packages called \"rocks\", LuaRocks turbo-charges Lua, making it a suitable language for any field.\n\n# The package repository\n\nIn the []( repository one can find packages for all sorts of areas. LuaRocks also allows third-party projects to host their own package repositories (either in []( or in their own servers), so that LuaRocks can work as the plugin manager to their project.\n\n# The build system\n\nLuaRocks also doubles as a portable build system for compiling Lua modules. It abstracts away platform differences and allows module developers using Lua or C to distribute Lua extensions that can build in any modern operating system.",
"tags": [
"primary_open_source_license": "MIT license (MIT)",
"image_url": "//",
"image_bg_color": "dfefff",
"gplus_url": null,
"twitter_url": "",
"blog_url": null,
"application_instructions": "Thank you for your interest in LuaRocks! \n\nTo apply as a student for GSoC, follow these steps:\n\n1. Take a look at the [ideas list]( for this year's project and see if anything interests you. If you have a new idea of your own, we are eager to hear about it too!\n2. Come talk to us in our [gitter chat](! Say hello and tell us what you are interested in working on! \n3. If you are interested in a [project from the list](, contact the mentor via their email indicated in that page. If you are coming up with your own project, tell us about it in Gitter and we will match you with a potential mentor.\n4. When contacting the mentor, fill in the [student application]( and send that along in the email.\n5. The mentor will probably ask you to perform some minor task to assess your suitability for the project, and if the project is a good fit for you, the mentor will guide you on writing your final project application to be submitted to GSoC.\n\nGood luck!\n\n",
"topic_tags": [
"programming language",
"package manager"
"technology_tags": [
"proposal_tags": [
"project from the list",
"new project idea"
"ideas_list": "",
"contact_method": "",
"program_year": 2018
"id": 5108213205172224,
"name": "MariaDB Foundation",
"slug": "mariadb-foundation",
"website_url": "",
"category": "data_and_databases",
"contact_email": "",
"mailing_list": "",
"irc_channel": "",
"tagline": "One of the most popular databases on the web with many notable users",
"precis": "MariaDB is a default MySQL replacement in many Linux distributions. It offers many feature enhancements including new storage engines, advanced optimizations, and other features.",
"description": "MariaDB Server began as a database server that offers drop-in replacement functionality to MySQL and has grown into being a default \"MySQL\" in many Linux distributions. MariaDB Server is built by some of the original authors of MySQL, with assistance from the broader community of free and open source software developers. In addition to the core functionality of MySQL, MariaDB Server offers a rich set of feature enhancements including alternate storage engines, advanced server optimizations, and other features. MariaDB Server is feature enhanced, community developed and backward compatible with MySQL. MariaDB Server ships in all major Linux distributions and is backed by the MariaDB Foundation.\n\nMariaDB offers a fully synchronous replication solution, MariaDB Galera Cluster, an intelligent proxy called MariaDB MaxScale, and a data analytics solution MariaDB ColumnStore. MariaDB Server also has LGPL client libraries for C, Java and ODBC.",
"tags": [
"primary_open_source_license": "GNU General Public License version 2.0 (GPL-2.0)",
"image_url": "//",
"image_bg_color": null,
"gplus_url": "",
"twitter_url": "",
"blog_url": "",
"application_instructions": "Consider starting from [GSoC FAQ]( or [GSoC Student Manual]( Join #maria channel on Freenode and\nYour proposal should contain at least those parts:\n* _Who are you?_ Tell something about yourself, like your name, education, email address and irc nickname, GitHub profile, your contributions to Open Source projects, and so on.\n* _What do you want to do?_ Describe the project, as you'd do it to a user. Changes in behavior, new SQL commands, etc. Do not talk about function names, algorithms or data structures here.\n* _How do you want to do it?_ Here you should describe your project in term of internals, function names, algorithms and data structures. What do you want to change and how. Try to show that you know what you're talking about and not simply copied from the project ideas page.\n* _When do you plan to do what?_ Present the timeline here. What will be ready when? Structure your work so that you could test new code immediately, implement your project in small steps that could be tested incrementally. Reserve at least 40% of the time for testing.\nNote, you will almost certainly write a better proposal and will improve your chance of being accepted if you'll discuss your project first on the mailing list or the irc.\nAfter you've filed the proposal, you might receive a reply from a mentor with a test assignment. It will be a small task related to MariaDB code base that will allow you to prove your abilities in C/C++ and setting up a development environment",
"topic_tags": [
"technology_tags": [
"proposal_tags": [
"ideas_list": "",
"contact_method": "",
"program_year": 2018
"id": 6091058287476736,
"name": "",
"slug": "matrixorg",
"website_url": "",
"category": "social_communications",
"contact_email": "",
"mailing_list": null,
"irc_channel": "",
"tagline": "An ambitious open ecosystem for decentralised, encrypted communication.",
"precis": "Matrix is an open protocol and network for encrypted, decentralised real-time communication. We release open source clients, SDKs, servers and bridges as well as maintain the spec!",
"description": "### What is Matrix?\nMatrix is an open standard for interoperable, decentralised, real-time communication over IP. It can be used to power Instant Messaging, VoIP/WebRTC signalling, Internet of Things communication - or anywhere you need a standard HTTP API for publishing and subscribing to data whilst tracking the conversation history.\n\n[]( defines the standard, and provides open source reference implementations of Matrix-compatible Servers, Clients, Client SDKs and Application Services to help you create new communication solutions or extend the capabilities and reach of existing ones.\n\n### What is Matrix’s Mission?\nMatrix’s initial goal is to fix the problem of fragmented IP communications: letting users message and call each other without having to care what app the other user is on - making it as easy as sending an email.\n\nThe longer term goal is for Matrix to act as a generic HTTP messaging and data synchronisation system for the whole web - allowing people, services and devices to easily communicate with each other securely, and empowering users to own and control their data and select the services and vendors they want to use.\n\n### What does this mean for users?\nThe aim is to provide an analogous ecosystem to email - one where you can communicate with pretty much anyone, without caring what app or server they are using, using whichever app & server you chose to use, and use a neutral identity system like an e-mail address or phone number to discover people to talk to.\n\n### How is Matrix currently being used?\n[Lots of different clients]( have already been written by the community, as well as several bridges to existing services (IRC, Slack, libpurple etc). In fact, a user visiting #matrix on freenode might be communicating with Gitter or Slack users via Matrix - without even realising it!\n\nRecent work on Matrix includes [E2E encryption]( (see FOSDEM 2017 talks below), [embeddable widgets](, [Communities]( and [Dendrite](!\n\n* [Encrypting Matrix](\n* [The future of decentralised communication](",
"tags": [
"primary_open_source_license": "Apache License 2.0 (Apache-2.0)",
"image_url": "//",
"image_bg_color": "ffffff",
"gplus_url": null,
"twitter_url": "",
"blog_url": "",
"application_instructions": "In order to apply to Matrix, students should first get to know the project and community by browsing [the Matrix Specification]( and launching a Matrix client and joining the []( chatroom. Students may also wish to hang out in or to better understand the project.\n\nA good next starting point is to play with the Matrix API to send and perhaps receive some instant messages - or experiment with some of the more unusual Matrix clients which are currently in development. Another good bet would be to try installing a Matrix homeserver (e.g. to get a feeling for the technology involved.\n\nWe then suggest thoroughly reading through our [GSoC Ideas List]( and asking questions on about the items which interest you. The ideas are intended for inspiration - almost all of our GSoC projects to date have been influenced but not dictated by the ideas list. **Please note that the final 6 items on the list are included primarily as 'food for thought'**. Having run your ideas past the chatroom for feedback, we recommend writing a 3-5 page proposal in Google Docs to flesh it out more fully. You are welcome to ask the team for guidance on the proposal as you write it.\n\nFor more details on how to write the proposal itself, please see",
"topic_tags": [
"real time communications",
"team chat",
"instant messaging",
"technology_tags": [
" android",
" python",
"proposal_tags": [
"synapse server",
"dendrite server",
"specification work",
"ideas_list": "",
"contact_method": "",
"program_year": 2018
"id": 5727679911821312,
"name": "MetaBrainz Foundation Inc.",
"slug": "metabrainz-foundation-inc",
"website_url": "",
"category": "data_and_databases",
"contact_email": "",
"mailing_list": "",
"irc_channel": "",
"tagline": "Curating open data sets with open source softer and loads of volunteers.",
"precis": "The MetaBrainz Foundation is a non-profit that believes in free, open access to data. It builds community maintained databases for the public domain or Creative Commons licenses.",
"description": "The MetaBrainz Foundation is a non-profit that believes in free, open access to data. It has been set up to build community maintained databases and make them available in the public domain or under Creative Commons licenses.\n\nOur data is mostly gathered by volunteers and verified by peer review to ensure it is consistent and correct. All non-commercial use of this data is free, but commercial users are asked to support us in order to help fund the project. We encourage all data users to contribute to the data gathering process so that our data can be as comprehensive as possible.",
"tags": [
"primary_open_source_license": "GNU General Public License version 2.0 (GPL-2.0)",
"image_url": "//",
"image_bg_color": "ffffff",
"gplus_url": null,
"twitter_url": "",
"blog_url": "",
"application_instructions": "We require very detailed proposals and we insist that you work with our community to improve your application. Tell us everything about your proposed project. Include diagrams to help us understand your proposal. If you propose anything that requires a database schema you need to show us the proposed schema. The same applies to UI changes/additions -- we need to see mock-ups. If you provide no mock-ups, schemas or supporting diagrams, you won't be accepted.\n\nAs part of applying for SoC we require that you take your idea and propose it to the MusicBrainz developer community. Please propose the idea and then respond to any questions that may arise. Improve your proposal based on the feedback you receive from the community. If you cannot get the community to support your idea your chances for getting your proposal accepted are very slim. Finally, in order to have your GSoC application be accepted by MetaBrainz you MUST interact with your potential mentor and submit one bug fix or new feature that is related to your proposal. You will need to create a schedule of how you plan to spend your time. A weekly breakdown with a few milestones is best.\n\nDo you have Github , Twitter or any other public profiles you think we might find interesting?\nHave you contributed to other Open Source projects or created projects on your own time? If so, which projects and can we see some of your code?\nDo you plan to have a job or study during the summer in conjunction with Summer of Code?",
"topic_tags": [
"big data",
"technology_tags": [
"proposal_tags": [
"bug fixes",
"ideas_list": "",
"contact_method": "",
"program_year": 2018
"id": 6663368400699392,
"name": "Metasploit",
"slug": "metasploit",
"website_url": "",
"category": "security",
"contact_email": "",
"mailing_list": "!forum/metasploit-hackers",
"irc_channel": "",
"tagline": "The world’s most used penetration testing framework",
"precis": "Open Source framework for exploit development and penetration testing",
"description": "The Metasploit Framework is both a penetration testing system and a development platform for creating security tools and exploits. The framework is used by network security professionals to perform penetration tests, system administrators to verify patch installations, product vendors to perform regression testing, and security researchers world-wide. The framework is written in the Ruby programming language and includes components written in C, many flavors of Assembly, Python, Powershell, PHP, and other languages.\n\nThe framework consists of tools, libraries, modules, and user interfaces. The basic function of the framework is a module launcher, allowing the user to configure an exploit module and launch it at a target system. If the exploit succeeds, the payload is executed on the target and the user is provided with a shell to interact with the payload. Hundreds of exploits and dozens of payload options are available.",
"tags": [
"primary_open_source_license": "BSD 3-Clause \"New\" or \"Revised\" License (BSD-3-Clause)",
"image_url": "//",
"image_bg_color": "000000",
"gplus_url": null,
"twitter_url": "",
"blog_url": "",
"application_instructions": "Send the following to\n\n\n## Title\n\nA brief description of what you would like to work on. See [GSoC-2018-Project-Ideas]( for ideas.\n\n## Vitals\n\n* Your name\n* Contact info - include at least:\n - an email address\n - github user name\n - Freenode nick\n\n## Skillz\n\nWhat programming languages are you familiar with, in order of proficiency? Most of Metasploit is written in Ruby; for any project you will most likely need at least a passing knowledge of it. If you want to work on Meterpreter or Mettle, C will be necessary as well. \n\nWhat other projects have you worked on before?\n\n\n## Your project\n\nFill in the details. What exactly do you want to accomplish?",
"topic_tags": [
"penetration testing",
"offensive security",
"technology_tags": [
"proposal_tags": [
"post exploitation",
"ideas_list": "",
"contact_method": "",
"program_year": 2018
"id": 5437537473003520,
"name": "Mixxx DJ Software",
"slug": "mixxx-dj-software",
"website_url": "",
"category": "graphics",
"contact_email": "",
"mailing_list": "",
"irc_channel": "",
"tagline": "DJ Your Way, For Free. Join our friendly community of hackers, DJs, and artists!",
"precis": "Mixxx gives you everything you need to perform live DJ mixes.",
"description": "Mixxx is a free, cross-platform (Linux, Windows, macOS) DJ application that allows users to play multiple sound files at the same time and create smooth transitions between them. It began as one of the earliest digital DJ applications in 2001 for a PhD thesis project. Since then, Mixxx has steadily grown to a powerful program that supports a wide variety of DJ hardware. Our mission is to provide users with beautiful, intuitive DJ software with features that rival and lead proprietary DJ software such as Traktor, Serato, Rekordbox, and Virtual DJ.\n\nAs a contributor to the Mixxx project you will:\n\n* Write code that is used by millions of DJs worldwide.\n* Learn the tricks of trade in cross-platform deployment -- your feature will ship to users on Windows, macOS, and Linux.\n* Learn about how to write performance-optimized code where microseconds make a difference.\n* Work with a quirky team of hackers, DJs and artists.\n\nWorking on Mixxx is a great way to get involved in open-source, learn valuable skills that look great on a resume, and have a fun time doing it.",
"tags": [
"primary_open_source_license": "GNU General Public License version 2.0 (GPL-2.0)",
"image_url": "//",
"image_bg_color": "000020",
"gplus_url": "",
"twitter_url": null,
"blog_url": null,
"application_instructions": "",
"topic_tags": [
"technology_tags": [
"proposal_tags": [
"ideas_list": "",
"contact_method": "",
"program_year": 2018
"id": 4841692297953280,
"name": "mlpack",
"slug": "mlpack-a-scalable-c-machine-learning-library",
"website_url": "",
"category": "data_and_databases",
"contact_email": "",
"mailing_list": "",
"irc_channel": "",
"tagline": "a scalable C++ machine learning library",
"precis": "mlpack is a C++ machine learning library with emphasis on scalability, speed, and ease-of-use.",
"description": "mlpack is a C++ machine learning library with emphasis on scalability, speed, and ease-of-use. Its aim is to make machine learning possible for novice users by means of a simple, consistent API, while simultaneously exploiting C++ language features to provide maximum performance and maximum flexibility for expert users. This is done by providing a set of command-line executables which can be used as black boxes, and a modular C++ API for expert users and researchers to easily make changes to the internals of the algorithms.\n\nAs a result of this approach, mlpack outperforms competing machine learning libraries by large margins; the handful of publications relating to mlpack demonstrate this.\n\nmlpack is developed by contributors from around the world. It is released free of charge, under the 3-clause BSD License. (Versions older than 1.0.12 were released under the GNU Lesser General Public License: LGPL, version 3.)\n\nmlpack bindings for R are provided by the RcppMLPACK project.",
"tags": [
"primary_open_source_license": "BSD 3-Clause \"New\" or \"Revised\" License (BSD-3-Clause)",
"image_url": "//",
"image_bg_color": null,
"gplus_url": null,
"twitter_url": null,
"blog_url": "",
"application_instructions": "",
"topic_tags": [
"machine learning",
"deep learning",
"data science"
"technology_tags": [
"proposal_tags": [
"new algorithm",
"ideas_list": "",
"contact_method": "",
"program_year": 2018
"id": 6305642571104256,
"name": "Mobile Robot Programming Toolkit (MRPT)",
"slug": "mobile-robot-programming-toolkit-mrpt",
"website_url": "",
"category": "science_and_medicine",
"contact_email": null,
"mailing_list": "!forum/mrpt-users",
"irc_channel": "",
"tagline": "Empowering C++ development in robotics",
"precis": "MRPT provides portable and well-tested applications and C++ libraries covering data structures and algorithms employed in common areas of mobile robotics",
"description": "**Mobile Robot Programming Toolkit** provides developers with portable and well-tested **applications** and **C++ libraries** covering data structures and algorithms employed in common robotics research areas. It is open source, released under the BSD license. Limited wrappers exist for Python and MATLAB. MRPT runs under Windows, GNU/Linux on a PC or on ARM embedded platforms (e.g. Raspberry Pi 3)\n\nCreated in 2005 and with tens of thousands of downloads, MRPT libraries include:\n* [SLAM/SfM solutions](\n* [3D(6D) geometry](\n* [SE(2)/SE(3) Lie groups](\n* [Probability density functions (pdfs)]( over points, landmarks, poses and maps\n* Bayesian inference ([Kalman filters](, [particle filters]( for robot localization and mapping\n* [Image processing](\n* [Obstacle avoidance for autonomous vehicles.](\n\nMRPT also provides GUI apps for [Stereo camera calibration](, [dataset inspection](, and [much more](\n\nMRPT was created in 2005 by [J.L.Blanco](, still its main developer, while working in the [MAPIR lab]( (University of Málaga).\n\nMRPT is mentioned in [hundreds]( of scientific papers.",
"tags": [
"primary_open_source_license": "BSD 3-Clause \"New\" or \"Revised\" License (BSD-3-Clause)",
"image_url": "//",
"image_bg_color": null,
"gplus_url": null,
"twitter_url": null,
"blog_url": null,
"application_instructions": "### Students interested in applying\n\n - You **must already** be proficient in C++.\n - Take your time to learn about [MRPT]( Try watching some [YouTube videos](, reading [tutorials](, downloading it and launching demo applications, for example. Getting familiar with [ROS]( and MRPT ROS packages would be a plus.\n - Take a look at the projects in the [\"GSoC ideas page\"]( Discuss those of your interest, or your own ideas, in the [MRPT forum/mailing list](!forum/mrpt-users).\n - Read carefully about Google's student eligibility rules.\n - Sign up in [GSoC]( and post your **project proposal** to the MRPT Organization. Your proposal **should include**: \n - A coding portfolio of past/current projects.\n - Your GitHub/GitLab/... username.\n - A detailed description of your project proposal, including initial plans for research directions and a list of key and optional features to be coded as time permits.\n - Will you be working full-time on the project during the summer? Will you have other commitments too (a second job, classes, etc)?\n - Why do you feel motivated to undertake this particular project? :-)\n\nRules say that all communications between students and mentors **should** happen in public: please, use the MRPT mailing list or GitHub comments in pull-requests or commits whenever possible, before and during GSoC.",
"topic_tags": [
"computer vision",
"technology_tags": [
"proposal_tags": [
"ideas_list": "",
"contact_method": "",
"program_year": 2018
"id": 6220788848394240,
"name": "Moodle",
"slug": "moodle",
"website_url": "",
"category": "social_communications",
"contact_email": "",
"mailing_list": "",
"irc_channel": "",
"tagline": "Empowering educators to improve our world",
"precis": "Moodle is a learning management system used for blended learning, distance education and other e-learning projects in schools, universities, workplaces and other sectors.",
"description": "Moodle is widely used around the world by universities, schools, companies, and all manner of organizations and individuals who need to conduct education online. Many of our users take part in the community on and contribute with ideas, debate, testing, education, documentation, bug fixing, feature writing and everything else that makes an open source project function.",
"tags": [
"primary_open_source_license": "GNU General Public License version 3.0 (GPL-3.0)",
"image_url": "//",
"image_bg_color": null,
"gplus_url": "",
"twitter_url": "",
"blog_url": "",
"application_instructions": "",
"topic_tags": [
"web applications",
"school system",
"learning management"
"technology_tags": [
" javascript",
"proposal_tags": [
"ideas_list": "",
"contact_method": "",
"program_year": 2018
"id": 4831005211361280,
"name": "MovingBlocks",
"slug": "movingblocks",
"website_url": "",
"category": "end_user_applications",
"contact_email": "",
"mailing_list": null,
"irc_channel": "",
"tagline": "Terasology: like an open source Minecraft - imagine the possibilities!",
"precis": "MovingBlocks is a group of open source enthusiasts working on a voxel game engine inspired by Minecraft, Dwarf Fortress, Dungeon Keeper, and more.",
"description": "# Why Terasology\n\nWe set out to see how an open source and super extensible voxel game inspired by Minecraft could go beyond it and offer gameplay like seen in Dwarf Fortress or Dungeon Keeper. What would modders come up with if you could create and ship a mod with a few simple commands, making it available immediately for download in-game by others, in a secure sandboxed environment?\n\n# Minimal Engine\n\nOur engine is intended to be as bare-bone as possible, even excluding such basics as inventory, health, creatures, or combat. A series of minimal modules are meant to be bundled with the game's standard distribution to offer a sort of vanilla game experience, with a focus on commonly used systems that are often fragmented and re-implemented many times over. All such modules are community owned and maintained, guaranteed to work with every release.\n\n# Extensibility\n\nAny content is wrapped in modules ranging from tiny frameworks supporting commonly needed utility to large gameplay templates commonly referred to as mod packs in the Minecraft world, that in turn can depend on dozens of the smaller pieces, maximizing reusability.\n\nCreating a new module is as easy as running a single gradlew command, having a community repository created on GitHub is another single request away, and fetching source for any such community module is yet another single command. Dependency resolution is supported within the engine framework both for development and for runtime usage, including auto-downloading from a running game server to connecting clients.",
"tags": [
"primary_open_source_license": "Apache License 2.0 (Apache-2.0)",
"image_url": "//",
"image_bg_color": null,
"gplus_url": "",
"twitter_url": "",
"blog_url": "",
"application_instructions": "The keys to successful proposals are: creativity, professionalism and effort.\n\nWe want to be inspired by your proposal and we appreciate that you put reasonable effort in it and generate a reasonably professional output. \n\nWe expect a proposal that is about 3 pages long. \n\nThe description of the project should make the bulk of the proposal and it should go in some detail. You are free to propose an entirely original project or to pick ideas from our GSOC page: \n\n \n\nThe proposal should also include rough weekly goals and broader milestone goals coinciding with the three evaluation phases. We expect inline documentation and javadocs throughout the project, but please notice that wrapping things up and adding \"the final touches\" at the end of the project takes time.\n\nFinally, the proposal should include details about your experience/interests in relation to the GSOC project, but we'd prefer if you didn't include details such as photos, gender, age and other personal details that have no relevance to the project. Full resumes are also not useful.\n\nExpect to stay in daily contact with the project during the work period. Such high visibility helps before too.\n\nFor some further ideas you can search the web for past GSOC proposals and/or check out the following two blog posts from one of our mentors:\n\n*\n*",
"topic_tags": [
"technology_tags": [
" java",
"proposal_tags": [
"entity system",
"new major module"
"ideas_list": "",
"contact_method": "",
"program_year": 2018
"id": 4870325653733376,
"name": "Mozilla",
"slug": "mozilla",
"website_url": "",
"category": "web",
"contact_email": "",
"mailing_list": null,
"irc_channel": "",
"tagline": "Internet for people, not profit.",
"precis": "Come and help us build a better Internet.",
"description": "Our mission is to ensure the Internet is a global public resource, open and accessible to all. An Internet that truly puts people first, where individuals can shape their own experience and are empowered, safe and independent.\n\nAt Mozilla, we’re a global community of technologists, thinkers and builders working together to keep the Internet alive and accessible, so people worldwide can be informed contributors and creators of the Web. We believe this act of human collaboration across an open platform is essential to individual growth and our collective future. \n\nYou can learn more about [Mozilla's mission at](",
"tags": [
"primary_open_source_license": "Mozilla Public License 2.0 (MPL-2.0)",
"image_url": "//",
"image_bg_color": null,
"gplus_url": null,
"twitter_url": "",
"blog_url": "",
"application_instructions": "Our list of projects, including information about how to apply for existing projects or propose your own, is available here:\n\nIf you're interested in participating in Mozilla's GSoC program you can choose from the list on that page, but don't limit yourself to what you find there! You're welcome to submit a proposal for your own idea. You should look at the guidelines, though, and discuss your ideas or application in the #introduction channel on This discussion is important: GSoC projects must have a supporting member of the Mozilla community to evaluate and mentor them as part of the application. If you go this route, please tag your proposal \"original-proposal\".\n\nThank you.",
"topic_tags": [
"open web",
"free software",
"technology_tags": [
"proposal_tags": [
"ideas_list": "",
"contact_method": "",
"program_year": 2018
"id": 5163936513523712,
"name": "MuseScore",
"slug": "musescore",
"website_url": "",
"category": "graphics",
"contact_email": "",
"mailing_list": "",
"irc_channel": "|?#musescore",
"tagline": "Create, play and print beautiful sheet music",
"precis": "Free and open-source music notation software",
"description": "MuseScore is music notation software used by millions of musicians worldwide to create, play and print beautiful sheet music. MuseScore is easy to use, yet powerful, and creates professional-looking sheet music. MuseScore is licensed under GNU GPLv2.\n\nMuseScore is available for Linux, Windows and Mac OS X, and is available in 50+ languages. It features an easy to use WYSIWYG editor with audio score playback for results that look and sound beautiful. It supports unlimited staves with up to four voices each, dynamics, articulations, lyrics, chords, lead sheet notation, import/export of MIDI and MusicXML, export to PDF and WAV, plus online score sharing.\n\nLearn all about MuseScore on",
"tags": [
"primary_open_source_license": "GNU General Public License version 2.0 (GPL-2.0)",
"image_url": "//",
"image_bg_color": null,
"gplus_url": "",
"twitter_url": "",
"blog_url": "",
"application_instructions": "",
"topic_tags": [
"music notation",
"user interface",
"end user applications",
"sheet music"
"technology_tags": [
"proposal_tags": [
"better audio rendition",
"beginner mode",
"ideas_list": "",
"contact_method": "",
"program_year": 2018
"id": 5342987207311360,
"name": "National Resource for Network Biology (NRNB)",
"slug": "national-resource-for-network-biology-nrnb",
"website_url": "",
"category": "science_and_medicine",
"contact_email": "",
"mailing_list": "!forum/cytoscape-helpdesk",
"irc_channel": null,
"tagline": "Developing open source software to enable network-based biomedical discovery",
"precis": "The National Resource for Network Biology (NRNB) organizes the development of free, open source software to enable network-based visualization, analysis, and biomedical discovery.",
"description": "The [National Resource for Network Biology (NRNB)]( organizes the development of free, open source software technologies to enable network-based visualization, analysis, and biomedical discovery. Biomedical research is increasingly dependent on knowledge expressed in terms of networks, including gene, protein and drug interactions, cell-cell and viral-host communication, and vast social networks. Our technologies enable researchers to assemble and analyze these networks and to use them to better understand biological systems and, in particular, how they fail in disease. \n\nThe NRNB mentoring organization includes projects such as [Cytoscape](, [WikiPathways](, [SBML](, and [cBioPortal]( *This is a great opportunity to work at the intersection of biology and computing!* For example, Cytoscape is downloaded **16,000 times per month** by researchers. We take mentoring seriously and are proud of our [>90% success rate]( with former students and projects. But don't take our word for it, read testimonials from prior NRNB students [students]( and [mentors](\n\nFind out more about the software projects being developed in coordination with NRNB. Also refer to the [NRNB GSoC page]( for additional resources and application tips.",
"tags": [
"primary_open_source_license": "GNU Library or \"Lesser\" General Public License version 2.1 (LGPL-2.1)",
"image_url": "//",
"image_bg_color": null,
"gplus_url": "",
"twitter_url": "",
"blog_url": "",
"application_instructions": "Start with [this Google Doc template]( Copy and paste the contents into your own, new Google Doc and begin filling it out. Get in contact with your potential mentors (listed per project) as soon as possible to get input and feedback on your application. Submit your application well before the deadline. Late submissions will NOT be considered.\n\n\n##Template:\n\n###<Your Proposal Title>\n####Personal Background\n* Name, email, links\n* Education and relevant work experience\n####Relevant Skills\n* What are your languages of choice and how do they relate to the project?\n* Any prior experience with open source development?\n* What do you want to learn this summer?\n* Any prior exposure to biology or bioinformatics?\n####Project Proposal\n* Project overview, expanded from your mentor’s (or your original) idea\n* Project details. Multiple sections describing key aspects of the project. Provide as much detail as possible\n* Strong applicants include an implementation plan and timeline (hint!)\n* Refer to and link to other projects or products that illustrate your ideas\n* Identify possible hurdles and questions that will require more research and planning\n####Your Availability\n* When do your classes and exams finish?\n* Do you have any other school-related activities scheduled during the coding period?\n* Do you have a full- or part-time job or internship planned for this summer?\n* How many hours per week do have available for a summer project?",
"topic_tags": [
"network analysis",
"data visualization",
"data modeling",
"web applications"
"technology_tags": [
"proposal_tags": [
"cytoscape app"
"ideas_list": "",
"contact_method": "",
"program_year": 2018
"id": 6156058456752128,
"name": "Neovim",
"slug": "neovim",
"website_url": "",
"category": "languages",
"contact_email": null,
"mailing_list": "!forum/neovim",
"irc_channel": "",
"tagline": "Vim-fork focused on extensibility and usability",
"precis": "Neovim is a refactor of the Vim text editor engineered to encourage new features, advanced UIs, and powerful extensions.",
"description": "Neovim is a refactor of the Vim text editor engineered to encourage new features, advanced UIs, and powerful extensions. \n\nGoals\n\n Provide a flexible, extensible Vim with a first-class, fast scripting alternative (lua/luajit)\n Provide a consistent user experience across platforms\n Maintain feature parity with Vim\n Continue the Vim tradition of backwards compatibility, with few exceptions\n Keep the core small and fast\n Target all platforms supported by libuv\n Delegate to plugins, but preserve the utility of the editor core",
"tags": [
"primary_open_source_license": "Apache License 2.0 (Apache-2.0)",
"image_url": "//",
"image_bg_color": "ffffff",
"gplus_url": null,
"twitter_url": "",
"blog_url": "",
"application_instructions": "Create (and discuss) your proposal as a new \"issue\" on the issue tracker:\n\nDiscuss proposals or ask questions on #neovim IRC or [gitter channel]( \n\nPrerequisites:\n\n- Familiar with Vim/Neovim\n- Experience with C (or bash/Python/Lua for \"devops\" projects)\n- Lua knowledge is a bonus",
"topic_tags": [
"text editor",
"cross platform",
"technology_tags": [
" python"
"proposal_tags": [
"ideas_list": "",
"contact_method": "",
"program_year": 2018
"id": 5444605277896704,
"name": "Netfilter project",
"slug": "netfilter-project",
"website_url": "",
"category": "operating_systems",
"contact_email": "",
"mailing_list": "",
"irc_channel": "",
"tagline": " is the home of the Linux firewalling tools",
"precis": "Netfilter is the FOSS software community-driven project, launched in 1998, that provides firewalling tools for the GNU/Linux operating system.",
"description": "Software inside the Netfilter framework enables packet filtering, network address [and port] translation (NA[P]T) and other packet mangling. Netfilter is a set of hooks inside the Linux kernel that allows kernel modules to register callback functions with the network stack. A registered callback function is then called back for every packet that traverses the respective hook within the network stack.",
"tags": [
"primary_open_source_license": "GNU General Public License version 2.0 (GPL-2.0)",
"image_url": "//",
"image_bg_color": null,
"gplus_url": null,
"twitter_url": "",
"blog_url": null,
"application_instructions": "Described by",
"topic_tags": [
"computer networking"
"technology_tags": [
"linux kernel",
"proposal_tags": [
"linux kernel"
"ideas_list": "",
"contact_method": "",
"program_year": 2018
"id": 5724916167475200,
"name": "NumFOCUS",
"slug": "numfocus",
"website_url": "",
"category": "science_and_medicine",
"contact_email": "",
"mailing_list": "!forum/gsoc",
"irc_channel": null,
"tagline": "Open Code = Better Science",
"precis": "The mission of NumFOCUS is to promote sustainable high-level programming languages, open code development, and reproducible scientific research.",
"description": "NumFOCUS supports and promotes world-class, innovative, open source scientific software. Most individual projects, even the wildly successful ones, find the overhead of a non-profit to be too large for their community to bear. NumFOCUS provides a critical service as an umbrella organization for this projects.\r\n\r\nThe following projects will be participating under the NumFOCUS umbrella:\r\n\r\n- [Cantera]( - Cantera is a library to solve problems involving thermodynamics, chemical kinetics, and transport.\r\n- [conda-forge]( - A community led collection of recipes, build infrastructure and distributions for the conda package manager.\r\n- [Data Retriever]( - The Data Retriever is a package manager for data. \r\n- [FEniCS Project]( - FEniCS is an automated finite element library used to solve equations used in modeling, featuring a domain-specific language and automated code generation. \r\n- [Gensim]( - \"Topic Modelling for Humans.\" Gensim is an open-source Python library for topic modelling, document indexing and similarity retrieval with large corpora.\r\n- [Julia]( - Julia is a high-level, high-performance dynamic programming language for numerical computing. It provides a sophisticated compiler, distributed parallel execution, numerical accuracy, and an extensive mathematical function library.\r\n- [MDAnalysis]( - MDAnalysis is a Python library to analyze trajectories from molecular dynamics (MD) simulations.\r\n- [PyMC3]( - PyMC3 is a python module for Bayesian statistical modeling and model fitting which focuses on advanced Markov chain Monte Carlo and variational fitting algorithms.\r\n- [Stan]( - Stan is a probabilistic programming language for data analysis, enabling automatic inference for a large class of statistical models.\r\n- [Shogun]( - Shogun is and open-source machine learning library that offers a wide range of efficient and unified machine learning methods.\r\n- [yt]( - yt is a community-developed analysis and visualization toolkit for examining datasets in a variety of scientific disciplines.\r\n\r\nVisit our [page]( for more information.",
"tags": [
"primary_open_source_license": "MIT license (MIT)",
"image_url": "//",
"image_bg_color": null,
"gplus_url": "",
"twitter_url": "",
"blog_url": "",
"application_instructions": "For complete instructions have a look at our [github]( page.",
"topic_tags": [
"statistical computing",
"machine learning",
"high performance computing",
"big data",
"data visualization"
"technology_tags": [
"proposal_tags": [
"data retriever",
"ideas_list": "",
"contact_method": "",
"program_year": 2018
"id": 6023687027818496,
"name": "",
"slug": "omegaupcom",
"website_url": "",
"category": "web",
"contact_email": "",
"mailing_list": "",
"irc_channel": "",
"tagline": "omegaUp is aimed to increase the number of talented Software Engineers in LatAm.",
"precis": "omegaUp is a non-profit organization aimed to increase the number of talented Software Engineers in Latin America.",
"description": "omegaUp is a non-profit organization (501c3) aimed to increase the number of talented Software Engineers in Latin America. Students can use our open source platform to learn and improve their Computer Science skills through coding challenges with a fun and competitive approach.\n\nTeachers and tutors can create new coding challenges or use existing ones to start online programming competitions with local, national or even international reach. provides the platform to create coding challenges, manage contests and automatically grade solutions to challenges with immediate feedback.",
"tags": [
"primary_open_source_license": "BSD 3-Clause \"New\" or \"Revised\" License (BSD-3-Clause)",
"image_url": "//",
"image_bg_color": null,
"gplus_url": null,
"twitter_url": "",
"blog_url": "",
"application_instructions": "Write down you design using this template\n\nTips:\n* Don't get too technical on this doc. A high level description of your plan will be enough at this stage.\n* Reach out to us if you have questions about how things currently work.\n* Don't be afraid declare open questions in your design. Those are expected and we will work with you to find answers to those later on.",
"topic_tags": [
"cs education",
"web community"
"technology_tags": [
" python"
"proposal_tags": [
"quality contents",
"problem suggestions",
"plagiarism detector"
"ideas_list": "",
"contact_method": "",
"program_year": 2018
"id": 5340733272227840,
"name": "Open Bioinformatics Foundation",
"slug": "open-bioinformatics-foundation",
"website_url": "",
"category": "science_and_medicine",
"contact_email": "",
"mailing_list": "",
"irc_channel": "",
"tagline": "Promoting practice & philosophy of OSS & Open Science in biological research.",
"precis": "Promoting practice & philosophy of OSS & Open Science in biological research.",
"description": "The Open Bioinformatics Foundation (OBF) is a non-profit, volunteer-run group dedicated to promoting the practice and philosophy of Open Source software development and Open Science within the biological research community.\n\nOur main activities are:\n* Running and supporting the BOSC conferences.\n* Organizing and supporting developer-centric \"Hackathon\" events.\n* Participating in the Google Summer of Code program on behalf of our member projects as an umbrella mentoring organization.\n* Managing servers, colocation facilities, bank account, domain names, and other assets for the benefit of our member projects.\n* Public opinion and policy statements about matters related to Open Source and Open Science in bioinformatics.\n\nThe Foundation does not participate directly in the development or structure of the open source work, but as the members of the foundation are drawn from our projects' developer communities, there is clear commonality of direction and purpose.\n\nThe OBF is governed by a Board of Directors. Our bylaws lay out how the Board is elected, holds public meetings, and conducts its business, as well as the scope and role of our membership. OBF is an associated project with Software In The Public Interest, Inc., a fiscal sponsorship organization, and through SPI we can accept tax-exempt charitable donations.\n\nThe OBF is open to anyone who is interested in promoting open source bioinformatics / open science. Please see the [Membership page]( for more information.",
"tags": [
"primary_open_source_license": "MIT license (MIT)",
"image_url": "//",
"image_bg_color": null,
"gplus_url": null,
"twitter_url": "",
"blog_url": "",
"application_instructions": "Thank you for submitting an application to the Open Bioinformatics Foundation. We look forward to working with you over the next weeks. The OBF is an umbrella project for a number of member projects this year, so please make sure to use the appropriate project tag.\n\nBoth the project proposals and the contacts page list contact information for the member projects. We always suggest in contacting the member projects about your proposal before submission, as this tends to lead to writing better applications.\n\nPlease use the following template:\n\nProject Title\n(Which project are you proposing?)\n\nAbstract\n(A high level overview of what the project is about, in your own words)\n\nBackground\n(The technical details go here. The following sub-headings are suggestions, feel free to use your own)\n\nUse case\n(What would the code produced in the project be good for)\n\nImplementation plan\n(As many technical details on how you want to do this as possible)\n\nMilestones\n(Try to come up with a timeline on when you think which features will be ready)\n\nChallenges\n(A list of things you estimate will be challenging during this project)\n\nWhy me\n(Please explain why you feel that you are a suitable candidate for this project)\n\nAbout yourself\nName\nUniversity\nEmail\nIRC nick / IM contact\nPhone #\nPhone # of a backup contact in case you are unavailable for a longer time\n\nOther obligations\n(List any other obligations you may have during the program time, like exams, vacation, moving, etc. Note that GSoC is a full-time job.)",
"topic_tags": [
"computational biology",
" web"
"technology_tags": [
" javascript",
"proposal_tags": [
"web services",
"ideas_list": "",
"contact_method": "",
"program_year": 2018
"id": 6513013473935360,
"name": "Open Chemistry",
"slug": "open-chemistry",
"website_url": "",
"category": "science_and_medicine",
"contact_email": "",
"mailing_list": "",
"irc_channel": null,
"tagline": "Advancing Open Source and Open Science for Chemistry",
"precis": "Open Chemistry is a collection of open source chemistry tools for the creation, exploration, analysis, and visualization of chemical data.",
"description": "The Open Chemistry project is a collection of open source, cross platform libraries and applications for the exploration, analysis and generation of chemical data. The organization is an umbrella of projects developed by long-time collaborators and innovators in open chemistry such as the Avogadro, cclib, Open Babel, 3DMol.js, and RDKit projects. The first three alone have been downloaded over 900,000 times and cited in over 2,000 academic papers. Our goal is to improve the state of the art, and facilitate the open exchange of chemical data and ideas while utilizing the best technologies from quantum chemistry codes, molecular dynamics, informatics, analytics, and visualization.",
"tags": [
"primary_open_source_license": "BSD 3-Clause \"New\" or \"Revised\" License (BSD-3-Clause)",
"image_url": "//",
"image_bg_color": null,
"gplus_url": null,
"twitter_url": "",
"blog_url": null,
"application_instructions": "",
"topic_tags": [
"data science",
"technology_tags": [
" java",
"proposal_tags": [
"ideas_list": "",
"contact_method": "",
"program_year": 2018
"id": 5520389489295360,
"name": "Open Data Kit",
"slug": "open-data-kit",
"website_url": "",
"category": "end_user_applications",
"contact_email": "",
"mailing_list": "",
"irc_channel": "",
"tagline": "Open Data Kit is used to collect data for social good in difficult environments.",
"precis": "Open Data Kit replaces paper surveys with smartphones. It has been used to collect millions of data points for social good in challenging environments around the world.",
"description": "Data collection is a key component of social good efforts ranging from polio elimination to rainforest conservation and Open Data Kit (ODK) helps thousands of organizations collect data quickly, accurately, offline, and at scale. Users of ODK software include Red Cross, World Health Organization, Centers for Disease Control, Jane Goodall Institute, Gates Foundation, the Carter Center, and many others.\n\nThe ODK ecosystem has several tools that are used to collect data. For GSoC, we will focus on the popular Android form filling client ([ODK Collect](, the desktop downloader ([ODK Briefcase](, and a Android-based data collection hub ([ODK Services](\n\n** Examples of ODK projects are below. Contribute and make the world a better place! **\n\n* Hutan Aceh in Indonesia is home to tigers, elephants, orangutans, and rhinos. EIA International and local activists protect it by documenting forest crimes with ODK. The geo-tagged forms, rich with photos, provide the evidence needed to save habitat. [Watch video](\n* Evaluating global health programs involves collecting, organizing, cleaning, and analyzing data. Population Council, Marie Stopes Uganda, and Gobee Group use ODK to streamline the process. [Watch video](\n* The Jane Goodall Institute uses ODK to empower local communities to better manage and monitor their forests. ODK lets these communities connect directly with the global carbon marketplace and demonstrate the concrete benefits of their efforts to protect the forest. [Watch video]( \n* The Carter Center uses ODK to get the real-time data needed to assess elections. Over the last six years, ODK has been used to monitor elections in Liberia, Egypt, Libya, Kenya, Nepal, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Mozambique, and Tunisia. [Watch video](\n* For governments working to end polio, access to accurate and timely information makes a world of difference. ODK is used in Jordan, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Somalia, and South Sudan as a key tool in mass polio vaccination campaign quality control. [Watch video](",
"tags": [
"primary_open_source_license": "Apache License 2.0 (Apache-2.0)",
"image_url": "//",
"image_bg_color": null,
"gplus_url": null,
"twitter_url": "",
"blog_url": "",
"application_instructions": "Before completing your application, please complete a small feature or bug fix for the tool your proposal relates to ([ODK Collect](, [ODK Briefcase](, [ODK Services]( You may want to start by looking at the “quick win” and “contributor friendly” labels in the issue trackers. Be sure to include your GitHub username in your proposal.\n\nWe also highly encourage you to introduce yourself and to discuss your project idea in the #internships channel on our [Slack]( Please do not contact project mentors directly. For the benefit of the community, it's important that we have conversations out in the open!",
"topic_tags": [
"global development",
"global health",
"social good"
"technology_tags": [
" android",
" java"
"proposal_tags": [
"ideas_list": "",
"contact_method": "",
"program_year": 2018
"id": 5282542639382528,
"name": "Open Food Facts",
"slug": "open-food-facts",
"website_url": "",
"category": "science_and_medicine",
"contact_email": "",
"mailing_list": null,
"irc_channel": "",
"tagline": "A collaborative, free and open database of food and cosmetic products.",
"precis": "Help people around the globe make better food choices by letting them create an open database of all food and cosmetic products in the world, using their mobile phones.",
"description": "## A food and cosmetic product database ##\n\nOpen Food Facts is a database of food and cosmetic products with ingredients, allergens, nutrition facts and all the ata we can find on product labels.\n\n## Made by everyone ##\n\nOpen Food Facts is a non-profit association of volunteers.\nSince 2012, 7000+ contributors have added 400 000+ products from 180 countries using the Android, iPhone or Windows Phone apps or their cameras to scan barcodes and upload pictures of products and their labels.\n\n## For everyone ##\n\nData about food and cosmetics is of public interest and has to be open. The complete database is published as open data under the Open Database Licence (ODbL) and can be reused by anyone and for any use. There are more than 100 re-uses of the data in many different ways: many nutrition apps to eat better, food inventory apps to prevent waste, research by health and nutrition scientists, investigations by journalists, educative games etc.\n\n## Make better food choices ##\nFood additives, allergens, packaging codes: Open Food Facts helps you make sense of the fine print on products labels. Also, you can easily compare products in 3-clicks, so that you can make more informed choices.",
"tags": [
"primary_open_source_license": "Affero GNU Public License",
"image_url": "//",
"image_bg_color": null,
"gplus_url": "",
"twitter_url": "",
"blog_url": "",
"application_instructions": "- Make sure that you are familiar with the project, its goals and existing features. \n- Explore our web site , start with the Discover and Contribute pages.\n- Install our Android or iOS mobile app, scan some food products, and add photos for a few products from your country\n- Create an account on the web site, look up the products that you added, and edit the product pages to fill in the data for ingredients, nutrition facts\n- Read the list of proposed project ideas: (this is to get the brainstorming started, you can propose your own ideas)\n- Browse our source code ( and try to run it on your machine or mobile device. \n- Join us on Slack, request an instant invite:\n- Share your proposals with us early to get feedback.\n- Be realistic about your abilities, goals and schedule. If you're unsure of any of those, do reach out.\n- Submit your proposals with the following information: email address, slack id, userid on Open Food Facts\n- Introduce yourself and mention your previous experience.\n- If proposing a new idea, describe it clearly: what is the purpose of the feature? what technologies will you use? how will it integrate with the existing?\n- Layout a plan of your work during the summer, including: milestones with precise objectives, deliverables, breaks, other school obligations",
"topic_tags": [
"computer vision",
"open data",
"technology_tags": [
"machine learning"
"proposal_tags": [
"computer vision",
"machine learning",
"open data",
"ideas_list": "",
"contact_method": "",
"program_year": 2018
"id": 6256279438229504,
"name": "Open Roberta Lab",
"slug": "open-roberta-lab",
"website_url": "",
"category": "web",
"contact_email": "",
"mailing_list": null,
"irc_channel": "",
"tagline": "Open Roberta® Lab is an online IDE introducing kids to program robots with NEPO®",
"precis": "Open Roberta® Lab provides a visual programming language as well as a simulation for robotics kits. It is designed to help future generations take part in the digital revolution.",
"description": "### Introduction\nThe Roberta Initiative “Learning with Robots” was started more than 15 years ago by Fraunhofer IAIS in Germany with the objective to get kids interested in technology and science by constructing and programming robotic kits. The project provides a gender sensitive course concept and materials for teachers to run coding classes. The idea behind the Open Roberta Lab is to provide a simple and easy to use programming environment for everybody.\n\n### The lab\nThe Open Roberta® Lab is an open source programming environment, developed to introduce kids to programming robots and microcontrollers. The software is a web application running in the browser. Users program robots using a Blockly-based graphical programming language called NEPO®. A simulation is available for those who don't have a real robot at hand. Since 2014 <> is online and has had more than 100.000+ visits in 2017 across 135 countries.\n\nThe backend is written in Java. It provides user management and robot support in the form of an evolving plugin system. Each robot subsystem handles code generation and communication with the robot. As of now the project comes with 7 different robot plugins:\n* EV3 LEGO Mindstorms \n* NXT LEGO Mindstorms\n* BBC micro:bit \n* Calliope mini\n* Bot’n Roll, Arduino-based\n* NAO, a humanoide robot\n* Bob3\n\n### Outlook\nWhile the software is stable and widely used, we're looking for new ideas, but also help on existing ideas to develop the project further.",
"tags": [
"primary_open_source_license": "Apache License 2.0 (Apache-2.0)",
"image_url": "//",
"image_bg_color": null,
"gplus_url": "",
"twitter_url": "",
"blog_url": null,
"application_instructions": "Before you apply, please have a look at what we have already developed. Play around with our [lab](, fork the robertalab repository, try to install and run it locally. Feel free to ask us for help, if necessary.\n\nIf you have already committed to an Open Source project, please provide a link to this in your application. If you haven't, no problem, but maybe you can provide us some other samples of your programming experience. Also student's projects are welcome.\n\nHave a look at our list of proposals for GSOC. If you have another good idea, don't hesitate to come up with your own project proposal. Maybe you would like to discuss it with us before you apply, please use our [mailing list](!forum/open-roberta).",
"topic_tags": [
"technology_tags": [
"proposal_tags": [
"ideas_list": "",
"contact_method": "",
"program_year": 2018
"id": 5366449791565824,
"name": "Open Source Robotics Foundation",
"slug": "mr",
"website_url": "",
"category": "languages",
"contact_email": "",
"mailing_list": "",
"irc_channel": null,
"tagline": "Our mission is to support the development of OSS for use in robotics",
"precis": "Our mission is to support the development, distribution, and adoption of open source software for use in robotics research, education, and product development.",
"description": "Open Source Robotics Foundation, Inc. (OSRF) is an independent non-profit organization in Mountain View, California ( Our mission is to support the development, distribution, and adoption of open source software for use in robotics research, education, and product development. Our work is supported by contracts, grants, and donations from government and industry. At the time of writing, we have a full-time staff of 19, mostly software engineers.",
"tags": [
"primary_open_source_license": "Apache License 2.0 (Apache-2.0)",
"image_url": "//",
"image_bg_color": null,
"gplus_url": null,
"twitter_url": "",
"blog_url": "",
"application_instructions": "",
"topic_tags": [
"technology_tags": [
"proposal_tags": [
"ideas_list": "",
"contact_method": "",
"program_year": 2018
"id": 5379780178870272,
"name": "Open States",
"slug": "open-states",
"website_url": "",
"category": "other",
"contact_email": "",
"mailing_list": null,
"irc_channel": "",
"tagline": "Open Source State Legislative Data",
"precis": "Open States is a collection of tools and APIs that make it possible for people to track and engage with what is happening in their state's capitol.",
"description": "Open States is a project that makes it possible for people to track and engage with what is happening in their state's capitol.\n\nVia a system of custom crawlers for each state legislature, we collect information on state governments: bills, votes, committees, events, and legislators. This information allows journalists, academics, activists, and concerned citizens track what is happening in their state, and engage with their elected officials.\n\nThis information is then made available via, the Open States API, and bulk downloads. The site and data are used by journalists, activists, academics, and everyday citizens interested in keeping track of their elected officials.\n\nOriginally a project of the Sunlight Foundation, Open States became an independent project in late 2016 and is now under the 501(c)(3) umbrella of the Open Media Foundation.",
"tags": [
"primary_open_source_license": "GNU General Public License version 3.0 (GPL-3.0)",
"image_url": "//",
"image_bg_color": null,
"gplus_url": null,
"twitter_url": "",
"blog_url": "",
"application_instructions": "When applying please be sure to include your GitHub and Slack handle, hopefully you will have engaged with us in both locations by the time we're reviewing your application so we'd like to be sure we connect your real name to your handle.\n\nHere's what we're looking for:\n\n- You come to us with a well-defined task that will improve Open States (see ideas section below).\n- Your idea seems achievable within the 3 month GSoC period (May-August).\nNote: If your idea is too big but you would like to work on it beyond the end of the GSoC period feel free to figure out a concrete portion to propose for the summer and elaborate on how you'd potentially continue it afterwards. We're glad to discuss options.\n- Show us who you are and why you're well-suited to work with us. GitHub profiles are great, a PR or two would also be terrific. Or jump on our Slack and introduce yourself.\n- Please include a rough schedule of what you'd expect to do in the first, second, and third months.\n- Commit to a once-a-week minimum check-in with your mentor. Vacations, etc. are fine but we'll want to meet as often as possible to ensure success.\n\nSee for more details\n\nPlease tag your proposal with an appropriate tag from the ideas page.",
"topic_tags": [
"civic tech",
"technology_tags": [
"proposal_tags": [
"ideas_list": "",
"contact_method": "",
"program_year": 2018
"id": 5078690623389696,
"name": "OpenAstronomy",
"slug": "openastronomy",
"website_url": "",
"category": "science_and_medicine",
"contact_email": "",
"mailing_list": "",
"irc_channel": "",
"tagline": "Opening the eyes of research astronomy software to the whole world.",
"precis": "OpenAstronomy is an umbrella organisation that includes open source projects used by researchers and engineers around the world to better understand the universe.",
"description": "OpenAstronomy is a collaboration between open source astronomy and astrophysics projects that are used by researchers and engineers around the world to study our universe either by analysing the data obtained from amazing instruments like the [Hubble Space Telescope](, the [Square Kilometer Array]( or the [Solar Dynamic Observatory](, developing very sophisticated numerical models (eg. [FLASH]( or designing interplanetary trajectories for human-made spacecraft (eg. [HORIZONS]( The analysis of such data helps multiple types of research from being able to forecast solar storms to detect planets in other stars, from understanding how galaxies are formed to explain the expansion and the origin of the universe.\n\nOpenAstronomy is currently formed by [12 organisations]( that develop tools for different aspects of astronomy. The range of topics covered by these projects is wide, for example: \n- [Astropy]( is a general Python library for astronomy, providing common tools such as celestial coordinates, image processing, tabular data reading and writing, units and support for astronomy-specific file formats; \n- [SunPy]( provides utilities for obtaining and representing solar physics data, with clients for some of the largest online solar physics data archives and solar specific analysis and visualisation code;\n- [Glue]( is a data visualization application and library to explore relationships within and among related datasets.\n- [Julia Astro]( is a set of packages for general astronomy and astrophysics analysis using Julia;\n- And [more](!\n\nAs a single organisation, we aim to strengthen collaborations between the different sub-organisations, and at the same time increase the awareness among our users on the capabilities of our \"sister\" projects.",
"tags": [
"primary_open_source_license": "BSD 3-Clause \"New\" or \"Revised\" License (BSD-3-Clause)",
"image_url": "//",
"image_bg_color": "ffffff",
"gplus_url": null,
"twitter_url": "",
"blog_url": "",
"application_instructions": "Do you want to participate with OpenAstronomy as part of the GSoC? First, read carefully the [student application guidelines]( and [other guides available]( Pay close attention to the requirements, as without them we won't consider your application.\nLearn from previous successful students (available in the sub-orgs wikis), and create your own with enough time to get feedback before the deadline.\n## Application template\n- Name:\n- Organisation:\n\n## Details\n### Personal Information\n- Time zone\n- Realtime chat handle@protocol:\n- github id:\n- Blog:\n- RSS feed:\n- Link(s) to sample code as pull requests:\n\n### Education\n*Tell us about your background*\n\n### Interest in Open Astronomy\n*Why do you want to work with us?*\n\n## Application\n### Title\n### Summary\n*Explain why this project is attractive to you and why you think you can do it.*\n\n### Description/timeline\n*Break your project in blocks, what do you expect you will do each week?*\n\n### Schedule availability\n*Tell us about your plans for holidays during the time of the programme.*",
"topic_tags": [
"solar physics",
"orbital mechanics",
"high-energy astrophysics"
"technology_tags": [
"proposal_tags": [
"ideas_list": "",
"contact_method": "",
"program_year": 2018
"id": 5240153879085056,
"name": "OpenCensus",
"slug": "opencensus",
"website_url": "",
"category": "cloud",
"contact_email": "",
"mailing_list": "!forum/census-developers",
"irc_channel": "",
"tagline": "Planet Scale Tracing and Monitoring",
"precis": "OpenCensus is the open source version of Google’s census library, written based on years of optimization and experience.",
"description": "OpenCensus is the open source version of Google’s census library, written based on years of optimization and experience. It is an open source project that aims to make the collection and submission of app metrics and traces easier for developers. It is a vendor neutral, single distribution of libraries that automatically collects traces and metrics from your app, displays them locally, and sends them to any analysis tools like Prometheus, Stackdriver, Zipkin and Prometheus.\n\nSee our recent blog post:",
"tags": [
"primary_open_source_license": "Apache License 2.0 (Apache-2.0)",
"image_url": "//",
"image_bg_color": null,
"gplus_url": "",
"twitter_url": "",
"blog_url": "",
"application_instructions": "We are looking for candidates who can develop OpenCensus. We have a need in almost all supported languages [Java, Go, Python, Node, C++, Ruby, PHP and C#] \nInterested students should look at existing releases on github here: and send an email to if interested in joining the project.",
"topic_tags": [
"technology_tags": [
"proposal_tags": [
"ideas_list": "",
"contact_method": "",
"program_year": 2018
"id": 5416546558541824,
"name": "OpenMRS",
"slug": "openmrs",
"website_url": "",
"category": "science_and_medicine",
"contact_email": "",
"mailing_list": "",
"irc_channel": "",
"tagline": "Write code. Save lives.",
"precis": "The global OpenMRS community works together to build the world's leading open source enterprise electronic medical record system platform.",
"description": "Our world continues to be ravaged by a pandemic of epic proportions, as over 40 million people are infected with or dying from HIV/AIDS -- most (up to 95%) are in developing countries. Prevention and treatment of HIV/AIDS on this scale requires efficient information management, which is critical as HIV/AIDS care must increasingly be entrusted to less skilled providers. Whether for lack of time, developers, or money, most HIV/AIDS programs in developing countries manage their information with simple spreadsheets or small, poorly designed databases...if anything at all. To help them, we need to find a way not only to improve management tools, but also to reduce unnecessary, duplicative efforts. As a response to these challenges, OpenMRS formed in 2004 as a open source medical record system framework for developing countries -- a tide which rises all ships. Over the past decade, OpenMRS has been adapted and used beyond HIV/AIDS for TB, Ebola, maternal-child health, and chronic care. OpenMRS is a multi-institution, nonprofit collaborative led by organizations such as Regenstrief Institute, Inc. (, a world-renowned leader in medical informatics research, and Partners In Health (, a Boston-based philanthropic organization with a focus on improving the lives of underprivileged people worldwide through health care service and advocacy. We have also formed a non-profit, OpenMRS, Inc., whose mission is to support the worldwide OpenMRS community. These teams nurture a growing worldwide network of individuals and organizations all focused on creating medical record systems and a corresponding implementation network to allow system development self reliance within resource constrained environments. To date, OpenMRS has been implemented in dozens of developing countries, including South Africa, Kenya, Rwanda, Lesotho, Uganda, Tanzania, Haiti, Mozambique, Sierra Leone, and India.",
"tags": [
"primary_open_source_license": "Mozilla Public License 2.0 (MPL-2.0)",
"image_url": "//",
"image_bg_color": null,
"gplus_url": null,
"twitter_url": "",
"blog_url": "",
"application_instructions": "Students interested in applying to GSoC 2018 to work on an OpenMRS project are asked to complete a Google Summer of Code 2018 application and provide the following information:\n# Who are you? What are you studying?\n# Why are you the right person for this task?\n# Describe in detail your software development experience by various technologies. Include all technologies you have used for development projects.\n# List any previous experience working with open source projects other than OpenMRS.\n# Provide links to any websites or applications created by you, or other source code examples.\n# Please provide the URL to your OpenMRS Talk profile page.\n# You must have made at least one coding contribution to OpenMRS BEFORE submitting your proposal. We recommend achieving the /dev/1 stage as you become familiar with OpenMRS. Please include in your proposal all relevant issue numbers, pull requests, commit links, etc. for these contributions. If you don't include this information, your proposal will not be reviewed. It's not necessary for your pull requests to be merged; we just want to see that you've made some effort to learn the basics about OpenMRS development.\n# Describe your interactions with our community so far. Include dates of developer forums you have attended, and include any IRC nicknames used when visiting our channel previously.\n# What is your preferred method of contact and how should we reach you with it? (phone, email, IRC, IM, etc.)\n# Do you have any other commitments during the program?",
"topic_tags": [
"open source",
"medical records",
"developing countries"
"technology_tags": [
" java",
"proposal_tags": [
"i'm most interested in this project",
"i'm very interested in this project",
"i'm interested in this project"
"ideas_list": "",
"contact_method": "",
"program_year": 2018
"id": 5634263836262400,
"name": "OpenSIPS",
"slug": "opensips",
"website_url": "",
"category": "social_communications",
"contact_email": "",
"mailing_list": "",
"irc_channel": "",
"tagline": "A multi-purpose Open Source SIP proxy/server for carriers, telecoms or ITSPs",
"precis": "An Open Source SIP proxy/server for voice, video, IM, presence and any other SIP extensions, used by carriers, telecoms or ITSPs for Class 4 & 5 SIP solutions.",
"description": "OpenSIPS is an Open Source SIP proxy/server for voice, video, IM, presence and any other SIP extensions.\n\nOpenSIPS is a multi-functional, multi-purpose signaling SIP server used by carriers, telecoms or ITSPs for solutions like Class 4/5 Residential Platforms, Trunking / Wholesale, Enterprise / Virtual PBX Solutions, Session Border Controllers, Application Servers, Front-End Load Balancers, IMS Platforms, Call Centers, and many others.\n\nOpenSIPS is recommended for any kind of SIP scenario / service by:\n* the high throughput - tens of thousands of CPS, millions of ‏simultaneous calls (see official tests)\n* the flexibility of routing and integration - routing script for implementing custom routing logics, several interfacing APIs\n* the effective application building - more than 120 modules to provide features, for SIP handling, for backend operations, for integration, for routing logics \n* integration capabilities with non-SIP protocols or other software / components which are typically part of complex SIP platforms.",
"tags": [
"primary_open_source_license": "GNU General Public License version 2.0 (GPL-2.0)",
"image_url": "//",
"image_bg_color": null,
"gplus_url": "",
"twitter_url": "",
"blog_url": "",
"application_instructions": "Contacts\n========\nGet in touch with your mentors.\n* **IRC**: You can reach us in channel #opensips on the Freenode IRC network ( Talk to one of these guys: `bogdan_vs`, `razvanc` or `liviuc`.\n* **Slack**: Join us on Slack ( For any problems with the access, email\nYou can also find this information [here](\n\nPrerequisites\n===========\nGet yourself comfortable with what OpenSIPS is and what it does.\n* read and learn about OpenSIPS as much as you can. Here are some quick, basic (and fun) things you could do:\n * do some reading on *OpenSIPS*, *VoIP*, *SIP*, *SIP call flows*\n * create a SIP account on []( VoIP service.\n * understand what *OpenSIPS* is, install a SIP *softphone*, register it to **, and call **.\n * now that you've acquainted yourself with the proxy as a **user**, [download the source]( code and start digging and learning as a **developer**\n * now is a good time to read the [project ideas list](, and pick the one which suits you best\n * if you don't understand anything, **it's perfectly normal!** go back to the *Contact* section and talk to us on IRC/Slack\n* you understand the goal of the project, you have some minimal overview on the project codebase and some ideas are starting to take shape! That's great! Congrats!\n\nApplication\n=========\nSubmit your application.\n* **After** you have gone through all the details above, you can send your application for a review using this [Application Form](\n* Submit your application on GSoC website.",
"topic_tags": [
"technology_tags": [
" python",
"proposal_tags": [
"network protocols",
"c language",
"new features"
"ideas_list": "",
"contact_method": "",
"program_year": 2018
"id": 5084491916247040,
"name": "OpenStreetMap",
"slug": "openstreetmap",
"website_url": "",
"category": "data_and_databases",
"contact_email": null,
"mailing_list": "",
"irc_channel": "",
"tagline": "Creating and distributing free geographic data for the world.",
"precis": "At OpenStreetMap, volunteer surveyors gather map data of the whole world, laying the foundations for many awesome apps built on top.",
"description": "OpenStreetMap is a project that creates and distributes free geographic data for the world. The data is collected by volunteers around the globe largely from scratch and released with an open-content license. We allow free access to our map images and all of its underlying map data. We aim to promote new and interesting uses of our data which makes the project's uses, and the possible Google Summer of Code projects, very diverse.",
"tags": [
"primary_open_source_license": "GNU General Public License version 2.0 (GPL-2.0)",
"image_url": "//",
"image_bg_color": null,
"gplus_url": "",
"twitter_url": "",
"blog_url": "",
"application_instructions": "We have had good experiences with students who introduced themselves to our community and their respective mentor in advance. It helps to get the student and mentor know to each other, to know if they can work together and to elaborate on the details expected for a specific project. This also improves the timeline that has to be provided by our students. Depending on the project or mentor, we might request a software prototype or to solve a small exercise to estimate the student's experience level and their ambition to work with us. For the application itself we will publish a template on our wiki page to help the student submit a good application with everything that's needed from our side. More details are published [here](",
"topic_tags": [
"technology_tags": [
" java",
" ruby",
" javascript",
"proposal_tags": [
"public transport",
"ideas_list": "",
"contact_method": "",
"program_year": 2018
"id": 5974416370958336,
"name": "openSUSE",
"slug": "opensuse-2",
"website_url": "",
"category": "operating_systems",
"contact_email": "",
"mailing_list": "",
"irc_channel": "",
"tagline": "The makers' choice for sysadmins, developers and desktop users.",
"precis": "openSUSE is a Free Software project that promotes the use of Linux everywhere. Its focus is distributing Linux operating systems and developing the tools to be able to do that.",
"description": "The openSUSE project is a worldwide effort that promotes the use of Linux everywhere. openSUSE creates two of the world's best Linux distributions, working together in an open, transparent and friendly manner as part of the worldwide Free and Open Source Software community.\n\nThe project is controlled by its community and relies on the contributions of individuals, working as testers, writers, translators, usability experts, artists and ambassadors or developers. The project embraces a wide variety of technology, people with different levels of expertise, speaking different languages and having different cultural backgrounds.",
"tags": [
"primary_open_source_license": "GNU General Public License version 2.0 (GPL-2.0)",
"image_url": "//",
"image_bg_color": null,
"gplus_url": "",
"twitter_url": "",
"blog_url": "",
"application_instructions": "Contact the mentor early to get to know his expectations is the most important task before start writing your proposal. All our projects have issues labeled as **good first issue** / **junior job**. We recommend you to make at least one contribution to the project as that will help you to find out if this is the right project for you and to write a proposal, but you do **not** need to send a lot pull requests. The decision to select a student is made based on the proposal and not in the number of previous contributions. Remember that quality is more important than quantity!\n\n**Introduction:** Your software project should solve a clearly defined problem. Before offering the solution (your Google Summer of Code project), you should first define the problem. This is somewhat like an elevator pitch.\n\n**Project goals:** This section should again be short and to the point, and it might be a good idea to format it like a list. You should propose a clear list of deliverables, explaining exactly what you promise to do and what you do not plan to do.\n\n**Implementation:** This section can be longer and more detailed. You should describe what you plan to do as a solution for the problem you defined earlier.\n\n**Timeline:** With the timeline you show that you understand the problem, that you have thought hard about a solution, and that you have also broken the solution down into manageable bits.\n\n**About me:** Write a few lines about you.\n\nWe recommend to read",
"topic_tags": [
" web",
" ui/ux"
"technology_tags": [
"ruby on rail",
" ruby",
"proposal_tags": [
"ideas_list": "",
"contact_method": "",
"program_year": 2018
"id": 4855677718102016,
"name": "OpenWISP",
"slug": "openwisp",
"website_url": "",
"category": "web",
"contact_email": null,
"mailing_list": "",
"irc_channel": "",
"tagline": "Open Source solution to build and manage wifi networks",
"precis": "OpenWISP is an Open Source solution to build and manage wifi networks: from public wifi services to mesh networks and more.",
"description": "In the summer of 2008 the [Metropolitan City of Rome]( decided to start a **free of charge and public Wi-Fi network** to be spread over its 5352 SQ KM territory including Rome and 120 other cities for a total of about 4.5 million inhabitants. The main objective of the project, called **ProvinciaWiFi** (later renamed [WiFi Metropolitano](, was to take a decisive step to reduce the existing **digital divide** by fostering and facilitating the use of ICT by citizens.\n\nFrom the outset it was decided to commit the project to a completely open philosophy. For this reason a clear choice towards open software and operating systems and the availability of every modification, update and improvement to the community was made. The same approach was adopted for the knowledge and the experience acquired within the project. In order to pursue this goals the Province of Rome called the university consortium *CASPUR* (later merged in the [CINECA]( consortium) to develop the technical solution. In this context, a research project conducted by the *CINECA* consortium found its perfect application. This project proposed an innovative methodology for the distribution of networks (more precisely Virtual LANs used for Wi-Fi connectivity) between geographically distant sites. \n\nThe methodology adopted made it possible to host public connectivity services on non-dedicated network infrastructures (e.g.: private xDSL) that for technical and legal reasons could not be used as such. 
This is not the sole advantage that OpenWISP gave to *WiFi Metropolitano*: embracing the resource-sharing philosophy – typical of open projects – anyone can contribute to the network expansion simply by hosting an access point.\n
The software tools and the architectures, including the OpenWISP 2 [wifi controller]( and different [NetJSON]( implementations used in OpenWISP, are released to the public free of charge under open-source licenses, we hope this will allow a broader audience to benefit from this work and improve upon it.",
"tags": [
"primary_open_source_license": "GNU General Public License version 3.0 (GPL-3.0)",
"image_url": "//",
"image_bg_color": null,
"gplus_url": null,
"twitter_url": "",
"blog_url": null,
"application_instructions": "Then send us an email with the following details:\n\n**1. Your details **\n\n* Full name\n* Country/Region\n* Email\n* Github/Gitlab profile\n* Phone\n\n**2. Tell us about yourself **\n\nWhat is your background?\nHave you ever contributed to open source software projects? If yes how?\nDo you have experience with OpenWRT?\nDo you have a router at home on which you can flash OpenWRT in order to test OpenWISP?\nWhat's your motivation for working on OpenWISP during the Google Summer of Code?\n\n**3. Your GSoC Project**\n\n* Project Title\n* Possible Mentor\n* Measurable outcomes (It is very important to list quantifiable results here)\n* Project Details - how are you going to implement the solution? What technologies do you want to use?\n* Project Schedule - Can you provide a rough estimate? When can you begin work?\n* Availability - How many hours per week can you spend working on this? What other obligations do you have this summer?\n\n**4. After GSoC**\n\nAre you interested in working with OpenWISP after the GSOC ends?\nWill you maintain your implementation for a while?\nIf we get new business opportunities to build new features, would you be interested in occasional freelance paid work?\nIt's not enough to reply \"YES\", please explain what is your motivation (eg: gaining experience, tech challenges).",
"topic_tags": [
"web development"
"technology_tags": [
"proposal_tags": [
"new feature",
"new module",
"ideas_list": "",
"contact_method": "",
"program_year": 2018
"id": 5168559408283648,
"name": "OpnTec",
"slug": "opntec",
"website_url": "",
"category": "social_communications",
"contact_email": "",
"mailing_list": "!forum/open-event",
"irc_channel": "",
"tagline": "Developing Open Event Solutions for Everyone",
"precis": "The Open Event Project offers event managers a platform to organize all kinds of events including concerts, conferences, summits and regular meetups.",
"description": "The Open Event Project offers event managers a platform to organize all kinds of events including concerts, conferences, summits and regular meetups. The components support organizers in all stages from event planning to publishing, marketing and ticket sales. Automated web and mobile apps help attendees to get information easily.",
"tags": [
"primary_open_source_license": "GNU General Public License version 3.0 (GPL-3.0)",
"image_url": "//",
"image_bg_color": null,
"gplus_url": null,
"twitter_url": "",
"blog_url": "",
"application_instructions": "We are publishing instructions on our website here",
"topic_tags": [
"open event",
"event solutions",
"technology_tags": [
"proposal_tags": [
"open event",
"ideas_list": "",
"contact_method": "",
"program_year": 2018
"id": 5187129286590464,
"name": "Oppia Foundation",
"slug": "oppia-foundation",
"website_url": "",
"category": "web",
"contact_email": "",
"mailing_list": "",
"irc_channel": "",
"tagline": "Adaptive, enjoyable learning experiences that provide personalized feedback.",
"precis": "We seek to address the problem of inequitable access to universal high-quality, affordable education, especially for struggling students who cannot attend school regularly.",
"description": "# Why Oppia?\nOppia’s aim is to provide personalized tutoring to every single person in the world, especially those whose educational needs are not currently being served well. The Oppia platform allows collaborative creation of interactive learning experiences that simulate a friendly, non-judgmental tutor. For an example, see:\n\n# Interactive learning\nOppia teaches content in small units called _explorations_. _Learners_ (users who visit Oppia to learn something) explore a new topic through an exploration. Explorations can have multiple paths the learner may take depending on their answers (similar to video games). Different answers result in Oppia responding differently.\n\nA user may repeatedly struggle on a certain question. Oppia can detect this and branch away from the current topic, so that learners may practice fundamentals before attempting that question again. Oppia aims to act like a tutor, an educational guide who can help learners practice topics and watch for any mistakes they might make. One of the most important roles of Oppia is to gently show learners where they went wrong and instruct them on a correct approach. \n\n# Community-driven lesson creation\nThe other half of Oppia is a community of _creators_ (users who create explorations). Creating explorations is a bit like creating a video game, and we face some similar challenges. Our exploration editor needs to help creators identify spots in their explorations where users are struggling, or facilitate the creation of targeted responses and branches for certain types of learner answers (such as addressing common misconceptions among learners). Work in this area also includes facilitating the community side of Oppia by encouraging collaborative content creation among all topic areas.\n\n# Come join us!\nOppia is a very exciting project to work on and we're really excited for more people to join us!",
"tags": [
"primary_open_source_license": "Apache License 2.0 (Apache-2.0)",
"image_url": "//",
"image_bg_color": "ffffff",
"gplus_url": null,
"twitter_url": null,
"blog_url": "",
"application_instructions": "# Applying to Oppia\nPlease take a look at our dedicated GSoC 2018 wiki page [here]( for information about project ideas, what we’re looking for in a proposal, a proposal template, and how to apply to our organization. We also strongly recommend taking a look at our [developer wiki]( in order to become familiar with our development process.\n\nPlease note that most Oppia work heavily involves AngularJS for frontend development, and Google App Engine with Python 2.7 for backend development. You will also need a GitHub account.",
"topic_tags": [
"technology_tags": [
" javascript",
" css"
"proposal_tags": [
"learner experience",
"creator experience"
"ideas_list": "",
"contact_method": "",
"program_year": 2018
"id": 5051492877205504,
"name": "OSGeo",
"slug": "open-source-geospatial-foundation",
"website_url": "",
"category": "other",
"contact_email": "",
"mailing_list": "",
"irc_channel": "",
"tagline": "The Open Source Geospatial Foundation",
"precis": "OSGeo is a non-profit organization serving as an umbrella organization for the Open Source Geospatial community.",
"description": "<pre>\nOSGeo is a non-profit organization serving as an umbrella organization for the Open Source Geospatial community in general and several code projects in particular:\n\n## *Web Mapping* ##\n\ndeegree, geomajas, GeoMOOSE, GeoServer, Mapbender, MapFish, MapGuide Open Source, MapServer, OpenLayers\n\n## *Desktop Applications* ##\n\nGRASS GIS, gvSIG, Marble, QGIS\n\n## *Geospatial Libraries* ##\n\nFDO, GDAL/OGR, GEOS, GeoTools, OSSIM, PostGIS\n\n## *Metadata Catalogues* ##\n\nGeoNetwork, pycsw\n\n## *Content Management Systems* ##\n\nGeoNode\n\n## *Other Incubating Projects* ##\n\nistSOS, MetaCRS, Opticks, Orfeo ToolBox (OTB), PyWPS, Team Engine, ZOO-Project\n\n## *Other (non-code) Projects* ##\n\nGeoForAll (Education and Curriculum), OSGeo-Live DVD, Public Geospatial Data\n\nWe host regional and international FOSS4G conferences with typical attendance of 500-1100+ geospatial developers, industry and government leaders, and researchers. Our mailing lists collectively go out to ~ 30,000 unique subscribers.\n</pre>",
"tags": [
"primary_open_source_license": "GNU General Public License version 2.0 (GPL-2.0)",
"image_url": "//",
"image_bg_color": null,
"gplus_url": "",
"twitter_url": "",
"blog_url": "",
"application_instructions": "<pre>\nFor more information on how to contact potential OSGeo mentors, including an application template, please see our [Recommendations for Students wiki page](\n</pre>",
"topic_tags": [
"citizen science",
"open science"
"technology_tags": [
"proposal_tags": [
"grass gis",
"nasa web world wind",
"ideas_list": "",
"contact_method": "",
"program_year": 2018
"id": 5420966012780544,
"name": "OW2",
"slug": "ow2",
"website_url": "",
"category": "other",
"contact_email": "",
"mailing_list": "",
"irc_channel": null,
"tagline": "The open source community for infrastructure software.",
"precis": "OW2 is an independent community dedicated to developing open source code infrastructure (middleware, tools and generic applications). OW2 hosts dozens of open source projects.",
"description": "At OW2, our job is to promote the development of open-source software for complex information systems: middleware, generic business applications, cloud computing platforms, etc. We are supported by a vibrant open source community and business ecosystem. We help build healthy and sustainable open source projects that reach out to their markets. In 2017, OW2 celebrated its 10th anniversary. OW2con'18 is all about technology, community and business. The OW2 Consortium hosts some one hundred technology projects, including ASM, Bonita, Chameleon, CLIF, DocDoku, Easybeans, Emerginov, Fractal, FusionDirectory, JOnAS, JORAM, JOTM, Knowage, LemonLDAP:NG, Lutece, OCCInterface, PetalsESB, Prelude, ProActive, RocketChat, SAT4J, Spagic, Spago4Q, Talend Studio, Telosys, WebLab and XWiki. Visit, follow us on Twitter @ow2.",
"tags": [
"primary_open_source_license": "GNU Library or \"Lesser\" General Public License version 2.1 (LGPL-2.1)",
"image_url": "//",
"image_bg_color": null,
"gplus_url": null,
"twitter_url": "",
"blog_url": null,
"application_instructions": "Contact info: name, country, email, university/school, phone number\n\nSkills:\n- describe your coding skills, skill level for each programming language you know, skills in application security if you have any,\n- software projects you've worked on with links if any, also links to open source project repositories you have contributed to or any,\n- mention your level of knowledge and experience with OASIS XACML standard and XACML frameworks if you have any\n- Experience with software development and/or project management tools (Eclipse/Intellij, Git, Jenkins/Travis, JIRA...)\n- How much time do you plan to invest in the project before, during, and after the Summer of Code?\n\nStudent instructions:\n- Read a bit about XACML and Attribute Based Access Control on the web\n- Go through the getting started sections of README pages on AuthzForce Core project and AuthzForce RESTful projects to get minimal experience of AuthzForce software \n- Propose your idea and ask any question to the mailing list (see link above), to verify your understanding of the project and the relevance of your idea(s)\n- Create an account on OW2 Gitlab - , and Github if you don't have any\n\nIf you want to propose a new project, please provide: Title, description, goal, problem solved, how you plan to use AuthzForce to achieve the goal.",
"topic_tags": [
"enterprise information systems",
"technology_tags": [
"proposal_tags": [
"ideas_list": "",
"contact_method": "",
"program_year": 2018
"id": 6664778743808000,
"name": "OWASP Foundation",
"slug": "owasp-foundation",
"website_url": "",
"category": "security",
"contact_email": "",
"mailing_list": "",
"irc_channel": null,
"tagline": "OWASP, The Open Web Application Security Project.",
"precis": "OWASP is the Open Web Application Security Project. Our goal is to be the global community that drives visibility and evolution in the safety and security of the world’s software",
"description": "The OWASP Foundation came online on December 1st 2001 it was established as a not-for-profit charitable organization in the United States on April 21, 2004 to ensure the ongoing availability and support for our work at OWASP. OWASP is an international organization and the OWASP Foundation supports OWASP efforts around the world. OWASP is an open community dedicated to enabling organizations to conceive, develop, acquire, operate, and maintain applications that can be trusted. All of the OWASP tools, documents, forums, and chapters are free and open to anyone interested in improving application security. We advocate approaching application security as a people, process, and technology problem because the most effective approaches to application security include improvements in all of these areas. We can be found at\n\n\nOWASP is a new kind of organization. Our freedom from commercial pressures allows us to provide unbiased, practical, cost-effective information about application security. OWASP is not affiliated with any technology company, although we support the informed use of commercial security technology. Similar to many open-source software projects, OWASP produces many types of materials in a collaborative and open way. The OWASP Foundation is a not-for-profit entity that ensures the project's long-term success",
"tags": [
"primary_open_source_license": "Apache License 2.0 (Apache-2.0)",
"image_url": "//",
"image_bg_color": null,
"gplus_url": "",
"twitter_url": "",
"blog_url": "",
"application_instructions": "We provide detailed instructions for students and application instructions here:\nand here:",
"topic_tags": [
"application security",
"cloud security",
"mobile security"
"technology_tags": [
"proposal_tags": [
"juice shop",
"csrf protector",
"ideas_list": "",
"contact_method": "",
"program_year": 2018
"id": 6250974029545472,
"name": "",
"slug": "p2psporg",
"website_url": "",
"category": "graphics",
"contact_email": "",
"mailing_list": null,
"irc_channel": "",
"tagline": "Shaping the future Internet TV",
"precis": " is a nonprofit organization that develops the P2PSP protocol: an application layer protocol designed for the real-time streaming of multimedia content over the Internet.",
"description": " is a nonprofit organization that develops, among other things, the P2PSP protocol. P2PSP is an application layer protocol designed for the real-time streaming of multimedia content over the Internet. P2PSP is free, open, Creative Common Attribution-ShareAlike 4 International licensed. Among our objectives, we can highlight the deployment of streaming video services, the implementation of real-time video recording and transmission tools, encourage social streaming, research on application-layer IP multicast on the global Internet, secure communications, etc.",
"tags": [
"primary_open_source_license": "GNU General Public License version 3.0 (GPL-3.0)",
"image_url": "//",
"image_bg_color": "ffffff",
"gplus_url": "",
"twitter_url": null,
"blog_url": "",
"application_instructions": "Here you have some key points that you should consider to include in your GSoC application:\n\n1. What project would you like to work on and why?\n2. Propose an idea of how are you going to develop the project. Please, try to give as much information about this topic in your proposal, for example, milestones, time scheduling, deliverables, etc.\n3. Tell us about your experiences in free software development. Point us to a code sample: something good and clean to demonstrate that you know what you're doing, ideally from an existing project. Please, include your contributions in GitHub, Launchpad, Google Code, etc.\n4. Why do you want to work with P2PSP Project in particular?\n5. Will you be working full-time on the project for the summer, or will you have other commitments too (a second job, classes, etc)?\n6. What is your ideal approach to keeping us informed of your progress, problems, and questions over the course of the project?\n7. How can we contact you to ask you further questions?\n8. What school are you attending? What year are you, and what's your major/degree/focus? If you're part of a research group, which one?",
"topic_tags": [
"live streaming",
"real time",
"distributed networks",
"technology_tags": [
" javascript",
"proposal_tags": [
"new feature",
"ideas_list": "",
"contact_method": "",
"program_year": 2018
"id": 4612291316678656,
"name": "PEcAn Project",
"slug": "pecan-project",
"website_url": "",
"category": "science_and_medicine",
"contact_email": "",
"mailing_list": "",
"irc_channel": "",
"tagline": "Develop accessible tools for reproducible ecosystem modeling and forecasting",
"precis": "PEcAn is an integrated ecoinformatics toolbox that consists of a set of scientific workflows that wrap around ecosystem models and manage flow of information in and out of models.",
"description": "# Why PEcAn? #\nClimate change science has witnessed an explosion in the amount and types of data that can be brought to bear on the potential responses of the terrestrial carbon cycle and biodiversity to global change. Many of the most pressing questions about global change are limited by our ability to synthesize existing data. Predictive Ecosystem Analyzer (PEcAn) project specifically seeks to improve this ability. Ultimately, PEcAn aims to make ecosystem modelling and data assimilation routine tools for answering scientific questions and informing policy and management.\n\n\n # How does PEcAn do that? #\n\nPEcAn consists of **1)** state-of-the-art ecosystem models that themselves are scaffolds for integrating multiple data sources and theory, **2)** a workflow management system to handle the numerous streams of data, and **3)** a data assimilation statistical framework in order to synthesize the data with the model. PEcAn automates analyses aimed at understanding and forecasting ecosystem responses through these models. \n\n# Transparency, repeatability, accessibility # \n\nPEcAn's scientific workflow management fully captures the informatics of where the model inputs came from, how they were processed, how sets of model runs were completed, and how the model output was post-processed and visualized for maximizing transparency and repeatability. PEcAn's intuitive web-based interface allows non-modelers or novices to use models and techniques developed by experts.\n\n# High functionality and performance #\n\nIn addition to making the PEcAn source code open source, the system is also available as a fully functional virtual machine that runs on a wide range of operating systems. The system can also interact with remote high-performance computing environments, allowing model runs to be done in parallel on remote clusters.",
"tags": [
"primary_open_source_license": "University of Illinois/NCSA Open Source License (NCSA)",
"image_url": "//",
"image_bg_color": null,
"gplus_url": null,
"twitter_url": "",
"blog_url": null,
"application_instructions": "1. Choose a project from our [project ideas list]( or come up with your own.\n\n2. Fill out the [PEcAn GSoC application form]( The form is pretty self-explanatory, and it requires completing a project specific technical task which will in return help you write your proposal.\n*Please fill out the form in a timely manner so that we can review it sooner and give you feedback.*\n\n3. Send an email to your project-specific mentors indicating that you have completed the form, attach your resume or CV, and request feedback.\n\n4. With guidance from your mentors, write your proposal.\n\n5. Start coding!",
"topic_tags": [
" scientific visualization",
" data science",
" climate science",
"ecosystem models",
"ecological forecasting"
"technology_tags": [
" javascript",
" php",
"proposal_tags": [
"high performance computing",
"database optimization",
"scientific visualization",
"database porting",
"remote execution",
"distributed computing",
"linking databases and data types"
"ideas_list": "",
"contact_method": "",
"program_year": 2018
"id": 5120861648977920,
"name": "Performance Co-Pilot",
"slug": "performance-co-pilot",
"website_url": "",
"category": "operating_systems",
"contact_email": "",
"mailing_list": "",
"irc_channel": "",
"tagline": "Performance Co-Pilot - system-level performance analysis toolkit",
"precis": "The Performance Co-Pilot (PCP) is a toolkit designed for monitoring and managing system-level performance.",
"description": "The Performance Co-Pilot is a toolkit designed for monitoring and managing system-level performance. These services are distributed and scalable to accommodate very complex system configurations and performance problems.\n\nPCP supports many different platforms, including (but not limited to) Linux, Mac OS X, Solaris and Windows. From a high-level PCP can be considered to contain two classes of software utility:\n\n###### PCP Collectors\nThese are the parts of PCP that collect and extract performance data from various sources, e.g. the operating system kernel.\n\n###### PCP Monitors\nThese are the parts of PCP that display data collected from hosts (or archives) that have the PCP Collector installed. Many monitor tools are available as part of the core PCP release, while other (typically graphical) monitoring tools are available separately in the PCP GUI or PCP WebApp packages.\n\nThe PCP architecture is distributed in the sense that any PCP tool may be executing remotely. On the host (or hosts) being monitored, each domain of performance metrics, whether the kernel, a service layer, a database management system, a web server, an application, etc. requires a Performance Metrics Domain Agent (PMDA) which is responsible for collecting performance measurements from that domain. All PMDAs are controlled by the Performance Metrics Collector Daemon (PMCD) on the same host.\n\nClient applications (the monitoring tools) connect to PMCD, which acts as a router for requests, by forwarding requests to the appropriate PMDA and returning the responses to the clients. Clients may also access performance data from a PCP archive for retrospective analysis.",
"tags": [
"primary_open_source_license": "GNU General Public License version 2.0 (GPL-2.0)",
"image_url": "//",
"image_bg_color": null,
"gplus_url": null,
"twitter_url": "",
"blog_url": null,
"application_instructions": "Please read through the potential projects on the [Ideas page] ( for the Performance Co-Pilot organisation.\n\nEach project has an associated level of difficulty, prerequisite knowledge and mentors. You are encouraged to contact individual mentors to seek clarification or further detail about individual projects that are of interest to you before you apply.\n\nThe mentors are experts in their fields who are volunteering time to help you. Make the most of them - they are wonderfully kind and friendly people who want you to learn and succeed!\n\nThere is scope for extending or changing the projects somewhat to suit your goals. Once you have decided on a general area, using one of the Ideas as a starting point, please put together a project proposal and send it to <>. The proposal must outline your understanding of the topic, and provide a detailed description of what you aim to achieve. It should also contain a short bio about yourself, your background and current skills.\n\nHappy hacking!",
"topic_tags": [
"high performance computing",
"web development",
"technology_tags": [
"proposal_tags": [
"performance co-pilot",
"ideas_list": "",
"contact_method": "",
"program_year": 2018
"id": 6276403641712640,
"name": "phpBB Forum Software",
"slug": "phpbb-forum-software",
"website_url": "",
"category": "social_communications",
"contact_email": "",
"mailing_list": null,
"irc_channel": "",
"tagline": "phpBB is the most widely used free and open-source forum solution.",
"precis": "phpBB is the most widely used free and open-source forum solution.",
"description": "## What is phpBB?\nphpBB ('BB' for Bulletin Board) is the world's most popular free and open-source forum solution. Our global community of contributors ensures that end-users receive a stable, secure, and infinitely customizable product that's easy to deploy and maintain while also being fun and simple to use.\n\n## Why choose phpBB?\nOriginally released in 2000, the latest version of the phpBB software has evolved to include an extensive permissions system, user groups, hierarchical subforums, file attachments, intuitive notifications, OAuth authentication, support for multiple database engines (PostgreSQL, SQLite, MySQL/MariaDB, Oracle, MS SQL Server), and a variety of other features. The phpBB Customization Database of styles and extensions offers administrators endless ability to adapt the software to their needs.\n\nOur strict security practices have resulted in a hardened product with a proven track record greatly exceeding that of our commercial competitors. Likewise, our coding guidelines and collaborative development model ensure that code quality is a top priority while encouraging constant developer learning and growth.\n\n## phpBB and Google Summer of Code\nWe are proud to have participated in the GSoC program during four prior years. The goal of our mentors is to ensure that all students have a smooth and fulfilling experience. Former phpBB GSoC students have flown across the world to meet the rest of our team during our annual hackathon and have gone on to become long-term contributors to the project, some even joining the core development team. We hope that you will help us continue this excellent trend.",
"tags": [
"primary_open_source_license": "GNU General Public License version 2.0 (GPL-2.0)",
"image_url": "//",
"image_bg_color": "ffffff",
"gplus_url": null,
"twitter_url": "",
"blog_url": "",
"application_instructions": "## Get in touch\nWe'd like to get to know you as soon as possible! Join us on IRC and introduce yourself. Don't wait until the last moment to ask questions and meet your prospective mentor.\n\n## Requirements\nWe require all students to successfully contribute one small patch (>10 lines of scripting code) prior to having their proposal selected. We're here to assist and happy to walk you through the process.\n\n## Proposal writing tips\nThese are suggestions based on what we have seen work in the past. Of course, there could be many reasons why they do not apply to your particular case, and that is perfectly okay. You can always ask us for help if you have any doubts.\n\nWe have found that good proposals are generally 1-4 pages long, and contains the following sections:\n\n**Introduction**: A few lines about you, your studies, and your qualifications to implement the specific idea. \n\n**Features and design**: This is the most important part of your proposal. You should outline what you would like to implement, and how it integrates with the phpBB software. You do not need to specify all implementation details, however (e.g.: if you need some data that is expensive to generate, it is important that you mention the need to cache the sorted data, however you don't need to specify the sorting mechanism).\n\n**Timeline**: Your project should be broken down into tasks with specific milestones. We generally like timelines broken down by individual weeks. \n\nIf in doubt, just ask us. We're excited to be working with you!",
"topic_tags": [
"technology_tags": [
" javascript",
"proposal_tags": [
"new feature",
"ideas_list": "",
"contact_method": "",
"program_year": 2018
"id": 4776724626145280,
"name": "phpMyAdmin",
"slug": "phpmyadmin",
"website_url": "",
"category": "data_and_databases",
"contact_email": "",
"mailing_list": "",
"irc_channel": null,
"tagline": "A web interface for MySQL written in PHP",
"precis": "We're developing phpMyAdmin, a MySQL web interface. It supports most MySQL features, is widely used by database administrators, and is well supported by hosting providers.",
"description": "phpMyAdmin is a free and open source tool written in PHP intended to handle the administration of MySQL with the use of a web browser. It can perform various tasks such as creating, modifying or deleting databases, tables, fields or rows; executing SQL statements; or managing users and permissions.",
"tags": [
"primary_open_source_license": "GNU General Public License version 2.0 (GPL-2.0)",
"image_url": "//",
"image_bg_color": null,
"gplus_url": "",
"twitter_url": "",
"blog_url": "",
"application_instructions": "Students are expected to submit some code as part of the application process to show that they have an understanding of the project. Mentors and other project members will help coach students through submitting a proper pull request, for students who are unfamiliar with the Github workflow.\n\nStudents are strongly encouraged to introduce themselves on the [developers mailing list]( Nearly all project development discussion is handled through this mailing list, so it's helpful to subscribe and discuss your planned implementation.\n\nFinally, submit your application through the Google site, and keep an eye out for mentor comments or questions. If the mentors have questions, concerns, or need any clarification they will ask through the GSoC site. Please use the application questions from the [student application template](\n\nFull application instructions are also posted on our [GSoC wiki page](",
"topic_tags": [
"web applications",
"technology_tags": [
"proposal_tags": [
"error reporting server",
"theme generator",
"refactoring twig templates",
"interface improvements",
"ideas_list": "",
"contact_method": "",
"program_year": 2018
"id": 5685175707500544,
"name": "Plone",
"slug": "plone",
"website_url": "",
"category": "web",
"contact_email": "",
"mailing_list": "",
"irc_channel": "",
"tagline": "The premier python-based open source CMS",
"precis": "Plone is a Python-based CMS built with workflow and security at the forefront. It is developed by a world-wide community and uses modern technologies and techniques.",
"description": "Plone is a CMS that based on Python and uses an object-based storage (ZODB). It comes with enterprise-ready features and has a strong emphasis on workflow and security. It is also a fully open source (GPL2) project, with no single company driving it, but a whole ecosystem of smaller firms and independent developers around the world.\n\nPlone is suitable for a wide variety of entities, from the largest of corporations and government agencies with very high security requirements and universities with tens of thousands of users to small nonprofit organizations and businesses. \n\nIn the 17 years since its first release, Plone has evolved into a mature solution, with emphasis on code quality and tests. But Plone is also forward-looking. Over the last years the front-end has received a complete overhaul to use more modern javascript techniques. Theming is cleanly implemented using just HTML/CSS and an XML ruleset. Development of a complete RESTful API has allowed the creation of completely uncoupled front-end applications using the latest of JavaScript technologies.\n\nPlone is a community-oriented organization. Members of the Plone community may be found across the globe. They are usually friendly, and possess a deep knowledge of all issues of Content Management. Rights to the intellectual property of Plone are owned by the Plone Foundation, a registered nonprofit Foundation that exists to promote and protect Plone.",
"tags": [
"primary_open_source_license": "GNU General Public License version 2.0 (GPL-2.0)",
"image_url": "//",
"image_bg_color": "ffffff",
"gplus_url": null,
"twitter_url": "",
"blog_url": "",
"application_instructions": "Students, please follow these steps to propose a project for the Plone Foundation.\n\n# Get To Know Us\n\nBegin by [Introducing yourself in our forum]( Plone is global, so replies might take some time. Try to be patient. Please do not use IRC or Gitter for this step.\n\n[Download and install Plone]( and make a simple website. You can [read our documentation]( to learn how Plone works, and [how to contribute]( \n\nFinally, you'll need to find an [issue suitable for newcomers]( in our issue tracker and try to fix it so you can get to know our code base. Ask questions in our forum, or IRC or Gitter\n\n# Develop An Idea\n\nRead our [GSoC ideas list]( and pick one you’re interested in, or come up with your own idea. Discuss this idea with the us in [our forum]( Get input from the us on the appropriate scope and direction for your project.\n\n# Write Your Proposal\n\nOnce you've got a solid idea of what you want to do, it's time to write your proposal. Any successful proposal **must** answer the following questions:\n\n* What are you studying and where?\n* What is the most interesting software project you've worked on while in school?\n* Have you ever contributed to an open source project? How? (bug reports and documentation count too)\n* Have you used Plone before? What for?\n* Have you spoken to anyone in the Plone community about your project?\n* What is your project idea? (please be as detailed as possible)\n* Why do you want to do this project?\n* Do you have any other commitments during the summer of code period (i.e. between June and August)?",
"topic_tags": [
"content management",
"technology_tags": [
" javascript",
"proposal_tags": [
"ideas_list": "",
"contact_method": "",
"program_year": 2018
"id": 5495827175309312,
"name": "PMD",
"slug": "pmd",
"website_url": "",
"category": "languages",
"contact_email": "",
"mailing_list": "",
"irc_channel": "",
"tagline": "An extensible cross-language static code analyzer.",
"precis": "PMD keeps an eye on code quality in your project. It understands multiple languages and can be customized to your specific needs.",
"description": "PMD is a static code analyzer. It finds common programming flaws, sub-optimal code and code style issues in multiple languages. For example, it can highlight unused variables, empty catch blocks or too complex code, just to name a few.\n\n# Programming Languages\nInitially PMD started out to be a Java-only code analyzer. But nowadays, it fully supports 8 languages: Java, JavaScript, Apex and Visualforce, PLSQL, Apache Velocity, XML and XSL. All languages provide many rules, that you can immediately use to check your source code.\n\n# Copy-Paste-Detector\nAdditionally it includes CPD, the copy-paste-detector. CPD finds duplicated code in all the above languages and additionally in C, C++, C#, Groovy, PHP, Ruby, Fortran, Scala, Objective C, Matlab, Python, Go, and Swift.\n\n# Usage\nPMD has over 50000 monthly downloads and is actively used by many open source and closed source projects. It is integrated into most common build tools like Maven, Gradle and Ant, but it can also be used from the command line. Integrations into CI systems such as Jenkins can provide comparisons between builds to see quality improvements or degradation over time based on the issues found by PMD. When integrated into the build, PMD can serve as a quality gate.\n\n# Extensibility\nPMD comes out of the box with many rules in the area of code design, optimizations, naming and many more. It provides a flexible infrastructure to customize the existing rules via properties and to define completely new custom rules. The rules can be organized in rulesets, which can be shared within a software project, so that every developer is using the same PMD configuration.\n\nAn innovative approach allows to define PMD rules using a single XPath expression, allowing developers to do so without having to write code or deal with PMD internals. PMD ships with a designer tool to help build and test such expressions. More complex rules can be coded in Java using a visitor pattern over the analyzed code.",
"tags": [
"primary_open_source_license": "BSD 2-Clause \"Simplified\" or \"FreeBSD\" License (BSD-2-Clause)",
"image_url": "//",
"image_bg_color": null,
"gplus_url": null,
"twitter_url": "",
"blog_url": null,
"application_instructions": "Although PMD is a mature project there are plenty of opportunities to improve and build upon existing features.\nWe've collected already many ideas in our [Wiki](\n\nWe have two kinds of idea lists:\n\n* [Project Ideas [Mature]]( are ready to use ideas that can be tackled immediately.\n* [Project Ideas [Inception]]( are ideas, that need some additional effort to properly define goals. There is even the [Roadmap]( with more topics.\n\nYou may also suggest a project of your own or take an idea and adjust it. Please make sure to discuss it with us on [gitter](, on our [mailing list]( or [issue tracker]( beforehand.",
"topic_tags": [
"code analysis",
"code quality",
"source code analyzer",
"technology_tags": [
"proposal_tags": [
"new feature",
"new language",
"new rule",
"ideas_list": "",
"contact_method": "",
"program_year": 2018
"id": 6577733077827584,
"name": "Pocket Science Lab",
"slug": "pocket-science-lab",
"website_url": "",
"category": "science_and_medicine",
"contact_email": "",
"mailing_list": "!forum/pslab-fossasia",
"irc_channel": "",
"tagline": "A Pocket Science Lab for Physics Education and Every Student",
"precis": "The goal of PSLab is to create an Open Source lab using free software and hardware that can be used for experiments by teachers, students and citizen scientists.",
"description": "The goal of PSLab is to create an Open Source lab using Open Source software and hardware that can be used for experiments by teachers, students and citizen scientists. Our tiny pocket lab provides an array of sensors for doing science and engineering experiments. It provides functions of numerous measurement devices including an oscilloscope, a waveform generator, a frequency counter, a programmable voltage, current source and as a data logger. We are developing the experiments starting on the hardware to libraries and user interfaces for desktop PCs and Android apps for smartphones. The PSLab project is inspired by the work of the Open Science Hardware community",
"tags": [
"primary_open_source_license": "GNU General Public License version 3.0 (GPL-3.0)",
"image_url": "//",
"image_bg_color": null,
"gplus_url": null,
"twitter_url": "",
"blog_url": "",
"application_instructions": "Please check out our application instructions on the Idea page:",
"topic_tags": [
"school apps"
"technology_tags": [
"proposal_tags": [
"pocket science",
"web apps",
"ideas_list": "",
"contact_method": "",
"program_year": 2018
"id": 4743716460298240,
"name": "Polly Labs",
"slug": "polly-labs",
"website_url": "",
"category": "languages",
"contact_email": "",
"mailing_list": "!forum/polly-dev",
"irc_channel": null,
"tagline": "Promoting Polyhedral Compilation",
"precis": "Polly Labs supports the development of tools based on the polyhedral models such as LLVM/Polly.",
"description": "Polly Labs is a multinational collaboration between academia and industry. Its mission is to advance research and software around the [Polyhedral Model](\n\nPolyhedral compilation is a powerful technique to automatically optimize loop nests which often occur in scientific and multimedia code. Optimizations include parallelization (OpenMP, OpenCL, CUDA, MPI, ...), vectorization, tiling, loop fusion, loop reversal, loop interchange and many more.\n\nPolly Labs contributes software to the community itself, such as:\n\n * [Polly](\n * [Integer Set Library](\n * [barvinok](\n * [ppcg](\n * [Polyhedral Extraction Tool](\n * [PENCIL](",
"tags": [
"primary_open_source_license": "MIT license (MIT)",
"image_url": "//",
"image_bg_color": "FFFFFF",
"gplus_url": null,
"twitter_url": null,
"blog_url": null,
"application_instructions": "Please contact us before submitting a project. We will help you with writing proposal. Students who contacted us upfront have a much higher chance to be accepted.\n\nUnless you already worked with our community, we will also ask you to complete a small task (e.g., fix a \"newbie bug\") such that we can have an idea whether you are prepared for the task.\n\nFor details and hints what makes a good proposal, please see our [How to apply page](",
"topic_tags": [
"polyhedral model"
"technology_tags": [
"proposal_tags": [
"ideas_list": "",
"contact_method": "",
"program_year": 2018
"id": 6357583019900928,
"name": "PostgreSQL",
"slug": "postgresql",
"website_url": "",
"category": "data_and_databases",
"contact_email": "",
"mailing_list": "",
"irc_channel": "",
"tagline": "PostgreSQL is a powerful, open source object-relational database system.",
"precis": "PostgreSQL is a powerful, open source object-relational database system with more than 20 years of active development and a proven architecture.",
"description": "PostgreSQL is a powerful, open source object-relational database system. It has more than 15 years of active development and a proven architecture that has earned it a strong reputation for reliability, data integrity, and correctness. It runs on all major operating systems, including Linux, UNIX (AIX, BSD, HP-UX, macOS, Solaris), and Windows. It is fully ACID compliant, has full support for foreign keys, joins, views, triggers, and stored procedures (in multiple languages). It includes most SQL:2008 data types, including INTEGER, NUMERIC, BOOLEAN, CHAR, VARCHAR, DATE, INTERVAL, and TIMESTAMP. It also supports storage of binary large objects, including pictures, sounds, or video. It has native programming interfaces for C/C++, Java, .Net, Perl, Python, Ruby, Tcl, ODBC, among others, and exceptional documentation.\n\nAn enterprise class database, PostgreSQL boasts sophisticated features such as Multi-Version Concurrency Control (MVCC), point in time recovery, tablespaces, asynchronous replication, nested transactions (savepoints), online/hot backups, a sophisticated query planner/optimizer, and write ahead logging for fault tolerance. It supports international character sets, multibyte character encodings, Unicode, and it is locale-aware for sorting, case-sensitivity, and formatting. It is highly scalable both in the sheer quantity of data it can manage and in the number of concurrent users it can accommodate. There are active PostgreSQL instances in production environments that manage many terabytes of data, as well as clusters managing petabytes. Some general PostgreSQL limits are included in the table below.",
"tags": [
"primary_open_source_license": "The PostgreSQL License (PostgreSQL)",
"image_url": "//",
"image_bg_color": null,
"gplus_url": null,
"twitter_url": "",
"blog_url": "",
"application_instructions": "GSoC proposals should be submitted to the mailing list. Additional information about developing for PostgreSQL can be found here:",
"topic_tags": [
"big data"
"technology_tags": [
"proposal_tags": [
"procedural languages",
"sql commands"
"ideas_list": "",
"contact_method": "",
"program_year": 2018
"id": 4803515642281984,
"name": "Probot",
"slug": "probot",
"website_url": "",
"category": "languages",
"contact_email": "",
"mailing_list": null,
"irc_channel": "",
"tagline": "Automate and improve GitHub workflows",
"precis": "Probot is a framework for GitHub Apps to automate and improve project workflows.\nUse pre-built apps to extend GitHub, and easily build and share your own.",
"description": "# What is a GitHub App?\n\nA GitHub app is an application that receives request each time something happens in repositories that they are installed on and can then act as a bot user to make changes.\n\nA very simple example is the [WIP GitHub App]( – it sets the status of a pull request to pending if the word \"wip\" is in the pull request subject. The status gets updated each time the pull request title is changed.\n\n# How does Probot work?\n\nProbot is a Node.js framework based on the [Express Server framework]( It provides APIs to subscribe to events that are happening on GitHub to run your custom code. For example, the `WIP GitHub App` mentioned above is built with Probot in only about 20 lines of code:\n\n# Why apply for Probot?\n\nYou will create your very own GitHub application, your own product that you can add to your portfolio at the end of the summer. While working on your own app, you will interact with the Probot core team and learn how to contribute to the core project itself.\n\nWe look forward to meeting you :)",
"tags": [
"primary_open_source_license": "ISC License (ISC)",
"image_url": "//",
"image_bg_color": null,
"gplus_url": null,
"twitter_url": "",
"blog_url": null,
"application_instructions": "Pick an existing idea at or suggest a new idea for a Probot application that you would like to work on. Familiarize yourself with the project before applying. You should have worked with Node.js before, but don’t need to be an expert. We encourage applications by students from groups underrepresented in tech :)",
"topic_tags": [
"development tools"
"technology_tags": [
"proposal_tags": [
"github app"
"ideas_list": "",
"contact_method": "",
"program_year": 2018
"id": 5220873754116096,
"name": "Public Lab",
"slug": "public-lab",
"website_url": "",
"category": "science_and_medicine",
"contact_email": "",
"mailing_list": "",
"irc_channel": "",
"tagline": "Open hardware and software to help communities measure and analyze pollution",
"precis": "Open hardware and software to help communities measure and analyze pollution",
"description": "## Measuring pollution at low cost\n\nPublic Lab is focused on democratizing the tools and techniques of environmental science so that communities who face pollution and other environmental problems can actually use them.\n\nWe believe that low cost, open source, easy to use hardware and software can enable anyone to collect data with which to hold polluters accountable.\n\n## Sensor data and open hardware development\n\nPublic Lab software projects focus on two areas: community collaboration and open hardware development (, and data processing for our sensors and tools ( and, among others).\n\nOur collaboration and development platform enables thousands of people to publish updates and share designs for emerging environmental open hardware projects. Our browser-based data analysis tools make use of HTML5 features such as CSS 3d transforms for image distortion and the WebRTC webcam API for capturing spectral data, to make advanced features available to users in a powerful cross-platform, user-friendly, database-backed approach to open science tools.",
"tags": [
"primary_open_source_license": "GNU General Public License version 3.0 (GPL-3.0)",
"image_url": "//",
"image_bg_color": null,
"gplus_url": null,
"twitter_url": "",
"blog_url": "",
"application_instructions": "Please follow instructions here to apply; our call for proposals and template are listed there:",
"topic_tags": [
"technology_tags": [
"ruby on rails",
"proposal_tags": [
"ideas_list": "",
"contact_method": "",
"program_year": 2018
"id": 5576129356759040,
"name": "Purr Data",
"slug": "purr-data",
"website_url": "",
"category": "languages",
"contact_email": null,
"mailing_list": "",
"irc_channel": null,
"tagline": "Visual Programming Language for Realtime Multimedia",
"precis": "Purr Data is a visual programming language aimed at low-latency real-time DSP applications. The diagrams double as user interfaces, making Purr Data ideal for prototyping DSP apps.",
"description": "Purr data is a visual programming language built for low-latency, realtime DSP synthesis. In addition to core functionality for working with audio and 2d graphics, it ships with a large set of external libraries to handle video, 2D/3D graphics, sensors, input devices, and networking.\n\nPurr data has a special emphasis on generating audio and/or video in real time, with low latency. Much of its design focuses on receiving, manipulating, and delivering high-quality audio signals. Specifically, the software addresses the problem of doing this efficiently and reliably on general purpose operating systems like OSX, Windows, Debian, etc.-- i.e., systems designed mainly for multi-tasking.\n\nPurr Data builds on code from several other software projects: Pure Data-- which is the audio and scripting engine, Pd-extended-- which is a now abandoned application that shipped Pure Data with lots of external libraries, and Pd-l2ork-- which added long-needed usability enhancements like infinite-undo and native state-saving mechanisms to Pure Data.\n\nPurr Data uses a GUI based on the nw.js toolkit. This means the entire GUI is built using HTML5 technologies, and any of those-- including thousands of web frameworks, the Gamepad API, WebGL, etc.-- may be leveraged by users and developers.",
"tags": [
"primary_open_source_license": "MIT license (MIT)",
"image_url": "//",
"image_bg_color": null,
"gplus_url": null,
"twitter_url": null,
"blog_url": null,
"application_instructions": "Prerequisites: At least one of the following languages: C, C++, any of the HTML5 languages, Pd\n\nPlease complete the following steps to apply:\n\n1. Give us a clear written proposal of your idea, or choose one of the currently listed ideas.\n2. Give us an estimate of how you plan to approach the problem. What are the biggest challenges of your chosen idea? Can parts of the problem be solved in parallel? Is there an order to which some or all of the parts of the problem must be solved? Which parts require the most expertise? Can some parts be solved without much domain expertise? Etc.\n3. Present a proposed timeline for your research project. What are the \"mile markers\" for implementing your idea?\n4. Give us a link to code from a project you've previously contributed to-- a FLOSS project is preferable but not mandatory.\n5. Use at least one cat metaphor or reference in your proposal.",
"topic_tags": [
"data vizualisation"
"technology_tags": [
"proposal_tags": [
"new feature",
"usability enhancement",
"language enhancement",
"development tool",
"realtime safety enhancement"
"ideas_list": "",
"contact_method": "",
"program_year": 2018
"id": 5502406444449792,
"name": "Python HYDRA",
"slug": "python-hydra",
"website_url": "",
"category": "web",
"contact_email": null,
"mailing_list": "",
"irc_channel": "",
"tagline": "Build better Web APIs. Enable smart clients.",
"precis": "Python toolkit for Semantically linked Web APIs based on HYDRA",
"description": "Building Web APIs seems still more an art than a science. How can we build APIs such that generic clients can easily use them? And how do we build those clients? Current APIs heavily rely on out-of-band information such as human-readable documentation and API-specific SDKs. However, this only allows for very simple and brittle clients that are hardcoded against specific APIs. Hydra, in contrast, is a set of technologies that allow to design APIs in a different manner, in a way that enables smarter clients.",
"tags": [
"primary_open_source_license": "MIT license (MIT)",
"image_url": "//",
"image_bg_color": "383838",
"gplus_url": null,
"twitter_url": "",
"blog_url": "",
"application_instructions": "Please read the “How do I get started ?” section in our ideas page: \n\nStarting material and references also at",
"topic_tags": [
"semantic web",
"knowledge graph"
"technology_tags": [
"proposal_tags": [
"ideas_list": "",
"contact_method": "",
"program_year": 2018
"id": 4812284052897792,
"name": "Python Software Foundation",
"slug": "python-software-foundation",
"website_url": "",
"category": "science_and_medicine",
"contact_email": "",
"mailing_list": "",
"irc_channel": "",
"tagline": "Python is a programming language used by software developers and scientists.",
"precis": "Python is a popular high-level programming language used by scientists, developers, and\nmany others who want to work more quickly and integrate systems more effectively.",
"description": "Python is a popular high-level programming language used by scientists, developers,\nand many others who want to work more quickly and integrate systems more\neffectively. The Python Software Foundation serves as an umbrella organization to a\nvariety of Python-related projects, as well as sponsoring projects related to the\ndevelopment of the Python language.\n\nThis year, our sub-orgs are:\n* dipy (computational neuroanatomy, focusing mainly on diffusion magnetic resonance imaging (dMRI) analysis)\n* mercurial (source control)\n* mne-python (processing electroencephalography (EEG) and magnetoencephalography (MEG) data)\n* pysal (Python Spatial Analysis Library)\n* scipy (fundamental routines for scientific computing)\n* scrapinghub (information retrieval and manipulation)\n* securedrop (secure whistleblower submission system)\n* statmodels (data analysis, statistics and econometrics)",
"tags": [
"primary_open_source_license": "Python License (Python-2.0) (overall Python license)",
"image_url": "//",
"image_bg_color": "ffffff",
"gplus_url": "",
"twitter_url": "",
"blog_url": "",
"application_instructions": "This template is available with more examples/explanation at\n\n# Sub-org name\ne.g. Dipy, MNE-Python. Please include this in the title of your application in the system as well. __Projects without a valid sub-org may be lost or rejected.__ \n\n# Student info\n* Name/Nicknames (e.g. on github, irc):\n* Email, telephone, alternate contact methods: \n* Time Zone:\n* GSoC Blog (you will be asked to blog about your project)\n\n# Code sample:\n* Link to a patch/code sample, preferably one you have submitted to your sub-org. Must be publicly available and your own work. Applications without a valid code sample will be rejected.\n\n# Project info\n* Proposal Title: Include the name of your sub-org and explain in a few words what you plan to do.\n* Proposal Abstract:\n* Proposal Detailed Description/Timeline:\n * Please include timeline with milestones, preferably weekly ones. All pre-work such as setup and reading documentation should take place during community bonding. \n\n# Other commitments\nDo you have any other commitments during the main GSoC time period? For example: Exams, classes, jobs, holidays, weddings. Be honest: we can work around minor scheduling issues, but if you lie about your availability and then fall behind on your work you will be failed.\n\n* Have you applied with any other organizations? If so, do you have a preferred project/org? (This will help us in the event that more than one organization decides they wish to accept your proposal.)",
"topic_tags": [
"programming languages",
"technology_tags": [
"proposal_tags": [
"ideas_list": "",
"contact_method": "",
"program_year": 2018
"id": 5507368222195712,
"name": "QEMU",
"slug": "qemu",
"website_url": "",
"category": "cloud",
"contact_email": "",
"mailing_list": "",
"irc_channel": "",
"tagline": "QEMU is an open source machine emulator and virtualizer",
"precis": "QEMU is an emulator and virtualizer that is used for cloud hosting, datacenter virtualization, CPU emulation, hardware prototyping, and low-level software instrumentation.",
"description": "The QEMU Project includes the QEMU open source machine emulator and virtualizer and also acts as an umbrella organization for the KVM Linux kernel module and Jailhouse partitioning hypervisor.\n\nWhen used as a machine emulator, QEMU can run operating systems and programs made for one machine (e.g. an ARM board) on a different machine (e.g. your own PC). By using dynamic translation, it achieves very good performance.\n\nWhen used as a virtualizer, QEMU achieves near native performances by executing the guest code directly on the host CPU. QEMU supports virtualization when executing under the Xen hypervisor or using the KVM kernel module in Linux. When using KVM, QEMU can virtualize x86, ARM, server and embedded PowerPC, and S390 guests.",
"tags": [
"primary_open_source_license": "GNU General Public License version 2.0 (GPL-2.0)",
"image_url": "//",
"image_bg_color": null,
"gplus_url": "",
"twitter_url": null,
"blog_url": "",
"application_instructions": "Please read this before applying:\n\n\nYou must contact the mentor via email or IRC for your project idea before applying. Discuss the project idea with them and break it down into individual tasks.\n\nOnly apply for project ideas that you are sufficiently skilled to complete. We do not expect you to be familiar with the codebase but you must be fluent in the required programming language.\n\nPlease use the following template:\n\n Name:\n IRC nickname:\n Email:\n Telephone number (including international dialling code):\n Programming languages (fluent):\n Past open source contributions:\n Sample source code, hobby projects, GitHub, etc URLs:\n\n Why you are applying (1 paragraph):\n\n Summary of your understanding of the project idea (1-3 paragraphs):\n\n Project plan (estimated 12 week schedule of tasks you have identified):",
"topic_tags": [
"technology_tags": [
"proposal_tags": [
"ideas_list": "",
"contact_method": "",
"program_year": 2018
"id": 5668696589074432,
"name": "",
"slug": "quillorg",
"website_url": "",
"category": "web",
"contact_email": "",
"mailing_list": null,
"irc_channel": "",
"tagline": "Helping millions of learners become better writers and critical thinkers",
"precis": " is an education technology nonprofit that helps learners around the world improve their writing and critical thinking skills through innovative technological approaches.",
"description": "# What is\ is an education technology nonprofit that helps over 750,000 learners around the world improve their writing and critical thinking skills through innovative technological approaches. We're grateful to have support from organizations like the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation,, and AT&T Foundation.\n\n# Improving Education with Innovative Technology\nQuill was recently featured in [Fast Company]( and the [Google Machine Learning blog]( for our work applying cutting-edge machine learning techniques to helping learners become better writers and critical thinkers. We leverage this technology alongside a proven curriculum of learning techniques from top educational researchers. \n\nLearners begin by completing a [diagnostic activity]( that provides the learning management system enough information to predict where the student is strong and where they need improvement. Then, teachers can assign follow up activities that provide practice targeted specifically to where the student is falling short. (There are even [special versions of the diagnostic]( for English language learners whose first languages are Spanish, Mandarin, French, Vietnamese, Arabic, and Hindi.)\n\nQuill has a variety of activity types, including [a real-time classroom lessons mode](, [a sentence construction tool](, [a proofreading practice tool]( and [a grammar practice tool](\n\nEach tool has associated algorithms for assessing and providing targeted feedback in response to student submissions. These algorithms utilize rules-based logic, natural language processing, and machine learning.\n\n# What's Next?\n\nUp until now, Quill has primarily been built as a tool for educators to use with their students. This means that Quill does not currently have a self-study mode for learners who are not in a classroom setting. We're excited for the GSoC community to help leverage Quill's progress so far into a learning tool that can assist millions of learners around the world who deserve better education.",
"tags": [
"primary_open_source_license": "GNU Affero General Public License v3 (AGPL-3.0)",
"image_url": "//",
"image_bg_color": "00c3a2",
"gplus_url": null,
"twitter_url": "",
"blog_url": "",
"application_instructions": "To apply to for Google Summer of Code, please use the following template:\n\n# Project Idea\n**What is your project idea?**\nBriefly describe the idea you have for your project. How will Quill be different if your project is successful?\n\n**How would this project help learners, educators, or the Quill open source community?**\nIf your project is a new feature for Quill, please share how you think it will positively impact our community of learners and educators. If your project is an improvement to the Quill open source workflow, please share how you think it will positively impact our open source developer community.\n\n# Project Implementation\n**How will you go about tackling the project?**\nPlease provide a high-level overview of how you plan to go about implementing your project. If you're building a new feature, please include wireframes.\n\n**Please share a detailed plan of what you plan to have done and by when, including monthly milestones so we know whether you're on track.**\nThis plan should be as detailed as possible, including everything from project architecture down to implementation details.\n\n# About You\n**Why are you the right person to complete this project?**\nWhat about your background makes you qualified for this project?\n\n**Please share a few examples of open source code you've written.**\nHelp us get a better idea of how good you are at what you do!\n\n**Where will you be during the summer, and will you have any other commitments?**\nPlease be aware that GSoC is meant to be a full-time commitment.",
"topic_tags": [
"machine learning",
"technology_tags": [
"proposal_tags": [
"open source workflow",
"custom idea"
"ideas_list": "",
"contact_method": "",
"program_year": 2018
"id": 5313990809354240,
"name": "R project for statistical computing",
"slug": "r-project-for-statistical-computing",
"website_url": "",
"category": "languages",
"contact_email": "",
"mailing_list": "",
"irc_channel": null,
"tagline": "R is a free software environment for statistical computing and graphics",
"precis": "R provides a wide variety of statistical and graphical techniques, and is highly extensible. R is often the tool of choice for research in statistical methodology.",
"description": "R is an integrated suite of software facilities for data manipulation, calculation and graphical display. It includes\n\n- an effective data handling and storage facility,\n- a suite of operators for calculations on arrays, in particular matrices,\n- a large, coherent, integrated collection of intermediate tools for data analysis,\n- graphical facilities for data analysis and display either on-screen or on hardcopy, and\n- a well-developed, simple and effective programming language which includes conditionals, loops, user-defined recursive functions and input and output facilities.\n\nMany users think of R as a statistics system. We prefer to think of it of an environment within which statistical techniques are implemented. R can be extended (easily) via packages. There are about eight packages supplied with the R distribution and many more are available through the CRAN family of Internet sites covering a very wide range of modern statistics.\n\nThe term “environment” is intended to characterize it as a fully planned and coherent system, rather than an incremental accretion of very specific and inflexible tools, as is frequently the case with other data analysis software.\n\nR, like S, is designed around a true computer language, and it allows users to add additional functionality by defining new functions. Much of the system is itself written in the R dialect of S, which makes it easy for users to follow the algorithmic choices made. For computationally-intensive tasks, C, C++ and Fortran code can be linked and called at run time. Advanced users can write C code to manipulate R objects directly.\n\nR has its own LaTeX-like documentation format, which is used to supply comprehensive documentation, both on-line in a number of formats and in hardcopy.",
"tags": [
"primary_open_source_license": "GNU General Public License version 2.0 (GPL-2.0)",
"image_url": "//",
"image_bg_color": null,
"gplus_url": null,
"twitter_url": null,
"blog_url": "",
"application_instructions": "1. look for a project that you are interested in on\n\n\n2. Each project should have \"tests\" students can complete to demonstrate\nrelevant skills. After completing at least one test, please post your\ntest results to a github repo, and add a link to your test results on\nthe wiki.\n\n3. Send an email to the mentors of the project. Include a link to your\ntest results, and explain why you are interested in the project.\n\n4. If you and the project mentors agree that you are capable of the\nproject, then you should work with the mentors to draft a proposal to\nsubmit to Google. It should include most of the details from the\nproject proposal wiki page, and additionally a detailed timeline that\nexplains your plan for writing code, documentation, and tests.\n\n5. Once your mentors have proof-read your proposal, submit it to google \n\n\nMore details are on the R GSOC projects wiki.",
"topic_tags": [
"data science",
"machine learning"
"technology_tags": [
"proposal_tags": [
"new package",
"existing package",
"machine learning",
"data cleaning",
"reproducible research",
"ideas_list": "",
"contact_method": "",
"program_year": 2018
"id": 5293340858253312,
"name": "radare",
"slug": "radare",
"website_url": "",
"category": "security",
"contact_email": "",
"mailing_list": null,
"irc_channel": "",
"tagline": "Radare2 reverse engineering framework and toolset",
"precis": "Radare2 - portable reverse engineering framework and toolset supporting various platforms, architectures and file formats.",
"description": "The radare project started in February of 2006 aiming to provide a free and simple command line interface for a hexadecimal editor supporting 64 bit offsets to search and recover data from hard-disks.\n\nSince then, the project has grown, and its aim has changed to provide a complete framework for analyzing binaries with some basic *NIX concepts in mind, like everything is a file, small programs that interact with each other using stdin/out, and keep it simple.\n\nRadare2 is a complete LGPL3 rewrite of the original project, which removes design issues of the first iteration, and makes it more modular and easier to script and maintain. It features a testsuite that aims to cover as many cases as possible in order to catch regressions.\n\nRadare2 is composed of a hexadecimal editor at its core, with support for several architectures and binary formats. It features code analysis capabilities, scripting, data and code visualization through graphs and other means, a visual mode, easy unix integration, a binary diffing engine for code and data, a shellcode compiler, and much, much more!",
"tags": [
"primary_open_source_license": "GNU Library or \"Lesser\" General Public License version 3.0 (LGPL-3.0)",
"image_url": "//",
"image_bg_color": null,
"gplus_url": null,
"twitter_url": "",
"blog_url": "",
"application_instructions": "It is a requirement that students who want to apply to the radare2 project for the Google Summer of Code 2018 should submit a small pull request accomplishing one of the [microtasks]( as part of their application. You can also choose any of the GitHub issues if they are big enough to be a qualification task, still small enough to be finished in no more than a couple of weeks.\n\nSteps for the application process\n\n - Read Google's instructions for participating\n - Grab any project from the [list of ideas]( that you're interested in (or propose your own)\n - Write a first draft proposal using Google Docs and [our template]( and ask one of the mentors or administrators to review it with you\n - Submit it using Google's web interface\n\nHow to fill in the application template\n\n - Keep it simple enough to fit on no more than a couple of pages. Despite the shortness of the sentences, try to preserve the clarity of the proposal.\n - Try to split the GSoC period into tasks, and each task into subtasks. It really helps us to understand how you want to accomplish your goals, but even more so, it'll help you too. \n - Please note how much time per day/week you are going to spend on this project.\n - Specify your timezone, since so we can assign you a mentor in the same one. This helps ease communication.\n - Submit your proposal early, not at the last minute\n - You can also choose a “backup” idea (the second task you probably want to do), so that in case of some conflicts (two students for one task) it will be easier to solve.",
"topic_tags": [
"reverse engineering"
"technology_tags": [
"proposal_tags": [
"new feature",
"ideas_list": "",
"contact_method": "",
"program_year": 2018
"id": 6114032621191168,
"name": "ReactOS",
"slug": "reactos",
"website_url": "",
"category": "operating_systems",
"contact_email": "",
"mailing_list": "",
"irc_channel": "",
"tagline": "ReactOS is a free, open source, Windows compatible operating system.",
"precis": "ReactOS is a free, open source, Windows compatible operating system.",
"description": "Imagine running your favorite Windows applications and drivers in an open-source environment you can trust. That's ReactOS. A free, open source, Windows compatible operating system.\n\nIt's written from scratch, not based on Linux, with 9,000,000+ lines of code and growing. More than 100 developers contributed along the years\n\nIt aims to be lightweight with only 500MB HDD and 96MB RAM as the current minimum requirement.\n\nDevelopers enjoy a fast, CMake based build system that supports GCC, Clang and MSVC toolchains (including Visual Studio solutions support).",
"tags": [
"primary_open_source_license": "GNU General Public License version 2.0 (GPL-2.0)",
"image_url": "//",
"image_bg_color": null,
"gplus_url": "",
"twitter_url": "",
"blog_url": "",
"application_instructions": "Students apply via Google Summer of Code web site Also that site contains essential information about how GSoC works for students, timeline, etc.\n\n# General Information\n\nFull Name\n\nLanguages You Speak\n\nTimezone\n\nReactOS website Account Name\n\nIRC Nickname on Freenode\n\n# Time Commitment\n\nPlease outline any additional obligations you may have during the summer and how much of your time you will be able to commit to your GSoC project.\n\n# Optional (But Suggested)\n\n## Proposed Project\n\nPlease provide a brief description of, or a link to, the project you are interested in\n\n## Proposed Milestones\n\nFor projects that are relatively easy to quantify, please propose milestones that can be used to gauge progress on the project.\n\n## Legal Requirements\n\nStudents are required to affirm that the following is true. I hereby swear that I have not used nor seen the source code to any version of the Windows operating system nor any Microsoft product that may be related to the proposed project that is under a license incompatible with contribution to ReactOS, including but not limited to the leaked Windows 2000 source code and the Windows Research Kernel.",
"topic_tags": [
"operating systems",
"technology_tags": [
"proposal_tags": [
"system enhancements",
"win32 subsystem"
"ideas_list": "",
"contact_method": "",
"program_year": 2018
"id": 5090621019127808,
"name": "Read the Docs",
"slug": "read-the-docs",
"website_url": "",
"category": "languages",
"contact_email": "",
"mailing_list": null,
"irc_channel": "",
"tagline": "Read the Docs hosts documentation for the open source community.",
"precis": "Read the Docs hosts documentation for the open source community. We build and host docs for tens of thousands of open source projects.",
"description": "Read the Docs hosts documentation for the open source community. We support Sphinx docs written with reStructuredText and CommonMark. We pull your code from your Subversion, Bazaar, Git, and Mercurial repositories. Then we build documentation and host it for you. Think of it as *Continuous Documentation*.",
"tags": [
"primary_open_source_license": "MIT license (MIT)",
"image_url": "//",
"image_bg_color": null,
"gplus_url": null,
"twitter_url": "",
"blog_url": "",
"application_instructions": "Our application instructions are available in our documentation, along with our list of ideas:",
"topic_tags": [
"technology_tags": [
"proposal_tags": [
"ideas_list": "",
"contact_method": "",
"program_year": 2018
"id": 4720430959558656,
"name": "Red Hen Lab",
"slug": "red-hen-lab",
"website_url": "",
"category": "science_and_medicine",
"contact_email": "",
"mailing_list": "",
"irc_channel": "",
"tagline": "Research on Multimodal Communication",
"precis": "Red Hen Lab is a distributed consortium of researchers in multimodal communication, with participants all over the world.",
"description": "Red Hen Lab is a distributed consortium of researchers in multimodal communication, with participants all over the world. We are senior professors at major research universities, senior developers in technology corporations, and also junior professors, postdoctoral students, graduate students, undergraduate students, and even a few advanced high school students. Red Hen develops code in Natural Language Processing, audio parsing, computer vision, and joint multimodal analysis. \n\nRed Hen's multimodal communication research involves locating, identifying, and characterizing auditory and visual elements in videos and pictures. We may provide annotated clips or images and present the challenge of developing the machine learning tools to find additional instances in a much larger dataset. Some examples are gestures, eye movements, and tone of voice. We favor projects that combine more than one modality, but have a clear communicative function -- an example would be floor-holding techniques. Once a feature has been successfully identified in our full dataset of several hundred thousand hours of news videos, cognitive linguists, communication scholars, and political scientists can use this information to study higher-level phenomena in language, culture, and politics and develop a better understanding of the full spectrum of human communication. Our dataset is recorded in a large number of languages, giving Red Hen a global perspective.\n\nFor GSoC 2018, we invite proposals from students for components for a unified multimodal processing pipeline, whose aim is to extract information from text, audio, and video, and to develop integrative cross-modal feature detection tasks. Red Hen Lab is directed jointly by Francis Steen (UCLA) and Mark Turner (Case Western Reserve University).",
"tags": [
"primary_open_source_license": "GNU General Public License version 2.0 (GPL-2.0)",
"image_url": "//",
"image_bg_color": "ffffff",
"gplus_url": "",
"twitter_url": "",
"blog_url": null,
"application_instructions": "Please clearly state your proposal, whether it is a new project or an improvement to an existing system. \n\nBear in mind that your project should result in a module that is installed on our high performance computing cluster, fully tested, with clear instructions, and ready to be deployed to process a massive data set. The module should include a well documented API file that can be used by a wide variety of coders, especially those who come after you, and those who are not experts in your problem domain.\n\nYour project should be scaled to the appropriate level of ambition, so that at the end of the summer you have a working product. Be realistic and honest with yourself about what you think you will be able to accomplish in the course of the summer. Provide a detailed list of the steps you believe are needed, the tools you propose to use, and a weekly schedule of deliverables. Clear and proper documentation can take much longer than expected.\n\nIf you are proposing a machine learning project, base the proposal on techniques that have already been successful in other similar projects. Include as much information about previous research and results as possible. Accuracy measurements will be required, and they should be as automated as possible.\n\nPlease be prepared to follow code formatting standards closely and to work with Singularity (virtual Linux system) images throughout the summer.",
"topic_tags": [
"audio processing",
"video processing",
"artificial intelligence",
"machine learning"
"technology_tags": [
"proposal_tags": [
"non-speech audio",
"face processing",
"cognitive theory",
"high performance computing",
"ideas_list": "",
"contact_method": "",
"program_year": 2018
"id": 6732354232516608,
"name": "RoboComp",
"slug": "robocomp",
"website_url": "",
"category": "other",
"contact_email": null,
"mailing_list": "!forum/robocomp-dev",
"irc_channel": "",
"tagline": "RoboComp is an open-source framework to develop and manage robot components.",
"precis": "RoboComp is an open-source Robotics framework providing the tools to create and modify software components that communicate through public interfaces.",
"description": "RoboComp is an open-source Robotics framework providing the tools to create and modify software components that communicate through public interfaces. Components may require, subscribe, implement or publish interfaces in a seamless way. Building new components is done using two domain specific languages, IDSL and CDSL. With IDSL you define an interface and with CDSL you specify how the component will communicate with the world. With this information, a code generator creates C++ and/or Python sources, based on CMake, that compile and execute flawlessly. When some of these features have to be changed, the component can be easily regenerated and all the user specific code is preserved thanks to a simple inheritance mechanism.",
"tags": [
"primary_open_source_license": "GNU General Public License version 3.0 (GPL-3.0)",
"image_url": "//",
"image_bg_color": null,
"gplus_url": null,
"twitter_url": null,
"blog_url": "",
"application_instructions": "These are the steps you should follow when working on your application:\n1. Familiarize with the software, download, and use RoboComp:\n2. Go through the tutorials and direct your questions to the mailing list or gitter chat (listed below, also see contact section):\n3. Please read all the information posted in the ideas page before applying.\n4. Make sure you are familiar with the required skills for the idea. \n5. Mentors and backup mentors are listed right after the idea explanation. All mentors contact info is in the ideas page. Contact them directly for specific questions on the idea.\n\nAs a result you should provide the following material in your application to the correct mentor and the backup mentor for review:\n* Schedule proposal of your work during summer of code with proper milestones. \n* Code examples that prove your suitable for the task (better if they are small improvements of RoboComp in the line of the idea you are applying).\n* CV and other applications materials you want to include.\n\nNOTE: If you send this by email make sure to also submit your application through the official GSoC website otherwise you will not be considered for the programme.",
"topic_tags": [
"computer vision",
"technology_tags": [
"ice - zeroc"
"proposal_tags": [
"computer vision"
"ideas_list": "",
"contact_method": "",
"program_year": 2018
"id": 6355544806260736,
"name": "Rocket.Chat",
"slug": "rocketchat",
"website_url": "",
"category": "social_communications",
"contact_email": "",
"mailing_list": "",
"irc_channel": "",
"tagline": "The ultimate free open source solution for team communications",
"precis": "Rocket.Chat is an open source group communications platform; supporting text msgs, video, audio, and file/media sharing between individuals and groups- cross mobile, web, desktop.",
"description": "Rocket.Chat is one of the largest active open source (permissive MIT source license) nodeJS communications platform communities on GitHub, featuring 600+ global community contributors (across projects) from 30+ countries, 15780+ GitHub stars, 3300 forks, 140+ total releases and 6,200+ issues since inception in 2015.\n\nIn a world where communication platforms are almost all totally proprietary, privacy-infringing, and centralized (Skype, Slack, WhatsApp, and so on). Rocket.Chat is a breath of fresh air empowering groups around the world to experience a self-hosted, private, distributed and unrestricted communications platform.\n\nOur server is written in NodeJS (server side JavaScript) and utilizes websocket connections to enable real-time interactive rich communications between a variety of clients – including web, mobile (both iOS and Android), and desktop (Windows, macOS, and Linux). Mobile clients are crafted in Swift, Java and Kotlin, we also have a React Native client.\n\nThe server is designed to be scalable from a family server on a Raspberry Pi 3, all the way to a cluster of servers for 10s of thousands of communicating users. Its architecture leverages a \"modified Kafka’ish optimized MongoDB oplog tailing (single source of truth append-only log) mechanism\" to scale across servers in a tunable yet performant manner.\n\nRocket.Chat has been designed to be totally extensible. REST and realtime (websocket) APIs are available to control and customize various aspects of the server. Extensions can be added modularly using standard node module mechanism. \n\nChat bots are a popular means of extending the capabilities of Rocket.Chat. Adapters for popular bot framework, such as Hubot, are available and Rocket.Chat’s community published its own integration bots for code platforms including GitHub and Gitlab. Rocket.Chat supports the chat bot and ML, conversational bots, and voicebot communities - with adapters for new bot framework – including the bBot super-bot-framework.",
"tags": [
"primary_open_source_license": "MIT license (MIT)",
"image_url": "//",
"image_bg_color": null,
"gplus_url": "",
"twitter_url": "",
"blog_url": "",
"application_instructions": "You should already be familiar with working with GitHub repositories and ideally node or mobile development. However, we welcome students with passion for open source and code development at all skill levels. Do not hesitate to reach out if you are ready to work on a great idea.\n \nCheck out our [project ideas list]( for some inspiration, see if any of the projects there interest you. Feel free to suggest a Rocket.Chat project of your own. \n\nYou can reach out to a mentor to discuss project details via email , our [24 x 7 community server](, or via our [discussion forums](",
"topic_tags": [
"machine learning",
"technology_tags": [
" javascript",
"proposal_tags": [
"new feature",
"home automation",
"ideas_list": "",
"contact_method": "",
"program_year": 2018
"id": 6004703104598016,
"name": "Rspamd",
"slug": "rspamd",
"website_url": "",
"category": "security",
"contact_email": "",
"mailing_list": "!forum/rspamd",
"irc_channel": "",
"tagline": "An advanced spam filtering system",
"precis": "Rspamd is an advanced spam filtering system oriented on high performance and spam detection quality.",
"description": "Rspamd provides spam filtering for both large email services providers and small personal mail servers. Rspamd utilises many techniques to filter spam, such as content filtering, regular expressions, external policies support (such as DKIM, DMARC, ARC and various DNS based lists), statistical methods and advanced machine learning techniques, such as neural networks.\n\nRspamd core is written in plain C for better performance while the main filtering features are powered by Lua language. There is also Web interface in JavaScript embedded in Rspamd.\n\nRspamd project has a friendly community and active communication channels.",
"tags": [
"primary_open_source_license": "Apache License 2.0 (Apache-2.0)",
"image_url": "//",
"image_bg_color": null,
"gplus_url": null,
"twitter_url": null,
"blog_url": null,
"application_instructions": "Please search the [issue tracker]( for issues labelled \"gsoc\" to find small tasks you may consider for an introductory task or two (your original ideas are also welcome). Proposals where the student has done one/more tasks will be considered favourably. Please join #rspamd on Freenode & ask any questions you may have there (be prepared to wait for a response).",
"topic_tags": [
"spam filtering",
"high performance computing"
"technology_tags": [
"machine learning",
"proposal_tags": [
"neural nets",
"ideas_list": "",
"contact_method": "",
"program_year": 2018
"id": 5315176019001344,
"name": "RTEMS Project",
"slug": "rtems-project",
"website_url": "",
"category": "operating_systems",
"contact_email": "",
"mailing_list": "",
"irc_channel": "",
"tagline": "RTEMS is a real-time operating system kernel used around the world and in space.",
"precis": "RTEMS is an operating system used in satellites, particle accelerators, robots, racing motorcycles, building controls, medical devices, and more.",
"description": "RTEMS (Real-Time Executive for Multiprocessor Systems) is a free real-time operating system (RTOS) designed for deeply embedded systems such as automobile electronics, robotic controllers, and on-board satellite instruments. \n\nRTEMS is free open source software that supports multi-processor systems for over a dozen CPU architectures and over 150 specific system boards. In addition, RTEMS is designed to support embedded applications with the most stringent real-time requirements while being compatible with open standards such as POSIX. RTEMS includes optional functional features such as TCP/IP and file systems while still offering minimum executable sizes under 20 KB in useful configurations.\n\nThe RTEMS Project is the collection of individuals, companies, universities, and research institutions that collectively maintain and enhance the RTEMS software base. As a community, we are proud to be popular in the space application software and experimental physics communities. RTEMS has been to Venus, circles Mars, is aboard Curiosity, is in the asteroid belt, is on its way to Jupiter, and soon will circle the sun. It is in use in many high energy physics research labs around the world. There are many RTEMS users who do not belong to the space or physics communities, but our small part in contributing to basic scientific knowledge makes us proud.",
"tags": [
"primary_open_source_license": "BSD 2-Clause \"Simplified\" or \"FreeBSD\" License (BSD-2-Clause)",
"image_url": "//",
"image_bg_color": null,
"gplus_url": null,
"twitter_url": null,
"blog_url": null,
"application_instructions": "Student information (including a link to an application template) is at:",
"topic_tags": [
" kernel",
" embedded systems",
" multicore",
"real time"
"technology_tags": [
"bsd unix"
"proposal_tags": [
"development ecosystem",
"runtime statistics",
"board support package",
"api layers",
"libraries and applications",
"ideas_list": "",
"contact_method": "",
"program_year": 2018
"id": 6532196257497088,
"name": "Ruby",
"slug": "ruby",
"website_url": "",
"category": "languages",
"contact_email": "",
"mailing_list": "!forum/rubygsoc",
"irc_channel": "",
"tagline": "The Ruby programming language, libraries, and tools",
"precis": "The Ruby programming language, libraries, and tools",
"description": "The Ruby organization hosts mentors and students working on the main (MRI) Ruby interpereter, the RubyGems and Bundler package management libraries, the webapp that hosts all public Ruby packages, as well as other popular Ruby libraries.",
"tags": [
"primary_open_source_license": "BSD 2-Clause \"Simplified\" or \"FreeBSD\" License (BSD-2-Clause)",
"image_url": "//",
"image_bg_color": null,
"gplus_url": null,
"twitter_url": null,
"blog_url": "",
"application_instructions": "Students are encouraged to apply to Ruby GSoC 2018 even without any prior programming experience. The project you apply for can be one that you came up with yourself, a project that you collaborated with a project maintainer or possible GSoC mentor with, or a project that you chose from the ideas list.\n\nApplications should include answers to all of the questions listed on the [Ruby GSoC 2018 Student Application](",
"topic_tags": [
"programming languages"
"technology_tags": [
"proposal_tags": [
"ideas_list": "",
"contact_method": "",
"program_year": 2018
"id": 6164226008154112,
"name": "Ruby on Rails",
"slug": "ruby-on-rails-2",
"website_url": "",
"category": "web",
"contact_email": null,
"mailing_list": "!forum/rubyonrails-gsoc",
"irc_channel": null,
"tagline": "Ruby on Rails is web framework that optimizes for programmer happinness.",
"precis": "Ruby on Rails make web application development easy and fun.",
"description": "## Ruby on Rails make web application development easy and fun.\n\nRails is a web application development framework written in the Ruby language. It is designed to make programming web applications easier by making assumptions about what every developer needs to get started. It allows you to write less code while accomplishing more than many other languages and frameworks. Experienced Rails developers also report that it makes web application development more fun.\n\nRails is opinionated software. It makes the assumption that there is a \"best\" way to do things, and it's designed to encourage that way - and in some cases to discourage alternatives. If you learn \"The Rails Way\" you'll probably discover a tremendous increase in productivity. If you persist in bringing old habits from other languages to your Rails development, and trying to use patterns you learned elsewhere, you may have a less happy experience.\n\nThe Rails philosophy includes two major guiding principles:\n\nDon't Repeat Yourself: DRY is a principle of software development which states that \"Every piece of knowledge must have a single, unambiguous, authoritative representation within a system.\" By not writing the same information over and over again, our code is more maintainable, more extensible, and less buggy.\n\nConvention Over Configuration: Rails has opinions about the best way to do many things in a web application, and defaults to this set of conventions, rather than require that you specify every minutiae through endless configuration files.",
"tags": [
"primary_open_source_license": "MIT license (MIT)",
"image_url": "//",
"image_bg_color": null,
"gplus_url": null,
"twitter_url": "",
"blog_url": "",
"application_instructions": "To apply as a student for the Ruby on Rails organization, you should send your application following this template :\n\nIt's also a big plus if you're able to send a tiny patch (even documentation) to the project you are willing to work on.",
"topic_tags": [
"web development",
"web applications"
"technology_tags": [
"ruby on rails",
"proposal_tags": [
"ideas_list": "",
"contact_method": "!forum/rubyonrails-gsoc",
"program_year": 2018
"id": 6467792971235328,
"name": "Ruby Science Foundation",
"slug": "ruby-science-foundation",
"website_url": "",
"category": "science_and_medicine",
"contact_email": "",
"mailing_list": "",
"irc_channel": "",
"tagline": "Scientific Computing tools for Ruby",
"precis": "SciRuby's purpose is providing science, numerical, and visualization infrastructure for the Ruby Programming Language. We develop and maintain several libraries for this purpose.",
"description": "The [SciRuby project]( is oriented towards providing computational research infrastructure for the Ruby Programming Language. SciRuby consists of a [fairly large number of gems](, including statsample, statsample-glm, statsample-timeseries, distribution, minimization, integration, rubyvis, plotrb, Nyaplot, MDArray, Publisci, Ruby-Band, daru, rubex, rbcuda, and NMatrix.\n\nNMatrix [has been awarded grants]( by the [Ruby Association]( in 2012 and 2015, and has a goal of supplying Ruby with a robust, versatile linear algebra library with support for both dense and sparse matrices. Statsample and its related packages aim to provide Ruby with statistical analysis packages, while daru, nyaplot and gnuplotrb take care of data analysis and visualization. Nyaplot was awarded the [Ruby Association Grant in 2014](, Rubex and tensorflow.rb [received it in 2016]( and RbCUDA in [2017](\n\nWorking on SciRuby is a chance to get involved at the ground floor on a project which is viewed as critical by many Rubyists, including Ruby's creator, Matz. In fact, all the grants issued by the Ruby Association (which is headed by Matz) in 2016 (and most in 2017) have gone to scientific projects.\n\nSince we are first and foremost a science-related project, we expect successful student projects to lead to publications. Better yet, students might get to see their code go into orbit, or used to save lives in biomedical research.",
"tags": [
"primary_open_source_license": "BSD 3-Clause \"New\" or \"Revised\" License (BSD-3-Clause)",
"image_url": "//",
"image_bg_color": null,
"gplus_url": null,
"twitter_url": "",
"blog_url": "",
"application_instructions": "",
"topic_tags": [
"parallel algorithms",
"data science",
"artificial intelligence"
"technology_tags": [
"proposal_tags": [
"data science",
"aritifical intelligence",
"ideas_list": "",
"contact_method": "",
"program_year": 2018
"id": 6294052148871168,
"name": "Sage Mathematical Software System",
"slug": "sage-mathematical-software-system",
"website_url": "",
"category": "science_and_medicine",
"contact_email": "",
"mailing_list": "!forum/sage-gsoc",
"irc_channel": null,
"tagline": "Creating a viable free alternative to Magma, Maple, Mathematica and Matlab.",
"precis": "SageMath is a free open-source mathematics software system licensed under the GPL.",
"description": "Mathematicians, scientists, researchers, and students need a powerful tool for their work or study. SageMath is a freely available open-source mathematical software system bundling the functionality of many software libraries, exposing their features in a common interface and extending on top of this with its own powerful algorithms. By leveraging the flexibility and universality of the underlying Python interpreter, SageMath is able to accommodate for a vast range of their requirements.\n\nThe mission of SageMath is to create a viable open-source alternative to all major proprietary mathematical software systems.\n\nPython is the main programming language inside the SageMath library and also the language of choice for all interactions with the built-in objects and functions for expressing mathematical concepts and calculations. Besides a command-line and programming-library interface, its primary user interface is a dynamic self-hosted website. From the perspective of a user, the interface language is also Python, but with a thin extension built directly on top of it.\n\nAlmost all areas of mathematics are represented in SageMath, at various levels of sophistication. This includes symbolic calculus, 2D and 3D graphics, polynomials, graph theory, group theory, abstract algebra, combinatorics, cryptography, elliptic curves and modular forms, numerical mathematics, linear algebra and matrix calculations (over various rings), support for parallel computing, and a powerful coercion framework to “mix” elements from different sets for calculations. SageMath’s features also expand into neighboring fields like Statistics and Physics.",
"tags": [
"primary_open_source_license": "GNU General Public License version 2.0 (GPL-2.0)",
"image_url": "//",
"image_bg_color": "c9c9f9",
"gplus_url": "",
"twitter_url": "",
"blog_url": "",
"application_instructions": "Personal:\n\n* Name\n* Contact Information (email, instant messaging, …)\n* Location/Timezone\n* University\n\nBackground:\n\n* What are your technical skills, education, experience, etc. Especially make sure to explain with what level of mathematics you are comfortable with and on what level you would like to program.\n* Who are you? What makes you the best person to work on this particular project? Your personal motivation?\n* What platform and operating-system are you using on your computer? (Sage development is done best on Linux and OSX)\n* Are you or have you been engaged in other open-source projects?\n* Do you code on your own pet projects?\n* Are you a Sage user, how long do you know Sage?\n\nProject:\n\n* Title, Project Synopsis: a short description and summary of its aim and scope.\n* What is your personal involvement or relationship with your proposed project?\n* Details: describe all the details and explain modules or parts of your whole project. Break down the whole project into individual tasks - as good as possible - and describe deliverable and quantifiable results for each of them. It also helps if you have already discussed this with a possible mentor.\n* Schedule: A timetable, including special circumstances like exams or holidays, for the individual tasks.\n* Risk Management: Try to anticipate potential problems and explain, how to mitigate them. Propose alternative scenarios, if a particular milestone isn't reached, to still successfully complete the project.",
"topic_tags": [
"technology_tags": [
"python 3",
"proposal_tags": [
"ideas_list": "",
"contact_method": "",
"program_year": 2018
"id": 6681741985579008,
"name": "Scala",
"slug": "scala",
"website_url": "",
"category": "languages",
"contact_email": "",
"mailing_list": "",
"irc_channel": "",
"tagline": "The programming language where object-oriented meets functional.",
"precis": "Scala is a hybrid object-oriented and functional programming language that runs on the JVM, JavaScript and compiles to native code via LLVM.",
"description": "# A Scalable language\nScala is an acronym for “Scalable Language”. This means that Scala grows with you. At the root, the language’s scalability is the result of a careful integration of object-oriented and functional language concepts.\nScala is the preferred workhorse language for many mission-critical server systems. The generated code is on a par with Java’s and its precise typing means that many problems are caught at compile-time rather than after deployment.\n# Object-Oriented\nScala is a pure-bred object-oriented language. Conceptually, every value is an object and every operation is a method call. The language supports advanced component architectures through classes and traits.\n# Functional\nEven though its syntax is fairly conventional, Scala is also a full-blown functional language. It has everything you would expect, including first-class functions, a library with efficient immutable data structures, and a general preference of immutability over mutation.\n# Seamless Java Interop\nScala runs on the JVM. Java and Scala classes can be freely mixed, no matter whether they reside in different projects or in the same. They can even mutually refer to each other, the Scala compiler contains a subset of a Java compiler to make sense of such recursive dependencies.\n# Fun\nMaybe most important is that programming in Scala tends to be very enjoyable. No boilerplate, rapid iteration, but at the same time the safety of a strong static type system. As Graham Tackley from the Guardian says: “We’ve found that Scala has enabled us to deliver things faster with less code. It’s reinvigorated the team.”",
"tags": [
"primary_open_source_license": "BSD 3-Clause \"New\" or \"Revised\" License (BSD-3-Clause)",
"image_url": "//",
"image_bg_color": null,
"gplus_url": null,
"twitter_url": "",
"blog_url": "",
"application_instructions": "Your proposal should contain at least the following information, but\nfeel free to include anything that you think is relevant:\n* Please include your name and contact details\n* Title of your proposal\n* Abstract of your proposal\n* Detailed description of your idea including an explanation on why is it innovative, what contribution do you expect to make to the Scala community and why do you think your project is needed, a rough plan of your development and possible architecture sketches.\n* Description of previous work, existing solutions \n* Write us about yourself and convince us that you are the right person for the job (linking to your resume/CV is good but not sufficient)\n * Mention the details of your academic studies, any previous work, internships\n * Any relevant skills that will help you to achieve the goal?\n * Any previous open-source projects you have contributed to?\n * Do you plan to have any other commitments during SoC that may affect your work? Any vacations/holidays planned? Please be specific as much as you can.\n* If you apply to more than one GSoC project, especially if you also apply for a project in another organization, specify which project has your preference. In case two organizations choose to accept your applications, we can then give you the project that is most important to you. Preferring the project of another organization will not influence our decision whether to accept your application.",
"topic_tags": [
"technology_tags": [
"proposal_tags": [
"ideas_list": "",
"contact_method": "",
"program_year": 2018
"id": 4726304075677696,
"name": "Scilab",
"slug": "scilab",
"website_url": "",
"category": "end_user_applications",
"contact_email": "",
"mailing_list": "",
"irc_channel": "",
"tagline": "Cross-platform numerical computational package and programming language.",
"precis": "Scilab is a high-level, numerically oriented programming language. The language provides an interpreted programming environment, with matrices as the main data type.",
"description": "## What is Scilab ?\n\nScilab is free and open source software for numerical computation providing a powerful computing environment for engineering and scientific applications. By using matrix-based computation, dynamic typing, and automatic memory management, many numerical problems may be expressed in a reduced number of code lines, as compared to similar solutions using traditional languages, such as Fortran, C, or C++.\n\n## What does Scilab do ?\n\nScilab includes hundreds of mathematical functions. It has a high level programming language allowing access to advanced data structures, 2-D and 3-D graphical functions. \n\nA large number of functionalities is included in Scilab:\n\n* Maths & Simulation\n\nFor usual engineering and science applications including mathematical operations and data analysis. \n\n* 2-D & 3-D Visualization\n\nGraphics functions to visualize, annotate and export data and many ways to create and customize various types of plots and charts. \n\n* Optimization\n\nAlgorithms to solve constrained and unconstrained continuous and discrete optimization problems. \n\n* Statistics\n\nTools to perform data analysis and modeling \n\n* Control System Design & Analysis\n\nStandard algorithms and tools for control system study \n\n* Signal Processing\n\nVisualize, analyze and filter signals in time and frequency domains. \n\n* Application Development\n\nIncrease Scilab native functionalities and manage data exchanges with external tools.\n\n* Xcos - Hybrid dynamic systems modeler and simulator\n\nModeling mechanical systems, hydraulic circuits, control systems...\n\n## Scilab as a platform\n\nThanks to its ability to interconnect with third-party technologies and applications, Scilab can also act as a unique platform to bring together codes written in different programming languages in a single, unified language, thus facilitating their distribution, their back-up and use.",
"tags": [
"primary_open_source_license": "CeCILL License 2.1 (CECILL-2.1)",
"image_url": "//",
"image_bg_color": "092F4D",
"gplus_url": null,
"twitter_url": null,
"blog_url": null,
"application_instructions": "The following procedure are applied to students:\n 1. Pick up a project you are interested in the list of Ideas of development. It is important to like your subject. _Some projects have a high priority. Selecting one of them increases your chances to be selected._\n 2. Contact the Scilab GSoC mailing list if you have some questions on a subject (please, do not contact directly the mentor). We will update the corresponding wiki pages. Don't hesitate to do so. We do agree that some pages have too few information.\n 3. If needed, join us on IRC to get in touch with us and/or ask questions. Note that most of Scilab developers are in the France timezone (UTC+1)\n\n*If you need to get in touch with the potential mentor of a subject, drop an email to*\n\nWe require students to build Scilab before submitting a project. It is easy to do. Students should send us a screenshot of the Scilab console with the updated banner containing his name. Building your own module (toolbox) is also appreciated, especially if it provides an actual feature (even a single function) and if it is integrated in ATOMS. Applicants providing patches fixing reported bugs (even easy one) will be considered with care. Applicants can also fix issues reported by Coverity. If you do so, please indicate it in your proposal.",
"topic_tags": [
"numerical computation",
"technology_tags": [
"proposal_tags": [
"scilab language",
"ideas_list": "",
"contact_method": "",
"program_year": 2018
"id": 5830375113228288,
"name": "ScummVM",
"slug": "scummvm",
"website_url": "",
"category": "end_user_applications",
"contact_email": "",
"mailing_list": "",
"irc_channel": "",
"tagline": "ScummVM is a GSoC umbrella for game preservation projects",
"precis": "ScummVM is a GSoC umbrella for game preservation projects focused on reliving games by providing a replacement for their executables on modern platforms.",
"description": "Since 2014, ScummVM acts as a GSoC umbrella for game preservation projects, such as its sister project, ResidualVM. The purpose is only to replace the game executable, not to enhance or replace the game assets.\n\nScummVM is a collection of game engines for playing classic graphical point-and-click adventure games on modern hardware. Recently we have also started adding engines for RPG games.\n\nResidualVM is a sister project of ScummVM games and was created in 2003. ResidualVM shares large blocks of common code with ScummVM, some developers and even a mentor.\n\n- ScummVM supports classic 2D adventure games such as Monkey Island, Simon the Sorcerer, Space Quest, and many more. We have also started work to support 2D RPG games such as Dungeon Master. To this end, the Virtual Machines (called Engines) are complete reimplementations in C++ of the engines used in the original games. The number of engines is constantly growing thanks to a very agile and diversified development team and ScummVM is currently able to run more than 200 games. The VM approach followed by ScummVM results in efficient code, which has been ported to numerous Operating Systems (over 30). ScummVM has a highly productive team of about 45 currently active developers (out of an all-time pool of over 130), working together on a codebase of 2,800,000 lines of code. In addition ScummVM has many non-developer contributors, and a huge and highly active community.\n\n- ResidualVM is a cross-platform 3D game interpreter which allows you to play some 3D adventure games, such as Cyan's Myst 3 and LucasArts' Lua-based 3D adventures: Grim Fandango and Escape from Monkey Island, provided you already have their data files. Like ScummVM, ResidualVM replaces the executables shipped with the games, allowing you to play them on systems for which they were never designed.",
"tags": [
"primary_open_source_license": "GNU General Public License version 2.0 (GPL-2.0)",
"image_url": "//",
"image_bg_color": "ff7f00",
"gplus_url": "",
"twitter_url": "",
"blog_url": "",
"application_instructions": "Your application has two important purposes: It should clearly identify the goals of your project, and it should convince us that you are the right person for this task.\n\nIn particular, your application is your opportunity to show us that you understand what you'll be doing for the task, and to demonstrate that you've spent some time thinking about it, its difficulties, strategies for overcoming these, and have a good estimate of how much time they will take. Based on that, we will ask you a realistic planning for the 12 weeks of GSoC, including the deliverables expected at mid-term and at the end of the GSoC. In order to be complete, we also expect you to make a pull request, for example for a bug fix. The purpose is to ensure you know how to use Git, and that you had a look at our coding conventions.\n\nWe don't expect you to produce a perfect application without any help at all. We strongly encourage you to discuss your plans and your application with us while you're preparing it, to ensure your ideas align well with our own thoughts on the tasks, and that your objectives are achievable. It is also the perfect chance to already get to know your potential mentors and the rest of the team. Don't hesitate to join the IRC channels and ask questions: keep in mind that there are no stupid questions!\n\nIn order to help you structure your application, we summarized our requirements in a template:",
"topic_tags": [
"game engines",
"software preservation"
"technology_tags": [
"proposal_tags": [
"new game engine",
"ideas_list": "",
"contact_method": "",
"program_year": 2018
"id": 6190282903650304,
"name": "Seastar",
"slug": "seastar",
"website_url": "",
"category": "languages",
"contact_email": "",
"mailing_list": "",
"irc_channel": "",
"tagline": "Framework for writing high-performance server applications on modern hardware",
"precis": "Advanced C++ framework for asynchronous high-performance server applications on modern hardware.",
"description": "Seastar is an advanced, open-source C++ framework for high-performance server applications on modern hardware. Seastar is the first framework to bring together a set of extreme architectural innovations, including:\n\nShared-nothing design: Seastar uses a shared-nothing model that shards all requests onto individual cores.\nHigh-performance networking: Seastar offers a choice of network stack, including conventional Linux networking for ease of development, DPDK for fast user-space networking on Linux, and native networking on OSv.\nFutures and promises: an advanced new model for concurrent applications that offers C++ programmers both high performance and the ability to create comprehensible, testable high-quality code.\nMessage passing: a design for sharing information between CPU cores without time-consuming locking.",
"tags": [
"primary_open_source_license": "Apache License 2.0 (Apache-2.0)",
"image_url": "//",
"image_bg_color": "FFFFFF",
"gplus_url": null,
"twitter_url": null,
"blog_url": null,
"application_instructions": "Information for applicants\n-----\nSeastar's API can be referenced at:\n\nTutorial:\nThis tutorial contains very useful information for understanding better the primitives provided by the framework, its programming model, how to efficiently debug a Seastar program, and so on.\n\nIf you have any question, feel free to send an e-mail to seastar's mailing list or contact the mentors directly. Feel free to contact Raphael directly, too, one of the org admins:\n\nPlease also refer to FAQ available in the project's official website:\nIf you're interested in knowing more about Seastar, gather details about other potential ideas or make a proposal based on the ideas suggested, please send an e-mail to We will be very happy to help.",
"topic_tags": [
"high performance",
"app development",
"technology_tags": [
"proposal_tags": [
"tcp ip"
"ideas_list": "",
"contact_method": "",
"program_year": 2018
"id": 4557832020557824,
"name": "Software and Computational Systems Lab at LMU Munich",
"slug": "sosy-lab",
"website_url": "",
"category": "languages",
"contact_email": "",
"mailing_list": "",
"irc_channel": null,
"tagline": "Software Analysis, Software Verification, and Benchmarking",
"precis": "Our project involve several aspects of software development,\nfrom plain theoretical parts like SMT solving to application-related pieces like benchmarking.",
"description": "# Info\nThe following list contains our projects with the ideas that are (in our opinion) suitable for Google Summer of Code.\nFeel free to suggest your own ideas.\nA more detailed list of ideas (with descriptions) can be found at <> .\n\n# CPAchecker ( [website]( )\n\nCPAchecker is an [award-winning]( open-source framework\nfor the verification of software.\nIt is written in Java and based on a highly modular architecture\nthat allows to develop and combine a wide range of different analyses.\nCPAchecker is used for [verification of the Linux kernel](\nand has helped to find [more than 50 bugs in the kernel](\n\n## Ideas\n- Eclipse plugin\n- Angular and automated tests for verification report\n- Integrating SymPy into CPAchecker for Invariant Generation\n- DART-like Test-case Generation in CPAchecker\n- Checking Equivalence of Program Semantics Automatically\n\n# JavaSMT ( [website]( )\n\nJavaSMT is a common API layer for accessing various SMT solvers.\nIt was created out of our experience integrating and using different SMT solvers in the CPAchecker project.\nJavaSMT can express formulas in the theory of\nintegers, rationals, bitvectors, floating-points, and uninterpreted-functions,\nand supports model generation, interpolation, formula inspection and transformation.\n\n## Ideas\n- Integrate more SMT solvers\n- SMT in the Cloud\n\n# BenchExec ( [website]( )\n\nBenchExec is a benchmarking framework for Linux (written in Python)\nthat is aimed at a high reliability of the results.\nIt can measure the CPU-time and peak memory usage of whole groups of processes.\nTo do so, it makes use of modern Linux features such as cgroups and namespaces,\neffectively creating a benchmarking container whose resource usage is measured.\n\n## Ideas\n- Make use of the Intel Cache Allocation Technology\n- Modern architecture and tests for HTML tables",
"tags": [
"primary_open_source_license": "Apache License 2.0 (Apache-2.0)",
"image_url": "//",
"image_bg_color": null,
"gplus_url": null,
"twitter_url": null,
"blog_url": null,
"application_instructions": "Students wishing to participate in Summer of Code must realise that this is an important professional opportunity.\nYou will be required to produce code for an award-winning tool chain or parts of its infra structure.\nTherefore, we seek students who are committed to helping our tools long-term and \nare willing to both do quality work, and be proactive in communication with their mentors.\n\nYou don't have to be a proven developer - in fact, this whole program is meant to facilitate joining our group and take a look at open source communities.\nHowever, experience in coding is welcome and should be mentioned in your proposal.\n\nYou should take a look at the tools that you plan to work on before the start date.\nThe timeline from Google reserves a lot of time for bonding periods; use that time wisely.\nGood communication is important. The group members are available via mail (or in person, if needed).\nYou should communicate with your mentor, and formally report progress and plans weekly.\n\n## Recommended steps\n- Join the mailing list of a project of your choice, introduce yourself, and meet your fellow developers\n- Read Google's instructions for participating and the GSoC Student Manual\n- Take a look at the list of ideas\n- Come up with project that you're interested in\n- Write a first draft proposal and get someone to review it\n- Submit your proposal using Google's web interface ahead of the deadline\n\nFurther instructions are avaliable [on our website]( \"further instructions\").",
"topic_tags": [
"software analysis",
"software verification",
"smt solver"
"technology_tags": [
" javascript"
"proposal_tags": [
"ideas_list": "",
"contact_method": "",
"program_year": 2018
"id": 5762308421189632,
"name": "Space @ Virginia Tech",
"slug": "space-virignia-tech",
"website_url": "",
"category": "science_and_medicine",
"contact_email": "",
"mailing_list": "",
"irc_channel": null,
"tagline": "Space@VT is devoted to the investigation of the space environment.",
"precis": "Our mission is to provide forefront research, instruction, and educational outreach in the fields of space science and engineering.",
"description": "The mission of Space@VT is to provide forefront research, scholarship, instruction, and educational outreach in the broad fields of space science and engineering. A key focus of the research and educational effort will be the science, technological impact, and utilization of the geo-space environment.\r\n\r\nSpace@VT strives to utilize a holistic approach to space research and space mission development by combining theory, modeling, observation and education that employ advanced computational techniques, space instrument and space systems development, ground-based instrument development, and experimental data acquisition, analysis and interpretation within a research program that fully involves graduate and undergraduate students.\r\n\r\nSpace@VT focuses on both graduate and undergraduate education in the broad fields of space science and engineering. Space@VT prepares students to become leaders in their chosen fields whether they are in the private, government, or academic sectors. Space@VT educates university students to make important contributions to society as a whole.\r\n\r\nSpace@VT works towards engaging underrepresented groups in science and engineering in general and space science and engineering in particular. This engagement includes providing research and educational opportunities and experiences for middle school, high school, and college level underrepresented students. Space@VT also develops joint research and educational ventures with Minority Serving Institutions (MSIs).\r\n\r\nThe vision of Space@VT is to be a premiere space research organization of international caliber advancing the broad research, educational, and outreach mission of Virginia Tech.",
"tags": [
"primary_open_source_license": "GNU Library or \"Lesser\" General Public License version 3.0 (LGPL-3.0)",
"image_url": "//",
"image_bg_color": null,
"gplus_url": null,
"twitter_url": null,
"blog_url": null,
"application_instructions": "We are an organization where everyone is passionate and enthusiastic about their work and we expect the same from the students. We recommend the students to go through our list of ideas to get a notion of the projects we work on. However, it is not required to pick an idea from the list, you are welcome to suggest your own ideas as long as they are relevant to space science. We expect the students to have basic programming skills. Python is our preferred programming language but not a requirement to apply as some projects may not require python at all. It is not required to have a knowledge of space science or the instruments listed in the ideas page, you'll learn about them when you start working with us. If you are interested in some of the ideas, contact the corresponding mentors (contact info shared in ideas page) as soon as possible to discuss them further. Finally, feel free to contact Debbie Collins ( or any of the mentors for general queries.",
"topic_tags": [
"real time",
"data visualization",
"data analytics"
"technology_tags": [
"proposal_tags": [
"space science",
"visualization tools",
"real time",
"conjunction tool",
"machine learning",
"big data"
"ideas_list": "",
"contact_method": "",
"program_year": 2018
"id": 5429286840827904,
"name": "SPDX",
"slug": "spdx",
"website_url": "",
"category": "languages",
"contact_email": null,
"mailing_list": "",
"irc_channel": null,
"tagline": "Promoting open source compliance through standard communication of SW licenses.",
"precis": "The Software Package Data ExchangeR (SPDXR) specification is a standard format for communicating the components, licenses and copyrights associated with a software package.",
"description": "Develop and promote adoption of a specification to enable any party in a software supply chain, from the original author to the final end user, to accurately communicate the licensing information for any piece of copyrightable material that such party may create, alter, combine, pass on, or receive, and to make such information available in a consistent, understandable, and re-usable fashion, with the aim of facilitating license and other policy compliance.",
"tags": [
"primary_open_source_license": "Apache License 2.0 (Apache-2.0)",
"image_url": "//",
"image_bg_color": null,
"gplus_url": null,
"twitter_url": null,
"blog_url": null,
"application_instructions": "Please review the requirements described in the project ideas page at Submit your proposals using the GSoC website to the mentor from the ideas page or feel free to contact them directly with questions.",
"topic_tags": [
"open source",
"technology_tags": [
" python",
" java",
"proposal_tags": [
"workgroup tools",
"specification projects"
"ideas_list": "",
"contact_method": "",
"program_year": 2018
"id": 5289332059930624,
"name": "Stemformatics",
"slug": "stemformatics",
"website_url": "",
"category": "science_and_medicine",
"contact_email": "",
"mailing_list": null,
"irc_channel": "",
"tagline": "Stemformatics is a web-based pocket dictionary for stem cell scientists.",
"precis": "It is difficult for a stem cell scientist to be able to visualise an explore their datasets. Stemformatics makes it quick and easy for scientists to explore their data.",
"description": "Stemformatics works at the intersection of web-based data visualisation, big data and bioinformatics.\n\nStemformatics pipelines compress big data to make it easier for the web-based data visualisations to be processed. These web-based data visualisations are engineered for speed to make the end user experience as smooth as possible.\n\nStemformatics always ensures that each student gets a great learning experience tailored to their ability, interest and experience. We are committed to help mould students into software engineers where technical ability is just one of the skills needed for success.",
"tags": [
"primary_open_source_license": "Apache License 2.0 (Apache-2.0)",
"image_url": "//",
"image_bg_color": "ffffff",
"gplus_url": null,
"twitter_url": "",
"blog_url": null,
"application_instructions": "Please provide a cover letter, a resume and a link to some of the projects you have done. Please explain in the cover letter why you are interested in the project and what you would like to get out of the experience.",
"topic_tags": [
"web applications",
"technology_tags": [
"proposal_tags": [
"data visualization",
"software engineer",
"ideas_list": "",
"contact_method": "",
"program_year": 2018
"id": 5315360702595072,
"name": "STE||AR Group",
"slug": "stear-group",
"website_url": "",
"category": "languages",
"contact_email": "",
"mailing_list": "",
"irc_channel": "",
"tagline": "HPX: The C++ Standard Library for Parallelism and Concurrency",
"precis": "HPX: The C++ Standards Library for Concurrency and Parallelism",
"description": "The STE||AR Group is an international team of researchers who understand that a new approach to parallel computation is needed. Our work is crafted around the idea that we need to invent new ways to more efficiently use the resources that we have and use the knowledge that we gain to help guide the creation of the machines of tomorrow. While we develop several software products, the library which is most heavily developed and core to our team is HPX.\n\nHPX (High Performance ParalleX) is a general purpose C++ runtime system for parallel and distributed applications of any scale. It strives to provide a unified programming model which transparently utilizes the available resources to achieve unprecedented levels of scalability. This library strictly adheres to the C++11 Standard and leverages the Boost C++ Libraries which makes HPX easy to use, highly optimized, and very portable. HPX is developed for conventional architectures including Linux-based systems, Windows, Mac, and the BlueGene/Q, as well as accelerators such as the Xeon Phi.\n\nHPX (High Performance ParalleX) is a general purpose C++ runtime system for parallel and distributed applications of any scale. It strives to provide a unified programming model which transparently utilizes the available resources to achieve unprecedented levels of scalability. This library strictly adheres to the C++11 Standard and leverages the Boost C++ Libraries which makes HPX easy to use, highly optimized, and very portable. HPX is developed for conventional architectures including Linux-based systems, Windows, Mac, and the BlueGene/Q, as well as accelerators such as the Xeon Phi.\n\nIf you are looking for a project which incorporates cutting edge HPC research, runtime library development, and C++ standardization check out our [ideas page]( and contact us either though the #ste||ar channel on IRC (Freenode).",
"tags": [
"primary_open_source_license": "Boost Software License (BSL-1.0)",
"image_url": "//",
"image_bg_color": null,
"gplus_url": null,
"twitter_url": null,
"blog_url": "",
"application_instructions": "",
"topic_tags": [
"parallel algorithms",
"runtime systems",
"distributed datastructures",
"asynchronous many task systems"
"technology_tags": [
"proposal_tags": [
"new idea",
"ideas_list": "",
"contact_method": "",
"program_year": 2018
"id": 5449481173073920,
"name": "Stony Brook University Biomedical Informatics",
"slug": "stony-brook-university-biomedical-informatics",
"website_url": "",
"category": "science_and_medicine",
"contact_email": "",
"mailing_list": "",
"irc_channel": "",
"tagline": "Advance biomedical knowledge through innovative data science research",
"precis": "The mission of the Department of Biomedical Informatics of Stony Brook University is to advance biomedical knowledge through innovative data science education and research.",
"description": "Healthcare enterprises are producing large amounts of data through electronic medical records, medical imaging, health insurance claims, surveillance, and others. Such data have high potential to transform current healthcare to improve healthcare quality and prevent diseases, and advance biomedical research. Medical Informatics is an interdisciplinary field that studies and pursues the effective use of medical data, information, and knowledge for scientific inquiry, problem solving and decision making, driven by efforts to improve human health and well being.\nThe Department of Biomedical Informatics (BMI) is the home of biomedical data science research and education at Stony Brook University. We train and prepare students and postdoctoral researchers to become leaders in the field. As we train the next generation of data scientists, we deliver innovative informatics research and applications to enhance scientific knowledge and healthcare delivery.",
"tags": [
"primary_open_source_license": "Apache License 2.0 (Apache-2.0)",
"image_url": "//",
"image_bg_color": null,
"gplus_url": null,
"twitter_url": null,
"blog_url": null,
"application_instructions": "Please prepare a clear proposal on what you plan to do, the scope of your project, and why we should choose you to do it, using following template.\n\nIntroduction\nPlease define the problem to be solved, summarize your solution. Include related links if necessary.\nProject goals\nPropose a clear list of deliverables, explaining exactly what you promise to do and what you do not plan to do. \n\nImplementation\nBe detailed. Describe what you plan to do as a solution for the problem you defined above. Include technical details, showing that you understand the technology.\n-\nTimeline\nShow that you understand the problem, have a solution, have also broken it down into manageable parts, and that you have a realistic plan on how to accomplish your goal.\nIf you have other commitments during GSoC, such as a job, vacation, exams, internship, seminars, or papers to write, disclose them here. GSoC should be treated like a full-time job, and we will expect approximately 40 hours of work per week. If you have conflicts, explain how you will work around them. If you are found to have conflicts which you did not disclose, you may be failed.\n\nAbout me\nProvide your contact information (email, phone, skype) and write a few sentences about you and why you think you are the best for this job. Name people (other developers, students, professors) who can act as a reference for you. Mention your field of study.",
"topic_tags": [
"biomedical data science",
"cancer informatics",
"deep learning",
"medical imaging"
"technology_tags": [
"proposal_tags": [
"data science",
"medical imaging",
"cancer informatics",
"deep learning"
"ideas_list": "",
"contact_method": "",
"program_year": 2018
"id": 5733913570312192,
"name": "strace",
"slug": "strace",
"website_url": "",
"category": "operating_systems",
"contact_email": "",
"mailing_list": "",
"irc_channel": "",
"tagline": "linux syscall tracer",
"precis": "strace is a diagnostic, debugging and instructional userspace utility for Linux. It is used to monitor and tamper with interactions between processes and the Linux kernel.",
"description": "strace is a diagnostic, debugging and instructional userspace utility with a traditional command-line interface for Linux. It is used to monitor and tamper with interactions between processes and the Linux kernel, which include system calls, signal deliveries, and changes of process state. The operation of strace is made possible by the kernel feature known as [ptrace](\n\nstrace is one of the longest running free software projects and started even before Linux started.\n\nstrace is an important tool for debugging and tracing deployed on most Linux distributions with a small community of active contributors.",
"tags": [
"primary_open_source_license": "BSD 3-Clause \"New\" or \"Revised\" License (BSD-3-Clause)",
"image_url": "//",
"image_bg_color": "ffffff",
"gplus_url": null,
"twitter_url": null,
"blog_url": null,
"application_instructions": "Please read the \"General Proposal Requirements\" section in the [ideas page](\nThe primary way to contact the strace community is through the [mailing list]( Please discuss your application on this list.",
"topic_tags": [
"technology_tags": [
"shell script",
"proposal_tags": [
"new feature",
"test suite"
"ideas_list": "",
"contact_method": "",
"program_year": 2018
"id": 6723641824247808,
"name": "Streetmix",
"slug": "streetmix",
"website_url": "",
"category": "end_user_applications",
"contact_email": "",
"mailing_list": null,
"irc_channel": "",
"tagline": "Design, remix, and share your neighborhood street, all in your browser.",
"precis": "Streetmix is a fun and friendly civic engagement platform that encourages people to redesign streets in their own communities, and collaborate with urban planners and others.",
"description": "Streetmix is a fun and friendly way to play with streets. City planners and local bike/pedestrian advocates are some of the people who use Streetmix to quickly create new ideas and proposals for real street improvements. We're used by the New York City Department of Transportation, Transport for London, San Francisco Municipal Transportation Authority, and professionals like walkability consultant Jeff Speck and transportation planning firms such as Nelson\\Nygaard, Kimley-Horn and more.\n\nBut first and foremost, we designed Streetmix to demystify this process and make it accessible for all, and that is why local residents, working to improve streets in their own neighborhoods, have used Streetmix for their own advocacy and communication work.",
"tags": [
"primary_open_source_license": "BSD 3-Clause \"New\" or \"Revised\" License (BSD-3-Clause)",
"image_url": "//",
"image_bg_color": "ffffff",
"gplus_url": null,
"twitter_url": "",
"blog_url": null,
"application_instructions": "We're looking for applicants that are eager to apply their programming skills to building civic technology and user interfaces that demystify a political, democratic process and to encourage more participation and collaboration within a community to design public space. We will be applying best practices in modern application architecture (with Javascript/Node.js) and user interface engineering to build a simple, responsive, and performance optimized user experience. Interest and experience in UI design, SVG and canvas rendering, databases, and open data are a plus. Candidates should be comfortable with HTML, CSS, and Javascript, and be familiar with either MongoDB or Postgres.\n\n[Read more and apply here!](",
"topic_tags": [
"smart cities",
"civic tech"
"technology_tags": [
"proposal_tags": [
"user interface",
"city planning",
"urban design",
"single page app",
"performance optimization"
"ideas_list": "",
"contact_method": "",
"program_year": 2018
"id": 4837290090692608,
"name": "Submitty",
"slug": "submitty",
"website_url": "",
"category": "other",
"contact_email": "",
"mailing_list": "",
"irc_channel": "",
"tagline": "Programming assignment submission with automated grading and manual TA grading",
"precis": "Submitty is an open source programming assignment submission system with secure and automated testing, automated grading, and efficient manual TA/instructor grading & management.",
"description": "Submitty is an open source programming assignment submission system with secure and automated testing, automated grading, and efficient manual TA/instructor grading & overall course grades management. Submitty was launched by the [Rensselaer Center for Open Source Software (RCOS)](\n\nThe Submitty project is hosted on GitHub.\n\nKey Features\n* Secure testing of many languages: Python, C/C++, Java, Scheme, Prolog, SPIM, and anything available on GNU / Linux!\n* Customizable automated grading with immediate feedback to students\n* Advanced grading tools: static analysis, JUnit, code coverage, memory debuggers, etc.\n* Student upload by drag-and-drop, zip upload, or version control\n* Correct mistakes through multiple submissions, flexible ``late day’’ policy, hidden tests\n* Interface for complementary instructor/TA manual grading, overall grade summaries\n* Instructors have full access to logs for debugging, launch batch regrading\n* Scales to multiple courses with thousands of students\n* Supports multiple instructors and TAs per course\n* Open-source, free to use, install on your own hardware, or VPS\n* Discussion forum\n* Plagiarism Detection\n\nIn the Fall 2017 term, Submitty was used by 1800+ students in 14 different courses in the [RPI Computer Science]( department. The largest class, Computer Science I, had more than 700 students. The courses using Submitty cover the full spectrum of the computer science undergraduate and graduate curriculum from introductory programming courses, intermediate and advanced theory courses, popular junior/senior electives with team programming projects and written report projects, and specialized advanced topics cross-listed as graduate courses. \n\nSubmitty was presented at [ACM SIGCSE 2017]( in March 2017 and subsequently successfully used by instructors for courses at 3 other universities in Fall 2017. Submitty will be presenting both a demo and posters at SIGCSE 2018 and aims to expand to more users.",
"tags": [
"primary_open_source_license": "BSD 3-Clause \"New\" or \"Revised\" License (BSD-3-Clause)",
"image_url": "//",
"image_bg_color": null,
"gplus_url": null,
"twitter_url": null,
"blog_url": null,
"application_instructions": "Applicants should have at least 2 semesters of college level programming coursework (or equivalent). Experience with web design, scripting languages like bash and/or python, version control (git), linux/unix, and virtual machines is valuable but not required. Students with prior experience in advanced topics such as databases, user interface design and user survey evaluation, static program analysis, system security and website/system penetration testing, and distributed computing will be qualified to work on our more advanced projects.\n\nStudents should submit a resume with their current and prior coursework, and short descriptions of any large software or software-related projects undertaken as part of a course or as a non-academic project. Prior work experience related to software should also be included.\n\nApplicants should review the list of [proposed projects]( and specify their interest in one or more of these projects. Students should also browse our list of [open issues]( on Github, specifically those tagged \"good first issue\" and indicate 2-5 issues they find interesting.\n\nFinally, interested applicants are encouraged to download and install the Submitty source code as a virtual machine on their own computer (\nSubmitting comments or questions on an open issue or preparing a new pull request to address one of the smaller open issues will demonstrate aptitude and interest in the Submitty project.",
"topic_tags": [
"data visualization",
"technology_tags": [
"proposal_tags": [
"plagiarism detection",
"peer grading",
"ui/ux/website design/usability",
"continuous integration/testing",
"static program analysis/advanced automated grading",
"security/privacy/website penetration testing",
"performance/parallel computing/distributed computing",
"ideas_list": "",
"contact_method": "",
"program_year": 2018
"id": 6193990685163520,
"name": "Sugar Labs",
"slug": "sugar-labs",
"website_url": "",
"category": "other",
"contact_email": "",
"mailing_list": "",
"irc_channel": "",
"tagline": "We make tools that learners use to explore, discover, create, and reflect.",
"precis": "We make tools that learners use to explore, discover, create, and reflect. We encourage our users to appropriate them, taking ownership and responsibility for their learning.",
"description": "Sugar Labs, a volunteer-driven, non-profit organization, had its origins in the One Laptop Per Child project and is has been a member project of the Software Freedom Conservancy since 2008.\n\nAt Sugar Labs, we make a collection of tools (Sugar) that learners use to explore, discover, create, and reflect. We distribute these tools freely and encourage our users to appropriate them, taking ownership and responsibility for their learning.\n\nSugar is both a desktop and a collection of Activities. Activities, as the name implies, are Apps that involve active engagement from the learner. Activities automatically save results to a journal, where reflections are recorded. Activity instances can be shared between learners; many support real-time collaboration.\n\n* Sugar facilitates sharing and collaboration: Children can write, share books, or make music together with a single mouse-click.\n* Activities, not applications: Sugar activities are applicable beyond the scope of the classroom and even Sugar itself.\n* Automatic backup of Activity work; no worrying about files or folders. Sugar’s Journal makes it almost impossible to lose any data.\n* The Sugar Journal records everything you do: It is a place to reflect upon and evaluate your work.\n* Sugar runs on most computer hardware, including slower machines.\n* Sugar is Free (Libre) Software: It is written in the Python language and easily customized.\n* Sugar is documented by its users: It is easy to use and teachers worldwide have created a wealth of pedagogical materials for it.\n* Sugar is largely written and maintained by its users.\n* Sugarizer is a fork of Sugar available for tablets and phones.\n* Turtle Blocks and Music Blocks are popular programming Apps that run in Sugar, Sugarizer, or stand-alone on the GNU/Linux desktop or in a browser.",
"tags": [
"primary_open_source_license": "GNU General Public License version 3.0 (GPL-3.0)",
"image_url": "//",
"image_bg_color": null,
"gplus_url": null,
"twitter_url": null,
"blog_url": null,
"application_instructions": "Welcome to GSoC 2018\n\nSugar Labs expectations\n----------------------------------------\n* We expect you to be playful, inquisitive, and diligent;\n* GSoC is a full-time commitment; unless you are prepared to work full time, please do not apply;\n* GSoC is a community effort; be prepared to participate in the broader set of Sugar activities, not just your individual project;\n* GSoC is only valuable if there is good communication between you, your mentors, and the rest of the community; be prepared to hang out with us on #sugar; to meet weekly with all of the GSoC participants; and to communicate daily with your mentors; we also expect a weekly blog about your project.\n\n\nWhat to include in your proposal\n----------------------------------------------------\n* a clear statement of \"what\" you intend to do, including weekly milestones;\n* a clear statement of \"why\" what you intend to do is of value (personally, to the Sugar project, and beyond);\n* evidence that you can achieve your stated goals.\n\nFor more details, please go to [Sugar Labs GSoC 2018](",
"topic_tags": [
"user interface",
"technology_tags": [
"proposal_tags": [
"ideas_list": "",
"contact_method": "",
"program_year": 2018
"id": 4886940868935680,
"name": "Sustainable Computing Research Group (SCoRe)",
"slug": "sustainable-computing-research-group-score",
"website_url": "",
"category": "web",
"contact_email": "",
"mailing_list": "!forum/score-community",
"irc_channel": "",
"tagline": "SCoRe has conducted research covering various aspects of Security, Mobile & IOT.",
"precis": "SCoRe is a research group that seeks sustainable solutions for various problems in developing countries such as Sri Lanka.",
"description": "The Sustainable Computing Research Lab (SCoRe) has conducted research covering various aspects of mobile, cloud, iot, digital forensic, information security and more. The goal of our research is to generate computing solutions through identifying low-cost methodologies and strategies that lead to sustainability​.\n\nAt present, the SCoRe Lab is at a stage of its evolution in which it has been able to secure high donor confidence as evidenced by no less than 5 simultaneous foreign funded projects underway since 2005. SCoRe Lab has been a pioneer in cooperating with Internet Society (ISOC), Swedish Agency for International Development Cooperation (Sida)/The Department for Research Cooperation (SAREC), The Swedish Program for Information and Communication Technology in Developing Regions (Spider) and Information Society Innovation Fund (ISIF) in the area of computer science by establishing several interesting ICT research projects. These projects are considered to be the benchmarks of such projects in the World.",
"tags": [
"primary_open_source_license": "Apache License 2.0 (Apache-2.0)",
"image_url": "//",
"image_bg_color": null,
"gplus_url": "",
"twitter_url": "",
"blog_url": "",
"application_instructions": "## Project Introduction\n\nIn this section,\n* The student should first define the problem.\n* Current state of the problem.\n* What issue the student wishes to resolve?\n\n## Project Goals\n\nIn this section,\n\n* The student should propose a clear list of deliverables, explaining exactly what the student promises to do and what he/she does not plan to do.\n\n## Implementation\n\nIn this section,\n\n* The student should describe what he/she plans to do as a solution to the problem he/she defined earlier.\n\n## Timeline\n\nIn this section,\n\n* The student should define the project milestones(weekly) according to the GSoC timeline.\n\n## SCoRe Contributions\n\nIn this section,\n\n* The student should include his/her past contributions to the SCoRe Community.\nContribution Examples: Bug Reporting, Patchers (Github Pull Requests), Mailing List Activities\n\n## Personal Information\n\n* Contact information (E-mail, IM, IRC)\n* Few sentences about the student and why he/she thinks is the best person to do it.\n\n## Reference\n\nProject reference",
"topic_tags": [
"machine learning",
"technology_tags": [
"proposal_tags": [
"project name",
"issue id",
"ideas_list": "",
"contact_method": "",
"program_year": 2018
"id": 4739935060361216,
"name": "Swift",
"slug": "swift",
"website_url": "",
"category": "languages",
"contact_email": "",
"mailing_list": "",
"irc_channel": null,
"tagline": "Swift is a high-performance system programming language.",
"precis": "Swift is a high-performance system programming language. It has modern syntax, offers seamless access to existing C and Objective-C code, and is memory safe by default.",
"description": "Swift is a high-performance system programming language. It has a clean and modern syntax, offers seamless access to existing C and Objective-C code and frameworks, and is memory safe by default.\n\nAlthough inspired by Objective-C and many other languages, Swift is not itself a C-derived language. As a complete and independent language, Swift packages core features like flow control, data structures, and functions, with high-level constructs like objects, protocols, closures, and generics. Swift embraces modules, eliminating the need for headers and the code duplication they entail.",
"tags": [
"primary_open_source_license": "Apache License 2.0 (Apache-2.0)",
"image_url": "//",
"image_bg_color": null,
"gplus_url": null,
"twitter_url": null,
"blog_url": "",
"application_instructions": "Each proposal should contain the following sections:\n\n* **Project title**\n* **Detailed project description**\n * This is a more detailed description of the project (2-5 sentences). This should outline both the underlying problem trying to be solved as well as an elaboration of the technical approach to tackle that problem.\n* **Expected outcomes/benefits/deliverables**\n* **Implementation plan**\n * This should outline how the work will be approached in stages, with milestones along the way that can be used to both evaluate the technical direction of the work as well as how much progress has been made.",
"topic_tags": [
"programming languages"
"technology_tags": [
" cmake",
"proposal_tags": [
"standard library",
"package manager",
"corelibs xctest",
"corelibs dispatch",
"corelibs foundation",
"ideas_list": "",
"contact_method": "",
"program_year": 2018
"id": 5583344046178304,
"name": "SymPy",
"slug": "sympy",
"website_url": "",
"category": "science_and_medicine",
"contact_email": null,
"mailing_list": "!forum/sympy",
"irc_channel": "",
"tagline": "SymPy is a Python library for symbolic mathematics.",
"precis": "SymPy is a Python library for symbolic mathematics.",
"description": "SymPy is a Python library for symbolic mathematics. It aims to become a full-featured computer algebra system (CAS) while keeping the code as simple as possible in order to be comprehensible and easily extensible. SymPy is written entirely in Python.\n\nStudents applying should read our [student instructions](, and be aware of our patch requirement. Applications should follow our [application template](",
"tags": [
"primary_open_source_license": "BSD 3-Clause \"New\" or \"Revised\" License (BSD-3-Clause)",
"image_url": "//",
"image_bg_color": "FFF",
"gplus_url": null,
"twitter_url": "",
"blog_url": null,
"application_instructions": "",
"topic_tags": [
"computer algebra"
"technology_tags": [
"proposal_tags": [
"ideas_list": "",
"contact_method": "",
"program_year": 2018
"id": 6226384251256832,
"name": "Systers Community",
"slug": "systers-community",
"website_url": "",
"category": "other",
"contact_email": "",
"mailing_list": "",
"irc_channel": "",
"tagline": "Helping women find their potential in code. You are not alone.",
"precis": "Systers is a community for all women involved in the technical aspects of computing. We have over 7,000 members from more than 65 countries around the world.",
"description": "# About\nSysters is a community for all women involved in the technical aspects of computing. We have over 7,000 members from more than 65 countries around the world. **We welcome the participation of women technologists of all ages at any stage of their studies or careers.**\n\n# Projects\n# Peace Corps\n- [PC Hub](, a site to discuss improvements/features to all Peace Corps projects. PC officials can log in and direct open source contributors on what to improve on an individual project. It can also be used to discuss new applications needed for Peace Corps Volunteers (to assist their service work).\n- [PC Prep Kit](, a site to teach about Malaria. Gamified Education. *After* using this to \"onboard\" PC Volunteers about Malaria, then they will use the Mobile App to keep track of medicine/trips during their service.\n- [Photo Language Translation (PLT)](, an application to assist Peace Corps Volunteers by translation Chuukese into English with picture association. It helps teach Chuukese people the English language as well as preserve Chuukese in a written form.\n\n# Systers \n- [Mailman3](, an email list to help groups share ideas, support, and collaborate on projects. Systers is upgrading to Mailman3 and we need customized features. We have 28 email lists.\n- [PowerUp](, founded by a Syster, is a choose-your-own-adventure game that is designed to be inclusive and teaches young girls (ages 11-14) awareness about real-life scenarios. \n- [Portal](, a site that brings Systers and Local Communities together, offering both in-person and online events for our global women technologists.\n- [Volunteer Management System (VMS)](, helps keep a record of Systers volunteers so that we can utilize volunteer grants where companies match the number of hours an employee volunteers.\n\n# Systers Open Source\n- [Infrastructure](, technology advances daily and we're slow to keep up. We need updates on apps.\n- [GitHub Pages](, we have 3 pages that need updates. Our Main and Celebration are informational pages. Slack pages need an onboarding component.",
"tags": [
"primary_open_source_license": "GNU General Public License version 2.0 (GPL-2.0)",
"image_url": "//",
"image_bg_color": "ffffff",
"gplus_url": "",
"twitter_url": "",
"blog_url": "",
"application_instructions": "Admins are currently still onboarding new mentors, so please be patient and flexible. Students who submit PRs without prior approval will be closed. Follow our [WorkFlow]( This is **not** a PR competition. \n\n**Work on your application thoroughly.** Follow the directions. Once you submit your proposal in the GSoC site, we will give you feedback. **If you wait 2 days before the deadline, we can not guarantee feedback.** Submit early if you want someone to review your application.\n\n1. Read [Do's & Don'ts from Google]( & [Make the First Move](\n1. Join the Systers Open Source Slack: [](\n1. Attend a GSoC Open Session.\n1. Look through the [Ideas List](\n1. Build one of the applications.\n1. Follow [Systers Workflow](\n - If you cannot follow directions, this will count against you. Please follow our processes.\n1. Fill out the [GSoC 2018 application](\n1. Group Interviews will be conducted March 18th-31st. [Sign up here!](",
"topic_tags": [
"mobile applications",
" web apps",
"technology_tags": [
"ruby on rails",
"proposal_tags": [
"ideas_list": "",
"contact_method": "",
"program_year": 2018
"id": 5898727303151616,
"name": "TEAMMATES @ National University of Singapore",
"slug": "teammates-national-university-of-singapore",
"website_url": "",
"category": "web",
"contact_email": "",
"mailing_list": "",
"irc_channel": null,
"tagline": "An online feedback management system for education",
"precis": "TEAMMATES is an award winning online feedback management system for education, used by over 200k users. It is a free Java EE SaaS application that runs on the Google App Engine.",
"description": "TEAMMATES is an award winning online feedback management system for education, used by over 200k users. It is a free Java EE SaaS application that runs on the Google App Engine. TEAMMATES won the grand prize at the OSS World Challenge 2014 and took part in GSoCs 2014-17 as a mentoring organization.\n\nOne of the main aims of TEAMMATES (the project) is to train students in contributing to non-trivial OSS productions system. TEAMMATES has received contributions of 300+ student developers and have done more than 200 releases over a six year period. \n\nBecause TEAMMATES (the product) is a software for students by students, students can relate to the problem domain better. The scale of the system is big enough (~125 KLoC) without being overwhelmingly big. \n\nThe [TEAMMATES project]( is based in the School of Computing, National University of Singapore. Product website: [](",
"tags": [
"primary_open_source_license": "GNU General Public License version 2.0 (GPL-2.0)",
"image_url": "//",
"image_bg_color": "000000",
"gplus_url": null,
"twitter_url": null,
"blog_url": null,
"application_instructions": "",
"topic_tags": [
"web applications"
"technology_tags": [
" java",
"proposal_tags": [
"ideas_list": "",
"contact_method": "",
"program_year": 2018
"id": 5201518819540992,
"name": "The Center for Connected Learning and Computer-Based Modeling",
"slug": "the-center-for-connected-learning-and-computer-based-modeling",
"website_url": "",
"category": "languages",
"contact_email": null,
"mailing_list": null,
"irc_channel": "",
"tagline": "NetLogo: A language and IDE for programming and scientific simulations",
"precis": "NetLogo: A language and IDE for programming and scientific simulations",
"description": "## What Is It?\n\nNetLogo is a programming environment that helps everyday people to do science and programming. NetLogo has found a variety of uses around the world, from being used as a tool for helping to teach science in classrooms, to being an introductory programming environment, to enabling researchers worldwide to build computational models without needing extensive programming knowledge.\n\n## Who Made It?\n\nNetLogo is authored by Prof. Uri Wilensky, who heads Northwestern University's Center for Connected Learning and Computer-Based Modeling (CCL). The CCL includes software engineers, educational researchers, curriculum developers, and students at Northwestern University all working together to design and develop creative technologies that deepen learning.\n\nThe CCL is funded by Northwestern University, the National Science Foundation, and a few commercial sponsors.",
"tags": [
"primary_open_source_license": "GNU General Public License version 2.0 (GPL-2.0)",
"image_url": "//",
"image_bg_color": null,
"gplus_url": null,
"twitter_url": "",
"blog_url": null,
"application_instructions": "We're glad you're interested in our organization and we're looking forward to working with you!\n\n## Getting to Know Us\n\nPlease take some time to get to know what we do. Visiting [NetLogoWeb]( and poking around should give you some idea of what our primary product; we also offer a [desktop version]( We encourage you to chat with us on [Gitter]( and ask any questions you may have. You may also want to check out [our GitHub](\n\n## Application Instructions\n\n1. Choose whether you are interested in working on NetLogo Web or NetLogo Desktop.\n2. Complete a small contribution:\n * In the Gitter room, request a small project to work on. A mentor will help you find one.\n * Work on the project and submit a pull request\n * (As needed) make changes to the pull request and ensure it is approved\n3. Develop your proposal\n * Once you've got a general idea for a proposal, see writing proposals (below). Please ask a mentor for ideas / help if needed.\n * Share your proposal draft with a mentor (and let them know in Gitter).\n * Allow 2 business days for the mentor to provide feedback on the proposal.\n\n## Writing Proposals\n\nHere are the things we want to see in proposals:\n\n* Understanding of the necessary scope of changes\n* Developing an ambitious but realistic schedule\n* An integrated development approach which balances design, construction, testing, and documentation\n* Evidence to show that you are capable of completing the project. This can include other projects you've worked on or contributions you've made to one of our projects,",
"topic_tags": [
"programming language",
"academic research"
"technology_tags": [
" javascript",
"proposal_tags": [
"netlogo web",
"ideas_list": "",
"contact_method": "",
"program_year": 2018
"id": 6364590460370944,
"name": "The Eclipse Foundation",
"slug": "the-eclipse-foundation",
"website_url": "",
"category": "other",
"contact_email": "",
"mailing_list": "",
"irc_channel": null,
"tagline": "An amazing open source community of diverse technology and collaboration.",
"precis": "The Eclipse Foundation is host to more that three hundred open source projects that cover a diverse set of technologies and interests.",
"description": "Eclipse is an open source community that's focused around key principles of transparency, openness, and vendor neutrality. Transparency is a relatively easy concept to understand: the work that we do is done in a manner that can be observed by anybody with an interest. While many open source organizations regard openness as a synonym for transparency, the Eclipse community defines openness as a project team being open to new ideas, and inviting others to participate. Vendor neutrality ensures that no single vendor can dominate a project and that everybody plays by the same set of rules (a so-called \"level playing field\").\n\nNaturally, Eclipse projects are also all about the code. With over [three hundred]( open source projects covering a diverse set of of technologies, there's something here for everybody. \n\nEclipse projects build technology in areas such as [Internet of Things](, [Programming Languages and IDE](, and [Runtimes]( like Jetty and [EE4J]( (currently known as Java EE).\n\nFor those students interested in research, we have an entire working group focused on [Science]( where researches from some of the world's most prestigious labs do open source development to support their research areas.\n\nYou've probably heard about our market-leading software development tools; we have that, and so much more...",
"tags": [
"primary_open_source_license": "Eclipse Public License 1.0 (EPL-1.0)",
"image_url": "//",
"image_bg_color": null,
"gplus_url": null,
"twitter_url": "",
"blog_url": "",
"application_instructions": "Your project proposal should include the following.\n\n**Abstract** Provide a short description of your proposal. Thing of this as your \"elevator pitch\"; how would you describe your project during a 15 second elevator ride?\n\n**Detailed Information** Provide information about your proposal: background information, possible existing Eclipse projects that may provide a home for your work, technology you will leverage, resources that you require to be successful\n\n**Experience** What existing work have you already done in this area? Where possible, provide pointers to contributions that you've already made to related work. \n\n**Background** What work do you expect to do in the time leading up to the start of the GSoC programme? What background information will you need to get started and what do you plan to do to gather that information?\n\n**Deliverables** What do you expect to deliver? Be as specific as possible.\n\n**Schedule** List a series of at least three milestones and what you expect to have accomplished for each.\n\n**Expectations** What do you expect from your mentor? What help are you going to need?\n\n**Contact Information** Tell us a bit about yourself. A paragraph that states your work and education experience should suffice. We don't want your resume. Let us know why you are a worthwhile investment of our time. Please provide an email address that we can use to contact you.",
"topic_tags": [
"internet of things",
"runtime systems"
"technology_tags": [
" java",
"proposal_tags": [
"internet of things",
"programming languages and ides",
"ideas_list": "",
"contact_method": "",
"program_year": 2018
"id": 5144878602780672,
"name": "The Honeynet Project",
"slug": "the-honeynet-project",
"website_url": "",
"category": "security",
"contact_email": "",
"mailing_list": "",
"irc_channel": "",
"tagline": "The Honeynet Project - R&D for Honeypot/Honeynet Technology and InfoSec Research",
"precis": "The Honeynet Project is a non-profit research organization dedicated to improving the security of the Internet at no cost to the public. Focus is on honeypots and threat analysis.",
"description": "Founded in 1999, The Honeynet Project is an international, non-profit (501c3) research organization dedicated to improving the security of the Internet at no cost to the public.\n\nOur achievements are based on the principles of open source and volunteer efforts, with all software or papers created being licensed as open source and made freely available to the community.\n\nWe help coordinate the development, deployment, advancement and research findings of honeypot and anti-malware related technologies. With over 45 international chapters, 350 members and 30 open source research projects around around the world, we are a mature, highly diverse and international organization.\n\nSimply put, our goal is to make a difference. We accomplish this via:\n\nAwareness - We raise awareness of the threats and vulnerabilities that exist in the Internet today. Many individuals & organizations do not realize they are a target, nor understand who is attacking them, how, or why. We provide this information, so people can better understand that they are a target, and understand the basic measures they can take to mitigate these threats. This is provided through our Know Your Enemy series of papers.\n\nTools - For organizations interested in continuing their own research about cyber threats, we provide the tools and techniques we have developed. All tools are specifically licensed open source. Organizations all over the world use our tools.\n\nInformation - In addition to raising awareness, we provide details to better secure assets. Historically, information about attackers has been limited to the tools they use. We provide critical additional information, such as their motives in attacking, how they communicate, when they attack systems and their actions after compromising a system. We provide this service through our Know Your Enemy whitepapers and our periodic Scan of the Month challenges.\n\nThe Honeynet Project uses GSoC as a incubator for new R&D projects, and to recruit active new members.",
"tags": [
"primary_open_source_license": "MIT license (MIT)",
"image_url": "//",
"image_bg_color": "000",
"gplus_url": null,
"twitter_url": "",
"blog_url": "",
"application_instructions": "This year we have a wide range of project ideas and are also interested in hearing your ideas too. Our projects cover a wide range of programming languages and technologies. Project idea difficulty can range from fairly challenging, low level systems type projects that are likely to appeal to pretty confident programmers, through interesting data analysis, to data presentation projects building more effective user interfaces. We are always interested in discussing a student's own project ideas, and actively aim to mentor high quality student ideas too. If you are unsure, we can help you form your ideas during the student proposal submission period. If you want to find out more, take a look at our project ideas web page, subscribe to our blog and public GSoC questions mailing list.Then come and say hello on the #gsoc-honeynet IRC channel on (you can connect via webchat if you are behind a firewall or don't have a command line client too). There you should find a mix of organizational admins, project mentors, past successful GSoC students, general Honeynet Project members and prospective students, so please don’t be nervous - feel free to ask questions and we will always try and get back to you (although we may be idle for an hour or two when we sleep :) ). If you prefer email, check out the link to our mailing list or use We are looking forwards to hearing from you and hopefully collaborating on something awesome together this summer.",
"topic_tags": [
"technology_tags": [
"python 3",
" python",
"machine learning"
"proposal_tags": [
"ideas_list": "",
"contact_method": "",
"program_year": 2018
"id": 6077584723410944,
"name": "The Java Pathfinder Team",
"slug": "java-pathfinder-team",
"website_url": "",
"category": "languages",
"contact_email": "",
"mailing_list": "!forum/java-pathfinder",
"irc_channel": null,
"tagline": "JPF is a highly extensible Java virtual machine built for software verification",
"precis": "JPF is a highly extensible Java virtual machine which is written in Java, and is used to create a variety of verification tools ranging from model checkers to test case generators.",
"description": "The Java Pathfinder project (JPF) was initially conceived and developed at NASA Ames Research Center in 1999. JPF was open sourced in April 2005 as one of the first ongoing NASA development projects to date, and it is now released under the Apache license, 2.0. JPF is a highly extensible Java virtual machine written in Java itself. It is used to create a variety of verification tools ranging from concurrency software model checkers to test case generators using symbolic execution. JPF is a research platform and a production tool at the same time. Although JPF has major contributions from companies and government agencies, our main user community is academic - there are ongoing collaborations with more than 20 universities worldwide. The JPF team for GSoC 2018 includes researchers from NASA Ames Research Center, Fujitsu Laboratories of America, Royal Institute of Technology - Sweden, Carnegie Mellon University , University of Minnesota, Stellenbosch University - ZA, Charles University - CZ, Teesside University - UK, University of Nebraska–Lincoln.\n\nJPF is designed to be extensible. There are well-defined extension mechanisms, directory structures and build procedures, which keep the core relatively stable and provide suitable, well separated testbeds for new ideas and alternative implementations. As a consequence, there exists many different extensions of JPF that capture different functionalities, including verification, testing, debugging, program repair and security analysis.\n\nJPF has been used for a variety of application domains and research topics such as verification of multi-threaded applications, graphical user interfaces, networking, and distributed applications. In addition to its continued presence in academia, JPF has matured enough to support verification of production code and frameworks such as Android. JPF is constantly being extended with support for verification of new types of properties and for new types of application domains.",
"tags": [
"primary_open_source_license": "Apache License 2.0 (Apache-2.0)",
"image_url": "//",
"image_bg_color": null,
"gplus_url": null,
"twitter_url": null,
"blog_url": null,
"application_instructions": "JPF is written in Java, and it analyzes Java bytecode. The minimum required skill is to be familiar with the Java programming language. Note that not all projects require a deep understanding of Java or JPF. Please look at the project descriptions to determine which skills are most important.\n\nJPF is a software verification tool. It is a customizable virtual machine that enables the development of various verification algorithms. It will be to your advantage if you are familiar with formal methods, software testing, or model checking. However, JPF is where research meets development, so for many projects not being familiar with formal methods is not a show stopper. We are looking for students who are highly motivated, bright, willing to learn, and love to code.\n\nYou can find some project ideas on our [project ideas]( page. Please note that this list is not exclusive. If you are interested in a project that is not listed here, and it is relevant to JPF, we would love to hear about it. You can either email it to us or share your idea in our mailing list. If you have any questions or suggestions regarding JPF and the GSoC program do not hesitate to email us. Join our IRC channel #jpf on freenode to engage in a discussion about JPF.\n\nIn order to apply to our organization, you need to submit a proposal to Google during the student application phase (03/12 - 03/27). Check out the [GSoC FAQ]( page for more information.",
"topic_tags": [
"program analysis",
"model checking",
"symbolic execution",
"test input generation",
"formal methods"
"technology_tags": [
"distributed systems"
"proposal_tags": [
"beginner topics",
"jpf infrastructure",
"jpf application domains",
"symbolic execution",
"concolic execution",
"program repair",
"program synthesis",
"test input generation",
"formal verification"
"ideas_list": "",
"contact_method": "",
"program_year": 2018
"id": 6526410332569600,
"name": "The Libreswan Project",
"slug": "the-libreswan-project",
"website_url": "",
"category": "security",
"contact_email": "",
"mailing_list": "",
"irc_channel": "",
"tagline": "Encrypting the Internet with IKE and IPsec",
"precis": "Encrypting the internet using IKE and IPsec",
"description": "Libreswan implements the IKE and IPsec standards for VPN. These standards have been created and are still maintained at the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) in the IPsecME Working Group. Libreswan is used as a remote access VPN as well as cloud encryption. It is known for its goal of Opportunistic Encryption which aims to encrypt the entire internet by default.",
"tags": [
"primary_open_source_license": "GNU General Public License version 2.0 (GPL-2.0)",
"image_url": "//",
"image_bg_color": null,
"gplus_url": null,
"twitter_url": "",
"blog_url": null,
"application_instructions": "Interested students can look at our Project Ideas page, and our completed student projects page at If a student is interested in a specific project, they can also contact with their idea, or discuss their idea on the libreswan mailing list or irc channel.",
"topic_tags": [
"ipsec vpn"
"technology_tags": [
" shell script",
"proposal_tags": [
"tls support",
"opportunistic ipsec",
"other rfcs"
"ideas_list": "",
"contact_method": "",
"program_year": 2018
"id": 4687783302529024,
"name": "The Linux Foundation",
"slug": "the-linux-foundation",
"website_url": "",
"category": "operating_systems",
"contact_email": "",
"mailing_list": "",
"irc_channel": "",
"tagline": "A non-profit consortium dedicated to fostering the growth of Linux",
"precis": "The Linux Foundation is a non-profit consortium dedicated to fostering the growth of Linux. Hosting the Linux Kernel. OpenPrinting, Linux Standards Base, SPDX, ...",
"description": "The Linux Foundation is a non-profit consortium dedicated to fostering the growth of Linux. Founded in 2007 as a merger of the former Free Standards Group (FSG) and the former Open Source Developer Lab (OSDL), the LF sponsors the work of Linux creator Linus Torvalds and is supported by leading Linux and open source companies and developers from around the world. The Linux Foundation promotes, protects and standardizes Linux by providing unified resources and services needed for open source to successfully compete with closed platforms. For more see our [About page]( All software produced by us is free software published under OSI-approved licenses. See project ideas page for the license used by each project.",
"tags": [
"primary_open_source_license": "MIT license (MIT)",
"image_url": "//",
"image_bg_color": null,
"gplus_url": null,
"twitter_url": null,
"blog_url": null,
"application_instructions": "See our [applications template]( page and the general hints on our [project ideas page](",
"topic_tags": [
"technology_tags": [
"proposal_tags": [
"driver backports",
"ideas_list": "",
"contact_method": "",
"program_year": 2018
"id": 5306590446485504,
"name": "The MacPorts Project",
"slug": "the-macports-project",
"website_url": "",
"category": "end_user_applications",
"contact_email": "",
"mailing_list": "",
"irc_channel": "",
"tagline": "Open Source package manager for macOS",
"precis": "MacPorts is an open-source package management system that simplifies the installation of other open-source softwares on the macOS operating systems.",
"description": "MacPorts is a ports collection and packaging system for macOS. Created in 2002 as DarwinPorts, we have an ever-growing collection of ports (currently over 22000), many of which accept multiple configuration variants. MacPorts itself works on both PowerPC and Intel Macs, running OS X 10.4 through macOS 10.13, and many ports support a similar breadth of systems.\nAs one of the primary means of building and installing open source software on macOS, MacPorts is an important interface between Mac operating systems and the rest of the open source world, greatly simplifying the task of compiling and installing open-source software on your Mac.",
"tags": [
"primary_open_source_license": "BSD 3-Clause \"New\" or \"Revised\" License (BSD-3-Clause)",
"image_url": "//",
"image_bg_color": "ffffff",
"gplus_url": "",
"twitter_url": "",
"blog_url": "",
"application_instructions": "MacPorts is written in the Tcl scripting language with some low-level parts written in C. There is no restriction on Tcl before as long as the student is willing to learn and is aware of any of the scripting languages like Python or Ruby.\n\nThe best way to apply is to first make contact with us, either by sending a mail to the mailing list, to potential mentors, or to IRC member on #macports on ​Freenode.\n\nSee our applications [template page]( and the general hints on our [project ideas]( page.",
"topic_tags": [
"package manager",
"mac os x",
"command line",
"build tools"
"technology_tags": [
"proposal_tags": [
"new feature"
"ideas_list": "",
"contact_method": "",
"program_year": 2018
"id": 5307555606167552,
"name": "The Mifos Initiative",
"slug": "the-mifos-initiative",
"website_url": "",
"category": "end_user_applications",
"contact_email": "",
"mailing_list": "",
"irc_channel": "",
"tagline": "End Poverty One Line of Code at a Time",
"precis": "FinTech non-profit leveraging the cloud, mobile, and open source community to deliver digital financial services to the world’s 2 billion poor and unbanked.",
"description": "The Mifos Initiative is a US-based 501(c)3 non-profit whose mission is to speed the elimination of poverty by leading a global community that builds, supports, and uses Mifos X, a free and open source platform enabling the effective and efficient delivery of responsible financial services to the world’s 2 billion poor and unbanked. Our unprecedented approach to technology-enabled financial inclusion unites financial institutions, local technology partners, and volunteer developers to collectively advance open source banking infrastructure so the sector can sustainably build impactful innovations in digital financial services. \nMore than 7 million clients are being reached by 300 financial institutions & fintech innovators who use the Mifos software to power their operations across 40+ countries. They are supported by a global community of 100 deployment partners & hundreds of volunteers.\nFor the past decade, we’ve been at the forefront of transformative technology for financial services to the poor. Our technology stack provides complete banking infrastructure that is cloud-native, mobile-enabled, and scalable to the billions in need of cost-effective financial services. Our projects center around web & mobile apps that leverage APIs from the Apache Fineract platform & Apache Fineract CN, our latest evolution and the world's only open source application framework for digital financial services. \nYou will work with a global community of brilliant minds guided by our shared vision of creating a world of 3 Billion Maries. You'll be mentored by leading fintech developers to build innovation to respond directly to the needs of the Base of the Pyramid:\n* Mobile Wallets & Mobile Banking Apps via SMS, USSD, & Android\n* Android Mobile Apps to empower field officers to effectively serve the poor\n* AngularJS based web apps for managing the back office of a financial institution\n* Cutting edge web apps for self-service banking for the poor\n* Cloud-native, enterprise banking architecture",
"tags": [
"primary_open_source_license": "Mozilla Public License 2.0 (MPL-2.0)",
"image_url": "//",
"image_bg_color": null,
"gplus_url": "",
"twitter_url": "",
"blog_url": "",
"application_instructions": "",
"topic_tags": [
"financial inclusion",
"mobile banking",
"digital financial services",
"technology_tags": [
"proposal_tags": [
"ideas_list": "",
"contact_method": "",
"program_year": 2018
"id": 6559863631511552,
"name": "The NetBSD Foundation",
"slug": "the-netbsd-foundation",
"website_url": "",
"category": "operating_systems",
"contact_email": "",
"mailing_list": "",
"irc_channel": "",
"tagline": "Of course it runs NetBSD",
"precis": "A free portable operating system",
"description": "NetBSD is a free, fast, secure, and highly portable Unix-like Open Source operating system. It is available for a wide range of platforms, from large-scale servers and powerful desktop systems to handheld and embedded devices. Its clean design and advanced features make it excellent for use in both production and research environments, and the source code is freely available under a business-friendly license. NetBSD is developed and supported by a large and vivid international community. Many applications are readily available through pkgsrc, the NetBSD Packages Collection.",
"tags": [
"primary_open_source_license": "BSD 2-Clause \"Simplified\" or \"FreeBSD\" License (BSD-2-Clause)",
"image_url": "//",
"image_bg_color": null,
"gplus_url": "",
"twitter_url": "",
"blog_url": "",
"application_instructions": "",
"topic_tags": [
"technology_tags": [
"bsd make"
"proposal_tags": [
"ideas_list": "",
"contact_method": "",
"program_year": 2018
"id": 6403592336965632,
"name": "The ns-3 Network Simulator Project",
"slug": "the-ns-3-network-simulator-project",
"website_url": "",
"category": "other",
"contact_email": "",
"mailing_list": "",
"irc_channel": "",
"tagline": "ns-3 is a packet-level network simulator for research and education.",
"precis": "ns-3 is a simulation tool for performance evaluation of computer networks and protocols. ns-3 users build models and scenarios of networks to conduct simulation experiments.",
"description": "Are you interested in contributing to a widely-used performance evaluation tool for computer networking research? [ns-3]( is a *discrete-event, packet-level network simulator* with an emphasis on networking research and education. Users of ns-3 can construct simulations of computer networks using models of traffic generators, protocols such as TCP/IP, and devices and channels such as Wi-Fi and LTE, and analyze or visualize the results. Simulation plays a vital role in the research and education process, because of the ability for simulations to obtain reproducible results (particularly for wireless protocol design), scale to large networks, and study systems that have not yet been implemented. A particular emphasis in ns-3 is the high degree of realism in the models (including frameworks for using real application and kernel code) and integration of the tool with virtual machine environments and testbeds. Very large scale simulations are possible; simulations of hundreds of millions of nodes have been published. ns-3 has been in development since 2005 and has been making regular releases since June 2008 (our last release was ns-3.27 in October 2017). The tool is in wide use; we provide statistics about the project on our web site (under the [Overview/Statistics page](, but in summary, we have a users mailing list ([Google Groups forum](!forum/ns-3-users)) of over 8000 members as of January 2018, averaging roughly 700 posts per month. Our developers' list has over 1500 subscribers, and the code base credits 220 authors, supported by about 10 active maintainers. ns-3 is operated as an open source project, originally funded with financial backing from three NSF grants and from the French government (and via help from Google Summer of Code and ESA Summer of Code in Space), but with most current contributions coming from interested researchers and students worldwide. We use a GPLv2 licensing model and heavily use mailing lists, and chat for code springs, but typically not other social media.",
"tags": [
"primary_open_source_license": "GNU General Public License version 2.0 (GPL-2.0)",
"image_url": "//",
"image_bg_color": null,
"gplus_url": null,
"twitter_url": null,
"blog_url": null,
"application_instructions": "Students interested in ns-3 should read our [application guide](",
"topic_tags": [
"research and development",
"network simulation"
"technology_tags": [
" python"
"proposal_tags": [
"new feature",
"data analysis",
"ideas_list": "",
"contact_method": "",
"program_year": 2018
"id": 4915113891463168,
"name": "The Processing Foundation",
"slug": "the-processing-foundation",
"website_url": "",
"category": "languages",
"contact_email": "",
"mailing_list": null,
"irc_channel": "",
"tagline": "Our goal is to empower people of all backgrounds to learn how to program.",
"precis": "The Processing Foundation’s mission is to promote software literacy and visual literacy — and to make these fields accessible to diverse communities.",
"description": "The Processing Foundation was founded in 2012 after more than a decade of work with the original Processing software. The Foundation’s mission is to promote software literacy within the visual arts, and visual literacy within technology-related fields — and to make these fields accessible to diverse communities. Our goal is to empower people of all interests and backgrounds to learn how to program and make creative work with code, especially those who might not otherwise have access to these tools and resources.\n\nWe do this by developing and distributing a group of related software projects, which includes [Processing (Java)](, [p5.js (JavaScript)](, and [ (Python)](, and facilitating partnerships and collaborations with allied organizations and individuals, to build a more diverse community around software and the arts.\nThe Processing Foundation is specifically invested in expanding the communities of technology and the arts to include and support those who have not had equal access because of their race, gender, class, sexuality, and/or ability. We sponsor a Fellowship Program that funds exploratory, creative, and technical research; support an Advocacy Program, which focuses on nurturing diverse communities and their specific projects; produce public events that provide platforms for collaboration between our contributors; and take part in panels and talks that spread the word about the need for diversity in these fields.\n\nAt our core is the philosophy and politics of free, libre, open-source software. We see software as a medium, something that connects two things. We view it as a means for thinking and making. We believe it should be free. We believe that learning to program is not about acquiring a certain skill set, but is instead a creative and exploratory process. We believe software, and the tools to learn it, should be accessible to everyone. We believe software literacy and an understanding of media of all kinds is essential knowledge for today.",
"tags": [
"primary_open_source_license": "GNU Library or \"Lesser\" General Public License version 2.1 (LGPL-2.1)",
"image_url": "//",
"image_bg_color": null,
"gplus_url": null,
"twitter_url": "",
"blog_url": "",
"application_instructions": "Thanks for your interest in the Processing Foundation! We accept proposals for projects related to core development as well as libraries / add-ons for Processing, Processing for\nAndroid, p5.js, and Python Mode. The first thing you should do is read over the [Project List wiki page on github]( There you'll find links to all of the relevant github repositories as well as lists of topics and projects for which we are actively seeking help. If you have questions about an idea or need guidance on forming your proposal, please post to the [Processing Forum](\n \nFor GSoC, we actively seek help with features we know we need, but also look to applicants to propose ideas we haven't thought of ourselves. If you have an idea for a new feature for any of our environments, it's generally preferable to propose it as a library or mode so that it can be developed and tested as a standalone project. For all of our projects, it's incredibly important that things are kept as simple and user-friendly as possible. Our work is not for developers. It's for people who are less familiar with code, and/or just want to get things done. We're far less interested in features to make the environments more powerful for advanced users than we are in features that make it easier to handle tasks that are common for a wide range of our audience. \n\nYou should feel free to propose your idea however you see fit. If you are looking for guidance, [here is a proposal template](",
"topic_tags": [
"creative coding",
"technology_tags": [
"proposal_tags": [
"p5.js web editor",
"ideas_list": "",
"contact_method": "",
"program_year": 2018
"id": 5388456415461376,
"name": "The Qt Project",
"slug": "the-qt-company",
"website_url": "",
"category": "languages",
"contact_email": null,
"mailing_list": "",
"irc_channel": "",
"tagline": "The Qt Project co-ordinates the development of the Qt software framework.",
"precis": "The Qt Project is a project to co-ordinate the development of the Qt software framework.",
"description": "The Qt Project is a project to co-ordinate the development of the Qt software framework. The project was founded by Nokia, after having acquired Trolltech, the original inventor of the Qt framework, and having released the Qt framework under the GNU LGPL license. The project is currently led by The Qt Company.",
"tags": [
"primary_open_source_license": "GNU Library or \"Lesser\" General Public License version 3.0 (LGPL-3.0)",
"image_url": "//",
"image_bg_color": null,
"gplus_url": null,
"twitter_url": "",
"blog_url": "",
"application_instructions": "The application process is described at .",
"topic_tags": [
"declarative language"
"technology_tags": [
"proposal_tags": [
"new feature",
"ideas_list": "",
"contact_method": "",
"program_year": 2018
"id": 4514364854370304,
"name": "The syslog-ng project.",
"slug": "syslog-ng",
"website_url": "",
"category": "security",
"contact_email": "",
"mailing_list": "",
"irc_channel": "",
"tagline": "Open source log management solution with over a million users worldwide.",
"precis": "With syslog-ng, you can collect logs from any source, process them in near real-time and deliver them to a wide variety of destinations.",
"description": "Why syslog-ng?\n\nWith syslog-ng, you can collect logs from wide range of sources, process them in near real-time and deliver them to a wide variety of destinations.\n\nsyslog-ng allows you to flexibly collect, parse, classify, and correlate logs from across your infrastructure (even from routers, embedded systems) and store or route them to log analysis tools.\n\nBy integrating with the newest big data tools it is possible to deliver log messages to kafka and elasticsearch, even store logs in hdfs with high performance.\n\nSupport for common inputs\n\nsyslog-ng not only supports legacy BSD syslog (RFC3164) and the enhanced RFC5424 protocols but also JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) and journald message formats.\n\nFlexible data extraction\n\nWorking with unstructured data? That's not a problem: syslog-ng comes with a set of built-in parsers, which you can combine to build very complex things.\n\nSimplify complex log data\n\nEven if you need to collect logs from a diverse range of sources, syslog-ng's patterndb allows you to correlate events together and transform them into a unified format.\n\nDatabases destinations\n\nIf you need to store your log messages in a database, you don't need to look any further! We have SQL (MySQL, PostgreSQL, even Oracle!), MongoDB. We also support inserting messages into Redis, if that's what you are after.\n\nMessage queue support\n\nsyslog-ng supports the Advanced Message Queuing Protocol (AMQP) and the Simple Text Oriented Messaging Protocol (STOMP) too, with more in the pipeline.\n\nSupport language bindings\n\nWant to deliver log messages to new system, that is not supported by any of the log management systems, then you can easily integrate it with syslog-ng by few lines of Python code implementing new destination. Not only destinations could be implement, but other items of the processing pipeline (e.g.: filter, parser, etc) and not only in Python language but also in Java.",
"tags": [
"primary_open_source_license": "GNU Library or \"Lesser\" General Public License version 2.1 (LGPL-2.1)",
"image_url": "//",
"image_bg_color": null,
"gplus_url": null,
"twitter_url": "",
"blog_url": "",
"application_instructions": "",
"topic_tags": [
"log management",
"message queue",
"technology_tags": [
"big data",
"proposal_tags": [
"new feature",
"simplify configuration",
"improve stability",
"improve performance"
"ideas_list": "",
"contact_method": "",
"program_year": 2018
"id": 5646868357316608,
"name": "The Vega Visualization Tools by the UW Interactive Data Lab",
"slug": "interactive-data-lab-at-the-university-of-washington",
"website_url": "",
"category": "data_and_databases",
"contact_email": null,
"mailing_list": "!forum/vega-js",
"irc_channel": "",
"tagline": "Declarative formats & Applications for Creating, Saving & Sharing Visualizations",
"precis": "An ecosystem of languages and graphical user interfaces for authoring, saving, and sharing interactive visualizations, created by the research lab that created D3.js.",
"description": "Over years working in data visualization, we’ve sought to build tools that help designers craft sophisticated graphics, including systems such as Prefuse, Protovis and D3.js. However, in the grand scheme of things, “artisanal” visualizations hand-coded by skilled designers are the exception, not the rule. The vast majority of the world’s visualizations instead are produced using end-user applications such as spreadsheets and business intelligence tools. While valuable, these tools often fall short of fully supporting the iterative, interactive process of data analysis. Improved tools could help a larger swath of people create effective visualizations and better understand their data.\nThe goal of the Vega project is to promote an ecosystem of usable and interoperable visualization tools, supporting use cases ranging from exploratory data analysis to effective communication via custom visualization design.\nThis goal has led us to develop not a singular system, but rather a stack of tools for interactive data visualization. At the foundation of this stack is the Vega visualization grammar. Similar to how SQL provides a language for expressing database queries, Vega provides a declarative language for describing interactive visualizations with primitive building blocks such as data, transforms, marks, and event streams. On top of Vega, Vega-Lite provides a concise language for rapidly generating statistical graphics to support data analysis. With Vega and Vega-Lite, we have built a number of graphical user interfaces including the Voyager visualization tool, which blends manual and automated chart authoring to facilitate exploratory data analysis. \nTools from the Vega ecosystems have been adopted by the Jupyter/Python data science communities, Wikipedia, and leading tech companies including Apple, Google, Microsoft, Netflix, FitBit, and Twitter.",
"tags": [
"primary_open_source_license": "BSD 3-Clause \"New\" or \"Revised\" License (BSD-3-Clause)",
"image_url": "//",
"image_bg_color": null,
"gplus_url": null,
"twitter_url": "",
"blog_url": "",
"application_instructions": "Students who want to apply to the Vega project should submit at least one patch through GitHub before submitting an application. The reason that we require this is to make sure that you can set up your development environment and work with the development infrastructure. A possible patch can be a new tutorial, a new example visualization, or a bug fix for any issue. A list of examples that could be implemented is at We have also marked issues that we think are suitable for newcomers on GitHub : \n\nA complete GSoC application should include a presentation of yourself. The ideal candidate should demonstrate excitements and the ability to successfully finish a project. To help you convince us, we encourage applications with a project plan. Our list of suggested projects ( is not exhaustive, and more importantly, each idea only includes a summary of what could be done. An application should describe how you think the project may be split up into milestones. For any UI projects, having initial mockups would be helpful. Proposals that affect the declarative specification should include examples. \n\nMake sure to read the GSoC Student Guide at",
"topic_tags": [
"data visualization",
"visualization grammar",
"data science",
"declarative language",
"plotting tools"
"technology_tags": [
"proposal_tags": [
"new feature",
"ideas_list": "",
"contact_method": "",
"program_year": 2018
"id": 5095018193223680,
"name": "The Wine Project",
"slug": "the-wine-project",
"website_url": "",
"category": "other",
"contact_email": null,
"mailing_list": "",
"irc_channel": "",
"tagline": "Wine runs Windows applications on Linux, BSD, Solaris, macOS and Android.",
"precis": "Wine runs Windows applications on Linux, BSD, Solaris, macOS and Android",
"description": "Wine (originally an acronym for \"Wine Is Not an Emulator\") is a compatibility layer capable of running Windows applications on several POSIX-compliant operating systems, such as Linux, macOS, Android, Solaris & BSD. Instead of simulating internal Windows logic like a virtual machine or emulator, Wine translates Windows API calls into POSIX calls on-the-fly, eliminating the performance and memory penalties of other methods and allowing you to cleanly integrate Windows applications into your desktop.",
"tags": [
"primary_open_source_license": "GNU Library or \"Lesser\" General Public License version 2.1 (LGPL-2.1)",
"image_url": "//",
"image_bg_color": "420000",
"gplus_url": "",
"twitter_url": null,
"blog_url": "",
"application_instructions": "Please read the introduction at\nNote:\nYou are not allowed to read or reuse Windows source code (leaked source / Windows Research Kernel / ...)\nYou are not allowed to reverse engineer Windows files by disassembling or decompiling them\nYou are not allowed to analyze Windows files with the trace functions of Wine\nPeople who work or have worked for Microsoft should probably not participate",
"topic_tags": [
"desktop integration",
"technology_tags": [
" directx",
" x11",
" win32",
"proposal_tags": [
"c, linux, windows, gaming, directx, opengl, x11, xml, php"
"ideas_list": "",
"contact_method": "",
"program_year": 2018
"id": 5353749657157632,
"name": "",
"slug": "timvideosus",
"website_url": "",
"category": "graphics",
"contact_email": "",
"mailing_list": "!forum/timvideos",
"irc_channel": "",
"tagline": "Software+hardware for recording & streaming conferences, meetings, user groups.",
"precis": "Projects for recording and streaming of conferences & user groups. From web front ends, high speed video code, low level embedded software & FPGA based firmware+hardware!",
"description": "[**** is a _group_ of exciting projects]( which together create a system for doing both _recording and live event streaming_ for **conferences**, **meetings**, **user groups** and **other** presentations. \n\nWe hope that, through our _projects_, the costs and expertise currently required to produce live streaming events will be reduced to near zero. We wish to develop a system where everyone has the ability to record presentations and host live remote participants across the globe.\n\nOur projects include simple web development, to real time live video mixing software, to hardware and electronics! One of our biggest projects is the [ project](\n\n## Open video capture hardware + firmware\n\nThe HDMI2USB project develops affordable hardware options to record and stream HD videos (from HDMI & DisplayPort sources) for conferences, meetings and user groups.\n\nWe are currently developing our own hardware (the [Numato Opsis](, and also [provide firmware]( for various prototyping boards.\n\nHDMI2USB started in 2013, and is an active ongoing project in its third iteration of hardware prototyping. Today you can download working firmware and have real capture happen. Get involved in contributing code both to the capture software + FPGA stack\n\nOur aim is this becomes the defacto, incredibly affordable and easy to use video recording hardware for conferences, meetings and user groups worldwide.\n\n**Find out more about HDMI2USB and why we're doing this in [ABOUT + FAQ](**",
"tags": [
"primary_open_source_license": "Apache License 2.0 (Apache-2.0)",
"image_url": "//",
"image_bg_color": "eeeeee",
"gplus_url": "",
"twitter_url": "",
"blog_url": "",
"application_instructions": "First, **please start by reading our [GSoC advice page](** which includes a lot of important information on how to ask for help and writing a good proposal.\n\nOnce you have read the [GSoC advice page]( you can go to the [contributing page]( which will try and figure out which project best fits your interests and skills. The page will eventually take you to our [getting started issue tracker]( which includes our most fleshed out ideas for projects, many of which are suitable for GSoC.\n\nWe encourage students to figure out which idea excites them the most! A student who is interested in their project is more likely to write a good proposal and get accepted. As selecting a project or understanding an idea can be hard, we recommend you come join us [on IRC]( and talk to us further about them. Good students are engaged with the community before GSoC even starts!\n\nOnce you have found a project you are interested in working on, go to the issue tracker for the project and look for bugs marked \"Good First Bug\". These bugs are simple enough that you should with some help be able try to fix them. Submitting a bug fix shows that you have understood the project enough to get things set up and while **not** required is a strong positive signal we will use when assessing your application.\n\nAs mentioned in the [GSoC advice page]( page, mentors and the community are happy to review applications and give feedback. This will drastically improve the quality of your application and give you a better chance of being accepted.",
"topic_tags": [
"technology_tags": [
"proposal_tags": [
"ideas_list": "",
"contact_method": "",
"program_year": 2018
"id": 5809586733318144,
"name": "TLA+",
"slug": "tla",
"website_url": "",
"category": "languages",
"contact_email": null,
"mailing_list": "!forum/tlaplus",
"irc_channel": null,
"tagline": "TLA+ is a formal specification language used to design, model and verify systems",
"precis": "TLA+ is a formal specification language developed to design, model, document, and verify concurrent systems.",
"description": "TLA stands for the Temporal Logic of Actions, but it has become a shorthand for referring to the TLA+ specification language and the PlusCal algorithm language, together with their associated tools.\n\nTLA+ is based on the idea that the best way to describe things formally is with simple mathematics, and that a specification language should contain as little as possible beyond what is needed to write simple mathematics precisely. TLA+ is especially well suited for writing high-level specifications of concurrent and distributed systems.\n\nPlusCal is an algorithm language that, at first glance, looks like a typical tiny toy programming language. However, a PlusCal expression can be any TLA+ expression, which means anything that can be expressed with mathematics. This makes PlusCal much more expressive than any (real or toy) programming language. A PlusCal algorithm is translated into a TLA+ specification, to which the TLA+ tools can be applied.\n\nThe principal TLA+ tools are the TLC model checker and TLAPS, the TLA+ proof system. All the tools are normally used from the Toolbox, an IDE (integrated development environment). Go to the TLA home page to find out more about TLA.",
"tags": [
"primary_open_source_license": "MIT license (MIT)",
"image_url": "//",
"image_bg_color": null,
"gplus_url": null,
"twitter_url": "",
"blog_url": null,
"application_instructions": "You will be at the top of our list if you have previously contributed to TLA+. Just demonstrate your skills by picking a [\"helpwanted\" from our Github tacker](",
"topic_tags": [
"formal methods",
"technology_tags": [
"proposal_tags": [
"formal methods",
"ideas_list": "",
"contact_method": "!forum/tlaplus",
"program_year": 2018
"id": 5997150253613056,
"name": "UCSC Xena",
"slug": "ucsc-xena",
"website_url": "",
"category": "science_and_medicine",
"contact_email": "",
"mailing_list": "!forum/xena-google-summer-of-code",
"irc_channel": null,
"tagline": "Helping biologists see the bigger picture in diverse cancer genomics data",
"precis": "We create innovative ways to enable biologists to explore genome-wide data generated from human tumors, helping them to gain insights into the disease of cancer.",
"description": "We develop visualizations to help scientists to make sense of copious and diverse types of genomic data. Our web-based data browser helps scientists make inferences and test hypotheses. Unique and important in the medical genomics research field, we allow users to combine their private data securely with public data using a decoupled server-client architecture. We are funded for the next 5 years by the National Cancer Institute as a genomic data visualization center to develop tools to visualize the largest compendium of cancer genomics data, the Genomic Data Commons. While we are funded nationally, our users are international, with only 40% of our traffic coming from within the United States. Last month we had over 3,500 users. We are committed to open-source software from the beginning and aim to make our code as reusable as possible (e.g. our [static interval tree](, [KM statistics]( and [ICGC plugin]( \n\nStudents we mentor will have the benefit of being part of both a small, focused development team and also having access to the community resources of the larger [UCSC Genomics Institute](, whose mission is to create advanced technologies and open-source genomics platforms to unravel evolutionary patterns, molecular processes and the underpinnings of disease. We are committed to working with students to ensure that they gain new knowledge and skills as well as contribute ideas and useful code to the project. \n\nWe are interested in finding long-term collaborators and growing our development team. If you're interested in doing your Google Summer of Code project on cancer genetics, statistics, data visualization, database query, or functional programing, please contact us as soon as possible. We want to help all students submit the best possible proposal.",
"tags": [
"primary_open_source_license": "Apache License 2.0 (Apache-2.0)",
"image_url": "//",
"image_bg_color": null,
"gplus_url": null,
"twitter_url": "",
"blog_url": null,
"application_instructions": "* Get familiar with [UCSC Xena](\n* Get familiar with the Xena Browser [codebase](\n* Develop your project proposal based on one of [our ideas]( or one of your own!\n* Start with the [proposal template](\n* Contact us so we can help you with the formulation of your proposal, either on our [public forum](!forum/xena-google-summer-of-code) or via a [private email](\n* For questions of eligibility, see [GSoC FAQ](",
"topic_tags": [
"data visualization",
"web applications",
"technology_tags": [
" javascript",
"proposal_tags": [
"new functionality",
"ideas_list": "",
"contact_method": "",
"program_year": 2018
"id": 6266517230977024,
"name": "VideoLAN",
"slug": "videolan",
"website_url": "",
"category": "graphics",
"contact_email": "",
"mailing_list": "",
"irc_channel": "",
"tagline": "Open Source Multimedia everywhere",
"precis": "Open source multimedia, for everyone, everywhere.",
"description": "The VideoLAN project is lead and composed of a team of volunteers, that believes in the power of open source when dealing with multimedia.\n\nWe are known for developing and publishing the widely used VLC media player playing almost everything everywhere. Additionally, we provide advanced tools for multimedia processing as well as libraries for use in third party applications.\n\nOur latest addition to our cone family is the VideoLAN Movie Creator, a non-linear movie editor based on VLC technology and in the spotlight of this year's GSoC participation alongside interesting ports to embedded and mobile devices.",
"tags": [
"primary_open_source_license": "GNU General Public License version 2.0 (GPL-2.0)",
"image_url": "//",
"image_bg_color": null,
"gplus_url": "",
"twitter_url": "",
"blog_url": "",
"application_instructions": "# Application\n\nIn order to apply to a VideoLAN related project, it is important that you reach us to discuss your proposal, so that we can help you in the application process.\n\nIn your application, please be short with your proposal and straight to the point. We value a lot quality over quantity. We care more about competence than resume.\nIf you have any UI related ideas, please share some sketches (even paper-based photos).\n\nBefore the project starts, we will ask you to provide a patch, to be sure that you are not blocked on development setup.\n\nIf you have a doubt, are not sure about anything or want clarification, please get in touch with us, as soon as possible: we're nice.",
"topic_tags": [
"technology_tags": [
"proposal_tags": [
"new feature",
"original idea"
"ideas_list": "",
"contact_method": "",
"program_year": 2018
"id": 6038083758194688,
"name": "ViSP",
"slug": "visp",
"website_url": "",
"category": "graphics",
"contact_email": "",
"mailing_list": "",
"irc_channel": null,
"tagline": "Visual tracking and visual servoing library",
"precis": "ViSP library includes state of the art computer vision, visual tracking and visual servoing algorithms that could be used in robotics or augmented reality applications.",
"description": "ViSP standing for Visual Servoing Platform allows prototyping and developing applications using computer vision, visual tracking and visual servoing techniques at the heart of the [Lagadic]( research. ViSP was designed to be independent from the hardware, to be simple to use, expandable and cross-platform. ViSP allows to design vision-based tasks for eye-in-hand and eye-to-hand visual servoing that contains the most classical visual features that are used in practice. It involves a large set of elementary positioning tasks with respect to various visual features (points, segments, straight lines, circles, spheres, cylinders, image moments, pose...) that can be combined together, and image processing algorithms that allow tracking of visual cues (dots, segments, ellipses...) or 3D model-based tracking of known objects or template tracking. Simulation capabilities are also available.\n\nReleases as well as daily snapshots can be downloaded as source code tarball or zip. ViSP is also packaged as binary packages for Debian, Ubuntu, ArchLinux, OSX, iOS, and for ROS framework.\n\nThe user site is at The developer site is at: Nightly builds of the documentation are at: Code is hosted on GitHub: Inspired from OpenCV we also propose visp_contrib (new algorithms, applications and future GSoC contributions, related tutorials and samples code): Downloads for various OS and mobile devices: More than 64 tutorials are available to help the user:",
"tags": [
"primary_open_source_license": "GNU General Public License version 2.0 (GPL-2.0)",
"image_url": "//",
"image_bg_color": null,
"gplus_url": null,
"twitter_url": null,
"blog_url": null,
"application_instructions": "* You must already know how to program fluently in C++ and depending on the project you may now Unity, Android, Blender, python\n* Take your time to learn about ViSP (, watching some YouTube videos (, reading tutorials (, downloading it and launching tutorials or example.\n* Discuss projects with us between now and March\n* In March, go to the GSoC site and sign up to be a student with ViSP\n* Post the title of the project to the mailing list\n - Include name, email, age\n - Include how you think you are qualified to accomplish this project (skills, courses, relevant background)\n - Include country of origin, school you are enrolled in, Professor you work with (if any)\n - Include a projected timeline and milestones for the project\n - Precise which 3rd party libraries you plan to use\n* Once (and if!) ViSP gets accepted as GSoC organisation this year, and we are told how many slots we will get and you’ve signed up for a project with us in March\n - We will dispatch the students and projects to the appropriate mentors\n - Accepted students will be posted on the GSoC site in May (and we will notify the accepted students ourselves).",
"topic_tags": [
"computer vision"
"technology_tags": [
"proposal_tags": [
"augmented reality",
"ideas_list": "",
"contact_method": "",
"program_year": 2018
"id": 5420007580762112,
"name": "vitrivr",
"slug": "vitrivr",
"website_url": "",
"category": "data_and_databases",
"contact_email": "",
"mailing_list": "!forum/vitrivr",
"irc_channel": null,
"tagline": "vitrivr - the open-source multimedia search engine",
"precis": "vitrivr enables you to use novel methods to search in images, music, video and 3d collections.",
"description": "What is vitrivr?\n=============\nvitrivr is an innovative multimedia retrieval engine that offers a rich set of different query paradigms to search in large collections. This includes traditional keyword queries but also query-by-example, query-by-sketch, and motion queries that rely on intrinsic vide features features such as, for instance, color, edge or motion information. At the user interface, sample images or sample videos (query-by-example), hand-drawn sketches (query-by-sketch) or flow fields (motion queries) and combinations thereof can be used. The system is composed of the Vitrivr-NG front-end, the flexible retrieval engine Cineast, and the storage back-end ADAMpro.\n\nWhat is Vitrivr-NG\n===============\nVitrivr-NG is vitrivrs browser-based user interface. It is implemented using Angular.js and Typescript and its modular architecture enables it to be customized for many use cases.\n\nWhat is Cineast?\n=============\t\t\t\nCineast is a content-based multimedia retrieval engine which retrieves images, audio- and video sequences as well as 3d-models based on their content. It supports Query-by-Example as well as Query-by-Sketch by using a multitude of low-level visual features in parallel. \n\t\t\t\t\nWhat is ADAMpro?\n===============\t\t\t\nADAMpro is a database system to store and retrieve multimedia data. It provides Boolean retrieval and similarity search and makes use of a various index structures for efficient retrieval.",
"tags": [
"primary_open_source_license": "MIT license (MIT)",
"image_url": "//",
"image_bg_color": null,
"gplus_url": null,
"twitter_url": "",
"blog_url": null,
"application_instructions": "To apply for one of our projects, we ask you to\n- state the problem you try to solve\n- state the required steps\n- provide a detailed working plan\n\nFurthermore, we ask you to submit your code to one of the pre-projects mentioned on our GSoC page.\n\nSee also for more details on what we expect.",
"topic_tags": [
"technology_tags": [
"proposal_tags": [
"new features"
"ideas_list": "",
"contact_method": "",
"program_year": 2018
"id": 4657420148670464,
"name": "webpack",
"slug": "webpack",
"website_url": "",
"category": "languages",
"contact_email": "",
"mailing_list": null,
"irc_channel": "",
"tagline": "webpack is THE build tool for modern web applications run on NodeJS",
"precis": "webpack is THE build solution for modern web and NodeJS applications",
"description": "**webpack is a module bundler**. Its main purpose is to bundle JavaScript files for usage in a browser, yet it is also capable of transforming, bundling, or packaging just about any resource or asset.\n\n## Overview\n\nCurrently in the web, modules are not fully adopted, and therefore we need tooling to help compile your module code into something that will work in the browser. webpack champions this by not only supporting CommonJS, AMD, RequireJS module systems, but also ECMAScript Modules (ESM). \n\n## What makes webpack unique?\n\n**Extensibility** webpack is built using an extensible event-driven architecture. This means that a majority of our code is Plugins that hook into a set of lifecycle events. This means that it is infinitely flexible and configurable. This architecture also lets us pivot very quickly. Plugins isolate functionality (and can even be used in your configuration), and allow us to add and drop new functionality without breaking the rest of the system. \n\n**Focused around Web Performance** webpack revived a classic technique from Google Web Toolkit known as \"code splitting\". Code splitting let's developers write imperative instructions (as a part of their code), to split up their JavaScript bundles (at build time) into multiple pieces that can be loaded lazily.\n\n**Built in JavaScript** webpack's configuration format, and architecture is all built and run on NodeJS. This means that anyone comfortable with JavaScript can break open our source code with a low level of entry to learn, contribute to, and improve. \n\n**Used at Scale** webpack is used by companies like AirBnB, Microsoft,, Flipkart, Alibaba, to build high performance, scaled web applications.\n\n**Community Owned** webpack is not backed by a single organization, rather by its users, contributors, backers, sponsors, and shareholders. This means that every decision we make is for them, and them only. We are funded by these same people as they help us improve and double down on their investment in their most important tooling",
"tags": [
"primary_open_source_license": "MIT license (MIT)",
"image_url": "//",
"image_bg_color": null,
"gplus_url": "",
"twitter_url": "",
"blog_url": "",
"application_instructions": "**We want contributing to webpack to be fun, enjoyable, and educational for anyone, and everyone.** We have a [vibrant ecosystem]( that spans beyond this single repo. We welcome you to check out any of the repositories in [our organization]( or [webpack-contrib organization]( which houses all of our loaders and plugins. \n\nWe are looking for students who are passionate about JavaScript, in addition to building a faster web for everyone. You might love webpack if you are obsessed with JavaScript performance, Compilers, Multithreading in JavaScript, Parsers, AST, Module formats, caching and memoization, or if you want to simply make a impact on our 10 million monthly downloaders. \n\nThere are multiple tags here that you can choose from. We ask that you choose a proposal type if your idea is applicable, in addition to tagging one the org tags (webpack / webpack-contrib).",
"topic_tags": [
"web performance"
"technology_tags": [
"web development",
"proposal_tags": [
"new feature",
"bugfix/major change",
"ideas_list": "",
"contact_method": "",
"program_year": 2018
"id": 5743496112111616,
"name": "Wikimedia Foundation",
"slug": "wikimedia-foundation",
"website_url": "",
"category": "web",
"contact_email": null,
"mailing_list": "",
"irc_channel": "",
"tagline": "Global movement whose mission is to bring free educational content to the world",
"precis": "Global movement whose mission is to bring free educational content to the world.",
"description": "We believe that knowledge should be free for every human being. We prioritize efforts that empower disadvantaged and underrepresented communities, and that help overcome barriers to participation. We believe in mass collaboration, diversity and consensus building to achieve our goals. Wikipedia has become the fifth most-visited site in the world, used by more than 400 million people every month in more than 270 languages. We have other content projects including Wikimedia Commons, Wikidata and the most recent one, Wikivoyage. We also maintain the MediaWiki engine and a wide collection of open source software projects around it. But there is much more we can do: stabilize infrastructure, increase participation, improve quality, increase reach, encourage innovation. You can help to these goals in many ways.",
"tags": [
"primary_open_source_license": "GNU General Public License version 2.0 (GPL-2.0)",
"image_url": "//",
"image_bg_color": null,
"gplus_url": null,
"twitter_url": "",
"blog_url": "",
"application_instructions": "",
"topic_tags": [
"technology_tags": [
"ruby on rails",
"proposal_tags": [
"google-summer-of-code (2018)"
"ideas_list": "",
"contact_method": "",
"program_year": 2018
"id": 5049403694383104,
"name": " - Verifying the Internet",
"slug": "worldbrainio-verifying-the-internet",
"website_url": "",
"category": "end_user_applications",
"contact_email": "",
"mailing_list": null,
"irc_channel": "",
"tagline": "Bookmarking extension that works like your brain - full-text search everything.",
"precis": "WorldBrain Memex - a bookmarking extension that works like your brain. Search for every word you remember about website you visited, filter by time, domain, tags & bookmarks.",
"description": "WorldBrain’s mission is to make it easier for people to organise, recover, and share the most useful and trustworthy content they find on the web.\nTo do that, we built Memex. An open-source bookmarking tool for great thinkers: the researchers, scientists, academics, students, polemics, publishers, reporters, and writers who want to make the world a better place using facts, research, and verified information.\n\nWith Memex we want to help you ease the frustration of not being able to find something you’ve seen online, whether it’s a website, a post on social media, a useful comment, or important quote.\nUsers can find things again, by searching for every word of every website visited – plus they can filter by domain, custom tags or time.\nAlso users can create links to highlights of articles, they can send to other people. \n\nMemex is built with full privacy and data ownership in mind. \nAll data is stored locally on a user’s own computer. You can also pause indexing, or to blacklist domains or URLs. \n\nOur long-term vision is to battle online misinformation, by enabling users to build on the past web-research of other people, and break out of their filter bubbles by comparing multiple different opinions. (",
"tags": [
"primary_open_source_license": "MIT license (MIT)",
"image_url": "//",
"image_bg_color": null,
"gplus_url": null,
"twitter_url": "",
"blog_url": null,
"application_instructions": "First of all, great that you are still reading and are interested in joining our project for GSoC 2018. \n(good choice) :)\nBuilt on the experiences of the last year, we want to reduce unnecessary work on both ends.\nHence we appreciate you reading the following pointers on if and how to apply. \n\n### Prerequisits\n1) Be or become a user of our Memex. \n2) You want to contribute to this project, not just for the sake of having a project, but because you think what we do is pretty awesome and useful to yourself. \n3) Think carefully if your current skill level allows you to make meaningful contributions. We're asking bc unfortunately, we don't have the resources to help you learn basic programming skills in the languages/frameworks we use. Please give us a feel for the kind of projects you have been working on so far.\n4) Think equally carefully about what you want to learn in the next year, so we can help you achieve your learning goal during the summer and thereafter. \n5) For a successful application a (well) thought out plan on how to reach your project's goal is necessary. 6) #5 will require you already start hacking on some smaller things/preparations beforehand. Also it helps us getting a feel for how we work together :)\n\n### Next Steps\nStill interested? Great!\n\n1) Drop by in our Slack channel and say 'hi' in #intros. Include some trivia information about you and add the answers to the questions 3 & 4.\n2) Then we'll find a suitable test issue to work on for you\n3) Happy hacking :)",
"topic_tags": [
"technology_tags": [
"browser extension",
"proposal_tags": [
"native app",
"cloud backup",
"search improvements"
"ideas_list": "",
"contact_method": "",
"program_year": 2018
"id": 6322664398913536,
"name": " Foundation",
"slug": "xorg-foundation",
"website_url": "",
"category": "graphics",
"contact_email": "",
"mailing_list": "",
"irc_channel": "",
"tagline": "X Window System and related projects (Mesa, DRI, Wayland, etc.)",
"precis": "The X.Org Foundation (or X.Org for short) is a foundation that encourages the development of the X Window System and related projects (Mesa, DRI, Wayland, etc.).",
"description": "The X.Org Foundation (or X.Org for short) is a foundation chartered to develop and execute effective strategies that provide worldwide stewardship and encouragement of the X Window System and related projects. Indeed, X.Org is much broader than just the X Window System. Under the umbrella of the X.Org Foundation can be found Linux's DRM subsystem (10% of the size of Linux), Mesa (open source 3D and video-decoding acceleration for AMD, Intel, NVIDIA,...), and Wayland.'s technologies underpin much of today's computing environment, and expertise in it is in high demand worldwide.\n\nToday, as the result of more than 20 years of work by teams of leading open source developers, most of the graphical user interfaces for Unix and Linux systems rely on X.Org. On top of the X-Server-based systems, this includes Android- and ChromeOS-based devices, and Wayland-based systems (Sailfish OS, Gnome, ...). X.Org is responsible for the design of the X libraries which interface with application, the acceleration architectures used for graphics, and the graphics and input drivers. In particular, it has been at the center of the recent restructuring of the Linux graphics driver stack.\n\nCome help us make the future more open!",
"tags": [
"primary_open_source_license": "MIT license (MIT)",
"image_url": "//",
"image_bg_color": null,
"gplus_url": "",
"twitter_url": "",
"blog_url": "",
"application_instructions": "## Requirements\n\n * Applicants meet Google's requirements for participation in Summer of Code.\n * Applicants are in regular and close contact with their X.Org mentors and the community (IRC)\n * Applicants know their target programming language.\n * Applicants has successfully upstreamed a simple patch to demonstrate they know the process.\n * Applicants are willing to blog weekly and interact with the community (failure to do so will result in a fail at the next review)\n\nCheck out for information about how to apply.",
"topic_tags": [
"graphic stack",
"3d acceleration",
"2d acceleration",
"media acceleration",
"windowing system"
"technology_tags": [
"proposal_tags": [
"linux drm",
"ideas_list": "",
"contact_method": "",
"program_year": 2018
"id": 4971503188180992,
"name": "Xapian Search Engine Library",
"slug": "xapian-search-engine-library",
"website_url": "",
"category": "data_and_databases",
"contact_email": null,
"mailing_list": "",
"irc_channel": "",
"tagline": "Fast, scalable and flexible search",
"precis": "Xapian is a Search Engine Library which aims to be fast, scalable, and flexible. The core library is written in C++, with bindings to allow use from many other languages.",
"description": "Xapian is a Search Engine Library which aims to be fast, scalable, and flexible. It's used by many organizations and software projects around the world, including Debian, Gnome, KDE, One Laptop per Child, and Ubuntu.\n\nIt supports ranking by Language Modelling, TF-IDF, probabilistic schemes, and Divergence from Randomness, plus a rich set of boolean query operators, and re-ranking using Machine Learning. The core library is written in C++, with bindings to allow use from many other languages.",
"tags": [
"primary_open_source_license": "GNU General Public License version 2.0 (GPL-2.0)",
"image_url": "//",
"image_bg_color": "ffffff",
"gplus_url": null,
"twitter_url": "",
"blog_url": null,
"application_instructions": "Please follow the [instructions on our wiki]( \"GSoC Application Template\").",
"topic_tags": [
"information retrieval",
"machine learning",
"technology_tags": [
"proposal_tags": [
"weighting schemes",
"learning to rank",
"ideas_list": "",
"contact_method": "",
"program_year": 2018
"id": 5424326371704832,
"name": "XBMC Foundation",
"slug": "xbmc-foundation",
"website_url": "",
"category": "graphics",
"contact_email": null,
"mailing_list": null,
"irc_channel": "",
"tagline": "The ultimate entertainment center",
"precis": "Kodi is a free and open source (GPL) software media player and entertainment hub for digital media.",
"description": "Kodi is a free and open source (GPL) software media player and entertainment hub for digital media. Kodi is available for Linux, OSX, iOS, Android, and Windows, running on both x86 and ARM-based processors, including the Raspberry Pi. Created in 2003 by a group of like minded programmers, Kodi is a non-profit project run and developed by volunteers located around the world. More than 50 software developers have contributed to Kodi, and 100-plus translators have worked to expand its reach, making it available in more than 30 languages.",
"tags": [
"primary_open_source_license": "GNU General Public License version 2.0 (GPL-2.0)",
"image_url": "//",
"image_bg_color": null,
"gplus_url": "",
"twitter_url": "",
"blog_url": "",
"application_instructions": "You should submit your proposal here and to the Kodi sub-forum listed on the Kodi Ideas Page. \n\nFormat:\n\nPROJECT TITLE GOES HERE\n\n Name:\n forum/e-mail:\n Summary: A somewhat small but explanatory walk through of the project. It should not be overly detailed just enough to understand the problem trying to be fixed and how this project opt to solve it.\n How will I achieve this: Explain how the project will be done, what technologies are needed and how to implement them.\n What will the project focus on: Explain what the project will focus on, what is the important parts of the project.\n Benefits: Who will benefit and why from this project. Think about what a user or developer may need or do to benefit from it. Why does it benefit many users.\n Goals: What is the goal of the project, a project may not always solve the problem entirely as it may take to much time. Think hard about what can be accomplished during a summer with your skill and deduct that quite a bit. If the project can't be done after this perhaps its better to opt for a smaller one or one with subgoals.\n What does it touch in Kodi: Think about what parts of the code this may touch, Kodi is a big application and a lot of the code is spread out and very complex. If a project touches to much it may be impossible to complete.\n Requirements: What is needed to complete the project, what code language knowledge what hardware etc.\n Possible mentors: Place to add possible mentors (Team-Kodi will add this).",
"topic_tags": [
"home theater",
"technology_tags": [
"proposal_tags": [
"new feature",
"helper app contribution",
"ideas_list": "",
"contact_method": "",
"program_year": 2018
"id": 5694377121284096,
"name": "Xi Editor Project",
"slug": "xi-editor-project",
"website_url": "",
"category": "end_user_applications",
"contact_email": "",
"mailing_list": "",
"irc_channel": "",
"tagline": "A modern text editor with a backend written in Rust.",
"precis": "A modern text editor with a backend written in Rust.",
"description": "The xi-editor project is an attempt to build a high quality text editor,\nusing modern software engineering techniques. It is initially built for\nMac OS X, using Cocoa for the user interface. There are also frontends for\nother operating systems available from third-party developers.\n\nGoals include:\n\n* ***Incredibly high performance***. All editing operations should commit and paint\n in under 16ms. The editor should never make you wait for anything.\n\n* ***Beauty***. The editor should fit well on a modern desktop, and not look like a\n throwback from the ’80s or ’90s. Text drawing should be done with the best\n technology available (Core Text on Mac, DirectWrite on Windows, etc.), and\n support Unicode fully.\n\n* ***Reliability***. Crashing, hanging, or losing work should never happen.\n\n* ***Developer friendliness***. It should be easy to customize xi editor, whether\n by adding plug-ins or hacking on the core.\n\nPlease refer to the [November 2017 roadmap](\nto learn more about planned features.",
"tags": [
"primary_open_source_license": "Apache License 2.0 (Apache-2.0)",
"image_url": "//",
"image_bg_color": null,
"gplus_url": null,
"twitter_url": null,
"blog_url": null,
"application_instructions": "The best way to apply is to pick a major project on the roadmap or in the issue tracker, and indicate that you want to work on it - can be in the issue if you don't mind your interest being public, or privately.\n\nA major focus this summer will be building out the plug-in ecosystem (currently there's a fairly complete syntax highlighting plugin but the rest are prototypes). Great projects would include:\n\n* Connecting xi-editor to the Language Server protocol\n\n* Building really good code search features, perhaps using kythe as the back-end\n\n* Using parser expression grammars (PEGs) to make a higher performance syntax highlighter\n\n* Extending the UI and writing a plugin for version control (git) integration",
"topic_tags": [
"text editing",
"technology_tags": [
"proposal_tags": [
"new feature",
"ideas_list": "",
"contact_method": "",
"program_year": 2018
"id": 4687159911514112,
"name": "",
"slug": "xpraorg",
"website_url": "",
"category": "end_user_applications",
"contact_email": "",
"mailing_list": "",
"irc_channel": "",
"tagline": "Screen for X11, remote desktop platform.",
"precis": "Xpra allows users to access individual applications or full desktops remotely.",
"description": "Xpra was originally just \"persistent remote applications\" for X11, it is now much more, supporting [many platforms]( both as clients and servers, including a builtin [HTML5 client](, many protocols (SSH, UDP, VSOCK, SSL, RFB, mDNS, etc) and an unrivalled number of [features]( accelerated [OpenGL rendering](, [hardware accelerated]( compression of [graphics]( and [audio](, forwarding of [webcam](, [printing](, [notifications](, [system trays](, [file transfers](, [drag and drop](, etc",
"tags": [
"primary_open_source_license": "GNU General Public License version 2.0 (GPL-2.0)",
"image_url": "//",
"image_bg_color": null,
"gplus_url": null,
"twitter_url": null,
"blog_url": null,
"application_instructions": "The most important requirement is to show that the student can\n* work with the project's infrastructure, primarily: the bug tracker, wiki and the IRC channel,\n* adhere to the development process: getting code reviewed and merged via a patches or pull requests,\n* understand the codebase well enough to contribute: ideally by submitting bug fixes or new features",
"topic_tags": [
"remote access"
"technology_tags": [
"remote access",
"proposal_tags": [
"new feature",
"ideas_list": "",
"contact_method": "",
"program_year": 2018
"id": 5091500715671552,
"name": "XWiki",
"slug": "xwiki",
"website_url": "",
"category": "web",
"contact_email": "",
"mailing_list": "",
"irc_channel": "",
"tagline": "The Advanced Open Source Enterprise Wiki",
"precis": "XWiki offers a generic web platform for developing collaborative applications using the wiki paradigm, allowing customization through a vast collection of extensions.",
"description": "XWiki is an open source software development platform based on the wiki principles, under the LGPL license. In addition to being a full-featured wiki, it is also a second generation wiki allowing effortless development of collaborative web applications. On top of this platform a plethora of applications are developed, targeted mainly on aiding enterprise-level needs.\n\nXWiki has a vibrant community of developers and users, consisting of individual users as well as organizations around the world that are using XWiki for their own Communities or Intranets.\n\nWithin XWiki, the development involves several levels: server-side platform programming in Java with Servlet technologies, server-side application development in Velocity, Groovy, and client-side development in JavaScript, CSS and HTML.\n\nWe propose projects that cover server-side Servlet programming and client-side rich application development, together with usability and performance improvements.",
"tags": [
"primary_open_source_license": "GNU Library or \"Lesser\" General Public License version 2.1 (LGPL-2.1)",
"image_url": "//",
"image_bg_color": null,
"gplus_url": null,
"twitter_url": "",
"blog_url": "",
"application_instructions": "# XWiki Guidelines\nBeing part of the XWiki community means knowing [our rules and practices]( As a GSoC student you need to make sure you read and apply our guidelines. \n\n# Student Application template\nWhen applying for one of our projects, please provide [this information about yourself and the project you choose]( in the application which you submit to Google.",
"topic_tags": [
"web development",
"web applications",
"structured data"
"technology_tags": [
" java",
"proposal_tags": [
"ideas_list": "",
"contact_method": "",
"program_year": 2018
"id": 5115738189201408,
"name": "Zulip",
"slug": "zulip-2",
"website_url": "",
"category": "social_communications",
"contact_email": "",
"mailing_list": "!forum/zulip-devel",
"irc_channel": "",
"tagline": "Powerful, modern, open source team chat, complete with apps for every platform.",
"precis": "Powerful, modern, open source team chat, complete with apps for every major platform.",
"description": "Zulip is a powerful, open source group chat application. It competes with Slack, IRC, Jabber, and dozens of other group chat tools designed to help teams (whether open source projects or companies) collaborate effectively. Zulip supports fast search, drag-and-drop file uploads, image previews, group private messages, configurable notifications, missed-message emails, markdown message rendering, and [much more]( -- essentially everything you might want.\n\nUnlike Slack, it’s open source and has a welcoming community of over 400 volunteer contributors. Unlike IRC/Jabber/etc., Zulip is a complete, modern application, with a nice web interface, mobile apps for iOS and Android, and desktop apps for Mac/Linux/Windows. And unlike all other popular group chat tools, Zulip is designed to make conversations more efficient through its unique threading system that helps teams manage large numbers of messages. In particular, Zulip makes it easy to have multiple conversations at the same time with the same groups of people, and easy to catch up on hundreds or thousands of messages quickly without missing anything important.\n\nZulip is known for its [extensive developer documentation]( (100,000 words and growing!), code quality, and tooling, and thus is the ideal project to work on to learn how to build a high-quality web application. Our goal in the GSoC program is for each successful student to grow into becoming the maintainer of a significant component of Zulip by the end of the program.\n\nAs an organization, we value high-quality mentorship and high quality product -- you can expect to learn a lot how to make a large software project successful from disciplined code reviews by highly experienced engineers. Your GSoC experience with the Zulip project will be highly interactive (with daily chat checkins with mentors, experts, and other students), with a focus on teaching you the concepts and reasoning behind how Zulip is engineered and how to make it better.",
"tags": [
"primary_open_source_license": "Apache License 2.0 (Apache-2.0)",
"image_url": "//",
"image_bg_color": null,
"gplus_url": null,
"twitter_url": "",
"blog_url": "",
"application_instructions": "Since the required skills vary depending on which part of the project a student is working on, we have collected the application guidance on our [GSoC ideas page](, where it can be integrated with discussion of the various project ideas.",
"topic_tags": [
"web development",
"team chat",
"mobile applications",
"visual design"
"technology_tags": [
"react native",
"proposal_tags": [
"bots and integrations",
"core features",
"ideas_list": "",
"contact_method": "",
"program_year": 2018
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