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Last active August 29, 2015 14:22
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resub IPC::Open3::open3
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;
use FindBin qw($Bin);
use lib "$Bin/../lib";
use Test::More tests => 3;
use Test::Resub qw(resub);
use IPC::Open3;
use IO::Select;
# barring an actual need for using open3(), I lifted this from:
sub bc {
my ($expression) = @_;
local(*READ, *WRITE, *ERROR);
my $pid = open3(\*WRITE, \*READ, \*ERROR, "bc");
#if \*ERROR is false, STDERR is sent to STDOUT
my $selread = new IO::Select();
my $selerror = new IO::Select();
# may not be best use of IO::Select, but it works :-)
#send query to bc
print WRITE "$expression\n";
#timing delay needed tp let bc output
#get any error from bc
sysread(ERROR, $error, 4096) if $selerror->can_read(0);
#get the answer from bc
sysread(READ, $answer, 4096) if $selread->can_read(0);
waitpid($pid, 1);
return $answer;
# sanity check that `bc()` uses IPC::Open3::open3 correctly
my $out = bc('2 + 3');
is( $out, 5, 'bc(2 + 3) == 5' );
sub isa_deeply {
my ($l, $r, $m) = @_;
local $Test::Builder::Level = $Test::Builder::Level + 1;
$l = [map { [map { ref } @$_] } @$l];
$r = [map { [map { ref } @$_] } @$r];
return is_deeply( $l, $r, $m );
# resub IPC::Open3::open3 - note we actually target `main::open3`, not
# `IPC::Open3::open3`, because `open3` is a function exported into our
# current namespace. If this were a class method interface, i.e.
# my $pid = IPC::Open3->open3(WRITE, READ, ERROR, 'command')
# then we would target our resub against `IPC::Open3::open3`.
# actually redefine open3 here
my $wrote;
my $rs_open3 = resub 'main::open3', sub {
my ($writer, $reader, $error, $command) = @_;
# we need to make sure $writer can be printed to
open $writer, '>', \$wrote or die "open $writer for writing: $!\n";
return 8043;
my $answer = bc('7 * 9');
my $glob = do { local *glob; \*glob };
isa_deeply( $rs_open3->args, [[($glob) x 3, 'bc']] );
is( $wrote, "7 * 9\n", 'sent 7 * 9 to bc via open3' );
ok 1 - bc(2 + 3) == 5
ok 2
ok 3 - sent 7 * 9 to bc via open3
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