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Created May 2, 2024 22:51
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open note on beanote
# add an .xbindkeys entry like so:
# "sleep .1 && xdotool click 3 && sh /home/"
# alt+f
# Function to handle the key combination
function handle_key_combo {
# Simulate a right-click event
#xdotool click 3
#xdotool click 3
# Add a delay to wait for the menu to appear
sleep 0.1
# Get the current mouse coordinates
coordinates=$(xdotool getmouselocation)
y=$(echo "$coordinates" | awk -F '[: ]' '{print $4}')
# Check the y-coordinate and move the mouse accordingly
if [ "$y" -lt 600 ]; then
# Move the mouse up by 400 pixels
xdotool mousemove_relative -- 0 370
# Move the mouse down by 200 pixels
xdotool mousemove_relative -- 0 -200
# Add a small delay to allow the mouse movement to complete
sleep 0.1
# Perform a mouse click
xdotool click 1
# Add a small delay to allow the click to register
sleep 0.1
# Run the key combination handler
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