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Created August 14, 2023 11:50
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var __create = Object.create;
var __defProp = Object.defineProperty;
var __getOwnPropDesc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor;
var __getOwnPropNames = Object.getOwnPropertyNames;
var __getProtoOf = Object.getPrototypeOf;
var __hasOwnProp = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;
var __require = /* @__PURE__ */ ((x) => typeof require !== "undefined" ? require : typeof Proxy !== "undefined" ? new Proxy(x, {
get: (a, b) => (typeof require !== "undefined" ? require : a)[b]
}) : x)(function(x) {
if (typeof require !== "undefined")
return require.apply(this, arguments);
throw Error('Dynamic require of "' + x + '" is not supported');
var __esm = (fn, res) => function __init() {
return fn && (res = (0, fn[__getOwnPropNames(fn)[0]])(fn = 0)), res;
var __commonJS = (cb, mod5) => function __require2() {
return mod5 || (0, cb[__getOwnPropNames(cb)[0]])((mod5 = { exports: {} }).exports, mod5), mod5.exports;
var __export = (target, all3) => {
for (var name8 in all3)
__defProp(target, name8, { get: all3[name8], enumerable: true });
var __copyProps = (to, from17, except, desc) => {
if (from17 && typeof from17 === "object" || typeof from17 === "function") {
for (let key of __getOwnPropNames(from17))
if (!, key) && key !== except)
__defProp(to, key, { get: () => from17[key], enumerable: !(desc = __getOwnPropDesc(from17, key)) || desc.enumerable });
return to;
var __toESM = (mod5, isNodeMode, target) => (target = mod5 != null ? __create(__getProtoOf(mod5)) : {}, __copyProps(
// If the importer is in node compatibility mode or this is not an ESM
// file that has been converted to a CommonJS file using a Babel-
// compatible transform (i.e. "__esModule" has not been set), then set
// "default" to the CommonJS "module.exports" for node compatibility.
isNodeMode || !mod5 || !mod5.__esModule ? __defProp(target, "default", { value: mod5, enumerable: true }) : target,
var __toCommonJS = (mod5) => __copyProps(__defProp({}, "__esModule", { value: true }), mod5);
// node_modules/ms/index.js
var require_ms = __commonJS({
"node_modules/ms/index.js"(exports2, module2) {
var s = 1e3;
var m = s * 60;
var h = m * 60;
var d = h * 24;
var w = d * 7;
var y = d * 365.25;
module2.exports = function(val, options) {
options = options || {};
var type = typeof val;
if (type === "string" && val.length > 0) {
return parse2(val);
} else if (type === "number" && isFinite(val)) {
return options.long ? fmtLong(val) : fmtShort(val);
throw new Error(
"val is not a non-empty string or a valid number. val=" + JSON.stringify(val)
function parse2(str) {
str = String(str);
if (str.length > 100) {
var match = /^(-?(?:\d+)?\.?\d+) *(milliseconds?|msecs?|ms|seconds?|secs?|s|minutes?|mins?|m|hours?|hrs?|h|days?|d|weeks?|w|years?|yrs?|y)?$/i.exec(
if (!match) {
var n = parseFloat(match[1]);
var type = (match[2] || "ms").toLowerCase();
switch (type) {
case "years":
case "year":
case "yrs":
case "yr":
case "y":
return n * y;
case "weeks":
case "week":
case "w":
return n * w;
case "days":
case "day":
case "d":
return n * d;
case "hours":
case "hour":
case "hrs":
case "hr":
case "h":
return n * h;
case "minutes":
case "minute":
case "mins":
case "min":
case "m":
return n * m;
case "seconds":
case "second":
case "secs":
case "sec":
case "s":
return n * s;
case "milliseconds":
case "millisecond":
case "msecs":
case "msec":
case "ms":
return n;
return void 0;
function fmtShort(ms) {
var msAbs = Math.abs(ms);
if (msAbs >= d) {
return Math.round(ms / d) + "d";
if (msAbs >= h) {
return Math.round(ms / h) + "h";
if (msAbs >= m) {
return Math.round(ms / m) + "m";
if (msAbs >= s) {
return Math.round(ms / s) + "s";
return ms + "ms";
function fmtLong(ms) {
var msAbs = Math.abs(ms);
if (msAbs >= d) {
return plural(ms, msAbs, d, "day");
if (msAbs >= h) {
return plural(ms, msAbs, h, "hour");
if (msAbs >= m) {
return plural(ms, msAbs, m, "minute");
if (msAbs >= s) {
return plural(ms, msAbs, s, "second");
return ms + " ms";
function plural(ms, msAbs, n, name8) {
var isPlural = msAbs >= n * 1.5;
return Math.round(ms / n) + " " + name8 + (isPlural ? "s" : "");
// node_modules/debug/src/common.js
var require_common = __commonJS({
"node_modules/debug/src/common.js"(exports2, module2) {
function setup(env) {
createDebug.debug = createDebug;
createDebug.default = createDebug;
createDebug.coerce = coerce11;
createDebug.disable = disable;
createDebug.enable = enable;
createDebug.enabled = enabled;
createDebug.humanize = require_ms();
createDebug.destroy = destroy;
Object.keys(env).forEach((key) => {
createDebug[key] = env[key];
createDebug.names = [];
createDebug.skips = [];
createDebug.formatters = {};
function selectColor(namespace) {
let hash3 = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < namespace.length; i++) {
hash3 = (hash3 << 5) - hash3 + namespace.charCodeAt(i);
hash3 |= 0;
return createDebug.colors[Math.abs(hash3) % createDebug.colors.length];
createDebug.selectColor = selectColor;
function createDebug(namespace) {
let prevTime;
let enableOverride = null;
let namespacesCache;
let enabledCache;
function debug5(...args) {
if (!debug5.enabled) {
const self2 = debug5;
const curr = Number(/* @__PURE__ */ new Date());
const ms = curr - (prevTime || curr);
self2.diff = ms;
self2.prev = prevTime;
self2.curr = curr;
prevTime = curr;
args[0] = createDebug.coerce(args[0]);
if (typeof args[0] !== "string") {
let index = 0;
args[0] = args[0].replace(/%([a-zA-Z%])/g, (match, format9) => {
if (match === "%%") {
return "%";
const formatter = createDebug.formatters[format9];
if (typeof formatter === "function") {
const val = args[index];
match =, val);
args.splice(index, 1);
return match;
});, args);
const logFn = self2.log || createDebug.log;
logFn.apply(self2, args);
debug5.namespace = namespace;
debug5.useColors = createDebug.useColors();
debug5.color = createDebug.selectColor(namespace);
debug5.extend = extend;
debug5.destroy = createDebug.destroy;
Object.defineProperty(debug5, "enabled", {
enumerable: true,
configurable: false,
get: () => {
if (enableOverride !== null) {
return enableOverride;
if (namespacesCache !== createDebug.namespaces) {
namespacesCache = createDebug.namespaces;
enabledCache = createDebug.enabled(namespace);
return enabledCache;
set: (v) => {
enableOverride = v;
if (typeof createDebug.init === "function") {
return debug5;
function extend(namespace, delimiter) {
const newDebug = createDebug(this.namespace + (typeof delimiter === "undefined" ? ":" : delimiter) + namespace);
newDebug.log = this.log;
return newDebug;
function enable(namespaces) {;
createDebug.namespaces = namespaces;
createDebug.names = [];
createDebug.skips = [];
let i;
const split2 = (typeof namespaces === "string" ? namespaces : "").split(/[\s,]+/);
const len = split2.length;
for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
if (!split2[i]) {
namespaces = split2[i].replace(/\*/g, ".*?");
if (namespaces[0] === "-") {
createDebug.skips.push(new RegExp("^" + namespaces.slice(1) + "$"));
} else {
createDebug.names.push(new RegExp("^" + namespaces + "$"));
function disable() {
const namespaces = [, => "-" + namespace)
return namespaces;
function enabled(name8) {
if (name8[name8.length - 1] === "*") {
return true;
let i;
let len;
for (i = 0, len = createDebug.skips.length; i < len; i++) {
if (createDebug.skips[i].test(name8)) {
return false;
for (i = 0, len = createDebug.names.length; i < len; i++) {
if (createDebug.names[i].test(name8)) {
return true;
return false;
function toNamespace(regexp) {
return regexp.toString().substring(2, regexp.toString().length - 2).replace(/\.\*\?$/, "*");
function coerce11(val) {
if (val instanceof Error) {
return val.stack || val.message;
return val;
function destroy() {
console.warn("Instance method `debug.destroy()` is deprecated and no longer does anything. It will be removed in the next major version of `debug`.");
return createDebug;
module2.exports = setup;
// node_modules/debug/src/browser.js
var require_browser = __commonJS({
"node_modules/debug/src/browser.js"(exports2, module2) {
exports2.formatArgs = formatArgs; = save;
exports2.load = load;
exports2.useColors = useColors; = localstorage();
exports2.destroy = (() => {
let warned = false;
return () => {
if (!warned) {
warned = true;
console.warn("Instance method `debug.destroy()` is deprecated and no longer does anything. It will be removed in the next major version of `debug`.");
exports2.colors = [
function useColors() {
if (typeof window !== "undefined" && window.process && (window.process.type === "renderer" || window.process.__nwjs)) {
return true;
if (typeof navigator !== "undefined" && navigator.userAgent && navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().match(/(edge|trident)\/(\d+)/)) {
return false;
return typeof document !== "undefined" && document.documentElement && && || // Is firebug?
typeof window !== "undefined" && window.console && (window.console.firebug || window.console.exception && window.console.table) || // Is firefox >= v31?
typeof navigator !== "undefined" && navigator.userAgent && navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().match(/firefox\/(\d+)/) && parseInt(RegExp.$1, 10) >= 31 || // Double check webkit in userAgent just in case we are in a worker
typeof navigator !== "undefined" && navigator.userAgent && navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().match(/applewebkit\/(\d+)/);
function formatArgs(args) {
args[0] = (this.useColors ? "%c" : "") + this.namespace + (this.useColors ? " %c" : " ") + args[0] + (this.useColors ? "%c " : " ") + "+" + module2.exports.humanize(this.diff);
if (!this.useColors) {
const c = "color: " + this.color;
args.splice(1, 0, c, "color: inherit");
let index = 0;
let lastC = 0;
args[0].replace(/%[a-zA-Z%]/g, (match) => {
if (match === "%%") {
if (match === "%c") {
lastC = index;
args.splice(lastC, 0, c);
exports2.log = console.debug || console.log || (() => {
function save(namespaces) {
try {
if (namespaces) {"debug", namespaces);
} else {"debug");
} catch (error) {
function load() {
let r;
try {
r ="debug");
} catch (error) {
if (!r && typeof process !== "undefined" && "env" in process) {
r = process.env.DEBUG;
return r;
function localstorage() {
try {
return localStorage;
} catch (error) {
module2.exports = require_common()(exports2);
var { formatters } = module2.exports;
formatters.j = function(v) {
try {
return JSON.stringify(v);
} catch (error) {
return "[UnexpectedJSONParseError]: " + error.message;
// node_modules/err-code/index.js
var require_err_code = __commonJS({
"node_modules/err-code/index.js"(exports2, module2) {
"use strict";
function assign(obj, props) {
for (const key in props) {
Object.defineProperty(obj, key, {
value: props[key],
enumerable: true,
configurable: true
return obj;
function createError(err, code9, props) {
if (!err || typeof err === "string") {
throw new TypeError("Please pass an Error to err-code");
if (!props) {
props = {};
if (typeof code9 === "object") {
props = code9;
code9 = "";
if (code9) {
props.code = code9;
try {
return assign(err, props);
} catch (_) {
props.message = err.message;
props.stack = err.stack;
const ErrClass = function() {
ErrClass.prototype = Object.create(Object.getPrototypeOf(err));
const output3 = assign(new ErrClass(), props);
return output3;
module2.exports = createError;
// node_modules/varint-decoder/node_modules/varint/encode.js
var require_encode = __commonJS({
"node_modules/varint-decoder/node_modules/varint/encode.js"(exports2, module2) {
module2.exports = encode39;
var MSB11 = 128;
var REST11 = 127;
var MSBALL10 = ~REST11;
var INT10 = Math.pow(2, 31);
function encode39(num, out, offset) {
out = out || [];
offset = offset || 0;
var oldOffset = offset;
while (num >= INT10) {
out[offset++] = num & 255 | MSB11;
num /= 128;
while (num & MSBALL10) {
out[offset++] = num & 255 | MSB11;
num >>>= 7;
out[offset] = num | 0;
encode39.bytes = offset - oldOffset + 1;
return out;
// node_modules/varint-decoder/node_modules/varint/decode.js
var require_decode = __commonJS({
"node_modules/varint-decoder/node_modules/varint/decode.js"(exports2, module2) {
module2.exports = read11;
var MSB11 = 128;
var REST11 = 127;
function read11(buf3, offset) {
var res = 0, offset = offset || 0, shift = 0, counter = offset, b, l = buf3.length;
do {
if (counter >= l) {
read11.bytes = 0;
throw new RangeError("Could not decode varint");
b = buf3[counter++];
res += shift < 28 ? (b & REST11) << shift : (b & REST11) * Math.pow(2, shift);
shift += 7;
} while (b >= MSB11);
read11.bytes = counter - offset;
return res;
// node_modules/varint-decoder/node_modules/varint/length.js
var require_length = __commonJS({
"node_modules/varint-decoder/node_modules/varint/length.js"(exports2, module2) {
var N111 = Math.pow(2, 7);
var N211 = Math.pow(2, 14);
var N311 = Math.pow(2, 21);
var N411 = Math.pow(2, 28);
var N511 = Math.pow(2, 35);
var N611 = Math.pow(2, 42);
var N711 = Math.pow(2, 49);
var N811 = Math.pow(2, 56);
var N911 = Math.pow(2, 63);
module2.exports = function(value) {
return value < N111 ? 1 : value < N211 ? 2 : value < N311 ? 3 : value < N411 ? 4 : value < N511 ? 5 : value < N611 ? 6 : value < N711 ? 7 : value < N811 ? 8 : value < N911 ? 9 : 10;
// node_modules/varint-decoder/node_modules/varint/index.js
var require_varint = __commonJS({
"node_modules/varint-decoder/node_modules/varint/index.js"(exports2, module2) {
module2.exports = {
encode: require_encode(),
decode: require_decode(),
encodingLength: require_length()
// node_modules/varint-decoder/src/index.js
var require_src = __commonJS({
"node_modules/varint-decoder/src/index.js"(exports2, module2) {
"use strict";
var varint15 = require_varint();
module2.exports = (buf3) => {
if (!(buf3 instanceof Uint8Array)) {
throw new Error("arg needs to be a Uint8Array");
const result = [];
while (buf3.length > 0) {
const num = varint15.decode(buf3);
buf3 = buf3.slice(varint15.decode.bytes);
return result;
// node_modules/varint/encode.js
var require_encode2 = __commonJS({
"node_modules/varint/encode.js"(exports2, module2) {
module2.exports = encode39;
var MSB11 = 128;
var REST11 = 127;
var MSBALL10 = ~REST11;
var INT10 = Math.pow(2, 31);
function encode39(num, out, offset) {
if (Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER && num > Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER) {
encode39.bytes = 0;
throw new RangeError("Could not encode varint");
out = out || [];
offset = offset || 0;
var oldOffset = offset;
while (num >= INT10) {
out[offset++] = num & 255 | MSB11;
num /= 128;
while (num & MSBALL10) {
out[offset++] = num & 255 | MSB11;
num >>>= 7;
out[offset] = num | 0;
encode39.bytes = offset - oldOffset + 1;
return out;
// node_modules/varint/decode.js
var require_decode2 = __commonJS({
"node_modules/varint/decode.js"(exports2, module2) {
module2.exports = read11;
var MSB11 = 128;
var REST11 = 127;
function read11(buf3, offset) {
var res = 0, offset = offset || 0, shift = 0, counter = offset, b, l = buf3.length;
do {
if (counter >= l || shift > 49) {
read11.bytes = 0;
throw new RangeError("Could not decode varint");
b = buf3[counter++];
res += shift < 28 ? (b & REST11) << shift : (b & REST11) * Math.pow(2, shift);
shift += 7;
} while (b >= MSB11);
read11.bytes = counter - offset;
return res;
// node_modules/varint/length.js
var require_length2 = __commonJS({
"node_modules/varint/length.js"(exports2, module2) {
var N111 = Math.pow(2, 7);
var N211 = Math.pow(2, 14);
var N311 = Math.pow(2, 21);
var N411 = Math.pow(2, 28);
var N511 = Math.pow(2, 35);
var N611 = Math.pow(2, 42);
var N711 = Math.pow(2, 49);
var N811 = Math.pow(2, 56);
var N911 = Math.pow(2, 63);
module2.exports = function(value) {
return value < N111 ? 1 : value < N211 ? 2 : value < N311 ? 3 : value < N411 ? 4 : value < N511 ? 5 : value < N611 ? 6 : value < N711 ? 7 : value < N811 ? 8 : value < N911 ? 9 : 10;
// node_modules/varint/index.js
var require_varint2 = __commonJS({
"node_modules/varint/index.js"(exports2, module2) {
module2.exports = {
encode: require_encode2(),
decode: require_decode2(),
encodingLength: require_length2()
// node_modules/@protobufjs/aspromise/index.js
var require_aspromise = __commonJS({
"node_modules/@protobufjs/aspromise/index.js"(exports2, module2) {
"use strict";
module2.exports = asPromise;
function asPromise(fn, ctx) {
var params = new Array(arguments.length - 1), offset = 0, index = 2, pending = true;
while (index < arguments.length)
params[offset++] = arguments[index++];
return new Promise(function executor(resolve6, reject) {
params[offset] = function callback(err) {
if (pending) {
pending = false;
if (err)
else {
var params2 = new Array(arguments.length - 1), offset2 = 0;
while (offset2 < params2.length)
params2[offset2++] = arguments[offset2];
resolve6.apply(null, params2);
try {
fn.apply(ctx || null, params);
} catch (err) {
if (pending) {
pending = false;
// node_modules/@protobufjs/base64/index.js
var require_base64 = __commonJS({
"node_modules/@protobufjs/base64/index.js"(exports2) {
"use strict";
var base647 = exports2;
base647.length = function length11(string3) {
var p = string3.length;
if (!p)
return 0;
var n = 0;
while (--p % 4 > 1 && string3.charAt(p) === "=")
return Math.ceil(string3.length * 3) / 4 - n;
var b64 = new Array(64);
var s64 = new Array(123);
for (i = 0; i < 64; )
s64[b64[i] = i < 26 ? i + 65 : i < 52 ? i + 71 : i < 62 ? i - 4 : i - 59 | 43] = i++;
var i;
base647.encode = function encode39(buffer3, start, end) {
var parts = null, chunk = [];
var i2 = 0, j = 0, t;
while (start < end) {
var b = buffer3[start++];
switch (j) {
case 0:
chunk[i2++] = b64[b >> 2];
t = (b & 3) << 4;
j = 1;
case 1:
chunk[i2++] = b64[t | b >> 4];
t = (b & 15) << 2;
j = 2;
case 2:
chunk[i2++] = b64[t | b >> 6];
chunk[i2++] = b64[b & 63];
j = 0;
if (i2 > 8191) {
(parts || (parts = [])).push(String.fromCharCode.apply(String, chunk));
i2 = 0;
if (j) {
chunk[i2++] = b64[t];
chunk[i2++] = 61;
if (j === 1)
chunk[i2++] = 61;
if (parts) {
if (i2)
parts.push(String.fromCharCode.apply(String, chunk.slice(0, i2)));
return parts.join("");
return String.fromCharCode.apply(String, chunk.slice(0, i2));
var invalidEncoding = "invalid encoding";
base647.decode = function decode50(string3, buffer3, offset) {
var start = offset;
var j = 0, t;
for (var i2 = 0; i2 < string3.length; ) {
var c = string3.charCodeAt(i2++);
if (c === 61 && j > 1)
if ((c = s64[c]) === void 0)
throw Error(invalidEncoding);
switch (j) {
case 0:
t = c;
j = 1;
case 1:
buffer3[offset++] = t << 2 | (c & 48) >> 4;
t = c;
j = 2;
case 2:
buffer3[offset++] = (t & 15) << 4 | (c & 60) >> 2;
t = c;
j = 3;
case 3:
buffer3[offset++] = (t & 3) << 6 | c;
j = 0;
if (j === 1)
throw Error(invalidEncoding);
return offset - start;
base647.test = function test(string3) {
return /^(?:[A-Za-z0-9+/]{4})*(?:[A-Za-z0-9+/]{2}==|[A-Za-z0-9+/]{3}=)?$/.test(string3);
// node_modules/@protobufjs/eventemitter/index.js
var require_eventemitter = __commonJS({
"node_modules/@protobufjs/eventemitter/index.js"(exports2, module2) {
"use strict";
module2.exports = EventEmitter6;
function EventEmitter6() {
this._listeners = {};
EventEmitter6.prototype.on = function on(evt, fn, ctx) {
(this._listeners[evt] || (this._listeners[evt] = [])).push({
ctx: ctx || this
return this;
}; = function off(evt, fn) {
if (evt === void 0)
this._listeners = {};
else {
if (fn === void 0)
this._listeners[evt] = [];
else {
var listeners = this._listeners[evt];
for (var i = 0; i < listeners.length; )
if (listeners[i].fn === fn)
listeners.splice(i, 1);
return this;
EventEmitter6.prototype.emit = function emit(evt) {
var listeners = this._listeners[evt];
if (listeners) {
var args = [], i = 1;
for (; i < arguments.length; )
for (i = 0; i < listeners.length; )
listeners[i].fn.apply(listeners[i++].ctx, args);
return this;
// node_modules/@protobufjs/float/index.js
var require_float = __commonJS({
"node_modules/@protobufjs/float/index.js"(exports2, module2) {
"use strict";
module2.exports = factory(factory);
function factory(exports3) {
if (typeof Float32Array !== "undefined")
(function() {
var f32 = new Float32Array([-0]), f8b = new Uint8Array(f32.buffer), le = f8b[3] === 128;
function writeFloat_f32_cpy(val, buf3, pos) {
f32[0] = val;
buf3[pos] = f8b[0];
buf3[pos + 1] = f8b[1];
buf3[pos + 2] = f8b[2];
buf3[pos + 3] = f8b[3];
function writeFloat_f32_rev(val, buf3, pos) {
f32[0] = val;
buf3[pos] = f8b[3];
buf3[pos + 1] = f8b[2];
buf3[pos + 2] = f8b[1];
buf3[pos + 3] = f8b[0];
exports3.writeFloatLE = le ? writeFloat_f32_cpy : writeFloat_f32_rev;
exports3.writeFloatBE = le ? writeFloat_f32_rev : writeFloat_f32_cpy;
function readFloat_f32_cpy(buf3, pos) {
f8b[0] = buf3[pos];
f8b[1] = buf3[pos + 1];
f8b[2] = buf3[pos + 2];
f8b[3] = buf3[pos + 3];
return f32[0];
function readFloat_f32_rev(buf3, pos) {
f8b[3] = buf3[pos];
f8b[2] = buf3[pos + 1];
f8b[1] = buf3[pos + 2];
f8b[0] = buf3[pos + 3];
return f32[0];
exports3.readFloatLE = le ? readFloat_f32_cpy : readFloat_f32_rev;
exports3.readFloatBE = le ? readFloat_f32_rev : readFloat_f32_cpy;
(function() {
function writeFloat_ieee754(writeUint, val, buf3, pos) {
var sign4 = val < 0 ? 1 : 0;
if (sign4)
val = -val;
if (val === 0)
writeUint(1 / val > 0 ? (
/* positive */
) : (
/* negative 0 */
), buf3, pos);
else if (isNaN(val))
writeUint(2143289344, buf3, pos);
else if (val > 34028234663852886e22)
writeUint((sign4 << 31 | 2139095040) >>> 0, buf3, pos);
else if (val < 11754943508222875e-54)
writeUint((sign4 << 31 | Math.round(val / 1401298464324817e-60)) >>> 0, buf3, pos);
else {
var exponent = Math.floor(Math.log(val) / Math.LN2), mantissa = Math.round(val * Math.pow(2, -exponent) * 8388608) & 8388607;
writeUint((sign4 << 31 | exponent + 127 << 23 | mantissa) >>> 0, buf3, pos);
exports3.writeFloatLE = writeFloat_ieee754.bind(null, writeUintLE);
exports3.writeFloatBE = writeFloat_ieee754.bind(null, writeUintBE);
function readFloat_ieee754(readUint, buf3, pos) {
var uint = readUint(buf3, pos), sign4 = (uint >> 31) * 2 + 1, exponent = uint >>> 23 & 255, mantissa = uint & 8388607;
return exponent === 255 ? mantissa ? NaN : sign4 * Infinity : exponent === 0 ? sign4 * 1401298464324817e-60 * mantissa : sign4 * Math.pow(2, exponent - 150) * (mantissa + 8388608);
exports3.readFloatLE = readFloat_ieee754.bind(null, readUintLE);
exports3.readFloatBE = readFloat_ieee754.bind(null, readUintBE);
if (typeof Float64Array !== "undefined")
(function() {
var f64 = new Float64Array([-0]), f8b = new Uint8Array(f64.buffer), le = f8b[7] === 128;
function writeDouble_f64_cpy(val, buf3, pos) {
f64[0] = val;
buf3[pos] = f8b[0];
buf3[pos + 1] = f8b[1];
buf3[pos + 2] = f8b[2];
buf3[pos + 3] = f8b[3];
buf3[pos + 4] = f8b[4];
buf3[pos + 5] = f8b[5];
buf3[pos + 6] = f8b[6];
buf3[pos + 7] = f8b[7];
function writeDouble_f64_rev(val, buf3, pos) {
f64[0] = val;
buf3[pos] = f8b[7];
buf3[pos + 1] = f8b[6];
buf3[pos + 2] = f8b[5];
buf3[pos + 3] = f8b[4];
buf3[pos + 4] = f8b[3];
buf3[pos + 5] = f8b[2];
buf3[pos + 6] = f8b[1];
buf3[pos + 7] = f8b[0];
exports3.writeDoubleLE = le ? writeDouble_f64_cpy : writeDouble_f64_rev;
exports3.writeDoubleBE = le ? writeDouble_f64_rev : writeDouble_f64_cpy;
function readDouble_f64_cpy(buf3, pos) {
f8b[0] = buf3[pos];
f8b[1] = buf3[pos + 1];
f8b[2] = buf3[pos + 2];
f8b[3] = buf3[pos + 3];
f8b[4] = buf3[pos + 4];
f8b[5] = buf3[pos + 5];
f8b[6] = buf3[pos + 6];
f8b[7] = buf3[pos + 7];
return f64[0];
function readDouble_f64_rev(buf3, pos) {
f8b[7] = buf3[pos];
f8b[6] = buf3[pos + 1];
f8b[5] = buf3[pos + 2];
f8b[4] = buf3[pos + 3];
f8b[3] = buf3[pos + 4];
f8b[2] = buf3[pos + 5];
f8b[1] = buf3[pos + 6];
f8b[0] = buf3[pos + 7];
return f64[0];
exports3.readDoubleLE = le ? readDouble_f64_cpy : readDouble_f64_rev;
exports3.readDoubleBE = le ? readDouble_f64_rev : readDouble_f64_cpy;
(function() {
function writeDouble_ieee754(writeUint, off0, off1, val, buf3, pos) {
var sign4 = val < 0 ? 1 : 0;
if (sign4)
val = -val;
if (val === 0) {
writeUint(0, buf3, pos + off0);
writeUint(1 / val > 0 ? (
/* positive */
) : (
/* negative 0 */
), buf3, pos + off1);
} else if (isNaN(val)) {
writeUint(0, buf3, pos + off0);
writeUint(2146959360, buf3, pos + off1);
} else if (val > 17976931348623157e292) {
writeUint(0, buf3, pos + off0);
writeUint((sign4 << 31 | 2146435072) >>> 0, buf3, pos + off1);
} else {
var mantissa;
if (val < 22250738585072014e-324) {
mantissa = val / 5e-324;
writeUint(mantissa >>> 0, buf3, pos + off0);
writeUint((sign4 << 31 | mantissa / 4294967296) >>> 0, buf3, pos + off1);
} else {
var exponent = Math.floor(Math.log(val) / Math.LN2);
if (exponent === 1024)
exponent = 1023;
mantissa = val * Math.pow(2, -exponent);
writeUint(mantissa * 4503599627370496 >>> 0, buf3, pos + off0);
writeUint((sign4 << 31 | exponent + 1023 << 20 | mantissa * 1048576 & 1048575) >>> 0, buf3, pos + off1);
exports3.writeDoubleLE = writeDouble_ieee754.bind(null, writeUintLE, 0, 4);
exports3.writeDoubleBE = writeDouble_ieee754.bind(null, writeUintBE, 4, 0);
function readDouble_ieee754(readUint, off0, off1, buf3, pos) {
var lo = readUint(buf3, pos + off0), hi = readUint(buf3, pos + off1);
var sign4 = (hi >> 31) * 2 + 1, exponent = hi >>> 20 & 2047, mantissa = 4294967296 * (hi & 1048575) + lo;
return exponent === 2047 ? mantissa ? NaN : sign4 * Infinity : exponent === 0 ? sign4 * 5e-324 * mantissa : sign4 * Math.pow(2, exponent - 1075) * (mantissa + 4503599627370496);
exports3.readDoubleLE = readDouble_ieee754.bind(null, readUintLE, 0, 4);
exports3.readDoubleBE = readDouble_ieee754.bind(null, readUintBE, 4, 0);
return exports3;
function writeUintLE(val, buf3, pos) {
buf3[pos] = val & 255;
buf3[pos + 1] = val >>> 8 & 255;
buf3[pos + 2] = val >>> 16 & 255;
buf3[pos + 3] = val >>> 24;
function writeUintBE(val, buf3, pos) {
buf3[pos] = val >>> 24;
buf3[pos + 1] = val >>> 16 & 255;
buf3[pos + 2] = val >>> 8 & 255;
buf3[pos + 3] = val & 255;
function readUintLE(buf3, pos) {
return (buf3[pos] | buf3[pos + 1] << 8 | buf3[pos + 2] << 16 | buf3[pos + 3] << 24) >>> 0;
function readUintBE(buf3, pos) {
return (buf3[pos] << 24 | buf3[pos + 1] << 16 | buf3[pos + 2] << 8 | buf3[pos + 3]) >>> 0;
// node_modules/@protobufjs/inquire/index.js
var require_inquire = __commonJS({
"node_modules/@protobufjs/inquire/index.js"(exports, module) {
"use strict";
module.exports = inquire;
function inquire(moduleName) {
try {
var mod = eval("quire".replace(/^/, "re"))(moduleName);
if (mod && (mod.length || Object.keys(mod).length))
return mod;
} catch (e) {
return null;
// node_modules/@protobufjs/utf8/index.js
var require_utf8 = __commonJS({
"node_modules/@protobufjs/utf8/index.js"(exports2) {
"use strict";
var utf8 = exports2;
utf8.length = function utf8_length(string3) {
var len = 0, c = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < string3.length; ++i) {
c = string3.charCodeAt(i);
if (c < 128)
len += 1;
else if (c < 2048)
len += 2;
else if ((c & 64512) === 55296 && (string3.charCodeAt(i + 1) & 64512) === 56320) {
len += 4;
} else
len += 3;
return len;
}; = function utf8_read(buffer3, start, end) {
var len = end - start;
if (len < 1)
return "";
var parts = null, chunk = [], i = 0, t;
while (start < end) {
t = buffer3[start++];
if (t < 128)
chunk[i++] = t;
else if (t > 191 && t < 224)
chunk[i++] = (t & 31) << 6 | buffer3[start++] & 63;
else if (t > 239 && t < 365) {
t = ((t & 7) << 18 | (buffer3[start++] & 63) << 12 | (buffer3[start++] & 63) << 6 | buffer3[start++] & 63) - 65536;
chunk[i++] = 55296 + (t >> 10);
chunk[i++] = 56320 + (t & 1023);
} else
chunk[i++] = (t & 15) << 12 | (buffer3[start++] & 63) << 6 | buffer3[start++] & 63;
if (i > 8191) {
(parts || (parts = [])).push(String.fromCharCode.apply(String, chunk));
i = 0;
if (parts) {
if (i)
parts.push(String.fromCharCode.apply(String, chunk.slice(0, i)));
return parts.join("");
return String.fromCharCode.apply(String, chunk.slice(0, i));
utf8.write = function utf8_write(string3, buffer3, offset) {
var start = offset, c1, c2;
for (var i = 0; i < string3.length; ++i) {
c1 = string3.charCodeAt(i);
if (c1 < 128) {
buffer3[offset++] = c1;
} else if (c1 < 2048) {
buffer3[offset++] = c1 >> 6 | 192;
buffer3[offset++] = c1 & 63 | 128;
} else if ((c1 & 64512) === 55296 && ((c2 = string3.charCodeAt(i + 1)) & 64512) === 56320) {
c1 = 65536 + ((c1 & 1023) << 10) + (c2 & 1023);
buffer3[offset++] = c1 >> 18 | 240;
buffer3[offset++] = c1 >> 12 & 63 | 128;
buffer3[offset++] = c1 >> 6 & 63 | 128;
buffer3[offset++] = c1 & 63 | 128;
} else {
buffer3[offset++] = c1 >> 12 | 224;
buffer3[offset++] = c1 >> 6 & 63 | 128;
buffer3[offset++] = c1 & 63 | 128;
return offset - start;
// node_modules/@protobufjs/pool/index.js
var require_pool = __commonJS({
"node_modules/@protobufjs/pool/index.js"(exports2, module2) {
"use strict";
module2.exports = pool;
function pool(alloc4, slice3, size) {
var SIZE = size || 8192;
var MAX = SIZE >>> 1;
var slab = null;
var offset = SIZE;
return function pool_alloc(size2) {
if (size2 < 1 || size2 > MAX)
return alloc4(size2);
if (offset + size2 > SIZE) {
slab = alloc4(SIZE);
offset = 0;
var buf3 =, offset, offset += size2);
if (offset & 7)
offset = (offset | 7) + 1;
return buf3;
// node_modules/protons-runtime/node_modules/protobufjs/src/util/longbits.js
var require_longbits = __commonJS({
"node_modules/protons-runtime/node_modules/protobufjs/src/util/longbits.js"(exports2, module2) {
"use strict";
module2.exports = LongBits2;
var util2 = require_minimal();
function LongBits2(lo, hi) {
this.lo = lo >>> 0;
this.hi = hi >>> 0;
var zero = = new LongBits2(0, 0);
zero.toNumber = function() {
return 0;
zero.zzEncode = zero.zzDecode = function() {
return this;
zero.length = function() {
return 1;
var zeroHash = LongBits2.zeroHash = "\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0";
LongBits2.fromNumber = function fromNumber(value) {
if (value === 0)
return zero;
var sign4 = value < 0;
if (sign4)
value = -value;
var lo = value >>> 0, hi = (value - lo) / 4294967296 >>> 0;
if (sign4) {
hi = ~hi >>> 0;
lo = ~lo >>> 0;
if (++lo > 4294967295) {
lo = 0;
if (++hi > 4294967295)
hi = 0;
return new LongBits2(lo, hi);
LongBits2.from = function from17(value) {
if (typeof value === "number")
return LongBits2.fromNumber(value);
if (util2.isString(value)) {
if (util2.Long)
value = util2.Long.fromString(value);
return LongBits2.fromNumber(parseInt(value, 10));
return value.low || value.high ? new LongBits2(value.low >>> 0, value.high >>> 0) : zero;
LongBits2.prototype.toNumber = function toNumber(unsigned2) {
if (!unsigned2 && this.hi >>> 31) {
var lo = ~this.lo + 1 >>> 0, hi = ~this.hi >>> 0;
if (!lo)
hi = hi + 1 >>> 0;
return -(lo + hi * 4294967296);
return this.lo + this.hi * 4294967296;
LongBits2.prototype.toLong = function toLong(unsigned2) {
return util2.Long ? new util2.Long(this.lo | 0, this.hi | 0, Boolean(unsigned2)) : { low: this.lo | 0, high: this.hi | 0, unsigned: Boolean(unsigned2) };
var charCodeAt = String.prototype.charCodeAt;
LongBits2.fromHash = function fromHash(hash3) {
if (hash3 === zeroHash)
return zero;
return new LongBits2(
(, 0) |, 1) << 8 |, 2) << 16 |, 3) << 24) >>> 0,
(, 4) |, 5) << 8 |, 6) << 16 |, 7) << 24) >>> 0
LongBits2.prototype.toHash = function toHash() {
return String.fromCharCode(
this.lo & 255,
this.lo >>> 8 & 255,
this.lo >>> 16 & 255,
this.lo >>> 24,
this.hi & 255,
this.hi >>> 8 & 255,
this.hi >>> 16 & 255,
this.hi >>> 24
LongBits2.prototype.zzEncode = function zzEncode() {
var mask = this.hi >> 31;
this.hi = ((this.hi << 1 | this.lo >>> 31) ^ mask) >>> 0;
this.lo = (this.lo << 1 ^ mask) >>> 0;
return this;
LongBits2.prototype.zzDecode = function zzDecode() {
var mask = -(this.lo & 1);
this.lo = ((this.lo >>> 1 | this.hi << 31) ^ mask) >>> 0;
this.hi = (this.hi >>> 1 ^ mask) >>> 0;
return this;
LongBits2.prototype.length = function length11() {
var part0 = this.lo, part1 = (this.lo >>> 28 | this.hi << 4) >>> 0, part2 = this.hi >>> 24;
return part2 === 0 ? part1 === 0 ? part0 < 16384 ? part0 < 128 ? 1 : 2 : part0 < 2097152 ? 3 : 4 : part1 < 16384 ? part1 < 128 ? 5 : 6 : part1 < 2097152 ? 7 : 8 : part2 < 128 ? 9 : 10;
// node_modules/protons-runtime/node_modules/protobufjs/src/util/minimal.js
var require_minimal = __commonJS({
"node_modules/protons-runtime/node_modules/protobufjs/src/util/minimal.js"(exports2) {
"use strict";
var util2 = exports2;
util2.asPromise = require_aspromise();
util2.base64 = require_base64();
util2.EventEmitter = require_eventemitter();
util2.float = require_float();
util2.inquire = require_inquire();
util2.utf8 = require_utf8();
util2.pool = require_pool();
util2.LongBits = require_longbits();
util2.isNode = Boolean(typeof globalThis !== "undefined" && globalThis && globalThis.process && globalThis.process.versions && globalThis.process.versions.node); = util2.isNode && globalThis || typeof window !== "undefined" && window || typeof self !== "undefined" && self || exports2;
util2.emptyArray = Object.freeze ? Object.freeze([]) : (
/* istanbul ignore next */
util2.emptyObject = Object.freeze ? Object.freeze({}) : (
/* istanbul ignore next */
util2.isInteger = Number.isInteger || /* istanbul ignore next */
function isInteger(value) {
return typeof value === "number" && isFinite(value) && Math.floor(value) === value;
util2.isString = function isString(value) {
return typeof value === "string" || value instanceof String;
util2.isObject = function isObject(value) {
return value && typeof value === "object";
util2.isset = /**
* Checks if a property on a message is considered to be present.
* @param {Object} obj Plain object or message instance
* @param {string} prop Property name
* @returns {boolean} `true` if considered to be present, otherwise `false`
util2.isSet = function isSet(obj, prop) {
var value = obj[prop];
if (value != null && obj.hasOwnProperty(prop))
return typeof value !== "object" || (Array.isArray(value) ? value.length : Object.keys(value).length) > 0;
return false;
util2.Buffer = function() {
try {
var Buffer2 = util2.inquire("buffer").Buffer;
return Buffer2.prototype.utf8Write ? Buffer2 : (
/* istanbul ignore next */
} catch (e) {
return null;
util2._Buffer_from = null;
util2._Buffer_allocUnsafe = null;
util2.newBuffer = function newBuffer(sizeOrArray) {
return typeof sizeOrArray === "number" ? util2.Buffer ? util2._Buffer_allocUnsafe(sizeOrArray) : new util2.Array(sizeOrArray) : util2.Buffer ? util2._Buffer_from(sizeOrArray) : typeof Uint8Array === "undefined" ? sizeOrArray : new Uint8Array(sizeOrArray);
util2.Array = typeof Uint8Array !== "undefined" ? Uint8Array : Array;
util2.Long = /* istanbul ignore next */ && /* istanbul ignore next */ || /* istanbul ignore next */ || util2.inquire("long");
util2.key2Re = /^true|false|0|1$/;
util2.key32Re = /^-?(?:0|[1-9][0-9]*)$/;
util2.key64Re = /^(?:[\\x00-\\xff]{8}|-?(?:0|[1-9][0-9]*))$/;
util2.longToHash = function longToHash(value) {
return value ? util2.LongBits.from(value).toHash() : util2.LongBits.zeroHash;
util2.longFromHash = function longFromHash(hash3, unsigned2) {
var bits2 = util2.LongBits.fromHash(hash3);
if (util2.Long)
return util2.Long.fromBits(bits2.lo, bits2.hi, unsigned2);
return bits2.toNumber(Boolean(unsigned2));
function merge2(dst, src11, ifNotSet) {
for (var keys = Object.keys(src11), i = 0; i < keys.length; ++i)
if (dst[keys[i]] === void 0 || !ifNotSet)
dst[keys[i]] = src11[keys[i]];
return dst;
util2.merge = merge2;
util2.lcFirst = function lcFirst(str) {
return str.charAt(0).toLowerCase() + str.substring(1);
function newError(name8) {
function CustomError(message2, properties) {
if (!(this instanceof CustomError))
return new CustomError(message2, properties);
Object.defineProperty(this, "message", { get: function() {
return message2;
} });
if (Error.captureStackTrace)
Error.captureStackTrace(this, CustomError);
Object.defineProperty(this, "stack", { value: new Error().stack || "" });
if (properties)
merge2(this, properties);
CustomError.prototype = Object.create(Error.prototype, {
constructor: {
value: CustomError,
writable: true,
enumerable: false,
configurable: true
name: {
get: function get() {
return name8;
set: void 0,
enumerable: false,
// configurable: false would accurately preserve the behavior of
// the original, but I'm guessing that was not intentional.
// For an actual error subclass, this property would
// be configurable.
configurable: true
toString: {
value: function value() {
return + ": " + this.message;
writable: true,
enumerable: false,
configurable: true
return CustomError;
util2.newError = newError;
util2.ProtocolError = newError("ProtocolError");
util2.oneOfGetter = function getOneOf(fieldNames) {
var fieldMap = {};
for (var i = 0; i < fieldNames.length; ++i)
fieldMap[fieldNames[i]] = 1;
return function() {
for (var keys = Object.keys(this), i2 = keys.length - 1; i2 > -1; --i2)
if (fieldMap[keys[i2]] === 1 && this[keys[i2]] !== void 0 && this[keys[i2]] !== null)
return keys[i2];
util2.oneOfSetter = function setOneOf(fieldNames) {
return function(name8) {
for (var i = 0; i < fieldNames.length; ++i)
if (fieldNames[i] !== name8)
delete this[fieldNames[i]];
util2.toJSONOptions = {
longs: String,
enums: String,
bytes: String,
json: true
util2._configure = function() {
var Buffer2 = util2.Buffer;
if (!Buffer2) {
util2._Buffer_from = util2._Buffer_allocUnsafe = null;
util2._Buffer_from = Buffer2.from !== Uint8Array.from && Buffer2.from || /* istanbul ignore next */
function Buffer_from(value, encoding) {
return new Buffer2(value, encoding);
util2._Buffer_allocUnsafe = Buffer2.allocUnsafe || /* istanbul ignore next */
function Buffer_allocUnsafe(size) {
return new Buffer2(size);
// node_modules/protons-runtime/node_modules/protobufjs/src/reader.js
var require_reader = __commonJS({
"node_modules/protons-runtime/node_modules/protobufjs/src/reader.js"(exports2, module2) {
"use strict";
module2.exports = Reader;
var util2 = require_minimal();
var BufferReader;
var LongBits2 = util2.LongBits;
var utf8 = util2.utf8;
function indexOutOfRange(reader3, writeLength) {
return RangeError("index out of range: " + reader3.pos + " + " + (writeLength || 1) + " > " + reader3.len);
function Reader(buffer3) {
this.buf = buffer3;
this.pos = 0;
this.len = buffer3.length;
var create_array = typeof Uint8Array !== "undefined" ? function create_typed_array(buffer3) {
if (buffer3 instanceof Uint8Array || Array.isArray(buffer3))
return new Reader(buffer3);
throw Error("illegal buffer");
} : function create_array2(buffer3) {
if (Array.isArray(buffer3))
return new Reader(buffer3);
throw Error("illegal buffer");
var create13 = function create14() {
return util2.Buffer ? function create_buffer_setup(buffer3) {
return (Reader.create = function create_buffer(buffer4) {
return util2.Buffer.isBuffer(buffer4) ? new BufferReader(buffer4) : create_array(buffer4);
} : create_array;
Reader.create = create13();
Reader.prototype._slice = util2.Array.prototype.subarray || /* istanbul ignore next */
Reader.prototype.uint32 = function read_uint32_setup() {
var value = 4294967295;
return function read_uint32() {
value = (this.buf[this.pos] & 127) >>> 0;
if (this.buf[this.pos++] < 128)
return value;
value = (value | (this.buf[this.pos] & 127) << 7) >>> 0;
if (this.buf[this.pos++] < 128)
return value;
value = (value | (this.buf[this.pos] & 127) << 14) >>> 0;
if (this.buf[this.pos++] < 128)
return value;
value = (value | (this.buf[this.pos] & 127) << 21) >>> 0;
if (this.buf[this.pos++] < 128)
return value;
value = (value | (this.buf[this.pos] & 15) << 28) >>> 0;
if (this.buf[this.pos++] < 128)
return value;
if ((this.pos += 5) > this.len) {
this.pos = this.len;
throw indexOutOfRange(this, 10);
return value;
Reader.prototype.int32 = function read_int32() {
return this.uint32() | 0;
Reader.prototype.sint32 = function read_sint32() {
var value = this.uint32();
return value >>> 1 ^ -(value & 1) | 0;
function readLongVarint() {
var bits2 = new LongBits2(0, 0);
var i = 0;
if (this.len - this.pos > 4) {
for (; i < 4; ++i) {
bits2.lo = (bits2.lo | (this.buf[this.pos] & 127) << i * 7) >>> 0;
if (this.buf[this.pos++] < 128)
return bits2;
bits2.lo = (bits2.lo | (this.buf[this.pos] & 127) << 28) >>> 0;
bits2.hi = (bits2.hi | (this.buf[this.pos] & 127) >> 4) >>> 0;
if (this.buf[this.pos++] < 128)
return bits2;
i = 0;
} else {
for (; i < 3; ++i) {
if (this.pos >= this.len)
throw indexOutOfRange(this);
bits2.lo = (bits2.lo | (this.buf[this.pos] & 127) << i * 7) >>> 0;
if (this.buf[this.pos++] < 128)
return bits2;
bits2.lo = (bits2.lo | (this.buf[this.pos++] & 127) << i * 7) >>> 0;
return bits2;
if (this.len - this.pos > 4) {
for (; i < 5; ++i) {
bits2.hi = (bits2.hi | (this.buf[this.pos] & 127) << i * 7 + 3) >>> 0;
if (this.buf[this.pos++] < 128)
return bits2;
} else {
for (; i < 5; ++i) {
if (this.pos >= this.len)
throw indexOutOfRange(this);
bits2.hi = (bits2.hi | (this.buf[this.pos] & 127) << i * 7 + 3) >>> 0;
if (this.buf[this.pos++] < 128)
return bits2;
throw Error("invalid varint encoding");
Reader.prototype.bool = function read_bool() {
return this.uint32() !== 0;
function readFixed32_end(buf3, end) {
return (buf3[end - 4] | buf3[end - 3] << 8 | buf3[end - 2] << 16 | buf3[end - 1] << 24) >>> 0;
Reader.prototype.fixed32 = function read_fixed32() {
if (this.pos + 4 > this.len)
throw indexOutOfRange(this, 4);
return readFixed32_end(this.buf, this.pos += 4);
Reader.prototype.sfixed32 = function read_sfixed32() {
if (this.pos + 4 > this.len)
throw indexOutOfRange(this, 4);
return readFixed32_end(this.buf, this.pos += 4) | 0;
function readFixed64() {
if (this.pos + 8 > this.len)
throw indexOutOfRange(this, 8);
return new LongBits2(readFixed32_end(this.buf, this.pos += 4), readFixed32_end(this.buf, this.pos += 4));
Reader.prototype.float = function read_float() {
if (this.pos + 4 > this.len)
throw indexOutOfRange(this, 4);
var value = util2.float.readFloatLE(this.buf, this.pos);
this.pos += 4;
return value;
Reader.prototype.double = function read_double() {
if (this.pos + 8 > this.len)
throw indexOutOfRange(this, 4);
var value = util2.float.readDoubleLE(this.buf, this.pos);
this.pos += 8;
return value;
Reader.prototype.bytes = function read_bytes() {
var length11 = this.uint32(), start = this.pos, end = this.pos + length11;
if (end > this.len)
throw indexOutOfRange(this, length11);
this.pos += length11;
if (Array.isArray(this.buf))
return this.buf.slice(start, end);
return start === end ? new this.buf.constructor(0) :, start, end);
Reader.prototype.string = function read_string() {
var bytes3 = this.bytes();
return, 0, bytes3.length);
Reader.prototype.skip = function skip(length11) {
if (typeof length11 === "number") {
if (this.pos + length11 > this.len)
throw indexOutOfRange(this, length11);
this.pos += length11;
} else {
do {
if (this.pos >= this.len)
throw indexOutOfRange(this);
} while (this.buf[this.pos++] & 128);
return this;
Reader.prototype.skipType = function(wireType) {
switch (wireType) {
case 0:
case 1:
case 2:
case 3:
while ((wireType = this.uint32() & 7) !== 4) {
case 5:
throw Error("invalid wire type " + wireType + " at offset " + this.pos);
return this;
Reader._configure = function(BufferReader_) {
BufferReader = BufferReader_;
Reader.create = create13();
var fn = util2.Long ? "toLong" : (
/* istanbul ignore next */
util2.merge(Reader.prototype, {
int64: function read_int64() {
uint64: function read_uint64() {
sint64: function read_sint64() {
fixed64: function read_fixed64() {
sfixed64: function read_sfixed64() {
// node_modules/protons-runtime/node_modules/protobufjs/src/reader_buffer.js
var require_reader_buffer = __commonJS({
"node_modules/protons-runtime/node_modules/protobufjs/src/reader_buffer.js"(exports2, module2) {
"use strict";
module2.exports = BufferReader;
var Reader = require_reader();
(BufferReader.prototype = Object.create(Reader.prototype)).constructor = BufferReader;
var util2 = require_minimal();
function BufferReader(buffer3) {, buffer3);
BufferReader._configure = function() {
if (util2.Buffer)
BufferReader.prototype._slice = util2.Buffer.prototype.slice;
BufferReader.prototype.string = function read_string_buffer() {
var len = this.uint32();
return this.buf.utf8Slice ? this.buf.utf8Slice(this.pos, this.pos = Math.min(this.pos + len, this.len)) : this.buf.toString("utf-8", this.pos, this.pos = Math.min(this.pos + len, this.len));
// node_modules/protons-runtime/node_modules/protobufjs/src/writer.js
var require_writer = __commonJS({
"node_modules/protons-runtime/node_modules/protobufjs/src/writer.js"(exports2, module2) {
"use strict";
module2.exports = Writer;
var util2 = require_minimal();
var BufferWriter;
var LongBits2 = util2.LongBits;
var base647 = util2.base64;
var utf8 = util2.utf8;
function Op(fn, len, val) {
this.fn = fn;
this.len = len; = void 0;
this.val = val;
function noop2() {
function State(writer2) {
this.head = writer2.head;
this.tail = writer2.tail;
this.len = writer2.len; = writer2.states;
function Writer() {
this.len = 0;
this.head = new Op(noop2, 0, 0);
this.tail = this.head;
this.states = null;
var create13 = function create14() {
return util2.Buffer ? function create_buffer_setup() {
return (Writer.create = function create_buffer() {
return new BufferWriter();
} : function create_array() {
return new Writer();
Writer.create = create13();
Writer.alloc = function alloc4(size) {
return new util2.Array(size);
if (util2.Array !== Array)
Writer.alloc = util2.pool(Writer.alloc, util2.Array.prototype.subarray);
Writer.prototype._push = function push(fn, len, val) {
this.tail = = new Op(fn, len, val);
this.len += len;
return this;
function writeByte(val, buf3, pos) {
buf3[pos] = val & 255;
function writeVarint32(val, buf3, pos) {
while (val > 127) {
buf3[pos++] = val & 127 | 128;
val >>>= 7;
buf3[pos] = val;
function VarintOp(len, val) {
this.len = len; = void 0;
this.val = val;
VarintOp.prototype = Object.create(Op.prototype);
VarintOp.prototype.fn = writeVarint32;
Writer.prototype.uint32 = function write_uint32(value) {
this.len += (this.tail = = new VarintOp(
(value = value >>> 0) < 128 ? 1 : value < 16384 ? 2 : value < 2097152 ? 3 : value < 268435456 ? 4 : 5,
return this;
Writer.prototype.int32 = function write_int32(value) {
return value < 0 ? this._push(writeVarint64, 10, LongBits2.fromNumber(value)) : this.uint32(value);
Writer.prototype.sint32 = function write_sint32(value) {
return this.uint32((value << 1 ^ value >> 31) >>> 0);
function writeVarint64(val, buf3, pos) {
while (val.hi) {
buf3[pos++] = val.lo & 127 | 128;
val.lo = (val.lo >>> 7 | val.hi << 25) >>> 0;
val.hi >>>= 7;
while (val.lo > 127) {
buf3[pos++] = val.lo & 127 | 128;
val.lo = val.lo >>> 7;
buf3[pos++] = val.lo;
Writer.prototype.uint64 = function write_uint64(value) {
var bits2 = LongBits2.from(value);
return this._push(writeVarint64, bits2.length(), bits2);
Writer.prototype.int64 = Writer.prototype.uint64;
Writer.prototype.sint64 = function write_sint64(value) {
var bits2 = LongBits2.from(value).zzEncode();
return this._push(writeVarint64, bits2.length(), bits2);
Writer.prototype.bool = function write_bool(value) {
return this._push(writeByte, 1, value ? 1 : 0);
function writeFixed32(val, buf3, pos) {
buf3[pos] = val & 255;
buf3[pos + 1] = val >>> 8 & 255;
buf3[pos + 2] = val >>> 16 & 255;
buf3[pos + 3] = val >>> 24;
Writer.prototype.fixed32 = function write_fixed32(value) {
return this._push(writeFixed32, 4, value >>> 0);
Writer.prototype.sfixed32 = Writer.prototype.fixed32;
Writer.prototype.fixed64 = function write_fixed64(value) {
var bits2 = LongBits2.from(value);
return this._push(writeFixed32, 4, bits2.lo)._push(writeFixed32, 4, bits2.hi);
Writer.prototype.sfixed64 = Writer.prototype.fixed64;
Writer.prototype.float = function write_float(value) {
return this._push(util2.float.writeFloatLE, 4, value);
Writer.prototype.double = function write_double(value) {
return this._push(util2.float.writeDoubleLE, 8, value);
var writeBytes = util2.Array.prototype.set ? function writeBytes_set(val, buf3, pos) {
buf3.set(val, pos);
} : function writeBytes_for(val, buf3, pos) {
for (var i = 0; i < val.length; ++i)
buf3[pos + i] = val[i];
Writer.prototype.bytes = function write_bytes(value) {
var len = value.length >>> 0;
if (!len)
return this._push(writeByte, 1, 0);
if (util2.isString(value)) {
var buf3 = Writer.alloc(len = base647.length(value));
base647.decode(value, buf3, 0);
value = buf3;
return this.uint32(len)._push(writeBytes, len, value);
Writer.prototype.string = function write_string(value) {
var len = utf8.length(value);
return len ? this.uint32(len)._push(utf8.write, len, value) : this._push(writeByte, 1, 0);
Writer.prototype.fork = function fork() {
this.states = new State(this);
this.head = this.tail = new Op(noop2, 0, 0);
this.len = 0;
return this;
Writer.prototype.reset = function reset() {
if (this.states) {
this.head = this.states.head;
this.tail = this.states.tail;
this.len = this.states.len;
this.states =;
} else {
this.head = this.tail = new Op(noop2, 0, 0);
this.len = 0;
return this;
Writer.prototype.ldelim = function ldelim() {
var head = this.head, tail = this.tail, len = this.len;
if (len) { =;
this.tail = tail;
this.len += len;
return this;
Writer.prototype.finish = function finish() {
var head =, buf3 = this.constructor.alloc(this.len), pos = 0;
while (head) {
head.fn(head.val, buf3, pos);
pos += head.len;
head =;
return buf3;
Writer._configure = function(BufferWriter_) {
BufferWriter = BufferWriter_;
Writer.create = create13();
// node_modules/protons-runtime/node_modules/protobufjs/src/writer_buffer.js
var require_writer_buffer = __commonJS({
"node_modules/protons-runtime/node_modules/protobufjs/src/writer_buffer.js"(exports2, module2) {
"use strict";
module2.exports = BufferWriter;
var Writer = require_writer();
(BufferWriter.prototype = Object.create(Writer.prototype)).constructor = BufferWriter;
var util2 = require_minimal();
function BufferWriter() {;
BufferWriter._configure = function() {
BufferWriter.alloc = util2._Buffer_allocUnsafe;
BufferWriter.writeBytesBuffer = util2.Buffer && util2.Buffer.prototype instanceof Uint8Array && === "set" ? function writeBytesBuffer_set(val, buf3, pos) {
buf3.set(val, pos);
} : function writeBytesBuffer_copy(val, buf3, pos) {
if (val.copy)
val.copy(buf3, pos, 0, val.length);
for (var i = 0; i < val.length; )
buf3[pos++] = val[i++];
BufferWriter.prototype.bytes = function write_bytes_buffer(value) {
if (util2.isString(value))
value = util2._Buffer_from(value, "base64");
var len = value.length >>> 0;
if (len)
this._push(BufferWriter.writeBytesBuffer, len, value);
return this;
function writeStringBuffer(val, buf3, pos) {
if (val.length < 40)
util2.utf8.write(val, buf3, pos);
else if (buf3.utf8Write)
buf3.utf8Write(val, pos);
buf3.write(val, pos);
BufferWriter.prototype.string = function write_string_buffer(value) {
var len = util2.Buffer.byteLength(value);
if (len)
this._push(writeStringBuffer, len, value);
return this;
// node_modules/retimer/time-browser.js
var require_time_browser = __commonJS({
"node_modules/retimer/time-browser.js"(exports2, module2) {
"use strict";
module2.exports = function getTime() {
// node_modules/retimer/retimer.js
var require_retimer = __commonJS({
"node_modules/retimer/retimer.js"(exports2, module2) {
"use strict";
var getTime = require_time_browser();
var Retimer = class {
constructor(callback, timeout, args) {
const that = this;
this._started = getTime();
this._rescheduled = 0;
this._scheduled = timeout;
this._args = args;
this._triggered = false;
this._timerWrapper = () => {
if (that._rescheduled > 0) {
that._scheduled = that._rescheduled - (getTime() - that._started);
} else {
that._triggered = true;
callback.apply(null, that._args);
this._timer = setTimeout(this._timerWrapper, timeout);
reschedule(timeout) {
if (!timeout) {
timeout = this._scheduled;
const now = getTime();
if (now + timeout - (this._started + this._scheduled) < 0) {
} else if (!this._triggered) {
this._started = now;
this._rescheduled = timeout;
} else {
_schedule(timeout) {
this._triggered = false;
this._started = getTime();
this._rescheduled = 0;
this._scheduled = timeout;
this._timer = setTimeout(this._timerWrapper, timeout);
clear() {
function retimer() {
if (typeof arguments[0] !== "function") {
throw new Error("callback needed");
if (typeof arguments[1] !== "number") {
throw new Error("timeout needed");
let args;
if (arguments.length > 0) {
args = new Array(arguments.length - 2);
for (var i = 0; i < args.length; i++) {
args[i] = arguments[i + 2];
return new Retimer(arguments[0], arguments[1], args);
module2.exports = retimer;
// node_modules/timeout-abort-controller/index.js
var require_timeout_abort_controller = __commonJS({
"node_modules/timeout-abort-controller/index.js"(exports2, module2) {
"use strict";
var { AbortController: AbortController2 } = globalThis;
var retimer = require_retimer();
var TimeoutController2 = class _TimeoutController extends AbortController2 {
* @constructor
* @param {number} ms milliseconds
constructor(ms) {
this._ms = ms;
this._timer = retimer(() => this.abort(), ms);
Object.setPrototypeOf(this, _TimeoutController.prototype);
* Aborts the controller and clears the timer
abort() {
return super.abort();
* Clears the timer
clear() {
* Resets the timer
reset() {
this._timer = retimer(() => this.abort(), this._ms);
module2.exports = {
TimeoutController: TimeoutController2
// node_modules/events/events.js
var require_events = __commonJS({
"node_modules/events/events.js"(exports2, module2) {
"use strict";
var R = typeof Reflect === "object" ? Reflect : null;
var ReflectApply = R && typeof R.apply === "function" ? R.apply : function ReflectApply2(target, receiver, args) {
return, receiver, args);
var ReflectOwnKeys;
if (R && typeof R.ownKeys === "function") {
ReflectOwnKeys = R.ownKeys;
} else if (Object.getOwnPropertySymbols) {
ReflectOwnKeys = function ReflectOwnKeys2(target) {
return Object.getOwnPropertyNames(target).concat(Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(target));
} else {
ReflectOwnKeys = function ReflectOwnKeys2(target) {
return Object.getOwnPropertyNames(target);
function ProcessEmitWarning(warning) {
if (console && console.warn)
var NumberIsNaN = Number.isNaN || function NumberIsNaN2(value) {
return value !== value;
function EventEmitter6() {;
module2.exports = EventEmitter6;
module2.exports.once = once;
EventEmitter6.EventEmitter = EventEmitter6;
EventEmitter6.prototype._events = void 0;
EventEmitter6.prototype._eventsCount = 0;
EventEmitter6.prototype._maxListeners = void 0;
var defaultMaxListeners = 10;
function checkListener(listener) {
if (typeof listener !== "function") {
throw new TypeError('The "listener" argument must be of type Function. Received type ' + typeof listener);
Object.defineProperty(EventEmitter6, "defaultMaxListeners", {
enumerable: true,
get: function() {
return defaultMaxListeners;
set: function(arg) {
if (typeof arg !== "number" || arg < 0 || NumberIsNaN(arg)) {
throw new RangeError('The value of "defaultMaxListeners" is out of range. It must be a non-negative number. Received ' + arg + ".");
defaultMaxListeners = arg;
EventEmitter6.init = function() {
if (this._events === void 0 || this._events === Object.getPrototypeOf(this)._events) {
this._events = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null);
this._eventsCount = 0;
this._maxListeners = this._maxListeners || void 0;
EventEmitter6.prototype.setMaxListeners = function setMaxListeners10(n) {
if (typeof n !== "number" || n < 0 || NumberIsNaN(n)) {
throw new RangeError('The value of "n" is out of range. It must be a non-negative number. Received ' + n + ".");
this._maxListeners = n;
return this;
function _getMaxListeners(that) {
if (that._maxListeners === void 0)
return EventEmitter6.defaultMaxListeners;
return that._maxListeners;
EventEmitter6.prototype.getMaxListeners = function getMaxListeners() {
return _getMaxListeners(this);
EventEmitter6.prototype.emit = function emit(type) {
var args = [];
for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++)
var doError = type === "error";
var events2 = this._events;
if (events2 !== void 0)
doError = doError && events2.error === void 0;
else if (!doError)
return false;
if (doError) {
var er;
if (args.length > 0)
er = args[0];
if (er instanceof Error) {
throw er;
var err = new Error("Unhandled error." + (er ? " (" + er.message + ")" : ""));
err.context = er;
throw err;
var handler = events2[type];
if (handler === void 0)
return false;
if (typeof handler === "function") {
ReflectApply(handler, this, args);
} else {
var len = handler.length;
var listeners = arrayClone(handler, len);
for (var i = 0; i < len; ++i)
ReflectApply(listeners[i], this, args);
return true;
function _addListener(target, type, listener, prepend) {
var m;
var events2;
var existing;
events2 = target._events;
if (events2 === void 0) {
events2 = target._events = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null);
target._eventsCount = 0;
} else {
if (events2.newListener !== void 0) {
listener.listener ? listener.listener : listener
events2 = target._events;
existing = events2[type];
if (existing === void 0) {
existing = events2[type] = listener;
} else {
if (typeof existing === "function") {
existing = events2[type] = prepend ? [listener, existing] : [existing, listener];
} else if (prepend) {
} else {
m = _getMaxListeners(target);
if (m > 0 && existing.length > m && !existing.warned) {
existing.warned = true;
var w = new Error("Possible EventEmitter memory leak detected. " + existing.length + " " + String(type) + " listeners added. Use emitter.setMaxListeners() to increase limit"); = "MaxListenersExceededWarning";
w.emitter = target;
w.type = type;
w.count = existing.length;
return target;
EventEmitter6.prototype.addListener = function addListener(type, listener) {
return _addListener(this, type, listener, false);
EventEmitter6.prototype.on = EventEmitter6.prototype.addListener;
EventEmitter6.prototype.prependListener = function prependListener(type, listener) {
return _addListener(this, type, listener, true);
function onceWrapper() {
if (!this.fired) {, this.wrapFn);
this.fired = true;
if (arguments.length === 0)
return this.listener.apply(, arguments);
function _onceWrap(target, type, listener) {
var state = { fired: false, wrapFn: void 0, target, type, listener };
var wrapped = onceWrapper.bind(state);
wrapped.listener = listener;
state.wrapFn = wrapped;
return wrapped;
EventEmitter6.prototype.once = function once2(type, listener) {
this.on(type, _onceWrap(this, type, listener));
return this;
EventEmitter6.prototype.prependOnceListener = function prependOnceListener(type, listener) {
this.prependListener(type, _onceWrap(this, type, listener));
return this;
EventEmitter6.prototype.removeListener = function removeListener(type, listener) {
var list, events2, position, i, originalListener;
events2 = this._events;
if (events2 === void 0)
return this;
list = events2[type];
if (list === void 0)
return this;
if (list === listener || list.listener === listener) {
if (--this._eventsCount === 0)
this._events = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null);
else {
delete events2[type];
if (events2.removeListener)
this.emit("removeListener", type, list.listener || listener);
} else if (typeof list !== "function") {
position = -1;
for (i = list.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
if (list[i] === listener || list[i].listener === listener) {
originalListener = list[i].listener;
position = i;
if (position < 0)
return this;
if (position === 0)
else {
spliceOne(list, position);
if (list.length === 1)
events2[type] = list[0];
if (events2.removeListener !== void 0)
this.emit("removeListener", type, originalListener || listener);
return this;
}; = EventEmitter6.prototype.removeListener;
EventEmitter6.prototype.removeAllListeners = function removeAllListeners(type) {
var listeners, events2, i;
events2 = this._events;
if (events2 === void 0)
return this;
if (events2.removeListener === void 0) {
if (arguments.length === 0) {
this._events = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null);
this._eventsCount = 0;
} else if (events2[type] !== void 0) {
if (--this._eventsCount === 0)
this._events = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null);
delete events2[type];
return this;
if (arguments.length === 0) {
var keys = Object.keys(events2);
var key;
for (i = 0; i < keys.length; ++i) {
key = keys[i];
if (key === "removeListener")
this._events = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null);
this._eventsCount = 0;
return this;
listeners = events2[type];
if (typeof listeners === "function") {
this.removeListener(type, listeners);
} else if (listeners !== void 0) {
for (i = listeners.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
this.removeListener(type, listeners[i]);
return this;
function _listeners(target, type, unwrap) {
var events2 = target._events;
if (events2 === void 0)
return [];
var evlistener = events2[type];
if (evlistener === void 0)
return [];
if (typeof evlistener === "function")
return unwrap ? [evlistener.listener || evlistener] : [evlistener];
return unwrap ? unwrapListeners(evlistener) : arrayClone(evlistener, evlistener.length);
EventEmitter6.prototype.listeners = function listeners(type) {
return _listeners(this, type, true);
EventEmitter6.prototype.rawListeners = function rawListeners(type) {
return _listeners(this, type, false);
EventEmitter6.listenerCount = function(emitter, type) {
if (typeof emitter.listenerCount === "function") {
return emitter.listenerCount(type);
} else {
return, type);
EventEmitter6.prototype.listenerCount = listenerCount;
function listenerCount(type) {
var events2 = this._events;
if (events2 !== void 0) {
var evlistener = events2[type];
if (typeof evlistener === "function") {
return 1;
} else if (evlistener !== void 0) {
return evlistener.length;
return 0;
EventEmitter6.prototype.eventNames = function eventNames() {
return this._eventsCount > 0 ? ReflectOwnKeys(this._events) : [];
function arrayClone(arr, n) {
var copy = new Array(n);
for (var i = 0; i < n; ++i)
copy[i] = arr[i];
return copy;
function spliceOne(list, index) {
for (; index + 1 < list.length; index++)
list[index] = list[index + 1];
function unwrapListeners(arr) {
var ret = new Array(arr.length);
for (var i = 0; i < ret.length; ++i) {
ret[i] = arr[i].listener || arr[i];
return ret;
function once(emitter, name8) {
return new Promise(function(resolve6, reject) {
function errorListener(err) {
emitter.removeListener(name8, resolver);
function resolver() {
if (typeof emitter.removeListener === "function") {
emitter.removeListener("error", errorListener);
eventTargetAgnosticAddListener(emitter, name8, resolver, { once: true });
if (name8 !== "error") {
addErrorHandlerIfEventEmitter(emitter, errorListener, { once: true });
function addErrorHandlerIfEventEmitter(emitter, handler, flags) {
if (typeof emitter.on === "function") {
eventTargetAgnosticAddListener(emitter, "error", handler, flags);
function eventTargetAgnosticAddListener(emitter, name8, listener, flags) {
if (typeof emitter.on === "function") {
if (flags.once) {
emitter.once(name8, listener);
} else {
emitter.on(name8, listener);
} else if (typeof emitter.addEventListener === "function") {
emitter.addEventListener(name8, function wrapListener(arg) {
if (flags.once) {
emitter.removeEventListener(name8, wrapListener);
} else {
throw new TypeError('The "emitter" argument must be of type EventEmitter. Received type ' + typeof emitter);
// node_modules/@vascosantos/moving-average/index.js
var require_moving_average = __commonJS({
"node_modules/@vascosantos/moving-average/index.js"(exports2, module2) {
"use strict";
var exp = Math.exp;
exports2 = module2.exports = function MovingAverage2(timespan) {
if (typeof timespan !== "number") {
throw new Error("must provide a timespan to the moving average constructor");
if (timespan <= 0) {
throw new Error("must provide a timespan > 0 to the moving average constructor");
let ma;
let v = 0;
let d = 0;
let f = 0;
let previousTime;
let ret = {};
function alpha(t, pt) {
return 1 - exp(-(t - pt) / timespan);
ret.push = function push(time, value) {
if (previousTime) {
const a = alpha(time, previousTime);
const diff = value - ma;
const incr = a * diff;
ma = a * value + (1 - a) * ma;
v = (1 - a) * (v + diff * incr);
d = Math.sqrt(v);
f = ma + a * diff;
} else {
ma = value;
previousTime = time;
ret.movingAverage = function movingAverage() {
return ma;
ret.variance = function variance() {
return v;
ret.deviation = function deviation() {
return d;
ret.forecast = function forecast() {
return f;
return ret;
// node_modules/eventemitter3/index.js
var require_eventemitter3 = __commonJS({
"node_modules/eventemitter3/index.js"(exports2, module2) {
"use strict";
var has = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;
var prefix = "~";
function Events() {
if (Object.create) {
Events.prototype = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null);
if (!new Events().__proto__)
prefix = false;
function EE(fn, context, once) {
this.fn = fn;
this.context = context;
this.once = once || false;
function addListener(emitter, event, fn, context, once) {
if (typeof fn !== "function") {
throw new TypeError("The listener must be a function");
var listener = new EE(fn, context || emitter, once), evt = prefix ? prefix + event : event;
if (!emitter._events[evt])
emitter._events[evt] = listener, emitter._eventsCount++;
else if (!emitter._events[evt].fn)
emitter._events[evt] = [emitter._events[evt], listener];
return emitter;
function clearEvent(emitter, evt) {
if (--emitter._eventsCount === 0)
emitter._events = new Events();
delete emitter._events[evt];
function EventEmitter6() {
this._events = new Events();
this._eventsCount = 0;
EventEmitter6.prototype.eventNames = function eventNames() {
var names3 = [], events2, name8;
if (this._eventsCount === 0)
return names3;
for (name8 in events2 = this._events) {
if (, name8))
names3.push(prefix ? name8.slice(1) : name8);
if (Object.getOwnPropertySymbols) {
return names3.concat(Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(events2));
return names3;
EventEmitter6.prototype.listeners = function listeners(event) {
var evt = prefix ? prefix + event : event, handlers = this._events[evt];
if (!handlers)
return [];
if (handlers.fn)
return [handlers.fn];
for (var i = 0, l = handlers.length, ee = new Array(l); i < l; i++) {
ee[i] = handlers[i].fn;
return ee;
EventEmitter6.prototype.listenerCount = function listenerCount(event) {
var evt = prefix ? prefix + event : event, listeners = this._events[evt];
if (!listeners)
return 0;
if (listeners.fn)
return 1;
return listeners.length;
EventEmitter6.prototype.emit = function emit(event, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5) {
var evt = prefix ? prefix + event : event;
if (!this._events[evt])
return false;
var listeners = this._events[evt], len = arguments.length, args, i;
if (listeners.fn) {
if (listeners.once)
this.removeListener(event, listeners.fn, void 0, true);
switch (len) {
case 1:
return, true;
case 2:
return, a1), true;
case 3:
return, a1, a2), true;
case 4:
return, a1, a2, a3), true;
case 5:
return, a1, a2, a3, a4), true;
case 6:
return, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5), true;
for (i = 1, args = new Array(len - 1); i < len; i++) {
args[i - 1] = arguments[i];
listeners.fn.apply(listeners.context, args);
} else {
var length11 = listeners.length, j;
for (i = 0; i < length11; i++) {
if (listeners[i].once)
this.removeListener(event, listeners[i].fn, void 0, true);
switch (len) {
case 1:
case 2:
listeners[i][i].context, a1);
case 3:
listeners[i][i].context, a1, a2);
case 4:
listeners[i][i].context, a1, a2, a3);
if (!args)
for (j = 1, args = new Array(len - 1); j < len; j++) {
args[j - 1] = arguments[j];
listeners[i].fn.apply(listeners[i].context, args);
return true;
EventEmitter6.prototype.on = function on(event, fn, context) {
return addListener(this, event, fn, context, false);
EventEmitter6.prototype.once = function once(event, fn, context) {
return addListener(this, event, fn, context, true);
EventEmitter6.prototype.removeListener = function removeListener(event, fn, context, once) {
var evt = prefix ? prefix + event : event;
if (!this._events[evt])
return this;
if (!fn) {
clearEvent(this, evt);
return this;
var listeners = this._events[evt];
if (listeners.fn) {
if (listeners.fn === fn && (!once || listeners.once) && (!context || listeners.context === context)) {
clearEvent(this, evt);
} else {
for (var i = 0, events2 = [], length11 = listeners.length; i < length11; i++) {
if (listeners[i].fn !== fn || once && !listeners[i].once || context && listeners[i].context !== context) {
if (events2.length)
this._events[evt] = events2.length === 1 ? events2[0] : events2;
clearEvent(this, evt);
return this;
EventEmitter6.prototype.removeAllListeners = function removeAllListeners(event) {
var evt;
if (event) {
evt = prefix ? prefix + event : event;
if (this._events[evt])
clearEvent(this, evt);
} else {
this._events = new Events();
this._eventsCount = 0;
return this;
}; = EventEmitter6.prototype.removeListener;
EventEmitter6.prototype.addListener = EventEmitter6.prototype.on;
EventEmitter6.prefixed = prefix;
EventEmitter6.EventEmitter = EventEmitter6;
if ("undefined" !== typeof module2) {
module2.exports = EventEmitter6;
// node_modules/node-forge/lib/forge.js
var require_forge = __commonJS({
"node_modules/node-forge/lib/forge.js"(exports2, module2) {
module2.exports = {
// default options
options: {
usePureJavaScript: false
// node_modules/node-forge/lib/baseN.js
var require_baseN = __commonJS({
"node_modules/node-forge/lib/baseN.js"(exports2, module2) {
var api = {};
module2.exports = api;
var _reverseAlphabets = {};
api.encode = function(input, alphabet5, maxline) {
if (typeof alphabet5 !== "string") {
throw new TypeError('"alphabet" must be a string.');
if (maxline !== void 0 && typeof maxline !== "number") {
throw new TypeError('"maxline" must be a number.');
var output3 = "";
if (!(input instanceof Uint8Array)) {
output3 = _encodeWithByteBuffer(input, alphabet5);
} else {
var i = 0;
var base14 = alphabet5.length;
var first2 = alphabet5.charAt(0);
var digits = [0];
for (i = 0; i < input.length; ++i) {
for (var j = 0, carry = input[i]; j < digits.length; ++j) {
carry += digits[j] << 8;
digits[j] = carry % base14;
carry = carry / base14 | 0;
while (carry > 0) {
digits.push(carry % base14);
carry = carry / base14 | 0;
for (i = 0; input[i] === 0 && i < input.length - 1; ++i) {
output3 += first2;
for (i = digits.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
output3 += alphabet5[digits[i]];
if (maxline) {
var regex = new RegExp(".{1," + maxline + "}", "g");
output3 = output3.match(regex).join("\r\n");
return output3;
api.decode = function(input, alphabet5) {
if (typeof input !== "string") {
throw new TypeError('"input" must be a string.');
if (typeof alphabet5 !== "string") {
throw new TypeError('"alphabet" must be a string.');
var table2 = _reverseAlphabets[alphabet5];
if (!table2) {
table2 = _reverseAlphabets[alphabet5] = [];
for (var i = 0; i < alphabet5.length; ++i) {
table2[alphabet5.charCodeAt(i)] = i;
input = input.replace(/\s/g, "");
var base14 = alphabet5.length;
var first2 = alphabet5.charAt(0);
var bytes3 = [0];
for (var i = 0; i < input.length; i++) {
var value = table2[input.charCodeAt(i)];
if (value === void 0) {
for (var j = 0, carry = value; j < bytes3.length; ++j) {
carry += bytes3[j] * base14;
bytes3[j] = carry & 255;
carry >>= 8;
while (carry > 0) {
bytes3.push(carry & 255);
carry >>= 8;
for (var k = 0; input[k] === first2 && k < input.length - 1; ++k) {
if (typeof Buffer !== "undefined") {
return Buffer.from(bytes3.reverse());
return new Uint8Array(bytes3.reverse());
function _encodeWithByteBuffer(input, alphabet5) {
var i = 0;
var base14 = alphabet5.length;
var first2 = alphabet5.charAt(0);
var digits = [0];
for (i = 0; i < input.length(); ++i) {
for (var j = 0, carry =; j < digits.length; ++j) {
carry += digits[j] << 8;
digits[j] = carry % base14;
carry = carry / base14 | 0;
while (carry > 0) {
digits.push(carry % base14);
carry = carry / base14 | 0;
var output3 = "";
for (i = 0; === 0 && i < input.length() - 1; ++i) {
output3 += first2;
for (i = digits.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
output3 += alphabet5[digits[i]];
return output3;
// node_modules/node-forge/lib/util.js
var require_util = __commonJS({
"node_modules/node-forge/lib/util.js"(exports2, module2) {
var forge7 = require_forge();
var baseN = require_baseN();
var util2 = module2.exports = forge7.util = forge7.util || {};
(function() {
if (typeof process !== "undefined" && process.nextTick && !process.browser) {
util2.nextTick = process.nextTick;
if (typeof setImmediate === "function") {
util2.setImmediate = setImmediate;
} else {
util2.setImmediate = util2.nextTick;
if (typeof setImmediate === "function") {
util2.setImmediate = function() {
return setImmediate.apply(void 0, arguments);
util2.nextTick = function(callback) {
return setImmediate(callback);
util2.setImmediate = function(callback) {
setTimeout(callback, 0);
if (typeof window !== "undefined" && typeof window.postMessage === "function") {
let handler2 = function(event) {
if (event.source === window && === msg) {
var copy = callbacks.slice();
callbacks.length = 0;
copy.forEach(function(callback) {
var handler = handler2;
var msg = "forge.setImmediate";
var callbacks = [];
util2.setImmediate = function(callback) {
if (callbacks.length === 1) {
window.postMessage(msg, "*");
window.addEventListener("message", handler2, true);
if (typeof MutationObserver !== "undefined") {
var now =;
var attr = true;
var div = document.createElement("div");
var callbacks = [];
new MutationObserver(function() {
var copy = callbacks.slice();
callbacks.length = 0;
copy.forEach(function(callback) {
}).observe(div, { attributes: true });
var oldSetImmediate = util2.setImmediate;
util2.setImmediate = function(callback) {
if ( - now > 15) {
now =;
} else {
if (callbacks.length === 1) {
div.setAttribute("a", attr = !attr);
util2.nextTick = util2.setImmediate;
util2.isNodejs = typeof process !== "undefined" && process.versions && process.versions.node;
util2.globalScope = function() {
if (util2.isNodejs) {
return globalThis;
return typeof self === "undefined" ? window : self;
util2.isArray = Array.isArray || function(x) {
return === "[object Array]";
util2.isArrayBuffer = function(x) {
return typeof ArrayBuffer !== "undefined" && x instanceof ArrayBuffer;
util2.isArrayBufferView = function(x) {
return x && util2.isArrayBuffer(x.buffer) && x.byteLength !== void 0;
function _checkBitsParam(n) {
if (!(n === 8 || n === 16 || n === 24 || n === 32)) {
throw new Error("Only 8, 16, 24, or 32 bits supported: " + n);
util2.ByteBuffer = ByteStringBuffer;
function ByteStringBuffer(b) { = ""; = 0;
if (typeof b === "string") { = b;
} else if (util2.isArrayBuffer(b) || util2.isArrayBufferView(b)) {
if (typeof Buffer !== "undefined" && b instanceof Buffer) { = b.toString("binary");
} else {
var arr = new Uint8Array(b);
try { = String.fromCharCode.apply(null, arr);
} catch (e) {
for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; ++i) {
} else if (b instanceof ByteStringBuffer || typeof b === "object" && typeof === "string" && typeof === "number") { =; =;
this._constructedStringLength = 0;
util2.ByteStringBuffer = ByteStringBuffer;
util2.ByteStringBuffer.prototype._optimizeConstructedString = function(x) {
this._constructedStringLength += x;
if (this._constructedStringLength > _MAX_CONSTRUCTED_STRING_LENGTH) {, 1);
this._constructedStringLength = 0;
util2.ByteStringBuffer.prototype.length = function() {
return -;
util2.ByteStringBuffer.prototype.isEmpty = function() {
return this.length() <= 0;
util2.ByteStringBuffer.prototype.putByte = function(b) {
return this.putBytes(String.fromCharCode(b));
util2.ByteStringBuffer.prototype.fillWithByte = function(b, n) {
b = String.fromCharCode(b);
var d =;
while (n > 0) {
if (n & 1) {
d += b;
n >>>= 1;
if (n > 0) {
b += b;
} = d;
return this;
util2.ByteStringBuffer.prototype.putBytes = function(bytes3) { += bytes3;
return this;
util2.ByteStringBuffer.prototype.putString = function(str) {
return this.putBytes(util2.encodeUtf8(str));
util2.ByteStringBuffer.prototype.putInt16 = function(i) {
return this.putBytes(
String.fromCharCode(i >> 8 & 255) + String.fromCharCode(i & 255)
util2.ByteStringBuffer.prototype.putInt24 = function(i) {
return this.putBytes(
String.fromCharCode(i >> 16 & 255) + String.fromCharCode(i >> 8 & 255) + String.fromCharCode(i & 255)
util2.ByteStringBuffer.prototype.putInt32 = function(i) {
return this.putBytes(
String.fromCharCode(i >> 24 & 255) + String.fromCharCode(i >> 16 & 255) + String.fromCharCode(i >> 8 & 255) + String.fromCharCode(i & 255)
util2.ByteStringBuffer.prototype.putInt16Le = function(i) {
return this.putBytes(
String.fromCharCode(i & 255) + String.fromCharCode(i >> 8 & 255)
util2.ByteStringBuffer.prototype.putInt24Le = function(i) {
return this.putBytes(
String.fromCharCode(i & 255) + String.fromCharCode(i >> 8 & 255) + String.fromCharCode(i >> 16 & 255)
util2.ByteStringBuffer.prototype.putInt32Le = function(i) {
return this.putBytes(
String.fromCharCode(i & 255) + String.fromCharCode(i >> 8 & 255) + String.fromCharCode(i >> 16 & 255) + String.fromCharCode(i >> 24 & 255)
util2.ByteStringBuffer.prototype.putInt = function(i, n) {
var bytes3 = "";
do {
n -= 8;
bytes3 += String.fromCharCode(i >> n & 255);
} while (n > 0);
return this.putBytes(bytes3);
util2.ByteStringBuffer.prototype.putSignedInt = function(i, n) {
if (i < 0) {
i += 2 << n - 1;
return this.putInt(i, n);
util2.ByteStringBuffer.prototype.putBuffer = function(buffer3) {
return this.putBytes(buffer3.getBytes());
util2.ByteStringBuffer.prototype.getByte = function() {
util2.ByteStringBuffer.prototype.getInt16 = function() {
var rval = << 8 ^ + 1); += 2;
return rval;
util2.ByteStringBuffer.prototype.getInt24 = function() {
var rval = << 16 ^ + 1) << 8 ^ + 2); += 3;
return rval;
util2.ByteStringBuffer.prototype.getInt32 = function() {
var rval = << 24 ^ + 1) << 16 ^ + 2) << 8 ^ + 3); += 4;
return rval;
util2.ByteStringBuffer.prototype.getInt16Le = function() {
var rval = ^ + 1) << 8; += 2;
return rval;
util2.ByteStringBuffer.prototype.getInt24Le = function() {
var rval = ^ + 1) << 8 ^ + 2) << 16; += 3;
return rval;
util2.ByteStringBuffer.prototype.getInt32Le = function() {
var rval = ^ + 1) << 8 ^ + 2) << 16 ^ + 3) << 24; += 4;
return rval;
util2.ByteStringBuffer.prototype.getInt = function(n) {
var rval = 0;
do {
rval = (rval << 8) +;
n -= 8;
} while (n > 0);
return rval;
util2.ByteStringBuffer.prototype.getSignedInt = function(n) {
var x = this.getInt(n);
var max = 2 << n - 2;
if (x >= max) {
x -= max << 1;
return x;
util2.ByteStringBuffer.prototype.getBytes = function(count) {
var rval;
if (count) {
count = Math.min(this.length(), count);
rval =, + count); += count;
} else if (count === 0) {
rval = "";
} else {
rval = === 0 ? :;
return rval;
util2.ByteStringBuffer.prototype.bytes = function(count) {
return typeof count === "undefined" ? :, + count);
}; = function(i) {
return + i);
util2.ByteStringBuffer.prototype.setAt = function(i, b) { =, + i) + String.fromCharCode(b) + + i + 1);
return this;
util2.ByteStringBuffer.prototype.last = function() {
return - 1);
util2.ByteStringBuffer.prototype.copy = function() {
var c = util2.createBuffer(; =;
return c;
util2.ByteStringBuffer.prototype.compact = function() {
if ( > 0) { =; = 0;
return this;
util2.ByteStringBuffer.prototype.clear = function() { = ""; = 0;
return this;
util2.ByteStringBuffer.prototype.truncate = function(count) {
var len = Math.max(0, this.length() - count); =, len); = 0;
return this;
util2.ByteStringBuffer.prototype.toHex = function() {
var rval = "";
for (var i =; i <; ++i) {
var b =;
if (b < 16) {
rval += "0";
rval += b.toString(16);
return rval;
util2.ByteStringBuffer.prototype.toString = function() {
return util2.decodeUtf8(this.bytes());
function DataBuffer(b, options) {
options = options || {}; = options.readOffset || 0;
this.growSize = options.growSize || 1024;
var isArrayBuffer2 = util2.isArrayBuffer(b);
var isArrayBufferView = util2.isArrayBufferView(b);
if (isArrayBuffer2 || isArrayBufferView) {
if (isArrayBuffer2) { = new DataView(b);
} else { = new DataView(b.buffer, b.byteOffset, b.byteLength);
this.write = "writeOffset" in options ? options.writeOffset :;
} = new DataView(new ArrayBuffer(0));
this.write = 0;
if (b !== null && b !== void 0) {
if ("writeOffset" in options) {
this.write = options.writeOffset;
util2.DataBuffer = DataBuffer;
util2.DataBuffer.prototype.length = function() {
return this.write -;
util2.DataBuffer.prototype.isEmpty = function() {
return this.length() <= 0;
util2.DataBuffer.prototype.accommodate = function(amount, growSize) {
if (this.length() >= amount) {
return this;
growSize = Math.max(growSize || this.growSize, amount);
var src11 = new Uint8Array(,,
var dst = new Uint8Array(this.length() + growSize);
dst.set(src11); = new DataView(dst.buffer);
return this;
util2.DataBuffer.prototype.putByte = function(b) {
this.accommodate(1);, b);
return this;
util2.DataBuffer.prototype.fillWithByte = function(b, n) {
for (var i = 0; i < n; ++i) {;
return this;
util2.DataBuffer.prototype.putBytes = function(bytes3, encoding) {
if (util2.isArrayBufferView(bytes3)) {
var src11 = new Uint8Array(bytes3.buffer, bytes3.byteOffset, bytes3.byteLength);
var len = src11.byteLength - src11.byteOffset;
var dst = new Uint8Array(, this.write);
this.write += len;
return this;
if (util2.isArrayBuffer(bytes3)) {
var src11 = new Uint8Array(bytes3);
var dst = new Uint8Array(;
dst.set(src11, this.write);
this.write += src11.byteLength;
return this;
if (bytes3 instanceof util2.DataBuffer || typeof bytes3 === "object" && typeof === "number" && typeof bytes3.write === "number" && util2.isArrayBufferView( {
var src11 = new Uint8Array(,, bytes3.length());
var dst = new Uint8Array(, this.write);
this.write += src11.byteLength;
return this;
if (bytes3 instanceof util2.ByteStringBuffer) {
bytes3 =;
encoding = "binary";
encoding = encoding || "binary";
if (typeof bytes3 === "string") {
var view;
if (encoding === "hex") {
this.accommodate(Math.ceil(bytes3.length / 2));
view = new Uint8Array(, this.write);
this.write += util2.binary.hex.decode(bytes3, view, this.write);
return this;
if (encoding === "base64") {
this.accommodate(Math.ceil(bytes3.length / 4) * 3);
view = new Uint8Array(, this.write);
this.write += util2.binary.base64.decode(bytes3, view, this.write);
return this;
if (encoding === "utf8") {
bytes3 = util2.encodeUtf8(bytes3);
encoding = "binary";
if (encoding === "binary" || encoding === "raw") {
view = new Uint8Array(, this.write);
this.write += util2.binary.raw.decode(view);
return this;
if (encoding === "utf16") {
this.accommodate(bytes3.length * 2);
view = new Uint16Array(, this.write);
this.write += util2.text.utf16.encode(view);
return this;
throw new Error("Invalid encoding: " + encoding);
throw Error("Invalid parameter: " + bytes3);
util2.DataBuffer.prototype.putBuffer = function(buffer3) {
return this;
util2.DataBuffer.prototype.putString = function(str) {
return this.putBytes(str, "utf16");
util2.DataBuffer.prototype.putInt16 = function(i) {
this.accommodate(2);, i);
this.write += 2;
return this;
util2.DataBuffer.prototype.putInt24 = function(i) {
this.accommodate(3);, i >> 8 & 65535);, i >> 16 & 255);
this.write += 3;
return this;
util2.DataBuffer.prototype.putInt32 = function(i) {
this.accommodate(4);, i);
this.write += 4;
return this;
util2.DataBuffer.prototype.putInt16Le = function(i) {
this.accommodate(2);, i, true);
this.write += 2;
return this;
util2.DataBuffer.prototype.putInt24Le = function(i) {
this.accommodate(3);, i >> 16 & 255);, i >> 8 & 65535, true);
this.write += 3;
return this;
util2.DataBuffer.prototype.putInt32Le = function(i) {
this.accommodate(4);, i, true);
this.write += 4;
return this;
util2.DataBuffer.prototype.putInt = function(i, n) {
this.accommodate(n / 8);
do {
n -= 8;, i >> n & 255);
} while (n > 0);
return this;
util2.DataBuffer.prototype.putSignedInt = function(i, n) {
this.accommodate(n / 8);
if (i < 0) {
i += 2 << n - 1;
return this.putInt(i, n);
util2.DataBuffer.prototype.getByte = function() {
util2.DataBuffer.prototype.getInt16 = function() {
var rval =; += 2;
return rval;
util2.DataBuffer.prototype.getInt24 = function() {
var rval = << 8 ^ + 2); += 3;
return rval;
util2.DataBuffer.prototype.getInt32 = function() {
var rval =; += 4;
return rval;
util2.DataBuffer.prototype.getInt16Le = function() {
var rval =, true); += 2;
return rval;
util2.DataBuffer.prototype.getInt24Le = function() {
var rval = ^ + 1, true) << 8; += 3;
return rval;
util2.DataBuffer.prototype.getInt32Le = function() {
var rval =, true); += 4;
return rval;
util2.DataBuffer.prototype.getInt = function(n) {
var rval = 0;
do {
rval = (rval << 8) +;
n -= 8;
} while (n > 0);
return rval;
util2.DataBuffer.prototype.getSignedInt = function(n) {
var x = this.getInt(n);
var max = 2 << n - 2;
if (x >= max) {
x -= max << 1;
return x;
util2.DataBuffer.prototype.getBytes = function(count) {
var rval;
if (count) {
count = Math.min(this.length(), count);
rval =, + count); += count;
} else if (count === 0) {
rval = "";
} else {
rval = === 0 ? :;
return rval;
util2.DataBuffer.prototype.bytes = function(count) {
return typeof count === "undefined" ? :, + count);
}; = function(i) {
return + i);
util2.DataBuffer.prototype.setAt = function(i, b) {, b);
return this;
util2.DataBuffer.prototype.last = function() {
return - 1);
util2.DataBuffer.prototype.copy = function() {
return new util2.DataBuffer(this);
util2.DataBuffer.prototype.compact = function() {
if ( > 0) {
var src11 = new Uint8Array(,;
var dst = new Uint8Array(src11.byteLength);
dst.set(src11); = new DataView(dst);
this.write -=; = 0;
return this;
util2.DataBuffer.prototype.clear = function() { = new DataView(new ArrayBuffer(0)); = this.write = 0;
return this;
util2.DataBuffer.prototype.truncate = function(count) {
this.write = Math.max(0, this.length() - count); = Math.min(, this.write);
return this;
util2.DataBuffer.prototype.toHex = function() {
var rval = "";
for (var i =; i <; ++i) {
var b =;
if (b < 16) {
rval += "0";
rval += b.toString(16);
return rval;
util2.DataBuffer.prototype.toString = function(encoding) {
var view = new Uint8Array(,, this.length());
encoding = encoding || "utf8";
if (encoding === "binary" || encoding === "raw") {
return util2.binary.raw.encode(view);
if (encoding === "hex") {
return util2.binary.hex.encode(view);
if (encoding === "base64") {
return util2.binary.base64.encode(view);
if (encoding === "utf8") {
return util2.text.utf8.decode(view);
if (encoding === "utf16") {
return util2.text.utf16.decode(view);
throw new Error("Invalid encoding: " + encoding);
util2.createBuffer = function(input, encoding) {
encoding = encoding || "raw";
if (input !== void 0 && encoding === "utf8") {
input = util2.encodeUtf8(input);
return new util2.ByteBuffer(input);
util2.fillString = function(c, n) {
var s = "";
while (n > 0) {
if (n & 1) {
s += c;
n >>>= 1;
if (n > 0) {
c += c;
return s;
util2.xorBytes = function(s1, s2, n) {
var s3 = "";
var b = "";
var t = "";
var i = 0;
var c = 0;
for (; n > 0; --n, ++i) {
b = s1.charCodeAt(i) ^ s2.charCodeAt(i);
if (c >= 10) {
s3 += t;
t = "";
c = 0;
t += String.fromCharCode(b);
s3 += t;
return s3;
util2.hexToBytes = function(hex) {
var rval = "";
var i = 0;
if (hex.length & true) {
i = 1;
rval += String.fromCharCode(parseInt(hex[0], 16));
for (; i < hex.length; i += 2) {
rval += String.fromCharCode(parseInt(hex.substr(i, 2), 16));
return rval;
util2.bytesToHex = function(bytes3) {
return util2.createBuffer(bytes3).toHex();
util2.int32ToBytes = function(i) {
return String.fromCharCode(i >> 24 & 255) + String.fromCharCode(i >> 16 & 255) + String.fromCharCode(i >> 8 & 255) + String.fromCharCode(i & 255);
var _base64 = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/=";
var _base64Idx = [
/*43 -43 = 0*/
/*'+', 1, 2, 3,'/' */
/*'0','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9' */
/*15, 16, 17,'=', 19, 20, 21 */
/*65 - 43 = 22*/
/*'A','B','C','D','E','F','G','H','I','J','K','L','M', */
/*'N','O','P','Q','R','S','T','U','V','W','X','Y','Z' */
/*91 - 43 = 48 */
/*48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53 */
/*97 - 43 = 54*/
/*'a','b','c','d','e','f','g','h','i','j','k','l','m' */
/*'n','o','p','q','r','s','t','u','v','w','x','y','z' */
var _base58 = "123456789ABCDEFGHJKLMNPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijkmnopqrstuvwxyz";
util2.encode64 = function(input, maxline) {
var line = "";
var output3 = "";
var chr1, chr2, chr3;
var i = 0;
while (i < input.length) {
chr1 = input.charCodeAt(i++);
chr2 = input.charCodeAt(i++);
chr3 = input.charCodeAt(i++);
line += _base64.charAt(chr1 >> 2);
line += _base64.charAt((chr1 & 3) << 4 | chr2 >> 4);
if (isNaN(chr2)) {
line += "==";
} else {
line += _base64.charAt((chr2 & 15) << 2 | chr3 >> 6);
line += isNaN(chr3) ? "=" : _base64.charAt(chr3 & 63);
if (maxline && line.length > maxline) {
output3 += line.substr(0, maxline) + "\r\n";
line = line.substr(maxline);
output3 += line;
return output3;
util2.decode64 = function(input) {
input = input.replace(/[^A-Za-z0-9\+\/\=]/g, "");
var output3 = "";
var enc1, enc2, enc3, enc4;
var i = 0;
while (i < input.length) {
enc1 = _base64Idx[input.charCodeAt(i++) - 43];
enc2 = _base64Idx[input.charCodeAt(i++) - 43];
enc3 = _base64Idx[input.charCodeAt(i++) - 43];
enc4 = _base64Idx[input.charCodeAt(i++) - 43];
output3 += String.fromCharCode(enc1 << 2 | enc2 >> 4);
if (enc3 !== 64) {
output3 += String.fromCharCode((enc2 & 15) << 4 | enc3 >> 2);
if (enc4 !== 64) {
output3 += String.fromCharCode((enc3 & 3) << 6 | enc4);
return output3;
util2.encodeUtf8 = function(str) {
return unescape(encodeURIComponent(str));
util2.decodeUtf8 = function(str) {
return decodeURIComponent(escape(str));
util2.binary = {
raw: {},
hex: {},
base64: {},
base58: {},
baseN: {
encode: baseN.encode,
decode: baseN.decode
util2.binary.raw.encode = function(bytes3) {
return String.fromCharCode.apply(null, bytes3);
util2.binary.raw.decode = function(str, output3, offset) {
var out = output3;
if (!out) {
out = new Uint8Array(str.length);
offset = offset || 0;
var j = offset;
for (var i = 0; i < str.length; ++i) {
out[j++] = str.charCodeAt(i);
return output3 ? j - offset : out;
util2.binary.hex.encode = util2.bytesToHex;
util2.binary.hex.decode = function(hex, output3, offset) {
var out = output3;
if (!out) {
out = new Uint8Array(Math.ceil(hex.length / 2));
offset = offset || 0;
var i = 0, j = offset;
if (hex.length & 1) {
i = 1;
out[j++] = parseInt(hex[0], 16);
for (; i < hex.length; i += 2) {
out[j++] = parseInt(hex.substr(i, 2), 16);
return output3 ? j - offset : out;
util2.binary.base64.encode = function(input, maxline) {
var line = "";
var output3 = "";
var chr1, chr2, chr3;
var i = 0;
while (i < input.byteLength) {
chr1 = input[i++];
chr2 = input[i++];
chr3 = input[i++];
line += _base64.charAt(chr1 >> 2);
line += _base64.charAt((chr1 & 3) << 4 | chr2 >> 4);
if (isNaN(chr2)) {
line += "==";
} else {
line += _base64.charAt((chr2 & 15) << 2 | chr3 >> 6);
line += isNaN(chr3) ? "=" : _base64.charAt(chr3 & 63);
if (maxline && line.length > maxline) {
output3 += line.substr(0, maxline) + "\r\n";
line = line.substr(maxline);
output3 += line;
return output3;
util2.binary.base64.decode = function(input, output3, offset) {
var out = output3;
if (!out) {
out = new Uint8Array(Math.ceil(input.length / 4) * 3);
input = input.replace(/[^A-Za-z0-9\+\/\=]/g, "");
offset = offset || 0;
var enc1, enc2, enc3, enc4;
var i = 0, j = offset;
while (i < input.length) {
enc1 = _base64Idx[input.charCodeAt(i++) - 43];
enc2 = _base64Idx[input.charCodeAt(i++) - 43];
enc3 = _base64Idx[input.charCodeAt(i++) - 43];
enc4 = _base64Idx[input.charCodeAt(i++) - 43];
out[j++] = enc1 << 2 | enc2 >> 4;
if (enc3 !== 64) {
out[j++] = (enc2 & 15) << 4 | enc3 >> 2;
if (enc4 !== 64) {
out[j++] = (enc3 & 3) << 6 | enc4;
return output3 ? j - offset : out.subarray(0, j);
util2.binary.base58.encode = function(input, maxline) {
return util2.binary.baseN.encode(input, _base58, maxline);
util2.binary.base58.decode = function(input, maxline) {
return util2.binary.baseN.decode(input, _base58, maxline);
util2.text = {
utf8: {},
utf16: {}
util2.text.utf8.encode = function(str, output3, offset) {
str = util2.encodeUtf8(str);
var out = output3;
if (!out) {
out = new Uint8Array(str.length);
offset = offset || 0;
var j = offset;
for (var i = 0; i < str.length; ++i) {
out[j++] = str.charCodeAt(i);
return output3 ? j - offset : out;
util2.text.utf8.decode = function(bytes3) {
return util2.decodeUtf8(String.fromCharCode.apply(null, bytes3));
util2.text.utf16.encode = function(str, output3, offset) {
var out = output3;
if (!out) {
out = new Uint8Array(str.length * 2);
var view = new Uint16Array(out.buffer);
offset = offset || 0;
var j = offset;
var k = offset;
for (var i = 0; i < str.length; ++i) {
view[k++] = str.charCodeAt(i);
j += 2;
return output3 ? j - offset : out;
util2.text.utf16.decode = function(bytes3) {
return String.fromCharCode.apply(null, new Uint16Array(bytes3.buffer));
util2.deflate = function(api, bytes3, raw) {
bytes3 = util2.decode64(api.deflate(util2.encode64(bytes3)).rval);
if (raw) {
var start = 2;
var flg = bytes3.charCodeAt(1);
if (flg & 32) {
start = 6;
bytes3 = bytes3.substring(start, bytes3.length - 4);
return bytes3;
util2.inflate = function(api, bytes3, raw) {
var rval = api.inflate(util2.encode64(bytes3)).rval;
return rval === null ? null : util2.decode64(rval);
var _setStorageObject = function(api, id, obj) {
if (!api) {
throw new Error("WebStorage not available.");
var rval;
if (obj === null) {
rval = api.removeItem(id);
} else {
obj = util2.encode64(JSON.stringify(obj));
rval = api.setItem(id, obj);
if (typeof rval !== "undefined" && rval.rval !== true) {
var error = new Error(rval.error.message); =; =;
throw error;
var _getStorageObject = function(api, id) {
if (!api) {
throw new Error("WebStorage not available.");
var rval = api.getItem(id);
if (api.init) {
if (rval.rval === null) {
if (rval.error) {
var error = new Error(rval.error.message); =; =;
throw error;
rval = null;
} else {
rval = rval.rval;
if (rval !== null) {
rval = JSON.parse(util2.decode64(rval));
return rval;
var _setItem = function(api, id, key, data) {
var obj = _getStorageObject(api, id);
if (obj === null) {
obj = {};
obj[key] = data;
_setStorageObject(api, id, obj);
var _getItem = function(api, id, key) {
var rval = _getStorageObject(api, id);
if (rval !== null) {
rval = key in rval ? rval[key] : null;
return rval;
var _removeItem = function(api, id, key) {
var obj = _getStorageObject(api, id);
if (obj !== null && key in obj) {
delete obj[key];
var empty11 = true;
for (var prop in obj) {
empty11 = false;
if (empty11) {
obj = null;
_setStorageObject(api, id, obj);
var _clearItems = function(api, id) {
_setStorageObject(api, id, null);
var _callStorageFunction = function(func, args, location) {
var rval = null;
if (typeof location === "undefined") {
location = ["web", "flash"];
var type;
var done = false;
var exception = null;
for (var idx in location) {
type = location[idx];
try {
if (type === "flash" || type === "both") {
if (args[0] === null) {
throw new Error("Flash local storage not available.");
rval = func.apply(this, args);
done = type === "flash";
if (type === "web" || type === "both") {
args[0] = localStorage;
rval = func.apply(this, args);
done = true;
} catch (ex) {
exception = ex;
if (done) {
if (!done) {
throw exception;
return rval;
util2.setItem = function(api, id, key, data, location) {
_callStorageFunction(_setItem, arguments, location);
util2.getItem = function(api, id, key, location) {
return _callStorageFunction(_getItem, arguments, location);
util2.removeItem = function(api, id, key, location) {
_callStorageFunction(_removeItem, arguments, location);
util2.clearItems = function(api, id, location) {
_callStorageFunction(_clearItems, arguments, location);
util2.isEmpty = function(obj) {
for (var prop in obj) {
if (obj.hasOwnProperty(prop)) {
return false;
return true;
util2.format = function(format9) {
var re = /%./g;
var match;
var part;
var argi = 0;
var parts = [];
var last2 = 0;
while (match = re.exec(format9)) {
part = format9.substring(last2, re.lastIndex - 2);
if (part.length > 0) {
last2 = re.lastIndex;
var code9 = match[0][1];
switch (code9) {
case "s":
case "o":
if (argi < arguments.length) {
parts.push(arguments[argi++ + 1]);
} else {
case "%":
parts.push("<%" + code9 + "?>");
return parts.join("");
util2.formatNumber = function(number3, decimals, dec_point, thousands_sep) {
var n = number3, c = isNaN(decimals = Math.abs(decimals)) ? 2 : decimals;
var d = dec_point === void 0 ? "," : dec_point;
var t = thousands_sep === void 0 ? "." : thousands_sep, s = n < 0 ? "-" : "";
var i = parseInt(n = Math.abs(+n || 0).toFixed(c), 10) + "";
var j = i.length > 3 ? i.length % 3 : 0;
return s + (j ? i.substr(0, j) + t : "") + i.substr(j).replace(/(\d{3})(?=\d)/g, "$1" + t) + (c ? d + Math.abs(n - i).toFixed(c).slice(2) : "");
util2.formatSize = function(size) {
if (size >= 1073741824) {
size = util2.formatNumber(size / 1073741824, 2, ".", "") + " GiB";
} else if (size >= 1048576) {
size = util2.formatNumber(size / 1048576, 2, ".", "") + " MiB";
} else if (size >= 1024) {
size = util2.formatNumber(size / 1024, 0) + " KiB";
} else {
size = util2.formatNumber(size, 0) + " bytes";
return size;
util2.bytesFromIP = function(ip) {
if (ip.indexOf(".") !== -1) {
return util2.bytesFromIPv4(ip);
if (ip.indexOf(":") !== -1) {
return util2.bytesFromIPv6(ip);
return null;
util2.bytesFromIPv4 = function(ip) {
ip = ip.split(".");
if (ip.length !== 4) {
return null;
var b = util2.createBuffer();
for (var i = 0; i < ip.length; ++i) {
var num = parseInt(ip[i], 10);
if (isNaN(num)) {
return null;
return b.getBytes();
util2.bytesFromIPv6 = function(ip) {
var blanks = 0;
ip = ip.split(":").filter(function(e) {
if (e.length === 0)
return true;
var zeros = (8 - ip.length + blanks) * 2;
var b = util2.createBuffer();
for (var i = 0; i < 8; ++i) {
if (!ip[i] || ip[i].length === 0) {
b.fillWithByte(0, zeros);
zeros = 0;
var bytes3 = util2.hexToBytes(ip[i]);
if (bytes3.length < 2) {
return b.getBytes();
util2.bytesToIP = function(bytes3) {
if (bytes3.length === 4) {
return util2.bytesToIPv4(bytes3);
if (bytes3.length === 16) {
return util2.bytesToIPv6(bytes3);
return null;
util2.bytesToIPv4 = function(bytes3) {
if (bytes3.length !== 4) {
return null;
var ip = [];
for (var i = 0; i < bytes3.length; ++i) {
return ip.join(".");
util2.bytesToIPv6 = function(bytes3) {
if (bytes3.length !== 16) {
return null;
var ip = [];
var zeroGroups = [];
var zeroMaxGroup = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < bytes3.length; i += 2) {
var hex = util2.bytesToHex(bytes3[i] + bytes3[i + 1]);
while (hex[0] === "0" && hex !== "0") {
hex = hex.substr(1);
if (hex === "0") {
var last2 = zeroGroups[zeroGroups.length - 1];
var idx = ip.length;
if (!last2 || idx !== last2.end + 1) {
zeroGroups.push({ start: idx, end: idx });
} else {
last2.end = idx;
if (last2.end - last2.start > zeroGroups[zeroMaxGroup].end - zeroGroups[zeroMaxGroup].start) {
zeroMaxGroup = zeroGroups.length - 1;
if (zeroGroups.length > 0) {
var group = zeroGroups[zeroMaxGroup];
if (group.end - group.start > 0) {
ip.splice(group.start, group.end - group.start + 1, "");
if (group.start === 0) {
if (group.end === 7) {
return ip.join(":");
util2.estimateCores = function(options, callback) {
if (typeof options === "function") {
callback = options;
options = {};
options = options || {};
if ("cores" in util2 && !options.update) {
return callback(null, util2.cores);
if (typeof navigator !== "undefined" && "hardwareConcurrency" in navigator && navigator.hardwareConcurrency > 0) {
util2.cores = navigator.hardwareConcurrency;
return callback(null, util2.cores);
if (typeof Worker === "undefined") {
util2.cores = 1;
return callback(null, util2.cores);
if (typeof Blob === "undefined") {
util2.cores = 2;
return callback(null, util2.cores);
var blobUrl = URL.createObjectURL(new Blob([
function() {
self.addEventListener("message", function(e) {
var st =;
var et = st + 4;
while ( < et)
self.postMessage({ st, et });
], { type: "application/javascript" }));
sample([], 5, 16);
function sample(max, samples, numWorkers) {
if (samples === 0) {
var avg = Math.floor(max.reduce(function(avg2, x) {
return avg2 + x;
}, 0) / max.length);
util2.cores = Math.max(1, avg);
return callback(null, util2.cores);
map3(numWorkers, function(err, results) {
max.push(reduce2(numWorkers, results));
sample(max, samples - 1, numWorkers);
function map3(numWorkers, callback2) {
var workers = [];
var results = [];
for (var i = 0; i < numWorkers; ++i) {
var worker = new Worker(blobUrl);
worker.addEventListener("message", function(e) {
if (results.length === numWorkers) {
for (var i2 = 0; i2 < numWorkers; ++i2) {
callback2(null, results);
for (var i = 0; i < numWorkers; ++i) {
function reduce2(numWorkers, results) {
var overlaps = [];
for (var n = 0; n < numWorkers; ++n) {
var r1 = results[n];
var overlap = overlaps[n] = [];
for (var i = 0; i < numWorkers; ++i) {
if (n === i) {
var r2 = results[i];
if ( > && < || > && < {
return overlaps.reduce(function(max, overlap2) {
return Math.max(max, overlap2.length);
}, 0);
// node_modules/node-forge/lib/oids.js
var require_oids = __commonJS({
"node_modules/node-forge/lib/oids.js"(exports2, module2) {
var forge7 = require_forge();
forge7.pki = forge7.pki || {};
var oids = module2.exports = forge7.pki.oids = forge7.oids = forge7.oids || {};
function _IN(id, name8) {
oids[id] = name8;
oids[name8] = id;
function _I_(id, name8) {
oids[id] = name8;
_IN("1.2.840.113549.1.1.1", "rsaEncryption");
_IN("1.2.840.113549.1.1.4", "md5WithRSAEncryption");
_IN("1.2.840.113549.1.1.5", "sha1WithRSAEncryption");
_IN("1.2.840.113549.1.1.7", "RSAES-OAEP");
_IN("1.2.840.113549.1.1.8", "mgf1");
_IN("1.2.840.113549.1.1.9", "pSpecified");
_IN("1.2.840.113549.1.1.10", "RSASSA-PSS");
_IN("1.2.840.113549.1.1.11", "sha256WithRSAEncryption");
_IN("1.2.840.113549.1.1.12", "sha384WithRSAEncryption");
_IN("1.2.840.113549.1.1.13", "sha512WithRSAEncryption");
_IN("", "EdDSA25519");
_IN("1.2.840.10040.4.3", "dsa-with-sha1");
_IN("", "desCBC");
_IN("", "sha1");
_IN("", "sha1WithRSASignature");
_IN("2.16.840.", "sha256");
_IN("2.16.840.", "sha384");
_IN("2.16.840.", "sha512");
_IN("2.16.840.", "sha224");
_IN("2.16.840.", "sha512-224");
_IN("2.16.840.", "sha512-256");
_IN("1.2.840.113549.2.2", "md2");
_IN("1.2.840.113549.2.5", "md5");
_IN("1.2.840.113549.1.7.1", "data");
_IN("1.2.840.113549.1.7.2", "signedData");
_IN("1.2.840.113549.1.7.3", "envelopedData");
_IN("1.2.840.113549.1.7.4", "signedAndEnvelopedData");
_IN("1.2.840.113549.1.7.5", "digestedData");
_IN("1.2.840.113549.1.7.6", "encryptedData");
_IN("1.2.840.113549.1.9.1", "emailAddress");
_IN("1.2.840.113549.1.9.2", "unstructuredName");
_IN("1.2.840.113549.1.9.3", "contentType");
_IN("1.2.840.113549.1.9.4", "messageDigest");
_IN("1.2.840.113549.1.9.5", "signingTime");
_IN("1.2.840.113549.1.9.6", "counterSignature");
_IN("1.2.840.113549.1.9.7", "challengePassword");
_IN("1.2.840.113549.1.9.8", "unstructuredAddress");
_IN("1.2.840.113549.1.9.14", "extensionRequest");
_IN("1.2.840.113549.1.9.20", "friendlyName");
_IN("1.2.840.113549.1.9.21", "localKeyId");
_IN("1.2.840.113549.", "x509Certificate");
_IN("1.2.840.113549.", "keyBag");
_IN("1.2.840.113549.", "pkcs8ShroudedKeyBag");
_IN("1.2.840.113549.", "certBag");
_IN("1.2.840.113549.", "crlBag");
_IN("1.2.840.113549.", "secretBag");
_IN("1.2.840.113549.", "safeContentsBag");
_IN("1.2.840.113549.1.5.13", "pkcs5PBES2");
_IN("1.2.840.113549.1.5.12", "pkcs5PBKDF2");
_IN("1.2.840.113549.", "pbeWithSHAAnd128BitRC4");
_IN("1.2.840.113549.", "pbeWithSHAAnd40BitRC4");
_IN("1.2.840.113549.", "pbeWithSHAAnd3-KeyTripleDES-CBC");
_IN("1.2.840.113549.", "pbeWithSHAAnd2-KeyTripleDES-CBC");
_IN("1.2.840.113549.", "pbeWithSHAAnd128BitRC2-CBC");
_IN("1.2.840.113549.", "pbewithSHAAnd40BitRC2-CBC");
_IN("1.2.840.113549.2.7", "hmacWithSHA1");
_IN("1.2.840.113549.2.8", "hmacWithSHA224");
_IN("1.2.840.113549.2.9", "hmacWithSHA256");
_IN("1.2.840.113549.2.10", "hmacWithSHA384");
_IN("1.2.840.113549.2.11", "hmacWithSHA512");
_IN("1.2.840.113549.3.7", "des-EDE3-CBC");
_IN("2.16.840.", "aes128-CBC");
_IN("2.16.840.", "aes192-CBC");
_IN("2.16.840.", "aes256-CBC");
_IN("", "commonName");
_IN("", "surname");
_IN("", "serialNumber");
_IN("", "countryName");
_IN("", "localityName");
_IN("", "stateOrProvinceName");
_IN("", "streetAddress");
_IN("", "organizationName");
_IN("", "organizationalUnitName");
_IN("", "title");
_IN("", "description");
_IN("", "businessCategory");
_IN("", "postalCode");
_IN("", "givenName");
_IN("", "jurisdictionOfIncorporationStateOrProvinceName");
_IN("", "jurisdictionOfIncorporationCountryName");
_IN("2.16.840.1.113730.1.1", "nsCertType");
_IN("2.16.840.1.113730.1.13", "nsComment");
_I_("", "authorityKeyIdentifier");
_I_("", "keyAttributes");
_I_("", "certificatePolicies");
_I_("", "keyUsageRestriction");
_I_("", "policyMapping");
_I_("", "subtreesConstraint");
_I_("", "subjectAltName");
_I_("", "issuerAltName");
_I_("", "subjectDirectoryAttributes");
_I_("", "basicConstraints");
_I_("", "nameConstraints");
_I_("", "policyConstraints");
_I_("", "basicConstraints");
_IN("", "subjectKeyIdentifier");
_IN("", "keyUsage");
_I_("", "privateKeyUsagePeriod");
_IN("", "subjectAltName");
_IN("", "issuerAltName");
_IN("", "basicConstraints");
_I_("", "cRLNumber");
_I_("", "cRLReason");
_I_("", "expirationDate");
_I_("", "instructionCode");
_I_("", "invalidityDate");
_I_("", "cRLDistributionPoints");
_I_("", "issuingDistributionPoint");
_I_("", "deltaCRLIndicator");
_I_("", "issuingDistributionPoint");
_I_("", "certificateIssuer");
_I_("", "nameConstraints");
_IN("", "cRLDistributionPoints");
_IN("", "certificatePolicies");
_I_("", "policyMappings");
_I_("", "policyConstraints");
_IN("", "authorityKeyIdentifier");
_I_("", "policyConstraints");
_IN("", "extKeyUsage");
_I_("", "freshestCRL");
_I_("", "inhibitAnyPolicy");
_IN("", "timestampList");
_IN("", "authorityInfoAccess");
_IN("", "serverAuth");
_IN("", "clientAuth");
_IN("", "codeSigning");
_IN("", "emailProtection");
_IN("", "timeStamping");
// node_modules/node-forge/lib/asn1.js
var require_asn1 = __commonJS({
"node_modules/node-forge/lib/asn1.js"(exports2, module2) {
var forge7 = require_forge();
var asn1 = module2.exports = forge7.asn1 = forge7.asn1 || {};
asn1.Class = {
asn1.Type = {
NONE: 0,
NULL: 5,
OID: 6,
REAL: 9,
UTF8: 12,
ROID: 13,
SET: 17,
asn1.create = function(tagClass, type, constructed, value, options) {
if (forge7.util.isArray(value)) {
var tmp = [];
for (var i = 0; i < value.length; ++i) {
if (value[i] !== void 0) {
value = tmp;
var obj = {
composed: constructed || forge7.util.isArray(value),
if (options && "bitStringContents" in options) {
obj.bitStringContents = options.bitStringContents;
obj.original = asn1.copy(obj);
return obj;
asn1.copy = function(obj, options) {
var copy;
if (forge7.util.isArray(obj)) {
copy = [];
for (var i = 0; i < obj.length; ++i) {
copy.push(asn1.copy(obj[i], options));
return copy;
if (typeof obj === "string") {
return obj;
copy = {
tagClass: obj.tagClass,
type: obj.type,
constructed: obj.constructed,
composed: obj.composed,
value: asn1.copy(obj.value, options)
if (options && !options.excludeBitStringContents) {
copy.bitStringContents = obj.bitStringContents;
return copy;
asn1.equals = function(obj1, obj2, options) {
if (forge7.util.isArray(obj1)) {
if (!forge7.util.isArray(obj2)) {
return false;
if (obj1.length !== obj2.length) {
return false;
for (var i = 0; i < obj1.length; ++i) {
if (!asn1.equals(obj1[i], obj2[i])) {
return false;
return true;
if (typeof obj1 !== typeof obj2) {
return false;
if (typeof obj1 === "string") {
return obj1 === obj2;
var equal = obj1.tagClass === obj2.tagClass && obj1.type === obj2.type && obj1.constructed === obj2.constructed && obj1.composed === obj2.composed && asn1.equals(obj1.value, obj2.value);
if (options && options.includeBitStringContents) {
equal = equal && obj1.bitStringContents === obj2.bitStringContents;
return equal;
asn1.getBerValueLength = function(b) {
var b2 = b.getByte();
if (b2 === 128) {
return void 0;
var length11;
var longForm = b2 & 128;
if (!longForm) {
length11 = b2;
} else {
length11 = b.getInt((b2 & 127) << 3);
return length11;
function _checkBufferLength(bytes3, remaining, n) {
if (n > remaining) {
var error = new Error("Too few bytes to parse DER.");
error.available = bytes3.length();
error.remaining = remaining;
error.requested = n;
throw error;
var _getValueLength = function(bytes3, remaining) {
var b2 = bytes3.getByte();
if (b2 === 128) {
return void 0;
var length11;
var longForm = b2 & 128;
if (!longForm) {
length11 = b2;
} else {
var longFormBytes = b2 & 127;
_checkBufferLength(bytes3, remaining, longFormBytes);
length11 = bytes3.getInt(longFormBytes << 3);
if (length11 < 0) {
throw new Error("Negative length: " + length11);
return length11;
asn1.fromDer = function(bytes3, options) {
if (options === void 0) {
options = {
strict: true,
parseAllBytes: true,
decodeBitStrings: true
if (typeof options === "boolean") {
options = {
strict: options,
parseAllBytes: true,
decodeBitStrings: true
if (!("strict" in options)) {
options.strict = true;
if (!("parseAllBytes" in options)) {
options.parseAllBytes = true;
if (!("decodeBitStrings" in options)) {
options.decodeBitStrings = true;
if (typeof bytes3 === "string") {
bytes3 = forge7.util.createBuffer(bytes3);
var byteCount = bytes3.length();
var value = _fromDer(bytes3, bytes3.length(), 0, options);
if (options.parseAllBytes && bytes3.length() !== 0) {
var error = new Error("Unparsed DER bytes remain after ASN.1 parsing.");
error.byteCount = byteCount;
error.remaining = bytes3.length();
throw error;
return value;
function _fromDer(bytes3, remaining, depth, options) {
var start;
_checkBufferLength(bytes3, remaining, 2);
var b1 = bytes3.getByte();
var tagClass = b1 & 192;
var type = b1 & 31;
start = bytes3.length();
var length11 = _getValueLength(bytes3, remaining);
remaining -= start - bytes3.length();
if (length11 !== void 0 && length11 > remaining) {
if (options.strict) {
var error = new Error("Too few bytes to read ASN.1 value.");
error.available = bytes3.length();
error.remaining = remaining;
error.requested = length11;
throw error;
length11 = remaining;
var value;
var bitStringContents;
var constructed = (b1 & 32) === 32;
if (constructed) {
value = [];
if (length11 === void 0) {
for (; ; ) {
_checkBufferLength(bytes3, remaining, 2);
if (bytes3.bytes(2) === String.fromCharCode(0, 0)) {
remaining -= 2;
start = bytes3.length();
value.push(_fromDer(bytes3, remaining, depth + 1, options));
remaining -= start - bytes3.length();
} else {
while (length11 > 0) {
start = bytes3.length();
value.push(_fromDer(bytes3, length11, depth + 1, options));
remaining -= start - bytes3.length();
length11 -= start - bytes3.length();
if (value === void 0 && tagClass === asn1.Class.UNIVERSAL && type === asn1.Type.BITSTRING) {
bitStringContents = bytes3.bytes(length11);
if (value === void 0 && options.decodeBitStrings && tagClass === asn1.Class.UNIVERSAL && // FIXME: OCTET STRINGs not yet supported here
// .. other parts of forge expect to decode OCTET STRINGs manually
type === asn1.Type.BITSTRING && length11 > 1) {
var savedRead =;
var savedRemaining = remaining;
var unused = 0;
if (type === asn1.Type.BITSTRING) {
_checkBufferLength(bytes3, remaining, 1);
unused = bytes3.getByte();
if (unused === 0) {
try {
start = bytes3.length();
var subOptions = {
// enforce strict mode to avoid parsing ASN.1 from plain data
strict: true,
decodeBitStrings: true
var composed = _fromDer(bytes3, remaining, depth + 1, subOptions);
var used = start - bytes3.length();
remaining -= used;
if (type == asn1.Type.BITSTRING) {
var tc = composed.tagClass;
if (used === length11 && (tc === asn1.Class.UNIVERSAL || tc === asn1.Class.CONTEXT_SPECIFIC)) {
value = [composed];
} catch (ex) {
if (value === void 0) { = savedRead;
remaining = savedRemaining;
if (value === void 0) {
if (length11 === void 0) {
if (options.strict) {
throw new Error("Non-constructed ASN.1 object of indefinite length.");
length11 = remaining;
if (type === asn1.Type.BMPSTRING) {
value = "";
for (; length11 > 0; length11 -= 2) {
_checkBufferLength(bytes3, remaining, 2);
value += String.fromCharCode(bytes3.getInt16());
remaining -= 2;
} else {
value = bytes3.getBytes(length11);
remaining -= length11;
var asn1Options = bitStringContents === void 0 ? null : {
return asn1.create(tagClass, type, constructed, value, asn1Options);
asn1.toDer = function(obj) {
var bytes3 = forge7.util.createBuffer();
var b1 = obj.tagClass | obj.type;
var value = forge7.util.createBuffer();
var useBitStringContents = false;
if ("bitStringContents" in obj) {
useBitStringContents = true;
if (obj.original) {
useBitStringContents = asn1.equals(obj, obj.original);
if (useBitStringContents) {
} else if (obj.composed) {
if (obj.constructed) {
b1 |= 32;
} else {
for (var i = 0; i < obj.value.length; ++i) {
if (obj.value[i] !== void 0) {
} else {
if (obj.type === asn1.Type.BMPSTRING) {
for (var i = 0; i < obj.value.length; ++i) {
} else {
if (obj.type === asn1.Type.INTEGER && obj.value.length > 1 && // leading 0x00 for positive integer
(obj.value.charCodeAt(0) === 0 && (obj.value.charCodeAt(1) & 128) === 0 || // leading 0xFF for negative integer
obj.value.charCodeAt(0) === 255 && (obj.value.charCodeAt(1) & 128) === 128)) {
} else {
if (value.length() <= 127) {
bytes3.putByte(value.length() & 127);
} else {
var len = value.length();
var lenBytes = "";
do {
lenBytes += String.fromCharCode(len & 255);
len = len >>> 8;
} while (len > 0);
bytes3.putByte(lenBytes.length | 128);
for (var i = lenBytes.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
return bytes3;
asn1.oidToDer = function(oid) {
var values = oid.split(".");
var bytes3 = forge7.util.createBuffer();
bytes3.putByte(40 * parseInt(values[0], 10) + parseInt(values[1], 10));
var last2, valueBytes, value, b;
for (var i = 2; i < values.length; ++i) {
last2 = true;
valueBytes = [];
value = parseInt(values[i], 10);
do {
b = value & 127;
value = value >>> 7;
if (!last2) {
b |= 128;
last2 = false;
} while (value > 0);
for (var n = valueBytes.length - 1; n >= 0; --n) {
return bytes3;
asn1.derToOid = function(bytes3) {
var oid;
if (typeof bytes3 === "string") {
bytes3 = forge7.util.createBuffer(bytes3);
var b = bytes3.getByte();
oid = Math.floor(b / 40) + "." + b % 40;
var value = 0;
while (bytes3.length() > 0) {
b = bytes3.getByte();
value = value << 7;
if (b & 128) {
value += b & 127;
} else {
oid += "." + (value + b);
value = 0;
return oid;
asn1.utcTimeToDate = function(utc) {
var date = /* @__PURE__ */ new Date();
var year = parseInt(utc.substr(0, 2), 10);
year = year >= 50 ? 1900 + year : 2e3 + year;
var MM = parseInt(utc.substr(2, 2), 10) - 1;
var DD = parseInt(utc.substr(4, 2), 10);
var hh = parseInt(utc.substr(6, 2), 10);
var mm = parseInt(utc.substr(8, 2), 10);
var ss = 0;
if (utc.length > 11) {
var c = utc.charAt(10);
var end = 10;
if (c !== "+" && c !== "-") {
ss = parseInt(utc.substr(10, 2), 10);
end += 2;
date.setUTCFullYear(year, MM, DD);
date.setUTCHours(hh, mm, ss, 0);
if (end) {
c = utc.charAt(end);
if (c === "+" || c === "-") {
var hhoffset = parseInt(utc.substr(end + 1, 2), 10);
var mmoffset = parseInt(utc.substr(end + 4, 2), 10);
var offset = hhoffset * 60 + mmoffset;
offset *= 6e4;
if (c === "+") {
date.setTime(+date - offset);
} else {
date.setTime(+date + offset);
return date;
asn1.generalizedTimeToDate = function(gentime) {
var date = /* @__PURE__ */ new Date();
var YYYY = parseInt(gentime.substr(0, 4), 10);
var MM = parseInt(gentime.substr(4, 2), 10) - 1;
var DD = parseInt(gentime.substr(6, 2), 10);
var hh = parseInt(gentime.substr(8, 2), 10);
var mm = parseInt(gentime.substr(10, 2), 10);
var ss = parseInt(gentime.substr(12, 2), 10);
var fff = 0;
var offset = 0;
var isUTC = false;
if (gentime.charAt(gentime.length - 1) === "Z") {
isUTC = true;
var end = gentime.length - 5, c = gentime.charAt(end);
if (c === "+" || c === "-") {
var hhoffset = parseInt(gentime.substr(end + 1, 2), 10);
var mmoffset = parseInt(gentime.substr(end + 4, 2), 10);
offset = hhoffset * 60 + mmoffset;
offset *= 6e4;
if (c === "+") {
offset *= -1;
isUTC = true;
if (gentime.charAt(14) === ".") {
fff = parseFloat(gentime.substr(14), 10) * 1e3;
if (isUTC) {
date.setUTCFullYear(YYYY, MM, DD);
date.setUTCHours(hh, mm, ss, fff);
date.setTime(+date + offset);
} else {
date.setFullYear(YYYY, MM, DD);
date.setHours(hh, mm, ss, fff);
return date;
asn1.dateToUtcTime = function(date) {
if (typeof date === "string") {
return date;
var rval = "";
var format9 = [];
format9.push(("" + date.getUTCFullYear()).substr(2));
format9.push("" + (date.getUTCMonth() + 1));
format9.push("" + date.getUTCDate());
format9.push("" + date.getUTCHours());
format9.push("" + date.getUTCMinutes());
format9.push("" + date.getUTCSeconds());
for (var i = 0; i < format9.length; ++i) {
if (format9[i].length < 2) {
rval += "0";
rval += format9[i];
rval += "Z";
return rval;
asn1.dateToGeneralizedTime = function(date) {
if (typeof date === "string") {
return date;
var rval = "";
var format9 = [];
format9.push("" + date.getUTCFullYear());
format9.push("" + (date.getUTCMonth() + 1));
format9.push("" + date.getUTCDate());
format9.push("" + date.getUTCHours());
format9.push("" + date.getUTCMinutes());
format9.push("" + date.getUTCSeconds());
for (var i = 0; i < format9.length; ++i) {
if (format9[i].length < 2) {
rval += "0";
rval += format9[i];
rval += "Z";
return rval;
asn1.integerToDer = function(x) {
var rval = forge7.util.createBuffer();
if (x >= -128 && x < 128) {
return rval.putSignedInt(x, 8);
if (x >= -32768 && x < 32768) {
return rval.putSignedInt(x, 16);
if (x >= -8388608 && x < 8388608) {
return rval.putSignedInt(x, 24);
if (x >= -2147483648 && x < 2147483648) {
return rval.putSignedInt(x, 32);
var error = new Error("Integer too large; max is 32-bits.");
error.integer = x;
throw error;
asn1.derToInteger = function(bytes3) {
if (typeof bytes3 === "string") {
bytes3 = forge7.util.createBuffer(bytes3);
var n = bytes3.length() * 8;
if (n > 32) {
throw new Error("Integer too large; max is 32-bits.");
return bytes3.getSignedInt(n);
asn1.validate = function(obj, v, capture, errors) {
var rval = false;
if ((obj.tagClass === v.tagClass || typeof v.tagClass === "undefined") && (obj.type === v.type || typeof v.type === "undefined")) {
if (obj.constructed === v.constructed || typeof v.constructed === "undefined") {
rval = true;
if (v.value && forge7.util.isArray(v.value)) {
var j = 0;
for (var i = 0; rval && i < v.value.length; ++i) {
rval = v.value[i].optional || false;
if (obj.value[j]) {
rval = asn1.validate(obj.value[j], v.value[i], capture, errors);
if (rval) {
} else if (v.value[i].optional) {
rval = true;
if (!rval && errors) {
"[" + + '] Tag class "' + v.tagClass + '", type "' + v.type + '" expected value length "' + v.value.length + '", got "' + obj.value.length + '"'
if (rval && capture) {
if (v.capture) {
capture[v.capture] = obj.value;
if (v.captureAsn1) {
capture[v.captureAsn1] = obj;
if (v.captureBitStringContents && "bitStringContents" in obj) {
capture[v.captureBitStringContents] = obj.bitStringContents;
if (v.captureBitStringValue && "bitStringContents" in obj) {
var value;
if (obj.bitStringContents.length < 2) {
capture[v.captureBitStringValue] = "";
} else {
var unused = obj.bitStringContents.charCodeAt(0);
if (unused !== 0) {
throw new Error(
"captureBitStringValue only supported for zero unused bits"
capture[v.captureBitStringValue] = obj.bitStringContents.slice(1);
} else if (errors) {
"[" + + '] Expected constructed "' + v.constructed + '", got "' + obj.constructed + '"'
} else if (errors) {
if (obj.tagClass !== v.tagClass) {
"[" + + '] Expected tag class "' + v.tagClass + '", got "' + obj.tagClass + '"'
if (obj.type !== v.type) {
"[" + + '] Expected type "' + v.type + '", got "' + obj.type + '"'
return rval;
var _nonLatinRegex = /[^\\u0000-\\u00ff]/;
asn1.prettyPrint = function(obj, level, indentation) {
var rval = "";
level = level || 0;
indentation = indentation || 2;
if (level > 0) {
rval += "\n";
var indent = "";
for (var i = 0; i < level * indentation; ++i) {
indent += " ";
rval += indent + "Tag: ";
switch (obj.tagClass) {
case asn1.Class.UNIVERSAL:
rval += "Universal:";
case asn1.Class.APPLICATION:
rval += "Application:";
case asn1.Class.CONTEXT_SPECIFIC:
rval += "Context-Specific:";
case asn1.Class.PRIVATE:
rval += "Private:";
if (obj.tagClass === asn1.Class.UNIVERSAL) {
rval += obj.type;
switch (obj.type) {
case asn1.Type.NONE:
rval += " (None)";
case asn1.Type.BOOLEAN:
rval += " (Boolean)";
case asn1.Type.INTEGER:
rval += " (Integer)";
case asn1.Type.BITSTRING:
rval += " (Bit string)";
case asn1.Type.OCTETSTRING:
rval += " (Octet string)";
case asn1.Type.NULL:
rval += " (Null)";
case asn1.Type.OID:
rval += " (Object Identifier)";
case asn1.Type.ODESC:
rval += " (Object Descriptor)";
case asn1.Type.EXTERNAL:
rval += " (External or Instance of)";
case asn1.Type.REAL:
rval += " (Real)";
case asn1.Type.ENUMERATED:
rval += " (Enumerated)";
case asn1.Type.EMBEDDED:
rval += " (Embedded PDV)";
case asn1.Type.UTF8:
rval += " (UTF8)";
case asn1.Type.ROID:
rval += " (Relative Object Identifier)";
case asn1.Type.SEQUENCE:
rval += " (Sequence)";
case asn1.Type.SET:
rval += " (Set)";
rval += " (Printable String)";
case asn1.Type.IA5String:
rval += " (IA5String (ASCII))";
case asn1.Type.UTCTIME:
rval += " (UTC time)";
rval += " (Generalized time)";
case asn1.Type.BMPSTRING:
rval += " (BMP String)";
} else {
rval += obj.type;
rval += "\n";
rval += indent + "Constructed: " + obj.constructed + "\n";
if (obj.composed) {
var subvalues = 0;
var sub = "";
for (var i = 0; i < obj.value.length; ++i) {
if (obj.value[i] !== void 0) {
subvalues += 1;
sub += asn1.prettyPrint(obj.value[i], level + 1, indentation);
if (i + 1 < obj.value.length) {
sub += ",";
rval += indent + "Sub values: " + subvalues + sub;
} else {
rval += indent + "Value: ";
if (obj.type === asn1.Type.OID) {
var oid = asn1.derToOid(obj.value);
rval += oid;
if (forge7.pki && forge7.pki.oids) {
if (oid in forge7.pki.oids) {
rval += " (" + forge7.pki.oids[oid] + ") ";
if (obj.type === asn1.Type.INTEGER) {
try {
rval += asn1.derToInteger(obj.value);
} catch (ex) {
rval += "0x" + forge7.util.bytesToHex(obj.value);
} else if (obj.type === asn1.Type.BITSTRING) {
if (obj.value.length > 1) {
rval += "0x" + forge7.util.bytesToHex(obj.value.slice(1));
} else {
rval += "(none)";
if (obj.value.length > 0) {
var unused = obj.value.charCodeAt(0);
if (unused == 1) {
rval += " (1 unused bit shown)";
} else if (unused > 1) {
rval += " (" + unused + " unused bits shown)";
} else if (obj.type === asn1.Type.OCTETSTRING) {
if (!_nonLatinRegex.test(obj.value)) {
rval += "(" + obj.value + ") ";
rval += "0x" + forge7.util.bytesToHex(obj.value);
} else if (obj.type === asn1.Type.UTF8) {
try {
rval += forge7.util.decodeUtf8(obj.value);
} catch (e) {
if (e.message === "URI malformed") {
rval += "0x" + forge7.util.bytesToHex(obj.value) + " (malformed UTF8)";
} else {
throw e;
} else if (obj.type === asn1.Type.PRINTABLESTRING || obj.type === asn1.Type.IA5String) {
rval += obj.value;
} else if (_nonLatinRegex.test(obj.value)) {
rval += "0x" + forge7.util.bytesToHex(obj.value);
} else if (obj.value.length === 0) {
rval += "[null]";
} else {
rval += obj.value;
return rval;
// node_modules/node-forge/lib/cipher.js
var require_cipher = __commonJS({
"node_modules/node-forge/lib/cipher.js"(exports2, module2) {
var forge7 = require_forge();
module2.exports = forge7.cipher = forge7.cipher || {};
forge7.cipher.algorithms = forge7.cipher.algorithms || {};
forge7.cipher.createCipher = function(algorithm, key) {
var api = algorithm;
if (typeof api === "string") {
api = forge7.cipher.getAlgorithm(api);
if (api) {
api = api();
if (!api) {
throw new Error("Unsupported algorithm: " + algorithm);
return new forge7.cipher.BlockCipher({
algorithm: api,
decrypt: false
forge7.cipher.createDecipher = function(algorithm, key) {
var api = algorithm;
if (typeof api === "string") {
api = forge7.cipher.getAlgorithm(api);
if (api) {
api = api();
if (!api) {
throw new Error("Unsupported algorithm: " + algorithm);
return new forge7.cipher.BlockCipher({
algorithm: api,
decrypt: true
forge7.cipher.registerAlgorithm = function(name8, algorithm) {
name8 = name8.toUpperCase();
forge7.cipher.algorithms[name8] = algorithm;
forge7.cipher.getAlgorithm = function(name8) {
name8 = name8.toUpperCase();
if (name8 in forge7.cipher.algorithms) {
return forge7.cipher.algorithms[name8];
return null;
var BlockCipher = forge7.cipher.BlockCipher = function(options) {
this.algorithm = options.algorithm;
this.mode = this.algorithm.mode;
this.blockSize = this.mode.blockSize;
this._finish = false;
this._input = null;
this.output = null;
this._op = options.decrypt ? this.mode.decrypt : this.mode.encrypt;
this._decrypt = options.decrypt;
BlockCipher.prototype.start = function(options) {
options = options || {};
var opts = {};
for (var key in options) {
opts[key] = options[key];
opts.decrypt = this._decrypt;
this._finish = false;
this._input = forge7.util.createBuffer();
this.output = options.output || forge7.util.createBuffer();
BlockCipher.prototype.update = function(input) {
if (input) {
while (!, this._input, this.output, this._finish) && !this._finish) {
BlockCipher.prototype.finish = function(pad) {
if (pad && ( === "ECB" || === "CBC")) {
this.mode.pad = function(input) {
return pad(this.blockSize, input, false);
this.mode.unpad = function(output3) {
return pad(this.blockSize, output3, true);
var options = {};
options.decrypt = this._decrypt;
options.overflow = this._input.length() % this.blockSize;
if (!this._decrypt && this.mode.pad) {
if (!this.mode.pad(this._input, options)) {
return false;
this._finish = true;
if (this._decrypt && this.mode.unpad) {
if (!this.mode.unpad(this.output, options)) {
return false;
if (this.mode.afterFinish) {
if (!this.mode.afterFinish(this.output, options)) {
return false;
return true;
// node_modules/node-forge/lib/cipherModes.js
var require_cipherModes = __commonJS({
"node_modules/node-forge/lib/cipherModes.js"(exports2, module2) {
var forge7 = require_forge();
forge7.cipher = forge7.cipher || {};
var modes = module2.exports = forge7.cipher.modes = forge7.cipher.modes || {};
modes.ecb = function(options) {
options = options || {}; = "ECB";
this.cipher = options.cipher;
this.blockSize = options.blockSize || 16;
this._ints = this.blockSize / 4;
this._inBlock = new Array(this._ints);
this._outBlock = new Array(this._ints);
modes.ecb.prototype.start = function(options) {
modes.ecb.prototype.encrypt = function(input, output3, finish) {
if (input.length() < this.blockSize && !(finish && input.length() > 0)) {
return true;
for (var i = 0; i < this._ints; ++i) {
this._inBlock[i] = input.getInt32();
this.cipher.encrypt(this._inBlock, this._outBlock);
for (var i = 0; i < this._ints; ++i) {
modes.ecb.prototype.decrypt = function(input, output3, finish) {
if (input.length() < this.blockSize && !(finish && input.length() > 0)) {
return true;
for (var i = 0; i < this._ints; ++i) {
this._inBlock[i] = input.getInt32();
this.cipher.decrypt(this._inBlock, this._outBlock);
for (var i = 0; i < this._ints; ++i) {
modes.ecb.prototype.pad = function(input, options) {
var padding = input.length() === this.blockSize ? this.blockSize : this.blockSize - input.length();
input.fillWithByte(padding, padding);
return true;
modes.ecb.prototype.unpad = function(output3, options) {
if (options.overflow > 0) {
return false;
var len = output3.length();
var count = - 1);
if (count > this.blockSize << 2) {
return false;
return true;
modes.cbc = function(options) {
options = options || {}; = "CBC";
this.cipher = options.cipher;
this.blockSize = options.blockSize || 16;
this._ints = this.blockSize / 4;
this._inBlock = new Array(this._ints);
this._outBlock = new Array(this._ints);
modes.cbc.prototype.start = function(options) {
if (options.iv === null) {
if (!this._prev) {
throw new Error("Invalid IV parameter.");
this._iv = this._prev.slice(0);
} else if (!("iv" in options)) {
throw new Error("Invalid IV parameter.");
} else {
this._iv = transformIV(options.iv, this.blockSize);
this._prev = this._iv.slice(0);
modes.cbc.prototype.encrypt = function(input, output3, finish) {
if (input.length() < this.blockSize && !(finish && input.length() > 0)) {
return true;
for (var i = 0; i < this._ints; ++i) {
this._inBlock[i] = this._prev[i] ^ input.getInt32();
this.cipher.encrypt(this._inBlock, this._outBlock);
for (var i = 0; i < this._ints; ++i) {
this._prev = this._outBlock;
modes.cbc.prototype.decrypt = function(input, output3, finish) {
if (input.length() < this.blockSize && !(finish && input.length() > 0)) {
return true;
for (var i = 0; i < this._ints; ++i) {
this._inBlock[i] = input.getInt32();
this.cipher.decrypt(this._inBlock, this._outBlock);
for (var i = 0; i < this._ints; ++i) {
output3.putInt32(this._prev[i] ^ this._outBlock[i]);
this._prev = this._inBlock.slice(0);
modes.cbc.prototype.pad = function(input, options) {
var padding = input.length() === this.blockSize ? this.blockSize : this.blockSize - input.length();
input.fillWithByte(padding, padding);
return true;
modes.cbc.prototype.unpad = function(output3, options) {
if (options.overflow > 0) {
return false;
var len = output3.length();
var count = - 1);
if (count > this.blockSize << 2) {
return false;
return true;
modes.cfb = function(options) {
options = options || {}; = "CFB";
this.cipher = options.cipher;
this.blockSize = options.blockSize || 16;
this._ints = this.blockSize / 4;
this._inBlock = null;
this._outBlock = new Array(this._ints);
this._partialBlock = new Array(this._ints);
this._partialOutput = forge7.util.createBuffer();
this._partialBytes = 0;
modes.cfb.prototype.start = function(options) {
if (!("iv" in options)) {
throw new Error("Invalid IV parameter.");
this._iv = transformIV(options.iv, this.blockSize);
this._inBlock = this._iv.slice(0);
this._partialBytes = 0;
modes.cfb.prototype.encrypt = function(input, output3, finish) {
var inputLength = input.length();
if (inputLength === 0) {
return true;
this.cipher.encrypt(this._inBlock, this._outBlock);
if (this._partialBytes === 0 && inputLength >= this.blockSize) {
for (var i = 0; i < this._ints; ++i) {
this._inBlock[i] = input.getInt32() ^ this._outBlock[i];
var partialBytes = (this.blockSize - inputLength) % this.blockSize;
if (partialBytes > 0) {
partialBytes = this.blockSize - partialBytes;
for (var i = 0; i < this._ints; ++i) {
this._partialBlock[i] = input.getInt32() ^ this._outBlock[i];
if (partialBytes > 0) { -= this.blockSize;
} else {
for (var i = 0; i < this._ints; ++i) {
this._inBlock[i] = this._partialBlock[i];
if (this._partialBytes > 0) {
if (partialBytes > 0 && !finish) {
partialBytes - this._partialBytes
this._partialBytes = partialBytes;
return true;
inputLength - this._partialBytes
this._partialBytes = 0;
modes.cfb.prototype.decrypt = function(input, output3, finish) {
var inputLength = input.length();
if (inputLength === 0) {
return true;
this.cipher.encrypt(this._inBlock, this._outBlock);
if (this._partialBytes === 0 && inputLength >= this.blockSize) {
for (var i = 0; i < this._ints; ++i) {
this._inBlock[i] = input.getInt32();
output3.putInt32(this._inBlock[i] ^ this._outBlock[i]);
var partialBytes = (this.blockSize - inputLength) % this.blockSize;
if (partialBytes > 0) {
partialBytes = this.blockSize - partialBytes;
for (var i = 0; i < this._ints; ++i) {
this._partialBlock[i] = input.getInt32();
this._partialOutput.putInt32(this._partialBlock[i] ^ this._outBlock[i]);
if (partialBytes > 0) { -= this.blockSize;
} else {
for (var i = 0; i < this._ints; ++i) {
this._inBlock[i] = this._partialBlock[i];
if (this._partialBytes > 0) {
if (partialBytes > 0 && !finish) {
partialBytes - this._partialBytes
this._partialBytes = partialBytes;
return true;
inputLength - this._partialBytes
this._partialBytes = 0;
modes.ofb = function(options) {
options = options || {}; = "OFB";
this.cipher = options.cipher;
this.blockSize = options.blockSize || 16;
this._ints = this.blockSize / 4;
this._inBlock = null;
this._outBlock = new Array(this._ints);
this._partialOutput = forge7.util.createBuffer();
this._partialBytes = 0;
modes.ofb.prototype.start = function(options) {
if (!("iv" in options)) {
throw new Error("Invalid IV parameter.");
this._iv = transformIV(options.iv, this.blockSize);
this._inBlock = this._iv.slice(0);
this._partialBytes = 0;
modes.ofb.prototype.encrypt = function(input, output3, finish) {
var inputLength = input.length();
if (input.length() === 0) {
return true;
this.cipher.encrypt(this._inBlock, this._outBlock);
if (this._partialBytes === 0 && inputLength >= this.blockSize) {
for (var i = 0; i < this._ints; ++i) {
output3.putInt32(input.getInt32() ^ this._outBlock[i]);
this._inBlock[i] = this._outBlock[i];
var partialBytes = (this.blockSize - inputLength) % this.blockSize;
if (partialBytes > 0) {
partialBytes = this.blockSize - partialBytes;
for (var i = 0; i < this._ints; ++i) {
this._partialOutput.putInt32(input.getInt32() ^ this._outBlock[i]);
if (partialBytes > 0) { -= this.blockSize;
} else {
for (var i = 0; i < this._ints; ++i) {
this._inBlock[i] = this._outBlock[i];
if (this._partialBytes > 0) {
if (partialBytes > 0 && !finish) {
partialBytes - this._partialBytes
this._partialBytes = partialBytes;
return true;
inputLength - this._partialBytes
this._partialBytes = 0;
modes.ofb.prototype.decrypt = modes.ofb.prototype.encrypt;
modes.ctr = function(options) {
options = options || {}; = "CTR";
this.cipher = options.cipher;
this.blockSize = options.blockSize || 16;
this._ints = this.blockSize / 4;
this._inBlock = null;
this._outBlock = new Array(this._ints);
this._partialOutput = forge7.util.createBuffer();
this._partialBytes = 0;
modes.ctr.prototype.start = function(options) {
if (!("iv" in options)) {
throw new Error("Invalid IV parameter.");
this._iv = transformIV(options.iv, this.blockSize);
this._inBlock = this._iv.slice(0);
this._partialBytes = 0;
modes.ctr.prototype.encrypt = function(input, output3, finish) {
var inputLength = input.length();
if (inputLength === 0) {
return true;
this.cipher.encrypt(this._inBlock, this._outBlock);
if (this._partialBytes === 0 && inputLength >= this.blockSize) {
for (var i = 0; i < this._ints; ++i) {
output3.putInt32(input.getInt32() ^ this._outBlock[i]);
} else {
var partialBytes = (this.blockSize - inputLength) % this.blockSize;
if (partialBytes > 0) {
partialBytes = this.blockSize - partialBytes;
for (var i = 0; i < this._ints; ++i) {
this._partialOutput.putInt32(input.getInt32() ^ this._outBlock[i]);
if (partialBytes > 0) { -= this.blockSize;
if (this._partialBytes > 0) {
if (partialBytes > 0 && !finish) {
partialBytes - this._partialBytes
this._partialBytes = partialBytes;
return true;
inputLength - this._partialBytes
this._partialBytes = 0;
modes.ctr.prototype.decrypt = modes.ctr.prototype.encrypt;
modes.gcm = function(options) {
options = options || {}; = "GCM";
this.cipher = options.cipher;
this.blockSize = options.blockSize || 16;
this._ints = this.blockSize / 4;
this._inBlock = new Array(this._ints);
this._outBlock = new Array(this._ints);
this._partialOutput = forge7.util.createBuffer();
this._partialBytes = 0;
this._R = 3774873600;
modes.gcm.prototype.start = function(options) {
if (!("iv" in options)) {
throw new Error("Invalid IV parameter.");
var iv = forge7.util.createBuffer(options.iv);
this._cipherLength = 0;
var additionalData;
if ("additionalData" in options) {
additionalData = forge7.util.createBuffer(options.additionalData);
} else {
additionalData = forge7.util.createBuffer();
if ("tagLength" in options) {
this._tagLength = options.tagLength;
} else {
this._tagLength = 128;
this._tag = null;
if (options.decrypt) {
this._tag = forge7.util.createBuffer(options.tag).getBytes();
if (this._tag.length !== this._tagLength / 8) {
throw new Error("Authentication tag does not match tag length.");
this._hashBlock = new Array(this._ints);
this.tag = null;
this._hashSubkey = new Array(this._ints);
this.cipher.encrypt([0, 0, 0, 0], this._hashSubkey);
this.componentBits = 4;
this._m = this.generateHashTable(this._hashSubkey, this.componentBits);
var ivLength = iv.length();
if (ivLength === 12) {
this._j0 = [iv.getInt32(), iv.getInt32(), iv.getInt32(), 1];
} else {
this._j0 = [0, 0, 0, 0];
while (iv.length() > 0) {
this._j0 = this.ghash(
[iv.getInt32(), iv.getInt32(), iv.getInt32(), iv.getInt32()]
this._j0 = this.ghash(
[0, 0].concat(from64To32(ivLength * 8))
this._inBlock = this._j0.slice(0);
this._partialBytes = 0;
additionalData = forge7.util.createBuffer(additionalData);
this._aDataLength = from64To32(additionalData.length() * 8);
var overflow = additionalData.length() % this.blockSize;
if (overflow) {
additionalData.fillWithByte(0, this.blockSize - overflow);
this._s = [0, 0, 0, 0];
while (additionalData.length() > 0) {
this._s = this.ghash(this._hashSubkey, this._s, [
modes.gcm.prototype.encrypt = function(input, output3, finish) {
var inputLength = input.length();
if (inputLength === 0) {
return true;
this.cipher.encrypt(this._inBlock, this._outBlock);
if (this._partialBytes === 0 && inputLength >= this.blockSize) {
for (var i = 0; i < this._ints; ++i) {
output3.putInt32(this._outBlock[i] ^= input.getInt32());
this._cipherLength += this.blockSize;
} else {
var partialBytes = (this.blockSize - inputLength) % this.blockSize;
if (partialBytes > 0) {
partialBytes = this.blockSize - partialBytes;
for (var i = 0; i < this._ints; ++i) {
this._partialOutput.putInt32(input.getInt32() ^ this._outBlock[i]);
if (partialBytes <= 0 || finish) {
if (finish) {
var overflow = inputLength % this.blockSize;
this._cipherLength += overflow;
this._partialOutput.truncate(this.blockSize - overflow);
} else {
this._cipherLength += this.blockSize;
for (var i = 0; i < this._ints; ++i) {
this._outBlock[i] = this._partialOutput.getInt32();
} -= this.blockSize;
if (this._partialBytes > 0) {
if (partialBytes > 0 && !finish) { -= this.blockSize;
partialBytes - this._partialBytes
this._partialBytes = partialBytes;
return true;
inputLength - this._partialBytes
this._partialBytes = 0;
this._s = this.ghash(this._hashSubkey, this._s, this._outBlock);
modes.gcm.prototype.decrypt = function(input, output3, finish) {
var inputLength = input.length();
if (inputLength < this.blockSize && !(finish && inputLength > 0)) {
return true;
this.cipher.encrypt(this._inBlock, this._outBlock);
this._hashBlock[0] = input.getInt32();
this._hashBlock[1] = input.getInt32();
this._hashBlock[2] = input.getInt32();
this._hashBlock[3] = input.getInt32();
this._s = this.ghash(this._hashSubkey, this._s, this._hashBlock);
for (var i = 0; i < this._ints; ++i) {
output3.putInt32(this._outBlock[i] ^ this._hashBlock[i]);
if (inputLength < this.blockSize) {
this._cipherLength += inputLength % this.blockSize;
} else {
this._cipherLength += this.blockSize;
modes.gcm.prototype.afterFinish = function(output3, options) {
var rval = true;
if (options.decrypt && options.overflow) {
output3.truncate(this.blockSize - options.overflow);
this.tag = forge7.util.createBuffer();
var lengths = this._aDataLength.concat(from64To32(this._cipherLength * 8));
this._s = this.ghash(this._hashSubkey, this._s, lengths);
var tag = [];
this.cipher.encrypt(this._j0, tag);
for (var i = 0; i < this._ints; ++i) {
this.tag.putInt32(this._s[i] ^ tag[i]);
this.tag.truncate(this.tag.length() % (this._tagLength / 8));
if (options.decrypt && this.tag.bytes() !== this._tag) {
rval = false;
return rval;
modes.gcm.prototype.multiply = function(x, y) {
var z_i = [0, 0, 0, 0];
var v_i = y.slice(0);
for (var i = 0; i < 128; ++i) {
var x_i = x[i / 32 | 0] & 1 << 31 - i % 32;
if (x_i) {
z_i[0] ^= v_i[0];
z_i[1] ^= v_i[1];
z_i[2] ^= v_i[2];
z_i[3] ^= v_i[3];
this.pow(v_i, v_i);
return z_i;
modes.gcm.prototype.pow = function(x, out) {
var lsb = x[3] & 1;
for (var i = 3; i > 0; --i) {
out[i] = x[i] >>> 1 | (x[i - 1] & 1) << 31;
out[0] = x[0] >>> 1;
if (lsb) {
out[0] ^= this._R;
modes.gcm.prototype.tableMultiply = function(x) {
var z = [0, 0, 0, 0];
for (var i = 0; i < 32; ++i) {
var idx = i / 8 | 0;
var x_i = x[idx] >>> (7 - i % 8) * 4 & 15;
var ah = this._m[i][x_i];
z[0] ^= ah[0];
z[1] ^= ah[1];
z[2] ^= ah[2];
z[3] ^= ah[3];
return z;
modes.gcm.prototype.ghash = function(h, y, x) {
y[0] ^= x[0];
y[1] ^= x[1];
y[2] ^= x[2];
y[3] ^= x[3];
return this.tableMultiply(y);
modes.gcm.prototype.generateHashTable = function(h, bits2) {
var multiplier = 8 / bits2;
var perInt = 4 * multiplier;
var size = 16 * multiplier;
var m = new Array(size);
for (var i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
var tmp = [0, 0, 0, 0];
var idx = i / perInt | 0;
var shft = (perInt - 1 - i % perInt) * bits2;
tmp[idx] = 1 << bits2 - 1 << shft;
m[i] = this.generateSubHashTable(this.multiply(tmp, h), bits2);
return m;
modes.gcm.prototype.generateSubHashTable = function(mid, bits2) {
var size = 1 << bits2;
var half = size >>> 1;
var m = new Array(size);
m[half] = mid.slice(0);
var i = half >>> 1;
while (i > 0) {
this.pow(m[2 * i], m[i] = []);
i >>= 1;
i = 2;
while (i < half) {
for (var j = 1; j < i; ++j) {
var m_i = m[i];
var m_j = m[j];
m[i + j] = [
m_i[0] ^ m_j[0],
m_i[1] ^ m_j[1],
m_i[2] ^ m_j[2],
m_i[3] ^ m_j[3]
i *= 2;
m[0] = [0, 0, 0, 0];
for (i = half + 1; i < size; ++i) {
var c = m[i ^ half];
m[i] = [mid[0] ^ c[0], mid[1] ^ c[1], mid[2] ^ c[2], mid[3] ^ c[3]];
return m;
function transformIV(iv, blockSize) {
if (typeof iv === "string") {
iv = forge7.util.createBuffer(iv);
if (forge7.util.isArray(iv) && iv.length > 4) {
var tmp = iv;
iv = forge7.util.createBuffer();
for (var i = 0; i < tmp.length; ++i) {
if (iv.length() < blockSize) {
throw new Error(
"Invalid IV length; got " + iv.length() + " bytes and expected " + blockSize + " bytes."
if (!forge7.util.isArray(iv)) {
var ints = [];
var blocks = blockSize / 4;
for (var i = 0; i < blocks; ++i) {
iv = ints;
return iv;
function inc32(block) {
block[block.length - 1] = block[block.length - 1] + 1 & 4294967295;
function from64To32(num) {
return [num / 4294967296 | 0, num & 4294967295];
// node_modules/node-forge/lib/aes.js
var require_aes = __commonJS({
"node_modules/node-forge/lib/aes.js"(exports2, module2) {
var forge7 = require_forge();
module2.exports = forge7.aes = forge7.aes || {};
forge7.aes.startEncrypting = function(key, iv, output3, mode) {
var cipher = _createCipher({
output: output3,
decrypt: false,
return cipher;
forge7.aes.createEncryptionCipher = function(key, mode) {
return _createCipher({
output: null,
decrypt: false,
forge7.aes.startDecrypting = function(key, iv, output3, mode) {
var cipher = _createCipher({
output: output3,
decrypt: true,
return cipher;
forge7.aes.createDecryptionCipher = function(key, mode) {
return _createCipher({
output: null,
decrypt: true,
forge7.aes.Algorithm = function(name8, mode) {
if (!init) {
var self2 = this; = name8;
self2.mode = new mode({
blockSize: 16,
cipher: {
encrypt: function(inBlock, outBlock) {
return _updateBlock(self2._w, inBlock, outBlock, false);
decrypt: function(inBlock, outBlock) {
return _updateBlock(self2._w, inBlock, outBlock, true);
self2._init = false;
forge7.aes.Algorithm.prototype.initialize = function(options) {
if (this._init) {
var key = options.key;
var tmp;
if (typeof key === "string" && (key.length === 16 || key.length === 24 || key.length === 32)) {
key = forge7.util.createBuffer(key);
} else if (forge7.util.isArray(key) && (key.length === 16 || key.length === 24 || key.length === 32)) {
tmp = key;
key = forge7.util.createBuffer();
for (var i = 0; i < tmp.length; ++i) {
if (!forge7.util.isArray(key)) {
tmp = key;
key = [];
var len = tmp.length();
if (len === 16 || len === 24 || len === 32) {
len = len >>> 2;
for (var i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
if (!forge7.util.isArray(key) || !(key.length === 4 || key.length === 6 || key.length === 8)) {
throw new Error("Invalid key parameter.");
var mode =;
var encryptOp = ["CFB", "OFB", "CTR", "GCM"].indexOf(mode) !== -1;
this._w = _expandKey(key, options.decrypt && !encryptOp);
this._init = true;
forge7.aes._expandKey = function(key, decrypt2) {
if (!init) {
return _expandKey(key, decrypt2);
forge7.aes._updateBlock = _updateBlock;
registerAlgorithm("AES-ECB", forge7.cipher.modes.ecb);
registerAlgorithm("AES-CBC", forge7.cipher.modes.cbc);
registerAlgorithm("AES-CFB", forge7.cipher.modes.cfb);
registerAlgorithm("AES-OFB", forge7.cipher.modes.ofb);
registerAlgorithm("AES-CTR", forge7.cipher.modes.ctr);
registerAlgorithm("AES-GCM", forge7.cipher.modes.gcm);
function registerAlgorithm(name8, mode) {
var factory = function() {
return new forge7.aes.Algorithm(name8, mode);
forge7.cipher.registerAlgorithm(name8, factory);
var init = false;
var Nb = 4;
var sbox;
var isbox;
var rcon;
var mix;
var imix;
function initialize() {
init = true;
rcon = [0, 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 27, 54];
var xtime = new Array(256);
for (var i = 0; i < 128; ++i) {
xtime[i] = i << 1;
xtime[i + 128] = i + 128 << 1 ^ 283;
sbox = new Array(256);
isbox = new Array(256);
mix = new Array(4);
imix = new Array(4);
for (var i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
mix[i] = new Array(256);
imix[i] = new Array(256);
var e = 0, ei = 0, e2, e4, e8, sx, sx2, me, ime;
for (var i = 0; i < 256; ++i) {
sx = ei ^ ei << 1 ^ ei << 2 ^ ei << 3 ^ ei << 4;
sx = sx >> 8 ^ sx & 255 ^ 99;
sbox[e] = sx;
isbox[sx] = e;
sx2 = xtime[sx];
e2 = xtime[e];
e4 = xtime[e2];
e8 = xtime[e4];
me = sx2 << 24 ^ // 2
sx << 16 ^ // 1
sx << 8 ^ // 1
(sx ^ sx2);
ime = (e2 ^ e4 ^ e8) << 24 ^ // E (14)
(e ^ e8) << 16 ^ // 9
(e ^ e4 ^ e8) << 8 ^ // D (13)
(e ^ e2 ^ e8);
for (var n = 0; n < 4; ++n) {
mix[n][e] = me;
imix[n][sx] = ime;
me = me << 24 | me >>> 8;
ime = ime << 24 | ime >>> 8;
if (e === 0) {
e = ei = 1;
} else {
e = e2 ^ xtime[xtime[xtime[e2 ^ e8]]];
ei ^= xtime[xtime[ei]];
function _expandKey(key, decrypt2) {
var w = key.slice(0);
var temp, iNk = 1;
var Nk = w.length;
var Nr1 = Nk + 6 + 1;
var end = Nb * Nr1;
for (var i = Nk; i < end; ++i) {
temp = w[i - 1];
if (i % Nk === 0) {
temp = sbox[temp >>> 16 & 255] << 24 ^ sbox[temp >>> 8 & 255] << 16 ^ sbox[temp & 255] << 8 ^ sbox[temp >>> 24] ^ rcon[iNk] << 24;
} else if (Nk > 6 && i % Nk === 4) {
temp = sbox[temp >>> 24] << 24 ^ sbox[temp >>> 16 & 255] << 16 ^ sbox[temp >>> 8 & 255] << 8 ^ sbox[temp & 255];
w[i] = w[i - Nk] ^ temp;
if (decrypt2) {
var tmp;
var m0 = imix[0];
var m1 = imix[1];
var m2 = imix[2];
var m3 = imix[3];
var wnew = w.slice(0);
end = w.length;
for (var i = 0, wi = end - Nb; i < end; i += Nb, wi -= Nb) {
if (i === 0 || i === end - Nb) {
wnew[i] = w[wi];
wnew[i + 1] = w[wi + 3];
wnew[i + 2] = w[wi + 2];
wnew[i + 3] = w[wi + 1];
} else {
for (var n = 0; n < Nb; ++n) {
tmp = w[wi + n];
wnew[i + (3 & -n)] = m0[sbox[tmp >>> 24]] ^ m1[sbox[tmp >>> 16 & 255]] ^ m2[sbox[tmp >>> 8 & 255]] ^ m3[sbox[tmp & 255]];
w = wnew;
return w;
function _updateBlock(w, input, output3, decrypt2) {
var Nr = w.length / 4 - 1;
var m0, m1, m2, m3, sub;
if (decrypt2) {
m0 = imix[0];
m1 = imix[1];
m2 = imix[2];
m3 = imix[3];
sub = isbox;
} else {
m0 = mix[0];
m1 = mix[1];
m2 = mix[2];
m3 = mix[3];
sub = sbox;
var a, b, c, d, a2, b2, c2;
a = input[0] ^ w[0];
b = input[decrypt2 ? 3 : 1] ^ w[1];
c = input[2] ^ w[2];
d = input[decrypt2 ? 1 : 3] ^ w[3];
var i = 3;
for (var round = 1; round < Nr; ++round) {
a2 = m0[a >>> 24] ^ m1[b >>> 16 & 255] ^ m2[c >>> 8 & 255] ^ m3[d & 255] ^ w[++i];
b2 = m0[b >>> 24] ^ m1[c >>> 16 & 255] ^ m2[d >>> 8 & 255] ^ m3[a & 255] ^ w[++i];
c2 = m0[c >>> 24] ^ m1[d >>> 16 & 255] ^ m2[a >>> 8 & 255] ^ m3[b & 255] ^ w[++i];
d = m0[d >>> 24] ^ m1[a >>> 16 & 255] ^ m2[b >>> 8 & 255] ^ m3[c & 255] ^ w[++i];
a = a2;
b = b2;
c = c2;
output3[0] = sub[a >>> 24] << 24 ^ sub[b >>> 16 & 255] << 16 ^ sub[c >>> 8 & 255] << 8 ^ sub[d & 255] ^ w[++i];
output3[decrypt2 ? 3 : 1] = sub[b >>> 24] << 24 ^ sub[c >>> 16 & 255] << 16 ^ sub[d >>> 8 & 255] << 8 ^ sub[a & 255] ^ w[++i];
output3[2] = sub[c >>> 24] << 24 ^ sub[d >>> 16 & 255] << 16 ^ sub[a >>> 8 & 255] << 8 ^ sub[b & 255] ^ w[++i];
output3[decrypt2 ? 1 : 3] = sub[d >>> 24] << 24 ^ sub[a >>> 16 & 255] << 16 ^ sub[b >>> 8 & 255] << 8 ^ sub[c & 255] ^ w[++i];
function _createCipher(options) {
options = options || {};
var mode = (options.mode || "CBC").toUpperCase();
var algorithm = "AES-" + mode;
var cipher;
if (options.decrypt) {
cipher = forge7.cipher.createDecipher(algorithm, options.key);
} else {
cipher = forge7.cipher.createCipher(algorithm, options.key);
var start = cipher.start;
cipher.start = function(iv, options2) {
var output3 = null;
if (options2 instanceof forge7.util.ByteBuffer) {
output3 = options2;
options2 = {};
options2 = options2 || {};
options2.output = output3;
options2.iv = iv;, options2);
return cipher;
// node_modules/node-forge/lib/des.js
var require_des = __commonJS({
"node_modules/node-forge/lib/des.js"(exports2, module2) {
var forge7 = require_forge();
module2.exports = forge7.des = forge7.des || {};
forge7.des.startEncrypting = function(key, iv, output3, mode) {
var cipher = _createCipher({
output: output3,
decrypt: false,
mode: mode || (iv === null ? "ECB" : "CBC")
return cipher;
forge7.des.createEncryptionCipher = function(key, mode) {
return _createCipher({
output: null,
decrypt: false,
forge7.des.startDecrypting = function(key, iv, output3, mode) {
var cipher = _createCipher({
output: output3,
decrypt: true,
mode: mode || (iv === null ? "ECB" : "CBC")
return cipher;
forge7.des.createDecryptionCipher = function(key, mode) {
return _createCipher({
output: null,
decrypt: true,
forge7.des.Algorithm = function(name8, mode) {
var self2 = this; = name8;
self2.mode = new mode({
blockSize: 8,
cipher: {
encrypt: function(inBlock, outBlock) {
return _updateBlock(self2._keys, inBlock, outBlock, false);
decrypt: function(inBlock, outBlock) {
return _updateBlock(self2._keys, inBlock, outBlock, true);
self2._init = false;
forge7.des.Algorithm.prototype.initialize = function(options) {
if (this._init) {
var key = forge7.util.createBuffer(options.key);
if ("3DES") === 0) {
if (key.length() !== 24) {
throw new Error("Invalid Triple-DES key size: " + key.length() * 8);
this._keys = _createKeys(key);
this._init = true;
registerAlgorithm("DES-ECB", forge7.cipher.modes.ecb);
registerAlgorithm("DES-CBC", forge7.cipher.modes.cbc);
registerAlgorithm("DES-CFB", forge7.cipher.modes.cfb);
registerAlgorithm("DES-OFB", forge7.cipher.modes.ofb);
registerAlgorithm("DES-CTR", forge7.cipher.modes.ctr);
registerAlgorithm("3DES-ECB", forge7.cipher.modes.ecb);
registerAlgorithm("3DES-CBC", forge7.cipher.modes.cbc);
registerAlgorithm("3DES-CFB", forge7.cipher.modes.cfb);
registerAlgorithm("3DES-OFB", forge7.cipher.modes.ofb);
registerAlgorithm("3DES-CTR", forge7.cipher.modes.ctr);
function registerAlgorithm(name8, mode) {
var factory = function() {
return new forge7.des.Algorithm(name8, mode);
forge7.cipher.registerAlgorithm(name8, factory);
var spfunction1 = [16843776, 0, 65536, 16843780, 16842756, 66564, 4, 65536, 1024, 16843776, 16843780, 1024, 16778244, 16842756, 16777216, 4, 1028, 16778240, 16778240, 66560, 66560, 16842752, 16842752, 16778244, 65540, 16777220, 16777220, 65540, 0, 1028, 66564, 16777216, 65536, 16843780, 4, 16842752, 16843776, 16777216, 16777216, 1024, 16842756, 65536, 66560, 16777220, 1024, 4, 16778244, 66564, 16843780, 65540, 16842752, 16778244, 16777220, 1028, 66564, 16843776, 1028, 16778240, 16778240, 0, 65540, 66560, 0, 16842756];
var spfunction2 = [-2146402272, -2147450880, 32768, 1081376, 1048576, 32, -2146435040, -2147450848, -2147483616, -2146402272, -2146402304, -2147483648, -2147450880, 1048576, 32, -2146435040, 1081344, 1048608, -2147450848, 0, -2147483648, 32768, 1081376, -2146435072, 1048608, -2147483616, 0, 1081344, 32800, -2146402304, -2146435072, 32800, 0, 1081376, -2146435040, 1048576, -2147450848, -2146435072, -2146402304, 32768, -2146435072, -2147450880, 32, -2146402272, 1081376, 32, 32768, -2147483648, 32800, -2146402304, 1048576, -2147483616, 1048608, -2147450848, -2147483616, 1048608, 1081344, 0, -2147450880, 32800, -2147483648, -2146435040, -2146402272, 1081344];
var spfunction3 = [520, 134349312, 0, 134348808, 134218240, 0, 131592, 134218240, 131080, 134217736, 134217736, 131072, 134349320, 131080, 134348800, 520, 134217728, 8, 134349312, 512, 131584, 134348800, 134348808, 131592, 134218248, 131584, 131072, 134218248, 8, 134349320, 512, 134217728, 134349312, 134217728, 131080, 520, 131072, 134349312, 134218240, 0, 512, 131080, 134349320, 134218240, 134217736, 512, 0, 134348808, 134218248, 131072, 134217728, 134349320, 8, 131592, 131584, 134217736, 134348800, 134218248, 520, 134348800, 131592, 8, 134348808, 131584];
var spfunction4 = [8396801, 8321, 8321, 128, 8396928, 8388737, 8388609, 8193, 0, 8396800, 8396800, 8396929, 129, 0, 8388736, 8388609, 1, 8192, 8388608, 8396801, 128, 8388608, 8193, 8320, 8388737, 1, 8320, 8388736, 8192, 8396928, 8396929, 129, 8388736, 8388609, 8396800, 8396929, 129, 0, 0, 8396800, 8320, 8388736, 8388737, 1, 8396801, 8321, 8321, 128, 8396929, 129, 1, 8192, 8388609, 8193, 8396928, 8388737, 8193, 8320, 8388608, 8396801, 128, 8388608, 8192, 8396928];
var spfunction5 = [256, 34078976, 34078720, 1107296512, 524288, 256, 1073741824, 34078720, 1074266368, 524288, 33554688, 1074266368, 1107296512, 1107820544, 524544, 1073741824, 33554432, 1074266112, 1074266112, 0, 1073742080, 1107820800, 1107820800, 33554688, 1107820544, 1073742080, 0, 1107296256, 34078976, 33554432, 1107296256, 524544, 524288, 1107296512, 256, 33554432, 1073741824, 34078720, 1107296512, 1074266368, 33554688, 1073741824, 1107820544, 34078976, 1074266368, 256, 33554432, 1107820544, 1107820800, 524544, 1107296256, 1107820800, 34078720, 0, 1074266112, 1107296256, 524544, 33554688, 1073742080, 524288, 0, 1074266112, 34078976, 1073742080];
var spfunction6 = [536870928, 541065216, 16384, 541081616, 541065216, 16, 541081616, 4194304, 536887296, 4210704, 4194304, 536870928, 4194320, 536887296, 536870912, 16400, 0, 4194320, 536887312, 16384, 4210688, 536887312, 16, 541065232, 541065232, 0, 4210704, 541081600, 16400, 4210688, 541081600, 536870912, 536887296, 16, 541065232, 4210688, 541081616, 4194304, 16400, 536870928, 4194304, 536887296, 536870912, 16400, 536870928, 541081616, 4210688, 541065216, 4210704, 541081600, 0, 541065232, 16, 16384, 541065216, 4210704, 16384, 4194320, 536887312, 0, 541081600, 536870912, 4194320, 536887312];
var spfunction7 = [2097152, 69206018, 67110914, 0, 2048, 67110914, 2099202, 69208064, 69208066, 2097152, 0, 67108866, 2, 67108864, 69206018, 2050, 67110912, 2099202, 2097154, 67110912, 67108866, 69206016, 69208064, 2097154, 69206016, 2048, 2050, 69208066, 2099200, 2, 67108864, 2099200, 67108864, 2099200, 2097152, 67110914, 67110914, 69206018, 69206018, 2, 2097154, 67108864, 67110912, 2097152, 69208064, 2050, 2099202, 69208064, 2050, 67108866, 69208066, 69206016, 2099200, 0, 2, 69208066, 0, 2099202, 69206016, 2048, 67108866, 67110912, 2048, 2097154];
var spfunction8 = [268439616, 4096, 262144, 268701760, 268435456, 268439616, 64, 268435456, 262208, 268697600, 268701760, 266240, 268701696, 266304, 4096, 64, 268697600, 268435520, 268439552, 4160, 266240, 262208, 268697664, 268701696, 4160, 0, 0, 268697664, 268435520, 268439552, 266304, 262144, 266304, 262144, 268701696, 4096, 64, 268697664, 4096, 266304, 268439552, 64, 268435520, 268697600, 268697664, 268435456, 262144, 268439616, 0, 268701760, 262208, 268435520, 268697600, 268439552, 268439616, 0, 268701760, 266240, 266240, 4160, 4160, 262208, 268435456, 268701696];
function _createKeys(key) {
var pc2bytes0 = [0, 4, 536870912, 536870916, 65536, 65540, 536936448, 536936452, 512, 516, 536871424, 536871428, 66048, 66052, 536936960, 536936964], pc2bytes1 = [0, 1, 1048576, 1048577, 67108864, 67108865, 68157440, 68157441, 256, 257, 1048832, 1048833, 67109120, 67109121, 68157696, 68157697], pc2bytes2 = [0, 8, 2048, 2056, 16777216, 16777224, 16779264, 16779272, 0, 8, 2048, 2056, 16777216, 16777224, 16779264, 16779272], pc2bytes3 = [0, 2097152, 134217728, 136314880, 8192, 2105344, 134225920, 136323072, 131072, 2228224, 134348800, 136445952, 139264, 2236416, 134356992, 136454144], pc2bytes4 = [0, 262144, 16, 262160, 0, 262144, 16, 262160, 4096, 266240, 4112, 266256, 4096, 266240, 4112, 266256], pc2bytes5 = [0, 1024, 32, 1056, 0, 1024, 32, 1056, 33554432, 33555456, 33554464, 33555488, 33554432, 33555456, 33554464, 33555488], pc2bytes6 = [0, 268435456, 524288, 268959744, 2, 268435458, 524290, 268959746, 0, 268435456, 524288, 268959744, 2, 268435458, 524290, 268959746], pc2bytes7 = [0, 65536, 2048, 67584, 536870912, 536936448, 536872960, 536938496, 131072, 196608, 133120, 198656, 537001984, 537067520, 537004032, 537069568], pc2bytes8 = [0, 262144, 0, 262144, 2, 262146, 2, 262146, 33554432, 33816576, 33554432, 33816576, 33554434, 33816578, 33554434, 33816578], pc2bytes9 = [0, 268435456, 8, 268435464, 0, 268435456, 8, 268435464, 1024, 268436480, 1032, 268436488, 1024, 268436480, 1032, 268436488], pc2bytes10 = [0, 32, 0, 32, 1048576, 1048608, 1048576, 1048608, 8192, 8224, 8192, 8224, 1056768, 1056800, 1056768, 1056800], pc2bytes11 = [0, 16777216, 512, 16777728, 2097152, 18874368, 2097664, 18874880, 67108864, 83886080, 67109376, 83886592, 69206016, 85983232, 69206528, 85983744], pc2bytes12 = [0, 4096, 134217728, 134221824, 524288, 528384, 134742016, 134746112, 16, 4112, 134217744, 134221840, 524304, 528400, 134742032, 134746128], pc2bytes13 = [0, 4, 256, 260, 0, 4, 256, 260, 1, 5, 257, 261, 1, 5, 257, 261];
var iterations = key.length() > 8 ? 3 : 1;
var keys = [];
var shifts = [0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0];
var n = 0, tmp;
for (var j = 0; j < iterations; j++) {
var left = key.getInt32();
var right = key.getInt32();
tmp = (left >>> 4 ^ right) & 252645135;
right ^= tmp;
left ^= tmp << 4;
tmp = (right >>> -16 ^ left) & 65535;
left ^= tmp;
right ^= tmp << -16;
tmp = (left >>> 2 ^ right) & 858993459;
right ^= tmp;
left ^= tmp << 2;
tmp = (right >>> -16 ^ left) & 65535;
left ^= tmp;
right ^= tmp << -16;
tmp = (left >>> 1 ^ right) & 1431655765;
right ^= tmp;
left ^= tmp << 1;
tmp = (right >>> 8 ^ left) & 16711935;
left ^= tmp;
right ^= tmp << 8;
tmp = (left >>> 1 ^ right) & 1431655765;
right ^= tmp;
left ^= tmp << 1;
tmp = left << 8 | right >>> 20 & 240;
left = right << 24 | right << 8 & 16711680 | right >>> 8 & 65280 | right >>> 24 & 240;
right = tmp;
for (var i = 0; i < shifts.length; ++i) {
if (shifts[i]) {
left = left << 2 | left >>> 26;
right = right << 2 | right >>> 26;
} else {
left = left << 1 | left >>> 27;
right = right << 1 | right >>> 27;
left &= -15;
right &= -15;
var lefttmp = pc2bytes0[left >>> 28] | pc2bytes1[left >>> 24 & 15] | pc2bytes2[left >>> 20 & 15] | pc2bytes3[left >>> 16 & 15] | pc2bytes4[left >>> 12 & 15] | pc2bytes5[left >>> 8 & 15] | pc2bytes6[left >>> 4 & 15];
var righttmp = pc2bytes7[right >>> 28] | pc2bytes8[right >>> 24 & 15] | pc2bytes9[right >>> 20 & 15] | pc2bytes10[right >>> 16 & 15] | pc2bytes11[right >>> 12 & 15] | pc2bytes12[right >>> 8 & 15] | pc2bytes13[right >>> 4 & 15];
tmp = (righttmp >>> 16 ^ lefttmp) & 65535;
keys[n++] = lefttmp ^ tmp;
keys[n++] = righttmp ^ tmp << 16;
return keys;
function _updateBlock(keys, input, output3, decrypt2) {
var iterations = keys.length === 32 ? 3 : 9;
var looping;
if (iterations === 3) {
looping = decrypt2 ? [30, -2, -2] : [0, 32, 2];
} else {
looping = decrypt2 ? [94, 62, -2, 32, 64, 2, 30, -2, -2] : [0, 32, 2, 62, 30, -2, 64, 96, 2];
var tmp;
var left = input[0];
var right = input[1];
tmp = (left >>> 4 ^ right) & 252645135;
right ^= tmp;
left ^= tmp << 4;
tmp = (left >>> 16 ^ right) & 65535;
right ^= tmp;
left ^= tmp << 16;
tmp = (right >>> 2 ^ left) & 858993459;
left ^= tmp;
right ^= tmp << 2;
tmp = (right >>> 8 ^ left) & 16711935;
left ^= tmp;
right ^= tmp << 8;
tmp = (left >>> 1 ^ right) & 1431655765;
right ^= tmp;
left ^= tmp << 1;
left = left << 1 | left >>> 31;
right = right << 1 | right >>> 31;
for (var j = 0; j < iterations; j += 3) {
var endloop = looping[j + 1];
var loopinc = looping[j + 2];
for (var i = looping[j]; i != endloop; i += loopinc) {
var right1 = right ^ keys[i];
var right2 = (right >>> 4 | right << 28) ^ keys[i + 1];
tmp = left;
left = right;
right = tmp ^ (spfunction2[right1 >>> 24 & 63] | spfunction4[right1 >>> 16 & 63] | spfunction6[right1 >>> 8 & 63] | spfunction8[right1 & 63] | spfunction1[right2 >>> 24 & 63] | spfunction3[right2 >>> 16 & 63] | spfunction5[right2 >>> 8 & 63] | spfunction7[right2 & 63]);
tmp = left;
left = right;
right = tmp;
left = left >>> 1 | left << 31;
right = right >>> 1 | right << 31;
tmp = (left >>> 1 ^ right) & 1431655765;
right ^= tmp;
left ^= tmp << 1;
tmp = (right >>> 8 ^ left) & 16711935;
left ^= tmp;
right ^= tmp << 8;
tmp = (right >>> 2 ^ left) & 858993459;
left ^= tmp;
right ^= tmp << 2;
tmp = (left >>> 16 ^ right) & 65535;
right ^= tmp;
left ^= tmp << 16;
tmp = (left >>> 4 ^ right) & 252645135;
right ^= tmp;
left ^= tmp << 4;
output3[0] = left;
output3[1] = right;
function _createCipher(options) {
options = options || {};
var mode = (options.mode || "CBC").toUpperCase();
var algorithm = "DES-" + mode;
var cipher;
if (options.decrypt) {
cipher = forge7.cipher.createDecipher(algorithm, options.key);
} else {
cipher = forge7.cipher.createCipher(algorithm, options.key);
var start = cipher.start;
cipher.start = function(iv, options2) {
var output3 = null;
if (options2 instanceof forge7.util.ByteBuffer) {
output3 = options2;
options2 = {};
options2 = options2 || {};
options2.output = output3;
options2.iv = iv;, options2);
return cipher;
// node_modules/node-forge/lib/md.js
var require_md = __commonJS({
"node_modules/node-forge/lib/md.js"(exports2, module2) {
var forge7 = require_forge();
module2.exports = = || {}; = || {};
// node_modules/node-forge/lib/hmac.js
var require_hmac = __commonJS({
"node_modules/node-forge/lib/hmac.js"(exports2, module2) {
var forge7 = require_forge();
var hmac2 = module2.exports = forge7.hmac = forge7.hmac || {};
hmac2.create = function() {
var _key = null;
var _md = null;
var _ipadding = null;
var _opadding = null;
var ctx = {};
ctx.start = function(md, key) {
if (md !== null) {
if (typeof md === "string") {
md = md.toLowerCase();
if (md in {
_md =[md].create();
} else {
throw new Error('Unknown hash algorithm "' + md + '"');
} else {
_md = md;
if (key === null) {
key = _key;
} else {
if (typeof key === "string") {
key = forge7.util.createBuffer(key);
} else if (forge7.util.isArray(key)) {
var tmp = key;
key = forge7.util.createBuffer();
for (var i = 0; i < tmp.length; ++i) {
var keylen = key.length();
if (keylen > _md.blockLength) {
key = _md.digest();
_ipadding = forge7.util.createBuffer();
_opadding = forge7.util.createBuffer();
keylen = key.length();
for (var i = 0; i < keylen; ++i) {
var tmp =;
_ipadding.putByte(54 ^ tmp);
_opadding.putByte(92 ^ tmp);
if (keylen < _md.blockLength) {
var tmp = _md.blockLength - keylen;
for (var i = 0; i < tmp; ++i) {
_key = key;
_ipadding = _ipadding.bytes();
_opadding = _opadding.bytes();
ctx.update = function(bytes3) {
ctx.getMac = function() {
var inner = _md.digest().bytes();
return _md.digest();
ctx.digest = ctx.getMac;
return ctx;
// (disabled):crypto
var require_crypto = __commonJS({
"(disabled):crypto"() {
// node_modules/node-forge/lib/pbkdf2.js
var require_pbkdf2 = __commonJS({
"node_modules/node-forge/lib/pbkdf2.js"(exports2, module2) {
var forge7 = require_forge();
var pkcs5 = forge7.pkcs5 = forge7.pkcs5 || {};
var crypto5;
if (forge7.util.isNodejs && !forge7.options.usePureJavaScript) {
crypto5 = require_crypto();
module2.exports = forge7.pbkdf2 = pkcs5.pbkdf2 = function(p, s, c, dkLen, md, callback) {
if (typeof md === "function") {
callback = md;
md = null;
if (forge7.util.isNodejs && !forge7.options.usePureJavaScript && crypto5.pbkdf2 && (md === null || typeof md !== "object") && (crypto5.pbkdf2Sync.length > 4 || (!md || md === "sha1"))) {
if (typeof md !== "string") {
md = "sha1";
p = Buffer.from(p, "binary");
s = Buffer.from(s, "binary");
if (!callback) {
if (crypto5.pbkdf2Sync.length === 4) {
return crypto5.pbkdf2Sync(p, s, c, dkLen).toString("binary");
return crypto5.pbkdf2Sync(p, s, c, dkLen, md).toString("binary");
if (crypto5.pbkdf2Sync.length === 4) {
return crypto5.pbkdf2(p, s, c, dkLen, function(err2, key) {
if (err2) {
return callback(err2);
callback(null, key.toString("binary"));
return crypto5.pbkdf2(p, s, c, dkLen, md, function(err2, key) {
if (err2) {
return callback(err2);
callback(null, key.toString("binary"));
if (typeof md === "undefined" || md === null) {
md = "sha1";
if (typeof md === "string") {
if (!(md in {
throw new Error("Unknown hash algorithm: " + md);
md =[md].create();
var hLen = md.digestLength;
if (dkLen > 4294967295 * hLen) {
var err = new Error("Derived key is too long.");
if (callback) {
return callback(err);
throw err;
var len = Math.ceil(dkLen / hLen);
var r = dkLen - (len - 1) * hLen;
var prf = forge7.hmac.create();
prf.start(md, p);
var dk = "";
var xor2, u_c, u_c1;
if (!callback) {
for (var i = 1; i <= len; ++i) {
prf.start(null, null);
xor2 = u_c1 = prf.digest().getBytes();
for (var j = 2; j <= c; ++j) {
prf.start(null, null);
u_c = prf.digest().getBytes();
xor2 = forge7.util.xorBytes(xor2, u_c, hLen);
u_c1 = u_c;
dk += i < len ? xor2 : xor2.substr(0, r);
return dk;
var i = 1, j;
function outer() {
if (i > len) {
return callback(null, dk);
prf.start(null, null);
xor2 = u_c1 = prf.digest().getBytes();
j = 2;
function inner() {
if (j <= c) {
prf.start(null, null);
u_c = prf.digest().getBytes();
xor2 = forge7.util.xorBytes(xor2, u_c, hLen);
u_c1 = u_c;
return forge7.util.setImmediate(inner);
dk += i < len ? xor2 : xor2.substr(0, r);
// node_modules/node-forge/lib/pem.js
var require_pem = __commonJS({
"node_modules/node-forge/lib/pem.js"(exports2, module2) {
var forge7 = require_forge();
var pem = module2.exports = forge7.pem = forge7.pem || {};
pem.encode = function(msg, options) {
options = options || {};
var rval = "-----BEGIN " + msg.type + "-----\r\n";
var header;
if (msg.procType) {
header = {
name: "Proc-Type",
values: [String(msg.procType.version), msg.procType.type]
rval += foldHeader(header);
if (msg.contentDomain) {
header = { name: "Content-Domain", values: [msg.contentDomain] };
rval += foldHeader(header);
if (msg.dekInfo) {
header = { name: "DEK-Info", values: [msg.dekInfo.algorithm] };
if (msg.dekInfo.parameters) {
rval += foldHeader(header);
if (msg.headers) {
for (var i = 0; i < msg.headers.length; ++i) {
rval += foldHeader(msg.headers[i]);
if (msg.procType) {
rval += "\r\n";
rval += forge7.util.encode64(msg.body, options.maxline || 64) + "\r\n";
rval += "-----END " + msg.type + "-----\r\n";
return rval;
pem.decode = function(str) {
var rval = [];
var rMessage = /\s*-----BEGIN ([A-Z0-9- ]+)-----\r?\n?([\x21-\x7e\s]+?(?:\r?\n\r?\n))?([:A-Za-z0-9+\/=\s]+?)-----END \1-----/g;
var rHeader = /([\x21-\x7e]+):\s*([\x21-\x7e\s^:]+)/;
var rCRLF = /\r?\n/;
var match;
while (true) {
match = rMessage.exec(str);
if (!match) {
var type = match[1];
var msg = {
procType: null,
contentDomain: null,
dekInfo: null,
headers: [],
body: forge7.util.decode64(match[3])
if (!match[2]) {
var lines = match[2].split(rCRLF);
var li = 0;
while (match && li < lines.length) {
var line = lines[li].replace(/\s+$/, "");
for (var nl = li + 1; nl < lines.length; ++nl) {
var next = lines[nl];
if (!/\s/.test(next[0])) {
line += next;
li = nl;
match = line.match(rHeader);
if (match) {
var header = { name: match[1], values: [] };
var values = match[2].split(",");
for (var vi = 0; vi < values.length; ++vi) {
if (!msg.procType) {
if ( !== "Proc-Type") {
throw new Error('Invalid PEM formatted message. The first encapsulated header must be "Proc-Type".');
} else if (header.values.length !== 2) {
throw new Error('Invalid PEM formatted message. The "Proc-Type" header must have two subfields.');
msg.procType = { version: values[0], type: values[1] };
} else if (!msg.contentDomain && === "Content-Domain") {
msg.contentDomain = values[0] || "";
} else if (!msg.dekInfo && === "DEK-Info") {
if (header.values.length === 0) {
throw new Error('Invalid PEM formatted message. The "DEK-Info" header must have at least one subfield.');
msg.dekInfo = { algorithm: values[0], parameters: values[1] || null };
} else {
if (msg.procType === "ENCRYPTED" && !msg.dekInfo) {
throw new Error('Invalid PEM formatted message. The "DEK-Info" header must be present if "Proc-Type" is "ENCRYPTED".');
if (rval.length === 0) {
throw new Error("Invalid PEM formatted message.");
return rval;
function foldHeader(header) {
var rval = + ": ";
var values = [];
var insertSpace = function(match, $1) {
return " " + $1;
for (var i = 0; i < header.values.length; ++i) {
values.push(header.values[i].replace(/^(\S+\r\n)/, insertSpace));
rval += values.join(",") + "\r\n";
var length11 = 0;
var candidate = -1;
for (var i = 0; i < rval.length; ++i, ++length11) {
if (length11 > 65 && candidate !== -1) {
var insert = rval[candidate];
if (insert === ",") {
rval = rval.substr(0, candidate) + "\r\n " + rval.substr(candidate);
} else {
rval = rval.substr(0, candidate) + "\r\n" + insert + rval.substr(candidate + 1);
length11 = i - candidate - 1;
candidate = -1;
} else if (rval[i] === " " || rval[i] === " " || rval[i] === ",") {
candidate = i;
return rval;
function ltrim(str) {
return str.replace(/^\s+/, "");
// node_modules/node-forge/lib/sha256.js
var require_sha256 = __commonJS({
"node_modules/node-forge/lib/sha256.js"(exports2, module2) {
var forge7 = require_forge();
var sha2567 = module2.exports = forge7.sha256 = forge7.sha256 || {}; = = sha2567;
sha2567.create = function() {
if (!_initialized) {
var _state = null;
var _input = forge7.util.createBuffer();
var _w = new Array(64);
var md = {
algorithm: "sha256",
blockLength: 64,
digestLength: 32,
// 56-bit length of message so far (does not including padding)
messageLength: 0,
// true message length
fullMessageLength: null,
// size of message length in bytes
messageLengthSize: 8
md.start = function() {
md.messageLength = 0;
md.fullMessageLength = md.messageLength64 = [];
var int32s = md.messageLengthSize / 4;
for (var i = 0; i < int32s; ++i) {
_input = forge7.util.createBuffer();
_state = {
h0: 1779033703,
h1: 3144134277,
h2: 1013904242,
h3: 2773480762,
h4: 1359893119,
h5: 2600822924,
h6: 528734635,
h7: 1541459225
return md;
md.update = function(msg, encoding) {
if (encoding === "utf8") {
msg = forge7.util.encodeUtf8(msg);
var len = msg.length;
md.messageLength += len;
len = [len / 4294967296 >>> 0, len >>> 0];
for (var i = md.fullMessageLength.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
md.fullMessageLength[i] += len[1];
len[1] = len[0] + (md.fullMessageLength[i] / 4294967296 >>> 0);
md.fullMessageLength[i] = md.fullMessageLength[i] >>> 0;
len[0] = len[1] / 4294967296 >>> 0;
_update(_state, _w, _input);
if ( > 2048 || _input.length() === 0) {
return md;
md.digest = function() {
var finalBlock = forge7.util.createBuffer();
var remaining = md.fullMessageLength[md.fullMessageLength.length - 1] + md.messageLengthSize;
var overflow = remaining & md.blockLength - 1;
finalBlock.putBytes(_padding.substr(0, md.blockLength - overflow));
var next, carry;
var bits2 = md.fullMessageLength[0] * 8;
for (var i = 0; i < md.fullMessageLength.length - 1; ++i) {
next = md.fullMessageLength[i + 1] * 8;
carry = next / 4294967296 >>> 0;
bits2 += carry;
finalBlock.putInt32(bits2 >>> 0);
bits2 = next >>> 0;
var s2 = {
h0: _state.h0,
h1: _state.h1,
h2: _state.h2,
h3: _state.h3,
h4: _state.h4,
h5: _state.h5,
h6: _state.h6,
h7: _state.h7
_update(s2, _w, finalBlock);
var rval = forge7.util.createBuffer();
return rval;
return md;
var _padding = null;
var _initialized = false;
var _k = null;
function _init() {
_padding = String.fromCharCode(128);
_padding += forge7.util.fillString(String.fromCharCode(0), 64);
_k = [
_initialized = true;
function _update(s, w, bytes3) {
var t1, t2, s0, s1, ch, maj, i, a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h;
var len = bytes3.length();
while (len >= 64) {
for (i = 0; i < 16; ++i) {
w[i] = bytes3.getInt32();
for (; i < 64; ++i) {
t1 = w[i - 2];
t1 = (t1 >>> 17 | t1 << 15) ^ (t1 >>> 19 | t1 << 13) ^ t1 >>> 10;
t2 = w[i - 15];
t2 = (t2 >>> 7 | t2 << 25) ^ (t2 >>> 18 | t2 << 14) ^ t2 >>> 3;
w[i] = t1 + w[i - 7] + t2 + w[i - 16] | 0;
a = s.h0;
b = s.h1;
c = s.h2;
d = s.h3;
e = s.h4;
f = s.h5;
g = s.h6;
h = s.h7;
for (i = 0; i < 64; ++i) {
s1 = (e >>> 6 | e << 26) ^ (e >>> 11 | e << 21) ^ (e >>> 25 | e << 7);
ch = g ^ e & (f ^ g);
s0 = (a >>> 2 | a << 30) ^ (a >>> 13 | a << 19) ^ (a >>> 22 | a << 10);
maj = a & b | c & (a ^ b);
t1 = h + s1 + ch + _k[i] + w[i];
t2 = s0 + maj;
h = g;
g = f;
f = e;
e = d + t1 >>> 0;
d = c;
c = b;
b = a;
a = t1 + t2 >>> 0;
s.h0 = s.h0 + a | 0;
s.h1 = s.h1 + b | 0;
s.h2 = s.h2 + c | 0;
s.h3 = s.h3 + d | 0;
s.h4 = s.h4 + e | 0;
s.h5 = s.h5 + f | 0;
s.h6 = s.h6 + g | 0;
s.h7 = s.h7 + h | 0;
len -= 64;
// node_modules/node-forge/lib/prng.js
var require_prng = __commonJS({
"node_modules/node-forge/lib/prng.js"(exports2, module2) {
var forge7 = require_forge();
var _crypto = null;
if (forge7.util.isNodejs && !forge7.options.usePureJavaScript && !process.versions["node-webkit"]) {
_crypto = require_crypto();
var prng = module2.exports = forge7.prng = forge7.prng || {};
prng.create = function(plugin) {
var ctx = {
key: null,
seed: null,
time: null,
// number of reseeds so far
reseeds: 0,
// amount of data generated so far
generated: 0,
// no initial key bytes
keyBytes: ""
var md =;
var pools = new Array(32);
for (var i = 0; i < 32; ++i) {
pools[i] = md.create();
ctx.pools = pools;
ctx.pool = 0;
ctx.generate = function(count, callback) {
if (!callback) {
return ctx.generateSync(count);
var cipher = ctx.plugin.cipher;
var increment = ctx.plugin.increment;
var formatKey = ctx.plugin.formatKey;
var formatSeed = ctx.plugin.formatSeed;
var b = forge7.util.createBuffer();
ctx.key = null;
function generate(err) {
if (err) {
return callback(err);
if (b.length() >= count) {
return callback(null, b.getBytes(count));
if (ctx.generated > 1048575) {
ctx.key = null;
if (ctx.key === null) {
return forge7.util.nextTick(function() {
var bytes3 = cipher(ctx.key, ctx.seed);
ctx.generated += bytes3.length;
ctx.key = formatKey(cipher(ctx.key, increment(ctx.seed)));
ctx.seed = formatSeed(cipher(ctx.key, ctx.seed));
ctx.generateSync = function(count) {
var cipher = ctx.plugin.cipher;
var increment = ctx.plugin.increment;
var formatKey = ctx.plugin.formatKey;
var formatSeed = ctx.plugin.formatSeed;
ctx.key = null;
var b = forge7.util.createBuffer();
while (b.length() < count) {
if (ctx.generated > 1048575) {
ctx.key = null;
if (ctx.key === null) {
var bytes3 = cipher(ctx.key, ctx.seed);
ctx.generated += bytes3.length;
ctx.key = formatKey(cipher(ctx.key, increment(ctx.seed)));
ctx.seed = formatSeed(cipher(ctx.key, ctx.seed));
return b.getBytes(count);
function _reseed(callback) {
if (ctx.pools[0].messageLength >= 32) {
return callback();
var needed = 32 - ctx.pools[0].messageLength << 5;
ctx.seedFile(needed, function(err, bytes3) {
if (err) {
return callback(err);
function _reseedSync() {
if (ctx.pools[0].messageLength >= 32) {
return _seed();
var needed = 32 - ctx.pools[0].messageLength << 5;
function _seed() {
ctx.reseeds = ctx.reseeds === 4294967295 ? 0 : ctx.reseeds + 1;
var md2 =;
var _2powK = 1;
for (var k = 0; k < 32; ++k) {
if (ctx.reseeds % _2powK === 0) {
_2powK = _2powK << 1;
ctx.keyBytes = md2.digest().getBytes();
var seedBytes = md2.digest().getBytes();
ctx.key = ctx.plugin.formatKey(ctx.keyBytes);
ctx.seed = ctx.plugin.formatSeed(seedBytes);
ctx.generated = 0;
function defaultSeedFile(needed) {
var getRandomValues = null;
var globalScope = forge7.util.globalScope;
var _crypto2 = globalScope.crypto || globalScope.msCrypto;
if (_crypto2 && _crypto2.getRandomValues) {
getRandomValues = function(arr) {
return _crypto2.getRandomValues(arr);
var b = forge7.util.createBuffer();
if (getRandomValues) {
while (b.length() < needed) {
var count = Math.max(1, Math.min(needed - b.length(), 65536) / 4);
var entropy = new Uint32Array(Math.floor(count));
try {
for (var i2 = 0; i2 < entropy.length; ++i2) {
} catch (e) {
if (!(typeof QuotaExceededError !== "undefined" && e instanceof QuotaExceededError)) {
throw e;
if (b.length() < needed) {
var hi, lo, next;
var seed = Math.floor(Math.random() * 65536);
while (b.length() < needed) {
lo = 16807 * (seed & 65535);
hi = 16807 * (seed >> 16);
lo += (hi & 32767) << 16;
lo += hi >> 15;
lo = (lo & 2147483647) + (lo >> 31);
seed = lo & 4294967295;
for (var i2 = 0; i2 < 3; ++i2) {
next = seed >>> (i2 << 3);
next ^= Math.floor(Math.random() * 256);
b.putByte(next & 255);
return b.getBytes(needed);
if (_crypto) {
ctx.seedFile = function(needed, callback) {
_crypto.randomBytes(needed, function(err, bytes3) {
if (err) {
return callback(err);
callback(null, bytes3.toString());
ctx.seedFileSync = function(needed) {
return _crypto.randomBytes(needed).toString();
} else {
ctx.seedFile = function(needed, callback) {
try {
callback(null, defaultSeedFile(needed));
} catch (e) {
ctx.seedFileSync = defaultSeedFile;
ctx.collect = function(bytes3) {
var count = bytes3.length;
for (var i2 = 0; i2 < count; ++i2) {
ctx.pools[ctx.pool].update(bytes3.substr(i2, 1));
ctx.pool = ctx.pool === 31 ? 0 : ctx.pool + 1;
ctx.collectInt = function(i2, n) {
var bytes3 = "";
for (var x = 0; x < n; x += 8) {
bytes3 += String.fromCharCode(i2 >> x & 255);
ctx.registerWorker = function(worker) {
if (worker === self) {
ctx.seedFile = function(needed, callback) {
function listener2(e) {
var data =;
if (data.forge && data.forge.prng) {
self.removeEventListener("message", listener2);
callback(data.forge.prng.err, data.forge.prng.bytes);
self.addEventListener("message", listener2);
self.postMessage({ forge: { prng: { needed } } });
} else {
var listener = function(e) {
var data =;
if (data.forge && data.forge.prng) {
ctx.seedFile(data.forge.prng.needed, function(err, bytes3) {
worker.postMessage({ forge: { prng: { err, bytes: bytes3 } } });
worker.addEventListener("message", listener);
return ctx;
// node_modules/node-forge/lib/random.js
var require_random = __commonJS({
"node_modules/node-forge/lib/random.js"(exports2, module2) {
var forge7 = require_forge();
(function() {
if (forge7.random && forge7.random.getBytes) {
module2.exports = forge7.random;
(function(jQuery2) {
var prng_aes = {};
var _prng_aes_output = new Array(4);
var _prng_aes_buffer = forge7.util.createBuffer();
prng_aes.formatKey = function(key2) {
var tmp = forge7.util.createBuffer(key2);
key2 = new Array(4);
key2[0] = tmp.getInt32();
key2[1] = tmp.getInt32();
key2[2] = tmp.getInt32();
key2[3] = tmp.getInt32();
return forge7.aes._expandKey(key2, false);
prng_aes.formatSeed = function(seed) {
var tmp = forge7.util.createBuffer(seed);
seed = new Array(4);
seed[0] = tmp.getInt32();
seed[1] = tmp.getInt32();
seed[2] = tmp.getInt32();
seed[3] = tmp.getInt32();
return seed;
prng_aes.cipher = function(key2, seed) {
forge7.aes._updateBlock(key2, seed, _prng_aes_output, false);
return _prng_aes_buffer.getBytes();
prng_aes.increment = function(seed) {
return seed;
}; =;
function spawnPrng() {
var ctx = forge7.prng.create(prng_aes);
ctx.getBytes = function(count, callback) {
return ctx.generate(count, callback);
ctx.getBytesSync = function(count) {
return ctx.generate(count);
return ctx;
var _ctx = spawnPrng();
var getRandomValues = null;
var globalScope = forge7.util.globalScope;
var _crypto = globalScope.crypto || globalScope.msCrypto;
if (_crypto && _crypto.getRandomValues) {
getRandomValues = function(arr) {
return _crypto.getRandomValues(arr);
if (forge7.options.usePureJavaScript || !forge7.util.isNodejs && !getRandomValues) {
if (typeof window === "undefined" || window.document === void 0) {
_ctx.collectInt(+/* @__PURE__ */ new Date(), 32);
if (typeof navigator !== "undefined") {
var _navBytes = "";
for (var key in navigator) {
try {
if (typeof navigator[key] == "string") {
_navBytes += navigator[key];
} catch (e) {
_navBytes = null;
if (jQuery2) {
jQuery2().mousemove(function(e) {
_ctx.collectInt(e.clientX, 16);
_ctx.collectInt(e.clientY, 16);
jQuery2().keypress(function(e) {
_ctx.collectInt(e.charCode, 8);
if (!forge7.random) {
forge7.random = _ctx;
} else {
for (var key in _ctx) {
forge7.random[key] = _ctx[key];
forge7.random.createInstance = spawnPrng;
module2.exports = forge7.random;
})(typeof jQuery !== "undefined" ? jQuery : null);
// node_modules/node-forge/lib/rc2.js
var require_rc2 = __commonJS({
"node_modules/node-forge/lib/rc2.js"(exports2, module2) {
var forge7 = require_forge();
var piTable = [
var s = [1, 2, 3, 5];
var rol = function(word2, bits2) {
return word2 << bits2 & 65535 | (word2 & 65535) >> 16 - bits2;
var ror = function(word2, bits2) {
return (word2 & 65535) >> bits2 | word2 << 16 - bits2 & 65535;
module2.exports = forge7.rc2 = forge7.rc2 || {};
forge7.rc2.expandKey = function(key, effKeyBits) {
if (typeof key === "string") {
key = forge7.util.createBuffer(key);
effKeyBits = effKeyBits || 128;
var L = key;
var T = key.length();
var T1 = effKeyBits;
var T8 = Math.ceil(T1 / 8);
var TM = 255 >> (T1 & 7);
var i;
for (i = T; i < 128; i++) {
L.putByte(piTable[ - 1) + - T) & 255]);
L.setAt(128 - T8, piTable[ - T8) & TM]);
for (i = 127 - T8; i >= 0; i--) {
L.setAt(i, piTable[ + 1) ^ + T8)]);
return L;
var createCipher = function(key, bits2, encrypt2) {
var _finish = false, _input = null, _output = null, _iv = null;
var mixRound, mashRound;
var i, j, K2 = [];
key = forge7.rc2.expandKey(key, bits2);
for (i = 0; i < 64; i++) {
if (encrypt2) {
mixRound = function(R) {
for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
R[i] += K2[j] + (R[(i + 3) % 4] & R[(i + 2) % 4]) + (~R[(i + 3) % 4] & R[(i + 1) % 4]);
R[i] = rol(R[i], s[i]);
mashRound = function(R) {
for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
R[i] += K2[R[(i + 3) % 4] & 63];
} else {
mixRound = function(R) {
for (i = 3; i >= 0; i--) {
R[i] = ror(R[i], s[i]);
R[i] -= K2[j] + (R[(i + 3) % 4] & R[(i + 2) % 4]) + (~R[(i + 3) % 4] & R[(i + 1) % 4]);
mashRound = function(R) {
for (i = 3; i >= 0; i--) {
R[i] -= K2[R[(i + 3) % 4] & 63];
var runPlan = function(plan) {
var R = [];
for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
var val = _input.getInt16Le();
if (_iv !== null) {
if (encrypt2) {
val ^= _iv.getInt16Le();
} else {
R.push(val & 65535);
j = encrypt2 ? 0 : 63;
for (var ptr = 0; ptr < plan.length; ptr++) {
for (var ctr = 0; ctr < plan[ptr][0]; ctr++) {
for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
if (_iv !== null) {
if (encrypt2) {
} else {
R[i] ^= _iv.getInt16Le();
var cipher = null;
cipher = {
* Starts or restarts the encryption or decryption process, whichever
* was previously configured.
* To use the cipher in CBC mode, iv may be given either as a string
* of bytes, or as a byte buffer. For ECB mode, give null as iv.
* @param iv the initialization vector to use, null for ECB mode.
* @param output the output the buffer to write to, null to create one.
start: function(iv, output3) {
if (iv) {
if (typeof iv === "string") {
iv = forge7.util.createBuffer(iv);
_finish = false;
_input = forge7.util.createBuffer();
_output = output3 || new forge7.util.createBuffer();
_iv = iv;
cipher.output = _output;
* Updates the next block.
* @param input the buffer to read from.
update: function(input) {
if (!_finish) {
while (_input.length() >= 8) {
[5, mixRound],
[1, mashRound],
[6, mixRound],
[1, mashRound],
[5, mixRound]
* Finishes encrypting or decrypting.
* @param pad a padding function to use, null for PKCS#7 padding,
* signature(blockSize, buffer, decrypt).
* @return true if successful, false on error.
finish: function(pad) {
var rval = true;
if (encrypt2) {
if (pad) {
rval = pad(8, _input, !encrypt2);
} else {
var padding = _input.length() === 8 ? 8 : 8 - _input.length();
_input.fillWithByte(padding, padding);
if (rval) {
_finish = true;
if (!encrypt2) {
rval = _input.length() === 0;
if (rval) {
if (pad) {
rval = pad(8, _output, !encrypt2);
} else {
var len = _output.length();
var count = - 1);
if (count > len) {
rval = false;
} else {
return rval;
return cipher;
forge7.rc2.startEncrypting = function(key, iv, output3) {
var cipher = forge7.rc2.createEncryptionCipher(key, 128);
cipher.start(iv, output3);
return cipher;
forge7.rc2.createEncryptionCipher = function(key, bits2) {
return createCipher(key, bits2, true);
forge7.rc2.startDecrypting = function(key, iv, output3) {
var cipher = forge7.rc2.createDecryptionCipher(key, 128);
cipher.start(iv, output3);
return cipher;
forge7.rc2.createDecryptionCipher = function(key, bits2) {
return createCipher(key, bits2, false);
// node_modules/node-forge/lib/jsbn.js
var require_jsbn = __commonJS({
"node_modules/node-forge/lib/jsbn.js"(exports2, module2) {
var forge7 = require_forge();
module2.exports = forge7.jsbn = forge7.jsbn || {};
var dbits;
var canary = 244837814094590;
var j_lm = (canary & 16777215) == 15715070;
function BigInteger(a, b, c) { = [];
if (a != null)
if ("number" == typeof a)
this.fromNumber(a, b, c);
else if (b == null && "string" != typeof a)
this.fromString(a, 256);
this.fromString(a, b);
forge7.jsbn.BigInteger = BigInteger;
function nbi() {
return new BigInteger(null);
function am1(i, x, w, j, c, n) {
while (--n >= 0) {
var v = x *[i++] +[j] + c;
c = Math.floor(v / 67108864);[j++] = v & 67108863;
return c;
function am2(i, x, w, j, c, n) {
var xl = x & 32767, xh = x >> 15;
while (--n >= 0) {
var l =[i] & 32767;
var h =[i++] >> 15;
var m = xh * l + h * xl;
l = xl * l + ((m & 32767) << 15) +[j] + (c & 1073741823);
c = (l >>> 30) + (m >>> 15) + xh * h + (c >>> 30);[j++] = l & 1073741823;
return c;
function am3(i, x, w, j, c, n) {
var xl = x & 16383, xh = x >> 14;
while (--n >= 0) {
var l =[i] & 16383;
var h =[i++] >> 14;
var m = xh * l + h * xl;
l = xl * l + ((m & 16383) << 14) +[j] + c;
c = (l >> 28) + (m >> 14) + xh * h;[j++] = l & 268435455;
return c;
if (typeof navigator === "undefined") { = am3;
dbits = 28;
} else if (j_lm && navigator.appName == "Microsoft Internet Explorer") { = am2;
dbits = 30;
} else if (j_lm && navigator.appName != "Netscape") { = am1;
dbits = 26;
} else { = am3;
dbits = 28;
BigInteger.prototype.DB = dbits;
BigInteger.prototype.DM = (1 << dbits) - 1;
BigInteger.prototype.DV = 1 << dbits;
var BI_FP = 52;
BigInteger.prototype.FV = Math.pow(2, BI_FP);
BigInteger.prototype.F1 = BI_FP - dbits;
BigInteger.prototype.F2 = 2 * dbits - BI_FP;
var BI_RM = "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz";
var BI_RC = new Array();
var rr;
var vv;
rr = "0".charCodeAt(0);
for (vv = 0; vv <= 9; ++vv)
BI_RC[rr++] = vv;
rr = "a".charCodeAt(0);
for (vv = 10; vv < 36; ++vv)
BI_RC[rr++] = vv;
rr = "A".charCodeAt(0);
for (vv = 10; vv < 36; ++vv)
BI_RC[rr++] = vv;
function int2char(n) {
return BI_RM.charAt(n);
function intAt(s, i) {
var c = BI_RC[s.charCodeAt(i)];
return c == null ? -1 : c;
function bnpCopyTo(r) {
for (var i = this.t - 1; i >= 0; --i)[i] =[i];
r.t = this.t;
r.s = this.s;
function bnpFromInt(x) {
this.t = 1;
this.s = x < 0 ? -1 : 0;
if (x > 0)[0] = x;
else if (x < -1)[0] = x + this.DV;
this.t = 0;
function nbv(i) {
var r = nbi();
return r;
function bnpFromString(s, b) {
var k;
if (b == 16)
k = 4;
else if (b == 8)
k = 3;
else if (b == 256)
k = 8;
else if (b == 2)
k = 1;
else if (b == 32)
k = 5;
else if (b == 4)
k = 2;
else {
this.fromRadix(s, b);
this.t = 0;
this.s = 0;
var i = s.length, mi = false, sh = 0;
while (--i >= 0) {
var x = k == 8 ? s[i] & 255 : intAt(s, i);
if (x < 0) {
if (s.charAt(i) == "-")
mi = true;
mi = false;
if (sh == 0)[this.t++] = x;
else if (sh + k > this.DB) {[this.t - 1] |= (x & (1 << this.DB - sh) - 1) << sh;[this.t++] = x >> this.DB - sh;
} else[this.t - 1] |= x << sh;
sh += k;
if (sh >= this.DB)
sh -= this.DB;
if (k == 8 && (s[0] & 128) != 0) {
this.s = -1;
if (sh > 0)[this.t - 1] |= (1 << this.DB - sh) - 1 << sh;
if (mi)
BigInteger.ZERO.subTo(this, this);
function bnpClamp() {
var c = this.s & this.DM;
while (this.t > 0 &&[this.t - 1] == c)
function bnToString(b) {
if (this.s < 0)
return "-" + this.negate().toString(b);
var k;
if (b == 16)
k = 4;
else if (b == 8)
k = 3;
else if (b == 2)
k = 1;
else if (b == 32)
k = 5;
else if (b == 4)
k = 2;
return this.toRadix(b);
var km = (1 << k) - 1, d, m = false, r = "", i = this.t;
var p = this.DB - i * this.DB % k;
if (i-- > 0) {
if (p < this.DB && (d =[i] >> p) > 0) {
m = true;
r = int2char(d);
while (i >= 0) {
if (p < k) {
d = ([i] & (1 << p) - 1) << k - p;
d |=[--i] >> (p += this.DB - k);
} else {
d =[i] >> (p -= k) & km;
if (p <= 0) {
p += this.DB;
if (d > 0)
m = true;
if (m)
r += int2char(d);
return m ? r : "0";
function bnNegate() {
var r = nbi();
BigInteger.ZERO.subTo(this, r);
return r;
function bnAbs() {
return this.s < 0 ? this.negate() : this;
function bnCompareTo(a) {
var r = this.s - a.s;
if (r != 0)
return r;
var i = this.t;
r = i - a.t;
if (r != 0)
return this.s < 0 ? -r : r;
while (--i >= 0)
if ((r =[i] -[i]) != 0)
return r;
return 0;
function nbits(x) {
var r = 1, t;
if ((t = x >>> 16) != 0) {
x = t;
r += 16;
if ((t = x >> 8) != 0) {
x = t;
r += 8;
if ((t = x >> 4) != 0) {
x = t;
r += 4;
if ((t = x >> 2) != 0) {
x = t;
r += 2;
if ((t = x >> 1) != 0) {
x = t;
r += 1;
return r;
function bnBitLength() {
if (this.t <= 0)
return 0;
return this.DB * (this.t - 1) + nbits([this.t - 1] ^ this.s & this.DM);
function bnpDLShiftTo(n, r) {
var i;
for (i = this.t - 1; i >= 0; --i)[i + n] =[i];
for (i = n - 1; i >= 0; --i)[i] = 0;
r.t = this.t + n;
r.s = this.s;
function bnpDRShiftTo(n, r) {
for (var i = n; i < this.t; ++i)[i - n] =[i];
r.t = Math.max(this.t - n, 0);
r.s = this.s;
function bnpLShiftTo(n, r) {
var bs = n % this.DB;
var cbs = this.DB - bs;
var bm = (1 << cbs) - 1;
var ds = Math.floor(n / this.DB), c = this.s << bs & this.DM, i;
for (i = this.t - 1; i >= 0; --i) {[i + ds + 1] =[i] >> cbs | c;
c = ([i] & bm) << bs;
for (i = ds - 1; i >= 0; --i)[i] = 0;[ds] = c;
r.t = this.t + ds + 1;
r.s = this.s;
function bnpRShiftTo(n, r) {
r.s = this.s;
var ds = Math.floor(n / this.DB);
if (ds >= this.t) {
r.t = 0;
var bs = n % this.DB;
var cbs = this.DB - bs;
var bm = (1 << bs) - 1;[0] =[ds] >> bs;
for (var i = ds + 1; i < this.t; ++i) {[i - ds - 1] |= ([i] & bm) << cbs;[i - ds] =[i] >> bs;
if (bs > 0)[this.t - ds - 1] |= (this.s & bm) << cbs;
r.t = this.t - ds;
function bnpSubTo(a, r) {
var i = 0, c = 0, m = Math.min(a.t, this.t);
while (i < m) {
c +=[i] -[i];[i++] = c & this.DM;
c >>= this.DB;
if (a.t < this.t) {
c -= a.s;
while (i < this.t) {
c +=[i];[i++] = c & this.DM;
c >>= this.DB;
c += this.s;
} else {
c += this.s;
while (i < a.t) {
c -=[i];[i++] = c & this.DM;
c >>= this.DB;
c -= a.s;
r.s = c < 0 ? -1 : 0;
if (c < -1)[i++] = this.DV + c;
else if (c > 0)[i++] = c;
r.t = i;
function bnpMultiplyTo(a, r) {
var x = this.abs(), y = a.abs();
var i = x.t;
r.t = i + y.t;
while (--i >= 0)[i] = 0;
for (i = 0; i < y.t; ++i)[i + x.t] =,[i], r, i, 0, x.t);
r.s = 0;
if (this.s != a.s)
BigInteger.ZERO.subTo(r, r);
function bnpSquareTo(r) {
var x = this.abs();
var i = r.t = 2 * x.t;
while (--i >= 0)[i] = 0;
for (i = 0; i < x.t - 1; ++i) {
var c =,[i], r, 2 * i, 0, 1);
if (([i + x.t] += + 1, 2 *[i], r, 2 * i + 1, c, x.t - i - 1)) >= x.DV) {[i + x.t] -= x.DV;[i + x.t + 1] = 1;
if (r.t > 0)[r.t - 1] +=,[i], r, 2 * i, 0, 1);
r.s = 0;
function bnpDivRemTo(m, q, r) {
var pm = m.abs();
if (pm.t <= 0)
var pt = this.abs();
if (pt.t < pm.t) {
if (q != null)
if (r != null)
if (r == null)
r = nbi();
var y = nbi(), ts = this.s, ms = m.s;
var nsh = this.DB - nbits([pm.t - 1]);
if (nsh > 0) {
pm.lShiftTo(nsh, y);
pt.lShiftTo(nsh, r);
} else {
var ys = y.t;
var y0 =[ys - 1];
if (y0 == 0)
var yt = y0 * (1 << this.F1) + (ys > 1 ?[ys - 2] >> this.F2 : 0);
var d1 = this.FV / yt, d2 = (1 << this.F1) / yt, e = 1 << this.F2;
var i = r.t, j = i - ys, t = q == null ? nbi() : q;
y.dlShiftTo(j, t);
if (r.compareTo(t) >= 0) {[r.t++] = 1;
r.subTo(t, r);
BigInteger.ONE.dlShiftTo(ys, t);
t.subTo(y, y);
while (y.t < ys)[y.t++] = 0;
while (--j >= 0) {
var qd =[--i] == y0 ? this.DM : Math.floor([i] * d1 + ([i - 1] + e) * d2);
if (([i] +=, qd, r, j, 0, ys)) < qd) {
y.dlShiftTo(j, t);
r.subTo(t, r);
while ([i] < --qd)
r.subTo(t, r);
if (q != null) {
r.drShiftTo(ys, q);
if (ts != ms)
BigInteger.ZERO.subTo(q, q);
r.t = ys;
if (nsh > 0)
r.rShiftTo(nsh, r);
if (ts < 0)
BigInteger.ZERO.subTo(r, r);
function bnMod(a) {
var r = nbi();
this.abs().divRemTo(a, null, r);
if (this.s < 0 && r.compareTo(BigInteger.ZERO) > 0)
a.subTo(r, r);
return r;
function Classic(m) {
this.m = m;
function cConvert(x) {
if (x.s < 0 || x.compareTo(this.m) >= 0)
return x.mod(this.m);
return x;
function cRevert(x) {
return x;
function cReduce(x) {
x.divRemTo(this.m, null, x);
function cMulTo(x, y, r) {
x.multiplyTo(y, r);
function cSqrTo(x, r) {
Classic.prototype.convert = cConvert;
Classic.prototype.revert = cRevert;
Classic.prototype.reduce = cReduce;
Classic.prototype.mulTo = cMulTo;
Classic.prototype.sqrTo = cSqrTo;
function bnpInvDigit() {
if (this.t < 1)
return 0;
var x =[0];
if ((x & 1) == 0)
return 0;
var y = x & 3;
y = y * (2 - (x & 15) * y) & 15;
y = y * (2 - (x & 255) * y) & 255;
y = y * (2 - ((x & 65535) * y & 65535)) & 65535;
y = y * (2 - x * y % this.DV) % this.DV;
return y > 0 ? this.DV - y : -y;
function Montgomery(m) {
this.m = m; = m.invDigit();
this.mpl = & 32767;
this.mph = >> 15; = (1 << m.DB - 15) - 1;
this.mt2 = 2 * m.t;
function montConvert(x) {
var r = nbi();
x.abs().dlShiftTo(this.m.t, r);
r.divRemTo(this.m, null, r);
if (x.s < 0 && r.compareTo(BigInteger.ZERO) > 0)
this.m.subTo(r, r);
return r;
function montRevert(x) {
var r = nbi();
return r;
function montReduce(x) {
while (x.t <= this.mt2)[x.t++] = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < this.m.t; ++i) {
var j =[i] & 32767;
var u0 = j * this.mpl + ((j * this.mph + ([i] >> 15) * this.mpl & << 15) & x.DM;
j = i + this.m.t;[j] +=, u0, x, i, 0, this.m.t);
while ([j] >= x.DV) {[j] -= x.DV;[++j]++;
x.drShiftTo(this.m.t, x);
if (x.compareTo(this.m) >= 0)
x.subTo(this.m, x);
function montSqrTo(x, r) {
function montMulTo(x, y, r) {
x.multiplyTo(y, r);
Montgomery.prototype.convert = montConvert;
Montgomery.prototype.revert = montRevert;
Montgomery.prototype.reduce = montReduce;
Montgomery.prototype.mulTo = montMulTo;
Montgomery.prototype.sqrTo = montSqrTo;
function bnpIsEven() {
return (this.t > 0 ?[0] & 1 : this.s) == 0;
function bnpExp(e, z) {
if (e > 4294967295 || e < 1)
return BigInteger.ONE;
var r = nbi(), r2 = nbi(), g = z.convert(this), i = nbits(e) - 1;
while (--i >= 0) {
z.sqrTo(r, r2);
if ((e & 1 << i) > 0)
z.mulTo(r2, g, r);
else {
var t = r;
r = r2;
r2 = t;
return z.revert(r);
function bnModPowInt(e, m) {
var z;
if (e < 256 || m.isEven())
z = new Classic(m);
z = new Montgomery(m);
return this.exp(e, z);
BigInteger.prototype.copyTo = bnpCopyTo;
BigInteger.prototype.fromInt = bnpFromInt;
BigInteger.prototype.fromString = bnpFromString;
BigInteger.prototype.clamp = bnpClamp;
BigInteger.prototype.dlShiftTo = bnpDLShiftTo;
BigInteger.prototype.drShiftTo = bnpDRShiftTo;
BigInteger.prototype.lShiftTo = bnpLShiftTo;
BigInteger.prototype.rShiftTo = bnpRShiftTo;
BigInteger.prototype.subTo = bnpSubTo;
BigInteger.prototype.multiplyTo = bnpMultiplyTo;
BigInteger.prototype.squareTo = bnpSquareTo;
BigInteger.prototype.divRemTo = bnpDivRemTo;
BigInteger.prototype.invDigit = bnpInvDigit;
BigInteger.prototype.isEven = bnpIsEven;
BigInteger.prototype.exp = bnpExp;
BigInteger.prototype.toString = bnToString;
BigInteger.prototype.negate = bnNegate;
BigInteger.prototype.abs = bnAbs;
BigInteger.prototype.compareTo = bnCompareTo;
BigInteger.prototype.bitLength = bnBitLength;
BigInteger.prototype.mod = bnMod;
BigInteger.prototype.modPowInt = bnModPowInt;
BigInteger.ZERO = nbv(0);
BigInteger.ONE = nbv(1);
function bnClone() {
var r = nbi();
return r;
function bnIntValue() {
if (this.s < 0) {
if (this.t == 1)
return[0] - this.DV;
else if (this.t == 0)
return -1;
} else if (this.t == 1)
else if (this.t == 0)
return 0;
return ([1] & (1 << 32 - this.DB) - 1) << this.DB |[0];
function bnByteValue() {
return this.t == 0 ? this.s :[0] << 24 >> 24;
function bnShortValue() {
return this.t == 0 ? this.s :[0] << 16 >> 16;
function bnpChunkSize(r) {
return Math.floor(Math.LN2 * this.DB / Math.log(r));
function bnSigNum() {
if (this.s < 0)
return -1;
else if (this.t <= 0 || this.t == 1 &&[0] <= 0)
return 0;
return 1;
function bnpToRadix(b) {
if (b == null)
b = 10;
if (this.signum() == 0 || b < 2 || b > 36)
return "0";
var cs = this.chunkSize(b);
var a = Math.pow(b, cs);
var d = nbv(a), y = nbi(), z = nbi(), r = "";
this.divRemTo(d, y, z);
while (y.signum() > 0) {
r = (a + z.intValue()).toString(b).substr(1) + r;
y.divRemTo(d, y, z);
return z.intValue().toString(b) + r;
function bnpFromRadix(s, b) {
if (b == null)
b = 10;
var cs = this.chunkSize(b);
var d = Math.pow(b, cs), mi = false, j = 0, w = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < s.length; ++i) {
var x = intAt(s, i);
if (x < 0) {
if (s.charAt(i) == "-" && this.signum() == 0)
mi = true;
w = b * w + x;
if (++j >= cs) {
this.dAddOffset(w, 0);
j = 0;
w = 0;
if (j > 0) {
this.dMultiply(Math.pow(b, j));
this.dAddOffset(w, 0);
if (mi)
BigInteger.ZERO.subTo(this, this);
function bnpFromNumber(a, b, c) {
if ("number" == typeof b) {
if (a < 2)
else {
this.fromNumber(a, c);
if (!this.testBit(a - 1))
this.bitwiseTo(BigInteger.ONE.shiftLeft(a - 1), op_or, this);
if (this.isEven())
this.dAddOffset(1, 0);
while (!this.isProbablePrime(b)) {
this.dAddOffset(2, 0);
if (this.bitLength() > a)
this.subTo(BigInteger.ONE.shiftLeft(a - 1), this);
} else {
var x = new Array(), t = a & 7;
x.length = (a >> 3) + 1;
if (t > 0)
x[0] &= (1 << t) - 1;
x[0] = 0;
this.fromString(x, 256);
function bnToByteArray() {
var i = this.t, r = new Array();
r[0] = this.s;
var p = this.DB - i * this.DB % 8, d, k = 0;
if (i-- > 0) {
if (p < this.DB && (d =[i] >> p) != (this.s & this.DM) >> p)
r[k++] = d | this.s << this.DB - p;
while (i >= 0) {
if (p < 8) {
d = ([i] & (1 << p) - 1) << 8 - p;
d |=[--i] >> (p += this.DB - 8);
} else {
d =[i] >> (p -= 8) & 255;
if (p <= 0) {
p += this.DB;
if ((d & 128) != 0)
d |= -256;
if (k == 0 && (this.s & 128) != (d & 128))
if (k > 0 || d != this.s)
r[k++] = d;
return r;
function bnEquals(a) {
return this.compareTo(a) == 0;
function bnMin(a) {
return this.compareTo(a) < 0 ? this : a;
function bnMax(a) {
return this.compareTo(a) > 0 ? this : a;
function bnpBitwiseTo(a, op, r) {
var i, f, m = Math.min(a.t, this.t);
for (i = 0; i < m; ++i)[i] = op([i],[i]);
if (a.t < this.t) {
f = a.s & this.DM;
for (i = m; i < this.t; ++i)[i] = op([i], f);
r.t = this.t;
} else {
f = this.s & this.DM;
for (i = m; i < a.t; ++i)[i] = op(f,[i]);
r.t = a.t;
r.s = op(this.s, a.s);
function op_and(x, y) {
return x & y;
function bnAnd(a) {
var r = nbi();
this.bitwiseTo(a, op_and, r);
return r;
function op_or(x, y) {
return x | y;
function bnOr(a) {
var r = nbi();
this.bitwiseTo(a, op_or, r);
return r;
function op_xor(x, y) {
return x ^ y;
function bnXor(a) {
var r = nbi();
this.bitwiseTo(a, op_xor, r);
return r;
function op_andnot(x, y) {
return x & ~y;
function bnAndNot(a) {
var r = nbi();
this.bitwiseTo(a, op_andnot, r);
return r;
function bnNot() {
var r = nbi();
for (var i = 0; i < this.t; ++i)[i] = this.DM &[i];
r.t = this.t;
r.s = ~this.s;
return r;
function bnShiftLeft(n) {
var r = nbi();
if (n < 0)
this.rShiftTo(-n, r);
this.lShiftTo(n, r);
return r;
function bnShiftRight(n) {
var r = nbi();
if (n < 0)
this.lShiftTo(-n, r);
this.rShiftTo(n, r);
return r;
function lbit(x) {
if (x == 0)
return -1;
var r = 0;
if ((x & 65535) == 0) {
x >>= 16;
r += 16;
if ((x & 255) == 0) {
x >>= 8;
r += 8;
if ((x & 15) == 0) {
x >>= 4;
r += 4;
if ((x & 3) == 0) {
x >>= 2;
r += 2;
if ((x & 1) == 0)
return r;
function bnGetLowestSetBit() {
for (var i = 0; i < this.t; ++i)
if ([i] != 0)
return i * this.DB + lbit([i]);
if (this.s < 0)
return this.t * this.DB;
return -1;
function cbit(x) {
var r = 0;
while (x != 0) {
x &= x - 1;
return r;
function bnBitCount() {
var r = 0, x = this.s & this.DM;
for (var i = 0; i < this.t; ++i)
r += cbit([i] ^ x);
return r;
function bnTestBit(n) {
var j = Math.floor(n / this.DB);
if (j >= this.t)
return this.s != 0;
return ([j] & 1 << n % this.DB) != 0;
function bnpChangeBit(n, op) {
var r = BigInteger.ONE.shiftLeft(n);
this.bitwiseTo(r, op, r);
return r;
function bnSetBit(n) {
return this.changeBit(n, op_or);
function bnClearBit(n) {
return this.changeBit(n, op_andnot);
function bnFlipBit(n) {
return this.changeBit(n, op_xor);
function bnpAddTo(a, r) {
var i = 0, c = 0, m = Math.min(a.t, this.t);
while (i < m) {
c +=[i] +[i];[i++] = c & this.DM;
c >>= this.DB;
if (a.t < this.t) {
c += a.s;
while (i < this.t) {
c +=[i];[i++] = c & this.DM;
c >>= this.DB;
c += this.s;
} else {
c += this.s;
while (i < a.t) {
c +=[i];[i++] = c & this.DM;
c >>= this.DB;
c += a.s;
r.s = c < 0 ? -1 : 0;
if (c > 0)[i++] = c;
else if (c < -1)[i++] = this.DV + c;
r.t = i;
function bnAdd(a) {
var r = nbi();
this.addTo(a, r);
return r;
function bnSubtract(a) {
var r = nbi();
this.subTo(a, r);
return r;
function bnMultiply(a) {
var r = nbi();
this.multiplyTo(a, r);
return r;
function bnDivide(a) {
var r = nbi();
this.divRemTo(a, r, null);
return r;
function bnRemainder(a) {
var r = nbi();
this.divRemTo(a, null, r);
return r;
function bnDivideAndRemainder(a) {
var q = nbi(), r = nbi();
this.divRemTo(a, q, r);
return new Array(q, r);
function bnpDMultiply(n) {[this.t] =, n - 1, this, 0, 0, this.t);
function bnpDAddOffset(n, w) {
if (n == 0)
while (this.t <= w)[this.t++] = 0;[w] += n;
while ([w] >= this.DV) {[w] -= this.DV;
if (++w >= this.t)[this.t++] = 0;[w];
function NullExp() {
function nNop(x) {
return x;
function nMulTo(x, y, r) {
x.multiplyTo(y, r);
function nSqrTo(x, r) {
NullExp.prototype.convert = nNop;
NullExp.prototype.revert = nNop;
NullExp.prototype.mulTo = nMulTo;
NullExp.prototype.sqrTo = nSqrTo;
function bnPow(e) {
return this.exp(e, new NullExp());
function bnpMultiplyLowerTo(a, n, r) {
var i = Math.min(this.t + a.t, n);
r.s = 0;
r.t = i;
while (i > 0)[--i] = 0;
var j;
for (j = r.t - this.t; i < j; ++i)[i + this.t] =,[i], r, i, 0, this.t);
for (j = Math.min(a.t, n); i < j; ++i),[i], r, i, 0, n - i);
function bnpMultiplyUpperTo(a, n, r) {
var i = r.t = this.t + a.t - n;
r.s = 0;
while (--i >= 0)[i] = 0;
for (i = Math.max(n - this.t, 0); i < a.t; ++i)[this.t + i - n] = - i,[i], r, 0, 0, this.t + i - n);
r.drShiftTo(1, r);
function Barrett(m) {
this.r2 = nbi();
this.q3 = nbi();
BigInteger.ONE.dlShiftTo(2 * m.t, this.r2); = this.r2.divide(m);
this.m = m;
function barrettConvert(x) {
if (x.s < 0 || x.t > 2 * this.m.t)
return x.mod(this.m);
else if (x.compareTo(this.m) < 0)
return x;
else {
var r = nbi();
return r;
function barrettRevert(x) {
return x;
function barrettReduce(x) {
x.drShiftTo(this.m.t - 1, this.r2);
if (x.t > this.m.t + 1) {
x.t = this.m.t + 1;
}, this.m.t + 1, this.q3);
this.m.multiplyLowerTo(this.q3, this.m.t + 1, this.r2);
while (x.compareTo(this.r2) < 0)
x.dAddOffset(1, this.m.t + 1);
x.subTo(this.r2, x);
while (x.compareTo(this.m) >= 0)
x.subTo(this.m, x);
function barrettSqrTo(x, r) {
function barrettMulTo(x, y, r) {
x.multiplyTo(y, r);
Barrett.prototype.convert = barrettConvert;
Barrett.prototype.revert = barrettRevert;
Barrett.prototype.reduce = barrettReduce;
Barrett.prototype.mulTo = barrettMulTo;
Barrett.prototype.sqrTo = barrettSqrTo;
function bnModPow(e, m) {
var i = e.bitLength(), k, r = nbv(1), z;
if (i <= 0)
return r;
else if (i < 18)
k = 1;
else if (i < 48)
k = 3;
else if (i < 144)
k = 4;
else if (i < 768)
k = 5;
k = 6;
if (i < 8)
z = new Classic(m);
else if (m.isEven())
z = new Barrett(m);
z = new Montgomery(m);
var g = new Array(), n = 3, k1 = k - 1, km = (1 << k) - 1;
g[1] = z.convert(this);
if (k > 1) {
var g2 = nbi();
z.sqrTo(g[1], g2);
while (n <= km) {
g[n] = nbi();
z.mulTo(g2, g[n - 2], g[n]);
n += 2;
var j = e.t - 1, w, is1 = true, r2 = nbi(), t;
i = nbits([j]) - 1;
while (j >= 0) {
if (i >= k1)
w =[j] >> i - k1 & km;
else {
w = ([j] & (1 << i + 1) - 1) << k1 - i;
if (j > 0)
w |=[j - 1] >> this.DB + i - k1;
n = k;
while ((w & 1) == 0) {
w >>= 1;
if ((i -= n) < 0) {
i += this.DB;
if (is1) {
is1 = false;
} else {
while (n > 1) {
z.sqrTo(r, r2);
z.sqrTo(r2, r);
n -= 2;
if (n > 0)
z.sqrTo(r, r2);
else {
t = r;
r = r2;
r2 = t;
z.mulTo(r2, g[w], r);
while (j >= 0 && ([j] & 1 << i) == 0) {
z.sqrTo(r, r2);
t = r;
r = r2;
r2 = t;
if (--i < 0) {
i = this.DB - 1;
return z.revert(r);
function bnGCD(a) {
var x = this.s < 0 ? this.negate() : this.clone();
var y = a.s < 0 ? a.negate() : a.clone();
if (x.compareTo(y) < 0) {
var t = x;
x = y;
y = t;
var i = x.getLowestSetBit(), g = y.getLowestSetBit();
if (g < 0)
return x;
if (i < g)
g = i;
if (g > 0) {
x.rShiftTo(g, x);
y.rShiftTo(g, y);
while (x.signum() > 0) {
if ((i = x.getLowestSetBit()) > 0)
x.rShiftTo(i, x);
if ((i = y.getLowestSetBit()) > 0)
y.rShiftTo(i, y);
if (x.compareTo(y) >= 0) {
x.subTo(y, x);
x.rShiftTo(1, x);
} else {
y.subTo(x, y);
y.rShiftTo(1, y);
if (g > 0)
y.lShiftTo(g, y);
return y;
function bnpModInt(n) {
if (n <= 0)
return 0;
var d = this.DV % n, r = this.s < 0 ? n - 1 : 0;
if (this.t > 0)
if (d == 0)
r =[0] % n;
for (var i = this.t - 1; i >= 0; --i)
r = (d * r +[i]) % n;
return r;
function bnModInverse(m) {
var ac = m.isEven();
if (this.isEven() && ac || m.signum() == 0)
return BigInteger.ZERO;
var u = m.clone(), v = this.clone();
var a = nbv(1), b = nbv(0), c = nbv(0), d = nbv(1);
while (u.signum() != 0) {
while (u.isEven()) {
u.rShiftTo(1, u);
if (ac) {
if (!a.isEven() || !b.isEven()) {
a.addTo(this, a);
b.subTo(m, b);
a.rShiftTo(1, a);
} else if (!b.isEven())
b.subTo(m, b);
b.rShiftTo(1, b);
while (v.isEven()) {
v.rShiftTo(1, v);
if (ac) {
if (!c.isEven() || !d.isEven()) {
c.addTo(this, c);
d.subTo(m, d);
c.rShiftTo(1, c);
} else if (!d.isEven())
d.subTo(m, d);
d.rShiftTo(1, d);
if (u.compareTo(v) >= 0) {
u.subTo(v, u);
if (ac)
a.subTo(c, a);
b.subTo(d, b);
} else {
v.subTo(u, v);
if (ac)
c.subTo(a, c);
d.subTo(b, d);
if (v.compareTo(BigInteger.ONE) != 0)
return BigInteger.ZERO;
if (d.compareTo(m) >= 0)
return d.subtract(m);
if (d.signum() < 0)
d.addTo(m, d);
return d;
if (d.signum() < 0)
return d.add(m);
return d;
var lowprimes = [2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31, 37, 41, 43, 47, 53, 59, 61, 67, 71, 73, 79, 83, 89, 97, 101, 103, 107, 109, 113, 127, 131, 137, 139, 149, 151, 157, 163, 167, 173, 179, 181, 191, 193, 197, 199, 211, 223, 227, 229, 233, 239, 241, 251, 257, 263, 269, 271, 277, 281, 283, 293, 307, 311, 313, 317, 331, 337, 347, 349, 353, 359, 367, 373, 379, 383, 389, 397, 401, 409, 419, 421, 431, 433, 439, 443, 449, 457, 461, 463, 467, 479, 487, 491, 499, 503, 509];
var lplim = (1 << 26) / lowprimes[lowprimes.length - 1];
function bnIsProbablePrime(t) {
var i, x = this.abs();
if (x.t == 1 &&[0] <= lowprimes[lowprimes.length - 1]) {
for (i = 0; i < lowprimes.length; ++i)
if ([0] == lowprimes[i])
return true;
return false;
if (x.isEven())
return false;
i = 1;
while (i < lowprimes.length) {
var m = lowprimes[i], j = i + 1;
while (j < lowprimes.length && m < lplim)
m *= lowprimes[j++];
m = x.modInt(m);
while (i < j)
if (m % lowprimes[i++] == 0)
return false;
return x.millerRabin(t);
function bnpMillerRabin(t) {
var n1 = this.subtract(BigInteger.ONE);
var k = n1.getLowestSetBit();
if (k <= 0)
return false;
var r = n1.shiftRight(k);
var prng = bnGetPrng();
var a;
for (var i = 0; i < t; ++i) {
do {
a = new BigInteger(this.bitLength(), prng);
} while (a.compareTo(BigInteger.ONE) <= 0 || a.compareTo(n1) >= 0);
var y = a.modPow(r, this);
if (y.compareTo(BigInteger.ONE) != 0 && y.compareTo(n1) != 0) {
var j = 1;
while (j++ < k && y.compareTo(n1) != 0) {
y = y.modPowInt(2, this);
if (y.compareTo(BigInteger.ONE) == 0)
return false;
if (y.compareTo(n1) != 0)
return false;
return true;
function bnGetPrng() {
return {
// x is an array to fill with bytes
nextBytes: function(x) {
for (var i = 0; i < x.length; ++i) {
x[i] = Math.floor(Math.random() * 256);
BigInteger.prototype.chunkSize = bnpChunkSize;
BigInteger.prototype.toRadix = bnpToRadix;
BigInteger.prototype.fromRadix = bnpFromRadix;
BigInteger.prototype.fromNumber = bnpFromNumber;
BigInteger.prototype.bitwiseTo = bnpBitwiseTo;
BigInteger.prototype.changeBit = bnpChangeBit;
BigInteger.prototype.addTo = bnpAddTo;
BigInteger.prototype.dMultiply = bnpDMultiply;
BigInteger.prototype.dAddOffset = bnpDAddOffset;
BigInteger.prototype.multiplyLowerTo = bnpMultiplyLowerTo;
BigInteger.prototype.multiplyUpperTo = bnpMultiplyUpperTo;
BigInteger.prototype.modInt = bnpModInt;
BigInteger.prototype.millerRabin = bnpMillerRabin;
BigInteger.prototype.clone = bnClone;
BigInteger.prototype.intValue = bnIntValue;
BigInteger.prototype.byteValue = bnByteValue;
BigInteger.prototype.shortValue = bnShortValue;
BigInteger.prototype.signum = bnSigNum;
BigInteger.prototype.toByteArray = bnToByteArray;
BigInteger.prototype.equals = bnEquals;
BigInteger.prototype.min = bnMin;
BigInteger.prototype.max = bnMax;
BigInteger.prototype.and = bnAnd;
BigInteger.prototype.or = bnOr;
BigInteger.prototype.xor = bnXor;
BigInteger.prototype.andNot = bnAndNot;
BigInteger.prototype.not = bnNot;
BigInteger.prototype.shiftLeft = bnShiftLeft;
BigInteger.prototype.shiftRight = bnShiftRight;
BigInteger.prototype.getLowestSetBit = bnGetLowestSetBit;
BigInteger.prototype.bitCount = bnBitCount;
BigInteger.prototype.testBit = bnTestBit;
BigInteger.prototype.setBit = bnSetBit;
BigInteger.prototype.clearBit = bnClearBit;
BigInteger.prototype.flipBit = bnFlipBit;
BigInteger.prototype.add = bnAdd;
BigInteger.prototype.subtract = bnSubtract;
BigInteger.prototype.multiply = bnMultiply;
BigInteger.prototype.divide = bnDivide;
BigInteger.prototype.remainder = bnRemainder;
BigInteger.prototype.divideAndRemainder = bnDivideAndRemainder;
BigInteger.prototype.modPow = bnModPow;
BigInteger.prototype.modInverse = bnModInverse;
BigInteger.prototype.pow = bnPow;
BigInteger.prototype.gcd = bnGCD;
BigInteger.prototype.isProbablePrime = bnIsProbablePrime;
// node_modules/node-forge/lib/sha1.js
var require_sha1 = __commonJS({
"node_modules/node-forge/lib/sha1.js"(exports2, module2) {
var forge7 = require_forge();
var sha1 = module2.exports = forge7.sha1 = forge7.sha1 || {}; = = sha1;
sha1.create = function() {
if (!_initialized) {
var _state = null;
var _input = forge7.util.createBuffer();
var _w = new Array(80);
var md = {
algorithm: "sha1",
blockLength: 64,
digestLength: 20,
// 56-bit length of message so far (does not including padding)
messageLength: 0,
// true message length
fullMessageLength: null,
// size of message length in bytes
messageLengthSize: 8
md.start = function() {
md.messageLength = 0;
md.fullMessageLength = md.messageLength64 = [];
var int32s = md.messageLengthSize / 4;
for (var i = 0; i < int32s; ++i) {
_input = forge7.util.createBuffer();
_state = {
h0: 1732584193,
h1: 4023233417,
h2: 2562383102,
h3: 271733878,
h4: 3285377520
return md;
md.update = function(msg, encoding) {
if (encoding === "utf8") {
msg = forge7.util.encodeUtf8(msg);
var len = msg.length;
md.messageLength += len;
len = [len / 4294967296 >>> 0, len >>> 0];
for (var i = md.fullMessageLength.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
md.fullMessageLength[i] += len[1];
len[1] = len[0] + (md.fullMessageLength[i] / 4294967296 >>> 0);
md.fullMessageLength[i] = md.fullMessageLength[i] >>> 0;
len[0] = len[1] / 4294967296 >>> 0;
_update(_state, _w, _input);
if ( > 2048 || _input.length() === 0) {
return md;
md.digest = function() {
var finalBlock = forge7.util.createBuffer();
var remaining = md.fullMessageLength[md.fullMessageLength.length - 1] + md.messageLengthSize;
var overflow = remaining & md.blockLength - 1;
finalBlock.putBytes(_padding.substr(0, md.blockLength - overflow));
var next, carry;
var bits2 = md.fullMessageLength[0] * 8;
for (var i = 0; i < md.fullMessageLength.length - 1; ++i) {
next = md.fullMessageLength[i + 1] * 8;
carry = next / 4294967296 >>> 0;
bits2 += carry;
finalBlock.putInt32(bits2 >>> 0);
bits2 = next >>> 0;
var s2 = {
h0: _state.h0,
h1: _state.h1,
h2: _state.h2,
h3: _state.h3,
h4: _state.h4
_update(s2, _w, finalBlock);
var rval = forge7.util.createBuffer();
return rval;
return md;
var _padding = null;
var _initialized = false;
function _init() {
_padding = String.fromCharCode(128);
_padding += forge7.util.fillString(String.fromCharCode(0), 64);
_initialized = true;
function _update(s, w, bytes3) {
var t, a, b, c, d, e, f, i;
var len = bytes3.length();
while (len >= 64) {
a = s.h0;
b = s.h1;
c = s.h2;
d = s.h3;
e = s.h4;
for (i = 0; i < 16; ++i) {
t = bytes3.getInt32();
w[i] = t;
f = d ^ b & (c ^ d);
t = (a << 5 | a >>> 27) + f + e + 1518500249 + t;
e = d;
d = c;
c = (b << 30 | b >>> 2) >>> 0;
b = a;
a = t;
for (; i < 20; ++i) {
t = w[i - 3] ^ w[i - 8] ^ w[i - 14] ^ w[i - 16];
t = t << 1 | t >>> 31;
w[i] = t;
f = d ^ b & (c ^ d);
t = (a << 5 | a >>> 27) + f + e + 1518500249 + t;
e = d;
d = c;
c = (b << 30 | b >>> 2) >>> 0;
b = a;
a = t;
for (; i < 32; ++i) {
t = w[i - 3] ^ w[i - 8] ^ w[i - 14] ^ w[i - 16];
t = t << 1 | t >>> 31;
w[i] = t;
f = b ^ c ^ d;
t = (a << 5 | a >>> 27) + f + e + 1859775393 + t;
e = d;
d = c;
c = (b << 30 | b >>> 2) >>> 0;
b = a;
a = t;
for (; i < 40; ++i) {
t = w[i - 6] ^ w[i - 16] ^ w[i - 28] ^ w[i - 32];
t = t << 2 | t >>> 30;
w[i] = t;
f = b ^ c ^ d;
t = (a << 5 | a >>> 27) + f + e + 1859775393 + t;
e = d;
d = c;
c = (b << 30 | b >>> 2) >>> 0;
b = a;
a = t;
for (; i < 60; ++i) {
t = w[i - 6] ^ w[i - 16] ^ w[i - 28] ^ w[i - 32];
t = t << 2 | t >>> 30;
w[i] = t;
f = b & c | d & (b ^ c);
t = (a << 5 | a >>> 27) + f + e + 2400959708 + t;
e = d;
d = c;
c = (b << 30 | b >>> 2) >>> 0;
b = a;
a = t;
for (; i < 80; ++i) {
t = w[i - 6] ^ w[i - 16] ^ w[i - 28] ^ w[i - 32];
t = t << 2 | t >>> 30;
w[i] = t;
f = b ^ c ^ d;
t = (a << 5 | a >>> 27) + f + e + 3395469782 + t;
e = d;
d = c;
c = (b << 30 | b >>> 2) >>> 0;
b = a;
a = t;
s.h0 = s.h0 + a | 0;
s.h1 = s.h1 + b | 0;
s.h2 = s.h2 + c | 0;
s.h3 = s.h3 + d | 0;
s.h4 = s.h4 + e | 0;
len -= 64;
// node_modules/node-forge/lib/pkcs1.js
var require_pkcs1 = __commonJS({
"node_modules/node-forge/lib/pkcs1.js"(exports2, module2) {
var forge7 = require_forge();
var pkcs1 = module2.exports = forge7.pkcs1 = forge7.pkcs1 || {};
pkcs1.encode_rsa_oaep = function(key, message2, options) {
var label;
var seed;
var md;
var mgf1Md;
if (typeof options === "string") {
label = options;
seed = arguments[3] || void 0;
md = arguments[4] || void 0;
} else if (options) {
label = options.label || void 0;
seed = options.seed || void 0;
md = || void 0;
if (options.mgf1 && {
mgf1Md =;
if (!md) {
md =;
} else {
if (!mgf1Md) {
mgf1Md = md;
var keyLength = Math.ceil(key.n.bitLength() / 8);
var maxLength = keyLength - 2 * md.digestLength - 2;
if (message2.length > maxLength) {
var error = new Error("RSAES-OAEP input message length is too long.");
error.length = message2.length;
error.maxLength = maxLength;
throw error;
if (!label) {
label = "";
md.update(label, "raw");
var lHash = md.digest();
var PS = "";
var PS_length = maxLength - message2.length;
for (var i = 0; i < PS_length; i++) {
PS += "\0";
var DB = lHash.getBytes() + PS + "" + message2;
if (!seed) {
seed = forge7.random.getBytes(md.digestLength);
} else if (seed.length !== md.digestLength) {
var error = new Error("Invalid RSAES-OAEP seed. The seed length must match the digest length.");
error.seedLength = seed.length;
error.digestLength = md.digestLength;
throw error;
var dbMask = rsa_mgf1(seed, keyLength - md.digestLength - 1, mgf1Md);
var maskedDB = forge7.util.xorBytes(DB, dbMask, DB.length);
var seedMask = rsa_mgf1(maskedDB, md.digestLength, mgf1Md);
var maskedSeed = forge7.util.xorBytes(seed, seedMask, seed.length);
return "\0" + maskedSeed + maskedDB;
pkcs1.decode_rsa_oaep = function(key, em, options) {
var label;
var md;
var mgf1Md;
if (typeof options === "string") {
label = options;
md = arguments[3] || void 0;
} else if (options) {
label = options.label || void 0;
md = || void 0;
if (options.mgf1 && {
mgf1Md =;
var keyLength = Math.ceil(key.n.bitLength() / 8);
if (em.length !== keyLength) {
var error = new Error("RSAES-OAEP encoded message length is invalid.");
error.length = em.length;
error.expectedLength = keyLength;
throw error;
if (md === void 0) {
md =;
} else {
if (!mgf1Md) {
mgf1Md = md;
if (keyLength < 2 * md.digestLength + 2) {
throw new Error("RSAES-OAEP key is too short for the hash function.");
if (!label) {
label = "";
md.update(label, "raw");
var lHash = md.digest().getBytes();
var y = em.charAt(0);
var maskedSeed = em.substring(1, md.digestLength + 1);
var maskedDB = em.substring(1 + md.digestLength);
var seedMask = rsa_mgf1(maskedDB, md.digestLength, mgf1Md);
var seed = forge7.util.xorBytes(maskedSeed, seedMask, maskedSeed.length);
var dbMask = rsa_mgf1(seed, keyLength - md.digestLength - 1, mgf1Md);
var db = forge7.util.xorBytes(maskedDB, dbMask, maskedDB.length);
var lHashPrime = db.substring(0, md.digestLength);
var error = y !== "\0";
for (var i = 0; i < md.digestLength; ++i) {
error |= lHash.charAt(i) !== lHashPrime.charAt(i);
var in_ps = 1;
var index = md.digestLength;
for (var j = md.digestLength; j < db.length; j++) {
var code9 = db.charCodeAt(j);
var is_0 = code9 & 1 ^ 1;
var error_mask = in_ps ? 65534 : 0;
error |= code9 & error_mask;
in_ps = in_ps & is_0;
index += in_ps;
if (error || db.charCodeAt(index) !== 1) {
throw new Error("Invalid RSAES-OAEP padding.");
return db.substring(index + 1);
function rsa_mgf1(seed, maskLength, hash3) {
if (!hash3) {
hash3 =;
var t = "";
var count = Math.ceil(maskLength / hash3.digestLength);
for (var i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
var c = String.fromCharCode(
i >> 24 & 255,
i >> 16 & 255,
i >> 8 & 255,
i & 255
hash3.update(seed + c);
t += hash3.digest().getBytes();
return t.substring(0, maskLength);
// node_modules/node-forge/lib/prime.js
var require_prime = __commonJS({
"node_modules/node-forge/lib/prime.js"(exports2, module2) {
var forge7 = require_forge();
(function() {
if ( {
module2.exports =;
var prime = module2.exports = = || {};
var BigInteger = forge7.jsbn.BigInteger;
var GCD_30_DELTA = [6, 4, 2, 4, 2, 4, 6, 2];
var THIRTY = new BigInteger(null);
var op_or = function(x, y) {
return x | y;
prime.generateProbablePrime = function(bits2, options, callback) {
if (typeof options === "function") {
callback = options;
options = {};
options = options || {};
var algorithm = options.algorithm || "PRIMEINC";
if (typeof algorithm === "string") {
algorithm = { name: algorithm };
algorithm.options = algorithm.options || {};
var prng = options.prng || forge7.random;
var rng = {
// x is an array to fill with bytes
nextBytes: function(x) {
var b = prng.getBytesSync(x.length);
for (var i = 0; i < x.length; ++i) {
x[i] = b.charCodeAt(i);
if ( === "PRIMEINC") {
return primeincFindPrime(bits2, rng, algorithm.options, callback);
throw new Error("Invalid prime generation algorithm: " +;
function primeincFindPrime(bits2, rng, options, callback) {
if ("workers" in options) {
return primeincFindPrimeWithWorkers(bits2, rng, options, callback);
return primeincFindPrimeWithoutWorkers(bits2, rng, options, callback);
function primeincFindPrimeWithoutWorkers(bits2, rng, options, callback) {
var num = generateRandom(bits2, rng);
var deltaIdx = 0;
var mrTests = getMillerRabinTests(num.bitLength());
if ("millerRabinTests" in options) {
mrTests = options.millerRabinTests;
var maxBlockTime = 10;
if ("maxBlockTime" in options) {
maxBlockTime = options.maxBlockTime;
_primeinc(num, bits2, rng, deltaIdx, mrTests, maxBlockTime, callback);
function _primeinc(num, bits2, rng, deltaIdx, mrTests, maxBlockTime, callback) {
var start = +/* @__PURE__ */ new Date();
do {
if (num.bitLength() > bits2) {
num = generateRandom(bits2, rng);
if (num.isProbablePrime(mrTests)) {
return callback(null, num);
num.dAddOffset(GCD_30_DELTA[deltaIdx++ % 8], 0);
} while (maxBlockTime < 0 || +/* @__PURE__ */ new Date() - start < maxBlockTime);
forge7.util.setImmediate(function() {
_primeinc(num, bits2, rng, deltaIdx, mrTests, maxBlockTime, callback);
function primeincFindPrimeWithWorkers(bits2, rng, options, callback) {
if (typeof Worker === "undefined") {
return primeincFindPrimeWithoutWorkers(bits2, rng, options, callback);
var num = generateRandom(bits2, rng);
var numWorkers = options.workers;
var workLoad = options.workLoad || 100;
var range = workLoad * 30 / 8;
var workerScript = options.workerScript || "forge/prime.worker.js";
if (numWorkers === -1) {
return forge7.util.estimateCores(function(err, cores) {
if (err) {
cores = 2;
numWorkers = cores - 1;
function generate() {
numWorkers = Math.max(1, numWorkers);
var workers = [];
for (var i = 0; i < numWorkers; ++i) {
workers[i] = new Worker(workerScript);
var running = numWorkers;
for (var i = 0; i < numWorkers; ++i) {
workers[i].addEventListener("message", workerMessage);
var found = false;
function workerMessage(e) {
if (found) {
var data =;
if (data.found) {
for (var i2 = 0; i2 < workers.length; ++i2) {
found = true;
return callback(null, new BigInteger(, 16));
if (num.bitLength() > bits2) {
num = generateRandom(bits2, rng);
var hex = num.toString(16);{
num.dAddOffset(range, 0);
function generateRandom(bits2, rng) {
var num = new BigInteger(bits2, rng);
var bits1 = bits2 - 1;
if (!num.testBit(bits1)) {
num.bitwiseTo(BigInteger.ONE.shiftLeft(bits1), op_or, num);
num.dAddOffset(31 - num.mod(THIRTY).byteValue(), 0);
return num;
function getMillerRabinTests(bits2) {
if (bits2 <= 100)
return 27;
if (bits2 <= 150)
return 18;
if (bits2 <= 200)
return 15;
if (bits2 <= 250)
return 12;
if (bits2 <= 300)
return 9;
if (bits2 <= 350)
return 8;
if (bits2 <= 400)
return 7;
if (bits2 <= 500)
return 6;
if (bits2 <= 600)
return 5;
if (bits2 <= 800)
return 4;
if (bits2 <= 1250)
return 3;
return 2;
// node_modules/node-forge/lib/rsa.js
var require_rsa = __commonJS({
"node_modules/node-forge/lib/rsa.js"(exports2, module2) {
var forge7 = require_forge();
if (typeof BigInteger === "undefined") {
BigInteger = forge7.jsbn.BigInteger;
var BigInteger;
var _crypto = forge7.util.isNodejs ? require_crypto() : null;
var asn1 = forge7.asn1;
var util2 = forge7.util;
forge7.pki = forge7.pki || {};
module2.exports = forge7.pki.rsa = forge7.rsa = forge7.rsa || {};
var pki = forge7.pki;
var GCD_30_DELTA = [6, 4, 2, 4, 2, 4, 6, 2];
var privateKeyValidator = {
// PrivateKeyInfo
name: "PrivateKeyInfo",
tagClass: asn1.Class.UNIVERSAL,
type: asn1.Type.SEQUENCE,
constructed: true,
value: [{
// Version (INTEGER)
name: "PrivateKeyInfo.version",
tagClass: asn1.Class.UNIVERSAL,
type: asn1.Type.INTEGER,
constructed: false,
capture: "privateKeyVersion"
}, {
// privateKeyAlgorithm
name: "PrivateKeyInfo.privateKeyAlgorithm",
tagClass: asn1.Class.UNIVERSAL,
type: asn1.Type.SEQUENCE,
constructed: true,
value: [{
name: "AlgorithmIdentifier.algorithm",
tagClass: asn1.Class.UNIVERSAL,
type: asn1.Type.OID,
constructed: false,
capture: "privateKeyOid"
}, {
// PrivateKey
name: "PrivateKeyInfo",
tagClass: asn1.Class.UNIVERSAL,
type: asn1.Type.OCTETSTRING,
constructed: false,
capture: "privateKey"
var rsaPrivateKeyValidator = {
// RSAPrivateKey
name: "RSAPrivateKey",
tagClass: asn1.Class.UNIVERSAL,
type: asn1.Type.SEQUENCE,
constructed: true,
value: [{
// Version (INTEGER)
name: "RSAPrivateKey.version",
tagClass: asn1.Class.UNIVERSAL,
type: asn1.Type.INTEGER,
constructed: false,
capture: "privateKeyVersion"
}, {
// modulus (n)
name: "RSAPrivateKey.modulus",
tagClass: asn1.Class.UNIVERSAL,
type: asn1.Type.INTEGER,
constructed: false,
capture: "privateKeyModulus"
}, {
// publicExponent (e)
name: "RSAPrivateKey.publicExponent",
tagClass: asn1.Class.UNIVERSAL,
type: asn1.Type.INTEGER,
constructed: false,
capture: "privateKeyPublicExponent"
}, {
// privateExponent (d)
name: "RSAPrivateKey.privateExponent",
tagClass: asn1.Class.UNIVERSAL,
type: asn1.Type.INTEGER,
constructed: false,
capture: "privateKeyPrivateExponent"
}, {
// prime1 (p)
name: "RSAPrivateKey.prime1",
tagClass: asn1.Class.UNIVERSAL,
type: asn1.Type.INTEGER,
constructed: false,
capture: "privateKeyPrime1"
}, {
// prime2 (q)
name: "RSAPrivateKey.prime2",
tagClass: asn1.Class.UNIVERSAL,
type: asn1.Type.INTEGER,
constructed: false,
capture: "privateKeyPrime2"
}, {
// exponent1 (d mod (p-1))
name: "RSAPrivateKey.exponent1",
tagClass: asn1.Class.UNIVERSAL,
type: asn1.Type.INTEGER,
constructed: false,
capture: "privateKeyExponent1"
}, {
// exponent2 (d mod (q-1))
name: "RSAPrivateKey.exponent2",
tagClass: asn1.Class.UNIVERSAL,
type: asn1.Type.INTEGER,
constructed: false,
capture: "privateKeyExponent2"
}, {
// coefficient ((inverse of q) mod p)
name: "RSAPrivateKey.coefficient",
tagClass: asn1.Class.UNIVERSAL,
type: asn1.Type.INTEGER,
constructed: false,
capture: "privateKeyCoefficient"
var rsaPublicKeyValidator = {
// RSAPublicKey
name: "RSAPublicKey",
tagClass: asn1.Class.UNIVERSAL,
type: asn1.Type.SEQUENCE,
constructed: true,
value: [{
// modulus (n)
name: "RSAPublicKey.modulus",
tagClass: asn1.Class.UNIVERSAL,
type: asn1.Type.INTEGER,
constructed: false,
capture: "publicKeyModulus"
}, {
// publicExponent (e)
name: "RSAPublicKey.exponent",
tagClass: asn1.Class.UNIVERSAL,
type: asn1.Type.INTEGER,
constructed: false,
capture: "publicKeyExponent"
var publicKeyValidator = forge7.pki.rsa.publicKeyValidator = {
name: "SubjectPublicKeyInfo",
tagClass: asn1.Class.UNIVERSAL,
type: asn1.Type.SEQUENCE,
constructed: true,
captureAsn1: "subjectPublicKeyInfo",
value: [{
name: "SubjectPublicKeyInfo.AlgorithmIdentifier",
tagClass: asn1.Class.UNIVERSAL,
type: asn1.Type.SEQUENCE,
constructed: true,
value: [{
name: "AlgorithmIdentifier.algorithm",
tagClass: asn1.Class.UNIVERSAL,
type: asn1.Type.OID,
constructed: false,
capture: "publicKeyOid"
}, {
// subjectPublicKey
name: "SubjectPublicKeyInfo.subjectPublicKey",
tagClass: asn1.Class.UNIVERSAL,
type: asn1.Type.BITSTRING,
constructed: false,
value: [{
// RSAPublicKey
name: "SubjectPublicKeyInfo.subjectPublicKey.RSAPublicKey",
tagClass: asn1.Class.UNIVERSAL,
type: asn1.Type.SEQUENCE,
constructed: true,
optional: true,
captureAsn1: "rsaPublicKey"
var digestInfoValidator = {
name: "DigestInfo",
tagClass: asn1.Class.UNIVERSAL,
type: asn1.Type.SEQUENCE,
constructed: true,
value: [{
name: "DigestInfo.DigestAlgorithm",
tagClass: asn1.Class.UNIVERSAL,
type: asn1.Type.SEQUENCE,
constructed: true,
value: [{
name: "DigestInfo.DigestAlgorithm.algorithmIdentifier",
tagClass: asn1.Class.UNIVERSAL,
type: asn1.Type.OID,
constructed: false,
capture: "algorithmIdentifier"
}, {
// NULL paramters
name: "DigestInfo.DigestAlgorithm.parameters",
tagClass: asn1.Class.UNIVERSAL,
type: asn1.Type.NULL,
// captured only to check existence for md2 and md5
capture: "parameters",
optional: true,
constructed: false
}, {
// digest
name: "DigestInfo.digest",
tagClass: asn1.Class.UNIVERSAL,
type: asn1.Type.OCTETSTRING,
constructed: false,
capture: "digest"
var emsaPkcs1v15encode = function(md) {
var oid;
if (md.algorithm in pki.oids) {
oid = pki.oids[md.algorithm];
} else {
var error = new Error("Unknown message digest algorithm.");
error.algorithm = md.algorithm;
throw error;
var oidBytes = asn1.oidToDer(oid).getBytes();
var digestInfo = asn1.create(
var digestAlgorithm = asn1.create(
var digest5 = asn1.create(
return asn1.toDer(digestInfo).getBytes();
var _modPow = function(x, key, pub) {
if (pub) {
return x.modPow(key.e, key.n);
if (!key.p || !key.q) {
return x.modPow(key.d, key.n);
if (!key.dP) {
key.dP = key.d.mod(key.p.subtract(BigInteger.ONE));
if (!key.dQ) {
key.dQ = key.d.mod(key.q.subtract(BigInteger.ONE));
if (!key.qInv) {
key.qInv = key.q.modInverse(key.p);
var r;
do {
r = new BigInteger(
forge7.util.bytesToHex(forge7.random.getBytes(key.n.bitLength() / 8)),
} while (r.compareTo(key.n) >= 0 || !r.gcd(key.n).equals(BigInteger.ONE));
x = x.multiply(r.modPow(key.e, key.n)).mod(key.n);
var xp = x.mod(key.p).modPow(key.dP, key.p);
var xq = x.mod(key.q).modPow(key.dQ, key.q);
while (xp.compareTo(xq) < 0) {
xp = xp.add(key.p);
var y = xp.subtract(xq).multiply(key.qInv).mod(key.p).multiply(key.q).add(xq);
y = y.multiply(r.modInverse(key.n)).mod(key.n);
return y;
pki.rsa.encrypt = function(m, key, bt) {
var pub = bt;
var eb;
var k = Math.ceil(key.n.bitLength() / 8);
if (bt !== false && bt !== true) {
pub = bt === 2;
eb = _encodePkcs1_v1_5(m, key, bt);
} else {
eb = forge7.util.createBuffer();
var x = new BigInteger(eb.toHex(), 16);
var y = _modPow(x, key, pub);
var yhex = y.toString(16);
var ed = forge7.util.createBuffer();
var zeros = k - Math.ceil(yhex.length / 2);
while (zeros > 0) {
return ed.getBytes();
pki.rsa.decrypt = function(ed, key, pub, ml) {
var k = Math.ceil(key.n.bitLength() / 8);
if (ed.length !== k) {
var error = new Error("Encrypted message length is invalid.");
error.length = ed.length;
error.expected = k;
throw error;
var y = new BigInteger(forge7.util.createBuffer(ed).toHex(), 16);
if (y.compareTo(key.n) >= 0) {
throw new Error("Encrypted message is invalid.");
var x = _modPow(y, key, pub);
var xhex = x.toString(16);
var eb = forge7.util.createBuffer();
var zeros = k - Math.ceil(xhex.length / 2);
while (zeros > 0) {
if (ml !== false) {
return _decodePkcs1_v1_5(eb.getBytes(), key, pub);
return eb.getBytes();
pki.rsa.createKeyPairGenerationState = function(bits2, e, options) {
if (typeof bits2 === "string") {
bits2 = parseInt(bits2, 10);
bits2 = bits2 || 2048;
options = options || {};
var prng = options.prng || forge7.random;
var rng = {
// x is an array to fill with bytes
nextBytes: function(x) {
var b = prng.getBytesSync(x.length);
for (var i = 0; i < x.length; ++i) {
x[i] = b.charCodeAt(i);
var algorithm = options.algorithm || "PRIMEINC";
var rval;
if (algorithm === "PRIMEINC") {
rval = {
state: 0,
bits: bits2,
eInt: e || 65537,
e: new BigInteger(null),
p: null,
q: null,
qBits: bits2 >> 1,
pBits: bits2 - (bits2 >> 1),
pqState: 0,
num: null,
keys: null
} else {
throw new Error("Invalid key generation algorithm: " + algorithm);
return rval;
pki.rsa.stepKeyPairGenerationState = function(state, n) {
if (!("algorithm" in state)) {
state.algorithm = "PRIMEINC";
var THIRTY = new BigInteger(null);
var deltaIdx = 0;
var op_or = function(x, y) {
return x | y;
var t1 = +/* @__PURE__ */ new Date();
var t2;
var total = 0;
while (state.keys === null && (n <= 0 || total < n)) {
if (state.state === 0) {
var bits2 = state.p === null ? state.pBits : state.qBits;
var bits1 = bits2 - 1;
if (state.pqState === 0) {
state.num = new BigInteger(bits2, state.rng);
if (!state.num.testBit(bits1)) {
state.num.dAddOffset(31 - state.num.mod(THIRTY).byteValue(), 0);
deltaIdx = 0;
} else if (state.pqState === 1) {
if (state.num.bitLength() > bits2) {
state.pqState = 0;
} else if (state.num.isProbablePrime(
)) {
} else {
state.num.dAddOffset(GCD_30_DELTA[deltaIdx++ % 8], 0);
} else if (state.pqState === 2) {
state.pqState = state.num.subtract(BigInteger.ONE).gcd(state.e).compareTo(BigInteger.ONE) === 0 ? 3 : 0;
} else if (state.pqState === 3) {
state.pqState = 0;
if (state.p === null) {
state.p = state.num;
} else {
state.q = state.num;
if (state.p !== null && state.q !== null) {
state.num = null;
} else if (state.state === 1) {
if (state.p.compareTo(state.q) < 0) {
state.num = state.p;
state.p = state.q;
state.q = state.num;
} else if (state.state === 2) {
state.p1 = state.p.subtract(BigInteger.ONE);
state.q1 = state.q.subtract(BigInteger.ONE);
state.phi = state.p1.multiply(state.q1);
} else if (state.state === 3) {
if (state.phi.gcd(state.e).compareTo(BigInteger.ONE) === 0) {
} else {
state.p = null;
state.q = null;
state.state = 0;
} else if (state.state === 4) {
state.n = state.p.multiply(state.q);
if (state.n.bitLength() === state.bits) {
} else {
state.q = null;
state.state = 0;
} else if (state.state === 5) {
var d = state.e.modInverse(state.phi);
state.keys = {
privateKey: pki.rsa.setPrivateKey(
publicKey: pki.rsa.setPublicKey(state.n, state.e)
t2 = +/* @__PURE__ */ new Date();
total += t2 - t1;
t1 = t2;
return state.keys !== null;
pki.rsa.generateKeyPair = function(bits2, e, options, callback) {
if (arguments.length === 1) {
if (typeof bits2 === "object") {
options = bits2;
bits2 = void 0;
} else if (typeof bits2 === "function") {
callback = bits2;
bits2 = void 0;
} else if (arguments.length === 2) {
if (typeof bits2 === "number") {
if (typeof e === "function") {
callback = e;
e = void 0;
} else if (typeof e !== "number") {
options = e;
e = void 0;
} else {
options = bits2;
callback = e;
bits2 = void 0;
e = void 0;
} else if (arguments.length === 3) {
if (typeof e === "number") {
if (typeof options === "function") {
callback = options;
options = void 0;
} else {
callback = options;
options = e;
e = void 0;
options = options || {};
if (bits2 === void 0) {
bits2 = options.bits || 2048;
if (e === void 0) {
e = options.e || 65537;
if (!forge7.options.usePureJavaScript && !options.prng && bits2 >= 256 && bits2 <= 16384 && (e === 65537 || e === 3)) {
if (callback) {
if (_detectNodeCrypto("generateKeyPair")) {
return _crypto.generateKeyPair("rsa", {
modulusLength: bits2,
publicExponent: e,
publicKeyEncoding: {
type: "spki",
format: "pem"
privateKeyEncoding: {
type: "pkcs8",
format: "pem"
}, function(err, pub, priv) {
if (err) {
return callback(err);
callback(null, {
privateKey: pki.privateKeyFromPem(priv),
publicKey: pki.publicKeyFromPem(pub)
if (_detectSubtleCrypto("generateKey") && _detectSubtleCrypto("exportKey")) {
return util2.globalScope.crypto.subtle.generateKey({
name: "RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5",
modulusLength: bits2,
publicExponent: _intToUint8Array(e),
hash: { name: "SHA-256" }
}, true, ["sign", "verify"]).then(function(pair2) {
return util2.globalScope.crypto.subtle.exportKey(
}).then(void 0, function(err) {
}).then(function(pkcs8) {
if (pkcs8) {
var privateKey = pki.privateKeyFromAsn1(
callback(null, {
publicKey: pki.setRsaPublicKey(privateKey.n, privateKey.e)
if (_detectSubtleMsCrypto("generateKey") && _detectSubtleMsCrypto("exportKey")) {
var genOp = util2.globalScope.msCrypto.subtle.generateKey({
name: "RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5",
modulusLength: bits2,
publicExponent: _intToUint8Array(e),
hash: { name: "SHA-256" }
}, true, ["sign", "verify"]);
genOp.oncomplete = function(e2) {
var pair2 =;
var exportOp = util2.globalScope.msCrypto.subtle.exportKey(
exportOp.oncomplete = function(e3) {
var pkcs8 =;
var privateKey = pki.privateKeyFromAsn1(
callback(null, {
publicKey: pki.setRsaPublicKey(privateKey.n, privateKey.e)
exportOp.onerror = function(err) {
genOp.onerror = function(err) {
} else {
if (_detectNodeCrypto("generateKeyPairSync")) {
var keypair = _crypto.generateKeyPairSync("rsa", {
modulusLength: bits2,
publicExponent: e,
publicKeyEncoding: {
type: "spki",
format: "pem"
privateKeyEncoding: {
type: "pkcs8",
format: "pem"
return {
privateKey: pki.privateKeyFromPem(keypair.privateKey),
publicKey: pki.publicKeyFromPem(keypair.publicKey)
var state = pki.rsa.createKeyPairGenerationState(bits2, e, options);
if (!callback) {
pki.rsa.stepKeyPairGenerationState(state, 0);
return state.keys;
_generateKeyPair(state, options, callback);
pki.setRsaPublicKey = pki.rsa.setPublicKey = function(n, e) {
var key = {
key.encrypt = function(data, scheme, schemeOptions) {
if (typeof scheme === "string") {
scheme = scheme.toUpperCase();
} else if (scheme === void 0) {
scheme = "RSAES-PKCS1-V1_5";
if (scheme === "RSAES-PKCS1-V1_5") {
scheme = {
encode: function(m, key2, pub) {
return _encodePkcs1_v1_5(m, key2, 2).getBytes();
} else if (scheme === "RSA-OAEP" || scheme === "RSAES-OAEP") {
scheme = {
encode: function(m, key2) {
return forge7.pkcs1.encode_rsa_oaep(key2, m, schemeOptions);
} else if (["RAW", "NONE", "NULL", null].indexOf(scheme) !== -1) {
scheme = { encode: function(e3) {
return e3;
} };
} else if (typeof scheme === "string") {
throw new Error('Unsupported encryption scheme: "' + scheme + '".');
var e2 = scheme.encode(data, key, true);
return pki.rsa.encrypt(e2, key, true);
key.verify = function(digest5, signature, scheme, options) {
if (typeof scheme === "string") {
scheme = scheme.toUpperCase();
} else if (scheme === void 0) {
scheme = "RSASSA-PKCS1-V1_5";
if (options === void 0) {
options = {
_parseAllDigestBytes: true
if (!("_parseAllDigestBytes" in options)) {
options._parseAllDigestBytes = true;
if (scheme === "RSASSA-PKCS1-V1_5") {
scheme = {
verify: function(digest6, d2) {
d2 = _decodePkcs1_v1_5(d2, key, true);
var obj = asn1.fromDer(d2, {
parseAllBytes: options._parseAllDigestBytes
var capture = {};
var errors = [];
if (!asn1.validate(obj, digestInfoValidator, capture, errors)) {
var error = new Error(
"ASN.1 object does not contain a valid RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5 DigestInfo value."
error.errors = errors;
throw error;
var oid = asn1.derToOid(capture.algorithmIdentifier);
if (!(oid === forge7.oids.md2 || oid === forge7.oids.md5 || oid === forge7.oids.sha1 || oid === forge7.oids.sha224 || oid === forge7.oids.sha256 || oid === forge7.oids.sha384 || oid === forge7.oids.sha512 || oid === forge7.oids["sha512-224"] || oid === forge7.oids["sha512-256"])) {
var error = new Error(
"Unknown RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5 DigestAlgorithm identifier."
error.oid = oid;
throw error;
if (oid === forge7.oids.md2 || oid === forge7.oids.md5) {
if (!("parameters" in capture)) {
throw new Error(
"ASN.1 object does not contain a valid RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5 DigestInfo value. Missing algorithm identifer NULL parameters."
return digest6 === capture.digest;
} else if (scheme === "NONE" || scheme === "NULL" || scheme === null) {
scheme = {
verify: function(digest6, d2) {
d2 = _decodePkcs1_v1_5(d2, key, true);
return digest6 === d2;
var d = pki.rsa.decrypt(signature, key, true, false);
return scheme.verify(digest5, d, key.n.bitLength());
return key;
pki.setRsaPrivateKey = pki.rsa.setPrivateKey = function(n, e, d, p, q, dP, dQ, qInv) {
var key = {
key.decrypt = function(data, scheme, schemeOptions) {
if (typeof scheme === "string") {
scheme = scheme.toUpperCase();
} else if (scheme === void 0) {
scheme = "RSAES-PKCS1-V1_5";
var d2 = pki.rsa.decrypt(data, key, false, false);
if (scheme === "RSAES-PKCS1-V1_5") {
scheme = { decode: _decodePkcs1_v1_5 };
} else if (scheme === "RSA-OAEP" || scheme === "RSAES-OAEP") {
scheme = {
decode: function(d3, key2) {
return forge7.pkcs1.decode_rsa_oaep(key2, d3, schemeOptions);
} else if (["RAW", "NONE", "NULL", null].indexOf(scheme) !== -1) {
scheme = { decode: function(d3) {
return d3;
} };
} else {
throw new Error('Unsupported encryption scheme: "' + scheme + '".');
return scheme.decode(d2, key, false);
key.sign = function(md, scheme) {
var bt = false;
if (typeof scheme === "string") {
scheme = scheme.toUpperCase();
if (scheme === void 0 || scheme === "RSASSA-PKCS1-V1_5") {
scheme = { encode: emsaPkcs1v15encode };
bt = 1;
} else if (scheme === "NONE" || scheme === "NULL" || scheme === null) {
scheme = { encode: function() {
return md;
} };
bt = 1;
var d2 = scheme.encode(md, key.n.bitLength());
return pki.rsa.encrypt(d2, key, bt);
return key;
pki.wrapRsaPrivateKey = function(rsaKey) {
return asn1.create(asn1.Class.UNIVERSAL, asn1.Type.SEQUENCE, true, [
// version (0)
// privateKeyAlgorithm
asn1.create(asn1.Class.UNIVERSAL, asn1.Type.SEQUENCE, true, [
asn1.create(asn1.Class.UNIVERSAL, asn1.Type.NULL, false, "")
// PrivateKey
pki.privateKeyFromAsn1 = function(obj) {
var capture = {};
var errors = [];
if (asn1.validate(obj, privateKeyValidator, capture, errors)) {
obj = asn1.fromDer(forge7.util.createBuffer(capture.privateKey));
capture = {};
errors = [];
if (!asn1.validate(obj, rsaPrivateKeyValidator, capture, errors)) {
var error = new Error("Cannot read private key. ASN.1 object does not contain an RSAPrivateKey.");
error.errors = errors;
throw error;
var n, e, d, p, q, dP, dQ, qInv;
n = forge7.util.createBuffer(capture.privateKeyModulus).toHex();
e = forge7.util.createBuffer(capture.privateKeyPublicExponent).toHex();
d = forge7.util.createBuffer(capture.privateKeyPrivateExponent).toHex();
p = forge7.util.createBuffer(capture.privateKeyPrime1).toHex();
q = forge7.util.createBuffer(capture.privateKeyPrime2).toHex();
dP = forge7.util.createBuffer(capture.privateKeyExponent1).toHex();
dQ = forge7.util.createBuffer(capture.privateKeyExponent2).toHex();
qInv = forge7.util.createBuffer(capture.privateKeyCoefficient).toHex();
return pki.setRsaPrivateKey(
new BigInteger(n, 16),
new BigInteger(e, 16),
new BigInteger(d, 16),
new BigInteger(p, 16),
new BigInteger(q, 16),
new BigInteger(dP, 16),
new BigInteger(dQ, 16),
new BigInteger(qInv, 16)
pki.privateKeyToAsn1 = pki.privateKeyToRSAPrivateKey = function(key) {
return asn1.create(asn1.Class.UNIVERSAL, asn1.Type.SEQUENCE, true, [
// version (0 = only 2 primes, 1 multiple primes)
// modulus (n)
// publicExponent (e)
// privateExponent (d)
// privateKeyPrime1 (p)
// privateKeyPrime2 (q)
// privateKeyExponent1 (dP)
// privateKeyExponent2 (dQ)
// coefficient (qInv)
pki.publicKeyFromAsn1 = function(obj) {
var capture = {};
var errors = [];
if (asn1.validate(obj, publicKeyValidator, capture, errors)) {
var oid = asn1.derToOid(capture.publicKeyOid);
if (oid !== pki.oids.rsaEncryption) {
var error = new Error("Cannot read public key. Unknown OID.");
error.oid = oid;
throw error;
obj = capture.rsaPublicKey;
errors = [];
if (!asn1.validate(obj, rsaPublicKeyValidator, capture, errors)) {
var error = new Error("Cannot read public key. ASN.1 object does not contain an RSAPublicKey.");
error.errors = errors;
throw error;
var n = forge7.util.createBuffer(capture.publicKeyModulus).toHex();
var e = forge7.util.createBuffer(capture.publicKeyExponent).toHex();
return pki.setRsaPublicKey(
new BigInteger(n, 16),
new BigInteger(e, 16)
pki.publicKeyToAsn1 = pki.publicKeyToSubjectPublicKeyInfo = function(key) {
return asn1.create(asn1.Class.UNIVERSAL, asn1.Type.SEQUENCE, true, [
// AlgorithmIdentifier
asn1.create(asn1.Class.UNIVERSAL, asn1.Type.SEQUENCE, true, [
// algorithm
// parameters (null)
asn1.create(asn1.Class.UNIVERSAL, asn1.Type.NULL, false, "")
// subjectPublicKey
asn1.create(asn1.Class.UNIVERSAL, asn1.Type.BITSTRING, false, [
pki.publicKeyToRSAPublicKey = function(key) {
return asn1.create(asn1.Class.UNIVERSAL, asn1.Type.SEQUENCE, true, [
// modulus (n)
// publicExponent (e)
function _encodePkcs1_v1_5(m, key, bt) {
var eb = forge7.util.createBuffer();
var k = Math.ceil(key.n.bitLength() / 8);
if (m.length > k - 11) {
var error = new Error("Message is too long for PKCS#1 v1.5 padding.");
error.length = m.length;
error.max = k - 11;
throw error;
var padNum = k - 3 - m.length;
var padByte;
if (bt === 0 || bt === 1) {
padByte = bt === 0 ? 0 : 255;
for (var i = 0; i < padNum; ++i) {
} else {
while (padNum > 0) {
var numZeros = 0;
var padBytes = forge7.random.getBytes(padNum);
for (var i = 0; i < padNum; ++i) {
padByte = padBytes.charCodeAt(i);
if (padByte === 0) {
} else {
padNum = numZeros;
return eb;
function _decodePkcs1_v1_5(em, key, pub, ml) {
var k = Math.ceil(key.n.bitLength() / 8);
var eb = forge7.util.createBuffer(em);
var first2 = eb.getByte();
var bt = eb.getByte();
if (first2 !== 0 || pub && bt !== 0 && bt !== 1 || !pub && bt != 2 || pub && bt === 0 && typeof ml === "undefined") {
throw new Error("Encryption block is invalid.");
var padNum = 0;
if (bt === 0) {
padNum = k - 3 - ml;
for (var i = 0; i < padNum; ++i) {
if (eb.getByte() !== 0) {
throw new Error("Encryption block is invalid.");
} else if (bt === 1) {
padNum = 0;
while (eb.length() > 1) {
if (eb.getByte() !== 255) {;
} else if (bt === 2) {
padNum = 0;
while (eb.length() > 1) {
if (eb.getByte() === 0) {;
var zero = eb.getByte();
if (zero !== 0 || padNum !== k - 3 - eb.length()) {
throw new Error("Encryption block is invalid.");
return eb.getBytes();
function _generateKeyPair(state, options, callback) {
if (typeof options === "function") {
callback = options;
options = {};
options = options || {};
var opts = {
algorithm: {
name: options.algorithm || "PRIMEINC",
options: {
workers: options.workers || 2,
workLoad: options.workLoad || 100,
workerScript: options.workerScript
if ("prng" in options) {
opts.prng = options.prng;
function generate() {
getPrime(state.pBits, function(err, num) {
if (err) {
return callback(err);
state.p = num;
if (state.q !== null) {
return finish(err, state.q);
getPrime(state.qBits, finish);
function getPrime(bits2, callback2) {, opts, callback2);
function finish(err, num) {
if (err) {
return callback(err);
state.q = num;
if (state.p.compareTo(state.q) < 0) {
var tmp = state.p;
state.p = state.q;
state.q = tmp;
if (state.p.subtract(BigInteger.ONE).gcd(state.e).compareTo(BigInteger.ONE) !== 0) {
state.p = null;
if (state.q.subtract(BigInteger.ONE).gcd(state.e).compareTo(BigInteger.ONE) !== 0) {
state.q = null;
getPrime(state.qBits, finish);
state.p1 = state.p.subtract(BigInteger.ONE);
state.q1 = state.q.subtract(BigInteger.ONE);
state.phi = state.p1.multiply(state.q1);
if (state.phi.gcd(state.e).compareTo(BigInteger.ONE) !== 0) {
state.p = state.q = null;
state.n = state.p.multiply(state.q);
if (state.n.bitLength() !== state.bits) {
state.q = null;
getPrime(state.qBits, finish);
var d = state.e.modInverse(state.phi);
state.keys = {
privateKey: pki.rsa.setPrivateKey(
publicKey: pki.rsa.setPublicKey(state.n, state.e)
callback(null, state.keys);
function _bnToBytes(b) {
var hex = b.toString(16);
if (hex[0] >= "8") {
hex = "00" + hex;
var bytes3 = forge7.util.hexToBytes(hex);
if (bytes3.length > 1 && // leading 0x00 for positive integer
(bytes3.charCodeAt(0) === 0 && (bytes3.charCodeAt(1) & 128) === 0 || // leading 0xFF for negative integer
bytes3.charCodeAt(0) === 255 && (bytes3.charCodeAt(1) & 128) === 128)) {
return bytes3.substr(1);
return bytes3;
function _getMillerRabinTests(bits2) {
if (bits2 <= 100)
return 27;
if (bits2 <= 150)
return 18;
if (bits2 <= 200)
return 15;
if (bits2 <= 250)
return 12;
if (bits2 <= 300)
return 9;
if (bits2 <= 350)
return 8;
if (bits2 <= 400)
return 7;
if (bits2 <= 500)
return 6;
if (bits2 <= 600)
return 5;
if (bits2 <= 800)
return 4;
if (bits2 <= 1250)
return 3;
return 2;
function _detectNodeCrypto(fn) {
return forge7.util.isNodejs && typeof _crypto[fn] === "function";
function _detectSubtleCrypto(fn) {
return typeof util2.globalScope !== "undefined" && typeof util2.globalScope.crypto === "object" && typeof util2.globalScope.crypto.subtle === "object" && typeof util2.globalScope.crypto.subtle[fn] === "function";
function _detectSubtleMsCrypto(fn) {
return typeof util2.globalScope !== "undefined" && typeof util2.globalScope.msCrypto === "object" && typeof util2.globalScope.msCrypto.subtle === "object" && typeof util2.globalScope.msCrypto.subtle[fn] === "function";
function _intToUint8Array(x) {
var bytes3 = forge7.util.hexToBytes(x.toString(16));
var buffer3 = new Uint8Array(bytes3.length);
for (var i = 0; i < bytes3.length; ++i) {
buffer3[i] = bytes3.charCodeAt(i);
return buffer3;
// node_modules/node-forge/lib/pbe.js
var require_pbe = __commonJS({
"node_modules/node-forge/lib/pbe.js"(exports2, module2) {
var forge7 = require_forge();
if (typeof BigInteger === "undefined") {
BigInteger = forge7.jsbn.BigInteger;
var BigInteger;
var asn1 = forge7.asn1;
var pki = forge7.pki = forge7.pki || {};
module2.exports = pki.pbe = forge7.pbe = forge7.pbe || {};
var oids = pki.oids;
var encryptedPrivateKeyValidator = {
name: "EncryptedPrivateKeyInfo",
tagClass: asn1.Class.UNIVERSAL,
type: asn1.Type.SEQUENCE,
constructed: true,
value: [{
name: "EncryptedPrivateKeyInfo.encryptionAlgorithm",
tagClass: asn1.Class.UNIVERSAL,
type: asn1.Type.SEQUENCE,
constructed: true,
value: [{
name: "AlgorithmIdentifier.algorithm",
tagClass: asn1.Class.UNIVERSAL,
type: asn1.Type.OID,
constructed: false,
capture: "encryptionOid"
}, {
name: "AlgorithmIdentifier.parameters",
tagClass: asn1.Class.UNIVERSAL,
type: asn1.Type.SEQUENCE,
constructed: true,
captureAsn1: "encryptionParams"
}, {
// encryptedData
name: "EncryptedPrivateKeyInfo.encryptedData",
tagClass: asn1.Class.UNIVERSAL,
type: asn1.Type.OCTETSTRING,
constructed: false,
capture: "encryptedData"
var PBES2AlgorithmsValidator = {
name: "PBES2Algorithms",
tagClass: asn1.Class.UNIVERSAL,
type: asn1.Type.SEQUENCE,
constructed: true,
value: [{
name: "PBES2Algorithms.keyDerivationFunc",
tagClass: asn1.Class.UNIVERSAL,
type: asn1.Type.SEQUENCE,
constructed: true,
value: [{
name: "PBES2Algorithms.keyDerivationFunc.oid",
tagClass: asn1.Class.UNIVERSAL,
type: asn1.Type.OID,
constructed: false,
capture: "kdfOid"
}, {
name: "PBES2Algorithms.params",
tagClass: asn1.Class.UNIVERSAL,
type: asn1.Type.SEQUENCE,
constructed: true,
value: [{
name: "PBES2Algorithms.params.salt",
tagClass: asn1.Class.UNIVERSAL,
type: asn1.Type.OCTETSTRING,
constructed: false,
capture: "kdfSalt"
}, {
name: "PBES2Algorithms.params.iterationCount",
tagClass: asn1.Class.UNIVERSAL,
type: asn1.Type.INTEGER,
constructed: false,
capture: "kdfIterationCount"
}, {
name: "PBES2Algorithms.params.keyLength",
tagClass: asn1.Class.UNIVERSAL,
type: asn1.Type.INTEGER,
constructed: false,
optional: true,
capture: "keyLength"
}, {
// prf
name: "PBES2Algorithms.params.prf",
tagClass: asn1.Class.UNIVERSAL,
type: asn1.Type.SEQUENCE,
constructed: true,
optional: true,
value: [{
name: "PBES2Algorithms.params.prf.algorithm",
tagClass: asn1.Class.UNIVERSAL,
type: asn1.Type.OID,
constructed: false,
capture: "prfOid"
}, {
name: "PBES2Algorithms.encryptionScheme",
tagClass: asn1.Class.UNIVERSAL,
type: asn1.Type.SEQUENCE,
constructed: true,
value: [{
name: "PBES2Algorithms.encryptionScheme.oid",
tagClass: asn1.Class.UNIVERSAL,
type: asn1.Type.OID,
constructed: false,
capture: "encOid"
}, {
name: "PBES2Algorithms.encryptionScheme.iv",
tagClass: asn1.Class.UNIVERSAL,
type: asn1.Type.OCTETSTRING,
constructed: false,
capture: "encIv"
var pkcs12PbeParamsValidator = {
name: "pkcs-12PbeParams",
tagClass: asn1.Class.UNIVERSAL,
type: asn1.Type.SEQUENCE,
constructed: true,
value: [{
name: "pkcs-12PbeParams.salt",
tagClass: asn1.Class.UNIVERSAL,
type: asn1.Type.OCTETSTRING,
constructed: false,
capture: "salt"
}, {
name: "pkcs-12PbeParams.iterations",
tagClass: asn1.Class.UNIVERSAL,
type: asn1.Type.INTEGER,
constructed: false,
capture: "iterations"
pki.encryptPrivateKeyInfo = function(obj, password, options) {
options = options || {};
options.saltSize = options.saltSize || 8;
options.count = options.count || 2048;
options.algorithm = options.algorithm || "aes128";
options.prfAlgorithm = options.prfAlgorithm || "sha1";
var salt = forge7.random.getBytesSync(options.saltSize);
var count = options.count;
var countBytes = asn1.integerToDer(count);
var dkLen;
var encryptionAlgorithm;
var encryptedData;
if (options.algorithm.indexOf("aes") === 0 || options.algorithm === "des") {
var ivLen, encOid, cipherFn;
switch (options.algorithm) {
case "aes128":
dkLen = 16;
ivLen = 16;
encOid = oids["aes128-CBC"];
cipherFn = forge7.aes.createEncryptionCipher;
case "aes192":
dkLen = 24;
ivLen = 16;
encOid = oids["aes192-CBC"];
cipherFn = forge7.aes.createEncryptionCipher;
case "aes256":
dkLen = 32;
ivLen = 16;
encOid = oids["aes256-CBC"];
cipherFn = forge7.aes.createEncryptionCipher;
case "des":
dkLen = 8;
ivLen = 8;
encOid = oids["desCBC"];
cipherFn = forge7.des.createEncryptionCipher;
var error = new Error("Cannot encrypt private key. Unknown encryption algorithm.");
error.algorithm = options.algorithm;
throw error;
var prfAlgorithm = "hmacWith" + options.prfAlgorithm.toUpperCase();
var md = prfAlgorithmToMessageDigest(prfAlgorithm);
var dk = forge7.pkcs5.pbkdf2(password, salt, count, dkLen, md);
var iv = forge7.random.getBytesSync(ivLen);
var cipher = cipherFn(dk);
encryptedData = cipher.output.getBytes();
var params = createPbkdf2Params(salt, countBytes, dkLen, prfAlgorithm);
encryptionAlgorithm = asn1.create(
asn1.create(asn1.Class.UNIVERSAL, asn1.Type.SEQUENCE, true, [
// keyDerivationFunc
asn1.create(asn1.Class.UNIVERSAL, asn1.Type.SEQUENCE, true, [
// PBKDF2-params
// encryptionScheme
asn1.create(asn1.Class.UNIVERSAL, asn1.Type.SEQUENCE, true, [
// iv
} else if (options.algorithm === "3des") {
dkLen = 24;
var saltBytes = new forge7.util.ByteBuffer(salt);
var dk = pki.pbe.generatePkcs12Key(password, saltBytes, 1, count, dkLen);
var iv = pki.pbe.generatePkcs12Key(password, saltBytes, 2, count, dkLen);
var cipher = forge7.des.createEncryptionCipher(dk);
encryptedData = cipher.output.getBytes();
encryptionAlgorithm = asn1.create(
// pkcs-12PbeParams
asn1.create(asn1.Class.UNIVERSAL, asn1.Type.SEQUENCE, true, [
// salt
asn1.create(asn1.Class.UNIVERSAL, asn1.Type.OCTETSTRING, false, salt),
// iteration count
} else {
var error = new Error("Cannot encrypt private key. Unknown encryption algorithm.");
error.algorithm = options.algorithm;
throw error;
var rval = asn1.create(asn1.Class.UNIVERSAL, asn1.Type.SEQUENCE, true, [
// encryptionAlgorithm
// encryptedData
return rval;
pki.decryptPrivateKeyInfo = function(obj, password) {
var rval = null;
var capture = {};
var errors = [];
if (!asn1.validate(obj, encryptedPrivateKeyValidator, capture, errors)) {
var error = new Error("Cannot read encrypted private key. ASN.1 object is not a supported EncryptedPrivateKeyInfo.");
error.errors = errors;
throw error;
var oid = asn1.derToOid(capture.encryptionOid);
var cipher = pki.pbe.getCipher(oid, capture.encryptionParams, password);
var encrypted = forge7.util.createBuffer(capture.encryptedData);
if (cipher.finish()) {
rval = asn1.fromDer(cipher.output);
return rval;
pki.encryptedPrivateKeyToPem = function(epki, maxline) {
var msg = {
body: asn1.toDer(epki).getBytes()
return forge7.pem.encode(msg, { maxline });
pki.encryptedPrivateKeyFromPem = function(pem) {
var msg = forge7.pem.decode(pem)[0];
if (msg.type !== "ENCRYPTED PRIVATE KEY") {
var error = new Error('Could not convert encrypted private key from PEM; PEM header type is "ENCRYPTED PRIVATE KEY".');
error.headerType = msg.type;
throw error;
if (msg.procType && msg.procType.type === "ENCRYPTED") {
throw new Error("Could not convert encrypted private key from PEM; PEM is encrypted.");
return asn1.fromDer(msg.body);
pki.encryptRsaPrivateKey = function(rsaKey, password, options) {
options = options || {};
if (!options.legacy) {
var rval = pki.wrapRsaPrivateKey(pki.privateKeyToAsn1(rsaKey));
rval = pki.encryptPrivateKeyInfo(rval, password, options);
return pki.encryptedPrivateKeyToPem(rval);
var algorithm;
var iv;
var dkLen;
var cipherFn;
switch (options.algorithm) {
case "aes128":
algorithm = "AES-128-CBC";
dkLen = 16;
iv = forge7.random.getBytesSync(16);
cipherFn = forge7.aes.createEncryptionCipher;
case "aes192":
algorithm = "AES-192-CBC";
dkLen = 24;
iv = forge7.random.getBytesSync(16);
cipherFn = forge7.aes.createEncryptionCipher;
case "aes256":
algorithm = "AES-256-CBC";
dkLen = 32;
iv = forge7.random.getBytesSync(16);
cipherFn = forge7.aes.createEncryptionCipher;
case "3des":
algorithm = "DES-EDE3-CBC";
dkLen = 24;
iv = forge7.random.getBytesSync(8);
cipherFn = forge7.des.createEncryptionCipher;
case "des":
algorithm = "DES-CBC";
dkLen = 8;
iv = forge7.random.getBytesSync(8);
cipherFn = forge7.des.createEncryptionCipher;
var error = new Error('Could not encrypt RSA private key; unsupported encryption algorithm "' + options.algorithm + '".');
error.algorithm = options.algorithm;
throw error;
var dk = forge7.pbe.opensslDeriveBytes(password, iv.substr(0, 8), dkLen);
var cipher = cipherFn(dk);
var msg = {
procType: {
version: "4",
dekInfo: {
parameters: forge7.util.bytesToHex(iv).toUpperCase()
body: cipher.output.getBytes()
return forge7.pem.encode(msg);
pki.decryptRsaPrivateKey = function(pem, password) {
var rval = null;
var msg = forge7.pem.decode(pem)[0];
if (msg.type !== "ENCRYPTED PRIVATE KEY" && msg.type !== "PRIVATE KEY" && msg.type !== "RSA PRIVATE KEY") {
var error = new Error('Could not convert private key from PEM; PEM header type is not "ENCRYPTED PRIVATE KEY", "PRIVATE KEY", or "RSA PRIVATE KEY".');
error.headerType = error;
throw error;
if (msg.procType && msg.procType.type === "ENCRYPTED") {
var dkLen;
var cipherFn;
switch (msg.dekInfo.algorithm) {
case "DES-CBC":
dkLen = 8;
cipherFn = forge7.des.createDecryptionCipher;
case "DES-EDE3-CBC":
dkLen = 24;
cipherFn = forge7.des.createDecryptionCipher;
case "AES-128-CBC":
dkLen = 16;
cipherFn = forge7.aes.createDecryptionCipher;
case "AES-192-CBC":
dkLen = 24;
cipherFn = forge7.aes.createDecryptionCipher;
case "AES-256-CBC":
dkLen = 32;
cipherFn = forge7.aes.createDecryptionCipher;
case "RC2-40-CBC":
dkLen = 5;
cipherFn = function(key) {
return forge7.rc2.createDecryptionCipher(key, 40);
case "RC2-64-CBC":
dkLen = 8;
cipherFn = function(key) {
return forge7.rc2.createDecryptionCipher(key, 64);
case "RC2-128-CBC":
dkLen = 16;
cipherFn = function(key) {
return forge7.rc2.createDecryptionCipher(key, 128);
var error = new Error('Could not decrypt private key; unsupported encryption algorithm "' + msg.dekInfo.algorithm + '".');
error.algorithm = msg.dekInfo.algorithm;
throw error;
var iv = forge7.util.hexToBytes(msg.dekInfo.parameters);
var dk = forge7.pbe.opensslDeriveBytes(password, iv.substr(0, 8), dkLen);
var cipher = cipherFn(dk);
if (cipher.finish()) {
rval = cipher.output.getBytes();
} else {
return rval;
} else {
rval = msg.body;
if (msg.type === "ENCRYPTED PRIVATE KEY") {
rval = pki.decryptPrivateKeyInfo(asn1.fromDer(rval), password);
} else {
rval = asn1.fromDer(rval);
if (rval !== null) {
rval = pki.privateKeyFromAsn1(rval);
return rval;
pki.pbe.generatePkcs12Key = function(password, salt, id, iter, n, md) {
var j, l;
if (typeof md === "undefined" || md === null) {
if (!("sha1" in {
throw new Error('"sha1" hash algorithm unavailable.');
md =;
var u = md.digestLength;
var v = md.blockLength;
var result = new forge7.util.ByteBuffer();
var passBuf = new forge7.util.ByteBuffer();
if (password !== null && password !== void 0) {
for (l = 0; l < password.length; l++) {
var p = passBuf.length();
var s = salt.length();
var D = new forge7.util.ByteBuffer();
D.fillWithByte(id, v);
var Slen = v * Math.ceil(s / v);
var S = new forge7.util.ByteBuffer();
for (l = 0; l < Slen; l++) {
S.putByte( % s));
var Plen = v * Math.ceil(p / v);
var P = new forge7.util.ByteBuffer();
for (l = 0; l < Plen; l++) {
P.putByte( % p));
var I = S;
var c = Math.ceil(n / u);
for (var i = 1; i <= c; i++) {
var buf3 = new forge7.util.ByteBuffer();
for (var round = 0; round < iter; round++) {
buf3 = md.digest();
var B = new forge7.util.ByteBuffer();
for (l = 0; l < v; l++) {
B.putByte( % u));
var k = Math.ceil(s / v) + Math.ceil(p / v);
var Inew = new forge7.util.ByteBuffer();
for (j = 0; j < k; j++) {
var chunk = new forge7.util.ByteBuffer(I.getBytes(v));
var x = 511;
for (l = B.length() - 1; l >= 0; l--) {
x = x >> 8;
x += +;
chunk.setAt(l, x & 255);
I = Inew;
result.truncate(result.length() - n);
return result;
pki.pbe.getCipher = function(oid, params, password) {
switch (oid) {
case pki.oids["pkcs5PBES2"]:
return pki.pbe.getCipherForPBES2(oid, params, password);
case pki.oids["pbeWithSHAAnd3-KeyTripleDES-CBC"]:
case pki.oids["pbewithSHAAnd40BitRC2-CBC"]:
return pki.pbe.getCipherForPKCS12PBE(oid, params, password);
var error = new Error("Cannot read encrypted PBE data block. Unsupported OID.");
error.oid = oid;
error.supportedOids = [
throw error;
pki.pbe.getCipherForPBES2 = function(oid, params, password) {
var capture = {};
var errors = [];
if (!asn1.validate(params, PBES2AlgorithmsValidator, capture, errors)) {
var error = new Error("Cannot read password-based-encryption algorithm parameters. ASN.1 object is not a supported EncryptedPrivateKeyInfo.");
error.errors = errors;
throw error;
oid = asn1.derToOid(capture.kdfOid);
if (oid !== pki.oids["pkcs5PBKDF2"]) {
var error = new Error("Cannot read encrypted private key. Unsupported key derivation function OID.");
error.oid = oid;
error.supportedOids = ["pkcs5PBKDF2"];
throw error;
oid = asn1.derToOid(capture.encOid);
if (oid !== pki.oids["aes128-CBC"] && oid !== pki.oids["aes192-CBC"] && oid !== pki.oids["aes256-CBC"] && oid !== pki.oids["des-EDE3-CBC"] && oid !== pki.oids["desCBC"]) {
var error = new Error("Cannot read encrypted private key. Unsupported encryption scheme OID.");
error.oid = oid;
error.supportedOids = [
throw error;
var salt = capture.kdfSalt;
var count = forge7.util.createBuffer(capture.kdfIterationCount);
count = count.getInt(count.length() << 3);
var dkLen;
var cipherFn;
switch (pki.oids[oid]) {
case "aes128-CBC":
dkLen = 16;
cipherFn = forge7.aes.createDecryptionCipher;
case "aes192-CBC":
dkLen = 24;
cipherFn = forge7.aes.createDecryptionCipher;
case "aes256-CBC":
dkLen = 32;
cipherFn = forge7.aes.createDecryptionCipher;
case "des-EDE3-CBC":
dkLen = 24;
cipherFn = forge7.des.createDecryptionCipher;
case "desCBC":
dkLen = 8;
cipherFn = forge7.des.createDecryptionCipher;
var md = prfOidToMessageDigest(capture.prfOid);
var dk = forge7.pkcs5.pbkdf2(password, salt, count, dkLen, md);
var iv = capture.encIv;
var cipher = cipherFn(dk);
return cipher;
pki.pbe.getCipherForPKCS12PBE = function(oid, params, password) {
var capture = {};
var errors = [];
if (!asn1.validate(params, pkcs12PbeParamsValidator, capture, errors)) {
var error = new Error("Cannot read password-based-encryption algorithm parameters. ASN.1 object is not a supported EncryptedPrivateKeyInfo.");
error.errors = errors;
throw error;
var salt = forge7.util.createBuffer(capture.salt);
var count = forge7.util.createBuffer(capture.iterations);
count = count.getInt(count.length() << 3);
var dkLen, dIvLen, cipherFn;
switch (oid) {
case pki.oids["pbeWithSHAAnd3-KeyTripleDES-CBC"]:
dkLen = 24;
dIvLen = 8;
cipherFn = forge7.des.startDecrypting;
case pki.oids["pbewithSHAAnd40BitRC2-CBC"]:
dkLen = 5;
dIvLen = 8;
cipherFn = function(key2, iv2) {
var cipher = forge7.rc2.createDecryptionCipher(key2, 40);
cipher.start(iv2, null);
return cipher;
var error = new Error("Cannot read PKCS #12 PBE data block. Unsupported OID.");
error.oid = oid;
throw error;
var md = prfOidToMessageDigest(capture.prfOid);
var key = pki.pbe.generatePkcs12Key(password, salt, 1, count, dkLen, md);
var iv = pki.pbe.generatePkcs12Key(password, salt, 2, count, dIvLen, md);
return cipherFn(key, iv);
pki.pbe.opensslDeriveBytes = function(password, salt, dkLen, md) {
if (typeof md === "undefined" || md === null) {
if (!("md5" in {
throw new Error('"md5" hash algorithm unavailable.');
md =;
if (salt === null) {
salt = "";
var digests = [hash3(md, password + salt)];
for (var length11 = 16, i = 1; length11 < dkLen; ++i, length11 += 16) {
digests.push(hash3(md, digests[i - 1] + password + salt));
return digests.join("").substr(0, dkLen);
function hash3(md, bytes3) {
return md.start().update(bytes3).digest().getBytes();
function prfOidToMessageDigest(prfOid) {
var prfAlgorithm;
if (!prfOid) {
prfAlgorithm = "hmacWithSHA1";
} else {
prfAlgorithm = pki.oids[asn1.derToOid(prfOid)];
if (!prfAlgorithm) {
var error = new Error("Unsupported PRF OID.");
error.oid = prfOid;
error.supported = [
throw error;
return prfAlgorithmToMessageDigest(prfAlgorithm);
function prfAlgorithmToMessageDigest(prfAlgorithm) {
var factory =;
switch (prfAlgorithm) {
case "hmacWithSHA224":
factory =;
case "hmacWithSHA1":
case "hmacWithSHA256":
case "hmacWithSHA384":
case "hmacWithSHA512":
prfAlgorithm = prfAlgorithm.substr(8).toLowerCase();
var error = new Error("Unsupported PRF algorithm.");
error.algorithm = prfAlgorithm;
error.supported = [
throw error;
if (!factory || !(prfAlgorithm in factory)) {
throw new Error("Unknown hash algorithm: " + prfAlgorithm);
return factory[prfAlgorithm].create();
function createPbkdf2Params(salt, countBytes, dkLen, prfAlgorithm) {
var params = asn1.create(asn1.Class.UNIVERSAL, asn1.Type.SEQUENCE, true, [
// salt
// iteration count
if (prfAlgorithm !== "hmacWithSHA1") {
// key length
// AlgorithmIdentifier
asn1.create(asn1.Class.UNIVERSAL, asn1.Type.SEQUENCE, true, [
// algorithm
// parameters (null)
asn1.create(asn1.Class.UNIVERSAL, asn1.Type.NULL, false, "")
return params;
// node_modules/node-forge/lib/sha512.js
var require_sha512 = __commonJS({
"node_modules/node-forge/lib/sha512.js"(exports2, module2) {
var forge7 = require_forge();
var sha5127 = module2.exports = forge7.sha512 = forge7.sha512 || {}; = = sha5127;
var sha3842 = forge7.sha384 = forge7.sha512.sha384 = forge7.sha512.sha384 || {};
sha3842.create = function() {
return sha5127.create("SHA-384");
}; = = sha3842;
forge7.sha512.sha256 = forge7.sha512.sha256 || {
create: function() {
return sha5127.create("SHA-512/256");
};["sha512/256"] =["sha512/256"] = forge7.sha512.sha256;
forge7.sha512.sha224 = forge7.sha512.sha224 || {
create: function() {
return sha5127.create("SHA-512/224");
};["sha512/224"] =["sha512/224"] = forge7.sha512.sha224;
sha5127.create = function(algorithm) {
if (!_initialized) {
if (typeof algorithm === "undefined") {
algorithm = "SHA-512";
if (!(algorithm in _states)) {
throw new Error("Invalid SHA-512 algorithm: " + algorithm);
var _state = _states[algorithm];
var _h = null;
var _input = forge7.util.createBuffer();
var _w = new Array(80);
for (var wi = 0; wi < 80; ++wi) {
_w[wi] = new Array(2);
var digestLength = 64;
switch (algorithm) {
case "SHA-384":
digestLength = 48;
case "SHA-512/256":
digestLength = 32;
case "SHA-512/224":
digestLength = 28;
var md = {
// SHA-512 => sha512
algorithm: algorithm.replace("-", "").toLowerCase(),
blockLength: 128,
// 56-bit length of message so far (does not including padding)
messageLength: 0,
// true message length
fullMessageLength: null,
// size of message length in bytes
messageLengthSize: 16
md.start = function() {
md.messageLength = 0;
md.fullMessageLength = md.messageLength128 = [];
var int32s = md.messageLengthSize / 4;
for (var i = 0; i < int32s; ++i) {
_input = forge7.util.createBuffer();
_h = new Array(_state.length);
for (var i = 0; i < _state.length; ++i) {
_h[i] = _state[i].slice(0);
return md;
md.update = function(msg, encoding) {
if (encoding === "utf8") {
msg = forge7.util.encodeUtf8(msg);
var len = msg.length;
md.messageLength += len;
len = [len / 4294967296 >>> 0, len >>> 0];
for (var i = md.fullMessageLength.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
md.fullMessageLength[i] += len[1];
len[1] = len[0] + (md.fullMessageLength[i] / 4294967296 >>> 0);
md.fullMessageLength[i] = md.fullMessageLength[i] >>> 0;
len[0] = len[1] / 4294967296 >>> 0;
_update(_h, _w, _input);
if ( > 2048 || _input.length() === 0) {
return md;
md.digest = function() {
var finalBlock = forge7.util.createBuffer();
var remaining = md.fullMessageLength[md.fullMessageLength.length - 1] + md.messageLengthSize;
var overflow = remaining & md.blockLength - 1;
finalBlock.putBytes(_padding.substr(0, md.blockLength - overflow));
var next, carry;
var bits2 = md.fullMessageLength[0] * 8;
for (var i = 0; i < md.fullMessageLength.length - 1; ++i) {
next = md.fullMessageLength[i + 1] * 8;
carry = next / 4294967296 >>> 0;
bits2 += carry;
finalBlock.putInt32(bits2 >>> 0);
bits2 = next >>> 0;
var h = new Array(_h.length);
for (var i = 0; i < _h.length; ++i) {
h[i] = _h[i].slice(0);
_update(h, _w, finalBlock);
var rval = forge7.util.createBuffer();
var hlen;
if (algorithm === "SHA-512") {
hlen = h.length;
} else if (algorithm === "SHA-384") {
hlen = h.length - 2;
} else {
hlen = h.length - 4;
for (var i = 0; i < hlen; ++i) {
if (i !== hlen - 1 || algorithm !== "SHA-512/224") {
return rval;
return md;
var _padding = null;
var _initialized = false;
var _k = null;
var _states = null;
function _init() {
_padding = String.fromCharCode(128);
_padding += forge7.util.fillString(String.fromCharCode(0), 128);
_k = [
[1116352408, 3609767458],
[1899447441, 602891725],
[3049323471, 3964484399],
[3921009573, 2173295548],
[961987163, 4081628472],
[1508970993, 3053834265],
[2453635748, 2937671579],
[2870763221, 3664609560],
[3624381080, 2734883394],
[310598401, 1164996542],
[607225278, 1323610764],
[1426881987, 3590304994],
[1925078388, 4068182383],
[2162078206, 991336113],
[2614888103, 633803317],
[3248222580, 3479774868],
[3835390401, 2666613458],
[4022224774, 944711139],
[264347078, 2341262773],
[604807628, 2007800933],
[770255983, 1495990901],
[1249150122, 1856431235],
[1555081692, 3175218132],
[1996064986, 2198950837],
[2554220882, 3999719339],
[2821834349, 766784016],
[2952996808, 2566594879],
[3210313671, 3203337956],
[3336571891, 1034457026],
[3584528711, 2466948901],
[113926993, 3758326383],
[338241895, 168717936],
[666307205, 1188179964],
[773529912, 1546045734],
[1294757372, 1522805485],
[1396182291, 2643833823],
[1695183700, 2343527390],
[1986661051, 1014477480],
[2177026350, 1206759142],
[2456956037, 344077627],
[2730485921, 1290863460],
[2820302411, 3158454273],
[3259730800, 3505952657],
[3345764771, 106217008],
[3516065817, 3606008344],
[3600352804, 1432725776],
[4094571909, 1467031594],
[275423344, 851169720],
[430227734, 3100823752],
[506948616, 1363258195],
[659060556, 3750685593],
[883997877, 3785050280],
[958139571, 3318307427],
[1322822218, 3812723403],
[1537002063, 2003034995],
[1747873779, 3602036899],
[1955562222, 1575990012],
[2024104815, 1125592928],
[2227730452, 2716904306],
[2361852424, 442776044],
[2428436474, 593698344],
[2756734187, 3733110249],
[3204031479, 2999351573],
[3329325298, 3815920427],
[3391569614, 3928383900],
[3515267271, 566280711],
[3940187606, 3454069534],
[4118630271, 4000239992],
[116418474, 1914138554],
[174292421, 2731055270],
[289380356, 3203993006],
[460393269, 320620315],
[685471733, 587496836],
[852142971, 1086792851],
[1017036298, 365543100],
[1126000580, 2618297676],
[1288033470, 3409855158],
[1501505948, 4234509866],
[1607167915, 987167468],
[1816402316, 1246189591]
_states = {};
_states["SHA-512"] = [
[1779033703, 4089235720],
[3144134277, 2227873595],
[1013904242, 4271175723],
[2773480762, 1595750129],
[1359893119, 2917565137],
[2600822924, 725511199],
[528734635, 4215389547],
[1541459225, 327033209]
_states["SHA-384"] = [
[3418070365, 3238371032],
[1654270250, 914150663],
[2438529370, 812702999],
[355462360, 4144912697],
[1731405415, 4290775857],
[2394180231, 1750603025],
[3675008525, 1694076839],
[1203062813, 3204075428]
_states["SHA-512/256"] = [
[573645204, 4230739756],
[2673172387, 3360449730],
[596883563, 1867755857],
[2520282905, 1497426621],
[2519219938, 2827943907],
[3193839141, 1401305490],
[721525244, 746961066],
[246885852, 2177182882]
_states["SHA-512/224"] = [
[2352822216, 424955298],
[1944164710, 2312950998],
[502970286, 855612546],
[1738396948, 1479516111],
[258812777, 2077511080],
[2011393907, 79989058],
[1067287976, 1780299464],
[286451373, 2446758561]
_initialized = true;
function _update(s, w, bytes3) {
var t1_hi, t1_lo;
var t2_hi, t2_lo;
var s0_hi, s0_lo;
var s1_hi, s1_lo;
var ch_hi, ch_lo;
var maj_hi, maj_lo;
var a_hi, a_lo;
var b_hi, b_lo;
var c_hi, c_lo;
var d_hi, d_lo;
var e_hi, e_lo;
var f_hi, f_lo;
var g_hi, g_lo;
var h_hi, h_lo;
var i, hi, lo, w2, w7, w15, w16;
var len = bytes3.length();
while (len >= 128) {
for (i = 0; i < 16; ++i) {
w[i][0] = bytes3.getInt32() >>> 0;
w[i][1] = bytes3.getInt32() >>> 0;
for (; i < 80; ++i) {
w2 = w[i - 2];
hi = w2[0];
lo = w2[1];
t1_hi = ((hi >>> 19 | lo << 13) ^ // ROTR 19
(lo >>> 29 | hi << 3) ^ // ROTR 61/(swap + ROTR 29)
hi >>> 6) >>> 0;
t1_lo = ((hi << 13 | lo >>> 19) ^ // ROTR 19
(lo << 3 | hi >>> 29) ^ // ROTR 61/(swap + ROTR 29)
(hi << 26 | lo >>> 6)) >>> 0;
w15 = w[i - 15];
hi = w15[0];
lo = w15[1];
t2_hi = ((hi >>> 1 | lo << 31) ^ // ROTR 1
(hi >>> 8 | lo << 24) ^ // ROTR 8
hi >>> 7) >>> 0;
t2_lo = ((hi << 31 | lo >>> 1) ^ // ROTR 1
(hi << 24 | lo >>> 8) ^ // ROTR 8
(hi << 25 | lo >>> 7)) >>> 0;
w7 = w[i - 7];
w16 = w[i - 16];
lo = t1_lo + w7[1] + t2_lo + w16[1];
w[i][0] = t1_hi + w7[0] + t2_hi + w16[0] + (lo / 4294967296 >>> 0) >>> 0;
w[i][1] = lo >>> 0;
a_hi = s[0][0];
a_lo = s[0][1];
b_hi = s[1][0];
b_lo = s[1][1];
c_hi = s[2][0];
c_lo = s[2][1];
d_hi = s[3][0];
d_lo = s[3][1];
e_hi = s[4][0];
e_lo = s[4][1];
f_hi = s[5][0];
f_lo = s[5][1];
g_hi = s[6][0];
g_lo = s[6][1];
h_hi = s[7][0];
h_lo = s[7][1];
for (i = 0; i < 80; ++i) {
s1_hi = ((e_hi >>> 14 | e_lo << 18) ^ // ROTR 14
(e_hi >>> 18 | e_lo << 14) ^ // ROTR 18
(e_lo >>> 9 | e_hi << 23)) >>> 0;
s1_lo = ((e_hi << 18 | e_lo >>> 14) ^ // ROTR 14
(e_hi << 14 | e_lo >>> 18) ^ // ROTR 18
(e_lo << 23 | e_hi >>> 9)) >>> 0;
ch_hi = (g_hi ^ e_hi & (f_hi ^ g_hi)) >>> 0;
ch_lo = (g_lo ^ e_lo & (f_lo ^ g_lo)) >>> 0;
s0_hi = ((a_hi >>> 28 | a_lo << 4) ^ // ROTR 28
(a_lo >>> 2 | a_hi << 30) ^ // ROTR 34/(swap + ROTR 2)
(a_lo >>> 7 | a_hi << 25)) >>> 0;
s0_lo = ((a_hi << 4 | a_lo >>> 28) ^ // ROTR 28
(a_lo << 30 | a_hi >>> 2) ^ // ROTR 34/(swap + ROTR 2)
(a_lo << 25 | a_hi >>> 7)) >>> 0;
maj_hi = (a_hi & b_hi | c_hi & (a_hi ^ b_hi)) >>> 0;
maj_lo = (a_lo & b_lo | c_lo & (a_lo ^ b_lo)) >>> 0;
lo = h_lo + s1_lo + ch_lo + _k[i][1] + w[i][1];
t1_hi = h_hi + s1_hi + ch_hi + _k[i][0] + w[i][0] + (lo / 4294967296 >>> 0) >>> 0;
t1_lo = lo >>> 0;
lo = s0_lo + maj_lo;
t2_hi = s0_hi + maj_hi + (lo / 4294967296 >>> 0) >>> 0;
t2_lo = lo >>> 0;
h_hi = g_hi;
h_lo = g_lo;
g_hi = f_hi;
g_lo = f_lo;
f_hi = e_hi;
f_lo = e_lo;
lo = d_lo + t1_lo;
e_hi = d_hi + t1_hi + (lo / 4294967296 >>> 0) >>> 0;
e_lo = lo >>> 0;
d_hi = c_hi;
d_lo = c_lo;
c_hi = b_hi;
c_lo = b_lo;
b_hi = a_hi;
b_lo = a_lo;
lo = t1_lo + t2_lo;
a_hi = t1_hi + t2_hi + (lo / 4294967296 >>> 0) >>> 0;
a_lo = lo >>> 0;
lo = s[0][1] + a_lo;
s[0][0] = s[0][0] + a_hi + (lo / 4294967296 >>> 0) >>> 0;
s[0][1] = lo >>> 0;
lo = s[1][1] + b_lo;
s[1][0] = s[1][0] + b_hi + (lo / 4294967296 >>> 0) >>> 0;
s[1][1] = lo >>> 0;
lo = s[2][1] + c_lo;
s[2][0] = s[2][0] + c_hi + (lo / 4294967296 >>> 0) >>> 0;
s[2][1] = lo >>> 0;
lo = s[3][1] + d_lo;
s[3][0] = s[3][0] + d_hi + (lo / 4294967296 >>> 0) >>> 0;
s[3][1] = lo >>> 0;
lo = s[4][1] + e_lo;
s[4][0] = s[4][0] + e_hi + (lo / 4294967296 >>> 0) >>> 0;
s[4][1] = lo >>> 0;
lo = s[5][1] + f_lo;
s[5][0] = s[5][0] + f_hi + (lo / 4294967296 >>> 0) >>> 0;
s[5][1] = lo >>> 0;
lo = s[6][1] + g_lo;
s[6][0] = s[6][0] + g_hi + (lo / 4294967296 >>> 0) >>> 0;
s[6][1] = lo >>> 0;
lo = s[7][1] + h_lo;
s[7][0] = s[7][0] + h_hi + (lo / 4294967296 >>> 0) >>> 0;
s[7][1] = lo >>> 0;
len -= 128;
// node_modules/is-plain-obj/index.js
var require_is_plain_obj = __commonJS({
"node_modules/is-plain-obj/index.js"(exports2, module2) {
"use strict";
module2.exports = (value) => {
if ( !== "[object Object]") {
return false;
const prototype = Object.getPrototypeOf(value);
return prototype === null || prototype === Object.prototype;
// node_modules/merge-options/index.js
var require_merge_options = __commonJS({
"node_modules/merge-options/index.js"(exports2, module2) {
"use strict";
var isOptionObject = require_is_plain_obj();
var { hasOwnProperty } = Object.prototype;
var { propertyIsEnumerable } = Object;
var defineProperty = (object, name8, value) => Object.defineProperty(object, name8, {
writable: true,
enumerable: true,
configurable: true
var globalThis2 = exports2;
var defaultMergeOptions = {
concatArrays: false,
ignoreUndefined: false
var getEnumerableOwnPropertyKeys = (value) => {
const keys = [];
for (const key in value) {
if (, key)) {
if (Object.getOwnPropertySymbols) {
const symbols = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(value);
for (const symbol7 of symbols) {
if (, symbol7)) {
return keys;
function clone(value) {
if (Array.isArray(value)) {
return cloneArray(value);
if (isOptionObject(value)) {
return cloneOptionObject(value);
return value;
function cloneArray(array) {
const result = array.slice(0, 0);
getEnumerableOwnPropertyKeys(array).forEach((key) => {
defineProperty(result, key, clone(array[key]));
return result;
function cloneOptionObject(object) {
const result = Object.getPrototypeOf(object) === null ? /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null) : {};
getEnumerableOwnPropertyKeys(object).forEach((key) => {
defineProperty(result, key, clone(object[key]));
return result;
var mergeKeys = (merged, source, keys, config) => {
keys.forEach((key) => {
if (typeof source[key] === "undefined" && config.ignoreUndefined) {
if (key in merged && merged[key] !== Object.getPrototypeOf(merged)) {
defineProperty(merged, key, merge2(merged[key], source[key], config));
} else {
defineProperty(merged, key, clone(source[key]));
return merged;
var concatArrays = (merged, source, config) => {
let result = merged.slice(0, 0);
let resultIndex = 0;
[merged, source].forEach((array) => {
const indices = [];
for (let k = 0; k < array.length; k++) {
if (!, k)) {
if (array === merged) {
defineProperty(result, resultIndex++, array[k]);
} else {
defineProperty(result, resultIndex++, clone(array[k]));
result = mergeKeys(result, array, getEnumerableOwnPropertyKeys(array).filter((key) => !indices.includes(key)), config);
return result;
function merge2(merged, source, config) {
if (config.concatArrays && Array.isArray(merged) && Array.isArray(source)) {
return concatArrays(merged, source, config);
if (!isOptionObject(source) || !isOptionObject(merged)) {
return clone(source);
return mergeKeys(merged, source, getEnumerableOwnPropertyKeys(source), config);
module2.exports = function(...options) {
const config = merge2(clone(defaultMergeOptions), this !== globalThis2 && this || {}, defaultMergeOptions);
let merged = { _: {} };
for (const option of options) {
if (option === void 0) {
if (!isOptionObject(option)) {
throw new TypeError("`" + option + "` is not an Option Object");
merged = merge2(merged, { _: option }, config);
return merged._;
// node_modules/truncate-utf8-bytes/lib/truncate.js
var require_truncate = __commonJS({
"node_modules/truncate-utf8-bytes/lib/truncate.js"(exports2, module2) {
"use strict";
function isHighSurrogate(codePoint) {
return codePoint >= 55296 && codePoint <= 56319;
function isLowSurrogate(codePoint) {
return codePoint >= 56320 && codePoint <= 57343;
module2.exports = function truncate(getLength, string3, byteLength) {
if (typeof string3 !== "string") {
throw new Error("Input must be string");
var charLength = string3.length;
var curByteLength = 0;
var codePoint;
var segment;
for (var i = 0; i < charLength; i += 1) {
codePoint = string3.charCodeAt(i);
segment = string3[i];
if (isHighSurrogate(codePoint) && isLowSurrogate(string3.charCodeAt(i + 1))) {
i += 1;
segment += string3[i];
curByteLength += getLength(segment);
if (curByteLength === byteLength) {
return string3.slice(0, i + 1);
} else if (curByteLength > byteLength) {
return string3.slice(0, i - segment.length + 1);
return string3;
// node_modules/utf8-byte-length/browser.js
var require_browser2 = __commonJS({
"node_modules/utf8-byte-length/browser.js"(exports2, module2) {
"use strict";
function isHighSurrogate(codePoint) {
return codePoint >= 55296 && codePoint <= 56319;
function isLowSurrogate(codePoint) {
return codePoint >= 56320 && codePoint <= 57343;
module2.exports = function getByteLength(string3) {
if (typeof string3 !== "string") {
throw new Error("Input must be string");
var charLength = string3.length;
var byteLength = 0;
var codePoint = null;
var prevCodePoint = null;
for (var i = 0; i < charLength; i++) {
codePoint = string3.charCodeAt(i);
if (isLowSurrogate(codePoint)) {
if (prevCodePoint != null && isHighSurrogate(prevCodePoint)) {
byteLength += 1;
} else {
byteLength += 3;
} else if (codePoint <= 127) {
byteLength += 1;
} else if (codePoint >= 128 && codePoint <= 2047) {
byteLength += 2;
} else if (codePoint >= 2048 && codePoint <= 65535) {
byteLength += 3;
prevCodePoint = codePoint;
return byteLength;
// node_modules/truncate-utf8-bytes/browser.js
var require_browser3 = __commonJS({
"node_modules/truncate-utf8-bytes/browser.js"(exports2, module2) {
"use strict";
var truncate = require_truncate();
var getLength = require_browser2();
module2.exports = truncate.bind(null, getLength);
// node_modules/sanitize-filename/index.js
var require_sanitize_filename = __commonJS({
"node_modules/sanitize-filename/index.js"(exports2, module2) {
"use strict";
var truncate = require_browser3();
var illegalRe = /[\/\?<>\\:\*\|"]/g;
var controlRe = /[\x00-\x1f\x80-\x9f]/g;
var reservedRe = /^\.+$/;
var windowsReservedRe = /^(con|prn|aux|nul|com[0-9]|lpt[0-9])(\..*)?$/i;
var windowsTrailingRe = /[\. ]+$/;
function sanitize2(input, replacement) {
if (typeof input !== "string") {
throw new Error("Input must be string");
var sanitized = input.replace(illegalRe, replacement).replace(controlRe, replacement).replace(reservedRe, replacement).replace(windowsReservedRe, replacement).replace(windowsTrailingRe, replacement);
return truncate(sanitized, 255);
module2.exports = function(input, options) {
var replacement = options && options.replacement || "";
var output3 = sanitize2(input, replacement);
if (replacement === "") {
return output3;
return sanitize2(output3, "");
// node_modules/netmask/lib/netmask.js
var require_netmask = __commonJS({
"node_modules/netmask/lib/netmask.js"(exports2) {
(function() {
var Netmask2, atob, chr, chr0, chrA, chra, ip2long, long2ip;
long2ip = function(long) {
var a, b, c, d;
a = (long & 255 << 24) >>> 24;
b = (long & 255 << 16) >>> 16;
c = (long & 255 << 8) >>> 8;
d = long & 255;
return [a, b, c, d].join(".");
ip2long = function(ip) {
var b, c, i, j, n, ref;
b = [];
for (i = j = 0; j <= 3; i = ++j) {
if (ip.length === 0) {
if (i > 0) {
if (ip[0] !== ".") {
throw new Error("Invalid IP");
ip = ip.substring(1);
ref = atob(ip), n = ref[0], c = ref[1];
ip = ip.substring(c);
if (ip.length !== 0) {
throw new Error("Invalid IP");
switch (b.length) {
case 1:
if (b[0] > 4294967295) {
throw new Error("Invalid IP");
return b[0] >>> 0;
case 2:
if (b[0] > 255 || b[1] > 16777215) {
throw new Error("Invalid IP");
return (b[0] << 24 | b[1]) >>> 0;
case 3:
if (b[0] > 255 || b[1] > 255 || b[2] > 65535) {
throw new Error("Invalid IP");
return (b[0] << 24 | b[1] << 16 | b[2]) >>> 0;
case 4:
if (b[0] > 255 || b[1] > 255 || b[2] > 255 || b[3] > 255) {
throw new Error("Invalid IP");
return (b[0] << 24 | b[1] << 16 | b[2] << 8 | b[3]) >>> 0;
throw new Error("Invalid IP");
chr = function(b) {
return b.charCodeAt(0);
chr0 = chr("0");
chra = chr("a");
chrA = chr("A");
atob = function(s) {
var base14, dmax, i, n, start;
n = 0;
base14 = 10;
dmax = "9";
i = 0;
if (s.length > 1 && s[i] === "0") {
if (s[i + 1] === "x" || s[i + 1] === "X") {
i += 2;
base14 = 16;
} else if ("0" <= s[i + 1] && s[i + 1] <= "9") {
base14 = 8;
dmax = "7";
start = i;
while (i < s.length) {
if ("0" <= s[i] && s[i] <= dmax) {
n = n * base14 + (chr(s[i]) - chr0) >>> 0;
} else if (base14 === 16) {
if ("a" <= s[i] && s[i] <= "f") {
n = n * base14 + (10 + chr(s[i]) - chra) >>> 0;
} else if ("A" <= s[i] && s[i] <= "F") {
n = n * base14 + (10 + chr(s[i]) - chrA) >>> 0;
} else {
} else {
if (n > 4294967295) {
throw new Error("too large");
if (i === start) {
throw new Error("empty octet");
return [n, i];
Netmask2 = function() {
function Netmask3(net, mask) {
var error, i, j, ref;
if (typeof net !== "string") {
throw new Error("Missing `net' parameter");
if (!mask) {
ref = net.split("/", 2), net = ref[0], mask = ref[1];
if (!mask) {
mask = 32;
if (typeof mask === "string" && mask.indexOf(".") > -1) {
try {
this.maskLong = ip2long(mask);
} catch (error1) {
error = error1;
throw new Error("Invalid mask: " + mask);
for (i = j = 32; j >= 0; i = --j) {
if (this.maskLong === 4294967295 << 32 - i >>> 0) {
this.bitmask = i;
} else if (mask || mask === 0) {
this.bitmask = parseInt(mask, 10);
this.maskLong = 0;
if (this.bitmask > 0) {
this.maskLong = 4294967295 << 32 - this.bitmask >>> 0;
} else {
throw new Error("Invalid mask: empty");
try {
this.netLong = (ip2long(net) & this.maskLong) >>> 0;
} catch (error1) {
error = error1;
throw new Error("Invalid net address: " + net);
if (!(this.bitmask <= 32)) {
throw new Error("Invalid mask for ip4: " + mask);
this.size = Math.pow(2, 32 - this.bitmask);
this.base = long2ip(this.netLong);
this.mask = long2ip(this.maskLong);
this.hostmask = long2ip(~this.maskLong);
this.first = this.bitmask <= 30 ? long2ip(this.netLong + 1) : this.base;
this.last = this.bitmask <= 30 ? long2ip(this.netLong + this.size - 2) : long2ip(this.netLong + this.size - 1);
this.broadcast = this.bitmask <= 30 ? long2ip(this.netLong + this.size - 1) : void 0;
Netmask3.prototype.contains = function(ip) {
if (typeof ip === "string" && (ip.indexOf("/") > 0 || ip.split(".").length !== 4)) {
ip = new Netmask3(ip);
if (ip instanceof Netmask3) {
return this.contains(ip.base) && this.contains(ip.broadcast || ip.last);
} else {
return (ip2long(ip) & this.maskLong) >>> 0 === (this.netLong & this.maskLong) >>> 0;
}; = function(count) {
if (count == null) {
count = 1;
return new Netmask3(long2ip(this.netLong + this.size * count), this.mask);
Netmask3.prototype.forEach = function(fn) {
var index, lastLong, long;
long = ip2long(this.first);
lastLong = ip2long(this.last);
index = 0;
while (long <= lastLong) {
fn(long2ip(long), long, index);
Netmask3.prototype.toString = function() {
return this.base + "/" + this.bitmask;
return Netmask3;
exports2.ip2long = ip2long;
exports2.long2ip = long2ip;
exports2.Netmask = Netmask2;
// node_modules/ipaddr.js/lib/ipaddr.js
var require_ipaddr = __commonJS({
"node_modules/ipaddr.js/lib/ipaddr.js"(exports2, module2) {
(function(root) {
"use strict";
const ipv4Part = "(0?\\d+|0x[a-f0-9]+)";
const ipv4Regexes = {
fourOctet: new RegExp(`^${ipv4Part}\\.${ipv4Part}\\.${ipv4Part}\\.${ipv4Part}$`, "i"),
threeOctet: new RegExp(`^${ipv4Part}\\.${ipv4Part}\\.${ipv4Part}$`, "i"),
twoOctet: new RegExp(`^${ipv4Part}\\.${ipv4Part}$`, "i"),
longValue: new RegExp(`^${ipv4Part}$`, "i")
const octalRegex = new RegExp(`^0[0-7]+$`, "i");
const hexRegex = new RegExp(`^0x[a-f0-9]+$`, "i");
const zoneIndex = "%[0-9a-z]{1,}";
const ipv6Part = "(?:[0-9a-f]+::?)+";
const ipv6Regexes = {
zoneIndex: new RegExp(zoneIndex, "i"),
"native": new RegExp(`^(::)?(${ipv6Part})?([0-9a-f]+)?(::)?(${zoneIndex})?$`, "i"),
deprecatedTransitional: new RegExp(`^(?:::)(${ipv4Part}\\.${ipv4Part}\\.${ipv4Part}\\.${ipv4Part}(${zoneIndex})?)$`, "i"),
transitional: new RegExp(`^((?:${ipv6Part})|(?:::)(?:${ipv6Part})?)${ipv4Part}\\.${ipv4Part}\\.${ipv4Part}\\.${ipv4Part}(${zoneIndex})?$`, "i")
function expandIPv6(string3, parts) {
if (string3.indexOf("::") !== string3.lastIndexOf("::")) {
return null;
let colonCount = 0;
let lastColon = -1;
let zoneId = (string3.match(ipv6Regexes.zoneIndex) || [])[0];
let replacement, replacementCount;
if (zoneId) {
zoneId = zoneId.substring(1);
string3 = string3.replace(/%.+$/, "");
while ((lastColon = string3.indexOf(":", lastColon + 1)) >= 0) {
if (string3.substr(0, 2) === "::") {
if (string3.substr(-2, 2) === "::") {
if (colonCount > parts) {
return null;
replacementCount = parts - colonCount;
replacement = ":";
while (replacementCount--) {
replacement += "0:";
string3 = string3.replace("::", replacement);
if (string3[0] === ":") {
string3 = string3.slice(1);
if (string3[string3.length - 1] === ":") {
string3 = string3.slice(0, -1);
parts = function() {
const ref = string3.split(":");
const results = [];
for (let i = 0; i < ref.length; i++) {
results.push(parseInt(ref[i], 16));
return results;
return {
function matchCIDR(first2, second4, partSize, cidrBits) {
if (first2.length !== second4.length) {
throw new Error("ipaddr: cannot match CIDR for objects with different lengths");
let part = 0;
let shift;
while (cidrBits > 0) {
shift = partSize - cidrBits;
if (shift < 0) {
shift = 0;
if (first2[part] >> shift !== second4[part] >> shift) {
return false;
cidrBits -= partSize;
part += 1;
return true;
function parseIntAuto(string3) {
if (hexRegex.test(string3)) {
return parseInt(string3, 16);
if (string3[0] === "0" && !isNaN(parseInt(string3[1], 10))) {
if (octalRegex.test(string3)) {
return parseInt(string3, 8);
throw new Error(`ipaddr: cannot parse ${string3} as octal`);
return parseInt(string3, 10);
function padPart(part, length11) {
while (part.length < length11) {
part = `0${part}`;
return part;
const ipaddr2 = {};
ipaddr2.IPv4 = function() {
function IPv4(octets) {
if (octets.length !== 4) {
throw new Error("ipaddr: ipv4 octet count should be 4");
let i, octet;
for (i = 0; i < octets.length; i++) {
octet = octets[i];
if (!(0 <= octet && octet <= 255)) {
throw new Error("ipaddr: ipv4 octet should fit in 8 bits");
this.octets = octets;
IPv4.prototype.SpecialRanges = {
unspecified: [[new IPv4([0, 0, 0, 0]), 8]],
broadcast: [[new IPv4([255, 255, 255, 255]), 32]],
// RFC3171
multicast: [[new IPv4([224, 0, 0, 0]), 4]],
// RFC3927
linkLocal: [[new IPv4([169, 254, 0, 0]), 16]],
// RFC5735
loopback: [[new IPv4([127, 0, 0, 0]), 8]],
// RFC6598
carrierGradeNat: [[new IPv4([100, 64, 0, 0]), 10]],
// RFC1918
"private": [
[new IPv4([10, 0, 0, 0]), 8],
[new IPv4([172, 16, 0, 0]), 12],
[new IPv4([192, 168, 0, 0]), 16]
// Reserved and testing-only ranges; RFCs 5735, 5737, 2544, 1700
reserved: [
[new IPv4([192, 0, 0, 0]), 24],
[new IPv4([192, 0, 2, 0]), 24],
[new IPv4([192, 88, 99, 0]), 24],
[new IPv4([198, 18, 0, 0]), 15],
[new IPv4([198, 51, 100, 0]), 24],
[new IPv4([203, 0, 113, 0]), 24],
[new IPv4([240, 0, 0, 0]), 4]
IPv4.prototype.kind = function() {
return "ipv4";
IPv4.prototype.match = function(other, cidrRange) {
let ref;
if (cidrRange === void 0) {
ref = other;
other = ref[0];
cidrRange = ref[1];
if (other.kind() !== "ipv4") {
throw new Error("ipaddr: cannot match ipv4 address with non-ipv4 one");
return matchCIDR(this.octets, other.octets, 8, cidrRange);
IPv4.prototype.prefixLengthFromSubnetMask = function() {
let cidr = 0;
let stop = false;
const zerotable = {
0: 8,
128: 7,
192: 6,
224: 5,
240: 4,
248: 3,
252: 2,
254: 1,
255: 0
let i, octet, zeros;
for (i = 3; i >= 0; i -= 1) {
octet = this.octets[i];
if (octet in zerotable) {
zeros = zerotable[octet];
if (stop && zeros !== 0) {
return null;
if (zeros !== 8) {
stop = true;
cidr += zeros;
} else {
return null;
return 32 - cidr;
IPv4.prototype.range = function() {
return ipaddr2.subnetMatch(this, this.SpecialRanges);
IPv4.prototype.toByteArray = function() {
return this.octets.slice(0);
IPv4.prototype.toIPv4MappedAddress = function() {
return ipaddr2.IPv6.parse(`::ffff:${this.toString()}`);
IPv4.prototype.toNormalizedString = function() {
return this.toString();
IPv4.prototype.toString = function() {
return this.octets.join(".");
return IPv4;
ipaddr2.IPv4.broadcastAddressFromCIDR = function(string3) {
try {
const cidr = this.parseCIDR(string3);
const ipInterfaceOctets = cidr[0].toByteArray();
const subnetMaskOctets = this.subnetMaskFromPrefixLength(cidr[1]).toByteArray();
const octets = [];
let i = 0;
while (i < 4) {
octets.push(parseInt(ipInterfaceOctets[i], 10) | parseInt(subnetMaskOctets[i], 10) ^ 255);
return new this(octets);
} catch (e) {
throw new Error("ipaddr: the address does not have IPv4 CIDR format");
ipaddr2.IPv4.isIPv4 = function(string3) {
return this.parser(string3) !== null;
ipaddr2.IPv4.isValid = function(string3) {
try {
new this(this.parser(string3));
return true;
} catch (e) {
return false;
ipaddr2.IPv4.isValidFourPartDecimal = function(string3) {
if (ipaddr2.IPv4.isValid(string3) && string3.match(/^(0|[1-9]\d*)(\.(0|[1-9]\d*)){3}$/)) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
ipaddr2.IPv4.networkAddressFromCIDR = function(string3) {
let cidr, i, ipInterfaceOctets, octets, subnetMaskOctets;
try {
cidr = this.parseCIDR(string3);
ipInterfaceOctets = cidr[0].toByteArray();
subnetMaskOctets = this.subnetMaskFromPrefixLength(cidr[1]).toByteArray();
octets = [];
i = 0;
while (i < 4) {
octets.push(parseInt(ipInterfaceOctets[i], 10) & parseInt(subnetMaskOctets[i], 10));
return new this(octets);
} catch (e) {
throw new Error("ipaddr: the address does not have IPv4 CIDR format");
ipaddr2.IPv4.parse = function(string3) {
const parts = this.parser(string3);
if (parts === null) {
throw new Error("ipaddr: string is not formatted like an IPv4 Address");
return new this(parts);
ipaddr2.IPv4.parseCIDR = function(string3) {
let match;
if (match = string3.match(/^(.+)\/(\d+)$/)) {
const maskLength = parseInt(match[2]);
if (maskLength >= 0 && maskLength <= 32) {
const parsed = [this.parse(match[1]), maskLength];
Object.defineProperty(parsed, "toString", {
value: function() {
return this.join("/");
return parsed;
throw new Error("ipaddr: string is not formatted like an IPv4 CIDR range");
ipaddr2.IPv4.parser = function(string3) {
let match, part, value;
if (match = string3.match(ipv4Regexes.fourOctet)) {
return function() {
const ref = match.slice(1, 6);
const results = [];
for (let i = 0; i < ref.length; i++) {
part = ref[i];
return results;
} else if (match = string3.match(ipv4Regexes.longValue)) {
value = parseIntAuto(match[1]);
if (value > 4294967295 || value < 0) {
throw new Error("ipaddr: address outside defined range");
return function() {
const results = [];
let shift;
for (shift = 0; shift <= 24; shift += 8) {
results.push(value >> shift & 255);
return results;
} else if (match = string3.match(ipv4Regexes.twoOctet)) {
return function() {
const ref = match.slice(1, 4);
const results = [];
value = parseIntAuto(ref[1]);
if (value > 16777215 || value < 0) {
throw new Error("ipaddr: address outside defined range");
results.push(value >> 16 & 255);
results.push(value >> 8 & 255);
results.push(value & 255);
return results;
} else if (match = string3.match(ipv4Regexes.threeOctet)) {
return function() {
const ref = match.slice(1, 5);
const results = [];
value = parseIntAuto(ref[2]);
if (value > 65535 || value < 0) {
throw new Error("ipaddr: address outside defined range");
results.push(value >> 8 & 255);
results.push(value & 255);
return results;
} else {
return null;
ipaddr2.IPv4.subnetMaskFromPrefixLength = function(prefix) {
prefix = parseInt(prefix);
if (prefix < 0 || prefix > 32) {
throw new Error("ipaddr: invalid IPv4 prefix length");
const octets = [0, 0, 0, 0];
let j = 0;
const filledOctetCount = Math.floor(prefix / 8);
while (j < filledOctetCount) {
octets[j] = 255;
if (filledOctetCount < 4) {
octets[filledOctetCount] = Math.pow(2, prefix % 8) - 1 << 8 - prefix % 8;
return new this(octets);
ipaddr2.IPv6 = function() {
function IPv6(parts, zoneId) {
let i, part;
if (parts.length === 16) { = [];
for (i = 0; i <= 14; i += 2) {[i] << 8 | parts[i + 1]);
} else if (parts.length === 8) { = parts;
} else {
throw new Error("ipaddr: ipv6 part count should be 8 or 16");
for (i = 0; i <; i++) {
part =[i];
if (!(0 <= part && part <= 65535)) {
throw new Error("ipaddr: ipv6 part should fit in 16 bits");
if (zoneId) {
this.zoneId = zoneId;
IPv6.prototype.SpecialRanges = {
// RFC4291, here and after
unspecified: [new IPv6([0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]), 128],
linkLocal: [new IPv6([65152, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]), 10],
multicast: [new IPv6([65280, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]), 8],
loopback: [new IPv6([0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1]), 128],
uniqueLocal: [new IPv6([64512, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]), 7],
ipv4Mapped: [new IPv6([0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 65535, 0, 0]), 96],
// RFC6145
rfc6145: [new IPv6([0, 0, 0, 0, 65535, 0, 0, 0]), 96],
// RFC6052
rfc6052: [new IPv6([100, 65435, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]), 96],
// RFC3056
"6to4": [new IPv6([8194, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]), 16],
// RFC6052, RFC6146
teredo: [new IPv6([8193, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]), 32],
// RFC4291
reserved: [[new IPv6([8193, 3512, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]), 32]],
benchmarking: [new IPv6([8193, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]), 48],
amt: [new IPv6([8193, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]), 32],
as112v6: [new IPv6([8193, 4, 274, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]), 48],
deprecated: [new IPv6([8193, 16, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]), 28],
orchid2: [new IPv6([8193, 32, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]), 28]
IPv6.prototype.isIPv4MappedAddress = function() {
return this.range() === "ipv4Mapped";
IPv6.prototype.kind = function() {
return "ipv6";
IPv6.prototype.match = function(other, cidrRange) {
let ref;
if (cidrRange === void 0) {
ref = other;
other = ref[0];
cidrRange = ref[1];
if (other.kind() !== "ipv6") {
throw new Error("ipaddr: cannot match ipv6 address with non-ipv6 one");
return matchCIDR(,, 16, cidrRange);
IPv6.prototype.prefixLengthFromSubnetMask = function() {
let cidr = 0;
let stop = false;
const zerotable = {
0: 16,
32768: 15,
49152: 14,
57344: 13,
61440: 12,
63488: 11,
64512: 10,
65024: 9,
65280: 8,
65408: 7,
65472: 6,
65504: 5,
65520: 4,
65528: 3,
65532: 2,
65534: 1,
65535: 0
let part, zeros;
for (let i = 7; i >= 0; i -= 1) {
part =[i];
if (part in zerotable) {
zeros = zerotable[part];
if (stop && zeros !== 0) {
return null;
if (zeros !== 16) {
stop = true;
cidr += zeros;
} else {
return null;
return 128 - cidr;
IPv6.prototype.range = function() {
return ipaddr2.subnetMatch(this, this.SpecialRanges);
IPv6.prototype.toByteArray = function() {
let part;
const bytes3 = [];
const ref =;
for (let i = 0; i < ref.length; i++) {
part = ref[i];
bytes3.push(part >> 8);
bytes3.push(part & 255);
return bytes3;
IPv6.prototype.toFixedLengthString = function() {
const addr = function() {
const results = [];
for (let i = 0; i <; i++) {
results.push(padPart([i].toString(16), 4));
return results;
let suffix = "";
if (this.zoneId) {
suffix = `%${this.zoneId}`;
return addr + suffix;
IPv6.prototype.toIPv4Address = function() {
if (!this.isIPv4MappedAddress()) {
throw new Error("ipaddr: trying to convert a generic ipv6 address to ipv4");
const ref =;
const high = ref[0];
const low = ref[1];
return new ipaddr2.IPv4([high >> 8, high & 255, low >> 8, low & 255]);
IPv6.prototype.toNormalizedString = function() {
const addr = function() {
const results = [];
for (let i = 0; i <; i++) {
return results;
let suffix = "";
if (this.zoneId) {
suffix = `%${this.zoneId}`;
return addr + suffix;
IPv6.prototype.toRFC5952String = function() {
const regex = /((^|:)(0(:|$)){2,})/g;
const string3 = this.toNormalizedString();
let bestMatchIndex = 0;
let bestMatchLength = -1;
let match;
while (match = regex.exec(string3)) {
if (match[0].length > bestMatchLength) {
bestMatchIndex = match.index;
bestMatchLength = match[0].length;
if (bestMatchLength < 0) {
return string3;
return `${string3.substring(0, bestMatchIndex)}::${string3.substring(bestMatchIndex + bestMatchLength)}`;
IPv6.prototype.toString = function() {
return this.toRFC5952String();
return IPv6;
ipaddr2.IPv6.broadcastAddressFromCIDR = function(string3) {
try {
const cidr = this.parseCIDR(string3);
const ipInterfaceOctets = cidr[0].toByteArray();
const subnetMaskOctets = this.subnetMaskFromPrefixLength(cidr[1]).toByteArray();
const octets = [];
let i = 0;
while (i < 16) {
octets.push(parseInt(ipInterfaceOctets[i], 10) | parseInt(subnetMaskOctets[i], 10) ^ 255);
return new this(octets);
} catch (e) {
throw new Error(`ipaddr: the address does not have IPv6 CIDR format (${e})`);
ipaddr2.IPv6.isIPv6 = function(string3) {
return this.parser(string3) !== null;
ipaddr2.IPv6.isValid = function(string3) {
if (typeof string3 === "string" && string3.indexOf(":") === -1) {
return false;
try {
const addr = this.parser(string3);
new this(, addr.zoneId);
return true;
} catch (e) {
return false;
ipaddr2.IPv6.networkAddressFromCIDR = function(string3) {
let cidr, i, ipInterfaceOctets, octets, subnetMaskOctets;
try {
cidr = this.parseCIDR(string3);
ipInterfaceOctets = cidr[0].toByteArray();
subnetMaskOctets = this.subnetMaskFromPrefixLength(cidr[1]).toByteArray();
octets = [];
i = 0;
while (i < 16) {
octets.push(parseInt(ipInterfaceOctets[i], 10) & parseInt(subnetMaskOctets[i], 10));
return new this(octets);
} catch (e) {
throw new Error(`ipaddr: the address does not have IPv6 CIDR format (${e})`);
ipaddr2.IPv6.parse = function(string3) {
const addr = this.parser(string3);
if ( === null) {
throw new Error("ipaddr: string is not formatted like an IPv6 Address");
return new this(, addr.zoneId);
ipaddr2.IPv6.parseCIDR = function(string3) {
let maskLength, match, parsed;
if (match = string3.match(/^(.+)\/(\d+)$/)) {
maskLength = parseInt(match[2]);
if (maskLength >= 0 && maskLength <= 128) {
parsed = [this.parse(match[1]), maskLength];
Object.defineProperty(parsed, "toString", {
value: function() {
return this.join("/");
return parsed;
throw new Error("ipaddr: string is not formatted like an IPv6 CIDR range");
ipaddr2.IPv6.parser = function(string3) {
let addr, i, match, octet, octets, zoneId;
if (match = string3.match(ipv6Regexes.deprecatedTransitional)) {
return this.parser(`::ffff:${match[1]}`);
if (ipv6Regexes.native.test(string3)) {
return expandIPv6(string3, 8);
if (match = string3.match(ipv6Regexes.transitional)) {
zoneId = match[6] || "";
addr = expandIPv6(match[1].slice(0, -1) + zoneId, 6);
if ( {
octets = [
for (i = 0; i < octets.length; i++) {
octet = octets[i];
if (!(0 <= octet && octet <= 255)) {
return null;
}[0] << 8 | octets[1]);[2] << 8 | octets[3]);
return {
zoneId: addr.zoneId
return null;
ipaddr2.IPv6.subnetMaskFromPrefixLength = function(prefix) {
prefix = parseInt(prefix);
if (prefix < 0 || prefix > 128) {
throw new Error("ipaddr: invalid IPv6 prefix length");
const octets = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0];
let j = 0;
const filledOctetCount = Math.floor(prefix / 8);
while (j < filledOctetCount) {
octets[j] = 255;
if (filledOctetCount < 16) {
octets[filledOctetCount] = Math.pow(2, prefix % 8) - 1 << 8 - prefix % 8;
return new this(octets);
ipaddr2.fromByteArray = function(bytes3) {
const length11 = bytes3.length;
if (length11 === 4) {
return new ipaddr2.IPv4(bytes3);
} else if (length11 === 16) {
return new ipaddr2.IPv6(bytes3);
} else {
throw new Error("ipaddr: the binary input is neither an IPv6 nor IPv4 address");
ipaddr2.isValid = function(string3) {
return ipaddr2.IPv6.isValid(string3) || ipaddr2.IPv4.isValid(string3);
ipaddr2.parse = function(string3) {
if (ipaddr2.IPv6.isValid(string3)) {
return ipaddr2.IPv6.parse(string3);
} else if (ipaddr2.IPv4.isValid(string3)) {
return ipaddr2.IPv4.parse(string3);
} else {
throw new Error("ipaddr: the address has neither IPv6 nor IPv4 format");
ipaddr2.parseCIDR = function(string3) {
try {
return ipaddr2.IPv6.parseCIDR(string3);
} catch (e) {
try {
return ipaddr2.IPv4.parseCIDR(string3);
} catch (e2) {
throw new Error("ipaddr: the address has neither IPv6 nor IPv4 CIDR format");
ipaddr2.process = function(string3) {
const addr = this.parse(string3);
if (addr.kind() === "ipv6" && addr.isIPv4MappedAddress()) {
return addr.toIPv4Address();
} else {
return addr;
ipaddr2.subnetMatch = function(address, rangeList, defaultName) {
let i, rangeName, rangeSubnets, subnet;
if (defaultName === void 0 || defaultName === null) {
defaultName = "unicast";
for (rangeName in rangeList) {
if (, rangeName)) {
rangeSubnets = rangeList[rangeName];
if (rangeSubnets[0] && !(rangeSubnets[0] instanceof Array)) {
rangeSubnets = [rangeSubnets];
for (i = 0; i < rangeSubnets.length; i++) {
subnet = rangeSubnets[i];
if (address.kind() === subnet[0].kind() && address.match.apply(address, subnet)) {
return rangeName;
return defaultName;
if (typeof module2 !== "undefined" && module2.exports) {
module2.exports = ipaddr2;
} else {
root.ipaddr = ipaddr2;
// node_modules/receptacle/index.js
var require_receptacle = __commonJS({
"node_modules/receptacle/index.js"(exports2, module2) {
"use strict";
module2.exports = Receptacle2;
var toMS = require_ms();
var cache10 = Receptacle2.prototype;
var counter = /* @__PURE__ */ new Date() % 1e9;
function getUID() {
return (Math.random() * 1e9 >>> 0) + counter++;
function Receptacle2(options) {
options = options || {}; = || getUID();
this.max = options.max || Infinity;
this.items = options.items || [];
this._lookup = {};
this.size = this.items.length;
this.lastModified = new Date(options.lastModified || /* @__PURE__ */ new Date());
for (var item, ttl, i = this.items.length; i--; ) {
item = this.items[i];
ttl = new Date(item.expires) - /* @__PURE__ */ new Date();
this._lookup[item.key] = item;
if (ttl > 0)
this.expire(item.key, ttl);
else if (ttl <= 0)
cache10.has = function(key) {
return key in this._lookup;
cache10.get = function(key) {
if (!this.has(key))
return null;
var record = this._lookup[key];
if (record.refresh)
this.expire(key, record.refresh);
this.items.splice(this.items.indexOf(record), 1);
return record.value;
cache10.meta = function(key) {
if (!this.has(key))
return null;
var record = this._lookup[key];
if (!("meta" in record))
return null;
return record.meta;
cache10.set = function(key, value, options) {
var oldRecord = this._lookup[key];
var record = this._lookup[key] = { key, value };
this.lastModified = /* @__PURE__ */ new Date();
if (oldRecord) {
this.items.splice(this.items.indexOf(oldRecord), 1, record);
} else {
if (this.size >= this.max)
if (options) {
if ("ttl" in options)
this.expire(key, options.ttl);
if ("meta" in options)
record.meta = options.meta;
if (options.refresh)
record.refresh = options.ttl;
return this;
cache10.delete = function(key) {
var record = this._lookup[key];
if (!record)
return false;
this.lastModified = /* @__PURE__ */ new Date();
this.items.splice(this.items.indexOf(record), 1);
delete this._lookup[key];
return this;
cache10.expire = function(key, ttl) {
var ms = ttl || 0;
var record = this._lookup[key];
if (!record)
return this;
if (typeof ms === "string")
ms = toMS(ttl);
if (typeof ms !== "number")
throw new TypeError("Expiration time must be a string or number.");
record.timeout = setTimeout(this.delete.bind(this, record.key), ms);
record.expires = Number(/* @__PURE__ */ new Date()) + ms;
return this;
cache10.clear = function() {
for (var i = this.items.length; i--; )
return this;
cache10.toJSON = function() {
var items = new Array(this.items.length);
var item;
for (var i = items.length; i--; ) {
item = this.items[i];
items[i] = {
key: item.key,
meta: item.meta,
value: item.value,
expires: item.expires,
refresh: item.refresh
return {
max: isFinite(this.max) ? this.max : void 0,
lastModified: this.lastModified,
// node_modules/rate-limiter-flexible/lib/RateLimiterAbstract.js
var require_RateLimiterAbstract = __commonJS({
"node_modules/rate-limiter-flexible/lib/RateLimiterAbstract.js"(exports2, module2) {
module2.exports = class RateLimiterAbstract {
* @param opts Object Defaults {
* points: 4, // Number of points
* duration: 1, // Per seconds
* blockDuration: 0, // Block if consumed more than points in current duration for blockDuration seconds
* execEvenly: false, // Execute allowed actions evenly over duration
* execEvenlyMinDelayMs: duration * 1000 / points, // ms, works with execEvenly=true option
* keyPrefix: 'rlflx',
* }
constructor(opts = {}) {
this.points = opts.points;
this.duration = opts.duration;
this.blockDuration = opts.blockDuration;
this.execEvenly = opts.execEvenly;
this.execEvenlyMinDelayMs = opts.execEvenlyMinDelayMs;
this.keyPrefix = opts.keyPrefix;
get points() {
return this._points;
set points(value) {
this._points = value >= 0 ? value : 4;
get duration() {
return this._duration;
set duration(value) {
this._duration = typeof value === "undefined" ? 1 : value;
get msDuration() {
return this.duration * 1e3;
get blockDuration() {
return this._blockDuration;
set blockDuration(value) {
this._blockDuration = typeof value === "undefined" ? 0 : value;
get msBlockDuration() {
return this.blockDuration * 1e3;
get execEvenly() {
return this._execEvenly;
set execEvenly(value) {
this._execEvenly = typeof value === "undefined" ? false : Boolean(value);
get execEvenlyMinDelayMs() {
return this._execEvenlyMinDelayMs;
set execEvenlyMinDelayMs(value) {
this._execEvenlyMinDelayMs = typeof value === "undefined" ? Math.ceil(this.msDuration / this.points) : value;
get keyPrefix() {
return this._keyPrefix;
set keyPrefix(value) {
if (typeof value === "undefined") {
value = "rlflx";
if (typeof value !== "string") {
throw new Error("keyPrefix must be string");
this._keyPrefix = value;
_getKeySecDuration(options = {}) {
return options && options.customDuration >= 0 ? options.customDuration : this.duration;
getKey(key) {
return this.keyPrefix.length > 0 ? `${this.keyPrefix}:${key}` : key;
parseKey(rlKey) {
return rlKey.substring(this.keyPrefix.length);
consume() {
throw new Error("You have to implement the method 'consume'!");
penalty() {
throw new Error("You have to implement the method 'penalty'!");
reward() {
throw new Error("You have to implement the method 'reward'!");
get() {
throw new Error("You have to implement the method 'get'!");
set() {
throw new Error("You have to implement the method 'set'!");
block() {
throw new Error("You have to implement the method 'block'!");
delete() {
throw new Error("You have to implement the method 'delete'!");
// node_modules/rate-limiter-flexible/lib/component/BlockedKeys/BlockedKeys.js
var require_BlockedKeys = __commonJS({
"node_modules/rate-limiter-flexible/lib/component/BlockedKeys/BlockedKeys.js"(exports2, module2) {
module2.exports = class BlockedKeys {
constructor() {
this._keys = {};
this._addedKeysAmount = 0;
collectExpired() {
const now =;
Object.keys(this._keys).forEach((key) => {
if (this._keys[key] <= now) {
delete this._keys[key];
this._addedKeysAmount = Object.keys(this._keys).length;
* Add new blocked key
* @param key String
* @param sec Number
add(key, sec) {
this.addMs(key, sec * 1e3);
* Add new blocked key for ms
* @param key String
* @param ms Number
addMs(key, ms) {
this._keys[key] = + ms;
if (this._addedKeysAmount > 999) {
* 0 means not blocked
* @param key
* @returns {number}
msBeforeExpire(key) {
const expire = this._keys[key];
if (expire && expire >= {
const now =;
return expire >= now ? expire - now : 0;
return 0;
* If key is not given, delete all data in memory
* @param {string|undefined} key
delete(key) {
if (key) {
delete this._keys[key];
} else {
Object.keys(this._keys).forEach((key2) => {
delete this._keys[key2];
// node_modules/rate-limiter-flexible/lib/component/BlockedKeys/index.js
var require_BlockedKeys2 = __commonJS({
"node_modules/rate-limiter-flexible/lib/component/BlockedKeys/index.js"(exports2, module2) {
var BlockedKeys = require_BlockedKeys();
module2.exports = BlockedKeys;
// node_modules/rate-limiter-flexible/lib/RateLimiterRes.js
var require_RateLimiterRes = __commonJS({
"node_modules/rate-limiter-flexible/lib/RateLimiterRes.js"(exports2, module2) {
module2.exports = class RateLimiterRes {
constructor(remainingPoints, msBeforeNext, consumedPoints, isFirstInDuration) {
this.remainingPoints = typeof remainingPoints === "undefined" ? 0 : remainingPoints;
this.msBeforeNext = typeof msBeforeNext === "undefined" ? 0 : msBeforeNext;
this.consumedPoints = typeof consumedPoints === "undefined" ? 0 : consumedPoints;
this.isFirstInDuration = typeof isFirstInDuration === "undefined" ? false : isFirstInDuration;
get msBeforeNext() {
return this._msBeforeNext;
set msBeforeNext(ms) {
this._msBeforeNext = ms;
return this;
get remainingPoints() {
return this._remainingPoints;
set remainingPoints(p) {
this._remainingPoints = p;
return this;
get consumedPoints() {
return this._consumedPoints;
set consumedPoints(p) {
this._consumedPoints = p;
return this;
get isFirstInDuration() {
return this._isFirstInDuration;
set isFirstInDuration(value) {
this._isFirstInDuration = Boolean(value);
_getDecoratedProperties() {
return {
remainingPoints: this.remainingPoints,
msBeforeNext: this.msBeforeNext,
consumedPoints: this.consumedPoints,
isFirstInDuration: this.isFirstInDuration
[Symbol.for("nodejs.util.inspect.custom")]() {
return this._getDecoratedProperties();
toString() {
return JSON.stringify(this._getDecoratedProperties());
toJSON() {
return this._getDecoratedProperties();
// node_modules/rate-limiter-flexible/lib/RateLimiterStoreAbstract.js
var require_RateLimiterStoreAbstract = __commonJS({
"node_modules/rate-limiter-flexible/lib/RateLimiterStoreAbstract.js"(exports2, module2) {
var RateLimiterAbstract = require_RateLimiterAbstract();
var BlockedKeys = require_BlockedKeys2();
var RateLimiterRes = require_RateLimiterRes();
module2.exports = class RateLimiterStoreAbstract extends RateLimiterAbstract {
* @param opts Object Defaults {
* ... see other in RateLimiterAbstract
* inMemoryBlockOnConsumed: 40, // Number of points when key is blocked
* inMemoryBlockDuration: 10, // Block duration in seconds
* insuranceLimiter: RateLimiterAbstract
* }
constructor(opts = {}) {
this.inMemoryBlockOnConsumed = opts.inMemoryBlockOnConsumed || opts.inmemoryBlockOnConsumed;
this.inMemoryBlockDuration = opts.inMemoryBlockDuration || opts.inmemoryBlockDuration;
this.insuranceLimiter = opts.insuranceLimiter;
this._inMemoryBlockedKeys = new BlockedKeys();
get client() {
return this._client;
set client(value) {
if (typeof value === "undefined") {
throw new Error("storeClient is not set");
this._client = value;
* Have to be launched after consume
* It blocks key and execute evenly depending on result from store
* It uses _getRateLimiterRes function to prepare RateLimiterRes from store result
* @param resolve
* @param reject
* @param rlKey
* @param changedPoints
* @param storeResult
* @param {Object} options
* @private
_afterConsume(resolve6, reject, rlKey, changedPoints, storeResult, options = {}) {
const res = this._getRateLimiterRes(rlKey, changedPoints, storeResult);
if (this.inMemoryBlockOnConsumed > 0 && !(this.inMemoryBlockDuration > 0) && res.consumedPoints >= this.inMemoryBlockOnConsumed) {
this._inMemoryBlockedKeys.addMs(rlKey, res.msBeforeNext);
if (res.consumedPoints > this.points) {
return reject(res);
} else {
return resolve6(res);
} else if (res.consumedPoints > this.points) {
let blockPromise = Promise.resolve();
if (this.blockDuration > 0 && res.consumedPoints <= this.points + changedPoints) {
res.msBeforeNext = this.msBlockDuration;
blockPromise = this._block(rlKey, res.consumedPoints, this.msBlockDuration, options);
if (this.inMemoryBlockOnConsumed > 0 && res.consumedPoints >= this.inMemoryBlockOnConsumed) {
this._inMemoryBlockedKeys.add(rlKey, this.inMemoryBlockDuration);
res.msBeforeNext = this.msInMemoryBlockDuration;
blockPromise.then(() => {
}).catch((err) => {
} else if (this.execEvenly && res.msBeforeNext > 0 && !res.isFirstInDuration) {
let delay = Math.ceil(res.msBeforeNext / (res.remainingPoints + 2));
if (delay < this.execEvenlyMinDelayMs) {
delay = res.consumedPoints * this.execEvenlyMinDelayMs;
setTimeout(resolve6, delay, res);
} else {
_handleError(err, funcName, resolve6, reject, key, data = false, options = {}) {
if (!(this.insuranceLimiter instanceof RateLimiterAbstract)) {
} else {
this.insuranceLimiter[funcName](key, data, options).then((res) => {
}).catch((res) => {
* @deprecated Use camelCase version
* @returns {BlockedKeys}
* @private
get _inmemoryBlockedKeys() {
return this._inMemoryBlockedKeys;
* @deprecated Use camelCase version
* @param rlKey
* @returns {number}
getInmemoryBlockMsBeforeExpire(rlKey) {
return this.getInMemoryBlockMsBeforeExpire(rlKey);
* @deprecated Use camelCase version
* @returns {number|number}
get inmemoryBlockOnConsumed() {
return this.inMemoryBlockOnConsumed;
* @deprecated Use camelCase version
* @param value
set inmemoryBlockOnConsumed(value) {
this.inMemoryBlockOnConsumed = value;
* @deprecated Use camelCase version
* @returns {number|number}
get inmemoryBlockDuration() {
return this.inMemoryBlockDuration;
* @deprecated Use camelCase version
* @param value
set inmemoryBlockDuration(value) {
this.inMemoryBlockDuration = value;
* @deprecated Use camelCase version
* @returns {number}
get msInmemoryBlockDuration() {
return this.inMemoryBlockDuration * 1e3;
getInMemoryBlockMsBeforeExpire(rlKey) {
if (this.inMemoryBlockOnConsumed > 0) {
return this._inMemoryBlockedKeys.msBeforeExpire(rlKey);
return 0;
get inMemoryBlockOnConsumed() {
return this._inMemoryBlockOnConsumed;
set inMemoryBlockOnConsumed(value) {
this._inMemoryBlockOnConsumed = value ? parseInt(value) : 0;
if (this.inMemoryBlockOnConsumed > 0 && this.points > this.inMemoryBlockOnConsumed) {
throw new Error('inMemoryBlockOnConsumed option must be greater or equal "points" option');
get inMemoryBlockDuration() {
return this._inMemoryBlockDuration;
set inMemoryBlockDuration(value) {
this._inMemoryBlockDuration = value ? parseInt(value) : 0;
if (this.inMemoryBlockDuration > 0 && this.inMemoryBlockOnConsumed === 0) {
throw new Error("inMemoryBlockOnConsumed option must be set up");
get msInMemoryBlockDuration() {
return this._inMemoryBlockDuration * 1e3;
get insuranceLimiter() {
return this._insuranceLimiter;
set insuranceLimiter(value) {
if (typeof value !== "undefined" && !(value instanceof RateLimiterAbstract)) {
throw new Error("insuranceLimiter must be instance of RateLimiterAbstract");
this._insuranceLimiter = value;
if (this._insuranceLimiter) {
this._insuranceLimiter.blockDuration = this.blockDuration;
this._insuranceLimiter.execEvenly = this.execEvenly;
* Block any key for secDuration seconds
* @param key
* @param secDuration
* @param {Object} options
* @return Promise<RateLimiterRes>
block(key, secDuration, options = {}) {
const msDuration = secDuration * 1e3;
return this._block(this.getKey(key), this.points + 1, msDuration, options);
* Set points by key for any duration
* @param key
* @param points
* @param secDuration
* @param {Object} options
* @return Promise<RateLimiterRes>
set(key, points, secDuration, options = {}) {
const msDuration = (secDuration >= 0 ? secDuration : this.duration) * 1e3;
return this._block(this.getKey(key), points, msDuration, options);
* @param key
* @param pointsToConsume
* @param {Object} options
* @returns Promise<RateLimiterRes>
consume(key, pointsToConsume = 1, options = {}) {
return new Promise((resolve6, reject) => {
const rlKey = this.getKey(key);
const inMemoryBlockMsBeforeExpire = this.getInMemoryBlockMsBeforeExpire(rlKey);
if (inMemoryBlockMsBeforeExpire > 0) {
return reject(new RateLimiterRes(0, inMemoryBlockMsBeforeExpire));
this._upsert(rlKey, pointsToConsume, this._getKeySecDuration(options) * 1e3, false, options).then((res) => {
this._afterConsume(resolve6, reject, rlKey, pointsToConsume, res);
}).catch((err) => {
this._handleError(err, "consume", resolve6, reject, key, pointsToConsume, options);
* @param key
* @param points
* @param {Object} options
* @returns Promise<RateLimiterRes>
penalty(key, points = 1, options = {}) {
const rlKey = this.getKey(key);
return new Promise((resolve6, reject) => {
this._upsert(rlKey, points, this._getKeySecDuration(options) * 1e3, false, options).then((res) => {
resolve6(this._getRateLimiterRes(rlKey, points, res));
}).catch((err) => {
this._handleError(err, "penalty", resolve6, reject, key, points, options);
* @param key
* @param points
* @param {Object} options
* @returns Promise<RateLimiterRes>
reward(key, points = 1, options = {}) {
const rlKey = this.getKey(key);
return new Promise((resolve6, reject) => {
this._upsert(rlKey, -points, this._getKeySecDuration(options) * 1e3, false, options).then((res) => {
resolve6(this._getRateLimiterRes(rlKey, -points, res));
}).catch((err) => {
this._handleError(err, "reward", resolve6, reject, key, points, options);
* @param key
* @param {Object} options
* @returns Promise<RateLimiterRes>|null
get(key, options = {}) {
const rlKey = this.getKey(key);
return new Promise((resolve6, reject) => {
this._get(rlKey, options).then((res) => {
if (res === null || typeof res === "undefined") {
} else {
resolve6(this._getRateLimiterRes(rlKey, 0, res));
}).catch((err) => {
this._handleError(err, "get", resolve6, reject, key, options);
* @param key
* @param {Object} options
* @returns Promise<boolean>
delete(key, options = {}) {
const rlKey = this.getKey(key);
return new Promise((resolve6, reject) => {
this._delete(rlKey, options).then((res) => {
}).catch((err) => {
this._handleError(err, "delete", resolve6, reject, key, options);
* Cleanup keys no-matter expired or not.
deleteInMemoryBlockedAll() {
* Get RateLimiterRes object filled depending on storeResult, which specific for exact store
* @param rlKey
* @param changedPoints
* @param storeResult
* @private
_getRateLimiterRes(rlKey, changedPoints, storeResult) {
throw new Error("You have to implement the method '_getRateLimiterRes'!");
* Block key for this.msBlockDuration milliseconds
* Usually, it just prolongs lifetime of key
* @param rlKey
* @param initPoints
* @param msDuration
* @param {Object} options
* @return Promise<any>
_block(rlKey, initPoints, msDuration, options = {}) {
return new Promise((resolve6, reject) => {
this._upsert(rlKey, initPoints, msDuration, true, options).then(() => {
resolve6(new RateLimiterRes(0, msDuration > 0 ? msDuration : -1, initPoints));
}).catch((err) => {
this._handleError(err, "block", resolve6, reject, this.parseKey(rlKey), msDuration / 1e3, options);
* Have to be implemented in every limiter
* Resolve with raw result from Store OR null if rlKey is not set
* or Reject with error
* @param rlKey
* @param {Object} options
* @private
* @return Promise<any>
_get(rlKey, options = {}) {
throw new Error("You have to implement the method '_get'!");
* Have to be implemented
* Resolve with true OR false if rlKey doesn't exist
* or Reject with error
* @param rlKey
* @param {Object} options
* @private
* @return Promise<any>
_delete(rlKey, options = {}) {
throw new Error("You have to implement the method '_delete'!");
* Have to be implemented
* Resolve with object used for {@link _getRateLimiterRes} to generate {@link RateLimiterRes}
* @param {string} rlKey
* @param {number} points
* @param {number} msDuration
* @param {boolean} forceExpire
* @param {Object} options
* @abstract
* @return Promise<Object>
_upsert(rlKey, points, msDuration, forceExpire = false, options = {}) {
throw new Error("You have to implement the method '_upsert'!");
// node_modules/rate-limiter-flexible/lib/RateLimiterRedis.js
var require_RateLimiterRedis = __commonJS({
"node_modules/rate-limiter-flexible/lib/RateLimiterRedis.js"(exports2, module2) {
var RateLimiterStoreAbstract = require_RateLimiterStoreAbstract();
var RateLimiterRes = require_RateLimiterRes();
var incrTtlLuaScript = `'set', KEYS[1], 0, 'EX', ARGV[2], 'NX') local consumed ='incrby', KEYS[1], ARGV[1]) local ttl ='pttl', KEYS[1]) if ttl == -1 then'expire', KEYS[1], ARGV[2]) ttl = 1000 * ARGV[2] end return {consumed, ttl} `;
var RateLimiterRedis = class extends RateLimiterStoreAbstract {
* @param {Object} opts
* Defaults {
* ... see other in RateLimiterStoreAbstract
* redis: RedisClient
* rejectIfRedisNotReady: boolean = false - reject / invoke insuranceLimiter immediately when redis connection is not "ready"
* }
constructor(opts) {
if (opts.redis) {
this.client = opts.redis;
} else {
this.client = opts.storeClient;
this._rejectIfRedisNotReady = !!opts.rejectIfRedisNotReady;
if (typeof this.client.defineCommand === "function") {
this.client.defineCommand("rlflxIncr", {
numberOfKeys: 1,
lua: incrTtlLuaScript
* Prevent actual redis call if redis connection is not ready
* Because of different connection state checks for ioredis and node-redis, only this clients would be actually checked.
* For any other clients all the requests would be passed directly to redis client
* @return {boolean}
* @private
_isRedisReady() {
if (!this._rejectIfRedisNotReady) {
return true;
if (this.client.status && this.client.status !== "ready") {
return false;
if (typeof this.client.isReady === "function" && !this.client.isReady()) {
return false;
return true;
_getRateLimiterRes(rlKey, changedPoints, result) {
let [consumed, resTtlMs] = result;
if (Array.isArray(consumed)) {
[, consumed] = consumed;
[, resTtlMs] = resTtlMs;
const res = new RateLimiterRes();
res.consumedPoints = parseInt(consumed);
res.isFirstInDuration = res.consumedPoints === changedPoints;
res.remainingPoints = Math.max(this.points - res.consumedPoints, 0);
res.msBeforeNext = resTtlMs;
return res;
_upsert(rlKey, points, msDuration, forceExpire = false) {
return new Promise((resolve6, reject) => {
if (!this._isRedisReady()) {
return reject(new Error("Redis connection is not ready"));
const secDuration = Math.floor(msDuration / 1e3);
const multi = this.client.multi();
if (forceExpire) {
if (secDuration > 0) {
multi.set(rlKey, points, "EX", secDuration);
} else {
multi.set(rlKey, points);
multi.pttl(rlKey).exec((err, res) => {
if (err) {
return reject(err);
return resolve6(res);
} else {
if (secDuration > 0) {
const incrCallback = function(err, result) {
if (err) {
return reject(err);
return resolve6(result);
if (typeof this.client.rlflxIncr === "function") {
this.client.rlflxIncr(rlKey, points, secDuration, incrCallback);
} else {
this.client.eval(incrTtlLuaScript, 1, rlKey, points, secDuration, incrCallback);
} else {
multi.incrby(rlKey, points).pttl(rlKey).exec((err, res) => {
if (err) {
return reject(err);
return resolve6(res);
_get(rlKey) {
return new Promise((resolve6, reject) => {
if (!this._isRedisReady()) {
return reject(new Error("Redis connection is not ready"));
this.client.multi().get(rlKey).pttl(rlKey).exec((err, res) => {
if (err) {
} else {
const [points] = res;
if (points === null) {
return resolve6(null);
_delete(rlKey) {
return new Promise((resolve6, reject) => {
this.client.del(rlKey, (err, res) => {
if (err) {
} else {
resolve6(res > 0);
module2.exports = RateLimiterRedis;
// node_modules/rate-limiter-flexible/lib/RateLimiterMongo.js
var require_RateLimiterMongo = __commonJS({
"node_modules/rate-limiter-flexible/lib/RateLimiterMongo.js"(exports2, module2) {
var RateLimiterStoreAbstract = require_RateLimiterStoreAbstract();
var RateLimiterRes = require_RateLimiterRes();
function getDriverVersion(client) {
try {
const _client = client.client ? client.client : client;
const { version: version4 } = _client.topology.s.options.metadata.driver;
const _v = version4.split(".").map((v) => parseInt(v));
return {
major: _v[0],
feature: _v[1],
patch: _v[2]
} catch (err) {
return { major: 0, feature: 0, patch: 0 };
var RateLimiterMongo = class _RateLimiterMongo extends RateLimiterStoreAbstract {
* @param {Object} opts
* Defaults {
* indexKeyPrefix: {attr1: 1, attr2: 1}
* ... see other in RateLimiterStoreAbstract
* mongo: MongoClient
* }
constructor(opts) {
this.dbName = opts.dbName;
this.tableName = opts.tableName;
this.indexKeyPrefix = opts.indexKeyPrefix;
if (opts.mongo) {
this.client = opts.mongo;
} else {
this.client = opts.storeClient;
if (typeof this.client.then === "function") {
this.client.then((conn) => {
this.client = conn;
this._driverVersion = getDriverVersion(this.client);
} else {
this._driverVersion = getDriverVersion(this.client);
get dbName() {
return this._dbName;
set dbName(value) {
this._dbName = typeof value === "undefined" ? _RateLimiterMongo.getDbName() : value;
static getDbName() {
return "node-rate-limiter-flexible";
get tableName() {
return this._tableName;
set tableName(value) {
this._tableName = typeof value === "undefined" ? this.keyPrefix : value;
get client() {
return this._client;
set client(value) {
if (typeof value === "undefined") {
throw new Error("mongo is not set");
this._client = value;
get indexKeyPrefix() {
return this._indexKeyPrefix;
set indexKeyPrefix(obj) {
this._indexKeyPrefix = obj || {};
_initCollection() {
const db = typeof this.client.db === "function" ? this.client.db(this.dbName) : this.client;
const collection = db.collection(this.tableName);
collection.createIndex({ expire: -1 }, { expireAfterSeconds: 0 });
collection.createIndex(Object.assign({}, this.indexKeyPrefix, { key: 1 }), { unique: true });
this._collection = collection;
_getRateLimiterRes(rlKey, changedPoints, result) {
const res = new RateLimiterRes();
let doc;
if (typeof result.value === "undefined") {
doc = result;
} else {
doc = result.value;
res.isFirstInDuration = doc.points === changedPoints;
res.consumedPoints = doc.points;
res.remainingPoints = Math.max(this.points - res.consumedPoints, 0);
res.msBeforeNext = doc.expire !== null ? Math.max(new Date(doc.expire).getTime() -, 0) : -1;
return res;
_upsert(key, points, msDuration, forceExpire = false, options = {}) {
if (!this._collection) {
return Promise.reject(Error("Mongo connection is not established"));
const docAttrs = options.attrs || {};
let where;
let upsertData;
if (forceExpire) {
where = { key };
where = Object.assign(where, docAttrs);
upsertData = {
$set: {
expire: msDuration > 0 ? new Date( + msDuration) : null
upsertData.$set = Object.assign(upsertData.$set, docAttrs);
} else {
where = {
$or: [
{ expire: { $gt: /* @__PURE__ */ new Date() } },
{ expire: { $eq: null } }
where = Object.assign(where, docAttrs);
upsertData = {
$setOnInsert: {
expire: msDuration > 0 ? new Date( + msDuration) : null
$inc: { points }
upsertData.$setOnInsert = Object.assign(upsertData.$setOnInsert, docAttrs);
const upsertOptions = {
upsert: true
if (this._driverVersion.major >= 4 || (this._driverVersion.major === 3 && this._driverVersion.feature >= 7 || this._driverVersion.feature >= 6 && this._driverVersion.patch >= 7)) {
upsertOptions.returnDocument = "after";
} else {
upsertOptions.returnOriginal = false;
return new Promise((resolve6, reject) => {
).then((res) => {
}).catch((errUpsert) => {
if (errUpsert && errUpsert.code === 11e3) {
const replaceWhere = Object.assign({
// try to replace OLD limit doc
$or: [
{ expire: { $lte: /* @__PURE__ */ new Date() } },
{ expire: { $eq: null } }
}, docAttrs);
const replaceTo = {
$set: Object.assign({
expire: msDuration > 0 ? new Date( + msDuration) : null
}, docAttrs)
).then((res) => {
}).catch((errReplace) => {
if (errReplace && errReplace.code === 11e3) {
this._upsert(key, points, msDuration, forceExpire).then((res) => resolve6(res)).catch((err) => reject(err));
} else {
} else {
_get(rlKey, options = {}) {
if (!this._collection) {
return Promise.reject(Error("Mongo connection is not established"));
const docAttrs = options.attrs || {};
const where = Object.assign({
key: rlKey,
$or: [
{ expire: { $gt: /* @__PURE__ */ new Date() } },
{ expire: { $eq: null } }
}, docAttrs);
return this._collection.findOne(where);
_delete(rlKey, options = {}) {
if (!this._collection) {
return Promise.reject(Error("Mongo connection is not established"));
const docAttrs = options.attrs || {};
const where = Object.assign({ key: rlKey }, docAttrs);
return this._collection.deleteOne(where).then((res) => res.deletedCount > 0);
module2.exports = RateLimiterMongo;
// node_modules/rate-limiter-flexible/lib/RateLimiterMySQL.js
var require_RateLimiterMySQL = __commonJS({
"node_modules/rate-limiter-flexible/lib/RateLimiterMySQL.js"(exports2, module2) {
var RateLimiterStoreAbstract = require_RateLimiterStoreAbstract();
var RateLimiterRes = require_RateLimiterRes();
var RateLimiterMySQL = class extends RateLimiterStoreAbstract {
* @callback callback
* @param {Object} err
* @param {Object} opts
* @param {callback} cb
* Defaults {
* ... see other in RateLimiterStoreAbstract
* storeClient: anySqlClient,
* storeType: 'knex', // required only for Knex instance
* dbName: 'string',
* tableName: 'string',
* }
constructor(opts, cb = null) {
this.client = opts.storeClient;
this.clientType = opts.storeType;
this.dbName = opts.dbName;
this.tableName = opts.tableName;
this.clearExpiredByTimeout = opts.clearExpiredByTimeout;
this.tableCreated = opts.tableCreated;
if (!this.tableCreated) {
this._createDbAndTable().then(() => {
this.tableCreated = true;
if (this.clearExpiredByTimeout) {
if (typeof cb === "function") {
}).catch((err) => {
if (typeof cb === "function") {
} else {
throw err;
} else {
if (this.clearExpiredByTimeout) {
if (typeof cb === "function") {
clearExpired(expire) {
return new Promise((resolve6) => {
this._getConnection().then((conn) => {
conn.query(`DELETE FROM ??.?? WHERE expire < ?`, [this.dbName, this.tableName, expire], () => {
}).catch(() => {
_clearExpiredHourAgo() {
if (this._clearExpiredTimeoutId) {
this._clearExpiredTimeoutId = setTimeout(() => {
this.clearExpired( - 36e5).then(() => {
}, 3e5);
* @return Promise<any>
* @private
_getConnection() {
switch (this.clientType) {
case "pool":
return new Promise((resolve6, reject) => {
this.client.getConnection((errConn, conn) => {
if (errConn) {
return reject(errConn);
case "sequelize":
return this.client.connectionManager.getConnection();
case "knex":
return this.client.client.acquireConnection();
return Promise.resolve(this.client);
_releaseConnection(conn) {
switch (this.clientType) {
case "pool":
return conn.release();
case "sequelize":
return this.client.connectionManager.releaseConnection(conn);
case "knex":
return this.client.client.releaseConnection(conn);
return true;
* @returns {Promise<any>}
* @private
_createDbAndTable() {
return new Promise((resolve6, reject) => {
this._getConnection().then((conn) => {
conn.query(`CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS \`${this.dbName}\`;`, (errDb) => {
if (errDb) {
return reject(errDb);
conn.query(this._getCreateTableStmt(), (err) => {
if (err) {
return reject(err);
}).catch((err) => {
_getCreateTableStmt() {
return `CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS \`${this.dbName}\`.\`${this.tableName}\` (\`key\` VARCHAR(255) CHARACTER SET utf8 NOT NULL,\`points\` INT(9) NOT NULL default 0,\`expire\` BIGINT UNSIGNED,PRIMARY KEY (\`key\`)) ENGINE = INNODB;`;
get clientType() {
return this._clientType;
set clientType(value) {
if (typeof value === "undefined") {
if ( === "Connection") {
value = "connection";
} else if ( === "Pool") {
value = "pool";
} else if ( === "Sequelize") {
value = "sequelize";
} else {
throw new Error("storeType is not defined");
this._clientType = value.toLowerCase();
get dbName() {
return this._dbName;
set dbName(value) {
this._dbName = typeof value === "undefined" ? "rtlmtrflx" : value;
get tableName() {
return this._tableName;
set tableName(value) {
this._tableName = typeof value === "undefined" ? this.keyPrefix : value;
get tableCreated() {
return this._tableCreated;
set tableCreated(value) {
this._tableCreated = typeof value === "undefined" ? false : !!value;
get clearExpiredByTimeout() {
return this._clearExpiredByTimeout;
set clearExpiredByTimeout(value) {
this._clearExpiredByTimeout = typeof value === "undefined" ? true : Boolean(value);
_getRateLimiterRes(rlKey, changedPoints, result) {
const res = new RateLimiterRes();
const [row] = result;
res.isFirstInDuration = changedPoints === row.points;
res.consumedPoints = res.isFirstInDuration ? changedPoints : row.points;
res.remainingPoints = Math.max(this.points - res.consumedPoints, 0);
res.msBeforeNext = row.expire ? Math.max(row.expire -, 0) : -1;
return res;
_upsertTransaction(conn, key, points, msDuration, forceExpire) {
return new Promise((resolve6, reject) => {
conn.query("BEGIN", (errBegin) => {
if (errBegin) {
return reject(errBegin);
const dateNow =;
const newExpire = msDuration > 0 ? dateNow + msDuration : null;
let q;
let values;
if (forceExpire) {
q = `INSERT INTO ??.?? VALUES (?, ?, ?)
points = ?,
expire = ?;`;
values = [
} else {
q = `INSERT INTO ??.?? VALUES (?, ?, ?)
points = IF(expire <= ?, ?, points + (?)),
expire = IF(expire <= ?, ?, expire);`;
values = [
conn.query(q, values, (errUpsert) => {
if (errUpsert) {
return reject(errUpsert);
conn.query("SELECT points, expire FROM ??.?? WHERE `key` = ?;", [this.dbName, this.tableName, key], (errSelect, res) => {
if (errSelect) {
return reject(errSelect);
conn.query("COMMIT", (err) => {
if (err) {
return reject(err);
_upsert(key, points, msDuration, forceExpire = false) {
if (!this.tableCreated) {
return Promise.reject(Error("Table is not created yet"));
return new Promise((resolve6, reject) => {
this._getConnection().then((conn) => {
this._upsertTransaction(conn, key, points, msDuration, forceExpire).then((res) => {
}).catch((err) => {
}).catch((err) => {
_get(rlKey) {
if (!this.tableCreated) {
return Promise.reject(Error("Table is not created yet"));
return new Promise((resolve6, reject) => {
this._getConnection().then((conn) => {
"SELECT points, expire FROM ??.?? WHERE `key` = ? AND (`expire` > ? OR `expire` IS NULL)",
[this.dbName, this.tableName, rlKey,],
(err, res) => {
if (err) {
} else if (res.length === 0) {
} else {
// eslint-disable-line
}).catch((err) => {
_delete(rlKey) {
if (!this.tableCreated) {
return Promise.reject(Error("Table is not created yet"));
return new Promise((resolve6, reject) => {
this._getConnection().then((conn) => {
"DELETE FROM ??.?? WHERE `key` = ?",
[this.dbName, this.tableName, rlKey],
(err, res) => {
if (err) {
} else {
resolve6(res.affectedRows > 0);
// eslint-disable-line
}).catch((err) => {
module2.exports = RateLimiterMySQL;
// node_modules/rate-limiter-flexible/lib/RateLimiterPostgres.js
var require_RateLimiterPostgres = __commonJS({
"node_modules/rate-limiter-flexible/lib/RateLimiterPostgres.js"(exports2, module2) {
var RateLimiterStoreAbstract = require_RateLimiterStoreAbstract();
var RateLimiterRes = require_RateLimiterRes();
var RateLimiterPostgres = class extends RateLimiterStoreAbstract {
* @callback callback
* @param {Object} err
* @param {Object} opts
* @param {callback} cb
* Defaults {
* ... see other in RateLimiterStoreAbstract
* storeClient: postgresClient,
* storeType: 'knex', // required only for Knex instance
* tableName: 'string',
* }
constructor(opts, cb = null) {
this.client = opts.storeClient;
this.clientType = opts.storeType;
this.tableName = opts.tableName;
this.clearExpiredByTimeout = opts.clearExpiredByTimeout;
this.tableCreated = opts.tableCreated;
if (!this.tableCreated) {
this._createTable().then(() => {
this.tableCreated = true;
if (this.clearExpiredByTimeout) {
if (typeof cb === "function") {
}).catch((err) => {
if (typeof cb === "function") {
} else {
throw err;
} else {
if (typeof cb === "function") {
clearExpired(expire) {
return new Promise((resolve6) => {
const q = {
name: "rlflx-clear-expired",
text: `DELETE FROM ${this.tableName} WHERE expire < $1`,
values: [expire]
this._query(q).then(() => {
}).catch(() => {
* Delete all rows expired 1 hour ago once per 5 minutes
* @private
_clearExpiredHourAgo() {
if (this._clearExpiredTimeoutId) {
this._clearExpiredTimeoutId = setTimeout(() => {
this.clearExpired( - 36e5).then(() => {
}, 3e5);
* @return Promise<any>
* @private
_getConnection() {
switch (this.clientType) {
case "pool":
return Promise.resolve(this.client);
case "sequelize":
return this.client.connectionManager.getConnection();
case "knex":
return this.client.client.acquireConnection();
case "typeorm":
return Promise.resolve(this.client.driver.master);
return Promise.resolve(this.client);
_releaseConnection(conn) {
switch (this.clientType) {
case "pool":
return true;
case "sequelize":
return this.client.connectionManager.releaseConnection(conn);
case "knex":
return this.client.client.releaseConnection(conn);
case "typeorm":
return true;
return true;
* @returns {Promise<any>}
* @private
_createTable() {
return new Promise((resolve6, reject) => {
text: this._getCreateTableStmt()
}).then(() => {
}).catch((err) => {
if (err.code === "23505") {
} else {
_getCreateTableStmt() {
return `CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS ${this.tableName} (
key varchar(255) PRIMARY KEY,
points integer NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
expire bigint
get clientType() {
return this._clientType;
set clientType(value) {
const constructorName =;
if (typeof value === "undefined") {
if (constructorName === "Client") {
value = "client";
} else if (constructorName === "Pool" || constructorName === "BoundPool") {
value = "pool";
} else if (constructorName === "Sequelize") {
value = "sequelize";
} else {
throw new Error("storeType is not defined");
this._clientType = value.toLowerCase();
get tableName() {
return this._tableName;
set tableName(value) {
this._tableName = typeof value === "undefined" ? this.keyPrefix : value;
get tableCreated() {
return this._tableCreated;
set tableCreated(value) {
this._tableCreated = typeof value === "undefined" ? false : !!value;
get clearExpiredByTimeout() {
return this._clearExpiredByTimeout;
set clearExpiredByTimeout(value) {
this._clearExpiredByTimeout = typeof value === "undefined" ? true : Boolean(value);
_getRateLimiterRes(rlKey, changedPoints, result) {
const res = new RateLimiterRes();
const row = result.rows[0];
res.isFirstInDuration = changedPoints === row.points;
res.consumedPoints = res.isFirstInDuration ? changedPoints : row.points;
res.remainingPoints = Math.max(this.points - res.consumedPoints, 0);
res.msBeforeNext = row.expire ? Math.max(row.expire -, 0) : -1;
return res;
_query(q) {
const prefix = this.tableName.toLowerCase();
const queryObj = { name: `${prefix}:${}`, text: q.text, values: q.values };
return new Promise((resolve6, reject) => {
this._getConnection().then((conn) => {
conn.query(queryObj).then((res) => {
}).catch((err) => {
}).catch((err) => {
_upsert(key, points, msDuration, forceExpire = false) {
if (!this.tableCreated) {
return Promise.reject(Error("Table is not created yet"));
const newExpire = msDuration > 0 ? + msDuration : null;
const expireQ = forceExpire ? " $3 " : ` CASE
WHEN ${this.tableName}.expire <= $4 THEN $3
ELSE ${this.tableName}.expire
END `;
return this._query({
name: forceExpire ? "rlflx-upsert-force" : "rlflx-upsert",
text: `
INSERT INTO ${this.tableName} VALUES ($1, $2, $3)
points = CASE
WHEN (${this.tableName}.expire <= $4 OR 1=${forceExpire ? 1 : 0}) THEN $2
ELSE ${this.tableName}.points + ($2)
expire = ${expireQ}
RETURNING points, expire;`,
values: [key, points, newExpire,]
_get(rlKey) {
if (!this.tableCreated) {
return Promise.reject(Error("Table is not created yet"));
return new Promise((resolve6, reject) => {
name: "rlflx-get",
text: `
SELECT points, expire FROM ${this.tableName} WHERE key = $1 AND (expire > $2 OR expire IS NULL);`,
values: [rlKey,]
}).then((res) => {
if (res.rowCount === 0) {
res = null;
}).catch((err) => {
_delete(rlKey) {
if (!this.tableCreated) {
return Promise.reject(Error("Table is not created yet"));
return this._query({
name: "rlflx-delete",
text: `DELETE FROM ${this.tableName} WHERE key = $1`,
values: [rlKey]
}).then((res) => res.rowCount > 0);
module2.exports = RateLimiterPostgres;
// (disabled):cluster
var require_cluster = __commonJS({
"(disabled):cluster"() {
// node_modules/rate-limiter-flexible/lib/component/MemoryStorage/Record.js
var require_Record = __commonJS({
"node_modules/rate-limiter-flexible/lib/component/MemoryStorage/Record.js"(exports2, module2) {
module2.exports = class Record {
* @param value int
* @param expiresAt Date|int
* @param timeoutId
constructor(value, expiresAt, timeoutId = null) {
this.value = value;
this.expiresAt = expiresAt;
this.timeoutId = timeoutId;
get value() {
return this._value;
set value(value) {
this._value = parseInt(value);
get expiresAt() {
return this._expiresAt;
set expiresAt(value) {
if (!(value instanceof Date) && Number.isInteger(value)) {
value = new Date(value);
this._expiresAt = value;
get timeoutId() {
return this._timeoutId;
set timeoutId(value) {
this._timeoutId = value;
// node_modules/rate-limiter-flexible/lib/component/MemoryStorage/MemoryStorage.js
var require_MemoryStorage = __commonJS({
"node_modules/rate-limiter-flexible/lib/component/MemoryStorage/MemoryStorage.js"(exports2, module2) {
var Record3 = require_Record();
var RateLimiterRes = require_RateLimiterRes();
module2.exports = class MemoryStorage {
constructor() {
this._storage = {};
incrby(key, value, durationSec) {
if (this._storage[key]) {
const msBeforeExpires = this._storage[key].expiresAt ? this._storage[key].expiresAt.getTime() - (/* @__PURE__ */ new Date()).getTime() : -1;
if (msBeforeExpires !== 0) {
this._storage[key].value = this._storage[key].value + value;
return new RateLimiterRes(0, msBeforeExpires, this._storage[key].value, false);
return this.set(key, value, durationSec);
return this.set(key, value, durationSec);
set(key, value, durationSec) {
const durationMs = durationSec * 1e3;
if (this._storage[key] && this._storage[key].timeoutId) {
this._storage[key] = new Record3(
durationMs > 0 ? new Date( + durationMs) : null
if (durationMs > 0) {
this._storage[key].timeoutId = setTimeout(() => {
delete this._storage[key];
}, durationMs);
if (this._storage[key].timeoutId.unref) {
return new RateLimiterRes(0, durationMs === 0 ? -1 : durationMs, this._storage[key].value, true);
* @param key
* @returns {*}
get(key) {
if (this._storage[key]) {
const msBeforeExpires = this._storage[key].expiresAt ? this._storage[key].expiresAt.getTime() - (/* @__PURE__ */ new Date()).getTime() : -1;
return new RateLimiterRes(0, msBeforeExpires, this._storage[key].value, false);
return null;
* @param key
* @returns {boolean}
delete(key) {
if (this._storage[key]) {
if (this._storage[key].timeoutId) {
delete this._storage[key];
return true;
return false;
// node_modules/rate-limiter-flexible/lib/RateLimiterMemory.js
var require_RateLimiterMemory = __commonJS({
"node_modules/rate-limiter-flexible/lib/RateLimiterMemory.js"(exports2, module2) {
var RateLimiterAbstract = require_RateLimiterAbstract();
var MemoryStorage = require_MemoryStorage();
var RateLimiterRes = require_RateLimiterRes();
var RateLimiterMemory3 = class extends RateLimiterAbstract {
constructor(opts = {}) {
this._memoryStorage = new MemoryStorage();
* @param key
* @param pointsToConsume
* @param {Object} options
* @returns {Promise<RateLimiterRes>}
consume(key, pointsToConsume = 1, options = {}) {
return new Promise((resolve6, reject) => {
const rlKey = this.getKey(key);
const secDuration = this._getKeySecDuration(options);
let res = this._memoryStorage.incrby(rlKey, pointsToConsume, secDuration);
res.remainingPoints = Math.max(this.points - res.consumedPoints, 0);
if (res.consumedPoints > this.points) {
if (this.blockDuration > 0 && res.consumedPoints <= this.points + pointsToConsume) {
res = this._memoryStorage.set(rlKey, res.consumedPoints, this.blockDuration);
} else if (this.execEvenly && res.msBeforeNext > 0 && !res.isFirstInDuration) {
let delay = Math.ceil(res.msBeforeNext / (res.remainingPoints + 2));
if (delay < this.execEvenlyMinDelayMs) {
delay = res.consumedPoints * this.execEvenlyMinDelayMs;
setTimeout(resolve6, delay, res);
} else {
penalty(key, points = 1, options = {}) {
const rlKey = this.getKey(key);
return new Promise((resolve6) => {
const secDuration = this._getKeySecDuration(options);
const res = this._memoryStorage.incrby(rlKey, points, secDuration);
res.remainingPoints = Math.max(this.points - res.consumedPoints, 0);
reward(key, points = 1, options = {}) {
const rlKey = this.getKey(key);
return new Promise((resolve6) => {
const secDuration = this._getKeySecDuration(options);
const res = this._memoryStorage.incrby(rlKey, -points, secDuration);
res.remainingPoints = Math.max(this.points - res.consumedPoints, 0);
* Block any key for secDuration seconds
* @param key
* @param secDuration
block(key, secDuration) {
const msDuration = secDuration * 1e3;
const initPoints = this.points + 1;
this._memoryStorage.set(this.getKey(key), initPoints, secDuration);
return Promise.resolve(
new RateLimiterRes(0, msDuration === 0 ? -1 : msDuration, initPoints)
set(key, points, secDuration) {
const msDuration = (secDuration >= 0 ? secDuration : this.duration) * 1e3;
this._memoryStorage.set(this.getKey(key), points, secDuration);
return Promise.resolve(
new RateLimiterRes(0, msDuration === 0 ? -1 : msDuration, points)
get(key) {
const res = this._memoryStorage.get(this.getKey(key));
if (res !== null) {
res.remainingPoints = Math.max(this.points - res.consumedPoints, 0);
return Promise.resolve(res);
delete(key) {
return Promise.resolve(this._memoryStorage.delete(this.getKey(key)));
module2.exports = RateLimiterMemory3;
// node_modules/rate-limiter-flexible/lib/RateLimiterCluster.js
var require_RateLimiterCluster = __commonJS({
"node_modules/rate-limiter-flexible/lib/RateLimiterCluster.js"(exports2, module2) {
var cluster = require_cluster();
var crypto5 = require_crypto();
var RateLimiterAbstract = require_RateLimiterAbstract();
var RateLimiterMemory3 = require_RateLimiterMemory();
var RateLimiterRes = require_RateLimiterRes();
var channel = "rate_limiter_flexible";
var masterInstance = null;
var masterSendToWorker = function(worker, msg, type, res) {
let data;
if (res === null || res === true || res === false) {
data = res;
} else {
data = {
remainingPoints: res.remainingPoints,
msBeforeNext: res.msBeforeNext,
consumedPoints: res.consumedPoints,
isFirstInDuration: res.isFirstInDuration
keyPrefix: msg.keyPrefix,
// which rate limiter exactly
promiseId: msg.promiseId,
var workerWaitInit = function(payload) {
setTimeout(() => {
if (this._initiated) {
} else if (typeof this._promises[payload.promiseId] !== "undefined") {, payload);
}, 30);
var workerSendToMaster = function(func, promiseId, key, arg, opts) {
const payload = {
keyPrefix: this.keyPrefix,
data: {
if (!this._initiated) {, payload);
} else {
var masterProcessMsg = function(worker, msg) {
if (!msg || !== channel || typeof this._rateLimiters[msg.keyPrefix] === "undefined") {
return false;
let promise;
switch (msg.func) {
case "consume":
promise = this._rateLimiters[msg.keyPrefix].consume(,,;
case "penalty":
promise = this._rateLimiters[msg.keyPrefix].penalty(,,;
case "reward":
promise = this._rateLimiters[msg.keyPrefix].reward(,,;
case "block":
promise = this._rateLimiters[msg.keyPrefix].block(,,;
case "get":
promise = this._rateLimiters[msg.keyPrefix].get(,;
case "delete":
promise = this._rateLimiters[msg.keyPrefix].delete(,;
return false;
if (promise) {
promise.then((res) => {
masterSendToWorker(worker, msg, "resolve", res);
}).catch((rejRes) => {
masterSendToWorker(worker, msg, "reject", rejRes);
var workerProcessMsg = function(msg) {
if (!msg || !== channel || msg.keyPrefix !== this.keyPrefix) {
return false;
if (this._promises[msg.promiseId]) {
let res;
if ( === null || === true || === false) {
res =;
} else {
res = new RateLimiterRes(,,,
// eslint-disable-line comma-dangle
switch (msg.type) {
case "resolve":
case "reject":
throw new Error(`RateLimiterCluster: no such message type '${msg.type}'`);
delete this._promises[msg.promiseId];
var getOpts = function() {
return {
points: this.points,
duration: this.duration,
blockDuration: this.blockDuration,
execEvenly: this.execEvenly,
execEvenlyMinDelayMs: this.execEvenlyMinDelayMs,
keyPrefix: this.keyPrefix
var savePromise = function(resolve6, reject) {
const hrtime = process.hrtime();
let promiseId = hrtime[0].toString() + hrtime[1].toString();
if (typeof this._promises[promiseId] !== "undefined") {
promiseId += crypto5.randomBytes(12).toString("base64");
this._promises[promiseId] = {
resolve: resolve6,
timeoutId: setTimeout(() => {
delete this._promises[promiseId];
reject(new Error("RateLimiterCluster timeout: no answer from master in time"));
}, this.timeoutMs)
return promiseId;
var RateLimiterClusterMaster = class {
constructor() {
if (masterInstance) {
return masterInstance;
this._rateLimiters = {};
cluster.on("message", (worker, msg) => {
if (msg && === channel && msg.type === "init") {
if (typeof this._rateLimiters[msg.opts.keyPrefix] === "undefined") {
this._rateLimiters[msg.opts.keyPrefix] = new RateLimiterMemory3(msg.opts);
type: "init",
keyPrefix: msg.opts.keyPrefix
} else {, worker, msg);
masterInstance = this;
var RateLimiterClusterMasterPM2 = class {
constructor(pm2) {
if (masterInstance) {
return masterInstance;
this._rateLimiters = {};
pm2.launchBus((err, pm2Bus) => {
pm2Bus.on("process:msg", (packet) => {
const msg = packet.raw;
if (msg && === channel && msg.type === "init") {
if (typeof this._rateLimiters[msg.opts.keyPrefix] === "undefined") {
this._rateLimiters[msg.opts.keyPrefix] = new RateLimiterMemory3(msg.opts);
pm2.sendDataToProcessId(packet.process.pm_id, {
data: {},
topic: channel,
type: "init",
keyPrefix: msg.opts.keyPrefix
}, (sendErr, res) => {
if (sendErr) {
console.log(sendErr, res);
} else {
const worker = {
send: (msgData) => {
const pm2Message = msgData;
pm2Message.topic = channel;
if (typeof === "undefined") { = {};
pm2.sendDataToProcessId(packet.process.pm_id, pm2Message, (sendErr, res) => {
if (sendErr) {
console.log(sendErr, res);
};, worker, msg);
masterInstance = this;
var RateLimiterClusterWorker = class extends RateLimiterAbstract {
get timeoutMs() {
return this._timeoutMs;
set timeoutMs(value) {
this._timeoutMs = typeof value === "undefined" ? 5e3 : Math.abs(parseInt(value));
constructor(opts = {}) {
this.timeoutMs = opts.timeoutMs;
this._initiated = false;
process.on("message", (msg) => {
if (msg && === channel && msg.type === "init" && msg.keyPrefix === this.keyPrefix) {
this._initiated = true;
} else {, msg);
type: "init",
this._promises = {};
consume(key, pointsToConsume = 1, options = {}) {
return new Promise((resolve6, reject) => {
const promiseId =, resolve6, reject);, "consume", promiseId, key, pointsToConsume, options);
penalty(key, points = 1, options = {}) {
return new Promise((resolve6, reject) => {
const promiseId =, resolve6, reject);, "penalty", promiseId, key, points, options);
reward(key, points = 1, options = {}) {
return new Promise((resolve6, reject) => {
const promiseId =, resolve6, reject);, "reward", promiseId, key, points, options);
block(key, secDuration, options = {}) {
return new Promise((resolve6, reject) => {
const promiseId =, resolve6, reject);, "block", promiseId, key, secDuration, options);
get(key, options = {}) {
return new Promise((resolve6, reject) => {
const promiseId =, resolve6, reject);, "get", promiseId, key, options);
delete(key, options = {}) {
return new Promise((resolve6, reject) => {
const promiseId =, resolve6, reject);, "delete", promiseId, key, options);
module2.exports = {
RateLimiterCluster: RateLimiterClusterWorker
// node_modules/rate-limiter-flexible/lib/RateLimiterMemcache.js
var require_RateLimiterMemcache = __commonJS({
"node_modules/rate-limiter-flexible/lib/RateLimiterMemcache.js"(exports2, module2) {
var RateLimiterStoreAbstract = require_RateLimiterStoreAbstract();
var RateLimiterRes = require_RateLimiterRes();
var RateLimiterMemcache = class extends RateLimiterStoreAbstract {
* @param {Object} opts
* Defaults {
* ... see other in RateLimiterStoreAbstract
* storeClient: memcacheClient
* }
constructor(opts) {
this.client = opts.storeClient;
_getRateLimiterRes(rlKey, changedPoints, result) {
const res = new RateLimiterRes();
res.consumedPoints = parseInt(result.consumedPoints);
res.isFirstInDuration = result.consumedPoints === changedPoints;
res.remainingPoints = Math.max(this.points - res.consumedPoints, 0);
res.msBeforeNext = result.msBeforeNext;
return res;
_upsert(rlKey, points, msDuration, forceExpire = false, options = {}) {
return new Promise((resolve6, reject) => {
const nowMs =;
const secDuration = Math.floor(msDuration / 1e3);
if (forceExpire) {
this.client.set(rlKey, points, secDuration, (err) => {
if (!err) {
secDuration > 0 ? nowMs + secDuration * 1e3 : -1,
() => {
const res = {
consumedPoints: points,
msBeforeNext: secDuration > 0 ? secDuration * 1e3 : -1
} else {
} else {
this.client.incr(rlKey, points, (err, consumedPoints) => {
if (err || consumedPoints === false) {
this.client.add(rlKey, points, secDuration, (errAddKey, createdNew) => {
if (errAddKey || !createdNew) {
if (typeof options.attemptNumber === "undefined" || options.attemptNumber < 3) {
const nextOptions = Object.assign({}, options);
nextOptions.attemptNumber = nextOptions.attemptNumber ? nextOptions.attemptNumber + 1 : 1;
this._upsert(rlKey, points, msDuration, forceExpire, nextOptions).then((resUpsert) => resolve6(resUpsert)).catch((errUpsert) => reject(errUpsert));
} else {
reject(new Error("Can not add key"));
} else {
secDuration > 0 ? nowMs + secDuration * 1e3 : -1,
() => {
const res = {
consumedPoints: points,
msBeforeNext: secDuration > 0 ? secDuration * 1e3 : -1
} else {
this.client.get(`${rlKey}_expire`, (errGetExpire, resGetExpireMs) => {
if (errGetExpire) {
} else {
const expireMs = resGetExpireMs === false ? 0 : resGetExpireMs;
const res = {
msBeforeNext: expireMs >= 0 ? Math.max(expireMs - nowMs, 0) : -1
_get(rlKey) {
return new Promise((resolve6, reject) => {
const nowMs =;
this.client.get(rlKey, (err, consumedPoints) => {
if (!consumedPoints) {
} else {
this.client.get(`${rlKey}_expire`, (errGetExpire, resGetExpireMs) => {
if (errGetExpire) {
} else {
const expireMs = resGetExpireMs === false ? 0 : resGetExpireMs;
const res = {
msBeforeNext: expireMs >= 0 ? Math.max(expireMs - nowMs, 0) : -1
_delete(rlKey) {
return new Promise((resolve6, reject) => {
this.client.del(rlKey, (err, res) => {
if (err) {
} else if (res === false) {
} else {
this.client.del(`${rlKey}_expire`, (errDelExpire) => {
if (errDelExpire) {
} else {
module2.exports = RateLimiterMemcache;
// node_modules/rate-limiter-flexible/lib/RLWrapperBlackAndWhite.js
var require_RLWrapperBlackAndWhite = __commonJS({
"node_modules/rate-limiter-flexible/lib/RLWrapperBlackAndWhite.js"(exports2, module2) {
var RateLimiterRes = require_RateLimiterRes();
module2.exports = class RLWrapperBlackAndWhite {
constructor(opts = {}) {
this.limiter = opts.limiter;
this.blackList = opts.blackList;
this.whiteList = opts.whiteList;
this.isBlackListed = opts.isBlackListed;
this.isWhiteListed = opts.isWhiteListed;
this.runActionAnyway = opts.runActionAnyway;
get limiter() {
return this._limiter;
set limiter(value) {
if (typeof value === "undefined") {
throw new Error("limiter is not set");
this._limiter = value;
get runActionAnyway() {
return this._runActionAnyway;
set runActionAnyway(value) {
this._runActionAnyway = typeof value === "undefined" ? false : value;
get blackList() {
return this._blackList;
set blackList(value) {
this._blackList = Array.isArray(value) ? value : [];
get isBlackListed() {
return this._isBlackListed;
set isBlackListed(func) {
if (typeof func === "undefined") {
func = () => false;
if (typeof func !== "function") {
throw new Error("isBlackListed must be function");
this._isBlackListed = func;
get whiteList() {
return this._whiteList;
set whiteList(value) {
this._whiteList = Array.isArray(value) ? value : [];
get isWhiteListed() {
return this._isWhiteListed;
set isWhiteListed(func) {
if (typeof func === "undefined") {
func = () => false;
if (typeof func !== "function") {
throw new Error("isWhiteListed must be function");
this._isWhiteListed = func;
isBlackListedSomewhere(key) {
return this.blackList.indexOf(key) >= 0 || this.isBlackListed(key);
isWhiteListedSomewhere(key) {
return this.whiteList.indexOf(key) >= 0 || this.isWhiteListed(key);
getBlackRes() {
return new RateLimiterRes(0, Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER, 0, false);
getWhiteRes() {
return new RateLimiterRes(Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER, 0, 0, false);
rejectBlack() {
return Promise.reject(this.getBlackRes());
resolveBlack() {
return Promise.resolve(this.getBlackRes());
resolveWhite() {
return Promise.resolve(this.getWhiteRes());
consume(key, pointsToConsume = 1) {
let res;
if (this.isWhiteListedSomewhere(key)) {
res = this.resolveWhite();
} else if (this.isBlackListedSomewhere(key)) {
res = this.rejectBlack();
if (typeof res === "undefined") {
return this.limiter.consume(key, pointsToConsume);
if (this.runActionAnyway) {
this.limiter.consume(key, pointsToConsume).catch(() => {
return res;
block(key, secDuration) {
let res;
if (this.isWhiteListedSomewhere(key)) {
res = this.resolveWhite();
} else if (this.isBlackListedSomewhere(key)) {
res = this.resolveBlack();
if (typeof res === "undefined") {
return this.limiter.block(key, secDuration);
if (this.runActionAnyway) {
this.limiter.block(key, secDuration).catch(() => {
return res;
penalty(key, points) {
let res;
if (this.isWhiteListedSomewhere(key)) {
res = this.resolveWhite();
} else if (this.isBlackListedSomewhere(key)) {
res = this.resolveBlack();
if (typeof res === "undefined") {
return this.limiter.penalty(key, points);
if (this.runActionAnyway) {
this.limiter.penalty(key, points).catch(() => {
return res;
reward(key, points) {
let res;
if (this.isWhiteListedSomewhere(key)) {
res = this.resolveWhite();
} else if (this.isBlackListedSomewhere(key)) {
res = this.resolveBlack();
if (typeof res === "undefined") {
return this.limiter.reward(key, points);
if (this.runActionAnyway) {
this.limiter.reward(key, points).catch(() => {
return res;
get(key) {
let res;
if (this.isWhiteListedSomewhere(key)) {
res = this.resolveWhite();
} else if (this.isBlackListedSomewhere(key)) {
res = this.resolveBlack();
if (typeof res === "undefined" || this.runActionAnyway) {
return this.limiter.get(key);
return res;
delete(key) {
return this.limiter.delete(key);
// node_modules/rate-limiter-flexible/lib/RateLimiterUnion.js
var require_RateLimiterUnion = __commonJS({
"node_modules/rate-limiter-flexible/lib/RateLimiterUnion.js"(exports2, module2) {
var RateLimiterAbstract = require_RateLimiterAbstract();
module2.exports = class RateLimiterUnion {
constructor(...limiters) {
if (limiters.length < 1) {
throw new Error("RateLimiterUnion: at least one limiter have to be passed");
limiters.forEach((limiter) => {
if (!(limiter instanceof RateLimiterAbstract)) {
throw new Error("RateLimiterUnion: all limiters have to be instance of RateLimiterAbstract");
this._limiters = limiters;
consume(key, points = 1) {
return new Promise((resolve6, reject) => {
const promises = [];
this._limiters.forEach((limiter) => {
promises.push(limiter.consume(key, points).catch((rej) => ({ rejected: true, rej })));
Promise.all(promises).then((res) => {
const resObj = {};
let rejected = false;
res.forEach((item) => {
if (item.rejected === true) {
rejected = true;
for (let i = 0; i < res.length; i++) {
if (rejected && res[i].rejected === true) {
resObj[this._limiters[i].keyPrefix] = res[i].rej;
} else if (!rejected) {
resObj[this._limiters[i].keyPrefix] = res[i];
if (rejected) {
} else {
// node_modules/rate-limiter-flexible/lib/component/RateLimiterQueueError.js
var require_RateLimiterQueueError = __commonJS({
"node_modules/rate-limiter-flexible/lib/component/RateLimiterQueueError.js"(exports2, module2) {
module2.exports = class RateLimiterQueueError extends Error {
constructor(message2, extra) {
if (Error.captureStackTrace) {
Error.captureStackTrace(this, this.constructor);
} = "CustomError";
this.message = message2;
if (extra) {
this.extra = extra;
// node_modules/rate-limiter-flexible/lib/RateLimiterQueue.js
var require_RateLimiterQueue = __commonJS({
"node_modules/rate-limiter-flexible/lib/RateLimiterQueue.js"(exports2, module2) {
var RateLimiterQueueError = require_RateLimiterQueueError();
var MAX_QUEUE_SIZE = 4294967295;
var KEY_DEFAULT = "limiter";
module2.exports = class RateLimiterQueue {
constructor(limiterFlexible, opts = {
maxQueueSize: MAX_QUEUE_SIZE
}) {
this._queueLimiters = {
KEY_DEFAULT: new RateLimiterQueueInternal(limiterFlexible, opts)
this._limiterFlexible = limiterFlexible;
this._maxQueueSize = opts.maxQueueSize;
getTokensRemaining(key = KEY_DEFAULT) {
if (this._queueLimiters[key]) {
return this._queueLimiters[key].getTokensRemaining();
} else {
return Promise.resolve(this._limiterFlexible.points);
removeTokens(tokens, key = KEY_DEFAULT) {
if (!this._queueLimiters[key]) {
this._queueLimiters[key] = new RateLimiterQueueInternal(
maxQueueSize: this._maxQueueSize
return this._queueLimiters[key].removeTokens(tokens);
var RateLimiterQueueInternal = class {
constructor(limiterFlexible, opts = {
maxQueueSize: MAX_QUEUE_SIZE,
}) {
this._key = opts.key;
this._waitTimeout = null;
this._queue = [];
this._limiterFlexible = limiterFlexible;
this._maxQueueSize = opts.maxQueueSize;
getTokensRemaining() {
return this._limiterFlexible.get(this._key).then((rlRes) => {
return rlRes !== null ? rlRes.remainingPoints : this._limiterFlexible.points;
removeTokens(tokens) {
const _this = this;
return new Promise((resolve6, reject) => {
if (tokens > _this._limiterFlexible.points) {
reject(new RateLimiterQueueError(`Requested tokens ${tokens} exceeds maximum ${_this._limiterFlexible.points} tokens per interval`));
if (_this._queue.length > 0) {, resolve6, reject, tokens);
} else {
_this._limiterFlexible.consume(_this._key, tokens).then((res) => {
}).catch((rej) => {
if (rej instanceof Error) {
} else {, resolve6, reject, tokens);
if (_this._waitTimeout === null) {
_this._waitTimeout = setTimeout(_this._processFIFO.bind(_this), rej.msBeforeNext);
_queueRequest(resolve6, reject, tokens) {
const _this = this;
if (_this._queue.length < _this._maxQueueSize) {
_this._queue.push({ resolve: resolve6, reject, tokens });
} else {
reject(new RateLimiterQueueError(`Number of requests reached it's maximum ${_this._maxQueueSize}`));
_processFIFO() {
const _this = this;
if (_this._waitTimeout !== null) {
_this._waitTimeout = null;
if (_this._queue.length === 0) {
const item = _this._queue.shift();
_this._limiterFlexible.consume(_this._key, item.tokens).then((res) => {
}).catch((rej) => {
if (rej instanceof Error) {
} else {
if (_this._waitTimeout === null) {
_this._waitTimeout = setTimeout(_this._processFIFO.bind(_this), rej.msBeforeNext);
// node_modules/rate-limiter-flexible/lib/BurstyRateLimiter.js
var require_BurstyRateLimiter = __commonJS({
"node_modules/rate-limiter-flexible/lib/BurstyRateLimiter.js"(exports2, module2) {
var RateLimiterRes = require_RateLimiterRes();
module2.exports = class BurstyRateLimiter {
constructor(rateLimiter, burstLimiter) {
this._rateLimiter = rateLimiter;
this._burstLimiter = burstLimiter;
* Merge rate limiter response objects. Responses can be null
* @param {RateLimiterRes} [rlRes] Rate limiter response
* @param {RateLimiterRes} [blRes] Bursty limiter response
_combineRes(rlRes, blRes) {
if (!rlRes) {
return null;
return new RateLimiterRes(
Math.min(rlRes.msBeforeNext, blRes ? blRes.msBeforeNext : 0),
* @param key
* @param pointsToConsume
* @param options
* @returns {Promise<any>}
consume(key, pointsToConsume = 1, options = {}) {
return this._rateLimiter.consume(key, pointsToConsume, options).catch((rlRej) => {
if (rlRej instanceof RateLimiterRes) {
return this._burstLimiter.consume(key, pointsToConsume, options).then((blRes) => {
return Promise.resolve(this._combineRes(rlRej, blRes));
(blRej) => {
if (blRej instanceof RateLimiterRes) {
return Promise.reject(this._combineRes(rlRej, blRej));
} else {
return Promise.reject(blRej);
} else {
return Promise.reject(rlRej);
* It doesn't expose available points from burstLimiter
* @param key
* @returns {Promise<RateLimiterRes>}
get(key) {
return Promise.all([
]).then(([rlRes, blRes]) => {
return this._combineRes(rlRes, blRes);
get points() {
return this._rateLimiter.points;
// node_modules/rate-limiter-flexible/index.js
var require_rate_limiter_flexible = __commonJS({
"node_modules/rate-limiter-flexible/index.js"(exports2, module2) {
var RateLimiterRedis = require_RateLimiterRedis();
var RateLimiterMongo = require_RateLimiterMongo();
var RateLimiterMySQL = require_RateLimiterMySQL();
var RateLimiterPostgres = require_RateLimiterPostgres();
var { RateLimiterClusterMaster, RateLimiterClusterMasterPM2, RateLimiterCluster } = require_RateLimiterCluster();
var RateLimiterMemory3 = require_RateLimiterMemory();
var RateLimiterMemcache = require_RateLimiterMemcache();
var RLWrapperBlackAndWhite = require_RLWrapperBlackAndWhite();
var RateLimiterUnion = require_RateLimiterUnion();
var RateLimiterQueue = require_RateLimiterQueue();
var BurstyRateLimiter = require_BurstyRateLimiter();
var RateLimiterRes = require_RateLimiterRes();
module2.exports = {
RateLimiterMemory: RateLimiterMemory3,
// node_modules/protobufjs/src/util/longbits.js
var require_longbits2 = __commonJS({
"node_modules/protobufjs/src/util/longbits.js"(exports2, module2) {
"use strict";
module2.exports = LongBits2;
var util2 = require_minimal2();
function LongBits2(lo, hi) {
this.lo = lo >>> 0;
this.hi = hi >>> 0;
var zero = = new LongBits2(0, 0);
zero.toNumber = function() {
return 0;
zero.zzEncode = zero.zzDecode = function() {
return this;
zero.length = function() {
return 1;
var zeroHash = LongBits2.zeroHash = "\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0";
LongBits2.fromNumber = function fromNumber(value) {
if (value === 0)
return zero;
var sign4 = value < 0;
if (sign4)
value = -value;
var lo = value >>> 0, hi = (value - lo) / 4294967296 >>> 0;
if (sign4) {
hi = ~hi >>> 0;
lo = ~lo >>> 0;
if (++lo > 4294967295) {
lo = 0;
if (++hi > 4294967295)
hi = 0;
return new LongBits2(lo, hi);
LongBits2.from = function from17(value) {
if (typeof value === "number")
return LongBits2.fromNumber(value);
if (util2.isString(value)) {
if (util2.Long)
value = util2.Long.fromString(value);
return LongBits2.fromNumber(parseInt(value, 10));
return value.low || value.high ? new LongBits2(value.low >>> 0, value.high >>> 0) : zero;
LongBits2.prototype.toNumber = function toNumber(unsigned2) {
if (!unsigned2 && this.hi >>> 31) {
var lo = ~this.lo + 1 >>> 0, hi = ~this.hi >>> 0;
if (!lo)
hi = hi + 1 >>> 0;
return -(lo + hi * 4294967296);
return this.lo + this.hi * 4294967296;
LongBits2.prototype.toLong = function toLong(unsigned2) {
return util2.Long ? new util2.Long(this.lo | 0, this.hi | 0, Boolean(unsigned2)) : { low: this.lo | 0, high: this.hi | 0, unsigned: Boolean(unsigned2) };
var charCodeAt = String.prototype.charCodeAt;
LongBits2.fromHash = function fromHash(hash3) {
if (hash3 === zeroHash)
return zero;
return new LongBits2(
(, 0) |, 1) << 8 |, 2) << 16 |, 3) << 24) >>> 0,
(, 4) |, 5) << 8 |, 6) << 16 |, 7) << 24) >>> 0
LongBits2.prototype.toHash = function toHash() {
return String.fromCharCode(
this.lo & 255,
this.lo >>> 8 & 255,
this.lo >>> 16 & 255,
this.lo >>> 24,
this.hi & 255,
this.hi >>> 8 & 255,
this.hi >>> 16 & 255,
this.hi >>> 24
LongBits2.prototype.zzEncode = function zzEncode() {
var mask = this.hi >> 31;
this.hi = ((this.hi << 1 | this.lo >>> 31) ^ mask) >>> 0;
this.lo = (this.lo << 1 ^ mask) >>> 0;
return this;
LongBits2.prototype.zzDecode = function zzDecode() {
var mask = -(this.lo & 1);
this.lo = ((this.lo >>> 1 | this.hi << 31) ^ mask) >>> 0;
this.hi = (this.hi >>> 1 ^ mask) >>> 0;
return this;
LongBits2.prototype.length = function length11() {
var part0 = this.lo, part1 = (this.lo >>> 28 | this.hi << 4) >>> 0, part2 = this.hi >>> 24;
return part2 === 0 ? part1 === 0 ? part0 < 16384 ? part0 < 128 ? 1 : 2 : part0 < 2097152 ? 3 : 4 : part1 < 16384 ? part1 < 128 ? 5 : 6 : part1 < 2097152 ? 7 : 8 : part2 < 128 ? 9 : 10;
// node_modules/protobufjs/src/util/minimal.js
var require_minimal2 = __commonJS({
"node_modules/protobufjs/src/util/minimal.js"(exports2) {
"use strict";
var util2 = exports2;
util2.asPromise = require_aspromise();
util2.base64 = require_base64();
util2.EventEmitter = require_eventemitter();
util2.float = require_float();
util2.inquire = require_inquire();
util2.utf8 = require_utf8();
util2.pool = require_pool();
util2.LongBits = require_longbits2();
util2.isNode = Boolean(typeof globalThis !== "undefined" && globalThis && globalThis.process && globalThis.process.versions && globalThis.process.versions.node); = util2.isNode && globalThis || typeof window !== "undefined" && window || typeof self !== "undefined" && self || exports2;
util2.emptyArray = Object.freeze ? Object.freeze([]) : (
/* istanbul ignore next */
util2.emptyObject = Object.freeze ? Object.freeze({}) : (
/* istanbul ignore next */
util2.isInteger = Number.isInteger || /* istanbul ignore next */
function isInteger(value) {
return typeof value === "number" && isFinite(value) && Math.floor(value) === value;
util2.isString = function isString(value) {
return typeof value === "string" || value instanceof String;
util2.isObject = function isObject(value) {
return value && typeof value === "object";
util2.isset = /**
* Checks if a property on a message is considered to be present.
* @param {Object} obj Plain object or message instance
* @param {string} prop Property name
* @returns {boolean} `true` if considered to be present, otherwise `false`
util2.isSet = function isSet(obj, prop) {
var value = obj[prop];
if (value != null && obj.hasOwnProperty(prop))
return typeof value !== "object" || (Array.isArray(value) ? value.length : Object.keys(value).length) > 0;
return false;
util2.Buffer = function() {
try {
var Buffer2 = util2.inquire("buffer").Buffer;
return Buffer2.prototype.utf8Write ? Buffer2 : (
/* istanbul ignore next */
} catch (e) {
return null;
util2._Buffer_from = null;
util2._Buffer_allocUnsafe = null;
util2.newBuffer = function newBuffer(sizeOrArray) {
return typeof sizeOrArray === "number" ? util2.Buffer ? util2._Buffer_allocUnsafe(sizeOrArray) : new util2.Array(sizeOrArray) : util2.Buffer ? util2._Buffer_from(sizeOrArray) : typeof Uint8Array === "undefined" ? sizeOrArray : new Uint8Array(sizeOrArray);
util2.Array = typeof Uint8Array !== "undefined" ? Uint8Array : Array;
util2.Long = /* istanbul ignore next */ && /* istanbul ignore next */ || /* istanbul ignore next */ || util2.inquire("long");
util2.key2Re = /^true|false|0|1$/;
util2.key32Re = /^-?(?:0|[1-9][0-9]*)$/;
util2.key64Re = /^(?:[\\x00-\\xff]{8}|-?(?:0|[1-9][0-9]*))$/;
util2.longToHash = function longToHash(value) {
return value ? util2.LongBits.from(value).toHash() : util2.LongBits.zeroHash;
util2.longFromHash = function longFromHash(hash3, unsigned2) {
var bits2 = util2.LongBits.fromHash(hash3);
if (util2.Long)
return util2.Long.fromBits(bits2.lo, bits2.hi, unsigned2);
return bits2.toNumber(Boolean(unsigned2));
function merge2(dst, src11, ifNotSet) {
for (var keys = Object.keys(src11), i = 0; i < keys.length; ++i)
if (dst[keys[i]] === void 0 || !ifNotSet)
dst[keys[i]] = src11[keys[i]];
return dst;
util2.merge = merge2;
util2.lcFirst = function lcFirst(str) {
return str.charAt(0).toLowerCase() + str.substring(1);
function newError(name8) {
function CustomError(message2, properties) {
if (!(this instanceof CustomError))
return new CustomError(message2, properties);
Object.defineProperty(this, "message", { get: function() {
return message2;
} });
if (Error.captureStackTrace)
Error.captureStackTrace(this, CustomError);
Object.defineProperty(this, "stack", { value: new Error().stack || "" });
if (properties)
merge2(this, properties);
(CustomError.prototype = Object.create(Error.prototype)).constructor = CustomError;
Object.defineProperty(CustomError.prototype, "name", { get: function() {
return name8;
} });
CustomError.prototype.toString = function toString11() {
return + ": " + this.message;
return CustomError;
util2.newError = newError;
util2.ProtocolError = newError("ProtocolError");
util2.oneOfGetter = function getOneOf(fieldNames) {
var fieldMap = {};
for (var i = 0; i < fieldNames.length; ++i)
fieldMap[fieldNames[i]] = 1;
return function() {
for (var keys = Object.keys(this), i2 = keys.length - 1; i2 > -1; --i2)
if (fieldMap[keys[i2]] === 1 && this[keys[i2]] !== void 0 && this[keys[i2]] !== null)
return keys[i2];
util2.oneOfSetter = function setOneOf(fieldNames) {
return function(name8) {
for (var i = 0; i < fieldNames.length; ++i)
if (fieldNames[i] !== name8)
delete this[fieldNames[i]];
util2.toJSONOptions = {
longs: String,
enums: String,
bytes: String,
json: true
util2._configure = function() {
var Buffer2 = util2.Buffer;
if (!Buffer2) {
util2._Buffer_from = util2._Buffer_allocUnsafe = null;
util2._Buffer_from = Buffer2.from !== Uint8Array.from && Buffer2.from || /* istanbul ignore next */
function Buffer_from(value, encoding) {
return new Buffer2(value, encoding);
util2._Buffer_allocUnsafe = Buffer2.allocUnsafe || /* istanbul ignore next */
function Buffer_allocUnsafe(size) {
return new Buffer2(size);
// node_modules/protobufjs/src/writer.js
var require_writer2 = __commonJS({
"node_modules/protobufjs/src/writer.js"(exports2, module2) {
"use strict";
module2.exports = Writer;
var util2 = require_minimal2();
var BufferWriter;
var LongBits2 = util2.LongBits;
var base647 = util2.base64;
var utf8 = util2.utf8;
function Op(fn, len, val) {
this.fn = fn;
this.len = len; = void 0;
this.val = val;
function noop2() {
function State(writer2) {
this.head = writer2.head;
this.tail = writer2.tail;
this.len = writer2.len; = writer2.states;
function Writer() {
this.len = 0;
this.head = new Op(noop2, 0, 0);
this.tail = this.head;
this.states = null;
var create13 = function create14() {
return util2.Buffer ? function create_buffer_setup() {
return (Writer.create = function create_buffer() {
return new BufferWriter();
} : function create_array() {
return new Writer();
Writer.create = create13();
Writer.alloc = function alloc4(size) {
return new util2.Array(size);
if (util2.Array !== Array)
Writer.alloc = util2.pool(Writer.alloc, util2.Array.prototype.subarray);
Writer.prototype._push = function push(fn, len, val) {
this.tail = = new Op(fn, len, val);
this.len += len;
return this;
function writeByte(val, buf3, pos) {
buf3[pos] = val & 255;
function writeVarint32(val, buf3, pos) {
while (val > 127) {
buf3[pos++] = val & 127 | 128;
val >>>= 7;
buf3[pos] = val;
function VarintOp(len, val) {
this.len = len; = void 0;
this.val = val;
VarintOp.prototype = Object.create(Op.prototype);
VarintOp.prototype.fn = writeVarint32;
Writer.prototype.uint32 = function write_uint32(value) {
this.len += (this.tail = = new VarintOp(
(value = value >>> 0) < 128 ? 1 : value < 16384 ? 2 : value < 2097152 ? 3 : value < 268435456 ? 4 : 5,
return this;
Writer.prototype.int32 = function write_int32(value) {
return value < 0 ? this._push(writeVarint64, 10, LongBits2.fromNumber(value)) : this.uint32(value);
Writer.prototype.sint32 = function write_sint32(value) {
return this.uint32((value << 1 ^ value >> 31) >>> 0);
function writeVarint64(val, buf3, pos) {
while (val.hi) {
buf3[pos++] = val.lo & 127 | 128;
val.lo = (val.lo >>> 7 | val.hi << 25) >>> 0;
val.hi >>>= 7;
while (val.lo > 127) {
buf3[pos++] = val.lo & 127 | 128;
val.lo = val.lo >>> 7;
buf3[pos++] = val.lo;
Writer.prototype.uint64 = function write_uint64(value) {
var bits2 = LongBits2.from(value);
return this._push(writeVarint64, bits2.length(), bits2);
Writer.prototype.int64 = Writer.prototype.uint64;
Writer.prototype.sint64 = function write_sint64(value) {
var bits2 = LongBits2.from(value).zzEncode();
return this._push(writeVarint64, bits2.length(), bits2);
Writer.prototype.bool = function write_bool(value) {
return this._push(writeByte, 1, value ? 1 : 0);
function writeFixed32(val, buf3, pos) {
buf3[pos] = val & 255;
buf3[pos + 1] = val >>> 8 & 255;
buf3[pos + 2] = val >>> 16 & 255;
buf3[pos + 3] = val >>> 24;
Writer.prototype.fixed32 = function write_fixed32(value) {
return this._push(writeFixed32, 4, value >>> 0);
Writer.prototype.sfixed32 = Writer.prototype.fixed32;
Writer.prototype.fixed64 = function write_fixed64(value) {
var bits2 = LongBits2.from(value);
return this._push(writeFixed32, 4, bits2.lo)._push(writeFixed32, 4, bits2.hi);
Writer.prototype.sfixed64 = Writer.prototype.fixed64;
Writer.prototype.float = function write_float(value) {
return this._push(util2.float.writeFloatLE, 4, value);
Writer.prototype.double = function write_double(value) {
return this._push(util2.float.writeDoubleLE, 8, value);
var writeBytes = util2.Array.prototype.set ? function writeBytes_set(val, buf3, pos) {
buf3.set(val, pos);
} : function writeBytes_for(val, buf3, pos) {
for (var i = 0; i < val.length; ++i)
buf3[pos + i] = val[i];
Writer.prototype.bytes = function write_bytes(value) {
var len = value.length >>> 0;
if (!len)
return this._push(writeByte, 1, 0);
if (util2.isString(value)) {
var buf3 = Writer.alloc(len = base647.length(value));
base647.decode(value, buf3, 0);
value = buf3;
return this.uint32(len)._push(writeBytes, len, value);
Writer.prototype.string = function write_string(value) {
var len = utf8.length(value);
return len ? this.uint32(len)._push(utf8.write, len, value) : this._push(writeByte, 1, 0);
Writer.prototype.fork = function fork() {
this.states = new State(this);
this.head = this.tail = new Op(noop2, 0, 0);
this.len = 0;
return this;
Writer.prototype.reset = function reset() {
if (this.states) {
this.head = this.states.head;
this.tail = this.states.tail;
this.len = this.states.len;
this.states =;
} else {
this.head = this.tail = new Op(noop2, 0, 0);
this.len = 0;
return this;
Writer.prototype.ldelim = function ldelim() {
var head = this.head, tail = this.tail, len = this.len;
if (len) { =;
this.tail = tail;
this.len += len;
return this;
Writer.prototype.finish = function finish() {
var head =, buf3 = this.constructor.alloc(this.len), pos = 0;
while (head) {
head.fn(head.val, buf3, pos);
pos += head.len;
head =;
return buf3;
Writer._configure = function(BufferWriter_) {
BufferWriter = BufferWriter_;
Writer.create = create13();
// node_modules/protobufjs/src/writer_buffer.js
var require_writer_buffer2 = __commonJS({
"node_modules/protobufjs/src/writer_buffer.js"(exports2, module2) {
"use strict";
module2.exports = BufferWriter;
var Writer = require_writer2();
(BufferWriter.prototype = Object.create(Writer.prototype)).constructor = BufferWriter;
var util2 = require_minimal2();
function BufferWriter() {;
BufferWriter._configure = function() {
BufferWriter.alloc = util2._Buffer_allocUnsafe;
BufferWriter.writeBytesBuffer = util2.Buffer && util2.Buffer.prototype instanceof Uint8Array && === "set" ? function writeBytesBuffer_set(val, buf3, pos) {
buf3.set(val, pos);
} : function writeBytesBuffer_copy(val, buf3, pos) {
if (val.copy)
val.copy(buf3, pos, 0, val.length);
for (var i = 0; i < val.length; )
buf3[pos++] = val[i++];
BufferWriter.prototype.bytes = function write_bytes_buffer(value) {
if (util2.isString(value))
value = util2._Buffer_from(value, "base64");
var len = value.length >>> 0;
if (len)
this._push(BufferWriter.writeBytesBuffer, len, value);
return this;
function writeStringBuffer(val, buf3, pos) {
if (val.length < 40)
util2.utf8.write(val, buf3, pos);
else if (buf3.utf8Write)
buf3.utf8Write(val, pos);
buf3.write(val, pos);
BufferWriter.prototype.string = function write_string_buffer(value) {
var len = util2.Buffer.byteLength(value);
if (len)
this._push(writeStringBuffer, len, value);
return this;
// node_modules/protobufjs/src/reader.js
var require_reader2 = __commonJS({
"node_modules/protobufjs/src/reader.js"(exports2, module2) {
"use strict";
module2.exports = Reader;
var util2 = require_minimal2();
var BufferReader;
var LongBits2 = util2.LongBits;
var utf8 = util2.utf8;
function indexOutOfRange(reader3, writeLength) {
return RangeError("index out of range: " + reader3.pos + " + " + (writeLength || 1) + " > " + reader3.len);
function Reader(buffer3) {
this.buf = buffer3;
this.pos = 0;
this.len = buffer3.length;
var create_array = typeof Uint8Array !== "undefined" ? function create_typed_array(buffer3) {
if (buffer3 instanceof Uint8Array || Array.isArray(buffer3))
return new Reader(buffer3);
throw Error("illegal buffer");
} : function create_array2(buffer3) {
if (Array.isArray(buffer3))
return new Reader(buffer3);
throw Error("illegal buffer");
var create13 = function create14() {
return util2.Buffer ? function create_buffer_setup(buffer3) {
return (Reader.create = function create_buffer(buffer4) {
return util2.Buffer.isBuffer(buffer4) ? new BufferReader(buffer4) : create_array(buffer4);
} : create_array;
Reader.create = create13();
Reader.prototype._slice = util2.Array.prototype.subarray || /* istanbul ignore next */
Reader.prototype.uint32 = function read_uint32_setup() {
var value = 4294967295;
return function read_uint32() {
value = (this.buf[this.pos] & 127) >>> 0;
if (this.buf[this.pos++] < 128)
return value;
value = (value | (this.buf[this.pos] & 127) << 7) >>> 0;
if (this.buf[this.pos++] < 128)
return value;
value = (value | (this.buf[this.pos] & 127) << 14) >>> 0;
if (this.buf[this.pos++] < 128)
return value;
value = (value | (this.buf[this.pos] & 127) << 21) >>> 0;
if (this.buf[this.pos++] < 128)
return value;
value = (value | (this.buf[this.pos] & 15) << 28) >>> 0;
if (this.buf[this.pos++] < 128)
return value;
if ((this.pos += 5) > this.len) {
this.pos = this.len;
throw indexOutOfRange(this, 10);
return value;
Reader.prototype.int32 = function read_int32() {
return this.uint32() | 0;
Reader.prototype.sint32 = function read_sint32() {
var value = this.uint32();
return value >>> 1 ^ -(value & 1) | 0;
function readLongVarint() {
var bits2 = new LongBits2(0, 0);
var i = 0;
if (this.len - this.pos > 4) {
for (; i < 4; ++i) {
bits2.lo = (bits2.lo | (this.buf[this.pos] & 127) << i * 7) >>> 0;
if (this.buf[this.pos++] < 128)
return bits2;
bits2.lo = (bits2.lo | (this.buf[this.pos] & 127) << 28) >>> 0;
bits2.hi = (bits2.hi | (this.buf[this.pos] & 127) >> 4) >>> 0;
if (this.buf[this.pos++] < 128)
return bits2;
i = 0;
} else {
for (; i < 3; ++i) {
if (this.pos >= this.len)
throw indexOutOfRange(this);
bits2.lo = (bits2.lo | (this.buf[this.pos] & 127) << i * 7) >>> 0;
if (this.buf[this.pos++] < 128)
return bits2;
bits2.lo = (bits2.lo | (this.buf[this.pos++] & 127) << i * 7) >>> 0;
return bits2;
if (this.len - this.pos > 4) {
for (; i < 5; ++i) {
bits2.hi = (bits2.hi | (this.buf[this.pos] & 127) << i * 7 + 3) >>> 0;
if (this.buf[this.pos++] < 128)
return bits2;
} else {
for (; i < 5; ++i) {
if (this.pos >= this.len)
throw indexOutOfRange(this);
bits2.hi = (bits2.hi | (this.buf[this.pos] & 127) << i * 7 + 3) >>> 0;
if (this.buf[this.pos++] < 128)
return bits2;
throw Error("invalid varint encoding");
Reader.prototype.bool = function read_bool() {
return this.uint32() !== 0;
function readFixed32_end(buf3, end) {
return (buf3[end - 4] | buf3[end - 3] << 8 | buf3[end - 2] << 16 | buf3[end - 1] << 24) >>> 0;
Reader.prototype.fixed32 = function read_fixed32() {
if (this.pos + 4 > this.len)
throw indexOutOfRange(this, 4);
return readFixed32_end(this.buf, this.pos += 4);
Reader.prototype.sfixed32 = function read_sfixed32() {
if (this.pos + 4 > this.len)
throw indexOutOfRange(this, 4);
return readFixed32_end(this.buf, this.pos += 4) | 0;
function readFixed64() {
if (this.pos + 8 > this.len)
throw indexOutOfRange(this, 8);
return new LongBits2(readFixed32_end(this.buf, this.pos += 4), readFixed32_end(this.buf, this.pos += 4));
Reader.prototype.float = function read_float() {
if (this.pos + 4 > this.len)
throw indexOutOfRange(this, 4);
var value = util2.float.readFloatLE(this.buf, this.pos);
this.pos += 4;
return value;
Reader.prototype.double = function read_double() {
if (this.pos + 8 > this.len)
throw indexOutOfRange(this, 4);
var value = util2.float.readDoubleLE(this.buf, this.pos);
this.pos += 8;
return value;
Reader.prototype.bytes = function read_bytes() {
var length11 = this.uint32(), start = this.pos, end = this.pos + length11;
if (end > this.len)
throw indexOutOfRange(this, length11);
this.pos += length11;
if (Array.isArray(this.buf))
return this.buf.slice(start, end);
return start === end ? new this.buf.constructor(0) :, start, end);
Reader.prototype.string = function read_string() {
var bytes3 = this.bytes();
return, 0, bytes3.length);
Reader.prototype.skip = function skip(length11) {
if (typeof length11 === "number") {
if (this.pos + length11 > this.len)
throw indexOutOfRange(this, length11);
this.pos += length11;
} else {
do {
if (this.pos >= this.len)
throw indexOutOfRange(this);
} while (this.buf[this.pos++] & 128);
return this;
Reader.prototype.skipType = function(wireType) {
switch (wireType) {
case 0:
case 1:
case 2:
case 3:
while ((wireType = this.uint32() & 7) !== 4) {
case 5:
throw Error("invalid wire type " + wireType + " at offset " + this.pos);
return this;
Reader._configure = function(BufferReader_) {
BufferReader = BufferReader_;
Reader.create = create13();
var fn = util2.Long ? "toLong" : (
/* istanbul ignore next */
util2.merge(Reader.prototype, {
int64: function read_int64() {
uint64: function read_uint64() {
sint64: function read_sint64() {
fixed64: function read_fixed64() {
sfixed64: function read_sfixed64() {
// node_modules/protobufjs/src/reader_buffer.js
var require_reader_buffer2 = __commonJS({
"node_modules/protobufjs/src/reader_buffer.js"(exports2, module2) {
"use strict";
module2.exports = BufferReader;
var Reader = require_reader2();
(BufferReader.prototype = Object.create(Reader.prototype)).constructor = BufferReader;
var util2 = require_minimal2();
function BufferReader(buffer3) {, buffer3);
BufferReader._configure = function() {
if (util2.Buffer)
BufferReader.prototype._slice = util2.Buffer.prototype.slice;
BufferReader.prototype.string = function read_string_buffer() {
var len = this.uint32();
return this.buf.utf8Slice ? this.buf.utf8Slice(this.pos, this.pos = Math.min(this.pos + len, this.len)) : this.buf.toString("utf-8", this.pos, this.pos = Math.min(this.pos + len, this.len));
// node_modules/protobufjs/src/rpc/service.js
var require_service = __commonJS({
"node_modules/protobufjs/src/rpc/service.js"(exports2, module2) {
"use strict";
module2.exports = Service;
var util2 = require_minimal2();
(Service.prototype = Object.create(util2.EventEmitter.prototype)).constructor = Service;
function Service(rpcImpl, requestDelimited, responseDelimited) {
if (typeof rpcImpl !== "function")
throw TypeError("rpcImpl must be a function");;
this.rpcImpl = rpcImpl;
this.requestDelimited = Boolean(requestDelimited);
this.responseDelimited = Boolean(responseDelimited);
Service.prototype.rpcCall = function rpcCall(method, requestCtor, responseCtor, request2, callback) {
if (!request2)
throw TypeError("request must be specified");
var self2 = this;
if (!callback)
return util2.asPromise(rpcCall, self2, method, requestCtor, responseCtor, request2);
if (!self2.rpcImpl) {
setTimeout(function() {
callback(Error("already ended"));
}, 0);
return void 0;
try {
return self2.rpcImpl(
requestCtor[self2.requestDelimited ? "encodeDelimited" : "encode"](request2).finish(),
function rpcCallback(err, response) {
if (err) {
self2.emit("error", err, method);
return callback(err);
if (response === null) {
/* endedByRPC */
return void 0;
if (!(response instanceof responseCtor)) {
try {
response = responseCtor[self2.responseDelimited ? "decodeDelimited" : "decode"](response);
} catch (err2) {
self2.emit("error", err2, method);
return callback(err2);
self2.emit("data", response, method);
return callback(null, response);
} catch (err) {
self2.emit("error", err, method);
setTimeout(function() {
}, 0);
return void 0;
Service.prototype.end = function end(endedByRPC) {
if (this.rpcImpl) {
if (!endedByRPC)
this.rpcImpl(null, null, null);
this.rpcImpl = null;
return this;
// node_modules/protobufjs/src/rpc.js
var require_rpc = __commonJS({
"node_modules/protobufjs/src/rpc.js"(exports2) {
"use strict";
var rpc = exports2;
rpc.Service = require_service();
// node_modules/protobufjs/src/roots.js
var require_roots = __commonJS({
"node_modules/protobufjs/src/roots.js"(exports2, module2) {
"use strict";
module2.exports = {};
// node_modules/protobufjs/src/index-minimal.js
var require_index_minimal = __commonJS({
"node_modules/protobufjs/src/index-minimal.js"(exports2) {
"use strict";
var protobuf2 = exports2; = "minimal";
protobuf2.Writer = require_writer2();
protobuf2.BufferWriter = require_writer_buffer2();
protobuf2.Reader = require_reader2();
protobuf2.BufferReader = require_reader_buffer2();
protobuf2.util = require_minimal2();
protobuf2.rpc = require_rpc();
protobuf2.roots = require_roots();
protobuf2.configure = configure2;
function configure2() {
// node_modules/protobufjs/minimal.js
var require_minimal3 = __commonJS({
"node_modules/protobufjs/minimal.js"(exports2, module2) {
"use strict";
module2.exports = require_index_minimal();
// node_modules/@chainsafe/libp2p-gossipsub/dist/src/message/rpc.cjs
var require_rpc2 = __commonJS({
"node_modules/@chainsafe/libp2p-gossipsub/dist/src/message/rpc.cjs"(exports2, module2) {
(function(global2, factory) {
if (typeof define === "function" && define.amd)
define(["protobufjs/minimal"], factory);
else if (typeof __require === "function" && typeof module2 === "object" && module2 && module2.exports)
module2.exports = factory(require_minimal3());
})(exports2, function($protobuf) {
"use strict";
var $Reader = $protobuf.Reader, $Writer = $protobuf.Writer, $util = $protobuf.util;
var $root = $protobuf.roots["default"] || ($protobuf.roots["default"] = {});
$root.RPC = function() {
function RPC3(p) {
this.subscriptions = [];
this.messages = [];
if (p) {
for (var ks = Object.keys(p), i = 0; i < ks.length; ++i)
if (p[ks[i]] != null)
this[ks[i]] = p[ks[i]];
RPC3.prototype.subscriptions = $util.emptyArray;
RPC3.prototype.messages = $util.emptyArray;
RPC3.prototype.control = null;
var $oneOfFields;
Object.defineProperty(RPC3.prototype, "_control", {
get: $util.oneOfGetter($oneOfFields = ["control"]),
set: $util.oneOfSetter($oneOfFields)
RPC3.encode = function encode39(m, w) {
if (!w)
w = $Writer.create();
if (m.subscriptions != null && m.subscriptions.length) {
for (var i = 0; i < m.subscriptions.length; ++i)
$root.RPC.SubOpts.encode(m.subscriptions[i], w.uint32(10).fork()).ldelim();
if (m.messages != null && m.messages.length) {
for (var i = 0; i < m.messages.length; ++i)
$root.RPC.Message.encode(m.messages[i], w.uint32(18).fork()).ldelim();
if (m.control != null &&, "control"))
$root.RPC.ControlMessage.encode(m.control, w.uint32(26).fork()).ldelim();
return w;
RPC3.decode = function decode50(r, l) {
if (!(r instanceof $Reader))
r = $Reader.create(r);
var c = l === void 0 ? r.len : r.pos + l, m = new $root.RPC();
while (r.pos < c) {
var t = r.uint32();
switch (t >>> 3) {
case 1:
if (!(m.subscriptions && m.subscriptions.length))
m.subscriptions = [];
m.subscriptions.push($root.RPC.SubOpts.decode(r, r.uint32()));
case 2:
if (!(m.messages && m.messages.length))
m.messages = [];
m.messages.push($root.RPC.Message.decode(r, r.uint32()));
case 3:
m.control = $root.RPC.ControlMessage.decode(r, r.uint32());
r.skipType(t & 7);
return m;
RPC3.fromObject = function fromObject(d) {
if (d instanceof $root.RPC)
return d;
var m = new $root.RPC();
if (d.subscriptions) {
if (!Array.isArray(d.subscriptions))
throw TypeError(".RPC.subscriptions: array expected");
m.subscriptions = [];
for (var i = 0; i < d.subscriptions.length; ++i) {
if (typeof d.subscriptions[i] !== "object")
throw TypeError(".RPC.subscriptions: object expected");
m.subscriptions[i] = $root.RPC.SubOpts.fromObject(d.subscriptions[i]);
if (d.messages) {
if (!Array.isArray(d.messages))
throw TypeError(".RPC.messages: array expected");
m.messages = [];
for (var i = 0; i < d.messages.length; ++i) {
if (typeof d.messages[i] !== "object")
throw TypeError(".RPC.messages: object expected");
m.messages[i] = $root.RPC.Message.fromObject(d.messages[i]);
if (d.control != null) {
if (typeof d.control !== "object")
throw TypeError(".RPC.control: object expected");
m.control = $root.RPC.ControlMessage.fromObject(d.control);
return m;
RPC3.toObject = function toObject(m, o) {
if (!o)
o = {};
var d = {};
if (o.arrays || o.defaults) {
d.subscriptions = [];
d.messages = [];
if (m.subscriptions && m.subscriptions.length) {
d.subscriptions = [];
for (var j = 0; j < m.subscriptions.length; ++j) {
d.subscriptions[j] = $root.RPC.SubOpts.toObject(m.subscriptions[j], o);
if (m.messages && m.messages.length) {
d.messages = [];
for (var j = 0; j < m.messages.length; ++j) {
d.messages[j] = $root.RPC.Message.toObject(m.messages[j], o);
if (m.control != null && m.hasOwnProperty("control")) {
d.control = $root.RPC.ControlMessage.toObject(m.control, o);
if (o.oneofs)
d._control = "control";
return d;
RPC3.prototype.toJSON = function toJSON() {
return this.constructor.toObject(this, $protobuf.util.toJSONOptions);
RPC3.SubOpts = function() {
function SubOpts(p) {
if (p) {
for (var ks = Object.keys(p), i = 0; i < ks.length; ++i)
if (p[ks[i]] != null)
this[ks[i]] = p[ks[i]];
SubOpts.prototype.subscribe = null;
SubOpts.prototype.topic = null;
var $oneOfFields2;
Object.defineProperty(SubOpts.prototype, "_subscribe", {
get: $util.oneOfGetter($oneOfFields2 = ["subscribe"]),
set: $util.oneOfSetter($oneOfFields2)
Object.defineProperty(SubOpts.prototype, "_topic", {
get: $util.oneOfGetter($oneOfFields2 = ["topic"]),
set: $util.oneOfSetter($oneOfFields2)
SubOpts.encode = function encode39(m, w) {
if (!w)
w = $Writer.create();
if (m.subscribe != null &&, "subscribe"))
if (m.topic != null &&, "topic"))
return w;
SubOpts.decode = function decode50(r, l) {
if (!(r instanceof $Reader))
r = $Reader.create(r);
var c = l === void 0 ? r.len : r.pos + l, m = new $root.RPC.SubOpts();
while (r.pos < c) {
var t = r.uint32();
switch (t >>> 3) {
case 1:
m.subscribe = r.bool();
case 2:
m.topic = r.string();
r.skipType(t & 7);
return m;
SubOpts.fromObject = function fromObject(d) {
if (d instanceof $root.RPC.SubOpts)
return d;
var m = new $root.RPC.SubOpts();
if (d.subscribe != null) {
m.subscribe = Boolean(d.subscribe);
if (d.topic != null) {
m.topic = String(d.topic);
return m;
SubOpts.toObject = function toObject(m, o) {
if (!o)
o = {};
var d = {};
if (m.subscribe != null && m.hasOwnProperty("subscribe")) {
d.subscribe = m.subscribe;
if (o.oneofs)
d._subscribe = "subscribe";
if (m.topic != null && m.hasOwnProperty("topic")) {
d.topic = m.topic;
if (o.oneofs)
d._topic = "topic";
return d;
SubOpts.prototype.toJSON = function toJSON() {
return this.constructor.toObject(this, $protobuf.util.toJSONOptions);
return SubOpts;
RPC3.Message = function() {
function Message7(p) {
if (p) {
for (var ks = Object.keys(p), i = 0; i < ks.length; ++i)
if (p[ks[i]] != null)
this[ks[i]] = p[ks[i]];
Message7.prototype.from = null; = null;
Message7.prototype.seqno = null;
Message7.prototype.topic = "";
Message7.prototype.signature = null;
Message7.prototype.key = null;
var $oneOfFields2;
Object.defineProperty(Message7.prototype, "_from", {
get: $util.oneOfGetter($oneOfFields2 = ["from"]),
set: $util.oneOfSetter($oneOfFields2)
Object.defineProperty(Message7.prototype, "_data", {
get: $util.oneOfGetter($oneOfFields2 = ["data"]),
set: $util.oneOfSetter($oneOfFields2)
Object.defineProperty(Message7.prototype, "_seqno", {
get: $util.oneOfGetter($oneOfFields2 = ["seqno"]),
set: $util.oneOfSetter($oneOfFields2)
Object.defineProperty(Message7.prototype, "_signature", {
get: $util.oneOfGetter($oneOfFields2 = ["signature"]),
set: $util.oneOfSetter($oneOfFields2)
Object.defineProperty(Message7.prototype, "_key", {
get: $util.oneOfGetter($oneOfFields2 = ["key"]),
set: $util.oneOfSetter($oneOfFields2)
Message7.encode = function encode39(m, w) {
if (!w)
w = $Writer.create();
if (m.from != null &&, "from"))
if ( != null &&, "data"))
if (m.seqno != null &&, "seqno"))
if (m.signature != null &&, "signature"))
if (m.key != null &&, "key"))
return w;
Message7.decode = function decode50(r, l) {
if (!(r instanceof $Reader))
r = $Reader.create(r);
var c = l === void 0 ? r.len : r.pos + l, m = new $root.RPC.Message();
while (r.pos < c) {
var t = r.uint32();
switch (t >>> 3) {
case 1:
m.from = r.bytes();
case 2: = r.bytes();
case 3:
m.seqno = r.bytes();
case 4:
m.topic = r.string();
case 5:
m.signature = r.bytes();
case 6:
m.key = r.bytes();
r.skipType(t & 7);
if (!m.hasOwnProperty("topic"))
throw $util.ProtocolError("missing required 'topic'", { instance: m });
return m;
Message7.fromObject = function fromObject(d) {
if (d instanceof $root.RPC.Message)
return d;
var m = new $root.RPC.Message();
if (d.from != null) {
if (typeof d.from === "string")
$util.base64.decode(d.from, m.from = $util.newBuffer($util.base64.length(d.from)), 0);
else if (d.from.length)
m.from = d.from;
if ( != null) {
if (typeof === "string")
$util.base64.decode(, = $util.newBuffer($util.base64.length(, 0);
else if ( =;
if (d.seqno != null) {
if (typeof d.seqno === "string")
$util.base64.decode(d.seqno, m.seqno = $util.newBuffer($util.base64.length(d.seqno)), 0);
else if (d.seqno.length)
m.seqno = d.seqno;
if (d.topic != null) {
m.topic = String(d.topic);
if (d.signature != null) {
if (typeof d.signature === "string")
$util.base64.decode(d.signature, m.signature = $util.newBuffer($util.base64.length(d.signature)), 0);
else if (d.signature.length)
m.signature = d.signature;
if (d.key != null) {
if (typeof d.key === "string")
$util.base64.decode(d.key, m.key = $util.newBuffer($util.base64.length(d.key)), 0);
else if (d.key.length)
m.key = d.key;
return m;
Message7.toObject = function toObject(m, o) {
if (!o)
o = {};
var d = {};
if (o.defaults) {
d.topic = "";
if (m.from != null && m.hasOwnProperty("from")) {
d.from = o.bytes === String ? $util.base64.encode(m.from, 0, m.from.length) : o.bytes === Array ? : m.from;
if (o.oneofs)
d._from = "from";
if ( != null && m.hasOwnProperty("data")) { = o.bytes === String ? $util.base64.encode(, 0, : o.bytes === Array ? :;
if (o.oneofs)
d._data = "data";
if (m.seqno != null && m.hasOwnProperty("seqno")) {
d.seqno = o.bytes === String ? $util.base64.encode(m.seqno, 0, m.seqno.length) : o.bytes === Array ? : m.seqno;
if (o.oneofs)
d._seqno = "seqno";
if (m.topic != null && m.hasOwnProperty("topic")) {
d.topic = m.topic;
if (m.signature != null && m.hasOwnProperty("signature")) {
d.signature = o.bytes === String ? $util.base64.encode(m.signature, 0, m.signature.length) : o.bytes === Array ? : m.signature;
if (o.oneofs)
d._signature = "signature";
if (m.key != null && m.hasOwnProperty("key")) {
d.key = o.bytes === String ? $util.base64.encode(m.key, 0, m.key.length) : o.bytes === Array ? : m.key;
if (o.oneofs)
d._key = "key";
return d;
Message7.prototype.toJSON = function toJSON() {
return this.constructor.toObject(this, $protobuf.util.toJSONOptions);
return Message7;
RPC3.ControlMessage = function() {
function ControlMessage(p) {
this.ihave = [];
this.iwant = [];
this.graft = [];
this.prune = [];
if (p) {
for (var ks = Object.keys(p), i = 0; i < ks.length; ++i)
if (p[ks[i]] != null)
this[ks[i]] = p[ks[i]];
ControlMessage.prototype.ihave = $util.emptyArray;
ControlMessage.prototype.iwant = $util.emptyArray;
ControlMessage.prototype.graft = $util.emptyArray;
ControlMessage.prototype.prune = $util.emptyArray;
ControlMessage.encode = function encode39(m, w) {
if (!w)
w = $Writer.create();
if (m.ihave != null && m.ihave.length) {
for (var i = 0; i < m.ihave.length; ++i)
$root.RPC.ControlIHave.encode(m.ihave[i], w.uint32(10).fork()).ldelim();
if (m.iwant != null && m.iwant.length) {
for (var i = 0; i < m.iwant.length; ++i)
$root.RPC.ControlIWant.encode(m.iwant[i], w.uint32(18).fork()).ldelim();
if (m.graft != null && m.graft.length) {
for (var i = 0; i < m.graft.length; ++i)
$root.RPC.ControlGraft.encode(m.graft[i], w.uint32(26).fork()).ldelim();
if (m.prune != null && m.prune.length) {
for (var i = 0; i < m.prune.length; ++i)
$root.RPC.ControlPrune.encode(m.prune[i], w.uint32(34).fork()).ldelim();
return w;
ControlMessage.decode = function decode50(r, l) {
if (!(r instanceof $Reader))
r = $Reader.create(r);
var c = l === void 0 ? r.len : r.pos + l, m = new $root.RPC.ControlMessage();
while (r.pos < c) {
var t = r.uint32();
switch (t >>> 3) {
case 1:
if (!(m.ihave && m.ihave.length))
m.ihave = [];
m.ihave.push($root.RPC.ControlIHave.decode(r, r.uint32()));
case 2:
if (!(m.iwant && m.iwant.length))
m.iwant = [];
m.iwant.push($root.RPC.ControlIWant.decode(r, r.uint32()));
case 3:
if (!(m.graft && m.graft.length))
m.graft = [];
m.graft.push($root.RPC.ControlGraft.decode(r, r.uint32()));
case 4:
if (!(m.prune && m.prune.length))
m.prune = [];
m.prune.push($root.RPC.ControlPrune.decode(r, r.uint32()));
r.skipType(t & 7);
return m;
ControlMessage.fromObject = function fromObject(d) {
if (d instanceof $root.RPC.ControlMessage)
return d;
var m = new $root.RPC.ControlMessage();
if (d.ihave) {
if (!Array.isArray(d.ihave))
throw TypeError(".RPC.ControlMessage.ihave: array expected");
m.ihave = [];
for (var i = 0; i < d.ihave.length; ++i) {
if (typeof d.ihave[i] !== "object")
throw TypeError(".RPC.ControlMessage.ihave: object expected");
m.ihave[i] = $root.RPC.ControlIHave.fromObject(d.ihave[i]);
if (d.iwant) {
if (!Array.isArray(d.iwant))
throw TypeError(".RPC.ControlMessage.iwant: array expected");
m.iwant = [];
for (var i = 0; i < d.iwant.length; ++i) {
if (typeof d.iwant[i] !== "object")
throw TypeError(".RPC.ControlMessage.iwant: object expected");
m.iwant[i] = $root.RPC.ControlIWant.fromObject(d.iwant[i]);
if (d.graft) {
if (!Array.isArray(d.graft))
throw TypeError(".RPC.ControlMessage.graft: array expected");
m.graft = [];
for (var i = 0; i < d.graft.length; ++i) {
if (typeof d.graft[i] !== "object")
throw TypeError(".RPC.ControlMessage.graft: object expected");
m.graft[i] = $root.RPC.ControlGraft.fromObject(d.graft[i]);
if (d.prune) {
if (!Array.isArray(d.prune))
throw TypeError(".RPC.ControlMessage.prune: array expected");
m.prune = [];
for (var i = 0; i < d.prune.length; ++i) {
if (typeof d.prune[i] !== "object")
throw TypeError(".RPC.ControlMessage.prune: object expected");
m.prune[i] = $root.RPC.ControlPrune.fromObject(d.prune[i]);
return m;
ControlMessage.toObject = function toObject(m, o) {
if (!o)
o = {};
var d = {};
if (o.arrays || o.defaults) {
d.ihave = [];
d.iwant = [];
d.graft = [];
d.prune = [];
if (m.ihave && m.ihave.length) {
d.ihave = [];
for (var j = 0; j < m.ihave.length; ++j) {
d.ihave[j] = $root.RPC.ControlIHave.toObject(m.ihave[j], o);
if (m.iwant && m.iwant.length) {
d.iwant = [];
for (var j = 0; j < m.iwant.length; ++j) {
d.iwant[j] = $root.RPC.ControlIWant.toObject(m.iwant[j], o);
if (m.graft && m.graft.length) {
d.graft = [];
for (var j = 0; j < m.graft.length; ++j) {
d.graft[j] = $root.RPC.ControlGraft.toObject(m.graft[j], o);
if (m.prune && m.prune.length) {
d.prune = [];
for (var j = 0; j < m.prune.length; ++j) {
d.prune[j] = $root.RPC.ControlPrune.toObject(m.prune[j], o);
return d;
ControlMessage.prototype.toJSON = function toJSON() {
return this.constructor.toObject(this, $protobuf.util.toJSONOptions);
return ControlMessage;
RPC3.ControlIHave = function() {
function ControlIHave(p) {
this.messageIDs = [];
if (p) {
for (var ks = Object.keys(p), i = 0; i < ks.length; ++i)
if (p[ks[i]] != null)
this[ks[i]] = p[ks[i]];
ControlIHave.prototype.topicID = null;
ControlIHave.prototype.messageIDs = $util.emptyArray;
var $oneOfFields2;
Object.defineProperty(ControlIHave.prototype, "_topicID", {
get: $util.oneOfGetter($oneOfFields2 = ["topicID"]),
set: $util.oneOfSetter($oneOfFields2)
ControlIHave.encode = function encode39(m, w) {
if (!w)
w = $Writer.create();
if (m.topicID != null &&, "topicID"))
if (m.messageIDs != null && m.messageIDs.length) {
for (var i = 0; i < m.messageIDs.length; ++i)
return w;
ControlIHave.decode = function decode50(r, l) {
if (!(r instanceof $Reader))
r = $Reader.create(r);
var c = l === void 0 ? r.len : r.pos + l, m = new $root.RPC.ControlIHave();
while (r.pos < c) {
var t = r.uint32();
switch (t >>> 3) {
case 1:
m.topicID = r.string();
case 2:
if (!(m.messageIDs && m.messageIDs.length))
m.messageIDs = [];
r.skipType(t & 7);
return m;
ControlIHave.fromObject = function fromObject(d) {
if (d instanceof $root.RPC.ControlIHave)
return d;
var m = new $root.RPC.ControlIHave();
if (d.topicID != null) {
m.topicID = String(d.topicID);
if (d.messageIDs) {
if (!Array.isArray(d.messageIDs))
throw TypeError(".RPC.ControlIHave.messageIDs: array expected");
m.messageIDs = [];
for (var i = 0; i < d.messageIDs.length; ++i) {
if (typeof d.messageIDs[i] === "string")
$util.base64.decode(d.messageIDs[i], m.messageIDs[i] = $util.newBuffer($util.base64.length(d.messageIDs[i])), 0);
else if (d.messageIDs[i].length)
m.messageIDs[i] = d.messageIDs[i];
return m;
ControlIHave.toObject = function toObject(m, o) {
if (!o)
o = {};
var d = {};
if (o.arrays || o.defaults) {
d.messageIDs = [];
if (m.topicID != null && m.hasOwnProperty("topicID")) {
d.topicID = m.topicID;
if (o.oneofs)
d._topicID = "topicID";
if (m.messageIDs && m.messageIDs.length) {
d.messageIDs = [];
for (var j = 0; j < m.messageIDs.length; ++j) {
d.messageIDs[j] = o.bytes === String ? $util.base64.encode(m.messageIDs[j], 0, m.messageIDs[j].length) : o.bytes === Array ?[j]) : m.messageIDs[j];
return d;
ControlIHave.prototype.toJSON = function toJSON() {
return this.constructor.toObject(this, $protobuf.util.toJSONOptions);
return ControlIHave;
RPC3.ControlIWant = function() {
function ControlIWant(p) {
this.messageIDs = [];
if (p) {
for (var ks = Object.keys(p), i = 0; i < ks.length; ++i)
if (p[ks[i]] != null)
this[ks[i]] = p[ks[i]];
ControlIWant.prototype.messageIDs = $util.emptyArray;
ControlIWant.encode = function encode39(m, w) {
if (!w)
w = $Writer.create();
if (m.messageIDs != null && m.messageIDs.length) {
for (var i = 0; i < m.messageIDs.length; ++i)
return w;
ControlIWant.decode = function decode50(r, l) {
if (!(r instanceof $Reader))
r = $Reader.create(r);
var c = l === void 0 ? r.len : r.pos + l, m = new $root.RPC.ControlIWant();
while (r.pos < c) {
var t = r.uint32();
switch (t >>> 3) {
case 1:
if (!(m.messageIDs && m.messageIDs.length))
m.messageIDs = [];
r.skipType(t & 7);
return m;
ControlIWant.fromObject = function fromObject(d) {
if (d instanceof $root.RPC.ControlIWant)
return d;
var m = new $root.RPC.ControlIWant();
if (d.messageIDs) {
if (!Array.isArray(d.messageIDs))
throw TypeError(".RPC.ControlIWant.messageIDs: array expected");
m.messageIDs = [];
for (var i = 0; i < d.messageIDs.length; ++i) {
if (typeof d.messageIDs[i] === "string")
$util.base64.decode(d.messageIDs[i], m.messageIDs[i] = $util.newBuffer($util.base64.length(d.messageIDs[i])), 0);
else if (d.messageIDs[i].length)
m.messageIDs[i] = d.messageIDs[i];
return m;
ControlIWant.toObject = function toObject(m, o) {
if (!o)
o = {};
var d = {};
if (o.arrays || o.defaults) {
d.messageIDs = [];
if (m.messageIDs && m.messageIDs.length) {
d.messageIDs = [];
for (var j = 0; j < m.messageIDs.length; ++j) {
d.messageIDs[j] = o.bytes === String ? $util.base64.encode(m.messageIDs[j], 0, m.messageIDs[j].length) : o.bytes === Array ?[j]) : m.messageIDs[j];
return d;
ControlIWant.prototype.toJSON = function toJSON() {
return this.constructor.toObject(this, $protobuf.util.toJSONOptions);
return ControlIWant;
RPC3.ControlGraft = function() {
function ControlGraft(p) {
if (p) {
for (var ks = Object.keys(p), i = 0; i < ks.length; ++i)
if (p[ks[i]] != null)
this[ks[i]] = p[ks[i]];
ControlGraft.prototype.topicID = null;
var $oneOfFields2;
Object.defineProperty(ControlGraft.prototype, "_topicID", {
get: $util.oneOfGetter($oneOfFields2 = ["topicID"]),
set: $util.oneOfSetter($oneOfFields2)
ControlGraft.encode = function encode39(m, w) {
if (!w)
w = $Writer.create();
if (m.topicID != null &&, "topicID"))
return w;
ControlGraft.decode = function decode50(r, l) {
if (!(r instanceof $Reader))
r = $Reader.create(r);
var c = l === void 0 ? r.len : r.pos + l, m = new $root.RPC.ControlGraft();
while (r.pos < c) {
var t = r.uint32();
switch (t >>> 3) {
case 1:
m.topicID = r.string();
r.skipType(t & 7);
return m;
ControlGraft.fromObject = function fromObject(d) {
if (d instanceof $root.RPC.ControlGraft)
return d;
var m = new $root.RPC.ControlGraft();
if (d.topicID != null) {
m.topicID = String(d.topicID);
return m;
ControlGraft.toObject = function toObject(m, o) {
if (!o)
o = {};
var d = {};
if (m.topicID != null && m.hasOwnProperty("topicID")) {
d.topicID = m.topicID;
if (o.oneofs)
d._topicID = "topicID";
return d;
ControlGraft.prototype.toJSON = function toJSON() {
return this.constructor.toObject(this, $protobuf.util.toJSONOptions);
return ControlGraft;
RPC3.ControlPrune = function() {
function ControlPrune(p) {
this.peers = [];
if (p) {
for (var ks = Object.keys(p), i = 0; i < ks.length; ++i)
if (p[ks[i]] != null)
this[ks[i]] = p[ks[i]];
ControlPrune.prototype.topicID = null;
ControlPrune.prototype.peers = $util.emptyArray;
ControlPrune.prototype.backoff = null;
var $oneOfFields2;
Object.defineProperty(ControlPrune.prototype, "_topicID", {
get: $util.oneOfGetter($oneOfFields2 = ["topicID"]),
set: $util.oneOfSetter($oneOfFields2)
Object.defineProperty(ControlPrune.prototype, "_backoff", {
get: $util.oneOfGetter($oneOfFields2 = ["backoff"]),
set: $util.oneOfSetter($oneOfFields2)
ControlPrune.encode = function encode39(m, w) {
if (!w)
w = $Writer.create();
if (m.topicID != null &&, "topicID"))
if (m.peers != null && m.peers.length) {
for (var i = 0; i < m.peers.length; ++i)
$root.RPC.PeerInfo.encode(m.peers[i], w.uint32(18).fork()).ldelim();
if (m.backoff != null &&, "backoff"))
return w;
ControlPrune.decode = function decode50(r, l) {
if (!(r instanceof $Reader))
r = $Reader.create(r);
var c = l === void 0 ? r.len : r.pos + l, m = new $root.RPC.ControlPrune();
while (r.pos < c) {
var t = r.uint32();
switch (t >>> 3) {
case 1:
m.topicID = r.string();
case 2:
if (!(m.peers && m.peers.length))
m.peers = [];
m.peers.push($root.RPC.PeerInfo.decode(r, r.uint32()));
case 3:
m.backoff = r.uint64();
r.skipType(t & 7);
return m;
ControlPrune.fromObject = function fromObject(d) {
if (d instanceof $root.RPC.ControlPrune)
return d;
var m = new $root.RPC.ControlPrune();
if (d.topicID != null) {
m.topicID = String(d.topicID);
if (d.peers) {
if (!Array.isArray(d.peers))
throw TypeError(".RPC.ControlPrune.peers: array expected");
m.peers = [];
for (var i = 0; i < d.peers.length; ++i) {
if (typeof d.peers[i] !== "object")
throw TypeError(".RPC.ControlPrune.peers: object expected");
m.peers[i] = $root.RPC.PeerInfo.fromObject(d.peers[i]);
if (d.backoff != null) {
if ($util.Long)
(m.backoff = $util.Long.fromValue(d.backoff)).unsigned = true;
else if (typeof d.backoff === "string")
m.backoff = parseInt(d.backoff, 10);
else if (typeof d.backoff === "number")
m.backoff = d.backoff;
else if (typeof d.backoff === "object")
m.backoff = new $util.LongBits(d.backoff.low >>> 0, d.backoff.high >>> 0).toNumber(true);
return m;
ControlPrune.toObject = function toObject(m, o) {
if (!o)
o = {};
var d = {};
if (o.arrays || o.defaults) {
d.peers = [];
if (m.topicID != null && m.hasOwnProperty("topicID")) {
d.topicID = m.topicID;
if (o.oneofs)
d._topicID = "topicID";
if (m.peers && m.peers.length) {
d.peers = [];
for (var j = 0; j < m.peers.length; ++j) {
d.peers[j] = $root.RPC.PeerInfo.toObject(m.peers[j], o);
if (m.backoff != null && m.hasOwnProperty("backoff")) {
if (typeof m.backoff === "number")
d.backoff = o.longs === String ? String(m.backoff) : m.backoff;
d.backoff = o.longs === String ? $ : o.longs === Number ? new $util.LongBits(m.backoff.low >>> 0, m.backoff.high >>> 0).toNumber(true) : m.backoff;
if (o.oneofs)
d._backoff = "backoff";
return d;
ControlPrune.prototype.toJSON = function toJSON() {
return this.constructor.toObject(this, $protobuf.util.toJSONOptions);
return ControlPrune;
RPC3.PeerInfo = function() {
function PeerInfo(p) {
if (p) {
for (var ks = Object.keys(p), i = 0; i < ks.length; ++i)
if (p[ks[i]] != null)
this[ks[i]] = p[ks[i]];
PeerInfo.prototype.peerID = null;
PeerInfo.prototype.signedPeerRecord = null;
var $oneOfFields2;
Object.defineProperty(PeerInfo.prototype, "_peerID", {
get: $util.oneOfGetter($oneOfFields2 = ["peerID"]),
set: $util.oneOfSetter($oneOfFields2)
Object.defineProperty(PeerInfo.prototype, "_signedPeerRecord", {
get: $util.oneOfGetter($oneOfFields2 = ["signedPeerRecord"]),
set: $util.oneOfSetter($oneOfFields2)
PeerInfo.encode = function encode39(m, w) {
if (!w)
w = $Writer.create();
if (m.peerID != null &&, "peerID"))
if (m.signedPeerRecord != null &&, "signedPeerRecord"))
return w;
PeerInfo.decode = function decode50(r, l) {
if (!(r instanceof $Reader))
r = $Reader.create(r);
var c = l === void 0 ? r.len : r.pos + l, m = new $root.RPC.PeerInfo();
while (r.pos < c) {
var t = r.uint32();
switch (t >>> 3) {
case 1:
m.peerID = r.bytes();
case 2:
m.signedPeerRecord = r.bytes();
r.skipType(t & 7);
return m;
PeerInfo.fromObject = function fromObject(d) {
if (d instanceof $root.RPC.PeerInfo)
return d;
var m = new $root.RPC.PeerInfo();
if (d.peerID != null) {
if (typeof d.peerID === "string")
$util.base64.decode(d.peerID, m.peerID = $util.newBuffer($util.base64.length(d.peerID)), 0);
else if (d.peerID.length)
m.peerID = d.peerID;
if (d.signedPeerRecord != null) {
if (typeof d.signedPeerRecord === "string")
$util.base64.decode(d.signedPeerRecord, m.signedPeerRecord = $util.newBuffer($util.base64.length(d.signedPeerRecord)), 0);
else if (d.signedPeerRecord.length)
m.signedPeerRecord = d.signedPeerRecord;
return m;
PeerInfo.toObject = function toObject(m, o) {
if (!o)
o = {};
var d = {};
if (m.peerID != null && m.hasOwnProperty("peerID")) {
d.peerID = o.bytes === String ? $util.base64.encode(m.peerID, 0, m.peerID.length) : o.bytes === Array ? : m.peerID;
if (o.oneofs)
d._peerID = "peerID";
if (m.signedPeerRecord != null && m.hasOwnProperty("signedPeerRecord")) {
d.signedPeerRecord = o.bytes === String ? $util.base64.encode(m.signedPeerRecord, 0, m.signedPeerRecord.length) : o.bytes === Array ? : m.signedPeerRecord;
if (o.oneofs)
d._signedPeerRecord = "signedPeerRecord";
return d;
PeerInfo.prototype.toJSON = function toJSON() {
return this.constructor.toObject(this, $protobuf.util.toJSONOptions);
return PeerInfo;
return RPC3;
return $root;
// node_modules/denque/index.js
var require_denque = __commonJS({
"node_modules/denque/index.js"(exports2, module2) {
"use strict";
function Denque2(array, options) {
var options = options || {};
this._head = 0;
this._tail = 0;
this._capacity = options.capacity;
this._capacityMask = 3;
this._list = new Array(4);
if (Array.isArray(array)) {
Denque2.prototype.peekAt = function peekAt(index) {
var i = index;
if (i !== (i | 0)) {
return void 0;
var len = this.size();
if (i >= len || i < -len)
return void 0;
if (i < 0)
i += len;
i = this._head + i & this._capacityMask;
return this._list[i];
Denque2.prototype.get = function get(i) {
return this.peekAt(i);
Denque2.prototype.peek = function peek() {
if (this._head === this._tail)
return void 0;
return this._list[this._head];
Denque2.prototype.peekFront = function peekFront() {
return this.peek();
Denque2.prototype.peekBack = function peekBack() {
return this.peekAt(-1);
Object.defineProperty(Denque2.prototype, "length", {
get: function length11() {
return this.size();
Denque2.prototype.size = function size() {
if (this._head === this._tail)
return 0;
if (this._head < this._tail)
return this._tail - this._head;
return this._capacityMask + 1 - (this._head - this._tail);
Denque2.prototype.unshift = function unshift(item) {
if (item === void 0)
return this.size();
var len = this._list.length;
this._head = this._head - 1 + len & this._capacityMask;
this._list[this._head] = item;
if (this._tail === this._head)
if (this._capacity && this.size() > this._capacity)
if (this._head < this._tail)
return this._tail - this._head;
return this._capacityMask + 1 - (this._head - this._tail);
Denque2.prototype.shift = function shift() {
var head = this._head;
if (head === this._tail)
return void 0;
var item = this._list[head];
this._list[head] = void 0;
this._head = head + 1 & this._capacityMask;
if (head < 2 && this._tail > 1e4 && this._tail <= this._list.length >>> 2)
return item;
Denque2.prototype.push = function push(item) {
if (item === void 0)
return this.size();
var tail = this._tail;
this._list[tail] = item;
this._tail = tail + 1 & this._capacityMask;
if (this._tail === this._head) {
if (this._capacity && this.size() > this._capacity) {
if (this._head < this._tail)
return this._tail - this._head;
return this._capacityMask + 1 - (this._head - this._tail);
Denque2.prototype.pop = function pop() {
var tail = this._tail;
if (tail === this._head)
return void 0;
var len = this._list.length;
this._tail = tail - 1 + len & this._capacityMask;
var item = this._list[this._tail];
this._list[this._tail] = void 0;
if (this._head < 2 && tail > 1e4 && tail <= len >>> 2)
return item;
Denque2.prototype.removeOne = function removeOne(index) {
var i = index;
if (i !== (i | 0)) {
return void 0;
if (this._head === this._tail)
return void 0;
var size = this.size();
var len = this._list.length;
if (i >= size || i < -size)
return void 0;
if (i < 0)
i += size;
i = this._head + i & this._capacityMask;
var item = this._list[i];
var k;
if (index < size / 2) {
for (k = index; k > 0; k--) {
this._list[i] = this._list[i = i - 1 + len & this._capacityMask];
this._list[i] = void 0;
this._head = this._head + 1 + len & this._capacityMask;
} else {
for (k = size - 1 - index; k > 0; k--) {
this._list[i] = this._list[i = i + 1 + len & this._capacityMask];
this._list[i] = void 0;
this._tail = this._tail - 1 + len & this._capacityMask;
return item;
Denque2.prototype.remove = function remove(index, count) {
var i = index;
var removed;
var del_count = count;
if (i !== (i | 0)) {
return void 0;
if (this._head === this._tail)
return void 0;
var size = this.size();
var len = this._list.length;
if (i >= size || i < -size || count < 1)
return void 0;
if (i < 0)
i += size;
if (count === 1 || !count) {
removed = new Array(1);
removed[0] = this.removeOne(i);
return removed;
if (i === 0 && i + count >= size) {
removed = this.toArray();
return removed;
if (i + count > size)
count = size - i;
var k;
removed = new Array(count);
for (k = 0; k < count; k++) {
removed[k] = this._list[this._head + i + k & this._capacityMask];
i = this._head + i & this._capacityMask;
if (index + count === size) {
this._tail = this._tail - count + len & this._capacityMask;
for (k = count; k > 0; k--) {
this._list[i = i + 1 + len & this._capacityMask] = void 0;
return removed;
if (index === 0) {
this._head = this._head + count + len & this._capacityMask;
for (k = count - 1; k > 0; k--) {
this._list[i = i + 1 + len & this._capacityMask] = void 0;
return removed;
if (i < size / 2) {
this._head = this._head + index + count + len & this._capacityMask;
for (k = index; k > 0; k--) {
this.unshift(this._list[i = i - 1 + len & this._capacityMask]);
i = this._head - 1 + len & this._capacityMask;
while (del_count > 0) {
this._list[i = i - 1 + len & this._capacityMask] = void 0;
if (index < 0)
this._tail = i;
} else {
this._tail = i;
i = i + count + len & this._capacityMask;
for (k = size - (count + index); k > 0; k--) {
i = this._tail;
while (del_count > 0) {
this._list[i = i + 1 + len & this._capacityMask] = void 0;
if (this._head < 2 && this._tail > 1e4 && this._tail <= len >>> 2)
return removed;
Denque2.prototype.splice = function splice(index, count) {
var i = index;
if (i !== (i | 0)) {
return void 0;
var size = this.size();
if (i < 0)
i += size;
if (i > size)
return void 0;
if (arguments.length > 2) {
var k;
var temp;
var removed;
var arg_len = arguments.length;
var len = this._list.length;
var arguments_index = 2;
if (!size || i < size / 2) {
temp = new Array(i);
for (k = 0; k < i; k++) {
temp[k] = this._list[this._head + k & this._capacityMask];
if (count === 0) {
removed = [];
if (i > 0) {
this._head = this._head + i + len & this._capacityMask;
} else {
removed = this.remove(i, count);
this._head = this._head + i + len & this._capacityMask;
while (arg_len > arguments_index) {
for (k = i; k > 0; k--) {
this.unshift(temp[k - 1]);
} else {
temp = new Array(size - (i + count));
var leng = temp.length;
for (k = 0; k < leng; k++) {
temp[k] = this._list[this._head + i + count + k & this._capacityMask];
if (count === 0) {
removed = [];
if (i != size) {
this._tail = this._head + i + len & this._capacityMask;
} else {
removed = this.remove(i, count);
this._tail = this._tail - leng + len & this._capacityMask;
while (arguments_index < arg_len) {
for (k = 0; k < leng; k++) {
return removed;
} else {
return this.remove(i, count);
Denque2.prototype.clear = function clear() {
this._head = 0;
this._tail = 0;
Denque2.prototype.isEmpty = function isEmpty() {
return this._head === this._tail;
Denque2.prototype.toArray = function toArray() {
return this._copyArray(false);
Denque2.prototype._fromArray = function _fromArray(array) {
for (var i = 0; i < array.length; i++)
Denque2.prototype._copyArray = function _copyArray(fullCopy) {
var newArray = [];
var list = this._list;
var len = list.length;
var i;
if (fullCopy || this._head > this._tail) {
for (i = this._head; i < len; i++)
for (i = 0; i < this._tail; i++)
} else {
for (i = this._head; i < this._tail; i++)
return newArray;
Denque2.prototype._growArray = function _growArray() {
if (this._head) {
this._list = this._copyArray(true);
this._head = 0;
this._tail = this._list.length;
this._list.length <<= 1;
this._capacityMask = this._capacityMask << 1 | 1;
Denque2.prototype._shrinkArray = function _shrinkArray() {
this._list.length >>>= 1;
this._capacityMask >>>= 1;
module2.exports = Denque2;
// node_modules/iterable-ndjson/parse.browser.js
var require_parse_browser = __commonJS({
"node_modules/iterable-ndjson/parse.browser.js"(exports2, module2) {
module2.exports = (source) => async function* () {
const matcher = /\r?\n/;
const decoder = new TextDecoder("utf8");
let buffer3 = "";
for await (let chunk of source) {
if (typeof chunk === "string") {
chunk = new TextEncoder().encode(chunk);
buffer3 += decoder.decode(chunk, { stream: true });
const parts = buffer3.split(matcher);
buffer3 = parts.pop();
for (let i = 0; i < parts.length; i++)
yield JSON.parse(parts[i]);
buffer3 += decoder.decode();
if (buffer3)
yield JSON.parse(buffer3);
// node_modules/iterable-ndjson/stringify.js
var require_stringify = __commonJS({
"node_modules/iterable-ndjson/stringify.js"(exports2, module2) {
module2.exports = (source) => async function* () {
for await (const obj of source) {
yield JSON.stringify(obj) + "\n";
// node_modules/iterable-ndjson/browser.js
var require_browser4 = __commonJS({
"node_modules/iterable-ndjson/browser.js"(exports2, module2) {
module2.exports = require_parse_browser();
module2.exports.parse = require_parse_browser();
module2.exports.stringify = require_stringify();
// node_modules/hashlru/index.js
var require_hashlru = __commonJS({
"node_modules/hashlru/index.js"(exports2, module2) {
module2.exports = function(max) {
if (!max)
throw Error("hashlru must have a max value, of type number, greater than 0");
var size = 0, cache10 = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null), _cache = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null);
function update(key, value) {
cache10[key] = value;
if (size >= max) {
size = 0;
_cache = cache10;
cache10 = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null);
return {
has: function(key) {
return cache10[key] !== void 0 || _cache[key] !== void 0;
remove: function(key) {
if (cache10[key] !== void 0)
cache10[key] = void 0;
if (_cache[key] !== void 0)
_cache[key] = void 0;
get: function(key) {
var v = cache10[key];
if (v !== void 0)
return v;
if ((v = _cache[key]) !== void 0) {
update(key, v);
return v;
set: function(key, value) {
if (cache10[key] !== void 0)
cache10[key] = value;
update(key, value);
clear: function() {
cache10 = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null);
_cache = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null);
// node_modules/@multiformats/base-x/src/index.js
var require_src2 = __commonJS({
"node_modules/@multiformats/base-x/src/index.js"(exports2, module2) {
"use strict";
function base14(ALPHABET) {
if (ALPHABET.length >= 255) {
throw new TypeError("Alphabet too long");
var BASE_MAP = new Uint8Array(256);
for (var j = 0; j < BASE_MAP.length; j++) {
BASE_MAP[j] = 255;
for (var i = 0; i < ALPHABET.length; i++) {
var x = ALPHABET.charAt(i);
var xc = x.charCodeAt(0);
if (BASE_MAP[xc] !== 255) {
throw new TypeError(x + " is ambiguous");
BASE_MAP[xc] = i;
var BASE = ALPHABET.length;
var LEADER = ALPHABET.charAt(0);
var FACTOR = Math.log(BASE) / Math.log(256);
var iFACTOR = Math.log(256) / Math.log(BASE);
function encode39(source) {
if (source instanceof Uint8Array) {
} else if (ArrayBuffer.isView(source)) {
source = new Uint8Array(source.buffer, source.byteOffset, source.byteLength);
} else if (Array.isArray(source)) {
source = Uint8Array.from(source);
if (!(source instanceof Uint8Array)) {
throw new TypeError("Expected Uint8Array");
if (source.length === 0) {
return "";
var zeroes = 0;
var length11 = 0;
var pbegin = 0;
var pend = source.length;
while (pbegin !== pend && source[pbegin] === 0) {
var size = (pend - pbegin) * iFACTOR + 1 >>> 0;
var b58 = new Uint8Array(size);
while (pbegin !== pend) {
var carry = source[pbegin];
var i2 = 0;
for (var it1 = size - 1; (carry !== 0 || i2 < length11) && it1 !== -1; it1--, i2++) {
carry += 256 * b58[it1] >>> 0;
b58[it1] = carry % BASE >>> 0;
carry = carry / BASE >>> 0;
if (carry !== 0) {
throw new Error("Non-zero carry");
length11 = i2;
var it2 = size - length11;
while (it2 !== size && b58[it2] === 0) {
var str = LEADER.repeat(zeroes);
for (; it2 < size; ++it2) {
str += ALPHABET.charAt(b58[it2]);
return str;
function decodeUnsafe(source) {
if (typeof source !== "string") {
throw new TypeError("Expected String");
if (source.length === 0) {
return new Uint8Array();
var psz = 0;
if (source[psz] === " ") {
var zeroes = 0;
var length11 = 0;
while (source[psz] === LEADER) {
var size = (source.length - psz) * FACTOR + 1 >>> 0;
var b256 = new Uint8Array(size);
while (source[psz]) {
var carry = BASE_MAP[source.charCodeAt(psz)];
if (carry === 255) {
var i2 = 0;
for (var it3 = size - 1; (carry !== 0 || i2 < length11) && it3 !== -1; it3--, i2++) {
carry += BASE * b256[it3] >>> 0;
b256[it3] = carry % 256 >>> 0;
carry = carry / 256 >>> 0;
if (carry !== 0) {
throw new Error("Non-zero carry");
length11 = i2;
if (source[psz] === " ") {
var it4 = size - length11;
while (it4 !== size && b256[it4] === 0) {
var vch = new Uint8Array(zeroes + (size - it4));
var j2 = zeroes;
while (it4 !== size) {
vch[j2++] = b256[it4++];
return vch;
function decode50(string3) {
var buffer3 = decodeUnsafe(string3);
if (buffer3) {
return buffer3;
throw new Error("Non-base" + BASE + " character");
return {
encode: encode39,
decode: decode50
module2.exports = base14;
// node_modules/multibase/src/util.js
var require_util2 = __commonJS({
"node_modules/multibase/src/util.js"(exports2, module2) {
"use strict";
var textDecoder8 = new TextDecoder();
var decodeText = (bytes3) => textDecoder8.decode(bytes3);
var textEncoder9 = new TextEncoder();
var encodeText = (text) => textEncoder9.encode(text);
function concat5(arrs, length11) {
const output3 = new Uint8Array(length11);
let offset = 0;
for (const arr of arrs) {
output3.set(arr, offset);
offset += arr.length;
return output3;
module2.exports = { decodeText, encodeText, concat: concat5 };
// node_modules/multibase/src/base.js
var require_base = __commonJS({
"node_modules/multibase/src/base.js"(exports2, module2) {
"use strict";
var { encodeText } = require_util2();
var Base = class {
* @param {BaseName} name
* @param {BaseCode} code
* @param {CodecFactory} factory
* @param {string} alphabet
constructor(name8, code9, factory, alphabet5) { = name8;
this.code = code9;
this.codeBuf = encodeText(this.code);
this.alphabet = alphabet5;
this.codec = factory(alphabet5);
* @param {Uint8Array} buf
* @returns {string}
encode(buf3) {
return this.codec.encode(buf3);
* @param {string} string
* @returns {Uint8Array}
decode(string3) {
for (const char of string3) {
if (this.alphabet && this.alphabet.indexOf(char) < 0) {
throw new Error(`invalid character '${char}' in '${string3}'`);
return this.codec.decode(string3);
module2.exports = Base;
// node_modules/multibase/src/rfc4648.js
var require_rfc4648 = __commonJS({
"node_modules/multibase/src/rfc4648.js"(exports2, module2) {
"use strict";
var decode50 = (string3, alphabet5, bitsPerChar) => {
const codes8 = {};
for (let i = 0; i < alphabet5.length; ++i) {
codes8[alphabet5[i]] = i;
let end = string3.length;
while (string3[end - 1] === "=") {
const out = new Uint8Array(end * bitsPerChar / 8 | 0);
let bits2 = 0;
let buffer3 = 0;
let written = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < end; ++i) {
const value = codes8[string3[i]];
if (value === void 0) {
throw new SyntaxError("Invalid character " + string3[i]);
buffer3 = buffer3 << bitsPerChar | value;
bits2 += bitsPerChar;
if (bits2 >= 8) {
bits2 -= 8;
out[written++] = 255 & buffer3 >> bits2;
if (bits2 >= bitsPerChar || 255 & buffer3 << 8 - bits2) {
throw new SyntaxError("Unexpected end of data");
return out;
var encode39 = (data, alphabet5, bitsPerChar) => {
const pad = alphabet5[alphabet5.length - 1] === "=";
const mask = (1 << bitsPerChar) - 1;
let out = "";
let bits2 = 0;
let buffer3 = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < data.length; ++i) {
buffer3 = buffer3 << 8 | data[i];
bits2 += 8;
while (bits2 > bitsPerChar) {
bits2 -= bitsPerChar;
out += alphabet5[mask & buffer3 >> bits2];
if (bits2) {
out += alphabet5[mask & buffer3 << bitsPerChar - bits2];
if (pad) {
while (out.length * bitsPerChar & 7) {
out += "=";
return out;
var rfc464811 = (bitsPerChar) => (alphabet5) => {
return {
* @param {Uint8Array} input
* @returns {string}
encode(input) {
return encode39(input, alphabet5, bitsPerChar);
* @param {string} input
* @returns {Uint8Array}
decode(input) {
return decode50(input, alphabet5, bitsPerChar);
module2.exports = { rfc4648: rfc464811 };
// node_modules/multibase/src/constants.js
var require_constants = __commonJS({
"node_modules/multibase/src/constants.js"(exports2, module2) {
"use strict";
var baseX11 = require_src2();
var Base = require_base();
var { rfc4648: rfc464811 } = require_rfc4648();
var { decodeText, encodeText } = require_util2();
var identity9 = () => {
return {
encode: decodeText,
decode: encodeText
var constants = [
["identity", "\0", identity9, ""],
["base2", "0", rfc464811(1), "01"],
["base8", "7", rfc464811(3), "01234567"],
["base10", "9", baseX11, "0123456789"],
["base16", "f", rfc464811(4), "0123456789abcdef"],
["base16upper", "F", rfc464811(4), "0123456789ABCDEF"],
["base32hex", "v", rfc464811(5), "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuv"],
["base32hexupper", "V", rfc464811(5), "0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUV"],
["base32hexpad", "t", rfc464811(5), "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuv="],
["base32hexpadupper", "T", rfc464811(5), "0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUV="],
["base32", "b", rfc464811(5), "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz234567"],
["base32upper", "B", rfc464811(5), "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ234567"],
["base32pad", "c", rfc464811(5), "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz234567="],
["base32padupper", "C", rfc464811(5), "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ234567="],
["base32z", "h", rfc464811(5), "ybndrfg8ejkmcpqxot1uwisza345h769"],
["base36", "k", baseX11, "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"],
["base36upper", "K", baseX11, "0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"],
["base58btc", "z", baseX11, "123456789ABCDEFGHJKLMNPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijkmnopqrstuvwxyz"],
["base58flickr", "Z", baseX11, "123456789abcdefghijkmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHJKLMNPQRSTUVWXYZ"],
["base64", "m", rfc464811(6), "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/"],
["base64pad", "M", rfc464811(6), "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/="],
["base64url", "u", rfc464811(6), "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789-_"],
["base64urlpad", "U", rfc464811(6), "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789-_="]
var names3 = constants.reduce(
(prev, tupple) => {
prev[tupple[0]] = new Base(tupple[0], tupple[1], tupple[2], tupple[3]);
return prev;
/** @type {Record<BaseName,Base>} */
var codes8 = constants.reduce(
(prev, tupple) => {
prev[tupple[1]] = names3[tupple[0]];
return prev;
/** @type {Record<BaseCode,Base>} */
module2.exports = {
names: names3,
codes: codes8
// node_modules/multibase/src/index.js
var require_src3 = __commonJS({
"node_modules/multibase/src/index.js"(exports2, module2) {
"use strict";
var constants = require_constants();
var { encodeText, decodeText, concat: concat5 } = require_util2();
function multibase(nameOrCode, buf3) {
if (!buf3) {
throw new Error("requires an encoded Uint8Array");
const { name: name8, codeBuf } = encoding(nameOrCode);
validEncode(name8, buf3);
return concat5([codeBuf, buf3], codeBuf.length + buf3.length);
function encode39(nameOrCode, buf3) {
const enc = encoding(nameOrCode);
const data = encodeText(enc.encode(buf3));
return concat5([enc.codeBuf, data], enc.codeBuf.length + data.length);
function decode50(data) {
if (data instanceof Uint8Array) {
data = decodeText(data);
const prefix = data[0];
if (["f", "F", "v", "V", "t", "T", "b", "B", "c", "C", "h", "k", "K"].includes(prefix)) {
data = data.toLowerCase();
const enc = encoding(
/** @type {BaseCode} */
return enc.decode(data.substring(1));
function isEncoded(data) {
if (data instanceof Uint8Array) {
data = decodeText(data);
if ( !== "[object String]") {
return false;
try {
const enc = encoding(
/** @type {BaseCode} */
} catch (err) {
return false;
function validEncode(name8, buf3) {
const enc = encoding(name8);
function encoding(nameOrCode) {
if (
/** @type {BaseName} */
)) {
return constants.names[
/** @type {BaseName} */
} else if (,
/** @type {BaseCode} */
)) {
/** @type {BaseCode} */
} else {
throw new Error(`Unsupported encoding: ${nameOrCode}`);
function encodingFromData(data) {
if (data instanceof Uint8Array) {
data = decodeText(data);
return encoding(
/** @type {BaseCode} */
exports2 = module2.exports = multibase;
exports2.encode = encode39;
exports2.decode = decode50;
exports2.isEncoded = isEncoded;
exports2.encoding = encoding;
exports2.encodingFromData = encodingFromData;
var names3 = Object.freeze(constants.names);
var codes8 = Object.freeze(;
exports2.names = names3; = codes8;
// node_modules/multihashes/node_modules/varint/encode.js
var require_encode3 = __commonJS({
"node_modules/multihashes/node_modules/varint/encode.js"(exports2, module2) {
module2.exports = encode39;
var MSB11 = 128;
var REST11 = 127;
var MSBALL10 = ~REST11;
var INT10 = Math.pow(2, 31);
function encode39(num, out, offset) {
out = out || [];
offset = offset || 0;
var oldOffset = offset;
while (num >= INT10) {
out[offset++] = num & 255 | MSB11;
num /= 128;
while (num & MSBALL10) {
out[offset++] = num & 255 | MSB11;
num >>>= 7;
out[offset] = num | 0;
encode39.bytes = offset - oldOffset + 1;
return out;
// node_modules/multihashes/node_modules/varint/decode.js
var require_decode3 = __commonJS({
"node_modules/multihashes/node_modules/varint/decode.js"(exports2, module2) {
module2.exports = read11;
var MSB11 = 128;
var REST11 = 127;
function read11(buf3, offset) {
var res = 0, offset = offset || 0, shift = 0, counter = offset, b, l = buf3.length;
do {
if (counter >= l) {
read11.bytes = 0;
throw new RangeError("Could not decode varint");
b = buf3[counter++];
res += shift < 28 ? (b & REST11) << shift : (b & REST11) * Math.pow(2, shift);
shift += 7;
} while (b >= MSB11);
read11.bytes = counter - offset;
return res;
// node_modules/multihashes/node_modules/varint/length.js
var require_length3 = __commonJS({
"node_modules/multihashes/node_modules/varint/length.js"(exports2, module2) {
var N111 = Math.pow(2, 7);
var N211 = Math.pow(2, 14);
var N311 = Math.pow(2, 21);
var N411 = Math.pow(2, 28);
var N511 = Math.pow(2, 35);
var N611 = Math.pow(2, 42);
var N711 = Math.pow(2, 49);
var N811 = Math.pow(2, 56);
var N911 = Math.pow(2, 63);
module2.exports = function(value) {
return value < N111 ? 1 : value < N211 ? 2 : value < N311 ? 3 : value < N411 ? 4 : value < N511 ? 5 : value < N611 ? 6 : value < N711 ? 7 : value < N811 ? 8 : value < N911 ? 9 : 10;
// node_modules/multihashes/node_modules/varint/index.js
var require_varint3 = __commonJS({
"node_modules/multihashes/node_modules/varint/index.js"(exports2, module2) {
module2.exports = {
encode: require_encode3(),
decode: require_decode3(),
encodingLength: require_length3()
// node_modules/multihashes/src/constants.js
var require_constants2 = __commonJS({
"node_modules/multihashes/src/constants.js"(exports2, module2) {
"use strict";
var names3 = Object.freeze({
"identity": 0,
"sha1": 17,
"sha2-256": 18,
"sha2-512": 19,
"sha3-512": 20,
"sha3-384": 21,
"sha3-256": 22,
"sha3-224": 23,
"shake-128": 24,
"shake-256": 25,
"keccak-224": 26,
"keccak-256": 27,
"keccak-384": 28,
"keccak-512": 29,
"blake3": 30,
"murmur3-128": 34,
"murmur3-32": 35,
"dbl-sha2-256": 86,
"md4": 212,
"md5": 213,
"bmt": 214,
"sha2-256-trunc254-padded": 4114,
"ripemd-128": 4178,
"ripemd-160": 4179,
"ripemd-256": 4180,
"ripemd-320": 4181,
"x11": 4352,
"kangarootwelve": 7425,
"sm3-256": 21325,
"blake2b-8": 45569,
"blake2b-16": 45570,
"blake2b-24": 45571,
"blake2b-32": 45572,
"blake2b-40": 45573,
"blake2b-48": 45574,
"blake2b-56": 45575,
"blake2b-64": 45576,
"blake2b-72": 45577,
"blake2b-80": 45578,
"blake2b-88": 45579,
"blake2b-96": 45580,
"blake2b-104": 45581,
"blake2b-112": 45582,
"blake2b-120": 45583,
"blake2b-128": 45584,
"blake2b-136": 45585,
"blake2b-144": 45586,
"blake2b-152": 45587,
"blake2b-160": 45588,
"blake2b-168": 45589,
"blake2b-176": 45590,
"blake2b-184": 45591,
"blake2b-192": 45592,
"blake2b-200": 45593,
"blake2b-208": 45594,
"blake2b-216": 45595,
"blake2b-224": 45596,
"blake2b-232": 45597,
"blake2b-240": 45598,
"blake2b-248": 45599,
"blake2b-256": 45600,
"blake2b-264": 45601,
"blake2b-272": 45602,
"blake2b-280": 45603,
"blake2b-288": 45604,
"blake2b-296": 45605,
"blake2b-304": 45606,
"blake2b-312": 45607,
"blake2b-320": 45608,
"blake2b-328": 45609,
"blake2b-336": 45610,
"blake2b-344": 45611,
"blake2b-352": 45612,
"blake2b-360": 45613,
"blake2b-368": 45614,
"blake2b-376": 45615,
"blake2b-384": 45616,
"blake2b-392": 45617,
"blake2b-400": 45618,
"blake2b-408": 45619,
"blake2b-416": 45620,
"blake2b-424": 45621,
"blake2b-432": 45622,
"blake2b-440": 45623,
"blake2b-448": 45624,
"blake2b-456": 45625,
"blake2b-464": 45626,
"blake2b-472": 45627,
"blake2b-480": 45628,
"blake2b-488": 45629,
"blake2b-496": 45630,
"blake2b-504": 45631,
"blake2b-512": 45632,
"blake2s-8": 45633,
"blake2s-16": 45634,
"blake2s-24": 45635,
"blake2s-32": 45636,
"blake2s-40": 45637,
"blake2s-48": 45638,
"blake2s-56": 45639,
"blake2s-64": 45640,
"blake2s-72": 45641,
"blake2s-80": 45642,
"blake2s-88": 45643,
"blake2s-96": 45644,
"blake2s-104": 45645,
"blake2s-112": 45646,
"blake2s-120": 45647,
"blake2s-128": 45648,
"blake2s-136": 45649,
"blake2s-144": 45650,
"blake2s-152": 45651,
"blake2s-160": 45652,
"blake2s-168": 45653,
"blake2s-176": 45654,
"blake2s-184": 45655,
"blake2s-192": 45656,
"blake2s-200": 45657,
"blake2s-208": 45658,
"blake2s-216": 45659,
"blake2s-224": 45660,
"blake2s-232": 45661,
"blake2s-240": 45662,
"blake2s-248": 45663,
"blake2s-256": 45664,
"skein256-8": 45825,
"skein256-16": 45826,
"skein256-24": 45827,
"skein256-32": 45828,
"skein256-40": 45829,
"skein256-48": 45830,
"skein256-56": 45831,
"skein256-64": 45832,
"skein256-72": 45833,
"skein256-80": 45834,
"skein256-88": 45835,
"skein256-96": 45836,
"skein256-104": 45837,
"skein256-112": 45838,
"skein256-120": 45839,
"skein256-128": 45840,
"skein256-136": 45841,
"skein256-144": 45842,
"skein256-152": 45843,
"skein256-160": 45844,
"skein256-168": 45845,
"skein256-176": 45846,
"skein256-184": 45847,
"skein256-192": 45848,
"skein256-200": 45849,
"skein256-208": 45850,
"skein256-216": 45851,
"skein256-224": 45852,
"skein256-232": 45853,
"skein256-240": 45854,
"skein256-248": 45855,
"skein256-256": 45856,
"skein512-8": 45857,
"skein512-16": 45858,
"skein512-24": 45859,
"skein512-32": 45860,
"skein512-40": 45861,
"skein512-48": 45862,
"skein512-56": 45863,
"skein512-64": 45864,
"skein512-72": 45865,
"skein512-80": 45866,
"skein512-88": 45867,
"skein512-96": 45868,
"skein512-104": 45869,
"skein512-112": 45870,
"skein512-120": 45871,
"skein512-128": 45872,
"skein512-136": 45873,
"skein512-144": 45874,
"skein512-152": 45875,
"skein512-160": 45876,
"skein512-168": 45877,
"skein512-176": 45878,
"skein512-184": 45879,
"skein512-192": 45880,
"skein512-200": 45881,
"skein512-208": 45882,
"skein512-216": 45883,
"skein512-224": 45884,
"skein512-232": 45885,
"skein512-240": 45886,
"skein512-248": 45887,
"skein512-256": 45888,
"skein512-264": 45889,
"skein512-272": 45890,
"skein512-280": 45891,
"skein512-288": 45892,
"skein512-296": 45893,
"skein512-304": 45894,
"skein512-312": 45895,
"skein512-320": 45896,
"skein512-328": 45897,
"skein512-336": 45898,
"skein512-344": 45899,
"skein512-352": 45900,
"skein512-360": 45901,
"skein512-368": 45902,
"skein512-376": 45903,
"skein512-384": 45904,
"skein512-392": 45905,
"skein512-400": 45906,
"skein512-408": 45907,
"skein512-416": 45908,
"skein512-424": 45909,
"skein512-432": 45910,
"skein512-440": 45911,
"skein512-448": 45912,
"skein512-456": 45913,
"skein512-464": 45914,
"skein512-472": 45915,
"skein512-480": 45916,
"skein512-488": 45917,
"skein512-496": 45918,
"skein512-504": 45919,
"skein512-512": 45920,
"skein1024-8": 45921,
"skein1024-16": 45922,
"skein1024-24": 45923,
"skein1024-32": 45924,
"skein1024-40": 45925,
"skein1024-48": 45926,
"skein1024-56": 45927,
"skein1024-64": 45928,
"skein1024-72": 45929,
"skein1024-80": 45930,
"skein1024-88": 45931,
"skein1024-96": 45932,
"skein1024-104": 45933,
"skein1024-112": 45934,
"skein1024-120": 45935,
"skein1024-128": 45936,
"skein1024-136": 45937,
"skein1024-144": 45938,
"skein1024-152": 45939,
"skein1024-160": 45940,
"skein1024-168": 45941,
"skein1024-176": 45942,
"skein1024-184": 45943,
"skein1024-192": 45944,
"skein1024-200": 45945,
"skein1024-208": 45946,
"skein1024-216": 45947,
"skein1024-224": 45948,
"skein1024-232": 45949,
"skein1024-240": 45950,
"skein1024-248": 45951,
"skein1024-256": 45952,
"skein1024-264": 45953,
"skein1024-272": 45954,
"skein1024-280": 45955,
"skein1024-288": 45956,
"skein1024-296": 45957,
"skein1024-304": 45958,
"skein1024-312": 45959,
"skein1024-320": 45960,
"skein1024-328": 45961,
"skein1024-336": 45962,
"skein1024-344": 45963,
"skein1024-352": 45964,
"skein1024-360": 45965,
"skein1024-368": 45966,
"skein1024-376": 45967,
"skein1024-384": 45968,
"skein1024-392": 45969,
"skein1024-400": 45970,
"skein1024-408": 45971,
"skein1024-416": 45972,
"skein1024-424": 45973,
"skein1024-432": 45974,
"skein1024-440": 45975,
"skein1024-448": 45976,
"skein1024-456": 45977,
"skein1024-464": 45978,
"skein1024-472": 45979,
"skein1024-480": 45980,
"skein1024-488": 45981,
"skein1024-496": 45982,
"skein1024-504": 45983,
"skein1024-512": 45984,
"skein1024-520": 45985,
"skein1024-528": 45986,
"skein1024-536": 45987,
"skein1024-544": 45988,
"skein1024-552": 45989,
"skein1024-560": 45990,
"skein1024-568": 45991,
"skein1024-576": 45992,
"skein1024-584": 45993,
"skein1024-592": 45994,
"skein1024-600": 45995,
"skein1024-608": 45996,
"skein1024-616": 45997,
"skein1024-624": 45998,
"skein1024-632": 45999,
"skein1024-640": 46e3,
"skein1024-648": 46001,
"skein1024-656": 46002,
"skein1024-664": 46003,
"skein1024-672": 46004,
"skein1024-680": 46005,
"skein1024-688": 46006,
"skein1024-696": 46007,
"skein1024-704": 46008,
"skein1024-712": 46009,
"skein1024-720": 46010,
"skein1024-728": 46011,
"skein1024-736": 46012,
"skein1024-744": 46013,
"skein1024-752": 46014,
"skein1024-760": 46015,
"skein1024-768": 46016,
"skein1024-776": 46017,
"skein1024-784": 46018,
"skein1024-792": 46019,
"skein1024-800": 46020,
"skein1024-808": 46021,
"skein1024-816": 46022,
"skein1024-824": 46023,
"skein1024-832": 46024,
"skein1024-840": 46025,
"skein1024-848": 46026,
"skein1024-856": 46027,
"skein1024-864": 46028,
"skein1024-872": 46029,
"skein1024-880": 46030,
"skein1024-888": 46031,
"skein1024-896": 46032,
"skein1024-904": 46033,
"skein1024-912": 46034,
"skein1024-920": 46035,
"skein1024-928": 46036,
"skein1024-936": 46037,
"skein1024-944": 46038,
"skein1024-952": 46039,
"skein1024-960": 46040,
"skein1024-968": 46041,
"skein1024-976": 46042,
"skein1024-984": 46043,
"skein1024-992": 46044,
"skein1024-1000": 46045,
"skein1024-1008": 46046,
"skein1024-1016": 46047,
"skein1024-1024": 46048,
"poseidon-bls12_381-a2-fc1": 46081,
"poseidon-bls12_381-a2-fc1-sc": 46082
module2.exports = { names: names3 };
// node_modules/multihashes/node_modules/multiformats/esm/vendor/base-x.js
function base11(ALPHABET, name8) {
if (ALPHABET.length >= 255) {
throw new TypeError("Alphabet too long");
var BASE_MAP = new Uint8Array(256);
for (var j = 0; j < BASE_MAP.length; j++) {
BASE_MAP[j] = 255;
for (var i = 0; i < ALPHABET.length; i++) {
var x = ALPHABET.charAt(i);
var xc = x.charCodeAt(0);
if (BASE_MAP[xc] !== 255) {
throw new TypeError(x + " is ambiguous");
BASE_MAP[xc] = i;
var BASE = ALPHABET.length;
var LEADER = ALPHABET.charAt(0);
var FACTOR = Math.log(BASE) / Math.log(256);
var iFACTOR = Math.log(256) / Math.log(BASE);
function encode39(source) {
if (source instanceof Uint8Array)
else if (ArrayBuffer.isView(source)) {
source = new Uint8Array(source.buffer, source.byteOffset, source.byteLength);
} else if (Array.isArray(source)) {
source = Uint8Array.from(source);
if (!(source instanceof Uint8Array)) {
throw new TypeError("Expected Uint8Array");
if (source.length === 0) {
return "";
var zeroes = 0;
var length11 = 0;
var pbegin = 0;
var pend = source.length;
while (pbegin !== pend && source[pbegin] === 0) {
var size = (pend - pbegin) * iFACTOR + 1 >>> 0;
var b58 = new Uint8Array(size);
while (pbegin !== pend) {
var carry = source[pbegin];
var i2 = 0;
for (var it1 = size - 1; (carry !== 0 || i2 < length11) && it1 !== -1; it1--, i2++) {
carry += 256 * b58[it1] >>> 0;
b58[it1] = carry % BASE >>> 0;
carry = carry / BASE >>> 0;
if (carry !== 0) {
throw new Error("Non-zero carry");
length11 = i2;
var it2 = size - length11;
while (it2 !== size && b58[it2] === 0) {
var str = LEADER.repeat(zeroes);
for (; it2 < size; ++it2) {
str += ALPHABET.charAt(b58[it2]);
return str;
function decodeUnsafe(source) {
if (typeof source !== "string") {
throw new TypeError("Expected String");
if (source.length === 0) {
return new Uint8Array();
var psz = 0;
if (source[psz] === " ") {
var zeroes = 0;
var length11 = 0;
while (source[psz] === LEADER) {
var size = (source.length - psz) * FACTOR + 1 >>> 0;
var b256 = new Uint8Array(size);
while (source[psz]) {
var carry = BASE_MAP[source.charCodeAt(psz)];
if (carry === 255) {
var i2 = 0;
for (var it3 = size - 1; (carry !== 0 || i2 < length11) && it3 !== -1; it3--, i2++) {
carry += BASE * b256[it3] >>> 0;
b256[it3] = carry % 256 >>> 0;
carry = carry / 256 >>> 0;
if (carry !== 0) {
throw new Error("Non-zero carry");
length11 = i2;
if (source[psz] === " ") {
var it4 = size - length11;
while (it4 !== size && b256[it4] === 0) {
var vch = new Uint8Array(zeroes + (size - it4));
var j2 = zeroes;
while (it4 !== size) {
vch[j2++] = b256[it4++];
return vch;
function decode50(string3) {
var buffer3 = decodeUnsafe(string3);
if (buffer3) {
return buffer3;
throw new Error(`Non-${name8} character`);
return {
encode: encode39,
decode: decode50
var src8, _brrp__multiformats_scope_baseX8, base_x_default8;
var init_base_x = __esm({
"node_modules/multihashes/node_modules/multiformats/esm/vendor/base-x.js"() {
src8 = base11;
_brrp__multiformats_scope_baseX8 = src8;
base_x_default8 = _brrp__multiformats_scope_baseX8;
// node_modules/multihashes/node_modules/multiformats/esm/src/bytes.js
var empty8, equals14, coerce8, fromString6, toString7;
var init_bytes = __esm({
"node_modules/multihashes/node_modules/multiformats/esm/src/bytes.js"() {
empty8 = new Uint8Array(0);
equals14 = (aa, bb) => {
if (aa === bb)
return true;
if (aa.byteLength !== bb.byteLength) {
return false;
for (let ii = 0; ii < aa.byteLength; ii++) {
if (aa[ii] !== bb[ii]) {
return false;
return true;
coerce8 = (o) => {
if (o instanceof Uint8Array && === "Uint8Array")
return o;
if (o instanceof ArrayBuffer)
return new Uint8Array(o);
if (ArrayBuffer.isView(o)) {
return new Uint8Array(o.buffer, o.byteOffset, o.byteLength);
throw new Error("Unknown type, must be binary type");
fromString6 = (str) => new TextEncoder().encode(str);
toString7 = (b) => new TextDecoder().decode(b);
// node_modules/multihashes/node_modules/multiformats/esm/src/bases/base.js
var Encoder9, Decoder10, ComposedDecoder8, or9, Codec8, from12, baseX8, decode34, encode29, rfc46488;
var init_base = __esm({
"node_modules/multihashes/node_modules/multiformats/esm/src/bases/base.js"() {
Encoder9 = class {
constructor(name8, prefix, baseEncode) { = name8;
this.prefix = prefix;
this.baseEncode = baseEncode;
encode(bytes3) {
if (bytes3 instanceof Uint8Array) {
return `${this.prefix}${this.baseEncode(bytes3)}`;
} else {
throw Error("Unknown type, must be binary type");
Decoder10 = class {
constructor(name8, prefix, baseDecode) { = name8;
this.prefix = prefix;
if (prefix.codePointAt(0) === void 0) {
throw new Error("Invalid prefix character");
this.prefixCodePoint = prefix.codePointAt(0);
this.baseDecode = baseDecode;
decode(text) {
if (typeof text === "string") {
if (text.codePointAt(0) !== this.prefixCodePoint) {
throw Error(`Unable to decode multibase string ${JSON.stringify(text)}, ${} decoder only supports inputs prefixed with ${this.prefix}`);
return this.baseDecode(text.slice(this.prefix.length));
} else {
throw Error("Can only multibase decode strings");
or(decoder) {
return or9(this, decoder);
ComposedDecoder8 = class {
constructor(decoders2) {
this.decoders = decoders2;
or(decoder) {
return or9(this, decoder);
decode(input) {
const prefix = input[0];
const decoder = this.decoders[prefix];
if (decoder) {
return decoder.decode(input);
} else {
throw RangeError(`Unable to decode multibase string ${JSON.stringify(input)}, only inputs prefixed with ${Object.keys(this.decoders)} are supported`);
or9 = (left, right) => new ComposedDecoder8({
...left.decoders || { [left.prefix]: left },
...right.decoders || { [right.prefix]: right }
Codec8 = class {
constructor(name8, prefix, baseEncode, baseDecode) { = name8;
this.prefix = prefix;
this.baseEncode = baseEncode;
this.baseDecode = baseDecode;
this.encoder = new Encoder9(name8, prefix, baseEncode);
this.decoder = new Decoder10(name8, prefix, baseDecode);
encode(input) {
return this.encoder.encode(input);
decode(input) {
return this.decoder.decode(input);
from12 = ({ name: name8, prefix, encode: encode39, decode: decode50 }) => new Codec8(name8, prefix, encode39, decode50);
baseX8 = ({ prefix, name: name8, alphabet: alphabet5 }) => {
const { encode: encode39, decode: decode50 } = base_x_default8(alphabet5, name8);
return from12({
name: name8,
encode: encode39,
decode: (text) => coerce8(decode50(text))
decode34 = (string3, alphabet5, bitsPerChar, name8) => {
const codes8 = {};
for (let i = 0; i < alphabet5.length; ++i) {
codes8[alphabet5[i]] = i;
let end = string3.length;
while (string3[end - 1] === "=") {
const out = new Uint8Array(end * bitsPerChar / 8 | 0);
let bits2 = 0;
let buffer3 = 0;
let written = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < end; ++i) {
const value = codes8[string3[i]];
if (value === void 0) {
throw new SyntaxError(`Non-${name8} character`);
buffer3 = buffer3 << bitsPerChar | value;
bits2 += bitsPerChar;
if (bits2 >= 8) {
bits2 -= 8;
out[written++] = 255 & buffer3 >> bits2;
if (bits2 >= bitsPerChar || 255 & buffer3 << 8 - bits2) {
throw new SyntaxError("Unexpected end of data");
return out;
encode29 = (data, alphabet5, bitsPerChar) => {
const pad = alphabet5[alphabet5.length - 1] === "=";
const mask = (1 << bitsPerChar) - 1;
let out = "";
let bits2 = 0;
let buffer3 = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < data.length; ++i) {
buffer3 = buffer3 << 8 | data[i];
bits2 += 8;
while (bits2 > bitsPerChar) {
bits2 -= bitsPerChar;
out += alphabet5[mask & buffer3 >> bits2];
if (bits2) {
out += alphabet5[mask & buffer3 << bitsPerChar - bits2];
if (pad) {
while (out.length * bitsPerChar & 7) {
out += "=";
return out;
rfc46488 = ({ name: name8, prefix, bitsPerChar, alphabet: alphabet5 }) => {
return from12({
name: name8,
encode(input) {
return encode29(input, alphabet5, bitsPerChar);
decode(input) {
return decode34(input, alphabet5, bitsPerChar, name8);
// node_modules/multihashes/node_modules/multiformats/esm/src/bases/identity.js
var identity_exports7 = {};
__export(identity_exports7, {
identity: () => identity7
var identity7;
var init_identity = __esm({
"node_modules/multihashes/node_modules/multiformats/esm/src/bases/identity.js"() {
identity7 = from12({
prefix: "\0",
name: "identity",
encode: (buf3) => toString7(buf3),
decode: (str) => fromString6(str)
// node_modules/multihashes/node_modules/multiformats/esm/src/bases/base2.js
var base2_exports4 = {};
__export(base2_exports4, {
base2: () => base25
var base25;
var init_base2 = __esm({
"node_modules/multihashes/node_modules/multiformats/esm/src/bases/base2.js"() {
base25 = rfc46488({
prefix: "0",
name: "base2",
alphabet: "01",
bitsPerChar: 1
// node_modules/multihashes/node_modules/multiformats/esm/src/bases/base8.js
var base8_exports4 = {};
__export(base8_exports4, {
base8: () => base84
var base84;
var init_base8 = __esm({
"node_modules/multihashes/node_modules/multiformats/esm/src/bases/base8.js"() {
base84 = rfc46488({
prefix: "7",
name: "base8",
alphabet: "01234567",
bitsPerChar: 3
// node_modules/multihashes/node_modules/multiformats/esm/src/bases/base10.js
var base10_exports4 = {};
__export(base10_exports4, {
base10: () => base104
var base104;
var init_base10 = __esm({
"node_modules/multihashes/node_modules/multiformats/esm/src/bases/base10.js"() {
base104 = baseX8({
prefix: "9",
name: "base10",
alphabet: "0123456789"
// node_modules/multihashes/node_modules/multiformats/esm/src/bases/base16.js
var base16_exports4 = {};
__export(base16_exports4, {
base16: () => base164,
base16upper: () => base16upper4
var base164, base16upper4;
var init_base16 = __esm({
"node_modules/multihashes/node_modules/multiformats/esm/src/bases/base16.js"() {
base164 = rfc46488({
prefix: "f",
name: "base16",
alphabet: "0123456789abcdef",
bitsPerChar: 4
base16upper4 = rfc46488({
prefix: "F",
name: "base16upper",
alphabet: "0123456789ABCDEF",
bitsPerChar: 4
// node_modules/multihashes/node_modules/multiformats/esm/src/bases/base32.js
var base32_exports4 = {};
__export(base32_exports4, {
base32: () => base328,
base32hex: () => base32hex8,
base32hexpad: () => base32hexpad8,
base32hexpadupper: () => base32hexpadupper8,
base32hexupper: () => base32hexupper8,
base32pad: () => base32pad8,
base32padupper: () => base32padupper8,
base32upper: () => base32upper8,
base32z: () => base32z8
var base328, base32upper8, base32pad8, base32padupper8, base32hex8, base32hexupper8, base32hexpad8, base32hexpadupper8, base32z8;
var init_base32 = __esm({
"node_modules/multihashes/node_modules/multiformats/esm/src/bases/base32.js"() {
base328 = rfc46488({
prefix: "b",
name: "base32",
alphabet: "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz234567",
bitsPerChar: 5
base32upper8 = rfc46488({
prefix: "B",
name: "base32upper",
bitsPerChar: 5
base32pad8 = rfc46488({
prefix: "c",
name: "base32pad",
alphabet: "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz234567=",
bitsPerChar: 5
base32padupper8 = rfc46488({
prefix: "C",
name: "base32padupper",
bitsPerChar: 5
base32hex8 = rfc46488({
prefix: "v",
name: "base32hex",
alphabet: "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuv",
bitsPerChar: 5
base32hexupper8 = rfc46488({
prefix: "V",
name: "base32hexupper",
alphabet: "0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUV",
bitsPerChar: 5
base32hexpad8 = rfc46488({
prefix: "t",
name: "base32hexpad",
alphabet: "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuv=",
bitsPerChar: 5
base32hexpadupper8 = rfc46488({
prefix: "T",
name: "base32hexpadupper",
alphabet: "0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUV=",
bitsPerChar: 5
base32z8 = rfc46488({
prefix: "h",
name: "base32z",
alphabet: "ybndrfg8ejkmcpqxot1uwisza345h769",
bitsPerChar: 5
// node_modules/multihashes/node_modules/multiformats/esm/src/bases/base36.js
var base36_exports4 = {};
__export(base36_exports4, {
base36: () => base364,
base36upper: () => base36upper4
var base364, base36upper4;
var init_base36 = __esm({
"node_modules/multihashes/node_modules/multiformats/esm/src/bases/base36.js"() {
base364 = baseX8({
prefix: "k",
name: "base36",
alphabet: "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
base36upper4 = baseX8({
prefix: "K",
name: "base36upper",
// node_modules/multihashes/node_modules/multiformats/esm/src/bases/base58.js
var base58_exports4 = {};
__export(base58_exports4, {
base58btc: () => base58btc8,
base58flickr: () => base58flickr8
var base58btc8, base58flickr8;
var init_base58 = __esm({
"node_modules/multihashes/node_modules/multiformats/esm/src/bases/base58.js"() {
base58btc8 = baseX8({
name: "base58btc",
prefix: "z",
alphabet: "123456789ABCDEFGHJKLMNPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijkmnopqrstuvwxyz"
base58flickr8 = baseX8({
name: "base58flickr",
prefix: "Z",
alphabet: "123456789abcdefghijkmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHJKLMNPQRSTUVWXYZ"
// node_modules/multihashes/node_modules/multiformats/esm/src/bases/base64.js
var base64_exports4 = {};
__export(base64_exports4, {
base64: () => base646,
base64pad: () => base64pad6,
base64url: () => base64url6,
base64urlpad: () => base64urlpad6
var base646, base64pad6, base64url6, base64urlpad6;
var init_base64 = __esm({
"node_modules/multihashes/node_modules/multiformats/esm/src/bases/base64.js"() {
base646 = rfc46488({
prefix: "m",
name: "base64",
alphabet: "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/",
bitsPerChar: 6
base64pad6 = rfc46488({
prefix: "M",
name: "base64pad",
alphabet: "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/=",
bitsPerChar: 6
base64url6 = rfc46488({
prefix: "u",
name: "base64url",
alphabet: "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789-_",
bitsPerChar: 6
base64urlpad6 = rfc46488({
prefix: "U",
name: "base64urlpad",
alphabet: "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789-_=",
bitsPerChar: 6
// node_modules/multihashes/node_modules/multiformats/esm/src/bases/base256emoji.js
var base256emoji_exports4 = {};
__export(base256emoji_exports4, {
base256emoji: () => base256emoji4
function encode30(data) {
return data.reduce((p, c) => {
p += alphabetBytesToChars4[c];
return p;
}, "");
function decode35(str) {
const byts = [];
for (const char of str) {
const byt = alphabetCharsToBytes4[char.codePointAt(0)];
if (byt === void 0) {
throw new Error(`Non-base256emoji character: ${char}`);
return new Uint8Array(byts);
var alphabet4, alphabetBytesToChars4, alphabetCharsToBytes4, base256emoji4;
var init_base256emoji = __esm({
"node_modules/multihashes/node_modules/multiformats/esm/src/bases/base256emoji.js"() {
alphabet4 = Array.from("\u{1F680}\u{1FA90}\u2604\u{1F6F0}\u{1F30C}\u{1F311}\u{1F312}\u{1F313}\u{1F314}\u{1F315}\u{1F316}\u{1F317}\u{1F318}\u{1F30D}\u{1F30F}\u{1F30E}\u{1F409}\u2600\u{1F4BB}\u{1F5A5}\u{1F4BE}\u{1F4BF}\u{1F602}\u2764\u{1F60D}\u{1F923}\u{1F60A}\u{1F64F}\u{1F495}\u{1F62D}\u{1F618}\u{1F44D}\u{1F605}\u{1F44F}\u{1F601}\u{1F525}\u{1F970}\u{1F494}\u{1F496}\u{1F499}\u{1F622}\u{1F914}\u{1F606}\u{1F644}\u{1F4AA}\u{1F609}\u263A\u{1F44C}\u{1F917}\u{1F49C}\u{1F614}\u{1F60E}\u{1F607}\u{1F339}\u{1F926}\u{1F389}\u{1F49E}\u270C\u2728\u{1F937}\u{1F631}\u{1F60C}\u{1F338}\u{1F64C}\u{1F60B}\u{1F497}\u{1F49A}\u{1F60F}\u{1F49B}\u{1F642}\u{1F493}\u{1F929}\u{1F604}\u{1F600}\u{1F5A4}\u{1F603}\u{1F4AF}\u{1F648}\u{1F447}\u{1F3B6}\u{1F612}\u{1F92D}\u2763\u{1F61C}\u{1F48B}\u{1F440}\u{1F62A}\u{1F611}\u{1F4A5}\u{1F64B}\u{1F61E}\u{1F629}\u{1F621}\u{1F92A}\u{1F44A}\u{1F973}\u{1F625}\u{1F924}\u{1F449}\u{1F483}\u{1F633}\u270B\u{1F61A}\u{1F61D}\u{1F634}\u{1F31F}\u{1F62C}\u{1F643}\u{1F340}\u{1F337}\u{1F63B}\u{1F613}\u2B50\u2705\u{1F97A}\u{1F308}\u{1F608}\u{1F918}\u{1F4A6}\u2714\u{1F623}\u{1F3C3}\u{1F490}\u2639\u{1F38A}\u{1F498}\u{1F620}\u261D\u{1F615}\u{1F33A}\u{1F382}\u{1F33B}\u{1F610}\u{1F595}\u{1F49D}\u{1F64A}\u{1F639}\u{1F5E3}\u{1F4AB}\u{1F480}\u{1F451}\u{1F3B5}\u{1F91E}\u{1F61B}\u{1F534}\u{1F624}\u{1F33C}\u{1F62B}\u26BD\u{1F919}\u2615\u{1F3C6}\u{1F92B}\u{1F448}\u{1F62E}\u{1F646}\u{1F37B}\u{1F343}\u{1F436}\u{1F481}\u{1F632}\u{1F33F}\u{1F9E1}\u{1F381}\u26A1\u{1F31E}\u{1F388}\u274C\u270A\u{1F44B}\u{1F630}\u{1F928}\u{1F636}\u{1F91D}\u{1F6B6}\u{1F4B0}\u{1F353}\u{1F4A2}\u{1F91F}\u{1F641}\u{1F6A8}\u{1F4A8}\u{1F92C}\u2708\u{1F380}\u{1F37A}\u{1F913}\u{1F619}\u{1F49F}\u{1F331}\u{1F616}\u{1F476}\u{1F974}\u25B6\u27A1\u2753\u{1F48E}\u{1F4B8}\u2B07\u{1F628}\u{1F31A}\u{1F98B}\u{1F637}\u{1F57A}\u26A0\u{1F645}\u{1F61F}\u{1F635}\u{1F44E}\u{1F932}\u{1F920}\u{1F927}\u{1F4CC}\u{1F535}\u{1F485}\u{1F9D0}\u{1F43E}\u{1F352}\u{1F617}\u{1F911}\u{1F30A}\u{1F92F}\u{1F437}\u260E\u{1F4A7}\u{1F62F}\u{1F486}\u{1F446}\u{1F3A4}\u{1F647}\u{1F351}\u2744\u{1F334}\u{1F4A3}\u{1F438}\u{1F48C}\u{1F4CD}\u{1F940}\u{1F922}\u{1F445}\u{1F4A1}\u{1F4A9}\u{1F450}\u{1F4F8}\u{1F47B}\u{1F910}\u{1F92E}\u{1F3BC}\u{1F975}\u{1F6A9}\u{1F34E}\u{1F34A}\u{1F47C}\u{1F48D}\u{1F4E3}\u{1F942}");
alphabetBytesToChars4 = alphabet4.reduce((p, c, i) => {
p[i] = c;
return p;
}, []);
alphabetCharsToBytes4 = alphabet4.reduce((p, c, i) => {
p[c.codePointAt(0)] = i;
return p;
}, []);
base256emoji4 = from12({
prefix: "\u{1F680}",
name: "base256emoji",
encode: encode30,
decode: decode35
// node_modules/multihashes/node_modules/multiformats/esm/vendor/varint.js
function encode31(num, out, offset) {
out = out || [];
offset = offset || 0;
var oldOffset = offset;
while (num >= INT7) {
out[offset++] = num & 255 | MSB8;
num /= 128;
while (num & MSBALL7) {
out[offset++] = num & 255 | MSB8;
num >>>= 7;
out[offset] = num | 0;
encode31.bytes = offset - oldOffset + 1;
return out;
function read8(buf3, offset) {
var res = 0, offset = offset || 0, shift = 0, counter = offset, b, l = buf3.length;
do {
if (counter >= l) {
read8.bytes = 0;
throw new RangeError("Could not decode varint");
b = buf3[counter++];
res += shift < 28 ? (b & REST$17) << shift : (b & REST$17) * Math.pow(2, shift);
shift += 7;
} while (b >= MSB$17);
read8.bytes = counter - offset;
return res;
var encode_17, MSB8, REST8, MSBALL7, INT7, decode36, MSB$17, REST$17, N18, N28, N38, N48, N58, N68, N78, N88, N98, length8, varint12, _brrp_varint7, varint_default7;
var init_varint = __esm({
"node_modules/multihashes/node_modules/multiformats/esm/vendor/varint.js"() {
encode_17 = encode31;
MSB8 = 128;
REST8 = 127;
INT7 = Math.pow(2, 31);
decode36 = read8;
MSB$17 = 128;
REST$17 = 127;
N18 = Math.pow(2, 7);
N28 = Math.pow(2, 14);
N38 = Math.pow(2, 21);
N48 = Math.pow(2, 28);
N58 = Math.pow(2, 35);
N68 = Math.pow(2, 42);
N78 = Math.pow(2, 49);
N88 = Math.pow(2, 56);
N98 = Math.pow(2, 63);
length8 = function(value) {
return value < N18 ? 1 : value < N28 ? 2 : value < N38 ? 3 : value < N48 ? 4 : value < N58 ? 5 : value < N68 ? 6 : value < N78 ? 7 : value < N88 ? 8 : value < N98 ? 9 : 10;
varint12 = {
encode: encode_17,
decode: decode36,
encodingLength: length8
_brrp_varint7 = varint12;
varint_default7 = _brrp_varint7;
// node_modules/multihashes/node_modules/multiformats/esm/src/varint.js
var decode37, encodeTo7, encodingLength7;
var init_varint2 = __esm({
"node_modules/multihashes/node_modules/multiformats/esm/src/varint.js"() {
decode37 = (data, offset = 0) => {
const code9 = varint_default7.decode(data, offset);
return [
encodeTo7 = (int, target, offset = 0) => {
varint_default7.encode(int, target, offset);
return target;
encodingLength7 = (int) => {
return varint_default7.encodingLength(int);
// node_modules/multihashes/node_modules/multiformats/esm/src/hashes/digest.js
var create9, decode38, equals15, Digest7;
var init_digest = __esm({
"node_modules/multihashes/node_modules/multiformats/esm/src/hashes/digest.js"() {
create9 = (code9, digest5) => {
const size = digest5.byteLength;
const sizeOffset = encodingLength7(code9);
const digestOffset = sizeOffset + encodingLength7(size);
const bytes3 = new Uint8Array(digestOffset + size);
encodeTo7(code9, bytes3, 0);
encodeTo7(size, bytes3, sizeOffset);
bytes3.set(digest5, digestOffset);
return new Digest7(code9, size, digest5, bytes3);
decode38 = (multihash) => {
const bytes3 = coerce8(multihash);
const [code9, sizeOffset] = decode37(bytes3);
const [size, digestOffset] = decode37(bytes3.subarray(sizeOffset));
const digest5 = bytes3.subarray(sizeOffset + digestOffset);
if (digest5.byteLength !== size) {
throw new Error("Incorrect length");
return new Digest7(code9, size, digest5, bytes3);
equals15 = (a, b) => {
if (a === b) {
return true;
} else {
return a.code === b.code && a.size === b.size && equals14(a.bytes, b.bytes);
Digest7 = class {
constructor(code9, size, digest5, bytes3) {
this.code = code9;
this.size = size;
this.digest = digest5;
this.bytes = bytes3;
// node_modules/multihashes/node_modules/multiformats/esm/src/hashes/hasher.js
var from13, Hasher5;
var init_hasher = __esm({
"node_modules/multihashes/node_modules/multiformats/esm/src/hashes/hasher.js"() {
from13 = ({ name: name8, code: code9, encode: encode39 }) => new Hasher5(name8, code9, encode39);
Hasher5 = class {
constructor(name8, code9, encode39) { = name8;
this.code = code9;
this.encode = encode39;
digest(input) {
if (input instanceof Uint8Array) {
const result = this.encode(input);
return result instanceof Uint8Array ? create9(this.code, result) : result.then((digest5) => create9(this.code, digest5));
} else {
throw Error("Unknown type, must be binary type");
// node_modules/multihashes/node_modules/multiformats/esm/src/hashes/sha2-browser.js
var sha2_browser_exports4 = {};
__export(sha2_browser_exports4, {
sha256: () => sha2566,
sha512: () => sha5126
var sha5, sha2566, sha5126;
var init_sha2_browser = __esm({
"node_modules/multihashes/node_modules/multiformats/esm/src/hashes/sha2-browser.js"() {
sha5 = (name8) => async (data) => new Uint8Array(await crypto.subtle.digest(name8, data));
sha2566 = from13({
name: "sha2-256",
code: 18,
encode: sha5("SHA-256")
sha5126 = from13({
name: "sha2-512",
code: 19,
encode: sha5("SHA-512")
// node_modules/multihashes/node_modules/multiformats/esm/src/hashes/identity.js
var identity_exports8 = {};
__export(identity_exports8, {
identity: () => identity8
var code7, name6, encode32, digest4, identity8;
var init_identity2 = __esm({
"node_modules/multihashes/node_modules/multiformats/esm/src/hashes/identity.js"() {
code7 = 0;
name6 = "identity";
encode32 = coerce8;
digest4 = (input) => create9(code7, encode32(input));
identity8 = {
code: code7,
name: name6,
encode: encode32,
digest: digest4
// node_modules/multihashes/node_modules/multiformats/esm/src/codecs/raw.js
var init_raw = __esm({
"node_modules/multihashes/node_modules/multiformats/esm/src/codecs/raw.js"() {
// node_modules/multihashes/node_modules/multiformats/esm/src/codecs/json.js
var textEncoder7, textDecoder6;
var init_json = __esm({
"node_modules/multihashes/node_modules/multiformats/esm/src/codecs/json.js"() {
textEncoder7 = new TextEncoder();
textDecoder6 = new TextDecoder();
// node_modules/multihashes/node_modules/multiformats/esm/src/cid.js
var CID7, parseCIDtoBytes7, toStringV07, toStringV17, DAG_PB_CODE7, SHA_256_CODE7, encodeCID7, cidSymbol7, readonly, hidden, version, deprecate, IS_CID_DEPRECATION;
var init_cid = __esm({
"node_modules/multihashes/node_modules/multiformats/esm/src/cid.js"() {
CID7 = class _CID {
constructor(version4, code9, multihash, bytes3) {
this.code = code9;
this.version = version4;
this.multihash = multihash;
this.bytes = bytes3;
this.byteOffset = bytes3.byteOffset;
this.byteLength = bytes3.byteLength;
this.asCID = this;
this._baseCache = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
Object.defineProperties(this, {
byteOffset: hidden,
byteLength: hidden,
code: readonly,
version: readonly,
multihash: readonly,
bytes: readonly,
_baseCache: hidden,
asCID: hidden
toV0() {
switch (this.version) {
case 0: {
return this;
default: {
const { code: code9, multihash } = this;
if (code9 !== DAG_PB_CODE7) {
throw new Error("Cannot convert a non dag-pb CID to CIDv0");
if (multihash.code !== SHA_256_CODE7) {
throw new Error("Cannot convert non sha2-256 multihash CID to CIDv0");
return _CID.createV0(multihash);
toV1() {
switch (this.version) {
case 0: {
const { code: code9, digest: digest5 } = this.multihash;
const multihash = create9(code9, digest5);
return _CID.createV1(this.code, multihash);
case 1: {
return this;
default: {
throw Error(`Can not convert CID version ${this.version} to version 0. This is a bug please report`);
equals(other) {
return other && this.code === other.code && this.version === other.version && equals15(this.multihash, other.multihash);
toString(base14) {
const { bytes: bytes3, version: version4, _baseCache } = this;
switch (version4) {
case 0:
return toStringV07(bytes3, _baseCache, base14 || base58btc8.encoder);
return toStringV17(bytes3, _baseCache, base14 || base328.encoder);
toJSON() {
return {
code: this.code,
version: this.version,
hash: this.multihash.bytes
get [Symbol.toStringTag]() {
return "CID";
[Symbol.for("nodejs.util.inspect.custom")]() {
return "CID(" + this.toString() + ")";
static isCID(value) {
deprecate(/^0\.0/, IS_CID_DEPRECATION);
return !!(value && (value[cidSymbol7] || value.asCID === value));
get toBaseEncodedString() {
throw new Error("Deprecated, use .toString()");
get codec() {
throw new Error('"codec" property is deprecated, use integer "code" property instead');
get buffer() {
throw new Error("Deprecated .buffer property, use .bytes to get Uint8Array instead");
get multibaseName() {
throw new Error('"multibaseName" property is deprecated');
get prefix() {
throw new Error('"prefix" property is deprecated');
static asCID(value) {
if (value instanceof _CID) {
return value;
} else if (value != null && value.asCID === value) {
const { version: version4, code: code9, multihash, bytes: bytes3 } = value;
return new _CID(version4, code9, multihash, bytes3 || encodeCID7(version4, code9, multihash.bytes));
} else if (value != null && value[cidSymbol7] === true) {
const { version: version4, multihash, code: code9 } = value;
const digest5 = decode38(multihash);
return _CID.create(version4, code9, digest5);
} else {
return null;
static create(version4, code9, digest5) {
if (typeof code9 !== "number") {
throw new Error("String codecs are no longer supported");
switch (version4) {
case 0: {
if (code9 !== DAG_PB_CODE7) {
throw new Error(`Version 0 CID must use dag-pb (code: ${DAG_PB_CODE7}) block encoding`);
} else {
return new _CID(version4, code9, digest5, digest5.bytes);
case 1: {
const bytes3 = encodeCID7(version4, code9, digest5.bytes);
return new _CID(version4, code9, digest5, bytes3);
default: {
throw new Error("Invalid version");
static createV0(digest5) {
return _CID.create(0, DAG_PB_CODE7, digest5);
static createV1(code9, digest5) {
return _CID.create(1, code9, digest5);
static decode(bytes3) {
const [cid, remainder] = _CID.decodeFirst(bytes3);
if (remainder.length) {
throw new Error("Incorrect length");
return cid;
static decodeFirst(bytes3) {
const specs = _CID.inspectBytes(bytes3);
const prefixSize = specs.size - specs.multihashSize;
const multihashBytes = coerce8(bytes3.subarray(prefixSize, prefixSize + specs.multihashSize));
if (multihashBytes.byteLength !== specs.multihashSize) {
throw new Error("Incorrect length");
const digestBytes = multihashBytes.subarray(specs.multihashSize - specs.digestSize);
const digest5 = new Digest7(specs.multihashCode, specs.digestSize, digestBytes, multihashBytes);
const cid = specs.version === 0 ? _CID.createV0(digest5) : _CID.createV1(specs.codec, digest5);
return [
static inspectBytes(initialBytes) {
let offset = 0;
const next = () => {
const [i, length11] = decode37(initialBytes.subarray(offset));
offset += length11;
return i;
let version4 = next();
let codec = DAG_PB_CODE7;
if (version4 === 18) {
version4 = 0;
offset = 0;
} else if (version4 === 1) {
codec = next();
if (version4 !== 0 && version4 !== 1) {
throw new RangeError(`Invalid CID version ${version4}`);
const prefixSize = offset;
const multihashCode = next();
const digestSize = next();
const size = offset + digestSize;
const multihashSize = size - prefixSize;
return {
version: version4,
static parse(source, base14) {
const [prefix, bytes3] = parseCIDtoBytes7(source, base14);
const cid = _CID.decode(bytes3);
cid._baseCache.set(prefix, source);
return cid;
parseCIDtoBytes7 = (source, base14) => {
switch (source[0]) {
case "Q": {
const decoder = base14 || base58btc8;
return [
case base58btc8.prefix: {
const decoder = base14 || base58btc8;
return [
case base328.prefix: {
const decoder = base14 || base328;
return [
default: {
if (base14 == null) {
throw Error("To parse non base32 or base58btc encoded CID multibase decoder must be provided");
return [
toStringV07 = (bytes3, cache10, base14) => {
const { prefix } = base14;
if (prefix !== base58btc8.prefix) {
throw Error(`Cannot string encode V0 in ${} encoding`);
const cid = cache10.get(prefix);
if (cid == null) {
const cid2 = base14.encode(bytes3).slice(1);
cache10.set(prefix, cid2);
return cid2;
} else {
return cid;
toStringV17 = (bytes3, cache10, base14) => {
const { prefix } = base14;
const cid = cache10.get(prefix);
if (cid == null) {
const cid2 = base14.encode(bytes3);
cache10.set(prefix, cid2);
return cid2;
} else {
return cid;
DAG_PB_CODE7 = 112;
SHA_256_CODE7 = 18;
encodeCID7 = (version4, code9, multihash) => {
const codeOffset = encodingLength7(version4);
const hashOffset = codeOffset + encodingLength7(code9);
const bytes3 = new Uint8Array(hashOffset + multihash.byteLength);
encodeTo7(version4, bytes3, 0);
encodeTo7(code9, bytes3, codeOffset);
bytes3.set(multihash, hashOffset);
return bytes3;
cidSymbol7 = Symbol.for("@ipld/js-cid/CID");
readonly = {
writable: false,
configurable: false,
enumerable: true
hidden = {
writable: false,
enumerable: false,
configurable: false
version = "0.0.0-dev";
deprecate = (range, message2) => {
if (range.test(version)) {
} else {
throw new Error(message2);
IS_CID_DEPRECATION = `CID.isCID(v) is deprecated and will be removed in the next major release.
Following code pattern:
if (CID.isCID(value)) {
Is replaced with:
const cid = CID.asCID(value)
if (cid) {
// Make sure to use cid instead of value
// node_modules/multihashes/node_modules/multiformats/esm/src/index.js
var init_src = __esm({
"node_modules/multihashes/node_modules/multiformats/esm/src/index.js"() {
// node_modules/multihashes/node_modules/multiformats/esm/src/basics.js
var bases4, hashes4;
var init_basics = __esm({
"node_modules/multihashes/node_modules/multiformats/esm/src/basics.js"() {
bases4 = {
hashes4 = {
// node_modules/multihashes/node_modules/uint8arrays/esm/src/util/as-uint8array.js
function asUint8Array2(buf3) {
if (globalThis.Buffer != null) {
return new Uint8Array(buf3.buffer, buf3.byteOffset, buf3.byteLength);
return buf3;
var init_as_uint8array = __esm({
"node_modules/multihashes/node_modules/uint8arrays/esm/src/util/as-uint8array.js"() {
// node_modules/multihashes/node_modules/uint8arrays/esm/src/alloc.js
function allocUnsafe4(size = 0) {
if (globalThis.Buffer != null && globalThis.Buffer.allocUnsafe != null) {
return asUint8Array2(globalThis.Buffer.allocUnsafe(size));
return new Uint8Array(size);
var init_alloc = __esm({
"node_modules/multihashes/node_modules/uint8arrays/esm/src/alloc.js"() {
// node_modules/multihashes/node_modules/uint8arrays/esm/src/util/bases.js
function createCodec3(name8, prefix, encode39, decode50) {
return {
name: name8,
encoder: {
name: name8,
encode: encode39
decoder: { decode: decode50 }
var string2, ascii2, BASES2, bases_default2;
var init_bases = __esm({
"node_modules/multihashes/node_modules/uint8arrays/esm/src/util/bases.js"() {
string2 = createCodec3("utf8", "u", (buf3) => {
const decoder = new TextDecoder("utf8");
return "u" + decoder.decode(buf3);
}, (str) => {
const encoder2 = new TextEncoder();
return encoder2.encode(str.substring(1));
ascii2 = createCodec3("ascii", "a", (buf3) => {
let string3 = "a";
for (let i = 0; i < buf3.length; i++) {
string3 += String.fromCharCode(buf3[i]);
return string3;
}, (str) => {
str = str.substring(1);
const buf3 = allocUnsafe4(str.length);
for (let i = 0; i < str.length; i++) {
buf3[i] = str.charCodeAt(i);
return buf3;
BASES2 = {
utf8: string2,
"utf-8": string2,
hex: bases4.base16,
latin1: ascii2,
ascii: ascii2,
binary: ascii2,
bases_default2 = BASES2;
// node_modules/multihashes/node_modules/uint8arrays/esm/src/to-string.js
var to_string_exports = {};
__export(to_string_exports, {
toString: () => toString8
function toString8(array, encoding = "utf8") {
const base14 = bases_default2[encoding];
if (!base14) {
throw new Error(`Unsupported encoding "${encoding}"`);
if ((encoding === "utf8" || encoding === "utf-8") && globalThis.Buffer != null && globalThis.Buffer.from != null) {
return globalThis.Buffer.from(array.buffer, array.byteOffset, array.byteLength).toString("utf8");
return base14.encoder.encode(array).substring(1);
var init_to_string = __esm({
"node_modules/multihashes/node_modules/uint8arrays/esm/src/to-string.js"() {
// node_modules/multihashes/node_modules/uint8arrays/esm/src/from-string.js
var from_string_exports = {};
__export(from_string_exports, {
fromString: () => fromString7
function fromString7(string3, encoding = "utf8") {
const base14 = bases_default2[encoding];
if (!base14) {
throw new Error(`Unsupported encoding "${encoding}"`);
if ((encoding === "utf8" || encoding === "utf-8") && globalThis.Buffer != null && globalThis.Buffer.from != null) {
return asUint8Array2(globalThis.Buffer.from(string3, "utf-8"));
return base14.decoder.decode(`${base14.prefix}${string3}`);
var init_from_string = __esm({
"node_modules/multihashes/node_modules/uint8arrays/esm/src/from-string.js"() {
// node_modules/multihashes/node_modules/uint8arrays/esm/src/concat.js
var concat_exports = {};
__export(concat_exports, {
concat: () => concat3
function concat3(arrays, length11) {
if (!length11) {
length11 = arrays.reduce((acc, curr) => acc + curr.length, 0);
const output3 = allocUnsafe4(length11);
let offset = 0;
for (const arr of arrays) {
output3.set(arr, offset);
offset += arr.length;
return asUint8Array2(output3);
var init_concat = __esm({
"node_modules/multihashes/node_modules/uint8arrays/esm/src/concat.js"() {
// node_modules/multihashes/src/index.js
var require_src4 = __commonJS({
"node_modules/multihashes/src/index.js"(exports2, module2) {
"use strict";
var multibase = require_src3();
var varint15 = require_varint3();
var { names: names3 } = require_constants2();
var { toString: uint8ArrayToString } = (init_to_string(), __toCommonJS(to_string_exports));
var { fromString: uint8ArrayFromString } = (init_from_string(), __toCommonJS(from_string_exports));
var { concat: uint8ArrayConcat } = (init_concat(), __toCommonJS(concat_exports));
var codes8 = (
/** @type {import('./types').CodeNameMap} */
for (const key in names3) {
const name8 = (
/** @type {HashName} */
codes8[names3[name8]] = name8;
function toHexString(hash3) {
if (!(hash3 instanceof Uint8Array)) {
throw new Error("must be passed a Uint8Array");
return uint8ArrayToString(hash3, "base16");
function fromHexString(hash3) {
return uint8ArrayFromString(hash3, "base16");
function toB58String(hash3) {
if (!(hash3 instanceof Uint8Array)) {
throw new Error("must be passed a Uint8Array");
return uint8ArrayToString(multibase.encode("base58btc", hash3)).slice(1);
function fromB58String(hash3) {
const encoded = hash3 instanceof Uint8Array ? uint8ArrayToString(hash3) : hash3;
return multibase.decode("z" + encoded);
function decode50(bytes3) {
if (!(bytes3 instanceof Uint8Array)) {
throw new Error("multihash must be a Uint8Array");
if (bytes3.length < 2) {
throw new Error("multihash too short. must be > 2 bytes.");
const code9 = (
/** @type {HashCode} */
if (!isValidCode(code9)) {
throw new Error(`multihash unknown function code: 0x${code9.toString(16)}`);
bytes3 = bytes3.slice(varint15.decode.bytes);
const len = varint15.decode(bytes3);
if (len < 0) {
throw new Error(`multihash invalid length: ${len}`);
bytes3 = bytes3.slice(varint15.decode.bytes);
if (bytes3.length !== len) {
throw new Error(`multihash length inconsistent: 0x${uint8ArrayToString(bytes3, "base16")}`);
return {
code: code9,
name: codes8[code9],
length: len,
digest: bytes3
function encode39(digest5, code9, length11) {
if (!digest5 || code9 === void 0) {
throw new Error("multihash encode requires at least two args: digest, code");
const hashfn = coerceCode(code9);
if (!(digest5 instanceof Uint8Array)) {
throw new Error("digest should be a Uint8Array");
if (length11 == null) {
length11 = digest5.length;
if (length11 && digest5.length !== length11) {
throw new Error("digest length should be equal to specified length.");
const hash3 = varint15.encode(hashfn);
const len = varint15.encode(length11);
return uint8ArrayConcat([hash3, len, digest5], hash3.length + len.length + digest5.length);
function coerceCode(name8) {
let code9 = name8;
if (typeof name8 === "string") {
if (names3[name8] === void 0) {
throw new Error(`Unrecognized hash function named: ${name8}`);
code9 = names3[name8];
if (typeof code9 !== "number") {
throw new Error(`Hash function code should be a number. Got: ${code9}`);
if (codes8[code9] === void 0 && !isAppCode(code9)) {
throw new Error(`Unrecognized function code: ${code9}`);
return code9;
function isAppCode(code9) {
return code9 > 0 && code9 < 16;
function isValidCode(code9) {
if (isAppCode(code9)) {
return true;
if (codes8[code9]) {
return true;
return false;
function validate3(multihash) {
function prefix(multihash) {
return multihash.subarray(0, 2);
module2.exports = {
names: names3,
codes: codes8,
decode: decode50,
encode: encode39,
validate: validate3,
// node_modules/event-iterator/lib/event-iterator.js
var require_event_iterator = __commonJS({
"node_modules/event-iterator/lib/event-iterator.js"(exports2) {
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports2, "__esModule", { value: true });
var EventQueue = class {
constructor() {
this.pullQueue = [];
this.pushQueue = [];
this.eventHandlers = {};
this.isPaused = false;
this.isStopped = false;
push(value) {
if (this.isStopped)
const resolution = { value, done: false };
if (this.pullQueue.length) {
const placeholder = this.pullQueue.shift();
if (placeholder)
} else {
if (this.highWaterMark !== void 0 && this.pushQueue.length >= this.highWaterMark && !this.isPaused) {
this.isPaused = true;
if (this.eventHandlers.highWater) {
} else if (console) {
console.warn(`EventIterator queue reached ${this.pushQueue.length} items`);
stop() {
if (this.isStopped)
this.isStopped = true;
for (const placeholder of this.pullQueue) {
placeholder.resolve({ value: void 0, done: true });
this.pullQueue.length = 0;
fail(error) {
if (this.isStopped)
this.isStopped = true;
if (this.pullQueue.length) {
for (const placeholder of this.pullQueue) {
this.pullQueue.length = 0;
} else {
const rejection = Promise.reject(error);
rejection.catch(() => {
remove() {
Promise.resolve().then(() => {
if (this.removeCallback)
[Symbol.asyncIterator]() {
return {
next: (value) => {
const result = this.pushQueue.shift();
if (result) {
if (this.lowWaterMark !== void 0 && this.pushQueue.length <= this.lowWaterMark && this.isPaused) {
this.isPaused = false;
if (this.eventHandlers.lowWater) {
return result;
} else if (this.isStopped) {
return Promise.resolve({ value: void 0, done: true });
} else {
return new Promise((resolve6, reject) => {
this.pullQueue.push({ resolve: resolve6, reject });
return: () => {
this.isStopped = true;
this.pushQueue.length = 0;
return Promise.resolve({ value: void 0, done: true });
var EventIterator2 = class {
constructor(listen, { highWaterMark = 100, lowWaterMark = 1 } = {}) {
const queue = new EventQueue();
queue.highWaterMark = highWaterMark;
queue.lowWaterMark = lowWaterMark;
queue.removeCallback = listen({
push: (value) => queue.push(value),
stop: () => queue.stop(),
fail: (error) =>,
on: (event, fn) => {
queue.eventHandlers[event] = fn;
}) || (() => {
this[Symbol.asyncIterator] = () => queue[Symbol.asyncIterator]();
exports2.EventIterator = EventIterator2;
exports2.default = EventIterator2;
// node_modules/event-iterator/lib/dom.js
var require_dom = __commonJS({
"node_modules/event-iterator/lib/dom.js"(exports2) {
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports2, "__esModule", { value: true });
var event_iterator_1 = require_event_iterator();
exports2.EventIterator = event_iterator_1.EventIterator;
function subscribe(event, options, evOptions) {
return new event_iterator_1.EventIterator(({ push }) => {
this.addEventListener(event, push, options);
return () => this.removeEventListener(event, push, options);
}, evOptions);
exports2.subscribe = subscribe;
exports2.default = event_iterator_1.EventIterator;
// node_modules/iso-url/src/url-browser.js
var require_url_browser = __commonJS({
"node_modules/iso-url/src/url-browser.js"(exports2, module2) {
"use strict";
var isReactNative2 = typeof navigator !== "undefined" && navigator.product === "ReactNative";
function getDefaultBase() {
if (isReactNative2) {
return "http://localhost";
if (!self.location) {
return "";
return self.location.protocol + "//" +;
var URL2 = self.URL;
var defaultBase = getDefaultBase();
var URLWithLegacySupport = class {
constructor(url = "", base14 = defaultBase) {
this.super = new URL2(url, base14);
this.path = this.pathname +;
this.auth = this.username && this.password ? this.username + ":" + this.password : null;
this.query = &&"?") ? : null;
get hash() {
return this.super.hash;
get host() {
get hostname() {
return this.super.hostname;
get href() {
return this.super.href;
get origin() {
return this.super.origin;
get password() {
return this.super.password;
get pathname() {
return this.super.pathname;
get port() {
return this.super.port;
get protocol() {
return this.super.protocol;
get search() {
get searchParams() {
return this.super.searchParams;
get username() {
return this.super.username;
set hash(hash3) {
this.super.hash = hash3;
set host(host) { = host;
set hostname(hostname) {
this.super.hostname = hostname;
set href(href) {
this.super.href = href;
set password(password) {
this.super.password = password;
set pathname(pathname) {
this.super.pathname = pathname;
set port(port) {
this.super.port = port;
set protocol(protocol) {
this.super.protocol = protocol;
set search(search) { = search;
set username(username) {
this.super.username = username;
* @param {any} o
static createObjectURL(o) {
return URL2.createObjectURL(o);
* @param {string} o
static revokeObjectURL(o) {
toJSON() {
return this.super.toJSON();
toString() {
return this.super.toString();
format() {
return this.toString();
function format9(obj) {
if (typeof obj === "string") {
const url = new URL2(obj);
return url.toString();
if (!(obj instanceof URL2)) {
const userPass = (
// @ts-ignore its not supported in node but we normalise
obj.username && obj.password ? `${obj.username}:${obj.password}@` : ""
const auth = obj.auth ? obj.auth + "@" : "";
const port = obj.port ? ":" + obj.port : "";
const protocol = obj.protocol ? obj.protocol + "//" : "";
const host = || "";
const hostname = obj.hostname || "";
const search = || (obj.query ? "?" + obj.query : "");
const hash3 = obj.hash || "";
const pathname = obj.pathname || "";
const path = obj.path || pathname + search;
return `${protocol}${userPass || auth}${host || hostname + port}${path}${hash3}`;
module2.exports = {
URLSearchParams: self.URLSearchParams,
format: format9
// node_modules/iso-url/src/relative.js
var require_relative = __commonJS({
"node_modules/iso-url/src/relative.js"(exports2, module2) {
"use strict";
var { URLWithLegacySupport, format: format9 } = require_url_browser();
module2.exports = (url, location = {}, protocolMap = {}, defaultProtocol) => {
let protocol = location.protocol ? location.protocol.replace(":", "") : "http";
protocol = (protocolMap[protocol] || defaultProtocol || protocol) + ":";
let urlParsed;
try {
urlParsed = new URLWithLegacySupport(url);
} catch (err) {
urlParsed = {};
const base14 = Object.assign({}, location, {
protocol: protocol || urlParsed.protocol,
host: ||
return new URLWithLegacySupport(url, format9(base14)).toString();
// node_modules/iso-url/index.js
var require_iso_url = __commonJS({
"node_modules/iso-url/index.js"(exports2, module2) {
"use strict";
var {
format: format9,
} = require_url_browser();
var relative2 = require_relative();
module2.exports = {
URL: URLWithLegacySupport,
format: format9,
relative: relative2,
// node_modules/is-electron/index.js
var require_is_electron = __commonJS({
"node_modules/is-electron/index.js"(exports2, module2) {
function isElectron2() {
if (typeof window !== "undefined" && typeof window.process === "object" && window.process.type === "renderer") {
return true;
if (typeof process !== "undefined" && typeof process.versions === "object" && !!process.versions.electron) {
return true;
if (typeof navigator === "object" && typeof navigator.userAgent === "string" && navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Electron") >= 0) {
return true;
return false;
module2.exports = isElectron2;
// node_modules/retry/lib/retry_operation.js
var require_retry_operation = __commonJS({
"node_modules/retry/lib/retry_operation.js"(exports2, module2) {
function RetryOperation(timeouts, options) {
if (typeof options === "boolean") {
options = { forever: options };
this._originalTimeouts = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(timeouts));
this._timeouts = timeouts;
this._options = options || {};
this._maxRetryTime = options && options.maxRetryTime || Infinity;
this._fn = null;
this._errors = [];
this._attempts = 1;
this._operationTimeout = null;
this._operationTimeoutCb = null;
this._timeout = null;
this._operationStart = null;
this._timer = null;
if (this._options.forever) {
this._cachedTimeouts = this._timeouts.slice(0);
module2.exports = RetryOperation;
RetryOperation.prototype.reset = function() {
this._attempts = 1;
this._timeouts = this._originalTimeouts.slice(0);
RetryOperation.prototype.stop = function() {
if (this._timeout) {
if (this._timer) {
this._timeouts = [];
this._cachedTimeouts = null;
RetryOperation.prototype.retry = function(err) {
if (this._timeout) {
if (!err) {
return false;
var currentTime = (/* @__PURE__ */ new Date()).getTime();
if (err && currentTime - this._operationStart >= this._maxRetryTime) {
this._errors.unshift(new Error("RetryOperation timeout occurred"));
return false;
var timeout = this._timeouts.shift();
if (timeout === void 0) {
if (this._cachedTimeouts) {
this._errors.splice(0, this._errors.length - 1);
timeout = this._cachedTimeouts.slice(-1);
} else {
return false;
var self2 = this;
this._timer = setTimeout(function() {
if (self2._operationTimeoutCb) {
self2._timeout = setTimeout(function() {
}, self2._operationTimeout);
if (self2._options.unref) {
}, timeout);
if (this._options.unref) {
return true;
RetryOperation.prototype.attempt = function(fn, timeoutOps) {
this._fn = fn;
if (timeoutOps) {
if (timeoutOps.timeout) {
this._operationTimeout = timeoutOps.timeout;
if (timeoutOps.cb) {
this._operationTimeoutCb = timeoutOps.cb;
var self2 = this;
if (this._operationTimeoutCb) {
this._timeout = setTimeout(function() {
}, self2._operationTimeout);
this._operationStart = (/* @__PURE__ */ new Date()).getTime();
RetryOperation.prototype.try = function(fn) {
console.log("Using RetryOperation.try() is deprecated");
RetryOperation.prototype.start = function(fn) {
console.log("Using RetryOperation.start() is deprecated");
RetryOperation.prototype.start = RetryOperation.prototype.try;
RetryOperation.prototype.errors = function() {
return this._errors;
RetryOperation.prototype.attempts = function() {
return this._attempts;
RetryOperation.prototype.mainError = function() {
if (this._errors.length === 0) {
return null;
var counts = {};
var mainError = null;
var mainErrorCount = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < this._errors.length; i++) {
var error = this._errors[i];
var message2 = error.message;
var count = (counts[message2] || 0) + 1;
counts[message2] = count;
if (count >= mainErrorCount) {
mainError = error;
mainErrorCount = count;
return mainError;
// node_modules/retry/lib/retry.js
var require_retry = __commonJS({
"node_modules/retry/lib/retry.js"(exports2) {
var RetryOperation = require_retry_operation();
exports2.operation = function(options) {
var timeouts = exports2.timeouts(options);
return new RetryOperation(timeouts, {
forever: options && (options.forever || options.retries === Infinity),
unref: options && options.unref,
maxRetryTime: options && options.maxRetryTime
exports2.timeouts = function(options) {
if (options instanceof Array) {
return [].concat(options);
var opts = {
retries: 10,
factor: 2,
minTimeout: 1 * 1e3,
maxTimeout: Infinity,
randomize: false
for (var key in options) {
opts[key] = options[key];
if (opts.minTimeout > opts.maxTimeout) {
throw new Error("minTimeout is greater than maxTimeout");
var timeouts = [];
for (var i = 0; i < opts.retries; i++) {
timeouts.push(this.createTimeout(i, opts));
if (options && options.forever && !timeouts.length) {
timeouts.push(this.createTimeout(i, opts));
timeouts.sort(function(a, b) {
return a - b;
return timeouts;
exports2.createTimeout = function(attempt, opts) {
var random = opts.randomize ? Math.random() + 1 : 1;
var timeout = Math.round(random * Math.max(opts.minTimeout, 1) * Math.pow(opts.factor, attempt));
timeout = Math.min(timeout, opts.maxTimeout);
return timeout;
exports2.wrap = function(obj, options, methods2) {
if (options instanceof Array) {
methods2 = options;
options = null;
if (!methods2) {
methods2 = [];
for (var key in obj) {
if (typeof obj[key] === "function") {
for (var i = 0; i < methods2.length; i++) {
var method = methods2[i];
var original = obj[method];
obj[method] = function retryWrapper(original2) {
var op = exports2.operation(options);
var args =, 1);
var callback = args.pop();
args.push(function(err) {
if (op.retry(err)) {
if (err) {
arguments[0] = op.mainError();
callback.apply(this, arguments);
op.attempt(function() {
original2.apply(obj, args);
}.bind(obj, original);
obj[method].options = options;
// node_modules/retry/index.js
var require_retry2 = __commonJS({
"node_modules/retry/index.js"(exports2, module2) {
module2.exports = require_retry();
// node_modules/murmurhash3js-revisited/lib/murmurHash3js.js
var require_murmurHash3js = __commonJS({
"node_modules/murmurhash3js-revisited/lib/murmurHash3js.js"(exports2, module2) {
(function(root, undefined2) {
"use strict";
var library = {
"version": "3.0.0",
"x86": {},
"x64": {},
"inputValidation": true
function _validBytes(bytes3) {
if (!Array.isArray(bytes3) && !ArrayBuffer.isView(bytes3)) {
return false;
for (var i = 0; i < bytes3.length; i++) {
if (!Number.isInteger(bytes3[i]) || bytes3[i] < 0 || bytes3[i] > 255) {
return false;
return true;
function _x86Multiply(m, n) {
return (m & 65535) * n + (((m >>> 16) * n & 65535) << 16);
function _x86Rotl(m, n) {
return m << n | m >>> 32 - n;
function _x86Fmix(h) {
h ^= h >>> 16;
h = _x86Multiply(h, 2246822507);
h ^= h >>> 13;
h = _x86Multiply(h, 3266489909);
h ^= h >>> 16;
return h;
function _x64Add(m, n) {
m = [m[0] >>> 16, m[0] & 65535, m[1] >>> 16, m[1] & 65535];
n = [n[0] >>> 16, n[0] & 65535, n[1] >>> 16, n[1] & 65535];
var o = [0, 0, 0, 0];
o[3] += m[3] + n[3];
o[2] += o[3] >>> 16;
o[3] &= 65535;
o[2] += m[2] + n[2];
o[1] += o[2] >>> 16;
o[2] &= 65535;
o[1] += m[1] + n[1];
o[0] += o[1] >>> 16;
o[1] &= 65535;
o[0] += m[0] + n[0];
o[0] &= 65535;
return [o[0] << 16 | o[1], o[2] << 16 | o[3]];
function _x64Multiply(m, n) {
m = [m[0] >>> 16, m[0] & 65535, m[1] >>> 16, m[1] & 65535];
n = [n[0] >>> 16, n[0] & 65535, n[1] >>> 16, n[1] & 65535];
var o = [0, 0, 0, 0];
o[3] += m[3] * n[3];
o[2] += o[3] >>> 16;
o[3] &= 65535;
o[2] += m[2] * n[3];
o[1] += o[2] >>> 16;
o[2] &= 65535;
o[2] += m[3] * n[2];
o[1] += o[2] >>> 16;
o[2] &= 65535;
o[1] += m[1] * n[3];
o[0] += o[1] >>> 16;
o[1] &= 65535;
o[1] += m[2] * n[2];
o[0] += o[1] >>> 16;
o[1] &= 65535;
o[1] += m[3] * n[1];
o[0] += o[1] >>> 16;
o[1] &= 65535;
o[0] += m[0] * n[3] + m[1] * n[2] + m[2] * n[1] + m[3] * n[0];
o[0] &= 65535;
return [o[0] << 16 | o[1], o[2] << 16 | o[3]];
function _x64Rotl(m, n) {
n %= 64;
if (n === 32) {
return [m[1], m[0]];
} else if (n < 32) {
return [m[0] << n | m[1] >>> 32 - n, m[1] << n | m[0] >>> 32 - n];
} else {
n -= 32;
return [m[1] << n | m[0] >>> 32 - n, m[0] << n | m[1] >>> 32 - n];
function _x64LeftShift(m, n) {
n %= 64;
if (n === 0) {
return m;
} else if (n < 32) {
return [m[0] << n | m[1] >>> 32 - n, m[1] << n];
} else {
return [m[1] << n - 32, 0];
function _x64Xor(m, n) {
return [m[0] ^ n[0], m[1] ^ n[1]];
function _x64Fmix(h) {
h = _x64Xor(h, [0, h[0] >>> 1]);
h = _x64Multiply(h, [4283543511, 3981806797]);
h = _x64Xor(h, [0, h[0] >>> 1]);
h = _x64Multiply(h, [3301882366, 444984403]);
h = _x64Xor(h, [0, h[0] >>> 1]);
return h;
library.x86.hash32 = function(bytes3, seed) {
if (library.inputValidation && !_validBytes(bytes3)) {
return undefined2;
seed = seed || 0;
var remainder = bytes3.length % 4;
var blocks = bytes3.length - remainder;
var h1 = seed;
var k1 = 0;
var c1 = 3432918353;
var c2 = 461845907;
for (var i = 0; i < blocks; i = i + 4) {
k1 = bytes3[i] | bytes3[i + 1] << 8 | bytes3[i + 2] << 16 | bytes3[i + 3] << 24;
k1 = _x86Multiply(k1, c1);
k1 = _x86Rotl(k1, 15);
k1 = _x86Multiply(k1, c2);
h1 ^= k1;
h1 = _x86Rotl(h1, 13);
h1 = _x86Multiply(h1, 5) + 3864292196;
k1 = 0;
switch (remainder) {
case 3:
k1 ^= bytes3[i + 2] << 16;
case 2:
k1 ^= bytes3[i + 1] << 8;
case 1:
k1 ^= bytes3[i];
k1 = _x86Multiply(k1, c1);
k1 = _x86Rotl(k1, 15);
k1 = _x86Multiply(k1, c2);
h1 ^= k1;
h1 ^= bytes3.length;
h1 = _x86Fmix(h1);
return h1 >>> 0;
library.x86.hash128 = function(bytes3, seed) {
if (library.inputValidation && !_validBytes(bytes3)) {
return undefined2;
seed = seed || 0;
var remainder = bytes3.length % 16;
var blocks = bytes3.length - remainder;
var h1 = seed;
var h2 = seed;
var h3 = seed;
var h4 = seed;
var k1 = 0;
var k2 = 0;
var k3 = 0;
var k4 = 0;
var c1 = 597399067;
var c2 = 2869860233;
var c3 = 951274213;
var c4 = 2716044179;
for (var i = 0; i < blocks; i = i + 16) {
k1 = bytes3[i] | bytes3[i + 1] << 8 | bytes3[i + 2] << 16 | bytes3[i + 3] << 24;
k2 = bytes3[i + 4] | bytes3[i + 5] << 8 | bytes3[i + 6] << 16 | bytes3[i + 7] << 24;
k3 = bytes3[i + 8] | bytes3[i + 9] << 8 | bytes3[i + 10] << 16 | bytes3[i + 11] << 24;
k4 = bytes3[i + 12] | bytes3[i + 13] << 8 | bytes3[i + 14] << 16 | bytes3[i + 15] << 24;
k1 = _x86Multiply(k1, c1);
k1 = _x86Rotl(k1, 15);
k1 = _x86Multiply(k1, c2);
h1 ^= k1;
h1 = _x86Rotl(h1, 19);
h1 += h2;
h1 = _x86Multiply(h1, 5) + 1444728091;
k2 = _x86Multiply(k2, c2);
k2 = _x86Rotl(k2, 16);
k2 = _x86Multiply(k2, c3);
h2 ^= k2;
h2 = _x86Rotl(h2, 17);
h2 += h3;
h2 = _x86Multiply(h2, 5) + 197830471;
k3 = _x86Multiply(k3, c3);
k3 = _x86Rotl(k3, 17);
k3 = _x86Multiply(k3, c4);
h3 ^= k3;
h3 = _x86Rotl(h3, 15);
h3 += h4;
h3 = _x86Multiply(h3, 5) + 2530024501;
k4 = _x86Multiply(k4, c4);
k4 = _x86Rotl(k4, 18);
k4 = _x86Multiply(k4, c1);
h4 ^= k4;
h4 = _x86Rotl(h4, 13);
h4 += h1;
h4 = _x86Multiply(h4, 5) + 850148119;
k1 = 0;
k2 = 0;
k3 = 0;
k4 = 0;
switch (remainder) {
case 15:
k4 ^= bytes3[i + 14] << 16;
case 14:
k4 ^= bytes3[i + 13] << 8;
case 13:
k4 ^= bytes3[i + 12];
k4 = _x86Multiply(k4, c4);
k4 = _x86Rotl(k4, 18);
k4 = _x86Multiply(k4, c1);
h4 ^= k4;
case 12:
k3 ^= bytes3[i + 11] << 24;
case 11:
k3 ^= bytes3[i + 10] << 16;
case 10:
k3 ^= bytes3[i + 9] << 8;
case 9:
k3 ^= bytes3[i + 8];
k3 = _x86Multiply(k3, c3);
k3 = _x86Rotl(k3, 17);
k3 = _x86Multiply(k3, c4);
h3 ^= k3;
case 8:
k2 ^= bytes3[i + 7] << 24;
case 7:
k2 ^= bytes3[i + 6] << 16;
case 6:
k2 ^= bytes3[i + 5] << 8;
case 5:
k2 ^= bytes3[i + 4];
k2 = _x86Multiply(k2, c2);
k2 = _x86Rotl(k2, 16);
k2 = _x86Multiply(k2, c3);
h2 ^= k2;
case 4:
k1 ^= bytes3[i + 3] << 24;
case 3:
k1 ^= bytes3[i + 2] << 16;
case 2:
k1 ^= bytes3[i + 1] << 8;
case 1:
k1 ^= bytes3[i];
k1 = _x86Multiply(k1, c1);
k1 = _x86Rotl(k1, 15);
k1 = _x86Multiply(k1, c2);
h1 ^= k1;
h1 ^= bytes3.length;
h2 ^= bytes3.length;
h3 ^= bytes3.length;
h4 ^= bytes3.length;
h1 += h2;
h1 += h3;
h1 += h4;
h2 += h1;
h3 += h1;
h4 += h1;
h1 = _x86Fmix(h1);
h2 = _x86Fmix(h2);
h3 = _x86Fmix(h3);
h4 = _x86Fmix(h4);
h1 += h2;
h1 += h3;
h1 += h4;
h2 += h1;
h3 += h1;
h4 += h1;
return ("00000000" + (h1 >>> 0).toString(16)).slice(-8) + ("00000000" + (h2 >>> 0).toString(16)).slice(-8) + ("00000000" + (h3 >>> 0).toString(16)).slice(-8) + ("00000000" + (h4 >>> 0).toString(16)).slice(-8);
library.x64.hash128 = function(bytes3, seed) {
if (library.inputValidation && !_validBytes(bytes3)) {
return undefined2;
seed = seed || 0;
var remainder = bytes3.length % 16;
var blocks = bytes3.length - remainder;
var h1 = [0, seed];
var h2 = [0, seed];
var k1 = [0, 0];
var k2 = [0, 0];
var c1 = [2277735313, 289559509];
var c2 = [1291169091, 658871167];
for (var i = 0; i < blocks; i = i + 16) {
k1 = [bytes3[i + 4] | bytes3[i + 5] << 8 | bytes3[i + 6] << 16 | bytes3[i + 7] << 24, bytes3[i] | bytes3[i + 1] << 8 | bytes3[i + 2] << 16 | bytes3[i + 3] << 24];
k2 = [bytes3[i + 12] | bytes3[i + 13] << 8 | bytes3[i + 14] << 16 | bytes3[i + 15] << 24, bytes3[i + 8] | bytes3[i + 9] << 8 | bytes3[i + 10] << 16 | bytes3[i + 11] << 24];
k1 = _x64Multiply(k1, c1);
k1 = _x64Rotl(k1, 31);
k1 = _x64Multiply(k1, c2);
h1 = _x64Xor(h1, k1);
h1 = _x64Rotl(h1, 27);
h1 = _x64Add(h1, h2);
h1 = _x64Add(_x64Multiply(h1, [0, 5]), [0, 1390208809]);
k2 = _x64Multiply(k2, c2);
k2 = _x64Rotl(k2, 33);
k2 = _x64Multiply(k2, c1);
h2 = _x64Xor(h2, k2);
h2 = _x64Rotl(h2, 31);
h2 = _x64Add(h2, h1);
h2 = _x64Add(_x64Multiply(h2, [0, 5]), [0, 944331445]);
k1 = [0, 0];
k2 = [0, 0];
switch (remainder) {
case 15:
k2 = _x64Xor(k2, _x64LeftShift([0, bytes3[i + 14]], 48));
case 14:
k2 = _x64Xor(k2, _x64LeftShift([0, bytes3[i + 13]], 40));
case 13:
k2 = _x64Xor(k2, _x64LeftShift([0, bytes3[i + 12]], 32));
case 12:
k2 = _x64Xor(k2, _x64LeftShift([0, bytes3[i + 11]], 24));
case 11:
k2 = _x64Xor(k2, _x64LeftShift([0, bytes3[i + 10]], 16));
case 10:
k2 = _x64Xor(k2, _x64LeftShift([0, bytes3[i + 9]], 8));
case 9:
k2 = _x64Xor(k2, [0, bytes3[i + 8]]);
k2 = _x64Multiply(k2, c2);
k2 = _x64Rotl(k2, 33);
k2 = _x64Multiply(k2, c1);
h2 = _x64Xor(h2, k2);
case 8:
k1 = _x64Xor(k1, _x64LeftShift([0, bytes3[i + 7]], 56));
case 7:
k1 = _x64Xor(k1, _x64LeftShift([0, bytes3[i + 6]], 48));
case 6:
k1 = _x64Xor(k1, _x64LeftShift([0, bytes3[i + 5]], 40));
case 5:
k1 = _x64Xor(k1, _x64LeftShift([0, bytes3[i + 4]], 32));
case 4:
k1 = _x64Xor(k1, _x64LeftShift([0, bytes3[i + 3]], 24));
case 3:
k1 = _x64Xor(k1, _x64LeftShift([0, bytes3[i + 2]], 16));
case 2:
k1 = _x64Xor(k1, _x64LeftShift([0, bytes3[i + 1]], 8));
case 1:
k1 = _x64Xor(k1, [0, bytes3[i]]);
k1 = _x64Multiply(k1, c1);
k1 = _x64Rotl(k1, 31);
k1 = _x64Multiply(k1, c2);
h1 = _x64Xor(h1, k1);
h1 = _x64Xor(h1, [0, bytes3.length]);
h2 = _x64Xor(h2, [0, bytes3.length]);
h1 = _x64Add(h1, h2);
h2 = _x64Add(h2, h1);
h1 = _x64Fmix(h1);
h2 = _x64Fmix(h2);
h1 = _x64Add(h1, h2);
h2 = _x64Add(h2, h1);
return ("00000000" + (h1[0] >>> 0).toString(16)).slice(-8) + ("00000000" + (h1[1] >>> 0).toString(16)).slice(-8) + ("00000000" + (h2[0] >>> 0).toString(16)).slice(-8) + ("00000000" + (h2[1] >>> 0).toString(16)).slice(-8);
if (typeof exports2 !== "undefined") {
if (typeof module2 !== "undefined" && module2.exports) {
exports2 = module2.exports = library;
exports2.murmurHash3 = library;
} else if (typeof define === "function" && define.amd) {
define([], function() {
return library;
} else {
library._murmurHash3 = root.murmurHash3;
library.noConflict = function() {
root.murmurHash3 = library._murmurHash3;
library._murmurHash3 = undefined2;
library.noConflict = undefined2;
return library;
root.murmurHash3 = library;
// node_modules/murmurhash3js-revisited/index.js
var require_murmurhash3js_revisited = __commonJS({
"node_modules/murmurhash3js-revisited/index.js"(exports2, module2) {
module2.exports = require_murmurHash3js();
// node_modules/sparse-array/index.js
var require_sparse_array = __commonJS({
"node_modules/sparse-array/index.js"(exports2, module2) {
"use strict";
var BITS_PER_BYTE = 7;
module2.exports = class SparseArray {
constructor() {
this._bitArrays = [];
this._data = [];
this._length = 0;
this._changedLength = false;
this._changedData = false;
set(index, value) {
let pos = this._internalPositionFor(index, false);
if (value === void 0) {
if (pos !== -1) {
this._changedLength = true;
this._changedData = true;
} else {
let needsSort = false;
if (pos === -1) {
pos = this._data.length;
this._changedData = true;
} else {
needsSort = true;
this._setInternalPos(pos, index, value, needsSort);
this._changedLength = true;
unset(index) {
this.set(index, void 0);
get(index) {
const pos = this._internalPositionFor(index, true);
if (pos === -1) {
return void 0;
return this._data[pos][1];
push(value) {
this.set(this.length, value);
return this.length;
get length() {
if (this._changedLength) {
const last2 = this._data[this._data.length - 1];
this._length = last2 ? last2[0] + 1 : 0;
this._changedLength = false;
return this._length;
forEach(iterator) {
let i = 0;
while (i < this.length) {
iterator(this.get(i), i, this);
map(iterator) {
let i = 0;
let mapped = new Array(this.length);
while (i < this.length) {
mapped[i] = iterator(this.get(i), i, this);
return mapped;
reduce(reducer, initialValue) {
let i = 0;
let acc = initialValue;
while (i < this.length) {
const value = this.get(i);
acc = reducer(acc, value, i);
return acc;
find(finder) {
let i = 0, found, last2;
while (i < this.length && !found) {
last2 = this.get(i);
found = finder(last2);
return found ? last2 : void 0;
_internalPositionFor(index, noCreate) {
const bytePos = this._bytePosFor(index, noCreate);
if (bytePos >= this._bitArrays.length) {
return -1;
const byte = this._bitArrays[bytePos];
const bitPos = index - bytePos * BITS_PER_BYTE;
const exists4 = (byte & 1 << bitPos) > 0;
if (!exists4) {
return -1;
const previousPopCount = this._bitArrays.slice(0, bytePos).reduce(popCountReduce, 0);
const mask = ~(4294967295 << bitPos + 1);
const bytePopCount = popCount(byte & mask);
const arrayPos = previousPopCount + bytePopCount - 1;
return arrayPos;
_bytePosFor(index, noCreate) {
const bytePos = Math.floor(index / BITS_PER_BYTE);
const targetLength = bytePos + 1;
while (!noCreate && this._bitArrays.length < targetLength) {
return bytePos;
_setBit(index) {
const bytePos = this._bytePosFor(index, false);
this._bitArrays[bytePos] |= 1 << index - bytePos * BITS_PER_BYTE;
_unsetBit(index) {
const bytePos = this._bytePosFor(index, false);
this._bitArrays[bytePos] &= ~(1 << index - bytePos * BITS_PER_BYTE);
_setInternalPos(pos, index, value, needsSort) {
const data = this._data;
const elem = [index, value];
if (needsSort) {
data[pos] = elem;
} else {
if (data.length) {
if (data[data.length - 1][0] >= index) {
} else if (data[0][0] <= index) {
} else {
const randomIndex = Math.round(data.length / 2);
this._data = data.slice(0, randomIndex).concat(elem).concat(data.slice(randomIndex));
} else {
this._changedData = true;
this._changedLength = true;
_unsetInternalPos(pos) {
this._data.splice(pos, 1);
_sortData() {
if (this._changedData) {
this._changedData = false;
bitField() {
const bytes3 = [];
let pendingBitsForResultingByte = 8;
let pendingBitsForNewByte = 0;
let resultingByte = 0;
let newByte;
const pending = this._bitArrays.slice();
while (pending.length || pendingBitsForNewByte) {
if (pendingBitsForNewByte === 0) {
newByte = pending.shift();
pendingBitsForNewByte = 7;
const usingBits = Math.min(pendingBitsForNewByte, pendingBitsForResultingByte);
const mask = ~(255 << usingBits);
const masked = newByte & mask;
resultingByte |= masked << 8 - pendingBitsForResultingByte;
newByte = newByte >>> usingBits;
pendingBitsForNewByte -= usingBits;
pendingBitsForResultingByte -= usingBits;
if (!pendingBitsForResultingByte || !pendingBitsForNewByte && !pending.length) {
resultingByte = 0;
pendingBitsForResultingByte = 8;
for (var i = bytes3.length - 1; i > 0; i--) {
const value = bytes3[i];
if (value === 0) {
} else {
return bytes3;
compactArray() {
function popCountReduce(count, byte) {
return count + popCount(byte);
function popCount(_v) {
let v = _v;
v = v - (v >> 1 & 1431655765);
v = (v & 858993459) + (v >> 2 & 858993459);
return (v + (v >> 4) & 252645135) * 16843009 >> 24;
function sortInternal(a, b) {
return a[0] - b[0];
function valueOnly(elem) {
return elem[1];
// node_modules/rabin-wasm/src/rabin.js
var require_rabin = __commonJS({
"node_modules/rabin-wasm/src/rabin.js"(exports2, module2) {
var Rabin = class {
* Creates an instance of Rabin.
* @param { import("./../dist/rabin-wasm") } asModule
* @param {number} [bits=12]
* @param {number} [min=8 * 1024]
* @param {number} [max=32 * 1024]
* @param {number} polynomial
* @memberof Rabin
constructor(asModule, bits2 = 12, min = 8 * 1024, max = 32 * 1024, windowSize = 64, polynomial) {
this.bits = bits2;
this.min = min;
this.max = max;
this.asModule = asModule;
this.rabin = new asModule.Rabin(bits2, min, max, windowSize, polynomial);
this.polynomial = polynomial;
* Fingerprints the buffer
* @param {Uint8Array} buf
* @returns {Array<number>}
* @memberof Rabin
fingerprint(buf3) {
const {
} = this.asModule;
const lengths = new Int32Array(Math.ceil(buf3.length / this.min));
const lengthsPtr = __retain(__allocArray(Int32Array_ID, lengths));
const pointer = __retain(__allocArray(Uint8Array_ID, buf3));
const out = this.rabin.fingerprint(pointer, lengthsPtr);
const processed = __getInt32Array(out);
const end = processed.indexOf(0);
return end >= 0 ? processed.subarray(0, end) : processed;
module2.exports = Rabin;
// node_modules/@assemblyscript/loader/index.js
var require_loader = __commonJS({
"node_modules/@assemblyscript/loader/index.js"(exports2) {
"use strict";
var ID_OFFSET = -8;
var SIZE_OFFSET = -4;
var STRING_ID = 1;
var ARRAY = 1 << 1;
var SET = 1 << 2;
var MAP = 1 << 3;
var VAL_SIGNED = 1 << 10;
var VAL_FLOAT = 1 << 11;
var VAL_NULLABLE = 1 << 12;
var VAL_MANAGED = 1 << 13;
var KEY_SIGNED = 1 << 19;
var KEY_FLOAT = 1 << 20;
var KEY_NULLABLE = 1 << 21;
var KEY_MANAGED = 1 << 22;
var ARRAY_SIZE = 16;
var BIGINT = typeof BigUint64Array !== "undefined";
var THIS = Symbol();
var CHUNKSIZE = 1024;
function getStringImpl(buffer3, ptr) {
const U32 = new Uint32Array(buffer3);
const U16 = new Uint16Array(buffer3);
var length11 = U32[ptr + SIZE_OFFSET >>> 2] >>> 1;
var offset = ptr >>> 1;
if (length11 <= CHUNKSIZE)
return String.fromCharCode.apply(String, U16.subarray(offset, offset + length11));
const parts = [];
do {
const last2 = U16[offset + CHUNKSIZE - 1];
const size = last2 >= 55296 && last2 < 56320 ? CHUNKSIZE - 1 : CHUNKSIZE;
parts.push(String.fromCharCode.apply(String, U16.subarray(offset, offset += size)));
length11 -= size;
} while (length11 > CHUNKSIZE);
return parts.join("") + String.fromCharCode.apply(String, U16.subarray(offset, offset + length11));
function preInstantiate(imports) {
const baseModule = {};
function getString(memory, ptr) {
if (!memory)
return "<yet unknown>";
return getStringImpl(memory.buffer, ptr);
const env = imports.env = imports.env || {};
env.abort = env.abort || function abort(mesg, file, line, colm) {
const memory = baseModule.memory || env.memory;
throw Error("abort: " + getString(memory, mesg) + " at " + getString(memory, file) + ":" + line + ":" + colm);
env.trace = env.trace || function trace(mesg, n) {
const memory = baseModule.memory || env.memory;
console.log("trace: " + getString(memory, mesg) + (n ? " " : "") +, 2, 2 + n).join(", "));
imports.Math = imports.Math || Math;
imports.Date = imports.Date || Date;
return baseModule;
function postInstantiate(baseModule, instance) {
const rawExports = instance.exports;
const memory = rawExports.memory;
const table2 = rawExports.table;
const alloc4 = rawExports["__alloc"];
const retain = rawExports["__retain"];
const rttiBase = rawExports["__rtti_base"] || ~0;
function getInfo(id) {
const U32 = new Uint32Array(memory.buffer);
const count = U32[rttiBase >>> 2];
if ((id >>>= 0) >= count)
throw Error("invalid id: " + id);
return U32[(rttiBase + 4 >>> 2) + id * 2];
function getBase(id) {
const U32 = new Uint32Array(memory.buffer);
const count = U32[rttiBase >>> 2];
if ((id >>>= 0) >= count)
throw Error("invalid id: " + id);
return U32[(rttiBase + 4 >>> 2) + id * 2 + 1];
function getValueAlign(info) {
return 31 - Math.clz32(info >>> VAL_ALIGN_OFFSET & 31);
function getKeyAlign(info) {
return 31 - Math.clz32(info >>> KEY_ALIGN_OFFSET & 31);
function __allocString(str) {
const length11 = str.length;
const ptr = alloc4(length11 << 1, STRING_ID);
const U16 = new Uint16Array(memory.buffer);
for (var i = 0, p = ptr >>> 1; i < length11; ++i)
U16[p + i] = str.charCodeAt(i);
return ptr;
baseModule.__allocString = __allocString;
function __getString(ptr) {
const buffer3 = memory.buffer;
const id = new Uint32Array(buffer3)[ptr + ID_OFFSET >>> 2];
if (id !== STRING_ID)
throw Error("not a string: " + ptr);
return getStringImpl(buffer3, ptr);
baseModule.__getString = __getString;
function getView(alignLog2, signed, float) {
const buffer3 = memory.buffer;
if (float) {
switch (alignLog2) {
case 2:
return new Float32Array(buffer3);
case 3:
return new Float64Array(buffer3);
} else {
switch (alignLog2) {
case 0:
return new (signed ? Int8Array : Uint8Array)(buffer3);
case 1:
return new (signed ? Int16Array : Uint16Array)(buffer3);
case 2:
return new (signed ? Int32Array : Uint32Array)(buffer3);
case 3:
return new (signed ? BigInt64Array : BigUint64Array)(buffer3);
throw Error("unsupported align: " + alignLog2);
function __allocArray(id, values) {
const info = getInfo(id);
if (!(info & (ARRAYBUFFERVIEW | ARRAY)))
throw Error("not an array: " + id + " @ " + info);
const align = getValueAlign(info);
const length11 = values.length;
const buf3 = alloc4(length11 << align, ARRAYBUFFER_ID);
const arr = alloc4(info & ARRAY ? ARRAY_SIZE : ARRAYBUFFERVIEW_SIZE, id);
const U32 = new Uint32Array(memory.buffer);
U32[arr + ARRAYBUFFERVIEW_BUFFER_OFFSET >>> 2] = retain(buf3);
U32[arr + ARRAYBUFFERVIEW_DATALENGTH_OFFSET >>> 2] = length11 << align;
if (info & ARRAY)
U32[arr + ARRAY_LENGTH_OFFSET >>> 2] = length11;
const view = getView(align, info & VAL_SIGNED, info & VAL_FLOAT);
if (info & VAL_MANAGED) {
for (let i = 0; i < length11; ++i)
view[(buf3 >>> align) + i] = retain(values[i]);
} else {
view.set(values, buf3 >>> align);
return arr;
baseModule.__allocArray = __allocArray;
function __getArrayView(arr) {
const U32 = new Uint32Array(memory.buffer);
const id = U32[arr + ID_OFFSET >>> 2];
const info = getInfo(id);
if (!(info & ARRAYBUFFERVIEW))
throw Error("not an array: " + id);
const align = getValueAlign(info);
const length11 = info & ARRAY ? U32[arr + ARRAY_LENGTH_OFFSET >>> 2] : U32[buf3 + SIZE_OFFSET >>> 2] >>> align;
return getView(align, info & VAL_SIGNED, info & VAL_FLOAT).subarray(buf3 >>>= align, buf3 + length11);
baseModule.__getArrayView = __getArrayView;
function __getArray(arr) {
const input = __getArrayView(arr);
const len = input.length;
const out = new Array(len);
for (let i = 0; i < len; i++)
out[i] = input[i];
return out;
baseModule.__getArray = __getArray;
function __getArrayBuffer(ptr) {
const buffer3 = memory.buffer;
const length11 = new Uint32Array(buffer3)[ptr + SIZE_OFFSET >>> 2];
return buffer3.slice(ptr, ptr + length11);
baseModule.__getArrayBuffer = __getArrayBuffer;
function getTypedArray(Type3, alignLog2, ptr) {
return new Type3(getTypedArrayView(Type3, alignLog2, ptr));
function getTypedArrayView(Type3, alignLog2, ptr) {
const buffer3 = memory.buffer;
const U32 = new Uint32Array(buffer3);
const bufPtr = U32[ptr + ARRAYBUFFERVIEW_DATASTART_OFFSET >>> 2];
return new Type3(buffer3, bufPtr, U32[bufPtr + SIZE_OFFSET >>> 2] >>> alignLog2);
baseModule.__getInt8Array = getTypedArray.bind(null, Int8Array, 0);
baseModule.__getInt8ArrayView = getTypedArrayView.bind(null, Int8Array, 0);
baseModule.__getUint8Array = getTypedArray.bind(null, Uint8Array, 0);
baseModule.__getUint8ArrayView = getTypedArrayView.bind(null, Uint8Array, 0);
baseModule.__getUint8ClampedArray = getTypedArray.bind(null, Uint8ClampedArray, 0);
baseModule.__getUint8ClampedArrayView = getTypedArrayView.bind(null, Uint8ClampedArray, 0);
baseModule.__getInt16Array = getTypedArray.bind(null, Int16Array, 1);
baseModule.__getInt16ArrayView = getTypedArrayView.bind(null, Int16Array, 1);
baseModule.__getUint16Array = getTypedArray.bind(null, Uint16Array, 1);
baseModule.__getUint16ArrayView = getTypedArrayView.bind(null, Uint16Array, 1);
baseModule.__getInt32Array = getTypedArray.bind(null, Int32Array, 2);
baseModule.__getInt32ArrayView = getTypedArrayView.bind(null, Int32Array, 2);
baseModule.__getUint32Array = getTypedArray.bind(null, Uint32Array, 2);
baseModule.__getUint32ArrayView = getTypedArrayView.bind(null, Uint32Array, 2);
if (BIGINT) {
baseModule.__getInt64Array = getTypedArray.bind(null, BigInt64Array, 3);
baseModule.__getInt64ArrayView = getTypedArrayView.bind(null, BigInt64Array, 3);
baseModule.__getUint64Array = getTypedArray.bind(null, BigUint64Array, 3);
baseModule.__getUint64ArrayView = getTypedArrayView.bind(null, BigUint64Array, 3);
baseModule.__getFloat32Array = getTypedArray.bind(null, Float32Array, 2);
baseModule.__getFloat32ArrayView = getTypedArrayView.bind(null, Float32Array, 2);
baseModule.__getFloat64Array = getTypedArray.bind(null, Float64Array, 3);
baseModule.__getFloat64ArrayView = getTypedArrayView.bind(null, Float64Array, 3);
function __instanceof(ptr, baseId) {
const U32 = new Uint32Array(memory.buffer);
var id = U32[ptr + ID_OFFSET >>> 2];
if (id <= U32[rttiBase >>> 2]) {
if (id == baseId)
return true;
while (id = getBase(id));
return false;
baseModule.__instanceof = __instanceof;
baseModule.memory = baseModule.memory || memory;
baseModule.table = baseModule.table || table2;
return demangle(rawExports, baseModule);
function isResponse(o) {
return typeof Response !== "undefined" && o instanceof Response;
async function instantiate(source, imports) {
if (isResponse(source = await source))
return instantiateStreaming(source, imports);
return postInstantiate(
preInstantiate(imports || (imports = {})),
await WebAssembly.instantiate(
source instanceof WebAssembly.Module ? source : await WebAssembly.compile(source),
exports2.instantiate = instantiate;
function instantiateSync(source, imports) {
return postInstantiate(
preInstantiate(imports || (imports = {})),
new WebAssembly.Instance(
source instanceof WebAssembly.Module ? source : new WebAssembly.Module(source),
exports2.instantiateSync = instantiateSync;
async function instantiateStreaming(source, imports) {
if (!WebAssembly.instantiateStreaming) {
return instantiate(
isResponse(source = await source) ? source.arrayBuffer() : source,
return postInstantiate(
preInstantiate(imports || (imports = {})),
(await WebAssembly.instantiateStreaming(source, imports)).instance
exports2.instantiateStreaming = instantiateStreaming;
function demangle(exports3, baseModule) {
var module3 = baseModule ? Object.create(baseModule) : {};
var setArgumentsLength = exports3["__argumentsLength"] ? function(length11) {
exports3["__argumentsLength"].value = length11;
} : exports3["__setArgumentsLength"] || exports3["__setargc"] || function() {
for (let internalName in exports3) {
if (!, internalName))
const elem = exports3[internalName];
let parts = internalName.split(".");
let curr = module3;
while (parts.length > 1) {
let part = parts.shift();
if (!, part))
curr[part] = {};
curr = curr[part];
let name8 = parts[0];
let hash3 = name8.indexOf("#");
if (hash3 >= 0) {
let className = name8.substring(0, hash3);
let classElem = curr[className];
if (typeof classElem === "undefined" || !classElem.prototype) {
let ctor = function(...args) {
return ctor.wrap(ctor.prototype.constructor(0, ...args));
ctor.prototype = {
valueOf: function valueOf() {
return this[THIS];
ctor.wrap = function(thisValue) {
return Object.create(ctor.prototype, { [THIS]: { value: thisValue, writable: false } });
if (classElem)
(name9) => Object.defineProperty(ctor, name9, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(classElem, name9))
curr[className] = ctor;
name8 = name8.substring(hash3 + 1);
curr = curr[className].prototype;
if (/^(get|set):/.test(name8)) {
if (!, name8 = name8.substring(4))) {
let getter = exports3[internalName.replace("set:", "get:")];
let setter = exports3[internalName.replace("get:", "set:")];
Object.defineProperty(curr, name8, {
get: function() {
return getter(this[THIS]);
set: function(value) {
setter(this[THIS], value);
enumerable: true
} else {
if (name8 === "constructor") {
(curr[name8] = (...args) => {
return elem(...args);
}).original = elem;
} else {
(curr[name8] = function(...args) {
return elem(this[THIS], ...args);
}).original = elem;
} else {
if (/^(get|set):/.test(name8)) {
if (!, name8 = name8.substring(4))) {
Object.defineProperty(curr, name8, {
get: exports3[internalName.replace("set:", "get:")],
set: exports3[internalName.replace("get:", "set:")],
enumerable: true
} else if (typeof elem === "function" && elem !== setArgumentsLength) {
(curr[name8] = (...args) => {
return elem(...args);
}).original = elem;
} else {
curr[name8] = elem;
return module3;
exports2.demangle = demangle;
// node_modules/rabin-wasm/dist/rabin-wasm.js
var require_rabin_wasm = __commonJS({
"node_modules/rabin-wasm/dist/rabin-wasm.js"(exports2, module2) {
var { instantiate } = require_loader();
loadWebAssembly.supported = typeof WebAssembly !== "undefined";
function loadWebAssembly(imp = {}) {
if (!loadWebAssembly.supported)
return null;
var wasm = new Uint8Array([0, 97, 115, 109, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 78, 14, 96, 2, 127, 126, 0, 96, 1, 127, 1, 126, 96, 2, 127, 127, 0, 96, 1, 127, 1, 127, 96, 1, 127, 0, 96, 2, 127, 127, 1, 127, 96, 3, 127, 127, 127, 1, 127, 96, 0, 0, 96, 3, 127, 127, 127, 0, 96, 0, 1, 127, 96, 4, 127, 127, 127, 127, 0, 96, 5, 127, 127, 127, 127, 127, 1, 127, 96, 1, 126, 1, 127, 96, 2, 126, 126, 1, 126, 2, 13, 1, 3, 101, 110, 118, 5, 97, 98, 111, 114, 116, 0, 10, 3, 54, 53, 2, 2, 8, 9, 3, 5, 2, 8, 6, 5, 3, 4, 2, 6, 9, 12, 13, 2, 5, 11, 3, 2, 3, 2, 3, 2, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 6, 7, 7, 4, 4, 5, 3, 1, 0, 1, 6, 47, 9, 127, 1, 65, 0, 11, 127, 1, 65, 0, 11, 127, 0, 65, 3, 11, 127, 0, 65, 4, 11, 127, 1, 65, 0, 11, 127, 1, 65, 0, 11, 127, 1, 65, 0, 11, 127, 0, 65, 240, 2, 11, 127, 0, 65, 6, 11, 7, 240, 5, 41, 6, 109, 101, 109, 111, 114, 121, 2, 0, 7, 95, 95, 97, 108, 108, 111, 99, 0, 10, 8, 95, 95, 114, 101, 116, 97, 105, 110, 0, 11, 9, 95, 95, 114, 101, 108, 101, 97, 115, 101, 0, 12, 9, 95, 95, 99, 111, 108, 108, 101, 99, 116, 0, 51, 11, 95, 95, 114, 116, 116, 105, 95, 98, 97, 115, 101, 3, 7, 13, 73, 110, 116, 51, 50, 65, 114, 114, 97, 121, 95, 73, 68, 3, 2, 13, 85, 105, 110, 116, 56, 65, 114, 114, 97, 121, 95, 73, 68, 3, 3, 6, 100, 101, 103, 114, 101, 101, 0, 16, 3, 109, 111, 100, 0, 17, 5, 82, 97, 98, 105, 110, 3, 8, 16, 82, 97, 98, 105, 110, 35, 103, 101, 116, 58, 119, 105, 110, 100, 111, 119, 0, 21, 16, 82, 97, 98, 105, 110, 35, 115, 101, 116, 58, 119, 105, 110, 100, 111, 119, 0, 22, 21, 82, 97, 98, 105, 110, 35, 103, 101, 116, 58, 119, 105, 110, 100, 111, 119, 95, 115, 105, 122, 101, 0, 23, 21, 82, 97, 98, 105, 110, 35, 115, 101, 116, 58, 119, 105, 110, 100, 111, 119, 95, 115, 105, 122, 101, 0, 24, 14, 82, 97, 98, 105, 110, 35, 103, 101, 116, 58, 119, 112, 111, 115, 0, 25, 14, 82, 97, 98, 105, 110, 35, 115, 101, 116, 58, 119, 112, 111, 115, 0, 26, 15, 82, 97, 98, 105, 110, 35, 103, 101, 116, 58, 99, 111, 117, 110, 116, 0, 27, 15, 82, 97, 98, 105, 110, 35, 115, 101, 116, 58, 99, 111, 117, 110, 116, 0, 28, 13, 82, 97, 98, 105, 110, 35, 103, 101, 116, 58, 112, 111, 115, 0, 29, 13, 82, 97, 98, 105, 110, 35, 115, 101, 116, 58, 112, 111, 115, 0, 30, 15, 82, 97, 98, 105, 110, 35, 103, 101, 116, 58, 115, 116, 97, 114, 116, 0, 31, 15, 82, 97, 98, 105, 110, 35, 115, 101, 116, 58, 115, 116, 97, 114, 116, 0, 32, 16, 82, 97, 98, 105, 110, 35, 103, 101, 116, 58, 100, 105, 103, 101, 115, 116, 0, 33, 16, 82, 97, 98, 105, 110, 35, 115, 101, 116, 58, 100, 105, 103, 101, 115, 116, 0, 34, 21, 82, 97, 98, 105, 110, 35, 103, 101, 116, 58, 99, 104, 117, 110, 107, 95, 115, 116, 97, 114, 116, 0, 35, 21, 82, 97, 98, 105, 110, 35, 115, 101, 116, 58, 99, 104, 117, 110, 107, 95, 115, 116, 97, 114, 116, 0, 36, 22, 82, 97, 98, 105, 110, 35, 103, 101, 116, 58, 99, 104, 117, 110, 107, 95, 108, 101, 110, 103, 116, 104, 0, 37, 22, 82, 97, 98, 105, 110, 35, 115, 101, 116, 58, 99, 104, 117, 110, 107, 95, 108, 101, 110, 103, 116, 104, 0, 38, 31, 82, 97, 98, 105, 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115, 107, 0, 48, 17, 82, 97, 98, 105, 110, 35, 99, 111, 110, 115, 116, 114, 117, 99, 116, 111, 114, 0, 20, 17, 82, 97, 98, 105, 110, 35, 102, 105, 110, 103, 101, 114, 112, 114, 105, 110, 116, 0, 49, 8, 1, 50, 10, 165, 31, 53, 199, 1, 1, 4, 127, 32, 1, 40, 2, 0, 65, 124, 113, 34, 2, 65, 128, 2, 73, 4, 127, 32, 2, 65, 4, 118, 33, 4, 65, 0, 5, 32, 2, 65, 31, 32, 2, 103, 107, 34, 3, 65, 4, 107, 118, 65, 16, 115, 33, 4, 32, 3, 65, 7, 107, 11, 33, 3, 32, 1, 40, 2, 20, 33, 2, 32, 1, 40, 2, 16, 34, 5, 4, 64, 32, 5, 32, 2, 54, 2, 20, 11, 32, 2, 4, 64, 32, 2, 32, 5, 54, 2, 16, 11, 32, 1, 32, 0, 32, 4, 32, 3, 65, 4, 116, 106, 65, 2, 116, 106, 40, 2, 96, 70, 4, 64, 32, 0, 32, 4, 32, 3, 65, 4, 116, 106, 65, 2, 116, 106, 32, 2, 54, 2, 96, 32, 2, 69, 4, 64, 32, 0, 32, 3, 65, 2, 116, 106, 32, 0, 32, 3, 65, 2, 116, 106, 40, 2, 4, 65, 1, 32, 4, 116, 65, 127, 115, 113, 34, 1, 54, 2, 4, 32, 1, 69, 4, 64, 32, 0, 32, 0, 40, 2, 0, 65, 1, 32, 3, 116, 65, 127, 115, 113, 54, 2, 0, 11, 11, 11, 11, 226, 2, 1, 6, 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32, 1, 65, 23, 73, 4, 64, 32, 1, 65, 2, 116, 65, 176, 3, 106, 65, 0, 54, 2, 4, 65, 0, 33, 2, 3, 64, 32, 2, 65, 16, 73, 4, 64, 32, 1, 65, 4, 116, 32, 2, 106, 65, 2, 116, 65, 176, 3, 106, 65, 0, 54, 2, 96, 32, 2, 65, 1, 106, 33, 2, 12, 1, 11, 11, 32, 1, 65, 1, 106, 33, 1, 12, 1, 11, 11, 65, 176, 3, 65, 224, 15, 63, 0, 65, 16, 116, 16, 3, 65, 176, 3, 36, 0, 11, 32, 0, 11, 45, 0, 32, 0, 65, 240, 255, 255, 255, 3, 79, 4, 64, 65, 32, 65, 224, 0, 65, 201, 3, 65, 29, 16, 0, 0, 11, 32, 0, 65, 15, 106, 65, 112, 113, 34, 0, 65, 16, 32, 0, 65, 16, 75, 27, 11, 169, 1, 1, 1, 127, 32, 0, 32, 1, 65, 128, 2, 73, 4, 127, 32, 1, 65, 4, 118, 33, 1, 65, 0, 5, 32, 1, 65, 248, 255, 255, 255, 1, 73, 4, 64, 32, 1, 65, 1, 65, 27, 32, 1, 103, 107, 116, 106, 65, 1, 107, 33, 1, 11, 32, 1, 65, 31, 32, 1, 103, 107, 34, 2, 65, 4, 107, 118, 65, 16, 115, 33, 1, 32, 2, 65, 7, 107, 11, 34, 2, 65, 2, 116, 106, 40, 2, 4, 65, 127, 32, 1, 116, 113, 34, 1, 4, 127, 32, 0, 32, 1, 104, 32, 2, 65, 4, 116, 106, 65, 2, 116, 106, 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65, 16, 106, 66, 0, 55, 3, 0, 32, 0, 65, 24, 106, 66, 0, 55, 3, 0, 32, 1, 65, 32, 107, 33, 1, 32, 0, 65, 32, 106, 33, 0, 12, 1, 11, 11, 11, 11, 178, 1, 1, 3, 127, 32, 1, 65, 240, 255, 255, 255, 3, 32, 2, 118, 75, 4, 64, 65, 144, 1, 65, 192, 1, 65, 23, 65, 56, 16, 0, 0, 11, 32, 1, 32, 2, 116, 34, 3, 65, 0, 16, 10, 34, 2, 32, 3, 16, 13, 32, 0, 69, 4, 64, 65, 12, 65, 2, 16, 10, 34, 0, 65, 172, 3, 75, 4, 64, 32, 0, 65, 16, 107, 34, 1, 32, 1, 40, 2, 4, 65, 1, 106, 54, 2, 4, 11, 11, 32, 0, 65, 0, 54, 2, 0, 32, 0, 65, 0, 54, 2, 4, 32, 0, 65, 0, 54, 2, 8, 32, 2, 34, 1, 32, 0, 40, 2, 0, 34, 4, 71, 4, 64, 32, 1, 65, 172, 3, 75, 4, 64, 32, 1, 65, 16, 107, 34, 5, 32, 5, 40, 2, 4, 65, 1, 106, 54, 2, 4, 11, 32, 4, 16, 12, 11, 32, 0, 32, 1, 54, 2, 0, 32, 0, 32, 2, 54, 2, 4, 32, 0, 32, 3, 54, 2, 8, 32, 0, 11, 46, 1, 2, 127, 65, 12, 65, 5, 16, 10, 34, 0, 65, 172, 3, 75, 4, 64, 32, 0, 65, 16, 107, 34, 1, 32, 1, 40, 2, 4, 65, 1, 106, 54, 2, 4, 11, 32, 0, 65, 128, 2, 65, 3, 16, 14, 11, 9, 0, 65, 63, 32, 0, 121, 167, 107, 11, 49, 1, 2, 127, 65, 63, 32, 1, 121, 167, 107, 33, 2, 3, 64, 65, 63, 32, 0, 121, 167, 107, 32, 2, 107, 34, 3, 65, 0, 78, 4, 64, 32, 0, 32, 1, 32, 3, 172, 134, 133, 33, 0, 12, 1, 11, 11, 32, 0, 11, 40, 0, 32, 1, 32, 0, 40, 2, 8, 79, 4, 64, 65, 128, 2, 65, 192, 2, 65, 163, 1, 65, 44, 16, 0, 0, 11, 32, 1, 32, 0, 40, 2, 4, 106, 65, 0, 58, 0, 0, 11, 38, 0, 32, 1, 32, 0, 40, 2, 8, 79, 4, 64, 65, 128, 2, 65, 192, 2, 65, 152, 1, 65, 44, 16, 0, 0, 11, 32, 1, 32, 0, 40, 2, 4, 106, 45, 0, 0, 11, 254, 5, 2, 1, 127, 4, 126, 32, 0, 69, 4, 64, 65, 232, 0, 65, 6, 16, 10, 34, 0, 65, 172, 3, 75, 4, 64, 32, 0, 65, 16, 107, 34, 5, 32, 5, 40, 2, 4, 65, 1, 106, 54, 2, 4, 11, 11, 32, 0, 65, 0, 54, 2, 0, 32, 0, 65, 0, 54, 2, 4, 32, 0, 65, 0, 54, 2, 8, 32, 0, 66, 0, 55, 3, 16, 32, 0, 66, 0, 55, 3, 24, 32, 0, 66, 0, 55, 3, 32, 32, 0, 66, 0, 55, 3, 40, 32, 0, 66, 0, 55, 3, 48, 32, 0, 66, 0, 55, 3, 56, 32, 0, 66, 0, 55, 3, 64, 32, 0, 66, 0, 55, 3, 72, 32, 0, 66, 0, 55, 3, 80, 32, 0, 66, 0, 55, 3, 88, 32, 0, 66, 0, 55, 3, 96, 32, 0, 32, 2, 173, 55, 3, 80, 32, 0, 32, 3, 173, 55, 3, 88, 65, 12, 65, 4, 16, 10, 34, 2, 65, 172, 3, 75, 4, 64, 32, 2, 65, 16, 107, 34, 3, 32, 3, 40, 2, 4, 65, 1, 106, 54, 2, 4, 11, 32, 2, 32, 4, 65, 0, 16, 14, 33, 2, 32, 0, 40, 2, 0, 16, 12, 32, 0, 32, 2, 54, 2, 0, 32, 0, 32, 4, 54, 2, 4, 32, 0, 66, 1, 32, 1, 173, 134, 66, 1, 125, 55, 3, 96, 32, 0, 66, 243, 130, 183, 218, 216, 230, 232, 30, 55, 3, 72, 35, 4, 69, 4, 64, 65, 0, 33, 2, 3, 64, 32, 2, 65, 128, 2, 72, 4, 64, 32, 2, 65, 255, 1, 113, 173, 33, 6, 32, 0, 41, 3, 72, 34, 7, 33, 8, 65, 63, 32, 7, 121, 167, 107, 33, 1, 3, 64, 65, 63, 32, 6, 121, 167, 107, 32, 1, 107, 34, 3, 65, 0, 78, 4, 64, 32, 6, 32, 8, 32, 3, 172, 134, 133, 33, 6, 12, 1, 11, 11, 65, 0, 33, 4, 3, 64, 32, 4, 32, 0, 40, 2, 4, 65, 1, 107, 72, 4, 64, 32, 6, 66, 8, 134, 33, 6, 32, 0, 41, 3, 72, 34, 7, 33, 8, 65, 63, 32, 7, 121, 167, 107, 33, 1, 3, 64, 65, 63, 32, 6, 121, 167, 107, 32, 1, 107, 34, 3, 65, 0, 78, 4, 64, 32, 6, 32, 8, 32, 3, 172, 134, 133, 33, 6, 12, 1, 11, 11, 32, 4, 65, 1, 106, 33, 4, 12, 1, 11, 11, 35, 6, 40, 2, 4, 32, 2, 65, 3, 116, 106, 32, 6, 55, 3, 0, 32, 2, 65, 1, 106, 33, 2, 12, 1, 11, 11, 65, 63, 32, 0, 41, 3, 72, 121, 167, 107, 172, 33, 7, 65, 0, 33, 2, 3, 64, 32, 2, 65, 128, 2, 72, 4, 64, 35, 5, 33, 1, 32, 2, 172, 32, 7, 134, 34, 8, 33, 6, 65, 63, 32, 0, 41, 3, 72, 34, 9, 121, 167, 107, 33, 3, 3, 64, 65, 63, 32, 6, 121, 167, 107, 32, 3, 107, 34, 4, 65, 0, 78, 4, 64, 32, 6, 32, 9, 32, 4, 172, 134, 133, 33, 6, 12, 1, 11, 11, 32, 1, 40, 2, 4, 32, 2, 65, 3, 116, 106, 32, 6, 32, 8, 132, 55, 3, 0, 32, 2, 65, 1, 106, 33, 2, 12, 1, 11, 11, 65, 1, 36, 4, 11, 32, 0, 66, 0, 55, 3, 24, 32, 0, 66, 0, 55, 3, 32, 65, 0, 33, 2, 3, 64, 32, 2, 32, 0, 40, 2, 4, 72, 4, 64, 32, 0, 40, 2, 0, 32, 2, 16, 18, 32, 2, 65, 1, 106, 33, 2, 12, 1, 11, 11, 32, 0, 66, 0, 55, 3, 40, 32, 0, 65, 0, 54, 2, 8, 32, 0, 66, 0, 55, 3, 16, 32, 0, 66, 0, 55, 3, 40, 32, 0, 40, 2, 0, 32, 0, 40, 2, 8, 16, 19, 33, 1, 32, 0, 40, 2, 8, 32, 0, 40, 2, 0, 40, 2, 4, 106, 65, 1, 58, 0, 0, 32, 0, 32, 0, 41, 3, 40, 35, 6, 40, 2, 4, 32, 1, 65, 3, 116, 106, 41, 3, 0, 133, 55, 3, 40, 32, 0, 32, 0, 40, 2, 8, 65, 1, 106, 32, 0, 40, 2, 4, 111, 54, 2, 8, 32, 0, 35, 5, 40, 2, 4, 32, 0, 41, 3, 40, 34, 6, 66, 45, 136, 167, 65, 3, 116, 106, 41, 3, 0, 32, 6, 66, 8, 134, 66, 1, 132, 133, 55, 3, 40, 32, 0, 11, 38, 1, 1, 127, 32, 0, 40, 2, 0, 34, 0, 65, 172, 3, 75, 4, 64, 32, 0, 65, 16, 107, 34, 1, 32, 1, 40, 2, 4, 65, 1, 106, 54, 2, 4, 11, 32, 0, 11, 55, 1, 2, 127, 32, 1, 32, 0, 40, 2, 0, 34, 2, 71, 4, 64, 32, 1, 65, 172, 3, 75, 4, 64, 32, 1, 65, 16, 107, 34, 3, 32, 3, 40, 2, 4, 65, 1, 106, 54, 2, 4, 11, 32, 2, 16, 12, 11, 32, 0, 32, 1, 54, 2, 0, 11, 7, 0, 32, 0, 40, 2, 4, 11, 9, 0, 32, 0, 32, 1, 54, 2, 4, 11, 7, 0, 32, 0, 40, 2, 8, 11, 9, 0, 32, 0, 32, 1, 54, 2, 8, 11, 7, 0, 32, 0, 41, 3, 16, 11, 9, 0, 32, 0, 32, 1, 55, 3, 16, 11, 7, 0, 32, 0, 41, 3, 24, 11, 9, 0, 32, 0, 32, 1, 55, 3, 24, 11, 7, 0, 32, 0, 41, 3, 32, 11, 9, 0, 32, 0, 32, 1, 55, 3, 32, 11, 7, 0, 32, 0, 41, 3, 40, 11, 9, 0, 32, 0, 32, 1, 55, 3, 40, 11, 7, 0, 32, 0, 41, 3, 48, 11, 9, 0, 32, 0, 32, 1, 55, 3, 48, 11, 7, 0, 32, 0, 41, 3, 56, 11, 9, 0, 32, 0, 32, 1, 55, 3, 56, 11, 7, 0, 32, 0, 41, 3, 64, 11, 9, 0, 32, 0, 32, 1, 55, 3, 64, 11, 7, 0, 32, 0, 41, 3, 72, 11, 9, 0, 32, 0, 32, 1, 55, 3, 72, 11, 7, 0, 32, 0, 41, 3, 80, 11, 9, 0, 32, 0, 32, 1, 55, 3, 80, 11, 7, 0, 32, 0, 41, 3, 88, 11, 9, 0, 32, 0, 32, 1, 55, 3, 88, 11, 7, 0, 32, 0, 41, 3, 96, 11, 9, 0, 32, 0, 32, 1, 55, 3, 96, 11, 172, 4, 2, 5, 127, 1, 126, 32, 2, 65, 172, 3, 75, 4, 64, 32, 2, 65, 16, 107, 34, 4, 32, 4, 40, 2, 4, 65, 1, 106, 54, 2, 4, 11, 32, 2, 33, 4, 65, 0, 33, 2, 32, 1, 40, 2, 8, 33, 5, 32, 1, 40, 2, 4, 33, 6, 3, 64, 2, 127, 65, 0, 33, 3, 3, 64, 32, 3, 32, 5, 72, 4, 64, 32, 3, 32, 6, 106, 45, 0, 0, 33, 1, 32, 0, 40, 2, 0, 32, 0, 40, 2, 8, 16, 19, 33, 7, 32, 0, 40, 2, 8, 32, 0, 40, 2, 0, 40, 2, 4, 106, 32, 1, 58, 0, 0, 32, 0, 32, 0, 41, 3, 40, 35, 6, 40, 2, 4, 32, 7, 65, 3, 116, 106, 41, 3, 0, 133, 55, 3, 40, 32, 0, 32, 0, 40, 2, 8, 65, 1, 106, 32, 0, 40, 2, 4, 111, 54, 2, 8, 32, 0, 35, 5, 40, 2, 4, 32, 0, 41, 3, 40, 34, 8, 66, 45, 136, 167, 65, 3, 116, 106, 41, 3, 0, 32, 1, 173, 32, 8, 66, 8, 134, 132, 133, 55, 3, 40, 32, 0, 32, 0, 41, 3, 16, 66, 1, 124, 55, 3, 16, 32, 0, 32, 0, 41, 3, 24, 66, 1, 124, 55, 3, 24, 32, 0, 41, 3, 16, 32, 0, 41, 3, 80, 90, 4, 127, 32, 0, 41, 3, 40, 32, 0, 41, 3, 96, 131, 80, 5, 65, 0, 11, 4, 127, 65, 1, 5, 32, 0, 41, 3, 16, 32, 0, 41, 3, 88, 90, 11, 4, 64, 32, 0, 32, 0, 41, 3, 32, 55, 3, 48, 32, 0, 32, 0, 41, 3, 16, 55, 3, 56, 32, 0, 32, 0, 41, 3, 40, 55, 3, 64, 65, 0, 33, 1, 3, 64, 32, 1, 32, 0, 40, 2, 4, 72, 4, 64, 32, 0, 40, 2, 0, 32, 1, 16, 18, 32, 1, 65, 1, 106, 33, 1, 12, 1, 11, 11, 32, 0, 66, 0, 55, 3, 40, 32, 0, 65, 0, 54, 2, 8, 32, 0, 66, 0, 55, 3, 16, 32, 0, 66, 0, 55, 3, 40, 32, 0, 40, 2, 0, 32, 0, 40, 2, 8, 16, 19, 33, 1, 32, 0, 40, 2, 8, 32, 0, 40, 2, 0, 40, 2, 4, 106, 65, 1, 58, 0, 0, 32, 0, 32, 0, 41, 3, 40, 35, 6, 40, 2, 4, 32, 1, 65, 3, 116, 106, 41, 3, 0, 133, 55, 3, 40, 32, 0, 32, 0, 40, 2, 8, 65, 1, 106, 32, 0, 40, 2, 4, 111, 54, 2, 8, 32, 0, 35, 5, 40, 2, 4, 32, 0, 41, 3, 40, 34, 8, 66, 45, 136, 167, 65, 3, 116, 106, 41, 3, 0, 32, 8, 66, 8, 134, 66, 1, 132, 133, 55, 3, 40, 32, 3, 65, 1, 106, 12, 3, 11, 32, 3, 65, 1, 106, 33, 3, 12, 1, 11, 11, 65, 127, 11, 34, 1, 65, 0, 78, 4, 64, 32, 5, 32, 1, 107, 33, 5, 32, 1, 32, 6, 106, 33, 6, 32, 2, 34, 1, 65, 1, 106, 33, 2, 32, 4, 40, 2, 4, 32, 1, 65, 2, 116, 106, 32, 0, 41, 3, 56, 62, 2, 0, 12, 1, 11, 11, 32, 4, 11, 10, 0, 16, 15, 36, 5, 16, 15, 36, 6, 11, 3, 0, 1, 11, 73, 1, 2, 127, 32, 0, 40, 2, 4, 34, 1, 65, 255, 255, 255, 255, 0, 113, 34, 2, 65, 1, 70, 4, 64, 32, 0, 65, 16, 106, 16, 53, 32, 0, 32, 0, 40, 2, 0, 65, 1, 114, 54, 2, 0, 35, 0, 32, 0, 16, 2, 5, 32, 0, 32, 2, 65, 1, 107, 32, 1, 65, 128, 128, 128, 128, 127, 113, 114, 54, 2, 4, 11, 11, 58, 0, 2, 64, 2, 64, 2, 64, 32, 0, 65, 8, 107, 40, 2, 0, 14, 7, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 11, 15, 11, 32, 0, 40, 2, 0, 34, 0, 4, 64, 32, 0, 65, 172, 3, 79, 4, 64, 32, 0, 65, 16, 107, 16, 52, 11, 11, 15, 11, 0, 11, 11, 137, 3, 7, 0, 65, 16, 11, 55, 40, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 40, 0, 0, 0, 97, 0, 108, 0, 108, 0, 111, 0, 99, 0, 97, 0, 116, 0, 105, 0, 111, 0, 110, 0, 32, 0, 116, 0, 111, 0, 111, 0, 32, 0, 108, 0, 97, 0, 114, 0, 103, 0, 101, 0, 65, 208, 0, 11, 45, 30, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 30, 0, 0, 0, 126, 0, 108, 0, 105, 0, 98, 0, 47, 0, 114, 0, 116, 0, 47, 0, 116, 0, 108, 0, 115, 0, 102, 0, 46, 0, 116, 0, 115, 0, 65, 128, 1, 11, 43, 28, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 28, 0, 0, 0, 73, 0, 110, 0, 118, 0, 97, 0, 108, 0, 105, 0, 100, 0, 32, 0, 108, 0, 101, 0, 110, 0, 103, 0, 116, 0, 104, 0, 65, 176, 1, 11, 53, 38, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 38, 0, 0, 0, 126, 0, 108, 0, 105, 0, 98, 0, 47, 0, 97, 0, 114, 0, 114, 0, 97, 0, 121, 0, 98, 0, 117, 0, 102, 0, 102, 0, 101, 0, 114, 0, 46, 0, 116, 0, 115, 0, 65, 240, 1, 11, 51, 36, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 36, 0, 0, 0, 73, 0, 110, 0, 100, 0, 101, 0, 120, 0, 32, 0, 111, 0, 117, 0, 116, 0, 32, 0, 111, 0, 102, 0, 32, 0, 114, 0, 97, 0, 110, 0, 103, 0, 101, 0, 65, 176, 2, 11, 51, 36, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 36, 0, 0, 0, 126, 0, 108, 0, 105, 0, 98, 0, 47, 0, 116, 0, 121, 0, 112, 0, 101, 0, 100, 0, 97, 0, 114, 0, 114, 0, 97, 0, 121, 0, 46, 0, 116, 0, 115, 0, 65, 240, 2, 11, 53, 7, 0, 0, 0, 16, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 16, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 16, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 145, 4, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 49, 0, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 17, 1, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 16, 0, 34, 16, 115, 111, 117, 114, 99, 101, 77, 97, 112, 112, 105, 110, 103, 85, 82, 76, 16, 46, 47, 114, 97, 98, 105, 110, 46, 119, 97, 115, 109, 46, 109, 97, 112]);
return instantiate(new Response(new Blob([wasm], { type: "application/wasm" })), imp);
module2.exports = loadWebAssembly;
// node_modules/rabin-wasm/src/index.js
var require_src5 = __commonJS({
"node_modules/rabin-wasm/src/index.js"(exports2, module2) {
var Rabin = require_rabin();
var getRabin = require_rabin_wasm();
var create13 = async (avg, min, max, windowSize, polynomial) => {
const compiled = await getRabin();
return new Rabin(compiled, avg, min, max, windowSize, polynomial);
module2.exports = {
create: create13
// node_modules/@libp2p/logger/dist/src/index.js
var import_debug = __toESM(require_browser(), 1);
// node_modules/multiformats/src/bases/base58.js
var base58_exports = {};
__export(base58_exports, {
base58btc: () => base58btc,
base58flickr: () => base58flickr
// node_modules/multiformats/vendor/base-x.js
function base(ALPHABET, name8) {
if (ALPHABET.length >= 255) {
throw new TypeError("Alphabet too long");
var BASE_MAP = new Uint8Array(256);
for (var j = 0; j < BASE_MAP.length; j++) {
BASE_MAP[j] = 255;
for (var i = 0; i < ALPHABET.length; i++) {
var x = ALPHABET.charAt(i);
var xc = x.charCodeAt(0);
if (BASE_MAP[xc] !== 255) {
throw new TypeError(x + " is ambiguous");
BASE_MAP[xc] = i;
var BASE = ALPHABET.length;
var LEADER = ALPHABET.charAt(0);
var FACTOR = Math.log(BASE) / Math.log(256);
var iFACTOR = Math.log(256) / Math.log(BASE);
function encode39(source) {
if (source instanceof Uint8Array)
else if (ArrayBuffer.isView(source)) {
source = new Uint8Array(source.buffer, source.byteOffset, source.byteLength);
} else if (Array.isArray(source)) {
source = Uint8Array.from(source);
if (!(source instanceof Uint8Array)) {
throw new TypeError("Expected Uint8Array");
if (source.length === 0) {
return "";
var zeroes = 0;
var length11 = 0;
var pbegin = 0;
var pend = source.length;
while (pbegin !== pend && source[pbegin] === 0) {
var size = (pend - pbegin) * iFACTOR + 1 >>> 0;
var b58 = new Uint8Array(size);
while (pbegin !== pend) {
var carry = source[pbegin];
var i2 = 0;
for (var it1 = size - 1; (carry !== 0 || i2 < length11) && it1 !== -1; it1--, i2++) {
carry += 256 * b58[it1] >>> 0;
b58[it1] = carry % BASE >>> 0;
carry = carry / BASE >>> 0;
if (carry !== 0) {
throw new Error("Non-zero carry");
length11 = i2;
var it2 = size - length11;
while (it2 !== size && b58[it2] === 0) {
var str = LEADER.repeat(zeroes);
for (; it2 < size; ++it2) {
str += ALPHABET.charAt(b58[it2]);
return str;
function decodeUnsafe(source) {
if (typeof source !== "string") {
throw new TypeError("Expected String");
if (source.length === 0) {
return new Uint8Array();
var psz = 0;
if (source[psz] === " ") {
var zeroes = 0;
var length11 = 0;
while (source[psz] === LEADER) {
var size = (source.length - psz) * FACTOR + 1 >>> 0;
var b256 = new Uint8Array(size);
while (source[psz]) {
var carry = BASE_MAP[source.charCodeAt(psz)];
if (carry === 255) {
var i2 = 0;
for (var it3 = size - 1; (carry !== 0 || i2 < length11) && it3 !== -1; it3--, i2++) {
carry += BASE * b256[it3] >>> 0;
b256[it3] = carry % 256 >>> 0;
carry = carry / 256 >>> 0;
if (carry !== 0) {
throw new Error("Non-zero carry");
length11 = i2;
if (source[psz] === " ") {
var it4 = size - length11;
while (it4 !== size && b256[it4] === 0) {
var vch = new Uint8Array(zeroes + (size - it4));
var j2 = zeroes;
while (it4 !== size) {
vch[j2++] = b256[it4++];
return vch;
function decode50(string3) {
var buffer3 = decodeUnsafe(string3);
if (buffer3) {
return buffer3;
throw new Error(`Non-${name8} character`);
return {
encode: encode39,
decode: decode50
var src = base;
var _brrp__multiformats_scope_baseX = src;
var base_x_default = _brrp__multiformats_scope_baseX;
// node_modules/multiformats/src/bytes.js
var empty = new Uint8Array(0);
var equals = (aa, bb) => {
if (aa === bb)
return true;
if (aa.byteLength !== bb.byteLength) {
return false;
for (let ii = 0; ii < aa.byteLength; ii++) {
if (aa[ii] !== bb[ii]) {
return false;
return true;
var coerce = (o) => {
if (o instanceof Uint8Array && === "Uint8Array")
return o;
if (o instanceof ArrayBuffer)
return new Uint8Array(o);
if (ArrayBuffer.isView(o)) {
return new Uint8Array(o.buffer, o.byteOffset, o.byteLength);
throw new Error("Unknown type, must be binary type");
var fromString = (str) => new TextEncoder().encode(str);
var toString = (b) => new TextDecoder().decode(b);
// node_modules/multiformats/src/bases/base.js
var Encoder = class {
* @param {Base} name
* @param {Prefix} prefix
* @param {(bytes:Uint8Array) => string} baseEncode
constructor(name8, prefix, baseEncode) { = name8;
this.prefix = prefix;
this.baseEncode = baseEncode;
* @param {Uint8Array} bytes
* @returns {API.Multibase<Prefix>}
encode(bytes3) {
if (bytes3 instanceof Uint8Array) {
return `${this.prefix}${this.baseEncode(bytes3)}`;
} else {
throw Error("Unknown type, must be binary type");
var Decoder = class {
* @param {Base} name
* @param {Prefix} prefix
* @param {(text:string) => Uint8Array} baseDecode
constructor(name8, prefix, baseDecode) { = name8;
this.prefix = prefix;
if (prefix.codePointAt(0) === void 0) {
throw new Error("Invalid prefix character");
this.prefixCodePoint = /** @type {number} */
this.baseDecode = baseDecode;
* @param {string} text
decode(text) {
if (typeof text === "string") {
if (text.codePointAt(0) !== this.prefixCodePoint) {
throw Error(`Unable to decode multibase string ${JSON.stringify(text)}, ${} decoder only supports inputs prefixed with ${this.prefix}`);
return this.baseDecode(text.slice(this.prefix.length));
} else {
throw Error("Can only multibase decode strings");
* @template {string} OtherPrefix
* @param {API.UnibaseDecoder<OtherPrefix>|ComposedDecoder<OtherPrefix>} decoder
* @returns {ComposedDecoder<Prefix|OtherPrefix>}
or(decoder) {
return or(this, decoder);
var ComposedDecoder = class {
* @param {Decoders<Prefix>} decoders
constructor(decoders2) {
this.decoders = decoders2;
* @template {string} OtherPrefix
* @param {API.UnibaseDecoder<OtherPrefix>|ComposedDecoder<OtherPrefix>} decoder
* @returns {ComposedDecoder<Prefix|OtherPrefix>}
or(decoder) {
return or(this, decoder);
* @param {string} input
* @returns {Uint8Array}
decode(input) {
const prefix = (
/** @type {Prefix} */
const decoder = this.decoders[prefix];
if (decoder) {
return decoder.decode(input);
} else {
throw RangeError(`Unable to decode multibase string ${JSON.stringify(input)}, only inputs prefixed with ${Object.keys(this.decoders)} are supported`);
var or = (left, right) => new ComposedDecoder(
/** @type {Decoders<L|R>} */
...left.decoders || { [
/** @type API.UnibaseDecoder<L> */
]: left },
...right.decoders || { [
/** @type API.UnibaseDecoder<R> */
]: right }
var Codec = class {
* @param {Base} name
* @param {Prefix} prefix
* @param {(bytes:Uint8Array) => string} baseEncode
* @param {(text:string) => Uint8Array} baseDecode
constructor(name8, prefix, baseEncode, baseDecode) { = name8;
this.prefix = prefix;
this.baseEncode = baseEncode;
this.baseDecode = baseDecode;
this.encoder = new Encoder(name8, prefix, baseEncode);
this.decoder = new Decoder(name8, prefix, baseDecode);
* @param {Uint8Array} input
encode(input) {
return this.encoder.encode(input);
* @param {string} input
decode(input) {
return this.decoder.decode(input);
var from = ({ name: name8, prefix, encode: encode39, decode: decode50 }) => new Codec(name8, prefix, encode39, decode50);
var baseX = ({ prefix, name: name8, alphabet: alphabet5 }) => {
const { encode: encode39, decode: decode50 } = base_x_default(alphabet5, name8);
return from({
name: name8,
encode: encode39,
* @param {string} text
decode: (text) => coerce(decode50(text))
var decode = (string3, alphabet5, bitsPerChar, name8) => {
const codes8 = {};
for (let i = 0; i < alphabet5.length; ++i) {
codes8[alphabet5[i]] = i;
let end = string3.length;
while (string3[end - 1] === "=") {
const out = new Uint8Array(end * bitsPerChar / 8 | 0);
let bits2 = 0;
let buffer3 = 0;
let written = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < end; ++i) {
const value = codes8[string3[i]];
if (value === void 0) {
throw new SyntaxError(`Non-${name8} character`);
buffer3 = buffer3 << bitsPerChar | value;
bits2 += bitsPerChar;
if (bits2 >= 8) {
bits2 -= 8;
out[written++] = 255 & buffer3 >> bits2;
if (bits2 >= bitsPerChar || 255 & buffer3 << 8 - bits2) {
throw new SyntaxError("Unexpected end of data");
return out;
var encode = (data, alphabet5, bitsPerChar) => {
const pad = alphabet5[alphabet5.length - 1] === "=";
const mask = (1 << bitsPerChar) - 1;
let out = "";
let bits2 = 0;
let buffer3 = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < data.length; ++i) {
buffer3 = buffer3 << 8 | data[i];
bits2 += 8;
while (bits2 > bitsPerChar) {
bits2 -= bitsPerChar;
out += alphabet5[mask & buffer3 >> bits2];
if (bits2) {
out += alphabet5[mask & buffer3 << bitsPerChar - bits2];
if (pad) {
while (out.length * bitsPerChar & 7) {
out += "=";
return out;
var rfc4648 = ({ name: name8, prefix, bitsPerChar, alphabet: alphabet5 }) => {
return from({
name: name8,
encode(input) {
return encode(input, alphabet5, bitsPerChar);
decode(input) {
return decode(input, alphabet5, bitsPerChar, name8);
// node_modules/multiformats/src/bases/base58.js
var base58btc = baseX({
name: "base58btc",
prefix: "z",
alphabet: "123456789ABCDEFGHJKLMNPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijkmnopqrstuvwxyz"
var base58flickr = baseX({
name: "base58flickr",
prefix: "Z",
alphabet: "123456789abcdefghijkmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHJKLMNPQRSTUVWXYZ"
// node_modules/multiformats/src/bases/base32.js
var base32_exports = {};
__export(base32_exports, {
base32: () => base32,
base32hex: () => base32hex,
base32hexpad: () => base32hexpad,
base32hexpadupper: () => base32hexpadupper,
base32hexupper: () => base32hexupper,
base32pad: () => base32pad,
base32padupper: () => base32padupper,
base32upper: () => base32upper,
base32z: () => base32z
var base32 = rfc4648({
prefix: "b",
name: "base32",
alphabet: "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz234567",
bitsPerChar: 5
var base32upper = rfc4648({
prefix: "B",
name: "base32upper",
bitsPerChar: 5
var base32pad = rfc4648({
prefix: "c",
name: "base32pad",
alphabet: "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz234567=",
bitsPerChar: 5
var base32padupper = rfc4648({
prefix: "C",
name: "base32padupper",
bitsPerChar: 5
var base32hex = rfc4648({
prefix: "v",
name: "base32hex",
alphabet: "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuv",
bitsPerChar: 5
var base32hexupper = rfc4648({
prefix: "V",
name: "base32hexupper",
alphabet: "0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUV",
bitsPerChar: 5
var base32hexpad = rfc4648({
prefix: "t",
name: "base32hexpad",
alphabet: "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuv=",
bitsPerChar: 5
var base32hexpadupper = rfc4648({
prefix: "T",
name: "base32hexpadupper",
alphabet: "0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUV=",
bitsPerChar: 5
var base32z = rfc4648({
prefix: "h",
name: "base32z",
alphabet: "ybndrfg8ejkmcpqxot1uwisza345h769",
bitsPerChar: 5
// node_modules/multiformats/src/bases/base64.js
var base64_exports = {};
__export(base64_exports, {
base64: () => base64,
base64pad: () => base64pad,
base64url: () => base64url,
base64urlpad: () => base64urlpad
var base64 = rfc4648({
prefix: "m",
name: "base64",
alphabet: "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/",
bitsPerChar: 6
var base64pad = rfc4648({
prefix: "M",
name: "base64pad",
alphabet: "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/=",
bitsPerChar: 6
var base64url = rfc4648({
prefix: "u",
name: "base64url",
alphabet: "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789-_",
bitsPerChar: 6
var base64urlpad = rfc4648({
prefix: "U",
name: "base64urlpad",
alphabet: "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789-_=",
bitsPerChar: 6
// node_modules/@libp2p/logger/dist/src/index.js
import_debug.default.formatters.b = (v) => {
return v == null ? "undefined" : base58btc.baseEncode(v);
import_debug.default.formatters.t = (v) => {
return v == null ? "undefined" : base32.baseEncode(v);
import_debug.default.formatters.m = (v) => {
return v == null ? "undefined" : base64.baseEncode(v);
import_debug.default.formatters.p = (v) => {
return v == null ? "undefined" : v.toString();
import_debug.default.formatters.c = (v) => {
return v == null ? "undefined" : v.toString();
import_debug.default.formatters.k = (v) => {
return v == null ? "undefined" : v.toString();
import_debug.default.formatters.a = (v) => {
return v == null ? "undefined" : v.toString();
function createDisabledLogger(namespace) {
const logger5 = () => {
logger5.enabled = false;
logger5.color = "";
logger5.diff = 0;
logger5.log = () => {
logger5.namespace = namespace;
logger5.destroy = () => true;
logger5.extend = () => logger5;
return logger5;
function logger(name8) {
let trace = createDisabledLogger(`${name8}:trace`);
if (import_debug.default.enabled(`${name8}:trace`) && => r.toString()).find((n) => n.includes(":trace")) != null) {
trace = (0, import_debug.default)(`${name8}:trace`);
return Object.assign((0, import_debug.default)(name8), {
error: (0, import_debug.default)(`${name8}:error`),
// node_modules/blockstore-core/dist/src/errors.js
var errors_exports = {};
__export(errors_exports, {
abortedError: () => abortedError,
closeFailedError: () => closeFailedError,
deleteFailedError: () => deleteFailedError,
getFailedError: () => getFailedError,
hasFailedError: () => hasFailedError,
notFoundError: () => notFoundError,
openFailedError: () => openFailedError,
putFailedError: () => putFailedError
var import_err_code = __toESM(require_err_code(), 1);
function openFailedError(err) {
err = err ?? new Error("Open failed");
return (0, import_err_code.default)(err, "ERR_OPEN_FAILED");
function closeFailedError(err) {
err = err ?? new Error("Close failed");
return (0, import_err_code.default)(err, "ERR_CLOSE_FAILED");
function putFailedError(err) {
err = err ?? new Error("Put failed");
return (0, import_err_code.default)(err, "ERR_PUT_FAILED");
function getFailedError(err) {
err = err ?? new Error("Get failed");
return (0, import_err_code.default)(err, "ERR_GET_FAILED");
function deleteFailedError(err) {
err = err ?? new Error("Delete failed");
return (0, import_err_code.default)(err, "ERR_DELETE_FAILED");
function hasFailedError(err) {
err = err ?? new Error("Has failed");
return (0, import_err_code.default)(err, "ERR_HAS_FAILED");
function notFoundError(err) {
err = err ?? new Error("Not Found");
return (0, import_err_code.default)(err, "ERR_NOT_FOUND");
function abortedError(err) {
err = err ?? new Error("Aborted");
return (0, import_err_code.default)(err, "ERR_ABORTED");
// node_modules/blockstore-core/dist/src/base.js
var BaseBlockstore = class {
has(key, options) {
return Promise.reject(new Error(".has is not implemented"));
put(key, val, options) {
return Promise.reject(new Error(".put is not implemented"));
async *putMany(source, options) {
for await (const { cid, block } of source) {
await this.put(cid, block, options);
yield cid;
get(key, options) {
return Promise.reject(new Error(".get is not implemented"));
async *getMany(source, options) {
for await (const key of source) {
yield {
cid: key,
block: await this.get(key, options)
async delete(key, options) {
await Promise.reject(new Error(".delete is not implemented"));
async *deleteMany(source, options) {
for await (const key of source) {
await this.delete(key, options);
yield key;
* Extending classes should override `query` or implement this method
async *getAll(options) {
throw new Error(".getAll is not implemented");
// node_modules/blockstore-core/node_modules/multiformats/vendor/base-x.js
function base2(ALPHABET, name8) {
if (ALPHABET.length >= 255) {
throw new TypeError("Alphabet too long");
var BASE_MAP = new Uint8Array(256);
for (var j = 0; j < BASE_MAP.length; j++) {
BASE_MAP[j] = 255;
for (var i = 0; i < ALPHABET.length; i++) {
var x = ALPHABET.charAt(i);
var xc = x.charCodeAt(0);
if (BASE_MAP[xc] !== 255) {
throw new TypeError(x + " is ambiguous");
BASE_MAP[xc] = i;
var BASE = ALPHABET.length;
var LEADER = ALPHABET.charAt(0);
var FACTOR = Math.log(BASE) / Math.log(256);
var iFACTOR = Math.log(256) / Math.log(BASE);
function encode39(source) {
if (source instanceof Uint8Array)
else if (ArrayBuffer.isView(source)) {
source = new Uint8Array(source.buffer, source.byteOffset, source.byteLength);
} else if (Array.isArray(source)) {
source = Uint8Array.from(source);
if (!(source instanceof Uint8Array)) {
throw new TypeError("Expected Uint8Array");
if (source.length === 0) {
return "";
var zeroes = 0;
var length11 = 0;
var pbegin = 0;
var pend = source.length;
while (pbegin !== pend && source[pbegin] === 0) {
var size = (pend - pbegin) * iFACTOR + 1 >>> 0;
var b58 = new Uint8Array(size);
while (pbegin !== pend) {
var carry = source[pbegin];
var i2 = 0;
for (var it1 = size - 1; (carry !== 0 || i2 < length11) && it1 !== -1; it1--, i2++) {
carry += 256 * b58[it1] >>> 0;
b58[it1] = carry % BASE >>> 0;
carry = carry / BASE >>> 0;
if (carry !== 0) {
throw new Error("Non-zero carry");
length11 = i2;
var it2 = size - length11;
while (it2 !== size && b58[it2] === 0) {
var str = LEADER.repeat(zeroes);
for (; it2 < size; ++it2) {
str += ALPHABET.charAt(b58[it2]);
return str;
function decodeUnsafe(source) {
if (typeof source !== "string") {
throw new TypeError("Expected String");
if (source.length === 0) {
return new Uint8Array();
var psz = 0;
if (source[psz] === " ") {
var zeroes = 0;
var length11 = 0;
while (source[psz] === LEADER) {
var size = (source.length - psz) * FACTOR + 1 >>> 0;
var b256 = new Uint8Array(size);
while (source[psz]) {
var carry = BASE_MAP[source.charCodeAt(psz)];
if (carry === 255) {
var i2 = 0;
for (var it3 = size - 1; (carry !== 0 || i2 < length11) && it3 !== -1; it3--, i2++) {
carry += BASE * b256[it3] >>> 0;
b256[it3] = carry % 256 >>> 0;
carry = carry / 256 >>> 0;
if (carry !== 0) {
throw new Error("Non-zero carry");
length11 = i2;
if (source[psz] === " ") {
var it4 = size - length11;
while (it4 !== size && b256[it4] === 0) {
var vch = new Uint8Array(zeroes + (size - it4));
var j2 = zeroes;
while (it4 !== size) {
vch[j2++] = b256[it4++];
return vch;
function decode50(string3) {
var buffer3 = decodeUnsafe(string3);
if (buffer3) {
return buffer3;
throw new Error(`Non-${name8} character`);
return {
encode: encode39,
decode: decode50
var src2 = base2;
var _brrp__multiformats_scope_baseX2 = src2;
var base_x_default2 = _brrp__multiformats_scope_baseX2;
// node_modules/blockstore-core/node_modules/multiformats/src/bytes.js
var empty2 = new Uint8Array(0);
var equals2 = (aa, bb) => {
if (aa === bb)
return true;
if (aa.byteLength !== bb.byteLength) {
return false;
for (let ii = 0; ii < aa.byteLength; ii++) {
if (aa[ii] !== bb[ii]) {
return false;
return true;
var coerce2 = (o) => {
if (o instanceof Uint8Array && === "Uint8Array")
return o;
if (o instanceof ArrayBuffer)
return new Uint8Array(o);
if (ArrayBuffer.isView(o)) {
return new Uint8Array(o.buffer, o.byteOffset, o.byteLength);
throw new Error("Unknown type, must be binary type");
// node_modules/blockstore-core/node_modules/multiformats/src/bases/base.js
var Encoder2 = class {
* @param {Base} name
* @param {Prefix} prefix
* @param {(bytes:Uint8Array) => string} baseEncode
constructor(name8, prefix, baseEncode) { = name8;
this.prefix = prefix;
this.baseEncode = baseEncode;
* @param {Uint8Array} bytes
* @returns {API.Multibase<Prefix>}
encode(bytes3) {
if (bytes3 instanceof Uint8Array) {
return `${this.prefix}${this.baseEncode(bytes3)}`;
} else {
throw Error("Unknown type, must be binary type");
var Decoder2 = class {
* @param {Base} name
* @param {Prefix} prefix
* @param {(text:string) => Uint8Array} baseDecode
constructor(name8, prefix, baseDecode) { = name8;
this.prefix = prefix;
if (prefix.codePointAt(0) === void 0) {
throw new Error("Invalid prefix character");
this.prefixCodePoint = /** @type {number} */
this.baseDecode = baseDecode;
* @param {string} text
decode(text) {
if (typeof text === "string") {
if (text.codePointAt(0) !== this.prefixCodePoint) {
throw Error(`Unable to decode multibase string ${JSON.stringify(text)}, ${} decoder only supports inputs prefixed with ${this.prefix}`);
return this.baseDecode(text.slice(this.prefix.length));
} else {
throw Error("Can only multibase decode strings");
* @template {string} OtherPrefix
* @param {API.UnibaseDecoder<OtherPrefix>|ComposedDecoder<OtherPrefix>} decoder
* @returns {ComposedDecoder<Prefix|OtherPrefix>}
or(decoder) {
return or2(this, decoder);
var ComposedDecoder2 = class {
* @param {Decoders<Prefix>} decoders
constructor(decoders2) {
this.decoders = decoders2;
* @template {string} OtherPrefix
* @param {API.UnibaseDecoder<OtherPrefix>|ComposedDecoder<OtherPrefix>} decoder
* @returns {ComposedDecoder<Prefix|OtherPrefix>}
or(decoder) {
return or2(this, decoder);
* @param {string} input
* @returns {Uint8Array}
decode(input) {
const prefix = (
/** @type {Prefix} */
const decoder = this.decoders[prefix];
if (decoder) {
return decoder.decode(input);
} else {
throw RangeError(`Unable to decode multibase string ${JSON.stringify(input)}, only inputs prefixed with ${Object.keys(this.decoders)} are supported`);
var or2 = (left, right) => new ComposedDecoder2(
/** @type {Decoders<L|R>} */
...left.decoders || { [
/** @type API.UnibaseDecoder<L> */
]: left },
...right.decoders || { [
/** @type API.UnibaseDecoder<R> */
]: right }
var Codec2 = class {
* @param {Base} name
* @param {Prefix} prefix
* @param {(bytes:Uint8Array) => string} baseEncode
* @param {(text:string) => Uint8Array} baseDecode
constructor(name8, prefix, baseEncode, baseDecode) { = name8;
this.prefix = prefix;
this.baseEncode = baseEncode;
this.baseDecode = baseDecode;
this.encoder = new Encoder2(name8, prefix, baseEncode);
this.decoder = new Decoder2(name8, prefix, baseDecode);
* @param {Uint8Array} input
encode(input) {
return this.encoder.encode(input);
* @param {string} input
decode(input) {
return this.decoder.decode(input);
var from2 = ({ name: name8, prefix, encode: encode39, decode: decode50 }) => new Codec2(name8, prefix, encode39, decode50);
var baseX2 = ({ prefix, name: name8, alphabet: alphabet5 }) => {
const { encode: encode39, decode: decode50 } = base_x_default2(alphabet5, name8);
return from2({
name: name8,
encode: encode39,
* @param {string} text
decode: (text) => coerce2(decode50(text))
var decode2 = (string3, alphabet5, bitsPerChar, name8) => {
const codes8 = {};
for (let i = 0; i < alphabet5.length; ++i) {
codes8[alphabet5[i]] = i;
let end = string3.length;
while (string3[end - 1] === "=") {
const out = new Uint8Array(end * bitsPerChar / 8 | 0);
let bits2 = 0;
let buffer3 = 0;
let written = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < end; ++i) {
const value = codes8[string3[i]];
if (value === void 0) {
throw new SyntaxError(`Non-${name8} character`);
buffer3 = buffer3 << bitsPerChar | value;
bits2 += bitsPerChar;
if (bits2 >= 8) {
bits2 -= 8;
out[written++] = 255 & buffer3 >> bits2;
if (bits2 >= bitsPerChar || 255 & buffer3 << 8 - bits2) {
throw new SyntaxError("Unexpected end of data");
return out;
var encode2 = (data, alphabet5, bitsPerChar) => {
const pad = alphabet5[alphabet5.length - 1] === "=";
const mask = (1 << bitsPerChar) - 1;
let out = "";
let bits2 = 0;
let buffer3 = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < data.length; ++i) {
buffer3 = buffer3 << 8 | data[i];
bits2 += 8;
while (bits2 > bitsPerChar) {
bits2 -= bitsPerChar;
out += alphabet5[mask & buffer3 >> bits2];
if (bits2) {
out += alphabet5[mask & buffer3 << bitsPerChar - bits2];
if (pad) {
while (out.length * bitsPerChar & 7) {
out += "=";
return out;
var rfc46482 = ({ name: name8, prefix, bitsPerChar, alphabet: alphabet5 }) => {
return from2({
name: name8,
encode(input) {
return encode2(input, alphabet5, bitsPerChar);
decode(input) {
return decode2(input, alphabet5, bitsPerChar, name8);
// node_modules/blockstore-core/node_modules/multiformats/src/bases/base32.js
var base322 = rfc46482({
prefix: "b",
name: "base32",
alphabet: "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz234567",
bitsPerChar: 5
var base32upper2 = rfc46482({
prefix: "B",
name: "base32upper",
bitsPerChar: 5
var base32pad2 = rfc46482({
prefix: "c",
name: "base32pad",
alphabet: "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz234567=",
bitsPerChar: 5
var base32padupper2 = rfc46482({
prefix: "C",
name: "base32padupper",
bitsPerChar: 5
var base32hex2 = rfc46482({
prefix: "v",
name: "base32hex",
alphabet: "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuv",
bitsPerChar: 5
var base32hexupper2 = rfc46482({
prefix: "V",
name: "base32hexupper",
alphabet: "0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUV",
bitsPerChar: 5
var base32hexpad2 = rfc46482({
prefix: "t",
name: "base32hexpad",
alphabet: "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuv=",
bitsPerChar: 5
var base32hexpadupper2 = rfc46482({
prefix: "T",
name: "base32hexpadupper",
alphabet: "0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUV=",
bitsPerChar: 5
var base32z2 = rfc46482({
prefix: "h",
name: "base32z",
alphabet: "ybndrfg8ejkmcpqxot1uwisza345h769",
bitsPerChar: 5
// node_modules/blockstore-core/node_modules/multiformats/vendor/varint.js
var encode_1 = encode3;
var MSB = 128;
var REST = 127;
var INT = Math.pow(2, 31);
function encode3(num, out, offset) {
out = out || [];
offset = offset || 0;
var oldOffset = offset;
while (num >= INT) {
out[offset++] = num & 255 | MSB;
num /= 128;
while (num & MSBALL) {
out[offset++] = num & 255 | MSB;
num >>>= 7;
out[offset] = num | 0;
encode3.bytes = offset - oldOffset + 1;
return out;
var decode3 = read;
var MSB$1 = 128;
var REST$1 = 127;
function read(buf3, offset) {
var res = 0, offset = offset || 0, shift = 0, counter = offset, b, l = buf3.length;
do {
if (counter >= l) {
read.bytes = 0;
throw new RangeError("Could not decode varint");
b = buf3[counter++];
res += shift < 28 ? (b & REST$1) << shift : (b & REST$1) * Math.pow(2, shift);
shift += 7;
} while (b >= MSB$1);
read.bytes = counter - offset;
return res;
var N1 = Math.pow(2, 7);
var N2 = Math.pow(2, 14);
var N3 = Math.pow(2, 21);
var N4 = Math.pow(2, 28);
var N5 = Math.pow(2, 35);
var N6 = Math.pow(2, 42);
var N7 = Math.pow(2, 49);
var N8 = Math.pow(2, 56);
var N9 = Math.pow(2, 63);
var length = function(value) {
return value < N1 ? 1 : value < N2 ? 2 : value < N3 ? 3 : value < N4 ? 4 : value < N5 ? 5 : value < N6 ? 6 : value < N7 ? 7 : value < N8 ? 8 : value < N9 ? 9 : 10;
var varint = {
encode: encode_1,
decode: decode3,
encodingLength: length
var _brrp_varint = varint;
var varint_default = _brrp_varint;
// node_modules/blockstore-core/node_modules/multiformats/src/varint.js
var decode4 = (data, offset = 0) => {
const code9 = varint_default.decode(data, offset);
return [code9, varint_default.decode.bytes];
var encodeTo = (int, target, offset = 0) => {
varint_default.encode(int, target, offset);
return target;
var encodingLength = (int) => {
return varint_default.encodingLength(int);
// node_modules/blockstore-core/node_modules/multiformats/src/hashes/digest.js
var create = (code9, digest5) => {
const size = digest5.byteLength;
const sizeOffset = encodingLength(code9);
const digestOffset = sizeOffset + encodingLength(size);
const bytes3 = new Uint8Array(digestOffset + size);
encodeTo(code9, bytes3, 0);
encodeTo(size, bytes3, sizeOffset);
bytes3.set(digest5, digestOffset);
return new Digest(code9, size, digest5, bytes3);
var decode5 = (multihash) => {
const bytes3 = coerce2(multihash);
const [code9, sizeOffset] = decode4(bytes3);
const [size, digestOffset] = decode4(bytes3.subarray(sizeOffset));
const digest5 = bytes3.subarray(sizeOffset + digestOffset);
if (digest5.byteLength !== size) {
throw new Error("Incorrect length");
return new Digest(code9, size, digest5, bytes3);
var equals3 = (a, b) => {
if (a === b) {
return true;
} else {
const data = (
/** @type {{code?:unknown, size?:unknown, bytes?:unknown}} */
return a.code === data.code && a.size === data.size && data.bytes instanceof Uint8Array && equals2(a.bytes, data.bytes);
var Digest = class {
* Creates a multihash digest.
* @param {Code} code
* @param {Size} size
* @param {Uint8Array} digest
* @param {Uint8Array} bytes
constructor(code9, size, digest5, bytes3) {
this.code = code9;
this.size = size;
this.digest = digest5;
this.bytes = bytes3;
// node_modules/blockstore-core/node_modules/multiformats/src/bases/base58.js
var base58btc2 = baseX2({
name: "base58btc",
prefix: "z",
alphabet: "123456789ABCDEFGHJKLMNPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijkmnopqrstuvwxyz"
var base58flickr2 = baseX2({
name: "base58flickr",
prefix: "Z",
alphabet: "123456789abcdefghijkmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHJKLMNPQRSTUVWXYZ"
// node_modules/blockstore-core/node_modules/multiformats/src/cid.js
var format = (link, base14) => {
const { bytes: bytes3, version: version4 } = link;
switch (version4) {
case 0:
return toStringV0(
/** @type {API.MultibaseEncoder<"z">} */
base14 || base58btc2.encoder
return toStringV1(
/** @type {API.MultibaseEncoder<Prefix>} */
base14 || base322.encoder
var cache = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap();
var baseCache = (cid) => {
const baseCache9 = cache.get(cid);
if (baseCache9 == null) {
const baseCache10 = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
cache.set(cid, baseCache10);
return baseCache10;
return baseCache9;
var CID = class _CID {
* @param {Version} version - Version of the CID
* @param {Format} code - Code of the codec content is encoded in, see
* @param {API.MultihashDigest<Alg>} multihash - (Multi)hash of the of the content.
* @param {Uint8Array} bytes
constructor(version4, code9, multihash, bytes3) {
this.code = code9;
this.version = version4;
this.multihash = multihash;
this.bytes = bytes3;
this["/"] = bytes3;
* Signalling `cid.asCID === cid` has been replaced with `cid['/'] === cid.bytes`
* please either use `CID.asCID(cid)` or switch to new signalling mechanism
* @deprecated
get asCID() {
return this;
// ArrayBufferView
get byteOffset() {
return this.bytes.byteOffset;
// ArrayBufferView
get byteLength() {
return this.bytes.byteLength;
* @returns {CID<Data, API.DAG_PB, API.SHA_256, 0>}
toV0() {
switch (this.version) {
case 0: {
return (
/** @type {CID<Data, API.DAG_PB, API.SHA_256, 0>} */
case 1: {
const { code: code9, multihash } = this;
if (code9 !== DAG_PB_CODE) {
throw new Error("Cannot convert a non dag-pb CID to CIDv0");
if (multihash.code !== SHA_256_CODE) {
throw new Error("Cannot convert non sha2-256 multihash CID to CIDv0");
return (
/** @type {CID<Data, API.DAG_PB, API.SHA_256, 0>} */
/** @type {API.MultihashDigest<API.SHA_256>} */
default: {
throw Error(
`Can not convert CID version ${this.version} to version 0. This is a bug please report`
* @returns {CID<Data, Format, Alg, 1>}
toV1() {
switch (this.version) {
case 0: {
const { code: code9, digest: digest5 } = this.multihash;
const multihash = create(code9, digest5);
return (
/** @type {CID<Data, Format, Alg, 1>} */
_CID.createV1(this.code, multihash)
case 1: {
return (
/** @type {CID<Data, Format, Alg, 1>} */
default: {
throw Error(
`Can not convert CID version ${this.version} to version 1. This is a bug please report`
* @param {unknown} other
* @returns {other is CID<Data, Format, Alg, Version>}
equals(other) {
return _CID.equals(this, other);
* @template {unknown} Data
* @template {number} Format
* @template {number} Alg
* @template {API.Version} Version
* @param {API.Link<Data, Format, Alg, Version>} self
* @param {unknown} other
* @returns {other is CID}
static equals(self2, other) {
const unknown = (
/** @type {{code?:unknown, version?:unknown, multihash?:unknown}} */
return unknown && self2.code === unknown.code && self2.version === unknown.version && equals3(self2.multihash, unknown.multihash);
* @param {API.MultibaseEncoder<string>} [base]
* @returns {string}
toString(base14) {
return format(this, base14);
toJSON() {
return { "/": format(this) };
link() {
return this;
get [Symbol.toStringTag]() {
return "CID";
// Legacy
[Symbol.for("nodejs.util.inspect.custom")]() {
return `CID(${this.toString()})`;
* Takes any input `value` and returns a `CID` instance if it was
* a `CID` otherwise returns `null`. If `value` is instanceof `CID`
* it will return value back. If `value` is not instance of this CID
* class, but is compatible CID it will return new instance of this
* `CID` class. Otherwise returns null.
* This allows two different incompatible versions of CID library to
* co-exist and interop as long as binary interface is compatible.
* @template {unknown} Data
* @template {number} Format
* @template {number} Alg
* @template {API.Version} Version
* @template {unknown} U
* @param {API.Link<Data, Format, Alg, Version>|U} input
* @returns {CID<Data, Format, Alg, Version>|null}
static asCID(input) {
if (input == null) {
return null;
const value = (
/** @type {any} */
if (value instanceof _CID) {
return value;
} else if (value["/"] != null && value["/"] === value.bytes || value.asCID === value) {
const { version: version4, code: code9, multihash, bytes: bytes3 } = value;
return new _CID(
/** @type {API.MultihashDigest<Alg>} */
bytes3 || encodeCID(version4, code9, multihash.bytes)
} else if (value[cidSymbol] === true) {
const { version: version4, multihash, code: code9 } = value;
const digest5 = (
/** @type {API.MultihashDigest<Alg>} */
return _CID.create(version4, code9, digest5);
} else {
return null;
* @template {unknown} Data
* @template {number} Format
* @template {number} Alg
* @template {API.Version} Version
* @param {Version} version - Version of the CID
* @param {Format} code - Code of the codec content is encoded in, see
* @param {API.MultihashDigest<Alg>} digest - (Multi)hash of the of the content.
* @returns {CID<Data, Format, Alg, Version>}
static create(version4, code9, digest5) {
if (typeof code9 !== "number") {
throw new Error("String codecs are no longer supported");
if (!(digest5.bytes instanceof Uint8Array)) {
throw new Error("Invalid digest");
switch (version4) {
case 0: {
if (code9 !== DAG_PB_CODE) {
throw new Error(
`Version 0 CID must use dag-pb (code: ${DAG_PB_CODE}) block encoding`
} else {
return new _CID(version4, code9, digest5, digest5.bytes);
case 1: {
const bytes3 = encodeCID(version4, code9, digest5.bytes);
return new _CID(version4, code9, digest5, bytes3);
default: {
throw new Error("Invalid version");
* Simplified version of `create` for CIDv0.
* @template {unknown} [T=unknown]
* @param {API.MultihashDigest<typeof SHA_256_CODE>} digest - Multihash.
* @returns {CID<T, typeof DAG_PB_CODE, typeof SHA_256_CODE, 0>}
static createV0(digest5) {
return _CID.create(0, DAG_PB_CODE, digest5);
* Simplified version of `create` for CIDv1.
* @template {unknown} Data
* @template {number} Code
* @template {number} Alg
* @param {Code} code - Content encoding format code.
* @param {API.MultihashDigest<Alg>} digest - Miltihash of the content.
* @returns {CID<Data, Code, Alg, 1>}
static createV1(code9, digest5) {
return _CID.create(1, code9, digest5);
* Decoded a CID from its binary representation. The byte array must contain
* only the CID with no additional bytes.
* An error will be thrown if the bytes provided do not contain a valid
* binary representation of a CID.
* @template {unknown} Data
* @template {number} Code
* @template {number} Alg
* @template {API.Version} Ver
* @param {API.ByteView<API.Link<Data, Code, Alg, Ver>>} bytes
* @returns {CID<Data, Code, Alg, Ver>}
static decode(bytes3) {
const [cid, remainder] = _CID.decodeFirst(bytes3);
if (remainder.length) {
throw new Error("Incorrect length");
return cid;
* Decoded a CID from its binary representation at the beginning of a byte
* array.
* Returns an array with the first element containing the CID and the second
* element containing the remainder of the original byte array. The remainder
* will be a zero-length byte array if the provided bytes only contained a
* binary CID representation.
* @template {unknown} T
* @template {number} C
* @template {number} A
* @template {API.Version} V
* @param {API.ByteView<API.Link<T, C, A, V>>} bytes
* @returns {[CID<T, C, A, V>, Uint8Array]}
static decodeFirst(bytes3) {
const specs = _CID.inspectBytes(bytes3);
const prefixSize = specs.size - specs.multihashSize;
const multihashBytes = coerce2(
bytes3.subarray(prefixSize, prefixSize + specs.multihashSize)
if (multihashBytes.byteLength !== specs.multihashSize) {
throw new Error("Incorrect length");
const digestBytes = multihashBytes.subarray(
specs.multihashSize - specs.digestSize
const digest5 = new Digest(
const cid = specs.version === 0 ? _CID.createV0(
/** @type {API.MultihashDigest<API.SHA_256>} */
) : _CID.createV1(specs.codec, digest5);
return [
/** @type {CID<T, C, A, V>} */
* Inspect the initial bytes of a CID to determine its properties.
* Involves decoding up to 4 varints. Typically this will require only 4 to 6
* bytes but for larger multicodec code values and larger multihash digest
* lengths these varints can be quite large. It is recommended that at least
* 10 bytes be made available in the `initialBytes` argument for a complete
* inspection.
* @template {unknown} T
* @template {number} C
* @template {number} A
* @template {API.Version} V
* @param {API.ByteView<API.Link<T, C, A, V>>} initialBytes
* @returns {{ version:V, codec:C, multihashCode:A, digestSize:number, multihashSize:number, size:number }}
static inspectBytes(initialBytes) {
let offset = 0;
const next = () => {
const [i, length11] = decode4(initialBytes.subarray(offset));
offset += length11;
return i;
let version4 = (
/** @type {V} */
let codec = (
/** @type {C} */
if (
/** @type {number} */
version4 === 18
) {
version4 = /** @type {V} */
offset = 0;
} else {
codec = /** @type {C} */
if (version4 !== 0 && version4 !== 1) {
throw new RangeError(`Invalid CID version ${version4}`);
const prefixSize = offset;
const multihashCode = (
/** @type {A} */
const digestSize = next();
const size = offset + digestSize;
const multihashSize = size - prefixSize;
return { version: version4, codec, multihashCode, digestSize, multihashSize, size };
* Takes cid in a string representation and creates an instance. If `base`
* decoder is not provided will use a default from the configuration. It will
* throw an error if encoding of the CID is not compatible with supplied (or
* a default decoder).
* @template {string} Prefix
* @template {unknown} Data
* @template {number} Code
* @template {number} Alg
* @template {API.Version} Ver
* @param {API.ToString<API.Link<Data, Code, Alg, Ver>, Prefix>} source
* @param {API.MultibaseDecoder<Prefix>} [base]
* @returns {CID<Data, Code, Alg, Ver>}
static parse(source, base14) {
const [prefix, bytes3] = parseCIDtoBytes(source, base14);
const cid = _CID.decode(bytes3);
if (cid.version === 0 && source[0] !== "Q") {
throw Error("Version 0 CID string must not include multibase prefix");
baseCache(cid).set(prefix, source);
return cid;
var parseCIDtoBytes = (source, base14) => {
switch (source[0]) {
case "Q": {
const decoder = base14 || base58btc2;
return [
/** @type {Prefix} */
case base58btc2.prefix: {
const decoder = base14 || base58btc2;
return [
/** @type {Prefix} */
case base322.prefix: {
const decoder = base14 || base322;
return [
/** @type {Prefix} */
default: {
if (base14 == null) {
throw Error(
"To parse non base32 or base58btc encoded CID multibase decoder must be provided"
return [
/** @type {Prefix} */
var toStringV0 = (bytes3, cache10, base14) => {
const { prefix } = base14;
if (prefix !== base58btc2.prefix) {
throw Error(`Cannot string encode V0 in ${} encoding`);
const cid = cache10.get(prefix);
if (cid == null) {
const cid2 = base14.encode(bytes3).slice(1);
cache10.set(prefix, cid2);
return cid2;
} else {
return cid;
var toStringV1 = (bytes3, cache10, base14) => {
const { prefix } = base14;
const cid = cache10.get(prefix);
if (cid == null) {
const cid2 = base14.encode(bytes3);
cache10.set(prefix, cid2);
return cid2;
} else {
return cid;
var DAG_PB_CODE = 112;
var SHA_256_CODE = 18;
var encodeCID = (version4, code9, multihash) => {
const codeOffset = encodingLength(version4);
const hashOffset = codeOffset + encodingLength(code9);
const bytes3 = new Uint8Array(hashOffset + multihash.byteLength);
encodeTo(version4, bytes3, 0);
encodeTo(code9, bytes3, codeOffset);
bytes3.set(multihash, hashOffset);
return bytes3;
var cidSymbol = Symbol.for("@ipld/js-cid/CID");
// node_modules/blockstore-core/node_modules/multiformats/src/codecs/raw.js
var code = 85;
// node_modules/blockstore-core/dist/src/memory.js
var MemoryBlockstore = class extends BaseBlockstore {
constructor() {
super(); = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
put(key, val) {, val);
return key;
get(key) {
const buf3 =;
if (buf3 == null) {
throw notFoundError();
return buf3;
has(key) {
async delete(key) {;
async *getAll() {
for (const [key, value] of {
yield {
cid: CID.createV1(code, decode5(base322.decode(key))),
block: value
// node_modules/blockstore-core/node_modules/@libp2p/logger/dist/src/index.js
var import_debug2 = __toESM(require_browser(), 1);
// node_modules/blockstore-core/node_modules/multiformats/src/bases/base64.js
var base642 = rfc46482({
prefix: "m",
name: "base64",
alphabet: "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/",
bitsPerChar: 6
var base64pad2 = rfc46482({
prefix: "M",
name: "base64pad",
alphabet: "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/=",
bitsPerChar: 6
var base64url2 = rfc46482({
prefix: "u",
name: "base64url",
alphabet: "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789-_",
bitsPerChar: 6
var base64urlpad2 = rfc46482({
prefix: "U",
name: "base64urlpad",
alphabet: "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789-_=",
bitsPerChar: 6
// node_modules/blockstore-core/node_modules/@libp2p/logger/dist/src/index.js
import_debug2.default.formatters.b = (v) => {
return v == null ? "undefined" : base58btc2.baseEncode(v);
import_debug2.default.formatters.t = (v) => {
return v == null ? "undefined" : base322.baseEncode(v);
import_debug2.default.formatters.m = (v) => {
return v == null ? "undefined" : base642.baseEncode(v);
import_debug2.default.formatters.p = (v) => {
return v == null ? "undefined" : v.toString();
import_debug2.default.formatters.c = (v) => {
return v == null ? "undefined" : v.toString();
import_debug2.default.formatters.k = (v) => {
return v == null ? "undefined" : v.toString();
import_debug2.default.formatters.a = (v) => {
return v == null ? "undefined" : v.toString();
function createDisabledLogger2(namespace) {
const logger5 = () => {
logger5.enabled = false;
logger5.color = "";
logger5.diff = 0;
logger5.log = () => {
logger5.namespace = namespace;
logger5.destroy = () => true;
logger5.extend = () => logger5;
return logger5;
function logger2(name8) {
let trace = createDisabledLogger2(`${name8}:trace`);
if (import_debug2.default.enabled(`${name8}:trace`) && => r.toString()).find((n) => n.includes(":trace")) != null) {
trace = (0, import_debug2.default)(`${name8}:trace`);
return Object.assign((0, import_debug2.default)(name8), {
error: (0, import_debug2.default)(`${name8}:error`),
// node_modules/it-drain/dist/src/index.js
function isAsyncIterable(thing) {
return thing[Symbol.asyncIterator] != null;
function drain(source) {
if (isAsyncIterable(source)) {
return (async () => {
for await (const _ of source) {
} else {
for (const _ of source) {
var src_default = drain;
// node_modules/it-peekable/dist/src/index.js
function peekable(iterable) {
const [iterator, symbol7] = iterable[Symbol.asyncIterator] != null ? [iterable[Symbol.asyncIterator](), Symbol.asyncIterator] : [iterable[Symbol.iterator](), Symbol.iterator];
const queue = [];
return {
peek: () => {
push: (value) => {
next: () => {
if (queue.length > 0) {
return {
done: false,
value: queue.shift()
[symbol7]() {
return this;
var src_default2 = peekable;
// node_modules/it-filter/dist/src/index.js
function isAsyncIterable2(thing) {
return thing[Symbol.asyncIterator] != null;
function filter(source, fn) {
if (isAsyncIterable2(source)) {
return async function* () {
for await (const entry of source) {
if (await fn(entry)) {
yield entry;
const peekable2 = src_default2(source);
const { value, done } =;
if (done === true) {
return /* @__PURE__ */ function* () {
const res = fn(value);
if (typeof res.then === "function") {
return async function* () {
if (await res) {
yield value;
for await (const entry of peekable2) {
if (await fn(entry)) {
yield entry;
const func = fn;
return function* () {
if (res === true) {
yield value;
for (const entry of peekable2) {
if (func(entry)) {
yield entry;
var src_default3 = filter;
// node_modules/p-defer/index.js
function pDefer() {
const deferred = {};
deferred.promise = new Promise((resolve6, reject) => {
deferred.resolve = resolve6;
deferred.reject = reject;
return deferred;
// node_modules/it-pushable/dist/src/fifo.js
var FixedFIFO = class {
constructor(hwm) {
if (!(hwm > 0) || (hwm - 1 & hwm) !== 0) {
throw new Error("Max size for a FixedFIFO should be a power of two");
this.buffer = new Array(hwm);
this.mask = hwm - 1; = 0;
this.btm = 0; = null;
push(data) {
if (this.buffer[] !== void 0) {
return false;
this.buffer[] = data; = + 1 & this.mask;
return true;
shift() {
const last2 = this.buffer[this.btm];
if (last2 === void 0) {
return void 0;
this.buffer[this.btm] = void 0;
this.btm = this.btm + 1 & this.mask;
return last2;
isEmpty() {
return this.buffer[this.btm] === void 0;
var FIFO = class {
constructor(options = {}) {
this.hwm = options.splitLimit ?? 16;
this.head = new FixedFIFO(this.hwm);
this.tail = this.head;
this.size = 0;
calculateSize(obj) {
if (obj?.byteLength != null) {
return obj.byteLength;
return 1;
push(val) {
if (val?.value != null) {
this.size += this.calculateSize(val.value);
if (!this.head.push(val)) {
const prev = this.head;
this.head = = new FixedFIFO(2 * this.head.buffer.length);
shift() {
let val = this.tail.shift();
if (val === void 0 && != null) {
const next =; = null;
this.tail = next;
val = this.tail.shift();
if (val?.value != null) {
this.size -= this.calculateSize(val.value);
return val;
isEmpty() {
return this.head.isEmpty();
// node_modules/it-pushable/dist/src/index.js
var AbortError = class extends Error {
constructor(message2, code9) {
super(message2 ?? "The operation was aborted");
this.type = "aborted";
this.code = code9 ?? "ABORT_ERR";
function pushable(options = {}) {
const getNext = (buffer3) => {
const next = buffer3.shift();
if (next == null) {
return { done: true };
if (next.error != null) {
throw next.error;
return {
done: next.done === true,
// @ts-expect-error if done is false, value will be present
value: next.value
return _pushable(getNext, options);
function pushableV(options = {}) {
const getNext = (buffer3) => {
let next;
const values = [];
while (!buffer3.isEmpty()) {
next = buffer3.shift();
if (next == null) {
if (next.error != null) {
throw next.error;
if (next.done === false) {
if (next == null) {
return { done: true };
return {
done: next.done === true,
value: values
return _pushable(getNext, options);
function _pushable(getNext, options) {
options = options ?? {};
let onEnd = options.onEnd;
let buffer3 = new FIFO();
let pushable2;
let onNext;
let ended;
let drain2 = pDefer();
const waitNext = async () => {
try {
if (!buffer3.isEmpty()) {
return getNext(buffer3);
if (ended) {
return { done: true };
return await new Promise((resolve6, reject) => {
onNext = (next) => {
onNext = null;
try {
} catch (err) {
return pushable2;
} finally {
if (buffer3.isEmpty()) {
queueMicrotask(() => {
drain2 = pDefer();
const bufferNext = (next) => {
if (onNext != null) {
return onNext(next);
return pushable2;
const bufferError = (err) => {
buffer3 = new FIFO();
if (onNext != null) {
return onNext({ error: err });
buffer3.push({ error: err });
return pushable2;
const push = (value) => {
if (ended) {
return pushable2;
if (options?.objectMode !== true && value?.byteLength == null) {
throw new Error("objectMode was not true but tried to push non-Uint8Array value");
return bufferNext({ done: false, value });
const end = (err) => {
if (ended)
return pushable2;
ended = true;
return err != null ? bufferError(err) : bufferNext({ done: true });
const _return = () => {
buffer3 = new FIFO();
return { done: true };
const _throw = (err) => {
return { done: true };
pushable2 = {
[Symbol.asyncIterator]() {
return this;
next: waitNext,
return: _return,
throw: _throw,
get readableLength() {
return buffer3.size;
onEmpty: async (options2) => {
const signal = options2?.signal;
if (buffer3.isEmpty()) {
let cancel;
let listener;
if (signal != null) {
cancel = new Promise((resolve6, reject) => {
listener = () => {
reject(new AbortError());
signal.addEventListener("abort", listener);
try {
await Promise.race([
} finally {
if (listener != null && signal != null) {
signal?.removeEventListener("abort", listener);
if (onEnd == null) {
return pushable2;
const _pushable2 = pushable2;
pushable2 = {
[Symbol.asyncIterator]() {
return this;
next() {
throw(err) {
if (onEnd != null) {
onEnd = void 0;
return { done: true };
return() {
if (onEnd != null) {
onEnd = void 0;
return { done: true };
end(err) {
if (onEnd != null) {
onEnd = void 0;
return pushable2;
get readableLength() {
return _pushable2.readableLength;
return pushable2;
// node_modules/it-merge/dist/src/index.js
function isAsyncIterable3(thing) {
return thing[Symbol.asyncIterator] != null;
function merge(...sources) {
const syncSources = [];
for (const source of sources) {
if (!isAsyncIterable3(source)) {
if (syncSources.length === sources.length) {
return function* () {
for (const source of syncSources) {
yield* source;
return async function* () {
const output3 = pushable({
objectMode: true
void Promise.resolve().then(async () => {
try {
await Promise.all( (source) => {
for await (const item of source) {
} catch (err) {
yield* output3;
var src_default4 = merge;
// node_modules/blockstore-core/dist/src/tiered.js
var log = logger2("blockstore:core:tiered");
// node_modules/blockstore-core/dist/src/index.js
var Errors = {
// node_modules/datastore-core/dist/src/errors.js
var import_err_code2 = __toESM(require_err_code(), 1);
function notFoundError2(err) {
err = err ?? new Error("Not Found");
return (0, import_err_code2.default)(err, "ERR_NOT_FOUND");
// node_modules/nanoid/index.browser.js
var nanoid = (size = 21) => crypto.getRandomValues(new Uint8Array(size)).reduce((id, byte) => {
byte &= 63;
if (byte < 36) {
id += byte.toString(36);
} else if (byte < 62) {
id += (byte - 26).toString(36).toUpperCase();
} else if (byte > 62) {
id += "-";
} else {
id += "_";
return id;
}, "");
// node_modules/uint8arrays/dist/src/util/as-uint8array.js
function asUint8Array(buf3) {
if (globalThis.Buffer != null) {
return new Uint8Array(buf3.buffer, buf3.byteOffset, buf3.byteLength);
return buf3;
// node_modules/uint8arrays/node_modules/multiformats/src/bases/identity.js
var identity_exports = {};
__export(identity_exports, {
identity: () => identity
// node_modules/uint8arrays/node_modules/multiformats/vendor/base-x.js
function base3(ALPHABET, name8) {
if (ALPHABET.length >= 255) {
throw new TypeError("Alphabet too long");
var BASE_MAP = new Uint8Array(256);
for (var j = 0; j < BASE_MAP.length; j++) {
BASE_MAP[j] = 255;
for (var i = 0; i < ALPHABET.length; i++) {
var x = ALPHABET.charAt(i);
var xc = x.charCodeAt(0);
if (BASE_MAP[xc] !== 255) {
throw new TypeError(x + " is ambiguous");
BASE_MAP[xc] = i;
var BASE = ALPHABET.length;
var LEADER = ALPHABET.charAt(0);
var FACTOR = Math.log(BASE) / Math.log(256);
var iFACTOR = Math.log(256) / Math.log(BASE);
function encode39(source) {
if (source instanceof Uint8Array)
else if (ArrayBuffer.isView(source)) {
source = new Uint8Array(source.buffer, source.byteOffset, source.byteLength);
} else if (Array.isArray(source)) {
source = Uint8Array.from(source);
if (!(source instanceof Uint8Array)) {
throw new TypeError("Expected Uint8Array");
if (source.length === 0) {
return "";
var zeroes = 0;
var length11 = 0;
var pbegin = 0;
var pend = source.length;
while (pbegin !== pend && source[pbegin] === 0) {
var size = (pend - pbegin) * iFACTOR + 1 >>> 0;
var b58 = new Uint8Array(size);
while (pbegin !== pend) {
var carry = source[pbegin];
var i2 = 0;
for (var it1 = size - 1; (carry !== 0 || i2 < length11) && it1 !== -1; it1--, i2++) {
carry += 256 * b58[it1] >>> 0;
b58[it1] = carry % BASE >>> 0;
carry = carry / BASE >>> 0;
if (carry !== 0) {
throw new Error("Non-zero carry");
length11 = i2;
var it2 = size - length11;
while (it2 !== size && b58[it2] === 0) {
var str = LEADER.repeat(zeroes);
for (; it2 < size; ++it2) {
str += ALPHABET.charAt(b58[it2]);
return str;
function decodeUnsafe(source) {
if (typeof source !== "string") {
throw new TypeError("Expected String");
if (source.length === 0) {
return new Uint8Array();
var psz = 0;
if (source[psz] === " ") {
var zeroes = 0;
var length11 = 0;
while (source[psz] === LEADER) {
var size = (source.length - psz) * FACTOR + 1 >>> 0;
var b256 = new Uint8Array(size);
while (source[psz]) {
var carry = BASE_MAP[source.charCodeAt(psz)];
if (carry === 255) {
var i2 = 0;
for (var it3 = size - 1; (carry !== 0 || i2 < length11) && it3 !== -1; it3--, i2++) {
carry += BASE * b256[it3] >>> 0;
b256[it3] = carry % 256 >>> 0;
carry = carry / 256 >>> 0;
if (carry !== 0) {
throw new Error("Non-zero carry");
length11 = i2;
if (source[psz] === " ") {
var it4 = size - length11;
while (it4 !== size && b256[it4] === 0) {
var vch = new Uint8Array(zeroes + (size - it4));
var j2 = zeroes;
while (it4 !== size) {
vch[j2++] = b256[it4++];
return vch;
function decode50(string3) {
var buffer3 = decodeUnsafe(string3);
if (buffer3) {
return buffer3;
throw new Error(`Non-${name8} character`);
return {
encode: encode39,
decode: decode50
var src3 = base3;
var _brrp__multiformats_scope_baseX3 = src3;
var base_x_default3 = _brrp__multiformats_scope_baseX3;
// node_modules/uint8arrays/node_modules/multiformats/src/bytes.js
var empty3 = new Uint8Array(0);
var equals4 = (aa, bb) => {
if (aa === bb)
return true;
if (aa.byteLength !== bb.byteLength) {
return false;
for (let ii = 0; ii < aa.byteLength; ii++) {
if (aa[ii] !== bb[ii]) {
return false;
return true;
var coerce3 = (o) => {
if (o instanceof Uint8Array && === "Uint8Array")
return o;
if (o instanceof ArrayBuffer)
return new Uint8Array(o);
if (ArrayBuffer.isView(o)) {
return new Uint8Array(o.buffer, o.byteOffset, o.byteLength);
throw new Error("Unknown type, must be binary type");
var fromString2 = (str) => new TextEncoder().encode(str);
var toString2 = (b) => new TextDecoder().decode(b);
// node_modules/uint8arrays/node_modules/multiformats/src/bases/base.js
var Encoder3 = class {
* @param {Base} name
* @param {Prefix} prefix
* @param {(bytes:Uint8Array) => string} baseEncode
constructor(name8, prefix, baseEncode) { = name8;
this.prefix = prefix;
this.baseEncode = baseEncode;
* @param {Uint8Array} bytes
* @returns {API.Multibase<Prefix>}
encode(bytes3) {
if (bytes3 instanceof Uint8Array) {
return `${this.prefix}${this.baseEncode(bytes3)}`;
} else {
throw Error("Unknown type, must be binary type");
var Decoder3 = class {
* @param {Base} name
* @param {Prefix} prefix
* @param {(text:string) => Uint8Array} baseDecode
constructor(name8, prefix, baseDecode) { = name8;
this.prefix = prefix;
if (prefix.codePointAt(0) === void 0) {
throw new Error("Invalid prefix character");
this.prefixCodePoint = /** @type {number} */
this.baseDecode = baseDecode;
* @param {string} text
decode(text) {
if (typeof text === "string") {
if (text.codePointAt(0) !== this.prefixCodePoint) {
throw Error(`Unable to decode multibase string ${JSON.stringify(text)}, ${} decoder only supports inputs prefixed with ${this.prefix}`);
return this.baseDecode(text.slice(this.prefix.length));
} else {
throw Error("Can only multibase decode strings");
* @template {string} OtherPrefix
* @param {API.UnibaseDecoder<OtherPrefix>|ComposedDecoder<OtherPrefix>} decoder
* @returns {ComposedDecoder<Prefix|OtherPrefix>}
or(decoder) {
return or3(this, decoder);
var ComposedDecoder3 = class {
* @param {Decoders<Prefix>} decoders
constructor(decoders2) {
this.decoders = decoders2;
* @template {string} OtherPrefix
* @param {API.UnibaseDecoder<OtherPrefix>|ComposedDecoder<OtherPrefix>} decoder
* @returns {ComposedDecoder<Prefix|OtherPrefix>}
or(decoder) {
return or3(this, decoder);
* @param {string} input
* @returns {Uint8Array}
decode(input) {
const prefix = (
/** @type {Prefix} */
const decoder = this.decoders[prefix];
if (decoder) {
return decoder.decode(input);
} else {
throw RangeError(`Unable to decode multibase string ${JSON.stringify(input)}, only inputs prefixed with ${Object.keys(this.decoders)} are supported`);
var or3 = (left, right) => new ComposedDecoder3(
/** @type {Decoders<L|R>} */
...left.decoders || { [
/** @type API.UnibaseDecoder<L> */
]: left },
...right.decoders || { [
/** @type API.UnibaseDecoder<R> */
]: right }
var Codec3 = class {
* @param {Base} name
* @param {Prefix} prefix
* @param {(bytes:Uint8Array) => string} baseEncode
* @param {(text:string) => Uint8Array} baseDecode
constructor(name8, prefix, baseEncode, baseDecode) { = name8;
this.prefix = prefix;
this.baseEncode = baseEncode;
this.baseDecode = baseDecode;
this.encoder = new Encoder3(name8, prefix, baseEncode);
this.decoder = new Decoder3(name8, prefix, baseDecode);
* @param {Uint8Array} input
encode(input) {
return this.encoder.encode(input);
* @param {string} input
decode(input) {
return this.decoder.decode(input);
var from3 = ({ name: name8, prefix, encode: encode39, decode: decode50 }) => new Codec3(name8, prefix, encode39, decode50);
var baseX3 = ({ prefix, name: name8, alphabet: alphabet5 }) => {
const { encode: encode39, decode: decode50 } = base_x_default3(alphabet5, name8);
return from3({
name: name8,
encode: encode39,
* @param {string} text
decode: (text) => coerce3(decode50(text))
var decode6 = (string3, alphabet5, bitsPerChar, name8) => {
const codes8 = {};
for (let i = 0; i < alphabet5.length; ++i) {
codes8[alphabet5[i]] = i;
let end = string3.length;
while (string3[end - 1] === "=") {
const out = new Uint8Array(end * bitsPerChar / 8 | 0);
let bits2 = 0;
let buffer3 = 0;
let written = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < end; ++i) {
const value = codes8[string3[i]];
if (value === void 0) {
throw new SyntaxError(`Non-${name8} character`);
buffer3 = buffer3 << bitsPerChar | value;
bits2 += bitsPerChar;
if (bits2 >= 8) {
bits2 -= 8;
out[written++] = 255 & buffer3 >> bits2;
if (bits2 >= bitsPerChar || 255 & buffer3 << 8 - bits2) {
throw new SyntaxError("Unexpected end of data");
return out;
var encode4 = (data, alphabet5, bitsPerChar) => {
const pad = alphabet5[alphabet5.length - 1] === "=";
const mask = (1 << bitsPerChar) - 1;
let out = "";
let bits2 = 0;
let buffer3 = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < data.length; ++i) {
buffer3 = buffer3 << 8 | data[i];
bits2 += 8;
while (bits2 > bitsPerChar) {
bits2 -= bitsPerChar;
out += alphabet5[mask & buffer3 >> bits2];
if (bits2) {
out += alphabet5[mask & buffer3 << bitsPerChar - bits2];
if (pad) {
while (out.length * bitsPerChar & 7) {
out += "=";
return out;
var rfc46483 = ({ name: name8, prefix, bitsPerChar, alphabet: alphabet5 }) => {
return from3({
name: name8,
encode(input) {
return encode4(input, alphabet5, bitsPerChar);
decode(input) {
return decode6(input, alphabet5, bitsPerChar, name8);
// node_modules/uint8arrays/node_modules/multiformats/src/bases/identity.js
var identity = from3({
prefix: "\0",
name: "identity",
encode: (buf3) => toString2(buf3),
decode: (str) => fromString2(str)
// node_modules/uint8arrays/node_modules/multiformats/src/bases/base2.js
var base2_exports = {};
__export(base2_exports, {
base2: () => base22
var base22 = rfc46483({
prefix: "0",
name: "base2",
alphabet: "01",
bitsPerChar: 1
// node_modules/uint8arrays/node_modules/multiformats/src/bases/base8.js
var base8_exports = {};
__export(base8_exports, {
base8: () => base8
var base8 = rfc46483({
prefix: "7",
name: "base8",
alphabet: "01234567",
bitsPerChar: 3
// node_modules/uint8arrays/node_modules/multiformats/src/bases/base10.js
var base10_exports = {};
__export(base10_exports, {
base10: () => base10
var base10 = baseX3({
prefix: "9",
name: "base10",
alphabet: "0123456789"
// node_modules/uint8arrays/node_modules/multiformats/src/bases/base16.js
var base16_exports = {};
__export(base16_exports, {
base16: () => base16,
base16upper: () => base16upper
var base16 = rfc46483({
prefix: "f",
name: "base16",
alphabet: "0123456789abcdef",
bitsPerChar: 4
var base16upper = rfc46483({
prefix: "F",
name: "base16upper",
alphabet: "0123456789ABCDEF",
bitsPerChar: 4
// node_modules/uint8arrays/node_modules/multiformats/src/bases/base32.js
var base32_exports2 = {};
__export(base32_exports2, {
base32: () => base323,
base32hex: () => base32hex3,
base32hexpad: () => base32hexpad3,
base32hexpadupper: () => base32hexpadupper3,
base32hexupper: () => base32hexupper3,
base32pad: () => base32pad3,
base32padupper: () => base32padupper3,
base32upper: () => base32upper3,
base32z: () => base32z3
var base323 = rfc46483({
prefix: "b",
name: "base32",
alphabet: "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz234567",
bitsPerChar: 5
var base32upper3 = rfc46483({
prefix: "B",
name: "base32upper",
bitsPerChar: 5
var base32pad3 = rfc46483({
prefix: "c",
name: "base32pad",
alphabet: "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz234567=",
bitsPerChar: 5
var base32padupper3 = rfc46483({
prefix: "C",
name: "base32padupper",
bitsPerChar: 5
var base32hex3 = rfc46483({
prefix: "v",
name: "base32hex",
alphabet: "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuv",
bitsPerChar: 5
var base32hexupper3 = rfc46483({
prefix: "V",
name: "base32hexupper",
alphabet: "0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUV",
bitsPerChar: 5
var base32hexpad3 = rfc46483({
prefix: "t",
name: "base32hexpad",
alphabet: "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuv=",
bitsPerChar: 5
var base32hexpadupper3 = rfc46483({
prefix: "T",
name: "base32hexpadupper",
alphabet: "0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUV=",
bitsPerChar: 5
var base32z3 = rfc46483({
prefix: "h",
name: "base32z",
alphabet: "ybndrfg8ejkmcpqxot1uwisza345h769",
bitsPerChar: 5
// node_modules/uint8arrays/node_modules/multiformats/src/bases/base36.js
var base36_exports = {};
__export(base36_exports, {
base36: () => base36,
base36upper: () => base36upper
var base36 = baseX3({
prefix: "k",
name: "base36",
alphabet: "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
var base36upper = baseX3({
prefix: "K",
name: "base36upper",
// node_modules/uint8arrays/node_modules/multiformats/src/bases/base58.js
var base58_exports2 = {};
__export(base58_exports2, {
base58btc: () => base58btc3,
base58flickr: () => base58flickr3
var base58btc3 = baseX3({
name: "base58btc",
prefix: "z",
alphabet: "123456789ABCDEFGHJKLMNPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijkmnopqrstuvwxyz"
var base58flickr3 = baseX3({
name: "base58flickr",
prefix: "Z",
alphabet: "123456789abcdefghijkmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHJKLMNPQRSTUVWXYZ"
// node_modules/uint8arrays/node_modules/multiformats/src/bases/base64.js
var base64_exports2 = {};
__export(base64_exports2, {
base64: () => base643,
base64pad: () => base64pad3,
base64url: () => base64url3,
base64urlpad: () => base64urlpad3
var base643 = rfc46483({
prefix: "m",
name: "base64",
alphabet: "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/",
bitsPerChar: 6
var base64pad3 = rfc46483({
prefix: "M",
name: "base64pad",
alphabet: "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/=",
bitsPerChar: 6
var base64url3 = rfc46483({
prefix: "u",
name: "base64url",
alphabet: "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789-_",
bitsPerChar: 6
var base64urlpad3 = rfc46483({
prefix: "U",
name: "base64urlpad",
alphabet: "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789-_=",
bitsPerChar: 6
// node_modules/uint8arrays/node_modules/multiformats/src/bases/base256emoji.js
var base256emoji_exports = {};
__export(base256emoji_exports, {
base256emoji: () => base256emoji
var alphabet = Array.from("\u{1F680}\u{1FA90}\u2604\u{1F6F0}\u{1F30C}\u{1F311}\u{1F312}\u{1F313}\u{1F314}\u{1F315}\u{1F316}\u{1F317}\u{1F318}\u{1F30D}\u{1F30F}\u{1F30E}\u{1F409}\u2600\u{1F4BB}\u{1F5A5}\u{1F4BE}\u{1F4BF}\u{1F602}\u2764\u{1F60D}\u{1F923}\u{1F60A}\u{1F64F}\u{1F495}\u{1F62D}\u{1F618}\u{1F44D}\u{1F605}\u{1F44F}\u{1F601}\u{1F525}\u{1F970}\u{1F494}\u{1F496}\u{1F499}\u{1F622}\u{1F914}\u{1F606}\u{1F644}\u{1F4AA}\u{1F609}\u263A\u{1F44C}\u{1F917}\u{1F49C}\u{1F614}\u{1F60E}\u{1F607}\u{1F339}\u{1F926}\u{1F389}\u{1F49E}\u270C\u2728\u{1F937}\u{1F631}\u{1F60C}\u{1F338}\u{1F64C}\u{1F60B}\u{1F497}\u{1F49A}\u{1F60F}\u{1F49B}\u{1F642}\u{1F493}\u{1F929}\u{1F604}\u{1F600}\u{1F5A4}\u{1F603}\u{1F4AF}\u{1F648}\u{1F447}\u{1F3B6}\u{1F612}\u{1F92D}\u2763\u{1F61C}\u{1F48B}\u{1F440}\u{1F62A}\u{1F611}\u{1F4A5}\u{1F64B}\u{1F61E}\u{1F629}\u{1F621}\u{1F92A}\u{1F44A}\u{1F973}\u{1F625}\u{1F924}\u{1F449}\u{1F483}\u{1F633}\u270B\u{1F61A}\u{1F61D}\u{1F634}\u{1F31F}\u{1F62C}\u{1F643}\u{1F340}\u{1F337}\u{1F63B}\u{1F613}\u2B50\u2705\u{1F97A}\u{1F308}\u{1F608}\u{1F918}\u{1F4A6}\u2714\u{1F623}\u{1F3C3}\u{1F490}\u2639\u{1F38A}\u{1F498}\u{1F620}\u261D\u{1F615}\u{1F33A}\u{1F382}\u{1F33B}\u{1F610}\u{1F595}\u{1F49D}\u{1F64A}\u{1F639}\u{1F5E3}\u{1F4AB}\u{1F480}\u{1F451}\u{1F3B5}\u{1F91E}\u{1F61B}\u{1F534}\u{1F624}\u{1F33C}\u{1F62B}\u26BD\u{1F919}\u2615\u{1F3C6}\u{1F92B}\u{1F448}\u{1F62E}\u{1F646}\u{1F37B}\u{1F343}\u{1F436}\u{1F481}\u{1F632}\u{1F33F}\u{1F9E1}\u{1F381}\u26A1\u{1F31E}\u{1F388}\u274C\u270A\u{1F44B}\u{1F630}\u{1F928}\u{1F636}\u{1F91D}\u{1F6B6}\u{1F4B0}\u{1F353}\u{1F4A2}\u{1F91F}\u{1F641}\u{1F6A8}\u{1F4A8}\u{1F92C}\u2708\u{1F380}\u{1F37A}\u{1F913}\u{1F619}\u{1F49F}\u{1F331}\u{1F616}\u{1F476}\u{1F974}\u25B6\u27A1\u2753\u{1F48E}\u{1F4B8}\u2B07\u{1F628}\u{1F31A}\u{1F98B}\u{1F637}\u{1F57A}\u26A0\u{1F645}\u{1F61F}\u{1F635}\u{1F44E}\u{1F932}\u{1F920}\u{1F927}\u{1F4CC}\u{1F535}\u{1F485}\u{1F9D0}\u{1F43E}\u{1F352}\u{1F617}\u{1F911}\u{1F30A}\u{1F92F}\u{1F437}\u260E\u{1F4A7}\u{1F62F}\u{1F486}\u{1F446}\u{1F3A4}\u{1F647}\u{1F351}\u2744\u{1F334}\u{1F4A3}\u{1F438}\u{1F48C}\u{1F4CD}\u{1F940}\u{1F922}\u{1F445}\u{1F4A1}\u{1F4A9}\u{1F450}\u{1F4F8}\u{1F47B}\u{1F910}\u{1F92E}\u{1F3BC}\u{1F975}\u{1F6A9}\u{1F34E}\u{1F34A}\u{1F47C}\u{1F48D}\u{1F4E3}\u{1F942}");
var alphabetBytesToChars = (
/** @type {string[]} */
(p, c, i) => {
p[i] = c;
return p;
/** @type {string[]} */
var alphabetCharsToBytes = (
/** @type {number[]} */
(p, c, i) => {
/** @type {number} */
] = i;
return p;
/** @type {number[]} */
function encode5(data) {
return data.reduce((p, c) => {
p += alphabetBytesToChars[c];
return p;
}, "");
function decode7(str) {
const byts = [];
for (const char of str) {
const byt = alphabetCharsToBytes[
/** @type {number} */
if (byt === void 0) {
throw new Error(`Non-base256emoji character: ${char}`);
return new Uint8Array(byts);
var base256emoji = from3({
prefix: "\u{1F680}",
name: "base256emoji",
encode: encode5,
decode: decode7
// node_modules/uint8arrays/node_modules/multiformats/src/hashes/sha2-browser.js
var sha2_browser_exports = {};
__export(sha2_browser_exports, {
sha256: () => sha256,
sha512: () => sha512
// node_modules/uint8arrays/node_modules/multiformats/vendor/varint.js
var encode_12 = encode6;
var MSB2 = 128;
var REST2 = 127;
var MSBALL2 = ~REST2;
var INT2 = Math.pow(2, 31);
function encode6(num, out, offset) {
out = out || [];
offset = offset || 0;
var oldOffset = offset;
while (num >= INT2) {
out[offset++] = num & 255 | MSB2;
num /= 128;
while (num & MSBALL2) {
out[offset++] = num & 255 | MSB2;
num >>>= 7;
out[offset] = num | 0;
encode6.bytes = offset - oldOffset + 1;
return out;
var decode8 = read2;
var MSB$12 = 128;
var REST$12 = 127;
function read2(buf3, offset) {
var res = 0, offset = offset || 0, shift = 0, counter = offset, b, l = buf3.length;
do {
if (counter >= l) {
read2.bytes = 0;
throw new RangeError("Could not decode varint");
b = buf3[counter++];
res += shift < 28 ? (b & REST$12) << shift : (b & REST$12) * Math.pow(2, shift);
shift += 7;
} while (b >= MSB$12);
read2.bytes = counter - offset;
return res;
var N12 = Math.pow(2, 7);
var N22 = Math.pow(2, 14);
var N32 = Math.pow(2, 21);
var N42 = Math.pow(2, 28);
var N52 = Math.pow(2, 35);
var N62 = Math.pow(2, 42);
var N72 = Math.pow(2, 49);
var N82 = Math.pow(2, 56);
var N92 = Math.pow(2, 63);
var length2 = function(value) {
return value < N12 ? 1 : value < N22 ? 2 : value < N32 ? 3 : value < N42 ? 4 : value < N52 ? 5 : value < N62 ? 6 : value < N72 ? 7 : value < N82 ? 8 : value < N92 ? 9 : 10;
var varint2 = {
encode: encode_12,
decode: decode8,
encodingLength: length2
var _brrp_varint2 = varint2;
var varint_default2 = _brrp_varint2;
// node_modules/uint8arrays/node_modules/multiformats/src/varint.js
var decode9 = (data, offset = 0) => {
const code9 = varint_default2.decode(data, offset);
return [code9, varint_default2.decode.bytes];
var encodeTo2 = (int, target, offset = 0) => {
varint_default2.encode(int, target, offset);
return target;
var encodingLength2 = (int) => {
return varint_default2.encodingLength(int);
// node_modules/uint8arrays/node_modules/multiformats/src/hashes/digest.js
var create2 = (code9, digest5) => {
const size = digest5.byteLength;
const sizeOffset = encodingLength2(code9);
const digestOffset = sizeOffset + encodingLength2(size);
const bytes3 = new Uint8Array(digestOffset + size);
encodeTo2(code9, bytes3, 0);
encodeTo2(size, bytes3, sizeOffset);
bytes3.set(digest5, digestOffset);
return new Digest2(code9, size, digest5, bytes3);
var decode10 = (multihash) => {
const bytes3 = coerce3(multihash);
const [code9, sizeOffset] = decode9(bytes3);
const [size, digestOffset] = decode9(bytes3.subarray(sizeOffset));
const digest5 = bytes3.subarray(sizeOffset + digestOffset);
if (digest5.byteLength !== size) {
throw new Error("Incorrect length");
return new Digest2(code9, size, digest5, bytes3);
var equals5 = (a, b) => {
if (a === b) {
return true;
} else {
const data = (
/** @type {{code?:unknown, size?:unknown, bytes?:unknown}} */
return a.code === data.code && a.size === data.size && data.bytes instanceof Uint8Array && equals4(a.bytes, data.bytes);
var Digest2 = class {
* Creates a multihash digest.
* @param {Code} code
* @param {Size} size
* @param {Uint8Array} digest
* @param {Uint8Array} bytes
constructor(code9, size, digest5, bytes3) {
this.code = code9;
this.size = size;
this.digest = digest5;
this.bytes = bytes3;
// node_modules/uint8arrays/node_modules/multiformats/src/hashes/hasher.js
var from4 = ({ name: name8, code: code9, encode: encode39 }) => new Hasher(name8, code9, encode39);
var Hasher = class {
* @param {Name} name
* @param {Code} code
* @param {(input: Uint8Array) => Await<Uint8Array>} encode
constructor(name8, code9, encode39) { = name8;
this.code = code9;
this.encode = encode39;
* @param {Uint8Array} input
* @returns {Await<Digest.Digest<Code, number>>}
digest(input) {
if (input instanceof Uint8Array) {
const result = this.encode(input);
return result instanceof Uint8Array ? create2(this.code, result) : result.then((digest5) => create2(this.code, digest5));
} else {
throw Error("Unknown type, must be binary type");
// node_modules/uint8arrays/node_modules/multiformats/src/hashes/sha2-browser.js
var sha = (name8) => (
* @param {Uint8Array} data
async (data) => new Uint8Array(await crypto.subtle.digest(name8, data))
var sha256 = from4({
name: "sha2-256",
code: 18,
encode: sha("SHA-256")
var sha512 = from4({
name: "sha2-512",
code: 19,
encode: sha("SHA-512")
// node_modules/uint8arrays/node_modules/multiformats/src/hashes/identity.js
var identity_exports2 = {};
__export(identity_exports2, {
identity: () => identity2
var code2 = 0;
var name = "identity";
var encode7 = coerce3;
var digest = (input) => create2(code2, encode7(input));
var identity2 = { code: code2, name, encode: encode7, digest };
// node_modules/uint8arrays/node_modules/multiformats/src/codecs/json.js
var textEncoder = new TextEncoder();
var textDecoder = new TextDecoder();
// node_modules/uint8arrays/node_modules/multiformats/src/cid.js
var format2 = (link, base14) => {
const { bytes: bytes3, version: version4 } = link;
switch (version4) {
case 0:
return toStringV02(
/** @type {API.MultibaseEncoder<"z">} */
base14 || base58btc3.encoder
return toStringV12(
/** @type {API.MultibaseEncoder<Prefix>} */
base14 || base323.encoder
var cache2 = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap();
var baseCache2 = (cid) => {
const baseCache9 = cache2.get(cid);
if (baseCache9 == null) {
const baseCache10 = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
cache2.set(cid, baseCache10);
return baseCache10;
return baseCache9;
var CID2 = class _CID {
* @param {Version} version - Version of the CID
* @param {Format} code - Code of the codec content is encoded in, see
* @param {API.MultihashDigest<Alg>} multihash - (Multi)hash of the of the content.
* @param {Uint8Array} bytes
constructor(version4, code9, multihash, bytes3) {
this.code = code9;
this.version = version4;
this.multihash = multihash;
this.bytes = bytes3;
this["/"] = bytes3;
* Signalling `cid.asCID === cid` has been replaced with `cid['/'] === cid.bytes`
* please either use `CID.asCID(cid)` or switch to new signalling mechanism
* @deprecated
get asCID() {
return this;
// ArrayBufferView
get byteOffset() {
return this.bytes.byteOffset;
// ArrayBufferView
get byteLength() {
return this.bytes.byteLength;
* @returns {CID<Data, API.DAG_PB, API.SHA_256, 0>}
toV0() {
switch (this.version) {
case 0: {
return (
/** @type {CID<Data, API.DAG_PB, API.SHA_256, 0>} */
case 1: {
const { code: code9, multihash } = this;
if (code9 !== DAG_PB_CODE2) {
throw new Error("Cannot convert a non dag-pb CID to CIDv0");
if (multihash.code !== SHA_256_CODE2) {
throw new Error("Cannot convert non sha2-256 multihash CID to CIDv0");
return (
/** @type {CID<Data, API.DAG_PB, API.SHA_256, 0>} */
/** @type {API.MultihashDigest<API.SHA_256>} */
default: {
throw Error(
`Can not convert CID version ${this.version} to version 0. This is a bug please report`
* @returns {CID<Data, Format, Alg, 1>}
toV1() {
switch (this.version) {
case 0: {
const { code: code9, digest: digest5 } = this.multihash;
const multihash = create2(code9, digest5);
return (
/** @type {CID<Data, Format, Alg, 1>} */
_CID.createV1(this.code, multihash)
case 1: {
return (
/** @type {CID<Data, Format, Alg, 1>} */
default: {
throw Error(
`Can not convert CID version ${this.version} to version 1. This is a bug please report`
* @param {unknown} other
* @returns {other is CID<Data, Format, Alg, Version>}
equals(other) {
return _CID.equals(this, other);
* @template {unknown} Data
* @template {number} Format
* @template {number} Alg
* @template {API.Version} Version
* @param {API.Link<Data, Format, Alg, Version>} self
* @param {unknown} other
* @returns {other is CID}
static equals(self2, other) {
const unknown = (
/** @type {{code?:unknown, version?:unknown, multihash?:unknown}} */
return unknown && self2.code === unknown.code && self2.version === unknown.version && equals5(self2.multihash, unknown.multihash);
* @param {API.MultibaseEncoder<string>} [base]
* @returns {string}
toString(base14) {
return format2(this, base14);
toJSON() {
return { "/": format2(this) };
link() {
return this;
get [Symbol.toStringTag]() {
return "CID";
// Legacy
[Symbol.for("nodejs.util.inspect.custom")]() {
return `CID(${this.toString()})`;
* Takes any input `value` and returns a `CID` instance if it was
* a `CID` otherwise returns `null`. If `value` is instanceof `CID`
* it will return value back. If `value` is not instance of this CID
* class, but is compatible CID it will return new instance of this
* `CID` class. Otherwise returns null.
* This allows two different incompatible versions of CID library to
* co-exist and interop as long as binary interface is compatible.
* @template {unknown} Data
* @template {number} Format
* @template {number} Alg
* @template {API.Version} Version
* @template {unknown} U
* @param {API.Link<Data, Format, Alg, Version>|U} input
* @returns {CID<Data, Format, Alg, Version>|null}
static asCID(input) {
if (input == null) {
return null;
const value = (
/** @type {any} */
if (value instanceof _CID) {
return value;
} else if (value["/"] != null && value["/"] === value.bytes || value.asCID === value) {
const { version: version4, code: code9, multihash, bytes: bytes3 } = value;
return new _CID(
/** @type {API.MultihashDigest<Alg>} */
bytes3 || encodeCID2(version4, code9, multihash.bytes)
} else if (value[cidSymbol2] === true) {
const { version: version4, multihash, code: code9 } = value;
const digest5 = (
/** @type {API.MultihashDigest<Alg>} */
return _CID.create(version4, code9, digest5);
} else {
return null;
* @template {unknown} Data
* @template {number} Format
* @template {number} Alg
* @template {API.Version} Version
* @param {Version} version - Version of the CID
* @param {Format} code - Code of the codec content is encoded in, see
* @param {API.MultihashDigest<Alg>} digest - (Multi)hash of the of the content.
* @returns {CID<Data, Format, Alg, Version>}
static create(version4, code9, digest5) {
if (typeof code9 !== "number") {
throw new Error("String codecs are no longer supported");
if (!(digest5.bytes instanceof Uint8Array)) {
throw new Error("Invalid digest");
switch (version4) {
case 0: {
if (code9 !== DAG_PB_CODE2) {
throw new Error(
`Version 0 CID must use dag-pb (code: ${DAG_PB_CODE2}) block encoding`
} else {
return new _CID(version4, code9, digest5, digest5.bytes);
case 1: {
const bytes3 = encodeCID2(version4, code9, digest5.bytes);
return new _CID(version4, code9, digest5, bytes3);
default: {
throw new Error("Invalid version");
* Simplified version of `create` for CIDv0.
* @template {unknown} [T=unknown]
* @param {API.MultihashDigest<typeof SHA_256_CODE>} digest - Multihash.
* @returns {CID<T, typeof DAG_PB_CODE, typeof SHA_256_CODE, 0>}
static createV0(digest5) {
return _CID.create(0, DAG_PB_CODE2, digest5);
* Simplified version of `create` for CIDv1.
* @template {unknown} Data
* @template {number} Code
* @template {number} Alg
* @param {Code} code - Content encoding format code.
* @param {API.MultihashDigest<Alg>} digest - Miltihash of the content.
* @returns {CID<Data, Code, Alg, 1>}
static createV1(code9, digest5) {
return _CID.create(1, code9, digest5);
* Decoded a CID from its binary representation. The byte array must contain
* only the CID with no additional bytes.
* An error will be thrown if the bytes provided do not contain a valid
* binary representation of a CID.
* @template {unknown} Data
* @template {number} Code
* @template {number} Alg
* @template {API.Version} Ver
* @param {API.ByteView<API.Link<Data, Code, Alg, Ver>>} bytes
* @returns {CID<Data, Code, Alg, Ver>}
static decode(bytes3) {
const [cid, remainder] = _CID.decodeFirst(bytes3);
if (remainder.length) {
throw new Error("Incorrect length");
return cid;
* Decoded a CID from its binary representation at the beginning of a byte
* array.
* Returns an array with the first element containing the CID and the second
* element containing the remainder of the original byte array. The remainder
* will be a zero-length byte array if the provided bytes only contained a
* binary CID representation.
* @template {unknown} T
* @template {number} C
* @template {number} A
* @template {API.Version} V
* @param {API.ByteView<API.Link<T, C, A, V>>} bytes
* @returns {[CID<T, C, A, V>, Uint8Array]}
static decodeFirst(bytes3) {
const specs = _CID.inspectBytes(bytes3);
const prefixSize = specs.size - specs.multihashSize;
const multihashBytes = coerce3(
bytes3.subarray(prefixSize, prefixSize + specs.multihashSize)
if (multihashBytes.byteLength !== specs.multihashSize) {
throw new Error("Incorrect length");
const digestBytes = multihashBytes.subarray(
specs.multihashSize - specs.digestSize
const digest5 = new Digest2(
const cid = specs.version === 0 ? _CID.createV0(
/** @type {API.MultihashDigest<API.SHA_256>} */
) : _CID.createV1(specs.codec, digest5);
return [
/** @type {CID<T, C, A, V>} */
* Inspect the initial bytes of a CID to determine its properties.
* Involves decoding up to 4 varints. Typically this will require only 4 to 6
* bytes but for larger multicodec code values and larger multihash digest
* lengths these varints can be quite large. It is recommended that at least
* 10 bytes be made available in the `initialBytes` argument for a complete
* inspection.
* @template {unknown} T
* @template {number} C
* @template {number} A
* @template {API.Version} V
* @param {API.ByteView<API.Link<T, C, A, V>>} initialBytes
* @returns {{ version:V, codec:C, multihashCode:A, digestSize:number, multihashSize:number, size:number }}
static inspectBytes(initialBytes) {
let offset = 0;
const next = () => {
const [i, length11] = decode9(initialBytes.subarray(offset));
offset += length11;
return i;
let version4 = (
/** @type {V} */
let codec = (
/** @type {C} */
if (
/** @type {number} */
version4 === 18
) {
version4 = /** @type {V} */
offset = 0;
} else {
codec = /** @type {C} */
if (version4 !== 0 && version4 !== 1) {
throw new RangeError(`Invalid CID version ${version4}`);
const prefixSize = offset;
const multihashCode = (
/** @type {A} */
const digestSize = next();
const size = offset + digestSize;
const multihashSize = size - prefixSize;
return { version: version4, codec, multihashCode, digestSize, multihashSize, size };
* Takes cid in a string representation and creates an instance. If `base`
* decoder is not provided will use a default from the configuration. It will
* throw an error if encoding of the CID is not compatible with supplied (or
* a default decoder).
* @template {string} Prefix
* @template {unknown} Data
* @template {number} Code
* @template {number} Alg
* @template {API.Version} Ver
* @param {API.ToString<API.Link<Data, Code, Alg, Ver>, Prefix>} source
* @param {API.MultibaseDecoder<Prefix>} [base]
* @returns {CID<Data, Code, Alg, Ver>}
static parse(source, base14) {
const [prefix, bytes3] = parseCIDtoBytes2(source, base14);
const cid = _CID.decode(bytes3);
if (cid.version === 0 && source[0] !== "Q") {
throw Error("Version 0 CID string must not include multibase prefix");
baseCache2(cid).set(prefix, source);
return cid;
var parseCIDtoBytes2 = (source, base14) => {
switch (source[0]) {
case "Q": {
const decoder = base14 || base58btc3;
return [
/** @type {Prefix} */
case base58btc3.prefix: {
const decoder = base14 || base58btc3;
return [
/** @type {Prefix} */
case base323.prefix: {
const decoder = base14 || base323;
return [
/** @type {Prefix} */
default: {
if (base14 == null) {
throw Error(
"To parse non base32 or base58btc encoded CID multibase decoder must be provided"
return [
/** @type {Prefix} */
var toStringV02 = (bytes3, cache10, base14) => {
const { prefix } = base14;
if (prefix !== base58btc3.prefix) {
throw Error(`Cannot string encode V0 in ${} encoding`);
const cid = cache10.get(prefix);
if (cid == null) {
const cid2 = base14.encode(bytes3).slice(1);
cache10.set(prefix, cid2);
return cid2;
} else {
return cid;
var toStringV12 = (bytes3, cache10, base14) => {
const { prefix } = base14;
const cid = cache10.get(prefix);
if (cid == null) {
const cid2 = base14.encode(bytes3);
cache10.set(prefix, cid2);
return cid2;
} else {
return cid;
var DAG_PB_CODE2 = 112;
var SHA_256_CODE2 = 18;
var encodeCID2 = (version4, code9, multihash) => {
const codeOffset = encodingLength2(version4);
const hashOffset = codeOffset + encodingLength2(code9);
const bytes3 = new Uint8Array(hashOffset + multihash.byteLength);
encodeTo2(version4, bytes3, 0);
encodeTo2(code9, bytes3, codeOffset);
bytes3.set(multihash, hashOffset);
return bytes3;
var cidSymbol2 = Symbol.for("@ipld/js-cid/CID");
// node_modules/uint8arrays/node_modules/multiformats/src/basics.js
var bases = { ...identity_exports, ...base2_exports, ...base8_exports, ...base10_exports, ...base16_exports, ...base32_exports2, ...base36_exports, ...base58_exports2, ...base64_exports2, ...base256emoji_exports };
var hashes = { ...sha2_browser_exports, ...identity_exports2 };
// node_modules/uint8arrays/dist/src/alloc.js
function alloc(size = 0) {
if (globalThis.Buffer?.alloc != null) {
return asUint8Array(globalThis.Buffer.alloc(size));
return new Uint8Array(size);
function allocUnsafe(size = 0) {
if (globalThis.Buffer?.allocUnsafe != null) {
return asUint8Array(globalThis.Buffer.allocUnsafe(size));
return new Uint8Array(size);
// node_modules/uint8arrays/dist/src/util/bases.js
function createCodec(name8, prefix, encode39, decode50) {
return {
name: name8,
encoder: {
name: name8,
encode: encode39
decoder: {
decode: decode50
var string = createCodec("utf8", "u", (buf3) => {
const decoder = new TextDecoder("utf8");
return "u" + decoder.decode(buf3);
}, (str) => {
const encoder2 = new TextEncoder();
return encoder2.encode(str.substring(1));
var ascii = createCodec("ascii", "a", (buf3) => {
let string3 = "a";
for (let i = 0; i < buf3.length; i++) {
string3 += String.fromCharCode(buf3[i]);
return string3;
}, (str) => {
str = str.substring(1);
const buf3 = allocUnsafe(str.length);
for (let i = 0; i < str.length; i++) {
buf3[i] = str.charCodeAt(i);
return buf3;
var BASES = {
utf8: string,
"utf-8": string,
hex: bases.base16,
latin1: ascii,
binary: ascii,
var bases_default = BASES;
// node_modules/uint8arrays/dist/src/from-string.js
function fromString3(string3, encoding = "utf8") {
const base14 = bases_default[encoding];
if (base14 == null) {
throw new Error(`Unsupported encoding "${encoding}"`);
if ((encoding === "utf8" || encoding === "utf-8") && globalThis.Buffer != null && globalThis.Buffer.from != null) {
return asUint8Array(globalThis.Buffer.from(string3, "utf-8"));
return base14.decoder.decode(`${base14.prefix}${string3}`);
// node_modules/uint8arrays/dist/src/to-string.js
function toString3(array, encoding = "utf8") {
const base14 = bases_default[encoding];
if (base14 == null) {
throw new Error(`Unsupported encoding "${encoding}"`);
if ((encoding === "utf8" || encoding === "utf-8") && globalThis.Buffer != null && globalThis.Buffer.from != null) {
return globalThis.Buffer.from(array.buffer, array.byteOffset, array.byteLength).toString("utf8");
return base14.encoder.encode(array).substring(1);
// node_modules/interface-datastore/dist/src/key.js
var pathSepS = "/";
var pathSepB = new TextEncoder().encode(pathSepS);
var pathSep = pathSepB[0];
var Key = class _Key {
* @param {string | Uint8Array} s
* @param {boolean} [clean]
constructor(s, clean) {
if (typeof s === "string") {
this._buf = fromString3(s);
} else if (s instanceof Uint8Array) {
this._buf = s;
} else {
throw new Error("Invalid key, should be String of Uint8Array");
if (clean == null) {
clean = true;
if (clean) {
if (this._buf.byteLength === 0 || this._buf[0] !== pathSep) {
throw new Error("Invalid key");
* Convert to the string representation
* @param {import('uint8arrays/to-string').SupportedEncodings} [encoding='utf8'] - The encoding to use.
* @returns {string}
toString(encoding = "utf8") {
return toString3(this._buf, encoding);
* Return the Uint8Array representation of the key
* @returns {Uint8Array}
uint8Array() {
return this._buf;
* Return string representation of the key
* @returns {string}
get [Symbol.toStringTag]() {
return `Key(${this.toString()})`;
* Constructs a key out of a namespace array.
* @param {Array<string>} list - The array of namespaces
* @returns {Key}
* @example
* ```js
* Key.withNamespaces(['one', 'two'])
* // => Key('/one/two')
* ```
static withNamespaces(list) {
return new _Key(list.join(pathSepS));
* Returns a randomly (uuid) generated key.
* @returns {Key}
* @example
* ```js
* Key.random()
* // => Key('/f98719ea086343f7b71f32ea9d9d521d')
* ```
static random() {
return new _Key(nanoid().replace(/-/g, ""));
* @param {*} other
static asKey(other) {
if (other instanceof Uint8Array || typeof other === "string") {
return new _Key(other);
if (typeof other.uint8Array === "function") {
return new _Key(other.uint8Array());
return null;
* Cleanup the current key
* @returns {void}
clean() {
if (this._buf == null || this._buf.byteLength === 0) {
this._buf = pathSepB;
if (this._buf[0] !== pathSep) {
const bytes3 = new Uint8Array(this._buf.byteLength + 1);
bytes3.fill(pathSep, 0, 1);
bytes3.set(this._buf, 1);
this._buf = bytes3;
while (this._buf.byteLength > 1 && this._buf[this._buf.byteLength - 1] === pathSep) {
this._buf = this._buf.subarray(0, -1);
* Check if the given key is sorted lower than ourself.
* @param {Key} key - The other Key to check against
* @returns {boolean}
less(key) {
const list1 = this.list();
const list2 = key.list();
for (let i = 0; i < list1.length; i++) {
if (list2.length < i + 1) {
return false;
const c1 = list1[i];
const c2 = list2[i];
if (c1 < c2) {
return true;
} else if (c1 > c2) {
return false;
return list1.length < list2.length;
* Returns the key with all parts in reversed order.
* @returns {Key}
* @example
* ```js
* new Key('/Comedy/MontyPython/Actor:JohnCleese').reverse()
* // => Key('/Actor:JohnCleese/MontyPython/Comedy')
* ```
reverse() {
return _Key.withNamespaces(this.list().slice().reverse());
* Returns the `namespaces` making up this Key.
* @returns {Array<string>}
namespaces() {
return this.list();
/** Returns the "base" namespace of this key.
* @returns {string}
* @example
* ```js
* new Key('/Comedy/MontyPython/Actor:JohnCleese').baseNamespace()
* // => 'Actor:JohnCleese'
* ```
baseNamespace() {
const ns = this.namespaces();
return ns[ns.length - 1];
* Returns the `list` representation of this key.
* @returns {Array<string>}
* @example
* ```js
* new Key('/Comedy/MontyPython/Actor:JohnCleese').list()
* // => ['Comedy', 'MontyPythong', 'Actor:JohnCleese']
* ```
list() {
return this.toString().split(pathSepS).slice(1);
* Returns the "type" of this key (value of last namespace).
* @returns {string}
* @example
* ```js
* new Key('/Comedy/MontyPython/Actor:JohnCleese').type()
* // => 'Actor'
* ```
type() {
return namespaceType(this.baseNamespace());
* Returns the "name" of this key (field of last namespace).
* @returns {string}
* @example
* ```js
* new Key('/Comedy/MontyPython/Actor:JohnCleese').name()
* // => 'JohnCleese'
* ```
name() {
return namespaceValue(this.baseNamespace());
* Returns an "instance" of this type key (appends value to namespace).
* @param {string} s - The string to append.
* @returns {Key}
* @example
* ```js
* new Key('/Comedy/MontyPython/Actor').instance('JohnClesse')
* // => Key('/Comedy/MontyPython/Actor:JohnCleese')
* ```
instance(s) {
return new _Key(this.toString() + ":" + s);
* Returns the "path" of this key (parent + type).
* @returns {Key}
* @example
* ```js
* new Key('/Comedy/MontyPython/Actor:JohnCleese').path()
* // => Key('/Comedy/MontyPython/Actor')
* ```
path() {
let p = this.parent().toString();
if (!p.endsWith(pathSepS)) {
p += pathSepS;
p += this.type();
return new _Key(p);
* Returns the `parent` Key of this Key.
* @returns {Key}
* @example
* ```js
* new Key("/Comedy/MontyPython/Actor:JohnCleese").parent()
* // => Key("/Comedy/MontyPython")
* ```
parent() {
const list = this.list();
if (list.length === 1) {
return new _Key(pathSepS);
return new _Key(list.slice(0, -1).join(pathSepS));
* Returns the `child` Key of this Key.
* @param {Key} key - The child Key to add
* @returns {Key}
* @example
* ```js
* new Key('/Comedy/MontyPython').child(new Key('Actor:JohnCleese'))
* // => Key('/Comedy/MontyPython/Actor:JohnCleese')
* ```
child(key) {
if (this.toString() === pathSepS) {
return key;
} else if (key.toString() === pathSepS) {
return this;
return new _Key(this.toString() + key.toString(), false);
* Returns whether this key is a prefix of `other`
* @param {Key} other - The other key to test against
* @returns {boolean}
* @example
* ```js
* new Key('/Comedy').isAncestorOf('/Comedy/MontyPython')
* // => true
* ```
isAncestorOf(other) {
if (other.toString() === this.toString()) {
return false;
return other.toString().startsWith(this.toString());
* Returns whether this key is a contains another as prefix.
* @param {Key} other - The other Key to test against
* @returns {boolean}
* @example
* ```js
* new Key('/Comedy/MontyPython').isDecendantOf('/Comedy')
* // => true
* ```
isDecendantOf(other) {
if (other.toString() === this.toString()) {
return false;
return this.toString().startsWith(other.toString());
* Checks if this key has only one namespace.
* @returns {boolean}
isTopLevel() {
return this.list().length === 1;
* Concats one or more Keys into one new Key.
* @param {Array<Key>} keys - The array of keys to concatenate
* @returns {Key}
concat(...keys) {
return _Key.withNamespaces([...this.namespaces(), ...flatten( => key.namespaces()))]);
function namespaceType(ns) {
const parts = ns.split(":");
if (parts.length < 2) {
return "";
return parts.slice(0, -1).join(":");
function namespaceValue(ns) {
const parts = ns.split(":");
return parts[parts.length - 1];
function flatten(arr) {
return [].concat(...arr);
// node_modules/datastore-core/dist/src/shard.js
// node_modules/it-all/dist/src/index.js
function isAsyncIterable4(thing) {
return thing[Symbol.asyncIterator] != null;
function all(source) {
if (isAsyncIterable4(source)) {
return (async () => {
const arr2 = [];
for await (const entry of source) {
return arr2;
const arr = [];
for (const entry of source) {
return arr;
var src_default5 = all;
// node_modules/it-sort/dist/src/index.js
function isAsyncIterable5(thing) {
return thing[Symbol.asyncIterator] != null;
function sort(source, sorter) {
if (isAsyncIterable5(source)) {
return async function* () {
const arr = await src_default5(source);
yield* arr.sort(sorter);
return function* () {
const arr = src_default5(source);
yield* arr.sort(sorter);
var src_default6 = sort;
// node_modules/it-take/dist/src/index.js
function isAsyncIterable6(thing) {
return thing[Symbol.asyncIterator] != null;
function take(source, limit) {
if (isAsyncIterable6(source)) {
return async function* () {
let items = 0;
if (limit < 1) {
for await (const entry of source) {
yield entry;
if (items === limit) {
return function* () {
let items = 0;
if (limit < 1) {
for (const entry of source) {
yield entry;
if (items === limit) {
var src_default7 = take;
// node_modules/datastore-core/dist/src/base.js
var BaseDatastore = class {
put(key, val, options) {
return Promise.reject(new Error(".put is not implemented"));
get(key, options) {
return Promise.reject(new Error(".get is not implemented"));
has(key, options) {
return Promise.reject(new Error(".has is not implemented"));
delete(key, options) {
return Promise.reject(new Error(".delete is not implemented"));
async *putMany(source, options = {}) {
for await (const { key, value } of source) {
await this.put(key, value, options);
yield key;
async *getMany(source, options = {}) {
for await (const key of source) {
yield {
value: await this.get(key, options)
async *deleteMany(source, options = {}) {
for await (const key of source) {
await this.delete(key, options);
yield key;
batch() {
let puts = [];
let dels = [];
return {
put(key, value) {
puts.push({ key, value });
delete(key) {
commit: async (options) => {
await src_default(this.putMany(puts, options));
puts = [];
await src_default(this.deleteMany(dels, options));
dels = [];
* Extending classes should override `query` or implement this method
// eslint-disable-next-line require-yield
async *_all(q, options) {
throw new Error("._all is not implemented");
* Extending classes should override `queryKeys` or implement this method
// eslint-disable-next-line require-yield
async *_allKeys(q, options) {
throw new Error("._allKeys is not implemented");
query(q, options) {
let it = this._all(q, options);
if (q.prefix != null) {
const prefix = q.prefix;
it = src_default3(it, (e) => e.key.toString().startsWith(prefix));
if (Array.isArray(q.filters)) {
it = q.filters.reduce((it2, f) => src_default3(it2, f), it);
if (Array.isArray(q.orders)) {
it = q.orders.reduce((it2, f) => src_default6(it2, f), it);
if (q.offset != null) {
let i = 0;
const offset = q.offset;
it = src_default3(it, () => i++ >= offset);
if (q.limit != null) {
it = src_default7(it, q.limit);
return it;
queryKeys(q, options) {
let it = this._allKeys(q, options);
if (q.prefix != null) {
const prefix = q.prefix;
it = src_default3(it, (key) => key.toString().startsWith(prefix));
if (Array.isArray(q.filters)) {
it = q.filters.reduce((it2, f) => src_default3(it2, f), it);
if (Array.isArray(q.orders)) {
it = q.orders.reduce((it2, f) => src_default6(it2, f), it);
if (q.offset != null) {
const offset = q.offset;
let i = 0;
it = src_default3(it, () => i++ >= offset);
if (q.limit != null) {
it = src_default7(it, q.limit);
return it;
// node_modules/datastore-core/dist/src/memory.js
var MemoryDatastore = class extends BaseDatastore {
constructor() {
super(); = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
put(key, val) {, val);
return key;
get(key) {
const result =;
if (result == null) {
throw notFoundError2();
return result;
has(key) {
delete(key) {;
*_all() {
for (const [key, value] of {
yield { key: new Key(key), value };
*_allKeys() {
for (const key of {
yield new Key(key);
// node_modules/it-map/dist/src/index.js
function isAsyncIterable7(thing) {
return thing[Symbol.asyncIterator] != null;
function map(source, func) {
if (isAsyncIterable7(source)) {
return async function* () {
for await (const val of source) {
yield func(val);
const peekable2 = src_default2(source);
const { value, done } =;
if (done === true) {
return /* @__PURE__ */ function* () {
const res = func(value);
if (typeof res.then === "function") {
return async function* () {
yield await res;
for await (const val of peekable2) {
yield func(val);
const fn = func;
return function* () {
yield res;
for (const val of peekable2) {
yield fn(val);
var src_default8 = map;
// node_modules/it-pipe/dist/src/index.js
function pipe(first2, {
if (first2 == null) {
throw new Error("Empty pipeline");
if (isDuplex(first2)) {
const duplex = first2;
first2 = () => duplex.source;
} else if (isIterable(first2) || isAsyncIterable8(first2)) {
const source = first2;
first2 = () => source;
const fns = [first2,];
if (fns.length > 1) {
if (isDuplex(fns[fns.length - 1])) {
fns[fns.length - 1] = fns[fns.length - 1].sink;
if (fns.length > 2) {
for (let i = 1; i < fns.length - 1; i++) {
if (isDuplex(fns[i])) {
fns[i] = duplexPipelineFn(fns[i]);
return rawPipe(...fns);
var rawPipe = (...fns) => {
let res;
while (fns.length > 0) {
res = fns.shift()(res);
return res;
var isAsyncIterable8 = (obj) => {
return obj?.[Symbol.asyncIterator] != null;
var isIterable = (obj) => {
return obj?.[Symbol.iterator] != null;
var isDuplex = (obj) => {
if (obj == null) {
return false;
return obj.sink != null && obj.source != null;
var duplexPipelineFn = (duplex) => {
return (source) => {
const p = duplex.sink(source);
if (p?.then != null) {
const stream = pushable({
objectMode: true
p.then(() => {
}, (err) => {
let sourceWrap;
const source2 = duplex.source;
if (isAsyncIterable8(source2)) {
sourceWrap = async function* () {
yield* source2;
} else if (isIterable(source2)) {
sourceWrap = function* () {
yield* source2;
} else {
throw new Error("Unknown duplex source type - must be Iterable or AsyncIterable");
return src_default4(stream, sourceWrap());
return duplex.source;
// node_modules/datastore-core/dist/src/sharding.js
var shardKey = new Key(SHARDING_FN);
// node_modules/datastore-core/node_modules/@libp2p/logger/dist/src/index.js
var import_debug3 = __toESM(require_browser(), 1);
// node_modules/datastore-core/node_modules/multiformats/vendor/base-x.js
function base4(ALPHABET, name8) {
if (ALPHABET.length >= 255) {
throw new TypeError("Alphabet too long");
var BASE_MAP = new Uint8Array(256);
for (var j = 0; j < BASE_MAP.length; j++) {
BASE_MAP[j] = 255;
for (var i = 0; i < ALPHABET.length; i++) {
var x = ALPHABET.charAt(i);
var xc = x.charCodeAt(0);
if (BASE_MAP[xc] !== 255) {
throw new TypeError(x + " is ambiguous");
BASE_MAP[xc] = i;
var BASE = ALPHABET.length;
var LEADER = ALPHABET.charAt(0);
var FACTOR = Math.log(BASE) / Math.log(256);
var iFACTOR = Math.log(256) / Math.log(BASE);
function encode39(source) {
if (source instanceof Uint8Array)
else if (ArrayBuffer.isView(source)) {
source = new Uint8Array(source.buffer, source.byteOffset, source.byteLength);
} else if (Array.isArray(source)) {
source = Uint8Array.from(source);
if (!(source instanceof Uint8Array)) {
throw new TypeError("Expected Uint8Array");
if (source.length === 0) {
return "";
var zeroes = 0;
var length11 = 0;
var pbegin = 0;
var pend = source.length;
while (pbegin !== pend && source[pbegin] === 0) {
var size = (pend - pbegin) * iFACTOR + 1 >>> 0;
var b58 = new Uint8Array(size);
while (pbegin !== pend) {
var carry = source[pbegin];
var i2 = 0;
for (var it1 = size - 1; (carry !== 0 || i2 < length11) && it1 !== -1; it1--, i2++) {
carry += 256 * b58[it1] >>> 0;
b58[it1] = carry % BASE >>> 0;
carry = carry / BASE >>> 0;
if (carry !== 0) {
throw new Error("Non-zero carry");
length11 = i2;
var it2 = size - length11;
while (it2 !== size && b58[it2] === 0) {
var str = LEADER.repeat(zeroes);
for (; it2 < size; ++it2) {
str += ALPHABET.charAt(b58[it2]);
return str;
function decodeUnsafe(source) {
if (typeof source !== "string") {
throw new TypeError("Expected String");
if (source.length === 0) {
return new Uint8Array();
var psz = 0;
if (source[psz] === " ") {
var zeroes = 0;
var length11 = 0;
while (source[psz] === LEADER) {
var size = (source.length - psz) * FACTOR + 1 >>> 0;
var b256 = new Uint8Array(size);
while (source[psz]) {
var carry = BASE_MAP[source.charCodeAt(psz)];
if (carry === 255) {
var i2 = 0;
for (var it3 = size - 1; (carry !== 0 || i2 < length11) && it3 !== -1; it3--, i2++) {
carry += BASE * b256[it3] >>> 0;
b256[it3] = carry % 256 >>> 0;
carry = carry / 256 >>> 0;
if (carry !== 0) {
throw new Error("Non-zero carry");
length11 = i2;
if (source[psz] === " ") {
var it4 = size - length11;
while (it4 !== size && b256[it4] === 0) {
var vch = new Uint8Array(zeroes + (size - it4));
var j2 = zeroes;
while (it4 !== size) {
vch[j2++] = b256[it4++];
return vch;
function decode50(string3) {
var buffer3 = decodeUnsafe(string3);
if (buffer3) {
return buffer3;
throw new Error(`Non-${name8} character`);
return {
encode: encode39,
decode: decode50
var src4 = base4;
var _brrp__multiformats_scope_baseX4 = src4;
var base_x_default4 = _brrp__multiformats_scope_baseX4;
// node_modules/datastore-core/node_modules/multiformats/src/bytes.js
var empty4 = new Uint8Array(0);
var coerce4 = (o) => {
if (o instanceof Uint8Array && === "Uint8Array")
return o;
if (o instanceof ArrayBuffer)
return new Uint8Array(o);
if (ArrayBuffer.isView(o)) {
return new Uint8Array(o.buffer, o.byteOffset, o.byteLength);
throw new Error("Unknown type, must be binary type");
// node_modules/datastore-core/node_modules/multiformats/src/bases/base.js
var Encoder4 = class {
* @param {Base} name
* @param {Prefix} prefix
* @param {(bytes:Uint8Array) => string} baseEncode
constructor(name8, prefix, baseEncode) { = name8;
this.prefix = prefix;
this.baseEncode = baseEncode;
* @param {Uint8Array} bytes
* @returns {API.Multibase<Prefix>}
encode(bytes3) {
if (bytes3 instanceof Uint8Array) {
return `${this.prefix}${this.baseEncode(bytes3)}`;
} else {
throw Error("Unknown type, must be binary type");
var Decoder4 = class {
* @param {Base} name
* @param {Prefix} prefix
* @param {(text:string) => Uint8Array} baseDecode
constructor(name8, prefix, baseDecode) { = name8;
this.prefix = prefix;
if (prefix.codePointAt(0) === void 0) {
throw new Error("Invalid prefix character");
this.prefixCodePoint = /** @type {number} */
this.baseDecode = baseDecode;
* @param {string} text
decode(text) {
if (typeof text === "string") {
if (text.codePointAt(0) !== this.prefixCodePoint) {
throw Error(`Unable to decode multibase string ${JSON.stringify(text)}, ${} decoder only supports inputs prefixed with ${this.prefix}`);
return this.baseDecode(text.slice(this.prefix.length));
} else {
throw Error("Can only multibase decode strings");
* @template {string} OtherPrefix
* @param {API.UnibaseDecoder<OtherPrefix>|ComposedDecoder<OtherPrefix>} decoder
* @returns {ComposedDecoder<Prefix|OtherPrefix>}
or(decoder) {
return or4(this, decoder);
var ComposedDecoder4 = class {
* @param {Decoders<Prefix>} decoders
constructor(decoders2) {
this.decoders = decoders2;
* @template {string} OtherPrefix
* @param {API.UnibaseDecoder<OtherPrefix>|ComposedDecoder<OtherPrefix>} decoder
* @returns {ComposedDecoder<Prefix|OtherPrefix>}
or(decoder) {
return or4(this, decoder);
* @param {string} input
* @returns {Uint8Array}
decode(input) {
const prefix = (
/** @type {Prefix} */
const decoder = this.decoders[prefix];
if (decoder) {
return decoder.decode(input);
} else {
throw RangeError(`Unable to decode multibase string ${JSON.stringify(input)}, only inputs prefixed with ${Object.keys(this.decoders)} are supported`);
var or4 = (left, right) => new ComposedDecoder4(
/** @type {Decoders<L|R>} */
...left.decoders || { [
/** @type API.UnibaseDecoder<L> */
]: left },
...right.decoders || { [
/** @type API.UnibaseDecoder<R> */
]: right }
var Codec4 = class {
* @param {Base} name
* @param {Prefix} prefix
* @param {(bytes:Uint8Array) => string} baseEncode
* @param {(text:string) => Uint8Array} baseDecode
constructor(name8, prefix, baseEncode, baseDecode) { = name8;
this.prefix = prefix;
this.baseEncode = baseEncode;
this.baseDecode = baseDecode;
this.encoder = new Encoder4(name8, prefix, baseEncode);
this.decoder = new Decoder4(name8, prefix, baseDecode);
* @param {Uint8Array} input
encode(input) {
return this.encoder.encode(input);
* @param {string} input
decode(input) {
return this.decoder.decode(input);
var from5 = ({ name: name8, prefix, encode: encode39, decode: decode50 }) => new Codec4(name8, prefix, encode39, decode50);
var baseX4 = ({ prefix, name: name8, alphabet: alphabet5 }) => {
const { encode: encode39, decode: decode50 } = base_x_default4(alphabet5, name8);
return from5({
name: name8,
encode: encode39,
* @param {string} text
decode: (text) => coerce4(decode50(text))
var decode11 = (string3, alphabet5, bitsPerChar, name8) => {
const codes8 = {};
for (let i = 0; i < alphabet5.length; ++i) {
codes8[alphabet5[i]] = i;
let end = string3.length;
while (string3[end - 1] === "=") {
const out = new Uint8Array(end * bitsPerChar / 8 | 0);
let bits2 = 0;
let buffer3 = 0;
let written = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < end; ++i) {
const value = codes8[string3[i]];
if (value === void 0) {
throw new SyntaxError(`Non-${name8} character`);
buffer3 = buffer3 << bitsPerChar | value;
bits2 += bitsPerChar;
if (bits2 >= 8) {
bits2 -= 8;
out[written++] = 255 & buffer3 >> bits2;
if (bits2 >= bitsPerChar || 255 & buffer3 << 8 - bits2) {
throw new SyntaxError("Unexpected end of data");
return out;
var encode8 = (data, alphabet5, bitsPerChar) => {
const pad = alphabet5[alphabet5.length - 1] === "=";
const mask = (1 << bitsPerChar) - 1;
let out = "";
let bits2 = 0;
let buffer3 = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < data.length; ++i) {
buffer3 = buffer3 << 8 | data[i];
bits2 += 8;
while (bits2 > bitsPerChar) {
bits2 -= bitsPerChar;
out += alphabet5[mask & buffer3 >> bits2];
if (bits2) {
out += alphabet5[mask & buffer3 << bitsPerChar - bits2];
if (pad) {
while (out.length * bitsPerChar & 7) {
out += "=";
return out;
var rfc46484 = ({ name: name8, prefix, bitsPerChar, alphabet: alphabet5 }) => {
return from5({
name: name8,
encode(input) {
return encode8(input, alphabet5, bitsPerChar);
decode(input) {
return decode11(input, alphabet5, bitsPerChar, name8);
// node_modules/datastore-core/node_modules/multiformats/src/bases/base32.js
var base324 = rfc46484({
prefix: "b",
name: "base32",
alphabet: "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz234567",
bitsPerChar: 5
var base32upper4 = rfc46484({
prefix: "B",
name: "base32upper",
bitsPerChar: 5
var base32pad4 = rfc46484({
prefix: "c",
name: "base32pad",
alphabet: "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz234567=",
bitsPerChar: 5
var base32padupper4 = rfc46484({
prefix: "C",
name: "base32padupper",
bitsPerChar: 5
var base32hex4 = rfc46484({
prefix: "v",
name: "base32hex",
alphabet: "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuv",
bitsPerChar: 5
var base32hexupper4 = rfc46484({
prefix: "V",
name: "base32hexupper",
alphabet: "0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUV",
bitsPerChar: 5
var base32hexpad4 = rfc46484({
prefix: "t",
name: "base32hexpad",
alphabet: "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuv=",
bitsPerChar: 5
var base32hexpadupper4 = rfc46484({
prefix: "T",
name: "base32hexpadupper",
alphabet: "0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUV=",
bitsPerChar: 5
var base32z4 = rfc46484({
prefix: "h",
name: "base32z",
alphabet: "ybndrfg8ejkmcpqxot1uwisza345h769",
bitsPerChar: 5
// node_modules/datastore-core/node_modules/multiformats/src/bases/base58.js
var base58btc4 = baseX4({
name: "base58btc",
prefix: "z",
alphabet: "123456789ABCDEFGHJKLMNPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijkmnopqrstuvwxyz"
var base58flickr4 = baseX4({
name: "base58flickr",
prefix: "Z",
alphabet: "123456789abcdefghijkmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHJKLMNPQRSTUVWXYZ"
// node_modules/datastore-core/node_modules/multiformats/src/bases/base64.js
var base644 = rfc46484({
prefix: "m",
name: "base64",
alphabet: "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/",
bitsPerChar: 6
var base64pad4 = rfc46484({
prefix: "M",
name: "base64pad",
alphabet: "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/=",
bitsPerChar: 6
var base64url4 = rfc46484({
prefix: "u",
name: "base64url",
alphabet: "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789-_",
bitsPerChar: 6
var base64urlpad4 = rfc46484({
prefix: "U",
name: "base64urlpad",
alphabet: "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789-_=",
bitsPerChar: 6
// node_modules/datastore-core/node_modules/@libp2p/logger/dist/src/index.js
import_debug3.default.formatters.b = (v) => {
return v == null ? "undefined" : base58btc4.baseEncode(v);
import_debug3.default.formatters.t = (v) => {
return v == null ? "undefined" : base324.baseEncode(v);
import_debug3.default.formatters.m = (v) => {
return v == null ? "undefined" : base644.baseEncode(v);
import_debug3.default.formatters.p = (v) => {
return v == null ? "undefined" : v.toString();
import_debug3.default.formatters.c = (v) => {
return v == null ? "undefined" : v.toString();
import_debug3.default.formatters.k = (v) => {
return v == null ? "undefined" : v.toString();
import_debug3.default.formatters.a = (v) => {
return v == null ? "undefined" : v.toString();
function createDisabledLogger3(namespace) {
const logger5 = () => {
logger5.enabled = false;
logger5.color = "";
logger5.diff = 0;
logger5.log = () => {
logger5.namespace = namespace;
logger5.destroy = () => true;
logger5.extend = () => logger5;
return logger5;
function logger3(name8) {
let trace = createDisabledLogger3(`${name8}:trace`);
if (import_debug3.default.enabled(`${name8}:trace`) && => r.toString()).find((n) => n.includes(":trace")) != null) {
trace = (0, import_debug3.default)(`${name8}:trace`);
return Object.assign((0, import_debug3.default)(name8), {
error: (0, import_debug3.default)(`${name8}:error`),
// node_modules/datastore-core/dist/src/tiered.js
var log2 = logger3("datastore:core:tiered");
// node_modules/any-signal/dist/src/index.js
function anySignal(signals) {
const controller = new globalThis.AbortController();
function onAbort() {
for (const signal2 of signals) {
if (signal2?.removeEventListener != null) {
signal2.removeEventListener("abort", onAbort);
for (const signal2 of signals) {
if (signal2?.aborted === true) {
if (signal2?.addEventListener != null) {
signal2.addEventListener("abort", onAbort);
function clear() {
for (const signal2 of signals) {
if (signal2?.removeEventListener != null) {
signal2.removeEventListener("abort", onAbort);
const signal = controller.signal;
signal.clear = clear;
return signal;
// node_modules/it-foreach/dist/src/index.js
function isAsyncIterable9(thing) {
return thing[Symbol.asyncIterator] != null;
function forEach(source, fn) {
if (isAsyncIterable9(source)) {
return async function* () {
for await (const thing of source) {
await fn(thing);
yield thing;
const peekable2 = src_default2(source);
const { value, done } =;
if (done === true) {
return /* @__PURE__ */ function* () {
const res = fn(value);
if (typeof res?.then === "function") {
return async function* () {
yield value;
for await (const val of peekable2) {
await fn(val);
yield val;
const func = fn;
return function* () {
yield value;
for (const val of peekable2) {
yield val;
var src_default9 = forEach;
// node_modules/multiformats/vendor/varint.js
var encode_13 = encode9;
var MSB3 = 128;
var REST3 = 127;
var MSBALL3 = ~REST3;
var INT3 = Math.pow(2, 31);
function encode9(num, out, offset) {
out = out || [];
offset = offset || 0;
var oldOffset = offset;
while (num >= INT3) {
out[offset++] = num & 255 | MSB3;
num /= 128;
while (num & MSBALL3) {
out[offset++] = num & 255 | MSB3;
num >>>= 7;
out[offset] = num | 0;
encode9.bytes = offset - oldOffset + 1;
return out;
var decode12 = read3;
var MSB$13 = 128;
var REST$13 = 127;
function read3(buf3, offset) {
var res = 0, offset = offset || 0, shift = 0, counter = offset, b, l = buf3.length;
do {
if (counter >= l) {
read3.bytes = 0;
throw new RangeError("Could not decode varint");
b = buf3[counter++];
res += shift < 28 ? (b & REST$13) << shift : (b & REST$13) * Math.pow(2, shift);
shift += 7;
} while (b >= MSB$13);
read3.bytes = counter - offset;
return res;
var N13 = Math.pow(2, 7);
var N23 = Math.pow(2, 14);
var N33 = Math.pow(2, 21);
var N43 = Math.pow(2, 28);
var N53 = Math.pow(2, 35);
var N63 = Math.pow(2, 42);
var N73 = Math.pow(2, 49);
var N83 = Math.pow(2, 56);
var N93 = Math.pow(2, 63);
var length3 = function(value) {
return value < N13 ? 1 : value < N23 ? 2 : value < N33 ? 3 : value < N43 ? 4 : value < N53 ? 5 : value < N63 ? 6 : value < N73 ? 7 : value < N83 ? 8 : value < N93 ? 9 : 10;
var varint3 = {
encode: encode_13,
decode: decode12,
encodingLength: length3
var _brrp_varint3 = varint3;
var varint_default3 = _brrp_varint3;
// node_modules/multiformats/src/varint.js
var decode13 = (data, offset = 0) => {
const code9 = varint_default3.decode(data, offset);
return [code9, varint_default3.decode.bytes];
var encodeTo3 = (int, target, offset = 0) => {
varint_default3.encode(int, target, offset);
return target;
var encodingLength3 = (int) => {
return varint_default3.encodingLength(int);
// node_modules/multiformats/src/hashes/digest.js
var digest_exports3 = {};
__export(digest_exports3, {
Digest: () => Digest3,
create: () => create3,
decode: () => decode14,
equals: () => equals6
var create3 = (code9, digest5) => {
const size = digest5.byteLength;
const sizeOffset = encodingLength3(code9);
const digestOffset = sizeOffset + encodingLength3(size);
const bytes3 = new Uint8Array(digestOffset + size);
encodeTo3(code9, bytes3, 0);
encodeTo3(size, bytes3, sizeOffset);
bytes3.set(digest5, digestOffset);
return new Digest3(code9, size, digest5, bytes3);
var decode14 = (multihash) => {
const bytes3 = coerce(multihash);
const [code9, sizeOffset] = decode13(bytes3);
const [size, digestOffset] = decode13(bytes3.subarray(sizeOffset));
const digest5 = bytes3.subarray(sizeOffset + digestOffset);
if (digest5.byteLength !== size) {
throw new Error("Incorrect length");
return new Digest3(code9, size, digest5, bytes3);
var equals6 = (a, b) => {
if (a === b) {
return true;
} else {
const data = (
/** @type {{code?:unknown, size?:unknown, bytes?:unknown}} */
return a.code === data.code && a.size === data.size && data.bytes instanceof Uint8Array && equals(a.bytes, data.bytes);
var Digest3 = class {
* Creates a multihash digest.
* @param {Code} code
* @param {Size} size
* @param {Uint8Array} digest
* @param {Uint8Array} bytes
constructor(code9, size, digest5, bytes3) {
this.code = code9;
this.size = size;
this.digest = digest5;
this.bytes = bytes3;
// node_modules/multiformats/src/cid.js
var format3 = (link, base14) => {
const { bytes: bytes3, version: version4 } = link;
switch (version4) {
case 0:
return toStringV03(
/** @type {API.MultibaseEncoder<"z">} */
base14 || base58btc.encoder
return toStringV13(
/** @type {API.MultibaseEncoder<Prefix>} */
base14 || base32.encoder
var cache3 = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap();
var baseCache3 = (cid) => {
const baseCache9 = cache3.get(cid);
if (baseCache9 == null) {
const baseCache10 = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
cache3.set(cid, baseCache10);
return baseCache10;
return baseCache9;
var CID3 = class _CID {
* @param {Version} version - Version of the CID
* @param {Format} code - Code of the codec content is encoded in, see
* @param {API.MultihashDigest<Alg>} multihash - (Multi)hash of the of the content.
* @param {Uint8Array} bytes
constructor(version4, code9, multihash, bytes3) {
this.code = code9;
this.version = version4;
this.multihash = multihash;
this.bytes = bytes3;
this["/"] = bytes3;
* Signalling `cid.asCID === cid` has been replaced with `cid['/'] === cid.bytes`
* please either use `CID.asCID(cid)` or switch to new signalling mechanism
* @deprecated
get asCID() {
return this;
// ArrayBufferView
get byteOffset() {
return this.bytes.byteOffset;
// ArrayBufferView
get byteLength() {
return this.bytes.byteLength;
* @returns {CID<Data, API.DAG_PB, API.SHA_256, 0>}
toV0() {
switch (this.version) {
case 0: {
return (
/** @type {CID<Data, API.DAG_PB, API.SHA_256, 0>} */
case 1: {
const { code: code9, multihash } = this;
if (code9 !== DAG_PB_CODE3) {
throw new Error("Cannot convert a non dag-pb CID to CIDv0");
if (multihash.code !== SHA_256_CODE3) {
throw new Error("Cannot convert non sha2-256 multihash CID to CIDv0");
return (
/** @type {CID<Data, API.DAG_PB, API.SHA_256, 0>} */
/** @type {API.MultihashDigest<API.SHA_256>} */
default: {
throw Error(
`Can not convert CID version ${this.version} to version 0. This is a bug please report`
* @returns {CID<Data, Format, Alg, 1>}
toV1() {
switch (this.version) {
case 0: {
const { code: code9, digest: digest5 } = this.multihash;
const multihash = create3(code9, digest5);
return (
/** @type {CID<Data, Format, Alg, 1>} */
_CID.createV1(this.code, multihash)
case 1: {
return (
/** @type {CID<Data, Format, Alg, 1>} */
default: {
throw Error(
`Can not convert CID version ${this.version} to version 1. This is a bug please report`
* @param {unknown} other
* @returns {other is CID<Data, Format, Alg, Version>}
equals(other) {
return _CID.equals(this, other);
* @template {unknown} Data
* @template {number} Format
* @template {number} Alg
* @template {API.Version} Version
* @param {API.Link<Data, Format, Alg, Version>} self
* @param {unknown} other
* @returns {other is CID}
static equals(self2, other) {
const unknown = (
/** @type {{code?:unknown, version?:unknown, multihash?:unknown}} */
return unknown && self2.code === unknown.code && self2.version === unknown.version && equals6(self2.multihash, unknown.multihash);
* @param {API.MultibaseEncoder<string>} [base]
* @returns {string}
toString(base14) {
return format3(this, base14);
toJSON() {
return { "/": format3(this) };
link() {
return this;
get [Symbol.toStringTag]() {
return "CID";
// Legacy
[Symbol.for("nodejs.util.inspect.custom")]() {
return `CID(${this.toString()})`;
* Takes any input `value` and returns a `CID` instance if it was
* a `CID` otherwise returns `null`. If `value` is instanceof `CID`
* it will return value back. If `value` is not instance of this CID
* class, but is compatible CID it will return new instance of this
* `CID` class. Otherwise returns null.
* This allows two different incompatible versions of CID library to
* co-exist and interop as long as binary interface is compatible.
* @template {unknown} Data
* @template {number} Format
* @template {number} Alg
* @template {API.Version} Version
* @template {unknown} U
* @param {API.Link<Data, Format, Alg, Version>|U} input
* @returns {CID<Data, Format, Alg, Version>|null}
static asCID(input) {
if (input == null) {
return null;
const value = (
/** @type {any} */
if (value instanceof _CID) {
return value;
} else if (value["/"] != null && value["/"] === value.bytes || value.asCID === value) {
const { version: version4, code: code9, multihash, bytes: bytes3 } = value;
return new _CID(
/** @type {API.MultihashDigest<Alg>} */
bytes3 || encodeCID3(version4, code9, multihash.bytes)
} else if (value[cidSymbol3] === true) {
const { version: version4, multihash, code: code9 } = value;
const digest5 = (
/** @type {API.MultihashDigest<Alg>} */
return _CID.create(version4, code9, digest5);
} else {
return null;
* @template {unknown} Data
* @template {number} Format
* @template {number} Alg
* @template {API.Version} Version
* @param {Version} version - Version of the CID
* @param {Format} code - Code of the codec content is encoded in, see
* @param {API.MultihashDigest<Alg>} digest - (Multi)hash of the of the content.
* @returns {CID<Data, Format, Alg, Version>}
static create(version4, code9, digest5) {
if (typeof code9 !== "number") {
throw new Error("String codecs are no longer supported");
if (!(digest5.bytes instanceof Uint8Array)) {
throw new Error("Invalid digest");
switch (version4) {
case 0: {
if (code9 !== DAG_PB_CODE3) {
throw new Error(
`Version 0 CID must use dag-pb (code: ${DAG_PB_CODE3}) block encoding`
} else {
return new _CID(version4, code9, digest5, digest5.bytes);
case 1: {
const bytes3 = encodeCID3(version4, code9, digest5.bytes);
return new _CID(version4, code9, digest5, bytes3);
default: {
throw new Error("Invalid version");
* Simplified version of `create` for CIDv0.
* @template {unknown} [T=unknown]
* @param {API.MultihashDigest<typeof SHA_256_CODE>} digest - Multihash.
* @returns {CID<T, typeof DAG_PB_CODE, typeof SHA_256_CODE, 0>}
static createV0(digest5) {
return _CID.create(0, DAG_PB_CODE3, digest5);
* Simplified version of `create` for CIDv1.
* @template {unknown} Data
* @template {number} Code
* @template {number} Alg
* @param {Code} code - Content encoding format code.
* @param {API.MultihashDigest<Alg>} digest - Miltihash of the content.
* @returns {CID<Data, Code, Alg, 1>}
static createV1(code9, digest5) {
return _CID.create(1, code9, digest5);
* Decoded a CID from its binary representation. The byte array must contain
* only the CID with no additional bytes.
* An error will be thrown if the bytes provided do not contain a valid
* binary representation of a CID.
* @template {unknown} Data
* @template {number} Code
* @template {number} Alg
* @template {API.Version} Ver
* @param {API.ByteView<API.Link<Data, Code, Alg, Ver>>} bytes
* @returns {CID<Data, Code, Alg, Ver>}
static decode(bytes3) {
const [cid, remainder] = _CID.decodeFirst(bytes3);
if (remainder.length) {
throw new Error("Incorrect length");
return cid;
* Decoded a CID from its binary representation at the beginning of a byte
* array.
* Returns an array with the first element containing the CID and the second
* element containing the remainder of the original byte array. The remainder
* will be a zero-length byte array if the provided bytes only contained a
* binary CID representation.
* @template {unknown} T
* @template {number} C
* @template {number} A
* @template {API.Version} V
* @param {API.ByteView<API.Link<T, C, A, V>>} bytes
* @returns {[CID<T, C, A, V>, Uint8Array]}
static decodeFirst(bytes3) {
const specs = _CID.inspectBytes(bytes3);
const prefixSize = specs.size - specs.multihashSize;
const multihashBytes = coerce(
bytes3.subarray(prefixSize, prefixSize + specs.multihashSize)
if (multihashBytes.byteLength !== specs.multihashSize) {
throw new Error("Incorrect length");
const digestBytes = multihashBytes.subarray(
specs.multihashSize - specs.digestSize
const digest5 = new Digest3(
const cid = specs.version === 0 ? _CID.createV0(
/** @type {API.MultihashDigest<API.SHA_256>} */
) : _CID.createV1(specs.codec, digest5);
return [
/** @type {CID<T, C, A, V>} */
* Inspect the initial bytes of a CID to determine its properties.
* Involves decoding up to 4 varints. Typically this will require only 4 to 6
* bytes but for larger multicodec code values and larger multihash digest
* lengths these varints can be quite large. It is recommended that at least
* 10 bytes be made available in the `initialBytes` argument for a complete
* inspection.
* @template {unknown} T
* @template {number} C
* @template {number} A
* @template {API.Version} V
* @param {API.ByteView<API.Link<T, C, A, V>>} initialBytes
* @returns {{ version:V, codec:C, multihashCode:A, digestSize:number, multihashSize:number, size:number }}
static inspectBytes(initialBytes) {
let offset = 0;
const next = () => {
const [i, length11] = decode13(initialBytes.subarray(offset));
offset += length11;
return i;
let version4 = (
/** @type {V} */
let codec = (
/** @type {C} */
if (
/** @type {number} */
version4 === 18
) {
version4 = /** @type {V} */
offset = 0;
} else {
codec = /** @type {C} */
if (version4 !== 0 && version4 !== 1) {
throw new RangeError(`Invalid CID version ${version4}`);
const prefixSize = offset;
const multihashCode = (
/** @type {A} */
const digestSize = next();
const size = offset + digestSize;
const multihashSize = size - prefixSize;
return { version: version4, codec, multihashCode, digestSize, multihashSize, size };
* Takes cid in a string representation and creates an instance. If `base`
* decoder is not provided will use a default from the configuration. It will
* throw an error if encoding of the CID is not compatible with supplied (or
* a default decoder).
* @template {string} Prefix
* @template {unknown} Data
* @template {number} Code
* @template {number} Alg
* @template {API.Version} Ver
* @param {API.ToString<API.Link<Data, Code, Alg, Ver>, Prefix>} source
* @param {API.MultibaseDecoder<Prefix>} [base]
* @returns {CID<Data, Code, Alg, Ver>}
static parse(source, base14) {
const [prefix, bytes3] = parseCIDtoBytes3(source, base14);
const cid = _CID.decode(bytes3);
if (cid.version === 0 && source[0] !== "Q") {
throw Error("Version 0 CID string must not include multibase prefix");
baseCache3(cid).set(prefix, source);
return cid;
var parseCIDtoBytes3 = (source, base14) => {
switch (source[0]) {
case "Q": {
const decoder = base14 || base58btc;
return [
/** @type {Prefix} */
case base58btc.prefix: {
const decoder = base14 || base58btc;
return [
/** @type {Prefix} */
case base32.prefix: {
const decoder = base14 || base32;
return [
/** @type {Prefix} */
default: {
if (base14 == null) {
throw Error(
"To parse non base32 or base58btc encoded CID multibase decoder must be provided"
return [
/** @type {Prefix} */
var toStringV03 = (bytes3, cache10, base14) => {
const { prefix } = base14;
if (prefix !== base58btc.prefix) {
throw Error(`Cannot string encode V0 in ${} encoding`);
const cid = cache10.get(prefix);
if (cid == null) {
const cid2 = base14.encode(bytes3).slice(1);
cache10.set(prefix, cid2);
return cid2;
} else {
return cid;
var toStringV13 = (bytes3, cache10, base14) => {
const { prefix } = base14;
const cid = cache10.get(prefix);
if (cid == null) {
const cid2 = base14.encode(bytes3);
cache10.set(prefix, cid2);
return cid2;
} else {
return cid;
var DAG_PB_CODE3 = 112;
var SHA_256_CODE3 = 18;
var encodeCID3 = (version4, code9, multihash) => {
const codeOffset = encodingLength3(version4);
const hashOffset = codeOffset + encodingLength3(code9);
const bytes3 = new Uint8Array(hashOffset + multihash.byteLength);
encodeTo3(version4, bytes3, 0);
encodeTo3(code9, bytes3, codeOffset);
bytes3.set(multihash, hashOffset);
return bytes3;
var cidSymbol3 = Symbol.for("@ipld/js-cid/CID");
// node_modules/@libp2p/tracked-map/dist/src/index.js
var TrackedMap = class extends Map {
constructor(init) {
const { name: name8, metrics } = init;
this.metric = metrics.registerMetric(name8);
set(key, value) {
super.set(key, value);
return this;
delete(key) {
const deleted = super.delete(key);
return deleted;
clear() {
updateComponentMetric() {
function trackedMap(config) {
const { name: name8, metrics } = config;
let map3;
if (metrics != null) {
map3 = new TrackedMap({ name: name8, metrics });
} else {
map3 = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
return map3;
// node_modules/@libp2p/interfaces/dist/src/errors.js
var AbortError2 = class _AbortError extends Error {
constructor(message2 = "The operation was aborted") {
this.code = _AbortError.code;
this.type = _AbortError.type;
static code = "ABORT_ERR";
static type = "aborted";
var CodeError = class extends Error {
constructor(message2, code9, props) {
this.code = code9; = props?.name ?? "CodeError";
this.props = props ?? {};
// node_modules/multiformats/src/hashes/sha2-browser.js
var sha2_browser_exports2 = {};
__export(sha2_browser_exports2, {
sha256: () => sha2562,
sha512: () => sha5122
// node_modules/multiformats/src/hashes/hasher.js
var from6 = ({ name: name8, code: code9, encode: encode39 }) => new Hasher2(name8, code9, encode39);
var Hasher2 = class {
* @param {Name} name
* @param {Code} code
* @param {(input: Uint8Array) => Await<Uint8Array>} encode
constructor(name8, code9, encode39) { = name8;
this.code = code9;
this.encode = encode39;
* @param {Uint8Array} input
* @returns {Await<Digest.Digest<Code, number>>}
digest(input) {
if (input instanceof Uint8Array) {
const result = this.encode(input);
return result instanceof Uint8Array ? create3(this.code, result) : result.then((digest5) => create3(this.code, digest5));
} else {
throw Error("Unknown type, must be binary type");
// node_modules/multiformats/src/hashes/sha2-browser.js
var sha2 = (name8) => (
* @param {Uint8Array} data
async (data) => new Uint8Array(await crypto.subtle.digest(name8, data))
var sha2562 = from6({
name: "sha2-256",
code: 18,
encode: sha2("SHA-256")
var sha5122 = from6({
name: "sha2-512",
code: 19,
encode: sha2("SHA-512")
// node_modules/ipfs-bitswap/dist/src/message/index.js
var import_varint_decoder = __toESM(require_src(), 1);
// node_modules/uint8arrays/dist/src/equals.js
function equals7(a, b) {
if (a === b) {
return true;
if (a.byteLength !== b.byteLength) {
return false;
for (let i = 0; i < a.byteLength; i++) {
if (a[i] !== b[i]) {
return false;
return true;
// node_modules/ipfs-bitswap/dist/src/wantlist/entry.js
var WantListEntry = class {
constructor(cid, priority, wantType) {
this._refCounter = 1;
this.cid = cid;
this.priority = priority ?? 1;
this.wantType = wantType;
inc() {
this._refCounter += 1;
dec() {
this._refCounter = Math.max(0, this._refCounter - 1);
hasRefs() {
return this._refCounter > 0;
// So that console.log prints a nice description of this object
get [Symbol.toStringTag]() {
const cidStr = this.cid.toString(base58btc);
return `WantlistEntry <key: ${cidStr}, priority: ${this.priority}, refs: ${this._refCounter}>`;
equals(other) {
return this._refCounter === other._refCounter && this.cid.equals(other.cid) && this.priority === other.priority && this.wantType === other.wantType;
// node_modules/ipfs-bitswap/dist/src/message/entry.js
var BitswapMessageEntry = class {
constructor(cid, priority, wantType, cancel, sendDontHave) {
this.entry = new WantListEntry(cid, priority, wantType);
this.cancel = Boolean(cancel);
this.sendDontHave = Boolean(sendDontHave);
get cid() {
return this.entry.cid;
set cid(cid) {
this.entry.cid = cid;
get priority() {
return this.entry.priority;
set priority(val) {
this.entry.priority = val;
get wantType() {
return this.entry.wantType;
set wantType(val) {
this.entry.wantType = val;
get [Symbol.toStringTag]() {
const cidStr = this.cid.toString(base58btc);
return `BitswapMessageEntry ${cidStr} <cancel: ${this.cancel}, priority: ${this.priority}>`;
equals(other) {
return this.cancel === other.cancel && this.sendDontHave === other.sendDontHave && this.wantType === other.wantType && this.entry.equals(other.entry);
// node_modules/ipfs-bitswap/dist/src/uti
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