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Last active June 17, 2019 02:46
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[ruby] PCA(Principal Component Analysis) with ruby builtins (>= 1.9)
ブランド名 プロっぽい カッコいい 好き かわいい 一般的 ミーハー 初心者 ダサイ 嫌い わからない 欲しい
ロシニョール 33 15 38 11 71 94 7 4 8 5 37
ヤマハ 10 6 24 18 75 46 29 5 5 12 10
オガサカ 67 5 18 1 32 4 12 25 24 11 14
カザマ 25 5 12 2 33 4 18 40 23 31 8
アトミック 52 32 24 5 32 32 3 11 5 17 35
ニシザワ 23 7 12 1 8 1 3 32 15 28 11
クナイスル 32 13 12 0 37 2 6 23 16 33 9
K2 48 26 24 3 20 32 2 10 21 20 23
フィッシャー 27 14 18 2 20 7 3 9 12 37 11
ブリザード 41 25 20 4 24 8 2 12 12 28 17
ミズノ 5 3 1 0 48 6 27 74 27 30 3
オーリン 19 17 22 13 22 37 8 17 10 21 16
スワロー 5 1 0 2 18 1 43 69 26 27 2
ケスレー 47 19 12 1 17 2 2 14 11 44 14
エラン 36 8 13 2 7 11 0 10 12 36 8
フォルクル 32 7 10 0 1 4 0 11 8 28 8
# PCA(Principal Component Analysis) with ruby builtins (>= 1.9)
require "csv"
require "matrix"
require "pp"
# data from CSV
title, *entries ="./data.csv").to_a
name, *props = title
ids =
values ={|line| line[1..-1].map(&:to_f)}
# [PCA] data as matrix
m = Matrix.rows(values)
col_means ={|col| col.reduce(0.0, &:+) / col.size}
means_m = Matrix.rows([col_means] * m.row_size)
x = m - means_m
cxx = (x.t * x) / x.row_size # aka. covariance matrix
# [PCA] (descending ordered) eigenvectors of cov matrix as components
v, d, vinv = cxx.eigen # (>= ruby-1.9)
diags = d.each(:diagonal).to_a
desc_index ={|a, b| b <=> a}.map(&:last)
eigvals ={|i| diags[i]}
eigvecs ={|i| v.column(i)}
# [PCA] rate of components
total = eigvals.reduce(0.0, &:+)
rates ={|eigval| eigval / total}
pp rates
# [PCA] principal 2 components
v1 = eigvecs[0]
v2 = eigvecs[1]
pp, v2)
# [PCA] positions of entries by component axis
f1 = x * v1
f2 = x * v2
pp, f2)
# [PCA] plot 2D
def svg_plot(points)
width = height = "600px"
lcolor, pcolor = "gray", "blue"
hw, ps, fs = 100, 1, 3
w = 2 * hw
xs ={|e| e[1]}
ys ={|e| e[2]}
screen = [xs.max - xs.min, ys.max - ys.min].max * 1.5
scale = w / screen
svg = "<svg xmlns='' version='1.1'
width='#{width}' height='#{height}' preserveAspectRatio='xMidYMid meet'
viewBox='#{-hw}, #{-hw}, #{w}, #{w}'>"
xline = "<g stroke='#{lcolor}'>
<line x1='#{-hw}' y1='0' x2='#{hw}' y2='0' stroke-with='#{ps}' /></g>"
yline = "<g stroke='#{lcolor}'>
<line y1='#{-hw}' x1='0' y2='#{hw}' x2='0' stroke-with='#{ps}' /></g>"
plots ={|point|
x = point[1] * scale
y = -point[2] * scale
title = "<title>#{point[0]}: (#{point[1]}, #{point[2]})</title>"
circle = "<circle cx='#{x}' cy='#{y}' r='#{ps}' fill='#{pcolor}' />"
text = "<text x='#{x}' y='#{y}' font-size='#{fs}'>#{point[0]}</text>"
"<g>" + title + circle + text + "</g>"
([svg, xline, yline] + plots + ["</svg>"]).join("\n")
end"./pca.svg", "w") do |f|
f.puts svg_plot(, f2))
end"./vecs.svg", "w") do |f|
f.puts svg_plot(, v2))
Display the source blob
Display the rendered blob
<svg xmlns='' version='1.1'
width='600px' height='600px' preserveAspectRatio='xMidYMid meet'
viewBox='-100, -100, 200, 200'>
<g stroke='gray'>
<line x1='-100' y1='0' x2='100' y2='0' stroke-with='1' /></g>
<g stroke='gray'>
<line y1='-100' x1='0' y2='100' x2='0' stroke-with='1' /></g>
<g><title>ロシニョール: (92.1475537045644, 25.54762239692057)</title><circle cx='85.30805627973008' cy='-23.6513930281563' r='1' fill='blue' /><text x='85.30805627973008' y='-23.6513930281563' font-size='3'>ロシニョール</text></g>
<g><title>ヤマハ: (44.789714396236924, 40.86769258971635)</title><circle cx='41.465273063217' cy='-37.834356738800096' r='1' fill='blue' /><text x='41.465273063217' y='-37.834356738800096' font-size='3'>ヤマハ</text></g>
<g><title>オガサカ: (-3.855388782739114, -13.387021708722454)</title><circle cx='-3.5692290249248035' cy='12.39339250401712' r='1' fill='blue' /><text x='-3.5692290249248035' y='12.39339250401712' font-size='3'>オガサカ</text></g>
<g><title>カザマ: (-22.655393776604292, 15.363560118881761)</title><circle cx='-20.973835220090844' cy='-14.223225670001279' r='1' fill='blue' /><text x='-20.973835220090844' y='-14.223225670001279' font-size='3'>カザマ</text></g>
<g><title>アトミック: (31.081900042189865, -19.63469099583756)</title><circle cx='28.774898209248256' cy='18.177339030380047' r='1' fill='blue' /><text x='28.774898209248256' y='18.177339030380047' font-size='3'>アトミック</text></g>
<g><title>ニシザワ: (-27.074341991182838, -7.8394637776679)</title><circle cx='-25.06479442444579' cy='7.257592744049938' r='1' fill='blue' /><text x='-25.06479442444579' y='7.257592744049938' font-size='3'>ニシザワ</text></g>
<g><title>クナイスル: (-11.866396131946242, -2.142569595764945)</title><circle cx='-10.98563280699983' cy='1.983540965664298' r='1' fill='blue' /><text x='-10.98563280699983' y='1.983540965664298' font-size='3'>クナイスル</text></g>
<g><title>K2: (20.048608055036745, -21.344084268695944)</title><circle cx='18.560533790975796' cy='19.75985545824667' r='1' fill='blue' /><text x='18.560533790975796' y='19.75985545824667' font-size='3'>K2</text></g>
<g><title>フィッシャー: (-7.40729803621966, -16.58825324842577)</title><circle cx='-6.857503778998969' cy='15.357018008705152' r='1' fill='blue' /><text x='-6.857503778998969' y='15.357018008705152' font-size='3'>フィッシャー</text></g>
<g><title>ブリザード: (0.8078931266841838, -21.422155068223535)</title><circle cx='0.7479286160991988' cy='19.83213158378828' r='1' fill='blue' /><text x='0.7479286160991988' y='19.83213158378828' font-size='3'>ブリザード</text></g>
<g><title>ミズノ: (-38.075021677420175, 54.96086695902395)</title><circle cx='-35.24896713507016' cy='-50.88148890805475' r='1' fill='blue' /><text x='-35.24896713507016' y='-50.88148890805475' font-size='3'>ミズノ</text></g>
<g><title>オーリン: (15.999224609940356, 2.329764309933965)</title><circle cx='14.811709031720369' cy='-2.1568414665413793' r='1' fill='blue' /><text x='14.811709031720369' y='-2.1568414665413793' font-size='3'>オーリン</text></g>
<g><title>スワロー: (-51.87566086328713, 43.71943317052951)</title><circle cx='-48.02527705360325' cy='-40.47443166410057' r='1' fill='blue' /><text x='-48.02527705360325' y='-40.47443166410057' font-size='3'>スワロー</text></g>
<g><title>ケスレー: (-13.01559378496611, -28.458199127746237)</title><circle cx='-12.049533194140508' cy='26.34593708904166' r='1' fill='blue' /><text x='-12.049533194140508' y='26.34593708904166' font-size='3'>ケスレー</text></g>
<g><title>エラン: (-11.144952858141776, -25.2680226623144)</title><circle cx='-10.31773744863075' cy='23.39254611430275' r='1' fill='blue' /><text x='-10.31773744863075' y='23.39254611430275' font-size='3'>エラン</text></g>
<g><title>フォルクル: (-17.904846032145137, -26.70447909160736)</title><circle cx='-16.575888904085797' cy='24.72238397745846' r='1' fill='blue' /><text x='-16.575888904085797' y='24.72238397745846' font-size='3'>フォルクル</text></g>
[["プロっぽい", 0.1277249626865704, -0.47443724657562575],
["カッコいい", 0.12278381069493152, -0.18095405382304142],
["好き", 0.25699876226050034, -0.06674225683602523],
["かわいい", 0.10998844269347584, 0.06828567443365412],
["一般的", 0.3771905520351377, 0.49688945214841307],
["ミーハー", 0.6680314691663672, 0.234909238025338],
["初心者", -0.0930811355467427, 0.39857127302398926],
["ダサイ", -0.41887501475186795, 0.4904015841422266],
["嫌い", -0.13026042519444647, 0.09587215238982853],
["わからない", -0.21274507124447287, -0.11749668917820728],
["欲しい", 0.2357483246568909, -0.09282388991772578]]
[["ロシニョール", 92.1475537045644, 25.54762239692057],
["ヤマハ", 44.789714396236924, 40.86769258971635],
["オガサカ", -3.855388782739114, -13.387021708722454],
["カザマ", -22.655393776604292, 15.363560118881761],
["アトミック", 31.081900042189865, -19.63469099583756],
["ニシザワ", -27.074341991182838, -7.8394637776679],
["クナイスル", -11.866396131946242, -2.142569595764945],
["K2", 20.048608055036745, -21.344084268695944],
["フィッシャー", -7.40729803621966, -16.58825324842577],
["ブリザード", 0.8078931266841838, -21.422155068223535],
["ミズノ", -38.075021677420175, 54.96086695902395],
["オーリン", 15.999224609940356, 2.329764309933965],
["スワロー", -51.87566086328713, 43.71943317052951],
["ケスレー", -13.01559378496611, -28.458199127746237],
["エラン", -11.144952858141776, -25.2680226623144],
["フォルクル", -17.904846032145137, -26.70447909160736]]
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