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Last active January 14, 2024 21:26
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[swift] Lambda Calculus on swift-2
// Untyped Lambda Calculus on swift-2
enum Expr {
case Num(Int)
case Ref(String)
indirect case Lam(String, Expr)
indirect case App(Expr, Expr)
func eval(env: Env) -> Val {
switch self {
case let .Num(v): return Val.Number(v)
case let .Ref(n): return env.get(n)
case let .Lam(p, b): return Val.Closure(env, p, b)
case let .App(e, a): return e.eval(env).apply(a.eval(env))
enum Val {
case Nil
case Number(Int)
case Closure(Env, String, Expr)
case Native(Int->Int)
func apply(v: Val) -> Val {
switch self {
case let .Closure(env, param, body):
return body.eval(env.put(param, v))
case let .Native(f):
switch v {
case .Number(let n): return Val.Number(f(n))
default: return Val.Nil // type error case
default: return self
enum Env {
case End
indirect case Map(String, Val, Env)
func get(name: String) -> Val {
switch self {
case .End: return Val.Nil
case let .Map(n, v, next): return n == name ? v : next.get(name)
func put(n: String, _ v: Val) -> Env {
return .Map(n, v, self)
// example
// env with builtin: sq(n) => n*n
let top = Env.End.put("sq", Val.Native({(a: Int) -> Int in a * a}))
// (\a => (sq (sq a)) 10 ==> 10000
let prog = Expr.App(Expr.Lam("a",
// eval
// Symply Typed Lambda Calculus on swift-2
// syntax tree elements
class Expr<T> {
func eval(env: Env) -> Val<T> {return Nil<T>()}
class Num: Expr<Int>, CustomStringConvertible {
let value: Int
init (_ value: Int) {self.value = value}
override func eval(env: Env) -> Val<Int> {return Obj(value)}
var description: String {get {return "\(value)"}}
class Ref<R>: Expr<R>, CustomStringConvertible {
let name: String
init (_ name: String) { = name}
override func eval(env: Env) -> Val<R> {return lookup(env, name)}
var description: String {get {return "\(name)<\(R.self)>"}}
class Lam<A, B>: Expr<A->B>, CustomStringConvertible {
let name: String
let body: Expr<B>
init (_ name: String, _ body: Expr<B>) { = name; self.body = body}
override func eval(env: Env) -> Val<A->B> {return Clo(env, name, body)}
var description: String {
get {return "{\\\(name)<\(A.self)> -> \(body)}"}
class App<A, B>: Expr<B>, CustomStringConvertible {
let fun: Expr<A->B>
let arg: Expr<A>
init (_ fun: Expr<A->B>, _ arg: Expr<A>) { = fun; self.arg = arg}
override func eval(env: Env) -> Val<B> {
return apply(fun.eval(env), arg.eval(env))
var description: String {get {return "(\(fun) \(arg))<\(B.self)>"}}
// runtime values
class Val<T>: CustomStringConvertible {
var description: String {get {return "\(self.dynamicType)"}}
class Nil<T>: Val<T> {
} // as programming error
class Obj<T>: Val<T> {
let value: T
init (_ value: T) {self.value = value}
override var description: String {get {return "\(value): \(T.self)"}}
} // as builtin
class Clo<A, B>: Val<A->B> {
let env: Env
let name: String
let body: Expr<B>
init (_ env: Env, _ name: String, _ body: Expr<B>) {
self.env = env; = name; self.body = body
override var description: String {get {
return "\(name): \(A.self) -> \(body)"
func apply<A, B>(fun: Val<A->B>, _ arg: Val<A>) -> Val<B> {
switch fun {
case let c as Clo<A, B>: return c.body.eval(c.env.put(, arg))
case let f as Obj<A->B>:
switch arg {
case let a as Obj<A>: return Obj(f.value(a.value))
default: return Nil<B>()
default: return Nil<B>()
// environment table
class Env: CustomStringConvertible {
func put<V>(name: String, _ value: Val<V>) -> Env {
return Map(name, value, self)
//func look<V>(name: String) -> Val<V> {return Nil<V>()}
//[WORKAROUND] swift2 has no wildcard type param
// use generic method instead of wildcard (only for self defined types)
func nextEnv() -> Env {return self}
//[WORKAROUND] swift2 has no wildcard type param
func entry() -> String {return ""}
var description: String {get {
var s = "{\n \(self.entry())"
var c = self.nextEnv()
while (true) {
switch c {
case is End: return "\(s)\n}"
s += "\n \(c.entry())"
c = c.nextEnv()
class End: Env {}
class Map<T>: Env {
let name: String
let value: Val<T>
let next: Env
init (_ name: String, _ value: Val<T>, _ next: Env) { = name; self.value = value; = next
override func nextEnv() -> Env {return next}
//[WHY?] error: "method does not override any method from its superclass"
//override func look<V>(name: String) -> Val<V> {return Nil<V>()}
override func entry() -> String {return "'\(name)' => \(value)"}
func lookup<R>(env: Env, _ name: String) -> Val<R> {
switch env {
case let m as Map<R> where == name: return m.value
case is End: return Nil<R>()
default: return lookup(env.nextEnv(), name)
// env with builtin functions
let top = End().put("sq", Obj<Int->Int>() {a in a * a})
print(""); print(top); print(lookup(top, "sq") as Val<Int->Int>)
// basics syntax
let p1 = App(Ref<Int->Int>("sq"), Num(10))
print(""); print(p1); print(p1.eval(top))
let p2 = Lam<Int, Int>("a", Num(10))
print(""); print(p2); print(p2.eval(top))
let p3 = App(Lam("a", Num(10)), Num(5))
print(""); print(p3); print(p3.eval(top))
let p4 = App(Lam("a", Ref<Int>("a")), Num(5))
print(""); print(p4); print(p4.eval(top))
let p5 = App(Lam("a", App(Ref<Int->Int>("sq"), Ref("a"))), Num(5))
print(""); print(p5); print(p5.eval(top))
//expression type mismatches become type error on compile time
//let p0 = App(Ref<Int->Int>("a"), Ref<Int>("b")) // <= ok
//let p0 = App(Ref<Int->Int->Int>("a"), Ref<Int>("b")) // <= ok
//let p0 = App(Ref<Int>("a"), Ref<Int>("b")) // <= compile error
//let p0 = App(Ref<(Int->Int)->Int>("a"), Ref<Int>("b")) // <= compile error
// a little complex tree
let prog = App(Lam("a",
App(Ref<Int->Int>("sq"), Ref("a")))),
print(""); print(prog); print(prog.eval(top))
// Example: binary operator
let top2 = top.put("div", Obj<Int->Int->Int>() {a in {b in a / b}})
print(""); print(top2); print(lookup(top2, "div") as Val<Int->Int->Int>)
let prog2 = App(App(Ref<Int->Int->Int>("div"), Num(10)), Num(5))
print(""); print(prog2); print(prog2.eval(top2))
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