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[browser] Bezier(3-degree Spline) Interpolation 2D
// make equation coefficients and vectors of x and y for bezier interpolation
export function bezierControlsEquation(knots) {
// [Theory of Beizer Interpolation]
// bezier curve:
// - p(t) = (1-t)^3*P0 + 3(1-t)^2*t*C0 + 3(1-t)t^2*C1 + t^3*P1
// - p(0) = P0
// - p(1) = P1
// - p'(t) = -3(t^2-2t+1)*P0 + 3(3t^2-4t+1)*C0 + 3(-3t^2+2t)*C1 + 3t^2*P1
// - p'(0) = -3*P0 + 3*C0
// - p'(1) = -3*C1 + 3*P1
// - p''(t) = -3(2t-2)*P0 + 3(6t-4)*C0 + 3 (-6t+2)*C1 + 6t*P1
// - p''(0) = 6*P0 - 12*C0 + 6*C1
// - p''(1) = 6*C0 - 12*C1 + 6*P1
// relation of knots and control-points:
// - k[0]--c[0]--c[1]--k[1]-- ... --k[n-2]--c[2n-4]--c[2n-3]--k[n-1]
// - ... --c[2i-2]--c[2i-1]--k[i]--c[2i]--c[2i+1]-- ...
// point relation of lines:
// - p[i ](t): k[i ]--c[2i ]--c[2i+1]--k[i+1]
// - p[i+1](t): k[i+1]--c[2i+2]--c[2i+3]--k[i+2]
// conditions of bezier (as 3-degree spline) interpolation (i = 0 .. n-2):
// - A. p''[0](0) = 0
// - B. p''[i](1) = p''[i+1](0)
// - C. p'[i](1) = p'[i+1](0)
// - D. p''[n-1](1) = 0
// normalize A:
// - 6*k[0] - 12*c[0] + 6*c[1] = 0
// - 2*c[0] - 1*c[1] = k[0]
// normalize B:
// - 6*c[2i] - 12*c[2i+1] + 6*k[i+1] = 6*k[i+1] - 12*c[2i+2] + 6*c[2i+3]
// - 1*c[2i] - 2*c[2i+1] + 2*c[2i+2] - 1*c[2i+3] = 0
// normalize C:
// - -3*c[2i+1] + 3*k[i+1] = -3*k[i+1] + 3*c[2i+2]
// - 1*c[2i+1] + 1*c[2i+2] = 2*k[i+1]
// normalize D:
// - 6*c[2n-4] - 12+c[2n-3] + 6*k[n-1] = 0
// - -1*c[2n-4] + 2*c[2n-3] = k[n-1]
// normalized conditions of beziere interpolation:
// - A. 2*c[0] - 1*c[1] = k[0]
// - B. 1*c[2i] - 2*c[2i+1] + 2*c[2i+2] - 1*c[2i+3] = 0
// - C. 1*c[2i+1] + 1*c[2i+2] = 2*k[i+1]
// - D. -1*c[2n-4] + 2*c[2n-3] = k[n-1]
const n = knots.length;
const cn = 2 * n - 2;
const cA = [[2, -1].concat(Array(cn - 2).fill(0))];
const cD = [Array(cn - 2).fill(0).concat([-1, 2])];
const cBC = [...Array(n - 2)].flatMap((_, i) => {
const cB = Array(cn).fill(0), cC = Array(cn).fill(0);
[cB[2 * i], cB[2 * i + 1], cB[2 * i + 2], cB[2 * i + 3]] = [1, -2, 2, -1];
[cC[2 * i + 1], cC[2 * i + 2]] = [1, 1];
return [cB, cC];
const coeffs = cA.concat(cBC, cD);
const vList = [...Array(knots[0].length)].map((_, i) => {
const vA = [knots[0][i]], vD = [knots[n - 1][i]];
const vBC = [...Array(n - 2)].flatMap((_, j) => [0, 2 * knots[j + 1][i]]);
return vA.concat(vBC, vD);
return [coeffs, vList];
export function bezierLoopControlsEquation(knots) {
// Bezier Interpolation as Loop
// Loop knots:
// - k[n] = k[0]
// - c[2n] = c[0]
// - p[n-1](t) = (1-t)^3k[n-1] + 3(1-t)^2tc[2n-2] + 3(1-t)t^2c[2n-1] +t^3k[0]
// normalized conditions of beziere interpolation:
// - B. 1*c[2i] - 2*c[2i+1] + 2*c[2i+2] - 1*c[2i+3] = 0
// - C. 1*c[2i+1] + 1*c[2i+2] = 2*k[i+1]
// Edge case of the last i=n-1:
// - B0. 1*c[2n-2] - 2*c[2n-1] + 2*c[0] - 1*c[1] = 0
// - C0. 1*c[2i-1] + 1*c[0] = 2*k[0]
const n = knots.length;
const cn = 2 * n;
const cBC = [...Array(n - 1)].flatMap((_, i) => {
const cB = Array(cn).fill(0), cC = Array(cn).fill(0);
[cB[2 * i], cB[2 * i + 1], cB[2 * i + 2], cB[2 * i + 3]] = [1, -2, 2, -1];
[cC[2 * i + 1], cC[2 * i + 2]] = [1, 1];
return [cB, cC];
const cB = Array(cn).fill(0), cC = Array(cn).fill(0);
[cB[2 * n - 2], cB[2 * n - 1], cB[0], cB[1]] = [1, -2, 2, -1];
[cC[2 * n - 1], cC[0]] = [1, 1];
const coeffs = cBC.concat([cB, cC]);
const vList = [...Array(knots[0].length)].map((_, i) => {
const vBC = [...Array(n - 1)].flatMap((_, j) => [0, 2 * knots[j + 1][i]]);
return vBC.concat([0, 2 * knots[0][i]]);
return [coeffs, vList];
export function solve(coeffs, vList) {
// gaussian elimination
console.assert(vList.every(v => v.length === coeffs.length));
console.assert(coeffs.every(c => c.length === coeffs.length));
//console.assert(coeffs.every((c, i) => c[i] !== 0));
const cs = => l.slice()), vs = => v.slice());
for (let i = 0; i < cs.length; i++) {
for (let j = i + 1; j < cs.length; j++) {
if (cs[i][i] === 0) continue;
const f = cs[j][i] / cs[i][i];
cs[j][i] = 0;
for (let k = i + 1; k < cs[j].length; k++) cs[j][k] -= f * cs[i][k];
for (const v of vs) v[j] -= f * v[i];
for (let i = cs.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
const d = cs[i][i];
cs[i][i] = 1;
for (let j = i - 1; j >= 0; j--) cs[i][j] /= d;
for (const v of vs) v[i] /= d;
for (let j = i - 1; j >= 0; j--) {
const f = cs[j][i];
cs[j][i] = 0;
for (let k = i - 1; k >= 0; k--) cs[j][k] -= f * cs[i][k];
for (const v of vs) v[j] -= f * v[i];
return vs;
<!doctype html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
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<h1>Bezier Interpolation</h1>
<ul><li>Click to put several knots for bezier interpolatation</li></ul>
import {bezierControlsEquation, bezierLoopControlsEquation, solve}
from "./bezier-interpolation.js";
const canvas = document.createElement("canvas");
canvas.width = canvas.height = 512; = "border: solid; display: block;";
const pop = document.createElement("button");
pop.textContent = "remove the last knot";
const clear = document.createElement("button");
clear.textContent = "clear";
const showControls = document.createElement("input");
showControls.type = "checkbox";
showControls.checked = true;
const showControlsLabel = document.createElement("label");
showControlsLabel.append(showControls, "show control points");;
const loop = document.createElement("input");
loop.type = "checkbox";
loop.checked = true;
const loopLabel = document.createElement("label");
loopLabel.append(loop, "loop");;
document.body.append(canvas, loopLabel, showControlsLabel, pop, clear);
const c2d = canvas.getContext("2d");
const knots = [];
const redraw = () => paint(c2d, knots, showControls.checked, loop.checked);
canvas.addEventListener("mouseup", ev => {
const rect = ev.currentTarget.getBoundingClientRect();
const x = ev.clientX - rect.left, y = ev.clientY -;
knots.push([x, y]);
pop.addEventListener("click", ev => {
clear.addEventListener("click", ev => {
knots.splice(0, knots.length);
showControls.addEventListener("click", redraw);
loop.addEventListener("click", redraw);
function paint(c2d, knots, showControls = true, loop = false) {
c2d.clearRect(0, 0, c2d.canvas.width, c2d.canvas.height);
paintKnots(c2d, knots);
if (knots.length < 2) return;
const [coeffs, vList] = loop ? bezierLoopControlsEquation(knots) :
//console.log(coeffs, vList);
const [cx, cy] = solve(coeffs, vList);
//console.log(cx, cy);
const k = loop ? knots.concat([knots[0]]) : knots;
if (showControls) paintControls(c2d, k, cx, cy);
paintCurves(c2d, k, cx, cy);
function paintControls(c2d, knots, cx, cy) {
c2d.strokeStyle = "blue";
for (let i = 0; i < knots.length - 1; i++) {
const c1 = 2 * i, c2 = 2 * i + 1;
const x1 = knots[i][0], y1 = knots[i][1];
const x2 = knots[i + 1][0], y2 = knots[i + 1][1];
c2d.moveTo(x1, y1);
c2d.lineTo(cx[c1], cy[c1]);
c2d.moveTo(cx[c2], cy[c2]);
c2d.lineTo(x2, y2);
c2d.moveTo(cx[cx.length - 1], cy[cy.length - 1]);
c2d.lineTo(knots[knots.length - 1][0], knots[knots.length - 1][1]);
c2d.strokeStyle = "blue";
for (let i = 0; i < cx.length; i++) {
c2d.arc(cx[i], cy[i], 3, 0, 2 * Math.PI, true);
c2d.fillStyle = "blue";
function paintCurves(c2d, knots, cx, cy) {
c2d.moveTo(knots[0][0], knots[0][1]);
for (let i = 1; i < knots.length; i++) {
const c1 = 2 * i - 2, c2 = 2 * i - 1, x = knots[i][0], y = knots[i][1];
c2d.bezierCurveTo(cx[c1], cy[c1], cx[c2], cy[c2], x, y);
c2d.strokeStyle = "black";
function paintKnots(c2d, knots) {
for (const [x, y] of knots) {
c2d.arc(x, y, 2, 0, 2 * Math.PI, true);
c2d.fillStyle = "black";
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