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[JavaScript] Programming Polynomial and Galois Field and Implementing Reed-Solomon code
import {PF} from "./pf.js";
import {GF} from "./gf.js";
import {GF2n} from "./gf2n.js";
import {BCHCode} from "./bchcode.js";
import {Polynomial, PolynomialUtils} from "./polynomial.js";
console.log("[BCHCode with GF]");
const gf = GF(PF(2), 4, [1, 1, 0, 0, 1]);
const N = 15, t = 2, c = 1;
const bch = BCHCode(gf, N, t, c);
const msg = [1,0,1,0,0,0,0];
console.log("msg", msg);
let coded = bch.encode(msg);
console.log("coded", coded);
coded[14] = +!coded[14];
coded[12] = +!coded[12];
console.log("error coded", coded);
const fixed = bch.decode(coded);
console.log("fixed", fixed);
console.log("[BCHCode with GF2n]");
const gf = GF2n(4, 0b10011);
const N = 15, t = 2, c = 1;
const bch = BCHCode(gf, N, t, c);
console.log("gen", bch.gen.toString(2));
console.log("K", bch.K);
const msg = 0b0000101;
console.log("msg", msg.toString(2).padStart(bch.K, "0"));
let coded = bch.encode(msg);
console.log("coded", coded.toString(2).padStart(N, "0"));
coded = coded ^ (1 << 14);
coded = coded ^ (1 << 12);
console.log("error coded", coded.toString(2).padStart(N, "0"));
const fixed = bch.decode(coded);
console.log("fixed", fixed.toString(2).padStart(bch.K, "0"));
console.log("[BCHCode for format info on QR code]");
const gf = GF2n(4, 0b10011);
const N = 15, t = 3, c = 1;
const bch = BCHCode(gf, N, t, c);
console.log("gen", bch.gen.toString(2)); // 0b10100110111
console.log("K", bch.K); // 5
const msg = 0b001100; //erro L & mask 4
let coded = bch.encode(msg); // then masked XOR with 0b101010000010010 on QR
console.log("coded", coded.toString(2).padStart(N, "0"));
coded = coded ^ (1 << 14);
coded = coded ^ (1 << 12);
coded = coded ^ (1 << 5);
console.log("error coded", coded.toString(2).padStart(N, "0"));
const fixed = bch.decode(coded);
console.log("fixed", fixed.toString(2).padStart(bch.K, "0"));
import {range, uniq, FieldUtils} from "./field-utils.js";
import {Polynomial, PolynomialUtils} from "./polynomial.js";
import {GFUtils} from "./gf.js";
export const BCHCode = (gf, N, t, c) => {
const gfutils = GFUtils(gf), gfPoly = Polynomial(gf);
const futils = FieldUtils(gf);
const pfPoly = gf.poly;
const pfPoly2gfPoly = (pfp, n) =>
gfPoly.fromArray(pfPoly.toArray(pfp, n).map(gf.fromSF));
const gfPoly2pfPoly = (gfp, n) =>
pfPoly.fromArray(gfPoly.toArray(gfp, n).map(gf.toSF));
// encode
const bchGenerator = () => {
const polys = uniq(range(2 * t).map(
k => gfutils.findIrreducible(gf.alpha(c + k))), pfPoly.eql);
const gen = bchGenerator();
const d = pfPoly.order(gen), K = N - d;
const encode = msg => {
const m = pfPoly.carry(msg, d);
const r = pfPoly.mod(m, gen);
return pfPoly.sub(m, r);
// decode
const bchSyndromes = rx =>
range(2 * t).map(k => gfPoly.apply(rx, gf.alpha(c + k)));
const hasError = synds => !synds.every(gf.isZero);
const bchLx = synds => {
const leqs0 = range(t).map(i => range(t + 1).map(j => synds[i + j]));
const v = futils.rank(leqs0);
const leqs = v === t ? leqs0 :
range(v).map(i => range(v + 1).map(j => synds[i + j]));
const rlx = futils.solve(leqs);
return [, ...rlx.reverse()];
const bchPositions = lx => range(N).filter(
k => gf.isZero(gfPoly.apply(lx, gf.alpha(-k))));
const bchOx = (sx, lx) =>
gfPoly.mod(gfPoly.mul(sx, lx), gfPoly.carry(, t));
const bchDLx = lx => gfPoly.diff(lx);
const bchErrors = (positions, ox, dlx) => => {
const akinv = gf.alpha(-k);
const oAkinv = gfPoly.apply(ox, akinv);
const dlAkinv = gfPoly.apply(dlx, akinv);
const ak1b = gf.alpha(k * (1 - c));
return gf.neg(gf.mul(ak1b, gf.div(oAkinv, dlAkinv)));
const bchErrorsPF2 = positions => gfPoly.sum(
k => gfPoly.carry(, k)));
const bchEx = (positions, errors) =>
gfPoly.sum(, i) => gfPoly.monomial(errors[i], k)));
const decode = code => {
const rx = pfPoly2gfPoly(code, N);
const synds = bchSyndromes(rx);
if (!hasError(synds)) return gfPoly2pfPoly(rx.slice(d), K);
//const lx = bchLx(synds);
const lx = PolynomialUtils(gfPoly).findLinearRecurrence(synds);
const positions = bchPositions(lx);
if (positions.length === 0) {
throw Error(`Cannot recover: error count > ${t}`);
if (pfPoly.K.size() === 2) {
const ex = bchErrorsPF2(positions);
const cx = gfPoly.sub(rx, ex);
return gfPoly2pfPoly(cx.slice(d), K);
} else {
const sx = synds;
const ox = bchOx(sx, lx);
const dlx = bchDLx(lx);
const errors = bchErrors(positions, ox, dlx);
const ex = bchEx(positions, errors);
const cx = gfPoly.sub(rx, ex);
return gfPoly2pfPoly(cx.slice(d), K);
return {K, d, gen, encode, decode};
import {Q} from "./field-utils.js";
import {Polynomial, PolynomialUtils} from "./polynomial.js";
const poly = Polynomial(Q());
const polyutils = PolynomialUtils(poly);
// fib sequence
const sx = [1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8].map(poly.K.fromNum);
// => [1,-1,-1] as s[n] - s[n-1] - s[n-2] = 0
// Array utils
export const range = n => [...Array(n).keys()];
export const uniq = (a, eql = (e1, e2) => e1 === e2) =>
a.filter((e1, i) => a.findIndex(e2 => eql(e1, e2)) === i);
export const transpose = a => range(a[0].length).map(k => => e[k]));
// Field suppliment: generate isZero, sub, div, sum, prod
export const Field = K => {
const {eql, zero, one, add, mul, neg, inv} = K;
const sub = (a, b) => add(a, neg(b));
const div = (a, b) => mul(a, inv(b));
const sum = es => es.reduce((r, e) => add(r, e), zero());
const prod = es => es.reduce((r, e) => mul(r, e), one());
const isZero = e => eql(e, zero());
return {sub, div, sum, prod, isZero, ...K};
// Example Field Q: Rational number
export const Q = () => {
const gcd = (a, b) => a === 0 ? b : gcd(b % a, a);
const normalize = ([e0, e1]) => {
const f = gcd(e1, e0);
return [e0 / f, e1 / f];
const eql = (a, b) => a[0] * b[1] === a[1] * b[0];
const zero = () => [0, 1];
const one = () => [1, 1];
const neg = e => [-e[0], e[1]];
const inv = e => normalize([e[1], e[0]]);
const add = (a, b) => normalize([a[0] * b[1] + b[0] * a[1], a[1] * b[1]]);
const mul = (a, b) => normalize([a[0] * b[0], a[1] * b[1]]);
const times = (e, k) => normalize([e[0] * k, e[1]]);
const pow = (e, k) => normalize([e[0] ** k, e[1] ** k]);
const toStr = e => e[1] === 1 ? `${e[0]}` : `${e[0]}/${e[1]}`;
const toNum = e => Math.round(e[0] / e[1]);
const fromNum = n => [n, 1];
return Field({
eql, zero, one, neg, inv, add, mul, times, pow, toStr, toNum, fromNum});
// Field utilities
export const FieldUtils = K => {
const {isZero, zero, one, neg, inv, sub, mul, div} = K;
// linear equations solver on the field f
const pivoting = (r, u, i) => {
for (let v = u + 1; v < r.length; v++) {
if (!isZero(r[v][i])) {
[r[u], r[v]] = [r[v], r[u]];
const upperTriangle = r => {
const n = r[0].length - 1, m = r.length;
for (let i = 0, u = 0; i < n && u < m; i++) {
if (isZero(r[u][i])) pivoting(r, u, i);
if (isZero(r[u][i])) continue;
for (let v = u + 1; v < m; v++) {
const c = div(r[v][i], r[u][i]);
for (let j = i; j < n + 1; j++) {
r[v][j] = sub(r[v][j], mul(c, r[u][j]));
const rank = lineqs => {
const r = => lineq.slice());
return r.filter(eq => !eq.slice(0, -1).every(isZero)).length;
const solve = lineqs => {
const r = => lineq.slice());
const n = r[0].length - 1, m = r.length;
for (let i = n - 1, u = m - 1; i >= 0 && u >= 0; i--) {
while (u > 0 && isZero(r[u][i])) u--;
if (isZero(r[u][i])) continue;
r[u][n] = div(r[u][n], r[u][i]);
r[u][i] = one();
for (let v = u - 1; v >= 0; v--) {
r[v][n] = sub(r[v][n], mul(r[v][i], r[u][n]));
r[v][i] = zero();
return r.slice(0, n).map(l => neg(l[n]));
return {rank, solve};
import {PF} from "./pf.js";
import {GF, GFUtils} from "./gf.js";
const outputGrouping = (p, n, f) => {
const gf = GF(PF(p), n, f), gfUtils = GFUtils(gf);
console.log(`[GF(${p}^${n}) with ${gf.poly.toStr(f)}=0]`);
const exposList = gfUtils.exponentGroups();
const elemsList = => => gf.alpha(expo)));
for (const elems of elemsList) {
const poly = gfUtils.findIrreducible(elems[0]);
console.assert(elems.every(e => gf.eql(poly, gfUtils.findIrreducible(e))),
console.log(`Satisfied ${gf.poly.toStr(poly, "x")}=0`);
console.log( => `- ${gf.toStr(e)}`).join("\n"));
// example
const p = 3, n = 2, f = [2,2,1];
outputGrouping(p, n, f);
const p = 2, n = 6, f = [1,1,0,0,0,0,1];
outputGrouping(p, n, f);
import {range} from "./field-utils.js";
import {PolynomialUtils} from "./polynomial.js";
import {PF} from "./pf.js";
import {GF, GFUtils} from "./gf.js";
// Calculation table of GF add/mul
const calcTable = (elems, op) => => => op(e1, e2)));
const toNumTable = f =>table => => => f.toNum(e)));
const permutateNumTable = (table, moves) => {
const rev =, i) => moves.indexOf(i));
return, i) => table[rev[i]].map((_, j, l) => moves[l[rev[j]]]));
const eqlTable = f => (a, b) => a.every((al, i) => al.every(
(av, j) => f.eql(av, b[i][j])));
const mdTable = (heads, elements) => {
const maxes =
(h, i) => Math.max(h.length, => l[i].length)));
const top = `| ${, i) => h.padEnd(maxes[i])).join(" | ")} |`;
const guide = `|-${, i) => "-".repeat(maxes[i])).join("-|-")}-|`;
const lines =
l => `| ${, i) => e.padEnd(maxes[i])).join(" | ")} |`);
return [top, guide, ...lines].join("\n");
const mdCalcTable = (f, table, mark) => {
const elems = f.elems().map(e => f.toStr(e));
const len = Math.max( => e.length));
const strList = => `$${e.padEnd(len)}$`);
const strTable =
l => => `$${f.toStr(e).padEnd(len)}$`));
const heads = [mark, ...strList];
const elements =, i) => [`**${e}**`, ...strTable[i]]);
return mdTable(heads, elements);
export const outputGF = (p, n, f, GFctor = GF) => {
const gf = GFctor(PF(p), n, f);
const gfUtils = GFUtils(gf);
const polyUtils = PolynomialUtils(gf.poly);
console.assert(gf.isPrimitive(), "f is not a primitive polynomial");
// generate GF(p^n) system
const fs = polyUtils.irreducibles(n);
const es = gf.elems();
const addTable = calcTable(es, gf.add);
const mulTable = calcTable(es, gf.mul);
const pows = gf.pows();
const auto = gfUtils.generatorAutomorphism();
const autoNum = => gf.toNum(e));
// check automorphism
const addNum = toNumTable(gf)(addTable);
const mulNum = toNumTable(gf)(mulTable);
console.assert(eqlTable(mulNum, permutateNumTable(mulNum, autoNum)));
console.assert(eqlTable(addNum, permutateNumTable(addNum, autoNum)));
// output
`### GF(${gf.size()} = ${p}^${n}) with $${gf.toStr(f, "a")}=0$`);
console.log(`Elements of GF($${p}^${n}$)`, "\n");
console.log("-", => `$${gf.toStr(e)}$`).join(", "));
console.log(`Power of $a$ mod $${gf.toStr(f)}$`);
console.log(mdTable(["order", "number"],
(e, i) => [`$a^{${i}}$`, `$${gf.toStr(e)}$`])));
console.log(`Calculation Tables of GF($${p}^${n}$)`);
console.log(mdCalcTable(gf, addTable, "+"));
console.log(mdCalcTable(gf, mulTable, "*"));
console.log(`Generator of automorphism group of GF($${p}^${n}$)`);
console.log(mdTable(["from", "to"],
(m, s) => [`$${gf.toStr(es[s])}$`, `$${gf.toStr(m)}$`])));
console.log(`${n}-order irreducible polynomials`);
for (const f of fs) {
const gf = GFctor(PF(p), n, f);
const pe = gf.isPrimitive() ? "(primitive element)" : "";
console.log("-", `$${gf.poly.toStr(f)} = 0$`, pe);
import {outputGF} from "./gf-calc-table.js";
//import {PF} from "./pf.js";
//import {Polynomial, PolynomialUtils} from "./polynomial.js";
//import {GF} from "./gf.js";
// examples
const p = 2, n = 2, f = [1, 1, 1];
outputGF(p, n, f);
const p = 3, n = 2, f = [2, 2, 1];
outputGF(p, n, f);
const p = 2, n = 3, f = [1, 1, 0, 1];
outputGF(p, n, f);
const p = 2, n = 4, f = [1, 1, 0, 0, 1];
//console.log(PolynomialUtils(Polynomial(PF(p))).irreducibles(n).filter(f => GF(p, n, f).isPrimitive()));
//outputGF(p, n, f);
const p = 2, n = 6, f = [1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1];
//console.log(PolynomialUtils(Polynomial(PF(p))).irreducibles(n).filter(f => GF(p, n, f).isPrimitive()));
//outputGF(p, n, f);
import {range, uniq, transpose, Field, FieldUtils} from "./field-utils.js";
import {PF} from "./pf.js";
import {Polynomial} from "./polynomial.js";
// GF(p^n)
export const GF = (K, n, f, name="a") => {
const pn = K.size() ** n, pn1 = pn - 1;
const poly = Polynomial(K);
const p2gf = pe => poly.toArray(pe, n);
const modpn1 = k => (pn1 + k % pn1) % pn1;
const {eql, add, times, neg, toNum} = poly;
const zero = () => p2gf(;
const one = () => p2gf(;
const a = p2gf(poly.carry(, 1));
const isZero = e => eql(zero(), e);
const mul0 = (a, b) => poly.mod(poly.mul(a, b), f);
const pow0 = (e, k) => k === 0 ? one() : mul0(e, pow0(e, k - 1));
const powList = Object.freeze(
range(pn1).map(k => Object.freeze(pow0(a, k))));
const exponent = e => powList.findIndex(pe => eql(e, pe));
const mul = (a, b) => isZero(a) || isZero(b) ? zero() :
powList[modpn1(exponent(a) + exponent(b))];
const pow = (e, k) => isZero(e) ? zero() : k == 1 ? e :
powList[modpn1(exponent(e) * k)];
const alpha = (k = 1) => pow(a, k);
const inv = e => powList[modpn1(-exponent(e))];
const pows = () => powList;
const size = () => pn;
const toStr = e => poly.toStr(e, name);
const fromNum = num => p2gf(poly.fromNum(num));
const elems = () => poly.elems(n - 1);
const isPrimitive = () => uniq(powList, eql).length === powList.length;
const fromSF = e => p2gf(poly.monomial(e, 0));
const toSF = e => e[0];
return Field({
K, poly, n, f, eql, zero, one, alpha, isZero,
add, times, neg, exponent, mul, pow, inv,
pows, toStr, size, toNum, fromNum, elems, isPrimitive, fromSF, toSF,
// GF Utilities: judge primitive polynomial, irreducible formula of a GF elem
export const GFUtils = gf => {
const {poly, n, eql, pow, exponent, elems} = gf;
const futils = FieldUtils(poly.K);
const p = gf.K.size(), pn1 = gf.size() - 1;
const cyclicOrder = e => {
const k = exponent(e);
for (let i = 1; i <= n; i++) {
if (k * (p ** i) % pn1 === k) return i;
throw Error("never reached");
const findIrreducible = e => {
const d = cyclicOrder(e);
// gfeq: [1, e, e^2, ..., e^d] for c0 + c1e +...+ c(d-1)e^(d-1) + e^d = 0
const gfeq = range(d + 1).map(k => poly.toArray(pow(e, k), n));
// coefEqs: split gfeq with each coeddicients in e^0,e^1,...,e^d
const coefEqs = transpose(gfeq);
// modDim: [c0, c1, ...c(d-1)] satisfied above equation
console.assert(futils.rank(coefEqs) === d, "findIrreducible");
const cs = futils.solve(coefEqs);
const modDim = poly.fromArray(cs);
return poly.add(modDim, poly.carry(, d));
const exponentGroups = () => {
const used = new Set();
const gs = [];
for (const expo of range(pn1)) {
if (used.has(expo)) continue;
const g = uniq(range(n).map(k => (expo * (p ** k)) % pn1));
g.forEach(expo => used.add(expo));
return gs;
const generatorAutomorphism = () => elems().map(e => pow(e, p));
return {findIrreducible, exponentGroups, generatorAutomorphism};
import {outputGF} from "./gf-calc-table.js";
import {GF2n, PF2Polynomial} from "./gf2n.js";
//import {GFUtils} from "./gf.js";
//import {PolynomialUtils} from "./polynomial.js";
const outputGF2n = (n, f) => {
outputGF(2, n, f, (p, n, f) => GF2n(n, f));
// examples
const n = 2, f = 0b111;
outputGF2n(n, f);
const p = 2, n = 3, f = 0b1011;
outputGF2n(n, f);
const n = 4, f = 0b10011;
outputGF2n(n, f);
const n = 6, f = 0b1000011;
//console.log(GF2n(n, f).isPrimitive());
//console.log(PolynomialUtils(PF2Polynomial()).irreducibles(n).filter(f => GF2n(n, f)).map(e => e.toString(2)));
//outputGF2n(n, f);
import {Field, range, uniq} from "./field-utils.js";
import {PF} from "./pf.js";
const msb32 = n => 31 - Math.clz32(n);
const popcnt32 = n => {
n = (n & 0x55555555) + ((n >>> 1) & 0x55555555);
n = (n & 0x33333333) + ((n >>> 2) & 0x33333333);
n = (n & 0x0f0f0f0f) + ((n >>> 4) & 0x0f0f0f0f);
n = (n & 0x00ff00ff) + ((n >>> 8) & 0x00ff00ff);
return (n & 0x0000ffff) + ((n >>> 16) & 0x0000ffff);
//GF(2) coefficient Polynomial as bits
export const PF2Polynomial = () => {
const K = PF(2);
const eql = (a, b) => a === b;
const zero = () => 0;
const one = () => 1;
const add = (a, b) => a ^ b;
const neg = e => e;
const sub = (a, b) => add(a, b);
const sum = es => es.reduce((r, e) => add(r, e), 0);
const scale = (e, c) => (c & 1) ? e : 0;
const times = (e, k) => (k & 1) ? e : 0;
const carry = (e, k) => e << k;
const mul = (a, b) => {
let r = 0;
for (; b > 0; b >>>= 1, a <<= 1) {
if (b & 1) r ^= a;
return r;
const order = e => Math.max(msb32(e), 0);
const mod = (a, b) => {
const mb = msb32(b);
for (let i = msb32(a); i >= mb; i--) {
if (a & (1 << i)) a ^= b << (i - mb);
return a;
const prod = es => es.reduce((r, e) => mul(r, e), one());
const diff = e => (e & 0xaaaaaaaa) >>> 1;
const coef = (e, k) => e & (1 << k);
const monomial = (c, k) => carry(scale(one(), c), k);
const apply = (e, v) => (v & 1) ? popcnt32(e) & 1 : 0;
const toStr = (e, name = "x") => {
const s1 = [...e.toString(2).split("")].reverse().map((v, i) => {
if (i === 0) return v;
if (v === "0") return "";
const pow = i === 1 ? "" : `^{${i}}`;
return `${name}${pow}`;
}).filter(e => e);
const s2 = s1.length > 1 && s1[0] === "0" ? s1.slice(1) : s1;
return s2.reverse().join("+");
const toArray = (e, len) => {
const r = Array(len).fill(0);
for (let i = 0; i < len; i++) r[i] = (e >>> i) & 1;
return r;
const fromArray = bs => {
let e = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < bs.length; i++) e |= (bs[i] & 1) << i;
return e;
const toNum = e => e;
const fromNum = e => e;
const elems = k => range(2 ** (k + 1));
return {
K, eql, zero, one, add, scale, neg, sub, sum, times, carry, mul, mod, prod,
order, diff, coef, monomial, apply,
toStr, toArray, fromArray, toNum, fromNum, elems,
// GF(2^n) as bits
export const GF2n = (n, f, name="a") => {
const poly = PF2Polynomial();
const {K, eql, zero, one, add, times, neg, toNum, fromNum} = poly;
const pn = 2 ** n, pn1 = pn - 1;
const modpn1 = n => (pn1 + n % pn1) % pn1;
const isZero = e => e === 0;
const mul0 = (a, b) => poly.mod(poly.mul(a, b), f);
const pow0 = (e, k) => k === 0 ? one() : mul0(e, pow0(e, k - 1));
const powList = Object.freeze(range(pn1).map(k => pow0(2, k)));
const expoList = range(pn).map(k => k === 0 ? NaN : powList.indexOf(k));
const exponent = e => expoList[e];
const mul = (a, b) => isZero(a) || isZero(b) ? zero() :
powList[modpn1(exponent(a) + exponent(b))];
const pow = (e, k) => isZero(e) ? zero() : k === 1 ? e :
powList[modpn1(exponent(e) * k)];
const alpha = (k = 1) => pow(2, k);
const inv = e => powList[modpn1(-exponent(e))];
const pows = () => powList;
const size = () => pn;
const elems = () => poly.elems(n - 1);
const isPrimitive = () => uniq(powList, eql).length === powList.length;
const toStr = e => poly.toStr(e, name);
const fromSF = e => e % 2;
const toSF = e => e % 2;
return Field({
K, poly, n, f, eql, zero, one, alpha, add, times, neg,
exponent, mul, pow, inv,
pows, toStr, size, toNum, fromNum, elems, isPrimitive, fromSF, toSF,
import {PF} from "./pf.js";
import {Polynomial, PolynomialUtils} from "./polynomial.js";
import {GF, GFUtils} from "./gf.js";
import {GF2n} from "./gf2n.js";
// GF(16) as GF(4^2)
console.log("[GF(4^2) with GF(PF(2), 2)]");
const sf = GF(PF(2), 2, [1, 1, 1]);
const gf = GF(sf, 2, [[0, 1], [1, 0], [1, 0]], "b");
console.log("GF(4^2) elements:", gf.elems().map(gf.toStr), "\n");
// pow list
console.log("GF(4^2) power of b");
for (let i = 0; i < gf.size() - 1; i++) {
console.log(`- b^{${i}}: ${gf.toStr(gf.alpha(i))}`);
// mul
const A = [[0,1],[0,1]], B = [[1,0],[1,0]];
const C = gf.mul(A, B);
console.log(`mul example: ${gf.toStr(A)} * ${gf.toStr(B)} = ${gf.toStr(C)}\n`);
console.log("2-order Irreducible polynomials on GF(4) coef");
const poly = Polynomial(sf);
const polyutils = PolynomialUtils(poly);
const irreducibles = polyutils.irreducibles(2);
for (const irr of irreducibles) {
console.log(`- ${poly.toStr(irr)} = 0`);
const gfutils = GFUtils(gf);
console.log(`${gf.toStr(A)} is a solution of ${
// GF(16) as GF(4^2) with GF2n
console.log("[GF(4^2) with GF2n(2)]");
const sf = GF2n(2, 0b111);
const gf = GF(sf, 2, [0b10, 0b01, 0b01], "b");
console.log("GF(4^2) elements:", gf.elems().map(gf.toStr), "\n");
// pow list
console.log("GF(4^2) power of b");
for (let i = 0; i < gf.size() - 1; i++) {
console.log(`- b^{${i}}: ${gf.toStr(gf.alpha(i))}`);
// mul
const A = [0b10, 0b10], B = [0b01, 0b01];
const C = gf.mul(A, B);
console.log(`mul example: ${gf.toStr(A)} * ${gf.toStr(B)} = ${gf.toStr(C)}\n`);
console.log("2-order Irreducible polynomials on GF(4) coef");
const poly = Polynomial(sf);
const polyutils = PolynomialUtils(poly);
const irreducibles = polyutils.irreducibles(2);
for (const irr of irreducibles) {
console.log(`- ${poly.toStr(irr)} = 0`);
const gfutils = GFUtils(gf);
console.log(`${gf.toStr(A)} is a solution of ${
"type": "module", "engines": {"node": ">=13.2"},
"scripts": {
"e:gf-table": "node gf-table-example.js",
"e:gf2n-table": "node gf2n-table-example.js",
"e:find-polynomial": "node find-polynomial-example.js",
"e:rscode": "node rscode-example.js",
"examples": "npm run e:gf-table && npm run e:gf2n-table && npm run e:find-polynomial && npm run e:rscode"
import {range, uniq, Field} from "./field-utils.js";
// number utils
const egcd = (a, b) => {
if (a === 0) return [b, 0, 1]; // b = 0*0 + b*1
const r = b % a, q = (b - r) / a; // r = b - a*q
const [g, s, t] = egcd(r, a); // g = r*s + a*t;
return [g, t - q * s, s]; // g = (b-a*q)*s + a*t = a*(t-q*s) + b*t
const primes = max => {
const ps = [];
let ns = range(max).slice(2);
while (ns.length > 0) {
const p = ns[0];
ns = ns.filter(n => n % p);
return ps;
const primeFactors = n => {
const ps = [];
for (const p of primes(n)) {
if (n % p === 0) ps.push(p);
return ps;
// GF(p)
export const PF = (p, pe) => {
const p1 = p - 1;
const modp = n => (p + n % p) % p;
const modp1 = n => (p1 + n % p1) % p1;
const eql = (a, b) => modp(a) === modp(b);
const zero = () => 0;
const one = () => 1;
const add = (a, b) => modp(a + b);
const mul = (a, b) => modp(a * b);
const neg = e => modp(-e);
const inv = e => modp(egcd(e, p)[1]);
const times = (e, k) => modp(e * k);
const pow = (e, k) => {
k = modp1(k);
return k === 0 ? one() : k === 1 ? e : mul(e, pow(e, k - 1));
const toStr = e => `${e}`;
const toNum = e => e;
const fromNum = n => n;
// find primitive element for GF(p)
const isPrimitiveElement = (e, pfs = primeFactors(p1)) => {
for (const pf of pfs) if (pow(e, p1 / pf) === 1) return false;
return true;
const primitiveElement = p => {
const pfs = primeFactors(p1);
for (let e = 2; e < p1; e++) if (isPrimitiveElement(e, pfs)) return e;
throw Error("never reached");
const a = pe ? pe : p === 2 ? 1 : p === 3 ? 2 : primitiveElement(p);
const alpha = (k = 1) => pow(a, k);
const size = () => p;
const isPrimitive = () => isPrimitiveElement(a);
const elems = () => range(p);
return Field({
p, eql, zero, alpha, one, add, mul, neg, inv, times, pow,
toStr, toNum, fromNum, size, elems});
import {range, uniq} from "./field-utils.js";
// Polynomial[F]
export const Polynomial = K => {
const zeros = n => Array(n).fill(;
const eql = (a, b) => {
if (a.length < b.length) [a, b] = [b, a];
return a.every((c, k) => k < b.length ? K.eql(c, b[k]) : K.isZero(c));
const zero = () => [];
const one = () => [];
const add = (a, b) => {
if (a.length < b.length) [a, b] = [b, a];
return, k) => k < b.length ? K.add(c, b[k]) : c);
const neg = e => => K.neg(c));
const sub = (a, b) => add(a, neg(b));
const sum = es => es.reduce((r, e) => add(r, e), zero());
const scale = (e, c) => => K.mul(ci, c));
const carry = (e, k) => [...zeros(k), ...e];
const mul = (a, b) => sum(, k) => carry(scale(a, bk), k)));
const order = e => {
for (let i = e.length - 1; i > 0; i--) if (!K.isZero(e[i])) return i;
return 0;
const mod = (a, b) => {
const an = order(a), bn = order(b);
console.assert(bn > 0, "poly.mod");
if (an < bn) return a.slice(0, bn);
const f = K.div(a[an], b[bn]);
return mod(sub(a, carry(scale(b, f), an - bn)).slice(0, an), b);
const prod = es => es.reduce((r, e) => mul(r, e), one());
const times = (e, k) => => K.times(c, k));
const diff = e =>, k) => K.times(c, k)).slice(1);
const coef = (e, k) => e[k] ||;
const monomial = (c, k) => carry(scale(one(), c), k);
const apply = (e, v) => K.sum(, k) => K.mul(c, K.pow(v, k))));
const toStr = (e, name = "x") => {
const s1 =, k) => {
if (k === 0) {
const coef = K.toStr(c);
return coef.includes("+") ? `(${coef})` : coef;
if (K.isZero(c)) return "";
const coef = K.eql(c, ? "" : K.toStr(c);
const cstr = coef.includes("+") ? `(${coef})` : coef;
const pow = k === 1 ? "" : `^{${k}}`;
return `${cstr}${name}${pow}`;
}).filter(e => e);
const s2 = s1.length > 1 && s1[0] === K.toStr( ? s1.slice(1) : s1;
return s2.reverse().join("+");
const toArray = (e, len) =>
e.length < len ? [...e, ...zeros(len - e.length)] : e.slice(0, len);
const fromArray = cs => cs;
const R = {
K, eql, zero, one, add, scale, carry, neg, sub, sum, mul, mod, prod, times,
order, diff, coef, monomial, apply, toStr, toArray, fromArray,
if (K.size && K.elems) {
const toNum = e => e.reduceRight((r, c) => r * K.size() + K.toNum(c), 0);
const fromNum = n => {
const e = [];
while (n > 0) {
const r = n % K.size();
n = (n - r) / K.size();
return e;
const elems = k => {
if (k < 0) return [[]];
const base = elems(k - 1);
return K.elems().flatMap(c => => [...b, c]));
return {...R, toNum, fromNum, elems};
} else return R;
// Polynomial utilities
export const PolynomialUtils = poly => {
const {K, eql, one, add, sub, scale, carry, mul, coef, elems} = poly;
// listing irreducible polynomials
const kPolynoms = k => elems(k - 1).map(e => add(e, carry(one(), k)));
const reducibles = n => {
const rs = [];
for (let i = 1, nh = n >> 1; i <= nh; i++) {
const l = kPolynoms(i), r = kPolynoms(n - i);
for (const lp of l) for (const rp of r) rs.push(mul(lp, rp));
return uniq(rs, eql);
const irreducibles = n => {
const reds = reducibles(n);
return kPolynoms(n).filter(f => !reds.find(r => eql(f, r)));
const findLinearRecurrence = s => {
// Berlekamp-Massey algorithm
let cx = one(), cl = 1, bx = one(), bl = 1, b =, m = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < s.length; i++) {
const d = K.sum(range(cl).map(k => K.mul(coef(cx, k), s[i - k])));
if (K.isZero(d)) continue;
const tx = cx, tl = cl;
cx = sub(cx, scale(carry(bx, m), K.div(d, b)));
cl = Math.max(cl, bl + m);
if (cl > tl) [bx, bl, b, m] = [tx, tl, d, 0];
return cx;
return {irreducibles, findLinearRecurrence};
import {PF} from "./pf.js";
import {GF} from "./gf.js";
import {GF2n} from "./gf2n.js";
import {RSCode} from "./rscode.js";
console.log("[Reed-Solomon error detective code]: N=26,K=7,b=0 on GF(2^8)");
// GF(2^8) System for QR Code
const n = 8, f = 0b100011101; //a^8+a^4+a^3+a^2+1=0
// example from
const N = 26, K = 19, b = 0;
const {encode, decode} = RSCode(GF2n(n, f), N, K, b);
const msg = [
0b10000000, 0b01000100, 0b10000101, 0b10100111, 0b01001001, 0b10100111,
0b10001011, 0b01101100, 0b00000000, 0b11101100, 0b00010001, 0b11101100,
0b00010001, 0b11101100, 0b00010001, 0b11101100, 0b00010001, 0b11101100,
console.log("msg", msg);
const coded = encode(msg);
console.log("coded", coded);
// error injection
coded[24] ^= 0xff;
//coded[16] ^= 0x02;
coded[11] ^= 0xac;
console.log("error coded", coded);
const fixed = decode(coded);
console.log("fixed", fixed);
console.log("Same as original", fixed.every((c, i) => c === msg[i]));
console.log("[Reed-Solomon error detective code]: N=7,K=k,b=1 on GF(929)");
// Reed Solomon code on Prime field 929
const p = 929;
const N = 7, K = 3, b = 1, debug = false;
const {encode, decode} = RSCode(PF(p), N, K, b, debug);
const msg = [3, 2, 1];
console.log("msg", msg);
const coded = encode(msg);
console.log("codec", coded);
coded[0] = (coded[0] + 10) % p;
coded[5] = (coded[5] + 20) % p;
console.log("error coded", coded);
const fixed = decode(coded);
console.log("fixed", fixed);
console.log("Same as original", fixed.every((c, i) => c === msg[i]));
console.log("[Reed-Solomon error detective code]: N=26,K=7,b=0 on GF(2^8)");
// Slow GF version
// GF(2^8) System for QR Code
const p = 2, n = 8, f = [1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1]; //a^8+a^4+a^3+a^2+1=0
// example from
const N = 26, K = 19, b = 0;
const {encode, decode} = RSCode(GF(PF(p), n, f), N, K, b);
const msg = [
0b10000000, 0b01000100, 0b10000101, 0b10100111, 0b01001001, 0b10100111,
0b10001011, 0b01101100, 0b00000000, 0b11101100, 0b00010001, 0b11101100,
0b00010001, 0b11101100, 0b00010001, 0b11101100, 0b00010001, 0b11101100,
console.log("msg", msg);
const coded = encode(msg);
console.log("coded", coded);
// error injection
coded[24] ^= 0xff;
//coded[16] ^= 0x02;
coded[11] ^= 0xac;
console.log("error coded", coded);
const fixed = decode(coded);
console.log("fixed", fixed);
console.log("Same as original", fixed.every((c, i) => c === msg[i]));
// Reed-Solomon code
import {range, FieldUtils} from "./field-utils.js";
import {Polynomial, PolynomialUtils} from "./polynomial.js";
export const RSCode = (FF, N, K, b, debug = false) => {
const d = N - K, t = d >>> 1;
const poly = Polynomial(FF), futils = FieldUtils(FF);
// explict conversion between FF-element array and FF-polynomial
const a2p = poly.fromArray, rev2p = a => a2p([...a].reverse());
const p2a = poly.toArray, p2rev = (e, len) => [...p2a(e, len)].reverse();
// gen = (x-a^b)*(x-a^(b+1)*...*(x-a^(b+d-1)) as extracted poly
const rsGenerator = () => => poly.add(
poly.monomial(, 1),
poly.monomial(FF.neg(FF.alpha(b + k)), 0))));
const gen = rsGenerator();
if (debug) console.log("gen", gen);
const encode = msg => {
const base = poly.carry(rev2p(, d);
const coded = poly.sub(base, poly.mod(base, gen));
if (debug) console.assert(poly.mod(coded, gen).every(FF.isZero));
return p2rev(coded, N).map(FF.toNum);
const rsSyndromes = cx => range(d).map(
k => poly.apply(cx, FF.alpha(b + k)));
const hasError = synds => !synds.every(si => FF.isZero(si));
const rsLx = (synds) => {
const leqs0 = range(t).map(i => range(t + 1).map(j => synds[i + j]));
const v = futils.rank(leqs0);
const leqs = v === t ? leqs0 :
range(v).map(i => range(v + 1).map(j => synds[i + j]));
const rlx = futils.solve(leqs);
return a2p([, ...rlx.reverse()]);
const rsPositions = lx => range(N).filter(
k => FF.isZero(poly.apply(lx, FF.alpha(-k))));
const rsOx = (sx, lx) =>
poly.mod(poly.mul(sx, lx), poly.carry(, d));
const rsDLx = lx => poly.diff(lx);
const rsErrors = (positions, ox, dlx) => => {
const akinv = FF.alpha(-k);
const oAkinv = poly.apply(ox, akinv);
const dlAkinv = poly.apply(dlx, akinv);
const ak1b = FF.alpha(k * (1 - b));
return FF.neg(FF.mul(ak1b, FF.div(oAkinv, dlAkinv)));
const rsEx = (positions, errors) =>
poly.sum(, i) => poly.monomial(errors[i], k)));
const decode = code => {
const rx = rev2p(;
const synds = rsSyndromes(rx);
if (debug) console.log("sx", synds);
if (!hasError(synds)) return code.slice(0, K);
const lx = rsLx(synds);
//const lx = PolynomialUtils(poly).findLinearRecurrence(synds);
if (debug) console.log("lx", lx);
const positions = rsPositions(lx);
if (debug) console.log("positions", positions);
if (positions.length === 0) {
throw Error(`Cannot recover: error count > ${t}`);
const sx = a2p(synds);
const ox = rsOx(sx, lx);
const dlx = rsDLx(lx);
const errors = rsErrors(positions, ox, dlx);
if (debug) console.log("errors", errors);
const ex = rsEx(positions, errors);
const cx = poly.sub(rx, ex);
return p2rev(cx, N).slice(0, K).map(FF.toNum);
return {encode, decode};
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