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Zürich is a melting pot of cultures and languages. Its mix of residents and tourists leads to unique combinations and every tech group inherits this diversity. Much like Zürich, our development community is also diverse in many aspects, from our origins and culture to our choice of framework and language.

ZürichPHP wishes to create a friendly environment for every developer it encounters. Everyone should feel comfortable and safe in our events and online community. More than that we wish this community to be a meeting point, a place where you can come and make new friends.

This CoC is a formalization of our beliefs. It is here to offer to you, our member, the guarantee that we will do our best to provide you with a safe environment in which to grow your knowledge base and your network. For this we count on you, also, to be aware of our inherent differences and to respect different opinions and cultures, to be respectful and kind to others.

Organizers of ZürichPHP reserve the right to remove any participant