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Created December 7, 2012 16:38
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simulation experiment program for KAZE local feature
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <opencv2/opencv.hpp>
#include <opencv2/nonfree/nonfree.hpp>
#include <opencv2/legacy/legacy.hpp>
#include <boost/random.hpp>
#include <boost/format.hpp>
#include "KAZE.h"
#include "config.h"
#include "utils.h"
cv::Mat translate(const cv::Mat& img, cv::Mat& dst, double angle, double scale, int noise_power, double blur_sigma)
const int width_rot = scale * std::abs(img.rows * std::cos(angle) + img.cols * std::sin(angle));
const int height_rot = scale * std::abs(img.rows * std::sin(angle) + img.cols * std::cos(angle));
cv::Mat m = cv::getRotationMatrix2D(cv::Point2f(img.cols / 2.0, img.rows / 2.0), angle, scale);<double>(0, 2) += img.cols - img.cols / 2.0;<double>(1, 2) += img.rows - img.rows / 2.0;
cv::warpAffine(img, dst, m, cv::Size(img.cols * 2, img.rows * 2));
//white noise
boost::mt19937 rng;
for(int y = 0; y < dst.rows; ++y)
for(int x = 0; x < dst.cols; ++x)
const int c =<unsigned char>(y, x) +
static_cast<int>(rand() % (2 * noise_power) - noise_power);<unsigned char>(y, x) = std::min(255, std::max(0, c));
if(0 < blur_sigma)
cv::GaussianBlur(dst, dst, cv::Size(0, 0), blur_sigma);
return m;
toptions get_default_toptions(int w, int h)
toptions options;
options.soffset = DEFAULT_SCALE_OFFSET;
options.omax = DEFAULT_OCTAVE_MAX;
options.nsublevels = DEFAULT_NSUBLEVELS;
options.dthreshold = DEFAULT_DETECTOR_THRESHOLD;
options.diffusivity = DEFAULT_DIFFUSIVITY_TYPE;
options.descriptor = DEFAULT_DESCRIPTOR_MODE;
options.upright = DEFAULT_UPRIGHT;
options.extended = DEFAULT_EXTENDED;
options.save_scale_space = DEFAULT_SAVE_SCALE_SPACE;
options.show_results = DEFAULT_SHOW_RESULTS;
options.save_keypoints = DEFAULT_SAVE_KEYPOINTS;
options.verbosity = DEFAULT_VERBOSITY;
options.img_width = w;
options.img_height = h;
return options;
const float DRATIO = .6; // NNDR Matching value
float Compute_Descriptor_Distance(Ipoint &p1, Ipoint &p2, float best)
float dist = 0.0;
int dsize = p1.descriptor_size;
for(int i = 0; i < dsize; i++ )
dist += pow(p1.descriptor[i] - p2.descriptor[i],2);
if( dist > best )
return dist;
unsigned int Matching_Descriptor(std::vector<Ipoint> &ipts1, std::vector<Ipoint> &ipts2, std::vector<int> &indexes )
float dist = 0.0, mind = 0.0, last_mind = 0.0;
int mindex = -1;
unsigned int correct_matches = 0;
bool first = false;
for( unsigned int i = 0; i < ipts1.size(); i++ )
mind = 10000.0;
last_mind = 10000.0;
mindex = -1;
first = false;
for( unsigned int j = 0; j < ipts2.size(); j++ )
dist = Compute_Descriptor_Distance(ipts1[i],ipts2[j],1000.0);
if( dist < mind )
if( first == false )
{ mind = dist;
mindex = j;
first = true;
last_mind = mind;
mind = dist;
mindex = j;
else if( dist < last_mind )
last_mind = dist;
if( mind < DRATIO*last_mind )
return correct_matches;
std::vector<cv::KeyPoint> convert_Ipoint_Keypoint(const std::vector<Ipoint>& kps)
std::vector<cv::KeyPoint> result;
for(std::vector<Ipoint>::const_iterator p = kps.begin(); p != kps.end(); ++p)
result.push_back(cv::KeyPoint(p->xf, p->yf, p->scale));
return result;
std::vector<cv::DMatch> convert_KAZEMatch_DMatch(const std::vector<int>& match)
std::vector<cv::DMatch> result;
for(int i = 0; i < match.size(); i += 2)
result.push_back(cv::DMatch(match[i], match[i + 1], 0)); //distanceはdummy
return result;
void evaluation(const std::vector<cv::KeyPoint>& kp1, const std::vector<cv::KeyPoint>& kp2, const std::vector<cv::DMatch>& match, const cv::Mat& trans_mat)
const double permit_err = 3.0;
int good_cnt = 0, bad_cnt = 0;
for(std::vector<cv::DMatch>::const_iterator p = match.begin(); p != match.end(); ++p)
const cv::KeyPoint src = kp1[p->queryIdx];
const cv::KeyPoint dst = kp2[p->trainIdx];
const double x =<double>(0, 0) * +<double>(0, 1) * +<double>(0, 2);
const double y =<double>(1, 0) * +<double>(1, 1) * +<double>(1, 2);
const double dx = x -;
const double dy = y -;
if(dx * dx + dy * dy < permit_err * permit_err)
std::cout << "total: " << match.size();
std::cout << boost::format(", correct: %d (%d%%)") % good_cnt % (100 * good_cnt / match.size());
std::cout << boost::format(", miss: %d (%d%%)") % bad_cnt % (100 * bad_cnt / match.size());
std::cout << std::endl;
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
if(argc == 1)
std::cerr << "usage:" << std::endl;
std::cerr << argv[0] << " imgfile" << std::endl;
return -1;
//load source image as grayscale
cv::Mat img_src = cv::imread(argv[1], 0);
cv::Mat img_src_32, img_dst, img_dst_32, img_match_sift, img_match_kaze;
img_src.convertTo(img_src_32, CV_32F, 1.0/255.0,0);
//initialize SIFT feature detector descriptor
cv::SiftFeatureDetector sift_detector;
cv::SiftDescriptorExtractor sift_extractor;
cv::BruteForceMatcher<cv::L2<float> > matcher;
//SIFT feature extraction from source image
std::vector<cv::KeyPoint> sift_kp_src;
sift_detector.detect(img_src, sift_kp_src);
cv::Mat sift_src;
sift_extractor.compute(img_src, sift_kp_src, sift_src);
//initialize KAZE feature detector descriptor
toptions kazeopt_src = get_default_toptions(img_src.cols, img_src.rows);
KAZE kazeevol_src(kazeopt_src);
//KAZE feature extraction from source image
std::vector<Ipoint> kaze_kp_src;
translate(img_src, img_dst, 0, 1.0, 0, 0);
toptions kazeopt_dst = get_default_toptions(img_dst.cols, img_dst.rows);
KAZE kazeevol_dst(kazeopt_dst);
double rot = 0.0;
double scale = 1.0;
int noise = 0;
double blur = 0;
int key;
while(key = cv::waitKey(10))
bool show = true;
if(key == 65362) scale = std::min(scale + 0.1, 1.5);
else if(key == 65364) scale = std::max(scale - 0.1, 0.5);
else if(key == 65361) rot += 5;
else if(key == 65363) rot -= 5;
else if(key == 'z') noise = std::min(noise + 5, 50);
else if(key == 'x') noise = std::max(noise - 5, 0);
else if(key == 'c') blur = std::min(blur + 0.5, 20.0);
else if(key == 'v') blur = std::max(blur - 0.5, 0.0);
else show = false;
std::cout << "**********" << std::endl;
std::cout << "scale factor : " << scale << std::endl;
std::cout << "rotation : " << rot << " degree" << std::endl;
std::cout << "white noise max power : " << noise << std::endl;
std::cout << "gaussian blur sigma : " << blur << std::endl;
const cv::Mat m = translate(img_src, img_dst, rot, scale, noise, blur);
//feature extraction from destination image
std::vector<cv::KeyPoint> sift_kp_dst;
sift_detector.detect(img_dst, sift_kp_dst);
cv::Mat sift_dst;
sift_extractor.compute(img_dst, sift_kp_dst, sift_dst);
//match SIFT
cv::vector<cv::DMatch> corr;
matcher.match(sift_src, sift_dst, corr);
cv::drawMatches(img_src, sift_kp_src, img_dst, sift_kp_dst, corr, img_match_sift);
cv::putText(img_match_sift, "SIFT", cv::Point(30, 30), cv::FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 1, cv::Scalar(0, 0, 255), 3);
//initialize KAZE feature detector descriptor
img_dst.convertTo(img_dst_32, CV_32F, 1.0/255.0,0);
//KAZE feature extraction from source image
std::vector<Ipoint> kaze_kp_dst;
//match KAZE
std::vector<int> kaze_corr;
Matching_Descriptor(kaze_kp_src, kaze_kp_dst, kaze_corr);
//draw KAZEmatch
const std::vector<cv::DMatch> kaze_corr2 = convert_KAZEMatch_DMatch(kaze_corr);
const std::vector<cv::KeyPoint> kaze_kp1 = convert_Ipoint_Keypoint(kaze_kp_src);
const std::vector<cv::KeyPoint> kaze_kp2 = convert_Ipoint_Keypoint(kaze_kp_dst);
cv::drawMatches(img_src, kaze_kp1, img_dst, kaze_kp2, kaze_corr2, img_match_kaze);
cv::putText(img_match_kaze, "KAZE", cv::Point(30, 30), cv::FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 1, cv::Scalar(0, 0, 255), 3);
cv::Mat result;
cv::Mat src[] = {img_match_sift, img_match_kaze};
cv::vconcat(src, 2, result);
cv::imshow("hoge", result);
std::cout << "SIFT:";
evaluation(sift_kp_src, sift_kp_dst, corr, m);
std::cout << "KAZE:";
evaluation(kaze_kp1, kaze_kp2, kaze_corr2, m);
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