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Last active December 10, 2019 23:51
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Modular application object
* An all-purpose Javascript object for general and specific application functionality.
* The app object is intended to be defined only once and stored in the browser cache.
* @note Documented using a variant of JSDoc standards.
* @see
* @see
* @version 1.1.0
* @description Added getCookieWrapper method to INIT FUNCTIONS.
* @link
* @author David Maness <>
* @since x.x.x
(() => {
document.addEventListener( 'DOMContentLoaded', () => {
const app = {
* Variables referenced throughout the application object.
csrftoken: null, // TODO - set in requestHelper.es6
cookie: null,
onDesktop: null, // TODO - define in utils.es6
* Functions that are triggered by user interaction with the DOM.
* Listeners need to be defined after their respective DOM elements have been rendered.
* Adding a DOM element with an associated listener after initial page load requires the listener to be re-defined.
* See the definition of activateListeners() for more information on this.
* Application functions used within these listeners are defined in the PRIVATE FUNCTIONS section.
* Reserved for internal use by this application.
activateDataEndpoints: ( className, excludedClass=null ) => {
* Turns DOM element(s) into active hyperlinks based on that elements data-endpoint attribute value.
* @usage
* target: <div class="className" data-endpoint=""> ... </div>
* example: activateDataEndpoints( "className" )
* @param {string} className
* the CSS class name that refers to 1 or more elements whose hyperlink needs activation.
* @param {string} [excludedClass]
* the CSS class name that refers to 1 or more elements that this function will ignore.
* @note
* The target DOM elements data-endpoint attribute value must be a valid URL.
* @return {null} This function returns nothing.
Array.from( document.getElementsByClassName( className ) ).forEach(( element ) => {
if ( !( element.classList.contains( excludedClass ) ) ) {
element.addEventListener('click', () => {
location.href = element.getAttribute('data-endpoint')
* Activate parts of the application and make them interactive.
* Executed on page load or wherever necessary.
* No parameters are required for any of these functions.
* Not to be confused with PRIVATE FUNCTIONS; while private, these are used only one time by activate().
activateLinks: () => {
* Activates specified DOM elements as hyperlinks.
* See the definition of activateDataEndpoints() to see how this works.
app.activateDataEndpoints('main-navbar-item', 'navbar-menu-parent')
activateListeners: () => {
* Add listeners to their respective DOM elements.
* Everything is wrapped in an immediately-invoked function expression (IIFE).
* At the end of this block is a listener that fires when the user leaves the page.
* @see IIFE (immediately-invoked function expressions)
* @link
* @see document.querySelector
* @link
* @see target.addEventListener
* @link
(() => {
// All standard event listeners go below.
* Standard event listeners stop here.
* Below is reserved for the listener fired upon page exit.
window.addEventListener('beforeunload', () => {
* This listener executes when the user leaves the page.
* @note
* Returning a non-empty string will prompt the user to confirm leaving the page.
* @see BeforeUnloadEvent
* @link
* @return {null}
return null
createCookieWrapper: () => {
* Creates and returns a tool for accessing and updating the document cookie.
* @note
* It may be more beneficial to create and use a custom ES6 CookieWrapper class instead.
* @see Document.cookie
* @link
* @see CookieHelper
* @link
* @returns {Object} CookieWrapper
* A Javascript object with methods that allow access to the document cookie.
const cookieWrapper = {
getAsObject() {
* Returns the document cookie as a Javascript object.
* @returns {Object.<string, string>}
* Object that contains the values of the document cookie at the time of execution.
let cookieObject = {}
document.cookie.split( '; ' ).forEach( item => {
cookieObject[ item.split( '=' )[0] ] = item.split( '=' )[1]
return cookieObject
hasKey( key ) {
* Determines whether or not the cookie contains a given key.
* @param {string} key
* @returns {bool}
const cookieObject = this.getAsObject()
return Object.keys( cookieObject ).includes( key )
getObjectByKey( key ) {
* Takes a key and returns it with its value according to the document cookie.
* @param {string} key
* Used to parse the document cookie for a value.
* @returns {Object.<string, string>}
return { key: this.getValueByKey( key ) }
getValueByKey( key ) {
* Takes a key and returns only its value according to the document cookie.
* @param {string} key
* Used to parse the document cookie for a value.
* @returns {string}
* The value of the given key according to the document cookie.
return this.getAsObject()[ key ]
* Methods above do NOT alter the document cookie.
* Methods below DO alter the document cookie.
addObject( object ) {
* Updates the document cookie.
* @note
* Immediately alters the document cookie with all given {key:value} pairs.
* @param {Object.<string, string>} object
* Values to be added to the cookie.
* @returns {null}
Object.keys( object ).forEach( key => {
document.cookie = `${ key }=${ object[ key ] };`
deleteByKey( key ) {
* Takes a key and deletes its value in the document cookie.
* @note
* Immediately alters the document cookie.
* @see How to delete a cookie.
* @link
* @param {string} key
* Key of the {key:value} pair to delete from the document cookie.
* @returns {null}
document.cookie = key + '=; expires=Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:01 GMT;'
flush() {
* Deletes the document cookie.
* @note
* Immediately alters the document cookie.
* @see this.deleteByKey()
* @returns {Object.<string, string>}
* Object that contains only the values of the document cookie unable to be deleted.
Object.keys( this.getAsObject() ).forEach(key => {this.deleteByKey( key ) })
return this.getAsObject()
return cookieWrapper
* The first and only function to be executed on page load.
activate: () => {
* Executes the following block in order to "activate" the application on page load.
* All functions executed below are defined in the INIT FUNCTIONS section.
app.cookie = app.createCookieWrapper()
// Application entry point.
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