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Last active August 31, 2019 03:18
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(import :std/misc/text
;; TODO: Add module level definition for the default delimiter
;; to avoid repitition and facilitate maintenance.
(def (remove-bad-matches vars omit)
(let ((goodies []))
(for (var vars)
(unless (string-contains var omit)
(set! goodies (flatten (cons var goodies)))))
(def (match-regexp pat str . opt-args)
"Like pregexp-match but for all matches til end of str"
(let ((n (string-length str))
(ix-prs []))
(let lp ((start 0))
(let* ((pp (pregexp-match-positions pat str start n))
(ix-pr (pregexp-match pat str start n)))
(if ix-pr
(let ((pos (+ 1 (cdar pp))))
(set! ix-prs (flatten (cons ix-pr ix-prs)))
(if (< pos n)
(lp pos)
(reverse ix-prs))))))
(def (interpolate-sequential tmplt . vars)
(if (string? tmplt)
(let* ((hb (pregexp "\\#\\{([a-zA-Z0-9]*)\\}"))
(ivars (remove-bad-matches (match-regexp hb tmplt) "#"))
(newstr (pregexp-replace* hb tmplt "~a")))
(apply format newstr vars))))
;; > (interpolate-sequential "{{x}} {{y}} {{z}}" "EXE" "WHY" "ZEE")
;; TODO: Sanitization
;; TODO: Refactor repeated with-syntax*
;; TODO: Allow for safe ("sandboxed") and unsafe sexp interpolation
(defsyntax (interpolate-lexical stx)
(syntax-case stx ()
((macro tmplt delim)
(stx-andmap stx-string? [#'tmplt #'delim])
(with-syntax* ((str (syntax-e #'tmplt))
(re (pregexp (syntax-e #'delim)))
(tvars (remove-bad-matches (match-regexp #'re #'str) "#"))
(newstr (pregexp-replace* #'re #'str "~a"))
(vals (datum->syntax #'macro (map string->symbol #'tvars))))
(syntax-case #'vals ()
((val . rest)
(stx-andmap identifier? #'[val . rest])
#'(apply format newstr [val . rest])))))
((macro tmplt delim ctx)
(stx-andmap stx-string? [#'tmplt #'delim])
(with-syntax* ((str (syntax-e #'tmplt))
(re (pregexp (syntax-e #'delim)))
(tvars (remove-bad-matches (match-regexp #'re #'str) "#"))
(newstr (pregexp-replace* #'re #'str "~a"))
(vals (datum->syntax #'ctx (map string->symbol #'tvars))))
(syntax-case #'vals ()
((val . rest)
(stx-andmap identifier? #'[val . rest])
#'(apply format newstr [val . rest])))))))
;; > (displayln (let ((y 10) (x 0)) (interpolate-lexical "x is #{x}\ny is #{y}" "\\#\\{([a-zA-Z0-9]*)\\}")))
;; x is 0
;; y is 10
;; Input is not sanitized. You can easily break this by
;; passing a template with format parameters already present.
;; E.g.:
;; > (let ((a 0)) (quasistring "a: #{a} ~a"))
;; *** ERROR IN std/format#format -- Missing format argument "a: ~a ~a" (0)
(defsyntax (quasistring stx)
(syntax-case stx ()
((macro tmplt)
(stx-string? #'tmplt)
#'(interpolate-lexical tmplt "\\#\\{([a-zA-Z0-9]*)\\}" macro))
((macro tmplt delim)
(stx-andmap stx-string? [#'tmplt #'delim])
#'(interpolate-lexical tmplt delim macro))))
;; > (displayln (let ((x "World")) (quasistring "Hello,\n #{x}!")))
;; Hello,
;; World!
;; > (displayln (let ((a 0) (b 1) (c 2)) (quasistring "a: #{a}\nb: #{b}\nc: #{c}")))
;; a: 0
;; b: 1
;; c: 2
(defsyntax (lambda-interpolate-hash-table stx)
(syntax-case stx ()
((macro tmplt)
(stx-string? #'tmplt)
(with-syntax* ((str (stx-e #'tmplt))
(hb (pregexp "\\#\\{([a-zA-Z0-9]*)\\}"))
(tvars (remove-bad-matches (match-regexp #'hb #'str) "#"))
(newstr (pregexp-replace* #'hb #'str "~a"))
(keys (map string->symbol #'tvars)))
#'(lambda (ht)
(let ((vals (map (cut hash-ref ht <>) (quote keys))))
(apply format newstr vals)))))))
;; > (def ht (hash (a "World!")))
;; > (displayln ((lambda-interpolate-hash-table "Hello #{a}") ht))
;; Hello World!
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