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Last active November 24, 2020 16:30
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Custom Prompt Function for powershell
# FUNCTION: Prompt #
# Redefine Prompt setting new color for new sessions #
# and setting username, servername, PID and WS as title #
# TODO: Customisable prompt FIXED/ #
# TODO: Add Domain Information #D DONE/ #
function Prompt {
Customize your prompt s
Supported Format
Shell, ie PS
Current Path
Leaf of the current path
Powershell classique end '>'
Custom entry :
Display content set after :
$Var => Standfor content of variable $Var
&Var => Standfor content of scriptblock in $Var
String string to display
example #C:[
$ if user ou # if admin
Process ID
Powershell Version
WorkingSet Size
Git Status
each TAG can be colorised by appending ~ColorNAme
if (-not($Prompt)) {
$LocalPrompt = "#S #P#E"
} else {
$LocalPrompt = $Prompt
$items = $LocalPrompt.split('#')
$items | & {
process {
if (-not($_)) {
} elseif ($_ -match '([SPLECAUMIWDVG]):?([^~ ]*)~?([^ ]*)') {
$splat = @{}
if ($matches[3]) {
$splat['ForegroundColor'] = $matches[3]
if ($matches[1] -eq 'S') {
$splat['Object'] = $_.Replace($matches[0], "PS")
} elseif ($matches[1] -eq 'E') {
$splat['Object'] = $_.Replace($matches[0], ">")
} elseif ($matches[1] -eq 'P') {
$splat['Object'] = $_.Replace($matches[0], (Get-Location).Path)
} elseif ($matches[1] -eq 'C') {
if ($matches[2].StartsWith('$')) {
$var = Get-Variable -Name $matches[2].substring(1)
$splat['Object'] = $_.Replace($matches[0], $var )
} elseif ($matches[2].StartsWith('&') ) {
$var = & $(Get-Variable -Name $matches[2].substring(1)).Value
$splat['Object'] = $_.Replace($matches[0], $var )
} else {
$splat['Object'] = $_.Replace($matches[0], $matches[2])
} elseif ($matches[1] -eq 'A') {
$elevated = ([Security.Principal.WindowsPrincipal][Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent()).IsInRole([Security.Principal.WindowsBuiltInRole]::Administrator)
if ($elevated) {
$splat['Object'] = $_.Replace($matches[0], '#')
} else {
$splat['Object'] = $_.Replace($matches[0], '$')
} elseif ($matches[1] -eq 'U') {
$splat['Object'] = $_.Replace($matches[0], $env:username.trim())
} elseif ($matches[1] -eq 'M') {
$splat['Object'] = $_.Replace($matches[0], $env:COMPUTERNAME.trim())
} elseif ($matches[1] -eq 'I') {
$splat['Object'] = $_.Replace($matches[0], $PID)
} elseif ($matches[1] -eq 'L') {
$splat['Object'] = $_.Replace($matches[0], $(Split-Path -Path (Get-Location).Path -Leaf ))
} elseif ($matches[1] -eq 'W') {
$splat['Object'] = $_.Replace($matches[0], $((Get-Process -pid $PID).WS / 1Mb))
} elseif ($matches[1] -eq 'D') {
$splat['Object'] = $_.Replace($matches[0], $env:USERDOMAIN.Trim() )
} elseif ($matches[1] -eq 'V') {
$splat['Object'] = $_.Replace($matches[0], $psversiontable.PSVersion.Major )
} elseif ($matches[1] -eq 'G') {
$GitStatus = Get-GitStatus
$Branch = ""
if ($GitStatus) {
$Branch = " $($GitStatus.branch)"
if ($GitStatus.HasUntracked) {
$Branch += "*"
if ($GitStatus.AheadBy -gt 0 ) {
$Branch += ">$($GitStatus.AheadBy)"
} elseif ($GitStatus.BehindBy -gt 0) {
$Branch += "<$($GitStatus.BehindBy)"
$splat['Object'] = $_.Replace($matches[0], "$($Branch)" )
Write-Host -NoNewline @splat
if ($Title) {
$items = $Title.split('#')
$items = $items | & {
process {
if (-not($_)) {
} elseif ($_ -match '([SPLECAUMIWDV]):?([^~ ]*)~?([^ ]*)') {
if ($matches[1] -eq 'S') {
$_.Replace($matches[0], "PowerShell")
} elseif ($matches[1] -eq 'E') {
$_.Replace($matches[0], ">")
} elseif ($matches[1] -eq 'P') {
$_.Replace($matches[0], (Get-Location).Path)
} elseif ($matches[1] -eq 'C') {
if ($matches[2].StartsWith('$')) {
$var = Get-Variable -Name $matches[2].substring(1)
$_.Replace($matches[0], $var )
} elseif ($matches[2].StartsWith('&') ) {
$var = & $(Get-Variable -Name $matches[2].substring(1)).Value
$_.Replace($matches[0], $var )
} else {
$_.Replace($matches[0], $matches[2])
} elseif ($matches[1] -eq 'A') {
$elevated = ([Security.Principal.WindowsPrincipal][Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent()).IsInRole([Security.Principal.WindowsBuiltInRole]::Administrator)
if ($elevated) {
$_.Replace($matches[0], '#')
} else {
$_.Replace($matches[0], '$')
} elseif ($matches[1] -eq 'U') {
$_.Replace($matches[0], $env:username.trim())
} elseif ($matches[1] -eq 'M') {
$_.Replace($matches[0], $env:COMPUTERNAME.trim())
} elseif ($matches[1] -eq 'I') {
$_.Replace($matches[0], $PID)
} elseif ($matches[1] -eq 'L') {
$_.Replace($matches[0], $(Split-Path -Path (Get-Location).Path -Leaf ))
} elseif ($matches[1] -eq 'W') {
$_.Replace($matches[0], $((Get-Process -pid $PID).WS / 1Mb))
} elseif ($matches[1] -eq 'D') {
$_.replace($matches[1], $env:userdomain.trim())
} elseif ($matches[1] -eq 'V') {
$_.Replace($matches[0], $psversiontable.PSVersion.Major )
} elseif ($matches[1] -eq 'G') {
$GitStatus = Get-GitStatus
$Branch = ""
if ($GitStatus) {
$Branch = " $($GitStatus.branch)"
if ($GitStatus.HasUntracked) {
$Branch += "*"
if ($GitStatus.AheadBy -gt 0 ) {
$Branch += ">$($GitStatus.AheadBy)"
} elseif ($GitStatus.BehindBy -gt 0) {
$Branch += "<$($GitStatus.BehindBy)"
$host.ui.RawUI.WindowTitle = $items -join ''
Return " "
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