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Last active April 18, 2023 04:51
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KeyHandler and function for some VI text manipulation ci, ca, di and da in #Powershell #PSReadLine
Set-PSReadLineKeyHandler -Chord "c,i" -ViMode Command -ScriptBlock { VIChangeInnerBlock }
Set-PSReadLineKeyHandler -Chord "c,a" -ViMode Command -ScriptBlock { VIChangeOuterBlock }
Set-PSReadLineKeyHandler -Chord "d,i" -ViMode Command -ScriptBlock { VIDeleteInnerBlock }
Set-PSReadLineKeyHandler -Chord "d,a" -ViMode Command -ScriptBlock { VIDeleteOuterBlock }
Set-PSReadLineKeyHandler -Chord "c,s" -ViMode Command -ScriptBlock { VIChangeSurround }
Set-PSReadLineKeyHandler -Chord "d,s" -ViMode Command -ScriptBlock { VIDeleteSurround }
Set-PSReadLineKeyHandler -Chord "Ctrl+a" -ViMode Command `
-ScriptBlock { VIIncrement $args[0] $args[1] }
Set-PSReadLineKeyHandler -Chord "Ctrl+x" -ViMode Command `
-ScriptBlock { VIDecrement $args[0] $args[1] }
Set-PSReadLineKeyHandler -Chord "+,y" -ViMode Command `
-ScriptBlock { VIGlobalYank }
Set-PSReadLineKeyHandler -Chord "+,p" -ViMode Command `
-ScriptBlock { VIGlobalPaste }
Set-PSReadLineKeyHandler -Chord "+,P" -ViMode Command `
-ScriptBlock { VIGlobalPaste $true }
# Section Function #
function VIDecrement( $key , $arg ){
[int]$numericArg = 0
[ref]$numericArg, 1)
$Line = $Null
$Cursor = $Null
$OpeningQuote=' '
$ClosingQuote=' '
$EndChar=$Line.indexOf($ClosingQuote, $Cursor)
$StartChar=$Line.LastIndexOf($OpeningQuote, $Cursor) + 1
[int]$nextVal = $Line.Substring($StartChar, $EndChar - $StartChar)
$nextVal -= $numericArg
$EndChar - $StartChar, $nextVal.toString() )
[Microsoft.PowerShell.PSConsoleReadLine]::SetCursorPosition($EndChar - 1)
function VIIncrement( $key , $arg ){
[int]$numericArg = 1
[ref]$numericArg, 1)
$Line = $Null
$Cursor = $Null
$OpeningQuote=' '
$ClosingQuote=' '
$EndChar=$Line.indexOf($ClosingQuote, $Cursor)
$StartChar=$Line.LastIndexOf($OpeningQuote, $Cursor) + 1
[int]$nextVal = $Line.Substring($StartChar, $EndChar - $StartChar)
$nextVal += $numericArg
$EndChar - $StartChar, $nextVal.toString() )
[Microsoft.PowerShell.PSConsoleReadLine]::SetCursorPosition($EndChar - 1)
function VIChangeInnerBlock(){
function VIDeleteInnerBlock(){
$Caps = "$[({})]-._ '```"" + ([char]'A'..[char]'Z' |% { [char]$_ }) -join ''
$quotes = New-Object system.collections.hashtable
$quotes["'"] = @("'","'")
$quotes['"'] = @('"','"')
$quotes["("] = @('(',')')
$quotes["{"] = @('{','}')
$quotes["["] = @('[',']')
$quotes["w"] = @("$[({})]-._ '```"", "$[({})]-._ '```"")
$quotes["W"] = @(' ', ' ')
$quotes['C'] = @($Caps, $Caps)
$quote = ([Console]::ReadKey($true)).KeyChar
if( $quotes.ContainsKey($quote.toString())){
$Line = $Null
$Cursor = $Null
$OpeningQuotes = $quotes[$quote.ToString()][0]
$ClosingQuotes = $quotes[$quote.ToString()][1]
if($ClosingQuotes.length -gt 1){
$EndChar=$Line.indexOfAny($ClosingQuotes, $Cursor)
$EndChar=$Line.indexOf($ClosingQuotes, $Cursor)
if($OpeningQuotes.length -gt 1){
$StartChar=$Line.LastIndexOfAny($OpeningQuotes, $Cursor) + 1
$StartChar=$Line.LastIndexOf($OpeningQuotes, $Cursor) + 1
if($OpeningQuotes.Length -eq 1 -and ( $StartChar -eq 0 -or $EndChar -eq -1)){
if($OpeningQuotes.Length -gt 1 -and $EndChar -eq -1){
$EndChar = $Line.Length
if( $quote.toString() -eq 'C'){
$StartChar -= 1
$EndChar - $StartChar, '')
function VIChangeOuterBlock(){
function VIDeleteOuterBlock(){
$quotes = New-Object system.collections.hashtable
$quotes["'"] = @("'","'")
$quotes['"'] = @('"','"')
$quotes["("] = @('(',')')
$quotes["{"] = @('{','}')
$quotes["["] = @('[',']')
$quotes["w"] = @("$[({})]-._ '```"", "$[({})]-._ '```"")
$quotes["W"] = @(' ', ' ')
$quote = ([Console]::ReadKey($true)).KeyChar
if( $quotes.ContainsKey($quote.toString())){
$Line = $Null
$Cursor = $Null
$OpeningQuotes = $quotes[$quote.ToString()][0]
$ClosingQuotes = $quotes[$quote.ToString()][1]
if($ClosingQuotes.length -gt 1){
$EndChar=$Line.indexOfAny($ClosingQuotes, $Cursor) + 1
$EndChar=$Line.indexOf($ClosingQuotes, $Cursor) +1
if($OpeningQuotes.length -gt 1){
$StartChar=$Line.LastIndexOfAny($OpeningQuotes, $Cursor)
$StartChar=$Line.LastIndexOf($OpeningQuotes, $Cursor)
if(($OpeningQuotes.Length -gt 1 -or $quote -eq 'W') -and $EndChar -eq 0){
$EndChar = $Line.Length
if(($OpeningQuotes.Length -gt 1 -or $quote -eq 'W') -and $StartChar -lt 0){
$StartChar = 0
[Microsoft.PowerShell.PSConsoleReadLine]::Replace($StartChar, `
$EndChar - $StartChar, '')
function ViChangeSurround(){
# inspired by tpope vim-surround
$quotes = @{
"'" = @("'","'");
'"'= @('"','"');
"(" = @('(',')');
"{" = @('{','}');
"[" = @('[',']');
$Line = $Null
$Cursor = $Null
$Search = ([Console]::ReadKey($true)).KeyChar
$Replace = ([Console]::ReadKey($true)).KeyChar
$SearchOpeningQuotes = $quotes[$Search.ToString()][0]
$SearchClosingQuotes = $quotes[$Search.ToString()][1]
$ReplaceOpeningQuotes = $quotes[$Replace.ToString()][0]
$ReplaceClosingQuotes = $quotes[$Replace.ToString()][1]
$EndChar=$Line.indexOf($SearchClosingQuotes, $Cursor)
$StartChar=$Line.LastIndexOf($SearchOpeningQuotes, $Cursor)
[Microsoft.PowerShell.PSConsoleReadLine]::Replace($StartChar, `
1,$ReplaceOpeningQuotes )
[Microsoft.PowerShell.PSConsoleReadLine]::Replace($EndChar, `
1,$ReplaceClosingQuotes )
function ViDeleteSurround(){
# inspired by tpope vim-surround
$quotes = @{
"'" = @("'","'");
'"'= @('"','"');
"(" = @('(',')');
"{" = @('{','}');
"[" = @('[',']');
$Line = $Null
$Cursor = $Null
$Search = ([Console]::ReadKey($true)).KeyChar
$SearchOpeningQuotes = $quotes[$Search.ToString()][0]
$SearchClosingQuotes = $quotes[$Search.ToString()][1]
$EndChar=$Line.indexOf($SearchClosingQuotes, $Cursor)
$StartChar=$Line.LastIndexOf($SearchOpeningQuotes, $Cursor)
[Microsoft.PowerShell.PSConsoleReadLine]::Replace($StartChar, `
[Microsoft.PowerShell.PSConsoleReadLine]::Replace($EndChar - 1, `
1,'' )
function VIGlobalYank (){
$line = $null
$cursor = $null
[Microsoft.Powershell.PSConsoleReadline]::GetBufferState([ref] $line, [ref] $cursor)
Set-Clipboard $line
function VIGlobalPaste (){
$Line = $null
$Cursor = $null
[Microsoft.Powershell.PSConsoleReadline]::GetBufferState([ref] $Line, [ref] $Cursor)
if($Before ){
[Microsoft.Powershell.PSConsoleReadline]::SetCursorPosition($Cursor -1)
(Get-Clipboard).Split("`n") |% {
[Microsoft.Powershell.PSConsoleReadline]::Insert( `
$_.Replace("`t",' ') + "`n" )
# DONE: Change Quotes declaration to be case sensitive (W) #
# DONE: Add Handler for Next Camel Word (Maybe cd and cD) #
# Should be ciC and diC #
# DONE: Use compatible Ps5 char range operator #
# DONE: Add function to access global clipboard #
# TODO: Delete must add erase test in register #
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