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Created April 8, 2015 21:36
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#lang racket/gui
;list with nought's moves ((1 1)(2 2)(3 3)(4 4))
(define noughts '())
(define (addNewNought x y)
(set! noughts (append noughts (list (append (cons x '())
(cons y '()))))))
;list with cross's moves
(define crosses '())
(define (addNewCross x y)
(set! crosses (append crosses (list (append (cons x '())
(cons y '()))))))
;draw crosses and noughts after refresh (need for refresh after change window size)
(define (re-drawNoughts L)
(if (null? L) null
(drawNought (caar L) (cadar L))
(re-drawNoughts (cdr L)))))
(define (re-drawCrosses L)
(if (null? L) null
(drawCross (caar L) (cadar L))
(re-drawCrosses (cdr L)))))
;check avability to move
;ex. L = '((80 80)(12 12)(2 2)(1 1)) subL = (1 1)
(define (sublist? L subL)
(if (null? L) #f
(if (equal? (car L) subL)
(sublist? (cdr L) subL))))
;(sublist? '((12 12) (12 80) (80 80)) '(12 80))
;init button
(define my-button%
(class button%
(init-field [callback (lambda (btn event) (void))])
(super-new [callback (lambda (btn event) (callback btn event))])))
;prepare the main window
(define game-canvas%
(class canvas%
(inherit get-width get-height refresh)
(define/private (my-paint-callback self dc)
(let ([w (get-width)]
[h (get-height)])
(re-drawNoughts noughts)
(re-drawCrosses crosses)
;draw grid
(define (fill-field i j)
(if (> i (send this get-height))
(if (> j (send this get-width))
(send dc draw-line j 0 j (send this get-height))
(fill-field i (+ j 24))))
(send dc draw-line 0 i (send this get-width) i)
(fill-field (+ i 24) j))))
(fill-field 0 0)))
;define click left mouse button handler
(define/override (on-event e)
(when (equal? (send e get-event-type) 'left-down) (on-mouse-proc e)))
(super-new (paint-callback (lambda (c dc) (my-paint-callback c dc))))))
;define game-frame
(define game-frame (new frame% (label "Noughts and crosses") (width 240) (height 295)))
;define game-canvas
(define game-canvas (new game-canvas% (parent game-frame)))
;define button frame, coordinates and label
(define btn (new my-button%
[parent game-frame]
[label "New game"]
[vert-margin 0]
[horiz-margin 0]))
;define button action
(define (btn-event btn event)
(set! noughts '())
(set! crosses '())
(set! playMode #t)
(send game-canvas refresh))
;я не знаю что это
(set-field! callback btn btn-event)
;show window with canvas
(send game-frame show #t)
;access to game-canvas drawing context
(define dc (send game-canvas get-dc))
;draw noughts
(define (drawNought x y)
;x y - centr coordinate
(send dc draw-ellipse (- x 10) (- y 10) 21 21))
;draw crosses
(define (drawCross x y)
;x y - centr coordinate
(send dc draw-line (- x 10) (- y 10) (+ x 10) (+ y 10))
(send dc draw-line (+ x 10) (- y 10) (- x 10) (+ y 10)))
;determinate coordinates for nought or cross
(define (getNewC i x);init i=24
(if (<= x i) (- i 12)
(getNewC (+ i 24) x)))
;some flag for defines the current player #t - Noughts #f - Crosses
(define current #t)
;some flag determine game state #f - view mode (can not move)
(define playMode #t)
;next move actions
(define (on-mouse-proc e)
(nextDraw (send e get-x) (send e get-y)))
(define (nextDraw x y)
(checkAndDraw (getNewC 24 x) (getNewC 24 y) current))
(define (checkAndDraw x y nought)
(if (and (availabilityToMove x y) playMode)
(if nought
(makeNoughtMove x y)
(makeCrossMove x y))
(display "Нельзя ставить\n")))
(define (availabilityToMove x y)
(and (not (sublist? noughts (getPair x y))) (not (sublist? crosses (getPair x y)))))
(define (getPair x y)
(append (cons x '())
(cons y '())))
(define (makeNoughtMove x y)
(set! current #f)
(drawNought x y)
(addNewNought x y)
(winCheck x y noughts))
(define (makeCrossMove x y)
(set! current #t)
(drawCross x y)
(addNewCross x y)
(winCheck x y crosses))
;winning check
(define (winCheck x y L)
(define vertWin (+ (checkWinHelp x y 1 L 0 -24)
(checkWinHelp x y 0 L 0 24)))
(define gorWin (+ (checkWinHelp x y 1 L -24 0)
(checkWinHelp x y 0 L 24 0)))
(define mainDiag (+ (checkWinHelp x y 1 L 24 24)
(checkWinHelp x y 0 L -24 -24)))
(define dopDiag (+ (checkWinHelp x y 1 L 24 -24)
(checkWinHelp x y 0 L -24 24)))
(if (or (> vertWin 4) (> gorWin 4) (> mainDiag 4) (> dopDiag 4))
(set! playMode #f)
(if current
(message-box "Congratulations!" "Crosses Win" game-frame)
(message-box "Congratulations!" "Noughts Win" game-frame)))
(define (checkWinHelp x y points L xf yf)
(if (> points 4)
(if (sublist? L (getPair (+ x xf) (+ y yf)))
(checkWinHelp (+ x xf) (+ y yf) (+ points 1) L xf yf)
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