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below/sort.swift Secret

Last active May 15, 2023 08:27
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Is there a more efficient way to do this?
let scores = [("A", [5,3,5,3,5]),
("B", [6,6,6,6,6]),
("C", [3,2,4,4,3]),
("D", [2,5,3,5,4]),
("E", [7,7,7,7,7]), // The highest value is equal to scores.count
("F", [1,1,2,1,1]), // Each number can only occur scores.1.count times
("G", [4,4,1,2,2])
// The goal is a "majority sort": The position is determined by the number that occurs the most.
// Expected result is ["F", "G", "C", "D", "A", "B", "E"]
func simpleSort(scores: [(String, [Int])]) -> [String] {
let participants = scores.count
func evaluate(score: (String, [Int]), participants: Int) -> [Int] {
var evaluation = [Int](repeating: 0, count: participants)
for value in score.1 {
for i in value - 1 ..< participants {
evaluation[i] += 1
return evaluation
var evaluatedScores = [(String, [Int], [Int])]()
for score in scores {
let evaluation = evaluate(score: score, participants: 7)
evaluatedScores.append((score.0, score.1, evaluation))
evaluatedScores.sort { a, b in
var index = 0
while a.2[index] == b.2[index], index < a.2.count {
index += 1
return a.2[index] > b.2[index]
return { a in
return a.0
func directSort(scores: [(String, [Int])]) -> [String] {
func indexForScore (score: (String, [Int]), participants: Int) -> Int {
let sortedScores = score.1.sorted(by: { a, b in
a < b
var evaluation = [Int](repeating: 0, count: 7)
for value in sortedScores {
for i in value - 1 ..< 7 {
evaluation[i] += 1
if evaluation[i] >= 3 {
return i
print ("BOOM")
return participants
var result = [String](repeating: "", count: scores.count)
for score in scores {
let index = indexForScore(score: score, participants: scores.count)
result[index] = score.0
return result
simpleSort(scores: scores)
directSort(scores: scores)
// Result: ["F", "G", "C", "D", "A", "B", "E"]
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