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Forked from ChinarevaEV/3_2
Created June 10, 2019 22:06
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data ReverseList a = RNil | RCons (ReverseList a) a
showAsList :: (Show a) => ReverseList a -> String
showAsList RNil = ""
showAsList (RCons RNil h) = show h
showAsList (RCons tl hl) = (showAsList tl) ++ ", " ++ (show hl)
toList :: ReverseList a -> [a]
toList RNil = []
toList (RCons tl hl) = hl:(toList tl)
fromList :: [a] -> ReverseList a
fromList [] = RNil
fromList (h:t) = RCons (fromList t) h
instance (Eq a) => Eq (ReverseList a) where
(==) RNil RNil = True
(==) RNil _ = False
(==) _ RNil = False
(==) (RCons tl hl) (RCons tr hr) = hl == hr && tl == tr
instance (Ord a) => Ord (ReverseList a) where
(<=) RNil RNil = True
(<=) RNil _ = True
(<=) _ RNil = False
(<=) (RCons tl hl) (RCons tr hr) = if (hl <= hr) then True
else tl <= tr
instance (Show a) => Show (ReverseList a) where
show RNil = "[]"
show list = "[" ++ (showAsList list) ++ "]"
instance Monoid (ReverseList a) where
mempty = RNil
mappend RNil list = list
mappend list RNil = list
mappend list (RCons tl hl) = RCons (mappend list tl) hl
instance Functor ReverseList where
fmap f RNil = RNil
fmap f (RCons tl hl) = RCons (fmap f tl) (f hl)
test :: String -> String
test str = show $ fmap (\h -> h + 1) (RCons (RCons (RNil) 2) 3)
main = interact test
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