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Mode 7 shader for Godot
shader_type canvas_item;
uniform mat4 TRANSFORM;
uniform vec2 DEPTH;
uniform bool REPEAT_X;
uniform bool REPEAT_Y;
uniform bool FLIP;
void fragment() {
// Create the matrix. A workaround is used to modify the matrix's W column
// because Godot's transforms are 3x4, not 4x4.
mat4 mat = mat4(1.0);
mat[0].w = DEPTH.x;
mat[1].w = DEPTH.y;
// Transform UV into [-1, 1] range
vec2 uv = UV * 2.0 - vec2(1, 1);
// Turn position into 4d vector
vec4 pos = vec4(uv, 1.0, 1.0);
pos = mat * pos;
pos.xy = pos.xy / pos.w;
// Apply transformation to position
float w = pos.w;
pos.z = 0.0;
pos.w = 1.0;
// Apply depth to position
pos = TRANSFORM * pos;
// divide position by w coordinate; this applies perspective
// Set UV to position; transform its range to [0, 1]
uv = (pos.xy + vec2(1, 1)) * 0.5;
// Determine if uv is in range or repeating pattern
if (((uv.x > 0.0 && uv.x < 1.0) || REPEAT_X) && ((uv.y > 0.0 && uv.y < 1.0) || REPEAT_Y) && (w > 0.0 || FLIP)) {
// Apply texture
uv = mod(uv, 1.0);
COLOR = texture(TEXTURE, uv);
} else {
COLOR = vec4(0, 0, 0, 0);
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