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Forked from runevision/NormalSolver.cs
Created May 21, 2018 18:28
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* The following code is derived from the original code from:
* The derived version was developed by Rune Skovbo Johansen -
* Modifications in the derived version:
* - Averaged normals are calculated as a weighted average based on face area,
* known as "face weighted normals" or "area weighted normals".
* - An ignoreFactor parameter has been added which can cull normals from the average
* if their weight is smaller than a certain fraction of the largest weight.
* This can be used to make large faces completely flat, distributing the curvature
* completely to adjacent smaller faces.
* The following code was taken from:
* Visit our game studio website:
* License: You may use this code however you see fit, as long as you give credit when
* explicitly asked and as long as you include this notice without any modifications.
* You may not publish a paid asset on Unity store if its main function is based on
* the following code, but you may publish a paid asset that uses this as part of a
* larger suite. You may still publish a free asset whose main function is using this
* script if you give us credit in the asset description.
* If you intend to use this in a Unity store asset, it would be appreciated, but
* not required, if you let us know with a link to the asset.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
public static class NormalSolver {
/// <summary>
/// Recalculate the normals of a mesh based on an angle threshold. This takes
/// into account distinct vertices that have the same position.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="mesh"></param>
/// <param name="angle">
/// The smoothing angle. Note that triangles that already share
/// the same vertex will be smooth regardless of the angle!
/// </param>
/// <param name="ignoreFactor">
/// A fraction between 0 and 1.
/// Weights smaller than this fraction relative to the largest weight are ignored.
/// </param>
public static void RecalculateNormals (this Mesh mesh, float angle, float ignoreFactor) {
var triangles = mesh.GetTriangles (0);
var vertices = mesh.vertices;
var triNormals = new Vector3[triangles.Length / 3]; //Normal of each triangle
var triNormalsWeighted = new Vector3[triangles.Length / 3]; //Weighted normal of each triangle
var normals = new Vector3[vertices.Length];
angle = angle * Mathf.Deg2Rad;
var dictionary = new Dictionary<VertexKey, VertexEntry> (vertices.Length);
//Goes through all the triangles and gathers up data to be used later
for (var i = 0; i < triangles.Length; i += 3) {
int i1 = triangles[i];
int i2 = triangles[i + 1];
int i3 = triangles[i + 2];
//Calculate the normal of the triangle
Vector3 p1 = vertices[i2] - vertices[i1];
Vector3 p2 = vertices[i3] - vertices[i1];
// By not normalizing the cross product,
// the face area is pre-multiplied onto the normal for free.
Vector3 normal = Vector3.Cross (p1, p2);
int triIndex = i / 3;
triNormalsWeighted[triIndex] = normal;
triNormals[triIndex] = normal.normalized;
VertexEntry entry;
VertexKey key;
//For each of the three points of the triangle
// > Add this triangle as part of the triangles they're connected to.
if (!dictionary.TryGetValue (key = new VertexKey (vertices[i1]), out entry)) {
entry = new VertexEntry ();
dictionary.Add (key, entry);
entry.Add (i1, triIndex);
if (!dictionary.TryGetValue (key = new VertexKey (vertices[i2]), out entry)) {
entry = new VertexEntry ();
dictionary.Add (key, entry);
entry.Add (i2, triIndex);
if (!dictionary.TryGetValue (key = new VertexKey (vertices[i3]), out entry)) {
entry = new VertexEntry ();
dictionary.Add (key, entry);
entry.Add (i3, triIndex);
//Foreach point in space (not necessarily the same vertex index!)
// Foreach triangle T1 that point belongs to
// {
// Foreach other triangle T2 (including self) that point belongs to and that
// meets any of the following:
// 1) The corresponding vertex is actually the same vertex
// 2) The angle between the two triangles is less than the smoothing angle
// {
// > Add to the set of contributing normals
// }
// > Add the normals in the set together, excluding those smaller than the threshold.
// > Normalize the resulting vector to find the average
// > Assign the normal to corresponding vertex of T1
// }
List<Vector3> normalSet = new List<Vector3> ();
foreach (var value in dictionary.Values) {
for (var i = 0; i < value.Count; ++i) {
normalSet.Clear ();
float longest = 0;
for (var j = 0; j < value.Count; ++j) {
bool use = false;
if (value.VertexIndex[i] == value.VertexIndex[j]) {
use = true;
else {
float dot = Vector3.Dot (
dot = Mathf.Clamp (dot, -0.99999f, 0.99999f);
float acos = Mathf.Acos (dot);
if (acos <= angle)
use = true;
if (use) {
Vector3 normal = triNormalsWeighted[value.TriangleIndex[j]];
normalSet.Add (normal);
float length = normal.magnitude;
if (length > longest)
longest = length;
var sum = new Vector3 ();
var threshold = longest * ignoreFactor;
for (int j = 0; j < normalSet.Count; j++) {
if (normalSet[j].magnitude >= threshold)
sum += normalSet[j];
normals[value.VertexIndex[i]] = sum.normalized;
mesh.normals = normals;
private struct VertexKey {
private readonly long _x;
private readonly long _y;
private readonly long _z;
//Change this if you require a different precision.
private const int Tolerance = 100000;
public VertexKey (Vector3 position) {
_x = (long)(Mathf.Round (position.x * Tolerance));
_y = (long)(Mathf.Round (position.y * Tolerance));
_z = (long)(Mathf.Round (position.z * Tolerance));
public override bool Equals (object obj) {
var key = (VertexKey)obj;
return _x == key._x && _y == key._y && _z == key._z;
public override int GetHashCode () {
return (_x * 7 ^ _y * 13 ^ _z * 27).GetHashCode ();
private sealed class VertexEntry {
public int[] TriangleIndex = new int[4];
public int[] VertexIndex = new int[4];
private int _reserved = 4;
private int _count;
public int Count { get { return _count; } }
public void Add (int vertIndex, int triIndex) {
//Auto-resize the arrays when needed
if (_reserved == _count) {
_reserved *= 2;
Array.Resize (ref TriangleIndex, _reserved);
Array.Resize (ref VertexIndex, _reserved);
TriangleIndex[_count] = triIndex;
VertexIndex[_count] = vertIndex;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEditor;
public class SmoothEdgePostProcessor : AssetPostprocessor {
void OnPostprocessModel (GameObject g) {
void Apply (Transform t) {
MeshFilter filter = t.GetComponent<MeshFilter> ();
if (filter != null && filter.sharedMesh != null)
ModifyMesh (filter.sharedMesh);
// Recurse
foreach (Transform child in t)
void ModifyMesh (Mesh mesh) {
NormalSolver.RecalculateNormals (mesh, 180, 0.5f);
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