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Created September 21, 2009 03:34
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import random
import math
def moveBlank(boardValue, row, col):
temp = boardValue[row * 3 + col]
boardValue = boardValue.replace('9', ' ')
boardValue = boardValue.replace(temp, '9')
boardValue = boardValue.replace(' ', temp)
return boardValue
def checkBounds(row, col):
if (row < 3 and row >= 0 and col < 3 and col >= 0):
return True
return False
def findBlank(boardValue):
return [boardValue.index('9') / 3, boardValue.index('9') % 3]
def getDirection(direction):
if direction == 'D':
return [1,0]
if direction == 'U':
return [-1, 0]
if direction == 'R':
return [0,1]
if direction == 'L':
return [0, -1]
def reverseDirection(direction):
return "UDLR"["DURL".index(direction)]
def sortFactor(boardValue):
result = 0;
solution = "123456789";
for x in range(0, len(boardValue)):
result += abs(solution.index(boardValue[x]) - x)
return result
def reverse(string):
result = []
for x in range(len(string) - 1, -1, -1):
return ''.join(result)
def boardGen(moveLimit):
testBoard = "123456789"
direction = ''
path = ""
moves = 0
blankPosition = findBlank(testBoard)
while moves < moveLimit:
direction = random.choice("UDLR")
if(path != ""):
while(direction == path[-1]):
direction = random.choice("UDLR")
row, col = getDirection(direction)
if(checkBounds(blankPosition[0] + row, blankPosition[1] + col)):
blankPosition = [blankPosition[0] + row, blankPosition[1] + col]
testBoard = moveBlank(testBoard, blankPosition[0], blankPosition[1])
path = ''.join([path, reverseDirection(direction)])
print "%s\t%s" % (path[moves], sortFactor(testBoard))
moves += 1
return testBoard, path
board, path = boardGen(10)
print reverse(path)
print board
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