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Created August 6, 2010 03:38
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  • Save bemasher/510794 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save bemasher/510794 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
* Course: CSC345
* Due Date: 2009-10-07 23:59
* Purpose: Implement a B-tree as well as a range and fast range function.
* Not Implemented: I was only able to implement insert and in order traversal.
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.SortedMap;
import java.util.TreeMap;
public class BTree {
public static BTreeNode head = null;
* Name: main
* Desc: Opens tree_operations, reads each line and performs the operation specified by the line
* read. Then outputs any data to bst_results.
public static void main(String[] args) {
//Initialize the head of the tree to null
try {
//Setup the input and output files
FileReader iFile = new FileReader("tree_operations");
BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(iFile);
FileWriter oFile = new FileWriter("BTree_results");
BufferedWriter out = new BufferedWriter(oFile);
//For each line in the file
while(in.ready()) {
//Split the line so that we can extract it's operation and operand(s)
String[] currentInput = in.readLine().split("\\s");
String command = currentInput[0];
//Perform commands based off of operation specified
if(command.equals("INS")) {
insert(search(head, Integer.parseInt(currentInput[1])), Integer.parseInt(currentInput[1]));
if(command.equals("DEL")) {
//Not implemented
if(command.equals("INO")) {
if(command.equals("PRE")) {
//Not implemented
if(command.equals("PST")) {
//Not implemented
if(command.equals("RNG")) {
//Not implemented
if(command.equals("FNG")) {
//Not implemented
} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
//Couldn't find the input file
} catch (IOException e) {
//Couldn't write to the output file
* Name: BTreeNode
* Desc: Basic tree structure
public static class BTreeNode {
public Integer nodeType;
public Integer s, l;
public BTreeNode small, middle, large, parent;
public BTreeNode(Integer nodeType, Integer s, Integer l, BTreeNode parent) {
this.nodeType = nodeType;
this.s = s;
this.l = l;
this.small = null;
this.middle = null;
this.large = null;
this.parent = parent;
* Name: inOrderTraverse
* Desc: Traverse the tree in order and return the results as a string
public static String inOrderTraverse(BTreeNode currentNode) {
String result = "";
if(currentNode != null) {
result += inOrderTraverse(currentNode.small);
if(currentNode.s != null) {
result += currentNode.s + " ";
result += inOrderTraverse(currentNode.middle);
if(currentNode.l != null) {
result += currentNode.l + " ";
result += inOrderTraverse(currentNode.large);
return result;
* Name: search
* Desc: Search the tree for the needle, if the needle is not found return null, otherwise
* return a reference to the node that the needle exists at
public static BTreeNode search(BTreeNode currentNode, Integer item) {
if(currentNode != null) {
if(currentNode.nodeType == 3) {
if(currentNode.s >= item && currentNode.l <= item) {
return currentNode;
} else {
if(item < currentNode.s) {
return currentNode.small == null ? currentNode : search(currentNode.small, item);
} else if(item > currentNode.l) {
return currentNode.large == null ? currentNode : search(currentNode.large, item);
} else {
return currentNode.middle == null ? currentNode : search(currentNode.middle, item);
} else {
if(currentNode.s == item) {
return currentNode;
} else {
if(item < currentNode.s) {
return currentNode.small == null ? currentNode : search(currentNode.small, item);
} else {
return currentNode.large == null ? currentNode : search(currentNode.large, item);
return null;
* Name: insert
* Desc: Insert a new value into the tree. This does not handle the case where
* the value already exists in the tree.
public static void insert(BTreeNode currentNode, Integer item) {
if(currentNode == null) {
head = new BTreeNode(2, item, null, null);
} else if(currentNode.nodeType == 2) {
currentNode.nodeType = 3;
currentNode.l = Math.max(item, currentNode.s);
currentNode.s = Math.min(item, currentNode.s);
} else {
insertHelper(currentNode, item, null);
* Name: insertHelper
* Desc: Handles the case where the node where a value should be inserted
* already has the maximum number of values.
public static void insertHelper(BTreeNode currentNode, Integer item, BTreeNode remainder) {
BTreeNode parent, small, large;
SortedMap<Integer, BTreeNode> nodeList = new TreeMap<Integer, BTreeNode>();
if(currentNode.parent == null) {
parent = new BTreeNode(null, null, null, null);
} else {
parent = currentNode.parent;
//New children
small = new BTreeNode(2, Math.min(currentNode.s, Math.min(currentNode.l, item)), null, parent);
large = new BTreeNode(2, Math.max(currentNode.s, Math.max(currentNode.l, item)), null, parent);
//Is not a leaf
if(currentNode.small != null && currentNode.middle != null && currentNode.large != null) {
nodeList.put(currentNode.small.s, currentNode.small);
nodeList.put(currentNode.large.s, currentNode.large);
nodeList.put(currentNode.middle.s, currentNode.middle);
nodeList.put(remainder.s, remainder);
small.small = popNodeList(nodeList);
small.large = popNodeList(nodeList);
large.small = popNodeList(nodeList);
large.large = popNodeList(nodeList);
small.small.parent = small;
small.large.parent = small;
large.small.parent = large;
large.large.parent = large;
int median = median(currentNode.s, currentNode.l, item);
if(parent.nodeType == null) {
parent.nodeType = 2;
parent.s = median;
parent.small = small;
parent.large = large;
head = parent;
if(parent.nodeType == 2) {
parent.nodeType = 3;
parent.s = Math.min(median, parent.s);
parent.l = Math.max(median, parent.s);
if(parent.small == currentNode) {
if(small.s < parent.s) {
parent.middle = large;
parent.small = small;
} else {
parent.middle = small;
parent.small = large;
} else {
if(small.s < parent.s) {
parent.middle = large;
parent.large = small;
} else {
parent.middle = small;
parent.large = large;
if(parent.nodeType == 3) {
if(parent.small == currentNode) {
parent.small = large;
insertHelper(parent, median, small);
} else {
parent.large = small;
insertHelper(parent, median, large);
* Name: median
* Desc: Returns the median value of the 3 values given
public static Integer median(int i, int j, int k) {
int[] valueList = {i, j, k};
return valueList[1];
* Name: popNodeList
* Desc: Given a SortedMap it will "pop" the smallest value off the list
* and return it, while removing it from the list.
public static BTreeNode popNodeList(SortedMap<Integer, BTreeNode> nodeList) {
if(nodeList.isEmpty() == false) {
BTreeNode temp = nodeList.get(nodeList.firstKey());
return temp;
} else {
return null;
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