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Created August 6, 2010 03:47
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Save bemasher/510807 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Given an 8-Puzzle which is essentially a jig-saw puzzle with numbers instead of images this program is meant to solve them using a tree. Starting with the initial puzzle state as the root of a tree each possible move is added to the tree as a child and tr
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.Queue;
import java.util.SortedMap;
import java.util.TreeMap;
public class Puzzle {
public static void main(String[] args) {
try {
//Setup file input and output
FileReader iFile = new FileReader("bin\\input_boards");
BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(iFile);
FileWriter oFile = new FileWriter("bin\\output_sequences");
BufferedWriter out = new BufferedWriter(oFile);
//Initialize tree and solution
String boardValue = "";
String solution = "";
TreeNode head = null;
//For each line in input_boards
while(in.ready()) {
//Get the boardValue
boardValue = in.readLine();
//If the board is solvable and it is actually a board of proper length
if(isSolvable(boardValue) == true && boardValue.length() == 9) {
//Print the board
//Run garbage collection to clean up after previous boards
//Create a new tree head
head = new TreeNode(boardValue, ' ', null);
try {
//Start populating the tree
//The tree has been populated now so get the solution
solution = getPath(head);
//Print the solution backwards since we started from the solution
//and followed bread crumbs back to the head of the tree
for(int i = solution.length() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
} catch(java.lang.OutOfMemoryError e) {
//Oops we ran out of memory, make note of it and
//continue to next board
out.write("Out of Memory\n");
System.out.println("Out of Memory");
} else {
//The board was unsolvable, make note and continue to next board
out.write("No Sequence Found\n");
//Close both files
} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
//Oops we can't find input_boards
System.out.println("Cannot find file.");
} catch (IOException e) {
//Oops permissions won't let us read//write from one of the files.
System.out.println("Cannot read/write from/to file.");
public static class TreeNode {
public TreeNode child[] = new TreeNode[4]; //Children nodes, max of 4 moves if in the center of puzzle
public String boardValue = ""; //Value of the board for current node.
public char direction; //Direction moved to arrive at this node, used for printing path
public TreeNode parent = null; //Reference to the parent node for traversing the depth of the tree from bottom up
public TreeNode(String boardValue, char direction, TreeNode parent) {
this.boardValue = boardValue;
this.direction = direction;
this.parent = parent;
public static boolean isSolvable(String boardValue) {
return inversionCount(boardValue) % 2 == 0;
public static int inversionCount(String boardValue) {
int inversions = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < boardValue.length(); i++) {
for(int j = i + 1; j < boardValue.length(); j++) {
if(Character.getNumericValue(boardValue.charAt(i)) > Character.getNumericValue(boardValue.charAt(j)) && boardValue.charAt(i) != '9') {
return inversions;
public static int[] findBlank(String boardValue) {
int[] position = new int[2];
position[0] = boardValue.indexOf('9') / 3;
position[1] = boardValue.indexOf('9') % 3;
return position;
public static String moveBlank(String boardValue, int row, int col) {
char temp;
temp = boardValue.charAt(row * 3 + col);
boardValue = boardValue.replace('9', ' ');
boardValue = boardValue.replace(temp, '9');
boardValue = boardValue.replace(' ', temp);
return boardValue;
public static boolean checkBounds(int row, int col) {
if (row < 3 && row >= 0 && col < 3 && col >= 0) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
public static char getDirection(int row, int col) {
if (row == 1) {
return 'D';
if (row == -1) {
return 'U';
if (col == 1) {
return 'R';
if (col == -1) {
return 'L';
return ' ';
public static void populateTree(TreeNode currentNode) {
Queue<TreeNode> nodeQueue = new LinkedList<TreeNode>();
//Until we've generated all possible moves poll the queue.
while(nodeQueue.isEmpty() == false) {
currentNode = nodeQueue.poll();
//If the currentNode is the solution then we're done.
if(currentNode.boardValue.equals("123456789")) {
//Generate all possible moves from the current puzzle state.
possibleMoves(currentNode, nodeQueue);
//Add all of the moves we just generated to the queue.
for(TreeNode child : currentNode.child) {
if(child != null) {
public static void possibleMoves(TreeNode currentNode, Queue<TreeNode> nodeQueue) {
int[] blankPosition = findBlank(currentNode.boardValue);
String boardValue;
int currentMove = 0;
boolean nodeExists = false;
//Used to sort new puzzle states in order of how close it is to the solution
SortedMap<Integer, TreeNode> nodeList = new TreeMap<Integer, TreeNode>();
for (int row = -1; row < 2; row += 1) {
for (int col = -1; col < 2; col += 1) {
//We can't move diagonally so if one of row or col is non-zero the other must be 0
if (Math.abs(row) != Math.abs(col)) {
//Make sure that the current position row and col represent is a valid position
if (checkBounds(blankPosition[0] + row, blankPosition[1] + col)) {
//Move the blank piece
boardValue = moveBlank(currentNode.boardValue, blankPosition[0] + row, blankPosition[1] + col);
//If we're not at the root of the tree
if(currentNode.parent != null) {
//Make sure we're not backtracking to the parent node.
if(currentNode.parent.boardValue != boardValue) {
//Look through the queue of all nodes generated so far
//Make sure we're not a duplicate
for(TreeNode node : nodeQueue) {
if(node.boardValue.equals(boardValue)) {
nodeExists = true;
//If we're not a duplicate add it to nodeList for sorting
if(nodeExists == false) {
nodeList.put(Integer.parseInt(boardValue), new TreeNode(boardValue, getDirection(row, col), currentNode));
//Reset nodeExists for next queue search
nodeExists = false;
} else {
//We're the head of the tree so just add all the children
nodeList.put(Integer.parseInt(boardValue), new TreeNode(boardValue, getDirection(row, col), currentNode));
//Add each child from the nodeList to the child array of the currentNode from smallest boardValue to greatest.
for(int childIndex : nodeList.keySet()) {
if(nodeList.get(childIndex) != null) {
currentNode.child[currentMove] = nodeList.get(childIndex);
public static String getPath(TreeNode head) {
Queue<TreeNode> nodeList = new LinkedList<TreeNode>();
String solutionPath = "";
TreeNode currentNode = null;
//While the queue isn't empty poll the queue
while(nodeList.isEmpty() == false) {
currentNode = nodeList.poll();
//Make sure we don't try to check up null children
if(currentNode != null) {
//If we're at the solution then start back-tracking
if(currentNode.boardValue.equals("123456789")) {
//Concatenate the direction of each node to solutionPath until we
//reach the head of the tree
while(currentNode.parent != null) {
solutionPath += currentNode.direction;
currentNode = currentNode.parent;
return solutionPath;
//We haven't found the solution yet so add all children to
//the queue for the next loop
for(TreeNode child : currentNode.child) {
//We never found a solution so return nothing.
return "";
class TreeNode:
child = []
boardValue = ""
direction = ""
parent = None
def __init__(self, boardValue, direction, parent):
self.boardValue = boardValue
self.direction = direction
self.parent = parent
def isSolvable(boardValue):
return inversionCount(boardValue) % 2 == 0
def inversionCount(boardValue):
inversions = 0
for i in xrange(0, len(boardValue)):
for j in xrange(i, len(boardValue)):
if int(boardValue[i]) > int(boardValue[j]) and boardValue[i] != '9':
inversions += 1
return inversions
def findBlank(boardValue):
blank = boardValue.index('9')
return (blank / 3, blank % 3)
def moveBlank(boardValue, row, col):
src = row * 3 + col
dest = boardValue.index('9')
boardValue = list(boardValue)
boardValue[src], boardValue[dest] = (boardValue[dest], boardValue[src])
return ''.join(boardValue)
def checkBounds(row, col):
return row < 3 and row >= 0 and col < 3 and col >= 0
def getDirection(row, col):
dir = {(1,0): 'D', (-1,0): 'U', (0,1): 'R', (0,-1): 'L'}
if (row,col) not in dir:
return " "
return dir[(row,col)]
def populateTree(currentNode):
nodeQueue = {}
nodeQueue[int(currentNode.boardValue)] = currentNode
while(len(nodeQueue) > 0):
boardValue, currentNode = nodeQueue.popitem()
if currentNode.boardValue == "123456789":
possibleMoves(nodeQueue, currentNode)
for child in currentNode.child:
nodeQueue[int(child.boardValue)] = child
def possibleMoves(nodeQueue, currentNode):
blank = findBlank(currentNode.boardValue)
possibleChildren = {}
for row in xrange(-1, 2):
for col in xrange(-1, 2):
if abs(row) != abs(col):
if checkBounds(blank[0] + row, blank[1] + col):
boardValue = moveBlank(currentNode.boardValue, blank[0] + row, blank[1] + col)
if currentNode.parent != None:
if currentNode.parent.boardValue != boardValue:
if int(boardValue) not in nodeQueue:
possibleChildren[int(boardValue)] = TreeNode(boardValue, getDirection(row, col), currentNode)
possibleChildren[int(boardValue)] = TreeNode(boardValue, getDirection(row, col), currentNode)
sortedChildren = possibleChildren.keys()
for key in sortedChildren:
def getPath(head):
nodeQueue = []
currentNode = None
solutionPath = ""
while(len(nodeQueue) > 0):
currentNode = nodeQueue.pop(0)
if currentNode.boardValue == "123456789":
while(currentNode.parent != None):
solutionPath += currentNode.direction
currentNode = currentNode.parent
return solutionPath
if len(currentNode.child) > 0:
return ""
boardValue = "123456798"
if isSolvable(boardValue):
print boardValue
head = TreeNode(boardValue, " ", None)
solution = getPath(head)
print solution
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