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Created January 13, 2014 11:50
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Save bemasher/8399010 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Relatively painless magnet uri generation for There's some extra scaffolding for extension related stuff but this is the main guts.
// Relatively painless magnet uri generation for Digging reveals
// that the torrent hash and id ( specific) are stored as hidden
// inputs for the comment system. All that's required is some Ajax and string
// parsing for the announce list and some html injection to add the link to
// the page.
// Get the torrent name, hash and id (for announce list lookup)
var name = $(".download>h2>span").first().text();
var hash = $(':input[name="hash"]').first().val()
var torrent = $(':input[name="torrent"]').first().val()
url: "" + torrent,
datatype: "text"
}).done(function(announcelist) {
// Parse the tracker list
var trackers = $.trim(announcelist).split("\n\n");
// Create the magnet uri. 'urn:btih' gets url encoded when it shouldn't so
// just create this parameter manually.
var magnet = "magnet:?xt=urn:btih:" + hash;
magnet += "&" + $.param({
dn: name,
tr: trackers
}, true);
// Add new source entry to list
$("<a/>", {
href: magnet,
rel: "e",
target: "_blank"
$("<span/>", {
'class': "u",
style: "background: transparent url('" + chrome.extension.getURL("icon16.png") + "') no-repeat 5px center;",
text: "Magnet URI"
$("<span/>", {'class': "n", text: name})
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