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Created December 2, 2015 10:05
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def createReplacementCgfx(material='', texturePaths={}, cgfxChannels={}, cgfxShaderPath=''):
""" If we find a shaderFxShader type material we need to replace wiuth CGFX for export purposes """
print 'Replacing shader with CGFX'
#mel.eval('cgfxShader -fx "%s" ' %cgfxShaderPath)
matName = str(material)
shader = pm.listConnections(material, type='shadingEngine')[0]
members = list(set(shader.members(flatten=True)))
print 'got members'
if 'diffuse_layer0_texture' in texturePaths:
newMat = pm.shadingNode('cgfxShader', asShader=True, name=matName)
mel.eval('cgfxShader -e -fx "%s" %s;' %(cgfxShaderPath,newMat))
for key in texturePaths:
slot = cgfxChannels[key]
texture = texturePaths[key]
newFileNode = createFileNode()
pm.setAttr('%s.fileTextureName' %newFileNode, texture, type='string')
pm.connectAttr('%s.outColor'%newFileNode, '%s.%s'%(newMat,slot), force=True)
print 'connected', newMat
print 'CGFX function complete'
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