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Gravity Form Merge tag for getting embedded post's category (of custom post type)
// merge tag for Job Application Category
add_action( 'gform_admin_pre_render', 'sls_add_merge_tags' );
function sls_add_merge_tags( $form ) {
<script type="text/javascript">
gform.addFilter('gform_merge_tags', 'add_merge_tags');
function add_merge_tags(mergeTags, elementId, hideAllFields, excludeFieldTypes, isPrepop, option){
mergeTags["custom"].tags.push({ tag: '{embededPostCat}', label: 'Embeded Post Category' });
return mergeTags;
//return the form object from the php hook
return $form;
add_filter( 'gform_replace_merge_tags', 'sls_replace_prod_sku_tag', 10, 7 );
function sls_replace_prod_sku_tag( $text, $form, $entry, $url_encode, $esc_html, $nl2br, $format ) {
$custom_merge_tag = '{embededPostCat}';
if ( strpos( $text, $custom_merge_tag ) === false ) {
return $text;
global $post;
$term_list = wp_get_post_terms($post->ID, 'job-category', array("fields" => "all"));
foreach($term_list as $term_single) {
$postCat = $term_single->slug; //do something here
$text = str_replace( $custom_merge_tag, $postCat, $text );
return $text;
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