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Last active October 31, 2022 11:48
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Responsive Font SASS mixin
// SASS mixin duplicating rucksack's cool cool solution on creating responsive font sizes.
// The calculation is:
// min-size + (min-size - max-size) * ( (100vw - min-width) / ( max-width - min-width) )
@mixin font-responsive($fmin, $fdiff, $breakmin, $breakdiff) {
font-size: calc( #{$fmin} + #{$fdiff} * ((100vw - #{$breakmin}) / #{$breakdiff}) );
@media(max-width: $breakmin) {
font-size: $fmin;
@media(min-width: round($breakmin + $breakmax)) {
font-size: round($fmin + $fdiff);
$font-base-min: 14px;
$font-base-max: 6;
$breakmin: 420px;
$breakmax: 348;
// with variables
// In this example the font size will fluctuate between 14px - 20px between 420px and 768px
html {
@include font-responsive($font-base-min, $font-base-max, $breakmin, $breakmax);
// without variables
// In this example the font size will fluctuate between 30px - 36px between 420px and 768px
h1 {
@include font-responsive(30px, 6, 420px, 348);
// with html using this mixin the p tag will now be scale aswell using the html values
p {
font-size: 1em;
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