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Last active July 31, 2020 18:33
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A interview question attempt: Shortest Cell Path
def shortestCellPath(grid, sr, sc, tr, tc):
@param grid: int[][]
@param sr: int
@param sc: int
@param tr: int
@param tc: int
@return: int
queue = []
queue.append([sc, sr, 0])
# try all directions in grid (t,r,b,l)
while len(queue) > 0:
x, y, l = queue.pop()
if x == tc and y == tr:
return l
if is_valid(grid, x, y - 1): # up
queue.append([x, y - 1, l + 1])
if is_valid(grid, x + 1, y): # right
queue.append([x + 1, y, l + 1])
if is_valid(grid, x, y + 1): # down
queue.append([x, y + 1, l + 1])
if is_valid(grid, x - 1, y): # left
queue.append([x - 1, y, l + 1])
return -1 # impossible
# O(V + E) V = vertexes, E = edges => O(V)
# count of 1's
# edges = vertexes * 4 = O(V)
def is_valid(grid, x, y):
num_cols = len(grid[0])
num_rows = len(grid)
if x < 0 or x >= num_cols or y < 0 or y >= num_rows:
return False
if grid[y][x] != 1:
return False
grid[y][x] = 0
return True
def main():
print(shortestCellPath([[1, 1, 1, 1], [1, 0, 0, 1], [1, 0, 1, 1]], 0, 0, 2, 0)
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