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Last active August 12, 2021 23:04
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Git cheatsheet
# Rename local and remote branch
OLD_BRANCH=name_of_old_branch # Replace with the name of your old branch
NEW_BRANCH=name_of_new_branch # Replace with the name of the new branch
git checkout $OLD_BRANCH
git pull
git branch -m $OLD_BRANCH $NEW_BRANCH
git push origin :$OLD_BRANCH --no-verify
git push --set-upstream origin $NEW_BRANCH --no-verify
# Merge a branch into another one
MERGE_BRANCH=from_branch # Replace with the name of the branch you will merge
INTO_BRANCH=to_branch # Replace with the name of the branch which will receive the merge
git checkout $MERGE_BRANCH
git pull
git checkout $INTO_BRANCH
git pull
git merge $MERGE_BRANCH
# if any conflict > git mergetool
git clean -f *.orig
git commit --no-verify
git push --no-verify
# Selective merge
MERGE_BRANCH=from_branch # Replace with the name of the branch you will merge
INTO_BRANCH=to_branch # Replace with the name of the branch which will receive the merge
git checkout $MERGE_BRANCH
git pull
git checkout $INTO_BRANCH
git pull
git checkout -b ${INTO_BRANCH}temp
git merge --no-commit --no-ff $MERGE_BRANCH
git reset # to unstage all changes
# a) got to an IDE to stage files you want to merge
# b) or use
# git add --interactive
# to choose what to add, interactively
# then use the patch option
# c) eventually, use
# git add
# to stage any untracked files
git commit -m "merged selected patches from $MERGE_BRANCH branch" --no-verify
git checkout .
git checkout $INTO_BRANCH
git merge ${INTO_BRANCH}temp
# if any conflict > git mergetool
git clean -f *.orig
git commit --no-verify
git push --no-verify
git branch -D ${INTO_BRANCH}temp
# Delete local branch (remote remains unchanged)
LOCAL_BRANCH=local_branch # Replace with the name of the local branch you want to delete
git branch -d $LOCAL_BRANCH
# Create branch from tag
TAG_NAME=tag_name # Replace with the tag name you want to use for the new branch
BRANCH_NAME=branch_name # Replace with the name of the new branch
git checkout -b $BRANCH_NAME $TAG_NAME
git push --set-upstream origin $BRANCH_NAME --no-verify
# Prune tracking branches and delete stale local branches
git remote prune origin
git branch -vv | grep 'origin/.*: gone]' | awk '{print $1}' | xargs git branch -d
git prune
# Save current changes into a patch file
git stash
git stash show -p > ~/change.patch
git stash apply
# Apply a patch file
git apply ~/change.patch
# Reset only unstaged changes
git checkout -- .
# or
git checkout path/to/file/to/revert
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