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Created June 14, 2018 07:20
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Value Linq Benchmarks
using BenchmarkDotNet.Attributes;
using BenchmarkDotNet.Attributes.Columns;
using BenchmarkDotNet.Configs;
using BenchmarkDotNet.Running;
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
public interface IValueEnumerator : IDisposable
bool TryMoveNext();
public interface IValueEnumerator<T> : IValueEnumerator
T TryGetNext(out bool success);
public interface IValueEnumerable<TEnumerator>
where TEnumerator : struct, IValueEnumerator
TEnumerator GetValueEnumerator();
public interface IValueEnumerable<T, TEnumerator>
where TEnumerator : struct, IValueEnumerator<T>
TEnumerator GetValueEnumerator();
partial class List<T> :
IValueEnumerable<T, List<T>.ValueEnumerator>, IValueEnumerable<List<T>.ValueEnumerator>,
private const int DefaultCapacity = 4;
int _size;
T[] _items;
private static readonly T[] s_emptyArray = new T[0];
public List()
_items = s_emptyArray;
public T this[int index]
if ((uint)index >= (uint)_size)
return _items[index];
if ((uint)index >= (uint)_size)
_items[index] = value;
public void Add(T item)
T[] array = _items;
int size = _size;
if ((uint)size < (uint)array.Length)
_size = size + 1;
array[size] = item;
// Non-inline from List.Add to improve its code quality as uncommon path
private void AddWithResize(T item)
int size = _size;
EnsureCapacity(size + 1);
_size = size + 1;
_items[size] = item;
private void EnsureCapacity(int min)
if (_items.Length < min)
int newCapacity = _items.Length == 0 ? DefaultCapacity : _items.Length * 2;
// Allow the list to grow to maximum possible capacity (~2G elements) before encountering overflow.
// Note that this check works even when _items.Length overflowed thanks to the (uint) cast
if ((uint)newCapacity > 2048) newCapacity = 2048;
if (newCapacity < min) newCapacity = min;
Capacity = newCapacity;
public int Capacity
return _items.Length;
if (value < _size)
if (value != _items.Length)
if (value > 0)
T[] newItems = new T[value];
if (_size > 0)
Array.Copy(_items, 0, newItems, 0, _size);
_items = newItems;
_items = s_emptyArray;
public ValueEnumerator GetValueEnumerator() => new ValueEnumerator(this, toSkip: 0);
public Enumerator GetEnumerator() => new Enumerator(this);
IEnumerator<T> IEnumerable<T>.GetEnumerator() => new Enumerator(this);
IEnumerator IEnumerable.GetEnumerator() => new Enumerator(this);
public struct Enumerator : IEnumerator<T>
private List<T> _list;
private int _index;
private T _current;
internal Enumerator(List<T> list)
_list = list;
_index = 0;
_current = default;
public void Dispose()
public bool MoveNext()
List<T> localList = _list;
if (((uint)_index < (uint)localList._size))
_current = localList._items[_index];
return true;
return MoveNextRare();
private bool MoveNextRare()
_index = _list._size + 1;
_current = default;
return false;
public T Current => _current;
object IEnumerator.Current => throw new NotSupportedException();
void IEnumerator.Reset() => throw new NotSupportedException();
public struct ValueEnumerator : IValueEnumerator<T>
private int _state;
private List<T> _list;
private int index;
internal ValueEnumerator(List<T> list, int toSkip)
_state = 1;
_list = list;
index = toSkip;
public T TryGetNext(out bool success)
switch (_state)
case 0:
goto case 2;
case 1:
if ((uint)index < (uint)_list._size)
success = true;
return _list._items[index - 1];
_state = 2;
goto case 2;
case 2:
success = false;
return default;
public void Dispose() { }
public bool TryMoveNext()
switch (_state)
case 0: ThrowHelper.ThrowUninitialized();
goto case 2;
case 1:
if ((uint)index < (uint)_list._size)
return true;
_state = 2;
goto case 2;
case 2:
return false;
public static class Iterator
public static void ForEach<TSource, T, TValueEnumerator>(this TSource source, Action<T> action)
where TSource : IValueEnumerable<T, TValueEnumerator>
where TValueEnumerator : struct, IValueEnumerator<T>
var enumerator = source.GetValueEnumerator();
var current = enumerator.TryGetNext(out bool success);
while (success)
current = enumerator.TryGetNext(out success);
public static void ForEach<TValueEnumerator, T>(this TValueEnumerator enumerator, Action<T> action)
where TValueEnumerator : struct, IValueEnumerator<T>
var current = enumerator.TryGetNext(out bool success);
while (success)
current = enumerator.TryGetNext(out success);
public static bool Any<TSource, TValueEnumerator>(this TSource source)
where TSource : IValueEnumerable<TValueEnumerator>
where TValueEnumerator : struct, IValueEnumerator
return source.GetValueEnumerator().TryMoveNext();
public static bool Any<TValueEnumerator>(this TValueEnumerator enumerator)
where TValueEnumerator : struct, IValueEnumerator
return enumerator.TryMoveNext();
public static int Count<TSource, TValueEnumerator>(this TSource source)
where TSource : IValueEnumerable<TValueEnumerator>
where TValueEnumerator : struct, IValueEnumerator
var count = 0;
var enumerator = source.GetValueEnumerator();
while (enumerator.TryMoveNext())
return count;
public static int Count<TValueEnumerator>(this TValueEnumerator enumerator)
where TValueEnumerator : struct, IValueEnumerator
var count = 0;
while (enumerator.TryMoveNext())
return count;
public class Program
const int AnyLoopCount = 10;
List<int> _list;
public Program()
_list = new List<int>();
for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++)
[BenchmarkCategory("Any"), Benchmark(OperationsPerInvoke = AnyLoopCount, Baseline = true, Description = "Linq")]
public bool LinqAny()
var list = _list;
var result = false;
for (int i = 0; i < AnyLoopCount; i++)
result &= list.Any();
return result;
[BenchmarkCategory("Any"), Benchmark(OperationsPerInvoke = AnyLoopCount, Description = "ValueLinq")]
public bool ValueLinqAny()
var list = _list;
var result = false;
for (int i = 0; i < AnyLoopCount; i++)
result &= list.Any<List<int>, List<int>.ValueEnumerator>();
return result;
[BenchmarkCategory("Count"), Benchmark(Baseline = true, Description = "Linq")]
public int LinqAnyCount()
return _list.Count();
[BenchmarkCategory("Count"), Benchmark(Description = "ValueLinq")]
public int ValueLinqCount()
return _list.Count<List<int>, List<int>.ValueEnumerator>();
public static void Main()
var summary = BenchmarkRunner.Run<Program>();
//var list = new List<int>();
//list.ForEach((int i) => Console.WriteLine(i), list.GetValueEnumerator());
//list.ForEach<List<int>, int, List<int>.ValueEnumerator>((int i) => Console.WriteLine(i));
//list.GetValueEnumerator().ForEach((int i) => Console.WriteLine(i));
//list.Any<List<int>, List<int>.ValueEnumerator>();
//list.Count<List<int>, List<int>.ValueEnumerator>();
internal class ThrowHelper
public static void ThrowUninitialized()
throw new InvalidOperationException();
internal static void ThrowArgumentOutOfRangeException()
throw new NotImplementedException();
internal static void ThrowArgumentOutOfRange_IndexException()
throw new NotImplementedException();
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