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Created June 28, 2022 17:27
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using UnityEngine;
using System;
using UnityEngine.UI;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
// --- Stair System ---
internal class StairTimePair
public float time;
public bool Proceed() { time -= Time.deltaTime; return time < 0; }
public StairTimePair(float time) { this.time = time; }
public class WalkSystem
private readonly Transform jesusPos;
private Vector3 startPos;
private float targetX;
public WalkSystem(Transform jesusPos)
startPos = jesusPos.position;
targetX = startPos.x;
this.jesusPos = jesusPos;
public void Update(float speed)
startPos.x = Mathf.Lerp(jesusPos.position.x, targetX, Time.deltaTime * speed);
jesusPos.position = startPos;
public void Walk(float acelleration)
targetX -= acelleration * Time.deltaTime;
// --- Coin System ---
internal class MovingCoin
private const float DefaultLifetime = 1.5f;
public readonly TMPro.TextMeshProUGUI moneyText;
public readonly Transform transform;
public readonly Image image;
private readonly Vector3 targetPos3D;
private readonly Vector3 startPos3D;
public float time;
private float EaseIn(float t) { return t * t; }
public bool Evaluate(float dt)
float ellapsedTime = DefaultLifetime - time;
float t = 1 - EaseIn(ellapsedTime / DefaultLifetime);
time -= dt;
transform.position = Camera.main.WorldToScreenPoint(Vector3.LerpUnclamped(startPos3D, targetPos3D, 1-t));
image.color = new Color(1, 1, 1, t);
moneyText.color = new Color(1, 1, 1, t);
return time < 0;
public void Finish()
image.color = Color.white;
moneyText.color = Color.white;
public MovingCoin(Image coinImage, Vector3 characterPos, int earnedMoney)
characterPos += Vector3.down * 4.5f;
transform = coinImage.transform;
startPos3D = characterPos;
targetPos3D = characterPos + (Vector3.up * 2);
moneyText = transform.GetChild(0).GetComponent<TMPro.TextMeshProUGUI>();
moneyText.text = Character.FormatNumber(earnedMoney);
Vector3 screenPos = Camera.main.WorldToScreenPoint(characterPos);
transform.position = screenPos;
image = coinImage;
time = DefaultLifetime;
public class CoinSystem
public const int MaximumCoins = 33;
private readonly Queue<Image> coins = new Queue<Image> (MaximumCoins + 1);
private readonly Queue<MovingCoin> movingCoins = new Queue<MovingCoin> (MaximumCoins + 1);
public CoinSystem() { }
public void PoolCoin(Image coin)
public void DisposeCurrentMovingCoins()
while(movingCoins.Count > 0)
MovingCoin movingCoin = movingCoins.Dequeue();
public void MoveCoin(Vector3 characterPos, int moneyPerStair)
Image coin = coins.Dequeue();
movingCoins.Enqueue(new MovingCoin(coin, characterPos, moneyPerStair));
public void Update(float dt)
int removedCoins = 0;
foreach (MovingCoin coin in movingCoins)
// Lifetime Ended
if (coin.Evaluate(dt)) removedCoins++;
while (removedCoins-- > 0)
MovingCoin movingCoin = movingCoins.Dequeue();
internal class MovingCombo
private const float DefaultLifetime = 2.0f;
public readonly Transform transform;
public readonly TMPro.TextMeshProUGUI text;
private readonly Vector3 targetPos;
private readonly Vector3 startPos;
public float time;
private float EaseIn(float t) { return t * t; }
public bool Evaluate(float dt)
float ellapsedTime = DefaultLifetime - time;
float t = 1 - EaseIn(ellapsedTime / DefaultLifetime);
time -= dt;
transform.position = Vector3.LerpUnclamped(startPos, targetPos, 1 - t);
transform.localScale = Vector3.LerpUnclamped(, * 1.2f, 1 - t);
text.color = new Color(1, 1, 1, t);
return time < 0;
public void Finish()
text.color = Color.white;
public MovingCombo(TMPro.TextMeshProUGUI coinText, Vector3 characterPos, int comboIndex)
characterPos += Vector3.down * 4.5f;
transform = coinText.transform;
startPos = Camera.main.WorldToScreenPoint(characterPos + (Vector3.up * 3));
targetPos = Camera.main.WorldToScreenPoint(characterPos + (Vector3.up * 5));
transform.localScale =;
coinText.text = Character.FormatNumber(comboIndex);
text = coinText;
transform.position = startPos;
time = DefaultLifetime;
public class ComboTextSystem
public const int MaximumCoins = 5;
private readonly Queue<TMPro.TextMeshProUGUI> coins = new Queue<TMPro.TextMeshProUGUI>(MaximumCoins + 1);
private readonly Queue<MovingCombo> movingTexts = new Queue<MovingCombo>(MaximumCoins + 1);
public void PoolCoin(TMPro.TextMeshProUGUI coin)
public void DisposeCurrentMovingCoins()
while (movingTexts.Count > 0)
MovingCombo movingCoin = movingTexts.Dequeue();
public void MoveCoin(Vector3 characterPos, int moneyPerStair)
TMPro.TextMeshProUGUI coin = coins.Dequeue();
movingTexts.Enqueue(new MovingCombo(coin, characterPos, moneyPerStair));
public void Update(float dt)
int removedCoins = 0;
foreach (MovingCombo coin in movingTexts)
// Lifetime Ended
if (coin.Evaluate(dt)) removedCoins++;
while (removedCoins-- > 0)
MovingCombo movingCoin = movingTexts.Dequeue();
public class Biom
public const int BiomCount = 3;
public const uint Hell = 0, Forest = 1, Snow = 2;
public class InfiniteSystem
public const int MaximumChunks = 6;
private const float chunkOffset = 92.85f * 2.0f;
private Vector3 lastChunkPos;
private uint currentBiom = 0;
private int chunksPassed;
private int biomChangeInterval = 3;
private float biomStartX = -chunkOffset;
private float checkpointPosX;
private readonly Queue<PrayerGroup> prayers = new Queue<PrayerGroup>(3);
private readonly Queue<PrayerGroup> activePrayers = new Queue<PrayerGroup>(3);
private readonly Queue<Transform>[] chunks = new Queue<Transform>[Biom.BiomCount]
new Queue<Transform>(MaximumChunks + 1),
new Queue<Transform>(MaximumChunks + 1),
new Queue<Transform>(MaximumChunks + 1)
private readonly Queue<Transform> activeChunks = new Queue<Transform>(MaximumChunks + 1);
public void SetCurrentBiom(uint biom) { currentBiom = biom; }
public uint GetCurrentBiom() { return currentBiom; }
public float GetBiomStartX() { return biomStartX; }
public float TotalMetersToNextBiom;
public float MettersPassedSinceLastBiom(float jesusX)
return MathF.Abs(jesusX) - MathF.Abs(biomStartX);
// returns chunk that closest to player
public Transform GetCurrentChunk(float characterX)
Transform closest = null;
float closestX = float.MaxValue;
foreach (var chunk in activeChunks)
float dist = Mathf.Abs(characterX - chunk.position.x);
if (dist < closestX)
closestX = dist;
closest = chunk;
return closest;
public void SetBiom(uint biom) { currentBiom = biom; }
public void AddChunk(uint biom, Transform chunk)
public void AddPrayer(PrayerGroup prayer)
private void PrepareCheckpoint(float fromBiomX)
checkpointPosX = fromBiomX - (50.5f);
PrayerGroup prayer = prayers.Dequeue();
prayer.transform.position = new Vector3(checkpointPosX + 3.0f, prayer.transform.position.y, prayer.transform.position.z);
public void PlaceChunks()
lastChunkPos = new Vector3(chunkOffset, -8.2f, 0);
biomStartX = Character.instance.transform.position.x;
TotalMetersToNextBiom = 60.85f * biomChangeInterval;
currentBiom = (currentBiom + 1) % Biom.BiomCount;
private void SpawnChunk()
Transform chunk = chunks[currentBiom].Dequeue();
chunk.position = lastChunkPos - new Vector3(chunkOffset, 0, 0);
lastChunkPos = chunk.position;
public void Update(float characterX)
foreach (PrayerGroup prayer in activePrayers)
if (characterX - 35 <= prayer.transform.position.x)
PlayerPrefs.SetInt("BiomIndex" + Character.PV, (int)currentBiom);
biomStartX = characterX;
TotalMetersToNextBiom = (chunkOffset + 35.5f) * biomChangeInterval;
foreach (Transform chunk in activeChunks)
if (chunk.position.x - 128 > characterX)
if (chunksPassed % biomChangeInterval == 0)
currentBiom = (currentBiom + 1) % Biom.BiomCount;
internal class State
public const uint none = 0, playing = 1, moving = 2, dead = 4, paused = 8;
public class TirednessStage
public event Action OnDeactivate;
public event Action OnActivate;
public event Action<float> OnEvaluete;
public TirednessStage()
OnActivate += () => { };
OnDeactivate += () => { };
OnEvaluete += (_) => { };
public TirednessStage(Action onActivate, Action onDeactivate, Action<float> onEvaluete)
OnActivate += onActivate;
OnDeactivate += onDeactivate;
OnEvaluete += onEvaluete;
// proceed tiredness stage
public void Evaluete(float dt) { OnEvaluete(dt); }
public void Activate() { OnActivate(); }
public void Deactivate() { OnDeactivate(); }
public class Combo
public event Action OnActivate;
public event Action OnDeactivate;
public event Action<float> OnEvaluete;
public Combo()
OnActivate += () => {};
OnDeactivate += () => {};
OnEvaluete += (_) => { };
public Combo(Action onActivate, Action onDeactivate, Action<float> onEvaluete)
OnActivate += onActivate;
OnDeactivate += onDeactivate;
OnEvaluete += onEvaluete;
public void Evaluate(float dt) { OnEvaluete(dt); }
public void Activate() { OnActivate(); }
public void Deactivate() { OnDeactivate(); }
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