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Last active April 19, 2022 15:35
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#pragma once
#include <cstdlib>
#include "HContainers" // for queue look at my repositories
namespace HS
// Steven Skiena the Algorithm Design Manual Graph traversal section
using VertexIndex = int;
using VertexData = int; // this is for testing without template
using EdgeData = int; // this is for testing without template
// todo remove vertex, destroy graph,
// template<typename VertexData = int, typename EdgeData = float>
class Graph
struct Edge
// we can chose unweighted graph, and add road data for example distance between 2 road
// you can even use empty struct
union { EdgeData data; float weight; float distance; };
VertexIndex destination; // indicates destination vertex in Vertices Graph::array
Edge* next; // linked list structure
Edge(EdgeData _data, Edge* next, VertexIndex _destination) : data(_data), next(next), destination(_destination) {};
struct Vertex {
// maybe we can add key here we can use that key for accessing vertices ie: string, guiid
VertexData data; // this data can be for example: user id, country data etc.
Edge* edgesRoot = nullptr; // linked list structure
bool valid = false;
Vertex() : edgesRoot(nullptr), valid(false) { }
~Graph() { Destroy(); }
Graph() : nVertices(32), nEdges(0) { ConstructVertices(); }
Graph(int _nVertices) : nVertices(_nVertices), nEdges(0) { ConstructVertices(); }
void ConnectEdge(VertexIndex a, VertexIndex b, EdgeData edgeData)
Edge* a_to_b = new Edge(edgeData, vertices[a]->edgesRoot, b);
Edge* b_to_a = new Edge(edgeData, vertices[b]->edgesRoot, a);
vertices[a]->edgesRoot = a_to_b;
vertices[b]->edgesRoot = b_to_a;
// find empty lodation in vertices
// and generate/place new vertex
// returns handle (index in vertices array of generated vertex)
VertexIndex AddVertex(VertexData data)
VertexIndex index = FindEmptyIndex();
vertices[index]->data = data;
vertices[index]->valid = true;
return index;
void RemoveVertex(Vertex* vertex)
// slow approach
Vertex* FindVertexByData(VertexData data)
for (int i = 0; i < nVertices; ++i)
if (Compare::Equal(vertices[i]->data, data)) return vertices[i];
return nullptr;
// this is slower than getting index at vertex creation
VertexIndex GetVertexIndex(Vertex* vertex)
VertexIndex index = 0;
Vertex* currVertex = vertices[0];
while (currVertex != vertex)
currVertex = vertices[++index];
return index;
void Destroy()
void ConstructVertices()
vertices = (Vertex**)std::malloc(nVertices * sizeof(Vertex*));
for (int i = 0; i < nVertices; ++i) vertices[i] = new Vertex();
// find invalid vertex index
VertexIndex FindEmptyIndex()
VertexIndex emptyIndex = 0;
Vertex* currVertex = vertices[0];
while (currVertex->valid == true)
currVertex = vertices[++emptyIndex];
return emptyIndex;
Vertex** vertices;
int nVertices;
int nEdges;
class GraphSearchBase
using GraphT = Graph;// Graph<VertexData, EdgeData>;
using Edge = Graph::Edge;// Graph<VertexData, EdgeData>::Edge;
using Vertex = Graph::Vertex;// Graph<VertexData, EdgeData>::Vertex;
typedef void(*IterateFunc)(Edge*, Vertex*);
template<class UserClass> struct ClassIterator
typedef void(*_Func)(UserClass*, Edge*, Vertex*);
UserClass* userClass;
_Func func;
inline ClassIterator(UserClass* _class, _Func _func) : userClass(_class), func(_func) {}
inline void Invoke(Edge* edge, Vertex* vertex) { func(userClass, edge, vertex); };
/// template<typename VertexData = int, typename EdgeData = float>
class DFS : public GraphSearchBase
DFS(GraphT* _graph) : graph(_graph) {}
template<class UserClass>
void IterateClass(VertexIndex startIndex, ClassIterator<UserClass> iterator)
bool* visited = (bool*)_malloca(graph->nVertices);
std::memset(visited, 0, graph->nVertices);
DFSRec(startIndex, visited, iterator);
void Iterate(VertexIndex startIndex, IterateFunc func)
bool* visited = (bool*)_malloca(graph->nVertices);
std::memset(visited, 0, graph->nVertices);
DFSRec(startIndex, visited, func);
void DFSRec(VertexIndex v, bool* visited, IterateFunc func)
visited[v] = true;
Edge* currEdge = graph->vertices[v]->edgesRoot;
while (currEdge != nullptr)
func(currEdge, graph->vertices[v]);
if (!visited[currEdge->destination])
DFSRec(currEdge->destination, visited, func);
currEdge = currEdge->next;
template<class UserClass>
void DFSRecClass(VertexIndex v, bool* visited, ClassIterator<UserClass>& iterator)
visited[v] = true;
Edge* currEdge = graph->vertices[v]->edgesRoot;
while (currEdge != nullptr)
iterator.Invoke(currEdge, graph->vertices[v]);
if (!visited[currEdge->destination])
DFSRec(currEdge->destination, visited, iterator);
currEdge = currEdge->next;
GraphT* graph;
// template<typename VertexData = int, typename EdgeData = float>
class BFS : public GraphSearchBase
BFS(GraphT* _graph) : graph(_graph) {}
void Iterate(VertexIndex s, IterateFunc func)
bool* visited = (bool*)_malloca(graph->nVertices);
std::memset(visited, 0, graph->nVertices);
Queue<VertexIndex> queue;
visited[s] = true;
while (queue.Any())
s = queue.Dequeue();
Edge* currEdge = graph->vertices[s]->edgesRoot;
while (currEdge != nullptr)
if (!visited[currEdge->destination])
func(currEdge, graph->vertices[s]);
visited[currEdge->destination] = true;
currEdge = currEdge->next;
GraphT* graph;
class Tree
struct Node
int data;
LinkedList<Node*> childs;
Node* rootNode;
// prim's algorithm for minimum spanning tree
class MinimumSpanningTreePrim
MinimumSpanningTreePrim(Graph _graph) : graph(_graph) {}
Graph::Vertex** Solve(VertexIndex v)
Graph::Vertex** result = (Graph::Vertex**)std::malloc(100 * sizeof(Graph::Vertex*));
std::memset(result, 0, 100 * sizeof(Graph::Vertex*));
Graph::Edge* edge;
bool* inTree = (bool*)_malloca(graph.nVertices);
std::memset(inTree, 0, graph.nVertices);
float* distances = (float*)_malloca(graph.nVertices * sizeof(float));
std::fill(distances, distances + graph.nVertices, FLT_MAX);
distances[v] = 0;
int index = 0;
while (inTree[v] == false)
inTree[v] = true;
edge = graph.vertices[v]->edgesRoot;
// add distances to dist list
while (edge != nullptr)
VertexIndex w = edge->destination;
float weight = edge->weight;
if (distances[w] > weight && inTree[w] == false)
distances[w] = weight;
result[index++] = graph.vertices[v];
edge = edge->next;
v = 1;
float dist = FLT_MAX;
for (int i = 0; i <= graph.nVertices; i++)
// select minimum distance vertex for next iteration
if (inTree[i] == false && dist > distances[i])
dist = distances[i];
v = i;
return result;
Graph graph;
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