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Last active April 30, 2019 04:23
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iOS Gradle Utilities for Generating Fat Frameworks and dSYMs
afterEvaluate {
// Create tasks for creating fat frameworks and fat dsyms for sim and device
def binaryKinds = [
// config, sim task, device task
new Tuple('Debug', linkDebugFrameworkIosSim, linkDebugFrameworkIosDevice),
new Tuple('Release', linkReleaseFrameworkIosSim, linkReleaseFrameworkIosDevice),
def libName =
def binaryOutputs = [
// binary path, bundle name, task suffix
new Tuple("Contents/Resources/DWARF/$libName", "${libName}.framework.dSYM", 'DSYM'),
new Tuple(libName, "${libName}.framework", "Framework")
for (kind in binaryKinds) {
def (config, sim, device) = kind
def defaultOutputDir = "$buildDir/bin/ios${config}Fat"
for (outputInfo in binaryOutputs) {
def (binaryPath, bundleName, taskSuffix) = outputInfo
task("createIos${config}Fat${taskSuffix}", type: Exec, dependsOn: [sim, device]) {
// put together final path
def finalContainerParentDir = System.getenv('PG_POD_FRAMEWORK_DIR') ?: defaultOutputDir
def finalContainerPath = "$finalContainerParentDir/$bundleName"
def finalOutputPath = "$finalContainerPath/$binaryPath"
// gather initial paths
def simContainerParentDir = sim.outputFile.get().parent
def deviceContainerParentDir = device.outputFile.get().parent
doFirst {
mkdir new File(finalOutputPath).parent
executable 'lipo'
args = [
'-arch', 'arm64', "$deviceContainerParentDir/$bundleName/$binaryPath",
'-arch', 'x86_64', "$simContainerParentDir/$bundleName/$binaryPath",
'-output', finalOutputPath
doLast {
// copy other framework bits like info plist and headers
def initialContainer = "$deviceContainerParentDir/$bundleName"
copy {
from(initialContainer) {
// don't copy the thin binary, since we have a fat one already
exclude binaryPath
into finalContainerPath
// clean plist (only works for frameworks)
def plistPath = "$finalContainerPath/Info.plist"
if (new File(plistPath).exists()) {
exec {
executable '/usr/libexec/PlistBuddy'
args = ['-c', 'Delete :UIRequiredDeviceCapabilities', plistPath]
ignoreExitValue = true
// add the [system] attribute to the module map to silence warnings
def moduleMapPath = "$finalContainerPath/Modules/module.modulemap"
if (new File(moduleMapPath).exists()) {
exec {
executable 'sed'
args = ['-i', '.bak', '1 s/{/\\[system\\] {/', moduleMapPath]
delete "${moduleMapPath}.bak"
// Create the tasks that will call the framework and dsym tasks
def dependencies = binaryOutputs.collect { "createIos${config}Fat${it.last()}" }
task("createIos${config}Artifacts", dependsOn: dependencies, group: "iOS"))
// disable release dSYM task until is fixed
createIosReleaseFatDSYM.enabled = false
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createIosReleaseArtifacts will fail until JetBrains/kotlin-native#2422 is fixed. Once that's fixed, this might need to be adjusted to skip the dSYM step for debug builds (might not be necessary).

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This should work with Kotlin 1.3.20, if you use the new binaries dsl:

binaries {
    framework {
        baseName =

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