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Created May 17, 2021 14:19
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Python b+ tree
import random # for demo test
splits = 0
parent_splits = 0
fusions = 0
parent_fusions = 0
class Node(object):
"""Base node object. It should be index node
Each node stores keys and children.
def __init__(self, parent=None):
"""Child nodes are stored in values. Parent nodes simply act as a medium to traverse the tree.
:type parent: Node"""
self.keys: list = []
self.values: list[Node] = []
self.parent: Node = parent
def index(self, key):
"""Return the index where the key should be.
:type key: str
for i, item in enumerate(self.keys):
if key < item:
return i
return len(self.keys)
def __getitem__(self, item):
return self.values[self.index(item)]
def __setitem__(self, key, value):
i = self.index(key)
self.keys[i:i] = [key]
self.values[i:i] = value
def split(self):
"""Splits the node into two and stores them as child nodes.
extract a pivot from the child to be inserted into the keys of the parent.
@:return key and two children
global splits, parent_splits
splits += 1
parent_splits += 1
left = Node(self.parent)
mid = len(self.keys) // 2
left.keys = self.keys[:mid]
left.values = self.values[:mid + 1]
for child in left.values:
child.parent = left
key = self.keys[mid]
self.keys = self.keys[mid + 1:]
self.values = self.values[mid + 1:]
return key, [left, self]
def __delitem__(self, key):
i = self.index(key)
del self.values[i]
if i < len(self.keys):
del self.keys[i]
del self.keys[i - 1]
def fusion(self):
global fusions, parent_fusions
fusions += 1
parent_fusions += 1
index = self.parent.index(self.keys[0])
# merge this node with the next node
if index < len(self.parent.keys):
next_node: Node = self.parent.values[index + 1]
next_node.keys[0:0] = self.keys + [self.parent.keys[index]]
for child in self.values:
child.parent = next_node
next_node.values[0:0] = self.values
else: # If self is the last node, merge with prev
prev: Node = self.parent.values[-2]
prev.keys += [self.parent.keys[-1]] + self.keys
for child in self.values:
child.parent = prev
prev.values += self.values
def borrow_key(self, minimum: int):
index = self.parent.index(self.keys[0])
if index < len(self.parent.keys):
next_node: Node = self.parent.values[index + 1]
if len(next_node.keys) > minimum:
self.keys += [self.parent.keys[index]]
borrow_node = next_node.values.pop(0)
borrow_node.parent = self
self.values += [borrow_node]
self.parent.keys[index] = next_node.keys.pop(0)
return True
elif index != 0:
prev: Node = self.parent.values[index - 1]
if len(prev.keys) > minimum:
self.keys[0:0] = [self.parent.keys[index - 1]]
borrow_node = prev.values.pop()
borrow_node.parent = self
self.values[0:0] = [borrow_node]
self.parent.keys[index - 1] = prev.keys.pop()
return True
return False
class Leaf(Node):
def __init__(self, parent=None, prev_node=None, next_node=None):
Create a new leaf in the leaf link
:type prev_node: Leaf
:type next_node: Leaf
super(Leaf, self).__init__(parent) Leaf = next_node
if next_node is not None:
next_node.prev = self
self.prev: Leaf = prev_node
if prev_node is not None: = self
def __getitem__(self, item):
return self.values[self.keys.index(item)]
def __setitem__(self, key, value):
i = self.index(key)
if key not in self.keys:
self.keys[i:i] = [key]
self.values[i:i] = [value]
self.values[i - 1] = value
def split(self):
global splits
splits += 1
left = Leaf(self.parent, self.prev, self)
mid = len(self.keys) // 2
left.keys = self.keys[:mid]
left.values = self.values[:mid]
self.keys: list = self.keys[mid:]
self.values: list = self.values[mid:]
# When the leaf node is split, set the parent key to the left-most key of the right child node.
return self.keys[0], [left, self]
def __delitem__(self, key):
i = self.keys.index(key)
del self.keys[i]
del self.values[i]
def fusion(self):
global fusions
fusions += 1
if is not None and == self.parent:[0:0] = self.keys[0:0] = self.values
self.prev.keys += self.keys
self.prev.values += self.values
if is not None: = self.prev
if self.prev is not None: =
def borrow_key(self, minimum: int):
index = self.parent.index(self.keys[0])
if index < len(self.parent.keys) and len( > minimum:
self.keys += []
self.values += []
self.parent.keys[index] =[0]
return True
elif index != 0 and len(self.prev.keys) > minimum:
self.keys[0:0] = [self.prev.keys.pop()]
self.values[0:0] = [self.prev.values.pop()]
self.parent.keys[index - 1] = self.keys[0]
return True
return False
class BPlusTree(object):
"""B+ tree object, consisting of nodes.
Nodes will automatically be split into two once it is full. When a split occurs, a key will
'float' upwards and be inserted into the parent node to act as a pivot.
maximum (int): The maximum number of keys each node can hold.
root: Node
def __init__(self, maximum=4):
self.root = Leaf()
self.maximum: int = maximum if maximum > 2 else 2
self.minimum: int = self.maximum // 2
self.depth = 0
def find(self, key) -> Leaf:
""" find the leaf
Leaf: the leaf which should have the key
node = self.root
# Traverse tree until leaf node is reached.
while type(node) is not Leaf:
node = node[key]
return node
def __getitem__(self, item):
return self.find(item)[item]
def query(self, key):
"""Returns a value for a given key, and None if the key does not exist."""
leaf = self.find(key)
return leaf[key] if key in leaf.keys else None
def change(self, key, value):
"""change the value
(bool,Leaf): the leaf where the key is. return False if the key does not exist
leaf = self.find(key)
if key not in leaf.keys:
return False, leaf
leaf[key] = value
return True, leaf
def __setitem__(self, key, value, leaf=None):
"""Inserts a key-value pair after traversing to a leaf node. If the leaf node is full, split
the leaf node into two.
if leaf is None:
leaf = self.find(key)
leaf[key] = value
if len(leaf.keys) > self.maximum:
def insert(self, key, value):
(bool,Leaf): the leaf where the key is inserted. return False if already has same key
leaf = self.find(key)
if key in leaf.keys:
return False, leaf
self.__setitem__(key, value, leaf)
return True, leaf
def insert_index(self, key, values: list[Node]):
"""For a parent and child node,
Insert the values from the child into the values of the parent."""
parent = values[1].parent
if parent is None:
values[0].parent = values[1].parent = self.root = Node()
self.depth += 1
self.root.keys = [key]
self.root.values = values
parent[key] = values
# If the node is full, split the node into two.
if len(parent.keys) > self.maximum:
# Once a leaf node is split, it consists of a internal node and two leaf nodes.
# These need to be re-inserted back into the tree.
def delete(self, key, node: Node = None):
if node is None:
node = self.find(key)
del node[key]
if len(node.keys) < self.minimum:
if node == self.root:
if len(self.root.keys) == 0 and len(self.root.values) > 0:
self.root = self.root.values[0]
self.root.parent = None
self.depth -= 1
elif not node.borrow_key(self.minimum):
self.delete(key, node.parent)
# Change the left-most key in node
# if i == 0:
# node = self
# while i == 0:
# if node.parent is None:
# if len(node.keys) > 0 and node.keys[0] == key:
# node.keys[0] = self.keys[0]
# return
# node = node.parent
# i = node.index(key)
# node.keys[i - 1] = self.keys[0]
def show(self, node=None, file=None, _prefix="", _last=True):
"""Prints the keys at each level."""
if node is None:
node = self.root
print(_prefix, "`- " if _last else "|- ", node.keys, sep="", file=file)
_prefix += " " if _last else "| "
if type(node) is Node:
# Recursively print the key of child nodes (if these exist).
for i, child in enumerate(node.values):
_last = (i == len(node.values) - 1), file, _prefix, _last)
def output(self):
return splits, parent_splits, fusions, parent_fusions, self.depth
def readfile(self, reader):
i = 0
for i, line in enumerate(reader):
s = line.decode().split(maxsplit=1)
self[s[0]] = s[1]
if i % 1000 == 0:
print('Insert ' + str(i) + 'items')
return i + 1
def leftmost_leaf(self) -> Leaf:
node = self.root
while type(node) is not Leaf:
node = node.values[0]
return node
def demo():
bplustree = BPlusTree()
random_list = random.sample(range(1, 100), 20)
for i in random_list:
bplustree[i] = 'test' + str(i)
print('Insert ' + str(i))
for i in random_list:
print('Delete ' + str(i))
if __name__ == '__main__':
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