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Created May 11, 2015 10:03
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JS Micro Template
// by John Resig
var cache = {};
w.tmpl = function tmpl(str){
var fn = !/\W/.test(str) ?
cache[str] = cache[str] ||
tmpl(document.getElementById(str).innerHTML) :
new Function("obj",
"var p=[],print=function(){p.push.apply(p,arguments);};" +
"with(obj){p.push('" +
.replace(/[\r\t\n]/g, " ")
.replace(/((^|%>)[^\t]*)'/g, "$1\r")
.replace(/\t=(.*?)%>/g, "',$1,'")
+ "');}return p.join('');");
return fn;
//example usage:
var tmplFn = tmpl(
'<% for ( var i = 0; i < users.length; i++ ) { %>'+
'<li><a href="<%=users[i].url%>"><%=users[i].name%></a></li>'+
'<% } %>'
users: [{
name: 'Mike',
url: '#mike'
}, {
name: 'Tome',
url: '#tom'
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