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Created March 3, 2014 03:17
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Application-side Interfaces in Go

Application-side Interfaces in Go

By moving the interface to the application-side (application.go), you can still set the implementation-specific configuration details when you instantiate your library structs. If the interface was implemented on the library-side then you would need to provide:

type DB interface {
  Get([]byte) ([]byte, error)
  Put([]byte, []byte) error
  CacheSize() int
  TurboMode() bool

The extra configuration functions are implementation specific. The generalization of DBs occurs on the application-side (not the library-side) so it makes more sense to only specify the interface required by the application on the application-side.

package myapp
import "mylib"
// DB is a generic interface to a key/value store.
type DB interface {
Get(key []byte) ([]byte, error)
Put(key, value []byte) error
// Server represents a wrapper for accessing the DB (maybe over HTTP?).
type Server struct {
db DB
func (s *Server) ListenAndServe() error {
func main() {
// Initialize the specific implementation of DB that we want to use.
db: &mylib.AwesomeDB{
CacheSize: 1024,
TurboMode: true,
// Attach it to the server.
s := &Server{db: db}
// Start the server.
package mylib
type AwesomeDB struct {
CacheSize int
TurboMode bool
func (db *DB) Get(key []byte) ([]byte, error) {
func (db *DB) Put(key, value []byte) error {
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