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Last active September 16, 2016 03:16
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MAXN = 1429
HtoN = [1,2]
while HtoN[-1] <= MAXN*20:
HtoN.append(HtoN[-1] + HtoN[-2] + 1)
argvar = 0
NtoH = [-1]
curh = 0
for n in range(1,MAXN):
if n > HtoN[curh]:
curh += 1
NtoMinH = [-1,0,1]
Min = 4
log = 1
for n in range(3,MAXN):
if Min & n:
Min <<= 1
log += 1
Everything above here is not strictly necessary to solve the problem, only to make it faster
Treenums = [[0 for x in range(MAXN)] for h in range(25)]
Treenums[0][1] = 1
Treenums[1][2] = 2
Treenums[1][3] = 1
for n in range(4,MAXN-1):
splitn = n-1
for h in range(NtoMinH[n]-1,NtoH[n]):
sum = 0
minn = 0 if h == 0 else HtoN[h-1]
lowl = Treenums[h-1]
highl = Treenums[h]
for x in range(minn,splitn+1-minn):
y = splitn - x
sum += highl[x] * highl[y]
sum += lowl[x] * highl[y]
sum += highl[x] * lowl[y]
Treenums[h+1][n] += sum
import sys
for instr in sys.stdin.readlines():
n = int(instr)
num = 0
for h in range(15):
num += Treenums[h][n]
s = ""
for i in range(9):
s += str(num%10)
num //= 10
print(s[::-1])#reverses string
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