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Created May 28, 2009 14:06
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@photoset_id = params[:id]
api_key = "xxxxx"
method = "flickr.photosets.getPhotos"
remote_url = "{method}&api_key=#{api_key}&photoset_id=#{@photoset_id}"
@doc = Hpricot.parse(open(remote_url))
-'photo').collect do |e|
- id = e['id']
- owner = e['owner']
- title = e['title']
- farm = e['farm']
- server = e['server']
- id = e['id']
- secret = e['secret']
- small_url = "http://farm#{farm}{server}/#{id}_#{secret}_s.jpg"
- photo_url = "http://farm#{farm}{server}/#{id}_#{secret}.jpg" #supression du suffixe
bla bla...
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