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Created July 18, 2014 17:06
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Objectify - Converts tab-delimited table in the clipboard into a List of objects in C# code
# Objectify.ps1
# Ben Brandt - July 18, 2014
# Turns a tab-delimited table from the clipboard text, and converts it to a List of objects in C# code.
# Useful for taking data copied from SQL Management Studio (with Headers) and converting it to in-memory objects for use as test data.
function Get-ClipboardText()
Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Windows.Forms
$tb = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.TextBox
$tb.Multiline = $true
return $tb.Text
filter isNumeric() {
$out = 0
$isNum = [System.Int32]::TryParse($_, [ref]$out)
return $isNum
$cbText = Get-ClipboardText
$lines = $cbText.Split("`r`n") | where { ![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($_) }
Write-Host 'ClipBoard Text:'
Write-Host '--------------------------------------------------'
Write-Host $cbText
Write-Host ''
Write-Host '--------------------------------------------------'
$firstLine = $lines[0];
$columns = $firstLine.Split("`t")
Write-Host "Detected Column Headers ($($columns.Count)):"
$columns | Foreach {
Write-Host " [$_]"
Write-Host '--------------------------------------------------'
Write-Host 'C# Object Code:'
Write-Host ''
Write-Host "var objects = new List<dynamic> {"
$lines | select -skip 1 | Foreach {
$thisLine = $_
$thisLineValues = $thisLine.Split("`t")
$keyValuePairs = @();
for ($i=0; $i -lt $columns.Count; $i++){
$valueOutput = $thisLineValues[$i]
If($valueOutput | isNumeric)
$valueOutput = $valueOutput
} Else {
#escape double quotes
$valueOutput = $valueOutput -replace """", "\"""
#surround with double quotes
$valueOutput = """$valueOutput"""
$kvp = [string]::Format("{0} = {1}", $columns[$i], $valueOutput )
$keyValuePairs += $kvp
$outputLine = " new { "
$outputLine += $keyValuePairs -join ", "
$outputLine += " },"
Write-Host $outputLine
Write-Host "};"
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