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Created January 16, 2015 20:16
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LCS teams

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TSM (Dyrus, Santorin, Bjergsen, Wildturtle, Lustboy) Management: Reginald, Locodoco -Most popular team/one of the oldest -Not afraid to make changes to address issues -Like to trash talk, also like to take unwarranted potshots at people (especially Loco/Regi) -Meta shifted out of favor of Bjergsen's champ pool, their wins now generally hinge on Wildturtle carrying -Santorin's first split in LCS replacing Amazing as jungler who went back to EU to join team Origen

C9 (Balls, Meteos, Hai, Sneaky, Lemonnation) MGMT: Jack, Charlie -Most consistent team since joining LCS, considered best NA team -By far best team communication in NA and none of the interpersonal issues that plague other teams -Hai undisputed shotcaller for the team -Sneaky has probably been best ADC in NA for a while, only now finally starting to get recognition -Meteos also genererally considered best jungler in NA although he doesn't hard carry as much as he did the first few splits he played, I think he had a KDA of 54 over a 28-game split or something in S3

CLG (Zionspartan, Xmithie, Link, Doublelift, Aphromoo) MGMT: MaTTcom, scarra, zikz -Oldest and second most popular team in NA -Notorious for "potential", haven't won a LAN since Doublelift joined the team forever ago -Frequent communication/interpersonal issues cause frequent roster changes -Have been fined/had players suspended a ton for how they handled acquiring scarra/Zionspartan this offseason -Zion can't play first week, scarra can't coach first 3 weeks -Link was considered soloQ god that would make a huge splash on LCS when he joined main CLG team in S3, but hasn't lived up to it -Public opinion is that he played too much Hearthstone/not enough League and wasn't invested/motivated last season, but I don't think thats very true -Double/Aphro bot lane considered best in NA, though some prefer C9's and it could also be contested by new TL bot lane. -Doublelift maybe the biggest League personality, used to trash talk a lot but has toned it down recently -Aphro has taken over as main shotcaller for the team this season, a role which he used to share more with Link/dexter (their old jungler)

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