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Last active May 17, 2020 01:00
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OpenXcom nightly auto-update script
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Runs and auto-updates OpenXcom nightlies in a portable environment
# By default, this script will try to download and use the latest
# nightly. If it finds a newer version than you already have, it will
# prompt you (with a zenity popup) to ask if you actually want to
# download it.
# If you want to stick to a particular version and don't want the popup
# telling you to update, you can change the $here/versions/greatest
# symlink to point to a specific AppImage rather than the default
# $here/versions/latest (which refers to the latest known version)
# If you want to launch a specific version in the portable environment,
# you can also pass that AppImage as an argument to this script.
# Another way to skip the update prompt is to define the environment
# variable OPENXCOM_UPDATE_LATEST. If defined, OpenXcom will be updated
# without prompting you first, except if the variable is set to "no", in
# which case OpenXcom will NOT be updated (which is similar to passing
# $here/versions/latest as an argument to the script)
# Old versions stick around in the versions directory, and you may want
# to delete them periodically to save disk space (though the AppImages
# currently only take up <10MiB). However, you may want the ability to
# revert to old versions if you encounter bugs in the nightlies, so old
# AppImages are never automatically deleted.
# Configuration, Data, and User directories (described in the OpenXcom
# README) for AppImages run with this script are found at $here/config,
# $here/data, and $here/user respectively.
# ~requires zenity
here="$(dirname "$(realpath "$0")")"
function nightlies {
# Outputs nightly AppImages available for download, sorted by
# modified date, most recent first.
curl -fL '' |
grep -o "https://[^\"]*/OpenXcom_\w*_$(arch | tr _ -).AppImage"
function confirm_download {
# Ask if it's ok to download OpenXcom
if [ -L "$here/versions/latest" ]; then
local title="Update OpenXcom?"
local info="A new OpenXcom nightly is available!\n$1"
# The latest symlink doesn't exist yet, so this is the first
# installation, not an "update".
local title="Download OpenXcom?"
local info="The latest OpenXcom nightly is\n$1"
local body="$info\nDo you want to download it?"
zenity --question --title="$title" --text="$body"
function save_to {
# Download $1, writing it to the path $2
curl --create-dirs -f -o "$2" "$1" |
zenity --progress --no-cancel --pulsate --auto-close \
return "${PIPESTATUS[0]}"
function update_latest {
# Update the versions/latest symlink to the latest available
# version, downloading it if necessary.
# The return value of update_latest is not meaningful -- success
# does not imply that the versions/latest symlink actually exists.
if [ "$OPENXCOM_UPDATE_LATEST" = "no" ]; then
echo "Checking for updates..." >&2
local latest_url="$(nightlies | head -n 1)"
if [ -z "$latest_url" ]; then
# Probably just a problem with the user's internet connection,
# but could also indicate a bug in the nightlies function.
zenity --notification --window-icon=error \
--text="Failed to check for OpenXcom updates"
local latest_name="$(basename "$latest_url")"
local latest_path="$here/versions/$latest_name"
if [ ! -x "$latest_path" ]; then
if [ -z "$OPENXCOM_UPDATE_LATEST" ]; then
confirm_download "$latest_name" || return
echo "Downloading $latest_url..." >&2
if save_to "$latest_url" "$latest_path"; then
chmod +x "$latest_path"
rm -- "$latest_path" &> /dev/null
zenity --notification --window-icon=error \
--text="Failed to download $latest_name"
if [ -x "$latest_path" ]; then
# If the download succeeds or we didn't need to download because
# the file already exists, update latest symlink to point to it.
ln -fs "$latest_name" "$here/versions/latest"
function exec_app {
mkdir -p "$here/user" "$here/data" "$here/config"
DESKTOPINTEGRATION=no exec -- "$(realpath "$1")" \
-user "$here/user" \
-data "$here/data" \
-config "$here/config"
function prepend {
while read -r line; do
echo "$1$line"
if [ -n "$1" ]; then
exec_app "$1"
mkdir -p "$here/versions"
if [ ! -L "$greatest" ]; then
ln -s "latest" "$greatest"
if [ "$(basename "$(readlink "$greatest")")" = "latest" ]; then
if [ ! -x "$greatest" ]; then
zenity --error --no-wrap \
--text="The <tt>versions/greatest</tt> symlink\nis broken."
exec_app "$greatest"
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