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Last active June 28, 2024 03:53
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Official Exam Links & Resources

The Exam Itself


Resources I Used

Themes & Things To Revise & Focus On

  • ConfigMaps & mounting into containers as volumes
  • More ConfigMaps, seriously it was on about three or four questions, practice all the ways of creating & using a ConfigMap DOCS LINK
  • Learn to use every variation of kubectl run and use with or without the --dry-run -o yaml flags, e.g.
    • --restart=Never will create a Pod
    • --restart=Always and --replicas will create a Deployment
    • --restart=OnFailure will create a Job
    • --restart=OnFailure and --schedule will create a CronJob
    • Pass any commands for the pod/container to run at the end of the command after --
      e.g. kubectl run webpod --image nginx --restart Never -- sleep 600
  • Memorise the volumeMount and volumes syntax of pod & container spec, you don't have time to look it up, and it comes up a lot
  • Multi container pods, experiment with deploying this, and sharing a volume using emptyDir
  • Network Policy, podSelectors both for ingress/egress rules and applying the policy
  • PV and PVC, go through creating both and a pod to use the PVC, DOCS LINK
    • Surprise! one question required SSH onto a node to create a file for PV of hostPath type
  • Ingresses are not in the exam, nor are CRDs, Helm, etc, only core, non-beta API objects
  • Editing objects directly with kubectl edit ... only do this if you're confident of the change you're making, i.e. It's something mutable and you know the syntax
    • If you save and it's wrong you're thrown back into the editor. If you're anything less than 99% sure, then export the YAML kubectl get foobar -o yaml --export > blah.yaml and edit that
    • Often the change you are making requires you to delete the object (as it's an immutable field) so kubectl edit is never going to work

Bash/Terminal Tips

Enable kubectl auto complete, very useful and part of the docs so you can copy & paste it

Aliases. Shortening kubectl to k is a HUGE time saver! I used kn as a way to change namespaces

alias k=kubectl
alias kn='kubectl config set-context --current --namespace '

Change editor used by kubectl edit

export KUBE_EDITOR=nano

If a command like delete is taking a while, hit ctrl+z to put it to the background and carry on working

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what I understand is that we need to ssh to the worker node to create the host path dir and/or file then exit back to the master node with the correct context to continue with creating the PV, PVC and pod/deploy, am I right ?

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benc-uk commented Aug 11, 2021

@ahmedabuhamid yes, that's my memory of it, but it's been a while since I took the exam

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