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Created June 20, 2016 18:07
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Code to make 2D evolving multiplot histogram with side plots, like this one:
# Importations
import os, shutil
import numpy as np
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.mlab as mlab
import pylab
import warnings
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D, art3d
from matplotlib.offsetbox import TextArea, VPacker, AnnotationBbox
from Libraries.FastProgressBar import progressbar
from scipy.stats import norm
from ExternalLibraries.blessings import Terminal
term = Terminal()
# Constants
ECalRadius = 129.0 #|Radius of ECal in cm
ECalZ = 317.0
def layerVarianceFrame(enWeightedEtaPhi, etaPhi, frameNo, center, rng=None, maxE=1.0,
xbins=30, ybins=30, numEvents=1, saveAs=None):
'''Plots individual frames of eta-phi 2D histogram showing energy variance'''
from matplotlib.ticker import NullFormatter, MaxNLocator
from matplotlib.colors import LogNorm
def ellipse(ra,rb,ang,x0,y0,Nb=100):
'''Plots 1,2,3 sigma rings'''
xpos,ypos = x0,y0
radm,radn = ra,rb
an = ang
co,si = np.cos(an),np.sin(an)
the = np.linspace(0,2*np.pi,Nb)
X = radm*np.cos(the)*co - si*radn*np.sin(the) + xpos
Y = radm*np.cos(the)*si + co*radn*np.sin(the) + ypos
return X,Y
# Unpack data
x, y = enWeightedEtaPhi
eta, phi = etaPhi
if rng != None:
xlim, ylim = rng
xlim = [np.min(x), np.max(x)]
ylim = [np.min(y), np.max(y)]
# Format axes
nullfmt = NullFormatter()
left, width = 0.12, 0.54 #|These determine where the subplots go
bottom, height = 0.12, 0.54
bottom_h = left_h = left+width+0.02
rectscatter = [left, bottom, width, height]
recthistx = [left, bottom_h, width, 0.2]
recthisty = [left_h, bottom, 0.2, height]
rectcbar = [left_h+0.22, bottom, 0.05, height]
# Set up figure and axes
plt.figure(1, figsize=(8,8))
axHist2D = plt.axes(rectscatter)
axHistx = plt.axes(recthistx)
axHisty = plt.axes(recthisty)
axCbar = plt.axes(rectcbar)
# Remove labels from supplementary plots
# Configure and plot center and sigma bounds
contourcolor = 'black'
xcenter = np.mean(x)
ycenter = np.mean(y)
ra = np.std(x)
rb = np.std(y)
ang = 0
axHist2D.plot(center[0], center[1], '+w', markersize=50, mew=3.0)
X,Y = ellipse(ra,rb,ang,xcenter,ycenter)
axHist2D.annotate('$1\\sigma$', xy=(X[15], Y[15]), xycoords='data',xytext=(10, 10),
textcoords='offset points', horizontalalignment='right',
X,Y = ellipse(2*ra,2*rb,ang,xcenter,ycenter)
axHist2D.plot(X,Y,"k:",color = contourcolor,ms=1,linewidth=2.0)
axHist2D.annotate('$2\\sigma$', xy=(X[15], Y[15]), xycoords='data',xytext=(10, 10),
textcoords='offset points',horizontalalignment='right',
verticalalignment='bottom',fontsize=25, color=contourcolor)
X,Y = ellipse(3*ra,3*rb,ang,xcenter,ycenter)
axHist2D.plot(X,Y,"k:",color = contourcolor, ms=1,linewidth=2.0)
axHist2D.annotate('$3\\sigma$', xy=(X[15], Y[15]), xycoords='data',xytext=(10, 10),
textcoords='offset points',horizontalalignment='right',
verticalalignment='bottom',fontsize=25, color=contourcolor)
# Plot the main 2D histogram
H, xedges, yedges, img = axHist2D.hist2d(x, y, bins=(xbins,ybins), range=rng,
cbar = plt.colorbar(img, ax=axCbar, fraction=1.0) #|Fraction makes the colorbar fill the entire axis
cbar.set_label("$\log$ Energy ($\log$ MIPs) (total for $n$ events)", rotation=90)
# Set main limits
axHist2D.text(1.05, 1.20, "Layer %s/30"%str(frameNo),transform=axHist2D.transAxes,fontsize=25)
# Plot two side histograms
axHistx.hist(eta, range = rng[0], bins=xbins, color='blue')
axHisty.hist(phi, range = rng[1], bins=ybins, orientation='horizontal', color='red')
# Set those limits
axHistx.set_ylabel("Energy-unweighted hits", rotation=90)
axHisty.set_xlabel("Energy-unweighted hits")
# Finish everything up
if saveAs:
def layerVarianceAnalysis(data, eventNo, title, mode=None, clusterID=0, rng=None, endLoop=0,
numEvents=1, delete=False, cumulative=False):
Plots an evolving 2D histogram by layer of a hit.
Warning: running this on cumulative mode for very large datasets can make you run out of RAM.
# Parse data for proper cluster ID and existence of timing data
if not cumulative:
hits = np.extract(data[eventNo][0]['clusterID']==clusterID, data[eventNo][0]) #|Select only the rechits corresponding to the given cluster
# Further data parsing
xh,yh,zh,Eh = hits['x'], hits['y'], hits['z'], hits['en'] #|Separating hits
center = [data[eventNo][1]['eta'][clusterID], data[eventNo][1]['phi'][clusterID]]
eta, phi = XYZtoEtaPhi([xh,yh,zh])
layers = hits['layerID']
if mode == "log":
repeats = np.ceil(np.log(Eh)).astype(int)
etaw = np.repeat(eta, repeats) #|Energy-weighted eta and phi values
phiw = np.repeat(phi, repeats)
layersw = np.repeat(layers, repeats)
elif mode == "linear":
repeats = np.ceil(Eh).astype(int)
etaw = np.repeat(eta, repeats) #|Energy-weighted eta and phi values
phiw = np.repeat(phi, repeats)
layersw = np.repeat(layers, repeats)
elif mode == "flat":
etaw, phiw, layersw = eta, phi, layers
center = [0,0]
eta = np.array([])
phi = np.array([])
etaw = np.array([])
phiw = np.array([])
layers = np.array([])
layersw = np.array([])
Eh = np.array([])
k = 0
pbar = progressbar("Processing &count& events:", len(data)+1)
for event in data:
hits = np.extract(event[0]['clusterID']==clusterID, event[0]) #|Select only the rechits corresponding to the given cluster
# Further data parsing
xh,yh,zh,EhE = hits['x'], hits['y'], hits['z'], hits['en'] #|Separating hits
etaE, phiE = XYZtoEtaPhi([xh,yh,zh])
layersE = hits['layerID']
for i in range(len(hits)):
clusterID = hits[i]['clusterID']
etaE[i] -= event[1]['eta'][clusterID]
phiE[i] -= event[1]['phi'][clusterID]
if phiE[i] > 3.0:
phiE[i] -= 2*np.pi #|This fixes some modular issues we were having, with -epsilon = 2pi-epsilon
elif phiE[i] < -3.0:
phiE[i] += 2*np.pi
if mode == "log":
repeats = np.ceil(np.log(EhE)).astype(int)
etawE = np.repeat(etaE, repeats) #|Energy-weighted eta and phi values
phiwE = np.repeat(phiE, repeats)
layerswE = np.repeat(layersE, repeats)
elif mode == "linear":
repeats = np.ceil(EhE).astype(int)
etawE = np.repeat(etaE, repeats) #|Energy-weighted eta and phi values
phiwE = np.repeat(phiE, repeats)
layerswE = np.repeat(layersE, repeats)
elif mode == "flat":
etawE, phiwE, layerswE = etaE, phiE, layersE
eta = np.append(eta, etaE)
phi = np.append(phi, phiE)
etaw = np.append(etaw, etawE)
phiw = np.append(phiw, phiwE)
layers = np.append(layers, layersE)
layersw = np.append(layersw, layerswE)
Eh = np.append(Eh, EhE)
k += 1
# print "Saving array..."
#"Data/etaPhiProcessed.npy", [eta, phi, etaw, phiw, layers, layersw, Eh])
# eta, phi, etaw, phiw, layers, layersw, Eh = np.load("Data/etaPhiProcessed.npy")
# center = [0,0]
# Set plot ranges
if rng == None:
pltrange = np.array([(np.min(eta), np.max(eta)), (np.min(phi), np.max(phi))])
pltrange = rng
# Clear out existing crap
path = "Plots/LayerHitAnimations/"+title+"/Event"+str(eventNo)
if os.path.exists(path): #|Remove previous crap
# Set up animation
minlayer = 1 #|Minimum layer
maxlayer = 30 #|Maximum layer
count = minlayer
pbar = progressbar("Rendering &count& frames:", maxlayer-minlayer+1)
# Render frames
while count <= maxlayer:
etapltw = np.extract(layersw == count, etaw)
phipltw = np.extract(layersw == count, phiw)
etaplt = np.extract(layers == count, eta)
phiplt = np.extract(layers == count, phi)
# Eplt = np.extract(layers == count, Eh)
filename = path + "/frames/"+str(count).zfill(3)+".gif"
if len(etaplt) > 0:
layerVarianceFrame([etapltw, phipltw], [etaplt, phiplt], count, center, rng=pltrange,
numEvents=numEvents, maxE=np.max(Eh), xbins=50, ybins=50,
count += 1
# Render tail if needed:
if endLoop: print "Copying tail frames..."
for i in xrange(endLoop):
shutil.copyfile(filename, filename[:-7]+str(count).zfill(3)+".gif")
count += 1
# Combine frames to animated gif
print "Combining frames..."
import subprocess
args = (['convert', '-delay', '25', '-loop', '0', path+"/frames/*.gif", path+"/Shower.gif"]) #|This part requires ImageMagick to function
print "Saved to path "+str(os.path.abspath(path))+"/Shower.gif"
# Delete frames if told to do so
if delete:
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