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Created February 24, 2016 18:51
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find jinja variables
import string
import re
import jinja2
def split_many(astring, *split_on_chars, **kwargs):
Split a string on many values.
:param split_on_chars: string to split
:type split_on_chars: basestring
:param split_on_chars: chars to split on
:type split_on_chars: tuple
:param kwargs: keep_empty: keeps empty strings in result, which happens with two adjacent separators in a string
:type kwargs: dict
keep_empty = kwargs.get('keep_empty') or False
split_all = kwargs.get('split_all') or False
lenchars = len(split_on_chars)
if not lenchars:
split_on_chars = (' ',)
if lenchars == 1:
result = astring.split(split_on_chars[0])
lastchar = split_on_chars[-1]
result = reduce(lambda st, ch: st.replace(ch,lastchar), split_on_chars[:-1], astring).split(lastchar)
if not keep_empty:
result = filter(lambda x: x is not '', result)
return result
def test_split_many():
thestr = 'a_string with.many:_separators. '
split_chars = [' ',':', ',', '_', '.']
expected = ['a', 'string', 'with', 'many', 'separators']
assert expected == split_many(thestr, *split_chars)
expected = ['a_string', 'with.many:_separators.']
assert expected == split_many(thestr)
expected = ['a', 'string', 'with', 'many', 'separators']
assert expected == split_many(thestr, *split_chars)
expected = ['a', 'string', 'with', 'many', '', 'separators', '', '']
assert expected == split_many(thestr, *split_chars, keep_empty=True)
except AssertionError:
print 'test failed'
print 'test passed'
# test_split_many()
acceptable_punc = set('#$._-')
all_punctuation = set(string.punctuation)
ignore_punc = all_punctuation.difference(acceptable_punc)
def get_jinja_reserved_words():
logic = set('and or not'.split())
filters = set(jinja2.filters.FILTERS.keys())
operators = set('in is'.split())
tests = set(jinja2.tests.TESTS.keys())
funcs = set('range lipsum dict cycler'.split())
pythons = set('if then else elif endif with while not for each'.split())
locs = locals()
localsets = [s for lbl, s in locs.iteritems() if isinstance(s, set)]
flatset = set()
for s in localsets:
flatset = flatset.union(s)
return flatset
JINJA_WORDS = get_jinja_reserved_words()
def is_sequence_of_punctuation_chars(s):
for word in s.split():
if len(set(word).difference(all_punctuation)) == 0:
return True
return False
def find_jinja_vars_in_string(astring):
quotes = set('\'')
removeable_chars = ignore_punc.difference(quotes)
remove_index_keys = lambda k: re.sub('[\[0-9*\]*]', ' ', k)
remove_only_punctuation_chars = lambda k: ' '.join(split_many(k, *ignore_punc, **{'keep_empty':False}))
remove_sequence_punctuation_chars = lambda k: ' '.join(filter(lambda c: not is_sequence_of_punctuation_chars(c), k.split()))
string_without_punc = remove_index_keys(astring)
string_without_punc = ' '.join(split_many(string_without_punc, *removeable_chars, **{'keep_empty':False}))
string_without_punc = remove_only_punctuation_chars(string_without_punc)
string_without_punc = remove_sequence_punctuation_chars(string_without_punc)
parts = set(string_without_punc.split())
non_jinja_words_dirty = parts.difference(JINJA_WORDS)
chars_to_remove_this_time = quotes
non_jinja_words_clean = set()
for word in non_jinja_words_dirty:
parts = split_many(word, *chars_to_remove_this_time, **{'keep_empty':False})
newword = ' '.join(parts).split()
if not newword:
newword = newword[0]
if not newword or newword in chars_to_remove_this_time:
return non_jinja_words_clean
def test_find_jinja_vars_in_string():
expected = {'URLSEP', 'activity.folder', '', ''}
result = find_jinja_vars_in_string("{{[, activity.folder,]|reject('undefined')|join(URLSEP) --- === .. .}} -- ...")
assert expected == result
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