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Last active February 21, 2019 20:17
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Generate ECDSA JWKs in JWKS keystore using ES384
// Generates an elliptic curve keypair for the purpose of signing JWTs with ECDSA.
const jose = require('node-jose');
const fs = require('fs');
const keystore = jose.JWK.createKeyStore();
async function addNewECDSAKey(kid, keystore) {
const kty = "EC";
const crv = "P-384";
const options = {
alg: 'ES384',
use: 'sig'
await keystore.generate(kty, crv, options);
function writeKeysToFile(keystore) {
fs.existsSync('output/') || fs.mkdirSync('output/');
const pub = 'output/jwks.json'; // host this file at
fs.writeFileSync(pub, JSON.stringify(keystore.toJSON()));
const priv = 'output/jwks-secret.json';
fs.writeFileSync(priv, JSON.stringify(keystore.toJSON(true)));
(async function generateABunchOfKeys() {
await addNewECDSAKey('my-first-key', keystore);
await addNewECDSAKey('my-second-key', keystore);
await addNewECDSAKey('my-third-key', keystore);
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