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bencz/cc.c Secret

Last active January 16, 2016 23:27
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// -- Download all the include files and compiled binary
// --
#include <ctype.h>
#include <io.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <windows.h>
oSRC = 1, oTOKEN = 2, oASM = 4, oTRACE = 8, oDEBUG = 16,
oDLL = 32, oLINES = 64, oUOPT = 128, oNAME = 256
#define OPERATOR2 "== != <= >= |= += -= *= /= %= &= ^= >> << ++ -- && || -> "
#define HASHSIZE_TOKEN 9973
enum { VAL = 0, ADDR };
#define globTable 0
#define AT_TYPE 0x01000000
#define AT_USER 0x02000000
#define AT_IMPT 0x04000000
#define AT_EXPT 0x08000000
#define AT_ADDR 0x00FFFFFF
#define NM_CDECL 0x0001
#define NM_WINAPI 0x0002
#define NM_VAR 0x0004
#define NM_EXPORT 0x0008
#define NM_STRUCT 0x0010
#define NM_ATTR 0x0020
#define NM_ENUM 0x0040
#define MEMALIGN 0x1000
#define RAWALIGN 0x0200
#define MEMALIGN1 0x0fff // MEMALIGN - 1
#define RAWALIGN1 0x01ff // RAWALIGN - 1
#define IMAGEBASE 0x00400000
#define DLLBASE 0x10000000
typedef struct _CMDPARAM
int nSrc;
char *srcfile[8];
char outfile[MAX_PATH];
char impfiles[522];
typedef struct _HDATA
char *key;
void *val;
int seq;
typedef struct _HASH
HDATA *tbl;
int type;
int size, entries;
struct _HASH *pNext;
typedef struct _SRCLINE
int filenumber, linenumber;
char *srccode;
typedef struct _TOKEN
int type;
int ival;
double dval;
char *token;
int filenumber, linenumber;
typedef struct _MCC
char *srcFile[128];
int lines[128];
int totalLines;
int nSrcFile;
int mainfile;
SRCLINE *pSrcLine;
int sizeSrcLine;
int nSrcLine;
HASH hash;
int typeApp;
int nPreFile;
} MCC;
typedef struct _PTRS_TYPE
int ptrs, type;
typedef struct _Name
int type;
int idName;
int dataType;
int addrType;
int address;
int ptrs;
int size[8];
PTRS_TYPE *argpt;
int argc;
struct _Name *pBgn, *pEnd;
struct _Name *pNext;
} Name;
typedef struct _Block
int idFunc;
int blockDepth;
HASH hash;
} Block;
typedef struct _INSTRUCTION
int opcode;
char *hexcode, *hexcode2, *mnemonic;
int regs_size;
typedef struct _INSTRUCT
int inst, num, attr, offset, size, refs;
double dval;
char *sval;
int regs;
typedef struct _HID
} HID;
typedef struct _INDEX
int tix;
int ixCode, ixData, ixZero, ixString;
int ixLoc;
typedef struct _VALUE
int mode;
int ptrs, type;
int ival;
double rval;
int fConst, fAddr;
typedef struct _CODE
TOKEN *token;
int nToken;
HASH hash;
int sizeCode;
int currTable;
Block block[100];
int baseSpace;
int offset;
typedef struct _SECTION
int CodeAddr, CodeSize, DataAddr, DataSize;
int ImptAddr, ImptSize, ExptAddr, ExptSize, RelocAddr, RelocSize;
typedef struct _DLL
char *dllname;
int idFunc[64];
int nFunc;
} DLL;
typedef struct _EXE
int base, entryPoint;
int lenImpt, lenExpt, sizeImage;
DLL dll[32];
int nDLL, useDLL;
int useFunc;
int locs[1000], nLocs;
int cnt[100], nPages;
} EXE;
void infixOperation(int op, VALUE *v1, VALUE *v2, int left_bgn, int left_end);
void expression(int mode, VALUE *pv);
void assignExpression(int mode, VALUE *pv);
void conditionalExpression(int mode, VALUE *pv);
void logicalOrExpression(int mode, VALUE *pv);
void logicalAndExpression(int mode, VALUE *pv);
void orExpression(int mode, VALUE *pv);
void xorExpression(int mode, VALUE *pv);
void andExpression(int mode, VALUE *pv);
void equalityExpression(int mode, VALUE *pv);
void relationalExpression(int mode, VALUE *pv);
void shiftExpression(int mode, VALUE *pv);
void addExpression(int mode, VALUE *pv);
void mulExpression(int mode, VALUE *pv);
void castExpression(int mode, VALUE *pv);
void unaryExpression(int mode, VALUE *pv);
void primaryExpression(int mode, VALUE *pv);
int opt;
MCC mcc;
CODE cd;
SECTION mem, raw;
EXE exe;
void error(const char *loc, const char *format, ...)
if ((opt&oDEBUG) && loc != NULL) fprintf(stderr, "%s: ", loc);
if (0 <= ix.tix && ix.tix < cd.nToken)
int filenumber = cd.token[ix.tix].filenumber;
char *srcfile = filenumber >= 0 ? mcc.srcFile[filenumber] : "startup";
fprintf(stderr, "%s:%d: ", srcfile, cd.token[ix.tix].linenumber);
else if (mcc.nPreFile >= 0)
fprintf(stderr, "%s:%d: ", mcc.srcFile[mcc.nPreFile], mcc.lines[mcc.nPreFile]);
vfprintf(stderr, format, (char*)&format + sizeof(char*));
int htoi(int c)
return c >= 'A' ? (c - 'A' + 10) : (c - '0');
int esc_char(char *p)
if (*p == 'x' || *p == 'X') return (htoi(p[1]) << 4) + htoi(p[2]);
return *p == '0' ? '\0' : *p == 'r' ? '\r' : *p == 'n' ? '\n' : *p == 't' ? '\t' : *p;
} // 0->\0, r->\r, ..., t->\t, \'->\', \"->\", \\->\\.
int isAlpha(int c)
return (isalpha(c) || c == '_');
int isAlNum(int c)
return isAlpha(c) || isdigit(c);
int isKanji(int c)
return (c >= 0x81 && c <= 0x9F) || (c >= 0xE0 && c <= 0xFC);
char *endOfQuote(char *p)
int delim = *p++; // '"' or '\''
while (*p != '\0' && *p != delim)
p += (*p == '\\' || isKanji(*p & 0xff)) ? 2 : 1;
if (*p != delim) error("endOfQuote", "missing terminating %c character", delim);
return ++p;
void *xcheck(void *p)
if (p == NULL) error("xcheck", "");
return p;
void *xalloc(int size)
return xcheck(calloc(1, size));
void *xrealloc(void *ptr, size_t size)
return xcheck(realloc(ptr, size));
char *xstrdup(char *q)
return xcheck(strdup(q));
void initHash(int type, int size, HASH *pHash)
pHash->type = type;
pHash->size = size;
pHash->tbl = xalloc(size * sizeof(HDATA));
pHash->entries = 0;
int put(char *key, void *val, HASH *pHash);
void reallocHash(int newSize, HASH *pHash)
int n, oldSize = pHash->size;
HDATA *oldTbl = pHash->tbl;
initHash(pHash->type, newSize, pHash);
for (n = 0; n < oldSize; n++)
if (oldTbl[n].key != NULL) put(oldTbl[n].key, oldTbl[n].val, pHash);
void freeHash(HASH *pHash)
int n;
for (n = 0; n < pHash->size; n++)
if (pHash->tbl[n].key != NULL) free(pHash->tbl[n].key);
if ((pHash->type == 's' || pHash->type == 'n') && pHash->tbl[n].val != 0)
int hash(char *key, int size)
int n, h = 0;
for (n = 0; key[n] != '\0'; n++)
h = (h * 137 + (key[n] & 0xff)) % size;
return h;
int put(char *key, void *val, HASH *pHash)
int n, h = hash(key, pHash->size);
for (n = 0; n < pHash->size; n++)
int ix = (h + n) % pHash->size;
if (pHash->tbl[ix].key == NULL)
pHash->tbl[ix].key = xstrdup(key);
pHash->tbl[ix].val = pHash->type == 's' ? xstrdup(val) : val;
pHash->tbl[ix].seq = pHash->entries++;
if (pHash->type != 'x' && pHash->entries > pHash->size / 2)
reallocHash(pHash->size * 2, pHash);
return ix;
else if (strcmp(pHash->tbl[ix].key, key) == 0)
return ix;
error("lib.put", "Hash Table full!");
void *get(char *key, HASH *pHash)
int n, h = hash(key, pHash->size);
for (n = 0; n < pHash->size; n++)
int ix = (h + n) % pHash->size;
if (pHash->tbl[ix].key == NULL) break;
if (strcmp(pHash->tbl[ix].key, key) == 0)
return pHash->tbl[ix].val;
return NULL;
void printHash(HASH *pHash)
char *fmt = pHash->type == 's' ? "%4d %-8s %s\n" : "%4d %-8s %08X\n";
int n;
for (n = 0; n < pHash->size; n++)
if (pHash->tbl[n].key != NULL)
printf(fmt, n, pHash->tbl[n].key, pHash->tbl[n].val);
void prepro(char *srcfile);
int parseline(char *p, char *q)
while (*p != '\0' && *p != '\n')
if (p[0] == '/' && p[1] == '/') break; // "//"
if (p[0] == '/' && p[1] == '*')
char *r = strstr(p + 2, "*/");
if (r == NULL)
*q = '\0';
return 1;
strcpy(p, r + 2);
else if (*p == '\'' || *p == '"')
char *pEnd = endOfQuote(p);
while (p < pEnd) *q++ = *p++;
*q++ = *p++;
*q = '\0';
return 0;
void procInclude(char *src, char *p)
char *q, *r, *s, path[260];
if ((q = strchr(p, '<')) != NULL && (r = strchr(q, '>')) != NULL)
sprintf(path, "%s\\include\\%.*s", cmd.MCCDIR, r - q - 1, q + 1);
else if ((q = strchr(p, '"')) != NULL && (r = strchr(q + 1, '"')) != NULL)
if ((s = strrchr(src, '/')) == NULL) s = strrchr(src, '\\');
if (s == NULL) sprintf(path, "%.*s", r - q - 1, q + 1);
else sprintf(path, "%.*s%.*s", s - src + 1, src, r - q - 1, q + 1);
if (get(path, &mcc.hash) == NULL)
put(path, p, &mcc.hash);
void procDefine(char *str, HASH *pHash)
char *p = strtok(str, " \t");
char *q = strtok(NULL, "");
while (*q <= ' ') q++;
put(p, q, pHash);
void procPragma(char *p) // #pragma comment(lib, "comctl32.lib")
strtok(p, "\""); // '"'
char *q = strtok(NULL, "."); // '.'
sprintf(cmd.impfiles + strlen(cmd.impfiles), "%s.dll;", q);
void addLine(char *srccode, int nFile, int nLine)
if (mcc.nSrcLine >= mcc.sizeSrcLine)
mcc.sizeSrcLine = mcc.sizeSrcLine * 3 / 2;
mcc.pSrcLine = xrealloc(mcc.pSrcLine, mcc.sizeSrcLine*sizeof(SRCLINE));
SRCLINE *pSL = &mcc.pSrcLine[mcc.nSrcLine++];
pSL->filenumber = nFile;
pSL->linenumber = nLine;
pSL->srccode = xstrdup(srccode);
if (opt&oSRC) printf("%2d %3d: %s\n", nFile, nLine, srccode);
void prepro(char *srcfile)
char buf[512], out[512], key[64], *p, *pBgn, *q;
int nLine, nFile = mcc.nSrcFile++;
FILE *fpSrc = fopen(srcfile, "r");
if (fpSrc == NULL) error("prepro", "file '%s' not found", srcfile);
mcc.srcFile[nFile] = xstrdup(srcfile);
int fComment = 0; // "*/"
for (nLine = 1; fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), fpSrc) != NULL; nLine++)
mcc.nPreFile = nFile;
mcc.lines[nFile] = nLine;
if (fComment)
if ((p = strstr(buf, "*/")) == NULL) continue;
strcpy(buf, p + 2);
fComment = 0;
fComment = parseline(buf, out);
for (p = out; *p != '\0' && *p <= ' '; p++);
if (*p == '\0') continue;
if (strncmp(out, "#include", 8) == 0)
procInclude(srcfile, out + 8);
else if (strncmp(out, "#define", 7) == 0)
procDefine(out + 7, &mcc.hash);
else if (strncmp(out, "#pragma", 7) == 0)
procPragma(out + 7);
for (p = out; *p != '\0';)
if (*p == '"' || *p == '\'')
p = endOfQuote(p);
else if (!isAlpha(*p))
if (*p++ == '(' && (strcmp(key, "main") == 0 || strcmp(key, "WinMain") == 0))
mcc.typeApp = *key == 'm' ? 3 : 2;
mcc.mainfile = nFile;
for (q = key, pBgn = p; isAlNum(*p);) *q++ = *p++;
*q = '\0';
char *val = get(key, &mcc.hash);
if (val != NULL)
int vlen = strlen(val);
memmove(pBgn + vlen, p, strlen(p) + 1);
memmove(pBgn, val, vlen);
p = pBgn;
addLine(out, nFile, nLine);
if (opt&oDLL) mcc.typeApp = 0;
if (opt&oLINES && strstr(srcfile, "include\\") == NULL)
mcc.totalLines += nLine;
printf("%-24s\t%5d\n", srcfile, nLine - 1);
void initPrepro()
mcc.sizeSrcLine = 1000;
mcc.pSrcLine = xalloc(mcc.sizeSrcLine * sizeof(SRCLINE));
addLine("short _RoundNear = 0x137F;", -1, 1);
addLine("short _RoundChop = 0x1F7F;", -1, 2);
void addStartup()
int n = 3;
addLine("void _main() {", -1, n++);
if (mcc.typeApp == 3) // CUI
addLine(" char **argv, **env;", -1, n++);
addLine(" int argc, new_mode = 0;", -1, n++);
addLine(" __set_app_type(1);", -1, n++);
addLine(" _controlfp(0x10000, 0x30000);", -1, n++); // _PC_53, _MCW_PC
addLine(" __getmainargs(&argc, &argv, &env, 0, &new_mode);", -1, n++);
addLine(" exit(main(argc, argv, env));", -1, n++);
else if (mcc.typeApp == 2) // GUI
addLine(" STARTUPINFOA si;", -1, n++);
addLine(" __set_app_type(2);", -1, n++);
addLine(" _controlfp(0x10000, 0x30000);", -1, n++);
addLine(" char *p = GetCommandLineA();", -1, n++);
addLine(" int c = (*p++ == '\"') ? '\"' : ' ';", -1, n++);
addLine(" while (*p != c && *p != 0) p++;", -1, n++);
addLine(" if (*p != 0) p++;", -1, n++);
addLine(" while (*p <= ' ' && *p != 0) p++;", -1, n++);
addLine(" GetStartupInfoA(&si);", -1, n++);
addLine(" exit(WinMain(GetModuleHandleA((void*)0), (void*)0,", -1, n++);
addLine(" p, (si.dwFlags&1) ? si.wShowWindow : 10));", -1, n++);
else // DLL
addLine(" return 1;", -1, n++);
addLine("}", -1, n++);
void printToken(int n)
printf("%3d %2d:%03d %d \t%s\n", n + 1, cd.token[n].filenumber,
cd.token[n].linenumber, cd.token[n].type, cd.token[n].token);
void lex()
char *p, *pBgn, op2[4], token[256];
int n, type, nToken = 0, sizeToken = 1000;
cd.token = xalloc(sizeToken * sizeof(TOKEN));
for (n = 0; n < mcc.nSrcLine; n++)
SRCLINE *pSrc = &mcc.pSrcLine[n];
for (p = pSrc->srccode; *p != '\0';)
if (*p <= ' ')
pBgn = p;
if (*p == '\"' || *p == '\'')
type = TK_STRING;
p = endOfQuote(pBgn);
else if (isdigit(*p))
type = TK_NUMBER;
if (*p == '0' && (p[1] == 'x' || p[1] == 'X')) strtol(p, &p, 16);
else strtod(p, &p);
else if (isAlpha(*p))
type = TK_NAME;
for (p++; *p != '\0' && isAlNum(*p);) p++;
else if (strncmp(p, "...", 3) == 0)
type = TK_NAME;
p += 3;
type = TK_SYMBOL;
sprintf(op2, "%c%c ", p[0], p[1]);
p += strstr(OPERATOR2, op2) != NULL ? 2 : 1;
if (nToken >= sizeToken - 1)
sizeToken = sizeToken * 3 / 2;
cd.token = xrealloc(cd.token, sizeToken * sizeof(TOKEN));
sprintf(token, "%.*s", p - pBgn, pBgn);
if (nToken > 0 && cd.token[nToken - 1].type == TK_STRING && type == TK_STRING)
char *tk1 = cd.token[nToken - 1].token;
int len = strlen(tk1);
char *tk = xrealloc(tk1, len + (p - pBgn));
strcpy(tk + len - 1, token + 1);
cd.token[nToken - 1].token = tk;
TOKEN tkn = { type, 0, 0.0, xstrdup(token), pSrc->filenumber, pSrc->linenumber };
memcpy(&cd.token[nToken++], &tkn, sizeof(TOKEN));
cd.nToken = nToken;
push = 1, push_eax, push_ecx, push_pbp, pop_eax, pop_ecx, pop_edx, inc_dbp, dec_dbp,
add_eax_ecx, add_eax_edx, add_eax, add_ecx, add_pcx_eax, add_pcx_ax, add_pcx_al, add_esp,
add_dax, add_dcx, add_ddx, add_bax, add_bcx, add_bdx, add_eax_pbp, add_ecx_pbp,
add_pbp_eax, add_pbp_ecx, sub_pbp_ecx, sub_pbp_eax, and_pbp_eax, or_pbp_eax, xor_pbp_eax,
sub_eax, sub_eax_pbp, sub_eax_ecx, sub_pcx_eax, sub_pcx_ax, sub_pcx_al, sub_esp, sub_dax,
sub_dcx, sub_ddx, sub_bax, sub_bcx, sub_bdx, imul_eax_ecx, imul_eax_eax, imul_edx_edx,
imul_eax_pbp, xdiv_dbp, cmp_eax_ecx, cmp_ecx_eax, cmp_eax, cmp_eax_pbp, cmp_ah, test_ah,
test_eax_eax, and_eax_ecx, and_pcx_eax, and_pcx_ax, and_pcx_al, and_ah, or_eax_ecx,
or_pcx_eax, or_pcx_ax, or_pcx_al, xor_eax_eax, xor_pcx_eax, xor_pcx_ax, xor_pcx_al,
xor_eax_ecx, xor_ah, shl_eax, shl_edx, shl_eax_cl, shr_eax_cl, neg_eax, mov_ecx_eax,
mov_edx_eax, mov_eax_edx, mov_eax, mov_ecx, mov_dax, mov_wax, mov_bax, mov_eax_pax,
mov_eax_pcx, mov_pcx_eax, mov_pcx_ax, mov_pcx_al, mov_pax_ecx, mov_pax_cx, mov_pax_cl,
mov_eax_pbp, mov_ecx_pbp, mov_pbp_ecx, mov_ecx_pax, mov_edx_pax, mov_edx_pbp, mov_pbp_eax,
mov_pbp_al, mov_psp_eax, mov_eax_psp, movsx_eax_wax, movsx_eax_bax, movsx_ecx_wcx,
movsx_ecx_bcx, lea_eax_pbp, lea_ecx_pbp, lea_edx_pbp, mov_eax_ad1, mov_eax_ad2,
mov_eax_ad4, mov_eax_ad8, mov_eax_da1, mov_eax_da2, mov_eax_da4, mov_eax_da8, lea_eax_ad1,
lea_eax_ad2, lea_eax_ad4,
lea_eax_ad8, lea_eax_da1, lea_eax_da2, lea_eax_da4, lea_eax_da8, lea_ecx_da1, lea_ecx_da2,
lea_ecx_da4, lea_ecx_da8, xchg_eax_ecx, cwde, jmp, jz, jnz, jl, jge, jle, jg, call,
xent, xret, sete_eax, setne_eax, setl_eax, setge_eax, setle_eax, setg_eax, fchs, fxch_st1,
fld_qax, fld_qcx, fld_qbp, fld_qp, fldcw, fstp_qsp, fstsw, fst_qax, fst_qcx, fst_qbp,
fadd_qbp, fadd_qp, fsub_qbp, fsub_qp, fmul_qbp, fmul_qp, fdiv_qbp, fdiv_qp, fstp_st1,
faddp_st1_st, fsubrp_st1_st, fmulp_st1_st, fdivrp_st1_st, fucompp, fistp_dsp, fild_dax,
fild_dsp, xdiv_ecx, xmod_ecx, setint, setreal, setstr, fn_, exp_, loc_
#define Z ((void*)0)
enum { A = 0x0100, C = 0x0200, D = 0x0400, AC = 0x0300, AD = 0x0500, CD = 0x0600, ACD = 0x0700, X = 0x0700 };
INSTRUCTION instruction[] = {
{ push, "68", Z, "push %d", 4 },
{ push_pbp, "FFB5", "FF75", "push [ebp%+d]", 5 },
{ push_eax, "50", Z, "push eax", A },
{ push_ecx, "51", Z, "push ecx", C },
{ pop_eax, "58", Z, "pop eax", A },
{ pop_ecx, "59", Z, "pop ecx", C },
{ pop_edx, "5A", Z, "pop edx", D },
{ inc_dbp, "FF85", "FF45", "inc dp[ebp%+d]", 5 },
{ dec_dbp, "FF8D", "FF4D", "dec dp[ebp%+d]", 5 },
{ add_eax_ecx, "03C1", Z, "add eax,ecx", AC },
{ add_eax_edx, "03C2", Z, "add eax,edx", AD },
{ add_eax, "05", "83C0", "add eax,%d", 5 | A },
{ add_ecx, "81C1", "83C1", "add ecx,%d", 5 | C },
{ add_pcx_eax, "0101", Z, "add [ecx],eax", AC },
{ add_pcx_ax, "660101", Z, "add [ecx],ax", AC },
{ add_pcx_al, "0001", Z, "add [ecx],al", AC },
{ add_esp, "81C4", "83C4", "add esp,%d", 5 },
{ add_bax, "8000", Z, "add bp[eax]", A },
{ add_bcx, "8001", Z, "add bp[ecx]", C },
{ add_bdx, "8002", Z, "add bp[edx]", D },
{ add_dax, "8100", "8300", "add dp[eax],%d", 5 | A },
{ add_dcx, "8101", "8301", "add dp[ecx],%d", 5 | C },
{ add_ddx, "8102", "8302", "add dp[edx],%d", 5 | D },
{ add_eax_pbp, "0385", "0345", "add eax,[ebp%+d]", 5 | A },
{ add_ecx_pbp, "038D", "034D", "add ecx,[ebp%+d]", 5 | C },
{ add_pbp_eax, "0185", "0145", "add [ebp%+d],eax", 5 | A },
{ add_pbp_ecx, "018D", "014D", "add [ebp%+d],ecx", 5 | C },
{ sub_pbp_eax, "2985", "2945", "sub [ebp%+d],eax", 5 | A },
{ or_pbp_eax, "0985", "0945", "or [ebp%+d],eax", 5 | A },
{ xor_pbp_eax, "3185", "3145", "xor [ebp%+d],eax", 5 | A },
{ sub_pbp_ecx, "298D", "294D", "sub [ebp%+d],ecx", 5 | C },
{ sub_eax, "2D", "83E8", "sub eax,%d", 5 | A },
{ sub_eax_pbp, "2B85", "2B45", "sub eax,[ebp%+d]", 5 | A },
{ sub_eax_ecx, "2BC1", Z, "sub eax,ecx", AC },
{ sub_pcx_eax, "2901", Z, "sub [ecx],eax", AC },
{ sub_pcx_ax, "662901", Z, "sub [ecx],ax", AC },
{ sub_pcx_al, "2801", Z, "sub [ecx],al", AC },
{ sub_esp, "81EC", "83EC", "sub esp,%d", 5 },
{ sub_dax, "8128", "8328", "sub dp[eax],%d", 5 | A },
{ sub_dcx, "8129", "8329", "sub dp[ecx],%d", 5 | C },
{ sub_ddx, "812A", "832A", "sub dp[edx],%d", 5 | D },
{ sub_bax, Z, "8028", "sub bp[eax],%d", 1 | A },
{ sub_bcx, Z, "8029", "sub bp[ecx],%d", 1 | C },
{ sub_bdx, Z, "802A", "sub bp[edx],%d", 1 | D },
{ imul_eax_ecx, "0FAFC1", Z, "imul eax,ecx", ACD }, // •„†•tæŽZ
{ imul_eax_eax, "69C0", "6BC0", "imul eax,eax,%d", 5 | AD }, // R <- R*imm
{ imul_edx_edx, "69D2", "6BD2", "imul edx,edx,%d", 5 | AD }, // R <- R*imm
{ imul_eax_pbp, "0FAF85", "0FAF45", "imul eax,[ebp%+d]", 5 | A },
{ xdiv_dbp, "99F7BD", "99F77D", "cdq&idiv dp[ebp%+d]", 5 | AD },
{ cmp_eax_ecx, "39C8", Z, "cmp eax,ecx", AC },
{ cmp_ecx_eax, "3BC8", Z, "cmp ecx,eax", AC },
{ cmp_eax, "81F8", "83F8", "cmp eax,%d", 5 | A },
{ cmp_eax_pbp, "3B85", "3B45", "cmp eax,[ebp%+d]", 5 | A },
{ cmp_ah, Z, "80FC", "cmp ah,%d", 1 | A },
{ test_ah, Z, "F6C4", "test ah,%d", 1 | A },
{ test_eax_eax, "85C0", Z, "test eax,eax", A },
{ and_pbp_eax, "2185", "2145", "and [ebp%+d],eax", 5 | A },
{ and_eax_ecx, "23C1", Z, "and eax,ecx", AC },
{ and_pcx_eax, "2101", Z, "and [ecx],eax", AC },
{ and_pcx_ax, "662101", Z, "and [ecx],ax", AC },
{ and_pcx_al, "2001", Z, "and [ecx],al", AC },
{ and_ah, Z, "80E4", "and ah,%d", 1 | A },
{ or_eax_ecx, "0BC1", Z, "or eax,ecx", AC },
{ or_pcx_eax, "0901", Z, "or [ecx],eax", AC },
{ or_pcx_ax, "660901", Z, "or [ecx],ax", AC },
{ or_pcx_al, "0801", Z, "or [ecx],al", AC },
{ xor_eax_eax, "31C0", Z, "xor eax,eax", A },
{ xor_ah, Z, "80F4", "xor ah,%d", 1 | A },
{ xor_pcx_ax, "663101", Z, "xor [ecx],ax", AC },
{ xor_pcx_eax, "3101", Z, "xor [ecx],eax", AC },
{ xor_eax_ecx, "33C1", Z, "xor eax,ecx", AC },
{ xor_pcx_al, "3001", Z, "xor [ecx],al", AC },
{ shl_eax, Z, "C1E0", "shl eax,%d", 1 | A },
{ shl_edx, Z, "C1E2", "shl edx,%d", 1 | D },
{ shl_eax_cl, "D3E0", Z, "shl eax,cl", AC },
{ shr_eax_cl, "D3E8", Z, "shr eax,cl", AC },
{ neg_eax, "F7D8", Z, "neg eax", A },
{ mov_eax_edx, "8BC2", Z, "mov eax,edx", AD },
{ mov_ecx_eax, "8BC8", Z, "mov ecx,eax", AC },
{ mov_edx_eax, "8BD0", Z, "mov edx,eax", AD },
{ mov_eax, "B8", Z, "mov eax,%d", 4 | A },
{ mov_ecx, "B9", Z, "mov ecx,%d", 4 | C },
{ mov_dax, "C700", Z, "mov dp[eax],%d", 4 | A },
{ mov_wax, "66C700", Z, "mov wp[eax],%d", 2 | A },
{ mov_bax, Z, "C600", "mov bp[eax],%d", 1 | A },
{ mov_eax_pax, "8B00", Z, "mov eax,[eax]", A },
{ mov_eax_pcx, "8B01", Z, "mov eax,[ecx]", AC },
{ mov_pcx_eax, "8901", Z, "mov [ecx],eax", AC },
{ mov_pcx_ax, "668901", Z, "mov [ecx],ax", AC },
{ mov_pax_cx, "668908", Z, "mov [eax],cx", AC },
{ mov_pcx_al, "8801", Z, "mov [ecx],al", AC },
{ mov_pax_cl, "8808", Z, "mov [eax],cl", AC },
{ mov_pax_ecx, "8908", Z, "mov [eax],ecx", AC },
{ mov_ecx_pax, "8B08", Z, "mov ecx,[eax]", AC },
{ mov_edx_pax, "8B10", Z, "mov edx,[eax]", AD },
{ mov_eax_pbp, "8B85", "8B45", "mov eax,[ebp%+d]", 5 | A },
{ mov_ecx_pbp, "8B8D", "8B4D", "mov ecx,[ebp%+d]", 5 | C },
{ mov_edx_pbp, "8B95", "8B55", "mov edx,[ebp%+d]", 5 | D },
{ mov_pbp_ecx, "898D", "894D", "mov [ebp%+d],ecx", 5 | C },
{ mov_pbp_eax, "8985", "8945", "mov [ebp%+d],eax", 5 | A },
{ mov_pbp_al, "8885", "8845", "mov [ebp%+d],al", 5 | A },
{ mov_psp_eax, "898424", "894424", "mov [esp%+d],eax", 5 | A },
{ mov_eax_psp, Z, "8B4424", "mov eax,[esp%+d]", 1 | X },
{ movsx_eax_wax, "0FBF00", Z, "movsx eax,wp[eax]", A },
{ movsx_eax_bax, "0FBE00", Z, "movsx eax,bp[eax]", A },
{ movsx_ecx_wcx, "0FBF09", Z, "movsx ecx,wp[ecx]", C }, // •„†Šg’£
{ movsx_ecx_bcx, "0FBE09", Z, "movsx ecx,bp[ecx]", C }, // •„†Šg’£
{ lea_eax_pbp, "8D85", "8D45", "lea eax,[ebp%+d]", 5 | A },
{ lea_ecx_pbp, "8D8D", "8D4D", "lea ecx,[ebp%+d]", 5 | C },
{ lea_edx_pbp, "8D95", "8D55", "lea edx,[ebp%+d]", 5 | D },
{ mov_eax_ad1, "8B0402", Z, "mov eax,[eax+edx]", AD },
{ mov_eax_ad2, "8B0450", Z, "mov eax,[eax+edx*2]", AD },
{ mov_eax_ad4, "8B0490", Z, "mov eax,[eax+edx*4]", AD },
{ mov_eax_ad8, "8B04D0", Z, "mov eax,[eax+edx*8]", AD },
{ mov_eax_da1, "8B0410", Z, "mov eax,[edx+eax]", AD },
{ mov_eax_da2, "8B0442", Z, "mov eax,[edx+eax*2]", AD },
{ mov_eax_da4, "8B0482", Z, "mov eax,[edx+eax*4]", AD },
{ mov_eax_da8, "8B04C2", Z, "mov eax,[edx+eax*8]", AD },
{ lea_eax_ad1, "8D0402", Z, "lea eax,[eax+edx]", AD },
{ lea_eax_ad2, "8D0450", Z, "lea eax,[eax+edx*2]", AD },
{ lea_eax_ad4, "8D0490", Z, "lea eax,[eax+edx*4]", AD },
{ lea_eax_ad8, "8D04D0", Z, "lea eax,[eax+edx*8]", AD },
{ lea_eax_da1, "8D0410", Z, "lea eax,[edx+eax]", AD },
{ lea_eax_da2, "8D0442", Z, "lea eax,[edx+eax*2]", AD },
{ lea_eax_da4, "8D0482", Z, "lea eax,[edx+eax*4]", AD },
{ lea_eax_da8, "8D04C2", Z, "lea eax,[edx+eax*8]", AD },
{ lea_ecx_da1, "8D0C10", Z, "lea ecx,[edx+eax]", ACD },
{ lea_ecx_da2, "8D0C42", Z, "lea ecx,[edx+eax*2]", ACD },
{ lea_ecx_da4, "8D0C82", Z, "lea ecx,[edx+eax*4]", ACD },
{ lea_ecx_da8, "8D0CC2", Z, "lea ecx,[edx+eax*8]", ACD },
{ xchg_eax_ecx, "91", Z, "xchg eax,ecx", AC },
{ cwde, "98", Z, "cwde", A }, // eax <- ax
{ jmp, "E9", "EB", "jmp ", 5 | X },
{ jz, "0F84", "74", "jz ", 5 | X },
{ jnz, "0F85", "75", "jnz ", 5 | X },
{ jl, "0F8C", "7C", "jl ", 5 | X },
{ jge, "0F8D", "7D", "jge ", 5 | X },
{ jle, "0F8E", "7E", "jle ", 5 | X },
{ jg, "0F8F", "7F", "jg ", 5 | X },
{ call, "E8", Z, "call fn_%04d", 4 | X },
{ xent, "5589E5", Z, "push ebp&mov ebp,esp" },
{ xret, "C9C3", "C9C2", "leave&ret", X },
{ sete_eax, "B8000000000F94C0", Z, "sete eax", X }, // mov eax,0/sete_al
{ setne_eax, "B8000000000F95C0", Z, "setne eax", X }, // mov eax,0/setne_al
{ setl_eax, "B8000000000F9CC0", Z, "setl eax", X },
{ setge_eax, "B8000000000F9DC0", Z, "setge eax", X },
{ setle_eax, "B8000000000F9EC0", Z, "setle eax", X },
{ setg_eax, "B8000000000F9FC0", Z, "setg eax", X },
{ fchs, "D9E0", Z, "fchs" },
{ fxch_st1, "D9C9", Z, "fxch st(1)" },
{ fld_qax, "DD00", Z, "fld qp[eax]", A },
{ fld_qcx, "DD01", Z, "fld qp[ecx]", C },
{ fst_qax, "DD10", Z, "fst qp[eax]", A },
{ fst_qcx, "DD11", Z, "fst qp[ecx]", C },
{ fld_qbp, "DD85", "DD45", "fld qp[ebp%+d]", 5 },
{ fld_qp, "DD05", Z, "fld qp[off_%p]", 4 },
{ fldcw, "D92D", Z, "fldcw [off_%p]", 4 },
{ fstp_qsp, "DD5C2400", Z, "fstp qp[esp]" },
{ fstsw, "DFE0", Z, "fstsw" },
{ fstp_st1, "DDD9", Z, "fstp st1" },
{ fst_qbp, "DD95", "DD55", "fst qp[ebp%+d]", 5 },
{ fadd_qbp, "DC85", "DC45", "fadd qp[ebp%+d]", 5 },
{ fsub_qbp, "DCA5", "DC65", "fsub qp[ebp%+d]", 5 },
{ fmul_qbp, "DC8D", "DC4D", "fmul qp[ebp%+d]", 5 },
{ fdiv_qbp, "DCB5", "DC75", "fdiv qp[ebp%+d]", 5 },
{ fadd_qp, "DC05", Z, "fadd qp[%d]", 4 },
{ fsub_qp, "DC25", Z, "fsub qp[%d]", 4 },
{ fmul_qp, "DC0D", Z, "fmul qp[%d]", 4 },
{ fdiv_qp, "DC35", Z, "fdiv qp[%d]", 4 },
{ faddp_st1_st, "DEC1", Z, "faddp st1,st" },
{ fmulp_st1_st, "DEC9", Z, "fmulp st1,st" },
{ fsubrp_st1_st, "DEE9", Z, "fsubrp st1,st" },
{ fdivrp_st1_st, "DEF9", Z, "fdivrp st1,st" },
{ fistp_dsp, Z, "DB5C24", "fistp dp[esp%+d]", 1 },
{ fild_dax, "DB00", Z, "fild dp[eax]", A },
{ fild_dsp, "DB8424", "DB4424", "fild dp[esp%+d]", 5 },
{ fucompp, "DAE9", Z, "fucompp" },
{ xdiv_ecx, "99F7F9", Z, "cdq&idiv ecx", X },
{ xmod_ecx, "99F7F989D0", Z, "cdq&idiv ecx&mov eax,edx", X },
{ setint, "", Z, "setint %d @%d" },
{ setreal, "", Z, "setreal %.3f @%d" },
{ setstr, "", Z, "setstr '%s' @%d" },
{ fn_, Z, Z, "fn_%04d:", 4 },
{ exp_, Z, Z, "exp fn_%04d:", 4 },
{ loc_, Z, Z, "loc_%03d:", 4 },
int cmpInst(const void *a, const void *b)
return ((INSTRUCTION*)a)->opcode - ((INSTRUCTION*)b)->opcode;
void initInstruction()
int n, size1 = sizeof(INSTRUCTION);
qsort(instruction, sizeof(instruction) / size1, size1, cmpInst);
for (n = 0; n < sizeof(instruction) / size1; n++)
INSTRUCTION *pI = &instruction[n];
//printf("%s opcode=%d n+1=%d\n", pI->mnemonic, pI->opcode, n+1);
if (pI->opcode != n + 1)
error("INST", "mismatch! %s opcode=%d n+1=%d", pI->mnemonic, pI->opcode, n + 1);
char *toStr(int tix)
return cd.token[tix].token;
char *toString(int id)
return cd.hash.tbl[id].key;
int cmpSeq(const void *a, const void *b)
return ((HDATA*)a)->seq - ((HDATA*)b)->seq;
void printNameTable(int ixBlk)
Block blk = cd.block[ixBlk];
printf("------ %-16s#%d [%2d]-------\n", toString(blk.idFunc), blk.blockDepth, ixBlk);
printf("%25s %-25s %s\n", "dtype", "name", "ptrs atype addr size");
qsort(blk.hash.tbl, blk.hash.size, sizeof(HDATA), cmpSeq);
int n;
for (n = 0; n < blk.hash.size; n++)
Name *e = blk.hash.tbl[n].val;
if (e == NULL) continue;
char *fmt = strlen(toString(e->dataType)) < 26 ? "%25s %-25s" : "%.23s.. %.23s..";
printf(fmt, toString(e->dataType), toString(e->idName));
printf(" %d%5d%9d%8d\n", e->ptrs, e->addrType, e->address, e->size[0]);
void createNameTable(int idFunc)
if (++cd.currTable > 1) idFunc = cd.block[cd.currTable - 1].idFunc;
cd.block[cd.currTable].idFunc = idFunc;
cd.block[cd.currTable].blockDepth = cd.currTable;
initHash('n', cd.currTable == 0 ? 1000 : 4, &cd.block[cd.currTable].hash);
void deleteNameTable()
if (opt&oNAME) printNameTable(cd.currTable);
Name *newName(int type, int dataType, int name, int addrType, int address)
Name buf = { type, name, dataType, addrType, address };
Name *pNew = xalloc(sizeof(Name));
memcpy(pNew, &buf, sizeof(Name));
pNew->argc = -1;
return pNew;
Name *putName(int ixBlk, Name *pName)
char key[128];
int type = pName->type;
char *name = toString((type&NM_STRUCT) ? pName->dataType : pName->idName);
sprintf(key, "%s%s", (type&NM_FUNC) ? "@" : (type&NM_STRUCT) ? "$" : "", name);
put(key, pName, &cd.block[ixBlk].hash);
return pName;
Name *appendName(int ixBlk, int type, int dataType, int name, int addrType, int address)
return putName(ixBlk, newName(type, dataType, name, addrType, address));
Name *getNameFromTable(int ixBlk, int type, int name)
char key[128];
sprintf(key, "%s%s", (type&NM_FUNC) ? "@" : (type&NM_STRUCT) ? "$" : "", toString(name));
return get(key, &cd.block[ixBlk].hash);
Name *getNameFromAllTable(int ixBlk, int type, int name)
for (; ixBlk >= 0; ixBlk--)
Name *e = getNameFromTable(ixBlk, type, name);
if (e != NULL) return e;
return NULL;
Name *getStruct(int type)
return getNameFromTable(globTable, NM_STRUCT, type);
int getPtr(int type)
Name *pStruct = getStruct(type);
return pStruct != NULL ? pStruct->ptrs : 0;
Name *getAttr(int type, int name)
Name *e = getStruct(type)->pBgn;
while (e != NULL && e->idName != name) e = e->pNext;
return e;
Name *getMember(int type, int n)
Name *e = getStruct(type)->pBgn;
while (n-- > 0 && e != NULL) e = e->pNext;
return e;
void reallocCode(int size)
if (ix.ixCode + size + 10 < cd.sizeCode) return;
cd.sizeCode = cd.sizeCode * 3 / 2;
cd.pCode = xrealloc(cd.pCode, cd.sizeCode*sizeof(INSTRUCT));
void outCode3(int code, int num, int attr)
if (code <= 0) error("outCode3", "code = %d", code);
INSTRUCT inst = { code, num, attr };
memcpy(&cd.pCode[ix.ixCode], &inst, sizeof(inst));
cd.pCode[ix.ixCode++].regs = instruction[code - 1].regs_size & 0xFF00;
void outCode2(int code, int num)
outCode3(code, num, 0);
void outCode1(int code)
outCode3(code, 0, 0);
void delCodes(int from, int to)
memmove(&cd.pCode[from], &cd.pCode[to], (ix.ixCode - to)*sizeof(INSTRUCT));
ix.ixCode -= (to - from);
void delCode(int n)
delCodes(n, n + 1);
void jumpFalse(int loc, char *msg)
int in = cd.pCode[ix.ixCode - 1].inst;
if (in >= sete_eax && in <= setg_eax) // jNCC loc
cd.pCode[ix.ixCode - 1].inst = in == setg_eax ? jle : in == setge_eax ? jl
: in == setl_eax ? jge : in == setle_eax ? jg : in == sete_eax ? jnz : jz;
cd.pCode[ix.ixCode - 1].num = loc;
//printf("jumpFalse %s\n", msg);
else // setCC/test eax,eax/jz loc
outCode2(jz, loc);
void jumpTrue(int loc, char *msg)
int in = cd.pCode[ix.ixCode - 1].inst;
if (in >= sete_eax && in <= setg_eax) // jCC loc
cd.pCode[ix.ixCode - 1].inst = in == setg_eax ? jg : in == setge_eax ? jge
: in == setl_eax ? jl : in == setle_eax ? jle : in == sete_eax ? jz : jnz;
cd.pCode[ix.ixCode - 1].num = loc;
//printf("jumpTrue %s\n", msg);
else // setCC/test eax,eax/jnz loc
outCode2(jnz, loc);
void outData(int inst, int offset)
cd.pCode[ix.ixCode].inst = inst;
cd.pCode[ix.ixCode].offset = offset;
void outInteger(int offset, int size, int ival)
outData(setint, offset);
cd.pCode[ix.ixCode].attr = size;
cd.pCode[ix.ixCode++].num = ival;
void outReal(int offset, double dval) // setreal dval,offset
outData(setreal, offset);
cd.pCode[ix.ixCode++].dval = dval;
int outString(int offset, char *sval)
outData(setstr, offset);
cd.pCode[ix.ixCode++].sval = sval;
return xstrlen(sval);
void outDataChar(int c)
outInteger(ix.ixData, 1, c);
void outDataShort(int n)
outInteger(ix.ixData, 2, n);
ix.ixData += 2;
void outDataInt(int n)
outInteger(ix.ixData, 4, n);
ix.ixData += 4;
void outDataAddr(int p)
outInteger(ix.ixData, 0, p);
ix.ixData += 4;
void outDataDouble(double d)
outReal(ix.ixData, d);
ix.ixData += 8;
int xstrcpy(char *p, char *q)
int len = 0;
while (*q)
int fKanji = isKanji(*q & 0xff);
len += fKanji ? 2 : 1;
if (p != NULL && fKanji)
*p++ = *q;
*p++ = q[1];
else if (p != NULL)
*p++ = *q == '\\' ? esc_char(q + 1) : *q;
q += *q == '\\' ? (q[1] == 'x' ? 4 : 2) : (fKanji ? 2 : 1);
return len;
int xstrlen(char *p)
return xstrcpy(NULL, p);
void loadAddr(type, addr)
if (type == AD_STACK) outCode2(lea_eax_pbp, addr);
else outCode3(mov_eax, addr, type);
void loadValue(int type, int fPtr)
int *pI = &cd.pCode[ix.ixCode - 1].inst;
if (type == ID.INT || fPtr)
if (*pI >= lea_eax_ad1 && *pI <= lea_eax_ad8)
*pI = mov_eax_ad1 + (*pI - lea_eax_ad1);
else if (*pI == lea_eax_pbp) *pI = mov_eax_pbp;
else outCode1(mov_eax_pax);
else if (type == ID.CHAR)
else if (type == ID.SHORT)
else if (type == ID.DOUBLE)
if (*pI == lea_eax_pbp) *pI = fld_qbp;
else if (*pI == mov_eax) *pI = fld_qp;
else outCode1(fld_qax);
error("code.loadValue", "undefined type '%s'", toString(type));
void setFpuStack2(int type1, int type2)
if (type1 == ID.INT)
outCode2(fild_dsp, 0);
outCode2(add_esp, 4);
else if (type2 == ID.INT)
outCode2(mov_psp_eax, -4); // outCode1(push_eax);
outCode2(fild_dsp, -4); // outCode2(fild_dsp, 0); outCode2(add_esp, 4);
int loc()
return ++ix.ixLoc;
int id2(char* op)
return (op[0] * 137 + op[1]) % cd.hash.size;
int isId(int n)
return cd.token[ix.tix + n].type <= TK_NAME; // TK_SYMBOL or TK_NAME
int is(int id)
return isId(0) && cd.token[ix.tix].ival == id;
int isN(int id, int n)
return isId(n) && cd.token[ix.tix + n].ival == id;
int is2(char *op)
return isId(0) && cd.token[ix.tix].ival == id2(op);
int id(char* str)
return put(str, NULL, &cd.hash);
int ispp(int id)
if (is(id))
return 1;
else return 0;
int is2pp(char *op)
if (is2(op))
return 1;
else return 0;
void skip(int id)
if (!ispp(id)) error("code.skip", "'%s' expected", toString(id));
void setValue(int mode, int ptrs, int type, VALUE *pv)
VALUE val = { mode, ptrs, type };
memcpy(pv, &val, sizeof(VALUE));
int sizeOfDataType(int type)
if (type == ID.CHAR || type == ID.HVOID) return 1;
if (type == ID.SHORT) return 2;
if (type == ID.INT || type == ID.FLOAT) return 4;
if (type == ID.DOUBLE) return 8;
Name *pName = getStruct(type);
return pName != NULL ? pName->size[0] : 0;
typedef struct _Variable
int tag, type, id;
int width;
int pointers, arrays;
int size[8], length;
} Variable;
Variable var;
void init();
void setToken(TOKEN *token, HASH *pHash);
void program();
void functionDefinition();
void variableDeclaration(Name *pStruct, int status);
void structDeclaration();
void enumDefinition();
void parse()
int n;
cd.sizeCode = 10000;
cd.pCode = xalloc(cd.sizeCode * sizeof(INSTRUCT));
for (n = 0; n < cd.nToken; n++)
setToken(&cd.token[n], &cd.hash);
if (opt&oTOKEN) printToken(n);
cd.currTable = -1;
for (n = 0; n < ix.ixCode - 2; n++) // 160: jz loc_018 jnz loc_017
int inst = cd.pCode[n].inst; // 161: jmp loc_017 jmp loc_018
int num = cd.pCode[n].num; // 162: loc_018:[48] loc_018
if ((inst == jge || inst == jl || inst == jz || inst == jnz)
&& cd.pCode[n + 1].inst == jmp && cd.pCode[n + 2].num == num)
cd.pCode[n].num = cd.pCode[n + 1].num;
cd.pCode[n + 1].num = num;
cd.pCode[n].inst = inst == jge ? jl : inst == jl ? jge : inst == jz ? jnz : jz;
for (n = 0; n < ix.ixCode - 1; n++) // jmp 0
if (cd.pCode[n].inst == jmp && cd.pCode[n + 1].inst == loc_
&& cd.pCode[n].num == cd.pCode[n + 1].num) delCode(n);
int isFunctionDefinition()
int n = is(ID.DECLSP) ? 5 : 1;
if (is(ID.STATIC)) return FALSE;
if (n == 1 && !isTypeSpecifier(ix.tix)) return FALSE;
while (ix.tix + n < cd.nToken && cd.token[ix.tix + n].ival == '*')
if (cd.token[ix.tix + n].ival == ID.HWINAPI) return TRUE;
return cd.token[ix.tix + n + 1].ival == '(';
/// Program ::= (FunctionDefinition | VariableDeclaration ";")*
void program()
for (ix.tix = 0; ix.tix + 2 < cd.nToken;)
if (opt&oTRACE) printToken(ix.tix);
if (is(ID.TYPEDEF) && ix.tix + 5 < cd.nToken
&& cd.token[ix.tix + 3].ival != '{')
ix.tix += 5; // typedef struct <tag-name> <type-name>;
else if (is(ID.TYPEDEF))
else if (is(ID.ENUM))
enumDefinition(); // enum
else if (isFunctionDefinition())
variableDeclaration(NULL, ST_GVAR);
/// TypeSpecifier ::= "void" | "char" | "short" | "int" | "float" | "double"
void typeSpecifier()
if (is(ID.DECLSP)) ix.tix += 4; // __declspec(dllexport) | __declspec(dllimport)
int fStruct = is(ID.STRUCT);
if (fStruct || is(ID.TYPEDEF) || is(ID.HCONST)) ix.tix++;
if (!fStruct && !isTypeSpecifier(ix.tix))
error("typeSpecifier", "'%s' undeclared", toStr(ix.tix));
var.type = cd.token[ix.tix++].ival;
int isTypeSpecifier(int ix)
int hix = cd.token[ix].ival;
return cd.token[ix].type == TK_NAME && ((int)cd.hash.tbl[hix].val)&AT_TYPE;
void setAttr(Name *pName)
int n = var.size[0] == 0 ? 0 : var.arrays;
pName->ptrs = var.pointers + var.arrays;
pName->size[n] = var.width;
while (--n >= 0) pName->size[n] = pName->size[n + 1] * var.size[n];
} // int d[5][3][6] { 5*3*6*4, 3*6*4, 6*4, 4 }
void countMember(int depth, int *dim)
int n;
for (n = 0; !is('}'); n++)
if (ispp('{')) countMember(depth + 1, dim);
else assignExpression(VAL, &v);
if (!ispp(',')) break;
if (++n > dim[depth]) dim[depth] = n;
void constExpression(VALUE *pv)
int ixCodeSave = ix.ixCode;
int ixDataSave = ix.ixData;
conditionalExpression(VAL, pv);
ix.ixCode = ixCodeSave; // mov eax,imm
ix.ixData = ixDataSave;
int constIntExpression()
if (!v.fConst || v.type != ID.INT)
error("parser", "constant expression expected");
return v.ival;
/// VarDeclarator ::= ("*")* ["WINAPI"] Identifier ("[" [Constant] "]")*
int varDeclarator(int fParam)
int n, fCount = FALSE, callConv = NM_CDECL;
for (var.pointers = 0; ix.tix < cd.nToken && ispp('*');)
if (ispp(ID.HWINAPI)) callConv = NM_WINAPI;
if (cd.token[ix.tix].type == TK_SYMBOL) = -1;
else = cd.token[ix.tix++].ival;
memset(&var.size, 0, sizeof(var.size));
for (var.arrays = 0; var.arrays < 8 && ix.tix < cd.nToken && ispp('['); var.arrays++)
if (is(']'))
if (!fParam) fCount = TRUE;
var.size[var.arrays] = constIntExpression();
if (is('=') && fCount)
INDEX ixSave = ix;
memset(var.size, 0, sizeof(var.size));
if (cd.token[ix.tix + 1].type == TK_STRING)
var.size[0] = xstrlen(toString(cd.token[ix.tix + 1].ival)) + 1;
ix.tix += 2; // '=' ‚ '{'
countMember(0, var.size);
ix = ixSave;
if (fParam)
var.pointers += var.arrays;
var.arrays = 0;
var.width = var.pointers > 0 ? 4 : sizeOfDataType(var.type);
var.length = 1;
for (n = 0; n < var.arrays; n++)
var.length *= var.size[n];
return callConv;
void initializer(Name *name, int atype, int depth, int addr);
int align(int pos, int width)
if (pos == 0) return 0;
if ((width & 7) == 0) return (pos + 7) & ~7; // 8byte
if ((width & 3) == 0) return (pos + 3) & ~3; // 4byte.
if ((width & 1) == 0) return (pos + 1) & ~1; // 2byte
return pos;
/// VariableDeclaration ::= TypeSpecifier VarDeclarator ["=" Initializer]
/// ("," VarDeclarator ["=" Initializer])*
void variableDeclaration(Name *pStruct, int status)
Name *pName;
int fStatic = ispp(ID.STATIC);
int fImp = is(ID.DECLSP); // Import
if (status == ST_FUNC)
if (!fStatic)
cd.baseSpace = -align(-cd.baseSpace, var.width);
cd.baseSpace -= var.width * var.length;
pName = newName(NM_VAR, var.type,, AD_STACK, cd.baseSpace);
else // Ex. static int n;
ix.ixData = align(ix.ixData, var.width);
pName = newName(NM_VAR, var.type,, AD_DATA, ix.ixData);
putName(cd.currTable, pName);
else if (fImp && status == ST_GVAR)
pName = appendName(globTable, NM_VAR, var.type,, AD_IMPORT, 0);
else if (status == ST_GVAR)
ix.ixData = align(ix.ixData, var.width);
pName = appendName(globTable, NM_VAR, var.type,, AD_DATA, ix.ixData);
else // status==ST_STRUCT
cd.offset = align(cd.offset, var.width);
pName = xalloc(sizeof(Name));
Name buf = { NM_ATTR,, var.type, 0, cd.offset };
memcpy(pName, &buf, sizeof(Name));
if (pStruct->pBgn == NULL) pStruct->pBgn = pName;
else pStruct->pEnd->pNext = pName;
pStruct->pEnd = pName;
cd.offset += var.width * var.length;
if (ispp('='))
int ixString = ix.ixData + pName->size[0];
if (status == ST_GVAR) ix.ixString = ixString;
initializer(pName, pName->addrType, 0, pName->address);
if (ix.ixString > ixString) ix.ixData = ix.ixString;
else if (!fImp && (status == ST_GVAR || fStatic))
ix.ixZero = align(ix.ixZero, var.width);
pName->addrType = AD_ZERO;
pName->address = ix.ixZero;
ix.ixZero += pName->size[0];
} while (ispp(','));
void initMember(Name *pName, int atype, int depth, int addr)
VALUE v1, v2;
setValue(VAL, pName->ptrs, pName->dataType, &v1);
if (atype == AD_STACK)
int left_bgn = ix.ixCode;
loadAddr(AD_STACK, addr);
int left_end = ix.ixCode;
assignExpression(VAL, &v2);
infixOperation('=', &v1, &v2, left_bgn, left_end);
else // type == AD_DATA:
if (v1.ptrs - depth == 1 && v1.type == ID.CHAR) // char *s = "abc";
if (cd.token[ix.tix].type == TK_STRING)
int ival = cd.token[ix.tix++].ival;
outString(ix.ixString, toString(ival));
ix.ixString += xstrlen(toString(ival)) + 1;
if (!v2.fConst) error("initMember", "constant expression expected");
else if (v1.type == ID.DOUBLE)
outDataDouble(v2.type == ID.DOUBLE ? v2.rval : (double)v2.ival);
else if (v2.type != ID.INT) error("initMember", "type mismatch");
else if (v1.type == ID.INT) outDataInt(v2.ival);
else if (v1.type == ID.SHORT) outDataShort(v2.ival);
else if (v1.type == ID.CHAR) outDataChar(v2.ival);
else error("initMember", "v1.type=%d", v1.type);
void clear(int bgn, int end)
outCode2(push, end - bgn);
outCode2(push, 0);
outCode2(lea_eax_pbp, bgn);
outCode2(call, id("memset"));
outCode2(add_esp, 12);
/// Initializer ::= AssignExpression | "{" Initializer ( "," Initializer )* "}"
void initializer(Name *pName, int atype, int depth, int addr)
int n, bgn;
int fArray = (pName->size[depth + 1] > 0);
if (!ispp('{'))
if (fArray && pName->dataType == ID.CHAR && cd.token[ix.tix].type == TK_STRING)
int ival = cd.token[ix.tix++].ival; // char s[] = "abc";
if (atype == AD_DATA)
ix.ixData += outString(ix.ixData, toString(ival)) + 1;
int size = pName->size[depth] / pName->size[depth + 1];
int length = xstrlen(toString(ival)) + 1;
if (length > size) error("init'r", "initializer-string too long");
char *buf = xalloc(length);
xstrcpy(buf, toString(ival));
for (n = 0; n < size; n++)
outCode2(mov_eax, n < length ? buf[n] & 0xff : 0);
outCode2(mov_pbp_al, addr + n); // mov [ebp-disp],al
initMember(pName, atype, depth, addr);
if (fArray)
int size1 = pName->size[depth + 1];
int num = pName->size[depth] / size1;
for (n = 0; !is('}');)
if (n >= num) error("init'r", "index too large");
initializer(pName, atype, depth + 1, addr + size1*n++);
if (!ispp(',')) break;
bgn = size1 * n;
bgn = pName->size[depth];
for (n = 0; !is('}');)
Name *pChild = getMember(pName->dataType, n++);
if (pChild == NULL) error("init'r", "too many field init");
initializer(pChild, atype, 0, addr + pChild->address);
bgn = pChild->address + pChild->size[0];
if (!ispp(',')) break;
if (atype == AD_STACK && bgn < pName->size[depth])
clear(addr + bgn, addr + pName->size[depth]);
/// StructDecl ::= "typedef" "struct" Identifier "{" (VarDecl)* ";" "}" Identifier ";"
void structDeclaration()
ix.tix += 2; // "typedef" "struct"
int tagId = cd.token[ix.tix++].ival;
Name *pName = newName(NM_STRUCT, 0, tagId, -1, 0);
cd.offset = 0;
int sizeAlign = 1;
for (skip('{'); !ispp('}'); skip(';'))
variableDeclaration(pName, ST_STRUCT);
if (var.type == ID.SHORT && sizeAlign < 2) sizeAlign = 2;
if ((var.type == ID.INT || var.type == ID.FLOAT) && sizeAlign < 4) sizeAlign = 4;
if (var.type == ID.DOUBLE && sizeAlign < 8) sizeAlign = 8;
if (sizeAlign > 1)
cd.offset = align(cd.offset, sizeAlign);
pName->size[0] = cd.offset;
if (ispp('*')) pName->ptrs = 1;
int nameId = cd.token[ix.tix++].ival;
pName->dataType = nameId;
putName(globTable, pName);
cd.hash.tbl[nameId].val = (void*)((int)cd.hash.tbl[nameId].val | AT_TYPE);// ƒf[ƒ^Œ^.
/// ParameterDeclaration ::= TypeSpecifier VarDeclarator ["(" ")"] | "..."
void parameterDeclaration()
if (ispp('(') && !ispp(')'))
error("paramDecl", "')' expected");
Name *pName = appendName(cd.currTable, NM_VAR, var.type,, AD_STACK, cd.baseSpace);
cd.baseSpace += var.width;
/// FunctionDefinition ::= TypeSpecifier VarDeclarator
/// "(" [ VarDeclaration ("," VarDeclaration)* ] ")" (CompoundStatement | ";")
void functionDefinition()
int callConv = NM_CDECL; // Calling Convention
int fRtnStmt = FALSE;
int fProtoType = FALSE;
int ixCodeSave = ix.ixCode;
int ixSp, n, argc, ptrs;
PTRS_TYPE argpt[256];
int fExp = is(ID.DECLSP); // Export
if (varDeclarator(FALSE) == NM_WINAPI) callConv = NM_WINAPI;
int idFunc =;
outCode2((fExp ? exp_ : fn_),;
Name *pName = getNameFromTable(globTable, NM_CDECL,;
if (pName == NULL)
pName = appendName(globTable, callConv, var.type,, AD_CODE, 0);
pName->ptrs = var.pointers + var.arrays + getPtr(var.type);
else if (pName->dataType != var.type || pName->type != callConv)
error("funcDef", "incompatible types for redefinition of '%s'", toString(;
cd.baseSpace = 4 * 2;
outCode1(xent); // push ebp, mov ebp,esp
ixSp = ix.ixCode;
outCode2(sub_esp, 0);
argc = 0;
for (skip('('); !ispp(')'); ispp(','))
int fD3 = ispp(ID.DOTS3);
if (!fD3)
ptrs = var.pointers + var.arrays + getPtr(var.type);
argpt[argc].ptrs = fD3 ? 0 : ptrs;
argpt[argc++].type = fD3 ? ID.DOTS3 : var.type;
pName->argc = argc;
int sizeRet = callConv == NM_WINAPI ? (cd.baseSpace - 8) : 0;
if (argc > 0)
pName->argpt = calloc(argc, sizeof(PTRS_TYPE));
memcpy(pName->argpt, argpt, argc * sizeof(PTRS_TYPE));
cd.baseSpace = 0;
if (ispp(';')) fProtoType = TRUE;
else fRtnStmt = compoundStatement(0, 0, sizeRet);
if (cd.baseSpace < 0)
cd.baseSpace = -align(-cd.baseSpace, 4);
if (cd.baseSpace != 0)
cd.pCode[ixSp].num = -cd.baseSpace;
memmove(&cd.pCode[ixSp], &cd.pCode[ixSp + 1], (--ix.ixCode - ixSp)*sizeof(INSTRUCT));
if (!fRtnStmt) outCode2(xret, sizeRet);
if (fProtoType) ix.ixCode = ixCodeSave;
else cd.hash.tbl[idFunc].val += (fExp ? AT_EXPT : AT_USER);
void setToken(TOKEN *token, HASH *pHash)
char *tkstr = token->token;
if (token->type == TK_SYMBOL || token->type == TK_NAME)
token->ival = put(tkstr, NULL, pHash);
else if (token->type == TK_NUMBER)
token->type = strchr(tkstr, '.') != NULL ? TK_DOUBLE : TK_INT;
if (token->type == TK_DOUBLE) token->dval = strtod(tkstr, NULL);
else token->ival = strtoul(tkstr, NULL, tolower(tkstr[1]) == 'x' ? 16 : 10);
else if (tkstr[0] == '\'')
token->type = TK_CHAR;
token->ival = tkstr[1] != '\\' ? tkstr[1] : esc_char(tkstr + 2);
char *pTail = &tkstr[strlen(tkstr) - 1];
if (*pTail == '\"') *pTail = '\0';
token->ival = put(tkstr + 1, NULL, pHash);
void enumDefinition()
int val = 0;
for (skip('{'); !ispp('}'); ispp(','))
int hid = cd.token[ix.tix++].ival;
Name *pName = appendName(globTable, NM_ENUM, 0, hid, -1, val++);
if (ispp('='))
val = cd.token[ix.tix++].ival;
pName->address = val++;
typedef struct _Keyword
int *id;
char *name;
} Keyword;
void init()
int n;
char *op2 = OPERATOR2, s[2] = { 0, '\0' }, s2[3];
Keyword dataType[] =
{ &ID.HVOID, "void" }, { &ID.CHAR, "char" }, { &ID.SHORT, "short" },
{ &ID.INT, "int" }, { &ID.FLOAT, "float" }, { &ID.DOUBLE, "double" },
{ &ID.STATIC, "static" }, { &ID.STRUCT, "struct" }
Keyword keyword[] =
{ &ID.IF, "if" }, { &ID.ELSE, "else" }, { &ID.WHILE, "while" },
{ &ID.DO, "do" }, { &ID.FOR, "for" },
{ &ID.RETURN, "return" }, { &ID.CONTINUE, "continue" }, { &ID.BREAK, "break" },
{ &ID.SWITCH, "switch" }, { &ID.CASE, "case" }, { &ID.DEFAULT, "default" },
{ &ID.SIZEOF, "sizeof" }, { &ID.DOTS3, "..." },
{ &ID.TYPEDEF, "typedef" }, { &ID.HWINAPI, "WINAPI" }, { &ID.ENUM, "enum" },
{ &ID.HCONST, "const" }, { &ID.EXTERN, "extern" }, { &ID.DECLSP, "__declspec" },
{ &ID.DLLIMPT, "dllimport" }, { &ID.DLLEXPT, "dllexport" }
for (*s = ' ' + 1; *s < 127; (*s)++)
if (isgraph(*s) && !isdigit(*s)) put(s, NULL, &cd.hash);
for (n = 0; op2[n] != '\0'; n += 3)
sprintf(s2, "%c%c", op2[n], op2[n + 1]);
if (id2(&op2[n]) != put(s2, NULL, &cd.hash))
error("parser.init", "Õ“Ë!! ƒnƒbƒVƒ…ƒTƒCƒY‚ðˆá‚¤‘f”‚É•Ï‚¦‚é");
for (n = 0; n < sizeof(dataType) / sizeof(Keyword); n++)
*(dataType[n].id) = put(dataType[n].name, (void*)AT_TYPE, &cd.hash);
for (n = 0; n < sizeof(keyword) / sizeof(Keyword); n++)
*(keyword[n].id) = put(keyword[n].name, NULL, &cd.hash);
// Statement //
void statement(int locBreak, int locContinue, int sizeRet);
void expr(int mode)
expression(mode, &v);
void expr2(int mode)
/// CompoundStatement :== "{" (VariableDeclaration ";" | Statement)* "}"
int compoundStatement(int locBreak, int locContinue, int sizeRet)
for (skip('{'); !ispp('}');)
if (cd.token[ix.tix + 1].ival != '(' && isTypeSpecifier(ix.tix))
variableDeclaration(NULL, ST_FUNC);
statement(locBreak, locContinue, sizeRet);
int n = ix.ixCode;
while (--n > 0 && (cd.pCode[n].inst == loc_ || cd.pCode[n].inst == fn_));
return cd.pCode[n].inst == xret;
/// IfStatement ::= "if" "(" Expression ")" Statement [ "else" Statement ]
void ifStatement(int locBreak, int locContinue, int sizeRet)
int locElse = loc(), locEnd = -1;
jumpFalse(locElse, "if");
int fReturn = is(ID.RETURN);
statement(locBreak, locContinue, sizeRet); // then_statement
if (is(ID.ELSE) && !fReturn) outCode2(jmp, locEnd = loc());
outCode3(loc_, locElse, 'E');
if (ispp(ID.ELSE))
statement(locBreak, locContinue, sizeRet); // else_statement
if (locEnd >= 0) outCode2(loc_, locEnd);
/// ForStatement ::= "for" "(" [Expr1] ";" [Expr2] ";" [Expr3] ")" Statement
void forStatement(int isFOR, int sizeRet)
int locExpr2 = loc(), locExpr3 = 0, locStmt = loc(), locNext = loc();
ix.tix++; // for
if (isFOR)
if (!is(';')) expr(VAL);
outCode2(loc_, locExpr2);
int bgn = ix.ixCode;
if (!is(';')) expr(VAL);
else outCode2(mov_eax, 1);
if (isFOR) skip(';');
jumpFalse(locNext, "for");
outCode2(jmp, locStmt);
if (cd.pCode[bgn].inst == mov_eax && cd.pCode[bgn + 1].inst == test_eax_eax)
ix.ixCode = bgn;
outCode2(jmp, cd.pCode[bgn].num == 0 ? locNext : locStmt);
int bgnExpr = ix.ixCode;
outCode2(loc_, locExpr3 = loc());
if (isFOR && !is(')')) expr(VAL);
int bgnStmt = ix.ixCode;
outCode3(loc_, locStmt, '1');
statement(locNext, locExpr3, sizeRet);
int endStmt = ix.ixCode;
int lenStmt = endStmt - bgnStmt;
int lenBoth = endStmt - bgnExpr;
if (bgnStmt - bgnExpr > 0 && lenStmt > 0)
memmove(&cd.pCode[bgnExpr + lenStmt], &cd.pCode[bgnExpr], lenBoth*sizeof(INSTRUCT));
memmove(&cd.pCode[bgnExpr], &cd.pCode[bgnStmt + lenStmt], lenStmt*sizeof(INSTRUCT));
outCode2(jmp, locExpr2);
outCode3(loc_, locNext, '0');
/// WhileStatement ::= "while" "(" Expression ")" Statement
void whileStatement(int sizeRet)
forStatement(FALSE, sizeRet);
/// DoStatement ::= "do" CompoundStatement "while" "(" Expression ")" ";"
void doStatement(int sizeRet)
int locStmt = loc(), locBreak = loc();
outCode2(loc_, locStmt);
compoundStatement(locBreak, locStmt, sizeRet);
if (!ispp(ID.WHILE)) error("doStmt", "while ‚ª‚ ‚è‚Ü‚¹‚ñ");
jumpTrue(locStmt, "do"); //outCode1(test_eax_eax); outCode2(jnz,locStmt);
outCode2(loc_, locBreak);
/// ReturnStatement ::= "return" [Expression] ";"
void returnStatement(int sizeRet)
ix.tix++; // "return"
if (!is(';'))
expression(VAL, &v);
outCode2(xret, sizeRet);
/// ContinueStatement := "continue" ";"
void continueStatement(int locContinue)
if (locContinue <= 0)
error("", "continue statement not within a loop");
outCode2(jmp, locContinue);
/// BreakStatement := "break" ";"
void breakStatement(int locBreak)
if (locBreak <= 0)
error("", "break statement not within loop or switch");
outCode2(jmp, locBreak);
/// SwitchStatement ::= "switch" "(" Expression ")" "{" (LabeledStatement)+ "}"
/// LabeledStatement ::= "case" Expression ":" | Statement | "default" ":"
void switchStatement(int sizeRet)
int locCase = loc(), locStmt = loc(), locBreak;
int fDefault = 0;
ix.tix++; // switch
expr2(VAL); // eax: sw_expr
locBreak = loc();
while (!ispp('}'))
if (ispp(ID.CASE))
outCode2(loc_, locCase);
outCode2(cmp_eax, constIntExpression());
outCode2(jnz, locCase = loc());
outCode2(loc_, locStmt);
if (!is(ID.CASE))
statement(locBreak, -1, sizeRet); // break
} while (!is(ID.CASE) && !is(ID.DEFAULT) && !is('}'));
outCode2(jmp, locStmt = loc());
else if ((fDefault = ispp(ID.DEFAULT)))
outCode2(loc_, locCase);
outCode2(loc_, locStmt);
statement(locBreak, -1, sizeRet);
} while (!is('}'));
else // error
error("switchStmt", "'case' or 'default' expected");
if (!fDefault)
outCode2(loc_, locCase);
outCode2(loc_, locStmt);
outCode2(loc_, locBreak);
/// Statement ::= CompoundStmt | IfStmt | ForStmt | WhileStmt | DoStmt | ReturnStmt
/// | BreakStmt | ContinueStmt | SwitchStmt | Expression ";" | ";"
void statement(int locBreak, int locContinue, int sizeRet)
if (is(';')) ix.tix++; // null statement
else if (is('{')) compoundStatement(locBreak, locContinue, sizeRet);
else if (is(ID.IF)) ifStatement(locBreak, locContinue, sizeRet);
else if (is(ID.FOR)) forStatement(TRUE, sizeRet);
else if (is(ID.WHILE)) whileStatement(sizeRet);
else if (is(ID.DO)) doStatement(sizeRet);
else if (is(ID.RETURN)) returnStatement(sizeRet);
else if (is(ID.BREAK)) breakStatement(locBreak);
else if (is(ID.CONTINUE)) continueStatement(locContinue);
else if (is(ID.SWITCH)) switchStatement(sizeRet);
void infixOperation(int op, VALUE *v1, VALUE *v2, int lbgn, int lend)
if (v1->fConst && v2->fConst)
if (v1->type == ID.INT && v2->type == ID.INT)
if (op == '+') v1->ival += v2->ival;
else if (op == '-') v1->ival -= v2->ival;
else if (op == '*') v1->ival *= v2->ival;
else if (op == '/') v1->ival /= v2->ival;
else if (op == '%') v1->ival %= v2->ival;
else if (op == '|') v1->ival |= v2->ival;
else if (op == '&') v1->ival &= v2->ival;
else if (op == '^') v1->ival ^= v2->ival;
else v1->fConst = FALSE;
else if (v1->type == ID.DOUBLE || v2->type == ID.DOUBLE)
double d1 = v1->type == ID.DOUBLE ? v1->rval : (double)v1->ival;
double d2 = v2->type == ID.DOUBLE ? v2->rval : (double)v2->ival;
v1->type = ID.DOUBLE;
if (op == '+') v1->rval = d1 + d2;
else if (op == '-') v1->rval = d1 - d2;
else if (op == '*') v1->rval = d1 * d2;
else if (op == '/') v1->rval = d1 / d2;
else v1->fConst = FALSE;
v1->fConst = FALSE;
else if (v2->fConst && lend > 0 && v1->type == ID.INT && v2->type == ID.INT)
if (v1->ptrs == 0 && (op == '+' || op == '-'))
ix.ixCode = lend;
outCode2(op == '+' ? add_eax : sub_eax, v2->ival);
else if (op == '<' || op == '>' || op == id2("<=") || op == id2(">=") || op == id2("==") || op == id2("!="))
ix.ixCode = lend;
outCode2(cmp_eax, v2->ival);
outCode1(op == '<' ? setl_eax : op == '>' ? setg_eax : op == id2("<=") ? setle_eax :
op == id2(">=") ? setge_eax : op == id2("==") ? sete_eax : setne_eax);
else if (op == '*')
ix.ixCode = lend;
outCode2(imul_eax_eax, v2->ival);
v1->fConst = FALSE;
v1->fConst = FALSE;
if ((v1->ptrs == 0 && v1->type == ID.DOUBLE) || (v2->ptrs == 0 && v2->type == ID.DOUBLE))
setFpuStack2(v1->type, v2->type);
if (op == '=')
int fLV = (lend == lbgn + 1 && cd.pCode[lbgn].inst == lea_eax_pbp);
if (fLV)
outCode3(fst_qbp, cd.pCode[lbgn].num, cd.pCode[lbgn].attr);
delCodes(lbgn, lbgn + 2); // lea_eax_pbp, push_eax ‚ðíœ
outCode1(fst_qcx); // [ecx] <- st0
v1->type = ID.DOUBLE;
else if (op == id2("==") || op == id2("!="))
outCode2(and_ah, 0x45);
outCode2(op == id2("==") ? cmp_ah : xor_ah, 0x40);
outCode1(op == id2("==") ? sete_eax : setne_eax);
v1->type = ID.INT;
else if (op == '<' || op == '>' || op == id2("<=") || op == id2(">="))
if (op == '>' || op == id2(">=")) outCode1(fxch_st1);
outCode2(test_ah, (op == '<' || op == '>') ? 0x45 : 0x05);
outCode1(sete_eax); // eax = ZF.
v1->type = ID.INT;
else if (op == '+' || op == '-' || op == '*' || op == '/')
int *pI = &cd.pCode[ix.ixCode - 1].inst;
if (*pI == fld_qbp) // fld qp[ebp-8]/fadd qp[ebp-16]
*pI = op == '+' ? fadd_qbp : op == '-' ? fsub_qbp : op == '*' ? fmul_qbp : fdiv_qbp;
else if (*pI == fld_qp)
*pI = op == '+' ? fadd_qp : op == '-' ? fsub_qp : op == '*' ? fmul_qp : fdiv_qp;
else // fld qp[ebp-8]/fld qp[ebp-16]/faddp st1,st
outCode1(op == '+' ? faddp_st1_st : op == '-' ? fsubrp_st1_st :
op == '*' ? fmulp_st1_st : fdivrp_st1_st);
v1->type = ID.DOUBLE;
error("infixOp", "unsuported infixOp '%s'", toString(op));
int n = v1->ptrs > 0 ? 4 : sizeOfDataType(v1->type);
int k = ix.ixCode - 1;
int fLV4 = (n == 4 && lend == lbgn + 1 && cd.pCode[lbgn].inst == lea_eax_pbp);
if (fLV4 && (op == '=' || op == id2("+=") || op == id2("-=")))
int num = cd.pCode[lbgn].num; // x = exp, x += exp, x -= exp
int attr = cd.pCode[lbgn].attr;
int inst = op == '=' ? mov_pbp_eax : op == id2("+=") ? add_pbp_eax : sub_pbp_eax;
delCodes(lbgn, lbgn + 2); // lea_eax_pbp‚Æpush_eax‚ðíœ.
outCode3(inst, num, attr);
int fECX = 1;
if (lend > 0 && cd.pCode[lend].inst == push_eax)
int i;
for (i = lend + 1; i < ix.ixCode && !(cd.pCode[i].regs & C); i++);
if (i == ix.ixCode) fECX = 0;
if (fECX)
int *pI = &cd.pCode[lend - 1].inst;
if (*pI == mov_eax)
*pI = mov_ecx;
delCode(lend); // push_eax ‚val
else if (*pI == mov_eax_pbp)
*pI = mov_ecx_pbp;
delCode(lend); // push_eax ‚val
else if (*pI == mov_eax_pax)
*pI = mov_ecx_pax;
delCode(lend); // push_eax ‚val
else if (*pI >= lea_eax_da1 && *pI <= lea_eax_da8)
*pI = lea_ecx_da1 + (*pI - lea_eax_da1);
delCode(lend); // push_eax ‚val
cd.pCode[lend].inst = mov_ecx_eax; // <- push_eax
if (op == '=') outCode1(n == 4 ? mov_pcx_eax : n == 2 ? mov_pcx_ax : mov_pcx_al);
else if (op == id2("+=")) outCode1(n == 4 ? add_pcx_eax : n == 2 ? add_pcx_ax : add_pcx_al);
else if (op == id2("-=")) outCode1(n == 4 ? sub_pcx_eax : n == 2 ? sub_pcx_ax : sub_pcx_al);
else if (op == id2("&=")) outCode1(n == 4 ? and_pcx_eax : n == 2 ? and_pcx_ax : and_pcx_al);
else if (op == id2("|=")) outCode1(n == 4 ? or_pcx_eax : n == 2 ? or_pcx_ax : or_pcx_al);
else if (op == id2("^=")) outCode1(n == 4 ? xor_pcx_eax : n == 2 ? xor_pcx_ax : xor_pcx_al);
else if (op == id2("==") || op == id2("!="))
outCode1(op == id2("==") ? sete_eax : setne_eax);
else if (op == '<' || op == '>' || op == id2("<=") || op == id2(">="))
outCode1(op == '<' ? setl_eax : op == '>' ? setg_eax : op == id2("<=") ? setle_eax : setge_eax);
else if (op == '+' || op == '-')
n = v1->ptrs > 1 ? 4 : sizeOfDataType(v1->type);
if (v1->ptrs > 0 && v2->ptrs == 0 && n > 1) outCode2(imul_eax_eax, n);
if (op == '+')
outCode1(add_eax_ecx); // eax: operand_1 + operand_2
outCode1(xchg_eax_ecx); // ecx: operand_2
outCode1(sub_eax_ecx); // eax: operand_1 - operand_2
if (v1->ptrs > 0 && v2->ptrs > 0)
outCode2(mov_ecx, n);
outCode1(xdiv_ecx); // eax: (operand_1 - operand_2)/size
else if (op == '*')
int k = ix.ixCode - 1;
if (cd.pCode[k - 1].inst == mov_ecx_pbp && cd.pCode[k].inst == mov_eax_pbp)
cd.pCode[k - 1].inst = mov_eax_pbp;
cd.pCode[k].inst = imul_eax_pbp;
else if (op == '/' || op == '%')
outCode1(op == '/' ? xdiv_ecx : xmod_ecx);
else if (op == '|' || op == '&' || op == '^')
outCode1(op == '|' ? or_eax_ecx : op == '&' ? and_eax_ecx : xor_eax_ecx);
else if (op == id2("<<") || op == id2(">>"))
outCode1(op == id2("<<") ? shl_eax_cl : shr_eax_cl);
error("infixOp", "unsuported infixOp '%s'", toString(op));
v1->type = ID.INT;
void incdec(int type, int fPtr, int fI, int reg) // ++, --
if (type == ID.INT || fPtr) outCode2(reg == 'a' ? (fI ? add_dax : sub_dax) : (fI ? add_ddx : sub_ddx), 1);
else if (type == ID.CHAR) outCode2(reg == 'a' ? (fI ? add_bax : sub_bax) : (fI ? add_bdx : sub_bdx), 1);
else error("expr.incdec", "wrong use of ++ or --", toString(type));
/// Expression ::= AssignExpression ("," AssignExpression)*
void expression(int mode, VALUE *pv)
assignExpression(mode, pv);
while (ispp(',')) assignExpression(mode, pv);
/// AssignExpr ::= CondExpr | CastExpr ("=" | "|=" | "+=" | "-=" | "&=" | "^=") AssignExpr
void assignExpression(int mode, VALUE *pv)
INDEX ixSave = ix;
castExpression(ADDR, pv);
char *t = cd.token[ix.tix].token;
if (strchr(";,])", *t) != NULL && pv->mode == VAL) return;
ix = ixSave;
int fAssign = (*t == '=' && t[1] == '\0') || (strchr("+-/*%|&^", *t) != NULL && t[1] == '=');
if (!fAssign)
conditionalExpression(mode, pv);
castExpression(ADDR, pv);
if (pv->mode != ADDR) error("assignExpr", "lvalue expected");
int op = cd.token[ix.tix].ival;
t = cd.token[ix.tix++].token;
int ixOp2 = ix.ixCode;
if ((pv->ptrs > 0 || pv->type != ID.DOUBLE)
&& op != id2("*=") && op != id2("/=") && op != id2("%="))
assignExpression(VAL, &vr);
infixOperation(op, pv, &vr, ixSave.ixCode, ixOp2);
int k = ix.ixCode - 1;
if (op == '=' && cd.pCode[k - 1].inst == pop_ecx && cd.pCode[k].inst == mov_pcx_eax)
if (k - ixOp2 == 3 && cd.pCode[ixOp2 + 1].inst == mov_eax)
cd.pCode[ixOp2 + 1].inst = mov_dax;
delCode(k - 1); // pop_ecx‚val
delCode(ixOp2); // push_eax‚val
if (t[1] != '\0')
int size = pv->ptrs > 0 ? 4 : sizeOfDataType(pv->type);
if (size == 8)
outCode1(size == 4 ? mov_eax_pax : size == 2 ? movsx_eax_wax : movsx_eax_bax);
assignExpression(VAL, &vr);
if (t[0] != '=')
infixOperation(t[0], pv, &vr, -1, -1);
infixOperation('=', pv, &vr, -1, -1);
infixOperation('=', pv, &vr, ixSave.ixCode, ixOp2);
/// ConditionalExpression := LogicOrExpr ["?" AssignExpr ":" AssignExpr]
void conditionalExpression(int mode, VALUE *pv)
int locFalse, locEnd;
INDEX ixBgn = ix;
logicalOrExpression(mode, pv);
if (ispp('?'))
outCode2(jz, locFalse = loc());
INSTRUCT *pC = &cd.pCode[ix.ixCode - 3];
if (pC[0].inst == sete_eax && pC[1].inst == test_eax_eax && pC[2].inst == jz)
pC[2].inst = jnz;
delCodes(ix.ixCode - 3, ix.ixCode - 1); // sete eax/test eax,eax ‚ðíœ.
assignExpression(VAL, pv);
outCode2(jmp, locEnd = loc());
outCode2(loc_, locFalse);
assignExpression(VAL, pv);
outCode2(loc_, locEnd);
pv->fConst = FALSE;
if (pv->fConst)
int tixCurr = ix.tix;
ix = ixBgn;
ix.tix = tixCurr;
if (pv->ptrs > 0)
outCode3(mov_eax, pv->ival, AD_CONST);
else if (pv->type == ID.INT)
outCode3(mov_eax, pv->ival, cd.pCode[ix.ixCode].attr);
loadAddr(AD_DATA, ix.ixData);
/// LogicalOrExpression ::= LogicalAndExpr ( "||" LogicalAndExpr )*
void logicalOrExpression(int mode, VALUE *pv)
logicalAndExpression(mode, pv);
if (!is2("||")) return;
int locTRUE = loc();
int locNext = loc();
while (is2pp("||"))
jumpTrue(locTRUE, "||"); // ^(eax!=0)
logicalAndExpression(mode, pv);
pv->type = ID.INT;
jumpTrue(locTRUE, "||");
outCode2(mov_eax, 0);
outCode2(jmp, locNext);
outCode2(loc_, locTRUE);
outCode2(mov_eax, 1);
outCode2(loc_, locNext);
/// LogicalAndExpression ::= OrExpression ( "&&" OrExpression )*
void logicalAndExpression(int mode, VALUE *pv)
orExpression(mode, pv);
if (!is2("&&")) return;
int locFalse = loc();
int locNext = loc();
while (is2pp("&&"))
jumpFalse(locFalse, "&&");
orExpression(mode, pv);
pv->type = ID.INT;
jumpFalse(locFalse, "&&");
outCode2(mov_eax, 1);
outCode2(jmp, locNext);
outCode3(loc_, locFalse, 'F');
outCode2(mov_eax, 0);
outCode3(loc_, locNext, 'N');
/// OrExpression ::= ExclusiveOrExpression ( "|" ExclusiveOrExpression )*
void orExpression(int mode, VALUE *pv)
xorExpression(mode, pv);
while (ispp('|'))
xorExpression(mode, &v2);
infixOperation('|', pv, &v2, -1, -1);
/// ExclusiveOrExpression ::= AndExpression ( "^" AndExpression )*
void xorExpression(int mode, VALUE *pv)
andExpression(mode, pv);
while (ispp('^'))
andExpression(mode, &v2);
infixOperation('^', pv, &v2, -1, -1);
/// AndExpression ::= EqualityExpression ( "&" EqualityExpression )*
void andExpression(int mode, VALUE *pv)
equalityExpression(mode, pv);
while (ispp('&'))
int ixOp2 = ix.ixCode;
equalityExpression(mode, &v2);
infixOperation('&', pv, &v2, -1, ixOp2);
/// EqualityExpression ::= RelationalExpr [ ("==" | "!=") RelationalExpr ]
void equalityExpression(int mode, VALUE *pv)
int fEQ;
relationalExpression(mode, pv);
if ((fEQ = is2pp("==")) || is2pp("!="))
int ixOp2 = ix.ixCode;
if (pv->type != ID.DOUBLE) outCode1(push_eax);
relationalExpression(mode, &v2);
if (ix.ixCode - ixOp2 == 2 && cd.pCode[ix.ixCode - 1].inst == mov_eax_pbp)
cd.pCode[ix.ixCode - 1].inst = cmp_eax_pbp;
outCode1(fEQ ? sete_eax : setne_eax);
infixOperation(fEQ ? id2("==") : id2("!="), pv, &v2, -1, ixOp2);
/// RelationalExpression ::= UnaryExpr [("<" | ">" | "<=" | ">=") UnaryExpr]
void relationalExpression(int mode, VALUE *pv)
int fLT = 0, fGT = 0, fLE = 0;
shiftExpression(mode, pv);
if ((fLT = ispp('<')) || (fGT = ispp('>')) || (fLE = is2pp("<=")) || is2pp(">="))
int ixOp2 = ix.ixCode;
if (pv->type != ID.DOUBLE) outCode1(push_eax);
shiftExpression(mode, &v2);
if (ix.ixCode - ixOp2 == 2 && cd.pCode[ix.ixCode - 1].inst == mov_eax_pbp)
cd.pCode[ix.ixCode - 1].inst = cmp_eax_pbp;
outCode1(fLT ? setl_eax : fGT ? setg_eax : fLE ? setle_eax : setge_eax);
infixOperation(fLT ? '<' : fGT ? '>' : fLE ? id2("<=") : id2(">="), pv, &v2, -1, ixOp2);
/// ShiftExpression ::= AddExpression [ ("<<" | ">>") AddExpression ]
void shiftExpression(int mode, VALUE *pv)
int fShl;
addExpression(mode, pv);
if ((fShl = is2pp("<<")) || is2pp(">>"))
int ixOp2 = ix.ixCode;
addExpression(mode, &v2);
infixOperation(fShl ? id2("<<") : id2(">>"), pv, &v2, -1, -1);
/// AddExpression ::= MulExpression ( ("+" | "-") MulExpression )*
void addExpression(int mode, VALUE *pv)
int fAdd;
mulExpression(mode, pv); // operand_1
while ((fAdd = ispp('+')) || ispp('-'))
int ixOp2 = ix.ixCode;
if (pv->type != ID.DOUBLE) outCode1(push_eax);
mulExpression(mode, &v2); // operand_2
infixOperation(fAdd ? '+' : '-', pv, &v2, -1, ixOp2);
/// MulExpression ::= CastExpression ( ("*" | "/" | "%") CastExpression )*
void mulExpression(int mode, VALUE *pv)
int fMul = 0, fDiv = 0;
castExpression(mode, pv); // operand_1
while ((fMul = ispp('*')) || (fDiv = ispp('/')) || ispp('%'))
int ixOp2 = ix.ixCode;
if (pv->type != ID.DOUBLE) outCode1(push_eax);
castExpression(mode, &v2); // eax/st: operand_2
infixOperation(fMul ? '*' : fDiv ? '/' : '%', pv, &v2, -1, ixOp2);
/// CastExpression := UnaryExpression | "(" TypeName ")" UnaryExpression
void castExpression(int mode, VALUE *pv) //
if (!is('(') || !(isTypeSpecifier(ix.tix + 1) && !isN('(', 2)))
unaryExpression(mode, pv);
return; // (_stat(
int idCastType = cd.token[++ix.tix].ival;
int ptr = getPtr(idCastType);
for (ix.tix++; ispp('*');) ptr++;
unaryExpression(mode, pv);
if (ptr > 0)
else if (idCastType == ID.INT && pv->type == ID.DOUBLE) // (int)v
outCode3(fldcw, 2, AD_DATA); // _RoundNear
outCode2(fistp_dsp, -4);
outCode2(mov_eax_psp, -4);
outCode3(fldcw, 0, AD_DATA); // _RoundChop
if (pv->fConst) pv->ival = (int)pv->rval;
else if (idCastType == ID.SHORT && pv->type == ID.INT)
if (pv->fConst) pv->ival = (short)pv->ival;
else if (idCastType == ID.DOUBLE && pv->type != ID.DOUBLE) // (double)n
outCode2(mov_psp_eax, -4); //outCode1(push_eax);
outCode2(fild_dsp, -4); //outCode2(fild_dsp,0); outCode2(add_esp, 4);
if (pv->fConst) pv->rval = (double)pv->ival;
else if (idCastType != ID.INT)
error("castExpr", "unsupported cast(casttype=%s type=%s)\n",
toString(idCastType), toString(pv->type));
pv->ptrs = ptr;
pv->type = idCastType;
/// UnaryExpression ::= ["+" | "-" | "!" | "++" | "--" | "&" | "*" ] PrimExpr
void unaryExpression(int mode, VALUE *pv)
int fNEG = 0, fNOT = 0, fINC = 0;
if (ispp('+') || (fNEG = ispp('-')) || (fNOT = ispp('!')))
int bgn = ix.ixCode;
primaryExpression(VAL, pv);
if (fNEG)
if (pv->fConst && pv->type == ID.INT)
cd.pCode[ix.ixCode - 1].num = (pv->ival = -pv->ival);
else if (pv->fConst && pv->type == ID.DOUBLE)
cd.pCode[bgn].dval = (pv->rval = -pv->rval);
outCode1(pv->type == ID.DOUBLE ? fchs : neg_eax);
else if (fNOT)
if (pv->fConst) pv->ival = !pv->ival;
outCode1(sete_eax); // mov eax,0 & sete_al
else if ((fINC = is2pp("++")) || is2pp("--"))
primaryExpression(ADDR, pv);
incdec(pv->type, pv->ptrs > 0, fINC, 'a');
loadValue(pv->type, pv->ptrs > 0);
else if (ispp('&'))
primaryExpression(ADDR, pv);
pv->fAddr = TRUE;
else if (ispp('*'))
primaryExpression(VAL, pv);
pv->mode = ADDR;
if (mode == VAL) loadValue(pv->type, pv->ptrs > 0);
primaryExpression(mode, pv);
int checkarg(int pt1, int type1, int pt2, int type2, char *name, int nArg)
char *f = "%s arg#%d assignment makes %s from %s";
char *g = "%s arg#%d assignment from incompatible pointer type";
if (type2 == ID.DOTS3) return FALSE;
if (pt1 > 0 && pt2 == 0) error("chk", f, name, nArg, "integer", "pointer");
if (pt1 == 0 && pt2 > 0) error("chk", f, name, nArg, "pointer", "integer");
if (pt1 != pt2 && type1 != ID.HVOID && type2 != ID.HVOID) error("chk", g, name, nArg);
return TRUE;
/// FunctionCall ::= Identifier "(" [AssignExpression ("," AssignExpression)*] ")"
void functionCall(VALUE *pv)
int n, nSize, nP, p[20], depth = 0;
int fid = cd.token[ix.tix++].ival;
Name *pName = getNameFromTable(globTable, NM_FUNC, fid);
if (pName == NULL)
char *func = toString(fid);
if (isupper(*func)) error("funcCall", "'%s' undeclared", func);
pName = appendName(globTable, NM_CDECL, ID.INT, fid, AD_CODE, 0);
int fCheck = (pName->argc >= 0 && fid != id("main"));
for (nP = 0; !ispp(')'); nP++)
p[nP] = ix.ixCode;
assignExpression(VAL, pv);
if (fCheck && nP < pName->argc)
fCheck = checkarg(pv->ptrs, pv->type, pName->argpt[nP].ptrs,
pName->argpt[nP].type, toString(pName->idName), nP);
if (pv->ptrs > 0 || pv->fAddr || pv->type != ID.DOUBLE)
depth += 4;
outCode2(sub_esp, 8);
outCode1(fstp_qsp); //outCode1(fst_qsp);
depth += 8;
int diff = pName->argc - nP;
if (diff > 0 && pName->argpt[nP].type == ID.DOTS3) fCheck = FALSE;
if (fCheck && diff != 0)
error("funcCall", "too %s arguments", diff < 0 ? "many" : "few");
if (nP > 1)
int mv = ix.ixCode - p[1];
reallocCode(mv + 1);
memmove(&cd.pCode[*p + mv], &cd.pCode[*p], (ix.ixCode - *p)*sizeof(INSTRUCT));
int dst = p[0];
for (n = nP; --n > 0; dst += nSize)
nSize = (n + 1 < nP ? p[n + 1] : ix.ixCode) - p[n];
memmove(&cd.pCode[dst], &cd.pCode[mv + p[n]], nSize*sizeof(INSTRUCT));
outCode2(call, pName->idName);
if ((pName->type&NM_CDECL) && depth > 0)
outCode2(add_esp, depth);
setValue(VAL, pName->ptrs, pName->dataType, pv);
void sizeOf(VALUE *pv)
int cnt = 0, pointers = 0;
while (ispp('(')) cnt++;
int id = cd.token[ix.tix++].ival;
while (ispp('*')) pointers++;
int size = pointers > 0 ? 4 : sizeOfDataType(id);
if (size == 0)
Name *pName = getNameFromAllTable(cd.currTable, NM_VAR, id);
if (pName != NULL) size = pName->size[0];
outCode2(mov_eax, size);
while (cnt-- > 0) skip(')');
setValue(VAL, 0, ID.INT, pv);
pv->ival = size;
pv->fConst = TRUE;
/// Constant ::= Number | String | Character
void constant(VALUE *pv)
switch (cd.token[ix.tix].type)
loadAddr(AD_DATA, ix.ixData);
ix.ixData += outString(ix.ixData, toString(cd.token[ix.tix++].ival)) + 1;
setValue(VAL, 1, ID.CHAR, pv);
setValue(VAL, 0, ID.DOUBLE, pv);
pv->rval = cd.token[ix.tix++].dval;
pv->fConst = TRUE;
outDataDouble(pv->rval); // setreal 0.000 @100
outCode3(fld_qp, ix.ixData - 8, AD_DATA);
case TK_INT:
case TK_CHAR:
setValue(VAL, 0, ID.INT, pv);
pv->ival = cd.token[ix.tix++].ival;
pv->fConst = TRUE;
outCode2(mov_eax, pv->ival);
error("expr.constant", "type=%d\n", cd.token[ix.tix].type);
/// PrimExpression ::= Id | "(" Expression ")" | Constant | FunctionCall
int pot[] = { 0, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 4 };
void primExpr(int mode, VALUE *pv)
Name *pName = NULL;
int ptrs, depth, type, size;
int fInc = 0, fArray = 0, fDot = 0, fArrow = 0, fDone = 0;
int hid = cd.token[ix.tix].ival;
if (ispp('(')) // "(" Expression ")"
expression(mode, pv); // eax: Expression
skip(')'); // Id | "(" "(" Id "*" ")" Id ")"
if (!is2("->")) return;
ptrs = pv->ptrs;
type = pv->type;
fDone = 1; // outCode("mov eax,[eax]");
pName = getNameFromAllTable(cd.currTable, NM_VAR | NM_ENUM, hid);
if (pName == NULL)
pName = getNameFromTable(globTable, NM_FUNC, hid);
if (pName == NULL)
error("primExpr", "'%s' undeclared", toString(hid));
if (pName->type == NM_ENUM)
outCode2(mov_eax, pName->address);
setValue(VAL, 0, ID.INT, pv);
pv->ival = pName->address;
pv->fConst = TRUE;
type = pName->dataType;
ptrs = pName->ptrs + getPtr(type);
if (pName->addrType == AD_CODE)
loadAddr(AD_CODE, hid);
setValue(VAL, ptrs + 1, type, pv);
loadAddr(pName->addrType, pName->addrType == AD_IMPORT ? hid : pName->address);
depth = 0;
while ((fArray = ispp('[')) || (fDot = ispp('.')) || (fArrow = is2pp("->")))
if (fArray)
size = pName->size[++depth];
if (size == 0) size = ptrs > 0 ? 4 : sizeOfDataType(pName->dataType);
if (pName->size[depth] == 0)
int *pI = &cd.pCode[ix.ixCode - 1].inst;
if (*pI == lea_eax_pbp) *pI = mov_eax_pbp;
else outCode1(mov_eax_pax);
int ixAddr = ix.ixCode - 1;
int bgn = ix.ixCode;
expression(VAL, pv);
if (pv->fConst)
ix.ixCode = bgn - 1;
outCode2(add_eax, pv->ival*size);
int fLocVar = ix.ixCode == bgn + 1 && cd.pCode[ix.ixCode - 1].inst == mov_eax_pbp;
if (fLocVar)
delCode(bgn - 1);
cd.pCode[ix.ixCode - 1].inst = mov_edx_pbp;
if (size == 1 || (size <= 8 && pot[size] > 0))
outCode1(lea_eax_ad1 + pot[size]);
if (size > 1) outCode2(imul_edx_edx, size);
if (cd.pCode[ixAddr].inst == mov_eax_pbp)
outCode3(mov_edx_pbp, cd.pCode[ixAddr].num, cd.pCode[ixAddr].attr);
delCodes(ixAddr, ixAddr + 2);
if (size == 1 || (size <= 8 && pot[size] > 0))
outCode1(lea_eax_da1 + pot[size]);
if (size > 1) outCode2(imul_eax_eax, size);
else // ("." | "->") Identifier
int id = cd.token[ix.tix++].ival;
pName = getAttr(type, id);
if (pName == NULL)
error("prim", "'%s' not struct member", toString(id));
if (!fDone && fArrow) outCode1(mov_eax_pax);
fDone = 0;
fArrow = 0;
ptrs = pName->ptrs;
type = pName->dataType;
depth = 0;
outCode2(add_eax, pName->address);
if (((fInc = is2pp("++")) || is2pp("--")) && mode == VAL)
loadValue(type, ptrs > 0);
incdec(type, ptrs > 0, fInc, 'd');
int k = ix.ixCode - 1;
int inst = cd.pCode[k].inst;
if (cd.pCode[k - 3].inst == lea_eax_pbp && cd.pCode[k - 2].inst == mov_edx_eax
&& cd.pCode[k - 1].inst == mov_eax_pax && cd.pCode[k].num == 1
&& (inst == add_ddx || inst == sub_ddx))
cd.pCode[k - 3].inst = mov_eax_pbp;
cd.pCode[k - 2] = cd.pCode[k - 3];
cd.pCode[k - 2].inst = inst == add_ddx ? inc_dbp : dec_dbp;
ix.ixCode -= 2;
else if (pName->size[depth + 1] == 0 && mode == VAL)
loadValue(type, ptrs > 0);
setValue(mode, ptrs, type, pv);
void primaryExpression(int mode, VALUE *pv)
if (cd.token[ix.tix].type >= TK_STRING)
else if (is(ID.SIZEOF))
else if (!is('(') && isN('(', 1))
if (pv->type == ID.DOUBLE)
primExpr(mode, pv);
void initDLL(char *dllnames)
int i, n;
char *dllname = strtok(dllnames, ";");
for (n = 0; dllname != NULL; dllname = strtok(NULL, ";"))
ULONG hM = (ULONG)LoadLibrary(dllname);
if (hM == 0) error("exe.initDLL", "DLL '%s' ƒ[ƒhƒGƒ‰[", dllname);
IMAGE_NT_HEADERS *pPEHeader = (IMAGE_NT_HEADERS *)(hM + pDOSHeader->e_lfanew);
IMAGE_DATA_DIRECTORY *pD = pPEHeader->OptionalHeader.DataDirectory;
char **ppszFunctionName = (char**)((int)pE->AddressOfNames + hM);
for (i = 0; i < pE->NumberOfNames; i++)
char *name = (char*)(ppszFunctionName[i] + hM);
int ix = put(strncmp(name, "__p_", 4) == 0 ? (name + 4) : name, NULL, &cd.hash);
cd.hash.tbl[ix].val = (void*)(AT_IMPT | n);
exe.dll[n++].dllname = dllname;
exe.nDLL = n;
int importDLL()
int k, n, size = 0;
for (n = 0; n < exe.nDLL; n++)
if (exe.dll[n].nFunc == 0) continue;
size += strlen(exe.dll[n].dllname) + 1;
for (k = 0; k < exe.dll[n].nFunc; k++)
size += strlen(toString(exe.dll[n].idFunc[k])) + 3;
exe.useFunc += exe.dll[n].nFunc;
size += exe.useDLL * 20 + 20;
size += (exe.useFunc + exe.useDLL) * 4 * 2;
size = ((size - 1) / 16 + 1) * 16;
return size;
BYTE *getImport()
int i, n = 0, k;
DWORD *pImpt = calloc(exe.lenImpt, 1);
if (pImpt == NULL) error("exe.getImport", "Error to import function");
int nLookup = (exe.useDLL + 1) * 5;
int nImptAddr = nLookup + (exe.useDLL + exe.useFunc);
int nName = (nImptAddr + (exe.useDLL + exe.useFunc)) * 4;
for (i = 0; i < exe.nDLL; i++)
if (exe.dll[i].nFunc == 0) continue;
pImpt[n * 5] = mem.ImptAddr + nLookup * 4;
pImpt[n * 5 + 4] = mem.ImptAddr + nImptAddr * 4;
for (k = 0; k < exe.dll[i].nFunc; k++)
int ix = exe.dll[i].idFunc[k];
char *fname = toString(ix);
cd.hash.tbl[ix].val = (void*)(AT_IMPT | (pImpt[n * 5 + 4] + k * 4));
pImpt[nLookup++] = mem.ImptAddr + nName;
pImpt[nImptAddr++] = mem.ImptAddr + nName;
strcpy((char*)pImpt + nName + 2, fname);
nName += strlen(fname) + 3;
pImpt[n * 5 + 3] = mem.ImptAddr + nName;
strcpy((char*)pImpt + nName, exe.dll[i].dllname);
nName += strlen(exe.dll[i].dllname) + 1;
return (BYTE*)pImpt;
typedef struct _Export
int addr;
char *name;
} Export;
Export export[100];
int nExport;
int cmpName(const void *a, const void *b)
return strcmp(((Export *)a)->name, ((Export *)b)->name);
int cmpAddr(const void *a, const void *b)
return *((int *)a) - *((int *)b);
int initExport()
int n;
int size = strlen(cmd.outfile) + 1;
for (n = 0; n < cd.hash.size; n++)
char *name = cd.hash.tbl[n].key;
int val = (int)cd.hash.tbl[n].val;
if (name != NULL && (val&AT_EXPT) != 0)
export[nExport].addr = mem.CodeAddr + (val&AT_ADDR);
export[nExport++].name = name;
size += 10 + strlen(name) + 1;
qsort(export, nExport, sizeof(Export), cmpName);
return sizeof(IMAGE_EXPORT_DIRECTORY) + size;
BYTE *getExport()
int n;
int baseMem = mem.ExptAddr;
int baseRVA = baseMem + sizeIED;
char *buf = xalloc(exe.lenExpt);
0, 0, 0, 0, baseRVA + 10 * nExport,
1, nExport, nExport, baseRVA, baseRVA + 4 * nExport, baseRVA + 8 * nExport
memcpy(buf, &ied, sizeof(ied));
DWORD *pAddr = (DWORD*)(buf + sizeIED);
DWORD *pName = (DWORD*)(buf + sizeIED + 4 * nExport);
WORD *pOrd = (WORD*)(buf + sizeIED + 8 * nExport);
char *pStr = buf + sizeIED + 10 * nExport;
for (n = 0; n < nExport; n++)
pAddr[n] = export[n].addr;
strcpy(pStr, cmd.outfile);
pStr += strlen(cmd.outfile) + 1;
for (n = 0; n < nExport; n++)
pName[n] = baseMem + (pStr - buf);
strcpy(pStr, export[n].name);
pStr += strlen(export[n].name) + 1;
pOrd[n] = n;
return (BYTE*)buf;
void initReloc()
int n;
qsort(exe.locs, exe.nLocs, sizeof(int), cmpAddr);
exe.nPages = exe.nLocs > 0 ? (exe.locs[exe.nLocs - 1] - 1) / 4096 : 0;
for (n = 0; n < exe.nLocs; n++)
exe.cnt[exe.locs[n] / 4096 - 1]++;
mem.RelocAddr = mem.DataAddr + (mem.DataSize + MEMALIGN1) & ~MEMALIGN1;
mem.RelocSize = exe.nPages * 8 + exe.nLocs * 2;
raw.RelocAddr = raw.DataAddr + raw.DataSize;
raw.RelocSize = (mem.RelocSize + RAWALIGN1) & ~RAWALIGN1;
BYTE *getReloc()
int n, k, ix = 0;
BYTE *buf = xalloc(raw.RelocSize);
WORD *p = (WORD*)buf;
for (n = 0; n < exe.nPages; n++)
int *q = (int*)p;
*q++ = (n + 1) * 4096; // addr
*q++ = 8 + exe.cnt[n] * 2; // size
p = (WORD*)q;
for (k = 0; k < exe.cnt[n]; k++)
*p++ = 0x3000 + (exe.locs[ix++] & 0x0FFF);
return buf;
typedef struct _EXE_HEADER
BYTE DosStub[64];
DWORD Signature; // "PE\0\0"
void writeExe(BYTE *bufImport, BYTE *bufExport, BYTE *CodeBuffer,
int lenCode, BYTE *DataBuffer, int lenData)
BYTE *bufReloc = NULL;
int sizeImptAddrTable = (exe.useDLL + exe.useFunc) * 4;
int posImptAddrTable = mem.DataAddr + (exe.useDLL + 1) * 20 + sizeImptAddrTable;
int numSections = mcc.typeApp == 0 ? 3 : 2; // dll: 3 exe: 2
int typeApp = mcc.typeApp == 0 ? 2 : mcc.typeApp;
int exptAddr = mcc.typeApp == 0 ? mem.ExptAddr : 0;
EXE_HEADER exeHeader =
0x5A4D, 0x90, 3, 0, 4, // "MZ", ...
0, 0xFFFF, 0, 0xB8, // min-, maxalloc, ss, sp
0, 0, 0, 0x40, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
"This program cannot be run in DOS mode.\r\r\n$", // DosStub
0x00004550, // "PE\0\0"
0x014c, numSections, 0, 0, 0, // Intel 386
sizeof(IMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER), 0x030F // 0x00E0, Characteristics
0x010B, 0x06, 0x00, // Magic, Linker Version
0, 0, 0, exe.entryPoint, // AddressOfEntryPoint
mem.CodeAddr, mem.DataAddr, // Base of Code, Data.
exe.base, MEMALIGN, RAWALIGN, // ImageBase, Section-, File-Alignment
4, 0, 0, 0, 4, 0, 0, // OS, Image, Subsystem Version
exe.sizeImage, RAWALIGN, 0, // Image size, Header size, ...
typeApp, 0, // 2/3: gui/console, DllCharacteristics
0x100000, 0x1000, 0x100000, 0x1000, // stack & heap reserve, commit
0, 0x10,
{ { exptAddr, exe.lenExpt }, { mem.ImptAddr, (exe.useDLL + 1) * 20 }, // 0,1
{ 0, 0 }, { 0, 0 }, { 0, 0 }, { 0, 0 }, { 0, 0 }, { 0, 0 }, { 0, 0 }, { 0, 0 }, { 0, 0 }, { 0, 0 },
{ posImptAddrTable, sizeImptAddrTable }, { 0, 0 }, { 0, 0 }, { 0, 0 }
} // 12
}, { {
".text", { mem.CodeSize }, mem.CodeAddr, raw.CodeSize,
raw.CodeAddr, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0x60000020 // Code | Executable | Readable
}, {
".data", { mem.DataSize }, mem.DataAddr, raw.DataSize,
raw.DataAddr, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0xC0000040 // InitializedData|Readable|Writeable
IMAGE_SECTION_HEADER reloc = // 0x1C8-0x1EF
".reloc", { mem.RelocSize }, mem.RelocAddr, raw.RelocSize, raw.RelocAddr,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0x42000040 // Initialized Data | Discardable | Readable
BYTE *bufEXE = xalloc(raw.DataAddr + raw.DataSize);
memcpy(bufEXE, &exeHeader, sizeof(exeHeader));
if (mcc.typeApp == 0)
memcpy(bufEXE + sizeof(exeHeader), &reloc, sizeof(reloc));
bufReloc = getReloc();
memcpy(bufEXE + RAWALIGN, CodeBuffer, lenCode);
memcpy(bufEXE + raw.ImptAddr, bufImport, exe.lenImpt);
if (bufExport != NULL)
memcpy(bufEXE + raw.ImptAddr + exe.lenImpt, bufExport, exe.lenExpt);
memcpy(bufEXE + raw.ImptAddr + exe.lenImpt + exe.lenExpt, DataBuffer, lenData);
FILE *fpDst = fopen(cmd.outfile, "wb");
if (fpDst == NULL) error("writeExe", "'%s' open error", cmd.outfile);
fwrite(bufEXE, raw.DataAddr + raw.DataSize, 1, fpDst);
if (bufReloc != NULL) fwrite(bufReloc, raw.RelocSize, 1, fpDst);
void setDLL(int ixDLL, int id)
int n = 0;
while (n < exe.dll[ixDLL].nFunc && exe.dll[ixDLL].idFunc[n] != id)
if (n >= exe.dll[ixDLL].nFunc)
exe.dll[ixDLL].idFunc[n] = id;
void instAt(int n, int *pinst, int *pnum, int *pattr, int *psize)
*pinst = cd.pCode[n].inst;
*pnum = cd.pCode[n].num;
*pattr = cd.pCode[n].attr;
*psize = cd.pCode[n].size;
int setOffset(int *pLoc, int *pOffCode, int cnt)
int n, inst, num, attr, size, nChg = 0;
int offCode = 0;
for (n = 0; n < ix.ixCode; n++)
instAt(n, &inst, &num, &attr, &size);
INSTRUCTION *pI = &instruction[inst - 1];
char *fmt = pI->mnemonic;
if ((opt&oASM) && cnt == 0)
printf((strchr(fmt, ':') != NULL ? "%4d: " : "%4d: "), n);
if (inst == setreal)
printf(fmt, cd.pCode[n].dval, cd.pCode[n].offset);
else if (inst == setstr)
printf(fmt, cd.pCode[n].sval, cd.pCode[n].offset);
printf(fmt, num, cd.pCode[n].offset);
if (fmt[0] == 'j') printf(attr == AD_CONST ? "%d" : "loc_%03d", num);
else if (inst == xret && num > 0) printf(" %d", num);
else if (attr != 0) printf("[%d]", attr);
if (pI->opcode == fn_ || pI->opcode == call)
printf("[%s]", cd.hash.tbl[num].key);
if (setint <= inst && inst <= setstr) continue;
if (cnt == 0) cd.pCode[n].size = 0; // default
cd.pCode[n].offset = offCode;
if (pI->opcode == loc_ && num <= ix.ixLoc)
pLoc[num] = offCode;
else if (pI->opcode == fn_ || pI->opcode == exp_)
if (strcmp(cd.hash.tbl[num].key, "_main") == 0)
exe.entryPoint = offCode;
int at = ((int)cd.hash.tbl[num].val) & 0xFF000000;
cd.hash.tbl[num].val = (void*)(at + offCode);
else if (pI->mnemonic[0] == 'j')
int fByte = abs(pLoc[num] - offCode - 2) < 128;
int fS = (opt&oUOPT) ? (pLoc[num] > 0 && fByte) : (cnt == 0 || fByte);
fS = (fS || attr == AD_CONST);
offCode += strlen(fS ? pI->hexcode2 : pI->hexcode) / 2 + (fS ? 1 : 4);
int sizeOld = cd.pCode[n].size;
cd.pCode[n].size = fS ? 1 : 4;
if (cd.pCode[n].size != sizeOld) nChg++;
else if (pI->opcode == call)
int fImpt = ((int)cd.hash.tbl[num].val) & AT_IMPT;
offCode += fImpt ? 6 : 5;
if (fImpt && cnt == 0) setDLL((int)cd.hash.tbl[num].val & AT_ADDR, num);
else if (pI->opcode == xret) // C20400 ret 4
offCode += num == 0 ? 2 : 4;
cd.pCode[n].size = num == 0 ? 0 : 2;
else if (abs(num) < 128 && (pI->regs_size & 0x01) == 1)
offCode += strlen(pI->hexcode2) / 2 + 1;
cd.pCode[n].size = 1;
else if (abs(num) < (1 << 15) && (pI->regs_size & 0x02) == 2)
offCode += strlen(pI->hexcode2) / 2 + 2;
cd.pCode[n].size = 2;
else if (pI->hexcode != NULL && pI->hexcode[0] != '\0')
offCode += strlen(pI->hexcode) / 2 + (pI->regs_size & 0x04);
cd.pCode[n].size = pI->regs_size & 0x04;
error("linker", "mnemonic=%s, num=%d", pI->mnemonic, num);
if (cnt == 0 && attr == AD_IMPORT)
setDLL((int)cd.hash.tbl[num].val & AT_ADDR, num);
*pOffCode = offCode;
return nChg;
void link()
int n, inst, num, attr, size, offset, offCode, cnt = 0, nChg;
char *p, *hexcode, *caText;
int *pLoc = xalloc((ix.ixLoc + 1) * sizeof(int));
nChg = setOffset(pLoc, &offCode, cnt++);
} while (!(opt&oUOPT) && nChg > 0);
mem.CodeAddr = MEMALIGN;
mem.CodeSize = offCode;
raw.CodeAddr = RAWALIGN;
raw.CodeSize = (offCode + RAWALIGN1) & ~RAWALIGN1;
exe.lenImpt = importDLL();
exe.lenExpt = (opt&oDLL) ? initExport() : 0;
int posData = exe.lenImpt + exe.lenExpt;
mem.DataAddr = mem.CodeAddr + (offCode + MEMALIGN1) & ~MEMALIGN1;
mem.DataSize = exe.lenImpt + exe.lenExpt + ix.ixData + ix.ixZero;
raw.DataAddr = raw.CodeAddr + raw.CodeSize;
raw.DataSize = (exe.lenImpt + exe.lenExpt + ix.ixData + RAWALIGN1) & ~RAWALIGN1;
mem.ImptAddr = mem.DataAddr;
raw.ImptAddr = raw.DataAddr;
mem.ExptAddr = mem.ImptAddr + exe.lenImpt;
raw.ExptAddr = raw.ImptAddr + exe.lenImpt;
exe.base = (opt&oDLL) ? DLLBASE : IMAGEBASE;
exe.entryPoint += mem.CodeAddr;
BYTE *bufImport = getImport();
BYTE *bufExport = (opt&oDLL) ? getExport() : NULL;
p = caText = xalloc(raw.CodeSize);
int dataAddr = exe.base + mem.DataAddr + posData;
for (n = 0; n < ix.ixCode; n++)
BYTE *q;
instAt(n, &inst, &num, &attr, &size);
offset = cd.pCode[n].offset;
INSTRUCTION *pI = &instruction[inst - 1];
hexcode = size == 1 ? pI->hexcode2 : pI->hexcode;
if (hexcode == NULL) continue;
int fReloc = TRUE;
if (pI->opcode == call)
int fImpt = (int)cd.hash.tbl[num].val & AT_IMPT; // FF10:call dwdptr[eax]
int fUser = (int)cd.hash.tbl[num].val & AT_USER;
int addr = (int)cd.hash.tbl[num].val & AT_ADDR;
if (!fImpt && !fUser) error("linker", "'%s' undeclared", toString(num));
num = fImpt ? (exe.base + addr) : (addr - cd.pCode[n + 1].offset);
hexcode = fImpt ? "FF15" : "E8";
if (!fImpt) fReloc = FALSE;
size = 4;
else if (pI->mnemonic[0] == 'j')
int sizeInst = size == 1 ? 2 : inst == jmp ? 5 : 6;
if (attr != AD_CONST) num = pLoc[num] - (cd.pCode[n].offset + sizeInst);
fReloc = FALSE;
else if (attr == AD_CODE)
int foffset = (int)cd.hash.tbl[num].val & AT_ADDR;
num = exe.base + mem.CodeAddr + foffset;
else if (attr == AD_DATA)
num += dataAddr;
else if (attr == AD_ZERO)
num += dataAddr + ix.ixData;
else if (attr == AD_IMPORT)
num = exe.base + ((int)cd.hash.tbl[num].val&AT_ADDR);
fReloc = FALSE;
for (q = hexcode; *q != '\0'; q += 2)
*p++ = (htoi(*q) << 4) + htoi(q[1]);
if (size == 1) *p = num;
else if (size == 2) *((short*)p) = num;
else if (size == 4) *((int*)p) = num;
if (fReloc) exe.locs[exe.nLocs++] = num - exe.base;
p += size;
char *caData = calloc(ix.ixData + 1, sizeof(char));
for (n = 0; n < ix.ixCode; n++)
instAt(n, &inst, &num, &attr, &size);
offset = cd.pCode[n].offset;
if (inst < setint || setstr < inst) continue;
if (inst == setint && attr == 1) caData[offset] = num;
else if (inst == setint && attr == 2) *((short*)&caData[offset]) = num;
else if (inst == setint && attr == 4) *((int*)&caData[offset]) = num;
else if (inst == setint) *((int*)&caData[offset]) = num + dataAddr;
else if (inst == setreal) *((double*)&caData[offset]) = cd.pCode[n].dval;
else xstrcpy(&caData[offset], cd.pCode[n].sval); // setstr
if (opt&oDLL)
exe.sizeImage = mem.RelocAddr + (mem.RelocSize + MEMALIGN1) & ~MEMALIGN1;
exe.sizeImage = mem.DataAddr + (mem.DataSize + MEMALIGN1) & ~MEMALIGN1;
writeExe(bufImport, bufExport, caText, offCode, caData, ix.ixData);
void printUsage()
printf("%s", "Usage: cc [options] file...\n"
" -shared Generate a DLL file\n"
" -o <file> Set output file name\n"
" -l<name> DLL <name>.dll ‚ link with a dll\n"
" -E Expression tree\n"
" -token Tokens list\n"
" -asm Generate ASM code\n"
" --lines Line count\n");
void main(int argc, char *argv[])
char *impfiles = "msvcrt.dll;kernel32.dll;user32.dll;gdi32.dll;";
char *opts[] = { "-E", "-shared", "-token", "-asm", "--lines", "-trace", "-debug", "-name", "--opt" };
int flags[] = { oSRC, oDLL, oTOKEN, oASM, oLINES, oTRACE, oDEBUG, oNAME, oUOPT, 0 };
int k, n, len;
mcc.nPreFile = -1;
strcpy(cmd.impfiles, impfiles);
GetModuleFileName(NULL, cmd.MCCDIR, MAX_PATH);
if ((len = strlen(cmd.MCCDIR)) <= 12)
error("main", "ModulePath=%s", cmd.MCCDIR);
cmd.MCCDIR[len - 12] = '\0'; // <CC>\bin\mcc.exe
for (n = 1; n < argc; n++)
for (k = 0; flags[k] > 0 && strcmp(argv[n], opts[k]) != 0; k++);
if (flags[k] > 0) opt |= flags[k];
else if (strcmp(argv[n], "-o") == 0) strcpy(cmd.outfile, argv[++n]);
else if (strncmp(argv[n], "-l", 2) == 0)
sprintf(cmd.impfiles + strlen(cmd.impfiles), "%s.dll;", argv[n] + 2);
else if (argv[n][0] != '-') cmd.srcfile[cmd.nSrc++] = argv[n];
else error("main", "invalid option -- '%s'", argv[n]);
if (argc == 1) printUsage();
if (cmd.nSrc == 0) error("main", "No source files to build");
opt |= oUOPT;
ix.tix = -1;
char path[MAX_PATH], *p, *q;
initHash('s', 1000, &mcc.hash);
for (n = 0; n < cmd.nSrc; n++)
struct _finddata_t fdata;
int hFile = _findfirst((q = cmd.srcfile[n]), &fdata);
if (hFile == -1) error("mcc.main", "file '%s' not found", q);
if ((p = strrchr(q, '/')) == NULL) p = strrchr(q, '\\');
sprintf(path, "%.*s%s", p == NULL ? 0 : p - q + 1, q,;
} while (_findnext(hFile, &fdata) == 0);
mcc.nPreFile = -1;
if (opt&oSRC) exit(0);
if (opt&oLINES)
printf("%-24s\t%5d\n", " ‡ Œv ", mcc.totalLines);
if (cmd.outfile[0] == '\0')
q = mcc.srcFile[mcc.mainfile];
if ((p = strrchr(q, '/')) == NULL) p = strrchr(q, '\\');
strcpy(cmd.outfile, p != NULL ? p + 1 : q);
p = strrchr(cmd.outfile, '.');
strcpy(p, (opt&oDLL) ? ".dll" : ".exe");
initHash('x', HASHSIZE_TOKEN, &cd.hash);
if (opt&oNAME) printNameTable(globTable);
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