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Forked from thomas-seres/JsonFilter.deprecated.php
Created October 7, 2020 12:23
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API Platform - JSON Filter

JSON Filter for API Plaform

Use it to filter on DB JSON Columns



 * @ApiFilter(JsonFilter::class, properties={
 *     "attributes.countryCode"={ "type": "string", "strategy": "exact" },
 *     "attributes.title"={ "type": "string", "strategy": "partial" },
 *     "attributes.isActive"={ "type": "bool" },
 *     ""={ "type": "int" }
 * })

In our example

  • "attributes" is the DB column name
  • "countryCode" match with the JSON DB key : 'country_code' (in the column 'attributes')
  • "title" match with the JSON DB key : 'title' (in the column 'attributes')
  • "isActive" match with the JSON DB key : 'is_active' (in the column 'attributes')
  • "book.pages" match with the JSON DB key : 'book.pages' (in the column 'attributes')


In service.yaml file, you need to add this :

  # JSON Filter
* @author Thomas Sérès <>
namespace App\Filter;
use ApiPlatform\Core\Bridge\Doctrine\Orm\Filter\AbstractContextAwareFilter;
use ApiPlatform\Core\Bridge\Doctrine\Orm\Util\QueryNameGeneratorInterface;
use ApiPlatform\Core\Exception\InvalidArgumentException;
use Closure;
use Doctrine\DBAL\Types\Types;
use Doctrine\ORM\QueryBuilder;
use Doctrine\DBAL\Types\Types as DBALType;
final class JsonFilter extends AbstractContextAwareFilter implements JsonFilterInterface
public const DOCTRINE_JSON_TYPES = [
DBALType::JSON => true,
* Get swagger documentation field description
* @param string $resourceClass
* @return array
public function getDescription(string $resourceClass): array
if (!$this->properties) {
return [];
$description = [];
foreach ($this->properties as $property => $config) {
// property infos
$propertyName = $property;
$propertyType = $this->getPropertyType($property);
$propertyStrategy = $this->getPropertyStrategy($property);
$isPropertyRequired = $this->isPropertyRequired($config);
// forge filters
$filterParameterNames = [$propertyName];
$filterParameterNames = $this->addPropertyNameToFilter(
foreach ($filterParameterNames as $filterParameterName) {
$description[$filterParameterName] = [
'property' => $propertyName,
'type' => $propertyType,
'strategy' => $propertyStrategy,
'required' => $isPropertyRequired,
'is_collection' => '[]' === substr((string) $filterParameterName, -2),
return $description;
* Filter property
* @param string $property
* @param $value
* @param QueryBuilder $queryBuilder
* @param QueryNameGeneratorInterface $queryNameGenerator
* @param string $resourceClass
* @param string|null $operationName
* @return void
protected function filterProperty(
string $property,
QueryBuilder $queryBuilder,
QueryNameGeneratorInterface $queryNameGenerator,
string $resourceClass,
string $operationName = null
) {
$jsonColumn = $this->getJsonColumn($property);
// check - standard checks
// check - is valid type
// check - is valid value
if (!$this->isPropertyEnabled($property, $resourceClass) ||
!$this->isPropertyMapped($jsonColumn, $resourceClass) ||
!$this->isJsonField($jsonColumn, $resourceClass) ||
!$this->isValidType($property) ||
null === $value
) {
$values = $this->normalizeValues((array) $value, $property);
// manage filters per type
$type = $this->getPropertyType($property);
switch ($type) {
case self::TYPE_STRING:
$this->addStringFilter($property, $values, $queryBuilder, $queryNameGenerator);
case self::TYPE_INT:
case self::TYPE_FLOAT:
$this->addNumericFilter($property, $values, $queryBuilder, $queryNameGenerator);
case self::TYPE_BOOLEAN:
$this->addBooleanFilter($property, $values, $queryBuilder, $queryNameGenerator);
throw new InvalidArgumentException(
"Type \"{$type}\" specified for property \"{$property}\" is not supported (yet)."
* Check & normalize value
* @param array $values
* @param string $property
* @return mixed
protected function normalizeValues(array $values, string $property)
$return = null;
if (empty($values)) {
'Invalid filter ignored',
'At least one value is required, multiple values should be in '
. '"%1$s[]=firstvalue&%1$s[]=secondvalue" format',
$propertyType = $this->getPropertyType($property);
switch ($propertyType) {
case self::TYPE_INT:
case self::TYPE_FLOAT:
$return = !$this->isNumericValue($values, $property) ? [] : array_values($values);
case self::TYPE_BOOLEAN:
$return = $this->getBooleanValue($values, $property);
$return = array_values($values);
return $return;
private function isNumericValue(array $values, string $property): bool
if (!is_numeric($values) && (!is_array($values) || !$this->isNumericArray($values))) {
'Invalid filter ignored',
'Invalid numeric value for "%s" property',
return false;
return true;
* @param array $values
* @param string $property
* @return bool|null
private function getBooleanValue(array $values, string $property): ?bool
if (in_array($values[0], [true, 'true', '1'], true)) {
return true;
if (in_array($values[0], [false, 'false', '0'], true)) {
return false;
$incites = implode('" | "', [
'Invalid filter ignored',
'Invalid boolean value for "%s" property, expected one of ( "%s" )',
[$property, $incites]
return null;
* Checked if a property is required
* @param mixed $config
* @return bool
private function isPropertyRequired($config): bool
return isset($config['required']) ? filter_var($config['required'], FILTER_VALIDATE_BOOLEAN) : false;
* Is JSON Field
* @param string $property
* @param string $resourceClass
* @return boolean
private function isJsonField(string $property, string $resourceClass): bool
return isset(self::DOCTRINE_JSON_TYPES[(string) $this->getDoctrineFieldType($property, $resourceClass)]);
* Is valid / available type
* @param string $property
* @return boolean
private function isValidType(string $property): ?bool
$propertyType = $this->getPropertyType($property);
// is available type ?
if (isset(self::AVAILABLE_TYPES[$propertyType])) {
return true;
'Invalid filter type',
'Invalid filter type (%s) specified for "%s" property',
[$propertyType, $property]
return false;
* Is numeric array
* @param array $values
* @return boolean
private function isNumericArray(array $values): bool
foreach ($values as $value) {
if (!is_numeric($value)) {
return false;
return true;
* Get JSON Column
* @param string $property
* @return string
private function getJsonColumn(string $property)
$jsonColumnInfos = explode('.', $property);
return reset($jsonColumnInfos);
* Get JSON Key
* @param string $property
* @return string
private function getJsonKey(string $property)
$jsonColumnInfos = explode('.', $property);
$jsonKeys = implode('.', $jsonColumnInfos);
// return keys separated by . notation and in snake_case (it's received in camelCase)
return strtolower(preg_replace('/([a-z])([A-Z])/', '$1_$2', $jsonKeys));
* Get property type
* @param string $property
* @return string
private function getPropertyType(string $property)
$properties = $this->getProperties();
if (!array_key_exists($property, $properties)) {
return self::TYPE_STRING;
$propertyConfig = $properties[$property];
return $propertyConfig['type'] ?? self::TYPE_STRING;
* Get property strategy
* @param string $property
* @return string
private function getPropertyStrategy(string $property)
$propertyConfig = $this->getProperties()[$property];
return $propertyConfig['strategy'] ?? self::STRATEGY_PARTIAL;
* Add property name to array of filters
* @param array $filterParameterNames
* @param string $propertyType
* @param string $propertyName
* @param string $propertyStrategy
* @return array
private function addPropertyNameToFilter(
array $filterParameterNames,
string $propertyType,
string $propertyName,
string $propertyStrategy
): array {
if ($propertyType == self::TYPE_INT
|| $propertyType == self::TYPE_FLOAT
|| ($propertyType == self::TYPE_STRING && self::STRATEGY_EXACT === $propertyStrategy)) {
$filterParameterNames[] = $propertyName . '[]';
return $filterParameterNames;
* Add numeric filter
* @param string $property
* @param array $values
* @param QueryBuilder $queryBuilder
* @param QueryNameGeneratorInterface $queryNameGenerator
* @return void
private function addNumericFilter(
string $property,
array $values,
QueryBuilder $queryBuilder,
QueryNameGeneratorInterface $queryNameGenerator
) {
$alias = $queryBuilder->getRootAliases()[0];
$jsonColumn = $this->getJsonColumn($property);
$jsonKey = $this->getJsonKey($property);
$propertyType = $this->getPropertyType($property);
if (1 === count($values)) {
$valueParameter = $queryNameGenerator->generateParameterName($jsonColumn);
->andWhere("JSON_UNQUOTE(JSON_EXTRACT({$alias}.{$jsonColumn}, '$.{$jsonKey}')) = :{$valueParameter}")
$propertyType == self::TYPE_FLOAT ? DBALType::FLOAT : DBALType::INTEGER
} else {
$condition = implode(' OR ', array_map(function ($value) use ($alias, $jsonColumn, $jsonKey) {
return "JSON_UNQUOTE(JSON_EXTRACT({$alias}.{$jsonColumn}, '$.{$jsonKey}')) = {$value}";
}, $values));
* Add boolean filter
* @param string $property
* @param bool $value
* @param QueryBuilder $queryBuilder
* @param QueryNameGeneratorInterface $queryNameGenerator
* @return void
private function addBooleanFilter(
string $property,
bool $value,
QueryBuilder $queryBuilder,
QueryNameGeneratorInterface $queryNameGenerator
) {
$alias = $queryBuilder->getRootAliases()[0];
$jsonColumn = $this->getJsonColumn($property);
$jsonKey = $this->getJsonKey($property);
$valueParameter = $queryNameGenerator->generateParameterName($jsonColumn);
// TODO : find a way to compare to raw boolean value
// for the moment boolean values are replace by 0 and 1 by doctrine
// right way:
// $condition = "JSON_EXTRACT({$alias}.{$jsonColumn}, '$.{$jsonKey}') = :{$valueParameter}";
// workaround: comparing string values of true & false instead of boolean type
$condition = "JSON_UNQUOTE(JSON_EXTRACT({$alias}.{$jsonColumn}, '$.{$jsonKey}')) = :{$valueParameter}";
if ($value === false) {
$condition .= " OR JSON_EXTRACT({$alias}.{$jsonColumn}, '$.{$jsonKey}') IS NULL";
->setParameter($valueParameter, $value ? 'true' : 'false');
* Add string filter depending on the strategy
* @param string $property
* @param array $values
* @param QueryBuilder $queryBuilder
* @param QueryNameGeneratorInterface $queryNameGenerator
* @return void
private function addStringFilter(
string $property,
array $values,
QueryBuilder $queryBuilder,
QueryNameGeneratorInterface $queryNameGenerator
) {
$strategy = $this->getPropertyStrategy($property);
$caseSensitive = true;
// prefixing the strategy with i makes it case insensitive
if (0 === strpos($strategy, 'i')) {
$strategy = substr($strategy, 1);
$caseSensitive = false;
$alias = $queryBuilder->getRootAliases()[0];
$jsonColumn = $this->getJsonColumn($property);
$jsonKey = $this->getJsonKey($property);
if (1 === count($values)) {
if (self::STRATEGY_EXACT !== $strategy) {
'Invalid filter ignored',
'"%s" strategy selected for "%s" property, but only "%s" strategy supports multiple values',
[$strategy, $property]
// manage strategy exact with multiple values
$wrapCase = $this->createWrapCase($caseSensitive);
$jsonColumnWithAlias = $wrapCase("{$alias}.{$jsonColumn}");
$condition = '';
// forge condition
foreach ($values as $index => $value) {
$condition = $this->addOperatorToQueryCondition($condition, $index);
$valueParameter = $queryNameGenerator->generateParameterName($jsonColumn . $index);
$condition .= "JSON_UNQUOTE(JSON_EXTRACT({$jsonColumnWithAlias}, '$.{$jsonKey}')) = :{$valueParameter}";
$value = $caseSensitive ? $value : strtolower($value);
$queryBuilder->setParameter($valueParameter, $value, Types::STRING);
private function addOperatorToQueryCondition(string $condition, int $index)
$condition = $index > 0 ? ' OR ': $condition;
return $condition;
* Adds string filter where clause according to the strategy.
* @param string $strategy
* @param QueryBuilder $queryBuilder
* @param QueryNameGeneratorInterface $queryNameGenerator
* @param string $alias
* @param string $jsonColumn
* @param string $jsonKey
* @param $value
* @param bool $caseSensitive
private function addStringFilterWhereByStrategy(
string $strategy,
QueryBuilder $queryBuilder,
QueryNameGeneratorInterface $queryNameGenerator,
string $alias,
string $jsonColumn,
string $jsonKey,
bool $caseSensitive
) {
$wrapCase = $this->createWrapCase($caseSensitive);
$valueParameter = $queryNameGenerator->generateParameterName($jsonColumn);
$jsonColumnWithAlias = $wrapCase("{$alias}.{$jsonColumn}");
switch ($strategy) {
case null:
case self::STRATEGY_EXACT:
"JSON_UNQUOTE(JSON_EXTRACT({$jsonColumnWithAlias}, '$.{$jsonKey}')) = :{$valueParameter}"
->setParameter($valueParameter, $value, Types::STRING);
"JSON_UNQUOTE(JSON_EXTRACT({$jsonColumnWithAlias}, '$.{$jsonKey}')) LIKE "
. $wrapCase("CONCAT('%%', :{$valueParameter}, '%%')")
->setParameter($valueParameter, $value, Types::STRING);
case self::STRATEGY_START:
"JSON_UNQUOTE(JSON_EXTRACT({$jsonColumnWithAlias}, '$.{$jsonKey}')) LIKE "
. $wrapCase("CONCAT(:{$valueParameter}, '%%')")
->setParameter($valueParameter, $value, Types::STRING);
case self::STRATEGY_END:
"JSON_UNQUOTE(JSON_EXTRACT({$jsonColumnWithAlias}, '$.{$jsonKey}')) LIKE "
. $wrapCase("CONCAT('%%', :{$valueParameter}")
->setParameter($valueParameter, $value, Types::STRING);
. "JSON_UNQUOTE(JSON_EXTRACT({$jsonColumnWithAlias}, '$.{$jsonKey}')) LIKE "
. $wrapCase("CONCAT(:{$valueParameter}, '%%')")
. ' OR '
. "JSON_UNQUOTE(JSON_EXTRACT({$jsonColumnWithAlias}, '$.{$jsonKey}')) LIKE "
. $wrapCase("CONCAT('%% ', :{$valueParameter}, '%%')")
. ')'
->setParameter($valueParameter, $value, Types::STRING);
throw new InvalidArgumentException("strategy {$strategy} does not exist.");
* Creates a function that will wrap a Doctrine expression according to the
* specified case sensitivity.
* For example, "" will get wrapped into "LOWER(" when $caseSensitive
* is false.
* @param bool $caseSensitive
* @return Closure
private function createWrapCase(bool $caseSensitive): Closure
return static function (string $expr) use ($caseSensitive): string {
if ($caseSensitive) {
return $expr;
return sprintf('LOWER(%s)', $expr);
private function setLoggerNotice(string $type, string $message, array $properties)
$implodedProperties = implode(',', $properties);
$this->getLogger()->notice($type, [
'exception' => new InvalidArgumentException(
namespace App\Filter;
* Interface for filtering the collection by json field.
* @author Thomas Sérès <>
interface JsonFilterInterface
* @var string Field type string
public const TYPE_STRING = 'string';
* @var string Field type integer
public const TYPE_INT = 'int';
* @var string Field type float
public const TYPE_FLOAT = 'float';
* @var string Field type boolean
public const TYPE_BOOLEAN = 'bool';
* @var array Available field types
public const AVAILABLE_TYPES = [
self::TYPE_STRING => true,
self::TYPE_INT => true,
self::TYPE_FLOAT => true,
self::TYPE_BOOLEAN => true,
* @var string Exact matching
public const STRATEGY_EXACT = 'exact';
* @var string The value must be contained in the field
public const STRATEGY_PARTIAL = 'partial';
* @var string Finds fields that are starting with the value
public const STRATEGY_START = 'start';
* @var string Finds fields that are ending with the value
public const STRATEGY_END = 'end';
* @var string Finds fields that are starting with the word
public const STRATEGY_WORD_START = 'word_start';
# JSON Filter
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