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Last active August 29, 2015 14:01
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OpenSSL certificate generation helper script
# Place this script in /etc/ssl/private and chown it root and chmod 700
# This script will generate basic OpenSSL files and self-sign a certificate
# Usage is `gencert` and the result is{key,csr,crt,pem}
# If the domain name provided is a wildcard, the asterisk is replaced with an underscore
# Files are stored in a directory with name including current timestamp. It's recommended to symlink the files
# to the /etc/ssl/private directory and use those in other configuration files, for ease of replacing
# certificates in the future.
# CSR is created using OpenSSL defaults to all questions with the exception of common name, which is
# Ensure we're in the same directory at this script
pushd `dirname $0` > /dev/null
# Get the domain and filenames
filename=`echo $1 | sed "s/\*/_/"`
# If no domain, display usage information
if [ $domain"" = "" ]
echo Usage: $0 domain-name
popd > /dev/null
# We're going to store the files in a directory with the current date appended, so we never clobber previous certificates
dir=$filename.`date +%F`
if [ -d $dir ]
echo Directory $dir exists already. Aborting
popd > /dev/null
# Create the directory
mkdir $dir
cd $dir
# Create the key
openssl genrsa -rand /var/log/messages -out $filename.key 4096
# Create the CSR, feeding answers to the interactive process via echo and pipe
echo "
" | openssl req -new -sha256 -key $filename.key -out $filename.csr
# Self sign the CSR
openssl x509 -req -days 365 -in $filename.csr -signkey $filename.key -out $filename.crt
# Concat the key and crt to create a pem file
cat $filename.key $filename.crt > $filename.pem
# Secure access permissions
chmod 600 $filename.*
echo Certificate for $domain self-signed. Use this CSR if you want to create another certificate
cat $filename.csr
popd > /dev/null
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Just confirmed a cert generated with the options set out in this script, along with a properly configured http daemon, will score 100% in Calomel SSL:

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